MOUNTAIN SBNTIIL. EBENSBURG, PA. .THURSDAY", OCTOBER 11. 1849. DTn ScNTisct, Aa mwcA fA largest cir. cxlation of any paper published in this county end as an advertising sheet offr superior inducements to merchants and business men generally. Those desirous of making us of tiis medium for extending their business can d$ to by either sending their notices direct, or through the fulloicrng agents; John Crouse, Esq., Johnstoicn. E. IV. Curr, Evans' Buildings, Third st. Philadelphia. XVm. A. Kimloe, Pittsburg. George Pratt, 151, Nassau st., Nac York. O" Mr-Jacob Carter, of Philadelphia, will deliver a Temperance Lecturo this (Thursday) evening, in the Brick Church. lUThrough the neglect of those who have control of lha mailt, wo have not received our regular exchanges this mbrniug, and conse. qucntly have no returns of the lato election. From what we .can galher from waybills and rumors, we feel confident that Gamble is elec ted by an overwhelming majority. We think we shall La able in our next, to give our read ers the vote in nearly every county in the State. Nine Cheers for Cambria ! ! ' Dcm ocra cy Tri u m pliant. Although we have not received full returns from all the townships in the county, we have suficient to satisfy us that the whole democratic ticket, with the exception perhaps, of our candidate forCounty Com- missioner. are elected. As we predicted, little Cambria has come up to the work nobly. We have given Gamble about Three Hun dred majority, and elected our member for the Legislature, our Sheriff, County Treasurer, Coro ner and Auditor, and perhaps the County Commissioner. This is certainly a most glorious result, and conveys the gratifying intelli gence that the democracy of Cam bria are once more united. The democracy of Cambria have done their share towards re deeming the State from the thral dom ot Federalism, and if our sister counties have acted equally as well, Gamble is elected by an overwhelming majority. In another column will be found the returns ot this county as far as neara irom at tne time our pa per went to press. P. S. Since the above was in type, we have received sufficient returns to plaee the election of the whig candidate for County Com missioner beyond a doubt. Blair County. Tbe whole independent ticket is elected in this county, in order to understand what this independent ticket means, it may be proper to state that a portion of the whig .party, being dissatisfied with the nominations of their county convention, got out a full set of volun teer candidates, and with the aid of the demo crats who made no nominations, have succeed ed in electing them. Thus it will te seen that the organization of the great whig party in Blair is knocked into a three cocked hat. What do our friends of the Whig and Re sister, who made such tremendous exertions in favor of Higgins, think of it? Fuller's majority is reported at about 4 00, ahowinir a fsllin? offof about 400- Huzza for Blair! jyGen. Taylor, accompanied by the Socre tary of the Navy, leaves Washington to day on his nroDosed northern tonr. lie will stay in Baltimore over night, and leave the following morning' for Philadelphia. Ho will remain in Philadelphia until nine o'clock on Monday morning when ho will leave for New York. Glorious News from Maryland. On the 3d inst., the democrats of this State achieved a glorious triumph. The last delega. tion to Congress stocd two democrats and four whig. The democrats have gained one mem. ber which leaves it a tie. But few returns rel ative to members of the Legislature have been received, but it is supposed that the whigs will have a majority in bath branches as usual. Indiana County. From the returns wc have received from this stronghold of U'higgery, it seems that the Whig majority has been reduced to about 500, a falling off of about 300 from tho majority of last yesr. D" All our exchanges are filled with "rallies," and matters relative to the election. We arc, consequently almost without news, or anything of interest to the general reader. By next week, however, the excitement will be ovir Mid everything will again return to its prnprr POSTSCRIPT. The following is an extract from a let ter from a gentleman in Hcllidaysburg to his friend in this place, and can be relied on as correct: Hollidaysburg Wednesday Night 9 o'clock, P. M. Dear Sir: I have just received a des patch from Harrisburg, in which I am in formed that the democrats have elected a majority in both Houses, and that Gamble is elected majority over 15,000; it may reach 20,000, or even exceed it. Berks lias beaten Lancaster, and West moreland has beaten Allegheny major ity in Westmoreland 1,800 Hugus and Graham elected by 1,000. The entire volunteer ticket elected in Blair Fuller's majority less than 400. The whigs have carried Bedford by 140. In Philadelphia City, the Independent ticket elected. The Democratic City and County ticket elected. - The Democratic members elected in the county. Whig majority in Huntingdon 500. A serious riot occurred at the Polls in the City of Philadelphia: lives said to be lost. This is all the news up to this time. Your friend, Georgia! This slato is all light. Towns, the demo, cratic candidate for Governor is elected by a majority of about 3000. The democrats have a large majority in the lower House, and the Senate may be Whig. The democrats have a majority on joint ballot. The O'Briens Rebel and Kni Iglll. The Tribune says, a short time since, Wm. Smith O'B.ien, an Irish gentleman of rank and family, Thomas F. Meagher, of Waterford, Terrence Belle w M'Manus, Patrick O'Donohue, the courageous and honest John Mitchell, John Martin, and Kevin Izod O'Dogherty, were despatched to Van Dieman's Land, the Botany Bay of England, branded as traitors, and injured in their standing and prospects, by a gov ernment which oppresses their country with a degree of cruelty unknown in any other civilized community. They resisted unbearable oppressions, for the love they bore to Ireland, and from an anxious de sire to obtain for it that justice which Eng- and steadily refuses. The Queen was asked by thousands to forgive them for that, but both parties in England decidedly opposed the extension of mercy to the in jured. At length 11 er Majesty took a trip witn her court and nobles to Dublin, where it was moved in the Municipial Council, that now was the time to ask her to "pardon" the Irish patriots; and so it was: but the idea was exceedingly distasteful to her English courtiers, and the motion, there fore, was lost by a majority of one, and that one was Mr. Smith U Bnen s name sake, the Dublin Mayor. Mavor O Bnen seems to have known what he was about; he was at once admit ted into the ancient order of British Baro nets, as Sir Timothy O'Brien, while the Mayors of Cork, Belfast, dec, were mere ly knighted. The Dublin Mayor preven ted an honest expression ol the wishes ol Ireland s capital from being conveyed to the sovereign; and was rewarded with hereditary rank; the other Mayors render ed less service to party, and got a very in ferior reward. Cuba. Havana papers to the 10t!i September have been received by the Baltimore Sun. After quoting from the Charleston Courier the answer made to the demand of Lieut. Tottcn at Round Island, the Gacctade la Habana, in a few amusing comments, ex presses itself to the effect, that the treat ment by these (so called) buccaneers and pirates, was better than they deserved, as being out of the pale of all law; and threat ens them, in case they attempt to carry out their criminal projects, with the dire vengeance of a nation whose flag has al ways been a terror to pirates. This nation is, of course, the Spaniards! "Great is Diana of the Ephesians!" From Mincsola. -We are in receipt of papers from St. Paul, Minesota, to the 15th of September. The Legislature was in session. Mr. H. B. Sibley had sent to the Legislative Council a slab of marble to be forwarded to Washington, as the contribution of the new Territorv; to the projected monument to Washington. Notice has been given of a bill to incorporate an Historical Society. The weather at St. Paul was said to be as Dleasant as May. There had been no frost there, althougn in Galena, 300 miles south east, there had been frost vines, fcc. enough to kill Thp'f.ancastcr Bank is calling in its old A Fiftv dollar notes, and Itiif M. ninj " j ; iirirr thm hv a new issue from a is iciavi"g ..... j - Thn new nlatc is one of the prettiest specimens of bank noteengra we have rver ccn. ELECTION' RETURNS C. Com'r Assembly SheriJ; Treasurer Cumm C Allcghenjv -Cambria, Carroll, - . Clearfield, . Concmaugh, . Jackson, - . Johnstown, Richland. . . Summer hill, Susquehanna,, Washington, " White, - - Total 124 135 40 68 234 C9 93 239 106 110 252 135 164 120 76 IP 259 52 47 63 43J 82 23 265 48 83 211 71 228 72 109 00 97 47 105 96 82 105 00 199 154 00 317 79 126 102 1 9 279 00 10 318 1270 1018 U215J1135 1341 O Whigs in Italics. All Sorts or Paragraphs. E53 A continuous rail-road communica tion is to be established between N. York and Burlington. An exchange, heads an account of the shooting of a sheriff, by the Ati-Ren-ters, with the words, 'Commencement of the Sporting Season.' EFThe cotton crop of Texas will be much damaged this season by worms. E3FLieut. Starr, of the 2d Dragoons, is being tried by a court martial at Austin, Texas. A Mormon colony has been estab lished forty miles north of Kanesville, Iowa. 3?4Is your comb really tortoise-shell, Mrs. Wiggins?' Well, all I know about it is, my husband bought it of a sea-captain, who brought it direct from the city of Tortoise.' tF An order for houses for California, has been received at Beveily, and is now being executed, and a larger orderis ex pected. GFMatthew It. Burke, a converted Jew, has been delivering several lectures on the Jews and Jerusalem, in Wilmington, du ring the last two weeks. EFA Mass Convention of Mechanics and Workingmen is called to assemble at Albany, to consider what political action is demanded by the interests of the labor er. 1 o the poor man, poverty greater than his own never appeals in vain. 0" Father Matthew writes to the May or of Nashville that he hopes to visit that city at an early day. &5Now that Pierce Butler and his late earasposa are at liberty to form new con nections, rumor gives him to a daughter of ex-&enator liavard. of Delaware: while the same lying" iade eives Mrs. Butler t3 away to Theodore Sedgewick. IThe Utica (N. Y.) Observer says, that the Whigs, like the 'coon,' are now preparing to come down. They cannot stand the united fire of the Democracy.. tOfiicial intelligence has been recei ved at Washington, of the council with the Seminoles, and their agreement to surren der the murderers or Indian prisoners, and stop all opposition. ISGum camphor, laid in the track of ants, is said to be excellent for keeping away these troublesome insects t-The book of Esther has ten chapters, but neither the worusLord nor God appear in it. ETs there a word in English that con tains all the vowels? Unquestionably . The fatherof the Ravel family died at Toulouse, Faance, September 10 aged 92. Two vessels are fitting out at Havre for San Francisco. It is estimated that there are 17,000 per sons in Paris who get 'beastly drunk' as a habit. iuiss fanning nead is again giving Shakspeare readings in New York. From Friday morning to Monday there were no less than eleven fires in New York and vicinity. Some of the catfish caught at the mouth of the Kentucky river weigh 150 lbs. The Cincinnati Despatch announces that Gen. Hamilton, of Ohio, has accepted secretaryship ot Oregon, lately conferred upon him by the President. Taciturnity is best learned among men who have none, and loquacity among the taciturn. . STRAY HEIFERS. AME to the residence oftlio subscriber one mile and a half west of Ebensbursr. c on the 12th day of May last, two yearling HEIFERS. One of them is red, with white back and belly the tip of the right ear cut ofT and two fclits in it. The other is a brindle, with a white spot on each shoulder, and the right ear cut and slit in the same manner as the red one . The owner Is requested to come for ward, prove property, pay charges, and take them away, otherwise they will be disposed of according to law. . ALEXANDER M'VICKER. Oct. 14, iSp l-3t. STRAY COW. Came to the residence of the subscriber near the Snminit, Cambria county Pa., about the 20th of September last, a large red COW, with a fhort tail. The owner is required to como forward, prove property, pay charges and take her away, otherwise ehe wiU be disposed of ac cording to law. JAMES SMITH. Get. 11, 18191-31. OF CAMBRIA COUNTY. A . . . . . O SI .t fcl S THE Subciber r ? I g 5" 5 -8S 3 ? g- c tr c C. C. o 3 c c c "3. c. ... s 88 211 74 18 281 110 128 35 88 229 10r 73 136' 250 122 83 140 70 233 245 121 128 39 85 000 69 238 7C 134 61 15 75 102 41 91 74 15 COO 48 95 24 73 00 58 lb 27 17 264 226 262 000 000 73 107 51 103 C6 56 95 71 44 51 107 00 100 9b 100 00 96 55 34 41 00 44 41 00 153 77 O 140 87 48 C3 149 00 311 76 00 157 00 00 24 00 307 58 305 C8 2S5 973 122lji053jll30U6l 1009 731 1050J 690 ADMINISTER 7 Oil1 S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given, that Letters of Ad ministmlion hava been granted to the under signed by Register of Cambria county on the estate of Mrs. Catharine Wherry (lale Catha rine Learner,) of Cambria township deceased. All persons indebted to the estate of said de ceased, are requested to settle the same im mediately, and those having claims against said estate will present them to tho subscriber duly authenticated fur settlement. WILLIAM WHERRY. Oct. 11, 1819 l-6t. STRAY DEIFER. Came to the residence of the subsriber on the nsbure, Clay Pike, about four miles west of Ebe on the 12th day of September, a three year old black HEIFER, with a white stripe along her back. 1 he owner is required to come forward. prove property, pay cnarges, and take her away, otherwise, she will be cisdused of accor ding to law . DAVID E. JONES. Oct. 11. 1849 l-3t. FOR SALE. THE subscriber offers at private sale the farji on which she now resides, situate at Mul len's Bridge, about three miles east of Ebens. burg, containing FIFTY ACRES with abouj fifteen acres cleared, There is an excellent Dwelling House and Barn, together with other necessary onl. buildings on the premises. The land is well limbered, and is well suited for ei the r grain or grass. A large stream of water runs through the farm, which affords a goud location for either a grist or saw mill. r Terms low and tiIs indisputable. ROSANNA M'KIMM. Oct. 4, 1849. 52-3t. 1 1 s c 3EkU3 W &l&VtWSZLARDCI'EESE. ) Sep 13.1849,-49-3 Remaining in the Post Office at Ebens burg, October 1st 1849. John Anderson Joseph Dunham Wm A Bagley Mr Buhl James Barnet A Bonafun Julia W Bowman Thomas Bray James Birney Philip Campbell Samuel II Covert Peter Conaway Timothy Cronan Elijah Davidson Harriet Evans Richard Evans David Evans M D Foust Caleb Gray A Evans Samuel Hise Mr Hine John Hagan S G Harrison Margaret Jones Mary M James G V James Patrick Killy Henry Rohl Michael Lichner Wm Lonegan S & D A B Moore Martin Montago John B. Miller, Philip M'Kiney, Wm. Noel, Wm. Orr, Wm. A. Owens, Richard Petersburger Matthew Purcill, Elizabeth Rager, Mary Ragor, Hugh Roberts, David D. Thomas, H. Thomas, D. W. Titwiler, Adam Voglc, 2 Michael Vallely, Henry Wagoner, Ann Williams 2 Samuel Williams, 2 Ambrose Willson, Christopher Wherby, Peter Zegher, MUNSTER. Theresa Scanlan, Henry Ohara, MILTON ROBERTS P. M. Wm. Bradly, Mary Bugles,' Oct. 4, 1849. JOHN IVORY. ED. SHOEMAKER. NEW AND CHEAP GOODS. John Ivory Co. HAS JUST RECEIVED A LARGE AND GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF SPRING 4- SUMMER GOODS. Comprising in part fine Cloths and Cassimeres, with an assortment of the most desirable and fashionable Ladies' Dress Goods, such as Lawns, Lustres, De Laincs Alpacas, Mulls, Ginghams, Calicoes, &c., in great varieties Together with every descrip. lion of Men & Children's Wear; Domes tic Goods, Hosiery, Trimmings &, c.. &. c. GROCERIES. We have a large and gener al assortment which will be sold lower than anv that have ever been offered in this vicinity, general assortment of together with a HARD W A R E , Queenswarf, Drags, Medicines, Oils, Glass and Patty; Boots and Shoes; rF7e Beaver and Moleskin Hats; fine Cloth Caps: fine Gimp, Braid, Pearl and straw Bonnets; Books, Sta- l tionary, $c. With every description ot Ooods, ISolions, &.c, that are usually kept in a country store, all of which will be sold on such terms as will defy all competition and insure general satis, faction. JETA11 kinds of Country Produce wanted, for which the highest market Price will be givenj Summit A. P. R. Road, July 5, 1849.-39. $ NAILS & IRON 1,000 lbs. Nails, 1,800 lbs. Iron, Jut received and for sale bv MURRAY & ZA1IM. Ebeiibburg, Au;ust 1G, 1819. i fN tf!k cm mm Ml. MIS, offers for rent or lea so on the share f..r one or more years, i;: Saw MU situated in Summcrhill township, within one mile of the Portage Railroad. There are four hundred acres of land, w i ll timbered, attached te it. with about thirty acres cleared, on which IS a good a (veiling house erected. The person 1 I renting or leasing will have the privilece of using mo uinoor. as tlie lino oflhs new Penn Bjlvania Railroad, as located, passes within a icw iuus ui mo luiii, iijis properly enords a fine opportunity to any person wishing to en. gage in the lumber business. JOHN KEAN. September 20 1849. 50-3t. 0""Mountain Echo" will copy 3 times and charge Col. Keen. ADMINISTER TOE' S NO TICE TT ETTERS of Administration on the Ewtute EUL of Michael Vaialy late of Washington township, deceased, have been granted to the subscriber, residing in said townthip lr the i&egisier oi iamDna bounty. All persons in. aeuica 10 sam estate, will please come forward and settle their respective accounts, and those having claims against the same, will present them properly authenticated for settlement. THOMAS CARROLL Adm'r. Sept. 27, 1849. 51-6t. STRAY CATTLE, Came to the residence of tho subscriber, at summit Cambria co. Ta., on the 10th dar of oepiemoer insi., one inree year old steer, and ono two year old heifler, both of a dark reddish color, no oilier particular marks. The owners are requested to come forward prove property, pay charges and take them awav. otherwise lney w l e disposed of according to law. FRANKLIN WINKET. WAKE UP Delinquent Collectors $ Others I be undersigned, having: been appointed Treasurer, for the unexpired term of David Todd 14., uec a, unas tne irrasury wilnoul one uuuar in ii, ana ioun is at nana, and Jurors and others must be paid, he therefore gives no tico, to all delinquent Collectors and others, owing money to the county, to make payment immediately , or legal process will be resorted to, to enforce pavment. P. M'COY" Treasurer. Ebensburg Sept. 18th 1819 50-tf. FISH, HAMS, &C. MACKERAL, SHAD. SALMON. HERRINGS, PORK, Constantly on hand and for sale by J. PALMER &. Co., Market Street Wharf. PHILADELPHIA. HAMS a SIDES, SHOULDERS. ADMINISTRATOR' S NOTICE. "TT ETTERS of Administration having been tLA granted to the undersigned by the Regis. ter of Cambria county on the estate of David Todd, Esq., late of Cambria township, in said county, all persons indebted to said estate, are hereby requested to settle the same immediate ly, and those having claims against said estate will present them uuly authenticuled for ret tie merit. JANE TODD, THOMAS M'CONNELL. Sept. 13, 1S49. 49-Ct. 25' iooks and Stationary, also, plain and em. broidered Envelopes, fancy Note Paper, Motto, silvered and cami Wafers, Quills, Settling Wax, Pencils, Pass Books, for sale at the store of LITZINGER &. TODD. "TPUBLIC BENEFIT! Constantly on hand and conti nually Selling' Or exchanging the very best quility of ITIcrchaiuIisc That can be procured in Philadelphia CEicnp For Grain or Hides, and still cheaper For Tho more acceptable article termed Cash, Or on short and approved credit Jtl the Store or WILLIAM M'GOUGH Jc Co. Foot of Plane No. 4, A. P. R- R. N. B. Persons wishing to exchange Grain for Goods, Scc, may do well to call at the store of Sept. 27, WM. M'GOUGH &. Co. 1849 51-tf. C. J. KNEEDLEK, WHOLESALE BOOT, SHOE AND BONNET warehouse:, No. 13G. North Third St. (opposite the Eagle Hotel,) PHILADELPHIA, S now receiving about 30QQ Cases Fresh Fall Goods, direct from the manufacturers. such as MENS and BOYS' THICK KIP and CALF BOOTS 4- BROGANS Your A' and Children's Boots and Brogans, wiih a great variety of WOMEN'S LACE BOOTS and SHOES. This Stock is got up expressly for the country trade, and will be sold cheap. Merchants are invited to call and examine August 1849. -!6-3m JOB WORK Neatly and expeditiously execu ted at this Office. Large lot of Glass, Nails and Salt, just received and for sale at the store of MURRAY &. ZAHM. IT UST received, a large lot of English and mif French CLOTHS, Blue, Black and Fan cy CASSIMERES, and SATINETS of etc. ry variety, at tne store ot JOHN S. BUCHANAN. UEENS1VARE and GROCERIES, a larte lot, fel ssle 1" , ci B Bill lift! 0. II. IliER, A TTORISE Y A T LA Tr, EBr.XSBURG. PA. Office one door west of J.S. L'uchanan's Store. April 12, 1849tf. E. f, JR. H1 ATTORNEY AT J.A Wy EBENSBURQ, PA. April 12. 1849 If. C. LITZIXGER. O. W. TODD. LITMGER & TODD, Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceriot, Hardware. Qucen6ware, tec. j doors cast of Rcnshaw's Hotel. High st. ATTORNEY AT LAW, EBENSBURO. PA. Office one door west of J. S. Rii1in.n Kir April 12, 1849tf. DU. THOMAS C BUNTING. South-tcest corner of 7th 4- Raet $(s. Philadelphia, April 26, 1849. 29- JJI'DOMLD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, EBENSBURG, PA. All business in the several Courts of BJalr. In. diana and Cambria counties entrusted to his care, will be promptly attended to. Vtiice, opposite J. b. Buchanan's Store. April 12, 1849, tf WASHINGTON II0USE7 PORTAGE. NO. 2, A. P.R. R. II L undersigned takes this method of in forming his friends and tbe Public ?ensr- ally, thai he has taken that large and comma, dious House, favorably known as the WASHINGTON HOTEL, formerly kept by William Palmer, Esq., Having fitted up the House in a style not to be surpassed by any other west of the mountains, the travelling community can rest assured that on his parttherc will bo nothing wanting to maka their sojourn a pleasant one, as he is determin ed to supply his table with the best that the country market can afford. HIS BAR will be supplied with the choicest of Liquors. HIS STABLE is large and roomy, and attended by care fa 1 and attentive Hostlers. RICHARD TROTTER. A. P. R. R. June 6, 1849 36-tf. JUST opened, a very extensive lot otGlNQ HAMS, LAWNS, and PRINTS of ere. ry variety, at the store of JOHN S. BUCHANAN. NOTICE. LL persons indebted to the subscriber cither by Note or Book Account. ar earnestly requested to make settlement on or before the first day of October next. Attention to this notice may save trouble and costs. JOHN IVORY. Summit, August 30, 1849. 47-3t. RAIN and Country Produce, of all kinds Jf taken in exchange for goods at Buchan. an'g Store. II VTS! HATS.! 1 good assortmhntof Fur, Btush, Silk. Mole. skin, Palmleaf, Mexican and ool HATS , for sale at BUCHANANS STORE. Blisir. Mackeral and Codfish, and for sale by just L. opened &. T. DOZEN BOOTS and SHOES of all kinds just received andfor sale at Buchanan's Sore. M EN'S fino calf and kip Boots, Women's ngrcss Shoes, Lasting, Buck and Goat Shoetecs, Seal and Merc. R. R. Slippers, Mioses colored Kid. patent and calf Boots, Boy's thicfc and kip Boots and Shoes just re ceived by L. &. T. FOR SALE A Tract of unimproved Land, covered with valuable Timber, lying a bouV five miles West of Ebensburg, enquire nf JOHN WILLIAMS. Ebcnsburg, April 12, J8 19. 12-tf. 7USH.SALT, FLOUR and BACON.soldat tho store of J.S. BUCHANAN. TO OR SALE Six Splendid Accordeons JL which will be sold cheap by J. IVORY a CO. Btrrels Salt, jost received and for sale Flour and Bacon constantly kept on J. IVORY $ CO. hand bv J UST Received and for Sale a few choice pieces of 1'iano music a:60 ' music for the Flute and Accordeon. J. IVORY $- CO m CD SI SI 13 3 1 LADIES' SUPER FRENCH LACE. CHINA PEARL, and BRA ID BONNETS. just received and for sale by aiXT OOLLEN & COTTON TWEEDS and Vf PANT STUFFS, cheap for cash or country produce, to had at Buchanan's Store. A Large lot of Bleached and Brown Mas lins. just received and for sale eT?ow at the store tf ,1 fiunnAi lrHARDWARE. CUTLERY and CAR. JLll PESTER S TOOLS jast received and for eale at the- stor of ,.,r4.-JV JOHN S. Bl C HAS Ay.