II ... f i i - : I M I " '-3 t'-A Hi' : " ,5 ' 4 I 1 Ill Andrew J. Shey, Editor. F.RKNSBUKG, PA. TUurgilnjr, Mnrcn. lO, 1853. For Canal Commissioner, TII03J AS II. FORSYTFIE, - --of Philadelphia County. - Tor Arditcr Ceteral, EPIIR.4IM BANKS, cf Hiinin County. For Surveyor General, J. POKTER nUAAVI.EY, of Crawford County. TT .URORS. Tlie civil list for next week will be continued on Monday. Juror summon-! for next week. niU, therefore. iu.t attend court. .A. durrin, SHERIFF. . Rbenshurg. March 10, lg.3. fyoyTliis istVurt week. Ofcour-e. on ac count of tle duties which devolve upon us in attending to other affairs than ofiice business, our paper cannot receive tlmt uttention which we would wish to bestow upon its columns. It Contains, however, the latest news, with full proceedings, of the inauguration and the address of the nt w President, i The Inaugural of President Tierce, is every where praised and commended; many of the op position give it as hearty an Approval as could l.eexjected from any democrat. American in its every sentiment, it gives to us the assurance that in Fkaxk. PiF.ncr, we have the man for the titns. Simply beautiful in language and style, the document pleases none the less than it in struct", convinces, and delights us. Read it carefully, weigh well its solid truths and yi u cannot hut say with us. that the Nation has ait the helm the wry man for the age. Cambiia Co. Coal Trade. The Coal Trade of this county would be a handsome source of revenue were it not for the high toll upon the State Improvements, which forbid the transportation of coal to Philadelphia and its consequent sale there at a profit. The probability is that none of the coal banks upon the Portage Railroad will ha worked this season except those from whence the coal is supplied for the use of the Stationary Engines on that road. This will be a serious loss to the com munity, smd throw out of employment a large j u;mlr .flniiiils engaged in the mining and coal-carrying busimss. The increased toll over former years, which the Canal Commission rs have placed upi.n coal, is, w Mil lerst tn 1. I cts. per bushel, between the Mountain and Philadel phia, sufficient to deter any person from enga giig " Hie business unless he desires to U se tnoncy. The distance from litre to l'hihulel- j phia is so great, that even a low, very low ratej of toll, amounts to a considerable sum ere the' coal reaches market, which added to the cost of' transporting in boats and en s, wear and tear of B.tme, and cost of mining, rembis it impossible to transport coal w ithout a lo.-s. We hope this mam r win te s.ttenucd to by the Canal board, and if possible, a reduction of tolls be made. The interests of the producers and coucumers alike demand it. Proceedings of Court. President Judye, George Taylor. Atsociates, II. Kiukead, Evan Roberts. To this time, Thursday aitcrnoon, a large amount ol business has been transacted, the. court being constantly employed from morning until near . midnight, every day. At no court, within our recollection, have so many cases been disposed of iu so short a space of time. Judge Taylor - is actitig wisely, iu ridding the jail of its oc- cupants, and deri ves the thanks of the com-j muuity, for his promptness ami despatch. . The following case have bet n disposed of, along with a number of minor, impui Jauce. Com. vs. M. McCain;. Indictment for nui sance in obstructing .he street at Summitvlile 1 ...... I ...... . ... t J: ty of K.gl.t: for h:s success i., his upw vocation Bier fur Cm. and Defence. ml an r.gr. enblo residence amongst us, our best ( in. t Dtirnis Hickty, M. Gteason. Chas. wishes are tendered. Coiiins and Jas. Cou hui, sever iily Indicted j - fv,r keeping tippling houses. Each of them , Etnr.E C.tnntcr.. A few .bvso'in s-lec-plea ls guHy nll l sui.mlts. Coai t hentenced tivp n chouo cal l i ge f. r dinner at the hotel of cachpuSoi,topayaf.,,eof 2U and costs. j MTnley. Summittille. one was found, which torn. . Jno. Gardner and Jacob R. Shar-; weighed, nftrr tf l-,r In,..,. 1...K .... . . . ...M.t.u.t,t.... SS:.minuu iwiu-ry on " MtU M" 1 V r iict' Su,:,-V- White, Wiugard, S. C. and Hutciunsou for Com. . Hotius, Fenlou. and lleycr for Defendants. J tout. v. jas. Kennedy. Indict., tor assault ! ani battery on Morris, a schoo. teacher. crdict. guilty. Hutchison, Fenlou and Heycr fur Com. ; Magellan ami Wingard for Deft. Com. vs. Conrad Ivetuer. Indict, for assmlf ftii l b itteryou M iraret Emich. Verdict guilt v. Hutchinson and Webster for Com.; Fenlou and II .-ver for 'Do ft. l.oni. rs. Jas. Wright Indict, for iis?.tult and battery, w ith intend to kill, on W in. H.-.U, f Jetl'ersoii. Verdict, guilty. Hutchitisou and' T. L. Ikyer lor Com.; McCormick and Webster for l)vt t j Loui. vs. Frederick Wordick. Indictment for' the larci ny of aldose. Verdict nut irubtv. S. C. Wing.rdnd Hutchinson for Com.; Wtb- j tier ior ueit. uieu a.one, ue seems sincere in ins sentiment. Coin. f Peter Seriiighaus Indictment for I nn'1. address jiresents in no part any contra the larceny, .f si.jj frmi, Christian Hiking of diction to it. If he acts in accordance with it, Johnstown. : Verdict, guilty. Hutchinson and ' the general views of the address, we ,ip;.re ,T L. H ever, for Com.; Hassoii and Albrih- "' "'I l,e w'" Hud moi-e factious opposition iu his far Deft. , own ranks than iu those of the friends of the - Um. rs atb iniel Clipper, Wm. Rcilly, and I,lc. A.Jmaustr.ition. F he Republic also tend -.r'fter Altimas. Indictment f . r disturidng a t'1'8 i,s iVr''fful acknowledgments to the Presi- 8".io-'d house m ( oik m. ugh towiishij.. Verdict, prut ity. Hutchinson and T. L. lieyi r for Com.; Reed and Kojjclin fr.r Def'ts. ? Coin. t. Thomas Devtn.ux, Indictment for r.ip3. Hntdiinscn, AR.ripl.t and Webster fur lu:n ; Magehan, IVuloti & Jlc-yi-r lor Deft This C:is has excited iiu iv intei est in court tlrtu any other for a number of years. W e h ive i;ot peen the court room so .crowded since the trial of the Fianegaris f. r' luiir.ler. TI.tca.-e w as Submitted to thejttry, last evening, by tin Court, Ju lge Tayh r dt littiing a fiir, iuipiirtialtiud in j r ssite I f re to ti e jury. . H e juiy hi.s been oiu tweuty hours, md me TCt uaai.Ie. to agr.e : J!.C. W Wingard, and S R. McCorn.ick, ;vc ew.nineu 10 jjuvuee aa mc sevtia. courts te L - Accidents. On Wednesday la Ft, 'a laborer Mr. Owen Iteily. was killed on McGrann & Reily's section. Penna. Rai'road. While engaged at work about a derrick, used for. raising large sfon the pivot nf the same broke, and the bnge beam fell upon him with such force tint the survived but an hour. Patrick Hanncgj'n. nged CO. a laborer for Messrs. MeGrann & Reilly, in attempting to jtimp on a car opposite McGinley's' hotel, Sum in'tt, on Thursday last, fell upon the track and was run over. The wheels of the car passed over his right thigh and arm, mangling him in an awful manner. lie died in n few'moments. On the same day, the same car at the head of Plane No. 4, ran over John McAvoy. aged about 30, who worked for flutter & Son at the I unnel, cutting both legs off below the knees. lie died on Sunday. Friday afternoon, on the section of Messrs DurkeS: Cornier, new A. P. It. R, Win.- Slny. aged-19, was killed by a bank of ear:h falling upon It i m in the pit where he was working. Same day, Michael McGovern. a workman for Jno. McGovern. Section 18. Portage R., had an arm badly broken. He was caught between two carts as they were passing each other. , Sunday afternoon, on the section of McGrann & Ueily. Richard Can-oil and his horse fell over a batik -6' feet, breaking several of his ribs and injuring the horse. The Now Cabinet. All guessing on the important question of who will be in the Cabinet, an who will not, is now at an end. Th- trouble that some men had of changing tack with every rumor that floated on the breeze, now pulling one distinguished man and then another of an opposite f iction and op; posite principles, is n..w happily over. The President has nominated, and the Senate confir med, the following as the members of the new Cabinet which will no doubt meet the general approval of the Democracy : Secretary of Stole William L. Marcy. Secretory of the Treasury Initios Gut rie. Secretary of the Interior .Robert Mc Clellund. Secretary of War Jefferson Davis. Secretary of the Xtrvy I arm's C. Dobbin. rolma:Ur-(lneral lames Campbell. Attorney-General Caleb Cuhin"-. SuinmitviUe Election. The following ticket was elected on Friday :1a st: Jiurffets John R. Rl.ick. Totrn Council J. C. McGinley, Jno. McClos key, Jno. A. Clack, Jno. Stuart and Alex. Coul ter. - Contahlcz Hugh F. Storm, Win." Henry. . tixtice Peter Dougherty. , Juaye las. T. Moor. fntnector Andrew Dononghe, Michael Gal la her. Orerteers .Tas. Maony and G. W. George. Assetior Samuel Rl.ick. fcnt Our esteemed enntempor ,ry. R. R. Mc Copvick. Esq.. of the Johnstown Cambrian. visited our town tl.: woefc n..H ua h...)n,.v. sure of formii g his acquaintance. Mac is a f;,;,-. cnndhl and trrntlemanly editor, more so in fact than moct ,if the craft of either rnrty. and wo will always be rejoiced to learn of his success and advancement. . . , . The Court is now engaged in t'.e trial of 'the . nct,n of eject m.ntRi. relay vs. Ross involving a claim for 20.0(;0 acres of land in Oarfieh! township, this county, estimated to be worth l.ri0.fl00. This case will occupy the entire at tention of the court for eight or ten days, and is one of the heaviest actions of ejectment ever tried in the State. All other businoss is post poned. rf-Mes. White : nd Devine Imve associn- ted with them in the publication of the Democrat, wm. I.. Mrrs. Esq.. lute of Fulton county, who 1 will cnrtrol the rdifoiial .depM-tment of the pa per. Mr. S. is a vniins gentleman, of ahi'itr as!!l ",-"",t-'J period to preside over the destinies ofjtue paths a writer, and firm' in hbTntto.-bm J. ' ' ' ! tl,e Krf.iil.Iic fills me with n profound sense of J K i ' " . ...... Mil, frtpteen pciinds.' Jt was raided in Vr McG' Prden last Frn nn r, by Jno. Sherwood, -an ex pC1 ienced gardiur. ... Kw anvrr.TtSKMKNTS. Mcf-s. Whitmore &. Wolf, of Pittsburg ndvert's a splendid asort tent of hardware. Sic, which they Can sell to Ijou low Notice. SlKenherger & King Orphans urt Sale. Clark & Duncan. K.The whigs lc-l t a meeting on Wednesday night, and appointed John Ft nh.n. Kso . did- S"'te ','01" Hi s county, to the Whig State Con I veution, o.' 2 1 1 It March. ' j . r - t n . . ' V 77. ! The mig Press and tha President's Inaugural Al,e v aslnngton Acuohe sirongly approves ,f" r"!C Inaugural and says "in acknowledo-- ilxS his obligations to the masses of his country ,rUf tor the entire absence iff party animosity the Inaugural. -Xitc New York Eqrvs savs : -- I 's-..u '. . l.i. . I Ii......., 1 t 1 . .u' .vn i ...vv o iiinuHiiii tuuress is a pi-.ui, s raightrlorward. couuii..ii-st n-e -document-. .ud art sn.-h - is likelv to receive thi mi. Q'bdified approval of the country tit InrgK An i i iugurai is never expected to bo much more than a formal intro.bi.-tr.i-v -t.. tl.a i things the party attaining power is presumed to estahiish ;. l.nt if the piai tier f the new Prrs . . w ii .ji.itrr ii. nieiit is to be at all aee.ir.Iaiit tvitl. sinus profusely t mbodied in he a hires , de livered yesterday, th re is remoi,.,bi ground for the belief that he will lx Js t)it. iPt.-:,i. of m nartv- tlim. of the t-..l.. r.v .. 'wi,a so remarkable a .n,ni,i mi! l to invent him, with the ronoiisilHlitie of the Preparation ftr the Inauguration. 'Washington, March 4. It has been snowing. here nil morning, and the military, fire companies, " and civil bodies, have been moving about in every direction. There has been an immense crowd of visitors since daybreak to the Jackson Statue, and their admiration is unbounded. iKith'ho'U'scs of Con gress are still in session swarming to overflow witi ll undrcd3 slept in the rotunda and the warm passages of the Capitol, lying down on cloaks, while thousands were walking the streets all night. The first train from Baltimore arrived at daylight ; the second train Jit nine o'clock, bringing about 2000 persons. Pedestrians and horsemen from the surround ing country are arriving in immense numbers, and Alexandria boats are arriving, everv half hour, loaded. Capt. Rynders, with a dele-1 V il'H'l o, n 1111 tt iicic- T nation of the New York Empire ('tub, with the! t . I lialt.n.ore hmp.res, are marching through e! streets. Hundreds o marshals, finely n.outcd . on chargers with badges and s-.shes with the , military and hremen, are moving to and fro , like an uivadiog army, preparatory to forming . a hue. The military and firemen make a grand mausiou. Tiie procession is now moving from the City Had, and will march around pist Wiilard's and ake up the President elect. The open space on the East fr-ut of the Capitol is filling up. Thou sands of ladies are present. Roth Houses are still in session. The win dows of the houses along the Avenue are filled with ladies, and d ig are extended across the Avenue. The flag pole in front of the Union office is decorated with the names of the Demo cratic States, eagles, and the American flag. The Manhattan Company have their splendid banner tiag acros the Avenue, near Willards tio tel. T uetve o'clock. Congress has adjourned. The flag of the Senate was run down, hut was immediately run up again on the assembling of the new Senate. The procession is now ounternvirchSngnn the Avenue, in front of Willard s. Gen. Pierce is taking his seat in the carriage. The lieils are tinging, the cannons are firing, an J the excite me.it is m ist intense. Washington, March 4. The procession niovtd finn ti e ( ity Hall at toon, composed of a latjie military escort and various civic b d e-n, d.plo u tt'c corps, judges tf the Supreme Court, members of the Senate and House, ex-t.iemWrs. various political clubs. Empire ciubs from New York and Riltimoif. Democratic Associations. Washington Fire Ass ciatious, &.c. At Wiilard's Hotel Gen. Pierce was recieved into the procession, and entered the carriage alongside of President Fiilmore," amid loud acclamations, the ringing of bells, and firing of camions. An immense multitude assembled along the route, an 1 at the Capitol. Gen. Pierce stood erect, bowing gracefully t repeated cheers. Previous to reaching the Capitol, both Houses had adjourned. The tiag on the Senate Cham ber wb lowered; to indicate that the old Sen-ite-had adjourned nine die, and ag-tin raised, to indi cate the organization of the new Senate. The procession entered the Senate Chamber, I and after various civil bodies had taken the j st'inds assigned them and the arrangements were completed, outside, the procession again farmed. 'titk.aitu.l lr tlia di or -I ti .1 uti.t r.. I ... I tt j immense staging on the east front of the Capitol, Here, altera prayer by the Rvjv. Dr. Lbitler, the oath was administered by the f'hief "Justice." President I'iercet'u. i ste.i.j ? I fir var I in front ! 'if tl,e?t;l-re- Wi,-'a .w'' g 7 the pi ,u ; dits ot the vast multitude, ami delivero l h-s ' j;UISr,,ral address. He commenced speaking nt hair past one o'clock. When hu h id conolu h' I '. ',e Pr"c' "Ssion escorted the President to the White House, ami left the ex-President at Wil'tard's Hotel. The Senate met immediately after the cermony and adjourned until Monday. THE INAUGURAL ALD2ESS. My Countrymen It is a relief to feel that no heart but my own can know the personal re gret and bitter sorrow over which I have been 1 A t, . tw.tziti.... c. cimI.iI.!a ... ..lli..1'C .itlt- ti,lin desirable for mtself. The circumstance that 1 have been called for 1 resnoiisiliiiitv but with not n ii it likt slii-i.i!.-our tpprehensiuus. I rt pair Id the ost assigned no i j - o - not to one sought, but in obedience to the unsolicited expressi' n of your will, answerable only for a fearless, faithful and diligent exercise of my best powers. I ought to be, and am truly, grateful for the rare manifestation of the nation's confidence, but this. so far from lightening my obligations, only adds to their weight. You have summoned me in my weakness, vou unit,! susi.tiu me i .v ' . . . a '.. 1. T your strength. When looking for the tuinlmciit ; ,. of reasonable requirements, you will not lie un mindful of the great changes w hich have occur red even within the la t quarter of a century, and the consequence augumentation and com plexity of the duties imposed in the nduiiuistra- tion, both of your home and foreign affairs Whether the elements of in'ierent force in the Republic 'have kept pace with its unpar.illod i progression in territory, population ami wealth, has been the subject of earnest thought and dis cussion on both sides of the ocean. Less th in sixty-three years ago. the Father of his country j made the then recent accession of the important State of North Carolina to the Constitution of the United States one of the subjects of his especial congratulations. At that moment however, when the agitation consequent upon the revolu. tioitary struggle had partly subsided, when we were just emerging from the w eakness and etn bai rasments of the confederation, theie was an evident consciousness of vigor, equal to the great mission so wisely ami bravely fulltilled by our fathers. It was not a presumptuous assurance. hut a calm faith springing from a ciear view of the sources of power in a government constitu ted like ours. It is no paradox to say that, al though comparatively weak, the new born na tion was intrinsically strong. Inconsiderab'e in population and apparent resources, it was up held by a broad and intelligent comprehension of rights, and an all pervading purpose t. main, tain them, sironger than arm mients. It came from the furnace of the revolution, tempered to the necessities of the times. The thoughts of tiie men of that day were as practical ns the'r -entimeiits were patriotic. They wasted no por tion of their energies upon idle and delusive speculations, but with a firm and fearless tep. advanced beyond the govcnial landmuikp w hich ud hitherto circumscribed the bunts of human freedom, and planted their ttand.-n- l. where it has stood against the dangers whuh have threa tened from abroad, and tlie internal Mediation which has at times fearfully menaced at home. They have proved themselves equal to the men tion of the great problem, to "uderptaml which, their minds b;d been illuminated bv the dawn- jing ligUts of tholejolutba. The object sought uispiHjr. i . -en i r t: . i : 1 ,u"tt rt.u.to.c uu "." ouisitinn of the nriceless inhi rit.mce transmit- must resuit n. a serenaded .tuimg the night by the AeW lork t;,, t ll!t . The energy with which the great can be pro, triy r. ga,dd . niy in the light cd y ears old. name t U.Mr-x r,,cr' , , Conttoental band. conflict was opened, and, under the guidance of aids for the ui n; iisl.ment oi these t.bjtcts. ( in the Catholic faith but reo..t't eaac"teJ a.yroetoc.-The snow h-is ceased, a m!lIlifest Ul,ll heiu.fi,Cnt Providence, the uu d as occupancj -cm. cuf. r m, , r. ,og,.tive. m.r ! iV.-te tanism, niystninuv Srw'TV t0 and lite weather ,s cle.mng up, the sun occa- c(( ,1:,ini eI1d.rance with which it was pros importunate dcs.re for preferment any cli.im. j J,ir home in Charleston lkr d i?. s.oital.y peeping out from behind the clouds.- ec.ne.I f. iis ciisunimation. were only surpas the public intt rest imperative y demands that caused much anxiety to her Pr.w' President l.Jlinure will vacate the Lxcm.ve g(.(, , ie wis,,iiri anA tli. titt ;,it f hey be .ronsideied wi, S .ie releienceto the du-: ;.u her gu.irdian a weaitl.y a, d r, S,I c 1 mansion while the Inauguration ,s progressing, w,i5t.h t.,1;4l,lCttrzcd a thc coinicils ot ties to be performed. G.-..1 citizens may well ch,.nt, lL sp.red no eflorls to leam her u. T and Ge... Pierce will be escorted back to the ie er!,. fatliei.s. da,,., the protection ,.f g i laws, and the ben- a' ot-. The community !,,,, ! J?.. 1 , jwas not a thing dreamed of it was a thing re- alii.cd. They had exhibited not on'y the power' 't achieve, but what nil history e.mrms t.. be ... much more unusual the capacity to muiiitain. j hiyu li.i im tt i.e. The opj.ressed throughout the wi" rid, from thatj '1 he m my , as organized, tni'st be the r.nc!eus day to the present, have turned the'r eyes h't'h-1 aruund vl.jih, in t tt ry time ol need, thestrciigtl erward. not to find these lights extinguished. ! ot your n.ilitiiry j ov. t r, 1 1 e si ic u!w m k of yt.ui or to fear least thev sliould wu tie. but t t e '. delence, a i.iiiit i nl iniiitia m.i ' be l e.ifKiy i.-i ni- i. ioui nouses ot t on- convtf,Ilt!y chetred by their steady and increas - in , 1- ''aPlto1 "'ing radiance. ta ladies and - strait-1 -jn lljs our ennutfy lias, in my judgment, thus far. fulfilled its highest duty to sullVring hu inanity. It has snoken. and will continue speak, not only by its words, but by its acts, the language of sympathy, encouragement and hope to those who earnestly listen to the tones which pronounce for. the largest rational lilrty. Rut after all, the most animating encourage inetit and potent appeal for reedom will be its own history, its trials and its triumphs. - Pre eminently the power of our advocacy re poses in our example; but no example, be it re ( i - v. . ... c i , niitmitupixl ...in rt iinit'itrTiil T..I. Ifiurtniv .r.o.l , . , . t i wlmtevi-r jiriniirent ml vmt.-ir tn.-iv )k i:iinel w,lJcI1 ilM1ot basnl upon the et. rnal principles rj (t in(, justice ' (),ir f;tt, (,eci.led for themse,ves u;th u the hir to ,,pc,:,re ,, the ,i((ir fo 5,r;ke 1 t,,, w, r(. t,.ir OWII ju.lpog (f tj(eir circunigt11,ce IIK ,. wllicIl U h-.noe ...,.. ....i. .,. llltlll 'F i l "S CllV.il 1IIV. J IIUII Mlli lilVll I fortunes, and their sacred .lienor, for tht ac One of the most impressive coincidence of that wisih m is to he found in the tact, that the actual working of our system has dispelled a degree of solicitude which, at the outset. iis tuvhed buhl hearts and far reaching intellects. The apprehension of dang rs from extended t r ritury, multiplied States, accumulated wialth. and aiigumented population, has proved to b unfounded. The stars upon your banner hate become nearly tl.re f Id their original number. Four densely populated posss-ioiis skirt the shores of two great oceans, and yet til's vast in crease of people and territory lms not only showi: itself compatible with the harmonious action the Slates and the Federal Government in thtir respective Constitutional spheres, but has affor ded mi additional guaranty of the strength and integr ty of both. With an experience thus suggestive and chee ring, the policy of my administration will not be contr .lied by any timid forebodings ofei from expansion. Indeed, it is not to be dis guiseithat our attitude as a nation, and oui position on the globe, render the acquisition ; certain -.oses"sions not within our jurisdiction eminently importaiit for our protection if not now, at ieast in the future mid essential for the preservation of the rights of comun-ive am.' I he peace of the world. Should they lie ob tained, it will lie through no gra-ping spirit, but with a view to obvious national interest am. security, and in a manner entirely coiisist.m with the strictest observance ot national faith. We have nothing in our history or position t invite aggression ; we have every thing to b.'ckoi. to the cultivation of relations of peace and amit with all nations'. Pnr;iis 's. therefore, nt once just and pacific, will be Signiiicantly marked in the conduct of our foreign an urs. I inti'ie. th it my administration shall le-ive n. f.ml blot upon our f.iir record, and 1 trust I may safely give the assaraifce that no act within the legiti mate scope of my constitutional control will bt tolerated on tiie part of any portion of our cit izens, which cannot ch illeitgt a ready ju-'tifi.i tion before the tribunal f the civilized w -rid. An administration would he uaworthv ofc-.mfi deuce, at home or abroad, should it cease to be pntluenced by the conviction t'-at no ipf) ir ;it advantage can be purchased at a price s dear as that o,f n-itioual wr ing or dishonor. It is not your privilege, as a nation. t sjie.ik of a distant past. The striking incidents of your history are replete with instruction, and furnishing abiiu i.mt groUii ls for hoivliil cotiti deuce, are c m prised in a period c unparatively brief: but if your pist is limited, yourfuture is bouj'JlesS. Its obligations thr -ng the unex plored pathway of advancement, an I wi!l In limitless as diir.ition. Hence a s um I an I coot prehetisive poiicy should embrace not K-ss the distant future than the itrg.-nt present. The trat objects of our pursuit, a a people, are best to be attained by peace, and arc-entirely consistent with the tranquility and inter est of the rest of mankind. With the neigh b--r- nig nations on our continent, we s-lioulu eu ti- vate kindiy ami fraternal illations; we call ile-i sire nothing in regard to them so much as to , see them consolidate their sii cu-th and pursue the paths of prosperity and happiness course of tiieir youiii,. we should : Open new channels of trade, and create .a. Idi I Ion a I T-tci lilies ior 1 1 ieu ii v iu ivi c-.u is;, uic ncu- ... 1 , . i tx- i... :.. .1... eilts reaii.eu win uo eijuii .-nei iuiiiu.ii. Of the comjilicatcd Ihirope.-n, st stems of na- .? i . i: i I t: I ; ..I... l till II lioiii; v. t: iiaitr i..-t v.-..ooi v .-.-i. ..-..ti.- .i - . i drill. t font their wars, their tuiuu.ts and atix- ieties we h ive b-en happily aim .st euiirelv ex- "doriis n, uikiiid. From that radiant o.uMella empt. Whilst thesu are connned to the nations which both iihuuim s our own w.i and points which gave Ihein existence, and within theii le- . 0,,t. to struggling u .tioiis their course ; but i t ;..i.;M.i;.-ii... tl.ev e:.i.i.ot ,.r. et us. ex- single scar be lost, and if there bo n-.t utter J . ..... .1. ... 1 , w. . . I.'. O ti tl... IM'Ttl Mi II i'V II M I'.'ll til till I Pllllllill? I I II U i ... . , ....... ..i I. ii. i ....... I .1.. ..tu! ot.i vr i a ivinc... : 1 ' ..v.. - .....nt r.nt the vast intt lvsts ot comm. lee are common tu all mankind, an i ihe advantages of tr.de and iut.-r.iational intercouis.- mu-t always .........t .! fit.l f..r ll. mol-.l intlu.u.ie of:. Irreat people. With these view s firmlv and h.-n- estlv carried out. we hive a right to expect, and shall under all circunistuiict s, require prompt reciprocity. The rights which belong o im as a natmn are not alone to be regarded. bu those winch per- tain to every citizen in his individual capacity, t home ar d abroad, must be s ti-redly maiutai- '' - . . JJ ' iiiaec iiu'iii null eiio.o. ini'" o.ii" 'ui - ... .!.. f..r In in nreterment . r title or to secure i .. .. , :ii i i'. . . i ....... ""'.inn- pm.-e. n w... oe ,.s , .t mv,.-. a..u .....si la l.w i. Vm.wlediTod riirht. to stand uu 1 I 111 V 1 1 i I even in the presence of princes, with a proud suvugiuci, me i. ..i. i nai ie.-,ms ... .i uic mem consciousness that he is i.imse'.f one of a nation j ,,L'S "l ",,r C'tioii. has m.d my heai tlelt appr.. of s .tereigns. and tl.at he cannot in legitimate l,atl""- 1 " eM r tht .v ", "'", of govern ii.nsuit wander so far from home, that the agent j ",;"t- whether the olfs, ring ol tev.-r.slt ambition whom he shall leave behind in the place which i"r "' """'"oJ enthusiasm, calcu.ated to ,.iss .Ive I now occupy, will not see that no that no llldc hind of i.oM-er or ttr.ninical passion is laid upon him with impunity. Ile must realize that upon eve ry soil where our enterprise may rightfully seek the protection of our Hag. American citizenship is an inviolable panoply for the security of Aim r ic ui rights, and iu this con. lectiou itcau h n dly be necessary to reaffirm a principle which shou.d now be regarded us fundamental. Tlie rights, security and repose of fhisconfed cracy reject the idea of interference r coloniza tion on this side of the.. a can by any foreign power, beyond the present jurisdiction, as utti r jy inadmissible. The opport nitit s of observation furnished by my brief experience as a -stddii r;" confirmed in lity own mind the junio'n entertained ami cteu n nn bv others from the f rniuti. u .of the gov ernment, that the ni linten.ince of large standing ai mics in our country weuid hr not oihv tan gt l-eus. but lintieeessary : they also ilius'r ited the importance, I n.;fcht tveli say. the absolute necessity of the pniitary.-ciii.ee. and the prac tical sl-ill fuijiisl; d in ntcli an eminent deirr. e by the institution wjrvh has nu.de yor .- rmy whnt it is, under-the 'discipline and instruction ( V' - -'-. f ofiims, i ot rrme distil j:u tl.td fir thtit sol d mti.ii i ts, pd'.M.try ud dootkn to tin public sci vi.e, iluu h i i.n oitiusive bearing mid ! ed into a well ii.-ci l ned and ttlicient org a h j tion ; au-j the skill i.i.d gelf-.Ievotioii of the Nn- vy, assure you that y. u may take the pci f.. mi ance ot the past as a pledge i' r tb- future, r.nd to i may confidently expi ct that the tistjr which lias wated its i.nl.-.i iii.l;c.i 1:j!!s ever cvtry sca, will sliii fiw.it in uiiiiimiii'ih d b i:,r. Rut tliese, hke iii:iiy utin r sobjeets, will be n. pi upriatciy l.ioujilit. at a future time, before the c-ordiniite !i:nls ol the governuuiit, :o wiiich I shall nlwt s look witii r.'1'ouii.. respect, alid with trtlstiul col. tidi lice lli.-it thev will ac cord to me the aid ami support wl.n li I shall mueli need, i.nd whitli their cxtieriei.ee find isd- in will ic-adily suggest. lu the auministr.itii.il of domestic affairs, y ou expect a detoted integrity in the public service, aiiii an obst rvance of rigid economy in all de partments, so marked a nevtr justly to deque, rioned. It this reasonable cxj.ei tati n be Hut realizid. J l'r;iiikly cout'ess that -ii ot'yi-ur leu d:ng lioj es is doomed to disaj poiiitint i t, ami iiu.t ny tlioits, in a ttry important paiticulir, bum.batmg failure. t..r office is w hat the people ,.f a repub.ic should uevei recognize. No reasonable man. of any , arty, wiil expect the administration to be so regaluUss if it respoiisi bi ily , mill .l t he t l.vi- i ijiii ilium in t in ji.Mi.i iMiiuiiiihi; uui a ciajil. Lrinuu.. in aUi.dn. -a t i.iiu Hrr-..nS iiieirisii i. a t hoi l cs necsime excited nnd u known to be und. r the ii.ttuei.ee ..i p., .itical Ims- j.rev. nt a riot, the authorities of Oi-.'rVtown tuiiy and partisan prejudice, in po.s,,;,., Mhuh ordered ihe Mil.taryand Fire Department of the will rcqti.ru m.t ..my .veie labor, but c. rdial city to be in readme. ltx special p..!icnin eo-operat.on. Havmgi.., implied engag. ments w ere also enrolled. Four military comjianii s r'f I., ratify; im rcw;-.rn to b stow : no resentments ' Roston are now under arms at their armories' to remember: im p. is . mil wishes to cnnsim. in by re., nest of the Mayor of Chariest., wn. to r'ea' seiet 1 1. his 1 r otfi. ial tatioii. I snail tu. ti! this tier aid if called upon. A repetition of the I'r- l;fhctiit and delicate iiu.-t, admitting no uiorive siiimc Convent riot was anticipated, is wi riby eitht r of my character or position. The mob, numbering about 00m), g.itliercl in w hich noes not contemplate an i-tn.-i.-nt discharge the evening in the vicinity of the Catholic of duty, and the best interests ol "my country. Church. ;n Kichnionl street, und bi'g"ti t' hrciic I acknowledge my obligations t tiie masses of dow n lamp po-ts. fences, &c, and also cohiiimii n.y coin. try im n, and to them lou . : Ced th-i demolition of a small w ooden buildi! Higher jects tnaii persona! aggrandizement 'close to t!i church. " gave direct. on and t-n rgy to their exertions in May or Fr'itiungba'n finding all his efforts to the hit cantKss. and they shad not be di.-ap- dipets,. t!.e mob unavailing, then lead tLe ri.t pointed. Tuey require at my hands diligence, act. to which no attention wag paid. integrity ami capacity, wli rever ta.-ri are iu- j to be peitormet. "iihmst tin se qu i!:ties " 1,1 iieir pu' ic s-.-rva.its. more str itzeur b.tvs . .t .... i to't .... ji...v-s in o... n ..pitr iuui iii'i'i'iri uf.-ll i just discrimination bitween the sejiarite rights ind respousibiiities of ijie States, and your com mon rights i.nd obligations und-. r the General tioveriiiiu iit ; i.ti'i herein, in my opinion, ai e the c;insid''jitlo:is which s'i mid form the ti n- b isi of future cotiecr 1 in regard. t- Lie questions wh ch hate most seriou-ly uisturlied pit,;ic tranquility'. If the Fen. ra! Got t ruuici.t will oufiiie it. If to the exercise of powers eiear'v granted by the Con-tituti.m. it can h-.ri:y haji peit tli it its action up.u a qiietio!i w.il end tii r. r the Constiiution of lh" States, or interfere with their right to m ittefs siriet'y domestic, ac cording to the will of their own people. lu expr.-ssin briefly my views upon an im- ; iiortant subject which h is recent 'y a-ritarel thol nation to a niost a fearful degive, 1 aai m ve.l no other impulse than a most earnest desire' for t tic p r .ctu ui in o: t oit un i wh ou has made Us. what we arc. showering upon ns biess-( mgs, and coufi rringa puwtr aud influence which our fathers i-mild hardy hate anticipat d. even w ith tin ir must sanguine lur;cs directed to a fur oil' future. Tlie s.-numeiit- I now ann..uiici were not un- ","VI1 before I ite 'Xpt ss'i.ti of the voicu which -'dcU me I lu re. M ow it position upon tins sub J J''cl W:IS tu':,r ""-' l": v , '; recr 1 ot m' worns an i oiv a--is. an l u is ;i , v r-.-curi-cii 1" "' '''is lime because siiem-e migiit p.-ru ips ; be misconstrued. With thy Union mv best and ilc.-ir.--.r toil., s an. him'i - wi?). ..,.( if ... .a . . . . are we in tivi.budlv. ..r i iiv.-lv Vi..,t b... . - . comes of the n.-biest in Id evt r oj.ened for the advaiiuemelil of our race iu r.-liirioii. in ir.iv. rn. - r r- nient in I be. ills in. I m -.1 il.-.t ,;- - ..I "O-ni, tu i ne ai is, .inn iu .11. iu..r t.iu.m s an. I d .rku. ss, the lustre of the i Do m v co ii.. ,.r.-.-... ... I ...... . v... ..wj .... ..o.-.ii ...v - "- t ... such a catastr- .1- - . . . .1.1 , T ' ti,? p'fr t ety it It is w ith uie , eirnesi an i tna. nci-i. i.i .i as uic been the S-Ulce. under I I OVld.MIC.', u uioit of ..ur prosperity to to. s tim , so it is a pledge ot a connnuame of the biessn.gs we have c-..j .yed. l " '"V1' Wl :,ru -ty to ir iusui.t uii'iiiuiiiisiie. in "in t u. en en. i ue ue u 01 c.i tu i . i: : . : .. i " , . " ! h-: but ,, iieyer Iris be,, an neter can. be. tr ,tt , sedto, good in a spu, ol were ni esent. l to them in a sinrit of sclf-s.ter.ti- ... ... niinr r ... I I. . .1 . w 1 ii ..Mil tin... It- C . u-il n r I " t ' ' 1 " " i:ifiu.iiriiir.ia.v nii;v.i. it mill nin.n n loll. W'il:c!l it will MiW'.tVS b- . i -iv. itn " "'J' V - b' i n. ... . i ..... i ... ..... l: . tt. i . " " Ml ,,n au-i aiiecnoii l .... I uniie US, I shall' interpose a ready and stern resistance I l.eiive ti.at into. iiiit uy servitude, a-itesisfs in diff. rent States of lii, confederacy, is rcc--nize-t by the const it utioit. I believe that if st .uds tike any oih.r .-ulmitted "ight, and ' that the States where it exists are entitled to cdicient remedies t enforee ihu constitutional provisi ons. 1 hold that the laws of IS-Vi. commonly called compromise measures,, arc strictly consti tutional, ami lu he uuht sit.-.t.ngly carried into ctfect. I believe that toe constituted authoriti -s d this Repu'iiic arc b uin to regard the ri lit of the S 'Uiti in tiiis rcs,ct as they would view iiny other legal mid cuitstitutioii.il right, and that the Imm s t- enforce liit-n, should bo r-.-specte-l nn I obey ed, not with rciuctance encouraged by a'ffitr.ict opinions as t i th ir propriety iua liff r eul state of society, but cheerfully, mid aec r I i si to tho decision n mo 1 r.ouii.-ii In vvliiuh theii eXj.o-.iti. ui Uc.itig-. Such have beet, and ur mv conviction--, uud upon tlniu I shill ait .erveutiy hope t.ial Uic quesii n, :s at rest, all '. that no se. t.oiiai oi-.-itub nous .-r fanatical ex cilc.iiei.t may again tlileatrii the dur.-ibi ity o. our Institutions, or obacuro tlie light cf our pros - ior it. e reviinion .r puii'.si.mei.; ot srau-i. mg tiie scene oi the riot, with their muskets loaded igi-nce and peculation will bointin. Witii tiiem, wiili nail cartridges. The mob gave way to tLe they wiil be niineccssnry. ' rivht and kit as the mii:t..ry advanced and very Uitt these are not the only points to which you su i icily dis;.ersed. ook for vigilant watchfulness. The dangers of. At o'clock. tie affair was over, and Rich i concentration ol ail power in the General tiov- titond street nearly deserted. There were ttii! i iiinent of a Confederacy so vast as ours, are some small gatherings at the corners of street! m obvious to be di ,-r. g. i r.ied. Vmi havearijrht hot t'le d sturbrtnee was effectually quelled, theivloi e, tu expect your agents in every He-1 The Mayor and authorities of Cliariestotta p iriment to regard strictly the 'limits imposed are entitled to credit for their prompt and ci.tr upoii them by the Constitution of the United gctic action in the matter. Mates. The ureat - hem.- of .mr cn.tHtiimal Honoria Corcoran Found. tberty rt sts iiM.n a proper d.str.but.iui of pow- p . m r between the Male and Federai utlior;ti-s, . , A's-""-N. -March . . -it . .i -v carl publ.shcl by May r I rot hue inra ind experience has show n us tu it th-j har.u .ny ....... J . ,, . , . , . , states tuat id. norm ( orcoran Came before In in Rut let not the foundation of ouTl"" i man's wisdom. It will not be n.ffi1 i cat upon man s wisdom, u wdJ not be suffl that section il nreiudicr f,i..l ?wut p.ii.l'icdeii! orations. It r.iil not .t!i' tiiat the rash counsels of human t,nJ .tX r.-jected : it-must be felt tint there is n0 s.-eurity but in tiie inflow's humble nckiinJi'" I meiit f Go.l and Wit ;s ovtrruling lWi,l,B ' 6 -1 in sety through JT W C hare 1i-ei r-tn-i. . . . -T u"ugu a pi oltS Crisis ll'ian .fiimai.Iu l',L-i !..... i. . I"'l us the constitution l i tvai'td to m.l.oU . 1 the period be remembered as nn adnioniti, ' . not as an encouragement in any pint 'oft" Cnioii to make xr'er!inptit ul:on. J are fraught with such fenr'ul h-izard. ' Let :n imprissed upon ali hearts, that beautiful c'J fabric is. no earthly p.iwer orwisdorn con! j e re unite its broken fragments. StamJii,. n t do, inmost in view of the green slopes f,Mi uii'i n ii were, wiinm reach of flip t. , so ! of H ashiiijton. wiili all the chcrislied m nib of the past gnthering iirouml ,e like n eloquent Voices of xh rtnt; t on fiom t o..,..- t v can express no better hope f..r mv cnm.f. than that the kind Providence Ud! 33 upon o,ir fathers may enable tLe.r children tJ preserve the blessings thoV have inhcr ted Fit A.N KLIN PlLIlcr. Eiotons rioctedirgs at Chaileetcwn, ZTass. I.osto.. M irrh S. Sliini i-I nn.. I. ,i.,ll ;ilc ; . zei.s .oed to ie;igi. us oppression "and i'.u pi-.s.-nment fr opinion's 8:.ke" were posted a limit the streets. The meeting was to t ill , place this e euing. Order wen then sent to the Charlestown Ar- tiliery .md City Guards, (who were in readiness at their armor es) who i romotlv ntir.eared nt . .. . oii S iturday w it ii her mother. That siic mil taken to Poii.idciphia by her mother, an j place 1 iu a bo .r iing house ; that on Tuesday last her mother proceeded there and brought her buck. Ir was thought that the public appear.iuce cf the girl v.-ouid allay excitement. sKi'iiNii iiisr.vTcn. M ss Cor orn'i. the girl whose di-"tppenranrc caused a riot at Charleston last week, returned t ester 1 iy. She was found in Phi'a lelphi t. and r. turned i?t care of her Protestant friends. She dee'::rs that her libt-rty lias been restrained. Another outbreak is feared at Charleston. Tlie Governor has ordered two regiments, and the State military were under arms last night. Southcrn Items. R.ti.Ti.tioitE, March C Tin Siuuhern mail arrived this evening, bnr.s in.r dates as i.ite us one. T W It ite Texas dates to the 2-Jth n't., which sbite that a d se.-.se called the black totiguo lini c n'.se i greit m rtaiity iu Puik county. Gen. Ho'.ist'iu's brother-in law, ami a large li'iiuV-r of citizens, line lie I frjin tlu Ji-icie. Jlr. Meagher. RirtiMOKn. Mireh 5th. Mr. Meaclior lectured here last evening bc f re a ei-iwde.l audience in the African Church. MlF" f'ide-I and many of our iimst ........ I....!,..,..,..., .......... .,....ri,rflll..TTl 1 ' so-. i ' i-i;s o c rn-scui. ""'" . ..,,v.,v the Lieutenant-Governor mid several members ot' the Patrick Henry family. Mr. Meagher lectures to night in Petersburg, and on Tins lay . - ... . . ... . .:,,- r nxt ll -tashlitgt -n. at th special invitation c. . - . . the nto-t distinguished meniters of the Senate and H iusc of Representatives, havinir leen. on Tlntr lay evening, when leaving Wasliingtoa for Richmond, presented with a requisition signed bv them. Am-uigat llif ii-mi'-S are those of Misrs. Ciss, Sew. ir 1. Douglas, Shields, son. S.u e, Houston, &c. Washington Ikvixu W hile at Mount Vernon the other day. remarked that he remembered see'mr Gen. Washitiiiton in New York, when l:e w s a child five years of age, and while the Gen. er.il was pass-mi through the streat, acconq n-ie-l bv a crowd, young Irving was attended by I.! . .. 1 ". . o . 1 Tl . ... , .... n ins inn -v an uoiiesi .-l-imiii ouiau. 1 lie f. reed In r way ui. to the General, leaning her I approaching addressed ,. . p . . :l ' , i.airn tl.at is called after you." The Gen. r.-.l paused. ,.d placit g ",s ,r"", "r" ,1,e ,H'-V 8 1,en"- Pnve " lil.-1-iiicr Mr. Irvine ctat s that he has a oie- tim-t recollection ,f the whole scene which cc- . . currcd in the year 1787 Flank Road Sleeting. At a meeting he'd on Saturday, nth irist. s the h. use of Cnl. P. Shie'.s. Ioretto. for the pur-' pose o adopting measures for the cmistrucix'n of a turnpike or plank road from Loretto t' the Summit. Mr. Jos. Puck w.-;s chosen President and George Dcl.-uiy and Peter Fomstir, Sccie taries.. John Ivory and P. Shiels, Esqs , nddre?seJ thc meeting iu vtry clear and f.-niVe terms showing the vast inij ortance of the tontetnpl" ted road, and uriug all to subscribe liberal towr Is its construction. On motion. John Iv. ry and Samuel Tiilon e:fl a; p inted solicitors for opening books and taxing stock, an i A. Little and P. Shiels of Lretto wera appointed to solicit for the north portion of A 'cgheny towiship. Ou motion, the mectinz adjournoJ to m&Jt 03 Saturday, March 2tth. 18-33. JOSEPH BUCK, President. Geo. Delas;t, Peteh Fobuesteb, Sec. .Vissispfi and Missouri Riilroail..K. com any with this title has been formed in Io riie road is intended to un'te a point ontheMj5 t ssippi. n ar Davenport, with a point on the Mi' muri. in Pottawntom; county, near Council B'.utfs. The capital aUok of the compan $a,ooo,0do. i perity. i rT' in ir