The mountain sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1844-1853, March 17, 1853, Image 2

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    ffmnii ssi.Tiii!,
Andrew 3. Rhey, Editor.
fHndri Mrc IT, 1853.
Tot Canal Commissitmcr,
' of Philadelphia Ccunty.
Tor Auditor General,
ef Mifflin County.
For Surveyor General,
of Crawford.County.
Bt Patrick's Day.
To-day .is ths anniversary of the birth of St.
To,.;Mr th Patron Saint of Ireland. It will be
w f - -
celebrated at the Summit, by a procession, which
will be a large one, as we learn immense num
bers of people are hourly assembling. An ora
. tion will be delivered and a band of music will
: .ti.nni in discourse sweet music to
. tba crowd.
Jefferson and Bedford Plank Ko&d.
On Tuesday a number of gentlemen from Bed
ford county were to visit Jefferson, lor the pur-
pose of ascertaining the views of the residents
f that section mf country, in reference to the
construction of a Plank road from thence to
Bedford. For some months this project has
teen spoken of. and there is a possibility that
measures will be immediately, taken to organ-
' iie a company and secure a charter. The dis
. tance from Jefferson to Bedford, is, we betieve
'' about 24 miles, thus placing Bedford nearer to
. the Penna. and State Railroads at that point
than at any other. The surface of the country.
- we understand, presents no serious obstructions
to an excellent grade for a road ; the descent on
the eastern side of the mountain being easy and
gradual. There is a willingness manifested, by
- all persons interested, for a good road by this
route," and we earnestly hope for full success to
the undertaking. . .
- Such a road would be of incalculable benefit
to the residents of Bedford and Cambria coun-
ties : the former could furnish us with a large
'. amount of flour, wheat, corn, rye, oats, &c,
- whUh is always in demand here at excellent
. prices, would bring, a higher price than at any
of the present markets for Bedford produce,
while we could supply them with boards, shin
gles, 4c, at a lower price than they could pur
chase elsewhere. The greateadvantage, would
V. be, therefore to theinhabitants of Bedford coun
ty ; their produce would sell at a fine profit,
while they could purchase what they really need
at lower prices than they can any other place.
A -good road is much needed to Bedford Springs
from the Penna. Railroad, "and as the proposed
"one is the 'thortest and most direct it should be
;- adopted.. TheJUs "and' inconveniencies hereto
fore experienced by visitors, in travelling by
' .flSwcroaches over horrid roads, to reach that fa
! -inous. Vateriug place, would be,' by theconstrue-
' . tion ef this Plank Road, happily avoided, awl
.i-tha 'trip oade a pleasure instwtd of ptrni.
We trust the necessary arrangements will be
"saadi for the immediate building of this road.
TShat say you, jgentlemen, of the Bedford Ga
' Mttte and Inquirer. ;
- m m am t
Proceedings of Court.
THe ejectment case of Barclay et al. vs Mc
' " guire et al, brought for the recovery of 15 to
20,000 acres of land in Clearfield and White
. . townships, this county, which has occupied the
' attention of our Court since Thursday morning
last, will most probably not be concluded, until
. Monday or Tuesday next. The Court aits from
8 A. M. until 1 0 or 1 1 P. Mv. daily, adjourning a
' short time for meals, and in the course of a day
transacts much business ; but there is so much
testimony to be given in regard to suiveys, lo
cations, lines,- warrants, &c, by a number of
'"surveyors, and other witnesses, that leads us to
".hclievetbat the trial will not conclude this week.
Learned and eminent counsel are employed on
both sides. Fcr the Plffs. John G. Miles. Esq.,
cf Huntingdon. William Banks, Esq., of Indi
ana, S. S. Blair, Esq., of Blair, and Wm. Kit
' tell and S. C- Wihgard, Esq'rs., of Cambria.
For the Defendants, Hon. Thos. White, of Indi
ana, Hon. H. D. Foster, of Westmoreland, and
C. H- lleycr, Jno Fenlon M. D. Magehan, Esqrs.
of Cnr.Jia. The attendance at Court is not
Tnrge, there being no persons present except those
subpoened or interested in the trial.
. Qu Friday last, on account of the illegal man
ner in which a rule, to take depositions, had been
served en the defendant, the ease might have
been terminated' for a time, had the counsel for
defence been so disposed,, but it was mutually
agreed that the case should go on, (both parties
being anxious fop trial) by the plaintiff paying
tco'costs of the term- up to that time, amount
ing to four or five hundred dollars.
contract for furnishing nemlock
Plank for the Ebensburg amfSusquehanna Plank
Road, has been awarded) to Mr. James Kca.ii,
tut price being igo. per thousand feet. Any of1
the stockholders- of the road are allowed' the
privilege of furnishing plank at the above price,
on .account, or in full of their subscriptions.
The plank in to be delivered at two points on the
line of road, designatcdin thecontract
. g.The juty in the case of Commonwealth
t Thomas Deveraux, indicted for Rape, upon
the oath of Margaret Roberts, came into court
on Saturday morning, after .being out thirty
boora,- and ttalod that they had not agreed, nor
wa there any probability of their agreeing upon
a verdict. ' The Court ordered ,them to be dis
charged. Tho caas will bo tried again at the
June sessions. .
gyVorktnen aro busiiy engaged in building
tbcLfoundiUions forUte houses, rollhigrmill, &c,
of the"Johnstown Iron Company," in the vicin
ity of-that place. It will be an extensive affair,,
and when completed, will contribute u Utile to
tho advancement of that nourishing town. The
iron interest is none the worse for 4be tariff of
'35. . uii!!i. coulliiue'to"gd up.'..
jrv . James Campbell.
Tho subjoined article taken from the Nev
7ork well expresses our feelings v.,
eference to Hon. Jas. Campbeix. that we pul
'"ih It with great pleasure. The -enemies
fudge C. hare already, let slip against him thi
dogs of war, and are prevaricating his hiatf--y,
and the manner in " which lierwas selectf
or the important position he now holds, in-
istonisLing manner.' Goon jcentlemen,.go on
he contenrptiUe work you are engaged in h
lessens your character while it advances his ;
your man attacks pass by idly as the wind -your
unjust aspersions entitle you to pity hit
escutcheon is still unstained, you cannot defaci
The New Post-Master General.
"The Hon. James Campbell, of Peunsylvanir.
elected by Gen. Pierce to preside over the IV
ffice Department, . will, we do not hesitate i
predict, prove one of the best selections th:
ould have been mil for that important p- .
It is getting to be the most laborious departmen
f the government, with its thirty thousand p
pointments, and its constantly increasing patron
ige. improvements, and the Accumulating wants
of the whole community. The public interests
pertaining to it are eminently progressive ; auu
they are interests, too, about which the Ameri
can people are perhaps more tenacious than
those connected with, and controlled by, any
other branch, of the government. To adminis
ter its duties with success and general satisfac
tion, requires constant vigilance, untiring in
dustry, much legal knowledge and . experience
and in its practical aspects, firmness of purpes
well tempered, with courtesey. of manner and
sound discretion. Upon the discreet manage
inent greatly depends the popularity or unpop
ularity of the entire administration. The im
portant experiment of low postage, as well as
other matters of reform, rendes it peculiarly n
responsible post at this time, requiring energy,
close application, and an enlightened policy on
the part of its official head.
Judee Campbell is not, perhaps, so extensive
ly known throughout the country as some other
gentlemen who might have been selected, the
official positions which he has heretofore occu
pied not having been such as to bring him con
spicuously before the nation at large. But, as
a prominent member of the bar of his own
State, and as a Judge, and in fact every station
of responsibility in which he has been placed,
he has discharged his duties with ability ami
great fidelity. In all business transactions he
is straight forward and prompt, with a frank
and pleasing address, and a constitution which
even the hard and incessant lahor of that de
partment cannot easily impair.
As a politician, Judge C. is distinguished for
his sound judgment and keen sagacity, guided
by an honest desire to- know and treat the whole
democratic party of the country as one common
family, so long as they stand by the great and
essential principles upon which the new admin
istration came into power.
In the brief sketches of the individuals who
compose the oabinet, given in the Herald a few
days sin-e, that of Judge Campbell was very
brief, and in some respects inaccurate. The fol
lowing facts may be relied on as correct .
The father of the , new Postmaster Gener
al emigrated from the North of Ireland towards
the close of the last century. The strbfect of
this notice was born in the county of Philadelphia
1818, and is consequently about 39 years of age.
He was admitted to the bar in ISSo, at the age
of 21, alter oner of the best legal trainings'.
When 28 years old he was appointed, 'Judge of
the Common . Pea Court of Philadelphia city
amlcotrnty, the most important tribunal in the
State, next- to the Supreme Court. He was nine
years in that responsible station, and by his
close attention to its duties, his rigid impartial
ity, and the soundness of his decisions, reflect
ed much credit on bis native county ; and when
the constitution of the State whs changed, ma
king the Judiciary elective, he was nominated
for one of the Judges of the Supreme Court by
a vote of more than two-thirds of the delegates
ot n convention distinguished for its legal abili
ties, and composed of many of fSe soundest -ind
most reliable nreii of the State. Jfative Ameri
canism formed" an element in the election. . and
he was defeated, notwithstanding he received
176,000 votes, being a larger democratic vote
than was ever before polled in the State at any
preceeding election, and being about 5,000 lar
ger than the vote polled .last fall, for the demo
cratic candidates for Judges of the Supreme
In January, 1S52, lie was" appointed, by Gov.
Bigler, Attorney Gereral of the State of Tenn
sylvauia, which office he held till called by Gen
t lerce to a seat in bis cabinet,
ggyThe Blair County, Court commences on
Monday next. The criminal list is large, com
prising one indictment for murder, three for
assault with iirtentf to kill, and numerous ethers
Jas Shirley is to be tried'- ft.e tfie murder of his
wife; the defence will be insanity. Two ne
grocs, named Keith, arc indicted for a murder
ous assau.t upon Mr. Jcsbit, with razors. The
court will undoubtedly be a throng one. Judge
Taylor may not be enabled to attend the prob
ability is the case now being tried in thj Cam
bria court, will delay him here uutil next week
ggy-Thc proper time to have the "counterfei
presentment" of yourself, your relative, or what
is perhaps more desirable, your "ladye love" ta
ken, is while you are living. You must "make
hay while the sun shines." An excellent op
portunity is now afforded to procure a good
likeness, by Mr. H. G. Fetter, who has his
Daguerrean room in the Academy building.
Mr. F. exhibits some most excellent specimens.
of his own taking, and we can promise those who
desire a "living picture," that they can procure
one from him,, which will remain bright and dis
tinct through life- His terms are very mode
SS Application will be made for a P. O. at
Monster. The office is needed at that place.
QyA new township will' likely be formed
out. of Washington, the elections to be held in
JgyA project is on foot to construct a Plank
Road from Johnstown to the "turnpike, 7 miles
west of Ebensburg. The distance is' about 10
miles.- PufuS down'one share for "that same.'
A good road to Johnstown is badly needed ;. the-
present one isthe worst road-in the county. :
86? Hon. Liks BotS, late Speaker of the
House of Representatives, Washington city, ar.
rived in town on Wednesday forenoon, and-left
in the eveuing for his home in Kentucky.
jftaf Our friend of the Democrat, as a testi
monial of appreciation for our kindness, tenders
us a bottle of sarsaparilla. A small sprinkling
of the "O, He joyful," along with it, would not
aQict us very much. ToU it along. . t . ,;
- ,71 t - t ..... . . . --. - TSUiW " -
Pacific" Railroad-Mr. TJougherty's Plan.
The. following memorial from John Docoheji."
tt, Esq. of-ftaoting'doa- eounty, -hsbeea pre-"'
en ted to "Congress. It gives-' a general Idea of
his plan, without details; and it seems to us one:
deserving attention- t!ro Its simplicity and bjh
parent practicability. - The gfeat increase of pa
"p'orCuTrehcy"it Would throw into circulation '
nay at fiustCstartle the Hard Money Democracy
ufoh elimination it May be found tp presen '.
lathing really objectionable,- if issued with the
oroper care and restrictions. Botb.'in its nature
and the manner of redeeming it, it would differ
widely from bank promises to pay, the one
being merely a promise which may have nothing
t back' it, while the other is an actual represent
ative of value, standing for. labors performed or
materials furnished, and having the government
pledged for its redemption, which in turn would
have the certainty of deriving means from the
profits of the road itself. "
To the Senate and House of Repretentativts of the
United States in Congress 'assembled: : z
The memorial of your petitioner respectfully
prays Congress to authorize the construction of
:i continuous railway from the City of San Fran
cisco to such point on the Mississippi"R.iver or
the Atlantic Ocean as Congress shall designate ;
the labor expended, produce consumed, vnd ma
terials used in the construction' .'thereof.: tur be
paid for in certificates of deposit suitable io be
used as currency, and made receivable in pay
ment of government dues. And from and after
the passage of the act prayed. for, such certifi
cates to be a lawful tender in payment of con
tracts made subsequent , to the passage of such
law, unless the contracting parties shall other
wise provide. The uett earnings ofsaid'railwiy
to be set apart for the liquidation and gradual
withdrawal from circulation of uch certificates,
until the said debt be liquidated. - And from
and after the extinguishment of the debt crea
ted in the construction of such railway, the same
to be and forever remain a free road, subject only
to such charge or toll as may be deemed ade
quate to keep such road in good repair &c
Your petitioner believes that the labor, capi
tal and skill expended in mining and manufac
turing the iron bars deposited in this national
workshop may be as effectually represented and
put in circulation by means f certificates of
deposit, as is the labor expended in procuring
gold and silver deposited m the mint or treasu
ry of the nation. Such bills of credit beFng ba
sed on productive industry (and not on dead
wealth) only require the endorsement- ef the
General Government in order to be used as the
measure of value.
In the opinion of you.r memorialist, such a law
if speedily enacted would ensure the early, com-,
pletion of the road proposed. therebyaffording
ficKIs of enterprise and. nomes of comturt to mil
Iions of the impoverished sons and daughters of
humanity ; diffusing wealth and civilization thro
out a vast wilderness giving employment to
labor, and a market for the product and man
ufactures of our citizens, whilst the recognition
of the right to employment and placing- the pro
ducts of labor on terms of a fair equaUty in pro
portion 'to their utility or commercial value, by
extending to the products of the iron miie as is
done to the products of the gold anJ silver mine
the endorsement of the General" Covernmeut,
would tend to- emancipate labor from vassa
lage to the money power, and stay the still au
gumeating drain by which the producers oPthis
New' World are daily becoming more And jnore
tributary to the bond holders o.f (he.QUj. . Such
a measure of value would aid in removing from
productive industry a grievous burden,' utider
the weight of which so many generation have
perished, miserably crushed ; would economise
the labor and capital required in the construe-1
tion of this and similar works (perhaps, equal to
one half) by dispensing with so much labor and
capital, as is at present wasted in extracting go4d
and silver from the mines or. in producing arti
cles of equivalent commercial value to be ex
changed for gold and silver wherewith to-represent
the .labor' and materials used uVttee con
struction of the proposed road. At present t .e
labor and capital expended in procuring the
measure of value is eq valent to the labor cx;eu
ded in making such public works. So vast an
amount of valuable toil and capital, saved from
useless waste, would if judiciously applied, build
up in this. New World of ours the palace; of an
industrious,, commodious and civilized social life,
and by augmenting the measure of value (mon
ey) in proyorion to the demand, spread the
wealth) o? the nation as blood makes life t flow
through our veins, until there nolonger remains
in these United States a single stagnant product
or an unoccupied arm.
Mount Union, Pa
Nole. On so long a route,- greater power
and more perfect security of person will be re
quired than is attainable at present. .-Instead -of
periling the lives of travelers on the strength of
a single bar of iron or rail, I propose -laying
down double rails underneath each side of :he
cars, to be placed say oue foot apart. The car
wheels to be attached to short stout axles, the
flanges of the wheels revolving between the dou
ble rails. The wheels underneath the car will
thu be increased to twice the. number lit least,
and placed just far enough apart to admit the
oil box, springs, &e. The axles to be turned
smooth so as to answer the purpose of the pres
ent end journals. The friction- on the journals,
and of the car wheels iu passing curves, will be
niu h less than on the present cars. And, in
stead of those "cabined, cribbed, confined," cars
iu which trtvelers, when caught, are caged, sub
ject to be upset or fall to the ground on . the
breaking of a rail, car wheel or journal, portable
palaces may be provided, and higher speed.
greater comfort, and more perfect security at
tained, in- proportion to the uumber of rails,
width of guage, height of driving" wheels, &c
On such a road the journey from Sau San Fran
cisco to New York,- may be made with comfort
and safety in three days, or at the- rate ol' one-
thousand miles in twenty-four hours. :"t
BL.The residents of Jackson township will
apply for a P; O. in that township. They need
it very much, as there is no office within 7 or 8
We direct attention to an article on tha
outside of this paper, on the "charactet of Wash
ington, its Influence and Importance." ,
fjgyCapt. Alexander and his corps, commen
ced surveying a route for the . Ebensburg and
Susquehanna Plank Road to-day. In two of
three months the surveying will be completed
and the road located. ' - - ' - 1 . -
Rdmobcd Chakg. The , la6t ' Ilarrisbiirg
Telegraph says-: It is rumored in Harrisburg
that the Hott. F. W Hughes,' at present Secre
tary of the .Coninionwealth.-isfibouf foreslgn
that post. and- thatr" he will be Jippoiuted Attor
ney General of- the State in the place-of Judge
Campbell, the. Postmaster General. It is also
said that the Hon;-Chnries Black of Greene
county, formerly a Senator Irom that district,
will be appointed the new Secretary of the Com
monwealth. - We are inclined to think that these
Starring Juries
. . Jn these days of modern refinement, we arc
leu to wonder, and are sometimes unable to nc
cqunt for .the harshness which chararteriyed tl
laws transmitted to us. . in tnany mstmces wr
can not seethe reason which actuated ancient
legislators in passing . enactments which, we
think, -tniclrt have been assitmed to n more bsr
. ; t? x - -
barian ng. We find yet in the laws, which we
hare .received from our English ancestors, cus
toras wnicii seem to us uuwarnntab.e, and even
disgraceful to a "civilized country.
-One of these to which we refer is. thnt by
which juries were excluded from meat and drinl
while considering a cause. We do not deem it
uninteresting or unprofitable to make some en
quiries into the origin of this system.
There was a usage among the Germans to de
liberate at their fea.ts upon the most important
business for then, as they believed, the sou
was more opeAed to sincerity. Then, when all
reserve was thrown off, their deliberation was
conducted ; in frankness and sincerity. Thev
consulted When- unable to dissemble, and they
determined wnen noi name io mistage. Among
the Celtic and Gothic nation , also, holdin?
councils of state during entertainment was mucl
practieed. Some of their most important affairs
were discussed over the festive board. It is
somewhat remarkable that the word mallu
which, during the middle ages, designated the
national assembly, is derived from mael, whicl:
signifies feast.
. The legitimate results of this union of business
and festivity were evils which proved most in
jurious ; so great were they that it became ne
cessary to niaKe regulations, winch, to us, are
It was a law among the Longbnrds, that "no
drunken man shall he at liberty to plead his own
cause, nor to give evidence, m a court of justice:
nor shall the magistrate give judgmeul unless fast
ibere wa3 also another which declared, . "it
seems fair and honest that judges should be fas
ting when they hear and deteimine causes.'
There was a law made in a synod held at Win
Chester in the year 1308. which declared " be
pause persons when drunk are incapabJe of giv
ing a lecral consent, we foHid that a man and
woman attempt to pledge themselves in a con
tract of matrimony, when in a tavern, by any
form of words, unless with a fasting spittle."
Thus it was that the older Britons restricted
their juries from all indulgences, even in the
very necessaries of like. This custom has n
other origin than that here assigned
From this, also, arose another tisage, which
has only ceused within a very few years. In
the assizes it was customary for the Sheriffs ot
the. county to expend a large sum of money
twice every year, in feasting the "judges and
gentry." 11ns is a system we would not hesi-
- , ry ... .
late, io recoinmenu now. rrom this very wise
practice has been adopted one, which is very
generally and sacredly observed in a sister
State. At every tern of the Court there are
many who are called to be foremen of the juries
for the first time. This is quite an honor an
empty one we think for which they are obliged
to pay. When the jurors are finally discharged,
those who have Deen loremca are obliged tojrive
ix large and sumptuous supper to the "judges
and gentry of the t,ourt. This operation is
callea docking tne colts.
"In conclusion we would respectfully recom
mend that some of the old and useless practices
be abolished, and others, more beneficial, like
the last, be adopted. IHit. Union.
Toilet of the French Empress.
The Journal deC Empire has the following ar
ticle upon the toilette of fhe Empress :") "The
jewelery and toilettes of fhe Empress will lie
very magnificent. M. Lemonmer, the jeweller,
is preparing a pxfrure of white pearls and rubies
f- a bcautifT ie'sTjin, tourist I np of sum 11 clos
ed crown1,- to" fte pfaced off flVe. back of the head,
of. bracelef, and of a" necklace a plagues ; 'nd
another parure, in very rare . black pearls, con
sisting of a bracelet, ornamented with three
large pearfc, a necklace sitting close to the neck
in tne" L-vuis XVr. style, with, in the centre. n
enormous pearl pendant, and a brooch with four
black pearls pendant. He is also preparing a
bracelet, ' consisting f precious stones of all
colors, anil a brooch in diamonds of oval form,
the centre of which is formed of a very thin
large diamond, which is dtstiin-d to cover, the
portrait of the Emperor, and a pure diamond is
to be pendant from it. This brooch will be of
exquisite beauty.- The marriage coin is to be
of massive gold, with the riiu of dimohds. On
one side are to be' the initials of Napoleon III.
and Marie Eugenie de Guzman ; on the other is
inscribed, iu diamonds, the date of the marriage
of their Majesties. M. Fossin, another jewel
ler, has bi;en entrusted with the nrraiiseuit-nt, of
of the diamonds of the crown, and he is to
make a crown similar to that of Charlemagne,
of great beauty. He is also to supply s-me
very fine bracelets and brooches. It is In wlxi
has prepared" the ornament of- the pwei lwfs
of the Empress; tlie book-us bound- in white!
velvet with silver ornaments-: and- on-oue side
is an eagle surmounted with the imperial criiwur. i
in diamonds : on tlie otlier the mituHs- ot 1it
Majesty,- surmounted with an imperial crown,
also in diamonds. The dress-makers hwe been
charged with the dresses Madame Yigwut with
those for the morning, and Mademoiselle Ial
myre with those of the evetiing. The former is
making thirty-four of exquisite beauty.
Amongst them are three morninr wior. rich
ly embroidered, decorated with Valenciennes
and Mechlin lace, and lined with siik. of a rose.
blue and white color; two robesde chambre j
one in black velvet with facings of watered silk.
r . vW.hlne color, the other in eros de Navar-I
v. . ' - .7 - - - - - - I
re, lined with white silk; a full dres of rose-
colored' watered silk with very long basques, or-1
namented with fringe and 1 ice ; and one of i
Teeh taffetas, with flowers, ornamented with
plumes frisees. Mile. Pal my re is making twen-! covered m the curse of his practice in cases
ty full dresses ; one in in white hruc ide, with t)f small pox. that vaccine viru, after having
flowers of silk anil gold, ornamented down the j 0nce passed through the negro's systi m, he
front with flowers ; another has three flounces j Coines useless as a prophylactic to the white
embroidered with silk and silver; another, of
velvet, is ornamented with . .flounces or blond
lace, decked with bees and crowned eagles. in
eold : one of blue velvet, with flounces of gold
. i
guipure; one oi peari-gray b.uwi. wnu nine
flounces of Brussels lace ; tniee conn tnantfes
of silk, watered with gold and silver rose, blue
Mid- white in. color," etc.. etc. etc.
The" Pacific Railroad! '
The following are the amendments in relation
to this important measure, which
passed both i
Houses. of Congress . ' '
' Sec- 15.' And be it further enacted. That the
Secretary of war ne. and ne is ncreny autnnrt-
rd under the direction of the President of the
United States.' to employ such portion of the
ctyrpt of topographical engineers, nnd such other
n'irnn8. as he may deem necessary, to
make such explorations and surveys as he
nviv deem advisable to ascertain the most prac-
t.oWi juul ecoimmical route for a rai'road from 1
the Mississippi river to the Pacific Ocean : and
that the sum of'one hundred and fifty thousand
dollars, or so much thereof as may be necssa-
rTKjhkt4ie same is 4ireby appropriated out
of nv money in the treasury not otherwise ap-
printed, to defray the expense of such
rations and suiveys." ' .
SBC. lfi. An.l ie it iiinner enaetea. marine
engineers and other persons employed in said
explorations and surveys shall be organized in
as many distinct corps as there are route- to be
surveved.' and their svral reports shall be laid
before Congress on or before the first Monday in
February, eisbtttn hundred and fifty-four.
A Fellow in New Y rk. who is eternally fret
ting things wrong-end forernosr. v!s:tc 1 the stu
dio of ti) xrtist, recently, who was cirtagod ur1
on a picture of a boy ai.l dog. "Ah," sars tin
unfortunate, "how do you pet rtloiig with th
bos and doy ?" Then he let the ,"Int out o
the Cag for "Cat out of tho IT-ft?.' nnd then h
read the "Pilgrim's Eunynn, br John Pro
gress." Quite as the disconnected cLan in St
Paul.' on Christmas, whom wt; met on Third St..
gii'jjrdowTi to C s nftir r pfti of "Join artd
Terry." and then nnother vhn inquired '-.t Tiih-nc-tock's
If they had any Perry Chcctcral."
. The Bedford Gcznlt records the death
of Jonathan Cessna, esq. Cf Cumberland valley
Tp. in the ninety third year of hi age. He wn
the oldest man in Bedford County, and the first
of the white race born iu the town of Bedford.
Destruction of Human Lift bp Tigers in In
dia The annual loss of human life from ti
gers, at Singapore," says Captain Keppla, chief
ly among the Chinese pettier, is perfectly fear
ful. averaging no fewer than three hundred and
sixty. -tr one per. diem. Great exertions are
till making for the destruction of these animals,
which is affected by pitfalls, cages, baited with a
dog, goat, monkey or some other restless animal?,
and by sundry cunning contrivances.
A Block from the Farmers of Lancaster Coun
ty. C. M. Howell, of Lancaster, has just com
pleted a bloek for the National Monument at
W ashington, to be presented by the farmers of
Lancaster county. It is of red hard sandstone,
ind bears the simple inscription of "Lancaster
County," with a sheaf of wheat and other agri
cultural emblems. The letters have been beau-
tituliy gilded by John u. Keller. ro more a p
propria te contribution to this great national
work could have been presented from that great
agricultural garden.
Tiro females, residents of Bryan county,, were
returning home on, horseback, Irom Savannah.
-i short time since; and while crossing ()gt-clie-Swamp,
they were accosted by a negro, who
drew a pistol and demanded the horse of one of
the females, with a threat that he would Llow
her brains out if she did not comply. The ladv
braely refused to give up her horse, nnd was
therefore forcibly dragged off, when she drew a
knife from her pochet and stabbed him in tl?e
side. It is believed that the wound will prove
Increase or the Pay or Cabinet OrriCECs
In the Senate on Monday, the Civil nnd Di
plomatic Appropriation bill was considered, and
various amendments were adopted. Amo:i"St
thers, the salaries of the Vice President and
members of the Cabinet were raised to 5-8. 0UU
per milium. An Assistant Secretary of State
at $3,000 per annum was also provided.
Elk, Pa. Six full-grown panthers were cap
tured and killed in the Eastern part of the coun-
tv. two or three weeks ago, Ly Messrs. Lr.ismus
Morey and Peter Smith. The largest measured
thirteen feet from the point of his nose to the
end of his fail. They' are supposed to be the
last of their race in this county.
JeSOn Friday week two freight trains came
iifto collision irear Huntingdon, breaking the
engines considerably as well as several cars.
No one injured.
On Suirday following, the locomotive of the
express passenger train struct a cow on a bridge
above Spruce Screek, at least 30 feet above the
river, and alter dragging ner a lew rods lortu
natelv throw her over.
A freight train ran off the track, Friday 11th.
bslow Perrysville, tearing up the rails for some
listance. The past week has beeu truly an un
lucky one
Taking all to themselves. The last Jrf
'crxonian, printed at Brookville, in this State.
gives the following account of a township eltc
tion recently held in that county :
-We have been preparing a list of the officers
elected in the several townships in this county,
and will publish the sauii as soon as nil the re-
urns are received. While engaged in thidutv
we came across a return from one township
which is too good to be lost, as it shows tlie de
sire for office to be exceedingly strotig-. The
whole number of votes cast was six ; the board
consisted f five persons and the offices to be fil
led were eighUen. Thee the board distributed
as follows: Electing tlie Judge to the Office ot
Justice of the Peace, School Director", Town
Clerk and Assessor. One of the Inspectors was
elected Constable, and the other Supervisor.
Oue of the C;erks received the offices of School
Director, Township Auditor, and Judge of the
Election; the other. Justice of the Peace.
School Director and Inspector. The remainder
of the officers were disposed ot. tw o to one man,
one each to three otlu rs ; but tlie worst feature
we sec in the whole thing, is tlutt the individual
who voted without being one of the board, re
ceived nothing."
Chevalit r Ihi'semaii has presented litf creden-'
tials to the Secretary ot-
t.-ttv. Hnrbi?cn rect-iv-
ed as the Chi.rge'd Affa'n-s
i'f the Emperor of
Austria to the Government- of the United States
A negro' undergoing an' examination at North-
n nipt-m. .V
U.-s"., when asked if h;s mitster was a
replied -'No. s:r, hc"s member of
The depth of the Ocean. The British Pacific
Surveying Expedition reports Swun lings to a
deptii greater than-were previously ot. tained.
A position midway between Tristan dWccuua
and Cape Horn, they reached eight niilt-s and
three quoarttrs. or forty-six thousand two hun
dred and forty feet.
As Impoktaxt Discovery. A Cub in corres
,Mndent of the R ileigh Standar-l says, that Dr
F.nley, an English practitioner of long experi-
enco in Cuba, and a graduate of Paris, lias dis-
r;lte. This f;u t uiay in some degree explain
the rapid extension and fatality of that disease
win-never it visits that Island. Dr. Cartwight,
au eminent physician of New Orleans, who has
published an elaborate essay, in which he ar
gues the origin of the different races f man
kind, has seized hold on the fact developed m
the practice- iiMiutitiued by him.
Gold Coin. The A. I" Journal of Commerce
gives the following state of the gold coinage of
the United States mint from its organization to
the end of 18o2 :
At Philadelphia, $194,871,141 50
At New Orleans, 33.885,8tifi 00
At Charlotte, North Carolina, 3,450,(508 50
At D.ihloneg i, Georgia, 4,817,80'J 50
Total to end of 1852. $237,025,484 56
In addition to this amount, about $S.5( 0,000
has beeu coined during January and February
of the present year, which makes the whole
amount coined to the first of this month, in
round numbers two hundred and forty-five mil
Iionsof dollars.
j -rze Little Darling he didn't strike Miss
j Sniitlts baby a purpose, did he ! It was a mere
explora-;4,ccideut. w isn't it, dear! Yes mar, to be
I sure it was. and if he don't behave himself I'll
MAVv um again."
jgyThe late Democratic State Convention
adopted resolutions endorsing the official con
duct of Senator Brodhead and the Democratic
Representatives of Pennsylvania in tbt lower
JlIotfeef Congress.
-uuunn com.... .
of a New York Sunday ,far will t foKdft
is worth : . .
Queen Victoria is till to hate Wsndr .
alaimedatthe ides,, which VrvniaaSTr
her, that a revolution will drive htr fLL'
throne of Zu&twtS On this fear $be t, ,
hat-invested th-r-tsivlngt of tw
foreign securities, to have means of subv
In prixate life ; and It has been'sald a),""
time s fjver. that her invert-rents art ia t- r
States. I have even heard that thtlU!
pure! aod for heart ! half a street H
of New York. Umty
The recent marriage cfAttcmpy Censor
tenden to Mrs. General Ashley, i, , "
irener-.l comment, and we see no reason k
should not be. in.ismuch as the briJeijLnM
;.s a gay. d ishing, wealhy and be tutiful win
and the bridegroom as the personifi0
homlmrss. au l a tremendous cLewerof tu
Mrs. Ashley is the third wife of Mr CH
md Mr. Crittenden is the third husband Kt''
Ashley Tcere i, thi, difference. Lowet,
twen the two ; his homliness is the work '
tore while her beauty.i, said to b. mthry
work of art Springfield Hepublican. 7
What a consoler is woman! None but v
presence can so win a man from Lii
make placid hi, tait brow. . wreath t
hp into a smiie. The soldier becomes 1 2
some boy at her feet; the anxious st.V."g t
smiles himself bnck to free hearted von h-h '
her; and the still and sha,! th bes;d!
care brightens beneath l,,My:r .5
er blooms in the suushlne.
Coal lands and Iron or, in Som'erset
i a. xne euil.,r OI
r of th. p;Z,' Y
ting from Myers
.Mills, feomenet county pt
ense veins of coal abound "in
!i :i Vu l "niense veins of coal abound in that
. . . . . i . .
..-.p....w.. vuinLMiuig ow acres ofsolidcoil
tutaining 300 acres of siu,.,
This coal land has been kte'r
speculation, at $80
purchase.!, as a
in prospect of the Connellsville Railroad Wat
constructed. In the sime neighborhood the
is a vein of iron ore six feet thick, and hmt
abounds.- In the neighborhood of Myers' M-Ti
n!l the iron needed on the Connellsville Yoi
can be advantageously furnished.
A neat ' Repartee. "Pray, sir," S,;.J
lady to the keeper of a circulating lihynrv "knT.
you Man as he is !" No ma'am," repifed tbt
other wishing to accommodate hervand with c
other meaning -but we have woman . .
should be." . . r
Protectina the lievmitr t n',,,1,',.:. clJ .
ryofthe treasury, has lsrued'an oruCT, tht
Baltimore Uepubli-jan savs, pereropterflv reni
king the instruc;ion of Mr. Corwin, by'whick
the half of a large amount of r.oney collected
tor violations of the revwme laws; in the shupt
of penal dut .es, was about to be diHJed amocr
the officers, of the custftr.s' at'the several ports of
entry. The amount proposed to be divided'ii
.-bout Jj-JUO.OOO, ont-h.Ht of which, it is said
would have gone into the pockets of the tlret
chief revenue officcTS at New York, rt.
administration of Messrs. Polk, Taylor, and
F.llmore. Ma Maxwell, the present collector
would have received about 25.000, Mr. Law!
rence 12.0JO, and Mr. Hone's heirs $10,0Wu
$12,000. Mr. Ring, also of New York, would
have been entitled to $25,000, and his prtde
ccssor the sum of $1000 Thila. Ledger.
From Australia. -
By the arrival of the Ladv Suffolk frrii "tL
Cape of Good Hope, we have received duteifrpa
Port rh'ilip to the 15th November, wbicVthough
uotso late as those recently received by thews?
of South America, bring. some. peijs of iiereit.
The ship Roxbury Castle had arrived atre'
1iWn with 170.0O0""ounce lot gold, -bijuod Is
Ungiand. Her captain; reported that durins; Jut
stay in Australia, four vessels had ..Jffc.Victri
'with cargoes of gold to the amount of -417J)eO
valued at 1.780,000.
Many new deposits of gold hadieen diicoer
ed, an.l it was certain that the soils and rocki
rich with this metal, extend over many thous
ands of square miles. " ' . x ,
New diggings had been 'found at the Orens
river, but the average "yield had not been aic.
tained. -.
Adventurers from all part of the world wtw
arriving daily by hundreds. . . ;,
Theie were about one hundred and fifty siii
of vessels in Melbourne harbor, Lut they wtrt
thinning out daily.
It was expected'that' there would h tennitf.
en.blc falling off in the clips of wool this les
son. At Mell-nurne fine flour was quoted at xis ta
47; seconds 43, from the mill. - . . .
Rents continue t0 rise enormouslr-at Meh
bodrhe, 4 and 5 a week being charged fora
small tliree roomed cottage. ..
I revisions, especially flour, and also brandy,
had riseu rapid'y in price, nnd at the diggio gl
are quoted at extravagant rates. .
Another account says. . -the intelligence from
the go'd fields continue on the whole encourar
ginpr. though the experience , of individual dig
gers at different points presents every variety
of results, from rapid fortune-making to uttejr
lest tutinn. Great numbers had returned pen
niless. and yet an unceasing stream of adventu.
r rs covered the road from Melbourne to the an
r feror.s localities. New drgginps, apparently
of yet unequalled wealt.'-. had been opened at
the Ovens, the last escort from which aloo
brought down upwards of 30,000 ounces ef
Child1 Claimed by two Mothers..
The infant left at Mr. Augustus's Souse ca
Friday evening lust, as mentioned in the Journ
al of Saturday, has been claimed by two moth
ers! It seems that a Mrs. Drake put her chill
to uui se in Stoneham, and on going for it soes
days afterwards, she was told that it had beea
sent to Boston, to be taken care of by a person
who was to adopt it. This last person bavirj
made Some other disposition of the infant than
the one named, and seeing the notice in ths
Journal that a child was left at Mr. Augustus's
house, told the mother that was her child, nnd
handed her u paper, of which the followiogw
"Mr. Augustns, Mrs. Drake is the mother cf
the girl 1 left at your door on Friday evening.
She said if I would tell the truth, I should not
be hurt.
"M. M. EVANS, Boston, Mass.
The woman who is supposed to be the real
mother, finding that her object of getting a good
place for her child was about being frustrated,
has come forward and acknowledged herself a .
the mother, and that she herself deposited ths
child at Mr. Augustus's door. The mother wb
has actually lost her child, claims this one; ni
in the meantime, Mr. Augustus has placed the
child iu a comfortable and safe place until ths '
affair cau bo investigated-. -
Mr. A. told the two claimants as well astbs
girl who asserts that she left the child, thstif -either
of thenn could- describe the clothing left '
with the infant, be would deliver it up; but nei
ther of theuv was able to do so.
Perhaps by reference to King Solomon's dtci
siou in a similar case, as recorded in 1st Kiot, ..
.31 chapter,, 17th to 27tb verses inclusive, a mod
ot settling this case may be suggested. Sotu'
Jour. Sth. - - - "
f$a5- The London Punch says that tb I'
way to crush a question, is to appoi&t a ' f arh
ameutary cotaanittce t3 ii vv,oit. t -
"v- -. . "