The mountain sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1844-1853, May 29, 1851, Image 2

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TlmiMlay Blay 29, 1851.
TUB "SENTINEL," ha much the largest
circulation of any paper published in this county
and as an advertising sheet offers superior induce
ments to merchants and business mm generally.
Those desirous of making use ot this medium for
extending their business, can do so by either sending
their notices direct, or through the following agents.
John Crouse, Esq., Johnstown.
V. B. rainier, Esq., New York, Philadelphia,
and Baltimore.
JtsSy We hope every Democrat in the county
will READ the ADDRESS of the County Com
mittee, published in this week's paper. We do
earnestly desire UNION of the whole party here
and in a short time, will submit a fair and hon
orable proposition to accomplish it.
Tlic Reading Convention.
Three weeks since wc stated our views as to
(he duties to be performed by this Convention,
and since then our opinions have undergone no
change. It meets at Reading on next Wednes
day; June 4th, and assembles for a specific pur
pose to place in nomination candidates for the
offices of Governor and Canal Commissioner, to
be supported by the democratic party next Oc
tober. For that object have the delegates been
appointed, and to its fulfilment they should
confine themselves. It has been asserted that
an effort would be made, there, to have an ex
pression concerning the choice of the Keystone
State for the Fresidcncy, but as this matter was
not made an issue at the time of the election of
delegates, and their appointment was not based
upon the supposition as to who they were in
favor of, or opposed to, for this important office,
it would be a question beyond their legitimate
duties, and can certainly meet with no favor
from the radical democracy and well wishers of
the party throughout the State. Such a course
if persisted in might lead to consequences inju
rious to the democratic party and we hope the
Presidential question will remain as it now is,
until the proper time arrives, when the people
can have an opportunity of expressing their
Col. Wm. Bjglli:, of ricai field county, whom
wc designate as the "wheel horse"' of democra
cy in this State, in that Convention will be nom
inated for Governor. The voice of the people
in the State speaks for him almost unanimous
ly, and a better and a more deserving democrat
could not be found. With Bigler as our candi
date the party, next fall, will be victorious.
Hid many virtues, hi;i true devotion to demo
cratic measures and men, his honesty and in
tegrity will place him in the Gubernatorial chair
'y a real Jackson majority.
V1. SAMttL W. Black, ot Pittsburg, will
have m.uiy friends and a number of delegates
in that Convention, and wc would be much
pleased to see him receive a vote, that would,
while it was intended no leta nn a compliment
to himself, his talent--, and hi coinage, than to
the gailant democrats of the west who support, place him in a conspicuous portion before
the people for the nomination at a future day.
For the office of Canal Commissioner four
-cntkmcn have been named, viz: Wm! S.
t'anipbcll, of Cambria; John P.. Bratton, of
Cumberland, Gen. Scth Clover, of Clarion; and
Wm. Scaright, of Fayette.
Wm. S. Cajii uell is a citizen and resident of
our own Cambria, was last year Superintendent
t u,c 1 oitagc Railroad, and this year Supervi-
.01 01 nepairs on the same. He is eminently
qualified for the "office, is an excellent business
man, and in the .litharge of thc duties of his
cvcral appointments, has conducted thc busi
ness in a satisfactory manner and most econom
ically. He is perfectly familiar with the wants
of our public iinptovemcnts, having had much
rxptrknee, and would be a valuable "acquisition
lo thc Canal Board. lie is n resident of our
own county, a good democrat, fully competent,
and as Cambria has never had one of her citi
zens in any important office, he is our first
John B. Brattox, Eo q , of Cumberland, is
Uic efficient editor of thc Carlisle "Volunteer,"
i.d lu,3 been .luring ,i3 life an able advocate
and defender of thc doctrines and men of thc
party. He is both competent and deserving,
and next to Mr. Campbell there is no man in
the State whom wc would sooner support for
thc nomination.
Gen. Clov;k, of Clarion, will be supported
hi.i numerous friends in a creditable manner,
nd although wc know )ut i(t!o cniiccrij;ng
1'nn, wc inU-r from thc tone of Ihc press in his
action of the Stale, that he would, if nomina
te I, make an excellent and worthy officer.
(',A 't Ar':'T, of Fayette, is Fai l to be an
tiKTgctio and business-like man. For pome
.yea. he bet., the President of thc Nation
hoad Company. B,u iu our OI.iuion an.j wc
m,y probably be mistaken, he is identified with
a mum chqu, or cotni, of polith ia,,3 wl10 nlc
iM alw.iya to be f -un I within the pale of the
The noiiiin ition f...r Guvtm -r, wc apprehend
Ji virtually made, and in the election of a can
didate for Canal Commiooiomr, wc hope the
Convention wi Utl wi(Jl a deltriuiualion j.j ad-
-. v ...e m-cie:.! cl tlic whole party, ,,nd in
. .!i..n,l. .,.,lhin- that ,.UM prove in the
Ivdot detriment ii ,i. . ...... 1 ... 1 .
n.iiii.iaii ini'.iai 11
rp,plc at I.irgo
iQ" Blank l'v . nti'-nj
t t fit" ol!i. c.
and :.:
iiuniT. -.. Jot
A Sturm.
Our village was visited on Thursday evening
Inst, with a tremendous hail storm, accompa
nied with a severe wind, thunder and lightning.
It lasted but a few minutes and the ground was
white as winter with hail. : The hail ' generally
was as large as a hickory nut, but wc noticed
many as large as a walnut, some of thorn weio-h-
ing four ounces. x No damage in town except to
several windows. The storm extended for
seven miles North and North-East, and in that
section unroofed several barns, uprooted trees,
tore down fences and pelted the cattle most un
mercifully. A farmer had four calves knocked
down. In Lorctto, the windows suffered very
much from it. The grain is material injured
in the north. South and cast of this, there was
no hail worth notice.
Ceo. Thompson.
This personage, the associate of Garrison,
Quincy, Abby Kelly, and their clique, the same
man who prates so much of the freedom of
speech in this country, once, in Scotland, inci
ted Rev. Alexander Campbell, of Virginia, the
founder of the Campbellitcs, to a controversy,
which he accepted, and when Mr. C., complete
ly worsted him, Thompson placed him in prison
for exposing his villiany. After such a course
it. ill-becomes him to charge the Americans with
denj irig-to'Shim the liberty of speech. Thomp
son said in Pic 'a a few days since, that no
minister in;, a& CQtatry preached the truth from
the pulpit, rr an'led them all knaves, lie is
in every r ,. tla deep and designing villian,
an emissary fMcat Britain, landed here to cre
ate sectional dinerenccs and animosities in our
midst, and docs not, and never can receive any
countenance from the true and loyal friends of
our glorious country. Wc read with regret that
a few higher law men at Norristown, Pa., have
invited him there to speak, but wc hope that
the Keystone State may never be polluted by
the tread of such a slanderer and rcviler of our
country and our country's laws, as George
Mayor Geary Declines.
Col. John W. Geary, formerly of this county,
and at present Mayor of the City of San Fran
cisco, California, was solicited, by letter, dated
April 1th, addressed to him by a large number
of the merchants and citizens of that city, with
out distinction of party, to become a candidate
for re-election, but in his reply he states that
"duty to himself and family requires me to de
vote my whole time to my private interests.
cannot, therefore, be a candidate for re-election.
1ST The Locusts have made their appearance
in the eastern part of the State, also in Mary
land. They arc of the 17 year Fpccies, and
their presence fully verifies the prediction made
by Dr. Smith of Baltimore. There are none to
be seen in this section, yet.
XS" Wc return our thanks to Col. Geary, and
D. A. Magchan, Esq., of San Francisco, for
copies of the California papers, bringing news
from that country up to April 12.
fciTCoI. D. K. Mart-Land, editor of the
Grecnsburg Republican, lias been recommended
as a candidate for the office of County Treasur
er. Wc hope the Col. may be nominated. In
Westmoreland it is customary for persons desi
ring office, to advertise through the papers,
and wc think it might be done here, so as the
pc.'pb may know who will be in the field.
f-7Sevcral public meetings have been held
ill Wpstrnnvrl-irnI
.... tu l U1C ,1UCS
Hull I H (llVISlon r.f MiO nAnntr I.. a? '
passed for and against the same.
JxJ' Thc military parade of all thecompanics
composing the Brigade in this county, wc are
requested to state, is postponed until Thursday,
lfth Jtmc, on account of the letting that takes
place at the Summit on thc 12th, thc day pre
viously agreed upon.
3?- ,!rC new bell, of excellent tone, has
jCon r'accd in the cupola of the Presbyterian
cnuicn jr. tins village. Jt is quite an addition,
and wc learn was presented to the congrega
tion i.y James P. Ross, Esq., of Philadelphia.
tST-Thc W001I3 are full of black and rcy
squirrels, and thc sportsmen have been dealing
death and destruction through their ranks
witnm the past few days. Three young gentle- j cease, a candidate for thc Supremo Bench, and
men on Monday last, killed about forty. Wc I would have been well supported by his nutner
expect to go gunning soon, so look out for ' ous friends.
"deeds of dreadful notc. I At a meeting of the Butler County Bar on thc
TTbe letting of twelve miles of the nowi f tlCCCa6' nn-Joi N. Tcuviascf.
Portage Road, is postponed until thc 10U1 of thua remarks:
June, and at that time will take place at thc ' "Ifc vas m.v Trcceptor, my early friend, when
Summit. ! roor' aivl an orphan boy that needed thc help
tSy" Workmen arc busily engaged in taking
down thc old frame Catholic Church, and it is
thc intention to remove it to another part of thc
town and construct a stable. This, wc believe,
is thc second transaction of the kind; that has
taken place here within a lifetime. "To what
base uses do wc come at last."
Xex Aclici tiscmciit.
Wc direct attention to thc advertisement of
Duff's Mercantile College, located in Pittsburg.
To those persons desirous of learning the sci
ence of Book-keeping by double or single entry,
U b an excellent school, and is deserving of
patronage. Mr. John D. Williams thc cele
brated penman, is certainly thc greatest profi
cient in that art we have ever seen. His style
and execution is both beautiful and wonderful.
Head advertisements of Watch found, Wm.
M Gough & Co., eliasolutlon of partnership ; ad
ministrator of Charles M'Garity, deceased; list
of causes for the July Court ; and notice to thc
Cambria Guard?.
t. acknowledge the receipt of a copy
.f the "Da:rerrtian Journal," a cemi monthly
public-it.,, devoted to the Dnpuerrian and Pho
togenic Art, also Scientc and Literature. It m
pu'.n-hcd m .New iok, and to persons engaged
in P.
I' - V
'.clieoiypHi; It n CCMtiinlv .
Backing Out.
Thellollidaysburg' Whig instead of attempt
ing to answer our article of last week, evades
the question at issue, and , calls our charge "a
weak and silly attempt, a school boy case,
having neither point nor argument." "He who
runs may read," but it sometimes happens that
he who reads may run. So it has been with
him ur regard to -his course on this subject
He has read the article, cannot answer it, and
runs away from it. We ASK him to meet our
charges, nay, wc DEMAND an answer to our
assertions. He charged the democracy with a
plunder of the public treasury, wemcttheques
tion and turned the tables upon him, and now
want him to disprove the following and give us
the figures. Come on Major, and if you smart
under it, dispute it like a man.
Docs not the present Whig administration in
a time of peace, expend annually, $SOO.OOO
more than the democrats did under Polk's ad
ministration, when the country had all the ex
penses of a war with Mexico to provide for?
Has there not been an increase in the ordinary
expenses of the Government, under Whig rule,
of $12,000,000 yearly, over the expendi
tures of the late Democratic Administration?
Have not the PEOPLE to pay these extra ex
penditures? ..."
When you preach ECONOMY, you should also
practice it, before you condemn others.
JtSJ"Wc have an adjourned court commencing
next Monday, and continues for one week.
fcSy-Wc welcome back from the land of gold,
the modern Ophir, Mr. TnoM.vs Coxuap, of Lo
rctto, who reached home on Friday last. Mr.
C, has resided in California for near two years,
and gives us the best description of the country
and its resources, that wc have yet listened to.
It is rich in everything.
A Touch at Gen. Scott.
Thc United Service Journal, thc recognized
organ of thc army and navy, has the following
severe thrust at Gen. Scott, which wc recom
mend to the favorable consideration of certain
Scott papers in thc country, that imagine the
mere military character of a man is sufficient
to raise him to thc highest office in thc gift of
thc people.. It is, in our opinion, thc truth iu
its fullest sense.
"Thc choice of our people having recently
fallen on generals for Presidents, is likely to
exert a fearful influence 011 the destinies of this
nation. Arc we soon to sheer into the fatal
vortex that swallowed up the great Roman
Republic? What! arc our people so easily be
reft of their reason and sound judgment, that
instead of seeking out a citizen of experience
to guide the helm .of State one whose great
intellectual qualifications, vast civil abilities,
profound love of country, deep erudition, un
questionable integrity, firmness of mind, one
incapable of being swayed iy flattery, they arc
willing now to take none but a general from thc
army ?
"Thc present General-in-Chief is no' in the
political arena, an I on a political tour. Thc
appropriations for the Quartermaster's Depart
ment have been neglected; and, it is said, that
department has not funds enough to transport
a single regiment to thc lines; more, that two
of thc Light Artillery Batteries have been dis
mounted, and the horses sold, and other enact
ments made highly prejudicial to the service.
Is not this humiliating? When thc poor Mexi
can borders, and our own people arc looking to
us for protection, thc army is rendered impo-
r .
- i-a o
j of affording assistance."'
Dcatii of Jtiflprc ISrcdiu.
lion. John Buedin is no more. He died at
his residence in Butler, on Wednesday, May
21st, suddenly, of paralysis. Judge BnEnis and
Hon. Wm. Beattv, two of Butler county's no
blest men, now sleep thc sleep that knows no
waking. Their loss to Butler is indeed a sad
one. The character of Judge Bredix was above
reproach, above suspicion. His private, social,
and religious life was one of unblemished in
tegrity. His political life was honest, consistent
and pure, lie was President Judge for a num
ber of years of thc district composed of thc
counties of Butler, Beaver, Lawrence and Mer
cer, and discharged his duties faithfully and
satisfactorily, lie was, at thc time of his dc-
ing hand of a friend; I found in Judge Brcdin
one, on whom I could always rely. 1 was devo
lcdly attached to him. loved him as a json loved
an affectionate father. But I can say no more.
My feelings overcome 'and oppress mc. God
grant that his soul rest in peace."
Last Thursday evening a large meeting was
held at thc Chinese Museum in Philadelphia to
condemn thc course pursued by Collector Lewis
of that city. Thc speakers and audience were
Whigs, and resolutions were offered denouncing
tho language used by thc Collector against the
mechanics of that city, and requesting the
I resident to remove him. Much confusion en
sued, huzzaing, hissing, and cries of "put out
thc gecsc." Thc resolutions, it is said, were
not adopted. Thc meeting broke up in a row
It is supposed 10,000 persons were present. So
much for thc unanimity of thc Whig party.-
Three cheers were given for Clat, but not a
word said a'jout Scott. The Whig party in
that city is sadly divided.
F. K. Boas, Esq., of Ilarrisburg, is re
commended in thc Democratic Union. a3 a
candidate for thc State Senate, in thc Northum
berland and Dauphin district, now rcprcscntc
by R. M. Flick, Whig.
. CUT The President of the Unite I St.ite ha.i
icturncd t ) WAiihint on from bh Mii- t!ivni:h
he P -.? of .Vc?r York.
The New York Herald publishes thc
following challenge of Tom Kenney to Tom
Hyer, which designates thc Summit of the
Allegheny Mountains as the place where this
brutal prize fight is to take place. Wc can say
to them if the summit in this county is referred
to that, it is not an obscure place, and they will
meet with a peck of trouble if they attempt to
do battle with their fists in this county, for no
one desires thc universal green of our moun
tains dyed red with thc blood of cither of these
pugnacious ruffians.
Tom Kenney, or OIl Kent tick, to
Tom Hyer, or JVew York.
Locisville, Ky., May 5, 1851.
Feiexd Bennett YouT will oblige mc by
giving space to the following lines : Tom Hycr's
challenge to thc world will be accepted for one
thousand dollars, five hundred of which I will
deposit in the hamls of Robert Flanagan, of
Philadelphia, at Ilyer's notice. I will fight him
in a ring of forty feet. I will give him his
choice of time, but will require of him to ob
serve thc twelfth rule of thc ring, to wit: a
stand up fight. If Tom Hyer accepts my chal
lenge, he will address me through the Herald,
and then, as I am a poor man, we shall settle
by note. I would prefer the summit of the
Allegheny Mountains for thc contest, as it is
obscure, and likely wc should not be troubled.
I shall await his reply, and remain, with res
pect, yours, TOM KENNEY.
Col. Wm. Uiglcr.
The Daily American, the organ of Governor
Johnston, at Harrisburg, exibits rather a ner
vous sensibility at thc signal unanimity mani
fested in thc Democratic ranks in favor of the
nomination of Col Bigler, and cxausts an entire
column of empty words in thc vain attempts to
show that there may still be disaffection in our
ranks. Thc scriptural admonition to "first cast
out thc beam out of thine own eye and then
shalt thou sec clearly to cast out the moat out
of thy brother's eye" might be profitbly consul
ted by the American. If tlic editor will first re
move the mountains in the way of harmony in
thc whig ranks he will then, perhaps, sec more
clearly, and more correctly estimate the magni
tude and inportance of the mole hill that ob
structs thc harmony of democracy. He but illy
conceals his feeling and belligerant inclinations
towards Col. Bigler, in all that refers to thc Gu
bernatorial question. Wc hope thc "organ"
will keep cool. In due time it shall understand
the position of thc democratic candidate; and if
it insists on it, in the contest, as it is now evi
dently inclined to do, it can have quite as much
of a belligerant quality to take care of as it may
desire. Thc Democracy ask no favors on this
It is our wisTi to treat Gov. Johnston with
fairness and candor; but it is evident that this
is not thc inclination of thc "organ" towards
Col. Bigler, and as it seems determined to take
thc lead in every thing, it can very readily give
to thc canvass thc elements of violence and in
vective. Wc have the proud satisfaction to
know that our candidate would come out of
such an ordeal unscathed, and that his charac
ter, personal and political, will proudly compare
with his opponent.
Thc A merican takes thc advantage of a remark
of thc Pennaylcanian to draw a picture of Col.
Bigler on thc stump. If at some future day we
should use this effort of thc editor's imagina
tion, as applicable to Gov. Johnston, hope we
may not be deemed liable to the charge of pla
giarism. Col. Biglcr may appear before his
fellow citizens during the contest, or he may
not. He will, however, thc American mav rest
assured, be prepared for any emergency, and
be ready to perform any labor which the cause
of justice, and truth, and Democracy may re
quire at his hands.
In "another flight and figure of thc "organ,"
wc think we can sec very clearly the fate of a
certain man who once built a gallows for his
rival, and unfortunately got on it himself. It
is always dangerous to stick down stakes with
out knowing who is to run against them. But
wc have no disposition to talk to the American
in parables. At the proper time wc will endea
vor to be very explicit. Clearfield Republican.
Will? Contempt ror Laboring 3Icn.
Mr. William D. Lewis, the Whig Collector
of tho port of Philadelphia, says thc Reading
Gazette, in a letter to thc President, upon the
subject of thc charges preferred against him,
remarked that laboring men ''are well enough in
their sphere, but by no means among the most re
spectable and influential of our citizens." This is
pretty language, indeed, for a man holding
office under a government which has marked
out no "sphere" for the workingman different
from that of any other citizen, but consider all
upon a perfect equality. But it expresses the
real sentiments of nine-tenths of the Whig par
ty, however carefully they may seek to conceal
them. Mr. Lewis doubtless thought there was
no danger in showing his true colors in Whig
company; nay, he probably considered that a
little cxhibitionof aristocratic pretentions would
all thc more readily secure him the sympathy
of "the powers that be." Wc may be certain
that he never intended this opinion of the la
beling men to see the light; but the follies of
politicians, like murder, "will out," and so Mr.
Lewis will have to pay thc penalty of speaking
his mind too freely. Wc hope that thc large
and influential body of citizens upon whom this
contemptuous aspersion was cast, will bear it
in mind and not suffer themselves to be decei
ved any longer by Whig professions of regard
for the mechanic and laborer, which arc gencr
ally made in great profusion about election
times and forgotten immediately after.
' Later advices from Mississippi con firm
the report that thc Hon. II. S. Footc has been
nominated as thc Union candidate for Governor.
General Quitman will no doubt be taken up by
thc other side. Thc contest 13 likely to be one
of thc most animate'd that has ever occurred in
that state. Its result will be looked for with
intense interest, in consequence of thc impov
t-iTit principles and coniiqurnccs involved.
County Committee.
' In obedience to thc call of the Chairman, a
meeting of the County Committee was held at
the Court House in the Borough of Ebensburg,
on Tuesday, 27th inst.
In the absence of the chairman, M. S. Ilarr
was appointed Chairman pro tern, and Stephen
Lloyd Jr., Secretary.
On motion of J. C. O'Neill, the following res
olutions were unanimously adopted.
Resolved, That thc Chairman of the Commit
tee be authorised and requested to issue the
usual call for thc election of delegates by the
democrats of thc several boroughs and townships
in thc county, on Saturday thc 28th day of June
next, to meet in county convention at Ebens
burg, on Tuesday the 1st day of July, next, for
the purpose of forming a county ticket.
Resolved, That we would recommend thc next
County Convention, to take into consideration
the propriety of adopting Rules and Regulations
for the government of the party, hereafter, in
making nominations, appointing conferees, del
egates to State conventions, &c, so as to pro
mote more effectually the union and harmony of
thc party, and thereby avoid the disputes and
eliflicultics which have heretofore existed upon
these questions.
' Thc-following ADDRESS was then submitted,
read, and on motion of J. M. Riffle, unanimous
ly adopted, and ordered to be published with
thc proceedings.
On motion of J. Burk, thc Committee then
Fellow Citizexs: Thc County Committee
upon having been called together for thc purpose
of transacting some important business, and to
adopt such preliminary measures as thc welfare
of the party might demand, upon thc opening
of thc ensuing campaign, deem it also but prop
er before separating to address you briefly.
It is well known that difficulties have existed
in the party in this county for some time past,
and thc mortifying spectacle has been presented
of seeing the party united" in support of thc
State ticket, giving it a majority of hundreds,
whilst some of our best men placed upon the
county ticket have occasionally been defeated,
merely to gratify thc personal or local feelings
of different factions which have existed. This
course if continued must place the party
in the county in a humiliating condition. In
stead of its energies being directed to uphold
thc principles, measures, and policy of the
party, to unite in thc support of our candidates
at home as well as abroad in the support of
men who would faithfully endeavor to advance
thc interests of thc party wc should see those
energies wasted in the contentions of rival fac
tions. Our contests instead of being based upon
thc support of particular principles, must de
generate into mere local or sectional quarrels,
or the party be ' forced to take sides with indi
viduals who may be actuated by personal or
vindictive feelings, and by thus abandoning all
p-rinciplc our elections would result in a mere
scramble between men, to the entire destruction
of all party organization.
This state of things wc desire to arrest, and
if possible endeavor again to restore union and
harmony to the party. Thc results of thc past
wc refer to with regret, but the lessons we have
received ought to admonish us sufficiently to
induce every democrat to calmly reflect upon
thc present state of affairs in our county, and
induce him to aid in preventing their recurrence.
Our county is decidedly democratic, as is proven
by thc larsc majority which is annually civen
to thc State ticket. Occasionally some mem
bers of thc county ticket have been defeated,
owing to our dissentions, much to the gratifica
tion of our opponents, who well know that it is
only by keeping thc party distracted and divided
that they can succeed. It must also be admitted
that these tlisscntions have in some measure
been fomented and kept up by them, well
knowing that the result must redound to their
The approaching election will be one of the
most important that has ever occurred in our
Commonwealth. Thc republican principle of
an elective Judiciary has been adopted by the
people, and for thc first time they will be called
upon to select Judges of thc Supreme Court for
thc whole State, as well as President Judges iu
thc several judicial districts, and Associate
Judges for the respective counties. Thc selec
tion of candidates for these several stations will
require no ordinary care, and when we reflect
that thc interests, property, and even thc lives
of thc citizens of every county of thc Common
wealth may be entrusted in thc hands of the
highest tribunal of thc State, thc selection of
good and competent men to discharge thc duties
of this high judicial station becomes one of no
ordinary interest.
The, selection of competent men "learned in
the law" to preside in thc several judicial dis
tricts, and of their Associates to attend to the
local affairs of the different counties, will be
more immediately felt by thc people, and ought
to induce them to calmly reflect in selecting
their agents by whom these nominations are to
be made, as the interests of a whole community
arc involved in the selection of good Judges,
and it is well known that partial or incompetent
men upon the bench arc a curse to all whose
property or lives arc entrusted to their care.
The election of a Governor and Canal Com
missioncr will also have to be made this fall,
and thc tlemocracy have only to be united in our
own, as well as every other county of thc Com
monwealth, to enable them to achieve a glorious
victory, wrest the government of the good old
Keystone State from the hands of the present
whig and abolition rulers, and secure tho as
cendency of democratic principles and measures
Wc have no fears of the result, thc people
have already in their primary meetings thro
out tho length and breadth of thc State, with
extraordinary unanimity nominated Col. Wm
Bigler as their standard bearer, and the Read
ing Convention which will shortly assemble will
only go through thc form of ratifying his nom
To sustain a democratic administration of th
State government it is also necessary that the
party in this legislative district should be uni
ted so as to ensure success, and that we should
not again by our dissentions,' notwithstanding
our large majority in the district, permit tint
democratic candidates for the Legislature to le
sacrificed, or that Cambria bhouli "again le
represented by a whig. This question assume!
more importance when we also reflect that upon
the next Legislature will devolve the duty 0f
apportioning the State into Congressional dis
tricts, and our own interests as well as those of
thc democratic party throughout the whol
State, call loudly upon us to secure the return
of two democratic members of the Legislature
from this district.
In thc county wc shall have an important
ticket to elect. A Prothonotary, &c, Countv
Treasurer, County Commissioner, and Audita,
will also have to be chosen, and these are an
offices in which thc people arc intere3u.l n
seeing selected faithful and competent person,
and that the duties of each should be well &s.
charged and the welfaro of the county promoted.
The triumph of the democratic party next
fall in our State and County tickets, will giv
to it strength and confidence, and ensure the
success of its candidate for the Presidency iu
thc fall of 1S-32, for it is wen known that ...
goes Pennsylvania, so goes thc Union."
We also regard this as a most auspicious to ...
to unite the democratic party in thc countv. S.
many important offices are to be filled at the
next election, that all interests, and every Por
tion of thc county can be conciliated. It u
time that the party should he aroused to the
importance of preserving its organization, and
of preventing in future all factious feelings en
dangering its success. Let the acts and errors
of the past be forgotten, let a spirit of "conci
liation, concession, and compromise" be culti
vated by thc democracy towards each other, let
them reflect calmly upon the important issues
involved in thc next contest, and the result will
be thc formation of a ticket that will not only
now, but hereafter lead them to union and
victory !
Thc call for thc election of delegates to the
next County Convention will soon be issued, in
thc mean time we would urge upon thc pcop'e
the importance of attending these primary
meetings, and securing the election of pr" J nt
and discreet members as delegates, andtfjfW
ensure thc formation of a ticket, around which
all would rally with alacrity, &o as to ensure
success. If this is done all feeling will be al
layed, and every democrat should consider it
his duty to aid in reconciling all past difficulties,
and to preserve thc time honored principles of
thc party, made sacred by thc memories of
Jefferson, Jackson, and Tolk, from being sacri
ficed upon the altar of personal feeling, or tho
spirit of faction.
By order of thc County Committee,
M. S. HARR, Chairman pro. tern.
Step-hex Llovd, Jr., Secretary.
Arrival or tlie Winfleltl Scott.
New Vokk, May 22.
The steamship Winfield Scott arrived here
this morning in six days and six hours from
New Orleans, bringing news two days in ad
vance of the Mail. We take from the New
Orleans papers the following items
A block of Marble for the Washington Mon
ument was received in New Orleans on the 14th
inst, from the Cherokee Nation.
The brig Pcdraza had arrived from Nassau,
having on boord 120 passengers of the wrecked
ship Cato.
The ricayune has dates from Vera Crui U
May 1st, from the Mexican Capital, to April
2Cftb, and from Tanipico to May 4th. Tbe
Mexican IIoiu of Representatives had appro
ved of the Senate's resolution to grant cHitr
days respite to the committees of both branches
to try to effect arrangements of coiupr in:.?
with the public creditors.
It was stated that a proposition was to be of
fered to try and negotiate a loan from the
United States Government.
General La Vega, instead of proceeding iw
mediately to Yucatan, to carry on the v
against the Indians, has irone tn thi ritv of
Mexico for fresh instructions.
It was stated that many of thc streets of
Mexico had been abandoned on account of the
robberies recently committed.
The Legislature has passed n bill agaui
There are smic later advices Lm Tchuante-
pcc. llie reports of the surveying parties aie
favorable to the feasibility of thc road. A letter
from Major Barnard says that thc survey is
nearly completed, and all parties will be able to
leave thc Isthmus by the 20th of May. He en
tertains no doubt that the railroad can be con
structed at a moderate cost, and says that thc
land included in the grant is very valuable.
It appears that passengers from California b)
the Gold Hunter, landing at Tehuantepec, wen
detained to await orders from the city of Mexi
co, for disposing of them. A letter from the
chairman of the permanent committee of th--Tehuantepec
railroad company denies that ti
bill to declare null the Garay grant which ti'
company have acquired, is before the Mexico
The Winfield Scott brings 15,000 in spcf
Among her passengers is A. M, Holbrook, Esq
of the New Orleans Picajune, who is on hi'
way to Europe as special commissioner from tbt
State of Louisiana to the World's Fair.
Posthumous Fame.
It seldom occurs that an editor leaves post
humous fame, no matter what talent he posscs
scs. We are too apt to say of him "well, h
was an admirable writer, poor fellow, but v
had to pay thc debt of nature!" In a frf
years he is forgotten, his stray ideas filched 3
brought up new to an admiring world, and U
honor of their paternity heaped upon some 1
deserving head. So reflected we on Sunday l3
on noticing the name cf William B. Conway
a new emigrant car on the Portase Rpad-"
Con-ray was, perhaps, one of the keen!- :