The mountain sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1844-1853, August 30, 1849, Image 3

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Of Lycoming.
- ?s
Semoor atxo county wore-
; Ur. -Wm. A. SMITH,
Of Ebensburg.
Of Summerkill tp.
Of Washington tp.
Of Ebensburg.
Of Jackson, tp.
Of Allegheny tp.
UThe Sentinel, has much the largest cir
'culation of any paper published in this county
J and as an advertising sheet offers superior
inducements to merchants and business men
'generally. Those desirous of making us9 of
ithis medium for extending their business can
o so by either tending their notices direct, or
I through the folloioing agents:
' John Crouse, Esq., Johnstown.
I E. V. Can, Cans' Buildings, Third st.
-f Wm. A. Kinsloe, Pittsburg.
f ' George Pratt, 151, Nassau st., Ntio York.
lf ETFather Matthew is now at Boston, and
v ia one oT hi recent loiters says that his en
7 gagements down cast are multiplying bo fast
upon his hands that ho cannot say when he
will be able to make his escape. The worthy
Biin expresses himself as highly delighted with
the "city of notions' and tho people there,
0A mass meeting oT the citizens of Phila
adelphia in favor of Hungary and Freedom
was held in Independence Square-on Monday
cvoningthe 20lh inst., and which in character.
iscd by the Tennsylvanian aa having been "one
rhn laroMt and most enthusiastic over as.
tcm'jlod within the precincts of that time hon
ored spot." The Hon. George M. Dallas was
appointed President, together with forty-eight
Vice Presidents and fourteen Sccietaries.
Owing to the indisposition of Mr. Dallas, Col.
race acted as President pro. tern. A seiies of
m -
excellent resolutions were adopted, in which
they "call upon the constituted authorities of
our owu nation, to recognize the Ambassador
of Hungary, as soon as he shall present him
self properly accredited; and to take the ne
cesiary tteps to open diplomatic and commer
cial relations with the country which he rep
resents." An eloquent address to the people
; of Pennsylvania was reported by Col. Forney
t and unanimously adopted, after which a num.
ber of gentlemen eloquently addressed tho vast
) assemblage, and the meeting wound up with
nine cheers for Hungary, Kossuth and Free-
The Prospects.
Ths prospects of the democratic party were
never more flattering than at present. The
result of tho elections in the Southern and
Western States, held during the present month
has been of the most cheering character, and
very where the democracy have triumphed,
and Taylorism baa been repudiated by the
Ia our own State, we every where behold
the democracy buckling on their armour and
preparing for the contest in October next.
Many of the counties have already settled their
tickets, and never did there appear to be more
unanimity and enthusiasm in the ranks of the
party than at present. A firm determination
lists to atone for pastjerrorf, and if possible
redeem the State for the accidents of last year
We feel satisfied that the old Keystone will
again bo found in line with the democratic
States, notwithstanding the efforts of Gov.
Johnston and Gen. Taylor by perambulating
the State to galvanize the whig party into
bow of resistance.
Military Election.
Tho following gentlemen were elected offi
cers of the '-Quitman Guards," at Portage, on
last Monday a week. Aa they are young men
of energy and ability, we expect to see them
eoon able to muster one of the strongest com
panics in the county.
Captain Wm. M. Ott. "
1st Lieut. Wm. C. Barbour,
2d Lieut. Wm. Trotter.
We believe there are some eight companies
now organized or being organizdd in thiscoun
iy. v in our i it hub bvwu u a. nil 01 emcers
'ected by each comparn7
DThe Johnstown - News is slill whining
about the "Junk out" (as they term it; of Dr.
Wra.'A. Smith. ; They are tvidently-alone jn
this puny effort to manufacture political capi
ta! for, their candidate. anJ tho -course" they
have puritaed towards . Dr. Smith sinco his
nomination cannot be looked upon with any
other feelings thin those of contempt by the
candid of u!l parties. They would gain much
uiore ctedit for themselves and for their candi
dates if they would come out boldly and man
fully and give a truo statement of the case, and
not show their ignorance and their malice by
attempting to deny feels which are known to
to be true by almost every man, woman and
child in the county.
Aa we have before stated, we are prepared
to prove at any time that John Fenlon did put
his name down, or authorized it to be put down
on the roll of the "Cambria Guards" aa a vol
unteer for Mexico, and that he did afterwards
Sunk out; that he did mike war speeches not
only to the Cambria Guards, but also to the
American Highlanders; that he did induce
others to voluuteer, and used every exertion
to raise the company in this place. And this
is not all. John Fenlon, in company with
Dr. Smith and a number of others, did all in
his power to provide for the expenses and
wants of the soldibrs, to procure the articles
necessary for their comfort on their long and
perilous journey, and to raise a fund for the
support of the families of those who went to
Mexico during their absence. In fact both
John Fenlon and Dr. Smitn conducted them
selves in a manner much more satisfactory to
the members of the "Cam bria Guards" than if
they had accompanied them to the battle fields
of Mexico, and we have yet to hear the first
word spoken by a soldier in condemnation cf
eiiher of them for the course they pursued in
relation to tho company.
Now this is the "truth the whole truth and
nothing but the truth," and we defy the News
men or any others to deny it. We have noth.
ng against Mr. Fenlon personally. We op.
pose him on political grounds, and on political
grounds we hope to see him defeated. Out the
course pursued by the Newsmen towards Dr.
Smith is too mean and contemptible for us to
imitate. We are perfectly willing to acknowl
edge that in relation to I he Mexican War,
Mr. Fenlon did his duty and so did Dr. Saiilh,
and as we are one of those who went to Mex
ico, we have a right to know the feelings of
the soldiers towards them. Are the Newsmen
possessed of sufficient honor to make the
amend honorable, and drop the sulject? We
will see.
The Laic Elections.
Wc are now in possession of the official re
turns from nearly all the districts of Alabama,
Tennessee and Indiana, and the result of the
late elections is as follows.
In this State the delegation to Congress
stands the same as at tho last election, viz:
five democrats and two whigs. In the Senate
there are seventeen whigs and sixteen demo,
crats; and in the House there are fifty-six dem
ocrats and fofty four whigs, leaving a demo
cratic majority on joint ballot of eleven, which
secures the election of two democratic United
States Senators.
Trousdale, the democratic candidate for
Governor is elected by several thousand. The
delcga tion to Congress stands seven democrats
and four whigs, being a gain of three members.
In this Slate the democrats have carried al
most every thing. In the delegation to Con
gress there are eight democrats, one whig and
one free soiler.
In every Stale the domocratic vote has heeu
argolv increased.
The Xext Legislature.
The sossion of the next Legislature will be
an important one, and at no time has it been
more necessary for the Democratic Dartv in
every quaiter of the Commonwealth to rally in
support of its long cherished principles and
Numerous applications will be made for the
creation of new banks, as well as for tho ro-
charlering of old ones, and now is the time to
guard against the loo great increase in the
amount of bank capital and paper circulation
in State, and the renewal of charters to un
sound institutions.
The people have suffered sufficiently from
the circulation of worthless paper, and the ex
plosion of such swindling shops as the, JLum
berraen's.Towanda, and Lewistown Banks, to
bay nothing of tho operations of the great reg
ulator the United Slates Bank of Pennsylvania
All old banks applying for re-charter should
undergo a searching and thorough investiga
tion into their condition, previous to receiving
a renewed lease of existence, and in the char
ters of all both old and new should be engraf
ted the democratic policy of individual liabil
ity. This course would assure the people of
having a Bound circulating medium, but it can
only be carried out by returning a majority of
democrats to both branches of the Legislature,
aa the whigs are well known to always legis.
late in favor of banks and all other corpora
The apportionment of the Stale will also
have to be made next winter, and upon the
complexion of the next Legislature may de
perd the welfare of the democratic party in
Pennsylvania for the next seven years. Every
democrat should recollect that upon bis vote
may depend the success of the measures and
policy he professes to cherish. He may deter
mine whether the democratic party shall here
after be fairly represented in our Legislature
or whether be will permit the whigs to gain
the ascendency, and so gerrymander the State
as to prevent the voice of the democracy from
being heard. Is there a democrat in Cambria
that would desire to see our county deprived of
its separate representation in ths House, and
again annexed to Somerset, or poasibly Blair
or Indiana? If not let h:tn aid in returning a
democrat from our county to attend to its in
terests, and who will also be enabled to oppose
all gerrymanders of the State, and thereby se
cure to the people a fair representation.
The question of the completion of the North
Branch Canal election of Judges by the peo
ple, and many other subjects of interest will
also come before the next Legislature, and it
behoves tho democracy not only of our coun
ty but in every quarter of the State to lay aside
all differences of opinion upon minor subjects,
and unite so as to triumphantly elect all their
candidates, and secare tho future welfare of
the party, and our good old Commonwealth.
Appointment by Mg. General M 'Donald.
Captain C. II. II ever, Aid de-Camp, with
the tank of Lieut. Colonel.
Brigade Head Quarters. )
Ebensburg, Aug. 23, 1849.
The General of Brigade commanding the
Volunteers of Cambria county, announces the
folio wing Staff Appointments, and directs that
they be respected and obeyed accordingly, viz:
Lieut. W. V. Ivory, of the "American High
landers," Brigade Major, with the rank of
John S. Blcaanan, Brigade Quartermaster,
with the rank of Major.
Wm. Lemon, M. D. Brigade Surgeon.
By order of Brig. Gen. Joseph M'Donald,
C.H. HEYER, Aid de-Camp.
All Sorls of Paragraphs.
EFA. Tournament is to take place at
Shannondale Springs, Va., on the 28th
inst. .
Mobility in Prussia. A Prussian ju
dicial journal has lately decided that the
Prussian constitution abolishes nobility in
that country.
S3?"Many of the Roman liberals, it is
said, as well as others from various parts
of Europe, are about to proceed to the
United States.
The latest way to pop the question is to
ask the fair lady "if you shall have the
pleasure of seeing her to the minister's."
Adamites. There is said to be a new
association of maniacs, we must suppose
formed in Bohemia under the title of
'Adamites,' all the male members of which
assume the name of Adam, while the fe
males take that of Eve. They deny the
immortality of the soul, and are practical
CF An article in Blackwood's Magazine
says that at least 250,000 persons perished
by famine in Ireland in 18 17, in conse-
notwithstanding the British Government
expended fifty millionsof dollars in pur
chasing food for the population, and ex
tensive donations were received from
CJSFive of the capitals of Europe are
under martial law at present, viz Paris,
Vienna, Berlin, Rome and INaples. I his
fact speaks volumes.
CF Jules Fabre, in a debate in the
French Assembly on restricting the free
dom of the press, said forcibly that the
cause of France s unquiet 'was because
its republican heart was still enclosed in a
monarchial mould.
CPThe Sultan of Turkey, Queen of
Great Britain, and the President of the
United States, have each given Count
Wass, the Hungarian Envoy, a favorable
and satisfactory reception. But Louis
Japoleon, the President of France, gave
him a 'cold shoulder.'
ksf A Yankee writer from San Francis
co to a New Haven paper: A Spanish
girl is the best grammar in the world; and
since my arrival in town, I have been
studying grdmmqr.' We suppose he'll
conjugate soon, if the girl don't decline.
Father Matheufs Seal. The private
seal of the Rev. Theobald Matthew repre
sents a fountain bursting from a rock, with
the following motto:
'Drink from the bubblinir fountain drink it
Twas good for Sampson and 'tis good for thee.'
Father Mathew. About 20,000 per
sons have taken the pledge at Father Mat
thew s hands, since his arrival m Boston.
He has also administered it to many at
Watertown and other neighboring places.
EFA gentleman having married a lady
of the name of Lamb, who had very little
beauty, but a very great fortune, was told
by an acquaintance that he would not have
taken the Lamb, had it not been for the
EFThe New York Sun says that sev
eral heartless physicians in that city have
recently refused certificates for interment
until their own bills for medical attendance
was settled.
FHarmless mirth is the best cordial
against the consumption of the spirits
wherefore jesting is not unlawful if it tres-
passeth not in quantity, quality, or season.
EPSomc minds are proportioned to
that waich may be despatched at once, or
within a short return of time; others to
that which begins afar off, and is to be
won by length and pursuit.
Lawyers and Mechanics. The New
York Mirror, in a late number says
"The bar is no longer the resort of the
ambitious youths of our country. The
mechanical departments are beginning to
be preferred. There are now twenty-six
young gentlemen in this city, that have
received liberal educations, who are ser
ving their times as shipwrights, carpen
ters, &c. In . a few years the United
States will have the most accomplished
mechanics in the world. 1 he union of s
substantial education with mechanica
skill will effect this."
EPWhat a delightful place Lowell must
be? In nine of ;he manufactories at Low
ell there are Six thousand four hundred
ana winy gins employed, we wonder
if there are any single men in that place.
The mortal whose heart could turn aside
the darts from so many fairy shafts, as
surely must be directed towards him, can
not certainly possess a soul.
State of Feeling ia Canada.
The following handbill was posted on
the walls throughout Montreal on Saturday
"Murder The First Anglo-Saxon
Blood. Turn out to a man to the Funeral,
that you may remember forever the Mur
dered Victim and the Glorious Cause,
To.morrow morning at ten o'clock, the
body of young Mason, (killed by a dis
charge of musketry at Lafontaine's house)
will becarried from Craig street to the
grave. Let the shops be all shut up."
The Montreal Pilot, in commenting on
this document says that its object is to in
crease excitement, and to invite bloodshed.
The Commander-in-chief has spent the
last two nights in traversing the city, visit
ing and inspecting the military posts.
The Sthenic of the Whigs.
We do not complain that Gen. Taylor
has taken it into his head to visit Pennsyl
vania; for we could wish no better adver
tisement of his utter incapacity at the
head of the government, than to let him
be heard and seen of all men. But he is
accompanied by one ol the most uncon
scionable demagogues in the Union Wm.
F. Johnston a man who will strain every
nerve to create dissensions in the demo
cratic ranks, and to instigate a secret
organization among the whigs. The
democrats must be up and doing. They
must quiet all dissensions, and put their
shoulders to the wheel at once. We tell
our friends every where in this State that
Johnston will sacrifice much to secure a
federal majority in the next legislature, so
as to have control of the apportionment
then to be made. 1 he disputes in the
Centre, Lycoming, and Clinton senatorial
district, and in Crawford county, should
be harmonized promptly in view of the
herculean though clandestine efforts of the
administration party. A word to the
wise ought to be sufficient. Petin.
The reserve and taciturnity of Washing
ton were proverbial; but as the one was
the result of diffidence and not of austerity
or pride, so the other proceeded from his
habitual prudence rather than coldness, or
want of the sensibility that inspires elo
quence. In proof of this, it is related of
him that when the famous meeting of offi
cers was held at Newburg, to consult upon
measures to be taken in consequence of
the disbandment of the army by Congress,
without securing the reward due to its ser
vices, Washington who was known to
disapprove of the proceedings, though he
sympathized with the feelings which gave
rise to it, resolved, nevertheless, to be
present. Unwilling to trust to his powers
ol extempore speaking, he reduced what
he meant to say to writing, and commen
ced reading it, without his spectacles,
which, at that period, he used only occa
sionally. Ke found however, that he
could not proceed without them. He
stopped, and took them out, and, as he
prepared to place them, he exclaimed; "I
have grown blind, as well as gray, in the
service of my country." This sudden
burst of natural eloquence produced, it may
be supposed, more effect than anything in
his premeditated address. Neio York as
it If as, by Jr. A. Duer.
On Monday the 27lh inst , Mrs.
Williams, aged about 23 years.
FUBLlC notice is hereby Jgiven, that by
order of the Orphans' Court of Cambria
county, will be exposed to sale by public ven
due or outcry, on Monday the 3d day of Octo-
ber next, at one o clock in the atiernoon, a
Situate in Cambria township, bounded by lands
of Richard Thomas, John E. Jones, Richard
Bennett and others, containing
One Hundred and Eighty Mne Acres
and allowance, with the appurtenance: late the
estate of David Davis, drover, deceased. The
sale will be held at the Court Houe, in the
borough of Ebensburg, and terms made known
William Davis and Jhtmas Al. Jones, ad
ruinistrators of the said estate.
Dy order of the Court,
August 30, 1849. 47-ta
CJTRAYED away from the res
idence of the subscriber, at
Plane No. 4, A. P. R. II., about
the 7th of August instant, a
Ho has lump on the left side of his neck, near
the shoulder. Any person giving the eubscri.
ber information of his whereabouts will be
liberally rewarded.
August 30, 1849. 17-3t.
ALL persons indebted to tho subscriber
either by Note or Book Account, are
earnestly requested to make settlemen t on or
before the first day of October next. Attention
to this notice may save trouble and costs.
Summit, August 30, 1819. 47-3t.
1,000 lbs. Nails,
1,800 lbs. Iron,
Jui.t received and for sale by
Ebcubburg, Au;uit IG, 1S19.
WHEREAS, in and by an Act of the Gen.
eral Assembly of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, entitled "An a:t to tojulate the
Gener-il Elections within this Commonwealth,"
it is enjoined on me to give Public Notice f
such election to be held, and to enumerate in
such notico what officers are to be elected: m
pursuance of which.
I, JESSE PATTERSON. Uieh Sheriff of
the county of Cambria, do hereby make known
and give this public notice to the Electors of
the said county of Cambria, that a Central
Election will be held in tho said county of
Cambria on the SECOND TUESDAY of Oc
tober next (being the 9th of the month) at the
several election districts Cklablished by law in
said county, viz
The Electors of the district composed of the
borough of Ebensburg and lownohip of Cam.
bria to meet at the Court House in said bor
1 he Electors of the district compos e! of ibe
township of Allegheny, to meet at ihn School
House iu the town of Loretlo in said town
The Electors of the district composed of the
borough of Johnstown, to meet at the house of
James Shannon, in aid borough.
ibe Llcctors of the district composed ot the
township of Conemaugh, to meet at School
House number thirteen in said township.
The Electors of the district composed of the
township of Carroll, to meet at School House
number three in said township.
I he lectors of the district composed of the
township of Clearfield, to meet al the house
of John Douglass, in 6aid township.
7 he L lectors of the district composed of the
township of Jackson, to meet at tho house of
Charles Dillon, in said township.
ihe Electors of ihe district composed of the
township of Richland to to meet at the house
of Jacob Kring, in said township.
Ihe Electors of the district composed of the
township of Summerhill to meet at School House
number one in the town of Jeffcr son, in said
Ihe Electors of the district composed of the
township of Susquehanna to meet at the house
of Matthew Conrad, in said township.
J he Electors of the district composed ot the
township of Washington to meet at the School
House situate at the foot of Inclined Place
No. 4, in 6aid township.
1 be Electors of the district composed of the
township of While to meet at School House
number one in said township.
At which time and places, the quaabed
Electors, as aforesaid, will elect by Ballot
One person for Canal Commissioner
of this Commonwealth.
Une person to represent the county of
Cambria in the House of Representatives
of this Commonwealth.
Une person for oherijf oj Cambria
Une person for Coroner of Cambria
Une person for 1 reasurer of Cambria
One person for Commissioner of Cam
bria county, and
Une person for Auditor of Cambria
Notice is also hercly given. That all per
sons (excepting Justices of the Peace) who
shall bold any office or appointment of profit
or trust, under the government of the United
States or of this State, or of any city or incor
porated district, whether a commissioned offi
cer or otherwise, a subordinate officer or agent,
who is or shall be employed under the legisla
tive, executive or judiciary department of this
state or ol the United states, or ot any city or
incorporated district, and also that every mem
ber of Congress and Slate Legislature, and bf
the select and common council of any city, or
commissioner of any incorporated district, is
incapable of holding or exercising, at the same
ume, tho office or appointment ot Judge, In
spector or Clerk of any election of this Com
inon wealth; and that no inspector, Judge, or
other officer of any such election, thall be eli
gible to any office to be then voted for.
And the return Judges ot tho respective dis
tricts aforesaid are requested to meet ai Ihe
Court House, in the borough of Ebensburg, on
Friday next after the 2d Tuesday of October,
with the returns of their respective districts.
Given under my hand and seal at Ebensburg,
this oUlh day of August, in the year ot our
Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty
nine, and of the Independence of the United"
States of America the seventy-third.
August 30, 1849. 17-te.
aZTMountain Echo please copy
Y virtue of sundry writs of Vend. Expon
as and Lev. Facias issued out of the
Court of Common Pleas of Cambria county.
and to me directed, there will be exposed to
salo at the Court House, in the Borough of
Ebensburg, Cambria county, on Monday the
1st day of October next, at one o'clock P. M.,
All the right, title and interest of Ddvid
Spielman, of, in and to two Lots of Ground
situate in tho town of Jefferson, Cambria
county, adjoining lots of Hugh Dugan and
William Butler, one of said lots having there
on erected a one and a half story howed log
dwelling House and a frame stable. The other
lot having thereon erected a Carpenter Shop,
a Ware Room, a Shed and a frame Stable, now
in the occupancy of the said David Spielman,
Taker, in Execution - and to be bold at the
suit of J. & G. Murray.
All the right, title and interest of Hugh
Maloy, of, in and to a lot of Ground situate in
Summitville, Cambria county, adjoining a lot
of James Noel, and fronting on the Rail Road,
having thereon erected a one and half story
frame House, now in the occupancy of tte
said Hugh Maloy.
Taken in Execution and to be sold at the
suit of James M'Dermitt, Assignee of James
Murray lale High feheriti of Cambria county,
All the right, title and interest of Frederick
ivunn, of, in and to a tract ot land situate in
Conemaugh township, Cambria county, ad
joining lands of John Zech. John Marsh,
Emanuel Horner and others, containing 133
acres more or less, ten acres ot which are
cleared having thereon erected a Cabin House
and a log stable now in the occupancy of John
Taken in Execution and to be sold at the
suit of E. L. Anderson Executor of Dr. John
Anderson, dee'd.
The following described building and lot o
IT round of Christian Swegman owner or repu
led owner, and Francis Shultz, builder and
contractor, to wit: All that certain two Btory
frame messuage and tenement, situate on Liv
cr good's extension of Johnstown, Conemaugh
township, Cambria county. No. 91, on the
south side of the public road running from
Johnstown up tho Conemaugh liver, on the
extension of Railroad street, containing m
front 32 feel, more or less, on said road, and in
depth about 44 feet, and the lot or piece of
ground and curtilage appurtenant to a;d build
ng. To be sold in pursuauce of an alias writ of
Lv- Facias at the suit of Jacob Fronhciser, As
ignee of W. V. Hsrria.
O- N. B. The Sheriff has made the follow,
mg the conditions of the above sales, yiz: one
loarth of the purchase money on each sale to
be pa.d at the tim. the properly ia Etruck down.
a !-aleJamoUDl8t 8500 and upwards.
UnCf lt2P.,ndJmoro lban S00. the one third;
under S 10 J, and more than 50. the one half;
e.s than 850 the whole amount, otherwise
the property will immediately again ho put up
te sale; and no Deed wiilbe presented for ac.
knowledment, unless the balance of the pur.
chase money be paid before the following Court
SherifTa Office Ebensburg
August 30, 1S19. tc $
lETMounlain Echo please copy.J
No. 136, North Third St. (opposite ths Eagle
IS now receiving about 3000 Casea Fa is a
Fall Goods, direct from the manufacturers,
such as MEN'S and BOYS' THICK KIP
and Children's Boots and Brogans, wiih a rreat
variety oi nvM&wn L,JiUi ISUOTS and
SHOES. This Stock is got up e xpressly for
the country trade, and will be sold cheap.
Merchants are invited to call and examine.
August 1843. 46-3m
ALL persons indebted to the subscriber are
are requested to come forward and settle
their respective accounts on or before the 12th
day of September next, otherwise they may
be waited on by officer of the law.
His books are left in the hands of David II.
Robers, Eq., who is fully authorized to settle
tho same.
August 9, 1849. 44
Q be sold at Public Sale at Saturday the
first day of September next, by the sub
scriber, attorney in fact of George Wisel.Sr.,
ai the icsidence of the said George Wise, in
Conemaugh township, a certain
containing one hundred and twenty four acres,
or thereabouts. There is an -
on the premises, with moderately good log
buildings, and about thirty acres cleared. The
situation is a very desirable one, convenient to
the Portage Railroad, and to the contemplated
route of the Central Railroad.
There will also be sold at the same time and
place a variety of personal property, consisting
in part of
O.tcseltof Blacksmiths1 Tools, Carpen
ter Tools, Sugar Kettles, one Cow,
one Loom, and Household and
Kitchen Furniture too nu
merous to mention.
Tho terms will be made known at the promises
on the day of tale. Salo to commence at 10
o'clock, A.M.
August 8, 1849. 44-4U
O'The '-Cambria Transcript" will insert
the aboVc until day of sale and chaigc this of
fice. NOTICE.
ETTERS of Administration having been
granted to the undersigned by the Regis-
er of Cambria county, on the estate of Tbora-
Crostmian, dee'd., notice is hereby given to
II persons indebted to said estate to make pay.
merit, and those having claims against it to
present ihem to the undersigned duly authen
ticated for settlement.
Susquehanna tp., )
13. 1849. C46-6t
John Ivory $ Co.
Comprising in part fine Cloths and Cassimeres,
with an assortment of the most desiraoie
and fashionable Ladies' Drc6s Goods,
such as Lawns, Lustres, Dc Laines
Alpacas, Mulls, Ginghams,
Calicoes, &c, in great
varieties Together
with every descrip.
tion of Men &.
Wear; Domes
tic Goods, Hosiery,
Trimmings &-C, &. c.
We have a large and gener
al assortment which will be sold
lower than any that have ever been
offered in this vicinity, together with a
general assortment of
(iueensware, Drags, Medicines, Oils, Glass and
Putty; Boots and isnoes;
ZIFFine Beaver and Moleskin Hats;
fine Cloth Caps: fine Gimp, Braid,
Pearl and straw aonneis; jjooks, oia-
tionary, -c.
With every description of Goods, Ttotions,
&.c, that are usually kept in a country store,
all of which will be sold on such, terms as will
defy all competition and insure general eatis.
GAU kinds of Country Produce wanted, for
which the highest market Price will be givenQ
Summit A. P. R. Road,
July 5, 1849. 39.
THE Pamphlet Laws of the last Session of
the Legislature have been received at the Pro
thonotary's Office in Ebensburg, and are ready
for delivery to those who by law are entitled
to receive them.
Wm. KITTELL, Prothonotary
August 16, 1849.
ana DOZEN BOOl'S and
xr all kiudt. just received andfor sale'at
Buchanan's Store.