The mountain sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1844-1853, June 21, 1849, Image 3

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    ' !
5 W7r.JT
Thursday, June 21, 1849.
srrrTuK Sentinel, has much the largest cir
filiation of any paper published in this county
-r9 and a an advertising sheet offers superior
inducements to merchants and business men
generally. Those desirous of making use of
, $ his medium, for extending their business can
-Jo so by either sending their notices direct, or
through the following agents.
.j John Crouse, Esq., Johnstown.
E. W. Carr, Evans' Buildings, Third st
ss Wm. A.. Kinsloe, Pittsburg.
$ George Pratt, 151, Nassau St., Ntw York.
Death of Ex-President Polk.
, J be rittsourg M ost ot luesday morning
f brings us the sad intelligence of the death of
James K. Polk, Ex. President of the United
5 States, which took, place on Friday last the
l 15th inEt., a: bis residence at Nashville, Ten-
nesee. I'c had been for several days suffering
! from a severe attack of chronic diarrhoea, of
i) which he died. Tais intelligence, says the
Post, will cause an intense pang of sorrow to
pervade the breasts of the American people.
Wc shall not attempt to write a biographical
sketch of this illustrious statesman. We leave
this for abler pens than ours. Beloved in life,
in every relation, he has gone don to the
j grave, after fait b fully serving his country du-
ring the most critical period of her history,
with the blessings and prayers of his country.
men hovering around his head and breast.
The 4th of July.
This great anniversary of American Inde
pendence is rapidly approaching, and yet we
can perceive no disposition on the part of the
citizens of our goodly borough to celebrate it
in a becoming manner as American citizens.
Shall we permit this day to pass without ma.
king any demonstration in behalf of the glo
nous event which it commemorates.' e rnve
a better opinion of the patriotism of our citi
zens, and we hope to speedily see a move made
to get up a celebration of some kind that will
be calculated to bring to our recollection the
inaiiv benefits ana privucrea we no.v eniov
flowing from that great event, our nation's
Democrats, Torn Out! All Sorts of Paragraphs. Prospect of the Crevasse being Stopped, Mar
Saturday next is the day appointed for elec- The annual mortalitv of London is 50.- kS, &C-
ung delegates to tne county Convention, ana 000 , and this number of persons is buried - - . New Orleans, June 9.
we would most earnestly request all our demo- jn oniv 200 acres of around Cons'eoue'nt- The engineers renort more favorable.
. ... j- .i. - . . . . ,1- - . ' . I - I .
crauc intnus inrougnout tne county wno are My great abuses prevail in relation to inter- and now appear to be more .sanguine that
mcnoiy 10 tnepuccess of the democrrtic cause nients.. .; J thev will be able to close the principal ere
ana wno desire to have a good ticket placed ,n ac i, it. vasse, in the course of five or six days.
nomination, to turn out and exercise their right , l fi The river IS falling, and the water in the
in wie ciioice oi delegates we none tnai you .v , " , 1 i :i streets if "siowiy receuino". 11 is mougiii
will bear in mind that upon the next Legisla. wr ... : ..:-::j a the worst IS now over .
lure will devolve the important duty of dis-L , ' ntP(L and married to Cotton The market IS quiet, and pri-
trictingthe State for members of the Senate hpr t ,iavt That w'thp wav to hit. ces ten(1 downward. The sales of the
and House of Tiem-esentativea. and that vouL: " . . week amoumed to 7000 bales. The stock
r , iaiiie. . i .i . .
should be exceedingly careful in the selection . . ' . . Oil hand ana on Shipboard amounts to 5,
of vour candidates. Elect delegates who yon suoscnpuon paper was Demg circuia- y00 in Dales. Wheat Sales at Ooc per
know will carrv out vour wishes, and on whom ieQ ln Cincinnati, ior tne temporary reueii bushel.
J -' ' I 1 1 ...1. .1., A
TVM 'WU.U V i V V A UUIII VIA A V TI tilt. II 0 - - . - - ' I
culated to promote the success of the demo, f "u ,u.ulcu U1 mc "Ci W11" 101 a UOmWe- SMierUlgS fcipE
U4UU ' rienccd by those on Board-
rannyLiee 1 ownsend , is elected by the - Boston, June 14.
National Keiormers ot IS. York, and lial- An arrival at New Bedford from St.
timore, to represent them in the National Helena, April 1st, says that the schooner
neiorm vonvention, to De neia in incin- Zenobia, ot Baltimore, arrived at the latter
nati on the first Wednesday of next month. port on tlie 23d of March, a prize to an
liri r- t
Seventeen millions of Dasseners have ngusn sioop oi warnaving been cap-
Vpiti farrltr1 rwor !i AToccaoKiiBpfta Tail-
tured off the Coast of Africa with 550
place in nomination a man upon whom the I roads within the Dast three veirs. Fiftv- I slaves on board 33 ot whom were wo
whole nartv can unite. Va have the material si t fcillpd. ami sixtv-fivfi JniiiTfifl. men. The schooner Was of about 100
and we have the numerical strength, and therJ The Le islature of Massachusetts ' has A" ord wSvTeYd
is nothins-under heavens to Drevcnt our sue- . , , enced by those on board was truly dread
. I passeu a taw allowing marneu women, t ri "f ,vhnm nm-;evo 2mo f tVio
csbs but a neglect of that dutv which everv j- j r is,. j : tul, l-f ot whom perished, borne, ot the
' uivorceu irom uieir. nusoanus, .jo resume n,.moni,.j Konn vn10J : ,ua u,0c .... t I,;. nopmof k;. nrinni. .. . ' women nad been branded in the breast
- r meir maiaen names. - )(. tnt irnnc
Dies and himself. Turn out thon . tn the dcla. I Wltn not irons.
ff.t. ';na i oii the rtht bi...i f r-.J . QCtAti Irish erentleman in a tavern, see- The Philomel was in chase of another
o " . i- i . ii i ii- l . j j
ik- nnnr.nn nA .,r mnr rr it .iii "!S e ucnis were so aim as omy io siaver, a stave vessel lormeny conaemnea.
U tut, VSU.t...W'M " - , , , - .... 11 1 . 1 7.1 I mi - m. . ... . , .
have a ticket nominated whose success is cerl reer darKness visible, called out lusiuy xne u .alilprnia, ot Uoston, was lying
'iiere, waiter, let me nave a coupie oi mine narooroi oi, neieua.
dacent candles, just that I may see how
these other bum.' . . . Increasing the Political Power in the West-
E'Gentleman, ' is a name often be- 1 he Cincinnati Liaily AUas publishes a
cratic cause. We wish vou to send men of I
intelligence and political integrity to the Con
vention, and it is expected that you will turn
out and see that such men are elected. . , '
It is a matter of great importance to our
State and our party that this county should be
represented in the next Legislature by a demo
crat, and all that is required to effect this is to
I Hi
THE democratic citizens of Cambria
county are requested to meet, at their usu
al places of holding township elections on
Saturday the 23d of June next,
for the purpose of electing two delegates
trom each township, and from the borough
of Johnstown, to meet in County Con
vention at the Court House in the borough
of Ebensburg on 7tcs3ay the 26th day
of June next, at 2 o'clock, P. M., and
form a County Ticket to be supported by
the democracy at the ensuing election
The township elections will be opened
at 3 o'clock, and kept open until 6 o'clock
tr. M., in order to give every democrat an
opportunity of voting.
By order of the County Committee,
May 23, 1849.
, The Late Military Election. . -:
The last Johastown Transcript contains an
editorial article and two communications in ion to the lata Alilitarv election io this
J I .1. : mc : i - I
county, in which various charges of manage. una 4uaimuauuu m ujicau.
ment, illegal voting &c, are imputed to mem. CP" Why are a parcel of idle children! -i-
r- r l F 7 I '
uecause you nave xo CA. Indiana,
stowed on a well dressed black-guard, and statement to show the increase of the vote
withheld from its right owner, who only of the North-Western States since 1840, as
bcrs connected with the volunteer company in J like wafers.
his place, and against ourself in particular-
Without any intention whatever of getting in
a newspaper quarrel wun our neigtioors oi
Johnstown, we merely state for the informa
tion of the public that the majority of the state
ments made by the writers in the Transcript
are incorrect, having no foundation in truth.
We do not believe that the discussion has been
commenced on the part of our neighbors of the
Transcript with a view to any beneficial re'
suits, and we know that Capt. John Hum.
phreys duly appreciates the mock sympathy
to mane mem suck io intir teiitrs. lin;i;H
CF Wise men are instructed by reason: Michigan,
men of less understanding by experience; Wisconsin,
the most ignorant by necessity: and the Iowa,
beast bv nature.
1840. 1848.
273,439 328,400
116,906 152,752
93,017 125,121
45,068 65,016
6,363 39,166
533,789 734,847
in the vote, of forty
Death of Cassias M. Clay.
the errors
errs it is like a town clock going wrong ,r. . . tu r i- at -
t a Virginia, N orth Carolina and Louisiana in
x muuKuuc x WllaxCu. Southand tQ lhe tQtal vote of Magsa.
Sixt thousand dollars have been sub- chusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island,
that is now expressed for him by a few preten- scribed in Philadelphia, to the Central hn the North! By the census of 1850 the
ded friends a3 a lame apology for bringing out Rail Road, and 20 miles of the road at increase will be a vast deal more than these
his name contrary to his wishes or consent- rittsDurg are. advertised tor contracting. totals.
Snmfl misprlx chnn nliiprts in thfi ornld
dollars, that on account of their small size. OCrThe tories of Canada, whose indi
Companies, of one of which he is Captain and thev raav. be dronoed. bv mistake, into gnation against the governmen has been
. . .. - J ' J ' I 1 . -1 .1 Ml . 1
i.i which he ia hisrhlv esteemed and execcdin?- the contribution box. eiuresseu bo viuieuuy, wm uui ue auuea-
I I i i i r .t t i
lv popular, to prove that he was not a candi rr, ... l . , t-eu mucii uy meioneoi uiei.onuou press,
ii w i i v 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' iiii w i if-? arrs k i i h i i c 1 : a. i l.-'i
any circum- - r. V ii "a n t V or uie acuon oi paniamem. uoru xjigui,
date and that he v.'ould not under
stances permit his name to be used
Had he been a candidate, the result would
as Euch
ding the streets, dressed in male attire.-
the Governer, has been sustained fully by
the ministry, and the London 1 lmes in
One of them was discovered by the tone sults the tories wiih all sorts of opprobrious
tiuguished gentleman was killed in Maddison want of honor and honesty, on tha part ol one te They were discharo-ed the next
county, Kentucky, on the 16th int. It ap. 0f the conferees, and to the base and malicious njnr undcr tne promise hat they V
t f i it i' . m . t I
i lAirn i rom our cxcninns liihl liiis ii is i Kaa anr ,t iHmn t and it i a nn v in inn i- i
,KIJ WJ., ot iter voice m asKtnz tor a puncti at a ho- .,v,(0 :.;,t m,m,fle
the subscriber living in Allegheny town
ship, about the first ot June, three head
Hnpcpo i r?..n n.f.. i ... .
twelve vears old. 1 Iron Grev Horse four or I
. j
five years old, one yearling Mare colt, brown
The owner is requested to come forward.
prove property, pay charges and take them
awav. otherwise thev will be disposed of ac.
cording to law.
June SI, 1849. 37-3!.
Of Vie several Townships of the County
of Cambria.
1 CNTLEM EN: To sustain the honor and
HJT credit of tbeTaslv it becomes our dutv
to call upon vou to make 7, 7 t Tir,, n i-
without delay, as there is no mnnv in th
Treasury to meet the large amount of orders
now issued. There is a laige amount due and
unpaid to the contractor of the new Jail, and
we will have two week Court at July Term,
which wiil double the Court expenses. These
with the other expenses, will require a large
sum, which must be met. We call upon you
all, collectively and individually, and especial,
ly those who ere considerably in arrears, ta b
energetic in collecting and paying over a large
amount of your duplicates on or before next
July Court."
Dy attending to the above notice, you will
relieve us from the yaiuful duly uf having to
resort to the authority invested in us by law to
enforce payment.
DAVID TODD. Treasurer.
Treasurer's OrricE, )
Ebensburg, June 4, 1849. (35-4t.
N. B. Tavern keepers, venders of mer
chandise, and all other persons who are requir
ed to take out license by the Act of the 10th
of April 1849, must pay their respective Ii
ceiisa money on or before next July Court.
D. Tn Treasurer.
TT ETTERS testamentary on the estate of
SLl William Wilson, lato of Jackson town-
ship, Cambria county, dee'd., having been
granted to the subscriber rosiding in said town,
ship. All pei sons indebted to said estate are
requested to make payment, and those havii.g
claims to present them properly proven for set.
June 21, 1819 37-6t
Young Men of Allegheny Townshsp!
An adjourned meeting will take place at the
School-house, in the borough of Lorelto, on
Saturday the 30ih of June at 6 o'clock P. M.
All persons subject to Militia Law are reques
ted to attend, to raise a new Volunteer f-ompa-uy
since the law is more favorable than hereto,
fore and we can have experienced teachers in
military performance- Uewarc! not being the
dupes uf some dis
prove and choose
June 21, 1849.
A LL persons interested are hereby notified
.SjL ll at the following Accounts havo been
allowed and filed in the .office of the Register
at Ebensburg, and that the same will be pre-,
sented for confirmation and allowance to the
Orphans' Court to be held at Ebensburg in and
for the county of Cambria, on Monday the Sd
day of July next:
The Account of Catharine Fick, Adminis
istralrix of the estate of Frederick Fick, de
ceased. The Account of Joseph Croyle and Thomas
M'Conncll, Administrates of Frederick Croyle
deceased. ,
The Account of Rees Roberts, Executor of
Mary Breese, deceased.
The Account of 1'atrick Shiels, Guardian of
the minor chili of John Scanlan, deceased.
Wm. KITTELL, Register.
Register's Office, )
Ebensburg, June 4, 1849. 35-tc.
A NOTIIER lot of those cheap Dry Goedr,
ik among which are
tiper French Lawns,
New stTle Linen Lustre,
organizing office seekers, but Satin stripe Linen Mode Lustre.
yourefficers as freemen- . j , . ,
rlaid and liarlston (jinghams,
Cloth, Cassimere, Prints, &c.
ears that a rencontre took place between hnn danders that have been put in circulation by I never ao"ain wear breeches.
and a man named Joseph Turner, in which him .that all the ill feeling that may at present
both parties snapped pistols, and missing fire, exist is to be attributed. We are prepared to
they made at each other with bowie knives, prove at any time, when called upon, that the
Clay was slabbed in the heart, and Turner was statements in circulation in reference to our
o severely wouuded iu the abdomen that h e course in the conference or immediately after-
hii since died. wards, are totally false, and we are charitably
Later. Intelligence received this morning disposed to believe that they have been uttered
slates that Cassias M. Clay was not killed, bv the gentleman (?) alluded to in consequence
It is now reported that there is a probability cf the fact that his midnight debauchery has
ot ms recovery. l ne oeam oi -ir. lurner, rendered his memory raiiier ceiecuve in reia
his antagonist, is confirmed. tion to the events of that evening.
As we acknowledge the right of the defca.
mor"ldisnlav their lovaltv bv disresDect and in
. r ' j J r
tney would diffnities offered to the srovernment. We
shall have fresh rumors of annexation,
The funniest article . yet, is patent iron probably, after these comments are read
- - i
shirts Mith percussion collars. It never! in vanaaa.
wears out, and by touching asprino;, a new
collar iumDs ur. until a half dozen - are The advantage of having a trunk.
exhausted. A patent sheet-iron neckcloth in relerence to the overloading oi animals,
accompanies it. " ' I Sir Charles Napier gives an anectote of
The above is the title pago of a larg and
handsomely printed octavo volume of 625 pa.
ges, just published. In May, 1846. the author.
a lawyer, threw asic'e CiiUty and iiiacistone,
and takmjr the sword and carbine, euiieied in
the cavalry regiment then raising or I. i State,
(Tennessee.) In the interim he kept a copious
journal of every thing that fell under his no-
ice worthy of record, relating to the lito ot a
oldier.the country through which he travelled
nd the modes of life of its inhabitants. Also.l
Havo just been received and now opening by
June 7, 1849.
OOKS and STATIONARY for sale at
Buchanan's Store.
giving a vivia uescrtpuonoi ".e.ue.ui - . ap-rnt tn rlrnT
XT We sec it stated that there is not a sin. ted party to vent their spleen, we are perfectly
or o1orriint ir V i V 1-11 11 r rtrtPQ for trfc llictl
Almost everp paper from the West re- f,r 0tw ;iL,ennin(r
cords die return of California adventurers, LJ ud w . Here I cannot Refrain
""".V j- - V p. j- -V ; . from telling a story ofoneot the Scinde
Y , oTr -PP JS , ifi,,.-- am" elephants. He belongs to the baggage
ved at St. Louis on fhe lothult. j i 1 .f, F -.
marching up to Mgoltan. IMy letter tells
gle volunteer company in Blair county. We Uvilling that they should make fhe most of it. been celebrated in Montreal with but mod- me that Kubader Moll allows them to load
Casements of our army while in Mexico, viz
ra!o Alto. Rtseca do la Talma, Monterey,
Boenn Vista. Bombardment of Vera Cruz,
Cerro Gordo. Cherebusco and Chepulieoec.
with all the minor engagements, and a copious
detail of personal adventures, anccdates and
ncidents of camp lilo, and Mexican scenery
and customs
We feel confident that the work will find in
the people of Cambria liLeral purchasers, to
reward the rralUnt soldier, who has enlarged
upon the hUtory of the Volunteers and of the
Mexican W ar.
G. W. GEORGE, Agent
Juno2l, 1819.
think that the military spirit must be consid-
1.1 t 1 . . . . I. . J.: U A a l!i-t
eraDiy ociow pur 111 --mem uiggiuo.
county now forms a part of this division, we
hope that they will succeed in organizing sev-1
eral volunteer companies, as we wish thein to
take part with us in the election of a Major
General which lakes place in July next.
We havo now 'said our say," and shall hero I erate enthusiasm on the 19th. lhe peo- him as much as they liice, and then, delio
after have nothing more to do with the subject, pie did not generally join in the soldiers erately with his trunk, takes all off again
huzzas. beyond the quantity he thinks lair to put
TntuVrnSt;,t,sl!1.,vl1P,t,rnnK on his back. 1 hey dare not put any
, u r .,v,,i,,- ,r;. i iinii un mm uaiu.
niie o -i "I l-rlfl-X'
J I rw I Ii r I ovinrt-tnn Iciiinror cove that
The cholera of this season has one stri- iTothfT Eve married a gardener.' It
Grand Parade.
O ur friends of Blairsville havo had a meet
ing for the purpose of making arrangements
necessary to have a rrand military parade in I
lost his situation.
The Cambria Transcript. Mr. II. C. De- that place on the I2ih, 13ih and 14th of Sep king difference from that of the former vis- might have added that the said gardener,
viuo has disposed of his interest in this estab- lember next- The several committees were itation. Spasms and cramps are now Jn consequence of his imprudent match,
. . I .... i 1 I I . I - III I.. ....l AlB.ia.lvnnnn - -tnsv -kA r r t-
lishment to Mr. J. ii. Unslow, by Whom lUC ppi'eu, mu nivuaiioiis win ue encuueu iu idici olcii amuiig mc siun.
paper will be hereafter conducted. As Mr. BANK Failure. A slip from the. office
Dcvine in his farewell address says that -he i8 oi Aiiegneny, esimorctaua ana amoria io .f Thompson's Bank Note Reporter, says
a young man of the first order of talents." we be in attendance. the Hamon Bank of North Scituate
may expect that he w ill prove a great auxiliary L0Ta OK Gold! The steamship - Crescent (Rhode Island) has failed.
in the democratic cause, and that with his as. arr;ved at New Orleans on the 10th inst.
So orrpnt is th rlrpail rf tYiy rVi r1 ri-i !n
sistance we shall be able to knock the Wbig from Chagres .bringing one million of dollars the city of Cincinnati, that, on the 1 4th
party of this county into a three cocked bat
At all events, wo wish him success
n gold dust. Passengers on board of her re- ult., there were not three country people nlace ared 43 vears.
. . II' . 1 J! 1 I -
port that there is no ena to me goia in incoig- m marKet
On Thursday last, the 14th inst., Catharine,
consort of Willian Wherry, Esq., of this vicin
ity, aged about 53 years.
On Friday, the 31st of May last, Margaret.
consort of Ldmond J. ivalers, Esq., of this
0By referonce to our advertising columns,
it will be seen that Mr. G. W. George has been
appointed an agent for the sale of a new workf
entitled. "The Twelve Months' Volunteer, or
A Jm.malof a Private." We see this work
roost favorably noticed in many of our exchan
... mm i,mvn n n doubt that its sale w
gins at California.
A paper is about to be started in Mon-
. i r .1 ..j f . i
at the eai ior uie auvocacy oi annexation to
ICrEx-President Polk is still lying,
last accounts, dangerously ill of chronic diar. V uniieu oiaies. : mnHE Blacklick Furnace. situate in Cambria
rhosa, and not cholera, as was erroneously sla ' How long did Adam remain in Paradise L1- co"nl Bbou.t, 12 mile, west of Ebens
. , . .u -.r i : ji :J burg, and seven miles from the Pennsylvania
ted in our lasi. u ia.uluopC uciuio nc smucu wm au amiaoie spouse Canal, is now offered for Sale or Rent on the
"l ed of his recovery. 10 ner loving Jiusoand. 1 ill he got a most accommodating terms.
meet with ereat encoutagement throughout this Santa Anna has recently fulminated from
. I,. . IT' . t : iu
This is the
The Stock and Buildings of every kind be.
a vt tm in ivin rnno 1 1 -v 1 o email mil Ism F m.
his retreat at Kingston. Jamaica, an eiat MUjr uum- cy wm dq requirea lopui me xurnaco in oper.
orate reply, in a volume of three hundred 'UCJUU" 'u xouis. . .
A A 4Ae rt n n . I AAVW41Ai AAUbVI. WVfWAft IlL ILi M.J 1 i I I I 1 1. I 1 1 fSl I f J . - b J
pages, iu uie f---r UcaWU - ZSzaZa qnantity of land, will be sold on easy pavmenU.
vw I or rAntnn for a form nf voire ut h nao nf t im
A SIC C W X UIW UJ4 W VV - mm- 1 XiL C9l bVf tll tXs, .4CA ilUU W WVJL I - nt th. ,r fc..t r.rarr naner Dublished hrono-ht no-ainst him in the Mexican Con- sues lo naye some OI ine !
in New York. It is edited bv Geo. P. Morris Uess. The wiley ex-President makes and new streets opened. A resolution ber. &c
aa oiau auuicu v-anuig uii iue Vjrovernor I a or terms apply to the subscriber at his resi
in rew xorx. it is eanea ov uo.r. gTess
j xt t iv:ii:. i r t,,t. ticpir, nut na ncnil o rrnnn msp! -arm shnws. nn.
ana I. A . kcuucuicu u t; ' - j i uut, tio uua, u c,"" -" -" J - j , - , i, T, , .
. i , 1,1. , .i i. v.r, offB lnrmff lio roffoni lo convene uie legislature ior tne DUrnose oence at n.oensourg, oamoria
merit.andwho are very favorably known to parently, that .his efforts during the .recent LfW- the - . Rt.2,e P"?f . s ;. ; EDWARD S
the literary world of America. It will be per war were truiuess, owing to me want oi - . - - 7 " V r ""t.. I June 20. 1849.-37-8t. -
ceived br reference to our advertising columns, co-operation on tne part 01 me governmen,
- I t 1 1 1 a 1. ! K
that several now and original features are to be tne laCKOI iunas, circumsiaiices over wuicu
he had no control, kc. lie enters into
county. Pa.
added to its already attractive appearance
this journal displays a finer literary taste and
better judgment in the selection of its articles
than any other printed in thin country, we
cannot too highly secommend it to the patron
age of our friends.
an acute biographical account of all his ex
ploits, hardships and reverses,-and evi
dently aims more at making an impression
for the future than at vindicating the past.
Another Riot k Philadelphia. A severe
riot between the Franklin and Moyamensing
Hose Companies, commenced in the lower part
of the city on Saturday night lat, and contin.
... ued all the following day. One of the parties
' wti killed, and fifteen or twenty wounded.
We have not room this morning for the partic
ulars. ' " '
The following placard, affixed to the
walls of Frankfort, shows the state of fee-lino-
in that city: "All the women and all
the young girls of Wurtemburg announce
to the German soldiers that they have
sworn never to marry pneof them whose
hand has been stained with fraternal blood.
All other German women are invited to
Mlow this example." - .' :
the city to recover from the effects of this
terrible calamity. "
A Female. Member of; Parliament.-
The Edinburgh , feiosl states that the
body of a member of Parliament, for an
English borough, who died a short time
ago, Is about to be disinterred, in conse.
quence of a well grounded suspicion that
the M. P. was a woman! The individ
ual referred to was known as William
Henry Miller, Esq., a respectable landed
proprietor, , who represented Newcastle-
under-Lyne in the House of Commons
This exhumation has been ordered in con
sequence of legal disputes among the heirs-'
at-iaw, in relation to the title to estates
owned by the defunct man or woman.
Cam bria Guards!
A meeting of the members of the
"Cambria Guards" will take place at
m, . .
ourt House on the evening of Fri
a ay the 2Jd inst-, at balf.past seven
o'clock, r. M. A general attendance
is requested, as business of import
ance relative to the orga nization
the Company will be transacted.
. By order.
June 14, 1843.
A Large lot of Bleached and Brown Mus
lX- lins, jupt leceivrd and for sale very low
at the etore of MURRAY &. Z.1II.M
Vcir Pictorial
For 1849.
Edited by George P. Morris and X. P. Willis;
from S500 to $1000 a year!
Books of Universal Utility!
EARS new and popular Pictorial Works:
the most splendidly illustrated Volumes
for families ever issued on the American Con.
tinent, containing more than rour 1 iiousana
Engravings, designed and executed by the
most eminent artists ol England ana America.
The extraordinary popularity of the above
volumes in every section of the Union , renders
an agency desirable in each one of our princi
pal towns and villages.
Just published, bears new ana popular
Containing an account of the Topography,
Settlement, History, Revolutionary and other
interesting Lvents, blaiistics, ri ogress 1.1 Ag
riculture, Manufactures, and population, &c,
of each State in the Union, illustrated with
of the principal Cities, Places, Buildings, Sce
nery, Curiosities, Seals of the Stales, ic, &c.
Complete 111 one octavo volume 01 ouu pages.
The first number of a new series of
widely-circulated and universally popular
will, for the accommodation of new scb.-cki-I elegantly bound in guilt, pictorial muslin. Ke
bers, be issuod on Saturday, the seventh day oj tail price. 2 oO. w,r-t with tfvprnl new. original and at PICTORIAL IAM1LY AAINUALs
tr irTivR vkatitres. TUB HOME JOURNAL I 100 paces octavo, and illustrated with 212
is wholly a peculiar paper, abounding in every Engravings: designed as a valuable ana cneap
variety of Literature and News; and, besides I present tor parents and leacners 10 piace in me
bein one of the most elegantly primed and hands ot young people, 111 auracuvo un.uiug
intpr.KtinfT sheets extant, t is ov far the ch'ap. J tlE 111MUKX ur i allsii.m,,
est 'he terms boinz tnly Two Dollars a Year from the Patriarchial age to the I resent time
(in advance) or three copies for five dollars.
Address MORRIS & WILLIS, Editors and
Proprietors, at the Odice of publication, No.
107 Fulton Street, JNew-lTorfc.
By John Kitlo, editor of the Loadon Pictorial
I 1 I c
01 Die, occ.
torial History of tho Bible; Pictorial Sunday
Book; Description of Great Britain and Ire
land: Bible Biojraphy; Scenes and Sketches in
continental Europe, Information for the peo
ple; Pictorial Family Library; I'ictorial Histo
ry of the American Revolution; an entirely
new volume on the Wonders of the World.
Eeach volume is illustrated with several
t' ..: . i Iia nil-!, ujifh On
corgc uurcy v o. Tho.,.and. "
AVE just received and opened at the old .SCJiJS' PICTORIAL FAMILY 'MAG A.
Kianrt. formerlv occuoicd bv Georee I Z1NE.
Ullrey, at the head of Tlane No. 5, A. P. R. R. for 1849, published monthly in parts ;of 4
Summit, a large and extensive EtocK ot Jspring Marge octavo pages, at one oouar per jeai iu
nH Summer I advance.
Wm Wt fi B MM & '. Specimen copies ofthe Magazine, to procure
He desires his friends and old customers and subscribers with, will be furnished to all who
i - : m nivn him n ra ana I wi'J io eniiauc iu ii tutuKnuu. ,4 u. umh..,
u:- "n i : '..r iiiM laipsi fus i ons post paid, attho raie of twelve numbers for
and styles
nrici r rr m hn
Plain Muslin. Mull Muslin; French and Amer- New and Popular Pictorial Works, universally
French and JJomesuc iding- acsnowieagea io m m oesi uu mca.i v
lis collection of the latest fashions post paid, ai u.o raie oi iweive numueii io
in the line of staple goods &.c.,com- one dollar or ten cents for single copies,
beautiful stock of - AGENTS WANTED in every Town and
nwrcc GOODS. County throughout the Union, to sell bears
iean Lawns;
hams. A large and handsome assortment
of Calico Prints. Shtwls, Bonnets, Rib.
Hons, Artificials and Trimmings of all
kinds. Tickings, Shsttings, Col.
ored Muslins and Checks. Eng.
lish and French Cloth, Cassi
meres, Sattinets and Jeans.
Silk Velvet, Satin, Mar.
sailles and German Vest,
ings. Groceries, Hard,
ware. Glass, Nails,
Boots, Shoes, and Summer-Hats and Caps.
Together with a lot of superior
All of which thev will sell lower than biscv
r Kn sold at the Summit heretofore. Please
call and get value for your money.
"Terms, strictly cash or country produce
June 13, 1813 36-2m
Dubhshed. as thev certainly are the must salea
ble. Any active agent may clear from 500
or $1000 a year. A cash capitol of at least
$35 or $50 will bo necessary. Full particular
of the principles and profits of the agency will
be given on application either personally or
by loiter. The po.tage in all cases must bo
paid. Please to address.
ROBERT SEARS, Publisher,
128 Nassau street. New York.
Newspapers copying this advertise,
ment entire, well displayed as above, without
any alteration or abridgement, including this
notice, and giving six . inside insertions shall
receive a copy of any 6n of our S2.50 o
direct to the publisher. J . : . '
No letter will be taken fiom the office unlets
post paid.