The mountain sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1844-1853, March 17, 1853, Image 3

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    - The Montenegrins. I
-J "public attention has been lately attracted by
the accoiiuts -of the war which M eing on be-
tjreen the Turks and their refractory depend-!
eats, -the inntcnegrin.-E.v.orv foreign nrrivnl
brines -new of .its progress;- arid of the new
to thVjTvbaWe hearing it will hn-re npnn En-
ropcan politics. Turkey, it is mwi rv tne latest
iicoount- w making preparations to throw n
Army cf 30,000 soldiers nt once into thp roun-1
trr -and overpower nnd reduce it speedily to;
subjection, cmewoum sun"1 "
nave been ' maintained no long as this one has.
hv a power "so weak." There are not over 100.
rjbO inhabitants in the territory of Montenegro :
nnd its'whole extent of mountain peaks Will not
be over-estimated at ninety square miles. The
following, fmm the New Bel ford Mercun. in
reference to this subject, will be read with in-
'The two great arbiters of the destinies of
Eastern Europe. Russia ana u?iria. are urnw
fo'ffTnio the conflict, and the 'Eastern question
- . '!i C AAl.inatl Viil fair t rt o
the perpeiuai puuic ui v.i"" . -
r.ied. This is a sufficient apology for a word
cr two upon Montenegro and its people. They
form, perhaps, the last fragment of the old Ser
bian Kingdom, tnai once sirncuni .......
ack Sea to the Adriatic, but now blotted from
f nations. In race they are distm. t
from the.Ottoman people, as well as ili their
religion, which is that 01 me uree vuureu
Something of the old republicanism of the early
- 1 m. . fiml A rtlt-ollAl 1 r I
"them; Tor they are in fact,-a republic of small
communities each Tillage having the right to
w. irnverned bv its own assembly. The head of
the people, "called Bladicka, is both temporal
and spiritual leader is bishop and sovereign.
The office is hereditary and in owe family, but
cannot descend directly, as the priesthoqdre
quires celibacy. The present Bladicka is a
practised soldier, having been educated to a mil
itary career before entering the church.
Like most mountaineers, the Montenegrins
re ahirD shooters, using long guns that carry
,0 a great distance, and hardy, brave and fierce,
hl hurn with unquenchable hatred against the
Ttirks. Their land is a series of mountain
peaks, with deep valleys between, without roads
except rougn ana scarce aiscernioie pains,
abounding in fastnesses all but inaccessible to
regular" "troops. .Constantly annoyed by their
incursion, into its territory, the Porte has at
tempted to crush them, and hence the present
war. " .- ,
: -''In tte examples of similar attempts before
: alluded to.'tf.e ougSind costly and doubtful
--ti.frtrli. "Im-Kepn' between such ccoole and
xj "to .--
mighty nafi6ns in the prime of vigor, nnd assis
ted by-all' that e'ihaustless means and modern
science can supply. Here they have only to
contend with an effete monarchy, with irregular
"and feeble resources," and far behind the rest of
Europe in' warlike ' arts. The result especially
if the mediation of Russia and Austria be thr.i'n
into the scale of the Montenegrins, is hardly t
b questioned.
Meanwhile, we of the United States, cannot
but look with inten st ax the brave struggles of
thcie mountaineers, though their territory and
numbers hardly would e.iiual a single county of
.emc Ol Our U U tuira.
- Pennsylvania Legislature.
IIabbisbcrg, March 14.
HoraE. Mr. Easter presented a remonstrance
against tolerating sUyery in Pennsylvania. Al
to, -a "tfemoostrancer-- from Reserve township.
:gawt achangein'their laws; and, oue against
'm change innhe Allegheny prison.
Petittoria-df eleven hundred citizens in favor
nof the Maine law, were also presented.
Mr. Appieton -presented the petition of 275
.i.v)ia nt xurahinr cAt. in favor of the Maine
Uwf-alo vf 1 2 borers vf Allegheny city in fa
'to -of fcrtaei Alsoi a remonstrance from the
.ciliiens of Reserve township,- against the law of
1852, relative to Baek and Ferry lanes.
: 'Mri Gilniore presented a petition to increase
-the 'salaries of the Judges of t!te. Supreme C-.urt.
Also one front LUquesne br6ugh. to authorise
the toll-gate of said bprougb. Also, one from
;the citizens of Plumb' township, for new Schoo
D'istiiet.- Also, tKrec" petitions for, and five
ngainst the Maine Jaw. Also, a remonstrance
-from the Guardians of the Poor of Pittsburg,
gainst the tax on their property in Mifflin
i.JJr. Cowan presented a remonstrance from
the citizens of Elizabeth, a gains fa change in the
Prison Law.- Also, a petition from Manchester
in favor of the Maine law.
Mr. Eyster read in place an Act to incorporate
the borough of Etna. Also, to divorce John
Kingsland and Eleanor his wife. Also, an Art
to prevent carrying aud using concealed wea
pons. ":-
Mr. Porter presented three petitions in favor
of the Maine law. He also read in place an Act
te-prevent the Commissioners of Allegheny
County from subscribing for stork in Railway
companies, without a previous vote of the peo
ple '
Tha Dinner at the White House.
''The New York Herald's Crrepondent, in a
fetter dated. Washington, March 1st., says:
The dinner yesterday, at the White House was
given to General Pierce. President Fillmore
was at the head of the table, with Gen. Puree
at his right and Gen Scott at his left. Secn-ta-
-Pvoroff wue iEf)itrl onnnsite to fiOV. M:il'C.
and Attorney General Critter. den opposite to
Qenl'Cushiug, with the rest of the old and new
cabinet intermixed, together with Gen. Cass,
Gin. Joe. Lane, Pierre Soule, and other mmi
btrs of both houses. Young Fillmore and Sid- j
cey Webstef sat side by side, and such a harmo
nious spectacle of diverse political elements was
never known in the White House before. Gen.
Scott and Gov. Marcy were especially fraterniz
ing and agreeable. - The hasty plate of soup
was forgotten in the sparkling champagne: It
ai nicr.
Tb4 la,t Fir ia New Orleans.
The account which we gave yesterday of fhe
disastrous fire on Wednesday night was sub
stantially correct. On a careful inquiry, we are
Inclined to believe that the amount of cotton
destroyed waa 17,000 bales, representing a val
ue of $650,000. Of this sum we presume that
nearly $150,000 was not covered by insurance,
and of the remainder we have ascertained risks
embracing in the aggreeate about $400,000,
leaving a loss of at least $100,000 to be accoun
ted for in some shape or other. The heaviest
ufferer is the Home Mutual Insurance Compa
ny, which loses $150,000; but whilst we are
glad to add that this is one of the most ably
tnanaged institutions in the city so also are we
happy to. state that they are prepared to adjust
on the spot every dollar of their loss from the
surplus capital. The Alabama press itself was
insured in the Merchants' Office for $14,000
which will not cover the loss by at least $8000.
The following is the reported insurance, and
we believe it to be nearly correct: Home Mu
tual, $150,000; Sun Mutual. $G0.000; Royal
Liverpool $50,000 Liverpool, $30,000: Crescent.
45,000 Tewnesjeej 17,000 Merchants $14.-00-366.00U
The Orleans has, as we understand, a small
tisk. The fire continued to burn the whole of
yesterday .; and two or three engines were sta
tioned on the ground to play on the flames. We
re happy to say that there were no lives lost
t the fire, though twojor three persons received
ever injuries ; among them Mr. Dugutte a fire
"o", whose l. was badly shattered. .V. 0.
The Wyoming ' 8eminary Destroyed by fire 1
Three Hundred Pupils Suddenly Turned . Out
of Shelter. " ' . "". V:
Wilkksbakbe,, March 15.-lLast 'night a fire
broke but hi' the "Wyoming Semigary,'-at Ring
ton', about one pile from this place .'.which entire
ly destroyed tlfe"biiili1ing-s" r.f' .the- Ios.tjtirtiorV.
'suddenly .turnji'ig ihree.hvn4jred..puj)ild .Jut "of
shelter. " The fiVe originated in Uieayic at tlie
"south-end" of the building, and. every thing was
destroyed except" purt'of "the instruments. " The
library, which was a valuable collection, present
ed t tire Institution by Hon. Ziba Bennett, of
this place.' was also totally destroyed,. .The'jiorlh
whig of the building was only recently 'added to
the structure.nt the expense of .Win.,. Swetland,
Esq., a wealthy-citizen of Wyoming valley.
The whole loss ia estimated at $21,000, upon
wli"'eh there was an insurance of only $7500,
The pupils- were, in most instances, unable to
save either their books of clothing, Such was the
rapid progress of the flames. . '..-'
Within a few years the Rev. Dr. Peck . had
added to the library many valuable works, which
were also dstroyed.
The Institution was under the charge of the
Reverend R. Nelson.
Later from Havana Vice President King's
New Obleaks, March 12. The Crescent City
has arrived with later dates from Havana. The
latest advices from Matanzas report that Vice
President King was getting more feeble, and it
was doubtful whether be would be able to leave
Matanzas alive.
Things in Washington. . .
Washington, March 12. Ex-President Fill
mote did uot leave Washington for Richmond,
yesterday, on his proposed tour to the South, as
he had expected to do, being prevented by the
sickness of Mrs. Fillmore. He is now expected
to leave on Monday, next.
Resignation and Appointment;
Habrisbubo, March 14. The Hon. ?. W.
Hughes, Secretary of the .Commonwealth has
resigned, and the Governor has to-day cominis
sioned the Hon. Charles A. Black, formerly mem
ber of the Senate from Greene county, as Secre-
It is understood that Mr. Hughes resigned for
the purpose of accepting the appointment of
Attorney General of the Commonwealth now
Horrible Murder.
' Philadelphia, March 11.
A horrible murder was committed in South
wark during last night.. Two married women,
sisters. Hannah Shaw and Ellen Lynch, were
found dead in their bouse this morning at half
past seven o'clock. A trunk containing one
hundred and eighty dollars, belonging to Mrs.
Lynch, whose hsband had left for New York on
Wensday iiiorii, was broken open, and the
money stolen. The persons who occupied the
lower part of the house had been to a ball all
night, and returning this morning, found the
women dead. - There is great excitement and a
number of arrests have been made. Theinques
has uot yet finished. " -
An examination of the bodies of the women
was had. Fortv-one stabs were fouud on that
of Mrs. Lynch, five entering her heart; and
seventeen on that of Mrs. Shaw. An attempt
was made to burn the house down, but after
burning a hole in the kitchen floor, the fire went
out. Many arrests have been made, includ
ing an old Sing-Sing convict, named Arthur
Spring. .
The Recent Mtirfief.
Philadelphia, Marc ft 14
The vicinity of the recent murder was thronged
with a curious crowd. Lynch, the husband
one of the deceased women, was in New York
this morning, and will return here this evening.
Arthur Spring, against whom suspicious of the
strongest nature exist, has been committed to
prison. Mrs Shaw was struck with a piece of
lead'Jh 'ipS, by a left hailded titan, and Spring
has that peculiarity. This, combiricd with" other
facts, make a chain of evidence sufficient to fas
ten the guilt upon him.
From Mexico. F
New Oblkans, March 14.
We have Mexican dates t- the :11st. The center of a good agricultural region. Bitumi
Trait D' Union says that there is little doubt that nous coal is plen'y and cheap." The Couemaugh
Santa Anna will be re-elected President. A ; which skirts the town Is capable of affording
house has beeu already secured and furn-; sufficient water-power, at all seasons of the
ished for him. A Mexican Revenue Cutter sail- year, for manufacturing purposes. It is con
ed from Vera Cruz, with a Commissioner to-in- , template' tc-connect Bedford Springs with Jef
vite his immediate return. J lersbn by a Plank Road, the distance being but
Cotton has been in brisk demand for the last 24 miles. Property must rapidly increase in
four da vs. The sales were 54.000 bales-, iu all value.
the Southern ports there are .'J.UOU bales : i
at m
prict S firm. '
We have late dates from Honduras. There is
great excitement here, the British steamer De
vastation is anchored off To.iquillo, and de
manded a surrender iu the name of the Mus
into King, to decide in two hours, under a
threat of bombardment. The inhabitants yield
ed under protest. The llouduras flag
was pulled down, aud the Mosquito hoisted.
I he steamer then proceeded to Lama, ami can
nonading was afterwards heard in that quarter.
It is presumed that the steamer was attacked
by the llouduras troops.
A severe shock of au earthquake was heard
at Bulise on the 10th February.
Col. King.
Chableston, S.
C, March 14.
The oath was not administered to Vice Presi-
deut King, on the 4h. Mf. Rodney, Vice Con-
sul, visited Mr. King on the 3d, for the purpose,
but Mr. Kine considered the ceremouies uuue
cessary, fearing that he should never reach
Washington to assume the office; if he should,
the oath could be administered at Washington.
His friends, however, who accompany him, eu
courage the hope that the salubrity of his pre
sent location, may yet restore him to health.
From Washington.
Washington, March 11.
Secretary Marcy bascoinuiuuieated to . the
Clerks in the Stale Department, the very plea
sing intelligence, that uone who hav discharged
their duties faithfully will be removed.- The of
fice seekers complaiH very bitterly of this, but
as the resolution is founded on a first principle
of public policy, it will, doubtless, be adhered
President Pierce and lady reached here to
night, from Baltimore.
Colouel Benton will, to-morrow, or on Monday,
publish a pamphlet ou the best practicable route
for a railroad to the Pacific, aud the manner of
constructing it. "
The crowd increases and the rush for offices
is unparalleled
There will bo but one applicant for each office
in Illinois. Tle Congressional delegation trom
that Stite have agreed Upon a list cf persons to
be selected, and sent their names i.r, witlfre
j commendations, to the heads of the different de
j part men t s.
Ryuders wants the New lork Marsbalsfcip.
To try a Woman's Patience. Spit tobacco juice
on her parlor carpet, or cut mugs at her baby.
If that woa't taske her flare up, nothing will
A Verdict bf 500 """'baB 'been obtained in the
New York Supreme Court." against the Paterson:
and Hudson -River Raihbiid. ih fMTOr .of 'Peter
A. Townsend, whose arm was broken Jane 21 fet
1850, while the elbow projected ' from the car
window,-by eti iking again-t a tinlbWon :the'PaV
saic River Bridge. The tJoiirt charpedthat . lie
could not 'recover',' if "iioticcr c'aSlibxhg'BgTiiitst
putting out arms w'ere posted up iS "th'er'?tars
which" the deit ndants claimed" was the case. -.
A BILL DISPUTED, The harness for theJ
horses and carriage to be presented to General
Pierce, was contracted for and made in Boston.
but the contractor having aubsequentljr charged
$1,834 for the same, the committee, refused to
pay it, and ordered a new set to .be made in . N.
York. The Boston contractor's it is said, will
sue the committee for the amount,, as they di
rected him to make it of the best material, with
out regard to cost. 1 he mountings on the har
ness cost over $1,100, and are mostly . ef solid
silver, nnd of most beautiful design, . represent
ing oak branches, leaf and acorn.
Thousands of parents who use Vermifuge
composed of Castor oil, Calomel, &c, are, not
aware, that while they appear to benefit the pa
tient, they arc actually laying the foundations
for a series of diseases, such as" Salivation, loss
of sight, weakness of limbs-, &b:
In another column will be foniili the adrer-.
tisement of Hobensack's ' Medicines, to which
we ask the attention of all directly interested
in their own as well as their Children's health.
In Liver Complaints and all disorders arising
from those of a billious type, should make use
of the only genuine medicine, Hobensack's Li
ver Pills.
g"1 Be not decieved," but ask for Hobensackst
Worm Syrup and Liver Pills, and observe tha.
each has the signature of the Proprietor, J. N
libbensack, as none else are genuine.
In Loretfo, on Tuesday evening, March 15,
William, son of Patrick and Anastatia Shiels,
aged three years.
In Cambria township, at the residence of her
husbjiiid, oh . Wednesday, March 16, Najxy,
wife of John Thomas, aged about 90 years.
IVevcr Fading Daguerreotypes I
HE citizens of this plage nnd vicinity have
now an opportunity of having good and last
ing pictures, taken at the Acailemy Building.
La lies and Gentlemen, whether, you want pic
tures or not. call and examine specimens and
references, and see the greatest variety of ca
ses ever brought to Ebensburg. Our instru
ments are entirely new, of the first class," and
vou cannot but admire the Camera ; and the
pictures taken with it. . Call soon-, as futher ar
rangements preveut our remaining here but for
a limited time. II. G. 2 ETTEK.
Ebensburg, March 17, 1853 tf.
Commission ft Forvrartlln?.
THE subscribers would respectively iuforrd
their friends and the pubiic that they are
now prepared, to receive and forward all good
consigned to their care by any of the Lines, or
by Ceutral Railroad, and hope that by strict at-
tention to their business that, they will be ena
bled to render perfect satisfaction to all that
will patronize them. All goods will receive the
greatest cure and attention.
Jefferson, March 15, 185 i.
Adam & Co Expretw. -
JB. CRAIG, agent will forward all packages
of goodi or money, daily cxcept Sunday to
all the principal cities in the Union, nnd all . the
towns on the Railroad between Philadelphia and
Pittsburg. ,
Jenerson, March 15, 18oJ. . -
Valuable I'roperly lor Salfe in the
.flown of Jefferson, Cambria Co.
THE town of Jefferson possesses advantages
over any other in the county, and its situation
offers inducements for the investment of money
in lands and houses. Jefl'ersuii is situate on the
line of the Pennsylvania and Portage Railroads,
within twelve hours travel of Philadelphia, and
four hours of Pittsburg, at the terminus of the
Jefferson and Ebensburg Plank Road, in the
The subscriber will sell eight Building Lots,
adjoining the Catholic Church, ou the road lead
ing to Munster.
Also, eight lots fronting on the Plank Road,
near the centre of the town.
Also, three valuable lots on Main street, on
which there are houses erected.
It is unnecessary to further describe the pro
perty as those desirous of purchasing will Call
with or write to tie subscriber in Jefferson, who
will give every necessary information A good
tit'e given, clear of any incumbrance. The
terms of sale will be made easy to the purcha
ser. Apply to HUGH DUGAN.
Jefferson, February 24. 185318-5.
Crusader copy three times.
In consequence of having sold our Furnaces
to the Cambria Iron Company, the Partnership
heretofore existing under the firm of P. Shoen-
berger & co., at Mill Creek Furnace, and also
the Partnership existing under the firm of King
& Shoenberger at Cambria Furnace, are both
dissolved. The business will be settled by ei
ther of the Parties, or the managers at the fur
naces, who are authorised to use. the names: of
the respective firms in settling up business.
March 3, 1853 20-0.
Public Vendue.
THE undersigned will sell at his residence ' so
Ebensburg, on Monday, the 21st - dsy of
March, the following articles : 2 Cows," Bed
steads, Bedding, Bureaus, tables, chairs, stoves,
aud a variety of
. Household and Kttehen Furniture. .
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock of said day,
when due attendance will be given, and the
terms of sale made known.
Ebensburgh, March 3, 185319-3. ,' . i
Barrels of Salt for
retail by . '
sale - by wholesale o
summit, Oct. 4, leaZ.
II LOUR and Bacon always on hand, and we
) have just received 20 barrels best whiskey
, lor 8:,ie on coinmusi
anted by J.. MltORE cash in exchang
for goods, or otnefwis.
A general assortment of BOOKS',, such asi are-
used in our common schools, .for saLc . by m
. - 4 .
- i---. v: . . 'HaaTisburrPs," '
r - MAJ.'JOniTBRADYi Troprictor.
:- Afcrrl lO; I85Lly - - u r
. J.. B. Miles', at
Importers and dealers In Purcign and Domeittt
itRtSYAKE aTtd"VTTTLERY No. 124 North
ThH-a JStreet, afco-re Rnce,
;" : IMlladelihra.
'April 24th 1851"- ly
r COSRAil & tv'ALTO.Ii,
..Wholesale dealers in Hardware. Cutlery, Aai7;
t-e., No 203. Market Street, above 5th,
" : : Philadelphia, Pa.
"April 10, 1851. ly
Successors to Rodneys,
'" Wholesale dealers in Boot and Shoes, Bonnet
and Straw Good, No 17, North 3d Street,
Philadelphia, Pa.
April' 10, 1851 .'1 j
Wholesale 7o6acco, Snuff", and Segar Manufac
tory, No. 173, North Third Street, three doors
above Vine, -
Philadelphia, Pa.
April 24, 1851. ly
WTinlotfale dealers in Winn and Liavors. which
they are prepared to furnish cheap to merchants
and hotel keepers, w arenouse zuo aiaritei at.
Philadelphia, Pa.
July 1st, 1851. ly
Has removed his office to No. 14 South Sev
enth street, above Chestnut.
Philadelphia, Pa.
April 2G, 1852 T-tf 20
JOHN Y Itr$LlTOIVT &. c,
Wholesale dealer in Queensuare, Chinau-are,
Glassware, fc. No. 245 Market Street,
Philadelphia, Fa.
: April 10, 1851. ly
Justice of the Peace, end Scrivener, Summit, Pa
Will attend promptly to collections, or other
business entrusted to him. Legal instruments
of writing, drawn with accuracy and dispatch
January 1, 1851.
John Parker. James H. Parker
Wholesale Grocers, dealers in Flour and Bacon,
Foreign Wines and Brandies, Old Monongahela
and Rectified W biskey.
. Fo. 5, Commercial Row, Liberty Street,
Pilfsiburgr, Pa.
March; 11, 1852. ly.
Have constantly on hand a full assortment of
Ta,' Wines, Liquors and Groceries generally.
".. S Z.V x9 17 Forth Water Street, ku4
' " 1 1 Ho. 10 North Delaware Avenue;
J nuury 27, 1853.
NVholcsale grocers and dealers in Foreign and
Domestic Liquors, Rectified hiskey. Flour, Ba
con, Fish, Cheese, &c, &c. No 311. Liberty
street, opposite the head of Smithfield; Pitts
burgh. Ta.
December 23, 1852 -tfj.
(SS Karket Street N. . Corner of 4th,
Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer in all of the
various new kinds and styles silk, fur, brush,
wool, Panama, straw and chip Hats: silk, straw,
braid and lace Bonnets; artificial flowers, furs.
&c, which will be sold cheaper than the cheap.
est. e&. 19-iy-
"Wholesale dealers in Boots.' Shoes. Bonnets,
nd J'alm Leaf Hats, No. 15G North Third Streeti
(opposite the Eagle Hotel,)
Philadelphia, Pa.
February 26, 1852. ly
James Dougherty, at
Wholesale and retail dealers in Tobacco, Snuff
and Cigars, warehouse at the South west corner
of Third and Race streets, Philadelphia, lately
occupied by Ludwig, Kneedler & Co., keep con
stantly on hand a large and well selected stock
of the most celebrated brands of
Domestic cigars, and Snuff, which they offer for
sale on as fjavorable terms as any house1 in the
city. Orders promptly attended tOr
September 23, 1852 4y-ly.- "
. The Subscriber having leased the Public
House.- formerly known as .the American House,
Ntt 18 S. Sixth Street, between Market and
Chesnut Streets, has changed the name of the
same to .
Begs leave to inform his. friends and the Pub
lic, that this house has undergone a thorough
remodelling, repairing, repainting and repaper
ing, from attic to basemen . An entire new out
fit of furnvtnre, bedding, &c, &c, has been pro
cured from the most eelebrated Manufactures in
thia city. . " . :. .
- , From the central location, and its close prox
imity to the Railroad Depots, Steamboats Land
ings, Places of "Amusement, Fashionable Thor
oughfares and- PuMic Squares, it offers induce
ments Krtbe Merchant. visiting the city on busi
ness, or the Traveler seeking pleasure. To fam
ilies and females visiting the city, every facility
will be offered, and every comfort regarded to
make their visit agreeable and pleasant... v . .
A share of the public patronage respectfully
' " Superintendent. - . Proprietor.
, October 21, 1852 52-6m. : -
Farm 1 o Rent,
milE subaribpi will rent a farm situate inr
I Washington township, near the Railroad.
containing about" 30 acres" of cleared IanT of
first rate oualitv. anon wlrich all the necessary
buildines are erected. Possession etven on thej
1st of Apnr-'Apply foROBEKT
r ? puae No. 2, A. H. R. R,
March 3, 1853-19-3.
Jutt Received,
At his Store one door
ettat of the Seiitinol of
fice, a sunr rior assort
"ment vT Gold nnd
ver watches nd fine Jew
elry. -Gold
Lever watches full
jewelled. $S.r.00
SilverXevcr watches full jewelled. lti.00
Silver Cylinder Escapements
feuver yuartiers
Also a fine atsortment of eight day and thir
ty hour clocks..
N. B. Clocka, Watches, and Jewelry repaired
at shortest notice; and warranted.
April 29. 1E52.
Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa.
Office in the Court House, up stairs.
January 1, 1851. ly
Attorney at Law; Ebensburg, Pa.,
Will practice hi the several courts of Cambria,
Blair, and Huntingdon counties. Oerm.ins can
consult and receive advice in their own language.
Office opposite the Court House, formerly oc
cupied by R. L. JohnMon, Esq.
Ebensburg, February 3, 18o3 ly.
Attorney at Law, Etenihnrs;, Pa.
Will practice iu the several Courts of Cam
bria. Blair and Huntingdon counties. Germans
can receive advice in their own language. Office,
on main street two doors east cf the Exchange
May 8, 1851 ly.
Attorney at Law, Ehensbur?, Fa.
Will practice in the several Courts of Cambria,
Indiana, and Westmoreland counties. Office on
Centre St., joining Gen, M 'Donald's dwelling.
Jan. 15, 1851. ly.
Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa.
OrricE nt his residence at the west end of the
Borough, immediately below the "Foundry."
January 15, 1852.
Attorney at Law, Hollidaysburg", Pi.
Will attend the several Courts of Cambria
coufftv. as heretofore. Office one door west of
Wm. McFarland's cabinet warcroom.
January 1, 1851. ly
Attorney at Law, Johnstown; Pa. .
Office on Main street, two doors east of the
Echb Office.
March 13. 1851. ly
Attorney at Law, Johnstown Pa.
January 30, 1851 ly.
Attorneys at Law, Ebensburg, Pa.,
IIAVE formed a partnersliip for the practice of
II law in the county of Cambria.
. All crcfeasional buainess entrusted to their
care will be promptly attended to.
Office on Centre street; adjoining the dwelling
of E. Hutchinson. Jr. ...
Ebensburg. July 2D, 1852 4I-ly.
David T. St brin,
Notary Public, Scrivener and Conveyancer,
1I7ILL also attend to his duties as Justice. Le-
gal instuments of writing, such as deeds, a
greements, Foreign Power of Attorney, &c,
drawn up accurately. Collections entrusted to
his care will receive strict attention.
May 13, 1852 30-tf.
Justice of the Peace, Ebensburg, Pa.,
Will. attend promptly to all collections entrus
ted id his care Office, adjoining his dwelling.
Decern. 24, 1851. 11-tf.
Exchange Hold.
Hollidayshurg, Blair Co., Pa.
The proprietor assures the public that no exer-
tioi s will be wanting on his part to rentier his
J house home-like to those who call with him, and
solicits a share of public patronage
April 29, 1852.
ILL kinds of Lumber taken in exchange for
Furniture, at the Ware Rooms of
Hollidnysburg. April 29, 1852.
! Carrolltown, Cambria County, Pennsylvania.
The undersigned is prepared to accommodate
in the best kind of stvle all who way favor
him' with' si crtlv and EopeS bj strict attention to
business to merit and receive a share of public
pirtfonage. HENRY SCAN LAN.
may au, 100a. i-u
Fashionable Barber and Hair Dresser.
In the basement story of Davis & Co'., ware
Ebensburg, May 1, 18ol.-Iy. -N.
B. Shampooing done, and razors honed- in
a superior manner.
George Rhey. Levi Matthews. WiHiam Ebbs
n tlJ 'XX0 UillUiu "
Merchants, Dealers in all kinds of Iroduce and
Pittsburg Manufactures, No. 77 and 79 Water
Pitts cargo, ra..
April 3, 1851.em
LETTERS testamentary-having been granted
to the undersigned by the Register of Cam
bria county, cuthe estate of William Spain," of
late of Allegheny township, deceased ; all per
sons knowing themselves indebted to said es
tate, are requested to call aud make payment
immediately, and those having claims against
said estate, will present them properly autheil-
Iticftted for settlement. - "
JAMES MURPHY. f-'-Allegheny
tp., Feb. 10, 1853 IB -6
Just Iletclicdi
PILK. Hair Lace, and Pedal Bonnets,
and Pedal Flats,- Pearl and Palm Leat iiais.
;n.i for sale by DAVIS &. LLOYD.
Ebeusburf, Jiine 17, 1852.
2000 poails woof, butter, gs fL..
C. E. TTOLF. CTO. J. VZtt.
' ftlgstrf JtaTils, Ko. 60 "W: oo
.aTvcfreVfcaflcs Hotel,
iUt PA--
Wholesale aJ J4If
v" -
Would, respectfully :) Ihe ottention cf
fCAtfwi.ud buyirs genctuJly. ! he largest
assortment of hs.rdwi.rc ever offered in tb
ii.ii n market.. Ilaviiiir-Winrgcu vur store..
innd made exteuTiive additions to our former
j stock, we are ubled to compare with any olhr
establishment iu the. Union.
The late addition to our firm, w-.u enacic 2ir.
C. 11. W. to devote Lis tnt:re attention xo pur
chasing speuding a portion of his time iu Eu
rope tJtkiug every Utai.iKge o auiiunuuui v-
buyiug vxciusivejy.ior casa. "''".'
jVraong our assortment may oe Jounu ib
owinsr. vit : 1
tiUOO dozen knives and forks,
3000 pen and pocket knires;
3d00 raters
2000 " pud, chest and till locks, .
1000 " knot locks and lutebca.
600 gro. tea and table spoons,
100 dozen hand and panel saws,
600 mill and cross cut saws.
8000 pr trail chains asst'd,
00 doscn halter chains;
200 gun locks;. .
42 cases pluins aast'd.
1000 dozen chisels and plain irocs, -2500
files and rasps.
600 " axes assi'd trandi.
2500 " hinges,
750 gTuss and corn scythes,
200 shovels and spades, y
260 hay and manure forks, : -;."
Gun trimmiug, bellows, anvils, vices, Ac. Lc
Knowing our isuperior fnc.ihtiis for procuring
goods givis us advJiit gL over others in tha
tradt, we woUid tarutstiy solicit an exennna.
tiuii of our sio'k btft re purchasing and espe
cally fr m mwrcLaats passirg through our city
eastward. -
v would also inform saddlers end dealers iu
di cry hardware, that we have fitted up a.
ta e room exc usive y tor tuat brancu oi traas
iiuti htpe in a iurge and well scUcteU stock at
prices to secure their f.ivors.
Pittsburg, March 10. 165320-3.
Orphans' Court Jalc.
PUBLIC notice is hereby given, that by virtue t f
au order of the Orphans Ccurt of the county
uf Cambria, there will he exposed to public sale;
ou Thursday the Slrt inst., at one o'clock, I.
M. the following real estate lute the property cf
Daniel W. Williams deceased, viz : . .
A certain tract cf land containing-, about 1C0
acre, about 40 acres of which are cleared ;with
a two story log dwelling house and a bank barn,
thereon erected ; having nn excellent apple cr
chard on the same, situate m Blacklick town
thip Cambria county adjoining lauds of William
Owens, Isaac Rowland, Joseph Craig, and Ellis
Terms and conditions of sale : one third cf
the purchase money to be paid on confirmation
of the sale, aud the residue in three equal
annual payments thereafter, to be secured by
the bonds and mortgage of the purchaser.
Sale to ta&e place on the premises;
By order of the Court, .
R. L. JOHNSTON, Cleric.
March 10, 185320-3. - .
KOTICE 1 " '
To the Creditors cf the Huntingdon, Camhriaiand
Indiana Turnpike Road Company, , .
THAT the Court of Huntingdon county,at Jaa
uary Term 1853, directed to be paid to Cred
itors, -one and three-fourth- per cent "on the a
mount of their claims on which former dividends
have been declared, which Twill pay on the-pre-sentation
of their Certificates of deposit by them
selves or their agents.
JOHN S. 1SETT, S questrator.
Spruce Creek, March 3d. 1853.-3..
Clieap Grocery.
The subscriber would respectfully inform hit
friends that he has received at the sign of the
Grocery Store, a general assotment of Gr j'teries
andX'onfectionaries, consisting in part of Flouf,
Bacon, Fish, Cheese, inegar. Bio and Java Cof
fee, Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Prunes, Dates,
Citron, Currants, Preserves, Y. Sauce, Catsup
Lemon Syrup, Crackers, a fine lot cf sugars aud
Table Salt, also a superior lot of Scgars.
lie invites all to give him a call as he will sslf
low for Cash.
Ebensburg, March 12th, 1852.
The subscriber would respectfully inform hi
friends and customers, that he has received and
is now opening, at the store room formerly oc
cupied by Richard Lewis, dee'd., a large and
general assortment cf goods, consisting in part
Quceuswore, Hats, Cajs, Boots, Shoes, &c.;- all
of which Ee is determined" to sell Zou; either for
cash or approved country produce. He solicit
examination of hid stock, cud is confident ha
Can sell cheaper then the cheapest.
May 8,1851 30-tf
IVcvr Clialr Manufactory.
The citizens of Ebensburg and vicinity are
uformed that the very place to purchase
of the best manufacture and most elegant finiih,
and at lower prices than at any other establish
ment in the, .county, is at the new chair manu
factory, in tae shop formerly occupied by David
Todd, deceased.
executed in the best nicrner and latest style.
Ebensburg, Not. 27, 1851. Cm.
lorner of Fourth and Grant Streets, PitUbnrr
THE subscriber has leased the large and wail
known Hotel, (late Lamartine House.) at the cor
ner of 4th and Grant streets, Pittsburg, which"
has been repaired and newly fitted up in all its
apartments, so as to give a larger and more lib-
eral accommodation to travellers and boarders.
His larder will be stocked with the most choice
brands the markets can afford, and bis Bar fur
nished with the best. He would respectfully so-.
licit a share of public patronage. .
li. I tUiil.
April, 15, 185. ly. . -
TO the Public
ILL Freight delivered st Summit from and after
il Monday next Nov. Sth, by Pcnna. Rail Road
will be received and Forwarded free of Couimis-
Eion. ' . '
Freight to "ba paid, before goods aro taken
away.- .. . ..
Tickets will be sold here, to all stations Cast
as far as DlKervillc. and West to Pittsburg. " "
H. IF. IVORY, Agest.
"Summit Nov. 4 1852 6L . ' "" '
7 St
Oils. Paints and
Drugs of all kioda
J. Moorf's. -
r Star, Sptrar and "Mould Candles for sal
at tb tfricfr f rf of J. MOOXX y