moved tor leave to' bruii? in a bill to make tlm Iraticiuse wnu! the liiiglisti and Welsh Countries some what nualaous lu !u; Iran fiii - f 'he Borough. Lord John Uussdl oned the moiioii aiid was k-it iu a l.rge tuumr- il.- Umir lllti l.,r 1! Ti Tvl Hi! ;l 1 ll."t It. The ttsinult.m uf :'e ":'iry I . ,l..,-r,.J.iil ill t!l3 C r!. .l in I, i r ki ts and there is :.- s t- i.urcliaai;. The saies t JiV "f-- -0u0 b.les, at uiiv Changed prices. bin closed flat. It ?9 the em-ral i.iijressiuii that Lord Jolia Kticll will foiiiintie iiiollire as a leader, and Sir James IJrali.un le ajiuoin ted l'reihier; blitJulvf Jjtir'd Stanley go in, trouble is feared.' - ' ' France. The most-vie. oust- renlonstranres are being made by the government of ilie President against the entrance ul Austria with all her States iulo the (Jeimau Con federation. The French Government liave sent large reinforcement to the army of Home, so as to put the expedition on a war foot in. ' The first cargo of the productions of France, or of French industry, for the World's Fair, left Paris on Tuesday for Dunkirk, where it will be transhipped for Loudon. It consists of 12UQ packages of Various kinds. General XS'avaez has arrived at Paris, and was received wuli distinction. J l aly It is announced thai Garibaldi has made hi? appearance near Geneva whiei is tMilier aurpiiding, considering tual only a diy or two luce he was in good heauli on JS.uten island, lie and MaZZltu, w iili, it' is vaid. uiui'le means, are making eiien- s sive anaucii'eiils lor the retoiu. utilizing of kuty in the Spring. All kinds ol sur mises are ihruwu out respecting their alle ged lultutions. Russian troops are overrunning this tin fl ippy country , and tnurli elisors: exists. The l.Zar lus ianeii Ins utinc, increasing the number of recruits required ot ttie Jews. '1 he Berlin Ziiluiig states tint the con centration of large numbers of troops in and about Vienna given rise Ij the most digressing rumors. Ikome. It is said that Cit-uoa! Gcmean has de termined to delcare a state ul seige during the (Jraud Cartmul. Turkey. There is a probability of a war between Turkey and Lg pi. 'J he ultan desires the Pacha lo rt uuce his loices; the 1'aulia, on the con la ry, refuses to do this, and. on the oiher hand, has been au"iiieiitnii them. Accounts have been received limn Con Slaiuiuople ol the defeat ut the Arabs- l the 'i uiks near Lid.d. The 1 urks had likewise obtained some victories in Ti e blcckade ol Samos had been an nounced. Coafiruuiiuus ajd .umiaaiiju Constructive I'lniiigd. w Abiii.Nuto, Mareh 10. The Senate, loil.iv, eontirmeil Mr. Ttldeu. Marshal of Ntv AleAi. o; uiau. ail tht- iir-v t iioiu it iduni uid Justices ol the IVace :cr tins dtnet. I Loai..j Uuue. K.u, the port .f San Fiai.CisC f r CollecMr ol was conhrmed 10-day. UobertC. Svhenclv was rioniinaied, to day, as M.niiler to lir.izil. The n to u was iiiiii.euK.lf iy ref-ired t' the Couiuiitlee, and rejiortrd uj on favombly. 'I he nomination of VI r. 5. (J. Gooducli as Cuusui at laris, was undf r discussion It will doubtless be confirmed lo-n n.iim- Mr. Eabv noiniiiated for Ccnuinssii m-rj of lJubl c liuildiiiizs, wiil be coiifiritn-d, nutv.tlitaudiiio tlie outside opposition. It ajptars that George F Cmtis has hot Wer. noiiiin.sted as C' liiMiisstunvr ol Patents, nor is that offv e yet vacua. J his mistake is reuiarKnble. as thret Senator?, iasl wt-ek, slated tna. the nomi nation had been made; auJ uj on their authority the announcement was made public. Senators Houston and Rusk left this city this afternoon. The Senators l ave claimed construct ive mileage for the extra setsiou. I he secretary ui trie i reasury r'iued to pay it. stating that there was no appropriation niade. I e matter was finally adjusted by drawing upon Messrs. Corcoran and R'Jgs who have cashed the drafts. Eircotivc Session. Mr. Cas defended hiins If from an ed itorial in this morn n?' lleptiblic relative to his letter to lr. Kellnjro;, in rt-Jativii to li e River a. id Harbor Kill. Mr. Khett defended Souh Cari lim from the falst and erroneous statements contained in Senator llousti'n's letter to Gen. Hamilton, as published in yeter da& Union. This save rise to an excil ingr and spicy debate between Messrs UllHt, lloust'li and Butler, which was tt rmiimied by a 0ke lerpetrated by .Mr. II I le A coiMiiunication was r. ceived from Messrs Gah s & S. aton, of the National Intelligencer, dechniili;. to , ublish, after this ' session,, the daily delates of the S.-nate. The Judiciary Commiree reported ad Tersely to the allowance of mileage io California Senators by Mie Panama route. J in kjTp.ii ouricii " RECTIFYING DISTILLER, AND DEALER I.V FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC WINES, LIQUORS, CIUAKS. vtc.ic. No. 197 Liberty it., corner of Barker a Alley, . . PITTSBURG, T A. March 13, 18511 mons Mr. Lock Kin (IE a NEW STi.IlE AMI CHEAP II AUG A INS h h j NEW u. ll o (i cvr itriita w. uiu iM- rm li e r !itM-u i! !! ul.i o. I. ml 1 1 . -v lmv? pt i i'ii a ST'.'llE it I'i. uu V 2 P. Ji. n. fix lil ;4.fllir:tv .Clli;id tt V .VI' J ill II J. II II". Wt.ff,! i m d i I vvtll t. ki l t'f.'blilly .-ii ii.iiJ, w prices, lie ! I o- d : Arif. iw-'d ding. Calicnes, Siikg, Satin, Ay .', Ytttinjlf Mulms J. a tens. Aloicra. Bomb. smrs, Shnu)!s, Muni d- Liincs. L.uftttn. ii.bbuns. Hulloitt, G'lovts,..Jcs.ri, Lqtxw, . ' ' - - 4-c j-c. ALSO BOOTS HHOHS. ITS f CAPS. U.ilB Ii E LLAS. i'A HA St) LS $ HON. ' JSllTX. A LSU. A L A HUE STOCK Uf LVFME, tSUUAii, MO- -J,AtES, ifYHUi. TEA, JIA It U VA K Ii. QUEIi 4VS. WARE AM If CUT i EHY BOOKS 4 Si iTI AKY. Always on hana, Fi..r. H-cn. Chrttt, Batter f'jetT F,ak,iimlt, Q-c. All (4 Mhicii I In-j are piejmrtd In veil cheap rai0. vtjnvnrt Ilea letiii.iii of bajrrn ( their eior.k (gdi, cnflicin thj ti 7 eon nd will Uell l Up in as cheap, ani in lad clieaper, tltao they can purchane e.-e where. i'roouce of all kinde lake.n in eichanpe, and rush never refused. Cutue uou to tlio New Store, JOHN G. GIVEN dt Co. Plane No. 2. A. P K R. Aiarch 13, 1851. S THE NEAREST ROUTE TO THE GOLD DIGGINs. SPECULATORS IV ARE UP!! fB U K following desrr.l-ei valuiMe Timber M. I'"" di uro fTt-rel for Three tract tnii'ipr.vf d Ian. i ititui'c on the Waters uf ,. ! i, For of in-? Conm tue'i. pin i' (aiiihna cOnty. and part Uii-hUnd iov nht. lin "in. re- count ; the -4 .ver tract not more i'h-n t" inilfj- fem the tivv ri.ill of John I loiter, fruni which place I a gtnul wjijun ro d ii Hie P tHtf.: K il id. SiiJ Und la w'l ct-viT d viih wild cm rry poplar, bird -y? inpif, ai-li and ril ilunh'e timber, with Hi- b'ttiiUiiecf aliiii'ditni wj.ltr power mi iru-.-t. 'I h- ro-i'l iro n J ihriittuvvfi to Bed I" rd (.. est through two .f r.ict-, and "ii inid lnnd ait p'l.iiiiH.n n. i c itious .f (he ex. i-t nc- ! i'i iinieiioiii C'-. tii.l iron ore. Al-o. mi- 1'itci t liiijd llie vv iters ii f lilark-l.ick t ek Jxfki.'ii township, Oa ntri c- unl r . to ver eil with valuable iim'ier, !th tin bflvhii-of excri'li. 3er power, whitli u!s. contains vein ot'cu-il lour ft$ tii.CK imhI ! b- i. and can he worked w ith p.rll. I'itii.iiit limn Kt-ii.iiirjj ahnut fire niiien It eawv, mid i til? U'iq'iestiuii;ib!e. For fuillur particulars' euqiiro ! L. A. VlfKUOY. JnllllK town, or JOHN WILLIAMS, Etiv-unuurg, Pa. March 13. 185-2.ii XT Hollifliij v.!-iirg liir i-ier copy for two iiioii:I.i biid charge ii office. rUWISTHItS' NOTICIi All perMona iniereMel are hwrehy not Hed hat he liilli.vA iiijf Aiifiiiiii-iraiioii acc-unls '"i ul'.owvtl ai.d rili-d in H e ItetU'etx ffice ol Cambna couniy, .nd will be frmonltd o the Otjihait' C-uri lo b hehl at F.heiiKliurj: nr oHid county, on Monday the 7l h day of ioi iiet. f'-r c o firm i-ioii. The accoun' o- Juniei Yoonij. ac'ing Rjec'J. 'or of the la-l Will &o., ol Hen ard ilmore, iiCCiaed The urcoun' of John &. Grorce Pringle, Ex- color of in la-t m ill Ac , ol tieurge l'riogie, ilfC ll-l ll. The i.c-oiint of Alirhacl I.iaw. unrviving Kti u'orof ihola.t will &.en of litv. D. A. (.alii zoo. dec''. The accouui of U'ilH4U) Glmi, one of the h.xecur.ri ol the la.l will &c.. of Geo. GU lUb. i c-aed. I lie ac outii of J."o';re Seulemoycr . one of i he hc-cuTnrj of the laal will &.c of Godfrey eiiIeinoyer, deir'd. Win. K1TTELL, Rejisier. .Match 13. 1S31 ic. TAILOKIiG!TAlLClf ING! LWIS BEYXON, aXFlKMS U,H rnt..ern aod friendu thai he Mll occoiiiea his old stand, two door eit of B .M'Oenuiita hotel, where he will bo happy to aoe hi old customers and also a iimiiy nw nnM an pleane . call, fie revive rejfularly from New York and Philadelphia ihe Ulel lahhiooa. and he cannot he het I ci ti-r in the h,M. or fit (.f (T0t. Punta or by anj o'lier Tuilor m ihe couoiy . Il i opt i llully nhkB the public to eive hun a call as hu i c. nS lent that hia work wiil recom nit nd iinclf JIT All kinds of country produce taken in excli4nje. for work. .Match 6. 1851 if NOTICE. The tinderHigned Wing about In l-ae thia plure. for ihe lant time rrquet all peraona in. denied to the Ule firing of Liizioeer &. Todd, and George W . Todd &. Co.. to h. iib their re Fpi ci'Vrt kccouiiU or, or bffore lh firi day of April nexi; a after that limn all iccounU will be lell in th hand .f roper offievra Pr col lection, without . reaped of ivf-rpiuia. GEO. VV.TODD. March C, 1651 1 1-3 1 DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. The partnership heretofore existing between Jiiiiiea Kavloraod Ptter Kaylor, win tiiivolved by conien on the 17:h day of Seplein btsr, A. D. 1850. and the bookt of eaid firm were placed in my Innd for colleclio'i; since hich time the 84 id hooka hare mysteriously disappeared, i-r been taken away out of my r..,p..pvjoo. This ia therefore lo caunon ull peraona indelded on aaid books, lo make no payment until due notice i tfiven by ine. J A MRS KAYLOR. Clearfield lj , Mareh 13h 151 2-3l CORN BROOMS, PAINTED BUCKETS, CEDAR WARE. WILLOW BASKETS, BRiSTi.E BRUSHES. TWINES d CORDAGE. MATS, MATCHES. WOODEN WAItH, d-e. .March 13th 1051 3 m Constantly o n hand atiheman ufacturers low eat price. M. Sc J. M. It OWE. Ill N. 3d si. 3d d-tor below race PUILAD. U Aim (iTO HOUSE CHKaNUT 8THEKT BKTWECN 7h AND 8l kTaCETS. PHILADELPHIA, PA. A. F. GLASS PROPRIETOR. March I3ih 1851 ly. . THE WORLD S FAIR! SimuiPF'S-SAia'KS. Y Virtue ,f urdrv wrilB ofVpnil. Kxnon. as aiiti Ia-v. I.cid- iur-) out ot the I'i nri of" (.'oiiiiiio.i i'ifa-i ff I'aihi county, ai d V n. e dirfc'tvl, ihrre Wf I he up ec lo vlv at he t'ocrt llmt e. :i the fjtirouph ol I.Leiborfe . i'dinhua .county, on Monday the 7h da- of April next, at one o'clock P. M Ail he light, tiile mid inteiCf't o f lai.icl Ci usiy, o in m d loa p cuif j-urcei of Und f.touic in ai-!ii!ii..ti t'lihip, Caiubria eoimiy.; iatidtf oi Jobeph Christie, Jac-b Kurgoon. Charles XvJoon, and o'herp, ciiitHiniiir 333 acres -nnt-e - or .Jesj, , lmvjiig itercoit enrv.d-it 4r;pif jW a fr4ine.iiou'e. iiovy in the .occupancy of the skid Uaiiiel 'Chrirly, and' a Irdii' ho'uA- Viwi'sccu'pitrd.' -V '. v 'IhijnjfeBerjfilii( juid lu he aolJ. at tluc 6MH of. John Al'Cloolf y.r All lb ri'eh. il t : d . interest ol rWilliirm Palmer, o , in and. to. a Uci of Uijd, silii-te in . M'NH(l oni(iii rui II low i.hip. " C'uibriii' c:inly, ad-j'l rrfer joiuiiitf lands ol Jol.n K-an. Kaohael t-ooner Iluibit tvtui olhcia. VoiH aiding one hum reU and 4lur j- acre, mote or it a a tml tea acre wf u fatcti are. sleared, hannjr thereon ececteal M-e log, ctiin lipue, now in I tie oeewpaatey t ineejU Emjrli i Taken in execution and to to o4d at the mail f William AI'Qaaid. . ALSO, AW the fifht, title and intcrert of Nancy & (lush M'Cloaiey, Adiutnislratora of William M'Cloakey. dee'd, of, io and lo a piece or .par cel of land, situate in Waahingtow ton.-Jiip. Cambria county, containing two hundred acres more or lea. about eizty acre of which are cleared, having thereon erected a log house and a log bare, in the occupancy of Daniel Christy . and t plank house, in the posseaajon of Joseph Al Cloakey. Taken in execuiion and to he sold at the suit uf Philip Nona, for u-e of Henry O'llarrt. ALsO, All the right. tit!.aud interest of Michael Murphy, of. in and to a lot of ground, situate in the tuwu. ol Ai ouster, Cambria coan'y, Irouling on lluntiiiguoti t-treet, , lj uiung lot ot Jainea Kay lor vti the east, and lot of Mrt. Melov ou tht west, havi.g thereon erected a two aio.-y lof hou and a log suble. now ia ihe occupancy of Patrick Cradly. Taken in execution, and lu be sold at the ui. of Peler Dougherty. ALSO, All the right , iit!o and interest of Hugh Mc ranuny. of, in and t all that cfrlHtn 0 houee, uifkauare and I i-iiiirient, ritustle in the lowoatiip ot iVbahiiiglon.. in Ihe cutitv of Cninoria, on Hie n nh sice of ihe Porlago Rail Koad coma mt tg lit fronl on fan Koad evt-n-ly.five ieet. tiiore or leis, aidindepih aboul 3m f. c, and the lot or piece of ground and curtilage npp:iritiaiii io aid bu.idiug, now n. tlie oi-cuj-aticy of Hugh M Atania.ty. T'lkeo in txtcoiioti and to be sold at the uit of John C. O'Ntil. , ALSO, All the right, title and interest of Patrick C no way and Michael M'N.ckle, of in and to a p tee or pirc I of laud t-idiate in Alieghenv lowri-h p. Caiilirt.i c-.uoty, adjoining j-id ol Jono H'Miden, Rodger Hradlev, tj.igu M'.Neal and olherw. Coot iiounj one hundred acta more r Jta-, about 30 acres of which ere cleaitd, having thereon erecied a two atory hewed log hoove and a calno bam, (not now occupied.) I a hen in Kit-cm ion and to be sold at the suit ol K-isa .MXi'je lor Use of the township of .-iiiegnei.y . O" N. Ii. The Sheriff has made the follow !.... !.. ..i .i . 1 k "-" v.uiiuiouii ui me aoove aaies, viz: one Jourih of the purchase money on each sale lu te paid al ihe time ihe properly is tlruck down. wnen me naie amounts to S500 and upwarda, under 5fJ0,and more than SI 00. the one third: under SUM. and more I hun 50, the one half; tens man ."SiU the whole amount, otherwise a I . . urn property win immediately again be put up i mid, aim no i;eea wni be preaenied for ac kuowledmeni, unless llie balance of the pur chase tn -ney be" paid before the following Courl JOHN BRA W LEY, Sheriff. oherifl'a Office Ebensburg March 6, 1851 te. ; M ACKER L. SIIAl.,1 UDrlSH, SALMON, II Eli RINGS, PORK, Ha. Ms AND SIDES, Constantly and hand and Tor sale by J. PALMER &. Co. Market si. barf. PHILADELPHIA. MIOULDER-S LARD AN D UlIEESEJ Feb. 27, '51-20-301 CI1KAH HAIibWAUE! M. BUEIILfiK & BRO. Ao. 195 Market-Street, Philadelphia. 2 doors below 5:h Street, OFFR FOR SALE HARDWARE, IN ALL ITS VARIETIES, AT LOW PRICES. CALL AND SEK HEPpRE VOU BUY! JZT Lruk for the R. d Letiered Mill-b'aw. February 2?th 1851 3m. LADIES call and see J. MOORE'S aplen d.d nock of Muffs, Gloves and Comforts. 9 (Barrels of Mackeral for sale Jv bit J. IVtm v ai. J. 1VOIIY cj- Co. I SPLENDID lot of Brown. Black, Olivs fl snd Gatv Cloths for.l0 by JJURRAY &. ZAIIM. A exeel'ent lot of Locust Poala suitable for CTL fencing on hand and for a!e bv .MURRAY &l ZAIIM. 2,000 POUNDS NAILS for sale by AND SPIKES MURRAY &. ZAIIM. JUT reenved by J. D. H Axes. MOORE, 3 dor beat. 25 S BUSHELS WHITE BEANS for sale JtfURRAY & ZAIIM. MA ANTED by J. MOORE cash. If w change for goods, or otherwise. in ex SI A It Sperm and Mould Can dles for sale at the Brick Store J J. MOORE. 500 POUNDS of CODFISH juat received and for ate bv MURRAY & ZAIIM. t Lend and Linseed J. MO RE'S. pi LASS, Oila. Paints and Drnga of a '. J. MOORE'S. kinds at ; 400 POUNDS of Philadelphia Mocld and Dir Candlks for sale by MURRAY &. ZAIIM. of "Cause's, nUTDQJVNJor trial at the Court of common please to be held at Eb- brta on the first Monday of April (aiieby Sime ' Mic'iai!s Dougherty J F C-oafa admr'd Potu'"'- Tt-mnt ' " -.- M'Laf-atian v ys. Cooper o al Vs Same ve Snahely vs Dunlap' ; vs Galea . ' vs LvtJa ' " " J v' Yftimg't Sargept- .r . . vs Jckaon Ts harp" ;"" "'. - Vs Crwn - r x Bow.-n vs lladhead et al ' Ts - iiodson et al "v, " . vs D-lioii .TS Wekland vs I i Ion vs etliata4 rs CaSiitt Ta GUea cl 4 s AMreiieny tp Sciytter fa Trotter ft. Tptt jr aVI'Dotvell v Hargent e;a Ctdere vs Trcit . vs Ream It. Bharp ," Va frunk tt Foutc llarrtf lira wtey (duiei el atitev WK MNca: Fiat P.l - IW-aekta -Trfit Rath 4c GUediart Car net Moor Wra.KU TLLL. ProthV. Prottiottetary'e Offine. I Ebeasborg, Feb. 18, 1851. For Sale or SSent. THE suLsctiber offirs for aale that well k own Urge FRAME HOUSE, in the Borough of Ebenshurg. ailuate iu Main door easl of E. Hughes Store. It ia . ell calculated for any public business, having all the bu.ld. ings necessary for convenience attached to it. The location ia a good one, and is well adapted for any man wishing lo keep a Hotel or a Store. It will be di poped of on the most rea sonable terms and the title is indisputable. If the abore property is uot sold on or before Ihe let day of Starch next, it will be rented rot a term of one or more years. For particulars apply to Robert Dim or to JOHN THOMAS. January 16, 1651 U-tf. Remaining in the Pool dffice at Eb ens- burg, January 131851. Dang ha iii an Miss w. Kiiiz Andrew Laiiihaugh A. Merry E R. 2 M'Cieliajid Samuel linker Patrick Colbut Samuel II. Edmision. John Evans Henry Emery llt-ury Evans Richard J. 3 Farrel Catharine Mrs Finnegan Michael' Fleming James JW'Laughini ilargaret Owens James Petcraon EllennrMita Rowland Elis Sr. Slonaker George Officer or soldier of lloobjl Jatues Harris William the Late War Weakly William Wise Joseph Widen R. 0. W. llit-1 John 11 icon Mrr. Jones Robert J. 2 Williams MrztttX, MILTON ROBERTS, P. M. This Way! TTjlOR the highest prices are paid fc Hidks, Skins and Tannku's Bah or AUK in either Trade or Cash by J. iMOORE. Ebensburg Jan. 2. 1S51. ' 'I'm nocks Seed Plaiittr. For planting Wheat and other Grain. Patented Af.irch 1841, reissued October 1650. This valuable machine ia manufactured ahd'kept for sale by the subscriber in Pitts hbr Also. Stave and htnirla oincliiiipM. of the latest style Agents wanted to canvass the country, and sell machines and rights. Adorer GIDEON SWAYNE. Dec. 26, lti50. 12-5m. Pittsburg. Particular Xoticc LL persons indebted to Lit7ivger a. Todd LLp rep requested for the LAt-T time to sett e pective accounts, on or before the nrm day of December next, aa after that time th-ir all aecounla will bo placed in the hands of officers for collection, as we must and will have mouey ORPHANS' COURT SALE. EY - virtue of an order . of the Orphans' ' Court of Cambria county there will be exposed to public sale on the premises in Sus. quehanna township . Cumbria county, on the third Monday of March next, the following described real estate, viz: Fifty acres of land mostly improved, of the real estate of Thomas Crossman. deceased, adjoining lauds of Jobr Baum, Henry Lloyd and oiliera Terms of aale: Due half the purchase money on confirmation of ssle The balance in one year with interest, secured hv b md and mortgage- MARY CROSS MaN. Adm'x. DAVID SOMERVILLE, Adm'r. Of Thomas Cross aian, deceased. By order of Court, WILLIAM KITTELL, Clerk. Jan. 25, 1851.-16. ALLEGHENY COUNTY, SS. In the Orphans Court of said County. In the mailer of the Appr-iimunt and Valu. atson of the estate of "ev. Charles B. Maguire. deceased. No. 58 December Term, 1849 And now, to wit. February 22. 1 851. and proof of the pubUcation of the Rule granted by the Court. January 9. 1851 upoii the heirs and others interested in the estate of ihe Rev. C. B- Maguire, to be and appear in Court on the 3J Saturday of February, to ac cept or refuse said estate having beoo made. On 'motion of Joseph Weaver, the Court grant a rule upon the heirs and representative of the Rev C. B. Maguire, and all oilier- inter-ei-ied in said ea'ate, loahow cause why the es tate of ihe Rev. C. B. Maguire.- decoaaed, aa appraised by the Inquisition in this case thould not be sold . and direcet the rule io be returna ble at the next regular session. of the Courl, oo ihe 4lb Monday ot March next. By the Court. D. M'CURDY.Clk. February 27. 1855 2U-3t. WOOL, Butter, end all kinds of taken in exchange for goods at Grain J. MOORE'S Store. 5tt KEGS OF NAILS on hand, and for sale by J. IVORY. Summit Sept. 6. 1850. THE IS TIjAO" Mar o- a i n s ! s :HE subscribers have jtiat received frew the East, at ihir new Stntf. f!,..m l. Elventburg, a large and splendid assnrtn.ent ol J Caiciilafed to flea e. ry vnrif-ty of ia.te. and tbatrtbf.the Ladies in particular Their stock couHiattiti part of the fo'lnwiug : BIm Elark nrttl Brown Cloths. Fanr? ersd riain CASSI.MERES, SATINETS of all prices and descriptions, DELANES, : vAbllMLULSin every variety end coior. .A!USMN8Bvoim and Dleaclied. CALICOES or rare and beautiful 6tv!esk cloves, nosiznr tma luce GOODS. Ali.K very, targe tstMlment r of every variety and oflhevejy beet Quality. Together -with a spWttdid lot of HATS AND CAPS, QUEENS WARE, HARDWARE, GROCERIES for family use. BOOKS and STATION AT, FISH. SALT. Ac. Ac. In fact, every thing necessary to render their assortment co nplcle. They would here say that it is their deter initiation to sell good as cheap if not a little cheaper lhan any oiher establiabment in the place. This will be found lo be the case by those who will favor them wiih a call. Lumber and all kinds of country produce taken in exchange for goods. MURRAY it ZAI1.M. Ebensburg. Dec 12, 1 850 5-1 f. NO MONOPOLY. At the New Cash Store of John Ivory and Son at SammUrWc. Where you will find us selling goods something lower than they are soH elsewhere. if e s i tt e s The tisiinl stock of gooda generally kept in country Stores, we have juat teseived by i'eiisixytratifu Knilroatl A small lot ot fancy articles and a laage assort, ment of Aew Style Dress Goods, and Trimmings, consisting in part of De Laines and Cashmeres Jenny Lind Biaids and Buttons. Black Silk and Bullion Fringes Vel vet Ribbons, New Style Neck Rib bons. Cord 4c, which you can buy cheap if you call soon. JUIIM IVUKX Summit, Jan. 1. 1631. 14. ""lIBMOVAL.' The mbsrriher l-ee leave to inform the puH. lie generally .h ii he has jut removed hi Sad. die and Harness Establishment to Jefferson, Cambria coun'y. w litre he will be pleased to are his old frtrnds and all others wanting any thing in his line of business. He intends keep ing constantly on hand a supply of SADDLES, BK IDLES, Collars, Harness, WHIPS, SlC. Of all kinds, which he will sell on the mnt reasonable terms fur cash or approved country produce. He hopes, by a strict attention to business and small profits on his work to mer. il and receive a liberal abare of the public pat ronage. . HUGH A. McCOY. Jefferson . Nov. 21. 1850 7-tf. N. B' All thone indfbted to him for Saddlery &.c. whilst located in Ebettshurg, are earnestly requested to call and settle their respective ac. counts. For the pu'pose of aaving trouble, it i hoped that this notice will not be neglected Look Here! A TAVEUN STAND IFor Sale or Ment! The subscriber offers for sale thai commodi ous and well known Tavern Stand in the Bor ough ol Ebensburg. now in the occupancy of Robert Carmam. I he Hou-e is in excellent re pair end has attached lo il all the necessary outbuildings which convenience requires. The Ktahtes are also large and convenient. This h use being situated in the most pleas, ant part of the borough, offers a fine induce ment to any peraoti wishing ti eng4ee ii the hitfiineK.4 for il is so well calculated. Terms reasonable and title indisputable. If n-'t soM it will be leased for any term of years thai may Le desired, together with a li'ianti'y of first rate land, from Alteon to ihir ty acres. Possession given on the firtt day of April, 1851. Application inut lie made soon. JONjTON MOORE. November 28. 1850-8-lf- "More ofTliem. THE Subscriber has just received another lot of Meris Coarse and Kip Boots, of the best quality. Just call and sec. Also a general assortment of Plush and doth Caps of several styles. AGAIN He trill hate another supply of Dry Goods, Hardware, Confectionarles, Groceries 4 Stationary in a few daya which he will sell oh very rea sonable teims. Purchasers will i-ave money oy siving him a call. J. MOORE. Dec. 2G, 1850. JOB WORK Neatly and expeditiously oxecu ted at. this Office & WINTER GOODS n. agfha?i. M. MA5eoV. tt r 1 h i i m a- l k. L" A'l TVKbEYS A T LAW. iciINSHUKG, Pa. Ebensburg. June SO. IP50. i A TTOnNEY'A T LA W. : rffF WFHIBB'PA, J Office one door west of J.S. Duchanan'e Stor- fmvemr I 1111 iM I lli" vavaatiuvriia ATTORNEY AT LAW. EBEXSIIURC, FA. DR. THOMAS G-'fiGMIKG Sorahcesl corner cftth E act sis. PnttADELPHIA, April 3C. 1845. S9- 5 ATTORNEY AT LAW, EBENSBURG, PA. All basinets in the several Courts of Blair, la. diana and Cambria counties animated to his care, will be promptly attended to. umce. opposite J. S. Buchanan's Store. April 12, 1849,tf C YItUS L. PERSHING, ATTORNEY AT LAW. EBENSBURG. PA. Office, for the present, in the room occu pied by E. Hutchinson, Esq. January 3U. 1851. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Borough of Loretto, Pa., will attend to collections entrusted to his care. May 2, 1S50 30. C. M'OTELL . ro.Vaf;r.r ats.fir. W ill attend the several Courts of Cambria eo. aa heretofore. Office one door west of Mf . Win. M'Fai land' Cabinet Waeroom. in HOLLIDAYSBURG, PA. April 13, '5U 7-tf.' AiDlti:V DONOUGHK, Justice of the Peace and Scrivener, Borough of Scmmxtvillk, WILL attend promptly I., collections or oth er business entrusted to him. Legal instruments of writing drawn with accuracy ad desnatclt. Sept. 4th le50-3iii. T. L. Hi.YhR. A I liii'ii ry nt l:iiv. Office on Main street, two door eait of the Echo Office. Johnstown, Pa. March 13, 1531 ly WM. A. STOKES, JAS. P. BARR, Greensburg, Pa. 5 Ebensburg, Pa 5 STORES & BARR, ATTORNEYS 1D COUNSELLORS ATIHT. Ebensburg. Cambria County, Pa. February, 13th, 1851; J, II. EGNER, NO. 208 MARKET STREET PHILADELPHIA. Wholesale dealer in Wines and Liquors, which he is pty?pared to furnish cheap to Merchants and Hotel keepers. March 0, 151. ly. CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA IBankitig House BR VAN, GLELM, 4- CO. OFFICE on Allegheny Street, nearly oppo site the Post Office. Interest will ba paid upon money deposited, aa follows, vix: Three month deposits at the rate of 3 per cent, per annuni. Six month deposits at the rate of 3t per cent. pei annuni. Nine nionth deposits at the rate of 4 per crnt. per annum. Twilve month deposita at the rale of Jt per oent.- per ann'im Uraf-k on tln cities for sale in sums to suit the purchasers, and cihcction moiie upon any point at io- rales. Auz-it 1 550 ll-lr. W.-B. HUDSON'S CLOCK il t . "e - ai -.- v nntl Jvrlrv Stores One Door Eqst of the Post Office. N. R. t locks. Watches, and Jewelry repaired at shortest notice and warranted. Sept. 36, 185051. LOST, ON the evnaing of iho Democratic Mass Meeting in Aopust lact io Ebonsbur, a good common Englo-h Silver Watch. The person wh took it out of my pocket al the time above stated ia requsetodlo leave it in the care ofM:j. John Thompon in Ebensburg and no quea ions will be asked. If this re. quest is not oomplted with immediately, lel measures will be taken for it recovery'. " . , - JOHN JVfELOY- AHegheny t? pec. 5. 1850 FRESH SHAD. M fl IT HRVIi'R E IIUTCIIIXSOX. JR vi au liVilllUU THOMAS 11 ,11 II ltilltlJ Mlra! sn$ Salnnirt Jt J. XOCsJep. L