The mountain sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1844-1853, November 14, 1850, Image 2

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5, are
Congressional.- The Present and
the Future. The present Congressional
delegations ' in tho five States, (Illinois,
Wisconsin, New York, New Jersey and
Michigan,) which held "elections for mem
bers of Congress on Tuesday, Nov
as follows-"
New York,
New Jersey,
W. D. F. S.
32 1 1 dem.
4 1 0
1 1 1 dem.
1 5 0
0 S 1 whig
3 10 3
The aspect of the above table is already
wonderfully changed for the better. It
- -m T l J T A ' - .
Br J HE SENTINEL, nia t'tnc 1 l fie .largest cir ' -""..t-
eulation of any paper published in this county stand, now as far as we have reliable
and as an advertising sheet offers superior f .
inducements to merchants and business men l"nallon as follows
genet ally. Thus desirous of making itf tj
this medium tor extending tneir tiusmes? cant
do so by either sending their notices direct, cr
through the following agents;
John Crouse, E-q-, Juh nstoici.
E. W. Carr, Etaus' Buildings, TLitd
V. B. I'atmer, Esq ; XeioYork Philadelphia,
and Baltimore.
New Trucks.
From the advertisement of the Super
intendent of the Portage Kail Road, which
will be found in our columns this week,
it will be perceived that the Canal Board
contemplate putting twelve new truck up
on the road so as to accommodate the large
and increasing trade upon it. Proposals
for their construction will' be received at
the office of the Superintendent at the
Summit until the 19th hist. This is all
light and proper and we are pleased Jo see
the efforts made by the officers of the
Commonwealth to accommodate the sec
tion boatmen, and to avoid delays heieto
fore occasioned for want ol a sufficient
number of trucks in transporting their
boats over the mountain.
W. I). F. S.
17 10 1 dem.
1 4 0
1 ii
1 6 0
2 1
21 28 3
T.'ew York,
New Jersey,
Quite a pleasant looking alteration.
JS'ew York United States Senator.
The recent election in New York gives
the "Whigs the majority in the Legislature
and defeats Mr. Dickenson's re-election to
the United States Senate. The Whigs,
it is said, intend to elect the Hon. Hamil
ton Fish, the present Governor; or, if
Washington Hunt is defeated, as seems
probable, in the election for Governor his
name will be proposed as a candidate.
From the Pit w Orltans Crfsctnt. !
Oprnin; of Julia M'Donosh's Will.
The last Will nnd Testament of the late
John M'Donogh. of the town of M'Don
ogh, commonly called M'Donoghsvillc, in
the parish of Orleans, and a suburb of the
city, who departed this lifeon Sunday last
26ih inst., at 2 o'clock, suddenly, aged 74
was yesterday opened and read,- in the
presence of a crowded audience, by his
honor Judge Buchanan, in the Fifth Dis
trict Court.
The Will is in the olographic form,
written by the testator at great length, fil
ling twentv-forr pages of foolscap paper,
closely and neatly written from edge to
edge, and occupied nn hour in reading.
It bears date the 29lh December, 1838,
and is without a codicil, or any appendage
whatever; but disposes of all his property
and estate, which he owns, or may acquire
and die possessed ol.
The testator sets out with much devout
ness in his aspirations to Almighty God,
make permanent disposition of his prince
ly "estate." After declaring that he is
without heirs in the ascending or descend
ing line.
1. lie bequeaths to his sister, Mrs. Ha
met, and her children, a lot of ground ten
acres more or less, with its improvements,
in Baltimore county, near the city, and
gives her a legacy of SG00O.
ti. He bequeaths freedom to all his do
mestics or house servants, ten in number,
set them free
and directs his executors to
as soon as it can be done.
3. He directs that all his other black
people or slaves on his plantation, etc , be
emancipated at the end of fifteen years,
and sent to Liberia; and provides the
means and manner in which it shall be
4. He then directs that all his property
real and personal, and effects, be consid
ered as his "general estate," which is to
be divided into two equal parts, between
emigrate to that territory within the next
five years. In all cases, one half of this
land is to belong to the woman in her own
right, not liable to the debts of the husband
or subject to his control. Mr. Thurston,
Delegate from that territory to Congress,
remarks, for the information and encourage
ment of those who wish to emigrate, that
the prospects of Oregon were never bright
er than at present. Labor commands from
five to fifteen dollars a cay, according to
the nature of the work, and in various
brandies of the mechanic arts, workmen
receive as
as twenty-five
Later from
A Club of all Nations. An effort is
about to be made in London, to form a
club of all nations, ou a liberal mid com
prehensive scale, not excluding English
men, but embracing every intelligent and
respectable stranger, properly introduced,
come from what part of the world he may.
Death of Lord Stanley, of Jllderlcy.
Lord Stanley, of Alderley, died cni
Tuesday, at Alderley-park, Cheshire, aged
81. His lordship was connected with the
oldest families in Lancashire and Cheshire.
He was raised to the peerage by the
ing can be said against the legality of the
The cholera has again broken out at
Vienna, at Sweden, and at Alexandria.
A husband and wife, named Michard,
committed suicide in Paris.
An English paper has been started at
Shanghai, under the title of the North
China Herald.
The establishment of the Dominicans
in France has been canonically recognized
by the Pope.
The Australian wines have at length
found their way into the Calcutta markets,
and are selling there at 32s. a dozen.
The Royal Engineer Corps in China
has been left without a single commis
sioned officer by the death of Lieutenant
A young
Taures, has
Columbia, cf restriction of S!
avery fror.
cf th
the territories, and the repeal
fugitive .ttci, are 10 uc mrust constatf.
upon Congress, by the Seward fact ion cf
the Whig party, or the Democratic Ab
olitionists, we shall have no peace, no
useful legislation. Discontents will t,
increased, both at the North ar.d Sou'h
ana ine naimony oi lae l eaerai
utterly destroyed.
Badly as we think of Locofocos aj
such, and earnestly as we deprecate
their restoration to power, we have far
less abhorrence of them than of the re!-r,t-I-ss
agitators of Slavery in the North.
If there is no other
lion at Home by
In the Sardinian
way ot puttmsr doxn
le agitators and preventing the election
of their men to Congress, we hona rW
j W h;gs an J Lrcofocos w:U un:te corJial.'y
girl, Mademoiselle Teresej for the cccornpl.shment of the purpos
been making a great sensa- nn matter whether the big or the La.
her performance on the; enfoco pasty may refit most by the union
We would far rather see the most iavet
dominions there are'erate Loc-.focu m New York or
C320 monks, and 2340 nuns that is, one ; EnghrvJ elected to Ccngress, provided
for the kst
Proclamation by the President.
President Fillmore, under the act of Con.
gress, has issued his proclamation declar-
that, as the Chilian government lias
removed the discriminatin
nage and imports levied
duties of ton
in the ports of
that country, on vessels from the United
States, so much of the several acts impo.
sing discriminating duties of tonnage and, their address, without the pre-payment
inmost within the United States are. and;01 P0b"!e
i -
tha'd be, suspended and discontinued, so
far as respects the vessels of Chili, and the
produce, m3iuifaciures and merchandise
imported into the United States in the
same, from Chili and from any other for--ifrn
country whatever.
KsBennett, of the New York Herald
Mhile walking with his wife in Broadway
on Saturday last, was knocked down and
horsewhipped by John Graham, the de
feated Democratic candidate for DistricJ
Attorney, in that city.
Graham was in company with two or
three others, who have all been arrested.
Verv respectfully
Your obedient servant.
For the Second Assistant Postmaster
General, James D. Taylor, Esq., Cincin
nati, Ohio.
1. To establish a free school for poor
children, to erect tine OrictC school houses
Test Office Rfgnlalicn.
The following letter from the Genera the cities of New Orleans and Baltimore,
Post Office, which we find in a Cincin- each to ke one half; but in trust for cer
... . , , tain specincd and almost innumerable ob-
nati paper, settles the question whether i - . ,i ... i , i i .
1 ' ' 1 J?cts, winch the testator details and ues-
casual papers sent from the publishing crihes with great minuteness;
office, are to be prepaid before mailed:
Post Office Department,
Appointment Office, Oct. 21, 1850. 5
Sir: Yours of the lGtb inst., relative
to the forwarding of newspapers placed in
the Post Office by a publisher, has been
In reply you are informed that the
Postmastet of your place will be instructed
to forward all such newspapers agreeable
throughout the city, so that no poor child
shall go uneducated, or without moral and
fThe message of the Governor of
Kentucky, shows the receipts in the Trcas.
iirv for the year to be fcQl0,01It and the
ndiaturss, $522,15 1; balance in the
uo sars.
m"The Indiana Constitutional Conven
tion adopted a section that there si. all be
no imprisonment for debt, except in cases
of fraud.
There is also a section prohibiting the
right of suffrage to negroes and mulattoes
and another section abolishing the office
of Associate Judges in the Circuit Court-
Extraordinary Invention.
The New York correspondent of
cf the Philadelphia Inqurer, has the fol
lowing:"! saw a machine, to-day, which
if I am not mistaken, is destined to create
a revolution in the preparation of sugar,
In my presence sone two hundred
weigiit cf the dirtiest character imagina
ble, and as Hack ns soot, was placed in
it, and in sis minutes by my witch it
cair.e out white, dry, and perfectly clean
arid sweet. KnowioT nothing of me
chanics, I cannot give you a good descrip
tion cf it. All thai lean say is that
cylinder lined with
revolves about tin ee
. i i t
wire ciotti, which
i i i . :
nunuieu imie.s u
minute, and after making about fifteen
hundred revolutions, the sugar Is found to
be clean and dty. Centrifugal motion
cleans it. The machine was first applied
to dry in? cloths, but it is admirably suited
for clarifying cil, rectifying sugar, and a
a thousand oth-T purposes.
religious instruction ana exemption Iron;
vice, &c, amounting to about 6100,000 in
yearly instalment-.
2. A donation of one eighth cf the net
revenue accruing to the portion belonging
to the city of New Orleans, to the Orphan
Boys' Asylum.
3. The same amount to be given to an
Asylum for the poor; to free the streets
from indigent and beggerly persons, and
to teach them industry, morality, and re-
i li ion.
4 One-eighth of the net
"general estate" to be laid out in the pur
chase of a "school farm," in the vicinity
of the city of Baltimore, to contain from
500 to 1000 or more acres. It is to be
cultivated by the poor and indigent chil
dren of the city of Baltimore, and of the
State of Maryland; and the poor and indi
gent children of all the commercial cities
in the Union. The mulberry tree and the
manufacture of silk is recommended to be
carried on. The poor children from four
to fourteen years of age, of Baltimore first,
to Maryland and all the commercial cities
of the Union, are to be taught, in addition
to a good English education, the put suits of
agriculture and the principles ot religion.
The Bible is directed to be the principal
class book in all the schools. The sum
of -53,000,000 is bequeathed to this insti
The Dublin trade
week is again favorable
During the last two years and a half
the houses of 1051 families have been
leveled in Ivilrush, and 403 other families
have been unhoused.
Emigration. The tide of emigration
is continued as vigorously as eve . From
Kerry considerable numbers were pro
ceeding to Cork and Limerick, to embark
for the United States.
Jin Insurrection in China.-' The news
by the Overland Mail from India reports
everything tranquil ; but in China an in
surrection of a serious character lias bro
ken out in the southern provinces. A
pretender to the throne has collected an
army of 50.000 men, plundered several of
the towns, and boldly aims at overthrow
ing the present Tari;:r Emperor, and re
storing the ancient native or Ming dynas
ty. Great alarm exists at E'ekin, and se
rious steps have been taken to suppress
the rebellion. There is a vague report
that the imperial troops have hitherto had
the worst of it.
The war in the Duchies continues
without interest. One or two trifling-j
skirmishes have taken place with the res-:
peetive outposts, but no event of the
income of his ' slightest military importance has occurred.
J he IJcssc-Lasael otrtigglc. In
Ilesse-Cassel the struggle continues, but
both parties seem to take the matter very
quietly. As the Emperor of Austria is
about to proceed to Warsaw, the proba
bility is that German affairs will continue
in the present precarious state until the
result of this visit is known.
Letters of Madrid of the 19th instant
announce that a new band of Carltsts
have hern attacked, beaten, and dispersed
in the neighborhood of Salsona. Five
were taken prisoners, and shot on the
spot. The steamer Castilla left Terragona
on the 13th for Cadiz, with the remaining
detachments of the Uheina regiment and
some artillery, where they embark for
Cuba, to ioin the expeditionary force des-
monli lor every uU inhabitants, anc'
nun for every 1G15.
The Queen ol Spain danced with Gen.
Lord Howden, the British Ambassador,
at a grand palace ball, in Madrid, on the
4lh inst.
The Vienna Austria publishes an arti
cle on an important project for connecting
the Seine with the nhme. J he projector
is a M. de Laveleye, a Belgian.
A steam company is on the ee of being
formed at Constantinople for towing ves
sels through the Bosphorus and the Dar
danelles. "The capital is to be 150,000,
in 1500 shares of jCIOO each. The Sultan ;
and most of the ministers are on the list. I
one; he be in favor of the adjustment laws
lection cf
the late session, than see the
any hig who should go for the distur
bance of the Compromise. The question
between peace and harm in v on the cna
side, and agit;t!OT and disunion on the
other, is at this time para mount to til
other questions.
A Patent slcam BreaJ-bikin; Haehtcj.
There is now exhibiting in LonJoaths
first apparatus erected under a patent
granted some months ago, to Mr. Le, of
Glasgow, Scotland, for making brealani
Summary of Sews for the Lasl ForlnhthL
Before this mail reaches the United Slates,
the intelligence will doubtless have been i
received of the fourth conflagratiuii wlr.rh
has visited San Francisco wiihi ..;ne
i trie
j was
i Messrs.
t-e a;:d
- r ,
niiii uy "irmis ii machinery, ana Dy
apj. icaiion o. steam in&iead cf tire
operation ot this novel apparatus
exhibited at the bakehouse of
Lee ani Bobitison, (ih paten
r) in the classic region
n:s nar:-
cf '-v''p; and ja large number of per
c nc Mr tf....trtt tx.tit. t n t ...IK...
, i c . i 1 ..v(v I'l'vc.v -J Hiini luetic UKIUy
months. 1 he disaster was torfuna.iolyl .i , ' -r, -, , ,.
, r i 3 land piact.cabtlttv "t the inven:son, wtnea
confined to a portion ot the city uere; i ; - i- . . ,
,. . , . v it., has lor its object the accomplishment cf
little business was transacted, and the lo. ,f a MU.:i a- j u. .l.
,, . . - , , . 'tbe following pi as stated by the ri
is consequently less than it would other-.
wise have been. The fire raged for about i , V " , , , r , . ,
, , , ... i f . . i By the suostitution of carbon ited vi
hiiii.ft-H oti1 n 1 1 t rM c etc . inn OAtno I c .
J i 1 1 v . t v ' ! r n : i - -
lipimr tint exenedintr h:ll :i million nf dr!-! .-
o 3 " 'CO'tC lUCilIi iell
lars. There is every reason to believe ' "V. i
. i ol un i:n io'.ea m
mat it was me work oi an incenaiary, al
though, if so, the perpetrator has contrived
to escape the vigilance of the police.
ZjfJenny Liud closes her concerts
New YorK on the 22d, and sings in
adtlphia on the 25th, 23ih and '27th of
November, and then proceeds Sou'h and
Great Haul of Counterfeit Money.
On the Mlh, at tuffalo, the officers, suc
ceeded in obtaining possesion of both of
the "Artistes" themselves, and seven
thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars
:i counterfeit notes. These notes were
tution in yearly instalments. It is sup- tineil to protect that island
tosed from 1000 to 10,000 chilurtn
.fits and
Jostenng care
receive its oeti
education :'.nnuailv
5. One-eighth of the net r. mount pro
ceeding from the "generr.l estate," to go to
the "American Colonization Society, ' at
Washington City," which will amount
annually to a large sum.
After the above bequests and donations
are settled, which tho testator supposed
would be accomplished in 40 years, iho
entire estate to be divided between the
States of Louisiana and Mary land. Com
missioners are to be appointed, three in
The intelligence from the mines is of a
mixed description. Wherever the streams
have been dammed, a plentiful yield of
gold has been the result; but several of the
dams have recendv given way in conse
quence of the rising of the waters, and the!
labor of months has thus been rendered
fruitless. Gold-bearing quartz continues
to be discovered, and this in the end will
form the great resource of miners, when
surface gold fails.
The news of the engrossment of the
California bill in the Senate, produced,
on its receipt in this city, the liveliest
emotions of joy, and the hopes of the
people are raised high in the expectation
r b"ei I in -ti nutri-
j t.r cut. ia tr.j
g t ! oe i, by ra ir.j
thjj cf s ib-: itmift '
steam for fire. The gradual al nix'.u e
of flour w"ith the water without manual
labor. To ensure the oven being kejt
of an equil heat by means of an iniici
tor a-id regulator, rni by means of whi;!i
the heat can bj kept exactly as my fcj
desired. By the use of an ingenious
contrivance to regulate the desired
weight of bread, whether from an ounci;
to any nu r cf pounds the biker my
desire, without the possibility of error.
The saving of all manual labor in tha
manufacture of bread, with the exception
of that of a few boys ta tdace it upon, zr.i
of hearing by the next steamer, of the ad
mission of this State into the Union.
Should we receive this joy ful intelligence,
there is no doubt that business would
forthwith revive, and an immediate
receive it from, the
voiding tiit necessity
touching or knee ling
present occasion Mr.
of th. j
mm hand
described the
with much mi-
the dd Jh.
nature ot the niventioi
nuteness, and gave the spectators an op
portunity of witnessing the practical ef
fect of the machinery in its various s;a-
which sought
was the saving cf lime and
manual I.ihnr in tht nnnnfartiirp r.f thA
ai Presem' a waRl most important necessary of life. and. in
tThe Nashville Convention was cr
ranized on the 11th. Gov. M'DonalJ ofi
Ga., made an eloquent opening address
smacking strongly cf secession. Many
deleja'rs were hourly expected to arrive.
There were about fifty members present.
icn thf f.ilio-.vm
Ol Uie .vitCiiaiuc s uaiii. ui.piv ut-aium,
Mass. 81,810 in ten dollar notes en the
Farmer's Hank of Michigan, and sixty
dollars in twenties, altered fiom ones oa
the Western Bank of White Cre-k,
b in ks-5,750 30 notes
each city, to carry out
!)jecls pro-
Im tuENsit ScrPLits of Gold. Three
steamers armed at New York last week,
with California gold dust. The Chero
kee's gold dust amounts to two millions
and the amounts chiefly in the hands of
the passengers, brought by the Georgia
(AG93.0C0) and Empire City, to N. York
and by the Alabama, at New Orleans,
will reach to at least a million more. Ac
rordin" to advices, two millions and a
half, destined for the United Slates, were
at Prnnma when the Cherokee left
A Lot or Uichmonds in the Field.
The Lancaster Intelligencer names Bell,
of Chester, Woodward and Conyngham,
of Luzerne, Black, of Somerset, Champ
neys and Lewis, of Lancaster, Thompson,
of Erie, Strong, of Berks, Hepburn, of
Cumberland, and Findley and Parsons, of!
Philadelphia, in connection with the eltc-!
Hon of Judges of the Supreme Court.
Washington county, New York,
persons upon whom these notes
found; were committed, and
names as Henry Thompson
Griffin an! James Bates".
gave their
Mary M.
SVcic Enterprise. We learn, says the
Philadelphia American, that a company,
some of the stockholders of which,
are located in San Francisco, and Mhers
in Eastern New York, are now engaged
in manufacturing concentrated mtlk and
coffee, for shipment to California. Each
preparation is in the form of a thick
paste, neatly packed in tin boxes, with
dirtcticns for use. A small quantity of
each is to be placed in a vessel in which
the colfee is to be male, and boiling water
poured upon it, when it is immediately
fit for use, and, we are told but doubt
fully equal to that made in the ordinary
posed; but if they fail to follow out the in
structions, then tho "general estate" tore
vert or fall immediately to the two States,
whose Legislatures are to comply with
the conditions and carry out the objects
donated and bequeathed. The varioCs in
stitutions donated and provided (or in the
Will, are to b incorporated by the Legis
latures of the two States. The city of
Baltimore to act as a check on the city of
New Orleans, in fulhhrig the conditions of
the Will.
Many benevolent, charitable and highly
moral and religious sentiments are iuter
spersed throughout; and the cause of edu
cation, morality and the duties of the poor
toward the rich; and the duty of the rich
to educate and protect the poor, are freely
indulged in the most affecting terms.
The duties of the poor and the rich, and
the preservation of the Union, are also in
culcated. The property of his "general estate,"
is never to be divided or sold, but kept to
gether, leased, managed or cultivated in
perpetuity; only a portion of its proceeds
to be'applied to the purposes indicated, and
and only then when the revenues shall
reach a certain amount.
A donation of $20,000 is made to the
Bible Society. Such is an outline of this
great Will.
Thanksgiving Dav 1 ri th of December, icxrv single man who mw reside
Ioducem -nts ta Settle in Orrgon.
The Oregon Land Bill which became a
law at the session just closed, grants 320
acres ot land to every married, and IGO to
in or
Executions at Pome. A wholesale
military execution took place on the 0th j
inst., upon the person cf six ohenders,
charged with having been the principal
agents in a horrible tragedy which sullied
the streets of Rome with blood last year,
during the early part of the siege.
General Cuvaignac and the French
lit public. - Considerable discussion is
going on in the French papers as to the
probable course that may be taken by the
military' members of i lie Left in the As
sembly in the case of an attempt at a re
vision of the Constitution, or the prolon
gation of the powers of the President. By
some it is contended that Gen. Cavaignac
would place himself at the head of a party
to resist vi ct annis, it necessary, any
attempt at revision, unless in the manner,
and at the period prescribed by the Con
stitution. There are few who will deny
the title of General Cavaignac to public
gratitude for the eminent services he ren
dered in days of danger; and his ability rs
a parliamentary debater is equally admit
ted. But it must be a calumny on the
General to presume that, in case the na
tion, by the voice of its representatives
elected freely by universal suffrage, and
in whose hands, to use the language of
the day, the popular sovereignty has been
deposited for a period, demand the revision
of a Constitution so full of defects, he will
enrol himself amongst mere revolutionists,
and become the general-in-chief of insur
gents in arms against the National Assem
bly, of which he himself is a member.
Gen. Cavaignac will, there is no doubt,
express his opinion on the question of
revision, as on all other questions brought
forward in the Assembly; but it is very
doubtful that, with the memory of his
own treatment of the insuigents of June
still fresh, Gen. Cavaignac would himself
become what armed resistance to the
decision of the Assembly would unques
tionably make him. It is stated, however,
in well-informed quarters, that there is no
intention of mooting the question of the
revision of the Constitution until May,
1851, the period prescribed by the Con
stitution itself. It such be the case, noth
rps. The frnnd nil rrni
provemcnt would lase place m me conui
Hon of the country
o. conuuence causes eery lumg 10 remain orJer lo S,J0,V h(JW lhjs ob- fce
in contusion, anu me emoairassments -M j cjrrieJ oat ;Mr Lee exhib:led lhe en.
our business men are attributable m no j lire esg of Uki blVild anJ b5iCuIts
small degree, to the perplexing suspense j from the fira prepalion of tbe g )Ur tc
caused by the delay ot Congress to admit lhe hc the jl, h jlo ,he ovedTli
the State into. the Union. Our greatest wilhtjrawins it when readv. for Cja$amp
trouble would vanish on our admission, ! tjtn
and it is generally hoped that Congress j i! th is was deno by mechanical con
will not adjourn without doing us justice .itrivanccs. and the men employed wer
ltwou.dbe a ternbe disappointment if j no, even ca!led u 0 u. h lbe d h
the next news shomd prove unfavorable. or mt.asilre lhe SlZe of lhe ioaf lhe ?.
The coming elections to be held on tnejraraluSt when set jn molio;)t befn caI.
seventh of October, excite much greater cujatej l0 serv-e eve ry pj,p;lSe which ia
interest than was anticipated. The can-;the orjjniry piVcss of baking, is achtev
dtdates for the various oiiices are almostcj by liancj Tne result of the experi
innumerable. The tickets made up in j men.s afforded satisfactory pr cf. that Mr.
tins city will be found m another column. ; Lee's discovery in the art f taktrnr
Indeed the all-absorbing question of the gerve3 everv encouragement, as vteU 03
admission of California is lost sight of for; lbe srore 0f rconomyi as from the fact
the time being, and everybody is anxious tiial it introduces a more speedy, and at
as to the result of the election. jlbe sauiL. t;UH. a more c!oanjyt miHhoJ of
The improvements in this city are pro-! ma.iu raC!ui ing bread The rapiJitv with
gressing with much spirit, and it is hoped ; which t! work may be cairied "on by
that by the commencement of the rainy ;ln;s n.vv ailti interesting process is most
season the streets will be substantially .'surpassing. For the supply of bread t3
planked. Several ot tne ltiorougntares schools, or ether lare estabiishmen'
are aireauv laiu wan Dianx. anu sewers c,,-!
unions and
to bo s;
Extraordinary Human CtRiosmEJ-
such as tjo-ir .aw
have been constructed, running from the:t.;s invention seems
hills to the bay, so as to carry off the:
water. The district burnt down twoj
weeks since is already more than halfi
covered with buildings in process ot erec-i jr g. K.-ux arrived at the Fremont
tion, and before the departure of another J House yesterday with two Kaana chii
steamer it will be nearly all rebuilt. jdren, a boy and girl, of an almost extinct
Tue accounts from the overland emi- j race Df Central America. They are the
grants furnish narratives of suffering of the . most OJtre locking objects ever brought
most painful description. The expediency j xlis cou.itry, but they are ".lateral ha-
ot making a requisition on the Uollettor i mans ntu iihstandiiKt ih:it their anneir-
of this port for an advance of one hundred ;ance at firsl gianCe is rather .gainst
thousand dollars, has been suggested, and them. The boy is 32 inches in height.
it is probable the citizens will resort tojanj wei.riis 16 pounds; and in lhe opinion
that mears of alleviating the terrible dis-lnf vr CiWmtn V-t nf Xpw
York, ii
about 10 years of age. The girl is -is l.
tress of which the accounts reach us day
by day. The resources of private benev
olence are exhausted, and it is but right
the government should afford assistance.
A report of the existence of cholera in
our midst prevailed in this city some days
since, but we rejoice to say there was no
foundation for the rumor. San Francisco
ches in heighth, weighs 14 pounds, and U
supposed to be about 8 years oi ag
Their heads are not larger lh".n a ne
l-rtr,i infn?.!. and they mav be tdmost
to be 'fest!tiiTe ci
Perpetual Agilulion.
We find the following pointed declara
tions in the Louisville (Ky ) Journal,
one of the most zealous Whig p ipers in
the United States. Atter noticing a re
mark in a letter to an Eastern paper, the
Journal continues thus:
If the topics of Abolition in'the District
7 ...
1 J.U j
?. i.
C V" A
3'i d
i:e:r e
vts ar;
CX ?. -:l -i
Ti covered '5
descends forwa
nearly to the eyebrows. The face is ver7,
sharp, the tipper lip projecting, e
chin receding in a corresponding degree
Notwithstanding the almost entire ab
sence of forehead, there is not in t-
profile view the least resemblance to "
Simmii tribe. They are said to ben