The mountain sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1844-1853, August 23, 1849, Image 1

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VOL. 5. NO. 40.
Doubt Not.
Whan the dey of lifo is dreary
And v.hon glcvtn tby course enshrouds
Wben thy steps are fainl an J weary,
And thy spirit dark with clouds,
Steadfast still in thy well-doing,
Let thy soul forget the past
Steadfast still, the right pursuing,
Dcubt not! jcy shall come at la.t.
Stiivlng still, snd cnwarl pressing,
?eek not future years tu kno.v,
bat desIRVE the wkhed for MeEinj,
It shall como, tluugh 1 1 be slv,
Never tiring upvard gazing
Let thy fears sside be cast,
And thy trial tempting, braving
Doubt not! joy thll m:i.o at Isji.
Keep n'.t tl.ou ihy soul regretting,
Feek the good pp'iru evil's thrall.
Though thy foes thy pihs besetting,
Thou thalt triumph o'er litem nil.
Though each year but bri ng Ujee s.iumsi,
And thy youth be fleeting fist,
'I here'll be lia:e enough for gLidtieis
Doubtnot! joy shall coto at l is1..
Ilis fond eye is witching o'er thee
His strong ariii shall be thy guard--Duty's
path is straight before thee,
It shall lead to thy reward,
Hat thy ills thy faith made stronger,
Mould the future by the pist
Hope thou on a 'ittle longer.
Doubt not! jy shall conic at li'.
iTZny LiHic,
It was a most provoking tiling that
young Harry Warren should have fallen
in love with pretty May Lillie simply a
village school-master whom know body
knew and she the only daughter of the
richest and proudest man in the whole
county of Eric, whom every body knew!
It was not only provoking, but it was also
very unfortunate for the poor fellow, as
he might as well have aspired to wed yon
bright evening star, as to lead to the altar
the daughter of Diogenes Lillie, Esq. Ex.
M. C.
See the maliciousness of Fate! If May
had been put the child of some- poor wid
ow or parson or had Harry claimed de
scent from some lordly aristocrat, the
course of true love might not have run so
'crooked. Lcander swam the Hellespont
to reach hU love, breasting bravely the
surging billows, which parting before him,
bore him exultingly to the feet cf Hero
but how shall Harry force the adamantine
chains with whHi .Mammon bars the way
to happiness! Assist him ye gods of hap
less lovers.
My hero was the son of a farmer, more
rich in children than in acres, and who
could only afford them in schooling, value
received for a few bushels of wheat, rye,
cr potatoes.
Young Harry had no tas'.e for agricul
ture. The plough furrowed his handsome
countenance, and the harrow harrowed his
soul. Neither did he fancy mechanics
he turned from the anvil, the carpenter's
bench, the awl, and the scissors with equal
repugnance. Books, books alone were
his passion. For these all else were ne
glected, the cattle strayed loose in the
fields, the pigs crept through the garden,
the wheat remained unshocked, and the
grass uncut, while Harry under a tree lost
himself amid the tattered leaves of an old
book, which every breath of wind threat
ened to sweep far from him. This was a
sore trial to his father, but after fruitlessly
xhausting all his arguments to dissuade
his son from the folly of 'laming,' he fi
nally gave it up, and left Harry unmoles
ted to follow his bent. The clergyman
of the village admiring the perseverance of
the young tarmer ooy, ana wisnmg to en
courage tuch laudable zeal, kindly volun
teered to assist him in his studies, and
with unwearied toil by night and by day,
Harry Warren was finally prepared to
tnter college.
At the age of twenty -one he graduated
honorably, and left the college walls, his
head well stored with knowledge a light
heart -a lighter purse, and a strong will
to persevere in the path he had marked
out for himself, a path which, after many
crooked windings, was, as his sanguine
imagination assured him, to lead him even
tually on the high road to fame.
, To put a little money in his pocket,
ad at the same time gain Borne leisure for
3tady, he offered himself as a candidate
for the school in the beautiful village of
G- . .. some fifty miles- distant from his
native town. He was accepted, and en
tered upon the duties of his new office
vifh hope and energy. And then the"
very first thing he did was to fall in love!
foolish fellow instead of teaching the
young idea how to shoot he suffered
himself to be shot through the sparkling
roguish eyes of littly May Lillie did Cupid
aim his dart tica?ig he was gone!
Diogenc3 Lillie, Esq., professed to bp
a very learned man, an immensely learned
man, and his library accordingly occu
pied one whole wing of his large and
costly mansion. No onefarornear could
boast of so many square feet of knowl
edge, lie patronized the arts and scien
ces, and hinted at many wonderful inven
tions at work in his brain, which were in
time to burst forth and astonish the world,
lie also courted the muses, and was con
vinced that should he once plume his
llight to Parnassus, there would be an im
mense fluttering among all soaring poets,
whom he should distance at once by his
bold and flashing imagery.
Could the eyes of poor old Dominie
Sampson have rested upon the countless
volumes which 'like Alps on Alps' arose
to the lofty ceiling, would not his meagre,
bony jaws have ushered in 'pro-di-gious!'
for there- was one compartment devoted to
theology, and space for all the 'ologies
then there were divisions for astronomy,
for botany, for history, for travels there
was the poet's corner, and the niche of
romance. There were books in French,
and German, and Spanish, and Russian,
and Italian, and a mausolci 1 in the dead
languages. I cannot vouch that 'one poor
head could carry' all this, that the brain
of the great Diogenes contained as many
chambers as his library division? but it
was i very pleasant thing for him to gaze
up and down, down and up, upon their
costly gold-lettered backs! Then there
were also busts and statues, and globes,
and blow-pipes, and barometers, and ther
mometers scattered around, and here in
this hall of inspiration, devoted to the
'sisters three and such branches of learn
ing,' did Mr. Lillie spend the most of his
invaluable time.
Now great wisdom is said to bestow
upon its possessor a contempt for. wealth
proportionate, which, by the way, may be
the 3asoa whv so manv teamed writers
and men of genius have died in a garret.
If so there was no fear that the last
breath of Diogenes Lillie, Esq., would be
drawn in a aitic, for he lost nought of his
gold in the depths of his wisdom, but so I
skilfullv managed his financial concerns,
that though apparently paying litle heed :
to business, as he sat there ensconced amid ;
his books and papers, the ball was kept j
constantly rolling and constantly acourna- j
Yet what militated mostagainsl the love
of Harry Warren, he had resolved from ;
the time when pretty May slipped her ;
leading-strings, that she should be the i
wife of some great man wielding authority;
and pray what virtue was there in the j
petty birch twig, or the twelve inch ruler,
which were the only symbols of authority
the young school-master wielded!
'However, there is no need of my trou
bling myself upon that head yet!' would
Mr. Little year after year say to himself!
'May is but a child it will, be time I
enough years hence to pick out a husband !
for her.
Pick out a husband! just as if the
bright eyes of May were not capable of
selecting for themselves or that the eyes
of sixty could see for those of sixteen.
But there is in reality no need of Mr.
Lillie's troubling himself, for the deed is
done, and the little gipsy May engaged in
as pretty flirtation, ad ever spread the
rosy light of love around the hearths of
Let me exculpate my unfortunate hero
from all attempts to win the affections of
his beautiful pupil. On the contrary, it
seems a mystery that his oddities and
awkwardness should have any other emo
tions than pity in the heart of May for
he was so terribly ungraceful in her pres
ence why if he merely spoke to her his
voice was so low and tremulous, that she
had really to approach her little head quite
near to catch a word he said and as for
his scholarship, you would have thought
him a dunce, so many egregious blunders
did he commit in hearing her recitations
and he could no more guide her little
hand in making those pretty and delicate
strokes which marked her copy book,
than he could fly to the moon. You
would have been amazed that such a fine,
handsome young fellow, could have made
such a booby of himself!
However, never were scholars blessed
with so indulgent a master; and his popu
larity rose in proportion, while as your
lovers are for the most part but little given
to the flesh-pots of Egypt, he was pro
nounced by all economical housewives
upon whose hospitality he was semi
monthly thrown, to have the most accom
modating taste and could dine from beef
and cabbage, pork and parsnips, pp.a? por-
ridge, or mush and milk, with equal relish.
I am sorry to say, that at first May
joined in the laugh with her mischievous
schoolmates, at the oddities of the master,
and contrived many little tricks to vex
him. Yet if she raised her eyes a mo
ment from her book, she was sure to en
counter those of Harry fixed upon her,
with an expression so mournful, yet so
tender, as bathed her-ohdksvith blushes
and her eyes with tears of contrition.
Her frolics therefore soon yielded to a
more pensive mood. She could not tell
why, but the thoughtless mirth of her
companions vexed and annoyed her she
no longer joined in those idle pranks,
which had for their object the ridicule of
the master, but gave way to sudden fits of
musing and abstraction. When she heai-d
his footstep approaching, her heart beat
audibly, and in her class she no longer
raised her saucy eyes to ?;meonstrue her
lesson, but scarcely lifted their drooping
lids, as she answered in faint tones the
questions put to her.
In short, Love had conquered the mer
riest and most mischievons maiden that
ever laughed at his wiles!
One clay in early spring, ere the snow
drop of the crocus, had dared to lift their
pretty heads above the snowy mantle in
which old winter had so long kept them
snug and warm, May placed in her bosom
a bright and beautiful rose-bud. It was
the first her little conservatory had yielded,
and as she that morning for the first time
discovered it peeping through the rich
green leaves, she thought she had never
seen any thing so fresh and beautiful.
Carefully plucking it from the luxuriant
branch, she bore oil the fragrant trophy to
exhibit to her young companions.
Weil to be sure it was only a rose-bud
but as Harry descried it sitting so proud
ly upon its pure and lovely throne, some
thing whispered with that rose his fate
was linked was it thornless, or should !
he wounded and complaining henceforth
bid adieu to happiness!
May caught the glance of the master,
and blushed and trembled just as if she
perfectly comprehended what was passing
through his mind, and as suddenly the lit
tle rose-bud was invested with new and
tenfold value. She would have had it
next her heart from the careless gaze of
her young associates, for she felt that it ;
, j
had now become a sacred thing w
their touch would profane.
Suddenly, May bent her head over her
desk, and shook long raven curls over her
cheek, as she
heard a well known step
behind her, and felt that the large eloquent
O " O rf lllO m-iefni ll-r rr ( vnl nrvnn hnx
But for the tluobbing of her own little i
heart, she could hear the rapid pulsation
of his, while his breath almost stirred the ;
which rested
1 IB 1 1 I 1 - . 1 I ,
uosom. ivapiuiy ner nine nana now j
moved over the slate, glancing at the right
1 1 . i ! " I
anu leu, tracing ugure upon ngure, as
lUrU it nlatc 1,,1 L... i
.,. : j.,:u: .u .' .
i a- uui-uiicu in uctipucinijj me ruies oi
Coleman. It was a most puzzling sum
never had she attempted one so difficult
in vain she erased in vain began
again. Of course it was all wrong, and
so Harry, as in duty bound, took the pen
cil and sat down by her side to extricate
her diiiiculties .as a schoolmaster
know, there was no other way.
But, dear me instead of looking upon
Yes, bit
'You .you arc fond of flowers, I see.'
'Yes, sir.'
'They are a favorite study of mine
are you much versed in the language of
flowers my ahem Miss May?
,They always speak to me of God's
love and goodness,' replied May, as de
murely as if she had been answering her
'True, dear Miss May,' said Harry.
'They are, indeed, as the poet says 'the
smiles of angels' blessing and cheering us
in our earthly pilgrimage but aside from
this heavenly mission, the poet has also
bestowed upon them another language:
In eastern lands they talk in flowerF,
And they tell in a garland their loves and
Each blossom thdt blooms in their garden bow.
On its leaves a mystic language bears.'
Is it so do you believe this, May?'
May made no answer, but bent her head
still lower over the book before her, and
the little rose-bud trembled as though
moved by some breath of summer.
The the rose, May,' continued Harry,
'seems to have ever been a favorite and
expressive flower of this mystic garland:
'The rose is the sign of joy and love,
Young blushing love in m earliest dawn.
There was a pause.
Mav Mav. will you give mc the
han "th tiiVir ccs.nercr 11 , lo'vcrllife shall startle the lovers of Homer,' (a
to be sure " rOSebud-a prCUy tCachcr' bow to the god)-my wit shall cut with
. a. , ,, " , .... , ... I the keen sarcasm of Shakspeare,' (looking
'Jlhem that is a beautiful rose. Miss t w ,, : .
-., ,, t glorious vv ill full in the face) 'while the
The next moment the little bud was in
the hand of the transported Harry, accom
panied with a look of such innocent confi
ding love, as made his heart dance with
Was there ever in after life a moment of
such pure and exquisite happiness as then
filled the hearts of the lovers!
But the j-jose-bud, the poor rose-bud, bit
terly did it rue the change from its loveTy
resting place to the great hand of the school
master besides coming very near being
crushed to pieces between that and the
dainty little fingers of May as she placed
it therein!
Well, it must have been a puzzling sum
indeed to keep the master so long at May
Lillie's desk! and taking advantage of his
inattention, the mischievous scholars car
ried on a pretty little by play of their own
there was a tittering in corners, and
whispering behind torn covers and soft,
soft tiptoeing from one seat to another, and
little paper pellets flying like hail-stones
from side to side. Ah, dear, happy chil
dren there is no danger you might
knock the master's head off, and he would
never know it!
'Young ladies children I give you a
holyday,' quoth Harry, rapping his desk
with the dread ferule, insignia of his pow
er. A holyday huzza huzza a holy
day!' shouted the girls and boys, rushing
from the school-room.
But the older girls looked slyly at eacli
other, and then at the blushing MayT
'Look look!' exclaimed a half a dozen
in a breath. 'The master is walking home
with May Lillie!'
Diogenes Lillie, Esq., sat in his study.
Around him were gathered all those pow
erful incentives necessary to call forth that
great masterly genius which lay hid some
where in his brain somewhere from
whence, though many times coaxed and
flattered, it had as yet resolutely refused
to stir.
Upon the table before him, bearing at
each corner respectively a bust of Plato,
of Shakspeare, of Homer, and of Milton,
were pamphlets, reviews, folios, quartos
and duodecimos, thickly strewn but what
was more to the purpose, there was drawn
up close to the elbow of Mr. Lillie, a quire
of hot pressed letter paper, with edges of
, i -, . ,i
I gotu a suver sianuisn, oearmg me goiuen
I pen ingrafted in-a feather of pearl, and the
j cerulean ink with which genius should in
I dite the virgin sage, whenever said genius
! should deign to issue from its dark hiding
i place
, ' 11 ' V . 7 1
fl togeher-his eyes upturned with a
ezlVd gla to the ceiling, and deep in-
ULTiiauons, iiku me ruiu oi a uiu-Mv-iiieiuii,
corrugated his brow.
Reader he
was conceiving.
'I will write. Yes, I will write a poem
i Will lUIHMl "'C -l' '
shall no longer remain under a bushel, but
shall go forth like the sword of Gideon to
hew down all minor poets! Upon what
theme shall 1 first spend my genius let
me consider,' (drawing the paper still near
er and dipping the golden pen into the
flowing ink,) 'gold the Age of God the
Golden Age yes, 'The Golden Age' it
j shall be. My sublimity shall throw Mil
' ton into the shade,' (with a look at the
tout-ensemble shall form such a complete
ness of wisdom as might honor even the
head of a Plato!' (a triumphant look at the
old philosopher.)
And thus encouraged, the gold pen ca
pered, and flashed, and flourished from side
to side like a mad thing pointing notes of
admiration here, dotting and scratching
there, and then diving deep into the sea of
ink, plumed its pearly pinion for new and
higher flights.
For three weeks did the poet buryr him
self in his library with dead and living
And every morning he kissed his pretty
May-flowcr as she tied cji her little bon
net. 'There, there go along child; be a
good girl and obey the master.'
And then sne
came to bid him good
night. "
There, there; go to bed, child, and
don t forget your lessons.
Not she, bless her! Why she never
forgot a single lesson the school-master
taught her she had every word by heart!
At length the Golden Age was ready to
burst like a blazing star uoon-this dull
coppery world, and was the most sublime
thing, in the opinion of its author, that
was ever written and who, pray, could
be a betterjudge?
Now M,r- Lillie having some conception
of the ignorance of the critics, having once
(although it is a groat secret,) ?cnt a huge
: U1I Illl It si I 1 I . I I I V III iiiv i;il IU1 VO J L 1 11 1 U 1
MSS. to the Harpers, which was pro
nounced 'sHiJP it mjght have been very
good stuff. notwithstanding resolved that
ere he essayed the publishers, he would
give his unique poem in all its unfledged
beauty to his native village. It was a
capital idea. It should be delivered before
the Lyceum to an astonished audience.
He could then have some faint idea per
haps of" the applause which awaited its
appearance in 12mo., calf and guilt.
Concluded next Week.'
nusband Catching.
Of a certain divine an anecdote is told,
which Hook used to say exceeded any
specimen of cool assurance that he ever
exhibited. A young clergical friend of his,
staying at his house, happened to be sit
ting up one night reading, after the family,
as lie supposed, had retired to rest. The
door opened, and his excellent host re-appeared
in his dressing-gown and slippers.
My dear boy,' said the latter, seating
himself, and looking pathetically at his
gusst, 'I have a few word"? to say don't
look alarmed they will prove agreeable
enough to you, rely upon it. The fact
Mrs. E.nd myself have for some time
observed the attention you pay to Betsey.
We can make every allowance, knowing
3'our excellent principles as we do, for the
diffidence which has hitherto lied your
tongue, but it has been carried far enough.
In a worldly point cf view, Betsey, of
course, might do better, yet we have all
the highest esteem for your character and
disposition but then our daughter she
is dear to us and where her happiness ia
at stake all minor considerations must give
way. We have, therefore, after due de
liberation I must own not altogether
without hesitation made up our minds to
the match. What must be, must be; you
are a worthy fellow, and therefore, in a
word, you have cur free and cordial
consent. Only make our child happy
aid we ask no more.'
The astonished divine, half petrified,
laid down his book.
'My dear sir,' he began to murmur,
'there is some dreadful mistake. I really
never thought, that is, -never intended '
'No! no! I know you did not. Your
modesty, indeed, is one of those traits
which has made you so deservedly a favor
ite with us all. But my dear boy, a pa
rent's eyes are chaiy. Anxiety sharpens
them. We saw well enough what tou
thought so well concealed. Betsey, too,
is just the girl to be so won. Well! well!
say no more about it, it's all over now.
God bless you both! Only make her
a good husband here she is. I told
Mrs. to bring her down again; for
the sooner young folks are put out of sus
pense the better. Settle the matter as
soon as vou like; we will leave vou togeth
er.' Thus saying, the considerate parent
bestowed a most affectionate kiss upon his
daughter, who was at this juncture led into
the room by her mother, both en disha
bille, shook his future son-in-law cordially
"by the hand, and with a 'There, there, go
along, Mrs. , turned his wife out of
the room, and left the lovers to their tete
a tete.
What was to be done? Common hu
manity, to say nothing of politeness, de- !
manded nothing less than a proposal; and
it was tendered accordingly, and we need !
scarcely add, very graciously received.
Memoirs of Hook.
Iligli Tribute to the SUtcrs of Charity,
A correspondent of the Washington Re
public, writing from St. Louis, acknowl
edges himself a Protestant, and says:
1 have been remiss in duty in not before
paying a tribute of praise and gratitude to
a bodv of christian and benevolent females, 1
but for whose heroic conduct our list cf !
mortality would hav e been swelled to a far
greater length than ev en its fearful appear
ance now presents. I allude to the 'Sis
ters of Charity' of the city of St. Louis.
In every sense of the word they have
proven themselves to be the 'good Samari
tans' of this community. When panic
and alarm had driven the relatives of the
departed, in some of our most respectable
protestant families, to seek safety in flight
from the presence of the dead, and none
could be found to pay the last offices to
such as slept in death, and to robe the
body for the grave, thefcc dauntless, self
sacrificing, religiously-devoted females,
have never been appealed to in vain, but
have frequently gone and performed that
which none others were willing to under
take. ' When public city hospitals were
established in every Ward in. the city,
where the most loathsome objects of this
loathsome disease, were huddled together
in large numbers, and to take care of whom
neither money nor entreaties could secure
attendants these 'Sisters of Charity,' with
hertio firmness, a'gain threw themselves
into the broach, and voluntarily tendered
their services to the public authorities as
nurses. Here, in these charnel houses of
the living, for week in and week ott, they
have stood as faithful sentinels, facing the
arch enemy, Death, with a composure and
fearlessness that nothing but anunbounded
reliance in the overshadowing care of 8
crucified Redeemer could impart, and
contesting inch by inch the combat between
that enemy and its victims, -with whom
they were const2ndy surrounded. And
when they have found that nature must
yield to the king of terrors, end thai the
curtain of death was rapidly drawing
around the sufferer, upon . bended knees
they could be seen reclining Qver infected
lips, and en'reaung the expiring patient to
look with the e e of faith upon the image
of their expiring Saviour. In the dens of
vice, and in the humble habitations of the
most destitute amongst us, and that are
ever found in the outskirts and by-places
of all large cities, these messengers of mer
cy, philanthropy and charity, can be seen
moving by day and by night, ministering
unto the sick, comforting the afflicted, and
gathering togethef helpless orphan inno
c:ncy, that places cf refuge might be se
cured them in some of the different ssy
lums of our city. When I sea such dis
interested benevolence as thi3 at a time
too, when fear has rer.t csunder the ties of
affection and consanguinity, when many
of our clergy, with their families, have
sought in flight that protection which they
so pathetically preach, in time of health,
can only be found of God, and where al
most every one acts upon. the selfish and.
unchristian principle, of 'every man take
care of himseif-1 feel as if public asknowl
edgment should be made, which such
praiseworthy and benevolent conduct deserves.
The Gold Klines of ihe Great Salt LukesThe
A letter from a Mormon at the Salt Lake
to his friends in Ohio, says:
'There is an extensive gold mine here,
from which a great many of my neighbors
are engaged in digging geld. Those .who
work the mines make from thirty to. sev
en hundred and fifty dollars perday esch.
If a man wants gold, ell he has to do is
to go and dig it. In tact, money is. as
plenty here as pine slabs used to be at
Schroon, Vt. We have gold dust, gold
and silver coin, and a paper currency for
our own convenience, paper being better
to handl3 than gold dust.
Pure salt abound to any extent. I can
shovel up a wagon load of salt here as
s:on as you can a lead cf sana on yo; r
lake shores. There are some springs that
are very useful. Within four miles of the
city there is a hot 'spring, the water of
which is sufficiently hot to scald a hog in.
There is another spring within one mile
cf the city, the water of which is about
blood warm, there we bathe for health;
also, an oil spring, a soda spring, and an
alkali, spring, near the Lake, at which
place it requires but a few minute3 to load
a wagon with as good saleratus as ever
we used, in fact we use no other. 9 m
There is not much timber in ths coun
try. Game is very plenty, such as buffa
loes, antelopes, deer, tear, S:c. Fowls
and fishes of all kinds in abundance.
Cattle can live here the whole year
without ei;her hay or corn, ajid be fat
enough for beef at any time. There has
been one crop raised in the valley, and
there is now a large crop of wheat in the
ground. There is a canal being construct
ed here for the purpose of watering our
fields, as there is very little or no rain in
the summer season.
A Kfgn:ar "Stick."
C. was a cu e "Down Easter' a real
live Yankee always ready for a joke,
and hard to beat. He was one day in a
country bar-room 'down South,' where
several persons were assenibled"when one
of them said:
'Mr. C, if you go out and stick your
penknife in anything, when you come
bacfc I'll tell you what it's sticking in.'
You can't dew no such a thing,' re
sponded C.
I'll bet you ten dollars on it, said the
'Wall,. I rather guess I'll. take that 'ere
bet; here capting, (turning to the landlord)
hold the" stakes, and I'll e'en just make
half a saw-horse in less than no time.'
The parties deposited an X a piece and
C. went on his mission, but in a short
time returned, saying
Wall, nabor, what is it sticking in?'
'In the handle,' replied the Southerner,
as he reached out his bnd for the stakes.
Guess not; jest wait a while,' said the
Y'ankee, as he held up the handle of hi
knife, minus the blade. 4I kalkilate tne
blade can't be in the handle, when it's driv
clean up in an old stump aside yer road
Jonathan of course won the agw, and
the Southerner sloped to parts unknown,
amid roar? of laughter. l'ankec Blade. .
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