The mountain sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1844-1853, March 10, 1853, Image 4

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"Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods
THE Subscribers have just received from the
eastern cities, and are now offering for sale,
the largest nnl best selected stock of Goods
ever shown in this or the adjoining counties, tie
stock consists iu part of Pry Goods, such as
French, English, and American, c'oths cassi
mers. Satinets. Tweeds, pilot cloths, satin, Va
lencia, and other vestinss, alipacas, mous-de-
lam homWinrs. and ladies dress coods of
w T
everv description; shawls, handkerchiefs, scrips.
vt til, hots, rihons. cloves and hosiery of
nil kinds, table linen drapers, crash, red. white
end yellow flannels, linsey, canton flannel, blan
kets and coverlets, hickory shirting, Irish lLien,
and white goods of every description ; laces,
edgings, insertings, &c, &c. Hats, caps. Bon
nets, boots and shoes, hardware, queensware.
glassware, nails, flour and salt ; fish, and iron.
Also a splendid assortment of groceries, drugs,
paints and dye 6tuffs. All of which we offer
at lower prices than goods have ever been sold
iu the country. All kinds of country produce,
lumber, railroad ties, rags, flaxseed, &c, &c,
taken in exchange. '
We will wholesale any of the above splendid
selection of goods, to country merchants at city
prices, putting only on a nominal figure for to
cover freight.
" Section 104. November 4, 1852.
New Store and Cheap Bargains.
The undersigned would inform their friends
and the public, that they have opened a
new ttore at Plane No. 2, A. P. R. R. in the room
formerly occupied by John ong, where will be
kept constantly on hand, and sold at low prices,
the following goods : Cloths, Cassimeres, Tweeds,
Satinet, Ginahams, Vestings, Calicoes, Muslins,
Silks, Satins, Laws, Alpaccas, Bombazines, Bar
eges, Mous de Laines, Lustres, Shawls, Billons,
Buttons, Gloves, Hosiery, Laces, Thread, c, Jt
Umbrellas, Parasols, and Bonnets. Also, a large
ttock of CoJJee, Sugar, Tea, Queensware, Hard
ware and Cutlery, Books and Stationary.
Eggs, Fifcli, Salt, Tobacco, ignis, &c. All of
which they arc prepared to sell at cheap rates,
and invite the attention of buyers to their stock
of goods, confident that they can and will sell
them as cheap, and in fact, cheaper, than they
can purchase elsewhere.
. Produce of all kinds taken in exchange for
goods, and cash never refused. Call soon, at
the new store, if you want to be supplied.
riane No. 2, A. V, R. R.
March 13, 1851. ly
Adams & Co.'s express.
TT. H". Ivory & Co., agents will forward all
packages of goods or money, daily except Sun
day, to all the principal cities in the Union and
all the towns on the Rail Road between Philadu.
and Pittsburg. Drafts collected from California.
Drafts sold on Ireland, England or Scotland,
from XI upwards. Money for drafts must be
Not. 4. 1852.
Ezckiel Hughes,
Ebensburg, Pennsylvania.
TlEALER in staple and fancy dry goods gro
U ceries, wholesale and retail fish : hardware
and cuttlery ; guns, nails, bar-iron, sheet-iron f
i 1, , 1 ;
sheet-line, stoves of all kinds, stove-nines and
- Ehset-iron ware, tin ware, copper and brass
kettles, &c, &c.
Grain, wool, butter and other country produce
bought and sold.
A (Jealer in white pine, poplar, ash and cherry
lumber ; lumber always bought, and a large
quantity constantly on hand for sale.
uch assuits the present demand of the market.
,n..,Dr,u w, "uiri iui, iu uiurr ur
anove list just received and more
ale at ttie lowest market price.
September 2:3, 1852 4'J-tf.
opening iop,
I 1 I.Ik 1 mftfliirifr fiiii'iiicr flin tiri vorl'a t
. r- I . . ... , -
xpress trains, for Lbensburc. tia
Plank Road, returning same evening.
Every atttntion givin to passengers and their
baggage. Fare cheap. J AS. D. HAMILTON.
Jefferson. March 3. 18-33.
TTAS the pleasure of announcing to all wh
II would secure the best bargains to be offered;
in this ffiiintv tht lm ....;.. ;., tV. a I
one of the largest, cheapest, and most carefully
elected stocks of .
Will wi -cm in4AM ta
I all and W Inter Goods ! J
.t. uimifin iu enniiTis couiuy, an 01 wnicn
have been purchased within the last few days in
Philadelphia and New York, with particular re
gard to the wants ef this Market. 1 again fling
luy banner to the breeze, inscribed with my old
motto of
- Quick Sales and Small Profits.
I confidently invite the attention of purchas
ers to my stock, which will be found unusually
large, varied aud attractive, being full and com-i
pieie in every department. Lverything new,
lasmonaoie and desirable will be found embra-.
ceu in my assortment. Particular atteution is
solicited to new and beautiful styles of
which I have just received of late importation
In Gents wear I deft coninetion. and ,
ly invite an examination of one of the Urmt i -
cheapest and best selected stocks of ready-made
cioining, ciotns, cassimeres, &.c, ev- r brought
10 e.aiiioria county ; comprising all colors
qualities, which 1 will sell cheap and warraut to,
give eatislaction. Also, caps, bonnets,
of the
. . i-.. , 1 . , . . 1
oesi qualities and latest stvles. together
ith queensware, hardware, groceries salt books
v.. t,u" """-tt"te.ies,saii, oooks
Stationary, &c,
BQLThe highest market price paid for all
kinds of Produce.
November 11, 1852.
Kxecutors' Xotlcc.
LETTERS testamentary having been granted
to the undersigned by the Hegister of Cam
bria county, on the estate of James Neason, late
of Allegheny township, deceased : all persons
indebted to said CBtate are hereby notified to
make immediate payment to the undersigned.
and those having claims will present them pro
perly authenticated for settlement,
r , c HANNAH NEASON, r .
G EO. GALLAGH ER. -xecutort-i
IVbranry 8. 1855 15-G
Iresh Shad, Mackerel, and Salmon for sale
the store of J. MOORE.
kga assfrtcd nails for sale at the" store i
Duncannon nails, glass 8 by JO and 10 bp Jj;
'iiuoa and. mckexl at ' ' J, MOORE'3
Vi iiV 11, t ...,14U Noo(J strcet Pittsburg, who will supply
JJ two Hacks will leave Jefferson on the arn-i .,, ...i i ' ,tL-
UTTIIAEVER concerns the health ana happi
ness of a people is at all times of most val
tihle imnortance. I take it for cranted that
every person will do all in their power, to sax
the lives of their children, and that every per
son will endeavor to promote their own healtl
at all sacrifices. I feel it to be my duty to sol
emnly assure you that worms, according to th
o inions of the most celebrated Physicians, an
the rrimarv causes of a large majority of dise
ases to which children and adults are liable ; if
you have an appetite continually changeable
from one kind of food to another. Bad Breath,
Pain in the Stomach, Pickiug at the Nose, L'ard-
ness and Fullness of the Belly, Dry Cong
Slow Fever. Pulse Irregular remember that all
these denotes worms, and you should at once
apply the remedy :
Ilobeusac k's Worm Syrup.
An article founded upon Scientific Principles,
compounded with purely ve'getablc substances,
being perfectly. safe when taken, and can be
given to the most tender Infant with decided
beneficial effect, where Bowel Complaints ana
JJiarrhaa have made them weak and debilitated
the Tonic properties of my Worm Syrup are
sucti that it stands without an equal in the cata
logue of medicines in giving tone and strength
to the Stomach, which makes it an Infallible
remedy for those afflicted with Diepsia, the as
tonishing cures performed by thisyrup after
Physicians have failed, is the best evidence of
its bupcrior efficacy over all others.
This is ti c not d,tt.ult im to destroy of
all that infest ;he huni&n system, it grows to an
almost Indefinite length becoming so coiled and
fastened in the Intestines and Stomach effecting
the health so sadly as to cause St.' Vitus Dance.
Fits, &c, that those afflicted seldom if ever sus
pect that it is Tape Worm hastening them to an
early grave. In order to destroy this Worm, a
very uergetic treatment must be pursued, it
would there-fore be proper to take 6 or 8 of my
Liver Pills so as to remove r.H obstructions, that
the Worm Syrup may act direct upon the Worm,
which must be taken in dtses of 2 Tablespoon
fulls 3 times a day these directions followed
have never been known to fail in curing the most
obstinate case of Tape Worm.
Hobensack't Liver Pills.
No part of the system is more liable to dis
ease than the Liver, it serving as a filterer to
purify the blood, or giving the proper secre
tion to the bile : so that any wrong action of
the Liver effects the other important parts of
the system, and results variously, in Liver Com
plaint. Jaundice, Dyspepsia, &c. We should,
therefore, watch every symptom that might in-
uicaic a wrong aiciion 01 me i.iver. luese
l'illa!i.l of Hunt Ar Ti, mi fnM.uil k.l
e r- -- --- -j - .v .
natur t heal thr nick -Numel-r 1st AnV -
.... . . , iuc pnetr, ui ine iiuuiuer 01 ooiues oruereu. ami oe uirecicu 10 j. . o. .u
pectorant, wbich auguments the secretion fromigi Darcldv. Street. New York, who are Dr. Uastinos' aetieral Aaents for America.
the Pulmonary mucus membrane, or promotes
the discharge of secreted matter. 2nd. An Al
ternative, which changes in some inexplicable and
insensible manner the certain morbid action of
the system. 3rd. A Tonic, which gives tone and
strength to the nervous system, renewing health
and vigor to all parts of the body. 4th, A Cath
artic, which acts in perfect harmony with tbe
otbtr ingredients, and operating on the Eoweln,
and expelling the whole mass of corrupt and vi
tiated matter, and purifying the lilood, which
destroys disease and restores health.'1 ' '
Yo will find these Pills an invaluable medicine
in many complaints to which you are aubjct.
In obstructions either total or partial, they have
1 e. .....1 re 1.1.: i . : i..:
4- 1 . . 1 ..
lunctieinal arrangements ton healthy action.
purifying the blood and other fluids so effectu
ally to nut to flieht all complaints which mav
arise from female irregularities, as headache,
giddiness, dimness ot tight, pain in the side
back, &c.
.one genuine unless signed J. N. Hobensack,
all others being base Imitation. f
figT Agents wishing new supplies, and Store
nci-pvia u...iuBU. uv..i,,,,g prius niuM au-
l"Lj "'". mm-w-
.1 .. :t 1 xj 11. u 1. 1,1 -i. ,
ston, Johnstown ; McCloskey, Summitville ; E-
noch llecs, six miles west of Ebensbure ; and
. ,
iikMUU ill tuc 1 11'lfllClVIO LI 1C3.
BQkPrice, each 23 cents
July 12, li-5.
Splendid Assortment
! Look
Summitville, Cambria county, havejust received
from New York, Philadelphia, and Daltimore, a
large assortment of
" be sold low for cash. Wv will eel
our goods at a less price than ever they have
been sold in this county, and will retail Goods
a8 t.,!eap as tliev do iu lilaiJdplj;Jlt ,,ut we want
to sell them for cash, or something else as cood.
All our goods will be' sold at cash prices, and
one month is the longest credit we will give, and
any person having accounts running a longer
time, win ie charged into-est fioni that time.
These arethe terms, and we think if you call and
see our goods you will buy and save m ney, su
gars we will sell at cost aud carriage, Coffee, at
a slight advance.
Our stock consists of a large assortment of
all kinds of goods usually kept, among which
are Ladies' Cashmeres, do Lains and Merinoes
all wool, from 00 cts, to 2 per yard; the same
kinds, half cotton, from 10 to 30 cts.; Silk Warp
Alpacca, and all other kinds of Dress Goods.
we have a splendid lot ot knives and forks, 50
dzen, which we will sell very low. We call tbe
ention ot everybody to our stock of
Made-up-Clot hln?,
vi,:i. ,,i 4 .i . ,
""" o iunuc iu uiui-i, ui iue uesi sizes, ana
mosi iasinonabie goods. e have over two
thousand dollars worth of these goods, and will
sell them cheaper than they can be bought in
t uiuri uiiiix. .iuc utrsi Kinu 01 overcoats
V 1 ? i T ' l. T' 5 jw,,ky
Jackets and Sack coats, verv chean. A khihII
101 ot nne Piaca cassimer
pants, and tine satin
and silk velvet vests, bought iu New York, will
be 6old a little cheaper than they can be bought
for in Philadelphia.
Our whole stock is of the best articles in mar
ket. we want to sell them soon, for we want the
money to pay for them. Come on and we wib
sell to you right at one .price to everybody.
Children can buy aa cheap as your best Jews,
for we have but one price, and sell for cash.
W. . IVORY & CO.
Summitville, Oct. 21, 1852 52-tf.
t This Way! ,
For the highest prices are ' paid for bides
6kins and tanner' bark in either trade or cash b
A fresh arrival of Boots, Shoes, Summei
! n; i i
"axs caP' ny P " orence titra
er., cic , wm, it.
rooviveu ems uay auu lor naio ui luecneap sior.
of ... ... J. MOORiS.
Jan 26,
A onick and positive Cure for Consumption, decline, asthma, snitting f blood.' night sweats
Sudcy throat, wasting of the flesh, bronchitis, coughs, colds, and all deseases or the chest and
'm. i
This celebrated preparation i pleasant to the taste, and is no sneedv in its operations that pa
tients plainly feel its fonfl efTeett ?n few nvnut" fter tkinir tb fir ne. ,
Ifasflners Compound Svrup of Napllm
Ts now acknowledged by al the ablest phyiriani of both h em i spheres, to be a qnirk and pos
itive remedy for arresting the formation of tnber1ei on the lungs : and removing those alreadv
formed : and a'so to bi the speediest and most effective of all medicinal airents !n the cure of all j
oher dopie"r.f the th ont. chest and limst. Language emnot express the value of Hastings' I
Mentha Srrun ;n these diseases. It not onlv rures them effectually, but it gives immediate evi
dence of its ability to do so ; for jn a few minutes after the first doe has been taken, the patient
feels that a powerful agent ?s in the svstetn. strongly working for his pood. Its operations are
nver delaved: It at onre tVes to. and nttnckthe root of the disease with an energy unknown" to
nthr medicines : and that disease must be deeply seated indeed which can resist its unrivalled
influence. TTence it has frequently cured a painful cough in a day. which had defied othr popu
lar remedies for a month; and has removed difficulty of breathing and pain in the throat and
chest, in a few minute, by the surprisine energy of its action in clearing the passages of Idle
and phlegm. It is believed that no person Has given Nastinjrs' Naphtha Syrup a trial, who has
not felt benefit from it. and acknowledge its virtues. And this conviction is further established
by the opinions of the London Launcet. London Medical Times, and most other responsible pub
ications, devoted to the same interests. Until the appearance of the Naphtha Syrup, the medi
cal faculty had always rgfrded Consumption aa
science exhibited no authenticated case that weighed seriously against thft opinion. Nnce Dr.
Hastings discovery, however, of the new and greatest property of Naphtha, when united with
other ingredients, nearly a thousand cases of absolute phthisic positively cured through its
agency, have been substantiated : and this well established fact, in connection with a mss of ex
periments successfully made of its virtues by the ablest physicians of Europe, clearly prove that
Hastings Compound Svrup of Naptha isa positive
Three of the main causes of this property of
ordinary snhlety. strength, and pervasiveness :
nxtenos itself throughout, makinz a passage of
may have previously been by foreirn substances. Ifen-e it operates on the diseasd lunps by dis
lodgeing the particle of corruption in the strentrth of its ascent to the upper regions of the frame
land thus producing through ventilation ; and hence it is a never failing remedy in Oppression of
the chest and difficulty in breathing : person thus affecte'd. feeling after taking it, as if it had
forced a passage through some channel which their disease had stopped up. and there-opening of
which was the onlv result necessary to the restoration of health, buch indeed, are the prompt
ness of action and energy of Hastings' Naphtha Syrup, in all the diseases for which it is xecoui
roended, that from the time thev commence taking it patients know
an effect nearly the reverse of that which attends
remedj'. For Coughs, Colds. Sore Throat, Night
ting of blood, bilious and asthmatic Affections,
vigorous and effective remedy extant : jind its
sive nnt remarKahie. Lassitude of the mim' ; naboiness and wasting ot the nsh : anil all dis
position to inactivity and melancholy forebodings, are also quickly corrected by he Naphtha Sy
rup ; which, in a wonderful manner revives the spirits, corrected by the flesh and muscles bra
ces the nerves and increases the weight. Thus,
hi 1 111 11 riisc 111 vriiiii, 11 1111 111 ;i imiuuu ;t nctii ;
1 1 : .. . ni x 1 t. .
dissipation of melancholv. or the increase of
Compound Syrup of Naptha, is all that is required
hem to ton-go all other remedies in its favor.
accompanied with a pamphlet, containing directions, certificates, &c. Price one dollar each, or
six bottles packed up in a box, and ready for
for five dollars.
N. I-. Hastings' Naphtha Syrup, being a
Agents on sale, or return, as is the case with
CrtSh for tf with the U9U!ll commiaMon off.
where thev reside, should write to us direc
I. i:..i.. . .1 .1 .c .1
.t.i... .... .- . :
reel lor
: uii4iv 1 k fill. 1 11 11 in 2L iii.-ii hit nvri-ii 1 r 11s 11 if
. i-
nun. 11 viwpi nine iiiui r iuhii tue rritc vi 111c kihiiib. x rrsuus win, nn:Jt it iu rcn itKiiin mu?i
' - -
irrrsj ruape, nouie, or aitv oiner moue 01 conveyance. .-u itiiers uiusi ne 110.-1 p.-iiu trwuiiuu;
Ii Lj J .t ... ,r ot.-Vvc-o e. rrt
Agent Frederick Kittell. Ebensburir.
December 16, 18o2 8-m. -
This preparation is a powder compounded of Plants. Herbs, and Flowers, free from any sub
stance which could posbibly injures man or domestic ani- lals, uud is detoid of any disgreeable
odor. . It has been examined by the loedical faculty of France, Kussia, Sweden uud Denmark,
irom ail 01 whom auiple testimony of its efficacy can be produced.
L Y O X ' 8
. Far tha Destruction of RATS and
" " Being thrown in
- Read the following Letters
New Yor.K, October 1, 1850.
v v, n ,v,;,t .Tom;not;n of tl.
for ,he purpose of destroying insects. I do not find it to contain anything deleterious to health,
or ij ht b, considered poisonous to the human species ; but it is very destructive to insects,
wi.mtiW tfu.v nP f(,PPPll trt i,,bl- the fine narticles of dust occasioned by throwing ttie rowder
forcibly iu places where they frequent. JAMES R. CHILTON, M. D., Chemist.
' . New York, Hospital, June 9, 18o0.
I have nnalizcd Emanuel Lyon's Magnetic Powders for the destruction of insects, and certify
that it isfntirplv fri. from mineral or other corrosive poison. As the result of my examination
I would say that is a combination of various vegetable substances having a peculiar influence on '
the insect kingdom, and that it m
my be used with
effects are astonishing I belive it to be a skilfullv prepared substance by which a valuable re
suit is obtained, wbich does effect what Mr. Lyon says, and is well deserving of public patronage.
LAWRENCE RE1D. Professor of Chemistry.
Emasiii Lyon. Esq. New Yokk Hospital, June 1, I80O.
Dear Sir : It affords me great pleasure in stating that 1 have extensively used your
Powder for the destruction of Insects of all kinds, (especially Red Rugs and Roaches) and un
1. 1.. . .1 1 . 1 1 ...:j. 1.0'iwtiml in its ooprntion. I have also ex-
periinvnted with your Pills, and find them equal
that you may prosper, I remain your friend.
We procured from Mr. B. H. Meakinirs. some
fully certify as to its perfect efficacy in destroying
its application. It is the most simple, yet perfect
I have 9ed E
manuel Lyon's Magnetic Powder and Pills for the destruction of Insects ami Ver
found the most hamv result, and cheerfully recommend them to those who may
min, and I have
be troubled
with these insects, as a sure method of destroying them.
DANIEL D. HOWARD, Proprietor Irving House.
We certify to the above.
COLEMAN & STETSON, Astor House., S. THAYER COZZENS. American Hotel
JONAS II. PHILIPS, Ass't District Attorney. PRESTON H. HODGES, Cuilton House.
These articles received a premium at the Fair of the American Institute in 184S, and tbe high
est premium at the Fair of 18-30.-
I'lilCE Lyon's Magnetic Powders, 25 cents per Flask ; Fill, 25 cents per Box.
Ail Orders must be addressed (post paid) to C. V. CLICKENER & Co., General
, ' clay etreet. New York.
Agent Fred. Kittell. Ebensbu'rg ; James Bell,
December Iti, 1852 8-(im.
Cabinet Ware Rooms,
AUegheny Street, Hollidaytburg, Pa.
Would respectf u0f, the attention of the
public to their super stock ,f '
01 every uescriuiiu.u xumnure 01 all Kinas
manufactured to order on the shortest notice.
All orders from a distance promptly attended
April 29, 1852.
A Large lot of made-up-clothing, boots nnd
shoes, cloth and plusb caps for sale by
Summit Oct. 7, 1852.
Salt ! Salt ! !
Superior article of Sack and Barrel Salt fori
sale by DAVIS & LLOYD.
Ebensburg, June 17, 1852.
HOOL, Butter, and all kinds of Grain.
taken in exchange for goods at .
, . . V. Moore's store.
Neatly nnd expeditiously executed at this Office
The highest price paid for wool at the store
HISKEY, White Lead, and Linseed Oil
Jbr sale by J. Moore.
40 Barrels Conetaaugh JSalt tor eaa by -
J. Monro.
an incurable disease, and the records of medical
cure for Consumption, even in its worst stages.
Naphtha have been discovered. They are its extra
for the moment it is received into the system, it
every pore, no matter how much clogged up they
the earlier use of every other known medicinal
Sweats. Pains in the Breast, Back, &c. spit
it is also admitted to be the speediest and most
effect iu all Asthmatic complaints is equally deci-
those wh use it according to directions, gener-
1 : . r . .1 ka
11 nu 111:1 v mite 11 iur iiu viuci iui pu-c ni.m inc
bodilv streiurth. In fine, n sinsle trial of Hastings'
to secure the confidence of patients, and cause
The svrup is made up in six ounce bottles, each
transportation to any part of the world, can be had
Tery expensive preparation, cannot be left with
the iriajoritv of the quack nostrums of the day.
i i. :. .. .u r.n n
4,lVJVlV'l'fl,IVll, ww ......... a, ... ... 1
.ori.r.. r...t;u., ...n..,.t .i,t..i,i it i, th . .,
a curpjy, auu wc tiu lurnuni 11 u iiivu- muiuuii
. 1 :ii i-. . 1 : . M.;.i. A..
.if:Zlx .1. ...... 1 v... i.-..
1 1 r 1 1 r 1 11 111 iiini inn inn lie aciLxicefta.'T a a
' : , , . . m
MICE, within five minutes after
their vicinity,
Wotuble Powder Prepared by Mr. Emauuel Lyon,
perfect satety. 111 reierenc 10 us uuiiiy, 11s :
in all respects with your tt tements. Hoping
j. OUD III. I. ilOAI'llitl.
r ;
Gibson Hoisk. Cincinnati. October i, 1800.
of Lyon's Magnetic Powder and Pills's and cheer
Reaches and Rats within a few minutes after
remedy we have ever seen.
I. K. & D
New Y'ork, Irving House, April 21, 1849.
Agents, 81, Bar-
Summit ; G. II. Muckerbide, Johnstown.
Will be opened this week at the brick store
of J. Moore, in Ebensburg, a general assort
ment of cloths, cassimeres, satinetts, tweeds,
ind a great variety of summer goods.
Together with any quantity of prints, delaines,
awns, cashmeres, ginghams, lustres and other
Iress goods.
ind good assortment of hardware, queensware,
saddlery, clothing, stationary, drugs, &c, &c.
Tersons wanting boots and shoes, liats and
caps, or ready made clothing, will find it to their
advantage to call at the
ISrick Store.
Tha subscriber, thankful for past favors, ear7"
lestly . requests bis customers, and the public
generally to at least call and examine his stock;
ind if be cannot suit every person in quality
ind price it is not bis fault. Produce and lum
ber of all kinds taken in exchange for goods;
ind he also takes CASH when offered. 1
Ebensburg, April 28, J851.
Havls & Lloyd,
Having formed a partnership in the
Would respectfully solicit tbe patronage of their
tViehda and tbe public generally.
Call and see us at the old stand ot -nuliam
April 29, lW3v
Fr tbe Car of
To cure a - ..d soreness of
the body, take iuc .u.-n-y rtctcral on going to
bed, and wiap up war i-, to sweat during the
For a cold and cough, take it morning, noon,
and evening, according to directions ou the but
tle, and the difficulty will soon be removed.
None will long suffer from this trouble when they
find it can be so readily cured. Persons afflict
ed with a seated cough, which breaks them ef
their rest at night, will find, by taking the Cher
ry Peetorial on going to bed, they may be sure
of sound, unbroke-n sleep, and coiisequt-ntly re
freshing rest. Great relief from suffering, .nd
an ultimate cure, is afforded to thousands who
are thus afflicted, by this invaluable remedy.
From its agreeabie effect in these cases, many
find themselves unwilling to tort go its use wheu
tte necessity ttr it has ceased.
From two eminent Physicians in
Fay ett:vii.le, Tin., April. ICtb, 1851.
S.r: We have given your Cherry Pectoral
an extensive trial in our practice, and find it to
surpnss every other remedy we have Icr curing
affections of the respiratory organs.
Tc singers and public speakers this remedy is
invaluble, as by its action on he throat Jind
lungs, wheu taken in small quantities, it removes ;
all hoarseness in a few hours, and woiide-rfully
increases the power and flexibility of the voice.
Astha is generally much relieved, and often
wholly cured by Cherry Pectoral. But there
an v ouiuc . rata cu uurumi i a j j irtuvu uui i
13- 10 no nifuiciue. vutrry 1 eciurui nviu cure
., , 1
i ,, ' , . ... .....
Hronehitis, or irritation of the throat and up
per portion of the lungs, may cured b) taking
Cherry Pectoral in small and Irequeut d st-s.
The uncomfortable oppression is boun relieved.
Kev. Doct. Lansing, of Drookliu, Ntw York,
states :
I have seen the Cherry Pectoral cure such
cases of Asthma and 'L-rouchitis leads ine to
: 1 , t- ., . ,t ,,
lilipvp it jiii r?irtlv t:iil tit fiirp i hoMi tliftctt si
v - -
For croup. Give un enu tic of antimony, to
i loiiowea iy large ana trequent Uost-s .i tne
. . .
- licrry t'ectoral, iititii sutMiuea tiie disease. It
. - . ... -
taken in season. It ill not fall to cure
Whooping cough may be broken up
aud soon
cured by the use of Cherry Pectoral.
The influenza is speedily removed by this re
medy. Numerous instances have been noticed
there whole families were protected from any
serious consequences, while their ne-ijthbor,
without the Cherry Pectoral, were suffering from
the disease.
Salem, Oo., 1 1th, June 1851.
Doct. J. C. Ayer :
I write to inform you of the
truly remarkable effect of your Cherry Pectoral
in this place, and in my own family. One et
J my jaUghte
'day8 cf a jr
rs was completely cured in three
readfu! Whooping Cough, by taking
it. Dr. Means, one of our very best physicians
neeiy states that he considers it the be.-t remedy
we have for pulmonary disease-6, and that he has
cured more cases of Croup with it than any
other medicine he ever administered.
Our cle-rgyman of the Baptist Church says
that during tbe ruu of Influenza here this sea
sou, he has s.en cures fr ui your medicine he
could scarcely have beli ved without seeing.
Yours respectfully, J. D. SINCLAIR,
Deputv Postmaster.
, vd'V ITI
j ai.!nfs
diet Incnltltr rl Prnfrttor
a I cr la il el lea. Uow.
1 nave tuuna me merry I'ecionu, ns its in
gredients show, a powerful remedy for colds,
aud coughs, aud pulmoiiary diseases.
Parker Cleveland, M. D.
Brunswick, Me.. Feb. 5. 18-17.
The widely celebrated Proffttor of Sur.
K-ry lit the Medical College, New York I
It gives me pleasure to certify the value and
efficacy of 'Aytr's Cherry lVctoral, which I
consider peculiarly adapted to cure diseases of
the Throat and Lungs."
Cures of severe diseases upon the Lungs have
been effecte'd by Cherry Pectoral in such ex-
i,.,,,!, be
warrant the belief that a remedy
cell found th:it Cui be dt-pended
. .
on to cure the (
Colds and Consumption
midst thousands every
carry from cur
year. It is indeed a medicine to winch the ainic
ted can look with confidence for relit f aud they
should not fail to avail themselves of it.
Practical aud Analytical C!ieinit,
LowKi.i., Mass.
Sold in Ebensburg by Fred. Kittell. ami by
Druggists and Dealers in Medici uc O'ery where.
August H, 18")2 44-9m.
"loiiii'iT t :ii 1:31 ictL, ix aIrTT
This delightful and popular article in the best
preparation for the hair which long experience
and scientific research has produced, either as
an article f r the toilet, or its beneficial effects fashions and cannot be beateu either in tin
iu ail the diseases to which the human hair is'si,,, or fjt 0r Coats, Pants r Vests, by any
liable. It will impart to the roughest aud coar- j other Tailor in the country. He respectfully .
Best hair the most beautiful appearance, entire
ly cleansing it from all impurities.
But whilf we assert that it is the best article
for the toilet of those who wish to retain the
hair in all its youthful
it must not be forgotten that in all diseases of
the hair or scalp, such as the falling of the hair
dandruff, pimpUs. or sores on the scalp, bic, it
is, perhaps Ihe article which has given decided
satisfaction in every instauce where it has been
Its operation in case of baldness is peculiarly
active", so that, in numerous, wnere otiier reme
dies have been tried in vain, STORR'S C1IEM-
'lCAL INVlGORATORhas supeiveded the oiua-,
ments of art, by reinstating, in full plentitude,
tho permanent gifts uud grace's of nature. It
is possessed of a character holly differing from
the Oils. Grease, Restoratives, &c., which are
now so numerously foisted on the public, under
the pretence of being newly discovered fur bald
ness, gray hair, &c.
Storr't Invigorator j
has now been tested for years, and its efficacy
baa been proved by thousands, Every year its
reputation and sales have increased, uutil more
of it 19 consumed annually than of any other
preparation for the hair ever offered to the Amer-i
ican public. It in'PwUIM,ei:;nr8l"S,-v
entific principles, and the propneU.r will stake
bis reputation on its efficacy. 1
Its extraordinary cheapness places it within
tbe reach of the humbled family, tmd its. ou-:
rioua toilet. '
For Bale by the proprietors price zo cents,
C. 1. AMET & CO,
12(1 Avcb etreet. one door below Sixth.
Fnr aiile liv Fred. Kittell. Ebensbure ; James
c..nn.; . fi HI iK-lrorliidA fctla.. Jivhimtawo. .
Y picembcr 10 1852 Jy.
and all
diseases ar
ising from a dis
ordered liver or sta
macb, such aa constiprt
tion, inward piles, fullness or
blood to the head, acidity cf tLt
Stomach, nausea, heart-bum, disgu:
for food, fullness, orwright in ti e stoinhec.
sour eructations, sinking or fluttering tt tie c
of the stomach, swimming of the bend, kUN
ried and dillicult breathing, flutterior
at the heart, choking or suffoca
ting sensations when in a liv
ing posture, dimness f
vision, dots or wbs
be-fore the sight
fever and
pain in the bead, difficiency or peroration tI
lovruess of the skin and eyes, pnin la
the side, buck, chest, liiutj,
&c, sudden flushes
of beat, burning in tLe flesh,
constant imagiuinps of evil nJ great
depression of spirits, cm be effectually cur.JU
DH. C. 11. JAC23DJI,
At tlie Get man Me dicine Store.
120 Arch SUeet, PbUi.delpbia.
Their pou r over the above diseases is net ezctlltj
it equalled lu any other pryaration in tkt
United States, as the cures at' maw easts ef.
J ter skilful physicians had faitcl.
1 1 l.ese Litters are worthy the attention of iB.
valids. Possessing great virtues ip the recti.
cation c-f diseases of the Liver and lesser gkndi
exc le-ising the most Hfcwhii g j ors in enk
ness and affections of the digestive rgnns, tLev
are withal, snfe, certain and pleasant.
That this medicine will cure Liver CompUitt
and Dyspef sia, no one can doubt nfter usine it
; stilted. It acts specif cally upon the stoiniuh hcJ
it is preferable to calomel in nil bilious
dist-ases the effect is immediate. They cn l
administered to female or infant with safety aai
reliable benefit at any time.
Lcok well to the marks of tbe Genoin
They have the written signature of C. M.
JACKSON upon the wrapper, a:id his tiamt
blown in the bottle, without which thcyare spu
rious. For sale Wholesale and Retail at the Ccrrasa
Medicine Store, No. 1U0 Arch -street, one door
below Sixth, I'hiladelphia ; nnd by respectublt
dealers generally through the country.
To enable all of invalids to enjoy tl
advantages of tlieir great restorative powers.
Single bottle 7o cents.
For sale by Frederick Kittel Druggist EbfM
burg : .'ariif s Dell, Summit ; G. MuckerhiJg t
Co.. Johnstown.
December Hi, 18V2 8-ly.
lVlioU-Nalc and He! all
The subscriber adopts this method of return
ing thanks to his friends and the public gener
ally, for the liberal patronage heretofore bestow
ed upon him, and begs leave to inform tbeni thut
he has enlarged his business, and now kcepi
constantly on hand a large supply of every va
riety of Tinware, Stove Pi, Dripping Vans,
Zinc Boilers, Cortl Buckets, Tea Kettl'S, &c, Sfe,
which he will sell, wholesale or retail, as low s.1
any other establishment in the country.
He is also prepared to manufacture Spoutir.j
for houses, at the shortest notice, and on th
most reasonable terms. Merchants and otheri
desirous of purchasing bills of ware, are res
pectfully invited to call, as he is prepared to tell
them goods"equa!ly as cheap as they can be baJ
euner east or west, and ail orders addressed m
him will be promptly attended to.
Great excitement.
IN Ebensburg. at the warehouse of tbe under
signed who has on baud and will sell .t tl
lowest prices
consisting of Globe ; Flat Ti.p, complete ; Tic
tort, complete ; complete Cook ; the New Cn
plfte ; Conks Favorite ; Delaware Cook ; Key
stone ; Union Coal Burner, Parlor stove: Hot
Air, do ; Bar liooin, coal Move ; all of the h
tct style and pattern which cannot be excelled
or equalled. Come and see them, and don't for
get to bring your wife along if you have none
bring your
Job Work of every description, done on the
shortest notice. Old copper and pewter, takes
in exchange for ware.
The undersigned hopes, by a strict attention
to business, to receive a liberal share of public
patronage. GEORGE II A RN CAME.
EU'i.sburg, July 8, 1802.
THE undersigned informs his customers that
the firm of lUnon & Johnston is dissolved
by mutual consent, and that the subscriber still
continue the business in the room recently oc
cupied by the old firm, where he will be happy
to se-e his former patrons and as many new
ones as please to call, lie rexeives regularly
from New York and Pbiladclnhi : the latt-kt
ask the public to give him a call, und con
tidcut his work will recommend itself.
EtfjUAH kinds of country produce taken it
exchange for work.
April 29. 1852 tf.
... "
John 9:3:ccl S. Co.,
Have the pleasure of announcing to their friends
and the pu lie, that they have opeueJ ne
store at the west end of the Allegheny tunnel,
at Gallitzin. where they will keep constantly on
hand and will cell at the very lowcbt prices, tho
following goods : cloths, casaimeres, ginglmai"
woolus, I'rints, plaid., mous de laines, uionuos.
alpaccas cashmeres, real long shawls pine app6
dress goods, pongee, madras, and gmss-plea
handkerchiefs, rihlons. buttons, gloves, hosiery
laces, thread, silk, silks, satins unibrellii.
Also, a heavy stck of sugars, teas of the latest
best, and cheapest importations; jucei;srei
hardware, cutlery, books and stationary, l'nt'i
caps, boots, shoos and bonnets of the must fasa
iouable styles; and a large quantity of
Bacon, Flour, Butter, Salt, Fish, Cigar.
All of which they will .ell at tk
cle ' . .
w . . of pej-chntera t
. , fY
t, a ntnr
comprising all colors and qualities, and tnt
i factored from the best niateriids, which we
! ilispose of at fair ratei and we warrant every
! article will give the utmost satisfaction.. -
The highest price paid for m.11 awoni- -
. Oilhtzln, -an. I, 13; 10-tf