dition come from the United States, their first act would be to arm the negroes, even if ihey should perish all together. Th Creoles. Generally, are in iaorof annexation, hut the old Spaniards would lose their last drop of blood in tnaii.laiu ing their: sway oer this island, the last remnant of their once gnat American possessions. It is their California their Dorado their ever) thing without which they would be nothing. Every two or three years, swarms of office holders ar rive here from Spain, and in a lew years return in affluence; and about six millions are annually drawn from this island to support the mother country. - If we are to be annexed, it must be peaceably; if by force, Engkuiu and France, I think, would have to interfere. English capitalists have about thirty mil lions or more invested in this island, which would be every cent lost in case ol civilwar. Ifannexation could be brought about by acts ol the pen, instead ol' the sword, it would be to us a great blessing. Our bays would then be crowded wi.h vessels, instead of being, as they now are. entirely deserted. Our beautiful island would he crossed in every direction by railroads; towns would spring up where there are now but a few palm leaf huts. The gieat resources of our splendid plantations would then be fully developed, and our commerce would be increased in a tenfold degree. These are a few of the great blessings, which, we think, would result from annexation. But it must be done by diplomacy. If force be employed. t tU beautiful island will become an other San Domingo. ElM'iifclMii'gr !?Iaikcf. Flour $ 5 .2 5 a 5 50 i-er barrel, WiratX a l.l'ig pt-r uusnel. Oats '.11 a 40 cis. very seaice. Com Meal ct prr itiisnel. Rye C2 cm e r hu.hel. Ilnrkv In at- L"2J oi8 per bushel. I'otul-rts 50 a iilh ct. lUiltn I?. t) 11 1 5 cts. Keg 12 a 14 Ft'sh Bfif r a 8 cis. Ft'sh l'orA 5 a 7 els. Salt -J. 5i) er ImtrI. Eggs 10 cis. I'tT dozen. 10 a 12 per tn. Seed Tiui"' hy. $2 Oil per bushel Clovr S 1.50 do. HW23 a 25 cis. : er lb. MARRIED On Turfdi.y tin- 231 nil., ly the Rev. Mr. D t.-SiTHMII, Oul. MlLToN R11BKR.TS, of Ehens hurg. tt Mix Mai.Vina Willis of IMuirsVille On Thursday :h; 25ih ult.. hv ihp Ri v Win Hirst ol B i liimore, Mr. R.J. Kougii, of Kliem burg, t Miss MakyJ. Evans, of Suulsbur Huntingdon county. From the liio Grande. New York, kprll 25. A late New Orleans paper lias new from the Ru Grande to the 10th inst. The Sentinel is informed by Messrs. Downey and Pratt, who arrived atBro ns ville on the 7.h inttiiit, that on Satur day, the 5th, while some three miles ride this side of Reyuosa, on the Texas side ol the rtver, they loiuu t'.imshes suddenly surrounded by a party of Indians supposed to number about 2-3. Their only jneuns of escape was by charging the enemy, which the luckily effected without much injury to theinsehes Mr. Downey feels confident that he killed one of the Indians, as he li red his gun wh.'n but a few paces distant, and feels as suiea that he saw him fall. Lieut. Valle, commanding at Laredo, pursued the India us who had murdered the San Antonio mail riuer, reeoijered the mail ba" and most of iia contents but could not find the Indians. The Smitnel of the 10th says that 0 or 8 days previous, Napoleon I'. Kemp, a man pretty wAl known in that part ol the country, was murdered by a party of In dians o.i the road from Ringgold Barracks to Laredo. He was accompanying the train, but at the time of liLs murder was with a soldier belonging to the escort, a short distance in advance of the train. The soldier was badly wounded. Eaigralioii to IWcifjiii -lajirioas efftefs up mi the lW.Ni- We perceive by the western papers, that tho isiuds of mvu, wouieti and cmldren ate making preparations to leave by the first of Juuu by the overland route to Calilor nia. Almost every village or hamlet will send forth its hundred this Spring In New York city, for a lew days hack parties of live, ten, twenty, &c, bound to California, were arriving by railroad and steamboats, to take passage in the steamships Georgia, Cherokee and Em pire city, which will leave that port for Chagres &.c. The Detroit Advertiser says that not less than 6,000 have already made ar rangements to leave that State for Califor nia, and anticipates much pecuniary in convenience therefrom to those who re main. Many mortgaged their farms, &c, at a high rate of interest, and besides thus takinjr of the sinews of credit and business they are mostly young and active men, who will be embarrasingly missed from fields and workshops. The Iowa Reporter says that three thou sand emigrants will leave that Slate for California this season, being three times the number who went last spring. Esti matintr that each emigrant will take with him means equal to 9350 it appears that the emigration to California, this year, will be a loss to Iowa $ J ,050,000. j The St. Louis Republican says that there will probably be IMttl On FHdiy List, Mis .Martha, daughter of John 1 .iirki'l , Fq , i f Washington township, in the I "ill year ofher njc. 0li will le i nu iiih-i'd llint ibis young1 lid y w ii iiiih oftbo victims of the great gun. powder rXploinn v bit li occurred al the Sum. nit some few weeks since. Six; Ins been lingering in l lie most awful suffering- ever i"C ?, and h s oiily found relief in death. he wiix beloved and irsp'-cied by all who km-w Vr. nnd her loss will be deeply deplored by her numerous friends. PUNK IIOAI) MI-'BTIXG. A mre'ng of t lie rii-zens JtfT rnn nnd vi cinii v will be bel'l at ill" lum-e f Win imi r in .lifii iMin i'ii tin 4th day nf Alar next, al 2 oYli.cd p. M ,lo lake into Ci'iis idor-i i' ll the pro -rii-tv if construe' injr i Plank Ruatl be. I ween I be iibi-Ve li lined place i:nd Ebtusbiirtr. All pi roLfi liiVi ruble to ihc piojicl ar lirreb.l nviie-l t.. attend. MANY. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. OTICE is hereby given, that Letters ot LX Admiiiislrati'iii on the estate of John Plott, late of Suhquelisnna township, deceased, hav been granted to the undersigned by the Rejfiftcr of Camhria county. All persoim in. del.led to i-aid ehtalc. Jure reqneflcd to come forward and teiile their accounts, and those having claim agaiut-t ba'u estate, will present them duly ul bent ion ted for f-ti lenient. lili. HUTCHINSON. Jr., Adui'r Ebcntburg. April 25, 50 2J-Ul. Notice. IjS hereby given that Leliers f Adminislra. Jl. lion on the esl;ite of Henry Lovely, ljie of Washington township. decea.ed, have been raiied lo the ninlrrnisjned hy (hn Register of Cambria county. All persons indebted to raid esia'e, aie n quested to come foiward and t-et-lie I heir account, and tlne having claims iaiiit k.i id uftaie, will present them duly u. theulicated for i-el I lenient. JOHN MAJOR, i . . . AUG. M 'CON NELL, Aam April 25, 50 2'J-b't STUAY COW. ifl AME to liie rcKideuce of the Fiibscribrr Xy ab ut tour Hides north of EUo.biirg, on i be 5ih inst., a red and white COW with a , while face, Mippored to be sibi nl eight yearn otd. J be owner ii liquefied to come forward prove propeiiy, pay i-harsen and take her away . otherwise, she wiilba disposed of accur. ding to law. DAVID J. DAVIS. April 25. 50 29 3t. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOB SALE. I'he subscriber off-rs for iale a farm situate in Wafiiiiigtmi township. Cainb it county, on I lie turnpike I'Ui.'ioi; to Ehcushtirg, one mile a half fio,n the Snminit. containing Murray c& Zalim, Il.ivo reioved their stole, lor a t-horl lime, to tlie roe in iorint'ily on-npied bv John S. ISticli-iiiiin . where they will be. happy to nccom. nioi'urc tlieir friend-i i: tid cu.-Um-rs wiih any thing in their line of biiMne-. They have an e.vei'ileni .lKfcimici i m .on on nanus wnicn thv will el! at iho veiy l.iwesl Icruii. May 2d 150. Om 6iirt for YOUR MONEY. Tho subscriber hns just receiv ed from the cast, lle second cupply ot thofe Cheap Ciroocls, Consisiing cliii fly f Cloths, Ctisshnerrs, Salinctls, Sumnu r Jeans, Tickings, Checks Shirting, Flan nels &LC. A f.J'O, a t-p'eiutid lot of Lawns, Giujrhnms, falirofs. Lustres & Ddanrs. Of the best kind and a little cheaper than ever sold i:i these diggllin. He Iims in no eleg.-int nssortmpnt of Hardware, Qurrnsirarr. Saddlery Stat tonnrtj, Dings, limit tj- Shi', Hals j- Caps, Of all ki-d-. ami any qiautHy o: Notions uch i .ire u-u illy kept in a countiy store. He keeps ull afSoitnient ol CARPENTER S TOOLS, Of all U iid, anil 'ol of FISH. .FATHER, $ NAILS, OILS Sc PAINTS- Just fivft him a dll, and l;e is satifid tin I ho c-ni ncc"inmwl.itt you with auv thiui; in his me of ini-iiipws. iin low. and n liitle lower than any other establishment in this county. Country Produce of all kid liken in ex change fr rroods, and c ish never refused uu. le-s count trfeit. JOHNSTON MOORE. May 1st 1S50 or thereabout ' "", 13 of e,,od q,,a,i,y and well adapted lo fit her fc.'am or grass. 1 he survey ..f the Central Kailru.ill i? tlrul. it. T!ie title is indiputable. Foi furtlier f'tr ticiilais. ai'i'iy to Jauie Smvlh. near th Muu House or to IV M. M- SMYTH. April 18ih 185028-3t TREASURER'S SALE Of Unseated Lands and"-hots in Cambria county A. D. 1850. I. John G. Gitkn. Treasurer of Cam'ria c. in the Commonwealth of Pcimsyl vain 1 , in pur. nuance of the several acts of Assembl3' of said Commonwealth, directing llic'lime and manner of selling unseated nndn Cur taxes. Do llcrthy Give Notice, that the following descriled tracts of unseated land and lots of ground in the said county ol Cambria, or such pari thereof as may he necessary to pay arrearage of laxes due ihereDii for one year or moie, will be of fi red for sale at the Court House, in the Bor nueli of Eben.vliuro, on the Second Monday, (luiug the 10th) day of June next, and ci.ntin ue by adjournment , Irorr. day lo day, until the whole be sold for such arrearage of taxes, and costs necessarily accruin? thereon. Allegheny Township. Names of IV arranltes or Owners. A. P. 34 154 G4 44 39 28 BACOX. FLOUR, CHEESE. N O. and White Pulverized Sugar, just re ceived -ind for sale by April Ib'th '50. M. ROUE UTS. )ncc More. Nt"lLr.lN to add costs, the undersign. Something New! Milton fSolH'i'l Rrspectfiilly informs his fn mi" and the pul. lie generally that h has just received, in ad iliiion in his slock of Groceries a fine and gen. eral dsoriinent of Among hiiMi m llle found Clo lis, I'iissimrrrs. Prints. GISGIL1MS, MUSLINS, $ c- Of excellent ii-'liiy. togither with a fine lot of BOOTS & SHOES, II ATS' $ CAl'S, HARDWARE QUEENVWARE fcc Which will be sold very low for cash or ap. proveit country produce. Ashe intends lo do H c.t-li and proiiuct; biminess. the pahlic tuny e.x ee: goons on terms considerably lout r than Ciiu be afforded bv the Ions? creilit Hores. As hn leeeives new imw ds every week, his friend can ulways find something new al bis storn. The public are respectfully invited to cjII and eXiimine. April 13'h 1S50. ON 13T iZtf PRIME RIO COFFEE Y. 11. TEA. SUGAR, MOLASSES RICE dc. dc Fresh from the Eaeri Mi"-kei i LITZINGER & TODD'S. . JUST RECEIVED. Mould Dipp'd.aud Star Candle. Soap, Brooms, 8 by 10, 10 by 12, and 10 by 14 Glass. Cotton Yarns. Co? Inn Hailing. Smoking Tob-icco, Puie While Iead &.C. &.C , at LI TZINGER & TODD'S. LOT OF FINE S A LT. just received and f .r s i Ie by M I LTO N RO B E KTS. ed to the E.-late of Rom bind Wiliiiims, deeM lo make navment if Ihev wish to sive costs- .as tin; hooks an c'aiui- will be left in the 'hands of a Justice for collection af"e the first day of June next. Neiessily as well as duty impels us to pursue thai cour. JU HNSTON MOORE. JOHN WILLIAMS. Administrators April 30. 1850. 30 EXECUTORS SALE Of Real Estate. The subscriber in pursuance of the last will and testament of Su.-aumi Troxell, lale o x ashin?in townslnii u -c o. otters lor salo a certjio incce or iiarcel of land siiuale in said ac etniyraliotl of . townslnii adi iining binds of William M'Der- from fifteen to twenty thousand persons from Missouri for California during the current snrinir. Esinaiiusr the number at I7,o00, and each emigrant s outfit to aver age $350, .Missouri will be drained' the current spring ol'uvei 6,000,000. The Rochester (N. Y.) Advertiser, of I uesday says: We ate informed by a gentleman ftom Burlington, low, that on tlie loth of Mar. a large company of California emigrants passed through that city, consisting 0f about 3,000 men, from nearly all the wes tern States. Two hundred men mostly citizens ot Burlington joined the company at that place. Tliey go the overland route rough Oregon, and expect to reach the diggins" in about three months. The teama that belong to the parly numbered 1,000. The men are mostly middle aged, and many of them have families. About a year since, quite a company of men leu uurungion aim vicinity, and went to Calrfornia in search of the dust," and this spring all returned in excellent health remunerated for their adventurous enter prize. Their good fortune created among their neighbor- and friends quite a "gold fever.1 mill, James Smvth, Anne Carney and others, containing abo it V iih about t en'v hve aeres cleared -Willi a TWO STORY SO ARE los HOUSE and a fr.ime ! 'tcbeii liiereon creeled there is a good OUCH VRD I hereon also a i.i fi i: thereon erected, with a supply of gray lime btune he above pmerty is located about two miles west of the Summit and about sixty perches north of the turnpike. For further particulars enquire of the subscriber near the premises. AHR'Vl TROXELL, Executor. April 25 1850 29-6t. Executor'9 s JTotice ETTERS lestainentnrv on the estate of Susanna Troxell. hue of Washington town-hip. deceased, having been trrnitd by the Register of Camhria county lo the suhscri ber: all persons indebted to said e-tate. wnl please call and settle up their respective ac counts; and all persons Having ciatuis agai nsi said eslcte, will present ibem proper y au hen tickled lor si-tt'eiucut as soon as convenient. Ab'ui TROXELL, Executor. April 11, 1S50.-27-CI. Stray Cow. CAME lo the res-idence of the s-ibscribcr in Allegheny township, Cambria county, on the tenth of April I. t. a BROWN COW, with a star iii her lace, white leg and some wl.ile spots on her body, she is lame in the right leg. and about nine years old. The ownrr is re quested lo com.' forward, prove property, piy charges and take her away, otherwise she will be disposed of according to lv.v. M. LEAVY. April 18ih 1850 28-3t. Executor's Notice H" ETTERS testament ory on the estate of JL Timothy Davis, late of Cambria town, ship. Ciuib'it county, deceised. Irive been g'auted to the subscriber by the Register o" C-imbri.i county. All persons iude!td V s i id estite are n quested to make payment inline dii.lely; and all persons having claims against said estate, will present them properly authen ticaied fur settlement. E. J. WATERS, Ex'r. April 18. '50 28-Ct. lUWiU ITT1IAM IIIiVMII mj wyj mi j a iwi All V T IT Ill I III V Uf I II bi I V JJ a tvi HE CO-PARTNERSHIP IIF.RF. lofore exi.-iing letwecn the undesigned, under the firm of Luais &, Rolx rts is thi day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons having unset tied account wlh the said firm, are requested to come forvrard im mediately and settle the ome with either of the partners. RICHARD LEWIS. EDWARD ROUE UTS. April 17, 1850. 29-3t. I no 50 439 409 443 3P0 410 124 213 96 425 16 I GO It!5 400 217 257 41 198 430 110 373 100 441 1G0 lb'0 200 0 372 355 Ml 1- 1 3S2 3H 139 214 407 433 433 433 433 332 433 433 3C9 433 397 1C2 406 J33 424 96 2ii0 ICG 100 4 no too iiiO 151 Qu7 133 43 400 20 1 1 !3 437 401 401 136 400 17 200 132 400 400 400 400 40 400 W HATE LEAD, and Linseed V Oil, forsalebv J- MOORE. THE interest of E. Unhurt in th alinrp firm hiving been imrciiMr-ed bv the subscriber. who coiiijoiies to do business al the old stand, hopes to mem a share of the public patronage, and to giv sitisfi cfion to those who may la vur him with a call. may RICHARD LEWIS. BLANK DEEDS For Sale at this Office. 181 570 405 MI 405 319 300 200 405 440 220 100 100 b0 400 400 110 30 300 300 100 400 401 433 4U0 400 209 25 401 4;S9 439 439 436 125 370 411 419 439 220 3t3 107 221 11 4U0 443 443 440 400 430 439 330 440 440 440 410 440 440 410 440 210 371 41 43! 120 James C. Maguire John Nagle iMnrih.1 Hannum Mifflin Hannum Isaac Webb Aaron lluwen . Abraham White Jeph Fields Samuel Ftidier Margaret Will Eleanor C. Ileisfer Cambria Township. James Myers du do do do ieorge ZrigVr Andrew Nel-on Andiew Duff James Megehan Jacob Pronheiser Caroll Township. Samuel Dilworth Charles Dilworth John Redman 17 Thomas Edwards John Baldwin Godfrey Twells James Hoops Jacob WycofF 128 Sarah llarr 12S William liarr 100 Dm-el Barr 152 i,rr Jo-epii J.Vl'nicr Clearjield Township. Richard Finney John Cannon 120 Jacob Scoop 153 Robert Evans 1 4 Jacob Cox 153 Georte Bickham 151 Wiliiiiu Lambert 1 1 5 John Scrvoss 153 Jacob Shinker 153 Joseph Ort-y 72 S. II. Smith 153 W illiam Servos 40 Jacob Itiirus John Kel.-o 134 George Horner 153 Jonathan Lewis 63 Richard Jones Thomas Duncan Bernard Liizinger Conemuugh Toionship. 1 12 George Shriini Alexander Cochran James Gill Fetcr Shocnberger do no do do do J 120 Kin &T Storm 105 Charles Smith William Bruwn John Funey Richard Smith Richaid J'din John llavdoii rfuliu T-cter Alexander M'Gregor William Brown Abraham Audicws John Elliot Enoch Welsh Thomas Wilson Geo'ge .Moore Andrew Kennedy Charles Jones John Bell George Gate Jackson 7oivnship. Robert Gray Charles trwinn J .lines Latimore Robcit Al unlock 23 HI 25 115 135 105 115 105 Benjamin Shoemaker 64 Henry Shoemaker John Stouer Christian Stoner 115 John Titsworlh James Steel William Clark Samuel Steel Abagail Ramsey Peter Bortmaa James Si eel William Stewart Thomas W hite George R. Sharp James Slitt Thomas Stilt George S. King John Steel Richland Township. Jacob Clemens 40 Robert Ross William Gray Ferdinand Guidon John v ilsou George Kriug Jr. John Gardner 80 Jacob Nagle 80 Henry Woodi 80 William Young 61 D tiiiti Reese King &. Storm Summerhill Township. 40 Israel Jones 80 Chirles Evans 120 John .Mussor tiO William Clark du du John Clark 95 James Duncan John M'Glaughlin Christian Smith Arani Snnma n 131 Jacob Goughnour 131 do do 80 James Duncan Jacob Myers 131 'John Nicholson do do Richard Smith John Nicholson Samuel Blodget WiH uu Smith D. D. Bichard Sni'th Anthony Naute Richard Smith William Smith Httury West Isaac Jones Robert Evans Daniel Reed SG20 3,10 27.15 12.83 27.46 23 56 ! 233 25,42 7,;8 13.14 5.91 26,34 .46 4.t2 4.92 18,00 439 Wilson Hunt 440 Eber.rzer Burnucn 440 Snmncl Jtcksoa 412 Philip Gordon 439J Robert Gordon 4I;G James Dunlaf 220 John Simpson 441 Rolen Irwin 439 120 John Ever man 440 fO Isaac Bra nan 400 John Nicholson Susquehanna Township. 1C0 John Baldwin 316 10 Isaiah Jones 315 James Rhey lb'0 Godfrey Twclht 301 8 Elijah Weed 200 James Hoops 200 Patrick Cassiday 50 Philip Reading (part) JVashington Township. 425 1 Sanvel Irvine 1 10 Joseph Dilworth 95 James Rush 439 80 George Cutwalt 200 Abraham Morrison i 50 Austin Thompson & Co. 150 Peter West AO James Johns (part) 3200 Arant Stunman 46 William Johns (part) 194 Caleb Dilworth JFhite Township. 216 196 Thomas Town 433 153 William Cord 433 153 Cadwalladcr Evans 433 153 Timothy Paxton 133 153 Tliornaa Stewartgon 433 153 William Sanson 443 152 Joseph Sanson 433 153 John Claru 7.I432 153 Gci.rre Peddle 4.20 ; 106 35 Richard Seely 405 106 James Kotch 433 153 Richard Harris 100 Joseph Cowperlhwaite 423 , Thorn a 8 Penrose Jr. 400 V iihaui Servoss 261 80 William Gray 160 12 Joseph Cowperlhwaite 433 133 George Hill 373 13u Casper Linden 400 George Hill Jr. 433 153 William I oats 371 73 Will, am Rush 221 17 William West 175 12 Henry Pope 1 16 Robert Evans 263 120 James Wilson 20 109 Wiliiam G'-orge 377 106 James Hunter 30 Thomas Moora 333 Ann M'Murtrio !2l)ti James Craig 2 10 Joseph A'hmcad 25 Owen Jones 300 James M'Murtrie 350 Thomas Mareatmid TOWN LOTS. Borough oj Jomstown. 1.25 2,90 17.40 15.06 4,03 12.00 6.48 6.48 8,10 1.12 10,05 7.71 10.81 1 0.20 13,92 11.13 13.26 oi 26.84 26.81 26.84 26.81 20.".0 26 84 26.72 226 26,72 21,62 10.06 25.16 26.h5 25 28 5.96 5,80 5.73 17,10 17.10 17.10 17,10 6 85 S.S3 5.81 18.12 17.10 8.71 4.83 13,01 11.11 1N 5 83 17.10 95 5.73 5.70 17.10 17.10 11.40 11.40 1.14 17.10 5.45 17.09 12.27 5,45 12.10 i.3; 9 02 6,00 12 17 19.60 8 20 12.UI 3.00 2.42 12.00 12.10 4.37 .S9 9.00 9,0ii 6.60 12,00 10.10 11.21 10,40 10,10 10.53 ,!)2 5.20 17.76 17.76 11.40 11.32 5. 68 9.99 11.07 11.22 23.68 17.82 13.02 5 48 10.55 ,60 21.60 19.16 39.16 17.S2 17,82 15.37 17,78 13.72 17.82 17.82 17.82 17.82 17,82 17.82 17.62 17.82 ti.lu l.-.8 15 28 Nos. 86 &. 87 31 69 06 & 107 108. I09& 110 P. Shoenlerger Owner unknown Conrad Sin th George Harris William Young 17,82 i?.82 17,82 16.78 17.62 1F.4I 6. S3 IS 24 17.70 17.84 9 66 19.24 19.19 9.CK 18 53 9.15 12.20 2.10 22 95 5.74 1.34 11,82 5.40 8.10 4.0S 3.24 RC.43 6.26 14,38 5.71 11,11 21.02 21.02 21.02 Ul,i)2 21.02 5JI.02 21.02 5.06 7.98 22,b9 !,79 19.64 lO.t.O 7.89 4,28 11.41 9 81 15,90 12.42 11.58 7,55 520 4.17 12,61 14.64 4.97 1.75 16.97 10.20 11.97 1.43 19.10 19.95 6,55 4.27 ,5. 1.12 1.68 3.36 2.28 JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Borough of Loreito, Pa., trill alteoil to collections entrusted to h;s care. MayS, 185020. 40. 73. 74. 75. 76,91. Peter Livergood 4 lots Jucol. Livergood Half Tray House. I &. G On ner unknown 1,08 ALSO At the same time anil place, the following seated Lands and Lot of ground on which the axes remain unpaid, and which have bent re turned lo l lie CouimisM overs agreeably lo the act cf Assembly of April 29. l8!L Allegheny township To horn Assessed. Acres Years. 216 Peter Will 1848 S5.51 Cle irjichl Township. 200 John DiflVror Dorfer 1847 2,70 200 Michael Litzinger '47 & '48 3,40 500 William Nelson 1847 4,05 100 M. M. Adams '47 &. '48 2,51 205 John Plunket 1848 5,27 43G James Ross 1847 2,75 438 do do 1848 G.41 406 do do " 3,90 158 do do '47 & '48 3,01 200 do do " " 3,03 353 do do 5,72 300 do do " " 7,44 300 do do " 8,24 100 do do 2,29 Cambria Township. 23 G Win. A. Bngley 1848 2,11 Conemaugh Township. 150 AbnerYounker 184S 2,92 95 Jonas Horner " 3,34 Jackson Towjship. 300 Peter Rager for Murray & Dillon 184G 3,81 50 Wat. Clark " 1,26 80 John Lumerix ' 2,43 100 Hitter & Irwin for J. Luke 1848 2.G0 150 do do Lumerix " 390 100 do do Kesler " 2,G0 94 James Luke 1847 2,52 19:J Charles Dillon " 7,42 130 Elliot & Sharp " 4,57 102 Arthur Murphy 1,73 Johnstown Borough. 1 lot Wm. Barnett 1848 3,25 6 Thomas Reilly 5,85 Richland Township. 210 Abraham Morrison 1848 2,88 Summerhill Township. 45 Abraham Crum 1747 1,08 146 John Egan " 1,05 147 Aaron Crum 1,41 1 lot Henry Conrad 54 1 " A Shoup's esiate " 60 Susquehanna township. 400 Fous on Douglass' place, '47 '48 24,29 137 John R. Amiffh, 1848 105 THOMAS C. 5 row jj Will attend the several Courts cf Cambri ce as heretofore. Office one door west of Mr Wm. Al'Pailand'nCaiunet Wntronm. in IIOLLIDAYSBURG, PA. April I8. 50 27-tf. M MAGEHANt ATTORNEY AT LAW, EBENSBURG, PA. April ll, I850. .ill 1 n ii iifiVKR ii til ltUllJJlll A TTORNE Y AT LAW, EBENSBURG, Pa. Office one door west of J. S. Buchanan's Store. April IS. 1840 tf. : E, HUTCHINSON, JR. A TTORNE Y AT LA W, EBENSBURG, PA. April 12, 1843 If. C. LITZINGER. G. V. TODD. LITZINGER & TODD, Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware. Quccnsware, &c. b doors eaM of lUnshaw's Hotel. High St. DR. THOMAS C- BUNTING. South-west corner of 7th Race sis. Philadelphia, April 2C. 1849. 29- J, fll'DOMD ATTORNEY AT LAW, EBENSBURG. PA. All business in the several Courts of DIair, In. diaua and Cantoris counties entrusted to hit care, will be promptly attended to. Oaice, opposite J. S. Cuciianau's Storo. April 12. 1849. tf ILaw Notice. J. J. COX W'H continue to practice U in the several courts of Cambria county, and be in attendance at the courts regularly. Jan- 1 1, 1850 15-3m. Central Pennsylvania mil I TIT! EXCHANGE AGENCl The office has been removed to Alle gheny street, a few dm rs west of the Court House, and nearly opposite tho Post Office, Hr.flidaysburg, Pa. R. li. Bit VAN, Agent. April 1, IS50 G-tf. l'UBLIC NOTICE. JBY virtue of an order of tlie Orphans Court BJ3 of the county of Cambria will be exposed 'o public f .Ie. al the Court House, in the Lor. nuirh-of Cbensbur?. on Muitdjv the Cth dav f May next, at 1 o'clock I. Al .. certain tract ot land t-itnaled 111 C anibru township. adjoining lands of Richard Edwards, John C Jones, Kichard Uennelt and others, containing IS ACRES, More or less, with the appurtenances. Terms wi!l be made known on dny rf rale by Win. Davis and Thomas M. Jone. adininis. t raters ot the estate of DaviH Davii, deceased. By order of the Court. W,n. KIT TELL, Clerk. April 11, 1830-27 td. Executor's Notice. Noi ice is hereby given, that Letter? Tefta mentary on the estale of Mrs. Margaret M. Grand, lale of the Borough of Johnstown, de. ceased, have been granted to the undeingncd by the Register of Cambria county. All per. Mons indebted to said estate are rcqnsted to etlle their accounts, and those having claims against said estate ttillpresenr llieni to lue uu. dersijMicd dnlv aulheiiticat d for Felllt'incnt. JOHN CA.MPI5KI.L t TUOS. M'KIERNAN. April 11, lt50-27-t)t. Executors. IDJODUIIU llULijIi FISH, HAMS, AG. mackeral, shad. codhsii, salmon, ii kr rings, PORIv. II A MS AND SIDES. SHOULDERS. LARD &. CHEESE. Constantlv e n hand and for bale hy J. PALMER &,Co. Market St. Wharf, PHILADELPHIA. March 21 lS5D-2U3ni J ICK, Star &. Mould Candles a-' and 3 by 10 10 by 1? Glas just re ceived, and for sale by J. MOORE. LAIK.K lot of Stone and Earthen Ware just received and for sale low at the Store' of J, MOORE. flifj) barrels Conomauph Salt, V fjr salu bv J. MOO HE. win The undersigned respectfully announces to his friends and the travelling connimuniiy that he lus taken this large and commodious houe in the borough of Ebensbnrg, formerly kept by S. J. Rcushaw, where he will be happy to ac commodate his friends and those who may La pleased to favor him with thoir patronage.. Having fitted up the House in an excellent manlier, he can assure the tiave!lirg pnhftc thiit nothing' will be want ing on his part that will contribute to the comfort of his customers. His TABLE will always be supplied with the best ttie markets can a fiord, and his BAR is filled wi.h choice liquors. His STAB LE being very Iarj:e and attended by a careful Hostler, he is prepared to accommodate Dro vers on the moot reasonable term. B. M'DEfiMIT. March 23. 1650. 25-lf. ft ADMIN ISTRATOR S NOTICE. 7 OTIC E is herein: rivm, that Letters of .Administration the the estate ut Jo. seph loug, Ijte of Cambria townhip, dec'u. have ben granted t be undf r'g'ied residing in J i tier son bv the KegUti r of Cambria coua. ty. AH parsons indehtel to said etla arc rtq'itsled to come forw-rd and settle their ac. counts, and thobc huviuj J cuiun against said estatu will present then duly iiuihcnlicated for scttlonieut. ANTHONY LONG, AdnCr. JefRrion, April If, ,30-.37Ct. A LARGE quantity of Dun eaaaa Nail?, aud Spikes fro.n 3 to 5 inef or if r 7 - . Stoar:.