The mountain sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1844-1853, July 08, 1852, Image 1

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-11 1 II .XfSsA
Air Dandy Jim.
I often have been told of late,
That Pennsylvania is the State,
Without whoso full and free consent
Jio man has yet been President.
Then let her hills and Tallies ring
With loud Huzzas! fur Pierck and King!
Right well their names, the people please,
The Dsmocratic Nominee.
Sew Hampshire sends Ler patriot eon
To lead the hosts of Freedom on :
'The Gallant Pierce." right well we know,
lie fought for us in Mexico.
Turn let our hills and rallies ring, &c.
And Alabama sends her pride,
The Statesman true, the patriot tried ;
The North and South, unite to bring
The Gallant Pierce, the veteran King.
Then let our hills and vallies ring, &c.
Hedged to the Union of the States
Now victory on our banner waits ;
North, South, East, West, unite to sing
Huzza for Piirce ! Huzza for Kixu !
Then let our liill.i and vallies ring, &c.
Then vhigs bring on your Winfield Scott
Right on we move, we falter not,
Fur Pukch and Kino, we'll put right through,
la epite of "Fuss and Feathers" too.
Then shall our mountain echoes ring,
With our glad shouts for Pierce & King,
The victory won, Huzza for these
Brave Democratic nominees.
I am One lluudrea Years Old lo-day.
The attention of many of our citizens has
doubtless been arrested by the appearance of an
old colored man, -who might be seen sitting in
front of his residence, in East Union Street, up
on mild clear days, respectfully raising bis hat
to those who might be passing by. Ilis attenu
ated frame, his silvered head, his feeble move
ments, combine to prove that be is very aged ;
and yet comparatively few are aware that he is
among the survivors of the gallant army, who
fought for the liberties of our country "in the
days which tried men's souls."
On Monday last we stopped to speak to him,
and asked him how old he was. lie asked the
day of the month, and on being told that it was
the twenty-fourth day of May, replied with trem
bling, "I am very old I am a hundred years
old to-day." His name is Oliver Cromwell, and
eays that he was born at the Black Horse (now
Columbus) in this county, in the family of John
Ilutchin. lie enlisted in a company commanded
It Crptain Lowrey. attached to the 2d New Jer
sey regiment, under the command of Col. Israel
t-'lirieve. He was at the battles of Trenton,
1'rinccton, Brandywine, Monmouth, and York
town, at which latter place, lie told us, he saw
te last man killed. Although his faculties are
Ming, yet he relate? many interesting reminis
cences of the Revolution. He was with the
army at the memorable crossing of the Delewure
n the night of the 25th of December, 177G, and
iviates the story of the bati!t3 on the succeed
ing days with enthusiasm. lie gives the details
tf the march from Trenton to Princeton, r.nd
told us, with much humor, that they "knocked
the British about lively" at the latter place.
De was also at the battle of Springfield, and
Mys he saw the house burning in which Mrs.
Caldwell was shot at Connecticut Farms. His
memory, in reference to persons engaged in the
&r, is very good ; and frequent applications
have been made to him by persons seeking evi
dence for pensioners. He says that the branch
of the army with which he was connected, was
disbanded in Little Britain, in New York, a
tort distance from West Point. His discharge
signed by Washington, and stated that he
as entitled, "by reason of his honorable scrvi
to wear the badges of honor," which he did
!or many years after peace was declared. Ilis
fje brightens at the-name of Washington, and
Ja all his conversations he exhibits that deep
eated attachment to his illustrious commander,
w which all soldiers of the Revolution are cel
ratcd. His discharge was taken from him
en he made application for his pension, by
e pension agent, Joseph Mcllvaine, Esq., and
it d v orwarled to the War Department, where
much 3 remains nm- IIe mourns over it
him ain l alwava speaks of its being taken from
01 with tearful eyes. Burlington Gazette.
Gen. Pierce's Generosity.
h-Vi1(lltion to tbe facts about Gen. Pierce,
icn have been given to the public since the
jourment of the convention, we are informed
one 0r.8onal friend, who was the surgeon of
of r ten re?imc,uts, that after the battles
itin?itreraS and CLurubusco Gen Pierce, in vis
dier" ll0Bpitals crowded with wounded sol
' "pressed his feeling by distributing a
r- 8U!n f money amongs the unhappy suffer
ed n,a;.wI'en ,ie returned, receiving a ballauce
it m ?240, he ad Jcd to it, and expended
jwghismen. He also by his influence or
road pr.jcurcd then free passage by the rail
J'liiu'j y . Eeut lnoney to many old soldiers.
The Travelled Wlilcper.
"I'll tell the tale as 't was told tome." Seott.
'I do not like to say anything about it,"
whispered Mrs. Sawyer to her next door neigh
bor, Mrs. Ashton, "but they do say that Mi33
Bates, our new music teacher, is no better than
she should be. I don't think that I shall sand
Anna Maria or Sarah Jane. True, she cornea
highly recommended, but Mrs. Goodenough,
whose daughter went to school last year within
twenty miles of Miss Bates' father's tells me
that her daughter heard from one of her school
mates a slight whisper to Miss Bates' disadvan
tage : and people are best known at home you
Mrs. Ashton held up both her gloved hands
in wonder and approval of this sentiment, and
then hastened away on her round of morning
calls, all the wiser for her visit to Mrs. S.
Her next stopping place was at Mrs. Willis.
She found that lady over her sewing in the sit
ting room, and quite alone.
"I am delighted to see you," cried Mrs. Ash
ton half breathless from fast walking. "How
are you and your charming daughters Melissa,
Ann and Julia ? The latter are at school I dare
say. By the way Mrs. Willis, I have been grea
tly shocked this morning. I never should have
dreamed of such a thing as Mrs. Sawyer has
just been whispering to me. I can hardly be
lieve it now. But I must beg you not to z&j a
word about it to any tcul living. I am shoched
to think such a thing could have happened !
Tray, don't mention it from me on any conside
ration, but they do ay that Miss Bates, the
new music teacher, has a very lad character at
home. Mrs. Sawyer has it on unquestionable
authority, and has declined the idea of sending
her daughters on that account. But she is
young and pretty poor thing! and I am very
sorry for her, and wouldn't injure her for the
world !"
Mrs. Willis laid down her work with conster
nation pictured in her face ; and the two ladies
whispered and nodded significantly for the next
two hours. At the end of that time ?.I.s. Y.'iUJ
remembered that she had a host of calls to make
and tying on her bonnet the two ladies went out
Before night, the whisper that Mrs. Sawyer
Led thoughtlessly echoed from the tongue of a
school i?l, had traveled all through the village
and ten miles into the country, and there was a
prospect of its traveling on, on, as far r.s the A-j
cademy of B was known, and blighting in
every family where it was carried, the fair fame
of a pale faced, sweet young creature, who bent
with patient assiduity over her task, unconscious
that a breath, more fatal than the rimoon cf the
desert, had passed over her character. If there
is not deliberate cruetty in thus murdering the
reputation and destroying the influence of an
other, and that other a stranger, timid and sen
sitive as the Mimosa which shrinks from the
slightest touch, tell me in what cruelty consists?
And yet it was all the woik of a whisper; a
thoughtless and unmeaning whisper. Miss
! Bates' reputation was re-established when she
J learned, after weeks of suffering, the exaggera
ted reports everywhere in circulation in regard
to her, and brought testimonials of her innocence
from her native town and from the first persons
in other communities with whom she chanced to
be before acquainted ; it was re-established when
s'.io had stayed long in the Academy at B
and lived down the aspersions so cruelly cast
upon her.
But her case is not an insolatcd one. Many
a reputn.tiou has been wrecked by busy bodies
who have little to do at home and go abroad for
employment who love to gossip over their
neighbors' affairs, and help on, with railroad
Honest Labor.
Labor, honest labor, is mighty and beautiful.
Activity is the ruling element of life, and its
highest relish. Luxuries and conquests are the
result of labor ; we can imagine nothing with
out it. The noblest man of earth, is he who
puts hands cheerfully and proudly to honest la
bor. Labor is a business and ordinance of God.
Suspend labor and where is the glory and nomp
of earth the fruit fields and palaces, and the
fashionings of matter for which men strive and
war ? Let the labor-scorncr look around him,
look to himself, and learn what are the trophies
of toil. From the crown of his head to the 6ole
of his foot, unless he is a Carib, made as the
beast, he is the debtor and slave of toil. The la
bor which he scorns has tracked him into the
stature and appearance of man. Where gets
he his garmenting and equipage ? Let labor
answer. Labor which makes music in the
mine, and the furrow, and at the forge. O,
scorn labor, do you man who never yet earn
ed a morsel of bread. Labor pities you proud
fool, and laughs you to scorn. You shall pass
to dust forgotten, but labor will live on forever
glorious in its conquests and monuments.
Jgy-A negro in Memphis, who, in an affray
with a white man, had his skull broke and about
two ounces of brains let out, was so disappoin
ted at the favorable p rospect of his recovery,
that he deliberately tore off the bandage from
his head, trust his hand into the imperfectly
healed wound, and literally scraped his own
brains out. Of course he didn't live long after
that, eays tke Appeal.
Mr. King's Acceptance.
We copy from yesterday's Union the follow
ing lettar from the Hon. Wm. R. King, accept
ing the nomination for the Vice Presidency:
Senate Chamber, June 22, 1852.
Gentlemen : I have the honor to acknowledge
the receipt of your letter, notifying me that I
La? beca nominated by the Democratio Con
vention as Vice President of the United States.
Thii distinguished manifestation of the res
pect and confidence of my Democratic brethren
commands my most grateful acknowledgements,
and I cheerfully accept the nomination with
which I have been honored.
Throughout a long public life I am not cons
cious that I have ever swerved from those prin
ciples which have been cherished and sustained
by the Democratic party; and in whatever situ
ation I may be placed, ray countrymen may
rest assured that I shall adhere to them faith
fully and zealously perfectly satisfied that the
prosperity of our common country and the per
manency of our free institutions can be promo
ted and preserved enly by administering the
government in strict c.ccordancc with them.
The platform r.s laid down by the Convention
meets with rcy cordial approbation. It is na
tional in ell it9 parts; and I am content not only
to stand upon it, but on all occasions to defend
For the Tery flattering terms in which you
have b?en pleased, gentlemen, to characterize
my yublic terrlccs, I feel that I am indebted to
the perirenal rcgrrd -which I am proud to know
you individually entertain for me, and that you
greatly overrate them. The only merit I can
lay claim to is an honest dischargs of the duties
of the various positions with which I hate been
honored. This I claim nothing more.
With the highest respect and esteem, 1 nm,
genUemen, your fellow-citizen,
The Democratic County Convention for Cam
bria county, met in the Court IIoue, in F.bcns-bu-g,
on Tuesday, June 29, 1852, at 2 P. M.
Oa motion of J. C. O'Neill, WILLIAM PAL
MER, Esq., of Jefferson, was elected chairman
of the Convention, and James Carroll and
Samuel Brackex, Secretaries.
The credentials of the different delegates
were then presented in the alphabetical order of
their districts.
Alleyhmy Geo. Delany, M. M'Guire.
Blaekliek John Giilcn, jr., A. R. Longcnockcr.
Cambria Peter O'Neill, Andrew Lewis.
Carroll James Carroll, Robert McComby.
Clearfield M. Durbin, P. McGough.
Coneviawjh Bor. Jesse Patterson J. Kingston.
Conemaujh Tp. S. Bracken, M. Stewart,
Elenshury J. C. O'Neill, Jno. Lloyd.
Jarkson John Singer, W. W. Harris.
Juhnstoicn C. L. Pershing, J. B. M'Creight.
Lorelto Geo. McGough, Sebastian Fry.
Ricldand J. F. Stull, J. Wcisingcr.
Summerhill Wm. Palmer, M. O. Skally.
Susquehanna John Eaum, Wash. Lloyd.
Washinyton Thos. Collins, Thos. II. Porter.
White John Burgoon, Rich. McGuire.
Mr. J. C. O'Nejll then addressed the chair
and said, that as the delegates were about e
qually divided in regard to candidates, and in
view of tho importance of the elections next fall,
and for the Union and Harmony of the Democ
racy of the county, he was strongly in favor of
a division of the offices. lie was anxious that
the county ticket should be composed of good
men taken from each faction of the party, and
then the entire party of the county could unite
as one man and triumph over whiggcry. He
said, give our side of the house the Sheriff, and
the other side the member for tha Legislature,
or rice versa let us compromise on fair and
honorable terras let us resolve to make conces
sion to each other as far as men arc concerned,
and act together on principle, let us sacrifice
our personal feelings for men so as to offend
none and please all.
The Convention then proceeded to make nom
inations for county offices.
James Myers, of Ebensburg, and Augustin
Durbin, of Munster, were then nominated for
The convention then proceeded to ballot with
the following result.
Durbin. Myers. Zahm. Linton. Harris.
1st 15 10 1
2d 10 15 1
3d 16 15 1
4th 16 15 1
5th 16 15 1
6th 16 15 1
7th 16 15 1
8th 16 15
9th 16 15 1
Fourteen more ballots were taken each of
which produced the same result as the 9th, and
at 8 o'clock T. M. after the 23d ballot, the con
vention adjourned until Wednesday morning at
8 o'clock.
The President called the convention to order,
all the Delegates were in attendance, except one
(Mr. Washington Lloyd, of Susquehanna Tp.)
who was non est inventus.
The President, Win. Palmer, Esq., then offer
ed his resignation, both as president and as a
delegate. A vote of thanks was given the Pres
ident for the ability with which he had presided
on yesterday.
On motion, W. W. Harris, Esq., of Jackson,
was called to the chair.
A paper was read signed by Thos. McConncll,
of Summerhill tp., who had been elected a del
egate at the primary election, deputizing John
McCoy as his substitute, in the event of Mr.
Palmer, (the first substitute) resigning.
A vote was then taken, whether McCoy or
Palmer should be admitted, and resulted large
ly in favor of Palmer, who resumed his seat as
chairman of the convention.
The convention proceeded to the 24th ballot
for Sheriff, which resulted a3 follows :
Durbin 1G ; Myers 14 ; one blank. Angus
tin Durbin, having received a majority of all the
votes cast, the chair announced him as the nom
inee. The convention then proceeded to nominate
candidates for Assembly.
The names of Messrs. Wm. A. Smith cfEbens
burg ; Thos. Collius, cf Washington ; John
Matthews, of Johnstown ; William Kittell of
Ebensburg ; W. W. Harris, of Jackson ; P.
Shiels, of Lorctto ; D. K. Kinports, of Susque
hanna, and George Walters, of White, were
then submitted.
Before a ballot was taken, Mr. J. C. O'Neill,
said, he would again urge the delegates the pro
priety of compromise, concession and union,
for the welfare and success of the party. One
section of the party had their favorite nominated
for Sheriff, give to the other the candidate for
assembly in the person of Dr. Wm. A. Smith ;
a man whose integrity, worth, and ability he
could vouch for.
The baliotings were then proceeded with and t
resulted as follows :
4 th.
Harris,- ,
3 "withdrawn,
The chir announced that on the Cth ballot,
Thomas Collins, having a majority of votes, is
the nominee for assembly.
Mr. Peter O'Neill then offered tho following
resolution, and moved its adoption, which mo
tion was seconded.
Resolved, That the candidate this day nomi
nated for the Legislature, be and is hereby in
structed to vote for the passage of a law at the
next session of the Legislature, for leasing the
canals and railroads belonging to the common
wealth, to the highest bidder, or for such change
in their present management as will reduce the
large expenditures upon them, ana teua to in
crease the revenues of the State.
Cyrus L. rershiug, Esq., said, he was not op
posed to the resolution nor was he prepared to say
now that he was in favor of it. He thought its
introduction not germane to the duties of this
convention. Sufficient consideration had not
been bestowed upon this important subject by
the delegates, and he desired the representa
tives not to be instructed for or against such a
measur?, but left free to act, satisfied that he will
do what bcit for the interests of the Com
monwealth. The previous question was called and sustain
ed, and the vote being taken by yeas and nays
on the passage ot the resolution, resulted, yeas
4, nays 20.
The convention then proceeded to nominate a
candidate for the office of county Commissioner.
The names of M. M. Adams, of Washington ;
J. R. Stull, of Richland ; W. W. Harris, of
Jackson ; David Summerville and4lsaac GifTord,
of Susquehanna, and P. Branilf, of Loretto, Were
Mr. Harris then stated that he was not a can
didate for the office and declined.
The ballots resulted as follows : 1st, 2d.
Stull, . 15 18
Adams, 0 10
Sommervtlle, 4 3
Gifford, " 1
Braniff, 2
On the 2d ballot, Jacob R. Stull, naving re
ceived a majority of votes was declared by the
chair duly nominated.
Mr. John Lloyd then offered the following
resolution, and moved its adoption, which mo
tion was seconded.
Resolved. That the candidate for assembly be
instructed to vote against any proposed division
of Cambria county, as we firmly believe that a
division of the county is not demanded by the
wants, wishes or interests of the tax payers of
the county.
At the request of Mr. Pershing and several
other delegates Mr. Lloyd withdrew the resolu
tion. On motion, the convention proceeded to nomi
nate a candidate for Auditor.
The name of W. W. Ivory, of Washington, was
submitted. The nominations were then closed.
A motion was made that the nomination be u
nanimously confirmed. Objected to. Mr. Col
lins stated that Mr. Ivory was not a candidate.
The yeas and nays were called on the motion to
nominate him, and resulted, yeas 8, nays 22. .
Nominations were again made for tho office of
Auditor, aud the names of John A. M'Conncll,
of Clearfield ; Wm. Russell, of Washington, and
Robert McComby of Carroll, were submitted.
The first ballot resulted as follows :
M'Connell, 17 ; M'Comby 14,
John A. M'Connell having received a ninjor'
nf vnto tlm rhnir announced him as the
On motion the convention proceeded to nomi
nate a candidate for Coroner. The names of
William Russell, of Washington, and Campbell
Sheridan, of Johnstown, were submitted. The
ballots resulted as follows : 1st. 2d.
Sheridan, 15 18
Russell, 15 13
Dr. Campbell Sheridan having received a ma
jority of votes, was declared by the chair to be
tho nominee.
Mr. John Lloyd then offered a series of reso
lutions, endorsing the nominations of Pierce
and King, for President and Vice President, and
William Searight, for Canal Commissioner, read,
and were unanimously adopted.
Mr. J. B. M'Creight, chairman of the
committee on resolutions offerred a series of
resolutions which were read.
Mr. Thos. Co!lin3 said he held in his hand a
letter from John Kean, late member cf the Le
gislature from this county, and desired the
chairman to read it. The letter was read. It
stated that he (Mr. Kean) was not a candidate
for a re-nomination, but hell himself bound by
all the ties of gratitude and affection to his dem
ocratic constituency. Mr. Collin3 moved that
"the letter be inserted in the proceedings of the
convention," which motion was eo amended by
Mr. J. C. O'Neill, as to read "in tha order in
which it was offered." The amendment was
adopted. The letter was afterwards withdrawn.
The hour of 12 o'clock having arrived the con
vention adjourned until 2 o'clock P. M.
The report of the commmittco on resolutions
being before the convention, a committee consis
ting of M. Hasson, Wm. Kittell and Joseph
M'Donald, were appointed by the chair for the
purpose of assimilating those offered by Mr.
Lloyd, and those offered by the ehairman of the
committee, Mr. M'Creight, and the resolutions
were adopted.
- Resolved, That the Democracy, of Cambria
county, through the representatives cf tbe party
here assembled in county convention, do most
benrtilv and cheerfully ratify the jiominations
of Gen. FRANKLIN PIERCE, of New Hamp
shire, for the Presidency, and WM. R. KINO,
of Alabama, for the Vice Presidency of the
United States; believing, as we do, that the Na
tional convention could not have made a more
fortunate selection among the number of distin
guished candidates presented for its choice.
Resolved, That however desirous we may
have felt for the elevation of the favorite son of
Pennsylvania, James Bi chaxax, yet, in yielding
our first choice, we pledge our hearty and en
thusiastic support to the decision of the conven
tion, and feel that, "A Democrat is unworthy of
the name who would not waive his personal pre
ference among goou men for
time-honored principles of his
the sake of the
party ; and at
the same time we are also assured that "men
are but the creatures of a day, whilst principles
ate eternal."
Resolved, That the Democracy of Cambria
county belong to the JSatioxal democracy,
know ing no North, no South, no East, no West,
but rocaruinz the Lmon of the
States as one
and mdivisiible as a whole,
while the intenr&l
parts should be protected in all their individual
rights. It is, therefore, our duty, as it is also
cur pleasure, to proclaim our attachment to and
cy oi tuc i tatiorra oi rnncipies promui-
rrnteJ cy
tue mltimore I-emoeratic convention.
reg.u-ding the ascendency of those principles as
necessary to the perpetuation of our free insti
tutions, and the onward and upward progress
oi" our glorious Republic.
Resolved, That the utter abandonment by the
Whig p.-'.rty cf all their heretofore cherished
doctrine?, and the assimilating of their views to
those of the great Democratic party cf the coun
try, as shown by tho adoption of their riatform
by the late Whig Natir.nal convention, is only to
be regarded as a ruse for the purpose uf perpet
uating their power, while it stands as an admis
sion of the orthodoxy of the Democratic rreed.
Resolved, That the Democratic nominee fcr
the Presidency has evinced, by a life of devo
tedncss to democratic principles, that Lis ad
ministration will be characterized by a radical
adherence to the old aud well-tried policy, which
rendered the administrations of a Jefiereon, a
Jackson, and a Polk, the brightest in the histo
rv of our country. Whether in the councils of
bis native state, in the Congress o
or oa the battle fields of Mexico,
'ioung Inck-
nrv of the Granite Hills" has sIiowti himself u
worthy sou of a Revolutionary sire.
Resolved, That, while we are willing to award
ail due honor and praise to Gen. Scott, (the
Whig nominee lor the Presidency,) as a military
hero and skillful officer, as a civilian we regard
him as being entirely incompetent to administer
the affairs of the Government. The Democracy
of the country regard " Principles, not men, "
as their motto. Gen. Scott, so far as he has gi
ven publicity to his political principles, has been
the advocate of the old doctrines of the Federal
school. He has expressed his attachment to the
odious principles of modern Nativism, thereby
evincing a want of liberality w hich strongly con
trasts with the acknowledged possession of it,
by the Democratic' nominee.
Resolved, That Cambria county -was among
the foremost to marshall .her sons under the
"stars and 6tripcs," to vindicate our country's
honor on the soil of Mexico. Her Democratic
citizens regarded that war as necessary ond
just, and viewed with horror and detestation the
expressed sympathy of the Whig party of the
country with the enemy, who stig.natized the
war as "an accursed md unholy war," r.nd in
voked the foreign foe to receive our brave troops
with "bloody hands," and to furnish them with
"hospitable graves."
Resolved, That all the military glory acquired
by General Scott, was gained in the prosecution
of wars declared while the Government was ad
ministered by tho Democracy of the country,
aud while the same wars were opposed by the
party of which he is now the nominee for the
highest office in the world. General Scott was
-Vlhe soldier bv rrofess-on, while General 1'iekce,
T the Democratic nominee, actuated by the same
of j
patriotic motives which inHuenned tbe sons
Cambria to marshall under their country's ban
ner, volunteered as a private to do battle for the
honor and glory of his native land. The De
mocracy of Cambria will show at the ballot bei,
in November that they can appreciate the pos
session of valor and patriotism as highly when
evidenced by the subordinate, as by the commander-in-chief.
Resolved, That while the 'Democracy of our
county presents an unbroken front in the advo
cacy of our candidates for the Presidecy an
Vice Presidency we at the same time point with
pride, and confidence to our State candidate
for the important office of Canal Commissioner,
William Searight stands pre-eminent & ma
unwavering Democrat and an honest man. The
Democracy of Pennsylvania, in October, will
give the enemy a foretaste of what they may
expect in November, by recording an overwhel
ming mrjority for the upright, intelligent, prac
tical, nominee for Canal Commissioner.
Resolved. TLa.t this convention hereby endorse
and approve the course of our members in the
last Legislature. Col. John Kean and Williem
P. Scbell, Esq., fulfilled the trust reposed in
them by the Democracy of this district as faith
ful and efficient public servants. Their bold
and manly opposition to all encroachments of
corporate monopolies, and their defence of the
rights and iuterests of their constituents have
given them a hold upon the confidence and es
teem of the Democracy of Cambria which tne
cannot efface.
Resulted, That while we regnrd Col. John
Kean as having being more immediatelv the re
presentative of the people of Cambria, and point
to his official acts with just pride and admira
tion, we were by no means indifferent as to the
official career of his worthy and. intelligent
colleague V.'iu. P. Scheil ; and while we disavow
any doslre to interfere in the pre-choice of a
candidate by the Democracy of Bedford and
Fulton counties, we are constrained to avow that
vsui-.i uuvur-j me iemucrucy Ol i. cm una a
pleasure to record once more at the polls their
appreciation of the man and their approbation
of the representative.
Resolved, That the administration of Gov.
WjlliajI Bigler, has thus far met the entire
approbation of the Democracy of the State.
Ilis pledges have been redeemed and Pennsyl
vania once more has an Executive officer worthy
of her fame.
Resolved, That M. Stewart, John C. O'Neill,
and W. W. Ivory, be appointed as conferees, to
meet conferees that may be appointed by the
Democracy of Bedford and Fulton counties, to
nominate candidates for the Legislature, end
that our conferees be instructed to support the
nomination of Thomas Collins as the choice of
the Democracy of Cambria county.
Resolved, That, Thomas A. Maguire, Robert
Stewart, and Patrick Shiels. be appointed con
ferees, to meet like conferees that may be ap
pointed by the Democracy of Bedford and Ful
ton counties, to appoint a representative dele
gate to the next 4th of March convention, and
that this convention hereby instructs said con
ferees to vote for and support the selection of
Col. Jobs Kean, as a delegate to said cenven-
i tion ; and further that our delegates to the State
convention be instructed to vote for the nomina
tion of the Hon. Timothy Ives, of Potter co.,
for the office of Surveyor General.
Resolved, That Robert P. Linton, W. W. Ivory
and George Murray, be appointed Senatorial
conferees, to meet like conferees that may be
appointed by Blair and Huntingdon counties, to
appoint a Senatorial delegate to the next 4th of
Tdarch convention, and that said conferees be
j instructed to vote for and support the selection
of Capt. Richard White, as said delegate,
i Resolved, That S. J. Renshaw, John Crouse,
ana .ni. Kitten, De- ana are nereny appointed
Congressional conferees, to meet like conferees
that may be appointed by Somerset, Blair, and
! Huntingdon counties, to place in nomination a
j candidate for Congress, and that said conferee
J be instructed to vote for and support the sclee
j tion cf Emanuel Shaeffer, Esq., of Johnstown as
l said candidate.
' Rttoived, That experience and precedent ha
established the policy of making the nominating
convention the convention for the year, and
th'it in the event of there being any necessity
for there assembling of the Democracy of Cam
bria, before our next annual convention, that
this convention be notified to meet, through a
a joint call of the President of the county con
vention, and the chairman of the county com
mittee. Resolved, That the Board of Canal Commissi
oners have discharged their duties in a manner
highly satisfactory to the Democracy of the State.
They deserve and receive the cordial support of
those who hold the interests of Pennsylvania a
paramount to the interests of monopolies.
Retched. That the proceedings of this conven
tion be published in the Democratio papers of
tho district.
Re solved. That Joseph McDonald, of Ebens
burg, chairman, Jchn Douheity. of Ebensburg;
George V alters and Jacob Khine, of White;
John Douglass and Tet?r McGough, of Clearfield;
Michael McGuire and George Delancy, of Alle
gheny; Patrick BranitT end Sebastain Fry, of
Loretto; David Sommerville and Frajicis Bearer,
of Susquehanna; Jacob Luther and James Car
roll, of Carroll; William O'Keefe and John Mc
Bride, of Cambria ; James Murray and Henry
Ragcr, of Jackson ; John Angus and Samuel
Bracken, of Oonemaugh ; Jordan Marbourg and,
Jacob Fronhciser, of Johnstown; Elisha Luckct
and Charles Murray of Conemnugh Borough ; J.
F. Stull and J. Weisingcr, of Richland ; John
McCoy and Thomas McConnell, of Summerhill ;
W. W. Ivory and B. McColgan, of Washington;
and T. Glllen and A. R. Longenecker, of Black
lick, be nnd they are hereby appointed as tbe
Democratic county committee for the ensuing
year. The Convention then adjourned.
James Carroll, 1 0 . -c
' V Secretaries.
Saml. Bracken,
Resolution as reported by Mr. Lloyd.
fSIf yoti want every body to know where
y.-u are, what you are doing, what you want
done, and how cheap you are selling every
thing, from a "needle to an anchor," advertise.
Don't like tue Platform.- Horace Greelr,
the peace-loving and philosophical Scott Editor,
says he don't exactly like the Platform recently
constructed by the Whig Convention. No won
der. The man that was to b hung didn't rc-.
ty like his platform.