0 A : 1 - I ! e r " ii j "WE CO WHERE DEMOCRATIC PRINCIPLES POINT THE WAV WHEN THEY CEASE TO LEAD, WE CEASE TO FOLLOW." BY JOHN G. GIVEN EIIKNSIJUIIG, THURSDAY, -"sUPTIA1UEIL 13, 1819, VOL. 5. NQ. 49. .. , . - TrTriffi f "Tm1 'i ntir rrrt Tf i , n i -ir r iragaczggjsg!.Tg!Xja ajjj-i.rm---r rii- j rm ki r-r?rr.-e-. f ... . wrrTrViir-t"tw-- - .. , , . r , - . ' . -. . .... . - -, .... ,,-g.,Jgmja1jEaaj;xii.i r , -svA5iaaBjjrzatigsaigja m r,---g,- f -j r -;. Sr3i.'i.S '1 he Happy F-ruuT. ilili home ii col cut towered in trce. A garden tilled Willi f u I and rl.iwer. Win re inging tiird md huiitaiing bees Atoka gay the hiiiiI.ii j Ii urn. A r-iiie if nmndun greu and fair. And tiid wrhitfii 1 leo-iy discard. Willi joy he grtet the riniup run, Ail'! gladly h tSleu to hi t i ; fa fancy seen 1J10 harvit un, A Covering i'li ihe mellow foil Tlio liny ulit-al, winch y t Mill brin A gluiiuii autumn u&.uug. The golden hours, h.iw quick tliey fly! The tiiippy d.yt hw mh 'li tied. Then niiwuid d h tlie firmer hie, And find u lub e n tally irs id Willi many a liainly vdiitdi lite field Ano gurdni j'lut so r. i lily yield. Tiioeveiunij i frauylit witli joy. For lov'd iMieV c utter round him 1'icrr; Ilu tate a lina iviiliout all y, Itii-li eVn a King might xili to shirs: Th ii Cvki I.i cuurli and fi id repose, U h ch i iih ht: wli suite ti Uuo-v. lyiXSCSLLANHOdS From No.i!i' Sun i iy Time. TIIE UXSEES K1FLETIAN. A group of youngsters, ten years before j the Revolution, stood oa level green in ' New ork, with a mark netore Hum and their firearms ready. Tiiey were on the j ground now occupied by Charlton and a j part of Varick streets, but which then formed a part of an open and romantic ; country. 1 ne outskirts ot tlie men an- ; ot purpose wan wincu ue bad address.-d breviated city were what m:ght be termed ' his comrades. He made known his deter poelicullv picturesque, made up of rocky, j in. nation to engage in the expecteded con sandy, uneven, but vet elegant grounds, ! test of death. Uive him, lie declared, a wnicn auorded opportunities lorine enjoy- 1 t . I Di:iU Ol UCUl sprtS aim Hua.:i:uuua ui j uuuiai-jiciru uutui tne actiuu, ana Uw murUTerS. .VS Well sjjii li) lureudlde ''othermatters, as 'well as for the agricultu- j would kill as -many of the enemy as li e mazes of a labrint.i as mis light and open ?ai occupations which give men bread. - had hair on his Head. He was u.e strip- wood in "safety. See, there lads anouier The frequent appearauceof Tudians in this ; plmg w.u ton y ears oefore had asamtsiied odieer.' quarter, from the time oU Peter Stuyvesant iiO.-siey, but now n jw e.i mged! InsaMd j rfcarce had he finishetl his speech ere a down to the period of which we write, ' of the mild ltgia wateli then shone from : ball whirled so close 10 his ear mat he felt creited a djsireanioaj the young me 1 ia all his eyes, t .c concentrated lire oi hatred it. dtrect o is to emulate their skill as m irks- and revenge sii.it tnir rays from hisojitics j Good God! said Baxter, pale with ex meti. It was no unusual thing to gel land ' and lie clutched 111s weapon with the cessive agiuuion, -i.iis is uie aios. covvatuly by shooting the best shot, and many a lot ; blood thirsty and wild atr supposed to be- . species oi w.triare i ccr ein-ouutered. whicit is valued this day at thousands of la.ig m a pira.e. I must get out ol this ground, or else dollars, and a fiords its owners the means I Viiydu )ou hate these Englishmen . make up our minds to be mined here.' of becoming a season subscriber to the op- , worse man the rest of us:' usked one; 'we V e dare not cannot stir without or era, was obtained by striking the bull's eye Tore freedom, ami are assembled 10 resist ders. We nave our place assigned, and of a target. The group we would call the ' oppression; but you appear lo hive a per- j mast not e.acuute it. ud yet it is dreud altention of the reader to was one of lire s.nial uioa.e 1:1 your actions, and seem to j fal to stand here comparatively idle, and parsons, four of whom were stripplings, ! thirst lor blood.' ; be snot down like sparrows.' a t M . -v uui iuc nun gu; iniitu mui, ...iv ...m cand visage and rotund proportions pub- ltshed the tact that his birth place was Great Britain, lie was admi.iag the m irk in the target and addressing the lad who had made it. and who was leaning careless- ; lv on a rifle that showed belter condition J , , , than any other on the ground. ; J , " j fP i, Why. Charles, you are a second Tell or will be. You must have practised ! . r. .. constantlv to. nave acquired, such proa- - ciency. nearlv. all nroduced by her. 1 never saw such unerring aim, re mar- ked the old man wondenngly. It only shows, what the inclination, and the ennstilut pursuit of an object will ac - complish. One's ambitioii sometimes runs in strange currents. Mine directs me to excel all other per5ons in shooting. Ev- ery mark that my bullet pierces produces more delight than. 1 can well describe, and i a -u: c u r.., r III nail my- UlIOJCC-oi iuc amc j i nit- greatest General or thegreatesr marksman of ihe world. I would unhesitatinirly choose to be the latter.' While., the vounff man was speaking, Hp. Thp old iiv,.m wy.mc iiuvn 8wu .it,ac,, ' ' 1 umJ U'U:"L"11 lJU " , ' ,!"lu ; w:3 a ,.;r,ie ,., u; olisil soldie-s de id .v. i 1 as ihe reacter may nave anticipated, man u ..w... 4 ts i. UM, Georgia. Wnen he went home i s de nt;a,l ih 1-nnTi.r-min tr his5 vpnprahle Oetter than m rsf. w.is l!ir List r.Mn- '. circle oi i, gusli soldtets, dead, and , , l ! vou finJ nm the serf of Rom;: von u-acp. , . . . r . ... ,. .1X71 ... . 1 I n.!.'?l a.. .1 l . . I .... . ... I . K-.. K . .. I . . I ..!...,. I ....... I i ......... v i ... v. ... ... ..j ti w I , ; , i I hi, .mi I-.. .!!... I ... M , ...... I. .... ,. tl,r.vt. J,, o,. . , . . l ' , , . ." almost all in irked in tin fo-v.u-id or lhiiMt 1 v'"1' dWi . - -w i gnteii wne exciatmeu '.mjw my ue ar interlocutor, 'I do little' else thin shoot nant of our Stociv, and I loo.icd upoa him : 'l 7 J7"' ir,vc ' 1 U,C I04C;'LJU'Y ui-n and bring me dawn. 1 am out ot am- i ln from the smouldering ashes of Jcru- V5U ar Judref what am My rifle-is my mother, wife and children as the only being that euauled me to feel 1 , n . sl k I f , n iV"f !' I ''" i killed us min of you as i i em, an outcast and a wanderer in all , J .plie sain darned old fool you alb rs though of the latter 1 am scarcely old was not distinct! .e leature in the comumi- 'r , , , . , . , , , " j bad de.ermme.l to. audhae no lurtiier ! '-nds; the persecutor of Christ, you lind : was wag lhe tart reply. enough to speak. At any rate, Bess, (the ty a piece of humanity alone and uueared 1 " u . l . f4 ';in'1 4 .! cause for remaining here. Fire: - and if I " ltl2 P-rsecuted of christians, bearing Ll ride) is.my banker, for the silver I. use is for. He went to Boston and there en- ? " n;"1 more than one snot i.i proportion to ti .e U things, strong in the pride of human ft-7-.A little b iv. four orfive vears old. gentleman listpned as hesureyed surroun-j jeets.' 1 have heard these words ringing; readiness to make short of all work found ding objects, and suddenly pointed to a lo- i in my ears day aud night ever since; and ; engaged in vhisassassin-like method ot corn cast tree upon the' extreme end of tlie imagination pictures my helpless brother ' UJt- Pause not until this lurking foe is branrh of which sat a robin that made the mangled by, aud snuggling beneath the j dislodged and rendered powerless.' "vicinily rocaj rwith its songs. Pointing to j cruel bayonet that sent Ins soul to heaven. This order was communicated to the tba bird w'ith : onew hand, and holding a 1 have sworn to avenge that murder. proper personages, and a second search piece of silver money in the other, the old man said 'Now. Charles; this. isyours reward for that bird.' . 'I cannot,', was. the ypung,, man's, reply. Cannot! exclaimed the old man . in a surprised tone, Why ?" - 'Because I never kill birds.' Well, then, the twig that he sift upon jgstender as-a-pipetem. Can you cut thattoffi'r Charles Pfggof -rfie-young man nod ded in the affirmative; brought his rifle aim, and pulled, thet trigger;. Hed-brea. ro3e in the air and sailed-away, with a strange twitter; while the twig on which he had mad a perch dropped in eddying circles to the ground. Charles' young companions raised a loud shout and at the same lime he blushing with pride received the saver guerdon ot tus skill. 'Humph,' manured old Locksley, 'who ever saw or heard ot the like" Way the InJiaus only do tliese things, but not with lead. 1 say, Charles, you mast turn that great talleat of yours to accoua'. Never relin J.uish its praeiice.' ,iiot 1,' exclaimed Piggot, pcciieting the sil.er. "lV..e.x I die it wi.l be rids in hand!' At let a few unimporiant trials of the sahstanee of the well riddled target, the party shouldered their arms and came a- j cross the Kixus Farm inio the citv. 'J'he scene described actually occurred, and the lust mentioned remarks of the young rille m in was often spoken of, at a later and more iatcresang period, by his friends and relatives. Ten years after the time of the above seene, Washi-unoa's lo orces lay encamped j ng lsl.iud, aw.aiing o. ;New Vo.k and Lj liie sa.ijjiu iry battle Li watch we loj about ii'JJ men, and djriu' whicli i:d; heroisui and orav; e e. meed th in m an y other action tlial took place on tin American Continent O.i itie Itli of August, 1770, a small group of rulemea were Vollec.ed on the were cotleceu on Hie t road to the di-ovs. Tnere was every sura oi s sade ring am ti tnem iie. were badly clad, uueieauly, a and food were luxuries id luokedas il rest they Mad not in- dulge.l 111 tor m.1.1 a da". Among tnem was a til:, muscular, iij.ee wiusiercd man wnose uriiMaui e e, and llortd complxioa, thm lijis and aijuilue nose, betokened the earnestness of ms i'eeiaigsand tlie tirm. less .... I . protecteu position wnere ne migui remain llil.lli) k .k ic I II . ......... . . I 1 . - o' w.ww.. wv... .v. . .00..., with u cm utsi.eeitor. to mho. her his euro- lion. ' v cogence is sweet, and i desire 11 ,vdl hacj u even t lough it cost me myowuiue.' -Veuguauce! vengeance! exclaimed an-, other oi the men, named lvundall, 'what .i i i , . .u r the de. il hate ou to avenge more loan 1 , i, or each ol us. 'I'll tell ou,' replied IgoU the lines - i .- i 1 . . - . . in nis lace deepening aud tus whole lorm ...... siidutj v ill" mi ii .iic.iiiisiiiiiiiiiiii mi ii 1 1 1 .:. on . .1 .v., ..... I ... .. l ... l. ....... .1 ..!...: T ... ,. ' gaged among ihe patriots who resisted th eifons of liie Briiusn at Bunker's hill. He ' was brought down in the early pan of the 1 action b a ball whicn deprived mm of ilie i use of his lower extremities. As he lay : in tuis helpless condition, a British o.iicer ' to whom he appealed, looked savagely on and saw a corporal crush out his hie with ' a bayonet. ily brother's nearest comrade ; wiiuessiug me muruer, gave me uie ac- '...m.i ni'n ,.v Mi.i .nun.. ..i . A ,v v.-.U I t-w-... t.... .... ...v- w..v..- w.v j after the boy had appealed for mere,.- I Th- se words the, are brauded upon my j heart were: No mercy should be shown , ; to an insurrectionist taken with arms in i his hands asratiist his Majesty's loval suj Now you can account for the feeling that nas given me enaraeieroi laie never oeiore j the duty ot the search were led by a cap sustained In me that ol cruelty. Have tain remarkable for his heigth; and when 1 not cause?' I they came within musket range of the tall 'By G- , I think so exclaimed one of tree, the sharp, ringing report so terrible, the nilemen, "and had I naif as much 1 was the precursor of his death. A corpo should be worse than you.' J ral saw the smoke, and noticed a stir "Well, you'll have a chance of trying among the branches. With a keener eve the frtxteni of your courage and principles ere long; so let us talk of something else,' remarked a tall fellow -whose nasal twang servicf! on other fields where English pronounced 'Connecticut' plainly. had deluged innocent soil vjti the best 'llarkl said Piggot, uhe drum call, us" blood of its human offspring, he at once in. . A truce to all this. " Let us. act, nof'guessed the whereabouts of the invisible mouth. - Lit us make the very name of marksman. The moment he communi- riflemen dreaded while a red coat harbors in America. On the following day it was plain, from die movements of the royal forces, and from itie preparations made by the Amer e.ui coniai mder and his oiiicers that a oai.de was near at hand. Ail that day and night, the ufinust au.t.ity prevailei, wade ilie American armyciuced the greatest courage and alacrny. Wnen Howe laud ed at viraveseud liay, near Fort Hamilton e.eiy man was ready to receive him. A description ofilie uaule would te superflu ous, iiiasmuch as it has been graphically old m these columns. We will tnerelbre relate our luculeut under the prsumption iliatof the balde itself our readers need not be informed Hie seeond time, '1'ue ursi of the action oceured with the riilemeu near where we now lind the beau tiful resang place of the dead Greenwood Cemetery, it was the left wing of royal iSiS under Col. Crant, that assumed this position, tiie right and cealre occupy ing o.iier memoraOie ground. The carnage ofiliaiiUj .ne ic.rors, the cruelties, tne icc.vlesoijess anU ilepreJaitoa of mat battle, lougui wiui u.iusk desperation by botii pur.ies vvere almost beoaJ oeltei. In ( ciuse proxiuiily to the ccm.ery is a creek. ( its waters were dyed in tlie best blood of j Americans, wiio were mowed down, with- ! out a iijp i Ot Oill j ot o tiie aiMilj c jiiipa.wc- ou;, regun uts were Uestro.ud m ims in inner, tlie .tlar landers in particular. Wiiiij deatn was oeiugap- portioned Here aolurriol., a strip ot wootls not far d.s.auu Was outte as dreaUtul to the 3 iirt.isn. l roai e.cry truuii; ooug.i, pro tection or sneuer of any ktuJ, tlie riiietnen poured lortii ilieir appatlmg snovvers. it ws no. iiiee in twc.uy times i.ial a siiot laded. Tne utmost, consternation prevail- cd with regard to tuts mode ol Indignation was also manifested iigii.mg. oy tut l oj hi o.ncers. ii, ii.a.en, B ix.er,' said one Captain anotner, as ihey mci, 'loolv how our men lad, and 11 l a no e ot puutsniug their I 1 .Men were lading nere and there in every ! dl,;;,,, u lule the din of the battle was heard wtitthersoe. cr any com'oataiit mi""lii j lura- Now and then a riileman was dislod red but lhe m ,lal,le foe rem uned i , i . ., 1 us numerous aud serviceable to the cause . . ot ljioeru as ever. Cn the oulsnins ot the I , , - . . . i 1 bv the hand ot nature v:is a u o.ik iri . J . . . ... ... ,T -as t:lt--lv' lll.i 1 1 .rn I !i ... I (. .np.ru W-ic . i . - ... lJ - . ...... v. . - " uoii- tre.n iiiif b the odieers and ori rates ih.j r.ng an dUu r or more; ..n 1 wnal w.s aUo .ml- , thai ihe unseen dispenser of jiauie was, tnai me unseen dispense iW..il itii.ii i.i..L'... ..il 1 1 . .-. ....... . ... . .t in preference lo the men in the rank Tne shots al last became so frequent and fatal that searcn was instituted to ascertain their source. It could not be found. Like tlie great plume of Mural among th --" AUsti lans, ihe i.i . isiole marksman became ,ifliiL- n(' ilm ..il I ii I J k J J ll ?jjU l"t " reached the ot ihe whole left line, and ulu- cars ot Grant. 'Order out a platoon instantly,' cried he to one of his aids, 'and let it be held in was induced. The file of men detailed to and quicker perception than the rest, and being, withal, an olchsoldier wMiohad ceen cated his discovery to the rest, there was a speedy retreat indicated towards the pla toon. The body at once dashed towards the towring oak, and halted within muske shot. That for your leader shouted a voice from among the branches; and true to the marksman's purpose the ball entered the brain of the ill-fated commander. A yell of rage was uttered as the officer next in thsrauk stepped up, and paused a mo menu ' That for the nearest man on the right! exclaimed the voice, and again the victim bit ike dust. ISow; men, cried the Britain, waving his sword with frantic excitemeut oerhis head -Now, men, lire, .fire, 1 say, be fore he has time to re-load. The volley startled the echoe's of the heights and the muskets belched forth their contents in llame and smoke. A few twigs dropped from the tree, but the tenant was lo every one seemingly unhurt. io, he spoke in a sonorious and deep voice that was distincdy heard, and had something unearthly in its tones. N'o not ct. i i..ck three men, by my talh , to mass up the amount devoted to tne god ol veugeanee. Here is for one.' A cavalry soldier was passing by; his horse had taken fright ami couiu not be .c.ucked. Ouee m .e tlie fatal ride utter- ed ).s death soag, and ihe alarmed s.eed fled riderless on its way. iiurn Uie tree down,' exclaimed one ol the men. 'Fire can be cornm untested lo the trunk easily.' Will you undertake the deed?' inquired the commander, with a sneer. i wid, replied the man. ' Tear some wadding from your coats anil give it to me.' i 'hey complied with his reques', and delivered t.i mm witli alacrity wnal they procured t'Oiii tueir well padded garments, ne now became the lion ol the held, us the iiiieuiiii tiad been. Ecrv eve centered i " on me pri..ue as he uiade up a loose parcel ol i. mailable Stuil. A pile of the driest braucnes thereaotuts Was next obtained aud broken into respectable brush luirgOtS 1 he nutate then bred tne wadding- wnn tne loe.i of his mUsiei and a little jmwucr, and tanned it 111.0 a blaze. With tne liht- ... eJ mass ill one band, and Hit bundle ot ally for n a lew uiij the orasu iii i:ie oaier, ue startea uiauia i the tree the platoon followed him 1 1 1 1 .1 i 1 1 i-.t nii ir".'!'.''!.! lie n irr.uv! distance between iiiemsehes and the ride- man. The private re tched die foot of tne tree, and wi.n eager hast threw down his luijiAUs and ured mm as iu was nsiiu Irum his stonninT nns- tare, the occupant ot me braucnes made himselMor the lirst time visiole. With o r- o i his feet li rml v clenched among the boughs, i allowed Ins body, as quiCii as thought, lo depend o.er, and lakmg aim with nis weajiou, pulled the trigger. The daring Pvaie sprung up and tell over upon his ld;' wmle ,,,l5i ,ef ,sc,tlef l, lhJ ,na?s w.uc.i ne h iJ mte.ideJ wo.ud hire made . , , , the tree the American's tuneral pile. L ,, . -.-Lit T 'Brother, my oatii is futinudl i have that called for J a lesponse of y our slaughter. Now, then, cou.iuued the riileman,, who was no other, id.s me, you are oeueri ( Ul 1 t'ua'i ou af u- . , , L 1 diers were evidently won to He was i favor him bv hi: entirely dnes'ed ofclotuiug, except a short uiireptutiy pair ol yellow ureeenes. ms leet, legs, body and head were destitute oi co.enug, but oegnniiiie.l with powder, dust and per spiration. As he looked down upon the uiea lVoai llC tree, (the desceudaiu and , v near relative who inves us these tacts. says.) he was, even in this miserable plight, a commanding and admiratio.i-ciaimiiiii picture. There was some hesitation in the platoon when Piggot couiui iuding them to bring h.m down, and the men looked to their officer as if for further instructions. 1 'he otiicer was'unused to melting mood,' nor could have succumbed to any feeling of compassion consistently with his duty or his aspiration as a, true Englishman. Tlie memory of his brethren was to be wedded to some retributive act worthy of their bloody destinies, and he gave the sig nal for the last elfect in the scene of Pig got's enacting. They fired as he shouted 'I die satisfied! Brother, 1 meet you without shame!' and he pitched over, swayed in the branches a moment, and then dropped heavily, a senseless clod up on ihe ground. . The word was soon" given that the in visible foe, whom they, had all feared, was punished; and ere that eventful and (to Washington) disastrous battle was conclu ded, no one who wore a red coat or finger ed his vtajesty's pay, . wasted a second's thought upon poor Charles Piggot. When ihe wounded were picked upand the dead buried a duty performed by the i. ... ....... n.tiiia..o ui iiic-aiiiis uhabitanls and the English Piggot's ody was found where it hid fallen. A Jiole, called by courtesy a grave, was scooped out for its reception at the foot of the oak. The rille the unerring vengeful rule was so hrmly clenched in the lei. J At th3 birber shop oppasite S.n"tV hand that it could not be removed, but j clok stor3 on fifth street, most liughahla was buried with him. Thus the thought- ( trick was played off ou the bovs. in the less unintentional prediction to the old's'ioo. " . Aioion istanuer, i.ocKsiey, mat Charley wuiuu uiu wiiii jus riue in his nana, was too -truly and literally accomplished. iot many years ago (we have not the exact date,( an old tree in the vicinity we nave me.u.oneci was uprooted in a heavy j . . . m ' I gale, and along with its massive roots, whim were wrenched with great forea from the ground, came the dark, discolored ' mouldy semblance of a man's skeleton. Upon iooking round in the mould, the cu rious also found tlie remnants of a Ion riile. The old inhabitants who had heard ihe story ot tlie 'unerring marksman,' at j I feel bad,' said he; at the same tirfl2 a once concluded that hey had found Pig- j sp sn took him, and his lianda clenched got's old skeleton, and that the prostrated : ; n 1 his legs drew him up in a psrfectball oak was the one from the toy or which he j ai d he rolled olTon the floor, iiad so bravely thinned the "ranks of free-, 'That's a Cholera case, said one, and dom's opponents. The bare supposition he took his hat and left. This was the cat tied the relie s to a grave with md.tjry ' sigial, and all followeJ suit except those honors, and a monument. There is no undergoing the shaving opi ration. de.ah so glorious as that honorably met j The spasm seemed to subside the arms on the battle ground of liberty, and no ; an J legs s.re.che'd out a: fdl length and the character so noble s that of the active, patient lay prostrste on his la-k. practical patriot. Wipe o.T the lather, said the fat mm There are slill rifles like Piggot's in tlie next the door, 'I'll come again I can't United tStatcs; but far distant be the day stay now. whereon they shail be called to do execu- J Just then another Fpasm took thestnn tion among men whose consanguinity is ger and by some strange movement he too plain to warrant us in estimating them , bounced upon the sofa without any appa as a race, or the members of a uutioii dis- j rem efl'ott llat oa his back as he was lay tiuci from ourselves or country. j ing on the floor. He rolled up into a ball TliC Jiii'. 'Talk of pedigree,' fays Blackwood, 'tell us of the I'aloots, Perceys, Howards, and like mushroons of yesterday! Show me a Jew, and we wih snow ou a man whose g niealogic d tree springs from Ab - j raham's bosom, whose family is older than ocaJogue, and who bears inepntroi er - tible evidence, in every line of his orien- ...1 ..- .!. I r L ' ii couuici.aiiec, oi uie auiiieiiucny oi ins ! descent through myriads of successive gen- j erations. You see in him a living argu- ' ment of the truth of divine revelation; in bim yoa behold the literal fulfil ment of 1 the prophecies; with him you ascend the stream of time, not voyaging by the help J u. u..u, uuitaiii, aim lauaeious iig.u a:. w..n . - i: u. ; : of tradition, but guided by an emanation . i . . . . i ot itgiu wnicn, to his nation, was a 'cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night;' in him you see tlie representative of tne once favored people of God, to whom, as to the chosen of mankind, he revealed himself their legislator, protector, and kiud; who brought them out of the laid .f Egypt; out of the house of bondage. You behold him established, as it were forever in the j pleasant places allotted him, you trace him ( by tlie peculiar mercy ot his God, in his transition stales from bondage to freedom; ami by the innate depruiity of his human nature, from prosperity to insolence, ingrat- i t r, . .-. , lupingm alithnr?, 'for tne L jrd will Kuowietie. sttii-ueciveu auu sramsavinir, t i "ii- ii j wdl l-vc mercy upon Jacob, and will yet e.iosj i Israel, and will set them m their ! owsl ltl; and the stranger shall be joined with them, and they shall cleave to the house of Jacob.' Slaking Ltiyc to ilu' Wrong Person. A Cincinnati paper is responsible for the following: A youns gentleman who had been nay- ing ins auuresses in propria persona 10a young lady in this city, left a few mouths ago and went down the river on business. A correspondence was immediately opened between the enamored pair, and after ex- dunging several letters, the young lady j 'This is a word of business and bus- was mortified to find that her 'letters were j tie,' said a minister in a sermon, unanswered, and consequently she ceased 'Yes, mare bustle than business, whis w riling. But the real secret of her not J pered a pretty girl. She knew she did. receiving letters, was the fact that another My wife,' said a critic, is the mjst young lady of the same name, supposing ; even-tempered woman 1 ever saw. She is ihey were intended for her, took them j mad all the time.' from the post office and opened a corres- idNew Orleans, Charleston, and Sa pondence with her proxy lover. Some vanah, are pronounced three of tha health two months passed away when the voung . test cities lias year, in the Union, m in wound un bv a direct nrontiw'l. .m.l i liWhv does a sculptor die the most insisted on an im.mJiite answer, averring : .. i i at the same time that he thought the tone of her letters very-different from those re ceived when he first left Cincinniti, and upbraided his fair love with inconsistency. This last epistle was tot) much for our ro mantic incognito, and being conscience- smitten for the part sha had been acting, .,.,1 r.lli. na... i.i,l.,.l tli-.t cim.-t nthpr l:idv nd fullv persuaded that soma other lady had been ninin for the man she was woo- ing,' sought her out and delivered np the letters to their rightful owner? The matter was speeJily arranged, and the real lo ers hae since become united in the bouds of wedlock. Biirber Mioi Scriie. Tha rJom was V3ll s-upn ijJ w'th cas tom?rs, and ths chance of gcuing shaved in a liury was out of the qu ist'oa. A small mm with a wagrish look cim2 to iha dr;o. en 1 afte surrevin? the crowd, walked in and took a seat on lh2 sofa. How far Is ti a dcclor's ofiici' asied the strange gendeman. Just across t .e way, replied oas of lhs bojs. i he eyes of the ccrnpany vrc: turned upoa the 'stranger. again and rolled bae.. ward and frwardon t ic sofa in style that would have done credit to ci.e is man. This was a finisher; those that were shaved left, and those not shaved hadn't : time to slay, the boys look at each other i in :is:onisnin e:ii. Th2 Ch ilera subiect ' uacoilpj himself and asked them if his ; Jurn nad come, when he tco'i his seat and t had a good shave, What's the charge?' I O asked the stran ; gCr. j Nothing, said the barber, 'if y j ieave . our nain2.' Cin. Com. ou will I'urijsi.'irs'. Babies to sit on laps-e of ihe 3-ear. The woman who kueaded the dough for the crust of U)e earth. A box of salve to cure the felon on the finger of a grain cradle. A pair spectacles for the eve of a lime kiln. One of the pups of a saw-mill dog. Garments for the naked Iruth. Leather tanned with bark of a dog. A. half gallon of the spirit of 76. The nose of the face of nature. The fox caught by hounds of a wagon. Thesk.n of the legistive LoJy. A finger nail from the hand of a clock. !3rTJ!d Squire B was elected Judge or the Inferior Court of some county in u ..,i w. i r i v as iiitit.ii irAuu n nil 11 .3 " i aiiumuui ci iui , h;. :1P. iim m (:,.;rl .r,., ' lhe iaJ ' dirccUv he took uJp his favor. il3 cat, aaj SIrokiag her back, hus addres sed her: "Wt l', pussy, I wish on2 of us three was dead aud it ain't you pussy, and i: ain't me pussy." SF'An aristocratic Irishman, speaking of his country, said it was an execrable ! place: 'in fact ihe only thing worth owning a n was uwtvc) . You mean to say then,' siid a waggish friend, 'that with all her friends you love . her siill.1 . ... . i. i i... i horrible ot deami uewust; ne iaaiv.es faces and busts. Why is a thief called a 'jail bird! Because he has been robin. ljHe who goes to bed in anger has the devil for his bed fellow. 1ST A western editor, speaking of the venerable appoarnance of a stump orator, ! said he stood up like one of era, with his j balx head and his hands in his breeches pockets!'