The mountain sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1844-1853, November 11, 1852, Image 1

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The "MOUXTMX SEXTIXEL" is publish
ed every Thursday morning, at -ar
Y?y tUf Pt annum, if paid m advance or
wUhin three months: after three mouths Two
Mlar. will he charge;! .
. uubKor h.tio:i win oe ...
r',l than six-months; nml no paper win w
5;k..m.tinfleJ until oil arrearage ore paid.
. ,.:r.. .. ,i;u-i-mf mti.-itm !lt the CXI)!l';l-
tlOIl Ol
f the term suosenneu 101, m cunom-
rwd us a. new engagement.
CfT. ADVERTISEMENTS will be inserted
,t tlfoilowing rates: 50 cents per square for
the frst insertion: 75 eents for two insertions;
for three insertions ; and 25 cents per square
..,r f very Bubseciuent insertion. A literal rcdue-
t'.-.-i made to those who advertise oy uic year.
.m iv.rtUiTnents handed in must have
A" ,l" . . .. ....... i
From the J.ouiziilU Tunes.
Mr b;rthanv'. ch! what myriad memories
iVioy Hi'id sorrow wake ut thy return,
JJ.. the chords that have been f-ilen
chords that have been silent !ng; I
nd theyare breathing such rich melody
Tint tear? and smiles bit tided in my hen
As to the notes I list. They're coming now
In wild exuberance o.
childish L;lee :
rinow, as a thick shadow intervene?,
Ue wiific sweet is hushed in nioui nlu'ines
T'.uf. thus in life s ever mingled mirth
.'cJ suuacss, light and gloom.
My birthday : oh '.
oft hast thou been welcomed by fond I
r'rl,nil,ed ones I'll meet on earth no more : i
(" cnnisnci ' f..
iJ there was one whose sm.ic was ue.uir i.u .
i .i ti.un ' fi.nM lw I
vnini iieai i iii;m j - - i
Itr's was a
smile wreathed by the hal'.ow'd
Iiiuziiuing her spirit's depths.
E'en now,
The' thou hnt fled forever from my gaze.
iv angel mother, yes, e'en now 1 think,
;s I look up to the s-oft stars at night,
That I can trace the holy radienee
Of thy West Fmile that from its realm of bliss
Shed "its sweet light cf love and purity
Vpon mv saddened spiiit ; and I feel
-VAt ia'tiy home in Paradise there'll be
A tlae beside my mother for her child
When the wild title of time shall swell above
Mr Fpirit launched upon the boundless sea,
Who.-e waves shall guide me to eternity,
Where I will dwell in happiness with thee.
Ih.w Khali I welcome thee, my birthday ? Now
Thou com'st to me when gladsome earth is
In rich luxuriance with fruit and flower :
Thou com'st when spring's soft budding love'.i
nces li-.i burst m summer's brightest, gayest bloom;
And yet tis sadly I must greet thee now,
Vor thus around mc seems the sun to throw
3:i? regal splendor; and the very air
With sighs seems laden as it fans my cheek,
As if e'en raftire could divine the thoughts
Y.'uhin the depths of my sad heart
How like,
llr.vr very like my ppirit, is the mouth
TUt ti.-hered il into existence. Warm,
lvr-i-tnous, impulsive, as the glow sunlight flings o'er morning's smiling sky;
A.v.l true and changeless too ns the bright rays
Tint at creation's hour were kindled there
Ai-e thc directions bunring in its depths.
Trcht month ! thv every lovely tint must fade :
T: r.. ....... in (mwiT must droon and wither all: I
r.Nummn, witli iis gentle sadness, come;
Aiid Winter's cheerful hours must pass, and
Fwcct, f-miling Spring, must come and go ere
Will gladden earth again.
And she, perhaps,
wio sadly greets thee now, will lie beneath
Thy clust'ring flowers in that sweet dreamless
That e'en the very weariest heart can rest
V.Lcre morn aud eve bright dew-drops, Heaven's
own tears,
V. i'd moisten the green turf above her head
And there perhaps some loving hand will strew
Her favorite flowers the flower? she used to
And chrrhh. But if when thou com'st again
Thou'lt find her amoug the living ones of earth,
Her prayer is now that when her birthday next
Fball dawn, its light will find her happier,
And only welcomed by her joyous smiles.
Louisville, July 10, 1852. ADA.
The Kentuckf Block.
This beautiful block, the production of the
oil cf the noble State it is to represent in the
Wasington "National Monument." It is a hand
some specimen of drab-colored limestone, 7 feet
long by 3 feet 4 inches in height. The carving
wd lettering are executed in a masterly manner
'ad represent in the centre the full-length fig
ures of the lamented Clay and Crittenden, sur
rounded by a beautifully executed wreatli of oak
and laurels, with the words "United we stand,
divided we fall ;" on the outside is the inscrip
tion, "Under the auspices of Heaven and the
fresceptsof Washington, Kentucky will be the
last to give up the Union." The whole is execu
ted ia bold relief, and projects four inches from
the face of the block. Xational Intelligencer.
C,A laughable circumstance took place
last week near the market place in this town.
a a soldier was carrying the dinner belonging
to his mess from the baker's, one of hiscompan -
ions coming behind him, called out "attention !"
when this well disciplined soldier dropped his
hands, and at the same time th dinner of hia
rrener nunil er ot insertions jnarKea u.eicon, - , :
tVe- will be published until forbidden, and j good, which can die. To their country they yet ,
,iiuied in accordance with the above terms. j live, and live, and live forever. They live in ail j
a-Vd letters and communications to i"s,,,re that perpetuates the remembrance of men on;
CBth-.u mnhtbeQxM.. .-t. J. UULl j iu recorJcJ proofs of tLcir own great ;
Great Men never Die.
Iii the oration delivered by Mr. Webster in
Fanueil Hall, in 1S2G, on the death of Adams
and Jefferson, he thus tells us, and his word.,
have now fuil application to himself, that the
v.h.itV ....! ir.k' 1 t..Aii ittiA
. . ,. . , . ,
"Adanis and Jclkrson, 1 have said, are no j
.-is nuiiiau oeuiLia, uiuciu, un; .m- .j
more. They are no inert, as in 1770, bold a:id
tearless advocates of independence ; no nule,
as on subsequent periods, the head of the gov
ernment ; u more, as we have recently seen
them, aged and venerable objects of admiration
, .. , ,
and retard. They are no more, lhey are
actions, iu the off.-pring of their intellect, in the
deep engraved lines of public gratitude, and in
the respect and homage of mankind. They live
j in theii example, and they live, emphatically.
and will live in the influence which their lives
and efforts, their principles and opinions, now
exercise, on tiie affairs of men, not only iu their
own country, but throughout the civilized world.
A superior and commanding human intellect,
a truly great man, when heaven vouchsafes so
rare a gift, is not a temporary H.une, burning
j bright for a while, and then expiring, giving
! place to veturnirg darkness. It is rather a
Snark of fervent heat, as well as radiant light.
with power to enkindle the common mass of hu-
. , , , ,.
man mind ; so that when it glimmers, in its own
. , , ,
dor - .iv !ir.l f.iiallv foes out iu deal!), no niirht
. i o
follows, but it leaves the world all light, all on
lire, from the potent contact of its own spirit.
Dacon died ; but the human understanding,
roused by the touch of his miraculous wand, to
a perception of the true philosophy, and the
just mode of inquiring alter truth, has kept on
its course, successfully and gloriously. New ton
died ; yet the courses of the spheres are still
kniiwn, and they yet move on, iu the orbits
which he saw, and described for them, in the in
finity of space."
Tribute liy Oen. Pierce.
The following address was delivered by Gen.
Franklin Pierce, at Concord, N. II. : ;
Mr. Chairman How deeply have all hearts
been impressed by the fervent appeal to that ,
Power iu which our fathers put their trust, in!
the hour of their weakness and trials. And
how has that solemn impression been enhanced I
by thc last words of the truly great man, just :
read by the Rev. Dr. Uouton. ',
But a few weeks have passed since a deep
gloom was cast over our country by the death of
the great statesman ol the West. It lwtdlongbeen
understood that this light was flickering in its
socket, and must soon go out. Still, the an
nouncement, when it came, was laden 'ith sad
ness ; and we have all since then been disposed
to look with warmer affection and more glowing
gratitude to his great compeer and associate, the '
intelligence of wdiose sudden decease will fall i
like a funeral pall upon the public mind through- i
out that Union to which he gave his best affec-
inn mi nnlilpt- f!Virt. I
I had met Mr. Webster repeatedly prior to
1833, but my personal acquaintance with him
may be said to have commenced with my first
winter at Washington. His attachment to our
l..V'll. .Al.? lllllll.lllllV.llb 4.VJ UU 1
State was singularly strong, and tliis circum-
stance, perhaps, led to a series of kind nets and
courtesies towards me, during the session of
1833-4, and afterwards, the grateful i ecollection
of which will never be effaced. I mourn for
liTm o u ftr- ft fi-Ii-iini fnr trtinc v..r-ii'il
111111, 1 'J I 1. II11.1.V IV. .!. i.v...v"...i ill'
i, i i
my own heart has given back a true and :uil re-
J !
suonse. i
Amonjr eminent citizens of commanding pow- !
er and influence while I was in the Senate, he
stood perhaps pre-eminent. In his rich combi
nation of qualities as an orator, lawyer and
statesman, it may safely be said he had no rival.
How forcibly and sadly are weVeniinded of thc
great men with whom he was associated in the
Senate Chamber, and who proceeded him in his
transmit through the "dark valley !" Whitef
Grundy, Forsyth, Southard, Wall, Linn. Sevier,
Silas Wright, Hill, Woodbury, Calhoun, Clay
men who left their impress upon the age Lames
indissolubly connected with the fame and his to- !
ry of their country ; all like him whose death
we are now called upon to deplore, were links j
I .1. lllf.'ld- IJlIL iltllV lllllC 13 IULIC. VI 111
in the chain which bound the past generation to weeping bitterly, he halted, and asked, "What Slde' 1 leIt as hSht as notuin 1 scarcely toucii
thp nn-spiit nnd all. like him. arc now mi tlieiwiU m,.t..T- mv littiw i,.linw ' K. ed the ground I walked on. But I 6hant tell
- - t - ... y r - -
other side of that narrow line which divides
time from eternity. Upon whom have their
mantles fallen ? Who are to take their places
in the perils through which our country may be
called to pass? Who, with patriotic courage
aud statesmanlike forecast, are to guide in the
storms that will, at times, inevitably threaten
us, iu our unexampled developement of re
sources as a nation, our almost fearful progress.
our position of amazing responsibility, as the
great, confederated, self-governing powir of the
j globe ? These are questions which will press
! themselves upon all minds ; but who, alas ! can
satisfactorily answer them ?
To speak of Mr. Webster's genius, his. varied
tad solid attaiAtmeBt, Ma Bervieeg, would b to
discourse of matters as familiar, even to thc
children of his native State, as household words.
Besides, this must be left to vigorous pens and
eloquent tongues, after the first gush of grief
and thc oppressive sense of loss, shall, to some
extent, have passed iway. It is, and long has
j been, my firm conviction, that Mr. Webster had
a hold upon the minds and hearts of his coun-
1 ... , . ...
fnitifl- ietni'ti wV. f;ii! to he liistlv estimated.
only because lacro. nas no
y because tiitre no iu;i cpporiuuuy io
ihC iure it.
You, Mr. Ciiairni in, have truly said that Mr.
Webster's trreat.iess was of that r tre character
which no earthly position cou'.d exalt. He came
to official stations, as he approached all subjects j
sented to his mind, their superior and their !
master. He lias reared for himself a vast pil- !
lar of renown, which will stand in undiminished
strength and grandeur, when the works of men's i
hands erected to his honor, will belike Ninevah: i
and, 1 fear, when this Union may have shared ;
the fate which was the dread of his later j ears.
When the distidguished LrotLir cf trie de
ceased was called instant from time to eternity
iu the court room iu this place, with the last
word of a perfect sentence lingering upon Ids
lips, another citizen, most eminent and beloved,
(the late lamented George Sullivan.) exclaimed'
"What shadows we are, what shadows we pur"
sue !" How these emphatic words come b:ick
to us here, as if by an echo. How mere earth
ly honors and distinctions lade amid a gloom
like this ; how political asperities are chastened;
what a lesson to the living ; what an admonition
to. personal malevolence, now awed and subdued,
as the great heart of the nation throbs heavily
at the portals of his grave.
I have no heart to speak, or to contemplate
the extent of thc loss we have sustained. As .a
nal friend-as a son of New Hampshire-
American citizen, I shall be, with thou- ,
, a sincere mourner at his obsequies.
as an
Our Country. '
In 1702 the corner-stone of the present Capi- ,
1fi."l. the corner stone of an extension fof the
buildings was laid, and the Secretary of State
, - r
made an address, in the course of which he
presented a sketch of the comparative condition
of our country at the two periods.
Then we had fifteen States, now we have
thirty-one. '
Then our whole population was three trillions,
now it i3 twenty-three.
Then Boston had 18,000 people; now it has ;
over 1C7.000.
Philadelphia had 43,000, now it has 400,- :
000. i
New York had 33,000, now it has 515,000. ;
Then our imports were 21090,000, now they 1
are $ 178, 900,000. !
Then our exports were $20,000,000, now they
are $ 1 5 1,000, 000.
The area of our territory was then 800,000
square miles, it is now 3,300,000. ;
Then we had no railroads, now we have 8,500 '.
miles of railroads. I
Tlion xro lioil ''lift Tinof-nfTifo TirvTc )i.iir -
21,000. " '
o., r o, r '
J U I U-TCI1UV II Jill liUBiailC lUCU ft il3 'plUU.UVW
now it is $5,000,000.
'I1 K n n . 1 . t C ii- 4ftftfc. ..Lin. 1 . . 1
111 ST; IIC UIIIV 4 11.1, lilVia IU CllOn lllC Illl'lU I
growth of the country ; and what we and our ;
children have to do to secure the continuance of
its prosperity, is to love, fear and obey the God
of our fathers; to avoid intemperance, pride
contention, and greediness of gain, and cherish j
in oil .iiif Ii.irtj o. ii n.ittiwitiiiiii oiid n i
Jl, .111 1IUI IIVUIV L'llll IUIIOI1I, Ull'l. flll A 11
o , , i , i , ,1 i
vast sense of our obligation to those that shall ,
come after us.
j i,NThiu-K.SK. lernaps no wronger evidence
, can be adduced of the intrinsic value and unri-
vailed usefulness of Aykr's Ciiebut Pectobal,
thm the fact, that in order to supply the de.
m.n.d the Proprietor has been compelled to
; build an immense block, occupying a large part
i of a square on one of our principal thorough-
! fares, live stories of which is to be occupied by
his Laboratory for the preparation of the Cher-
; ry i ecteaa. i..i,e. ..s aiuc.e n;,s now won
its way to ike public favor solely by its success
in curing disease, this fact is some comment on
its virtue. Lowell AtfcertiWr.
Cff) A clergyman- happening to pass a boy
, i 1 1. m iut.iiv. .. v. iu v ii y '
plied :
"Before we could hardly get enough to eat,
of anything; and now what shall we do! for now
there's another one come."
"Hush thy mourning; and vipe fl' t!o se
tears,"' said the clergyman, ami ivuu m ei that
He never sends niouihs without fie send-s victu
als to put into them."
"I know that," said the boy." Lut the.i lie
sends all thc moutli3 to our huut, and thc vic
tuals to your house.
tjrThe signal for convcrsi.tioii amongst w-
men is when a pretty girl begins to
fitarlf y ou with to dosa a lady'6, lips ask
her her g.
tol at Washington was laid. .t tiiat time, uen. ; mighty fine gaiaiy n in her tow-linen lrocs, her tjie i10use. Gosh
Vi'ashington, m whose h ;nor the new seat of cheeks wur a'-f) a China pigs. an i as red as j bottomless, I sprui
government was named, officiated. Fifty-eight a turkey go jI", fV nJ then "fliar was !ally 1 th;s j threw myself
years aner am, n. i uu nin i .i.ij i erKiiis, wiiii tjr. ciij iuijicu uum tuv i scjnre LTUmptOn
Jimmy Waddle's Firat Courtship.
To to read by a Young Man to Ms "Ducky."
TIkijE of sprees, boys, puts me in mind cf
my yung day;5. I should rafher guess I was in
for 'ew some myself them times, said and old
man ' vM'oin we will introdace as Mr. -Waddle or
rather old J:m Waddle. livery body (except the
reader) knows old Jim and his penchant for
yarn spinning. It is thc evenins of militia
-( v. ...... ..0
J training day, and there are a goodly number
w,i0 llftcr the company is dismissed from duty,
are lounging around and all now gather about
olJ 'llm to hear the 3arn 1,e commenced,
,,e on,J W!lits t ue urSd ; as there are
Plent-V to do th5s' t,ie company are not keptlong
in suspense. "What will ye have, boys," de
manded the old man, "of my hunting or court-
, ing sprees ?"
' Oli a courting spree by all means, answered
; half a dozen voices.
I Well when I was a boy, you know daddy
mo veil from Virginny to Kaintucky, I'd been
b ru and fotched up on thc fronteers and Kain
tuclvy was a perfect raradise for uie to hunt
. bars and Iiijins iu but I forgot, you want a
courting yam.
Weil although I was always a cutting up some
develtry among the bo s, yet some how I was a
little shy aud skeery amongst the galls. I like
the critters prodigious, but about the only way
I could manage to show it was by casting sheeps
eyes at 'em. We had meetings as well as frol
ics sometimes. While the preacher was preach
ing tender heartedness, brotherly kindness and
brotherly love, I war'nt thinkin' of nothm' else.
I used to set where I could look the galls in the
fiice' ,en at some Prct one tl11 she d
Mush as red as a peper pod. Then I felt so
queer about the gizzard, and wished an a.rth-
! quake would come ana tnrow me rigni in uer
I was in love but I could not tell who
loved most. Tl .-ir was Teggy Masonhammer, a i
ton frock. besidi-Mcr hair and eves as black as ('
jnk, and then thar was dimple cy'd Lotte Smith, !
w)0 always toated her shoes and stockings tut j
she got insight of the meelin'. Well of these j
three I couldn't tell for my life which I liked j
best. Sometimes one aud sometimes another, '
but always the last one I looked at. Cut when j
'Squire Crumpton come to our diggins, his two
gals tuck thc shine off the rest on 'em, especial- j
ly his oldest one, Betsey. I shan't attempt to
describe her, but when I tell you she had a cali-
co frock with yaller flowers as big as your hand, !
brass ear bobs, besides half a dozen strens ot
beads as large as the end of your little finger,
you may think she was a charmer. I did any
how, as lawyer Liggins say of all the magnum
bonuraest. And so all the fellers said too. When
1 fust seen her it was at Deacon Snook's meet-
in'. I fastened my eyes on hers till hers met
mine, she looked study at me, then smiled a
charmin' smile and blushed and looked down.
Lordy thar was a flutterin' then equal to a saw
m"ll hntiroon mv two ifiel-:et roeki-ts ; T felt.- T
wasa Conner. From that hour I was too big for I
..,... s.,.,.i.. t u, ,7.i.iQ i
OIJ Ui CttUCS. illiVl VI .1 a wii'i.' u'l'iu i
breeches he'd been married in before the Revo-
l.ilmnn.iT .1 - w n 1 1 . 1 nnnin flf? f tlta I'nnoa 1 11 1 f 1
lUHUUUIJ tllll, IHI-- 1 u ... I- v. . 1111. nuvvi?, mut. 1
as he was tall and I warn't they come be- 1 1
low mine three or four inches. Agin the next
meetin', 1 was prepared to cut a big stiff. Sis-
tcr Sal for the purpose starched and ironed my
new fine shirt as stiff and slick as a sheet of
npw till TliiQ shirf llrlil flip fiflpsfc kind of fl:iv
"... ...... - - - - - - -
v i i i n i ii : mi
linen in the bosom and collar, but the invisible
i -i. mi i i . n
part of it was coarse tow with a hemthat would
j cable a steamboat. Now wdiile Sal was smooth-
in, the rj,lkles nearthe said hem with a iron just
j hot from the down stairs turnble(1 one of
thc tU,rit:ll br,ts knockin. tbe breath out on it.
j It WftS Saturday night, and she was tbe only one
j up auJ runs to it of course, but before it comes
J to0j t,,e iro,, ln:lde its mark that is burnt
j twQ b((!c8 in tbe 5linJ part of mj ymcn Nest
J 1IU,rnill I put it oa ns it was ,iien dads true
WueSj tl,en the first of regular built pair of
. sWs rd KVtp had
I was seventeen just that
I niPllju auJ in my Sunday riggiu' felt myself a
man aud was resolved if Betsy Crumpton was at
meetin' to show it. Well she was there, and I
axed her company and got it ; Wilkins by her
you the line thinks 1 thought and said to her on
the way, and more alter we got home (oh yes,
do tiid a number of voices.) No you'll have
enough without that, you're to skim the cream of
the sti ry yet.
She kept me up late Say two o'clock and
in spite of the noveity (it bein' the fust time) 1
got sioepy. Now the 'Squire had just come to
these ptt ts aud put up a one story, one roomed
:g c-.biii, and the whole family except some of
he ycui.g i.i-s slept below. I was a little iash
fui iiD-ut to bed thar, but I was three
Miies liom Uome, t;nd it was rainin' like blue
o:av es. I Lau to do it, and did without axposiu'
lut- blauks in my linen. I resolved to be up a
fore anybody else in the mornin,' on the ewne
account and some others. That was the last
know'd till wakened by the hounds (half a do
zen of which fclept under the bed.) Just as I
was gwine to spring out, in pops the old oman
with a rdate of venison. It was dof Java von
J know anJ sbc pookcJ - . t omej
slept till she went out again, then looked for my
trowsers thar they wurin the jaws of the pups
at thc foot of the bed. I made a mighty lounge
over the footboard to retake them, but, oh hor
rors my head down and my heels up. What is
thc matter thinks I, but it flashed across me in a
J 1 V
minit that the hole in my linen was over the post
mid a tall post too 1 kicked and floundered and
flounced but to no purpose. I couldn't get
down. I strained to break the heni but it was
no go. Jist now all the hounds commenced
yellin' so furiously the old om.m and both galls
run in to see what was up and when they seen
it Vas me, they ran out agin ; one begins to
holler for the '.Squire, while t'other through the
cracks battled with f.shin' poles the cussed
hounds that wur wullin me.
Oh I thought of Absoleni and everybody else
that ever did hang, but he didn't hang with the
wrong end up, that was a colsolation I hadn't.
Pd a cussedjmy fate like Loston, but I remem
bered I belongedto meetin' and it was agin the
rules. I did thick howsomever some mighty
hard words if I didn't say 'em. Lut all that
dindn't do no good. I couldn't make nothing by
pullingdownwards, 60 I thought I'd climb up
the post and unloose myself that way. I had ! fuce was deadly pale, and his lips firmlv com
hearly succeeded when one of the unmannerly j pressed, as he rose and looked at his father with
pups attacked me in the rear and loosin my . an unflinching eye.
hold, fell in a knot peeling off my linen smack ! -Go to your room, sir, and stay there till vou
and smooth, the buttons busted off and I came . are sent for! I'll master that spirit of yours
out full length on the floor, in precisely the same i before you are many days older."
stateof fix Job said lie came into the world. j Ten' minutes alter, Harry's door opened and
The next minit I was under the bed where the i
everlistin' pupsHiad dw?ged my trowsers. I j
cufreJ them off, but every time I put one leg
partly on, the infernal whelrs would pull t'other :
j . " . - ;
! ci i T I ai nrn i 1 1 flue o tt enm ar i nm i- li nr. c ti.irtl.T.. .
g;ive way an j t fen into;a trough of soap under j
" iJ auuikuiv. nuvu c uuvum j
I thought I was in a pit that's
ig for my life, but iu doin'
into the face and stomach of
who was comin' on the run !
ct;r. t;; :i i. I
family. The collision threw him down hill, and
i - ijvi.uu ill ntiT tl ll .L.Otll. 1 ciu niv nuuic
j f0nowcj heels over head to the bottom.
uere j received my understanding, and without
any ap0l0gis, or even a word, I struck a bee line
for uome jUst"as"I was in my native purity,' at
a SpCej that split the winds my toenails strikin'
re ou't tLe gjnt every jump. But b'hovs I
neTer wcnt wjtbin a quarter of a mile of 'Squire
Cruniptons, afterwards, nor did lever cast
sheep's eyes at Betsy again, lit alone gallant
jier 2i0la Exchange paper.
j The Fowl Fever.
' It would seem by the following paragraphs,
which we extract from the New England Culti
vator, that the fowl fever has by no means aba-
; ted:
j At the late Boston fowl exhibition in Septem
ber, three Cochin Chinas were sold at 100. A
'. pair of grey Chittagougs at $50. Two Canton
Chinese fowls at $80. The grey Shanghai chic-
ens at $75. Three white Shanghais at $64.
wuite Shanghai chickens 5? 10 to $45, &c,
nn1 tuese Fr'ces, for similar samples, could
... . ,
now be obtained, again and again.
Within three months extra samples of two
. , , . . .
t n i i fil.l TM'lc nf ilka . t-irf I hinocA lr.riiif iu
z.-irTn I
11.1,17 umii DllllX JUl v 1 lliC IJUIX. i ri III
pairs, within our own knowledge, have com
manded $50 a pair, within the past six months.
i Last week we saw a trio of white Shanchsxs sold
in Boston for $45. And the best specimens of
tr, , ,(,.-1. .
Shangha?s and ochin China fowls now bring
- . ,., . .
$-0 to !2-j a pair, readily, to purchasers at the
. ... l
South and West
These'pfices do not equal, however, the Bums
which have been recently obtained in England
for fancy fowl. The Cottage Gardiner says:
Within the last few weeks, a gentleman near
London has sold a pair of Cochin China fowls
for 30 guineas, ($150) and another pair for 38
guineas, ($1G0.) He has been offered X20 for
a single hen ; has sold numerous eggs for I gui
nea, ($5) each, and has been paid down for
chickens just hatched, 12 guineas ($G0) the half
dozen to be delivered a month old. One ama
teur alone has paid upwards of 100 for 6tock
Statue of Jackioni
A correspondent of the Dansville (N. II.) Her
ald speaks thus of the Evuestrian Statue of Gen.
Jackson, on which Mills, the Sculptor, has been
engnged, at Washington, for the last four years:
The whole is not, as yet, finished, but there
is enough to give assurance of what it is to be.
There is no mistaking the strongly marked vis
age of the Old Hero, while his splendid war
steed seems "to scent the battle from the air."
This is the first attempt of the kind by any ar
tist in this country, and in some respects in the
world. The horse is in a rearing position, as in
the statue of Peter the Great, but, unlike that
statue, has no support except the hind feet of
the horse attached to the padestal. In the sta
tue of Peter the Great, beside the Bupport of the
hind feet, the tail of the horse is attached to the
pedestal Or rathe to the errent uirier ti
I horse, and thc sericntto the rock. In thi sta
tue of Mills, however, the tail of the horse is
loo9e and streaming in the wind, thereby giving
a ii-uch more spirited appearance to the whole.
This has been pronounced impossible by trans
Atlantic artists, but one has only to inspect thw
model of Mr. Mills, and the scientific principles
on which he works, to be convinced or his com
plete success in this particular. So" nicely has
he adjusted the centre of gravity, that a small
copy of the whole in metal, will stand on the
hind legs on the hore in a rearing position(
without any attachment whatever. Of course
in the vast original, weighing 3,500 pounds the
j hind legs of the horse will be permanently fixed
j to the pedestal. If this thall succeed, and
I there is hardly a possibility of failure, it will be
a great triumph of American genius.
"Greater is he who ruleth his spirit, than he
who taketh a city."
"Come here, sir!" said a strong, athletic m&u
as he seized a delicate-looking lad by the shoul
der. "You've been in the water again sir!
Ilav'nt I forbidden it?"
"Yes, father, but"
"No buts ! Ilav'nt I forbiden it hey !"
"Yes, sir. I ras "
"No reply, sir!" And the blows fell like a
hail-storm about the child's head and should
ers. Not a tetr started from Harry's eve. but hi.
his mother glided gently in She was a fragile
delicate woman, with mournful blue eves anl
temples startlingly transparent. Lavin- Ler
hand softlv unon Hnrrr'. l,o-,.1 i
- J L J - , out otvupcu HUH
1 " itr r .
1 S S e U X11S 1 GlU CflU.
The rock
was touched and the waters gushed
-Dear mefher !" said the weeping boy.
"Why didn't you tell your father th:
that von
rdun-red into the vtor tn a i:- . -
. .... your
playmate !"
"Did, he give me a chance !" said Harry,
springing to his feet, with a flasLing eye.
"Didn't he twice bid me be silent, when I tried
to explain ? Mother, he's a tyrant to you and
to me?"
"Harry, he's my husband and your father !"
"Yes, and I'm sorry for it. What have I ev
er had but blows and harsh words ? Look at
your pale clreeks and sunken eyes, mother! it's
too bad, I say; he's a tyrant, mother!" said the
boy, with a clenched fist and set teeth, "and if
it were not for you, I would have been leagues
off long ago. And there's Nellie, too, poor, sick
child ! What good will her medicine do her?
She trembles like a leaf when she hears his
footsteps. I say, 'tis brutal mother !"
"Harry !" (and a soft hand was laid on the
impetuous boy's lips,) "for my sake "
"Well, 'tis only for your sake yours and poor
Nellie's or I should be oil the sea somewhere
anywhere but here!"
Late that night Mary Lee stole U her boy's
bedside, before retiring to rest. "God be thank
ful he sleeps." she murmured, as hhe shaded
her lamp from his face. Then kneeling at hi
bedside, she prayed for patience and wisdom to
bear uncomplainingly the heavy cross under
which her steps were faltering; and then she
prayed for him.
"No, no, not that!" said Harry, ppringing
from his pillow, and throwing his arms about
her neck ; "I can forgive him what he has made
you suffer ; don't pray for him ; ut least don't let
me hear it!"
Mary Lee was too wise to expostulate. She
knew her boy was spirit-sore under the sense
of recent injustice ; so she laid down beside him
and resting a tearful cheek against his, repeated
in a low, sweet, voice, the story of the Crucifix
ion. "Father, forgive them, they know not
what they do !" fell upon his troubled car. He
yielded to the spell.
"I will," he sobbed. "Mother, you are an
angel ; and if I ever get to heaven, it will be
your hand that has led me there!"
There was hurrying to and fro in Robert Lee's
house that mght. It was a heavy hand tbt
dealt those angry blows on that young head.
The passionate father's repentance came too
late came with tbe word that his boy must die.
"Be kind to her," said Harry, as his head
drooped on his mother's shoulder.
It was a dearly bought lesson ! Beside that
lifeless corpse Robert Lee renewed his marriage
vow; and now, when the hot blood of anger ris
es to his temples, nnd the hasty word springs to
his lips, the pale face of the dead rises up be
tween hira and the offender, and an angel voica
whispers "Peace! be eiiti !" -JJotton Olive
B.Three thousand dollars worth of liquor
was seized and destroyed at Fall River, Massoa
the 11th ultimo.
SfiZTlf you wish to learn the worst fetvlt of a
Tttinsn. praise h Lighty to hw friend,,.
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