The mountain sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1844-1853, June 28, 1849, Image 2

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St.; Johns. N. B., June 19th,
Five o'clock, P. M.
The steamship America, Capt. Harri
son, bringing Paris dates of the 7th, Lon
don of the 8th, and Liverpool to the 9th
inst., arrived at Halifax about 3 o'clock
yesterday afternoon. The America brings
60 passengers. The Express, with the
news, reached Granville; Pointat 3 o'clock
this morning, where it was delay ed till 5,
owing to the absence of the Express
steamer. The news reached this city al-
Tnnt at the verv moment when the wires
which were down last evening were in or
der. The Express left Halifax at 4 o'clock,
where the America was advertised to
leave at 6,
wharf on
which would place her at her
"Wednesday ' morning, at 5
British Affairs
In Parliament, Mr. Gladstone gave no
tice that on the 14th inst., he would bring
forward a motion respecting the late events
in Canada. Lord John Russell having
given a pledge that, in the meantime, noth
ing should be done to prejudice tne pres
ent portion of the rebellion losses bill. ,
The conduct of the American Govern
ment in reference to the expedition to be
sent out in search of Sir John Franklin,
has been alluded to in Parliament in very
flattering terms.
The Hibernia arrived at Liverpool on
Monday making the passage from Boston
in nine day's.
Affairs on the Continent have under
gone no important change daring the week
precedin-r the departure of the America,
though" the events had been neither few
nor trifling.
France The New Cabinet.
In France the new Cabinet has been
formed bv the coalition of Odillon Barrot
and Dufaure. The new ministry is the
same as the old, except that Dufaure takes
the department of the minister ot the inte
rior, M. Detocquevilla of foreign affairs,
and M. Lanuinii. of commerce. Both
Bidehu and Kemusar have refuseJ to ac
cept the department of foreign affairs, in
consequence oi tne uimcuiues oi me liai
ian question. Much surprise was excited
by the omission of Marshall Bugeuad from
the list. Ihe Pans papers generally ex-i
press their disapproval of the compromise
ministry, and predict its failure. The
Red Republicans are especially violent in
denouncing the new ministry.
The message of the President of the
French Republic to the legislative assem
bly was published in the Paris papers ol
Tuesday. It is composed upon the A
merican and not on the European model,
and fills four columns of the European
Return of the Trench Embassador from
XVI. Desseps idea ot conquering: the iio-
mans into an affection for France, has not
yet been realized, and he has returned to
Paris for further instructions. Some ac-
counts say that he was recalled, and that
the. same messenger received positive in
structions to Gen. Oudinot to reduce the
Holy City to subjection, at all hazards,
and that having removed his army close
to the city, he would commence the at
tack with an army of 25,000 men, on the
30th of May.
Determination of the Romans to Tight to
the Bast.
The Romans have announced firm res
olutions to defend to the death, the expect
ed assault ot the rrench,anp it is stated
that they have an efficient force of 80,000
The Pope still persits in demanding the
unqualified renewal of his power as a teni
poral ruler. This the triumvirates, back
ed by the people, declare that they will
not concede to.
There is at the bottom of every heart,
says Mazzini, a determination the most
profound, to acoomplish the destruction
of the temporal power of the Pope. All
bear the same hatred to the government of
Priestcrafts, and under whatever form it
may be presented, we shall fight to the
last 3gainjtall project? of a restoration.
Effort to obtain a Mode! 'Republic in
Get many.
The Frankfort Parliament has transfer
red iu sessions toStuttgard. Its iniluence
will be exercised to form a Republic after
the French model to be composed of Ba
den, Wirtermberg, Rhenish Bavaria, &c.
More Victories Gained by the Hunga
rians. The war in Hungary presents no new
feature, and since the fall of Buda into the
handsof the Hungarians, no event has oc
curred calculated to have a permanent in
fluence on the result of the struggle, though
the Hungarians have achieved farther, in
some respects, important victories. There,
is evidence that the contestants are concen-
traung tneir iorces and accounts ot a tre
mendous battle are every day looked for.
rpi .. ri i tit i i
x lie .-luairuu veuerai, v eiuen, has
been superseded by Lieut. Gen. Haynaise
Prince Paskievetch will command the uni
ted Austrian forces in the East, and Gen.
Haynaise in the West. The latest intelli
gence from Venice left the Austria ns un
der Marshall Radetsky.
Review of the Jfczcs.
The Paris journals of Thursday furnish
intelligence to the 2d inst., up to which
ate hostilities had not commenced, though
en. Oudinot denounced the Armistice.
On the 1st the overland mail from India
id arrived, with Calcutta dates to the
Ith of April and Bombay to may 1st.
he mail brings later intelligence- frm
China, which is anxiously looked lor.
The reports of the India Markets continue
to be satislactory. All is quiei 111 uie
Punjaub and steps have been taken to or
ganize British local authority there.
Sir Charles Napier's arrival in Calcutta
is announced.
All accounts received from the French
departments, represent the appearance of
the growing crops iii the mpst favorable
light, and the same may be said also of
the crops in England.
In Ireland, however, although there are
yet no just grounds for positive alarm, yet
there are unmis.akabie eiJences of the
fatal disease in the growing potato, and es
pecially in the vicinity of Dublin.
Lord Clarendon has oifieiallv announ
ced, that the sentence of death passed on
the State prisoners in Ireland, lias been
commuted to transportation for life.
The whole ot the W estern Provinces in
Ireland, are represented as in the most
plorable condition,
Society is utterly
The As wet of Ireland.
Messrs. Bewlev and Pimm of the Soci
ety of Friends in Ireland, have published1
an Address in which they give an account,
of their proceedings for the last two years,
as agents for the benevolent pablic, in dis-
tributing contributions for the poor
circular annealed to their breth-
ren in religious profession in Ireland anc
in Great Britain. It was responded to by
manv unconnected
the Society in the
countries named, and also by citizens of
the United States, to an extent, and wilh
a munilicence" unparalclled in the history
of benevolent exertions. The contribu
tions in all amounted to about 81,000,000,
of which sum more than one-half was sent
from America. The total number of ;
grants made by them exceeded 11,000.
They made grants in aid of local manufac
tures, supported industrial schools, advan
ced money for the assistance of fisheries,
for the encouragement of green crops, and
also undertook the temporary cultivation
of about eight hundred acres of land. The
total sum expended by themselves and
others is estimated at a million and a half
of pounds sterling, while the advances by
Government amounted to nearly ten mill-
ions of pounds sterling. A large amount
of relief was afforded, and many persons
were preserved, for a time at least, from
"But," the committee continue, and this
is the most melancholy part of the story,
"we are saddened by the conviction that,
with very few exceptions, no permanent
good has been done. Wc feel that the
condition of our country is not improved,
that her prospects are even worse, because
her people have less hope. Many of
those who were most ac:ive in administer
ing to the relief of their neighbors, have
fallen victims to exertions of mind and body
beyond their capability to sustain. Others
have withdrawn from the work, in dispair
of effecting any good. The pressure of
private affairs, and in many cases, of pe
cuniary difficulty, has forced others to dis
continue their efforts. Thus voluntary
exertions have almost ceased, and even for
the administration of the legal relief, paid
agents are necessary throughout a large
part of the country.
"The calamity fell first on the lowest
class, especially the laboring population of
the south and west, la losing their crop
of potatoes they lost all, and sunk at once
into hopeless pauperism. The small
fanners still preserved hope. With great
exertions and submitting in many cases to
extreme privations they again cropped
their ground. A second failure of the po
tatoes pauperized these also. Then came
the increased poor rates, heaviest in those
districts which were least able to bear
them; weighing down many who without
ttiis last burden might have stood theii
gtound; alarming all by the unaccustomed
pressure ot an undefined taxation; and
greatly reducing the amall amount of capi
tal applicable to the employment of labor.
The landed proprietor, in order to provide
fjr the payment of rates, has been obliged
to leave much useful work undone, thus
lessening tiie number of laborers employed
In many cases his effort has been to di
minish the population by a frightful sys
tem of wholesale eviction, and thus get rid
of a tenantry who under happier circum
stances, would have been a source of
wealth, but whom his inability to employ,
after the failure of the potatoe, had conver
ted into a heay burden. Despair of suc
ceeding at home has driven vast numbers
of the most industrious cf the middle class
es to transfer their energy and a consider
able amount of eapiul to other countries,
which offer a free scope for exertion.
"The paupers are merely kept alive,
either by the crowded workhous s, or, in
alarming numbers, depending on out-door
relief. But their health is not maintained.
Their physical strength is weakened; their
mental capacity is lowered; their moral
character is degraded. They- are hope
less themselves, and they offer no hope to
their country, except, in the prosnect, so
abhorrent to humanity and christian feel
ing, of their gradual extinction by death
Many families are now suffering extreme
distress who, three years since, enjoyed
the comforts and refinements of life, and
administered to the necessities of those
around them. Thus we have seen the
flood of pauperism widening more and
more, engulfing one class after another, ri
sing higher and higher into its effects on
society, until it threatens, in some of the
worse districts, to swallow up all ranks
and all classes within its fatal vortex.
"Meanwhile, there is much land lying
waste which was formerly cultivated,
while the strength of the country i3 stand
ing by idle, anxiously asking for work,
and willing to accent the lowest wairoc.
but finding no one to employ them. bp-
cause the owners of the ground have not
money to pay them and the dread of unde
fined taxation and uncertainty as to the
future prevent others from taking the land
on lease." !
This is an appalling picture, and it
comes from an authority altogetuer unques-
tioned and unquestionable. The distress j
moves onwaru aay oy uay, and, unie&s
checked in time, threatens to involve both
England and "Ireland in one common ca
lamity. With regard to the remedy, the
it t i i i
committee hold this emphatic language:
We have Ions felt that the chief around!
of hope the main source of imp o . ement When they arrive ihere, they find no difii-
is the improved cultivation of the soil.jculty in accumulating almost any amount
ana mat me surest means ot enecting inis
object is by affording security to the culti
vator. That this security does not gener
ally exist in Ireland is admitted. On this
point there is scarcely a second opinion
j among thinking men in this country. The
de-Slaws which regulate the title to and the
conveyance of land require to be changed,
so as to give the utmost freedom to its sale
and transfer so as to pass those estates
whose proprietors are irretriveably ruined
'into other hands, and to enable those who
are partially incumbered to free themselves
from their diiliculties, by disposing of part
of their landed property. Until this be
effected until the soil of Ireland be held
by a clear and marketable title until the
owners be enabled to sell the whole or
any part of their property without the ru
inous deliys and the heavy costs ' which
now prevent them unal the creJitors of
a landowner have thosa facilities lor en
forcing payment of tneir debts by the sale
of his property to which justice entitles
them we are convinced, and we feel our
selves bound thus publicly to state our de
cided conviction, that it i3 vain to hope
that Ireland can raise itself from a stale of
poverty and degradation. Tne potato
may grow again, and by its assistance our
country ' miy be enabled to escape from
the immediate pressure of its difficulties;
bat, without those changes in the lar3 re
lating to the tenure and conveyance of land
whi rh shall open a free scope for the em-
, ploy ment of its capitii and its industry,
land give ample security to the cultivators
oi the sou, we cannot hop
for general and
permanent improveni3nt.
"An enormous expenditure of money
has failed to relieve us. lt.ciiuld not do
so unless free scope were opened to the
energies cf the country. The partial rem
edies which have served but to tighten the
net which trammels the exertions of the'
great mass of oar population. Measures
of a much more decided character are ne
cessary to produce- any permanen Jy use
ful eifect. The situation of the country is
daily.' becoming worse. There is no tune
to lose, if those -now suffering are to be
saved. . Money must still be advanced for
temporary purposes during the interval
whih will elapse before efneient mea
sures can be brought into general and ac
tive, operation. But our paramount want
is not money; it is the removal of those le
gal difficulties which present the capital of
Ireland from being applied to the improved
cultivation of its soil, and thus supporting
its poor bv the wages of honest and useful
labor." "
The Gold News by I he Crescent City.
The New Orleans papers of the 11th,
instant, state that the steamer Crescent
City arrived there on the 10th from Cha
gres, wsiich place she left on the 4th.
The Crescent City, (by special order)
brings three mails, consisting of fifteen
mail bags, some as far back as March last.
Capt. Forbes, of the steamship Califor
nia, came passenger on the Crescent City,
having left San Francisco on the 1st of
May. He brings news to the date of his
Capt. Forbes represents the Pacific as
a most delightful sea. The weather is
always fiee from storms, and the water
calm and smooth as a mirror. Slight
fogs occasionally impede navigation; but
they are seldom of a long duration.
Among the vessels which had sailed
from Panama was an old ship called the
Iumboldt. She had gone around
naily as a coal vessel, and lay at Panama
5 months without employment. At lat a
speculative individual purchased her for
0 J,000, and fitted her up for passengers,
of whom she took 320 at 200 each.
The lucsy owner arrived in the Crescent
City, with his $00,000.
The Crescent City brings 123 passen
gers. She also brings a most substantial
evidence of the richness of the gold regions,
in the shape of nearly S1,000,UOO in gold;
8500,000 of this are as freight, and
balance is brought by the passengers.
We learn from Capt. Forbes that the
marvellous stories respecting the abun
dance of gold, are not at all exaggerated,
but on the contrary, fall far short of the re
ality. The limits of the region in which
the precious metal abounds are becoming
more extended every day by new discov
eries. As low down the. coast as Santa
Barbara, near the line of Lower California
gold has been found in large quantities.
Pieces of gold weighing 80 ounces are
not unfrequently seen in San Francisco,
while specimens weighing from two to four
ounces are common. The abundance of
gold and the facility with which it is ac
cumulated, have very naturally produced
the effect of raising the price of labor im
mensely. So strong is : the attraction
towards the mines,' that there are at San
Francisco upwards of fifiy vessels, of diff
erent nations, deserted by their crews.
Although $100 per month is freely offered
for seamen, none can be engaged even at
that high rate. The U. S. sloop-of-war
Warren arrived on the 30th of April, and
within 21 hours fifteen men deserted, and
took their way to the mines. It is almost
impossible to retain men on board the Gov
ernment ships.
San Francisco is crowded with the im
migrants, such vast numbers of whom are
continually pouTing into the place. Ac
commodations of any kind are scarcely to
be obtained. The meanest hut or shed,
such as here would be considered unin
habitable, commands enormous rent.
Good provisions are almost equally scarce.
The coarsest kind ; of food must be used,
as no other can be procured. No person
stays any longer at San Francisco than he
can help; but all who arc lucky enough to
nrrtf.nrfi trnnsnortation. "" immediate! v take
iheir departure for the mining districts.
XJ a, v vs v p w - 7 y
oi the precious metal. Three or lour oun
ces of gold is considered a common day's
work. Less than that induces the digger
to move to a richer spot. Much more is
occasionally gained in a few hours, as the
possessors of the large lumps may attest.
There was a great deal of conversation
in California respecting the establishment
of a Provisional Government, but as yet
nothing had been done. The people are
anxiously awaiting news of the action of
Congress upon the subject, not having
heard of the failure of that body to act up
on the subject. In the event of nothing
being done by Congress, it was generally
understood that when the miners should
return in the fall, a State Government
would be established.
Tariff of IS 15 -More Signs of Ruin.
Ycsierday we copied two paragraphs
from the Lancaster Intelligencer, showing
that the whigs of Pennsylvania were resol
ved upon being ruined by building facto-
l ies, in the very face and eyes of that mon-f
s:er, the tariffof 181G.
We also perceive
by the following paragraph,
copy from the
Euquirer, that the
bjnt upon desiroy
c-i mo minnop
Macox Manufacturing Company.
The .Macon Journal says: "We are grai
lied to announce that the citizens of Ni
con have at last given substantial evidepe
of the interest which they feel in theps
tablishment of manufactories. Then
tire amount of stock requisi e for thfor
g.inization of the first company has pen
taken, and Mr. Holcomb has been emoy
ed to make the necessary surveys i as
certain if water can be introduced in the
in a man ier and at a cost whic will
its substitution in
lin in nl-ir.t nf fi
if it is found that this cannot be don then
steam power will be employed, fic a
mount already subscribed is $91)00
$75,000 by citizens of Macon, aij 22,
000 by citizens of Crawford cojity.
.... . i .
From the feeling which 1
had bee mani
that thei would
fested.'we arc confident th
be no difficulty in increasiug the gbscrip
tiens to any desirable amount, evefat pres
ent. One company, however, jillsoon
give rise to others. All the peoje want,
is to have the matter fairly and ll.V pre
sented to them, and to witn ess tp practi
cal benefits resulting from sachistablish
ments. Indeed, it is whisperediiat some
of our enterprising mechanics alreadv
moing for the organization j another
company with a capital of $50,0. The
stock in the company about to brganized
has all been taken by gentlerJn of char
acter and of ample means. Aihe capital
was bv agreement to be limits to 109,-
O . 111!
000, and as others are undcrstf a to be ae
sirous of subscribing, it has Jen
ted that it would be desirable f change the
limit to $150,000. This maperhaps be
more readily assented to, a the general
wish seems, to be that the firl mill erected
should be of a very superiorlass, and as
a capital of that amount coulbe managed
with nearly the same cxplse as would
be incurred in conducting astablishmem
costing only $100,000. j
In view of facts like th, is it not ap
parent that Abbott Law re it, and the cap
italists of Lowell, need actional protec
tion? The new minister England ought
to be permitted to fleeeejie people the
consumers of his fabrici-at the rate of
$000,009 per annum, in: id of $500,000.
If Congress do not alterae tariff so as to
enable him to double hprofits, the dis
tinguished gentleman be ruined to a
certainty. He will harp be able to en
counter the exDenses' his mission to
England. union.
False Prices.
If a man obtains f goods or property
of another by false af fraudulent preten
ces, he is held guilif a felony, and is
indictable bv the cqnon law and upon
conviction, is liab'Jo punishment at the
discretion of the C in accordance with
the provisions of tfpmal statute.
Is there anyhort man, who docs not
think the law is aholesome and necess
ary safeguard? Iiould it not operate on
all alike? .We fit in this free land,
none will be so ifly as to say otherwise.
It is, then, di'dy charged, that Gen
eral Taylor ot&ed his present position,
with its emoli'nts and patronage, by
false and fraithnt pretences his own
New York Courier anJ" ";a"t.1" lti , U'J''
people of the South a ,Ud.ului: W"U1 l"4-
incr ihnmolrpc in t't ulc maimer, uiau uv ciidunMiiiig aueu a
letters arc exnu-u. in prooi oi tnecnarge,
and wejsumunlo the stand the thousands
of honest citizl ' who have been cheated
of their sufTralby these means. What
say you, IndJident Taylor men -you,
who relied ui the pledged word of a
soldier, that nder no circumstances he
would by a fly President." How say
you, Mr. Lipjd? you who toiled so un
remittingly 4 bring the Democracy of
Pennsylvania the support of the no-party
candidate How, say you, is the pris
oner at thar guilty, or not guilty?
"Gsilty, sij you, foreman, and so say
ytfw'all, anl says the country; and so
will it be rfjtered on the page of impar
tial historyWe do not hesitate to. say,
that if it v possible to indict General
Taylor fojds fraud, the fact would be
t v -
most abundantly established before any
tribunal upon earth. But if the offence be
not indictable at common law, it is pr sen
table before the bar of public opinion, and
there the parties to the fraud must be held
accountable. "
In due time we shall ask a verdict from
the great jury of the country and we are
fully, satisfied that verdict will be in con
formity to the facts charged in the bill of
indictment viz: "that he, the said Zach:
ary Taylor, yeoman, did by sundry false
and fraudulent letters written by him, the
said Zachary, or procured to be written
by him, wilfully, maliciously, and fraud
ulently obtain from the free citizens of
j ( i i
these Ui Stales, his present high and re
sponsible position to the great injury of
tne peaie, dignity, and prosperity of the
saine."j So stands the record, and so it
will stand henceforth and forever. Balti
more Republican.
Sir. Uuciiauaa.
The fv511owing correspondence explains
I Wheatland, 5th June 1819.
To iiciiAEL Carpenter, Esquire,
J , Mayor of the city of Lancaster
Sjt, When I removed from Lancaster
to Washington, in 18 15, I communicated
to ome friends my determination to in
vtit S4000 and to devote the accruing in
terest on this sum to the purchase of wood
ai coal for the use of poor and. indigent
icnates ot the iitv oi Jjaucister ciuniiir
e winter season. Having oftened
iessed, with deep sympathy, the sufferings
M this helpless class of our community,
or want of luel, during periods of severe
cold, l thought l could not manifest my
JgratKuJe to the benevolent citizens of
Tras investment was actuallv made in
April, 181G; and 1 feel myself greatly in
debted to you for having chsoiudy and
faithfully distributed tne interest whicn
has since accrued among the worthy ob
jects lor whom it was nuenUcd.
Hitherto, as ou are aware, i have been
pt evented from placing this c jarity upon a
legal and permanent basis and thereby
necessarily giving it some degree of publi
city, for reasons wnich now no longer
The object of this letter is, therefore, to
request you to communicate to me tieleci
and Common Councils that 1 am prepared
to transfer 10 the city Si4000 of tne certifi
cates of City Loan, witn interest from the
30th June last, as torn as they shall accept
t.jesame and agree to apply the acc.uiug
inie rest thereupon perpetually in the man
ner already specified.
Yours, very respectfully,
LA.CASfi.R, June 11, 1849.
Hon. James Buchanan:
Sir, Your com
munication of the 5th inst., addressed to
uie lion. Michael Carpenter, -Mayor, ex
pressing an intention upon your part to
invest tne sum of $4000 the accruing in
terest thereon to be devoted annually "to
die purchase of Wood and Coal, for the
use of the poor and indigent females of the
city of Lancaster, during the
winter sea
Couneih at
son, was duly
aid before
tneir late me
and the
were appointed
known to you the
a committee to make
acceptance of th3 dona-
In doing so, thev
cannot but
their high gratification
at this inst
sre nume
benevolence, extended with so
...-.tijil r- y I
a hand and directed to an ohim sn
worthy of charitable aim
It will afford Councils great pleasure to
protect this trust by some enactment for
the purpose in such terms as may Oest
fulfil your benevolent desio-n.
With great respect, &c,
Taylor's popularity among the peo
ple. The Advertiser of yesterday morn
ing insists that Taylor has not lost any of
his popularity among the people! If this
be so, they have a curious way of showing
it. Last fall he had friends enough to j
give him the vote of Connecticut.
Now the people of that State show their
satisfaction by choosing a congressional
delegation nearly unanimons against him.'
Gen. Taylor lost Virginia by only a few
hundred votes. Now he has not friends
enough to electa single member of Con
gress out of fifteen. Six whigs represent
ed the State in the last Congress.
In all elections which have taken place
since the presidential contest, the result
has been the same. At the town elections
in this State the democrats have largely
increased their
the several
town boards,
democrats el
In this very county, the
cted 21 out of 25 supervi-
If Gen. Taylor is as popular as he was
last fall, we repeat, the people have a
queer way
showing it. Detroit Tree
ie rortland Bulletin 1U a
of a certain good Deacon, whose hat blew
oil and led him a lon chase after it through
the street.
A.i i .1.. i-v i
vi iciiiu me ueacoii oecamei
exhausted in the race, and pulled up a
gainst a post by the side walk. A gentle
rain came alon:j, to whom the Deacon ad
dressed himself thus 'My Friend? I am
a Deacon of the Church, and it is very
wrong forme to swear: you will therefore
greatly oblige me, if you will just d n
hat hat for me.
ft II, IYER,
(Jtace one door west of J.S. J
ochanBD'i 8e
April IS, 1843. If. ,
April 12. 18J9-tf.
O. W. Tc
Dealers in Drv Gvnd C;mrU. ti. ,
Queens ware, &c. ,
b occr cast of Renshaw's Hotel. Higb
OfTice one Jonr weit of J. S. Buchanaa'! Siaw
April 12. 1849 tf.
South-west comer of 7th $ Race I
Philadelphia, lr
April 2G. 1849.
U business in the several CoaHi of B!i5r.L
iiidna uii'j Cameria counties entrusted to ti
care, will be promptly attended to. '
Office, opposite J. S- Buchanan's Stars.
pril 12, 1649. tf
mmm m
rORTAGEKO.9. A. P. R. R.
RHR Hix'emg'.ed lakes this roethoj of U '
t forming1 hi ftiencis and the public fer.t;.- .
liy, Iim ha taken
large ana coaiaii.
tin. us ii"iy-, t.iv..rul iv knuvvn es tne ,
'ormerlj kept by William Palmer,. Eq.,
Ilnvin fitted up thi H'U3 in a ntjla not to bt
up:icd by any oilier r.rst of Ihe mountciai.
Hie !r:i vi!:n gr ct""! 'iiil'.Tan rrV ls?irpdth.
"n h s p:rtt'.e e will be nutbiny wanting ta in&u"
'iteir ioj.i.iru a picaoum une, as he la tejer-it
eil I supply hi l;ibi- ivith the bcsl that lhi
tomtry nurKet can afF.rd.
wi'i l e hupilleS with the choicest of l.'qati -HIS
s Iari and rony. and attended by care!!
me aiiler.UVe llo8tlerf.
A F. R. R. Jane C, ld43 35-tf.
"f UST -.peiipd, a very exlenaive lot nfO.VC
9J HA MS, LA WXS.-and PRINTS of sv
rv variety, ai li,e finrc of - ,
RAIN and Country Produce, of all
' "Ti lakeii in exchanru for goods alii.
lis Store.
3f LT s MR RS nf Ad.uinlitntion having bee
dLJ Tiiitd hy the RfgisnT of Cauibm cor
iv to thn undersigned u:i t:.C estate of Wdliil1
Piitni iu I iic of W'ahireton township, Cas
brut c untv, dee'd. Notic e is hereby -rirentf1
all the in iehtrd i eaid ratal e, to make p;
ment. and tho-e ivho i.ave claims, to prese
:hein duly authenticated fVt eeltlerrieiit.
May 17. 1849. ' 33--
A good assortmlmt nf Fur, Btuf, Silk. -V
skin, Palmleaf. Msxlcm and Wool HATS ,p
sale a t B UCHA NA X'S STORE.
Mackcral and Codfish, iuet -nti
d for sale by L. &, T.
! 'OK8 and Stationary, aiso, plain and el
ill) bruidered En vi-lours, l'anev Ncta Pai'
Mlvered . and cami Wafers. Qaillt
Wax. Pencils, Paea Books. .c.. for m
at t he store of
M? EN'S fine cif and kip Boots, Woffles'1'
LtJL tnigres3 Shots, Lastinf, Back
Goat Shoetees. Seil and Merc. R. R.
Mi-pes colored Kid. patent and ca'f Boou
Boy'8 l hick and kip
Boots and Shoes
just fi
eeivca ny
L. &.T.
A Tr;!Ct of unimproved Land, covered wil
v.ilob!e Timber. IviiiiT about, five miles VV
of Ebenaburg, enquire of
Ebensbur, April 12, J3 13. 12-tf.
For Sale. -
A sr-od double pall Patent Ramae Trenf;
larje Imperial size, (23 hy 3i inches) togeibf
win. all the necessary fixen..' It is in
or.Ier, and will be od tow for cash. For fc
ther particulars apply 3t this office.
Ltrg lot .f R -ached and Brown M
lins. junt received and for sale verv In'.
the btore -,f MUliRAY it Z-1UL
IOI PEXTER'S 'OOLSfrhl received tf,
for sale at, the stum of
A LL perpnni knowing themselves indib'-',
. lothc s.ilisi-riber either for Joi Wotf;
Advertising or Subscription, will please
and l-etlie tin lin ir ffvii..i kaCr th
S'.Jth of Julv. Uv .nionri itjt
.. J j iomn un---
lit u
June 7, 1849,35-3t.
.BCD '51 HlS'lPa
just received and for ala by
i -
-i rrrT