Tbe "Mountain Sentinel" ia published ev Thursday morning a Two Dollar per tonum, payable halt yearly. No subscription will be taken for a. shorter period than six months; and no paper will be discontinued until all arrearage are paid. A silare to notify a discontinuance at the expira. lionot j'.he term subscribed for, will be consider d as a new engagement. 33" A D VER TJ SEME NTS will be inserted t the following rates: 50 cents per aquaro for tbe first insertion; 75 cents for the second; 81 for three insertion, and 25 cent per square for every subsequent insertion. A liberal dc (taction made to those who advertise by the year.' AH advertisements handed in must have the proper number of insertions marked there on, or ihty will be published till forbid and charged in accordance with the above terms. 0A11 letters and communications, to insure attention must be pott paid. For Sale or Rent. MK' subscriber criers for sale to the 31st of December next, and if not sold by that time wil rent on advantageous terms the 8cmiit Mansion Hocsb." This fine Hotel is located ten miles from Holliduysburg and nine miles from Ebensburg t a point where the Turnpike Road leading from HoIIidaysburg to Pittsburg crosses the Allegheny Portage Rail Road, and consequent ly receives the patronage of the travelling pub lic that crosses either of these thoroughfares to Philadelphia or Pittsbur?. Four trains of passenger cars stop at the door daily in the business season, and from five to ten coaches in the winter. The pure atmosphere, pure water, and de lightful scenery of the Allegheny Mountains, make this a most desrabie summer resort for T HI. : t.,-1,. I . on.! Pi It c!,n rrr anil a a many permanent visitors can be had as the j House will accomodate. The building is spacious and admirably ar-j ranged for a Hotel and has been recently refit-; ted, painted and enlarged. An excellent Stable,! carriage house, wash house and convenient! out-door building" are on the premises and also a neat tenant houoe for servants. II the premises are sold, a clear and indispu table title will be made, and possession given on the first day of April next. The undersigned begs leave through this ad vertisement to return his hearty acknowledg ments to his numerous friends for tho many favors bestowed on him and assures them that nothing but sickness in his family has induced him to relinquish a claim to their patronage. Wm. S. CAMPBELL. Summit, Nov. 25, 1S50.-9. FRESH ARRIVAL RIFFLE & HUMPHREYS, Have received from Philadelphia, at thier Store Room at the Summit, a large and splen did assortment of Fall and -Winter Goods. selected with great care, and with a desire to accommodate the wants of all. Their stock consists of Clotbs, Cassioierrs, Sattinets, Tweeds, Ginghams Flannels, Prints of every variety, Linseys, De Lains, the latest styles of Shawls, Hats and Caps, Hoots. and Shoes. Hardware, Queensware, BOOKS and STATIONARY, Together with a heavy stock of G R O CE li I E S, In fact almost everything required to satisfy the wants of the community. Having pur. chased at the lowest cash prices they aro pre. pared to accommodate their customers with goods on terms a little lower than they can be purchased at any other establishment in the county. All are respectfully invited to give them a call and judge for themselves. October 17lli lfc50. On Jilonday JYext WILL DE OPENED POP EL IN LUSTRES, ERMINE CLOTHS PLAID C LOA KINGS, ROB ROY do , MODE ALPACAS, S UP MOUS DE LA INES. CA MA LION and BLK SILKS CRAPE LEISSr, Arid drets goods of every variety. EMBOSSED TABLE COVERS, JENNY LIND, SACRAMENTO AND ZEPHYR TRIMMINGS, DRESS BUTTONS, $C. ALSO .JENNY LIND WELTS, Wholesale and Retail Tin Copper $ Sheet' Iron Jflan uf a ctory. The subscriber adopts this method of retur ning thanks to his friends and the public generally for tho liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon him, and begs leave to inform them that he has enlarged his business, andnow keeps constantly on hand a large supply o every variety of TINWARE, STOVE-PIPE, DRIPPING PANS, ZINK BOILERS. COAL BUCKETS, TEA ' KETTLES, Sfc, 4 c which he will sell wholesale or retail as; jiow as any other establishment in the icountry. He is also prepared tomanu-i facture SPOUTING for houses at the! I shortest notice and on the most reasonable! terms. Merchants and others desirous ot i . irn r . . . ! 1 1 purchasing ouis oi ware, are respecuuwy j invited to call as he is prepared to furnish all articles in his line equally as low as can be had either spst or west, and all or ders addressed to him will be prorpptly attended to. JOB WORK of every description, tkne on the shortest notice. The undersigned hopes, by a strict at tention to business to receive a liberal share of public patronage. Old copper and puter taken in exchange for ware. GEORGE HARNCAME. Oct. 6. 1349 5-tf. RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF CAMBRIA COUNTY. JOHN G. GIVEN, Esq., Treasurer, In account with Cambria County, from the 8lh day of February, A. D. 1850, until the 24th day of January, 1851, both days inclusive. DR. Dolls. Cts To am't recM from Collectors, 7313 48 " in redemption money, 169 84 " " on seated lands under the Act of 1844, 220 73 " " on unseated lands, 1064 57 " in unseated road tax, 1102 33 " " orrunseat'd sch'l tax, 910 09 " " on miscellan's acc'ts, 1573 Mlil HOTEL v 111 ,t ATI 111 Ebexpbt;rg, Pa rniME undersigned respectfully informs his j friends and the public generally that he has rented for a term of years that liirjre brick i 'house in the borough ot Kbensburg, formerly ;kept by James Rhey, and known heretofore as the asbincton Hotel." where he will be LASTING AND MOROCCO GAITERS, happy to accommodate all those who may ia. GOAT AND MOROCCO BOOTS, JENNY LIND BOOTS, G UM SHOES A N D GAITERS, Tugtther tcitn m thousand and one other arti cles, all of ichich trill be sold low for CASH, G. V. TODD $ Co. tRESH arrival of (Groceries at the slore of 4 J.C. O'NEILL. LUMBER, Lip and Locust Posts for sale by G. Joint shingles , end W. TODD & CO. A LARGE lot of Stone and Earthen H'are just received and forjsale at the Store of J. MOORE. LOT OF FINE S ALT, just received and fer sale by MILTON ROBERTS. MORE NEW r GOODS! 4 Carrel: for sale by Conemaugh Salt J. MOORE. 8 DOZEN of Mann 's Axes for sale at the stor MURRAY .V ZAIIM WOOL Wanted and the highest prices paid at the store of J.C. O'NEILL. Blanket, Long Cloth, Tekcn and Fancy Shawls, latest stvles, and cheap for Cash at G. W. TODD & Co'i store Wanted Immediately. 100,000 lbs of Wool wanted hv JOHNSTON MOORE DOZEN ttoois and Shoes just re TivJ"" Ceived and for pale bv ML It KAY i ZAIIM. CUE A PER THAN EVER HE subscriber has just received from the East, at his New Store Room in Ebensburg, a SPLES DID assortment r.f Fall and Winter Goods, j Adapted to the tastes and wants nf the people of this section of country. II is stock of goods i having been selected with care, and purchased at tiie lowest cash prices, lie feels confident Lai he cannot be beateu cither as regards tuahtv or cheapness; and consists of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, Silks, Linens, Checks, Muslins, Cottonades, a large vari ety of Prints and Fancv Dress a, Goods, HARD W AllE, QU EE N SWA RE, BOOTS AND SHOES. Hats, and Caps, Groceries fyc. Together with every thing usually kept io a country store. Ilis friends and the public generally are respectfully invited to give him a call. EDWARD ROBERTS. ' vor him with their patronage, and will use ev ery exertion to make their stay pleasant and agreeable. His will be furnished w:th everything the uiarke affords, his swill bo supplied with the best wines and liquors Ithat can be purchased in the eastern markets ! and his are large and will be attended by j careful host lers. I'ersons wishing to visit any section of the county will be furnished with a conve vance. ANDREW J. RHEY. Ebensburg, May 23, 1850.-33 :ept.26, lirj". 51. iv no CLOTHE jvaxts KUBA INVADED! New and Cheap The undersigned begs leave to inform hie riends and the public generally, that he has purchased the entire etock of J. I. Urban &. Co in Carrol'ton. His stock is extensive, embra cing ahnorit every article usually kept in a Country Store, and consists in part of a large assortment of and Summer Goods, anion? w hich, are Cloths, Cassimeres Vesting", Sattincto, Linens, Checks, Tweeds, Cottonades, Calicoes. Nankeens, Drillings, Ticking", Muslin", Ginghams, Lawns, Silks, Delaines, Bombazine. Lustre. Alpacas, Cambrics. shr!i, Hosiery, Ribbons. Laces, Glove, Slc, &c AL-SO, a Irgo fcorlnicnt of lioots and Shoes, Sprint rr ILL and store of I XT SAWS for sale at the M t'RRA V&. ZAIIM. LVANS & HUG I IKS. IIavk iut received at their Clothing Slore Hats and Caps, BONNETS. UMBRELLAS, PARASOLS, Hardware, Ottrrnsirare, Groceries, BOOKS &, STATIONARY, BACON, FISH, SALT, ic , &.c. In fact everything wanted in a Country Store, all of which they wi!l sell as CHEAP McALISTE R'S ALL-HEALING OITMENT Containing no Mercnry or other Mineral, SORES, it has NO EQUAL. It is impossible to give the public an adequate idea of the great success which has attended the administration of the All-IIealing Ointment for the past three years. It is perfectly as tonishing tu witness the effects and hear the praises bestowed on this medicine. No one could conceive that a single medicine possessed so much virtue, and had power to heal so many diseases. Cut siice it has been known that tens of thousands have been cured, our friends will begin to realise the truth of bur remaiks in a former advertisement, viz that there would not be a single family in A merica, who would live a day without posses sing a box of M'A LIS TER'S ALL-HEALING OINT MEN T, if they but knew its virtues. : BURNS. It is one of the best things in the I world for burns. I If MOTHERS and NURSES knew its value in cases of swollen or Sore Breasts and Sore I Nipples, they would always apply it. In such cases, it used, according to the directions, it gives relief in a eery few hours. . PILES. Thousands are yearly cured by this Ointment. It never fails in giving relief for the Tiles. RHEUMATISM. It removes, almost immediately, the inflam mation and swelling, and the pain ceases. Read thu directions arwund the box. HEADACHE. The salve has cured persons of the headache who had it regularly every week for 12 years, 6o revere as to causa vomiting. The following testimonial was given by the celebrated Dr. Wooster Ueach, the author of the great Medical work entitled "The Ameri can l'raclico of Medicine and Family PhyM Cian:" "Having been made acquainted with the in gredients which compose M'ALISTER'S ALL-IIEALING OINTMENT, and having prescribed and tested it in several cases in my private practice, I have no hesitation in say ing or certifying that it is a vegetable remedy, containing no mineral substance tchaiever, that its ingredients, combined as are, and used as directed by the Proprietor, are not only harm less but of great value, being truely a scientific remedy of great power: and cheerfully recom mend it as a compound which has dono much! good, and which is adapted to the cure of a great vcricly of cases. Though I have never either recommended or engaged in the sale of secret medicines, regard for the trulv honest, conscientious, and humane character of the Proprietor of the Ointment, and the value of his discovery obliges me to say thus much re garding it. W. BEACH. M D. New York April 22d 154(3. AROUND 'I HE BOX ARE DIRECTIONS t FOR USIM; M'ALI.VI ER-S OINTMENT ; FOR SCROFULA. LIVER COMPLAINT ERISI PELAS. t e t t e R. CIIILULAIN. SCALD II E A D. SORE E Y E S, SORE THROAT. X i: R V O I S A F F E C HONS, ! PAINS, HEAD ACHE. DEAFNESS. EAR j 'ACHE. BURNS. i-ORE LIPS. PMPLES &.c, RHEUMATISM. PILES. SWLLLEDj OR BROKEN BREAST, TOOTII-ACHE AGUE IN THE FACE. .Vc . ic. I 0"Tl:i Ointment is cod fr an? part of I ; the body or limbi when inflamed. In some - cases it should be appl.ed ofen. JAMES McALlSTER. 10796 79 CR. By am't paid on orders issued by the countyCoramissioners as follows, viz : to Grand Jurors, Traverse Jurors, On Elections, On Schoolfunds, Hospital purpose?, Constables, Wild Cats &c, Criminal Prosecutions, Commissioners' Clerk, Commissioners, Prothonotary, Tipstaves, 347,811 1169 18i 350 33 781J994 541187 186,861 11 514 25 311 Late Treasurer!, New Jail, Fox Scalps, Road Viewers, Jailor, Supervisor Assessors, Bridges &c. County Auditors, Coroners Jurors. Court House, Sheriffs, Court Crier, Fuel, Wolfscalps, Probats, Incidentals, Viewing boundary Line New Township, Refunding orders County, " " Road, " School, Exoneration Orders, Printers, Redemption money. 1S0313. 669,051 155J23J 1S7I75 37681 391 85 31 11125 3l54 13519 34 00 6l02 825 241 S9i 2300 isloo 131(10 72 C2j 35,55 40S37j 227.00 ISO 4 158 00 357)99 172 67 44J00 50 00 Lands sold to county for costs, 69 00 9922 Sli By Treasurer's commission on S9922.81 at 3i per cent. 347(29 Bal. due county by Treasurer, 526-Qbf S 10796 78 Commissioners Attorney, OUTSTANDING DEBTS Due County and "State from Collectors tor 1850. George Litzinger, Allegheny tp., Johnston Moore, Cambria tp., John Wentz, Carroll tp., A. Burgoon, Clearfield tp., J. P. Strayer, Conemaugh tp., Samuel Singer, Jackson tp., Casper BurgrafJ, Johnstown borough, F. Kuester, Richland tp., Martin Pringle, Summerhill tp., R. II. Nagle, Susquehanna tp., Paul George, Washington tp., Mathias Deetrick, White tp., Total for 1850. DUE FOR PREVIOUS David Lucas, Conemaugh tp., James M'Dermit, Clearfield tp., D. T. Storm, Johnstown borough, Frederick Emigh, Summerhill tp., Patrick Storm, Washington tp., John Westover, Susquehanna tp., William Bradley, Washington tp., Joseph Brand, Clearfield tp., Daniel Flenner, Summerhill tp., James Burke, " " Patrick Ivory, Clearfield tp., David Leidv, Jackson tp.. J. M P. P. County, State, ClS-t S !Ctj s 741 757 540 60 27 28 38633 71l57 295 169 393 14 65 19 4201781 21328 850 S3 237j45 570; YEARS. 1643 1844 1S45 1646 1847 I84S 1849 !2u7 22 334103 l73jll 119 76 166'48 7490 7707 97:35 169 04 730S 326 94 jj 62;30 lw5I 3J 43663 15,03 60iS5 72 i 196.9 ii 1306 ii 49'52 !j 1452 ! 4173 U. WilUison, bumnierhill tp. Black, Washington tp., M'Coy, (M. Black) M'Coy, (P. Storm) Red Lead. Spanish lirown, AVhite Lead, Whiting, Putty, Varnish, Spirits Turpentine, and Sweet Oil. for sale hv G. W. TODD fc CO. "I low: a u of piiin flour for me- a J.C. O'NEILL!. in Ebenfbuig, a Urge nd -plendid assortment! ,f not a LITTLE CHEATER thn any other i of i Stre in the countj. iF.Vl.l. WD WIXTFR Cf (lTNING ' Luml-er and proiuce tiken in excliane for 1 amons: which m.y be enumerated itCood. Give u- a call all those whowiahj ! All kinds of Cloth. Dress, Sack o buy cheap. JOHN C. O'NEILL ' ! and Business Coats; Beaver, Felt and carrollton. Auirubt 15. 1850. " : Blanket Overcoats of all sizes; a large lot . of Satinet and Cassimere Pantaloons of all .Hr it r R!,h an i) Rmn 6-. . "SL line, just received and for sale verv Iom !he store uf MURRAY & Z.4IIM. Sole Trorictor of the above Medicine fit ICE '23 CENTS PER BOX FOR SALE by Lewis &. Roberts, E:cnlurg. Kern & (Joras, Johnstown. Wm. Ilouaton. Indiana. S. Confer, Ilollida vsburg. Trinciule Office No. 23, N'oith Thiid Ihiladelphia. WM. TERRY, General Agent July. 4. 1850. 33-ly. street, DI E OX .VOTES, XOXDS. JUDGMENTS i (AS PER FORMER.KErORr ) M. D. .Magchan. John M'Gough, former SheritT, Moses Canan, former Treasurer, Moses Canan, Huntingdon, Cambria and Indian Turnpik? Cotnpsrt) . Mirliacl Noon, Joseph Brown, John Shally, John M rm, William 1'ainey, former Sherif?. Daniel Brown, Peter Collins and John Thomas. Kbenezer Porter, John Boyle (Judgment) Kobert M. Lemon, (Judgment on Intertit) Michael Sktlly, P. M'Coy, late Commissioner, A. Burgoon, late Commissioner, Jesse Patterson, late Sheriff, 10 01 3l65 29 57 ; 20s 57 i 106 03 126 62 j J12 VZ 12,17 43 0 63;55i Ir0p:53i 4S.2S I SUSI , 67 34 191 M ! sjr: 154 7 ' 2 J U7 30 4: i Fresh shad. MACKLKAL Jot rrceueJ and Tor sale by G, W. TODD Jt Co. 400 LIJS Mould DiPPcd anJ Star Candles for sale by MURRAY & ZAIIM. C LOVER. SEED , BACON d WHISKEY f" by J. MOORE. Ilabana, Napo Just received, Coierado, Light Brown. Sc. Half Spanish CIGARS. G. W.TODD Jo Co. ox ep E37 iar PRIME RIO COFFEE V. . TEA. SUGAR, MOLASSES RICE c . t r .-. ... - irs:i irom the btnen Markets at G, W. IODD &, CO S 4' colors and qualities; and a good as sortment of Silk and Cassimere Fancy Vests, Hats and Caps, J together with every kind I of Boys' Clothing. AIjSO. Fine and Coarse Shirts, Handkerchiefs, Silk Shirts, Stocks, Umbrellas, all of which they will dispose of on the most reasonable terms. They have also on hand a large stocK of Cloths Casst meresand Vestings, which they are prepared to make up in the most workmanlike manner, and o - the most accomodating terms for cash or approved country pro duce. Their entire Stock of Cloth ing is made up accord ing to the latest Fashions. Having 'elected their goods with great care and purchased on the lowest cash terms, they are prepared to accomodate their friends and customers with clothing of a superior quality I and at lower prices thin goods of & similar; quality were ever sold iu this county. j The public are respectfully invited to call and examine their goods No v. 7, 1350. 5-tf. TO ICE, Star & Mould Candles JLO' and 8 by 10 &. 10 by 12 Glass just re ceived, and for sale by J. MOORE. A laree lot of PRINTS and GINGHAMS I IA of superior quality and latest styles, just m received and for sale br ISk MURRAY &. ZAIIM. August 1. 1850. ASKETS, Axes, Umbrellas. Uroms, El. tgy Encirclt8,n and Sundries gnerally or aule by G. W. TODD.Sc. CO. JUST ItECEIVED. Mould Dipp'd.aud Star Candles. Soap, ISrooms, 8 by 10, 10 by 12. and 10 by 14 Glass. Cotton Yarns. Cotton Catting. Smoking Tobacco, Turo White Iad Sec. See., at G. W. TODD & CO'S. JMXTEDz WOOL, BUTTER, EGGS and Produce of every description G. W. TODD Si. CO. WHITE LEAD, and Linseed Oil, for seleby J- MOORE. JUST RECEIVED. Ture White Lead, Linseed Oil, Nails. Glass, Mackeral, Herring, Sugar, and STOXE CROCKS, And for sale at the store of E. ROBERIS. A LARGE quantity of Dun- for sale at Moort's Stoore. es IS f for sale by HELL and SpanUh Tolka Combs. PortM- nies , Eru6b.es, rancy Soaps andOIinphat JVEW and CHEAP THE subscriber has just received a very ex tensive assortment of all goods usually kept in a country store which will be sold at the very lowkst prices. Among many other articles arc DRY-GOODS, Which includes Cloths, Cassimercs, Sattinetl, Tweeds, And Summer Goods for .Men. Prints, Ginghams, 5o Linen Good s, Muslin Delanes, Cashmeres, and SILK GOODS. A large supply of BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS, BONNETS, and CAPS. Quernsware, Crockery & Stoneware, HARDWARE & CUTLERY, Which includes Mill and Cross cut Saws, Axes Scythes Sc Sickles and good assortment of Car penters edge tools. ALSO Tin. Copper, & Sheet Iron Ware, Which is made in the house, of the best mate rials by a first rate mechanic, a large supply of such manufactured articles always on hand, WHOLESALE and RETAIL ALSO 3:s: 152 Hi SGlisi 42 ,12 55.50 356 C6l 3',73 25 CC 6SAU I27159J io'.oo 17.75 47 47 55,82f 2Si5!50 Given under our hands at the Commissioners' Office in Ebensbrrrg, the 24th day of January, A. D. 1851. Attest, J. P. URBAN", ? ... v r r ri 1 rj 4 to c Commissioners E. J. V aters, Clerk. E. GLASS, 5 We, the undersigned Auditors of Cambria County, Report that, we hare carefully examined the accounts and vouchers, receipts and expenditures of the aforesa'.i County Commissioners, from the 8th day of February, A. D. 1850, until the 2:t day of January, A. D. 1851, inclusive, and find them to be correct, as is also the foregoing statement of outstanding debts. Witness our hands at the Commissioner Ulhce m Ebensburg the 24th day of Januarv, A. D. 1851. JOHN SCOTT, WASHINGTON DOUGLASS, I Auditor JOHN BEARER, 3r Johnstown IVreath please copy. G. W. TODD &. CO. A SPLENDID lot of Brown. Dlacc, Olive nd 'Iuct Cloths fornle by MURRAY & ZAHM j ALWAYS ON HANDS: FAMILY FLOUR, BACON, TERMS-CASH. MILTON ROBERTS, 2,000 1 Wanted. lbs Wool for which the highest prices will be paid. .f every Veriety and Description, Amonjr which aro The Celebrated Hathway Cook stoves 3 sizes for wood. ' " Etna air tight Cook stoves 4 sizes for wood and coal. " " Victory Cook stove 2 sizes for wood. " " Complete Cook stove 2 sizes for coal. Any Cook stove sold and recommended, are always war ran tod good. Also Nine plate stoves 5 sizes, and Farlor stovett for coal and wood, &-o. Slc. K. HUGHES Ebensburr Jono 27th 1850 33. Notice. jT ETTERS of Administration on the Es. t"Li tato of William Diver, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned by the Regis, ter of Cambria county. All persons indebted to said estate, will make immediate payment to the subscriber at Munsler, andthose having claims will present them duly authenticated. JEREMIAH WGONIGLE, Adm'r. Jan. 2, 1851.-6t. Caution, """SET Y wife LOUISA having left my bed and IVJi board without any just cause or provo cation, all persons aro hereby cautioned not to trust or harbor her on my account, as I am determined not to pay any debts of her con trading. HENRY KOCH. Jan. 23, 185I.-15-3t. UUUllUUUllU llUUUU l 50 bbls Conemaugh Salt. 10 sacks Ground Alum Salt, for sale hv MURRAY & ZAIIM. 80 The undersigned respectfully announce 19 his friends and the travelling conmmuoitj lb1 he has taken this large and commodious hue in the borough of Ebensburg, formerly tp bf S. J. RenshBW, whero he will be happy to ac commodate bis friends and those wbo may bs pleased to favor him with their ptronage---Having fitted up the House in an exce '.lee manner, he can assure the travelling rub..o that nothing will be wanting on his part tb will contribute to the comfort of his customer! Ili TABL will alwaya be supplied witt tbe best the markets can afford, and his BAB is filled wiih choice liquor. His STABLE being very large and attended by a carefj Hostler, he is prepared to accommodate Dr vers on the moat reasonable terms. B. M'DERMIT. March 28, 1850. 25-tf. . SALT! SALT! rfrh BARRELS prime ConenW Salt just received and for at the store of J. IVORY & Co-Summit, Barrels of Superior Flour, part extra for CASTINGS rCCCltcd and fo i sale ry J. IVORY l &.C0. 'a, Bl J C O'NeiU's strc E ROBERT?-