The mountain sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1844-1853, November 04, 1852, Image 1

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111 i
T li It M S
The "MOUXTAIX SEXTIXEL" is publish
ed every Thursday morning, at One Dollar and
Fifty Cents per annum, if paid in advance or
within three months; alter three months Two
Dollar will be charged.
No subscription will be taken for a shorter
period than six months; and no paper will be
discontinued until all arrearages are paid. A
f ulur to notify a discontinuanc at the expira
tion of the term subscribed for, will be consid
ered as a new engagement.
HQ. ADVERTISEMEXTS will be inserted
at the following rates: 50 cents per square for
tbo first insertion ; 75 cents for two insertions ;
1 for three insertions ; and 25 cents per square
jor cverv subsequent insertion. A liberal reduc
tion made to those who advertise by the year.
H advertisements handed in must have the
1, roper number of insertions marked thereon,
or thev will be published until forbidden, and
tUred in accordance with the above terms.
'"' All letters and communications to insure
-,!! I' tioii must be post paid. A. J. R1IEY
Thousands of parents who use Vermifuge
composed of Castor oil, Calomel, &c, are not
i ware, that while they appear to benefit the pa
tient, thev are actually laying the foundations
fur a' series of diseases, such as salivation, loss
of si "lit, weakness of limbs, &c.
lu'another column will be found the adver
Neinent of Ilobensack's Medicines, to which
ve nsk the attention of all directly interested
in their own as well as their Children's health.
In Liver Complaints and all disorders arising
from those of a billious type, should make use
of the only genuine medicine, Ilobensack's Li
ver Tills.
T"Ec not deciered," but ask for Tlobensacks
Worm Syrup and Liver Tills, and observe tha
each has the signature of the Proprietor, J. N.
llobensack, as none else are genuine.
Engraved (by permission) from Stuart's only ori
ginal portrait, in the Atheneum, Boston.
This superb picture, Engraved under the su
perintendence of Thomas Sully, Esq., the emi
nent and highly gifted artist, is the only correct
WVeuess of Washington ever published. It has
iKC.i cliarjiufcrisetf aa t'le greafoe -mot-K of ai
ever produced in this country. As to its fideli
ty, we refer to the letters of the adopted son of
Washington, George Washington Park Custis,
who says, '-it is a faithful representation of the
celebrated original," aud to Chief Justice Ta
nev of the Supreme Court of the Uuited States,
who says, "As a work of art its excellence and
beauty must strike every one who sees it : and
it is no less happy in its likeness to the Father
of his country. It was my good fortune to have
seen hiin in the days of my boyhood, and his
whole appearace is yet strongly impressed on
my memory. The portrait you have issued ap
1 ears to me to be an exact likeness, representing
perfectly the expression as well as the form and
features of the face." And says Senator Cass,
if is a life-like representation of the great original.
President Fillmore says, "the work appears to
ine to have been admirably executed and emi
inun! worthy of the patronage of the public."
avs'.Marchaut the eminent portrait painter, and
the pupil of Stuart, "your print to my mind is
laore remarkable than any other I have seen,
f-r presenting the whole individuality of the ori
ginal portrait, together with the noble and dig
nified repose of air and manner, which all who
ever saw him considered a marked characteris
tic of the illustrious man it commemorates."
For the great merits of this picture ice would re
f r every lover of Washington to the portrait itself
tj he seen at the office of this paper, and to the let
t rS of the following Artists, Statesmen, Jurists
ciul Scholars accompanying it.
ARTISTS. Marchant aud Elliott, of New
York; N eagle, llothermel, and Lambdin, of
Philadelphia ; Chester Harding, of Boston ;
Charles Fraser, of Charleston, S. C; and to
the adopted sou of Washington, Hon. Geo. W.
V. Custis, himself an artist. Statesmen. His
Excellency Millard Fillmore, Major Gen. Win
Seld Scott, Hon. George M. Dallas, Hon. Wil
liam It. King, Hon. Daniel Webster, Hon. Linn
Bovd, non. Lewis Cass, Hon. Wm. A. Graham,
Hon. John P. Kennedy, Hon, IL C. Winthrop,
LL. D. Jurists Hon. Roger B. Taney, Hon.
John Duer, Hon. John .McLean, Hon. Rufus
Chofite. Scholars. Charles Folsom, Esq., the
well known Librarian of the Boston Atheneum,
who says, "I would , rather . own it than any
painted copy I have ever seen ;" E. P. Whipple,
Hiehard Ililureth, Hon. Edward Everett, LL. D.
Jared Sparks, LL.D., William II. Prescott, LL.D.,
Washington Irving, Ralph Emerson, Esq.,
Prof. T. C. Upham, J. T. Headley, Fitz Green,
Halleck, II. Longfellow, Wm. Gillmore
imms ; and from Europe, Lord Talfourd, T. B.
Macauley, Sir Archibald Alison, Lord Mayor of
London, &c. &c. &c. The Press, throughout the
entire Union, have with one , voice proclaimed
the merits of this superb engraving.
To enable all to possess this, valuable treasure,
it is sold at the price of $5 per copy.
Published by GEORGE W. CIIILDS,
X. W. corner of Fifth and Arch streets, Phila.
Sole Agent for Western Pennsylvania,
This Portrait can only be obtained from Mr.
Hudson, or from his duly authoiized agents.
Arrangements have been made with the Post
Office Department, by which copies of the Por
trait can be sent to any point, per mail, in per
fect order. '
ISyPersons by remitting five Dollars to J.
w- Hudson, Pittsburg, Pa., will have a copy of
the Portrait sent them free of Postage.
E?3L.Magnificent Gilt Frames, got up express
ly for these Portraits, furnished at the low price
tt 5.00 each.
Xow is the time to buy cheap Clothing.
Evans & Jluglies.
TIIEfirm of Evans & Hughes, have just re
ceived from Philadelphia aud New York, a
large assortment of
which can't be beat for style aud finish in wes
tern Pennsylvania. Among which may be enu
merated, Beaver, Felt, and blanket over coats,
sattinets, cassimere and cloth pantaloons of
all sizes and qualities, nestings of all kinds, to
gether with boys clothing, also, hats, caps, um
brellas, &c, &c.
We have on hand a good assortment of cloths
cassimeres and Testings, which we are preparde
to make up in a workmanlike manner.
The goods have been selected with the great
est care, and on the lowest cash terms which
will enable us t sell lower than the lowest.
Ebensburg, October 21, 1852 52-tf.
Wholesale Slioe Store.
No. 133 Wood St., Pittsburg, Pa.
1 RE now receiving their extensive fall stock of
upwards of 2000 cases Men and Boys La
dies, Misses and Childrens, BOOTS and SHOES,
Mexican, KossutL, fur and wool HATS of every
variety adapted to the season.
Also, Men, Boys and Childrens silk plush and
Cloth CAPS, of latest styles and fashions.
Their stock having been selected with great
care as to quality and sizes, purchased direct j
from the manufacturers, principally tor casn, at
the lowest prices, enables them to compete suc
cessfully with New York, Philadelphia and Bal
timore markets.
Country merchants purchasing in Pittsburg
or on their way east, will find it to their interest
to call and examine their stock before purcha
sing elsewhere.
They have also just received 2000 sides Prime
New York sole leather. All of which will be
sold at the lowest prices.
Pittsburg, September 16, 1852.
Administrator's IVoticc.
IETTERS of administration on the estate of
J Rees Roberts, late of Cambria township,
deceased, having been granted to the subscri
ber by the Register of Cambria county, all those
who are indebted to said estate fare requested
to mit pojiuetit imuMvJiixtcij nJ (fiuse Uaviiig
claims will present them duly authenticated for
settlement. D. II. ROBERTS, adm'r.
October 21, 18G2 o2-Ct.
Large lot of made-up-clothing, boots and
shoes, cloth and plush caps for sale by
Summit Oct. 7, 1852.
Engraved by T B. Welch, Esq., after the original
portrait painted by T. Sully, Esq.
. This Portrait will be a match for the "Wash
ington, and is in every respect as well got up.
l'rice $5.00 per copy. Address as above.
tktoler 21, 1852 52-tf.
Lancaster,- '
Lebanon, . .
Philadelphia city,
" county,
Tioga, -Union,
. '
Wyoming, -York,
Sup. Judge. Canal Com.
W rS 3 K
c c o
a e. B
09 i3 z
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P - -
2191 1C72 2197 1059
7CGG 0559 724G 0580
17U 1701 1447 1891
1G08 1093 1555 1092
2022 2032 2020 2045
3538 7535 3748 7372
2285 1G9U 2251 1772
2422 3055 2458 3027
4772 5418 4810 5408
24G3 2130 2431 217G
1213 1814 1190 1923
084 1241 074 1288
1G98 2737 1717 2753
55GG 49G2 55S8 4959
1042 21 1G 990 2149
7G3 1400 758 1353
928 1249 1002 1188
9G2 19G8 998 1974
2197 , 26G2 2175 2GG8
2782 2927 2745 2974
3071 2G10 31G5 2521
2001 152G 2020 1544
161 242 112 207
3247 2104 3257 2180
26G8 3590 2G92 3594
3405 3109 3423 3107-
64G 779 649 774
1217 2250 1227 2241
207G 1710 2095 1681
1999 1400 1942 1464
836 1033 785 1057
1037 1254 1047 1243
9741 552G 9986 5688
1719 1027 1685 1048
2373 1737 2344 2852
2476 3161 2482 3193
2902 4998 3141 4894
1798 2499 1912 2363
381 516 370 498
1958 2558 2079 2555
1231 1487 1253 1448
203 1653 220 1647
4125 5263 4163 5276
775 1337 787 1319
2093 3331 2174 3318
1336 2018 1392 2215
1112 1952 1172 1901
8782 4552 8641 4335
13313 18625 13592 17680
50 692 83 652
166 390 175 391
3755 3960 3747 4223
2391 940 2389 947
1331 2447 1349 ' 2470
163 373 163 354
1222 2228 1292 2247
2485 1835 2555 1807
851 .1562 859 1559
1025 1246 982 1229
3615 3796 3740 3675
749 1999 - 813 1947
2566 4640 2349 4470
711 1138 644 1093
3417 4586 3445 4599
Arrival of ile Enropa.
New York, Oct. 21 6J P. M.
The steamship Europa, from Liverpool, with
dates to the 9th inst., being thre days later than
our last advices reached her wharf at 6 J o'clock
this evening. , . . . - ...
Her Majesty was to leave Edinburg on the
13th for Chester and Bangor, Birmingham, &c.
She would on the 14th visit the Menai and Bri
tania Bridges.
The remains of the Duke of Wellington, by
command of the Queen, were to be publicly in
terred in the Cathedral Church of St. Paul's,
with all the solemnities usual on such occasions.
The corporation of London will take part in the
Intelligence has been received in London of
the death of the Right Rev. Patrick Torry, DD.,
Bishop of St. Andrew's Dunkcld, and Dunblane.
The Right Rev. prelate died on Sunday last, at
the episcopal residence, at Peterhead, in the
90th year of his age. He was the oldest Bish
op of the Episcopal church in Scotland, having
been consecrated in 1808.
A shocking double murder was committed at
Kittybrewster, about a mile north of Aberdeen,
on Monday night. The victims were a widow,
named Ross, and her grandchild, a little boy
about five years of age. The murderer is a man
named George Christies, formerly a private sol
dier in the service of the East India Company.
There is nothing of interest from Ireland.
The President continues to be received every-
where with cries of "Vive l'Empereur," and the
rays, in an article on the President's tour,
comes to the conclusion that the proclamation of
the Empire is not far off.
The President was at Tolouse on the 4th, and
was received by 200,000 persons assemblod
The Revue Brilannique states that an applica
tion has been made by the French Government
on the English Cabinet for the orignal will of
the Jituperor ivapoieon, wnicii lias nunerco re
mained in the possession of England.
Another discovery of the clandestine manu
facture of gunpowder has been made at Nismes,
but it was carried on only with the view to sale
for sporting purposes. The Bordeaux affair is
perhaps not of more importance.
Among the decorations in honor of the Presi
dent, at Aix, was a bust of Louis Napoleon dec
orated with cigar and tobacco leaves, in grati
tude for the decree authorizing the cultivation
of that plant. The Prince, on passing it, was
struck with the originality of the idea, and the
mode to thank him for what he had done.
The funeral services for Queen Hortense took
place yesterday, at the church of Rueil. After
the mass the whole of the congregation sprink
led holy water on the tomb of the Queen, which
is placed opposite that of the Empress, her
The Moniteur publishes four decrees dated
"Toulon, Sept. 28," containing 61 promotions
and nominations in the Legion of Honor, and
conferring 114 military medals. All promotions
and nominations relate almost solely to naval
men, belonging to the vessels collected at Tou
lon on the occasion of the President's visit.
There is a story afloat that the young man se
lected by a secret society to assassinate the
French President has committed suicide.
A jealousy exists between Louis Napoleon and
the Bonaparte family.
Louis M. Brouchere has undertaken to form a
Belgian Ministry.
The Zollverein delegates have left Berlin.
The negotiations with Prussia are broken off.
The cholera has entirely subsided.
There are great augumentations being made
to the Austrian army.
The thieves set fire to the Jewish Synagogue
at Colnue, Galacia, during the festival, for the
purpose of robbing. In the confusion conse
quent, 36 ladies, several of whom were of high
rank, were crushed to death.
The Sultan of Turkey is dangerously sick.
An attempt was made to assassinate the Shah
of Persia, who was wounded by three shots, but
is recovering. " Two of the assassins were cut
to pieces by the guards, and two were captured
We have news from the Cape of Good Hope
to the 20th August The skirmishing contin
ued. .
. IiRte and Interesting fram Utali.
Stcpheb B. Ross arrived at Independence on
the 17th inst., from Utah. He reports that at
Salt Lake City great activity pervaded every de
partment of trade. Emigrants were arriving
freely generally in good health and gave a
great impetus to business. ' The crops were ve
ry abundant, and promised a large surplus.
Governor Young's administration of the territo
ry was giving great satisfaction to the people,
and in local politics there was a dead calm.
Vast numbers of Indians were still collected
about Fort Laramie, awaiting the arrival of Ma
jor Fitzpatrick, whose unaccountable delay gave
great dissatisfaction to them. The goods for
distribution among them reached the fort seve
ral weeks ago. The Nez-Perces Flat head tribe
were assembled at Fort Bridges. They vrere
also expecting presents from the United States
government. The Snake Indians made a treaty
with the Yampones, and afterwards, while on a
buffalo tnint, fell in with a band of Cheyennes,
and haa-aekifmish, during which some of the
latter.;verekilled. ,
" The fenakes and other tribes had sent an am
bassador to the Chiefs of the Utahs, expressing
a desire to make a treaty of peace. Mr. Rose
and his party experienced no molestation from
the Indians during their trip. Phelps's train
with the Secretary cf the Treasury of Utah ter
ritory, was getting aiv&g well.
The Mormon's are building up a dense city
at Salt Lake, and extending their settlements in
all directions in the valley. The Tabernacle is
Mr. Ross learned at Fort Kearney, that a war
party of Pawnees was out against the Sioux.
The .Late Duke or Wellington.
The Duke of "Wellington is by this time
buried. The soul of the late body is Grod
knows where. The vollies fired above his
jrrave. and the flatteries so crosslv uttered,
not alone to the dead Duke, but to the
living Empire, that worshipped him as its
own image and likeness, begin now to clear
away.. We nave stooa uy pauemiy at, it
all, but even beside L.ake .brie, in tue name
of History and Heroism, in the name of
India, Ireland, and the century we live in,
we must raise our protest against this in
famous conspiracy to cheat posterity.
The Duke of Wellington a Hero ! a lib
erator! a sage! a christian! "a perfect
man !" Do they who assert these things,
imagine that they can keep history under
a Hobbs lock, which no expert can pick ?
Do they suppose our own days so deluded
with words, that all memory of essential
facts, has passed away ? It seems so, but
here, as elsewhere, seeminy is not leiny.
The Duke of Wellington's character had
two parts, and only two. He was for thir
tv vears a soldier, for thirty more a states
man. In 1798 he won his first battle; in
1818 liis lnsr,. From the ppaop till thft last
session of the Westminster Parliament, he
was constantly engaged in what he meant
to be, the government of the Empire of
which he was the first subject.
That two exhibitions of power, such as
his in peace and war, constitute the highest
greatness, we deny. Even material great
ness requires a pre-eminence over others,
in meeting the special requirements of the
cotemporary age. Moral greatness the
only true requires service of a more fun
damental and ethical character. To the
last, we presume, the eulogists of the Duke
do not advance any claims on his account.
He was neither Apostle, Doctor, nor Or
ganizer ; neither was he Discoverer, Inven
tor, or Founder of anything which exists
in the material order if we except Apsley
house, and a Ducal posterity. To origin
ality, the greatness which Columbus, Mi
chael Angelo, and Napoleon had, the late
Duke can advance no claim.
His place, then, is in the second rank of
mnfpriallv jrreat men. There his own ac
tions for sixty years of public life, have
bound him, and all the special pleaders in
Britain cannot undo the chain of facts by
which he is held there.
Let us remember that he was by birth
an Irishman ! His youth, his first tnends,
st. him. were Irishmen ; his
very outfit for India, was advanced by a
Dublin tradesman. In Ireland the tombs
of his ancestors invited him. Yet in near-
iv f.-n-tir vAnrs nf neane. livinjr within a day s
journey of it, he never once visited the
land ot his birth I
He was left fatherless, and his education
was solely conducted by his mother. That
mother lived to see him one of the richest
and most famous men in Europe. Yet he
- rv 1 1
suffered her to die in debt sunerea ner
personal effects, her very wardrobe, to be
seized and sold to pay off the debts of the
mother of Wellington.
He was a husband, and one who claimed
great self-control. Yet his intrigues, un
til a comparatively recent day, were noto
rious. His silly letters to Madame lleca
niier, are but a small part of the indict
ment against him, as a husband and father.
As a captain he was great, rather by
prudence and labor, than by genius or in
vention. His intense tenacity of purpose
was certainly heroic. In that quality, he
may compare with the most famous sol
diers of antiquity. The Peninsular war is
the true theatre of his glory, because it was
there he displayed his best quality to most
But to talk of him as the conqueror of
Napoleon, is simply absurd. Europeaud
the Pope conquered Napoleon. The Keys
nf Russia, the walls of
Leipsic, the exile of Elba, had prepared the
French army to be beaten. But even then
it was not England, but all Europe that
dUThe conqueror of Napoleon should not
only have beaten him in arms, but also in
magnanimity. Did Wellington this ? Did
he attempt to save the wounded feelings
of a gallant people. No! he triumphed
over France with the insensibility of a Cos
sack. He danced and dined in Paris, like
a Calmuck. He might have called in
clemency to minister to victory that an
gel whose presence will purify even camps
but he did the very reverse. Ney, La
boydere, and the other victims of his victo
ry, were sacrificed to the peculiar British
God, Expediency. For saving Lavalette,
he plucked the epaulettes from the shoul
ders of young Hutchinson, at the head of
his regiment.
Conqueror of Napoleon indeed ! The
shadow of the Emperor has more real pow
er to-day, than all the works and house of
Wellinton !
As a statesman we cannot assign him a
high place. His forte was in resisting
charges in their first stages, and in know
ing when he was beat. With such a ruler
successful demagogueism was sure to con
quer. Hence the merit of the very meas
ures he conceded was given to others of
Emancipation to O'Connell, of Keforni to
Brougham, of Free Trade to Cobden. He
was a disciple of Peel's school in politics
a school, which is explained, by the single
word Ezjjedhmcy. No honest student of
history can, for a moment, mention him be
side Kichalieu or Ximenes, or cither of the
Pitts, as a minister of state.
European Murders.
A Parisian correspondent, writing under
date of Sept. 6, says : The Vienna papers
give an account of a horrible affair thus :
A peasant sold at a fair a pair of oxen ; and
on his return, having been drinking rather
too much, he placed the money he had re
ceived, in a girdle which he fastened round
his daughter, who accompanied him. On
passing through a wood, a man stopped
then and demanded the money. The peas
ant denied having any. The man know
ing fiat he had sold the oxen, seized him
by the h-"r and dragged him a little way
iuto the wood. There two other men join
ed the first, and the three murdered the
peasant. The daughter distinctly saw the
crime perpetrated. She took flight, reach
ed a cottage, told the inmate, a woman, of
what had occurred, and said she had the
mony on her. This money the woman
took and fastened in a drawer, and, in com
pliance with the prayer of the girl, secreted
her in an adjoining bed-chamber.
The three men then came, told of their
crime, and one, it seems, was the woman's
husband. Thereupon she, with a loud
laugh, said the daughter was in the next
room, aud she produced the belt, to their
great joy. The men recollecting that the
girl could betray them, resolved at once to
destroy her, and the plan they agreed on
was to burn her to death in the oven, and
soon the girl heard the flames crackling.
Desperately she sought the means of es
cape, and finding the wall was of clay, she
was able to make a hole large enough to
creep through. Escaping, and meeting
gens d'armes, the whole party of wretches
were captured.
A Belgian trial for murder is not less
singular ; A brutal character, whose wife
had been forced to leave him owing to hi
bad conduct, strangled her slowly in a wood,
and then cooly went to the Mayor and re
ported that his wife's body had been dis
covered. But it so happened that a lad on
the look out for bird nests, was aloft and
saw the transaction, though afraid to make
a noise. This witness was decisive, and
the murderer was condemned to death.
Crimes of murder youug men killing
their mistresses for jealousy are not of
rare occurrence in France ; and the philoso
phy of murder here shows less regard for
woman than with us, always saving the
wholesale murder of travellers.
Whence, then, was his greatness? It
conststed in his self-control, his tenacity,
and his love of labor. He was something
of the mastiff and bull-dog breed mixed.
He was a fine sample of the material
sublime." Fortune was not his mistress,
but rather his waiting woman ; as such he
commanded and she obeyed. Though their
relation was neither romantic nor cordial, it
lasted for the Duke's lifetime. She kept
him abundantly supplied, from Assaye to
Waterloo, and these supplies, delivered
with, counting house precision, were one
cause of his Peninsular success. Still un
doubtedly he had that within him, which
commanded success, and without which ev
ery material aid would have failed him
Half a century from the day of his burial,
the verdict of history will, we doubt not,
be, that he stands among the first, in the
second class, of materially great men in
.ithpr words " men ot the world."
"As a Christian, the less said of him the
better. No one ever heard a religious sen
timent from his lips. He wentito Church
as he went to the House Guards as a
matter of course. He regarded the Church,
like the Arm v. as a branch of the national
defences, nothing more. Though hanging
two days between life and death, no cler-
irrmin Room r bavfl been called in. His
j last words were about his stomach. His
I soul departed between two Apothecaries.
As an Irishman, we cannot trust our
selves to speak of hiui. He is gone to his
reward, and he will assuredly get it.
American Celt.
Mankind Originally Savages.
The opinion that mankind were original
ly savages is unsupported by either reason
or history. Had they been created sava
ges, they would probably have remained
savages forever. They could have foriied
no idea of civilization which had never ex
isted, nor have desired comforts the wint
of which they did not feel. History does
not record a single instance of a savage na
tion having become civilized by its own un
assisted exertions Civilization has never
sprung up spontaneously from the soil : it
has always been imported from abroad.
The Greeks derived their civilization from
the Egyptians the Bonians theirs from
the Greeks; tho nations conquered by
Home became civilized from their inter
course with the llomnns. But, if we at
tempt to trace the origin of civilisation in
Egypt and Babylon, we are at a loss ; for
neither history, nor even tradition, men
tions any period at which they were not
civilized. The researches of Layard and
llawlinson, in the ruins of Niuevah, may
throw some faint beams oh this hitherto
unapproachable myrtery.
Fears of a. Revolution la Australia..
The intelligence, the wealth, and respectabil
ity which is now emigrating to Australia, will
never endure contact with that foul stream of
emigration which government is sending by a
different channel to meet and mingle with it
there. It is not merely that the express from
Van Iriernen's Land cross over the narrow strait
that separates them from Australia. Govern
ment admits that C84 prisoners under sentence
has escaped to the gold fields ; an admission,
considering the quarter from which it comes,
may well be most liberally construed. AVe can
look to nothing else Irom' the infatuated perseve
rance in the present system than earlier, a more
disgraceful, and a more disastrous trpara
tion between this country and her Australian than
between her and her American colonies. Its not t6
be forgotten that while America was valuable
only through her trade, Australia has a peculiar
value of her own. If we people that vast conti
nent with a people of our own race, and then
make that nation our enemy, in losing one em
pire we endanger the possession of another.
With a powerful Anglo Saxon country 60 close
to her coasts, who shall insure to us the perma
nent dominion of India ? We may hope to hold
it against Europe and America, because their
distance from it is as remote as our own ; but
against another America in the Southern seas,
animated as we seem determined it shall be, by
a yet bitter spirit of animosity, our hold upon
India will be feeble indeed. We are planting
a great nation ; its geographical position will
render it a great ally, or a most dangerous ene
my, and our statesmen seem determined that it
shall be the latter. London Time. Oct. 1.
Tlie Republic of Liberia.
The Republic of Liberia is progressing 6lowly
but surely. The enterprise is a great one ; but
for some cause or other we are unable to explain
it has not met with its due share of public at
tention. A prejudice exists in tue mtnis or our
colored population in relation to the colony, aud
hence the difficulty. Within a year or two,
however, this has materially softened, and hence
the prospects of Liberia are beginning to bright
en. Sixty emigrants recently sailod from New
York under the management of the 8tate Colo
nization Society, and as w learn, five hundred
are about to depart from Norfolk arid two hun
dred from New Orleans. It should beremembcr-
ered that the existence of the Republic ef Libe
ria as a nation, has been formally acknowledge!
bv some of the great European powers. The
native chiefs in the neighborhood have abandon
ed all hostility, the arts of peaco are prospering
and an active trade is springing up. . May we
not hope that the corner stone of a great em
pire of the colored race has been laid in Liberia,
A Scene at Marseille.
A Paris correspondent of the New York Cou
rier says "Among the incidents of the Prince's
visit to Marseilles was particularly remarked
the presence upon the Place St. Ferreol, on tho
line of the princely procession of one hundred
and twenty American seamen in uniform. They
were clustered beneath the expanded Stars and
Stripes. . ,
At their head were the Captains of thevarioas
American merchant ships now in that port. As
Louis Napoleon passed in frout of them, they
greeted hira with three hearty hurrahs, to which
the Trlnce responded, say the accounts, with
'affectionate salutations." At a public dinner,
the same evening, the Prince stopped in front cf
the American Consul and graciously said to
him, "I recognized your sailors on my route
and was pleased to see them, (fai ek tre satk
fait de lea voir") The Nouvelliste of Marseilles
adds "The four stories of the house of the
Consul were brilliantly illuminated at night, and
the portrait f the Emperor was exhibited be
side that of Waehingtotu"