The mountain sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1844-1853, August 05, 1852, Image 1

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T 12 R !I S.
The ".VOCXTAI3' SEXTIXEL" is publish-
every Thursday morning, at One Dollar and
Fiflu Cents per anuuin, if paid in advance or
Tri'tbin three months : after three months Two
Ihllart will be charged.
So subscription will be taken for a shorter
period than six months ; and no paper will be
discontinued until all arrearages are paid. A
failure to notify a discontinuanc at the expira
tion of the term subscribed for, will be cousid
erd as a ncw engagement.
BflL. ADVERTISEMENTS will be inserted
at the following rates: 30 cents per square for
the firt insertion; 75 cents for two insertions;
-51 for three insertions ; and 25 cents per square
Tor everv subsequent insertion. A liberal reduc
tion made to those who advertise by the year.
Ml advertisements nanueu i
ber of insertions marked thereon.
or they will be published until forbidden,
,hrl in accordance with the above term
... . mini
BuAll letters and communications to insure
attention must be postpaid. A. J. 1UIEV.
Our Minnie.
How much tender fugitive poetry, the off
ering of genuine feeling, circulates unclaimed
in the American newspapers: Here, for exam
ple, is a beautiful effusion, fresh from the pure
fountain of a mother's heart, upon the death of
Our Minnie," which would do no discredit to
any living poet :
0 Close with reverent care those eyes:
Their meek and sorrowing light hath fled;
So trembling gleam through mists of tears
From those din med orbs will more be shed.
Praw down the thin and azure lid :
No look of mute, appealing pain.
So piercing anguished gaze on Heaven,
Will strike through those blue depths again.
Now gently smooth her soft brown hair ;
Shred not those glossy braids away.
But part the bright locks round her brow,
As sweetly in her life they lay.
Tress one soft kiss on those soft lips:
They thrill not now like nickering flame ;
They'll ne'er unclose, in troubled dreams,
To breathe again that cherished name.
"But press them softly ; still and cold,
They part not with the sleepei's breath:
fear thou to break the softened seal
Left by the kindiy touch of Death ?
Wrap the white shroud about ber breast:
No trembling throb shall stir its fold ;
No wild emotions wake to life.
Within that bosom snowy cold.
"Fold tenderly her fair young hands :
The heart beneath in stillness lies;
They'll never strive with tightened clasp,
Again to hush its anguished cries.
"0: fierce but brief the storm that swpt
The bloom from this pale sleeper's brow ;
And keen the pang that rent npart
The bosom calmly shrouded now."
Young Amcrka Piercl.
For some months past, says the Harrisburg
Union, the Democratic Review, hh the aid of
a few otuer prints and Congicos orators, have
been harpoonhi'j the "Old Fogies" at a terrible
rate, by way of annihilating them all at the
National Convention, and placing in the white
house their youthful idol. Our veteran states
men, who had grown grey in the service of their v
country and bad their judgments ripened by
long experience, were denounced as miserable
old Fogies, who needed the milk bottle held to
their lips to afford them proper nourishment
they were represented as being useless in both
the field and the cabinet, ami after a certain age
were to be carried to their political funeral pile
and the wisdom that they had stored up by long
itudy sunk into the grave with them. Young
America, fresh, ardent and vigorous, was to be
elevated, and old fogyism trodden into the dust.
The cohorts of Young America repaired to
Baltimore, they enlisted the sympathies, the
passions and the cupidity of the young delegates
in the Convention, they bargained in the secret
chambers, clamored in the public bar rooms,
and pulled the wires in the Convention, to lay
out cold their old Fogy opponents and elevate
their champion.
It so happened, however, that there were a
few Fogies in the Virginia line embued with
tome little of the wisdom of the Fogies of old,
and when they saw young Absalem struggling
in the meshes set for him, they FIERCE D him
through the heart and left him as a monument
to all who might come after, of the folly . of
dtpiing the wisdom of age and experience.
"Pierce the Lion Tamer." We clip tlie follow
iTigfrom a Menagerie advertisement in the Cm., !
-nquirir :
Mr. Pierce will enter tlie dens of the "Wild
Beasts, and give his classical illustration of Her
cules struggling with the Numidian Lion, Dan"
lel in the Lion's den ; Samson destroying the
Lion, &c.
The Buffalo Courier remarks that another
gentleman, of the same name, will perform sim
ilar feats in the political den in November next
Large Crop of Wheat. The Wilmington, (Del.)
RyuhUcan 3ays the wheat crop of Mayor Jones,
f St. George's Hundred, will yield about six
thousand bushels. He had in over three hun
dred acres, consequently the yield is about twen
ty bushels to the acre. Some eighteen hundred
dollars' worth of guano were put on the ground
A few years ago this land would net yield over
- or brelv bnsiels to the a?re
To tlie Irish Military of York.
From the 3eic Yurk Courier.
ine iNintu Kegimeut, js. i. fc. M, colonel
B. C. Perris, and the Sixty-ninth Regiment, Co-
lonel Doheny, together with the Montgomery
uuaras, tmmet uuaras, ana several omer insu
s i - i v T l I
companies attached to the different regiments,
with some independent corps, paraded yestcr
adeu yestcr-
the Battery,
day afternoon, were reviewed on
and addressed in Castle Garden, by Thomas ' Tjroue.s flrmy Austria, in whose ranks so ma
Francis Meagher, Esq. The Military turned ! ny tllousanj3 of tbe ex51es perished Russii,
out remarkably full ranks, and never appeared I wuose fnrceg were orgimizeJ hy LaCy will bear
to better advantage. ; witnfM that the land wuich bore us has FWn
At about three o'clock, the Military were birth tQ men wbose cLivalry ftnJ peniua ei.f.tled
drawn up in a line on the Battery, tie Ninth ! their cmmtry to a noUer fjite (LouJ cheer9-)
Ilegiment attended by Manahan's Band, Shelt- j We nQt ftl,ni,e Q revoutioD 0Qt cf
on's Band also being in Hue. At four o'clock, whfchKke Chrjsaor frora the blood of Medusa
Mr. Meagher appeared to review them, and his thig noble Republic rose. (Continued cheers.)
arrival was the sijrnal for loud and enthusiastic . r i . -,
cheering, which was kept up the whole time oc
cupied by hirn in the review. He walked in cit
izen's dress, accompanied by the chief officers,
along the line, without ostentation, and with
hat in hand, bowing respectfully to the assem
bly, in return to their hearty greeting.
After the review, he was escorted to Castle.
Garden, in which he was soon to address his
brethren. ;
At the entrance to Castle Garden, consider 1
ble difficulty was experienced, as an immense
crowd had gathered, all anxious to gain admit
tance, and here many indiscretions were com
mitted, both by those who were eager to get in,
i and those whose duty it was to maintain order.
But with this exception all things were as order
ly as could reasonably have been expected.
As soon as the Military and civilians were
seated, (about 5000 in all) Mr. Meagher, a few
ladies and several officers upon the stage, Col.
Doheny came forward, and in the name of the
Irish Military organizations of New York, deliv
ered to Mr. Meagher an eloquent address, which
was warmly cheered by the audience.
At the close of the address, and as soon as
the cheering ceased, Mr. Meagher came forward
and spoke as follows :
Gentlemen : I truatyou will not be displeas
ed with me if 1 say that I regret the publicity
which has been given to this event, for in may
have given rise to expectation which I am not
in a position to fulfil. No, no. Yet the ad-
dress 3'ou have been pleased to present, I accept
J 1 .
with sentiments of respect, gratitude, and
pride. Loud cheers. Assuring me of your '
v . .L J -J .
intMiusuip ; Slumping a sanction upon my lasi
1 r 6 1 J 1 .
career ; expressive of high hope and manly 1
' 1 b i . .
purpose, it lifts my spirit up, and imparts a gol-
v 1 J 1 ' '
den color to the current of m' thoughts. lie-
J e L
newed cheers. The more so, since you Ks-j
cuum m una proceeuing, me imeuuon to im
au idle pageant, or solemnize a vain ovation. ,
Iler, hear. I can, therefore, speak to you
with a free heart, and in language that, of its
own nature, will exempt itself from criticism.
Loud applause. Had not a word been spo
ken, the scene before me would inspire the hap-
i piest enict.t'iis. . I nose arms point to the loftier
jrioiis or our inst-jry. JUiey penetrate ana
disturb the clouds which overcharge the present 1f establishing there, what he had here contrib
hour revealing to us, in the light which qui- uted to secure, took rank under Poniatowski,
vers from them, many a fragmeutund monument face,j au,i uroke tlie cu;r.,ggiers of Frederick,
of glory. Loud cheers. j and paused not until the lance of the Cossack
There are laurels interwoven with the cypress quivered above his heart. Great applause.
upon thai old ruin renewed cheering the The same story may yet be told of one who, fly
home of our fathers the sanctuary of our faith ig fronl the shores of Ireland, devoted his man.
the fountain of our love. Applause. I?s- ; hood to the service of this country, and returu
olate as it is, it reminds u of our descent and j ing to the soil from wheuce his hopes, his mem
lineage. Of the soldiers, the scholars, and the , ories, and. his sorrows sprung, found a grave,
statesmen, who the bright and indestructible not b neath the ruins of his native land, but De
links of that descent and lineage, we have no ' neath the arch of triumph, reared to commemo
reaayii 1q be ashamed. Cheers. Tbe nation 1 rate her ascension from the tomb. Loud
that lifts her head the highest in the worn
would vote them statues in her Panth-on. To
the scholars and the st ites'inMi of onr country,
on another occasion, !M there br?:i fitting tribute
paid. On this d:iy, otht-r re-ol!-i t' arc- cal
led forth, and names and exploits th-it de:T
to the Irish soldier arise in quick siHCes.-i n, and
star the field of memory. Choirs. The
names of O'Neill, O'Donnell, Mount-cashel,
Sarsfield, Dillon and De Lacy, awake, like the j
echoes of a trumpet, from the rugged heights
and recesses of the past. There is tlie defence J
of Bambray, the retreat of Altcnheim, the bat- :
tie of Malpiaquet. The colors of the brigade J
moulder iu the Church of the Iuvalides. -
France cannot forget the noble contributions '
made to her glory by the regiments of Burke,
Galnioy, and Hamilton. She cannot forget that
at Cremona, where the activity and vigor of her
own sons were relaxed by the fine climate, the
wines, the delicious f ruits, the gaity and licen
tiousness of Italy when the drum was silent,
and not a soldier scoured the neighborhood or
pased the rampart she cannot forget that the
Irish regimeuts alone retained the vigor of mil
itary discipline cheers ; on parade or at the
ppst assigned them cheers that they alone
defeated the treachery of the monk, Cassioli,
and, fighting ia. their shirts, beat back the cav
alry of Prince Eugene and the grenadiers of
De Merci. Loud cheering. Neither can she
forget that on the Adige up through the moun-
rains, whote shadows darken the northern chore
of the Lake of Gerda up through the passes
where the best of the Austrian engineers had
cut their trenches, and a gallant peasantry stood
guard up the faces of these steep pree.ptces,
vhicb seemej accessible only toaad the eagle the
chamois the Irish sprang, ("tremendous cheers!
J aud clutched the keys of luva. Loud and"
! .1.. i 1 r
; thusiastic cheers. 1
But not to the memory of France alone do we
j appeaj for jUe vindication of tjie courage of our
, fdtuerg fctpa'm, which received the remnant of
iv utr pi niiiuuo m i Lie uuumry, iu me miast
whose iruitrulness and glory we repose, let us con.
fidently commit the renown of those in whose
graves are set the foundations of her freedom.
(Cheers. C Further to the South there where
the Andes tower and the Amazon rolls his misrh
ty flood the Celt the spurned and beggared
Celt ! has left hi footprint on many a field of
triumph. Cheers.) Venzuela, Chncabueo,
Valparaiso, have recollections of the fiery Talor
before which the flag of the Escurial went down.
(Enthusiasm applause.)
Stub being the case, you have just reason to
ho proud, and America just reason to trust you.
(Loud cheers. ) AmriM, with her hand iinon
i lii-i-i. ,
her own and other histories, may confide in vour
inte-rity, vonr fealtr. and devotion. (Renewed
cheers ) T spoke not of th hope whieh Tre'nnd
may derive from your organization, and the
propitious influence it may exercise, in some
happier season, upon her interests and ultimate
condition. This is a subject on which no onet
least of all a young politician, should tch in
considerately or with temerity. But this I can
safely sa3 that whether Irishmen cast their
fortunes permanently here, or, answering to
some wise ami inspiring summons, shall return
to the land from whence they have been orced
to fly, the use of arms will improve their charac
ter, will strengthen and exalt it ( cheers), freeing
jt from many of the irregularties which enfee
ble anil degrade.
The discipline of the soldier will adapt it to
. , , . . ,., ,
the more serious and sacred duties of life, and
render it capable of experiencing adversity
... . , . . . , .
without despair, or victory without intemper
r.. i v t , ,
ance. (Loud cheers.) In contemplating this
i. t ,i. . i
alternative, 1 speak not without a prdecdent,
A. T . . . ... ,
nor do 1 suggest a movement hostile or danger-
t t, rv..,.:.,: ,
OU8 to tlie Constitution von nr sworn nrnipif
anj embodied to maintain. (Cheers.)
Tl,e examplc of Kosciusco requires no apology
or pancgyric. Tlie wori j ;s the t le of his
fnnie the sun, his coronet of glory. Leaving
his native land in the days of his fresh and ra
diant youth, he plunged himself into the red
sea, that lay between 4merica and herliberties.
Cheers. Having fought nobly iu her cause,
an 1 1 held that cause enthroned aud recognized
i tnrn.J . l,;. nt; --.i
cheers. J
The day may be distant that will realize this
conjecture. The history of Ireland suggests de
fpuiidenoy, and reconciles us, by anticipation,
to the worst. The sanguine, the generous, the
courageous, the ambitious even all share alike
: in the gloom which that history diffuses. Yet,
it is no impiety for me to predict, that, ns her
I suffering has been long her happiness shall be
great, and that as she has been called upon to
bear weary burden, and to pine and plod in
6ickness and starvation, whilst other nations
Uave rejoiced, so, when the appointed day has
COme shall her joy be the more joyful, and her
glory the more glorious. Cheers. If such
should be the will of Providence, Providence, in
ifis own good time, will indicate the way. To
the promised land there will be to us guides up
on earth, and commandments from on high.
Faitbfuly, piously, lovingly, let us await that
time, and with pure hearts and upright spirits,
perfect ourselves in chose arts- and habits which
will enable us to meet it with advantage.
Loud cheers.
This is the noblest object we can have upon
this earth. There is, however, another object
which here should stir the feelings, and stimu
late the energies should prompt the intellect,,
quicken tbe industry, fire the ambition of all
who come from Ireland who are jealous of her
name, anxious for the sympathy of all great and
reputable nations, and who have fixed for her,
in the coming year?, an abode of peace, and an
eminenco of renown. . Cheers. Here, in this
land, the resort of strangers frora every clime,
the centre of civilization the great anchorage
of commerce the citadel of freedom, by the
cultivation of those irtue which strengthen,
embellisa, and elevate a State, by sobriety, hon
esty, and assiduity in all pursuits in generous
and cluerful subordination to her laws, in warm
and sb-enuous fidelity to her charter will the
name of Ireland bs made respected, a deep and
enduring sympathy for her sufferings and her
mission ba evoked, and new facilities be opened
for the redemption to which, with broken accent,
rnd a wounded heart, she aspires. Loud
cheers. 1
To this end, the military organization, of
which I here behold so conspicuous an illustra
tion, is sure to conduce. It is the school of pro
priety, liOEor. generosity, fidelity, and courage.
It absords aud concentrates the more vigorous
faculties, the more liberal tastes, the more ac
tive emotions of the community, and regulating,
purifyiag, endowing them vith a spirit of deco-
I rum' hsrmon.v aijJ nobility, reimburses them to
"iaic' 111 lu.p.u,, ui.u wun
a force so augumented, that she may enjoy the
fullest prosperity with confidence, and face the
most formidable menace without dismay.
Cheers, and cries of "the Fisheries I" Like
one of your noble lakes, which combines and
congregates the vague and wandering elements
of strength, impetuosity, and progress, which
precipitate themselves from your mountains,
course along your plains, and deepen in your
valleys to send them forth again with renewed
rapidity atd pqwer to fertilize your fields, to
uuou luu aiut'iiucis vour art naa reared nnd
1 i um rtun u, ,mu
V. ... . T . ' . 1 f 1 t i
jj . i . i . i i . .
uu uaTC """ lroux auj
oued to your shores. Tremendous cheers.
Nor arc the benefits," neither is the spirit
which emanates from this organization, confined
to those of whom it is composed. Pervading
every section of the Commonwealth by its influ
ence, it consolidates that Union whose perpetu
ity was the noble aim of the eminent statesman
for whose death, seven days since, this city ro
bed herself in mouring. Great applause.
Counteracting the influence of avarice, luxu
ry' anJ fasLiuU' il eeP3 n marts and
mansions costlier than those of Tyre or Skkn.
of Genoa or Yenice that spirit of patriotism
which broke from the lips of the Lacedemonian
mother, when, in answer to the messenger who
told her that her five sons were slain in battle,
she exclaimed "I asked not concerning my
children I asked only for my country ; if that
be prosperous, I am happy !" Applause
tl at spirit of patriotism which inspired the mo
ther of Coriolanus, when she exclaimed "Had
I a dozen sons each in my love alike, and none
less dear than thine, my good Marius I had
rather have seven die nobly for their country,
than on voluptuously surfeit out of action!"
Loud cheering.
Otler feelings, hardly less exalted, and oper
ating no less sublimely, derive from it their or
igin. In the freest monarchy which the friends
of monarchy can boast of, the citizens ore de
frauded of tlie prerogative which is theirs, by
the lw of necessity, of interest and of honor,
and which extends the solicitude which guards
the fireside, to the wider circle of the State.
Hear, and cheers. Hence all the ruder pro
pensities of our nature prevail iu a more marked
degree. There is less warmth, less confidence,
less frankness, less vivacity, and the common
aspect of the people is sullen, sluggish and
repul3ive. Cheers. Here, the poorest tra
der that drives an honest bargain in the mean
est quarter of the city the poorest mechanic
that shed his sweat upon the garret for his
bread is cheered in his drudgery by the proud
thought that he, as well as the wealthiest, is au
retive and essential component of the State
that by his vote he affects the direction of her
Governaien-t, and1 by his arms, and the habits
they impose, co-operates in her defence.
Great applause.
It must lighten the toil, exhilerate his heart,
quicken his pulse, and pour fresh metal into
his worn and withered arm, to feel that like
Putnam, he may turn from his obscure labor to
share the exciting peri's of thefiel3. Cheers.
Lifting him above the superstitions, whic h haunt
t him from the cradle, it subdues the fear of pain
and inspires a disdain of death. Divesting it of
its terrors, it comes not like the Erinnys, with
! ritlnnriin Vint 1oi n tlfnl- ns Ilvriprion. with
his brow radiant with an immortal star, and his
summons is
"Welcome as the cry
That told the Indian Isles were near
To the world seeking Genoese,
W hen the lend-wind from woods of palm,
And orauge groves-, J fields of balm,
Blew over the Ilaytian sea3,'r
Loud and continued cheers. Mr. Meagher
concluded by citing the following passage of
Washington's Farewell Address:
"Profoundly penetrated with this idea, I shall
carry it with me to the grave, as a strongiu
ducement to unceasing vowsthat Heaven may
continue to you the choicest tokens of its bene
ficence; that your union and brotherly affection
may be perpetual ; that the free Constitution,
which is the work of your hands, may be sacred
ly maintained ; that its administration in every
department, may be sttsmp4 with wirlora and
virtue ; that, in fine, the happiness of the peo
ple of these States, under the auspices of liber
ty, may be made complete, by so careful a pre
servation and so prudent a use of this blessing,
as will acquire to them the glory of recommen
ding it to the applause, the affection, and the
adoption of every-nation which is yet a stranger
to it."
A Sad Story.
An Incident of Seal Life.
Translated from the Uerman.
It was in the year 1833, aud consequently,
some years after the Warsaw revolution, that
the young Wenski, in company with some fellow
sufferers, returned from France to Gallicia, It
was necessary that his residence there should be
kept a complete mystery. He, therefore, under
various names and in different costumes, passed"
from one noble house to another, and so came to
the M'Enshe mansion. Here he found Wanda,
tlie only daughter, a tender protectress, and
she, in him, a worthy object of her sympathy
and care.
But for a short time only were they suffered
to enjoy their noble friendship. Despite all vi
gilance, the retreat of Wenski was discovered,
and one unfortunate night he fell into the hands
of his enemies. The great iron gate separated
him from the object of his affection. The trial
I commenced, and some months afterwards he w.s
J sentenced to be given to Russia. Scarcely had
j the terrible news reached the lady, than she Im
proved the very short time left Wenski for in
tercourse with other meu ; to unite herself in
dissolubly to him in marriage. A priest blessed
the mournful nuptials, and the bridal pair rose
from before the altar to undertake the journey
to Russia. The young wife did not know if,
w hen they reached their bourne, she would be
allowed to follow her husband to prison, or even
what his fate would be, whether banishment or
something worse. The uncertaiuty did not long,
continue. L'pon the Russian journey his fate
was decided. Wenski was drafted to Oremberg
as a common-soldier. It was a melancholy fate,
but the wife followed her husband to Siberia.
-rrivel upon llie sj-ut, thtry soon cvui tnceol
themselves, like the other exiles, that their do-
sition was not so utterly wretched as at firt and
at a distance they had imagined. Why should
J. v, c
a man be more miserable upon the steppes than
in the drawing room ! The human heart liar-
dens much more slowlv iu the desert than in tl.o
circles of the so-called fine society, perhaps be
cause the fewer objects men have around them
the more clinging are their sympathies for their
Wenski and his wife had many an
opportunity of provin
,j, , xl - , .
the truth of what -we
say, lor irequent kitnily services and words spo-
Ken irom tne Heart ot those around them sweet side of the prisoner, drew a slow cry I paiu
ened the bitterness of exile. Ifeaven had bles- from his lips, which the Cossack heard, and all
sed them, also, with two lovely children. tho Si4y. sacrifice, suriuif were
But they were not to enjoy this happiness J10"1- y
long. The cholera broke out in the Oremberg Vain were all promises and Payers. Even
i .i . u-! . , , n the glitter of gold, against which the Russian 13
and the two children fell first under the scourg j Qot llvlixys prof Wm this time powerless. The
A few hours stripped the roses from those youug ; unfortunate pair were returned to Oremberg as
cheeks and sowed them with deathly pallor. criminals, la Simbrisk, where a long p use
Bowed down with anguish, the parents stood byn was maJ tLeJ besought the official as an espe
t, i ... . e .. - .... tl J favor, that the children, whose parts were
the death bed of their children, and the mother pl;lye l outt uright be buried. Permission was
was so sorely wounded that, she sickened. p-iveu and even no hindrance was offered to s
What availed it that Wenski sought every meansl public fuuerah The little town containing some
to save his wife .' The feeeble skill of the phy- inhabitants, offered that day uu uii.uia-
. ! ted spe -tackv for everybody tumel oat to auti-d
sician was powerless against the climate of Si- nntreawut ceremony ; see the ui.tu who had
beria. Wenski cxhauscd all possibilities of sue-
cor for his wife ; but, when all appeared fruit-
less, hehimselfsuccombedtoa consuming sor- t Oeart-toachiDg signt, wneu xue n.a
. - . , , , . , , . slowly through the street ; the wretched father,
row. Lut this despair aflected the object of his with cavy chrtill3j fwUowing, and the
care more poteutly than all the means of sci- J mother a figure of sorrow, tottering after, sup-ence-
The decliiwng health of her husband was j psrted by several men.. , No eye that sav the
a sufficient reason for her to recover her own i si2ht was tearless, and as the uiulitude couid
i p i , , , , , , hot express their sympathy in any other maa-
Wanda, fearing to lose her beloved, roused her- tbley di(, so bv g,ft3 wi,;ch were showered
svlf, mended apace, and was the staff npou upon the unhappy pair from nil sides. . Amorg
which leaned the world-beaten Russian soldier, tho rest came a poorly clothed man, who ihrew
V-i ri,f .11,1 r,t n..r a warm skin over Wanda's shoulders and disap-
the contrary, iu the circle of his friends, he be-
came constantly colder and gloomier and cried,
in a sudden paroxyism of madness, that he was"
tired of life aud would fain die. A few days
afteswards he was missed. Search was made
in every direction. His cap and coat were found
upon the banks of the Ural. There could be no
doubt that he had destroyed himsolf.
The unhappy wife received with, silence and
resignation the tidings of her husband's death ;
no murmur escaped her lips ; her eyes were
tearless ; only in their depths betraying itself a
glimering restlessness which convinced the spec
tator that her mind was touched. The reason
was easy to understaud? Separated from her
cherished husband,, she might now return to her
native land. $he wished to do that, but not
without bearing with her the remembrance of
her married happiness, the bodies of her chil"
dren. This thought became her fixed idea, and
drove her before the governor to urge her suit.
The governor was a stern man, who, however,
in his hard office had not lost all human sympa
thy. He was moved by the mother's appeal.
He not only granted her prayer, which he offi
cially should not have clone, but he helped her
arrangement for tho removal of the coffins,
w hich were placed in a large box closing behiud,
and gave-her also a Cossack to guide her out of
' the country and to assist her ia every difficulty.
When al! ws reatfv, the in mi refill mother h-
self placed in the sled, which stood in the court
ofher house, the little coffins of her children,
took affectionate leave of friends and acquaiu
tunces, and drove away.
The journey passed rapidly, and Wanda Wen
ski scarcely left the aled which was truly ber
home, for she ato'and slept in it. No on won
dered at this singular manner of life, least cf
all the Cossack, who had understood that Li
charge was insane, and who therefore carafally
protectedher. The travellers Lad already left
the country between the Ural and the Wo'a
behind, and were beyond Simbirsk,, when tha
carriage stopped at a little station - to arrange.
tbejmssports and to change horses. Aa every
where else, the Cossack stopped into, the office
to make the necessary report, and had gone out
again, lie nad no desire to undertake conver
sation with his dumb companion, constantly lost
iu gloomy thought. But as he came out from the
office he leaned upon the back of the tiled, where
Wanda did not see him, while the horses where
changed. As he stood here he suddenly heaid
in the box, which held the coffins, slight noie.
Terrified, he sprang aside, yet presently recov
ered himself saficiently to approach the myste
rious box and apply his ear to it. All was stilL
Most other men would have supposed they were
mistaken, and would not have sought further.
But not so with the Cossack. The "duty."
which in the mind of every genuine Russian
takes precedence of all other feeling, even the
holiesj, urged him back into the office to men
tion what he heard. Immediately an official
accompanied by an inspector, approached the
sled, aud requested Wanda, who had no suspi
cion of what hatf happened, to alight. They
proceeded to search, aud the unhappy wife, now
utterly Uepnvu of courage, suns, powerless.
They removed ker from the carriage, and laid
her upon theOund iu order to prosecute the
search niori methodically. The first object
which fell under the officers' eyes were the two
little cotfis, which had servea Wanda for a seat.
The box the rear of the sled concealed the
Jiviug WenskT!
Of cuWse,, they were both immediately arres
ted, and"7ia:.ed under strict surveillance. W an
da was fib longer the wife of the exile, but a
criiuinal.wb.o'Had sought to assist a fugitive
from justice.-.? The- examination iustituted otx
the soot, disclosed that Wanda, in despair at
the cou'litluu vf tier husband, had sought some
mean's of protecting the beloved of her heart.
! QJ saving him from suicide.
liy her advice.
hf d hf f1 ?.f aU iuSa?C T?'
! of life, aud finally disappeared, while his wife,
in darkaess of ui.'ht, carried hi eap and
coat to the banks of the Ural, and left tuem
! there. Through incredible eulieriugs and dau-
V O - AJ rf VVUIfVUlW ' "
ujomeut the sled came into the court, Wccski
j crcpt uunotiCed into die place destined far the
j ceflins, and was there fed aud nursed by hia
.faithful wife. It seemed as if heaveu smiiea
upon uer neroic tuuii, iui u ny.
, -f T,. , :l , ,.P i, ,.t
tlie siippcd from its groove and pressing the
: jtuown sa melancholy a fate, and the wife who
Itn4ured everything to save her husbaud. It was
peared. Another di 1 the same to Wenski. As
t tlld hatred for the Cossack, who was
reckoned the cause ot all this uuuappiness, as
Eympathy for the victims, and even so charac
teristic was expression, that whenever he show
ed s himself there was a muttering of curse,
and imprecations, especially among th wot
men. Nothing remained for the officials but to
couceal the "dutiful" Cossack until tho depar
ture of the criminals.
Wenski and his w ife soon entered Oi-cmber,
but with different feelings from those with which
they had quitted it. Then the hope of freedom
smiled upon them, even if pain and suffering
hovering around. Now they were sure of a
terrible fate, and justly so, for the place of their
future residence was Nertschink. WTenski was
condo-nned to perpetual imprisonment. His
wife was to see him no more. This gave her
the death blow. She followed her LusbanJ to
the lrightful Nertschitisk, and wandered around
the walls, within which her husband lAnguished.
But her heart was broken, and before a year
had passed she lay upon her bier. The Siberi
an heaveu fosters no blossoms upon the grave,
and the lfeedless wanderer steps upou. the litt e
mound which covers the victiai to conjugal love.
May her memory be green to our hearts f r
.The poor Const.intiae Wenski, whose fair fate
it was to be loved asfew are loved, survives yet,
forgotten by the world, a miserable being. For
gotten even by his family, who might do some
thing for his relief, he is a prey to the niot-t
wretched suffering. The Russian Government
does not forbid alms to the exiles. Tbe post
goes to Nertsehinsk, and God's blesiug conse
crates every mite eut tliitLer far the fcJ3viatM&
of an unhappy njsn.