ill ARRIVAL OF TUUSALTZC. DAYS LATE3, F20H EUROPE. .. New Yobk, Mar-h 11 o'clock. The Collins mail steamship initio has just f.rrivi'd with Lictpvoi dates to the -I'd u t.. f.mrdays later than by the Cambria, isie loft Liverpool it mum tl:v' 2-Id, mid 1;:;S HI xvA'. tin; run in less than tle'.cii days luJ a half, bhe Iriugs -K passengers. K.S'O LAND. The Parliamentary proceeding embrace ncth - inot interest. ! 1'i vViS.on.s wi iv 'h.g.ii, ainl the sj cculation1 in Kossuth denies the authorship of the uddiess duutiioi.i.s had teNSni. ti-ine voseis w t re kav 1o flic Jlniiif iiiiins in lM!y ingln badast, olLcis were' aua;;ii; the tiiruot Ciipt- I vrrv lias MrtiKvi a comjomy loriiie.pei- tlpineiit .for whale fishing ;uid milling in the Ar tie regions. The weather in great I'rit.-iiu lias been storm witli dt-ej mhiw. The wind hns been eattr- Jv; and there has consequently been but few ar- rivnls. Pi.ubtful rnnior? rev:iil of c-oi:tenip!atrd re lations between 1' :inl Franco :.s coun ter; to the North i n j oweis. Aeco'ttit- h-ive been received of the wrevfc of three eiiij:raiit ve.-?ieifi h.uid to Australia, with neai'y KX)0 nasnper-, who w re f..riun:!te!y all saved. The vis-elf. nnifs wire the ;Sir Fro well, s'nips Kiihinton and lixres!. Two hnn Ired mi I five vesseln aie now load; g in Uritlsli ports for Au-ar t'ia. frxxck. The London .T?tfT it. that the Frrreh C.ov criinient intend to remove the duty en Gioi'0 imported in foreign shipping. The weather in France h is bef-u frost r. with falls of snow. ' A notice in the Pr:s Monifenr summohs all tlit 5iipcri.r naval ofli-ers in I'aiis to assemble nt the Ministry of the Marine, to receive u com-' uiunicution. . I ITALY. I Iladetsky proebiinis the confiscation of thei property of suspected persons. The frontiers of Lom hardy were close h'nek nhcl. Ma77.inni has been feeti on the froiit'ni. but not crtptured. Safli has nls- escaped. The firnnr is di.-ti ibuting money to the disaf txU I. The gates of Milan are still closed, nnd troops nre arriving. Whispering and s:niring i;re t'ir bithUti. Two more peistms have been hung. r.nd it is thought that snme Hungarians have been privately Miot in the castle. lh itv of Mil:: n is to pay 30,0U0 florins every Wednesday Q'he eitv is quiet. Fume tew arrests have been rnade at Geneva. The correspondent of the London Times says that well grounded apprehensions exist sis to the fHility of the Austrian soldiers in Italy, and most extraordinary precautions lire every where adopted by the (Joveruinent. HtXO KY. The Lou-bin Advertiser s iys that an extensive conspiracy hasbei-n discovered in ll.ingr.ry. Italian letters say tint thre are n v cirru h.ting in Hung it- a IVoelaniatinit of Kopsiith.s, granting :i general amnesty to all those who were formerly opposed to the independence of Hungary. It appears that regular guerilla bands nre for ming all over the country, nn. I that thirds do not h"ok well. It is added, from Austrian sour ces, tint the government is frequently well in formed f wh it is going on. and arrests are con stantly but quietly taking place. AVSTRIA An -ittfTnit was m ide to .lsjnssWmtp the Em peror of Austr'a. The assassin's n nne was Las-n Liinneny. a tailor, former'y a hussar. He was' cut down after inflicting r wound upon the nn per r. by- nn aid de camp nnd secured. The emperor is recovering from the wound. The wouud was inflicted upon the side of his head with a poignard, and whs but slight. Austria has ordered 6000 Ficinese to leave Lombardy in -4 hours. Tl-RHET. The Austrian envoy received on the 3d r.n ul tiiiiitnni for the livMn resp-ctinr Mori ten rem. t. which he reqirred a " fategi-riral answer with in five days. The ti?ti;mtutn demands the ees nion to Austria of th ports of KVok and S.-to vius. which Turkey claims. Austria wouM. it is s ii l, in ike . a civs f.r.'i of it On the ot! r Jmi'l. tin v . encli en voy in presei't ' fj h;srre ria's f the Su't 'li. said it wmj fl.o vi-'i r.f ft! ti. j'mp' i-.T to make the smtimmtx of fVir-n ?-h:.. n f'j imh' s'ei ni. yi f tr.or :n dura'e. Ihisfilities be n resound beMveen th- Tur'cs and Monteneirin. I)it not as reported between lurkey and Austria. ri!tsst. cry heavy snow stoi ttn have t-.kon find the wdm'e conrdrv is blocked n place. rati Cbirenrlop lmu sneceeded Lord John Rus te s Fori i in Secretary. i.!ipoleois .idilres" sinnoin-eiTf" ids nrr-'fe. 1ms fiern pnb'ii-hed in the Prussian y -rn a's. ' nt in the trurs'ation i increniouslv deni-ived of !fs s.iror'sm The w r 1 p'Tvciinp, fur iost-irvo. :s traif-'ated v-n f er'thtnni pfis:t.m. so that the tacst tolling .ont4 in his sieei-h rrrid. " it Aiiow'edgc mv non -hereditary position before! tae whole ot hurore. Emigratioa from L'verpool to Australia. sailed from Liverpool for nstra lin, on Monday, with about r.i0 etn-lci-Mi-'. of whom werecibin passengers, and about 400 wore iniuits. .Among the passenrrnw. a,y o-, men et the cler cal order sm to have boon enn-p'cuoiis. Then wer two elp'r.rrm -n of th fMnif.-li ..r t.'.....i ... r ! i . . : " , ., .o, ,, -.TnoMerr e-T. , ...n-.. msTTs or ine K.rk" or Neotlnnd. ni'rc a'so mur sorsreous. two noir-pirr rrpm-frs, and six sea rnt dns going out to living homo rcsos. Tin Tantivv. eiui"-rint shin, went into th river on Sator lav. w'th r.l)..-it 3M0 . t, i,:ir j)IP ,,,,.,. 0f vrs f"ls which b-fr thi prt last month w:th em:, prints for Australia and" Xmerii'a wos lortv "x h irirjr n Jionrd a total tuio r of 12.18 son's. In the previous month (O-tobcr the sLip-i de P 'ti hc l were fnrrv-two ..n 1 the etirr,. ,,, IT "4-J. In November. 18"1.the reer!s were tier, ii-siM-en. nnd onuirran's 1 l.:J2. g:vimr r-r-cpss for November. 1852. of :VV n-r.iis From thp gov.mnient depot at B'rkenhea.J. tho nnm-b-r of emigr mt veseU 'es'vt-hod from the - t!i of Jam ry.toth conimenwiipnt of th cvrrrnt month, was thirty s:k. cnr'-viior w'th '"in to tl lie rnuot'st roi tiin of the widely- ppreaif Pritish Fmpire no 'ess , trt.r.- i tll-Tl I -i. -I n o - fPrnrrs ti 1 :1 . 1 i , r rs. a number of winch, reckomnir cl.n.'re,, t ns. 4 ' repsrs"it tin- :,i, rVMTi QliT Irl1fn I t n . . . triors persons ..,u:. . , , -, , v"'" iiii s ll m r li til I'Ptnrr nn no character, for the nfl.- 1 ....t. ..... ' "-eie no 'ori.-, .Ill'l iiicii as Tins country, lin-b-r nfouint c reams tan ecu. is bnst nblo tn Tl V'"- ".j" -'eiPntod. tak- out " iffinooini -isot,a-ors r"nsterei! ftn. .? At 1 . ... m- "'"iny ine numncr to ii.imh son's. v io with- oi rue present year, wid have sai'ed from !; r"ft to ,ustr ili from the Birkenhead depot lone. EngtUh Poper. Eustian Movements against Turkey. W'ASHIXOTeN. Murdi 5. fr. Tultzky has arrived here to day from New Tn-k in cinipany. with Ricbnrd Adams Locke. fi r the purpose of laying before the govern men t ricfi "iite information nn intlmiinnn..u.i..g.,ri!. 6 a ni...... rr.. i. . i . . .... 1 V " ...... al, . ... ..unipean war ansing.t hererrom Pirtzkv's 11 infn . . "- ' . i-ihys ii IHI .... - .. . - ill fm-r .. . : , - ..imiim, lie fays, is exclusive. wns fln inr,,r'' meeting of the Cabinet JCS t liirht. l.of ... '; t a ... i,3 - r imp .uuus i-us iioi. iranspi- transpi . omrnaKx j:uiuir oy ie tuuiuni ai cottar. iie H&vora.- tioa bl iiuti"&3 yres Du.sioxv March ' The following additional iteiiis of news takcnTroui tin; fi e rccCiVlU here t.i-if-n- i. il... . - C.i!ibiia : l'ri;ji lairiio A lis Ja:. -i the mu-iiigcuce- is iy th' i ; i". .. liUiler date nt .H-.... tl I , iC liiiUis !n li.t v l tun ; i ol ill" iliv; tii , , ,- i '' "i '.V I lit- on: -.ii-i tit COhllliatnlS liie -Usui ,i m (.nt 1 eiiise fcubisiiffsitm." .Sty era I. en - ;i jit lncnlS hait b'.KC'h i With -son.e loss of ; b:e. in lit. tit tl.e I'll. tt.o...'. .'. a- : s.i.d ail hii&inecs suspended Aehts. v- ; . t . i, ,.iiv ..e r. tiiid ...... .. ,. i.:.. .... ...... ... u ,v., invi' i t k: i in :i lltivril IIli; IIP the leJiet .1 ii,e city', upon learning which lien- era! lache. o saliuu in mm Mtiuah rei u sed the l.i.,t ... i-, ir i .!..., i'. ..... wouid support i he outsiders ""a " !-co,,r -' "et steed across the lioof fc.r Hotl.:.n,. the English Ambassador, V'"1,11'',1 UV "f 1 ,,esSl,-v 5 n"thr reclined wa sti.l at 1-,.1-atiU.jv, and had i,..t been vtrv i ,,,""t'" ' T "'we'-crowned ' of Arcadia, fuuvtsu.l i:i Ins u.piouiatic negotiations. j and gazed int., the Iremiiy eyes of her whose It was nini.,red the sou of the ' ,"n"' ,, ,Tt!e Mvnno. w'"3 ever Wlth President of Paraguay was in jjuos!''"" : l-rJ r.ecalle.l n ir..u.l dy when. Iwrore .Vyr.s. and it was thou-iht that lursiuuiiv niignt : , t,'?!',,'g .v-s of his overjoyed parents, jui. Bunns .vre ag mist Uroutzu. I1""1 ,,M I"-'-l:"'"'t', U Oreece. he bore A British 8iiii.iri.iii Meihourne t,.r London. Which lillt lllto l'l l'll llllUCl nil Jallllal'V Ititil. :f r Suobes. had U.OUU ounces ot roid. anion.'1 . ' . ' c- - - ivliti h was u piece ot" pure cold. weiidiiiiir -Hi ;lbs Washington matters. W AsniMjToN, March 5. Although many hae ktt the city to-ih.y. the thl-i.i-g upon the Ailiue iiliU about the hoteis iS not prc ptloiy i he various .si ting iiiiuiary coiiioatiies have p.- r.uied iliw streets to uay, acc mpaiiietl by ionw i.rihs, Ln. li..l t h and ol n r tin banus, treating our citizens to rare louic. i unit runs strangers went to Mount Vernon to ua, noii thuusatiii-) VisKed the fairy Jackson Statue. White House and other points of at traetiou. 'Hie I reoident received numerous vis it er.-. General Cass leaves fur Michigan to morrow, u cohst-qiiciice ol the t-erious liiiiefrs of his wile Thousands of parents who use Vennifuse co,"l,,,ScU OI" t'a.-ti.r oil, ('aloinel, ic, are not ; aware, mat wane tney appear lo uetient the pa itient. they are actually laying the. foundations lor a series of diseases, such as salivation, loss of sight, weakuess of limbs, c. lu another column will be found the adver tisement of Jlobeiisack's Medicines, to which we ask the attention of all" directly inUnstcd in their own us well as their Children's health. In Liver Complaints and all ilisorders ariinj: tv..... ii, c .. .... .. .... .1 li i ....i. ,i.v.t, ... iriun'u- j ..., ni"u.u ffiiinc- iici- of the only genuine medicine, Hobensack's Li er fills. lfc&"ti- nof decifved," but ask for Hobensackst oriii Syrup and Liver 1'iils, and obsre tha each has tfie signature of the 1'roprietor, S. N liobtiisack, as none else are genuine. UIEU. Near New Alexandria, Pa., Feb. 2Sth. 58, Mrs. MAiif.Aittr Ann Glauy, wife of' Col. John VV. Geary, in the li'Jth year of her age. liy this dispensation of Providence brightness is turiicii inio giooui, nnd many fa r ami happ anticipations are blighted. The intelligence ot Kliicb touch with sadness the hearts of her numerous tiieiids. The character and virtues 1 iuis lany are written on the hearts of all who Knew her. With them no eulogy is required. Vet it i fiords a sad pleasure to speak of tin qualities of one so much esteemed while living, and whose memory' will riot toon be forgotten. From htr she gave indication of a strong ami vigorous iuteilcei, unusual fortitude, and sell control. These traits of character w ere caded into exercise by the lot which Providence assigned, jnd they .ustaintd her in tueun aim lui-oiigti tiiai such as ale experienced by out lew -t her cx. , : with to her general character,' it max be tin y Was without fau t possess d et eeny .-lie t virtue and moral excellence, is an ntfcct.uu.ite and devoted wife, a 'en del- 111 ttii-r, and to iev-i f.'i other' s.iic l it v, lu r cli kind Irii iiil. Mie had a I.C..1! wees, as-.d with Hiiiis.'iiii.--i l . tabic hand w;;.s alw'a opeli ii i ciUtr ti.e heci s.?i;i s ol ihe Mdln f- I i cr. lu the ear 11347, while her husl.aiid Was the ..liny in Mexico, she made a prui'es ion Il I l.uiii i; l.'i.i ist, and her snb.iv ijut nt life nnd tri Uinp!i..l.t ne at.i. gave CViticlice tint it W;.s 1ml ii.iieiy a iotisi n. ue (oi.i.iettd htrseil wuii the I ivsb ti ClH.tih, at Coiiiiiuity. ilU'iil'liie liun-.siry of liev. Saioiiel Me t al ivn. i. 'O. alot I.i-r Wa.k thence f. nv;;rd was exem plary h r dt j oi tineiit such as became the '-us- I nel .f t-hrist. i Mie has l ft a bircavcd husband, two sons o. ti-nuer ;.ge, (one of evell and thy otlu r of three ye. :ls,) a. ui a f.r; e circle of near relations t iio.uiii her joss, and many soiiowiiig friends wim shed their heartfelt tribute of te.iis to her mi no. ry. Her health began to decline about a year and a had' ago, and -for the laM six nn.iitl.s there w.-iv .lis met evidences of iiuiiiioii-irv disease its pro-ress was rapid, and her Mif)Vriurs some ti.ui s great, and tiii.ugh she fundi v clung to iilV to lur family as long as there wasaiiy hope of rccoery. il she receit-d wilh compoore ti,e aiil.ouiiceineiit that I er cae was" hooeless. ,.d w.-.s siitii:i.vd in i verv remarkable matinee in tiie ne;.r p-.o.-pect or death. She enjoyed the exi i ci.-c of leasoii to the last, and was aware ol" the approach of the messenger. A few miii uies before .-he ceased to breathe she la quisled Inr nil to read to her lh- OJlst 'hymn ot the Assniib:y's collection," cohmienciiig : 4U hy should we' start aud fear to die." W hen he had read to the close of the third stanza, overeouise by emotion, he paused. She "oinediately repeated from memory the remaiii- nig v 'Jesus can make a, dying bed Feel Sottas downy pillow a .if c, While on his I lean my head. And breathe my life out sivectiy there." These were the 1 ist words she "uttered. Iln- Isi.irit kIl.i'iIu i.i'i.ii. t....l it. i'.i i. ....ii .t. - i - - - - ....i. jia uiitii, iili'l liri til I l II- ;. : .. ,, V , . . ""'o- were ou llie lillloWlllg Hay eolilllutt. ll the ..... rl. ;., b... vu, .'. !... . .. ... iniiuv ui.i-r, iMirai'i ni r ....,. j ,.h...i: ;.. ri. i .....i .'- i c.-.t. . - - - t' r t.v. iii iiir- liUl'l I I I fill lltllt-l'llll I II t' -. .. re. witnthe spirit, tint they in. iy rest from y ' "V.' r '" '..I' and their works do follow then, " A'otlee. In consequence of having "sold our Furnaces to the Cambria Iron Company, the Paitnetship heretofore existing under the firm of P. .hoeu berger & c ., at Mill Cre k Furu ice, and als i the Partnership existing under ine firm of King Shoeiibtrgi r at 'iitnbria Furnace, are both dissolved. The business will be settled by ci ther of the Parties, or the managers at the fur naces, wlm are authorised to u-e the names of the respective firms iu settling up business. P. SHOrJNBFKtJKK, GtOUGE S. KING. March 3, 1853 20-0. .111.1 I;.f.l.a, .w ...... n.. I n i tjan "i'i. nn v- have mst r. i .n i 1 . i.:.. I. f .....I I. K . . jtor s de on co:umisioit tt -.-v-Va 11 I t'i lll'f. IIIHMHV IVOI'V it CO. i.hltu by J. Jt t(l,'fc cash iu cXthuUg Home-- : -:' j i Know nt no passage in classical literature more beautiful or affecting than that where) .It.i.t.lii.ll ... I. .A 1. . . . . . T V. . 1 . n ,v ...... . ""l " ") iuw:a) ucainuts ur cutvi proitncci on J, , , t.lieks when. the-ivmiiaot of ten thousand after iiassintr throuch daiijreis iiniiin liMimttr, iufv hi it'iiiii iisuriiuru i a I...... I . I A 1 .1. . erej inouiitaui, ami from its peak and summit - eatignt s got of the fea. Dashing iiside their iuck:irs, w ith it li tun of joy they rushed tu- v uiuituonsiv lorwnr.j. .onie weot wim the lu:i- ness of their delirious pleasures, other laughed, and more fell on their knee-i and l.lessed that broad ocean. Across its blue waters little float ing sea brr Is, the memorials of their happy h iik s, came and fanned their weary souis. All tl'e pui s they had eticountei ed. all the miser -. , . . . U s ' 1,tv ,,,:,'! endured, were in an instant forgot- . w"a " hut the gentle phantoms ..t and tuture jo vs. One was One ,r"" me competitors me laurel wream oi the ti vnipian victor. Oh ! home, magical spell, all powerful home! how trong must have been thy influence, when tliey f liufest memory could cause these bronzed helms of a thousand fights to weep like tearful women ! With the eoulinir freshness of a de sert fountain, with the sweet fragrance of a I flower fount in wittier, you came across the' great w it rs to those wandering men, and be-1 j neath the peaceful shadow of your wings their I souls found rest ! M. WHlTMORE. lire II JOSES. C. H. WOI.F. CEO. J. PUFF. WIIIT3IOUE, WOLF & C'O., Sign cf the Anvils, No. 50 "Wood street, 3 doors atove the St. Charles Hotel. Pitttdjurp-. Pa. AVIiolesnle nml rtrfnll Dralrri In Hard ware. Would respectfully call the attention of Meic'utn'.i and buyers generally to the largest assortment of Hardware ever offered in the western market. Having enlarged our store and made extensive additions to our former stock, wo are enabled to compare with any other establishment in the Unon. The late addition to our firm, wi'tl enable Mr. C H..W.. to devote his entire attention to pur chasing spending a portion of his time in Eu rope taking every advantage of fluctuations of buying exclusively for cash. Anions our assortment may be found the fol lowing. z z nam .1. l- i r ,i. " -. -v.. ' iuul pen and pocket knives. 2(0 razors 20i!0 pad, chest and tiil locks, HUH) knot locks Hiid latches, of.'O gro. tea and table spoons. 100 dozen hand and panel eaws, r0 mill and cross cut saws, 30 a") pr trail chains asst'd, 300 dozen halter chains, 200 pun locks. 42 ers?s plains nsst'd. 1000 dozen chisels and plain irons. 2.00 " h;es and rasps, . 4 axes asst'd brands, ' hinges. . " grass and corn scythes, 44 fdiovels and ppade, 44 bay and manure forks, ti-lmmirc, anvil:. viCCS. &.r.. A. ".00 2"j0O 7-0 300 2'0 Mil Knowing our superior facilities for procuring goods gives ns advantages over others in the trade, we would earnestly solicit cn examina tion of our stock "before purchasing and espe cially- iinni merchants passing through our city eastward. We would a'so inform f?add!ers and dealers in saddlery hardware, th: t we have fitted up n sale roe'm cxchisivrlv for that branch'" of tr.idp and hope iii a larpre nd well selected stock nt low prices to secure their favors. Pittsburg. MjtcIi 10. 18"3 20-3. Orphan' Court ale. nUBLlCnotief isherel.y given, that by virtue of J an eiih r i f the Oi phans Court of the county oi ;.iiht,:i, i in re win re erposeij ti p'Milic sale. , Thursday the 31st ins!., at one o'clock, p! M. thi! (bl ..wing real estate Me the property of' Dmiei W. W'illiains deceased, viz : " - .1 A certain tract of land containing about lf,0 acT-e. about 4 J acres of w lu'eh are cleared: witii a two story log dwelling house and a bank barn tin reon en cted ; having nn excellent apple or ' hard on the snne. situate in P.l.acklhrk town hip Cambria county unjoining hinds of William Owens. Isaac Ilowhind, 'Joseph Craig, and tllis llowdand. Tu rns end conditions of snip : nnp third of the uivh s money n hp paid nn confirmation of the sale, and the residue in thn e equal annual f .lyments tin rentier, to be secured by th- bonds and no rtgago of the purchaser. Sale to tak- place on the premises. By ordir of the Court, 11. L. JOHNSTON, Clerk. March 10. 1853 -j,,,;. NOTICE To the Creditors nf the Huntingdon, Camhria and lit linna Turnpike Jioad Company. 'pilAT the Court of Huntingdon county, at I nary Term 1853. directed to be paid to Cred itors, one and three-fourth per cent on the a iiiount of their claims on which former dividends have been di dared, which I will pay on the pre sentation -f their Certificates of deposit by them selves or their agents. JOHN S. IS KTT, S.questratrr. Spruce Creek. March 3d. 18"S"r. Puriii to item. TMK subscriber will rent a farm situate in Washington township, pear the Railroad, containing about 30 acres of cleared land of fir.-t rate quality, upon which all the necessary buildings are erected. Pcssossiori given on the 1st of April, Apply to B.OBKKT FLINN, Plane No. 2, A. P. R. R. March 3. 1853 HUM. Public Vendue. THE undersigned will sell at his residence in Kbenshurg, on 'Monti y. the 2 Ist day of March, the following nitieles : 2 fuws,' Bed .-.tends. Bedding, Bure ius, tables, chairs, stoves, nnd a v.- riety of Uomriioldaiul XCitcUen Furnil ure. Sale tn commence at 10 o'clock of said day. when due attendance will be given, and the terms of s ile made known. WILLIAM CASSIDAY. Bbensbtirgii. March 3. 185319-3. SCHOOL UOOIiS! A general assortment of BOOKS, such ns are used iu our common schools, for sale by DAVIS & LLOYD. . " ' mss, ti is, - Pa in is aud Drugs of nil kind at y. Moore'.. St t.r. Sj-tini' and Mould at toe l riek btore of Candles for sale J.-MOOKE.: 11 IS KEY, White Lead, and Linseed Oil, for Bale by J. Moore. 40 JJarreld ttyuctuuuU dalt for sale by ; J. Moore. ciTi'iDHJii'nsEJiEMs; BRABI'S HOTEL, ; Harriifcurg-, Ta. MA.T. JOHN IJKAiiV, Proprietor. April 10. 18.11. IV ' ' J. B. Kiles, at IIIACIIETTS: & RAHJETL, Importers and dealers .in F-jrrifjn and lrifstir it. i nn if vi in: and c vtj. eh y n 0. vi .orti. Third Street, above Itnee. riil!isrtclilila. ' K. V. MACItKTTK. ABM. It. RAlCtKL. April 24th 1S51. Iv (OARA1) W.1LTOX, AVholesale dealers in Hurduare. Cutlery, XaiU, j r., No. 203 Market Street, above 5tlu Philadelphia, Pa. April 10, 1851. ly WJilX & WEST, . Succccscrs to EodEeyg, Wholesale dealers in liots ttvd Short, Eonrtet and JStratv Good, No 17. North od Street, Philadelphia, Pa. April 10, 1851. ly MICHAEL. WART31AX & CO., Wholesale Tobacco; Snuff, and S'gar Mantifac y, No. 173, North Third Street, three doon ton doors above Vine, Philadelphia, Pa. JOStril U. StIKVF.K. M. WARTMAN. April 24, 1851. ly AVholesale dealers in Wines and Liquors, wlticli they are prepared to furnish cheap to merchants aud hotel keepers. Warehouse "08 Market St. Philadelphia, Pa. July 1st, 18ol. ly DJt. THOMAS C. BIXTIAC, Has removed his office t. No. 1 1 South Sev enth street, above Chestnut. Philadelihia, Pa. April 20, 1852. 7-tf 20J J. Y. RfSltTO.V, J. C. HOPKINS, It. ST ILSO.V. JOII!V Y. Rl fllTCX & c, Wholesale dealer in (Jiemware, Chinntcare, (llassrcare, Jfc, No. 245 Market Street, Philadelphia, Pa. April 10, 1851. ly ANDREW nOAOl'GIlE, Justice of the Peace, red Eeiivener, Summit, Pa Will attend prorrpiiy to collections, or other business entrusted to him. Legal instruments of writing, drawn with accuracy and dispatch. January 1, 1851. John. Parker. James H. Parker JMIX PARKER & CO., Wholesale Grocers, dealers in Flour and Bacon. Foreign Wines and Prandies, Old Monongahela and Rectified W hiskey. Ho. 5. Commercial Row, Liberty Street, l'MfMbur?, Fa. March, 11, 1852. ly. GEO. LirriNCOTT. WM. TrOTTFB. riM0M BACON (EORCaE EIPPEVCOTT & CO., Hare constantly ou baud a full assortment of leas, V inCS, Liquors nud Grasccriet generally. Wo. 17 North Water Street, and Wo. 10 Worth Delaware Avenue, PHILADELPHIA. Ja-r-iry 27, 1853. JOHN MPEVITT. WItMAM M 1 FT ITT. JCIEV M'lSEin T ' IIIIO., Wbdcsa'e grocers and dealers in Foreign nnd Domestic Liquors, Rectified W hiskey. Flour, Ba con, Fish, Cheese. &c, &c. No 311. LiUrty i. trcft, opposite the head of Smithfield, Pitts burgh. Pa. December 23, 1852 P-tfj. ' J. JIcELHARE, 15-5 Market Street, N. Z. Corner of 4th, Plill.APLl.rillA. Manufacturer and Wholesaie Dealer in all of the various new kinds and fdyhs silk; fur, vbrusti." wfiol. Panama, straw end eliip Ilatx: siik.'stra w , braid and lace fiovvets ; artificial flowers, furs, ice, which will be sold cheaper than the cheap. est. Jreb. ol, l'.Mv- Ii.ELDLER & FEA'lt IXER, Wholesaie dealers in JJoorx. Shoe, ttonvets, and Leaf Hatx, No. 130 North Third Street (opposite the Eagle Hotel.) February 20, 1852. ly Philadelphia, Pa. James Dougherty, at nr. i a ic i ii. it & to., ' Wholesale and ret id 1 dealers in Tobacco, SniifT and Cigars, warehouse at the South west corner of Third and Race streets. Philadelphia, lately occupied by I.nuw ig. Km edit r &( .. kt t p con- sfantly on hand a large Mid well selected stock , of the most celebrated brands of CHLWIKG TOBACCO, IMPORTED CIG ASS. Domestic ciuars. and Snuff, which thev offer for sale on as favorable terms as any house in the city. Oideis j roniptly att nded to. September 23, 1852 49-Iy. ERt'lAL IICTLL. The Subscriber having leased the Public House, formerly known as the American House, No. 18 S. Sixth Street, between Market and Chesnut Streets, has changed the name of the ' s""e to - THE OMMESCIAL HOTEL, Begs leave to inform his friends ami the Pub- lie. that this house has undergone a thorough, remodelling, repairing, repainting and repupvr- nig, iroiii nine ro nasemeti . n enure new out fit of furniture, bedding. &c, &c, has been pro cured from the most celebrated Manufactures iu this city. From the central location, and its close prox imity to the Railroad Depots, Steamboats Land ings, Places of Amusement, Fashionable Thor oughfares and Public Squares, it offers induce ments to the Merchant visiting the city on busi ness, or the Traveder seeking pleasure. To fam ilies and females visitintr the eitvi everv facility will be ottered, and every" comfort regarded to I - .-:J tliulft r I l ft .im.l.a.b'n . t , ) .k.. lit nwinv ioi:nnii iiLieetiMit. nti'i irivnoiiin, i . , e .t 1 1- . ii ! A share of the nubli tnitr.iti.-ioro rt snectlullv solicited. .. . i.i 1 JACOB G. LEBO, JARED IRVIN, Superintendent. Proj rietor. October 21, 1852 52-0m. AdminlNfrutoiM Sat ice. LETTERS eif Administration have been grant ed to the undersigned, . by the Regitttr of Cambria county, upon the estate of JatueH Khe-y, deceased.-. All persons indebttnl ten Mide-state are re-ejuested to make immediate payment to usand those hating claims will pi seut them properly authenticated for settlement. -SUSAN RIIEY. Administratrix. I ANDKEW.It- RHEV. Administrator. - - At "his Store one door) of the Sentinel "-' fee, n assort- li.nt , Gqi.l rnd Sll- w i-niiiu iiuu iiLie jew- clrv. Gold Lever watches f.dl - jewelled. o.j.w) J''.'-' Silver Lever watn es full jewelled. Silver Cylii'dcr Lscup u.t i.ts l2. ) Silver Quai ticrs r. i -.. - Alsoa frne atsortment of eigLt day nnd - r hour clocks. tv hour clocks N. 15. Clocks, Watches, nr.d Jewelry repaired it shcrtest notice, and wairnntni. WILLIAM B. HUDSON. April 29. 1852. 3IICiAEE DAS 33.4C;l:l2 AX, Attorney at Law, rtcrtturg-, Pa. Office in the Court House, up stairs. January 1, 1851. ly CHARLES AERRIGIIT, Attorney at Lat7, Ehcnshurp, Ta., Will j rnc tiee in the seMi-id c urtsof Crml rin, ! rt - i .. , i.iair. aii'i iiiu.t;i:gion conntits. Oiitiu.:i can coi'snlt end nciie advice in their own b'i'gu.-ge. Office oppesite the urt I If use. tornit rly oc cupied by H. L. Johnston. Esq. Kbenshurg. February 3. 185;$ ly. C. iriSGAKD, Attorney at Law, Ileribtrf, la. Will practice in the several Courts of Cntn- bria. Blair and Huntingdon counties. Gei mans can recedve advice in their own laneuace. e. Cffce. on main street two doors east of the Lxchange Hotel. May 8, 1851 ly. , cr ciTGE ar. reed. Attorney at Law, Ebensbnrg, Pa. Will practice in the several Cowts of CrmVria, Indiana, and W'estn erelnnd counties. Office cn Cei tie Ft., jo-n'i p Gn. M'l r aid's dwelling. Jan. 15. 1851. Iv. ami 1 i mi 1 1 , Attorney at Law, rbentburg, Pa. Office at his residence at the west end of the Borough, immediately below the "Foundry." January 15. 1852. TIIOJJIAS C. 3I'ICTEEE, Attorney at Law, TToilidayeburg, Pa. Will attend the several Courts of Cumbria county, as heretofore. Office one door west of Wm. McFarland's cabinet warcroom. January 1, 1851. ly T. J.. IIEYER, Attorney at Law, Johnstown, Pa. Office on Main street, two doors east of the Echo Office. March 13, 1851. ly CYRI S E. PER lElXCi, . Attorney, at Law, Johnstown- Pa. January SO, 1851 ly. E. HTTCH1NSON. C. W. WFBJTEB. IIITCHEISOX &. WEBSTER, Attorneys at Law, Ebensburg-, Pa., HAVE formed a partnership for the practice of law in the comty of Camhria. AU professional bueinet-s enrrnsted to their care will be promptly attended to. Otnce on Centre street, adjoining the dwelling of E. Hutchinson. Jr. Ebensburg, J uly 29. 1 852 4 1 -1 y. Dm Irt T. Stflirn, Wotary Public, Ecrivener and Conveyancer, ' JOHWSTOWW, CAHE2XA CO. PA., 1IT1LL also attend to bis duties as Justice. Le II gal iustumeuts of writing, such as deeds, a greement. Foreign Power if Attorney, kc, drawn up accurately. Collections entrusted to his care will leceive strict attention. May 13, 1852 30-tf. KM lAC:i JO?.EJf, JnEtice of the Peace, Ibensburgr, Pa., . Will attend j-ronii t'y to all collections entrus ted t- his care illliee. adjoining his dwelling. Decent. 21, 1851. 11-tf. I t luiupe iZtitt t. Hcllidaytbu: g-, ElairCo., Ta. The proprietor astmres the public that no cxer- tioi s will be wanting on bis part to n rider his house home-like to thrs" w ho call with him. and solicits a share of public patron.'.pe. GL'O. POTTS. April 29, 1852. I!c: ik ii;Ei r. iLI I L, kiiiiis ol liiiiiixr t.-iK-u in exehane tor; urniture, at the Ws:rc Ro ms of M FA BLAND & SON. Hollidaysburg. April 29. 1852. CARPOf lt JlViV IIOI M. Carrclltcwn, Cair.biia County, Peiiitylvania. m,e unh l sip ned is prepared to accommodate I in the b st kind of" style nil who w.-,y fav. r him with a call, and hopes by strict at tn-.tioti to business to merit ami rec lve a snare of public patronage. HENRY SCANLAN. mav 20, 1 852.-31 -tf LLHIS W. HRttUX, Fashiouabie lhiiber and Hair Presser. In the basement story of Davis & Co's.. ware rooni. ' . Kbonsburg, May 1, 1851.-1 v. x p.. Shampooing done, and razors honed in a superior manner. , George Bhey. Levi Matthews. Wiliiam Ebbs RliET, MATTHEWS & CO., WJOLLSALL aiiOCLHS and Cum Mission Merchants, Dealers in all kirn's of 1 lotiuee and PitUbuxg Mutiuiactures. No. 77 and 7'J Water Street, Pittsburgh, Ta. i. lboi -0m EXECITOK'S SOT1CE. Just Hc t'Icd, m i t.n.0 i cm in i ii 1. 1 iy .... uni granted niMied with the best, lie would respectfullr so li. tn the undelsiiriM d l.v the It. irisi. r Ctm- i:..s. .. uio eppcciiu.iy oe- t.. tin mil iel-Ki irn, il l.v tiie I:, iriutj ..t -..,. " , , ' ,7 "-."""" y . . . . - . late ol .-viicghe n lowi.siup, cicce ase-U : all i er- . e . . ' ' Kr.ns kiiowinir t lien. si l v. s unit bt. il to s.-n.l ok. tate, are reepui sted to call aud make inivniint immediately, and those having claims against said estate, will resci:t them properly authen ticuted fi r Settle merit. geoi;i;e dklany, i JAMES MURPHY. tutors: Allegheny tp.. Feb. IU, 1853 tj -G Jiiist Received. t! ILK, Hair Lace, and 1 Bonnets. Pearl J.) and Peual r bet 4' Pearl and Palm Leaf Mats, tor sale by DAVIS & LLOYD. 1 le i.sbnrg. June 17, 1852. 2000 pouudi wool, butter, egjs wauud by - J. M00KE '- j (Valuable 1'icprrty forfnleln tha A-c-ttliU.. milt town of Jefferson pcfgesscs ndrantngcg ovcr r.ny oih r in the c u. tv, audits ntutim .lilt ;, .,,...,.,., f.i- lliC ii.v s'.n-n.t of n:ni,r .Mia and bouses. Jttiroti is sitUHteon th i;.... . i'tl.o 1 . i iiirivMiavi i.i,i l.i-tno-o vitli;( lvtJvv Ui:is t.a,t, vf pjdia, iphi,,, ami loi r j ( UJS cl p-t'tbuig, at the t,fih 'Jcf'er-ii n and Lbci.sUtg Pi.vnk Pcd. in tha . .i.t. !-..f cno.-l iip-viciiltursl refri !: l.itnini i . .1 ; ,.-. ., .,: . !,- ,,n 1 !. (oii-m.n1i i.i'ita v'iti ir j'ii . - - - - - - (- : vl.iclj skirts the town is capable of nllordiiig .i i lili.ciei'i w a ( i p. w e r, jii w prnsuna n iud year, for "inai.utaitiii '.i g pirpos:s. It is ccn- tempiated ten ol. met I .Tings with jci- ter&ou by u I lai.k lvoad. the distance being tut 21 lnilca. 1 roj'tity t:ust rapidly irtrei.c iu alue. i he subscriber will sell eight ruil iing Lets, adjoining the Catholic Church, on the road lead inji to Mur.ttir. Also, tijjht lots frrnting on the riaiik Road, near the centre of the town. Aiso. three va'uab'e 1ms en Muin street, on width there iTe h nsi s t rcctr d. It is iu:n etssaiy to fun hi r describe the pro pet ty as those di sii i us cf pun basing will call with r write to tl e Mil seriVer in .'inn son. wLo will give every iiccessary inf. rinntion A good title giv n. cit ar .f i.i. y inei-uibrance. Tho tun s of sale will be rnudc rasv to the purtb Mr. Apply to LLGIl LUUAN. Jeflers. n', IVbru.iry24. 185318-5. Crusader copy three times. Appeal Aofiees. 1 Wl 11 ' Taxable n 1 al it.aiits of ll.t tocciy tTCam- 1 'Tia, arc nereny iicn;nei. iiiai appca.s win he held or the l rot gj.s ami townships il Mild county by the county C minissioiars, viz : In Blackiiek on Monday the 21t March next at theeMtie.n house in said township: iu CarroK township on Tuesday tl.e2i! Mi.rh aiihehocs of Henry Scan bin. Ksq. : in Susqut hanna town fchip at the election house on Wednesday th 23l ; iu White township .n Thursday the 24th at election house ; in Clearfield on Friday the 25th at the election house ; in Allegheny for j the township and b rough A' Loretto at theelec 1 th .ii house on Saturday the2Cth; in Washing-. ton towti.-hip nt the election house on Monday the 28th; in Conetnaiiph tow nship at the elec tion house on Tuesday the 2f'th : in Conemaiigh horouch on Wcdnesdav the IX'tli at the election house in said borough ; in Johnstown bor ough on Thursday the 31st; in Richh.nd town ship on Monday thc4th of April, at the election house ; in ummthili township on luesilay the 5th of April at the election bouse ; in Jaikson township on Thursday 7th of Al ril. at the elec tion house : in Cambria towhshipat the Court I. use on Frid: y the btb of April; in the bor ouph of Ebensburg at the Court house on Sat urday the t'th day of A ril next. When and where all persons interested- may attend if tLey ihink proper. IW the Commissioners. M. IIASS0N, Clerk: February 17, 185317. Rliiclisiiiffbs Jlloefliig-. I MEETING of the Blacksmiths of Ebcr.sburg Al wes heldcn Saturday evening, February ivth, to take into consul. ration the propriety of ad vancing their prices, rendered necessary by the recent advance in the price of iron. Present: d. C. M'Caiiue, Evan Griffith, Chaa. J. Owens and Daniel J. Jones. The meeting organized by appointing Cbnrlei J. Owens, President, and Dauiel J. Jones, Se cretly. The following resolution was offered and ndop- ted unanimeus'y : Jterolved, 1 hat frcm nnd after this date, our charge fi r shoeing horses be one dollar ud fwrnty-five cents per Rett, r.d tl at the price of m II other work Ix advanced in proportion. On u.otion djrimed. CHAS. J. OWENS, PrtuUnt, D. .1. .ff-Kt4!. Freretr-tr. rilruary 24, 185" jS-3. Clirap Crocerj'. The suhscribe-r would respectfully -m Lit friends that he has received at the eigii of tht Grrccry Store, a general assc tinent of Gr-iceriet and Ci-nfettionuries, consisting in part of Flour, ' Ibicen. Fish, Cheese. Vinegar, Rio and Jtvn Cot- f e. Orargcs, Lemons. F.aisins. I runec. Datep, Citron. Currar.ts. Preserves, P. Saere. Catsup, Lemon Syruj.. Craektrs. a tii.e lot el Sugars and Table Salt, also n supr:cr lot of Segars. He invites all to give him a call as be will sell low for ('ash. J. B. CRAIG. Elcrisbuig. March 12th. 1852. The subscriber would res;.ecti"ully inform bis friends and customers, th.'.t he has rc-ceied aud is now opi ning, at the store room formerly oc cupied by Fihh.ird Lewis, dee'd., a large and general atsoitnient of goods, consisting in part of dry -coons, cr.Gcr.nir.s. hardware, Queensw::re-. Hats. Caps, Boots, Shoes, &c, all of which he is dete rmined to sell hue eithe-r for cnxl, cr approved country jTopuce. He solicit exjiininntien of his stuck, and is confident Le can sell cheaper than the clieaj est. GEO. J. R0DCERS. May 8, 1851 30-tf IVcw Cliair aisuritceerj. The eitizei s .f the i: shut g unci vicinity aro nlorincd that the very place to purchaee CHAIRS, &E11EES, ECCIAELES, AUD ST0CLS, of the best manufacture aud ii.e-tt elegant f.nisl:, and at h wer prices than at any estnblish mciit in tiie com: ty, is at the ne w chair manu factory, in the shop formerly occupied by Dnvi4 Todd, oeceascd. C.LAZ1SC., HOVSE a,ul SICK rAISTJSG executed in the bctt r.iauiier aud bitt-st stvio. JOHN L. STOLGH. Ebensburg, Nov. 27, 1851. Cm. TJIE GttAXT IIOO E, Corner cf Pcwth aril tiant Stitets, Pittbtcrg' THE subscriber has lea?cd the larire Mini well i known Hotel, (late Lamai tine House,; at the ct- ' ,ner oi tn una i.rani ttrcets, Pittsburg, . widen has been repaired and newly fitted up in all its apartments, so as to give a larger and more, lib eral ace-ouiiiiodatiou to travellers and boarders. His larder will be stocked with the most choico- brands the markets can i.fford, and his Bar fur- r.1,tl1 a bli:,re 01 fU'C patroiia-rc i: . - ..- C. TERRY. April. 15, To I he Public. I.L Freight deiivei'cdat Summit from and after ii Mi nday next Nov. 8th, by Pcnna. Rail Ro.vl wid be received and l'orwaruccl free of Comniis cion. Freight to be paid before goods aro talen nw;iy. Tickets will be so!d here, to all ftations East ns f"r as Ddierviilc, and W e st to Pittsbnfg. - ... ... ..iruuit. ..J'j.' ,r IVORY, Agent. Summit Nov. 4 18 tin mi of Salt fyr sle by wholesale re tail by ITOHY t HiL - i i i . i ' A ' ' I if .-' . n v for gooda, or otaerwiae. buamit, Oct. 7, 182. r " T Ebensburg, October 21, 185 it '. n .