The mountain sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1844-1853, March 03, 1853, Image 4

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ShcrilTs Sales.
r irtiift nf sundry writs of Lev. Facias, find
vrA rnniic lsttiipfi fiiit fit the Louri oi
, i niaa nf Pninhi-in. fftnntv. and to me
, CUU UAWViin")
tUUIUlvu piw.u, v. i .1
directed, there will be exposed to sale, at tue
Court House, in the Eorou$b of Ebensburg,
Cambria county, on Monday, the 7th day ol
March next, nt I o'clock, I. M.
1 he following described real estate to wit
AU tLc right, title nnd interest of Charles
Dillon of, in and to n tract of land situate m
Jackson township, Cambria county, adjoining
lands of Samuel Davis, Abraham Rager nnd
ethers, containing one hundred and fi lty acres
more-cr less about- eighty ncres of which ore
cfenred having thereon erected a two story tav
ern house part hewed lop, and part frame,
hewed log stable, a frame shed, a frame black
smith shop and cabin barn, now in the occupan
cy "of the said Charles Dillon. Also, all the
right, title and interest of Charles Dillon of. in,
and to a trnct of land situate in Jackson town
ship, Cambria county adjoining lands of James
C. Fisher ; cont- ining one hundred and ninety
three acres more or less, about fifty five acres
of which are cleaved having thereon erected a
cabin house and barn unoccupied.
Taken in execution and to be sold at the smit
f John G. Miles.
All the right, title and interest of David Cree
of,' in nnd to a tract of land situate in White
township, Cambria county, adjoining lands 1
Samuel Matthews, Timothy Loniadue, nnd others
containing three hundred acres be the same
more or less, about seventy acres of which are
cleared, having thereon erected a cabin house
and cabin bain unoccupied, and a two story
hewed log house, - (par ly weatherboarded,) a
blacksmith shop and a log barn nowin tue oc
cupancy of the said David Cree.
Taken in execution and to be sold at tlie suit
of John McGuire.
All the right, title and interest of Qharles
Dillon of, in and to a tract of land situate iu
Jackson township, Cumbria county adjoining
lands of Abraham Rager, Samuel Davis and
others, containing one l undred and titty acres
more or less, about eighty acres of which are
cleared having thereon erected a two story hew
ed log house weatherboarded, and frame kitchen
attached, a frame stable, a hewed log stable a
log barn, a frame shed and a plank blacksmith
chop now in the occupancy of Jacob S. Rager.
Also, all the right, title, and interest ol'Chas.
Dillon of in, and to a tract of land situate in
Jackson township, Cambria county, adjoining
lands of James C. Fishers' Ltirs, containing one
hundred and ninety three acres more or less,
about fifty five acres of which are cleared hav
ing thereon erected a cabin house and a cabin
barn unoccupied.
Taken in execution and to be sold at the suit
of David Rowland.
All the right, title and interest of Joseph Dei
ser of, in and to a tract of laud situate in Wash
ington township, Cambria county, adjoining
lands of Jacob Burgooo, Moore & Rhey and
others, containing two hundred acres be the
eame more or less, about fifteen acres of which
are cleared, having thereon erected a two story
hewed log house in the occupaucy of Andrew
Ager, a one story plank house in the occupaucy
of Jchn Aer and a log stable and sawmill in
the occupancy of Andrew and John Ager.
Taken iu execution and to be sold at the feuit
of Joseph Kemp.
All the right, title and interest of Hugh Mc
Keal of in and to a tract of land situate in Alle
gheny township, Cambria county, adjoining
lands of James Douglass, Jacob Wagner and
others, containing about three hundred acres
more less, about six acres of which are cleared,
having thereon erected none and half story hew
ed log house iu the occupancy of Joseph Koons.
Taken in execution and to be sold at the suit
of Charles Dillon for the use of Johnston Moore.
All the right, title and interest of William
McGough of, in and to two lots of ground situ
ate in Washington township, Cambria county,
fronting on the Allegheny Portage Rail Road,
near the foot of IMane Xo. 4, adjoining lot of
Frederic M. George on the North, and lot of Da
vid Fox on the South, having thereon erected a
two story frame tavern house, a two story plank
store house and a frame stable now in the oc
cupancy of the said William McGough and a
small frame house now in the occupancy of
Taken in execution and to he sid nt the suit
cf James M Courad and Coatcs Walton.
All the right, title and interest of John Wea
ver of, in and to a tract of land situate in Sum
merhill township, Cambria county, adjoining
lands of the heirs of W illium Rrookhunk. dee'd,
Jacob Weaver and others, containing four hun
dred ami forty eiht acres more or less about
seventy a "res of which cleared, having thereon
erected a two story hewed log house, a cabin
barn and a sawmill now in the occupancy of the
said John Weaver, and a one ami half story hew
ed lop house in occupancy of iilas Weaver.
Taken m execution aud to be sold at the suit
cf Gilbert L. Llovd.
All the right, title :nd interest of Hugh Me
loy of, in and to a pi-c or parcel of land itu
ntein Allegheny township, Cambria county, ad
joining lands of Jeremiah Noonan, Feter San
ders, 1 eter Kayior ami others, containing forty
acres more or less, about fifteen acres of which
are cleared having thereon erected a one and
- half story hewed log house, smd a log barn now
in the occupancy of Hugh Griffin.
Taken in execution and to be sold at the suit
of James McDermit assignee of James Mur
All the right, title and interest of John Mc
Donald of, in and to a piece or parcel of land
elturttc? in OaK(iitlntti lowncLia, (JainVii-iji coun
ty, adjoining lnnds of Daniel and William Rerk
etresser, James Ktiey and others, containing
290 acres more or less, about 2o acres of which
are cleared, and having thereon erected two
houses and a stable.
Taken in execution at the suit T. C. McDow
ell assignee of Joseph Habermaugher.
BgN. r. Tin Sheriff has made the follow
ing me conditions oi tne anove saies, viz : one
fourth of the purchase money on eaclrsale to be
paid at the time the property is struck down when
the sale amounts to sjioOO and upwards under
' 5-li0, anl more than MM), the one third under
S100, and more than 5i0, one half, less than
JS-jO, the whole amount : otherwise the property
will immediately again be put up for sale ; and
noDoed will be presented for acV nowledgement
unless the balance of the purchase money be
paid before the following Court.
Sheriff's Office, Ebensburg, )
February 10. 18r3. f -
lixcciilors' Voice.
IETTERS testamentary having been granted
J to the undersigned by the Register of Cam-
Lria county, on the estate of James Nea6on, late
of Allegheny township, deceased : all persons
indebted to said estate are hereby notified to
innke immediate "payment to the undersigned,
and those having claims will present them pro
perly authenticated fnr settlement. -
rTHAEVER conqerus the health and happi
ness of a people is at all times ot most vai-
,.v ;mvrnTire. i take it ior erranieu iuui
everv person will do all in their power, to sac
the lives of their children, nnd that every per
son will endeavor to promote their own health
at all sacrifices. I feel it to be my duty to sol
emnly assure you that tcorms, according to the
o inions cf the most celebrated Fhysicians, are
the primary causes of a large majority of dise
ases to which children and adults are liable ; if
you have an appetite continually changeab'e
from one kind of food to another. Bad Breath.
Pain in the Stomach, Picking at the Nose, Hard
ness nnd Fullness of the Belly, Dry Cough,
Slow Fever, Pulse" Irregular remember that all
these denotes irorms, and you should at once
apply the remedy : . , . , - . -Iloljeiisacli'ssi
Worm Syrup.
A'n article founded upon Scientific Principles,
compounded with purely vegetable substances,
being perfectly safe when taken, and can be
given to the most tender Infant -with decided
beneficial effect, where Bowel r Complaints and
Diarrhoea have made them weak and debilitated
the Tonic properties of my Worm Syrup are
such that it stands without an equal in the cata
logue of medicines in giving tone and strength
to the Stomach, which makes it an Infallible
remedy for those afiiicted with J)ifpep.iia,Xhe as
tonishing cures performed by this Syrup after
Physicians have failed, is the best evidence of
its superior tiucacy over all others
This is the most difficult Worm to destroy of
all that infest the human system, it grows to an
almost Indefinite length - becoming so coiled and
fastened in the Intestines and Stomach effecting
the heaitli so sadly as to cause M. itus Dance,
Fits, &c, that those afflicted seldom if ever sus
pect that it is Tape Worm hastening them to an
early grave. In order to destroy this Worm, a
very nergetic treatment must be pursued, it
would therefore be proper to take G or 8 of my
Liver Pills so as to remove all obstructions, that
the Worm Syrup may act direct upon the Worm,
which must be taken in deses of 2 Tablespoon
fulls 3 times a day these directions followed
have never been known to fail in curing the most
obstinate case of Tape llcri.
Ilohensack's Liver Pills.
No part of the system is more liable to dis
ease than the Lit er, it serving as a filtcrer to
purify the blood, or giving the proper secre
tion to the bile ; so that any wrong action of
the Liver effects the other important parts of
the system, and results variously, in Liver Com
plaint, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, &c. Wre should,
therefore, watch every symptom that might in
dicate a wrong action of the Liver. These Pills
being composed of Roots Plants furnished by
nature to heal the sick : .Namely, 1st, An Ex
pectorant, which auguments the secretion from
the Pulmonary mucus membrane, or promotes
the discharge of secreted matter. 2nd. An Al
ternative, which changes in some inexplicable and
insensible manner the certain morbid action of
the sy stem. Crd. A Tonic, which gives tone and
strength to the nervous system, renewing health
and vigor to all parts of the body. 4th, A Cath
artic, which acts in perfect harmony with the
other ingredients, and operating on the Bowels,
and expelling the whole mass of corrupt and vi
tiated matter, and purifying the Blood, which
destroys disease aud restores health. '
TO F E M A I. ES .
Yo will find these Pills an invaluablemedicine
in many complaints to which you are subject.
In obstructions either total or partial, they have
been found of estimable benefit, restoring their
functional arrangements to a healthy action,
purifying the' blood and other fluids so effectu
ally to put to flight all complaints which may
arise from female irregularities, a3 headache,
giddiness, dimness of sight, pain in the side
back, &.c.
' None genuine unless signed J. N. Ilobensack,
all others being base Imitation.
JEgyAgents wishing new supplies, and Store
Keepers desirous of becoming Agents must ad
dress the Proprietor, J. N. Ilobensack, Philadel
phia, Pa.
For sale by Murray, Zabm & Co., and E.
Hughes, Ebensburg ; A. Durbin, Munstcr ; John
ston, Johnstown ; McCloskcy, Siimmitville ; E
noch Rees, six miles west of Ebensburg ; and
by every respectable dealer in the State.
Keyser &. McDowell, wholesale agents, No.
140 Wood Street, Pittsburg, who will supply
agents at the Proprietors prices.
BeguPrice, each 25 cents 1 !
July L2, lc5.
Splendid Assortment ! Iooh Out J
Summitville, Cambria county, havejust received
from New lork, Philadelphia and Baltimore, a
large assortment of
Which will be sold low for cash. We will sel
our goods at a less price than ever they have
been sold in this county, and will retail Goods
as cheap as they do in Philadelphia, but we want
to sell them for cash, or something else as good.
All our goods will be sold at cash prices, and
one month is the longest credit we will give, and
any person having accounts rutining a longer
time, will be charged intcest from that time?
These are the terms, and we think if you call and
see our goods you will buy and save nu nev. su
gars we will sell at cost and carriage, Coffee, at
a siignt advance.
Uur stock .consists of a large assortment of
all kinds of goods usually kept, among which
are Ladies Cashmeres, de Lains and Merinoes
all wool, from GO cts, to S'2 per yard; the same
kinds, half cotton, from 10 to 35 cts .; Silk Warp
Aipacca, and an other Kinds ot Uress Goods.
we nave a splendid lot ot knives and forks, 50
dozen, winch we will sell very low. We call the
attention of every body to our stock of
Which was made to order, of the best sizes, and
most fashionable goods. We have over two
thousand dollars worth of these goods, and will
sell them cheaper than they can be bought in
any other place. The best kind of overcoats
from o.50 to 15 ; pants for $2.U5 ; Monkey
Jackets ahd Sack coats, very cheap. A small
lot of fine black cassimer pants, and fine satin
and silk velvet vests, bought in New York, will
be sold a little cheaper than they can be bought
for iu Philadelphia.
Our whole stock is of the best articles in mar
ket, we want to sell them soon, for we want the
money to pay for them. Come on and we wiH
sell to you right at one .price to everybody.
Children can buy as cheap ns your best Jews,
for we have but one price, and sell for cash. '
' W. W. IVORY & CO.
Summitville, Oct. 21, 1852 52-tf.
, This Way!
For the highest prices are -paid for 1 ides
skins and tanner'a bark in either trade,or cash by
. .. J. XdOUiirJ.
A fresh arrival of Boots, Shoes, Summer
flats, Caps, Fancy Gimp and Florence Straw
Lionnets," rowder- uun Uaps, bhot, -Lead, -&c.
received this day and for sale nt thecheapstor
of J. MOORE. '
Jaae 6, 181.
coxsuHPTioanmsjtaainD of its tcbiiorsij
A quick and. positive Cure for Consumption, decliue, asthma, spittmg of blood, night sweats,
husky throat, wasting of the flesh, bronchitis, coughs, colds, and all deseases ot the chest uuu
This celebrated preparation is pleasant to the
tients plainly Teel its good effects in a few minutes utter taking the nrst uose.
klastiiigs' Compound Syrup of Aaptliu
Is now acknowledged by ad tue abiest pnysiciuus ol bom lituaispheres, to be a quick and pos
itivp remedy for arresting the formation of tubercles on the lungs ; ami removing those already
formed ; and als to be the speediest and most effective of all medicinal agents iu tiie cure of ai.
other deseases of the. th; oat, chest and lungs. Language cauuot express the value of Hastings
Nantlui. Svrnn in these dispose q It untnnlv pnrps tlium cll'ectuullv. but It gives immediate CVl-
dence of its ability to do so;; for in a few minutes after the first dose has been taken, the pattern
teeis that a powtrtHl agent is in the system, strongly working lor his goud. Its operations are
never delayed: It at once flies to, and attacks the root of the disease with an energy unknown to
other medicines ; and that disease must be deeply seated indeed wnicii cau resist its unrivalled
influence. Hence it has frequently cured a painful cough in a day, which had delied otiicr popu
lar remedies tor a month; aud ha-removed
chest, in a few minutes, by the surprising energy
and phlegm. It is believed that no person lias given Hastings' rsapuiua eyrup u inai, u uw
not felt benefit from it, and acknowledge its virtues. And this conviction xa lurther c-taUiaheu
bv the oninions of the London Launcet. London Medical Times, and most other responsible pub
lications, devoted to the same interests.;' Until the appearauce of the Naphtha Syrup, tue medi
cal faculty had always regarded Consumption as an incurable disease, aud the records of meUicai
science exhibited no authenticated case that weighed seriously against that opiuiou. bince Dr.
Hastings discovery, however, of the new and greatest property of Naphtha, when united with
other iugredients, neariy a thousand cases of absolute phihisics positively cured through its
agency, have been substantiated ; aud this well established fact, in connection with a mss oi ex
periments successfully made of its virtues y the ablest phy siciaus of .Europe, clearly prove thai
Hastings' Compound. Syrup of Naptha isa positive cure jor Consumption, even in its woistgtag. s.
Three of the main causes of this property of Naphtha have beeu discovered. They are its extra
ordinary sublety, strength, and pervasiveness ; lor the moment it is received into Uie sycteui, it
extends itself throughout, making a passage of every pore, no matter how much clogged up they
may have previously been by foreign substances. Hence it operates ou the Uiseusd luugs by uis
iodgeing the particles of corruption iu the strength of its asceuit to the upper regions ot tne iruwe
and thus producing through ventilation ; aud hence it is a never failing rtuieuy in Oppression ot
the chest aud uitucuity in breathing; person thus affected, feeling alter takiug it, as if it had
f orced a passage through some channel which their disease had stopped up, aud tue re-opening ot
which was the only result necessary to the restoration of health, touch ludeed, are the prompt
ness of aotiou and energy of Hastings' Naphtha Syrup, iu ail the diseases for which it is iccoin
meuded, that from the time they commence taking it patients know
THAT IT IS C I" it I h li 1 H E M ;
an effect nearly the reverse of that which attenus tne earner use of every other known medicinal
remedy. For Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Night feweuts, Pains in the Breast, Back, &.C., twit
ting of blood, bilious and asthmatic Affections, it is also admitted to be the speediest aud must
vigorous and effective remedy extant ; and its effect in all Asthmatic complaints is equally deci
sive and remarkable. " Lassitude of the mind Habbiuess and wustiug of the flesh ; and all uis
position to inactivity and melancholy forebodings, are also quickly corrected by the Naphtha toy
rup ; which, in a wonderful manner revives the spirits, corrected by the flesh and muscies bra
ces the nerves and increases the weight. Thus, those wh- use it according to directions, gener
ally increase in weight, about a pound a week ; aud lor no otuer. purpose tiiau the
dissipation of melancholy, or the increase of bodily strength. In fine, a single trial of Hastings'
Compound Syrup of Naptha, is all that is required to secure the confidence of patients) and cause
hem to forego all other remedies in its favor. Ihe syrup is made ui in six ounce bottles, eacL
accompanied with a iianinblet, containing directions, certificates, &c. Price one dollar each, or,
six bottles packed up in a box, aud ready for transportation to any part of the world, cau be had
for five dollars. -
N. i. Hastings' Naphtha Syrup, being a very expensive preparation, cannot be left with
Agents on sale, or return, as is the case with the majority of the quack nostrums of the day,
which cost little more than the price of the bottles. Persons who waut it to sell again must pay
cash for it, with the usual commission off. Therefore patients who cannot obtain it in the places
where they reside, should write to us direct for a supply, and we will lorward it to them without
delay (packed up in a manner to secure its safe delivery) provided they cau be reached by Ex
press, fctage. Route, or any other mode of conveyance. All letters must be post paid contain
the price, of the number of bottles ordered, and be directed to C. V. CL1CKENEK & CO., No.
81 Barclay Street, New York, who are Dr. llaslinys' general Agent for America.
Agent Frederick Kitteil, Ebensburg,
December 16, 1852 8-Gm.
M A O N B T iTr 0 W D E R I,
This preparation is a powder compounded of Plants. Herbs, and Flowers, free from any sub
stance which could possibly injure man or domestic aninals, and is devoid of any disgreeabiej
odor. It has been examined by the luedical faculty of Frauce, Russia, bweden and Denmark,
i'rom all of whom ample testimony of its efficacy cau be produced.
L, Y O S
Tor the Destruction of BATS and MICE, witnm ixio minutes aiier
Being thrown in their vicinity.
Read tlie following letters :
- - " '' ' ' ' ' New York, October 1, 1850.
I have made a chemic tl examination of the Vegetable Powder prepared by Mr. Emanuel Lyo".
for the purpose of destroying insects. 1 do not find it to contain anything deleterious to healt",
or what might be considered poisonous to the human species ; but it is very destructive to insects
whenever they are forced to iuhale the fine particles oi dust occasioned by throwing the x'owdef
forcibly in places where they frequent. JAMES R. CHILTON, M. D., Chemist.
New York, Hospital, Juue 9, 1850.
I have analized Emanuel Lyon's Magnetic Powders for the destruction of insects, and certify
that it is entirely free from mineral or other corrosive poison. As the result ot my examination
hie substances haviinr a peculiar influence on
x. n uuiu i n a i t o u virtu uiuitiivii vm. v n - . .
the insect kingdom, and that it may be used with perfect safety. In reference to its utility, us
effects are astonishing. I belive it to be a skilfully prepared substance by which a va.uubie re
sult is obtained, which does effect what Mr. Lyon says, aud is well deserving of public patronage.
LAWRENCE RE1D, Professor of Chemistry.
Emaxvel Lvox.Esq. Yokk HospiTAL, June 1, !b5U.
Dear Sir : It affords me great pleasure in stating that I have extensively used y our
Powder for the destruction of Insects of all kinds, (especially Bed Bugs and Roaciies) una un
hesitatingly pronounce it the best and only article so effectual iu its operation. 1 have also ex
perimented with vour Pills, and find them equal in all respects with your fct.temeuts Hoping
that you may prosper, I remain your friend. JOHN L. ROOM E, Sup-Ilt. N. . Hospital. !
Gibson Hocsk, Cincinnati, October 9, 1850. J
We procured from Mr. B. II. Meakings. some of Lyon's Magnetic Powder and Pills's and cheer
fully certify as to its perfect efficacy in destroying Roaches nnd Rats within a lew minutes after
its application. It is the most simple, yet perfect remedy we have ever seen.
iF - 1. K. & D. V. BENNETT.
New, Yoek, Irving House, April 21, 184S.
I have used Emanuel Lyon's Magnetic Towder and Pills for the destruction of Insects and Ver
min, and I have found the most happy result, and cheerfully recommend them to those who may
be troubled with these insects, as a sure method of destroying them.
DANIEL D. HOWARD, Proprietor Irving House.
We certify to the above.
COLEMAN & STETSON, Astor House. S. THAYER COZZENS. American Hotel
JONAS B. PHILIPS, A ss't District Attorney. PRESTON II. HODGES, Carlton House.
: These articles received a premium at the Fair of the American Institute in 1S48, and the high
est premium at the Fair of 1850.
PRICE Lyon's Magnetic Powders, 25 cents per Flask ; Pills, 25 cents per Box.
All Orders must be addressed (post-paid) to C. V. CLICKENER & Co., General Agents, 81, Bar
clay street. New York.
Agent Fred. Kitteil, Ebensburg ; James Bell, Summit; G. II. Muckerhide, Johnstown.
December 10, 1852 8-Gm.
Cabinet Ware Rooms,
AU.egh.eny Street, Hollidaysburg, Pa.
Would respectfully invite the attention of the
public to their superior stock 0f
of every descriptio.n Furniture of all kinds
manufactured to order on the shortest notice."
All orders from a distance promptly attended
to. -April
29, 1852.
I Large lot of made-up-clothing, boots ancu
JX shoes, cloth nnd plush caps for sale by
Summit Oct. 7, 1852.
Salt! Salt ! !
1 Superior article of Sack and Barrel Salt for
il sale by DAVIS & LLOYD.
Ebensburg, June 17, 1852. .
OOL, Butter, and all kinds of Grain.
taken in exchange for goods at
, .. J. Moore's store.
JOI5 Y OKI . '
Neatly nnd expeditiously executed at this Office
The highest price paid for wool at the store
7 IIISKEY, White Lead, and Linseed Oil
forsaleby ..V : J. Moore.
40 Barrels Conemaugh for sale by .
J. Meere.
taste, and is so speedy in its operations that pa I
-difficulty of Lreathiug and pain in tue throat aud
of its action in clearing the passages or one
ill. U V UVJ
Will be opened this week at the brick store
n J. Moore, in Ebensburg, a general assort
ment of cloths, cassimercs, satinetts, tweeds,
nnd a great variety of summer goods,
Together with anv quantity of prints, delaines,
!awns, cashmeres, ginghams, lustres and other
iress goods. .
ind good assortment of hardware, queensware,
saddlery, clothing, stationary, drugs, &c, &c,
1 ersons wanting boots and shoes, hats and
aps, or ready made clothing, will find it to their
.ldvantage to call at the
ItricK Store.
Tha subscriber, thankful for past favors, ear
nestly requests his customers, and the public
generally to at least call and examine his stock;
ind if he cannot suit every person in quality
and price it is not his fault. Produce and lum
ber of all kinds taken in exchange for goods;
ma he also takes CAfell when offered.
Ebensburg, April 28, 1851.
I avis & Lloyd,
Having formed a partnership in the
Would respectfully solicit the patronage of their
friends and the public generally.
Call and see us at tho old stand of William
Davis. - -
April 29, 1852.
., For tbo Cure of
"Vi, icZmi ivii "
tiUULi, AMH.IIA, Aau
To cure a. . J soreness cf
the body, take tiie"ci.rry i tctoral on going to
bed, and wrap up war.n, to sweat during the
For a cold and cough, take it morning, noon,
and evening, according to "directions on the bot
tle, and the difficulty will soon be removed.
None will long suffer from this trouble when they
find it can be so readily cured. Persons afiiict
ed with a seated cough, which breaks them of
their rest at night, will find, by taking the Cher
ry Tectorial on going to bed, they may be sure
of sound, unbroken sleep, and consequently re
freshing rest. Great relief from suffering, and
an ultimate cure, is afforded to thousands who
are thus afiiicted, by this invaluable remedy.
From its agreeable effect in these cases, many
find themselves unwilling to forego its use when
the necessity lor it has ceased.
From two eminent Phy?ieinns in
Fatetteville, Tenx., April, ICth, 1851.
S.r We Iiiiya irivpn vonr f!herrv Pectoral
an extensive trial m our practice, and find it to
surpass every other remedy we have lor curing
affections of the respiratory organs.
Tc singers and public speakers th:s remedy is
invaluble. as by its action on 'he throat and
lungs, when taken in small quantities, it removes,
all hoarseness in n few hours, and "wonderfully
increases the power and flexibility of the voice..
Astha is generally, much relieved, f.nd often,
wholly cured by Cherrv Pectoral. But there'
are some cases so obstinate as to yielded enlire-j
ly to no medicine. Cherry Pectoral v. ill cure
them, if they can be cured.
Bronchitis, or irritation of the throat nnd up
per portion of the lungs, may cured h taking
Cherry Pectoral in small and frequent doges.
The uncomfortable oppression is soon relieved.
Rev. Doct. Lansing, of Brookliu, New York,
states :
"I have seen the Cherry Pe.'tornl cure such
cases of Asthma and Bronchitis ns leads me to
believe it can rarely fail to cure those diseaes."
For croup. Give an emetic of antimony, to
be followed by large and frequent doses of the
Cherry Pectoral, until subdues the disease. If
taken in season, it will not fail to cure.
Whoopinjr cough may be broken up and soon
cured by the use of Cherry Pectoral.
The influenza is speedily removed bv this re
medy. Numerous instances have been noticed
where whole families were protected from any
serious consequences, while their neighbors,
without the Cherry Pectoral, were suffering from
the disease.
Salem, Oo., 11th, June 1851.
Doct. J. C. Ayer :
I write to inform you of the
truly remarkable effect of your Cherry Pectoral
in this place, and in my own
family. One of
my daughters was completely cured in three
davs of u dreadful Whoopinjr Cousrh. by takinz
it. Dr. Means, one or our very best phyMcians
irceiy Pwiiesiuni ne considers 11 me oesi rcmeiiv
we have for pulmonary dieas-s. and that he has
cured more caes of Croup with it than any
other medicine he ever administered.
Our clergyman of the Baptist Church 6ays
that during the run of Influenza here this sea
son, he has s 'en cures from your medicine he
could scarcely have beli ved without seeing.
Yours respectfully, J. D. SINCLAIR,
Deputy Postmaster.
From flte (list ln$rii6!rl
C'ii-iul ry and Jlalerla
Uoln Collect-.
Prnfruor of.
Mtdic How -
1 have found the Cherry Pectoral, as its in
gredients how, a powerful remedy for colds,
and coughs, and pu'monary diseases.
Parkeu Cleveland, M. D.
Brunswick, Me.. Feb. 5. 1847.
Tle -widely c-Ielirnt-tt Prnfrtmr r Snr
gry tit flte Medical College, tw York
City, feays s
"It ghes me pleasure to certify the value and
efficacy of 'Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.' which I
consider peculiarly adapted to cure diseases of
the Throat and Lungs."
Cures of s vere diseases upon the Lungs have
been chected by Cherry Pectoral in such
treme cases as warrant the belief that a n
has at length been found that can be depended
on to cure the Cong' s. Colds and Consumption
which carry from our midst tin usands everv
year. It is indeed a medicine to wine" the afliic
ted can look with confidence for reli f. nd they
should not fail to avail themselves of it.
Practical and Analytical Clicmlkt,
Liiwkll, Mass.
Sold in Ebensburg by Fred. Kitteil, and by
Drujrjrists and Dealers in Medicine every where.
August 111, 1852 44-!m.
This delightf ul and popular article in the best
preparation tor the hair which Ions:
aud scientific research has produced, either as
.... .... , ' , ...
an article lor the toilet. - r its beneficial eftects
,, .i i- . ? - i .i i i
m all the diseases to which the human hair is
,. ., . ii - . j. .i i i
liable. It will impart to the roughest and coar-
.sest h:ur the most.utdul appearance, entire-Lgk
J ? """:" 'v " " ' v-"7
But wlnis; we assert
mat it is
the best article
for the toilet of these who
wish to
retain the t
hair in all its youthful
it must not be forgotten that in all diseases of
the hair or scalp, such us the falling of the hair
dandruff, pimples, or hores ou the scalp, &c, it
is, perhaps the article which has given decided
satisfaction in every instance where it has been
Its operation in case of baldness is peculiarly
active, so that, in numerous, where other reme
dies have been tried iu vain, STORK'S CHEM
ICAL lNVlGOBATOKhas t-upen-eded the orna
Storr's Invigorator
has now been tested for years, and its efficacy'
has been proved by thousands. Every year its 1
reputation and sales have increased, until more
of it is consumed annually than t-f any other ,
preparation lor the hair ever offered to the Amer-1
ican public. It is compounded on strictly sci-
entific principlesand the proprietor will 'stake i
his reputation on its efficacy.
Its extraordinary cheapness places it within '
the reach of the humblest family, and its , ou. ,
ceded value insure it a place on the most luxu-
rious toilet. -
Forsale by the proprietors price 25 cents.
C. P. AMET & CO,
1JLF .ircti street, one aoor below fcuxtb.
' For sale by Fred. Kitteil, Ebensburg ; James
Bell, Summit ; G. Muckerhide & Co., Johnstown.
December 16, 182 S-lr.
ments of art, by reinstating, in full plentitude : , '"""""'"J
tho permanent gifts and gVaces of nature. It ,,,tt,"e Ver-V ,"w,st rrices 1,19
is possessed of a character holly differing from ' foll, l,, P?,,s : f1?'16. cassin.eres, gingl.nms.
the Oils, Grease, Restoratives, Ac. whicl, u'uns ,n!',s- PJ. mous de nionnos.
now so numerously foisted on the public, under ttnccn!i "' w. real long shawls, pine apple
the pretence of being newly discovered for bald- f, ?T J- ''Tf' ""J P"ss-,neB
i...;- x- .handkerchiefs, ribbons, buttons, cloves, hosiery,
- VP. IIS TiT-RTT TTV M!Tcro "
nnd all
diseases ar
ising from a dis
ordered liver or sto
mach, such as' constipa
tion, inward piles, fullness or
blood to the head, acidity of the
stomach, nausea, heart-burn. i;M..
for food, f-illuess. crwright in the Stoninch
sour eructations, sinking or fluttering at r
i of "omacli. win.mingof the head 2
. ried and difficult brrathin" flrtto
at the he:irt, choking or suffoca
t:ng sensations when in a liv
ing posture, dimness of
vision, dots or webs
before t'.ie sight
fever and
pain in the head, difneiency or perspiration t
lowntss of the skin and eyes, pain ha
the side, back, chest, - limbs
&c, sudden flushes '
of heat, bm-nirig in the Cesb
constant imaginings of evil nd irrent
depression of spirits, can be effectually cured fcr
ranpenrD Br '
At tlic Cci niun MtiiUin store
120 Arch Street, Philadelphia.
'vuer via tue ujuir atfcatrs is vol exce"tJ
''. "("""tu ""J oi.ttr preparaiun
in f.4
-x i"c cures a,res;,tn viai.y easts of.
lers.ful phiMian had failed.
i ",'ac " wormy the attention of in.
a re
-; s.n greai virtues in the reeti-
uii-js. i wsMMiisr trreat vii-fnrxi ;
pi ureases oi tne Liver and lesser glands
1 1 '-" "'"cning powers in
1 11 ' 3 uiections ot tne d-.ges
?stive ore-urn. !,.
are witiial, s.le. certain and j leasnnt.
That this liicdjcine will cure Liver Compl.iUt
and Dyspepsia, no one can .Joubt after usir:e it os
. " V T
! stated. It acts
p.'csfcally upon the stomach and
it is preferable to calomel in all LUiout
ewearrs the c-Eect is immediate. They enn b
auminisicrcu to lemaie or nilaut with safety and
reliable benefit at any time.
Look well to the marks cf the Genuine
T!uy have the written signature of C. M.
JACKSON upon the wrapper, aad his name
blown in the buttle, without which they arc spu
rious. For sale Wholesale and Retail at the Gerrcnn
Medicine Store. No. 120 Arch street, one door
below Sixth, Philadelphia ; and by respectall
dealers generally through the country.
To enable all clases of invalids to enjoy tL
advantages of their great restorative powers.
Sir,g!e Lottie 75 cnts.
For sale by Frederick Kittel Druggist Ebens
burg: .'.-imes Bell, Summit ; G. Muckerhide &
Co.. Johnstown.
December 10, 1S52 S-ly.
TI:o!rsaIe and Ilctail
The subscriber adopts this method of return
ing thanks to his friends aud the public gener
ally, for the liberal patronajre heretofore htr.w.
ed upon him, and begs leave to inform them tLat
ne "as emarpeu ins business, and now keepi
i u;ijr,l,un'i 1,11 ""im a iar pupj.i v or crerv va
rieiy oi 1 ti.vrurr, wove 1'ipe, Dripr.vnn Pa,
Zinc Boilers. Coal Buckets, Tta Kettles, Jr., Ac,
which he will sell, wholesale or retail, as low &
any other establishment in the country.
He is also prepared to manufacture Spouting
for 1
louses, at tlie shortest notion nml r.n tt,.
most reasonable terms. Merchants and others
desirous of purchasing bills of ware, are res
pectfully invited to call, as he is prepared to sell
mem goous equally as etieap as they can be had
, either east or west, and all ord
him will be promptly attended to.
CJrcat Incitement.
IN Ebensburg, at the warehouse of the under
signed who has on hand and will sell at the
lowest prices
consisting of Globe ; Plat Top, complete ; Yit
tort, complete : complete Cook; the Xev Com
phte ; CiH.ks Favorite; Delaware Cook ; Key
atone ; Union Coal Burner, Parlor stove ; Hot
Atr, do ; Bar Room', coal stove ; all of the la
tent style and pattern which cannot be excelled
or equalled. Come and see them mil r-
I ' oU i H-'l-
get to In ing your wife along-
:r i
i.rmn- i,,lr.i, ' w uuuw
Job Wort of every description, done on tL
shortest notice. Old copper and pewter, taken
in exchange f..r ware.
Tlie undersigned hope's, by a strict attention
to business, to receive a liberal share of publia
Ebensburg, July S, 1852.
fl,llh undersigned informs his customers that
1 the
firm of Bvnon it Johnston is dissolved
by mutual consent, and that the subscriber still
continue the business in the room recently oc
cupied by the old firm, where he will be happy
,'to si-e Ins former patrons and as manv new
,.- tli,.u., ,.u m rA : , . ,
v.., v, ,i- .itim tit- t"illrlJ
trotn ,e-w lork. and I hibidelnhi the latest
f..fih: ,,, K k -.i .,aTC"
I fashions and cannot be beaten either in the
r t i . . . ,u luo
snape or nt t.f Coats, Pants tr ests. bv anv
, othr TaUor hl lhe c' LYtfuK
the Mic to ive hf eJHrfZ
Ifident ll S work w 1 rwnrr,,,,,.! U.f
" ; r. ff " , .
i24-" iviu3 oi cuumry jirouuce iftxen im
lor work.
April 29, 1852 tf.
Jolin 3Ic3IccI &, Co.,
Have the pleasure of announcing to their friends
and the pu lie, that they have opened a new
store at the west end of the Allechenv tunnel.
laces, thread, silk, silks, satins, umbrellas. &c.
j, " T? .
Cbt; n"J che"l,est
Also, n heavy stock of turrs. teas of the latest.
st imfortations; queensware.
Pnr,s. i,.Vltc Kw k,.,r(1.. rh.
ionab,e ayU,s; nmJ nl quantit of
. .. . .
flualww' uwer, bait, un, tigar..
a.nd tt,h;l"'- All of which they will sell at tte
cheapest rates.
aue.mon oi purchasers w
extensive And varied stoc of
Ready-Made Clothing',
comrrisin!T all colors nnd mi:ilitio4 and tnanu-
Ifactured from the best materi als, which we will
dispose of at fair rates and we warrant every
article will give the utmost, satisfaction.
The highest price paid for all descriptiocj of
produce. .......
Gallitzin, Jaa. 1, lSoRJ 10-tf
tl T I u If 7111 Whwu I . a .. 1 . a AM