FOREIGN NEWS. 11 promotion since November is annulled,1 tion of Gou. Taylor, and by the late elec- . . . ti . .4 ! i . 1. . t ri ..-11 : SEVEN DAYS LATER FHOM EUROPE! AEKiyAlToF' THE CAMBRIA. St. Johns, N. B. Sept. 20. The Cambria arrived at Halifax at half pas: C o'clock last evening,' having had heavy weather, and was to leave for New York at 8 o'clock on the same'evening. Trie markets are dull, without much change. The weather for harvesting was fine in all Great Britain. The Liverpool Journal of the 9th says: The harvest has been nearly safely housed and is pronounced abundant, as the potato is redundant and is so far exempted from rot. ,-i Trade is active, if not lucrative, and em ployment kin the manufacturing districts awaits all who desire it. The Queen and Royal Family were tull in Scotland, and would return to Lon don on the 13th. The Cholera. The cholera was greatly increasing in England. The deaths for the week end ing 8th inst., in "London, were 7796 of which 1663 were of cholera. InLiyerpool, the deaths by cholera were said to be greater, in proportion, than in any part of England. In Dublin it was on the increase. Several distinguished persons have died of cholera in Paris and in other parts of France. Vienna and Berlin arc at the present time suffering more than Paris. At Berlin the deaths are more than 40 per day. Austria and Hungary. The Last Hope Gone. Comorn and Peterwarden still hold out the former is commanded by Klapka,the latter by Kul. The Russian General Berg had a long interview with the latter on the twenty third ult., the result of which was that an Hungarian Major was sent to Gen. Ilay- nau to arrange terms for the capitulation. The impregnable position of Comorn in duces Klapka to demand good conditions. Magyar Chiefs Executed by the vlu- trians. A letter from Vienna of the 3 1st J ult., states that several of the Magyar chiefs had been executed. Among them are ths ex-Minisler Austria, Pobiah and Gen. Dawianieh, who had been hanged; and Gen. AufTerman, who had been shot. Gen. Iowiah, who gave the fortress of Esseg to the Magyars, had been taken to Vienna in chains. Heartless Cruelty. The mother and children of Kossuth, and the wives of several Magyar Generals; had arrived as prisoners it Presburg'. New Military Governor. There was some talk of Gen. Guylac being-appointed civil and military Governor oTUungary. Movements of Iiussian Troops. The great part of the Russian army had recei ved orders to march towards Gallicia, but the corps tfannse of Gen. Rudiger was to remain at Mickolez and Grosswardein. Buda and Pesth are to have a garrison of 3000 men. Entry of Hungarians into Turkey. The Hungarian corps of Perczel entered Orsova, but the Turkish authorities would not receive them until they had laid down their arms. The Emperor of Russia was at Warsaw on the 20th. The Reward. Letters from Vienna state that the Emperor of Austria has par doned Gorgey, and the latter has departed for Syria, wheie he intends for the present 'to reside. Venice was taken possession of by the Imperialists, on the 27th. A provisional arrangement had been concluded. Congress of Princes. The i' rank fort correspondent of a Lon don paper writes on the 31st, there is little The reinstating until lhn commission shall have reportea upon the conduct of each man, which, if found satisfactory will enable him to re gain his rank. The triumvirate of Cardinals has insti tuted a commission for the purpose of pre senting the authors and accomplices of the outrages committed during the revolution ary, period against religion, its ministers, the majesty of the sovereign, and public security. Gen. Rostolan has assumed the com mand of the French army of occupation. The Austrian troops had evacuated Movers, the last place which they occu pied in the Piedmontese territory. The Sardinian troops received posses sion of the town on the same day. The Danish Government under date 15th, had given official notice that the blockade of the east coast of the Duchy of Holstain is raised. A report has been spread of a collective note forthe three great powers of the north, in accordance with the French government, to the effect that the Canton of Neufchatel must be restored to Prussia. Bills drawn by the Spanish Government on a town in Italy, for a half a million of rials, for the payment of the troops forming the Spanish expedition, have been return ed protested. Lord Elgin has been created a Baron. Nature abounds with those fitnesses which harmonize with the mental consti tution in a state of health. Christianity, as being a restorative system, abounds in fitnesses to the same constitution in a state of disease. OF doubt that a Congress of Princes will be held here in tfce course of next week, for the purpose of finally settling the German question. 'I he committee of Aldenburg Chamber has unanimously recommended the rejec tion ot the proposition to join the confed eration proposed bv Prussia, Saxony and Hanover. Trance. Paris Moniteur publishes a decree 11 Lieut. Generals and 14 Major Generals, which, after the revolu tion of February, were placed in the re tired list of the army by the Provisional Government. The French government contiunes to refuse passports to German refugees, who, on their way to America, arc forced to traverse France. General Oadinot was expected at Par b on the 20ih. Lucien Murat's appoint ment to Madrid is considered as a concilia tion of the two parties in the Cabinet. The annual sittings with the Councils General commenced on the 31st ult. In every department of France, with the exception of the Seine, where the meeting is postponed till October, almost all the 1" -'.WIVJ Vl 1,11, Councils belong to the Conservative party. Home. M. Travelli, the Pope's Minister of the Interior, has arrived and installed himself as head of the Police; but entirely under the control of the Freuch authorities. His first decree was regarding the paper mon ey, and he says that the State guarantees notes for their declared value, and imposed a line and imprisonment on all who refuse to take them wheu tendered. Ainilitaiy conmiistiion has been cstab- Ii2.i': 1 For ro-org mizing the Rom m troops. Jg THE DEMOCRATIC STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE. Democrats of Pennsylvania: m i i i ne issue is once more raaue in our good old Commonwealth, and it remains for vou to say whether it shall be redeem ed or not. This issue is not a new one, although it may be presented under a dif ferent aspect. It has been the constant and unchanrino object of the Democratic Party, in this country, ever since the days of Thomas Jefferson, to establish upon a firm basis, and to put into successful practice that fun damental doctrine of the Declaration of Independence, that all men are born politic-ally free and equal; and while a diversi ty of objects somewhat local in their char acter, may have temporarily changed th issues from time to time, there has never been a contest in which this important principle has not been involved directly or mdireeily. The questions of Banks, Tar ills, an Independent Treasury, distribution of the pioceeds of the sale of Public Lands Internal Improvements. &c, &c, have agitated this country for many years, and yet viewed in the abstract, good democrats . i. . i i are ouen at a loss 10 see wnat Ganger can accrue to their principles let these measures be successful or not Few look below the surface of tilings; but those who do, see in these measures a foundation on which is to be erected the superstructure of priv- ueged classes ana privileged interests. The democracy never change its name or objects: They are universal suffrage and political equality. Federalism is opposed to both at first openly, but of late under various guises and changes of names. In the early days of our government, the enemies of democracy openly declared their distrust of the people, and labored to restrict popular rights and privileges by legislative enactments. They failed and the whole history of federalism under the different names of Federalists, National Republicans, Whigs, Democratic Whigs, and Taylor Republicans, has been untiring labor to do that indirectly which could not be done directly, to wit: by establishing corporations without restrictions, thay hope to control tne hnances, trade and legisla tion of the country, and to smother indi vidual enterpnze; by having a particular class ol interests placed under the special protection of government, they hope through them to rule the country; and con trol all other interests, which in the end must corrupt the government, demoralize the people, and ultimately sap the person al independence of the masses which is the only sure basis of republican govern ment. On all these issues whether presented directly or indirectly, the democracy have triumphed, and it was their highest pride under the late administrations to point to the records of their country for the sue ces3 of every Democratic measure, and to point to the unexampled prosperity and happiness of the people for the fruits of these triumphs. There always have been and always will oe, at least two parties in a free overn merit, and in outs the democracy represents the masses. It is the province of the oth er party under what ever name it may be known to take care of privileged classes and privileged interests. In the success of these measures the democracy have nothing to fear, they have always triumphed and always will; but when issues re abandoned and a military hero, professedly without political princi ples, is presented to the people and claims their sufferrges for his military services our rulers may change, but our principles never; and such has been the result of the late Presidential and gubernatorial elec tions. The country never was in a state of higher prosperity than it is at present; peace, happiness and abundance are every where. Some one particular branch of industry may languish, but i; is only tem porarily, and this constitutes but a small proportion of the great thriving, industry of the country. ' All these exist under full sway of democratic principles. Not a sin gle line has been blotted out bv the elec tions as compared with those of last fall, it would spem as lf-the people having sus-i taineit their country's war, and rewarded its hero with the highest honor in their gift, are determined to surround him with a democratic Congress, allowing him nothing more than the name of President and the em oluments of office. AVe predict that in les3 than six months the National and State administrations will be without the power to pass a single act, either in the national or State Legislatures. Still, while they are without power to legislate, every one knows the executive power will do its utmost to paralyse the democracy, with the hope of ultimately breaking down their principles. The pol icy ot uoernor rnuni was endorsed by an overwhelming majority in 1817, and nothing but a fatal security of the Democ racy prevented the re-assertion of their principles in 1848. No one dreamed of danger, and while all felt secure, Governor Johnston travelled the State, avowing no principles for the public eye, but bargain ing with Natives, declaring liimslf for Free Soil in one section of the State, and advocating a slave-holder for the Presiden cy in another he succeeded in carrying the State by a few hundred majority. We will not attempt to charac erize the late campaign. It is now well understood by the people and known to be without a parallel in the history of our country, Our object of addressing you now is, to draw your attention to the importance of the present campaign, and in doing so we have thought it expedient to show that the principles of our party are at stake; with out discussing them at length, they are too well understood to require it. Let Penn sylvania be redeemed in October, and N. York with her once more united Democ racy in November, and the laurels of 1848 will fade forever, the country be safe, and Democracy triumphant. Democrats of Pennsylvania, this is the issue. Had you carried the State at the last election, it might not have been so the only question to be passed upon in that event would have oecn the election of a competent officer for Canal Commissioner. As it is. you have now the double duty ot redeeming your State, by triumphantly as serting your principles, and of electing a good and competent officer to carry them out in the proper management of the in ternal improvements of the State. It was with a full knowledge of this issue before them, that the Democratic State Conven tion, lately assembled at Pittsburg, placed in nomination John A. Gamble as your candidate for Canal Commissioner, a gen tleman of long experience in public im provements, in the legislative policy "of the State, and of spotless integrity of chaiacter. Aside from all other questions, the two candidates before the people, for the res ponsible office of Canal Commissioner, differ in all te essential qualifications for the duties of that office. Mr. Gamble is a man in middle life, who possesses nothing but what he has earned by his own indus try and economy; he has been for manv years engaged in various capacities on the line of our internal improvements thus, acquiring by experience and observation, a thorough knowledge of our whole system of internal improvements he was a mem ber of our Legislature, and is pefectly ac quainted with the whole policy of ourgov ernment in relation to internal improve ments he is a democrat, and as such has always been faithful and true, to the prin ciples of his party and its organization, and if elected will carry them out in the economical management of the public works. Mr. Fuller the candidate of Fed eralism and Nativism, is a young man of reputed wealth, a lawyer by profession, without any experience whatever in rela tion to internal improvements, and was never known or heard of in the State, until he served one session in the legislature last winter. For he office he'seeks, he seems not to possess a solitary qualification, and he rests his whole hopes upon travelling the State making speeches, declaring him self a Free Soiler, although he voted for a slave-holder for President; a Rough and Ready to secure the Natives, and anything and everything to secure votes. Between these two the people are to choose. We have no fear of the result, if every Demo crat will do his duty. Have the vote all brought out, and all will be safe our par ty is united, and our candidate approved throughout the State all that is now ne cessary is to go to the polls, and Pennsyl vania will wipe out the stain of her defec tion and take her rank again at the head of the Democratic States. J. GLANCY JONES, Chairma.i G. G. Westcott, Secret ry The French Difficulty W Saris of Explana tions". First From the semi-official corres pondence of the North American. In dependent,' has the ear of the Secretary of State, Mr. Clayton, and perhaps speaks by authority. He says by telegraph, Sept. 18: As long ago as in February, M. Poussin, the French Minister, presented to M. Bu chanan, then Secretary of State, claim in behalt of M. Porte, a Frenchman, residing in Mexico.. Porte had purchased Tobac co, sold by the agent3 of the American ar my, knowing it to be private property, and not subject to the rules of war. The to bacco was restored to its proper owner by Col. Childs, the commanding officer, and the purchase money refunded to Porte. Under these circumstances, a claim was setup by the French Minister for dama ges, being the difference between the price at which Porte had purchased and sold. A court of inquiry was held, and decided unanimously against the claim, and the decision was approved by Gen. Scott. Mr. Buchanan went out of office without examining the case ; and then it came be fore the present administration. The find ing was reaffirmed by Mr. Clayton, and in answer to a note of M. Poussin, the Secretary of State sustained the verdict of the Court and his own approval. M. Poussin rejoined, charging Colonel Childs virtually with perjury, and using other insulting language. He was invited to Washington, being then absent, and the alternative of withdrawing or adopting his offensive note, was offered. He withdrew it, expurgated the offensive terms, and tiien renewed the communication, which was accepted. Here, it was supposed, all difficulty would end. Subsequently, how-j ever, ' Poussin presented another note,! claiming the punishment of Commander Carpenter, under the following circum stances: Commander Carpenter, while forming a part of the blockading squadron on the coast of Mexico, was called upon by the Captain of the French ship Eugenia, to iv, to learn what reach the capital to further steps to takf. This is kthe whole amount of the diffi culty between the two republics. It is a quarrel about etiquette and courtesy appa rently, but really about the validity of claims demanded for the loss of French property during the bombardmsiil of Vera Cruz. By two men of common sense, in any honest business street, either in Paris or New York, without even a dczen of ovsters to smooth the negotiation, mirht PROCLAMATION, THCT1IEREAS, in and by ActofiL.n. V V era! Assembly of the Commonvrg Pennsylvania, entitled "An act to rerulatlf" Gencrnl Ejections within this Homm7. . be settled honorably in half aa hour. Why is not Ihi Frcnlirr Protected? We have more than once asked the question, says the Union, Why is not the Frontier protected? During the whole summer, the Indians have been commit ting deprepations on the lives and proper ty of our citizens residing on the Rio Grande, and the frontiers of Mexico and Texas. Large bodies are also collecting in the neighborhood of the western routes to California. And yet our government does nothing, except to lend its aid to Spain in putting down an anticipated revo lution in Cuba. Whither are things ten ding? While we have a general war with the savages apparently impending, we are also upon the eve of a rupture with France. What bungling management of the cabinet has brough about this state of things? In view of these threatening difficulties, shall we have any more of the stupid nonsense and humbusrsrery about having a 'man of peace, at the head of our government? Does it not invite aggression from civili zed nations? And have not the savages at last learned the meaning of this con lemptable cant? It is time for the cabinet to relieve the country from the error of position in which they have placed it, if they cannot retrieve their own reputations. With the counsels of the Czar prevailing over the weak but ambitious President of France, who knows but we are upon the eve of war with the miscalled republic? It would be just such a game as the butchers of Hungary would be likely to play in or der to prevent the spread of republicanism. rescue her from shipwreck. He, with his; uniortunateiy, in mis crisis oi our anairs, crew, succeeded, after much labor, and we have not a man at the head of the gov afterwards reouestsd the leral salvage. eminent who has the capacity or genius rrhi? wn C5 rffnsr.L whftrftii nnn Com. Camenter restored the vessel to her ean-l The New York Szin, a Taylor paper, 1 tain; she having laid alonsrs ii la ciiioincd Fiich election to Le held, and to such nonce what officers arc to t3 eUctcJ pursaance of which. 18 I. JCSSE PATTERSON. High SUrif the counly of Cambria, do lie-robj maka kn0 and give this public notice to tha Electort the said county of Cambria, that a Genfrii Election will be held in tha f3jd co-jn f Cambria on the SECOND TUESDAY 0fO t-jber next (being tho 9th of t! rnonih) at ti t-everal election districts established by lw ; said county, viz n The Elector of the district composed of ia, borough of Ebensburtr and township of Cam. bria to meet nt tha Court House ia O0r ough.- The Electors of the di&lrict compoicd of ih, township of Allegheny, to meet at the School House in the town of Lorctto in eaid town. (hip. The Electors or the district composed of tU borouch of Johnstown, to meet at the house of James Shannon, in naid borough. The Electors of the district composed nftl,. thirty hours. Mr. Clifford at Mexico, approved of Carpenter's con duct. When this subject was submitted to Mr. Clayton, it was referred to Mr. Preston, who furnished Carpenter's state-, to meet it. The New York ;,i iP:Q r-ithus speaks of the mismanntiement of the i, the Minister ;cabinet, and of its fatal results to tne public interests and ftatety: Our border, from the Gulf of Mexico up to the northern line, is in a frightful condition; and the administration is so i . i. -j . i .i ment of the facts. M. Poussin, instead ofj" cupitu m aMimg -anu suuiumg rpfpr,iffihp nnrrpnnn,lnp tn, his Gov-! "e tears ot :iic panisii minister, mat it ernmpn?. wrnte an inLkW letter, ill which i haS n tims t0 Iooli afler lhe protection of , .. , r ri .1. 1 i: i : tne ironuer. kji iue iiiercnauuist; uuu emi grant trains towards California, there has he reflected grossly upon the character and honor of the American marine. The President then -directed the whole inrrncnnn Aorxr'O tn h lnid hpff'irp lVlP FVfillph Government, expecting immediate and : merchacdise destroyed; but as the officers voluntary redress. Instead of atonement, been notice sent of 187 lives being taken, andofnearlv half a million of cattle and Alonzo Farrington, Samuel Jackson, Andrew Miller, Wm. S. Hallo well, Philip Super, Jesse Young, M. C. Hibbs, M.D. Holbrook, John. G. Snavely, Asa Packer, Alex. II. Reeder, G. A. Grow, U. Mercur, II. L. DifTenbach J. S. Monroe. Wm. Forsythe. K. 13. Barber, Henry Church, Geo. Hammond, Wm. R. Stewart, Wm. P. Schell, Wm J. Hemphill John Snodgrass RobtG. Galloway O. 15. McFadden, P. C. Shannon, Cornelieus Cull Wm. Denliger, Arnold Plurner, Wm. A Galbraith James L. Gillis A Miser. There is a man in Grant county, Jvy., wno is so miserly, mat whenever he sends ins negro servant down into the celiar for apples, he makes him whistle all the way down to the ap ple box and back, to prevent him from eating any of the fruit. Fact. New Bishopric. The Catholic church is about to found a diocess in Minnesota, with the seat of the Bishop at St. Paul. the French Minister of Foreign Affairs attempted to inculpate our Government, and to divide the responsibility. As soon as this information was received, the Pres ident ordered no further correspondence to be held with M. Poussin, and his pass ports to be placed at his disposal. From the New York Herald. Soon after M. Poussin airived in this country from France, he opened, or ex pressed a desire to open a diplomatic cor respondence with the Secretary of State, (then Mr. Buchanan) on two very impor tint points. These points or topics, were, First, a more intimate and beneficial com mercial treaty between France and the United States, on the basis of a generous reciprocity, which might increase the trade of the two republics, beyond what it has been of late years. The" next important point was a claim put forth by certain French citizens, in Vera Cruz, whose property there, during the bombardment by Gen. Scott, had been injured or des troyed, amounting to 8860,000, by one estimate, or 2,150,000 by another esti inatr. The old administration, that of Mr. Polk, received this proposition with courtesy, but referred M. Poussin to the new powers, who were soon to come in with Gen. Taylor. Thus far, so far. On the accession of Gen. Taylor, and the appointment of his cabinet, M. Poussin opened the sime budg et with Mr. Clayton. Nothing of any consequence took place on the subject of a commercial treaty, but a very bitter and sarcastic correspondence was the result of the notes on the claim put forth for the loss of French property, destroyed by the! bombardment of Vera Cruz, under com mand of Gen. Scott. Mr. Clayton, on the part of our government, refused to admit the claim. xM. Poussin insisted on its validity, and interspersed some very pun gent allusions to the honor and honesty of the French government in paying up the i American claims on France, some years ago, after the insulting correspondence of Mr. Rives towards the French govern ment. At these allusions, Mr. Clayton took fire, and, under advice, made a direct communication with the French govern ment, through our Minister in Paris, de manding of Louis Napoleon that he should recall M. Poussin, or the American gov ernment would hold his passports in readi ness for his acceptance. To this demand and intimation the French President tired up, and has given a negative reply, and may probably treat Mr. Rives as we are going to treat M. Poussin. Louis Napoleon is satisfied with the conduct of his Minister here, and will not recall him. No alternative is left to the government at Washington from the first stand taken; and, of course, M. Pous sin will receive his passports, and return to France. M. Poussin, accordingly, who has been in this city up to yesterday, went to Washington in the afternoon, and will in military command have not reported in due form but 23 cases, no steps whatever have been taken in relation to the remain ing Indian massacres, although perfectly well authenticated. The twenty-three cases officially reported are duly placed on the file in the War Department; and of course, the neighbors and relations of the murdered will feel entirely protected Many trading parties have been cut off. many emigrant bands have been broken up, whole counties on the border have f i rv i r oeen leu witnout man communication lor weeks together, and anv number of border farms desolated; yet to redress all these outrages on our citizens, there lias been not a fifth part of tie stir and attention, nor a third of the military array and expense which has been lavished on the wateninsr and suppressing the 'suspected' expedition to Cuba, to alleviate the anxieties of a Spanish official. It may be an ungener ous prejudice, but we must confess we have a deeper sympathy for the lost lives of 187 of our citizens, slaughtered in cold blood on our soil, than for the anxious sus penses of any regal despot. If the fifty gal lant marines who 'turned out with such cheerful alacrity" to arrest men who never dreamed of resistance to the laws, were employed in saving the unprotected wo men and children on the border from the scalping knife, it would be more gratifying to the nation at large, though not quite so cheaply heroic to proclamation soldiers, or so magnanimously in accordance with our liege lady of Spain. township of Conemaugh, to meet at School House number thirteen in said township. The Electors of the district composed ofth township of Carroll, to meet at School Houm number three in said township. The Electors of the district composed of tha township of Clearfield, to meet at the hou ot John I'ouglass, in said townkhi p. The Electors of the district composed of ths township of Jackson, !o meet t tha house of Charles Dillon, in said township. The Electors of the district composed of ths township of Richland to to meet at the bouts of Jacob Kring-, in said township The Electors of the district composed of th townsbtp of Suinmerhill to meet at School IIoih number one in the town of Jefferson, iu said townshi p. The Electors of the district composed of ths townsbip of Susquehanna to meet at tha huo of Matthew Conrad, in said township. 1 he Electors of the district composed of tL township of Washington to meet at the School House siiuate at the foot of Inclined Plins No. 4, in said township. The Electors of the district composed of ths township of White to meet at School House number one in said township. At which titna and places, the cuiliG.a Electors, us aforesaid, will elect by Ballut One person for Canal Commissioner of this Commonwealth. One person to represent the county of Cambria in the House of Representative! of this Commonwealth. One person for Sheriff' of Cambria county. One person for Coroner of Cambria county. One persoyi for Treasurer of Cambria county. One person for Cojnmissioner of Cam' bria county, and One person for Auditor of Cambria county. Notice is also hereby given. That all per sans (excepting Justices of tho Peace) wh fehall hold any cfSce or appointment of profit or trust, under the government of the United States or of this State, or of any city or incor. porated district, whether a commissioned offi cer or otherwise, a subordinate officer or agent, who is or shall be employed under the legitla. tive, executive or judiciary department of this State or of the United Slates, or of any city or incorporated district, and also that every meal ier of Congress and Slate Legislature, and of ihe select and common council of any city, or ccunii) ir-sioner of any incorporated district, is incapable of holding or exercising, at the sams lime, the office or appointment of Judge, In spector or Clerk of any election of this Com. uion ealih; and that no inspector. Judge, cr oilier ofneer of any such election, i-lull be eli gible to any office to bo then voted for. And the return Judges of tho respective dis tricts aforesaid aro requested to meat a: tho Court House, in the borough of Ebensburg, on ruddy next after the 2d Tuesday of October, with the returns of their respective districts. Civen under my hand and seal at Ebensbarg, this 39h day of August, in tho year of our L rd one thousand eight hundred and fort nine, and of the Independence of the Uaiied States of America the seventy. third. JESSE PATTERSON, ShiF. August 30, 1349. 17-te. iL" Mountain Echo please copy.jj Vast Steamboat Combination. A combination has just been formed says the Cincinnatti Enquirer, including every steam vessel on the Lakes, Erie, St. Clair Huron and Michigan, and the rivers Ni agara, Detroit and St. Clair. This gigan tic combination includes the Michigan Cen tral Railroad. The nature of the compact is such, that the present owners of boats give up to the combination all control of them, and they consequently become, in effect, joint stock property. Persons are appointed by the association to appraise each vessel, and issue scrip to the owner to tHe amount of the appraisal. The ves sel then becomes the property of the as sociation, which places her upon whatever route it thinks fit, appoints her days . of sailing, fcc, or lays her up if it thinks proper. General Reid of Erie, Pa., is President of the Association, and Mr. Kembcrly, of milialo, Secretary. 1 he amount of capi tal invested in the combination cannot fall short of from three to four millons of dollars, aside from the Michigan Central Railroad. The result of this movement will be to raise the price of passage and freight. Mr. George Bancroft, our late Minister at the Court of St. James, intends to make New York his future residence, and he will devote his time and attention to liter ary pursuits. ' JOHN . IVORY. ED. SHOEMAKER. NEW AND CHEAP GOODS, John Ivory 4 Co. HAS IUST '.RECEIVED A LARGE ASD GENERA L ASSORTMENT OF. SPRING 4- SUMMER GOODS. Comprising in part fine Cloths and Cassimeres, with an assortment of the mot desirabls and fashionable Ladies' Dress Goods, such as Lawns. Lustres, Dc Lainca Alpacas, Mulls, Ginghams, Calicoes, &.c , in great varieties Together with every descrip. tion of Men &. Children's Wear; Domes tic Goods, Hosiery, Trimmings c. Si, e. GROCERIES. We have a large and gener al assortment which will be sold lower than any that luve ever been offered in this vicinity, together with a general assortment of II A R D W ARE, Qaeensware, Drags, Medicines, Oils, Glass and Pally; Boots and Shoes; CP7;je Beaver and Moleskin Hats; fine Cloth Caps: fine Gimp, Braid, Pearl and straw Bonnets; Books, Sta' iionary, 4c. With every description of Goods, Notions, Sec, that aro usually kept in a country store, all of which will be sold on such terms as will defv all competition and insure general satif faciicn. - 0"AU kinds of Country Produce wanted, for which the highest market Price will be givenXl Summit A. P. R. Road, July 3, 184D. 39. 1,000 lbs. Nails, 1,800 lbs. Iron, " Just received and for sale by MURRAY &. ZAHM. Ebenalmtg, Augosi i. 1319.