The mountain sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1844-1853, June 28, 1849, Image 3

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Thursday, June S3, 1849.
Dr. Wm. A. SMITH,
Of Ebensburg.
- OfSurnmerhilltp.
'Of Washington tp. ,'
Of Ebensburg.
Jackson, tp;
Of Allegheny tp.
ZTThz StNTI.HEL, Ac mcl .e largest cir
dilation of any paper published in this county
and as en advertising sheet off-rs superior
inducements to merchants and business men
generally. Those desirous of -making us cf
this medium for extending their business cin
do so bif either sending their notices direct, or
through the fullovsing agents:
John Crouse, Esq., Johnstown.
E. IV. Carr, Evans Buildings, Third tt.
Wm. A. Kinsloe, Pittsburg.
George Pratt, 151, Nassau St., Ntio York.
Tcnpcrascs Lecture.
V have been requested to state that Jacob
Carter, Eeq., of Philadelphia, the distinguished
champion of Temperance, will doliver a lec
ture in the Rrick church in thia place on Fri
day the Gih of July next. The advocates ot
Temperance thronghout tho county, end all
others, ara requested to attend.
53There will be no Court in Ho'ltJaysbur j
in tho month of July. Owing to the impression
existing in the minds ofthd - members of the
Bar, the writs were made returnable on the j
fourth Monday of July next, and the Juries!
and witnesses summoned to appear at that
timp, when (.be time appointed by law for hold,
.tog the Court is on the third Monday instead
of the fourth Judge Taylor has declared thai
in conequenee of theeo informalities, the
Court cannot be held on either the third or
fourth Monday.
CTThe Aq'icduct near Baiiibridge, 6ast of
Harrisburg, was washed away on Sunday night
list It is paid that it will require several
days to repair the damage.
Kojor General.
The election for Mijor General of this Divi
sion competed of the counties of SouiM-set,
Uedford, Blair and Cambria, will take pi co on
Monday next. The commissioned iffieers
of 'he county will not -egl ct to meat at
tba Court HoatJ on the day iippYmteJ.
upon a member of tho Legislature. He is
well known to have been a firm and con3isten '
demccrat, and if elected, we feci confident, he
will make an able and faithful Representative
lie is perhaps as well acquainted , with the
wants and the wishes of the psople of this
county us any man i.i it, and we know that no
cur-ions will bo wanting on Ins part to reme
dy the evils under which they may labor.
John lev, the candidate for Sheriff, is
emphatic il'y a m m of the people, and all his
feelings and interests aro, an I h iva been iden
tified with them. Ik point of qialifioxtion, it
is universally ackiio .vled'nd that he his not
his superior in the county for the oface for
which he has Lcm nominated. Ilis attachment
to democracy is undoubted, and he has never
been known to deviate in his support of regu
lar nomination?- As- ha was raised and edu .
cated in this county, and well known to the
people and de-iervodly popular, we pieJict his
election by a large majority. t '
As for ourelf, we merely beg leave to tender
our thanks to the democracy of the county for
tbs honor they have conferred upon us in pla
cing our name n the ticket as a candidate fur
the office of County Treasurer. We would as
sure them, that if elected, we will 'discharge
the duties ol the ofnea with fidelity and to the
best of our ability. ' ...
; The candidate fur County " Commissioner,
Anthony Lambauqu, of Jackson towns!. ip, is
well known to tho people i f this county as pr.
ssexsiiig ubihrio which admirably tit him to
perform the arduous labors of the office for
which he ha been placid in nomination. He
is a man of clerling integrity, is a lirm and con.
sistenl democrat, and if elected, no ono v. ill
donbi that he will make th-j right kind of a
Washington Douslas3. of Allegheny town
ship, who, it will b eoi by reforc ica to the
pioGecdiiigs of tl.e Con.iy v juti n, bus
b.-cu nominated by r cci miaiio'i for Cuuutv
Auditor.1' As tins fjie is of much more im
portunes to the interests of the County thai,
many popla im igine, wo are Ud to see a man
seiuciud, who is titud by etlucatiou tnd habit?
ti ut'.tnd to it.
P. S. JI'Cloekev, of the Summit, was also
iiiUji niiieU by uce Jatnation lor the oiHce of
Coroiier. The want of this efneer has been fie.
cjuemly tL-lt by the people tS this cuunty, and
ihu Convciiti.'ii, in remedying the evil, lias t.e-It-Cti
d a 111. in wno knowd we 1 how to perform
the duties of the office. The JSqnirc is a clever
m;i n and will make a g-iod vtTicvr.
't aking tho ticket hh a wliu'.e, we think we
may le pormitlcd to eay, that the Convention
CO'j'J not havo se!fctej a betfer one, or one
thai wou.d mora corilia I i v receive the support o'
tho party. Of course wu hope and expect to
see it elected by a large maj nity.
AVt'stnurclaad Coun'.y.
The folluwn'g ticket has been placed in njm.
mation by the d.-uiocracy of old Westmore
land- ... '
Assembly John F. M'CuIIuuch, II. T
L tir.I, Joseph (Juircy.
ShrriJ, IIois.
Register and litcttder. James Keenan.Jr.
Tieasurer. TuniUAJ. IJircUv.
Coaotj Ccnvention.
As win do seen, we nivo noioa to i ur
mast hsid the ticket placed in nom'ma.
tion by the Do riosr itic C-mnty Convention
which assembled in this place on Tuesday last,
and we d so in the hope that it wiil meet the
. approbation of, and receive a warm :nd hearty
support from the democracy of Cambria Coun
ty. The Convention, the entire proceedings
of which we publish in to days paper, was com.
posed of as good men as can ba found in the
county, and, acting with an eye single to the
success of the democratic cause, have endea
vored to form a ticket upon which the whole
party can cordially unite. As if the case in all
nominations however of this kind, a purl ion
of the domocracy would have preferred other
msn, and may letl disappointed that th?y did
not get them, yet we are confident that the
Convention havo done what they supposed
was bebt calculated to unito our ranks and ren.
dor our triumph certain. livery individual
placed in nomination is well qualified to dis
charge the duties of the office for which he
has been stlected, and as none of them can be
charged with tho comm iasiojj of any "political
tin," we know that no political reasons can be
urged by members of tho democratic party for
net supporting them.
In connection with this pabjeet, we havo been
authorised to state that the name of sheriff
Patterson was used in the Convention by hi
friends, without any desire on bis part to be
t candidate. He never atked a nomination,
and d.d not wish it. lie nevertheless cxpr s.
tea his thanks to his frionda for thia expression
of their warm attachment to him. and will
cheerfully unite with them in yielding to the
tickot nominated a cordial and hearty support
Our car.tJidate for Assembly, Dr. Wm. A
Gmitii, is eminently qualified to discharge the
dattes of the offioe for which he has teen
placed in nomination. There are but few men
m the state whoar better conversant with the
political history of our country, or who are
l!tr a-jir'.ej 'ith tr -Jues drvlvjpg
Largs BoJies of 31s xic.uis cii route for Califor
nia, &.C.
New Okleaxs, June 19.
We received here yesterday, dates from
Vera Cruz up to the 7th inst. Lanre
numbers of Mexicans v.cre going to Cal
ifornia. The Mexican Congress were discussing
a biil appropriating the eight million doll
ars indemnity troni the United Slates.
towards the payment of the internal im
The crevasses are nearly all slopped,
the riter is rapidly subsiding, and the
weather is extrernelv hot.
The accounts from the lied Kiver coun
try are more favorable, and report the cot
ton crop to be improving.
Late advices from Texas confirm the
report of the loss of Captain Deache's par
ty of California emigrants by the Indians
only one out of thirty-four escaping
from them.
The Democratic Delegates from tho eeval
townships of Cambria county assembled af he
Court Ilourso, in the boroug h of Ebensl rgt
on Tuesday the 26 h inst. , On mo on,
R03ER1 P. LINTON. Esq, was callei IQ
to the Chir. and Peter M'tiough and Dertard
M'Culgan Secretaries. Credentials of thelol
atos having buen examined, the foboMin?
gentlemen took thtiir beats as members t the
Convention. .
Allegheny. Michael M'Guire, Henry fScau.
ian. , ' J
Cambria. Jamea Myers, John B. Ilotver.
Carrol WillUm. Glass, William Jl Will.
141118. , . . I
Clearfield John Douglass, Peter Cough:
Connemaugh. John ShofFer, Jacob Fron-heit-er.
i '
Jackson. Wm. W. Harris, Charlsj Wilson.
Johnstown. Emanuel Shaffer, iiabert . P.
Linton.. : . ; " ' :' ; :
liichlsnd. Luwis Danmyar, IInry Du;-
!. SummcrMU - Jacob' Pringle, '. Clisha Plum
mer.' : . . : ; I
Susquehanna- John Kinports, Francis Bea
rer. ' .";' ' " ',' '
; Washington. Bernard M'CoIgan, Francis
O'Friel. . r . ,. . .: .
White. -Arthur M'Dermit, Johh Burgoon.
.. The io'.lowing no ninat ioni were made for
Jams Myers, nominated Win. A. Smith,
Jacob Fronhetser
lleuty Ssaiil.ia
John Kin ports
fcJniaiiucl SnafH'-r '
The C'UiVeiition , on motion, then
oed to balloting.
From Moalrtal.
' . Montreal, June 29.
Tie British A nacrican league is growing
in rength daily, and now numbers thirty
subranches. . Their intention is to agi
tattifor furdier alterations of the colonial
lavl- If by next steamer' it is ascertained
thathe Queen sanctions the Rebellion
LoJe3 Bill,' decisive atepa will be taken,
an will probably be renewed. The
Gcernor is at Morxckland, and is looked
up l as a prisoner there The military
hai been engaged in ball practice for the
las ten days. The anniversary cf the
ba e of Waterloo has not b33n celebrated.
Jesse Patterson,
Patrick hicls, -
Ilobeit P. Linton,
Thomas iM'Xicrn :i
Wm. A. Smith,
Jeese Patterson,
Patrick Sl.ieis,
Robert P. Linton,
i' iM'Kioriian,
1st Ba'lot
8 '
3 .
Afier l&t Uailo t, Emanuel Shaffer 'witl)drewtlu3 ''General O
Fiiiral Cjservasos ia 11? of Ei TfcJaeai
Polk. '.
'he President, with deep regret, an
nences to the American people the death
ofjaraes . K. Polk, late President of the
lifted States, which occurred at Nash
vae, on the 15ih instant.. ' ;
k. nation ' is suddenly called upon to
njura the loss of one, the reccollection of
wose long services in its councils will be
fJever inscribed on the tablets of history.
jA.3 a mark of respect to the memory cf
citizen who has been distinguished by J
t highest honors which his country
culd bestow", it; is ordered that the Exec
Li ve Mansion,- and the several Depart-
'ients at Washington, be immediately
placed in mourning, and all business sus
pended during to:morrow.
It is further ordered, that the War and
Navy Departments cause suitable military
and naval honors to be paid, on this mel
ancholy occasion, to the memory 01 the
illustrious dead.
(Signed) Z. TAYLOR.
Washington, June 19, 1849.
In pursuance of this 'ordr, the public
oiTices at Washington were all closed.
The War and Navy Departments issued
the 'folldv.-in? orders:
On the da v succeeding the arrival of
THE niackliek Fornaro. ritnate in Csmhria
county, nbmit Ivi milfS west of Elxn
I'Urg. and si ven m'les from the Pennsylvania
nual, ia now offered for Sale or Ilent on tho
most accni'.imodatinir forms.
Tiie Slack and BiiilJings of every ktnd be
ing in good rp!iir oi:Jy a small outlay of mon
y will be required to put the Furnacu in oper
ation. "
Tlia Properly, omprininj- any desirable
quantity,' of land, will b sold on asy pujmMitf,
oi rented for a term of years, with use of tun-
ber. & c.
For terms apply to the 8ubncriber at h is resi
dence at Lbenstmrjr, Ci'nhru co'inty. Pi.
June 20. 18l9.-37-8t. '
i .1
post, the troops will be paraded at 10
the n ime of Thomis M'Kisrnan.
Afur 21 Ballot. John Kinportj withdrew thdo'clock, A. M., and the Order read to
name of liobert P. Linton. jthem; after which all labors for the day
Dr. Wm. A. Smith havine received a maiori will cease.
ity of all the v tes on the third Ballot, was de
clared duly nominated. 1
Jaine3 Myr-rs nominated John Brawley,
Francis Bearer Augusiine Durbin.
On motion, the Convention proceedsd to bal
lot, when
John Brawley received 13 votes.
Augusiine Durbin received 11.
- And John Brav.vlcy was declared duly nonii.
uated. ...
Francia Bearer nominated James M'Dermit,
John B. Hoover John (1. Given.
Ut-burt P. Linton " John S. Buchanan.
The Convention then proceeded to ballottiit;
1st Ballot 2d 3J 4th
11 11 12 10
1U . I 12 12 14
3 1
ballot Robert P. LinU'n
withdrew the name of John a. B-ichanan. mid
John G. Given, having received, on fourtli b -lot,
a roajori y of all the votes, was declared
duly nominated.
W. .1. Williams nominated Micheal Kennedy
(f AME to the resid nee of tbo rcsidencd of
tl,e subscriber Iivmtr in Al'ebeny town
Rinp, atioot i lie fi'&l of June, thrre head
HOUSES, 1 tirev Mare supposed to be ten or
twelve years .ri, 1 Iron Grey Hore four or
five years old, oi.o yearling Mara co.'t, brown
The owner is requested to eome forward.
prove properly, pay charges and take them
aav, oihTwie they will ba disposed of sc.
cording to law.
Juno 21, 1843. 37-3 .
fE I'TERS to s'.ometitBry rn the estate o'
J William Wilson, late of Jackson town
shp, Cambria coun'y, dre'd., having been
gra nted t o the Bubsctiber rohtding in said town .
bhip. All peons inebied to said estate arc
requested to make payment, and those having
claims ta present them propeily proven for se'.
June 21, 1Q19 27-Gt
in s
Of ths several Townships cfthe Caunty
of Cambria.
Ci EN ! LEMl-.N: To Misiain the honor aru!
T crt-dit of the county, iv becomes our doty
to call upon you to make prompt payment
without celay, as there is no money in the
Treaary lo meet the Urge smouot cf irder
now issued. There is a lsg amount do ard
unpsiJ io the contractor rt tho new Jil, end
.e wnl h:ive two wek Court at July Trrm,
which wiii double the ourt expenses. Theso
Aid the o'her expense, will K-qoir- a Ug
sum, which munt be met. Wo call upon yovi
ill, colle' tivtly and individuiiHy, and cpptcul.
ly thoe who are conicprs'oiy in urrears. ta ba
cneigono in collecting and pacing over a large
amount f your duplicates eo or before next
July Court.
Hy attending to tho above notion. yoO will
relieve us from the painful duty of having to
rwort to the authort'ty invested in us by law to
enforce payment.
DWID TODD. Trtcsurtr.
Treasurer's Orncir, )
Ebensburg. June 4, 1849. $ 35-4t.
iV. B. Tavern keepers, venders of mar
chandie, and all other persons whoar reqoif
ed to take out license by the Act of the 10th
of April lirt43. must pay their respoctivo Ii
cause money on or bufore next Julv Coutt.
D T-, Treasuier.
James M'Dermit,
John G. Given, -John
S. Buchanan,
After the second
Ciiarles ViJsou
Eiisha Piummer
John Douglass
Francis O'Friel
Francis Bdarer
John Burgoon
Anthony Lunbiign,
James Skelly ,
Nicholas Nagle,
Neil D.ver,
Thorn is J jnaa,
Cornelius Donouhe,
Ihc lodiiia J'dssutre I'onfirnirJ, ic.
New Orleans, June 22.
Authentic information received here
from Texas con lirm the accounts of the
horrid butchery of whites by the Indians,
which have been recently reported. Of
Capt. Beache's party, consisting of thirty
four, all were massacred except one, who
succeeded in making his escape.
Dates from the city cf Vera Cruz, to
the 1st inst., state that the Mexican Con
gress has authorized a railroad to be con
structed from v era Cruz to the City of
xico. .
A New York letter in the Philadelphia
Inquirer gays: "Lieut. Mayne Reid,
who conducted himself so gallantly in the
late war with Mexico, is making prepar
ations to embark for Germany, for the
purpose of assisting the Hungarians in
their strangle with the Austrians and Rus
sians. He was waited upon and solicited
to take command of a company of Hun
garians in this city, who have determined
to cross the Atlantic, and release Hungary
from her thraldom. He complied with
their request, and will soon be en route to
the scene of the war in that part of Eu
rope. He will finish his story of "War
Life" as soon as possible, and then be off."
Sale of Government Steamers.
The New Orleans Cresent of the 5th says:
The sale of Government Steamers at auc
tion commenced yesterday. The. New
Orleans (originally cost 3130,000) brought
S31.000; the Alabama brought 23,000; the
Propellor Col. Thompkins brought $2300.
One thousand barrels of coal brought 20
H?. per hbl. . '
lht 2J 3d 4lh 5li
"l 4 9 3 14
9 11 9 8 3
2 4
3 2
3 2
1 1
6 2
Jacob Fronhciscr
And the Convention proceeded to baIlotin.
Michael Kennedy,
Anth ioy Lambvjjh.
Jdnits tjkei.y,
.Nicholas Nugle,
Neil Divor,
Tho'ins Jones,
Co:ne!i;is Donoughu
VV, Harris,
John 1 11..01 js,
riec J. Lloyd,
After the second b.illott
nominated W. W. Harri; Francis. Bearer
withdrew the name of Thomas Jones; John
Burgoon withdrew the name of Cornelius Don
ughe; Wm. J. Wiliiams withdrew tlie name
.f Michael Kennedy; John Douglass withdrew
the name of Nicholas Nagle and Francis
O'i'riel withdrew the name of Neil Diver. On
the fifth ballot, Anthony Lambaugh receiving
.i majority of all the votes, was declared duly
nominated. '
Washington Douglass, of Allegheny town
ship, was nominated for Auditor by acclama
P. S. M'Closk'y, ol Washington township,
wus nominated for Coroner by accUm ilion.
The followiiii; gentlemen were appointed a
County Committee for the ensuing year:
Samuel J. Kci.shaxv, Hon'. P. Noon, Peter
U'Coy, Anthony Will. Sr , Jacob Luther, Wm.
Douglas. Sr., John Adams. Lewis, Ctrl, Jacob
lloss, Robert Siearl. Anthony Lambaugh,
V. W. Harris, Jjnits Polls, Henry Kratzer.
Lwis B.- Dunmyer, Jacob -K.ring. Jacob 1'rin
Tliomis M'Guugh; David Souimervillo,
Francis Bearer, M. M. Adams, Col. John i'.
Gough, George Wallers,' James M'Deiinit.
Cu was unanimously Resolved,
Thtt tbo in nibets of this Convention give a
warm and hearty support to the ticket they
have this day presented to the democracy of
Cambria county, and that they use all honora
i!r: means to secure the election of the candi.
lutes nominated. , . . .
On motion, adjourned.
ROBERT P. LINTON, President.
Peler M'Gough. ) 0 ' . : -.
Bernard 2,VVo!gan, 3t
The National flag will be displayed at
half staff. At dawn of day , 1 3 guns will
be tired; and afterwards, at intervals of 30
minutes between the rising and setting
sun, a single gun; and at the close ot the
day, a national salute of 30 guns.
The officers of the Army will wear
crape on the left arm and on their swords,
and the colors of the " several regiments
will be put in mourning, for the period of
six months.
The Navy department issued it3 order
from which we extract the following:
His administration was eventful. The
Navy and the Marine Corps, and their glo
rious achievements, were intimately asso
ciated with its history. Accordingly, the
President orders that appropriate military
honors be paid to his memory at eacn oi
the Naval Yards and Naval Stations, and
On DoarG ait mc puuiic vesicle in cuunaio-
sion, by -firing 30 minute guns, beginning
at 12 o clock M., on the day alter tnis
communication is received; by carrying
their flags "half-mast for one week, and by
the officers wearing crape on the left arm
for six months.
The Revenue Marine is also ordered to
show all marks of respect to the decaased.
Indiaa Difficulties.
New Orlean, June 22.
The Indians have been committing great
deDradations on the Texas frontier. Ma-
jor Van Horn, with six companies of In
fjiiury. has been sent to ope.-ate against
them. It is said that 500 California em
igrants have been killed by the Indian-.
Young Blea cf Allegheny Tccslisp!
An ar.journtd ineelmg will take pluce at the
School-l.ou.-e, in the borough of Lnretto. on
." atu cay tl.e 39. h of Ju e at 6 o'clock P. M .
-il errors t-ebject o Militia Law ere req-ieb
led to cttend to mie a n-w Com pa
uy since the law is more fuvorable than beivto.
fore aiid. we con have . expeneoced leachtrs in
military Leviare! Dot ?eii:g the
rlupescf some disorganizing cSce seekors, but
provf and fshone your ofEcers as freeti;en
June 21,1819.
The is the title paj;o of a hr nd
I andsomely printed octavo vol ime of fc5 pa.
ges.just put.lisl.6d. In May, 1846. the author,
a lawyer, threw aside Chilly anJ Blaclis.o i e ,
and taking the sword and carbine, enl ntod in
the cavalrv reriment then rmsi rr l-H Mate.
(Tenne-!-cej In the intoriin he kept a copious
journal of every thing that f ll under hi no
tic worthy of record, relatu g to ire tiiu oi a
-i.ldier.tho country through which he Its veiled
:.irl i !. modi a of life of ns inha-'itant-i. A .so.
irivin-i vivo! .lecr inti'-n of the tl fferenl en
n intents of our army while in Mexe,vi2:
Palo A;to, Rtsca de la Pahnu. Muntirev.
H iena V.ta. Bombard-nent of Wra CroZ,
Cerrn G rdo, Chcrebusco hnd Chepnlwpec.'
with all th- minor enaanmenU, and a copious
detail of a dvMiure. anecdaic and
incidents of camp Ufa. at. a .ieican set n try
M.d -i)uatn .1.
We f-el con6dent that the wr.rk will End in
the people of Cambria literal purciueeis to
reward the g'i'Int soldier, who lias eilar;ird
upon ii e hi-tory of the Volunteers and of ti e
Mexican vv ar.
G. W. GEORGE, Agent.
June21, 1643.
ALL persons interested are hereby notified
tl at the following Accounts have been
allowed and fi ed in the .office of the Register
at Ebensburg. and that the same will be pre.
tented for confirmation and allowance to the
Orphans' Court to ba held at Ebensburg in and
for the county cf Cambria, on Monday the at 4
day of July next:
J he Account ot lalbarine t ick. Adminis
isi ralrix ol the estate of Frederics.
The Account of Joseph Croyfo and Thomas
MCoiint-ll, Administralers of Frederick Croyla
The Account of Rees Roberts, Executcr of
Mnrv Breese, deceased.
Tlie Account of Patrick Shield, Guardian cf
the minor child of John Scai.Ian, decense4.
Wm KITTELL, R gitttr.
Register's Office,
EoensLure, June 4. 1543. ( 35-lc.
VV PANT STUFFS, cheap for cash
, NOTHER lot of those cheep Dry Gts,
. i i
among which are
Super French Lawns,
New style Linen Lustre,
Satin stripe Linen Mode Lustre.
Plaid and ttarlston Ginghams,
Cloth, Cassimere, Prints, Sec.
Have just bten received and now opening by
- trwm 0m w r - n st v n
lul I Alt Ult i KJUU.
June 7, 1843.
BOOKS-and STATIONARY for aila at
Buchanan's Store.
country produce, to had at
Buchanan's Store.
Edited by G"cr?e P. Morris aad S. P. Willis;
Gen. Riley is at Monterey, California.
$JTR.YED away from the residence of tho
li5 s-ubaonbi-r at Summit, Cio!ria county, on
Saturday the 23.1 i;t., a rtfl and white COW.
Said co iv is about ei-rht years old, Ins a while
face, uid was j;lv''- milk at the tioie the stray
ed awav. IShe has tut one horn, and a piuce
cut oil the tail, and hud a bell on her neck A ral reward will be given lo any person giv
in in for. nation lo the subscriber of where ehe
may ba found-
June 23, 184333-31.
O Tne "Indiatit iieister" will please give
tiie abov three insertions
m.l c;iarij this oUi-e
S Tit AY liOKSli:.
CAME to the residence cf the t-ubscriber re
buiing in Jackson tnwiisbip. Cambria Co.
on the25'tli day of May ast. a large Flue lit ten
Gray Horse. s-.ippood to be aiiom 12 or 15
years of age, bady 'windhroken ' and has two
natural marks on liis . oil hind leg, no other
particular marks. The owner is requested to
come forward, prove property, pay charges am:
lake him away, olh r wise he. w ill be ditpoiud
of according to law.
J.iiio23. 181 333t.
large lot, for sale low ot .
Buchanan's Store.
JUST received, a la'go lot of English and
French CLOTHS, Blue, Black and Fan.
ry variety, at the storn of
Tbp fimt number of a new series of
wideiv' d and universally popular
will, lor the accommodaiio i of ssw sub-cri.-
bi-rs, be irisuod on satuuda? the scvr.ih cay cj
July nexr.with fcveial nkw, oriuisaL ano at
TRACTIVK features. T H G 1 1 0 V IJ J O U f i N A L
is wholly a p-euhar paier, :.b..unding in every
varietj' of Ltterat ire an i News; and, besides
being one of the nios-t clejf tnUy prin't-d aiul
int. r stiog sheet ex:ant. it is by far the ch ap-
ett :hs teniM being i nly Two D !la- a Year
(in iidv;-ncu) or T.;n ee copies for tive dollars.
Andres MORRIS WILLIS, Editor
P, oj ritors, at the Office of publication, No.
107 Fulton Street, New York.
It! 3
II ill !
5 N FOR MS hi friends and the public gen.
erallv thathe has opened a large assort
sisting of ' " .
which he will Be!I low. The public are invi
ted lo call and examine his cb-thing un J jurle
for themselves as to their quality and cheap,
ness. Pittsburg City Scrip will be taken at
par for Cothinij.
Ebensburg, May 31, 1813. "3t-3t-
Clvnvzv II I ! vv V &. Co.
"Tf AVE just received and opened ntther-ld
m 2i. stand, t'nrmeil.v oc uptd by Ge.Tge
Ulirey. atlh" head of Plane No 5. A. P. R. K.
Summit, a large and extensive stock cf Spring
and Summer
'mi: -GOODS.
' He desires his friends and old culome-s and
the public in general to give him n call ai:d
examine his collection of the latest lushions
and styles in the line of staple goods &.C., com
prising a beautiful tock of
Plain Muslin, Mull Muslin; French and Amer
ican Lawns; Frenrh and Domestic Gmg.
hams. A large and handsome assortment
ot Calia Prints. Shiwh. Bonnets. Rib.
bon", Artificials and Trimmings of all
kinds. Ticking', She tings. CoL
ored ."dustuis and Ch'cks. Eng.
lish and French Cloth, Cassi. .
meres, Sattiufts and Jeans.
. Silk Velvet, Satin. Mar
sr, lilts and German Vest
ings. Grocer it s. Hard,
vroie, Glust, Noils,
Boots, Sho'S, and Summer H its and Caps.
Together with a lot of superior
Allot which they will soil lower than has ev
er been sold al the Suattml heretofore. Please
ca II Rnd get value for your money.
Term, strictly cash or country produce
June 13. 1819. 3b-2in
131151, SALT. FLOUR and BACON sold al
! Ju.1 tho ttore of .
- J. S. BUCIl.lA..
Veto Ptr.torial If ?r&S
For 1819.
Great Chance for Book Agents to clear
from S500 to $1000 a year!
Books of Universal Utility!
EARS' new end popilar Pic'orial Works:
the most splendidly illustrated Volume
tor families ever issued on the American Ccn.
tinent, cot'taining more than Four Thousand
Fngraving. denigad and executed by th
most eminent artists of England and America.
The extraordinary populaiity of the above
volumes in every section of the Union, renders
an ageney desira'.ile in each one of our princi.
pal towns and village.
Jus' poolihed, Si-ats new and popular
Contaiiiiii; an account of the Topography.
Selil.-ment, History. Revolutionary and other
intercxtiii-r Evinis, Siai islicn, Piogrnss ia Ag.
ricUiturt-. Manufactures, and p.-pulat on, &c,
of tch State in the Unior. illustrnted with
of the principal Cities, PI ices. B li'dnijj. See.
nrv, Coriusit es, Seals of ths S'a es. &.? , &c.
C m;!ete in one octavo volume ol 6UU ptges,
eii-giiiitly t our.d in guilt, picloiial mutlin. Re.
tail pricn. S2 0.
100 pages octavo, and illustrated with 212
Engravings: designed as a valuable and chesp
presen! for parents and teachers to place in the
hands of young people, in attrai tive bimling.
from the P.iriarcbial age to the Presi t tim.
Uy John Kitto, editor of the Lu.idou Pictorial
iiible, &.C.
tori .1 lIitory oi tin H ble; Picii.-nal Sunday.
Boor; De-ciptiun of (ireat Britain and Ire.
I ii..; l.ii.i Biorapliy; Scen- and in
continental Europe, Informa' ion for the pao.
tnr; i itloiial Family Libraiy; Pictorial Histo.
iv of tho American Revolution; an ntire!v
new volume on ibe WonJcs o'"ibe World.
Ecacti volume is illustrated with several
hundred hn raving, and the Bible witu One
for 1S43, published monthly in parts 'of 43
largo octavo pages, at one dollar per yen ia
- Specimen copies of the Magazine, to procure
sub.-crit'ers with, will be furnished to all who
wi.-li to engage in its circulation, if requested.
post paid, at the raie of twelve numbers for
one dollar or ten cents for single copies.
AGENTS WANTED, in every Town and
County throughout tlie Union, to sell Sear'
New and Popular Pictorial Works, universally
acknowledged lo be the best and cheapest ever
pubbshed, as they ceilainly are the most salea
ble. Any active agent may. clear from SDO
orSlOQOa year. A ci-1) capitol of at least
S33 or $j!J will be necassary. Full particulars
of the prtticip'es snd profits of the agency will
be given or. npnucttion either personally or
by 1 iter- The po-lagu in an eases must oo
uaid. Ple-n-e to Hovlresu.
ROIJEli T SGARS, Publisher,
128 Nassau New York.
,cwtipers copying thj advertise,
ment entire, well displayed as above, without
any al'eratian or abridgement, including this
notb-e, and c'V'"? stX inside inerliw:i shall
refoiv. a cony o' any or4 of our or
3.00 works, subjocl to their order by sending
direct to the publisher. -- -
No letter will be taken from the ofSco unless
post paid. .