JU r-M- '. r-'t ' ' ! 1 i sg cp ia g & Sod? of the Electric Telrgra ph. BY E. L. BLANCH ARD. AwtT where the sunlight is Lright'niog, Away where its !at beams expiie, X tpeed with the Sash of the lightning. I fly on the wings of the wire! Dy .mo are earth's barrier riven, Bj me are its boundaries spread; A word and the impulse is given, A touch and the mission is ped! Hurrah! tis the best conjuration That Science, the wizard has done! Tb.ough tne nation speaks unto nation, Till all are united iu one! In silence I stealthily travel. Unseen, unread, and unheard; For not till my agents unravel My secret, is whispered a word. Tbrorgh darkness and duyligtjt unheeding, Alike on my errand I go. To deep throbbing hearjs ever spreading My tidings of gladness or wo. Ere the voice of the echo had spoken Ere thought could recoil from its birth Jf the links of my path veera unbroken, My Sight would encompass tho earth; From tho bright star that gleams far above us FIahrd onward through measure less space. A welcome from voices that love us, My own in a second would trace. Oh! would that some kindred communion To man we could hope to impart. That a bond of such magical union Might link every heart ur.to heart! Net a tear that we now seek to smother Would then lull alone or uncareJ, Not a joy, but the heart of another, W ouid thrill with the buss that is shared. We need not, should Fate give denial, This fanciful dream wholly spurn; Let sympathy touch but the dia!, A cord shall Le struck in return. No wish need be kept unimparttd, Or lott as on selfishness thrown, fiat each from the heart a itdartad Would find a responsu in our own. Oli'. let love lake the orld and prepare it As swift to respond as receive; Ltl us hear but of sorrow to share it. And know but the want to relieve! The Higher Law. Edmund Burke, the great Irish orator upon one occasion, eaid : "Why are all born in subjection, all born equally, high and low. Governors and governed, in subjection to one great, immutable, pre-exislent law, prior to all our devices, and prior to all our contrivan ces, paramount to our idea?, and all our sensation?, antecedent to our very exist ence, by which we are knit and connected in the eternal frame of the universe, out of which we cannot stir. "This great law does notarise from our conventions or compact?; on the contrary, it gives to our conventions and compacts all the force and sanction they can have; it docs not arise from our vain institution'. Evorv rood "ift is of God, all novver is ol God, and He, who lias given the power, and from whom alono it originate?, u ill never stiller the exercise of it to be prac ticed upon anv less solid foundation than the power itself. A New Slave Statu. The Ft. Smith (At!ns..) Herald, sas that the Chero kee?, Chock taws, Chickasaw?, Creeks and Seminoles, own a large number of biave negroes. These Indian tribes thai were removed here a few years ago, in consequence of bring surrounded by States, will again, in a short time too, be Jrreum'ed with StaU?, and le hedged in with a dense white puptdation. What will be the consequence! Why, it is rlain enough to be seen, that in a few- years, these Indian tribes will have to be organized into a territorial government, and then be admitted into the United Slates, as a slave State. What will the friends of Free Soil and Abolitionism think of that! It is inevitable, so you may just make up your minds to grin and bear it. Scene r.v "Piiaz.ma," Jr. 'First class uj geography come up. Dill Toots, what's a cape ? A thing that mother wears on her shoulders.' What's a plain? A tool used hy carpenters for smoothing off boards." What's a desert ?' . It's goodies after dinner. That'll do, Bill. I'll give you the goodies' after school.' The foregoing actually occurred in a echool in IN co., Ky. It is needless to S3y that Bill was 'one on 'em.' Uoiu it is fo be done? An Irishman who was very near sighted, about to fight a duel, insisted that he should stand six paces nearer to his antagonist than the oth er did to him, and that they were both to fire at the same time! This beats Sheri dan's telling a fat man who was going to fight a slim one that the latter s slim figure ought to be chalked on the other's portly person, and ii the bullet hit him outside the chalk line it was to go for nothing. Scotch Couplet.- Who was Goliab' The muckle Giant, whom David slew with a sling and stone. Who was David! The son of Jesse. Who was Jesw? - The Flower of Dunblane! What Mr. Speaker, what shall I say :o my constituents?' " Exclaimed a wrathful member of Con gress, on the passage of a bill to which he was utterly opposed to. What shall I say?' he repeated bet found it impossible to get beyond the in terogatory. Tell them,' replied the waggish speak er, 'that you tried to make a speech, but coudn't?' Noble akd Witty Reply. In 1561 Philip II sent the young Constable d Castile to Home, to congratulate Sextus the fifth on his advancement. The Pope imprudently said: A re there so few men in Spain that your king sends me one without a beard? 'Sir, said the fierce Spaniard, 'if his niajpsty possessed the least idea that you imagined merit lay in a beard, he would have deputed a goat to you, not a gentle man.' Blowing out a Candle. There is a small lact in domestic economy which is not generally known, but which is useful as saving time, trouble and temper. If a candle be blown out holding it above you, the wick will not smoulder down, and may therefore, be easily lighted again; but if blown upon downward, the contrary is the case. Mrs. Partington thinks that there will be such facilities for travelling Limeby, that we can go anywhere for nothing; and come back at half price. The "Mountain Sentinel" is published ev ery Thursday morning at Tw o Dollars per annum , payable halt ye.irlv. No subscription will be taken for a shorter period than six months; and no paper will be discontinued until all arrearage are paid. A allure to notify a discontinuance at the expira. t onotjthe term subscribed for, will be consider ed as a new engagement. 0"-4 D YE It TISEMENTS will be inserted at the following rates: 50 cents per square for the first insertion; 75 cents for the second; 1 for three insertions, and 25 cents per square for every subsequent insertion. A liberal de duction made to those who advertise by t lie year. All advertisements handed in must have the proper number of insertions marked there on, or they will be published till fuibid and charg-ed in accordance with the above terms. iL'All letters and communications, to insure attention must be post paid. IV HO ffl A- T S DARGA1 X S ? EVANS &, HUGHES, Have just received at their Clothing Store in Ebeiibluig, a large and iplendij assortment of FALL AM) WINTER CLOTHING, anionjr which may be enumerated All kinds of Cloth. Dress, Sack and Uusiness Coats; Heaver, Felt and Blanket Overcoats of all sizes; a large lot of Satinet and Cassimere I'antaloons of all colors and qualities; and a good as sortment of Silk and Cassimcrc Fancy Vests, Hats and Caps, together with every kind of Hoy s' Clothing. ALSO, Fine and Coarse Shirt?, Handkerchief?, Silk Shirts, Stock?, Umbrellas, all of which they will di;po;e of on the most reasonable terms. They have alaoori hand a large stocK of Cl ths Cassi riiCresand Vesting?, which they are prepared to make up in the most woiktnanlike manner, and o - the most accomodating terms for cash or approved country pro duce. Their entire Slock of Clothing is made up accord ing to the latest Fashions. Having electcd their goods with great care and purchased on the lo.vtbt cash terms, they are prrp.in.-d to accomodate their friends and customers with clothing of a superior quality ar.d at lower prices thin goods of a similur quabty were ever sold in this county. The puljic arc respectfully invited to call and examine their uods- Nov. 7, 13.r.0. 5-tf. UULl The undersigned respectfully announces to hio friends and the travelling conmmunity that he has taken this large and commodious house in the lorough of Ebensburg, formerly kept by S. J. Rcnshaw, where he will be happy to ac commodate his friends and those who may be pleased to favor him with their patronage. Having fitted up the House in an excellent manner, he can assure the travelling public that nothing will be wanting on his part that will contribute to the comfort of his customers. His TABL will always be supplied with the best the markets can afford, and his BAH is filled wiih choice liquors. His STABLU, being very large and attended by a careful Hostler, he is prepared to accommodate Dro-! vers on the most reasonable terms. j B. M'DERMIT. March 28, 1850. 25-tf. TO FARMERS AND MEN OF BUSINESS OILS. CANDLES & GUANO. FrMlJE SUBSCRIBER offeis, at the lowest JL rates, in any quantity to suit purchasers, GENUINE PERUVIAN GUANO, and every variety of SPERM. WHALE, LARD. AND TANNERS OILS Manufacturers, Tanners, Earmers, Dealers and Consumrrs .are invited to cull. GEORGE IV. R I DO WAY, No. 37 North AVImrves, the first OIL STORE below Race street, Philadelphia. August 15, 1850. 45-3m. Glass, Glass, 8 by 10, JO by 12. 10 by 11 wipdow glass, Jist Iu-ceid, bv . Oct. 16 ' . G W -TODD. A CO. EBIMluli IIOUSI ; FRESH. 1RR1VAL of " CHEAPGOODS RIFFLE fc HUMPHREYS, Have received from Philadelphia, at thier Store Room at the Summit, a large and splen did assortment of Fall and Winter Goods, selected with great care, and with a desire to accommodate the wants of all. Their stock consists of Cloths, Cassimtres, Satticels, Tweeds, Ginghams, Itannels, Prints of every variety, Linseys, De Lains, the latest styles of Shaicls, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Qucensware, BOOKS and STATIONARY, Together with a heavy slock of G II OCE R IES, In fact almost everything required to satisfy the wants of the community. Having pur. chased at the lowest cash prices they are pre pared to accommodate their customers with goods on terms a little lower than they can be purchased at any other establishment in the county. All are respectfully invited to give them a call and judge for thcmtelves. October 17lh 185W. On Jflonday JYext WILL BE OPENED POP EL IN LUSTRES, ERMINE CLOTHS PLAID CLOAKINGS, ROB ROY do . MODE ALPACAS. SUP MO US DE LA1NES. CAM A LION and BLK SILKS CRAPE LEISSr, And drtts goods of ttery variety. EMBOSSED TABLE COVERS. JENNY LIND, SACRAMENTO AND ZEPHYR TRIMMINGS, DRESS BUTTONS, $C. ALSO JENNY LIND WELTS, LASTING AND MOROCCO GAITERS, GO A T AND MOROCCO BOOTS, JENNY LIND BOOTS, GUM SHOES AND GAITERS, Together tcitn m thousand and one other arti. clts, all of which will be sold low for CASH, y G. W. TODD c.Co. rr-ji a alUU ihe subscriber will sell or rent his well known TA1T YARDi adjoining the borough of Kbensburg, on the east, lying between the turnpike and the I.oretto road Willi three acrea of land on which the follow, ing buildings have been ereced, viz: a goo.1 two story frame, dwelling house and frame ta ble , ai.d excellent buildings well adapted for a tanner's shup. All the uppurlenancea t ecessi ry for carrying on the tanning trade are in ex. cellent order and can, if required, be enlarged. There is also a large supply of good water both at the house and tan yard. Terms of sale will be reasonable. Posses sion will be given at anv time. JOHNSTON MOORC. Angust 29, 1S50. 47-tf. Not tec. LETTERS Testamentary en the estate of) Elizabeth Roberts, late of Cambria township,; Camhrin county, dceced, having been granted to i In undersigne'i by the Register of Cambria counU: Notice is liereby given to all those in. it bled to s.iid Cklate to make immediate iav- ' uient. and tho.o having claims against j1J t I late to present iLeni properly authenticated ; fo r settlement. E. J. WATERS. November 7, 13o0. 5-Ct. Notice, Ail persons indebted to the undersigned for j Profsional Services are hereby notified that j I have left my books in the hands of E. llv. 1 cuinson, fc..q., lor settlement ami collection, j It is hojtd that all persons having unsettled (accounts on my books will call and settle the ( lame before the tOlh of December, as after that date my books will be put into the hands of an officer for collection. I Wm. LEMON. Nov. 14, 1350 6-tf. NOTICE. Letters Testamentary on the estate of Jacob ern Sen. late of Carroll township Cambria county , deceased, having been granted by the Register of said county to the undersigned all persons indebted to said estate are requested lo make immediate payment, and those having claims to present them properly authenticated for settlement. EMANUEL DISHART. Nov. 21, 1850 7-bt. JUST RECEIVED. Pure White Lead, Linseed Oil, Nails, -Glass, Mackeral, Herring, Sjjgar, and STONE CROCKS, And for sale at the store of E. ROBERTS. HRllabana, Napo. Colerado, Light Brown, Sc. Half SpanWh CIGARS. Jnst received, G. W.TODD &. Co. MACKERAL, SHAD. CODFISH, SALMON, HERRINGS, PORK, HAMS AND SIDES, SHOULDERS, Constantly and hand and for sale by ' J. PALMER &. Co., r Market at. Wharf PHILADELPHIA, LARD AND CIIEESE.J Sept . 23, '50-5l-3m ON Or 3T E7 PRIME RIO COFFEE Y. . TEA. SUGAR, MOLASSES RICE $c. fc Frcfch frorq the Eastera Markets at G. V. l ODD &. CO'S. WANTED: WOOL, BUTTER, EGGS and Produce of every description G. W. TODD &. CO. I Vl'HlTE LEAD, and Linse-d ' Oil, for talc? - J. MOORE. TTTSYT TV Was (Tl Wholesale ami Retail Ttfi Copper & Sheet- iron Jflan nf a c tory. The subscriber adopts this urrethod of retur. .a a f i a. I. - ning manna lo uis inenas ana ine pnonc generally lor the liberal patronage heretolorc bestowed upon him, and begs leave to inform them that he has enlarged his business, and now keeps constantly on hand a largo supply o every variety of TINWARE. STOVE-PIPE, DRIPPING PANS, ZINK BOILERS, COAL BUCKETS, TEA KETTLES, 4-c, 4 c, i t 1 It I i . a wnicn ne wm sett wnoiesaie or retail as low as any other establishment in the country. He is also prepared to manu facture SPOUTING for houses at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. Merchants and others desirous of I purchasing bills of ware, are respectfully invited tocall as he is prepared to furnish tl I I 1 II an articles in nis line equally as low as can be had either east or west, and all or ders addressed to him will be promptly attended to. . JOB WORK of every description, done on the shortest notice. The undersigned hopes, by a strict at tention to business to receive a liberal share of public patronage. Old copper and puter taken in exchange for ware. GEORGE HARNCAME. Oct. 8. 1S49 5-tf. EXCHANGE HOTEL, Ebexsbvrg, Pa. TfIR undersigned respectfully informs his friends and the public generally that he has rented for a term of years that large brick house in the borough of Ebensburg. formerly kept by James Rhey, and known heretofore as the "Washington Hotel." where he will be happy to accommodate all ihose who may la. vor him with their patronage, and will uso ev. cry exertion to make their stay pleasant and agreeable. His will be furnished with everything the marke affords, his will be supplied wiili the best wines and liquors that can be purchased in the eastern markets and his 83TAJBILIB3 are large and will be aiienued by t careful host lers. Persons wishing to visit any section of the county will be furnished with a conveyance. ANDREW J. RHEY. Ebensburg, May 23, 1353. 33 KUBA INVADED! New and Cheap Th undersigned Iwgs leave to inform his friends and the public generally, that be has purchased the entire totk of J. P. Urban Ai Co in Carrol.'ton. His tck is eiiensive. embra cing ahnot every article usually kept in a Country Siore, and consists in part of a large assortment of Spring and Snmmrr Goods, amnnr which, are Cloth. Cavsimerea VeMing, Sattinet. Linens. Checks, Tetd, Cottnnaoes, Calicoes. I Nankeens, Dril.ings. Ticking, I M utilin. inhani.. Lawn. I Si.k, Delau.es, Bombazines. I LuMres. Alpacas, Cambrics, Shawls, Hosiery, Ribbon. Lace. Gloves, Jcc, Ac ALSO, a large assortment of Hoots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, BONNETS, UMBRELLAS, PARASOLS, Hardware, Queensware, Groceries, BOOKS &. STATIONARY, BACON, FISH, SALT. Ac . &c. In fact everything wanted in a Country Store, all of whieh tliev will sell as CHEAP if not a LITTLE CHEAPER than any other Store in the county. Lumber and produce taken in exchange for tgoods. Give us a call all those who wish o buy cheap. JOHN C. O'NEILL. Carrohton, August 15, 1850. Larffn lot of Bleached and Brown Mu lins, just received and for sale very lo.w hestoroof MURRAY &l ZAIIM. TO ICE, Star & Mould Candles and 8 by 10 & 10 by 12 Glasa just re ceived, and for sale by J. MOORE. A large lot of PRINTS and GINGHAMS of superior quality and latest styles, just received and for sale by MURRAY &. ZAI1.M. August 1, 1850. ASKETS, Axe. Umbrellas. Bromi-, EL rgy Encirclers, and Sundries gnerally or eale by G. W. TODD&. CO. ALW AYS ON HANDS: ' ! FAMILY FLOUR, BACON, TERMS CASH. MILTON ROBERTS. 7 JUST RECEIVED. Mould Dipp'd.aud Star Candles. Soap, Brooms, 8 by 10, 10 by 12, and 10 by U Glass.' Cotton Yarns. Cotton Batting. Smoking Tobacco, Pure White Lead &.c. ice., at G. W. TODD &. CO'S. CLOVER.SEED, BACON A WHISK EY ofale by J. MOORE. A ZARGK quantity of Dun canon Nailrt. and Spikes from 3 to 5 inch. es for sale at Moore's Stoore. 5 HELL and Spanish Po lka Combs. Port M- rues. Brushes, tancy Soaps acdOlicphal . W. TODD fc CI. ST. FRANCIS ACADEMY FOR BOYS, j Loretto Cambria county. Pa. j rOTXHIS Institution, ia charge of the Fran.. 8 ciscan Brothers, and disiant four miles i from the direct mail load between Fhiladelph.j iaand PittsLurg .will, on the first Monday in September, be opened for the reception of pu-1 pils, who will bo instructed in any of the fol lowing branches of an elementary and liberal : education: Keadinff, Writing, Arithmetic,! English Grammar, Ancient and Modern lieog raphy, UtfC of Globes, Elements of Natural Philosophy, Ancient and Modern llitory, Book-Keeping, a full courss of Mathematics, and of the Greek and Latin Classics, &.c. TERMS. The Annual pent-ion for Board Tu." iliop. Washing, Mending of I in- ( oiO qq en , and use of Bedding, (payable f half yearly in advance,) is, J Postage of letters, books and stationary, if not furuibhed by parents or guardians, will form an extra charge, as v. ill also Me dical at tendance. . The Scholastic Year commencing as above, i will clote the 15th of July following. ( j Those remaining at the institution during i the Summer vacation, will be charged Sll extra. j Each pupil must be provided w ith a sufficient j supply of Summer and Winter clothing; six ! shirts, fix pocket handkerchiefs , six pairs of i stocking, four pairs of drawers, six towels,' and three pairs of bouts or shoes 1 ne healthy location of the Establishment. ,,i - . .. , lo youintul riuiuis must rer.der it dtsirable s a place of education. The attention of the Brothers to the intel lactual, moral and religious culture of boys entrusted to their care, will be unremitting; and to render that attention effective, the disci pline will Le exact, yet mild and parental. A half yearly account of the health . conduct and literary progress of each pupil, will be transmitted to h.a parent or guardian. All letters addressed (post-paid) to lhe"5a perior of the Franciscan Monastery, Loretlo,' will receive due attention. Reference may be made to Rt. Rev. M.O. Connor, Bishop of Pittsburg, Rev. 11. t. Gal laher Loretl-j. Cambria couu'y, October 3, 1S5U 3;n. ' JUST RECEIVED AT THE m a ncv jpj an gfK ft a' WaifciaJai Lawns, Lustres, Corn I'ui'd i Fa:.ty TnuU- IRISH LINENS. TICKINGS. FANCY AND DOMESTIC GINGHAMS, i'fniiii els Miiriiii- and t tit r ;. v . ha rs jy ca rs, COOTS SHOES. ! TOI5ACCO and C1UAIIS, UMBRELLAS. QUEENSIYAUE Ac A It t w hii ii lie Lten Loi. l.t tl la; mm! ( low fiiti, and Wt.l Le ! 1 .icur.iiiHli, c!l ii:d t'.c. A ! v a r e' v t 'i' w g .c!. M1L I UN RUliERTS. May 30. l'H. . - . ( Wanttt! Iinntodiatclv. ; U 00,000 ll)s of Wm)! wantc-d ! JOHNSTON MOORE " ' T.,.,,.. , , , i., plclUresque scenery u.e var;eu ;,;ne cou!ti Cuiiceire ,jiat a e;npa racj;cia, and extensive project all around, so tenefkial, poisessed so much virtue, and had Boert, P)Tt A f uit..v uoots aim i;ocs jusire-.ii,0 ceived and lor sale bv MURKAY & ZAII.M. TgP ILL and X CUT SAWS for sale at the liM. etcre cf MURRAIN ZAIIM. lted Jcad, Spanish JJrown, Wliite Lead, Whiting, Putty, Varnish, Spirits Turpentine," and Sweet Oil, for sale hy G. W. TODD & CO. JptLOUR. A lot of prime flour for sale :. O'NEILL'S. Fresh shad, " MACKERAL. Just received and for sale by G, W. TODD A. Co. LBS AIould' DiPPed and Star St.JfF Candles for sale by MURRAY &, ZAIIM. BRESH arrival of Groceries at the store of J.C. O'NEILL. LUMBER. Lip and Locust Posts for sale by G. Joint shingles, end V. TODD & CO. LARGE lot of Stone and Earthen lVare just received and for'sale at the Store of J, MOORE. A LOT OF FINE SALT, jnst received and fr sale by MILTON ROBERTS. dl&h ? Carrels Conemaugh Salt V for sale by J. MOORE. 80 Birrols of Superior Flour, vart extra for en t w by J. IVORY Si. Co. fe DOZEN "M ann's Ares for na le t the slor of MURRAY A' ZAIIM WOOL Wanted and the highest prices paid at the store of J.C. O'NEILL. - Blanket, Long Cloth, Teken and Fancy Shawls, latest styles, ar.d choap for r'i s G V. TODD'S: C-' nre. AJc A LISTER'S ALL-HEALING OITMKNT Ccntaiuin? no Jifrmry cr tMLrr jllarra' EOR TUMORS, ULCERE, ar.d all kinds .' 1 SORES, it has NO EQUAL. It is impossible lo give ll.c pub! c an adecau : idea of the gre.tt sue- e which has tiur.ded ; the administration of the All-Ilcahng Om' met.: ! fur the past three years. It is perfectly ta . tnnistiillir fit iiilnpcj ill. o T'.. l. n 1 . - hsi..w,. i ii, - v. . i " - i,,, neai so many nucases. umi ti'.ce it nas beea known that tens of thousands have ben curei? our friends will begin lo realise the truth cf a former advertisement, vii our rcmaiks in that there would ; a single familv in A. merica. who would livu a djy without uomh. sin? a box of M'ALISTER'S ALL-HEALING OINT. MENT, if they but knew its virtues. BURNS. It is one oi the best things ;o ta world fur burns. If MOTHERS and NURSES knew its Talus in cases of swollen or Sore Breastt and Sort Nipples, they would always apply it. I(l SUC14 cast, it ued, according to thj dtrecticos, it gives relief in a tery jew hours. PILES. --Thuusaii Js are yearly cured by this Ointment. It ruter fdils in giving relief for the Piles. P HEL M A TISM. It removes, almost imitiediatelv. the inf.am. j mat ion and bwviimg, and the pain ctii:. J Ue&i the diiec'.ioi s arwund the box. HEADACHE. The salve has curJ ptrus of the head&ehs (who had it rv'jliriy every week for i-Iycirj, so severe a lo cau-j Vvj.uuuig. Tim follow. n,; tti'.i:i.u was givt:i ly li Ct lebrattd Dr. Wtositr UbvL tha a.u:.ur of the greit Mt-i.Ci! w-,ik em.i tJ Tin Amen, jean i ractive ct" 3L-Jic;uc &ni I'ui.t 1't.jtt. j Having Inm nuli ac a-n.'ei w.'.ii lrt ;4. gradient .. ;, i c ii c..i.i, -.u M'ALiSTL'C'J all.healim: oi :. i . jlm, u , i r. i pr csci i'-e.S . i . : . t . t e t-i . ', cd i i c-r V ' 1 le . 1 J c c 1 " J ve ,ni l'l ' I - 4 lu oin-cirj bv u.e p.. r. . .. 1( ,t , r. j . pr i vie ' rac: c, iiuveno l,tii.n,j Kit Lvt ul -(.-l inciij it . c '--!V a ... ,.r,j " S . i j IK .M i J t.. I J In JCI ! .-1 i .1 t v; 4 , ' I : 't: 4 i n i : . I r "7 .! t tt. tr o. i J i-.it a A I l..im .U fa I - i. J H . . I i r i i v t ii ir ttcr.-l Hi.. t .. Pr i i;,r . i i ' 1 1 ii I-. Y , r A l.Ol M" I 11 ?:t i l' . rot; i mm. m n- i t::i nm s i.m t i a. li v i. i:ri.-iplla. r r. i t t: i c a n n l a p. Mi:i. S i 'I.N I mi n r : t 'M!i"Li.r C.llLtIL 1., E Y i: S. O.Lil THROAT. N E It V ( l. s a K r l e t ius. PMNS. IIKI Clii;. KK.VFMisS L' V li ACHE. l:li;.Vs, i-uliV. L1P. I'Ml'LLS. ic. uiii:l".iaiii, l,ILl. svLLLCL OR liRuKE.N liCEASl. TOJillAt-iiU AGUE IN 1 iE I .U i;. ic. As. tJ.I.'I'l.l I .S i.i. all. : t i. ...f t.t u,. or ;b, whe- iu ooiiy or iioib wneu iiiitmeJ. I;i jins leases it joi!d bd Cjh it i.ioiU bd a'' i!icJ ( on. JAMES McVLISTER. Solo rropr irtof of'tl.e abia Medic". n" PRICE 2j CENTS PER BOX. FOR SALC i.y LuAid Sc Roberts, E'.icnshar. Kcrii Garas, J u.hn.-t j-.v n. Win. IJouton, IiiJia:ii. t?. Cunlir, Hoilidui sburjj. Principlu Odijo No. Njilli Thiid '.:'. Philadelphia. WM. TERRY, General Agent. July. 4. 153d. 3J-iv. iVCir and CHEAP THL tubscn'jer has just reccircJ a very ex tensive iiss-M Uncut of ail jj.iods usually kcj't ia a country btorc which vvilile sold at the veit ldive.t ricoi. Amon; many other ariil'es 1 Ja 1T0 OOI) S Which includes Cloths, rassimcres, Satliuctt, Twctds, And Summer (ooda lor Mnn. Prints, Ginghams, Av Linen Goods. Muslin Delanes, Cashmere, and . SILK GOODS. A larjye supply of HOOTS AXU SHOES, II ATS. BONNETS, and CAPS. Quecnsware, Crockery A. Stonewrre, HARDWARE & CUTLERY, Which include Mill and Cmss cut Saws, Alt Scythes i. Sickles and ood assortment of Car penters edge tools. ALSO Tin, Copper, I Sheet Iron Ware, Which ib mado in thj house, of the best mate rials by a first ru'.o mechanic, a .'arje supply of tuch manufactured articles always ou hand, WHOLESALE and RETAIL. ' ALSO reriety and Description, A iiionr winch are The Celebrated llatli-.vay Cojk stoves 3 for wood. " Etna air tight Cook stoves 4 sizes for wood and coal. Vic'ory Cook store 2 sires fcr wocd. ' Complete Cook J stove 2 s:i for coal. Any Cook stove .sold and recoiiimendeL.r alway vvdirantod 0-'J. Alto' Niae plute ttovos . 5 sizes, and Far.cf stoves for coil and ivowd, Sc. Ac. Eb-rsb irf J-n1 S7th 185?-"8. . rn