The mountain sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1844-1853, March 10, 1853, Image 1

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mm 20.
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"jgg-The following beautiful stanzas are by
the celebrated -Kit North," otherwise Prof.
J0La Wilson, the celebrated editor of Black
woodz Jlsgnrine.
tffer not for her ! Oh. she was far too fair,
Too pure to dwell in this guilt-tainted earth !
The siules. gh.iy, and the golden air
Of Zion. seemed to claim her from her birth,
A st irit wandering from its native zone.
Which, soon discovering, took her for his own ;
Weep not for her!
Weep not for her ! Tier span was like the sky.
Whose thousand stars shine beautiful nud
bright: . .
Like flowers, that know not what it is to die,
Like-long-linked, skadeless mouths of polar
Like music floating o'er n wafdess lake.
While echo answers from the watery lake ;
Weep not lor her I
Weep not for her! ' She died in early youth,
Ere hope had lost its rich romantic hues ;
Mhen human bosoms seem'd the homes of
And earth still gleamed with beauty s radient
Ur summer-prime waned not to days that
Utr wine of life was run not to the lees ;
Wetp not for her!
Weep not for her ; Py fleet or slow decay,
It never grieved her bosom's core to mark
The playmates of her childhood wane away ;
Her prospects with r; or her hopes grow dark;
Translated bv her God. with spirit driven
She passed as 'twere in smiles from earth to
Weep not for her :
Weep not for her! It was not hers to feel ;
The mysteries that corrode amassing years.
Gaiiibt dreams of baffled bliss the heart to steel,
To wander sad down Age's vale of tears.
As whirl the withered leaves from Friendship s
t rc?
And on earth's win t cry world alone to be;
Weep not for her !
Weep not for her ! She is an Angel ! now,
And treads the saphire floor of Paradi-e,
All darkness wiped from her refulgent brow.
Sin. sorrow, suffering, banished from her eyes:
Victorious over death, to her appear
The vista joys of Heaven's eternal year;
Weep not for her!
Weep not for her ! Her memory is the shrine
Of pleasant thoughts, soft as the scent of flow
ers, , ' ,.
Calm as on windless eve the sun 9 decline,
Sweet is the song of Vn-ds among the bowers,
Rich as a rainbow with it hues of light.
Pure as the moonshine of an autumn night ;
Weep not for her !
Weep not for her; There is no cause of wo;
But rather nerve the spirit that it walk
Unshrinking o'er the thorny paths below.
And from earth's low defilements keep thee
So, when a few fleet severing years have flown.
Ehe'll meet thee at heaven's gate, and lead thee
Weep not for her!
- - 7"
A Touching Story.
Lieutenant his "Nelsonian Retnin
iscenci s,f' relates the following : Richard Ben
nett. hen mortality wounded in one of .Nel
son's great battles, had requested thaUn minia
ture and a hark of his hair should be given by
Lieut P. to l is swealheart, Susctte, in Scot
land. The gallant Lieutenant thus describes
his interview , . . .
It was at the close of a day, when a bright
July sou was setting, that 1 arrived at the pret
ty cottage of Suscttc's mother. 1 tremulously
stated who 1 was to the most respectable look
ing matron I ever sa w. of Fi ench extraction. In
broken bitter accents of heartfelt grief, she told
ae her daughter's death was daily expected,
and requested time to prepare her to see me.
"At lust she expressed a wish to see the friend
jot Richard I-rennit t : audi was admitted to the
fairest daughter f Cve. And 1 found this world
unequal to her charms. She was j-ropped up
with pillows, pear the open lattice of her bed
room,' that was clustered with roses. Her white
dress and the. drapery of the room accorded with
the angelic vision, who now turned her lustrous
eyes upon me. vei'.ed in long fringed eyelids.
She held out her transparent hand, and gently
pressed mine, as 1 stooped to kips it : and us
be felt my tears drop on it, softly murmured :
I wish I could cry : that would relieve my poor
teaiV - She gasped for breath, and respired
with difl5cu!tv. '1 lie lock of hair quickly, let
toe see it V 'the caught at it. wildly pressed it
to her lips at.d " l.ei.i t. and fell back. Her
Oiother and J thought she had fainted ; but the
Fm-e and innocent soul had returned to God
od who gave it !' ;
Old bacbelois. it is s-aid, oir't live so long s
ether people. WJ1, they live betUr and what's
dikttw as long as you ara happy. 7
Henry Grattan and tlielrlaJn. Volunteer
Mr. Meagher was received in the warmest
manner, at the Musical Fund Hall, Philadel
phia. Tiie audience was large, and among those
in attendence were many of the most respect
table citizens. The app!:tue at times was tru
ly. enthusiastic. The sutject of the discourse
was Henry Grattau and the Irish Volunteers of
'8-. We have only room to notice a few of the
prominent points. It was unnecessary, said
Mr. M., to say much concerning the birth of
Henry G rattan. He was not one of the petty
princes of the earth, whose nobility depended
upon the cradle in which they are rocked. The
true king the legitimate ruler spoke onlv of
one ancestor, the land that bore him ! Was
proud or jealous only of one crest, the flag she
stood by. Such a man was Henry Grattan
the worthiest r.ranch of the old stock, which,
deeply rooted in the Irish soil, has stood many
a rude stroke, and is still firm and good. It
might, however, he somewhat interesting to state
that ids parentage furnished guarantees for the
genius and the cournge which sustained him
throughout his high career that is. if there be
any virtue in what they call "blood," and the
excellencies of our nature like an old castle, a
stud of horses, or a suit of livery are, in a
family way, transmissible. (Laughter.)
He then gave u brief outline of the early life
of Grattan. and of his residence in London.
Lord Chatham was in the House of Lords,
and Grattan, writing to n friend of his in Ire
laud, speaks in rapturous effusions of this great
Englishman; alludes to that "scowl of his
which gave Sir Robert Wnlpole a pain the back;"
Loud laughter : and then to that splendid el
oquence which, even when its force abated,
was like the spinning of a cannonball, alive
with a fatal, unapproachable activity. M Ed
mund Burke was iu the House of Commons, and
Garrick. and Quin. and Mossop on the stage.
With such temptations to lure him from the
sombre precincts of the Temple, it was no won
der he acquired a distaste for the legal profes
sion. He hated it, in fact ; and, writing to his
friend Broom a dashing young cornet of dra
goons avows this hatred in the fiercest words.
His client should be a nation. The charter of
her freedom, the only brief from which he would
condescend to speak. His fee and recompense,
the glory which the recognition of that charter,
upon himself and upon his clieut, would ettru-
ally confer. Loud applause.
This was the thought, the purpose, the ambi
tion which filled his soul as with the melodv
and mapic of a holy vision, and gave to his !
tongue so sublime an utterance. Hence, lie j
shrank from the fashionable lounges of London.
Hence, those wanderings of his, by night, throush
Windsor Forest, amid the oaks, the deer, and j
all those beauteous and luminous things of the
earth and sky in the laud of the stranger," the
master and the foe within call of the towers on
which the English standard waved the young
Irish law student, night after night, grew pale
thinking of his country of what she was of
what she might be until the glory of the ex
panding vision descended on his features, and
veiled them in its radiance. (Loud applause.)
And then again, in his own land, by the clear,
brown current of the Liffey through the groves
of Swift and Vanessa was the same old theme
thought of and the same old vision 3et more
deeply contemplated. Grattan took his seat in
the Irish Parliament about the time that George
Washington took the command of the American
army, under the elm tree on the Cambridge
road. (Great applause.) The triumph of the
one has been reversed. The triumph of the lat
ter remains good, and Heaveu prant it shall so
remain throughout all time. (Enthusiastic ap
plause.) His first vote was against the 4,000
Irish troops, "with whom." as lie exclaimed in
hisphillipic against Flood, "the English Minis
ter proposed to ut the throats of the Ameri
cans fighting for their freedom the only hope
of Ireland the ouly refuge for the liberties of
mankind." i
After glancing at the condition of affairs in
Great Britain and Ireland, and at the course of
Grattan up to that time, Mr. Meagher s iid
In the Spring of 1782. Lord North was turn
ed out of office, amid loud cheers. The Whig"
came in. Lord Shelboume and Charles Fox
were appointed Secretaries of State, and the
prospects of England seemed to brighten up as
these gentlemen moved off from "the blank re
gions of opposition" this was a saying of Sir
Uobcrt Peel and took their seats on the right '
hand of the Speaker. They were very happy i
of course, in the change. But a cloud soon '
deadened the sunshine of their smiling faces.
Ireland was not down, but up. . The beggar was
not in rags, but in uniform and crossbelts.
Cheers. He had a Bill of Rights in one hand
and a musket in the other. Continued cheers. .
:no longer scrawled his dutilul submission upon
foolscap, but cut a menace upon the breaching
of his cannon. Immense applause. The vol
unteers were 100,000 strong, the King's troops
did not reach the figure of "000. An English
regiment crossing Essex Bridge, halted to let a
regiment of volunteers pass on the latter com
ing up the Quay, having levelled bayonets to
to dispute the pass.
Fox saw clearly there was nothing to be done
by force the force was all on one side this
time, and ou the right for a wonder. He thought
it better to try a little diplomacy. 'Tis always
the way with that English Whiggery.
When Samson is strong Delilah is instructed
to inveigle and reduce him. When Sams-m is
sliorn of his strength, the Philistines put out
his eyes, and send him to grind in the prison
Grattan loved Charlemont loved him for the
sweetness of his nature, the grace which nil his
actions wore, his spotless honor, and the order
of his mind. He loved him tenderly and in
tensely, so that every word coming from "tin
good and gracious nobleman" as he styled him,
seldom failed to work upon his mind the most
serious impression. Fox knew this, and sent
Lord Charlemont to Grattan. with a request that
the Declaration of Rights should be held ovti
tor a short time.
Grattan lay sick in bed. when Charlemont
called upon him; his lank features were pah
with exhaustion. his bony fingers chilled tht
feat! -of his friend and patron Mhs'toocbocI
tiem with gentle fondness. He listened tran
jiiilly at first, to the proposal turning his worn,
ace and gazing with mournful wilderness upon
his visiter, but by quick degrees his eye filled
with a wild light the blue veins along his long
mi 1 wit In red arms'swelled with a sudden rush of
blood ; he sprang upward in his bed, and shak
ing his clenched hatid, cried out "No time, no
tim; the question is public property ; it can
not, shall not be postponed." Immense ap
plause. Mr. Meagher then gave a very graphic and
brilliant description of the mustering of the
Volunteers iu Dublin ou the lGth of April, 1782.
Of the Dubliu Volunteers planted round the
statue of William III., iu College Green, with
the Duke of Leinster Lord Ed ward's Uncle at
their head. There upon the left the Dunlavan
Light Dragoons, and lower down in Dame street, j
in close column, the Dunmore Rangers, and
their Colouel, Sir Robert Staples, exchanging!
sly glances with the ladies iu the balcony of .
Daly's Coffee House, opposite. Loud laugh- !
ter. Then the Merchants' Corps and the Mer- '
chants' Artillery, with their six-pounders and
howitzers, and old Napper Tandy at theii head ; J
and then the crowd of glad citizens bending
down with their heaving weight the iron gate :
works of the Castle ; and up the whole of Graf- j
ton street to College Green, and inside the rail- I
ings of the C dlege, and crossed upon the walls '
fronting the Provost House, and down College
street,, and the streets that opetrinto it and up -,
and down an I all over the leads and parapets of
the houses, as far as eye can see are hundreds
and thousands of glad citizens, with eyes strain
ing with excitiment with delight, and pride,
and hope, and exstacy waving their hats wa
ving greeu flags and branches and filling the
air with their wild hurrahs for Henry
and the Volunteers. He then went on to de
scribe the scene within and around the Senate
House. How under a gallery supported by
pillars of a massive mould four hundred la
dies, the fairest daughters of the land are seat
ed their white arms bound with chains wrought
iu crusted gold, and stones of crimson, violet, .
and green their brows shadowed with the soft
clu.-terings of flowers and feathers, tributes to a
higher beauty from the gay and beautiful crea
tures of the earth and sky below these, the
soldiers, and the statesmen the chivalry and
the genius of the island. Mr. Meagher contin
ued his vivid and life-like description of the :
pageantry of that day amid the continued ap- '.
plause of his delighted auditory. ,
In the fullest and broadest significarce of the
phrase it was a great occasion, and in Henry
(rattan there was a man equal to that occasion.
Then, as now, the example of America quick-
ened the pu'se, confirmed the resolves, deepen-
pd the confidence of the wronged, the armed,
the aspiring communities of Europe. j
To this example did old Grattan on that glo
rious day appeal, when he said "Before you de- .
c-iue on the practHsabrlity of being slaves for
ever, look to America. Whatever is bold and
disconsolate sullen virtue and wounded pride
all, all to that point will precipitate, and what
you trample on in Europe will stin&r you in Amer
ica. When America sends forth her ambassa
dors to the different Kings in Europe, and man
ifests to the world her independence and power,
do you imagine yon will persuade Ireland to be
satisfied with an English Parliament making
laws for her satisfied with a refusal to her loy- i
alty. of those privileges which were .offered to J
the arms of America ?". j
It was done. Thecommunitywouldnotbesold. 5
The armed presence of the Nation was not bend. '
The claim of England would cancelled
on the spot, and the mighty Empire the
Royal Elephant, with the spoils of India ou his
back whose march is with the Sun gave in,
was docile-aye, gentfe as a sucking dove, (laugh
ter) went down upon the knees for once, to
that poor stripling, who. in the language of the
great or.itor of our race, went forth as it were,
with nothing but a stone and a sling, and the
favor of Heaven to ac nmplish its redemption.
How the r'ory of that day was darkened ; how
the volunteers disbandei'; how the Senate was dis
missed; how a condition of society and governm't,
meaner and more disistrous than before, was
rigorously imposed, I have neither time nor
heart to tell. Nor is it here required for the
policy of our foes, which promulgates the less
creditable chapters of our history, so that in
our bad name among the strangers they may
have an apology for the deeds they hare done
and the mischief they would perpetuate this
policy exhaustion in its cunning, as it is coii-
scienceless in its daring has made known, in
speech and pamphlet, the venality which under
mine the fabric reared by Grattan. j
That the Irish Parliament. wis an imperfect
institution that it deserved the gr enter share
of the distrust, the cennre. the aversion, the
insubordination with which it was visited I
am not here to deny, but to assert. But that
it should hive, therefote. been reformed md
no pulled down is what all sensible and up- !
right men will hold to be equally correct, wise
and rnM-us.
They have pulled the building down, however.
liecnusV. as the complacent knaves asserted, it
was narrow in its proportions, inadequate in Us
fu nctions. anil sheltered much profligacy within
its precincts, and in doing so, have tt"rht the
children of 1he volunteers, that. shouM it be re
built, it mnt to stand forever, and defy the
vermin at its base, the pick-aje and the storm
it must be set on broader f nnditions. be
built of sounder materialsbe fashioned not
after the model of Westminister but that of
Washington flond applause) and hi- inhabited
hv the spirit of the people, in its fullness and
integrity one and indivisible.
.The Pfrli-mcnt of Ireland is no more. The
last of th Volunteers has been borne to his
crave. Anl so too. the;r successors and their
betters the men of '98 the men who had a
keener snjritv. sharper swords, a better stvle
of action, thousrb n less easy fortune than the
ol.i;,r of Dungnon. Th streets of Dublin
re silent now. The hoof that pawed thepave
int on that da v. vex the du'l stones no more.
The beauty that shone as the hues of the morn
:ny. through that vision of freedom, has vanish--d
in the nitrht thst came nnon the land the
robbini heart has yrnwn still beneath theshrond
the whit? arm that borp these chains of crus
hed cold have withered like tnelveofthe!ily.
have been strewn upon the earth, have become
' he snort "of the wind, and tno spoil of the4wonn.
(Appl&ossV) -'-.
- !
In a 6ileut Hall, into the desolate seclusion of
which no busy or inquisitive foot intrudes, and
where the dust falling from the cornices might
steal a languid sound from the marble slab be
neath, so deep the repose that dwells there, by
night and day in this silent Hall, stands the
statue'' of IIexbt.Gpattan erected, as the in
scription in a foreign tongue with a plaintive
modesty relates, "by a country not ungrate
ful." '
Thus has passed away all that was perishable
of that day. Yes ! atl that was perishable all
that had not been steeped in the living waters,
and with their virtue been made vital and invul
nerable. 'Not so the lessons which made that
day. more than the pageantry that illuminated
it, the brighteet in our annals.
These remain glowing with the spirit from
which they emanated, and clad with a vesture
of beauty, which neither the moth nor the mil
dew, nor the worm shall deface. Elicited by a
singular event addressed to a certain descrip
tion of men the special element, moved by
which the Island, shackled as it was, swelled be
yond the measure of her chains, rose from her
bed in the ocean, and got nearer to the Sun
they have an influence, an adaptation, a glory
serviceable and commou to all generations, com
munities and epochs.
Those lessons of propriety, citizenship, cour
age, and pure ambition, which quickened the
sense of wrong, but did not inflame it with an
impure vengeance which ennobled it into the
perception of a great duty, and sanctified it with
a moral excellence, whilst they fed it with a
military ardor- those lessons which taught the
countrymen of Swift and Berkeley, of Plunket,
the Geraldines and Sarsfield, that their cr.uutry
should no longer be a wretched colony, retum-
nig thanks to tier Uovernor tor bis rapine, ana fortnights, liaa 101 01 wine ennrgru wnen 1
to her King for his oppression nor yet a squab- : belonged to the Sons. What I hev I'll pay for
bling secretary, perplexing her little wits and j when the work's done. This house was recom
firing her furious statutes with bigotry, sophis- ' mended to me for a first rate tavern."
try, disabilities and death, to transmit to poster-' . "My dear sir. that was only our bill of
jty insignificance and war but that she should ! fare, designed simply to indicate what dishes
be an industrious, liberal, and courageous na- I may be called for. Our piices for dinner are
tion, exempt from the caprice or c hanty of any
other power on earth, nursing a growing people,
moulding and multiplying an opulent estate, ,
afraid not to look antiquity in the face, and copy goin' ter sav is this, that the soup wasan't so j hay seeds, and adhere to the hair because of a
and excel the best features of the ancieut com- ( clean as I hev seen : for yer see. when I was 1 glutenous substance, with which they are aur
monwealth, until she 1, ft mankind nothing to j travell ng in Pennsylvania, they hrd some soup j rounded. The horso licks 'the spot with his
question,, but everything to admire those les- 1 at one tavern, so clean, that if yer should dip a j tongue, and the egg that contains our heroine is
sons of toleration, which iu an age of intolera- white cambric handkerchief inter it, 'twoudan't then carried into his mouth, where it is hatched
tion. he addressed to the bieots who. to use his ; crease it?" by the warmth and moisture Almost ImmMlUu.
own terrible description, would make a mouop. .
oly of God and an exclusive principle of Omnip- ?
oteuce tlcma applause j n-mmumg mem, aim
all who would come after them, inheriting their
stupidity or their viciousncss, that it is the er
ror of sects to value themselves more upon their
uuicieuceft limit upon itutnui, nunui "mot
differences to forget the essential principles of;
. 4 I
4l. a sflrtertAl VL-li'tiur iliav rutnlv inntfflnff tilt 9 i
1.. in..iri..a tll
have found the mystery of salvation-reminding ,
them nd as, ami. all men, tht wiiat deJyet j
. . .. .... . . . .
the happiness UelayeU the civilization delayed :
the freedom of Ireland, was the inculcation of
doctrines the reverse of these the perpetuation
of religious discord, than which not all the othei ' white man. you can not civilize Africa. ou
causes of human misery not all the travel rna- have subdued and appropriated Europe ; the na
chincry of the globe not all the instruments of 1 tive races are melting before you in America, as
civil rage and domestic murder could roduce I the untimely snows of April before the vernal
so foul a demon : for it privileged ever other sun ; you menace China and Japan : the remo
vice. and gave birth to infidelity. These lessons test isles of the Pacific are not distant enough to
vital with these immortal truths, yet remain to j escape your graep. nor insignificant enough to
ii from out the wreck of thnt dav: and in these elude your notice ; but Central Africa confronts
lessons, though he sleeps in the Abbey of West
minster, Henkt Grattan, still lives!
The applause at the conclusion was continued
loud and long; and it was some time before the
large hall was cleared.
Enormous Yield of Corn.
The following is the statement of Mr,
Walker, of Susciuchaiina county, wh
took a
several other competitors, but 9jf bushels to
the acre, raised by John R- Bitzer, of Lancaster
county, was the next highest, and 93, by John
A. M'Rea, of W hite Marsh, Montgomery county,
was the next.
George Walker's mode of Cultivation . .
He ploughed Jive acres of green sward, for corn,
the begining of May, and hauled one hundred
loads of manure on the same. After the manure
was spread, the ground was well harrowed, and
planted the last of May, iu rows 3 feet apart,
running north and south, and 3 feet apart in the
rows, ruuning east and west ; from three to five
grains in the hill. Two bushels of lime, mixed
with three bushels of plaster, was applied to
6aid five acres very soon after it came up. A
plow did not enter the field after the com was
planted. The ground was Kept loose anauienow.
and the grass and weeds subdued by the use of
the cultivator, making but little use of the hand
hoe. A specimen of the corn was exhibited at
the State Fair at Lancaster, in October, being
of the white flint 6pecies. eight rowed, small cob
and long ea. s more than one foot iu length.
In add i turn to the enormous yield, onehundred
and sixty bushels to the acre, of shelled corn, the
same field, containing five acres, produced twen
ty tons of superior pumpkins, some of which
weighed more than 41 pounds. Said field is sit
uated on one of the highest hills in Susquehanna
county, being an Oak, Pine, Beech and Sugar
Maple ridge 6oil a sandy loom,
October 20. 1852.
This statement is accompanied by the certifi
cates of Hon. Win. Jessup, Wm. D. Cope and A.
Chamberlain, certifying that they measured the
field, counted the rows and hills in each row,
and husked twenty-six hills, being a fair average
of the whole field, and that this made a yield
equal to 1C0 bushels of shelled corn to the
BSfU The following is the routine of the daily
occupation of the royal children in England.
Rise early, breakfast at eight, and dine at two.
First hour after breakfast the classics: next,
the modem, grammatical instruction, being also
carefully given : next, military exercises for the
bovs, then music and dancing, then the riding
school ; muio and drawing for the girls, then
the carpenter's shop, ajjdoccabjon ally, the labor
atory ; then shooting on the royal gardens, thei.
supper, then prayers, and then to bed. Such
ax tat daily oocopations of taf e young people.
premium of o0 at the annual meeting of the 1 gateways oi ner muu u in omagra ? enow nu.. r.... w ,..nca
Agricultural Society, last week, for the larcest I intnmittent fevers, blue plagues, t.d poisrns , his sight so as to see without them. Dipping
! crop of com, being 1 GO bushels of shelled corn that you can sec as well as feel, await your sp- the crown of the head into cold water, every
to the acre. We believe this never has been pronch. As vou ascend the rivers, restnence . morning, both winter and summer is a preser
i....tii tt:... o.... ti,... shoots from the tnanjrroves that fringe their no- vation aga list the head and ear ache, and will
cuu 11 r i in luc l'iiiiitu ----- i
Soene LaXFashlouable HotoL
Dining Room Yankee eating soup.
Yankee. "I sa'ay waiter, this 'ere soup ain't so
clean as I have seen !"
Waiter. "Sir, I dont know what you mean
by such an insineration. I must go to Carvin
knife about that."
Waiter runs to head waiter and brings that of
ficer to Yankee's chair.
II. W. "Beg pardon sir. Did you have the
honor of making a remark respecting the soup?"
Y. Wall, I did. There ain't no use denyin'
H. W. (Looking red in the face) "Sir. shall
I have the pleasure of saving to the Superin
tendant. that you remarked that the soup is
Y. (Throwing himse'.f back in his chair)
"Look here you can report to the Superinten
dant if you've got such an officer over ye I
sposed they had Sewperintendants in Sunday
schools, but I never heard of one in a tavern be
fore yon can just say tew him what I said to
that linen jacket feller there and mind. now.
if you pervert the truth. I'll teach ye that the
gods of heathens are a vane thing, in jest no time
at all. Tell the Sewperintendant what I said,
but don't yer lie !"
S. Anything the matter here, Thomas, any.
thing wrong sir?"
W. "He says the soup ain't clean, please
Y. "That's a teetotal lie. I didn't lay 'twas
dirty I didn't say 'twas clean. I shouldn't
have said anything about yer soup at all if that
linen jacket feller hadn't poked a bill for the
Jinner in my face afore I had began to eat. I
shan't pay in advance. He had mor'n forty
things charged on it mor'n I eonld eat in two
Y. "The duce it is : well, the
fact is I didn't
What I was ;
mean any thing against yer soup
Exit Superintendant, and the linen jacket ,
fellers, and great laughter from the company.
Eloquent Extract.
The following very eloquent passage, in rela
tion to Africa, we extract from the address of
, r, , co-. B
Edward Everett, the present Secretary of State, j ,
krn... ii.. AmkMin I Viiifii ti turn Snii p r v re- i -
iiunnvnii - - . -- 1;
In speaking of the im-
& - ' - .? V"
i""-"; j -" ' 1 . - -1
tV onntinent ftf Africa, by white men. he Bit id : 1
- . . '
I say again. Sir,, you Caucasian, you proud
Anfflo-Saxon, you self-sufficient, all-attempting
vou. and bids you iterance, lour squaurons
may range, or blockade her coast, but neither on
the errands of peace, or the errands of war. can (
you penetrate to the interior. The God of Na- .
ture, no doubt fr wise purposes,
scrutahle. has drawn across the
however in-
chief inlets n
cordon you can not break through- You may 1
hover on the coast, but you dare not set foot on ,
shore-' Death its portress at the undefended j
h!e banks, and the glorious sun. which kindles
nil inferior nature into teeming, bnrstine 15fpt
darts disease intoyonrlanguid system: No, vou
are not elected for this momentuou work.' The
great disposer, in another branch of His family,
has ehsen out a race descendants of this tor
rid region, children of this vertical snn and fit
ted them, by ages of stern discipline, for the
gracious achievement.
"From fcre'gn relm. and lands remote, sup
ported by his care.
They pss. unharmed, through burning climes,
and breathe the tainted air." .
A Chilling Interview-.
Tn Professor Goodrich's "Brit'sh E'oonence,"
we find the following pionnnt anecdote illustra
tive of the ncerdcpcy of Ioid Chatham ("WiM
iam Pitt) over the Duke of Newcastle. The for
mer .was then prime minister, and the latterwas
at the head of the freesury. Newcastle was a
valetudinarian, and was so fearful of taking
cold, especially, that be often ordered the win
dows of the Hquse of Lords to he phut in the
hottest weather, while the rast of the peers were
suffering for want of breath. On one occasion
he called upon Pitt, who was confined to his bed
by the gout. Newcastle, on being led into the
bed-chamber, found the room, to his 'dismay,
without fire, in a cold wintry afternoon. He
begged to have one kindled, but Pitt refused;
it mitrht be iniurious to bis gout. Newcast'e
. .
drew his cloak around him. and submitted w
the worst possible grace. The conference was a
long one, and the discussion continued until the
Duke was absolutely shivering with cold; when
at last, seeing another bed in an opposite cor
ner, he slipped in. and covered himself with the
bed-clothes! A secretary coming in soon after,
found the two ministers in this curious predica
ment, with their faces ouly visible bandying the
argument with great earnestness, from one bed
side to the other!
Ono. Here is a pretty extensive family at a
knotty small circle that met a few days since,
an account of which we find in the Albany Ex
press :
At an oyster , 6upper the other day. there
were present one father, three daughters, one
.on one mother, one brother, three grand -daughters,
three sisters-in-law, one uncle, one wife,
one nephew, one grand-son, three nieces, one
husband, and three aiaters. And yet, strange
to sy there were only four persons present. ,
A Wiadfill for a Journeyman Printer.
A letter received yesterday by Augustus B.
McDonald, n journeyman printer in this oflroa,
nformed him that his great uucle. Marshal Mo
Donald, who recently died in Paris, at the Hotel
de Ville, aged eighty two, had left him by Lis
will a snug little fortuue. McDonald was weal
thy, and was a Marshal of France, appointed by
Bonaparte. The printer will st rt for the East
to-morrow, with the intention of going to Franoa
immediately. He has realized many of those
strange vicissitudes which printers more fre
quently meet with than any other class. lie
was a sailor in the British Navy, and received a
pension in consequence of a wound in the leg
received at the bombardment of Canton. He
fought in the Mexican war from Vera Crux to
the City of Mexico, and vns wounded in the
ankle at Vera Cruz. lie bears the marks of a
severe wound in the neck, which ho received at
the pates of Mexico, and secured a pension from
the United States. His brother, Arthur McDon
ald, was a surgeon in the British Navy, and was
on board the Terror in the expedition of Sir
John Franklin, since when, of course, he baa
not been heard of. Augustus is the person spo
ken of recently in an evening paper, whom we
interested ourselves in releasing from jail on
Sunday last. We mention the fact because the
circumstances of bia arrest and imprisonment
were not discreditable to himself, and to give a
more striking illustrution of the ups and down
of life. We hope that he will secuve his legacy
without difficulty, and enjoy it for the rest of
his days ia peace. Printers lead a dog's life,
and it does us good to record a b't of luck, when,
the recipient of it is an old typo and aa old sol
dier to boot. Milteaukie Next.
Biography of a Bet.
Tht Journal of Agriculture, in an art ids en
Dots in horses' giyes us a biography of tLis da
etoy of the horse. It says ;
The parents are called bot flies, and belong to
the family (Estridx. The female, in the latter
part of summer, deposits egzs on the hair of
the horse, usually on the sides and fore lees cf
the animal, whert thry may tatily be reached ly hit
tongue. Their eggs, or nits, appear like little
ly luto a maggot, and thus swailowc', reachea the
tueatre of operations. You may Latch one Of
thesw eggs on the palm of your hand, with a lit
tle warm saliva from your mouth. Once iu the
stomach, it clings to the cuticle, or inner throst,
by means of hook-like attachments on either
Boie 01 us niouiu, an i teeus on the mucua, so
ong us there is any ; when it attacks the coat-
n? ot. he, btT?h ?S abo" Bt!,,eJ' puJ.
it is discharged in the early summer dung ; it
buries itself in the earth r becomes rt chrysalis.
. . -
or gruo, una so remains for weeks, when it
bursts its bands, issues forth ia the form of a
fly; and, if a female, becomes impregnated and
deposits eggs on the horse ; and, . in this eternal
rouud, lives, dies, and is born again.
Interesting- to Old. People.
We find in an "o'd paper," the following meth
od reccommended to aged people, as a means of
enabling them to preserve their eyesight, erta
recover it after it has failed :
"Every morning, when washing yourself, dip
your face into the water, open your eyes and
keep them under the water as long as you
hold your breath. This strengthens
the ere
and cleanses it from the rheum which deadeus
the sight aud cousiderabfy affects tb lull. A
gentleman in Maryland, by the name of James
Calder, after using spectacles for 25 years, fo!-
materially assist the other operation, iu its effect
upou the eyes.
tfm One of the relatives of the new Empress
cf France several of whom, it is said, live in New
York trying to rait money enough to pay his
passage to Paris. He is a brush-maker; and
doesn't know but he may sweep up a fewcruma
of fort ne by presenting himself to his imperi
al cousin. .
Dr. Hoofland's German Bktcrs, prepared by
Dr. C. M. Jackson, are jusfy reckoned amongst
our most valuable medicines. In cases of dys
pepsia, it acts like magic, strengthening the
tone of the stomach, atimulatuig the digestive
powers, and giving ruddy health to the cheek
and brightness to the eye. There are thousands
in this community who can testify to their vir
tues and thousands ' will hereafter add their
Another Webster and I'arfctnnn Tragrtty.-
letter in the Lynchburg (Va.) E press, from the
Kanawha Salines, states ih ta man named Stog
bin went to the house cf a neighbor to pay him
several hundred dolUrs -he owed. As he was
not 6een afu rards, his friends instituted in
quiries for him, and finally ee-irched the house
where he had gone, without suxoes-, until one
of them commeuced scraping the ashe- of a large
fire place, and, to his surprise, found several
nuiUM" icciu hum mt Hint iwuc , now, nrt Wl
the flesh, supposed to be that of the -mining
man, which had run into a crevice in the fire
place, partly roasted. The occupant of the
houso was immediately arrested.
I entered a log school-house once, where a
Debatin' Society was holding forth upon the
question. "If a man saw his wife and mother
in the water drowning, which should he help out
first?" The question was considered with ani
mation upon both sides for a while, when &
obackwardnesa" twgau to manifest itself. The
president desired debaters, '-if they bad asy
thing to say. ta continue on." After a pause, jt
peaked looking man in tho back part of the
house got up and said, with considerable can
dence and embarrassment: "Mr. President;
think if a nun siw his mother and wife Jo the
water drowning, he ought to help his mother
out first: because, you see, if bis wifecftiftt
drowned! he could - get another one, but- tw
couldn't get abetter aiothar, net eesy " : c
' !;
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