The mountain sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1844-1853, June 21, 1849, Image 2

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Violent Scenes in the French Assembly.
a sanrrumarv battle, saia to nave wmu mimsiraiion nenner me indiscriminate
place near Roah, between Magyars, in removals rior the new appointments, have
rvhich both sides claimed the victory. satished the active' IV hiss. They do
Dembrinksey has defeated the Russians not hesitate, in many places, publicly to
on the confines of Gallicia. I denounce the selections of the new dvnas-
T ! 1 1 - .1,1 -r.nA rintn Viol T"l a L l J - . f 1
rauezei uas buuicosi-u a i ""-lij'. .. jius, uitu, iuc aumimsiraiionis iaise
Russian e-overnment, informing it of the to its pledges on the one hand, and to the
organization oi the uepublic ot liudgary, most active friends of its chief, on the
and requiring its lriendly recognition, other.
The enthusiasm of the Hungarians is
described as now amounting to fanaticism, " Mnior General Gaines.
T w li! I .!-- ... 1 1 I
- s.u uwu mi iUU u ui.u r-vv. 1 he telegraph informs us that this vet-
ThPi-fi has been no further debate in i ne roaas are covered witn recruits , lh ,.t , ffi
the linusli Parliament, m reiauon to uic ".5 iu iciuuc.m, ot the Army, we believe, fell a victim to
Canadian affairs. ulliL.u' "c" a"u l" "iC . . cholera in New Orleans, on Wednesday
j ii i i 1 in 1 1 ii H I I hp npnnlp arp m rrr intpnsplv excited i. j -n ...
jjoru iaruuun nau itiumvu - i r- y - .iiasi, aiier two aays niness. xiis name
lin, but there was no news oi any mien- mu . is honorably associated with nearly the
tionto pardon the State prisoners now it appears irom the pay roiisoi tne iag- whole history of the service which his
under sentence of death. yars, that there are now 180,000 Hunga- gkm and co ura have done so much to
Intense misery prevades Ireland. In nan soldiers in the held, one-sixtn oi wnom iUustrate. He was a native of Virginia.
one district a corpse washed ashore, was are roies. . the state wkich has furnished so manv of
I hp Hiino-armn ffpniihhf. hnc hppn tro- in 1 ' v
r " i x i our limsTrioiis mpn onn noe hot in Ka
, - - I - w-, v KfJllX AU
ciaimeu ai ivascow. 1; -fv,Q t?.,i: -i ,-r
Accounts from Vienna bring the official of!lLi. tt a ,
announcement of the fall of Buda. , ; 17qq . ,r
i y nunc a BiuucuL as a ueuLeir
ROME. ant of Infantry, and was soon after sent to
The French have approached nearer the the &outh as a Military Collector ofth
city, and have taken possession of the ad- district of Mobile. He first distinguished
iricpnt lipifht hv n ilptnrthmRnt reeentlv I himself hv thp nrrpst rf A innv Tlrr-on qi-lI.
The negotiations of the I rench ambass- njpi! t nivW VpTiJm. Thpv annear in conspnnpn.-P ih pntirp A0e0 ne 0ii u-
adors have failed, the Romans refusing to determined to enter the city, although if ambitious plans by which the Union was
aumu uie x- rencu uuuia cucu"ca possible, without the effusion ot blood, at- threatened with dismemberment: for which
Oi intliUb I fpnriant rn on occult I hft WAS nmmr.tpM irk o I :ontomrxr .
exposed to the moiarm.uen. uuumot s It : -d th t th service ;n which thev Durino- the lono- interval hptxveen 1804
t i - - - -
troops are becoming more and more ois- are engaged i3 extremely distasteful to the and 1812 he engaged in the practic of the
The old French assembly was dissolved numeroils. ment of thf war with Gmt Rritin 1p a.
on me W, ana tne new one convenea It is alsQ feared that should the Austrian gain buckled on his armor, and sign3lized
on the 28th. r A scene of terrible confu- or Neapolitan troops approach Rome, a our Arms at the battle of Chrysler's Field
ion ensued. Drawn on by a declaration Pnn;:;nn .:ii hI-p tip with th Frpnfh at tvtwT, ; iqio oo nioi
r .u o :,! . .u4 un ,.,Dr"' "'""vv .-"r. v"w xx
irviu uiC x .".un r who reorard mem with great dislike. 25th Infantry. For his ffallantrv on that
The Roman troops had briskly pursued occasion he was made a Brigadier an
the retiring Neapoliteans. honor soon followed up by the highel ap
pointment of Brevet Mai. General, won
Reflections on the late Foreign Sews. by the defence of Fort Erie, in Aujust,
I r a n a. f. ' i . "
The radicals or Democrats in the new 101 weniy-iwo years auerwarui, m
The Cholera had broken out in London
and it prevailed to some extent in many
portions of the country.
The French Army has not yet entered
Rome and the troops have shown evi
dent sisrns of sympathy with the Roman
She brings accounts from
co. to the Ist'of May, which
Important from California.
A telegraphic despatch to the Baltimore
Sim, dated New Orleans, Jan. 11, says:
The steamship Cresent City arrived here
yesterday from Chagres, from whence she
sailed on the 4 th inst. She has on board
one hundred and twenty-six passengers,
including Lieut. Gov. Mason.
San Francis-
May, which represents
the orold to be as abundant as ever, and
that operations to gather a new crop were
about to commence in good earnest, the
wet season being nearly over. The pop
ulation of San Francisco was rapidly di
minishing, the males especially being on
their march towards the diggings.
The steamers Oregon and Panama had
sailed from Panama for San Francisco, ta
king on board all who were waiting at that
point, leaving the city quite deserted.
The Cresent city brings about one mil
lion dollars worth of gold dust, with a
number of the fortunate owners of it.
Mr. James Sinclair, who was returning
home from California with a large fortune
that he had accumulated, was taken sick
and died on board the Cresent City,
She brings nothing new with regard to
the Provisional Government, and the re
ported difficulties with General Persifer
in danger
of an invasion from a mob
through the intrigues of Ledru Rollin.
Four Secretaries instantly resigned and
several members were preparing to quit
the Hall, when a further expulsion was
x- j i i : r .i. tj : ,i
avm,u uto T V he fought his last battle
and a retraction ot nis onensive language. . uu,.r, c . , ,
' rrl 1. rJ: 1 1 x 1 1 1 ! rn I m-irritv ot that hrw v. hPPailSPtnPV nrp v" " "
x lie uiira. ivauicais nave i u uuuuicup . , j
A the onlv united and effective oartv in it
,WV ;S5r "lB the Government in such a way as to carry every other field, was honorably dis-
i . b J L,i t..nummnmPi,knnr ;n tinsruished. Jrhila. Aun.
Dy oniy nve votes. uu "-"g1- "
A vote of thanks was passed to the army regard to Italy; and thus save Hungary,
Seminole Indians. Gen. Gaines was also
They can therefore mould the measures of wit.h Jackson in the Creek war, and there,
of Algeria
The Duke d'Arnal has been elected to
the Assembly, but being under the sen
tence of exile, was refused his seat
An Electric Watchman.
A Mr. Petrie, of London, has formed an
Italy, and France, all at the same time.
If the latter interferes as the friend of the
Roman Republicans, then the war becomes ingenious contrivance for protecting piem
a general war; and three countries with a ises by the aid of electric shocks. It has
The Neapolitans have been withdrawn united population ot eighty-three millions, Deen practically tested, and is aoout 10 De
from Rome. are enrolled m the Kepublican ranks, and applied to an extensive lactory at w esi-
The Austrians remain inartivp in TtalvJ opposed to the despotism of Russia and ham. J he battery will be a very power
The Danish and Prussian war still con- the monarchy of Austria. If France does ful one, and will effect the double object of
tinues, with but little prospect of a speedy her duty all will go well. Italy is in a ringing a large alarm-bell and prostrating
ueace. The Prussians had takpn the blaze of enersretic and enthusiastic revolt, all who may attempt to enter the premises
Hoot UA and the nrpdir.tpd fraternization has alrea- What will not science effect next? ' First
j x. iy m. ..uv..xvn.u. x. ivuooiuu liv-i-l I I I ...
aDDeared in the Danish waters. dy taken place between her own troops it abolishes our stage-coach drivers or con
i .... I .. .. ... .. I . ?.lx-.J. J 1 I
Thf-rp is little of interpst in thp npws and the citizen soldiers ot her sister repuo- veris mem into conauciors ami DraKeiueu,
from Germany commotions continue to c. Hungary occupies her lastnesses on- and now it threatens to supersede tne
. " . is . . - . - i, . i i i r a u.
prevail in all Harts of thp nonntrv. lv to hurl new destruction upon the intru- rmosi quiei anu ancieni oraer oi waicu
1 ... y ... i i . . . f f . i i i a : j ii
rrora Hungary no decisive iiitellirence ders' columns, lioth will tneretore De a- men, oy making eieciric oaiienes uu mcu
has been received. ble to hold out to the last; but there must business much more vigilantly and enec
Vast armip of Austrian and T?Kcian be no mistake about the course of France, tually. Think of it! The midnight m-
continue to pour into the country, and the And there will be none if only the radicals cendiary or burglar draws near your oweii-
Hunganans are retiring to their mountain m the Uonvention move quickly and uni- ing,inieni onmiscniei. uneiunuisiuiuu
fastnesses, when the chances of final sue- tedlv. Upon their prudence, and the ling at the lock, while the other grasps the
cess will be much better. promptitude of their movements, every- pistol or the knile that is to repel any un
it i ssirl thrtt th ltr thinor mav at last deoend. We look for expected resistence. All seems silent and
... w.w, j y. i . i .i
nsnrrfA flrp or civ lmnrlrp r.f idp in nnK. their decision soon. secure. 1 he lamily are evidently Durieu
;or,c v.o. r dj.i i TrplnH nwntc o lirvnoloco enaiaHP. l in slumber. IN ot a mouse is surrmji. xae
IbailiO Ul bilC 171 IJUUUi I SiViiVJ c uvuviwu iyv.v,vuj I w
J I. . - . . I 1 i .i fn C
Thp Tao-ar arp sniil m , Pronm. ami starvation has led to excesses be ore pusnes on 10 commence "pcuiuo
the only Hungarian seaport, if so, the which Humanity weeps. When will this With his burglar instruments ne ! oon o-
condition will erive them a jrreat ad van- unfortunate country be released from the pens the door or tne wmuow.
No news of interest from other parts.
The latest intelligence from Rome states
that the Constitutional Assembly, having
essentially rejected the proposition of M.
Steamboat Disaster New Orleans a Total
Detroit, June 16, 1849.
We learn from Capt. Gager, of the stea
mer Alabany, just from Chicago, that the
S. B. New Orleans, on her way up, run
on a reef of rocks on Sugar Island, in
Thunder Bay, on Thursday evening last,
and is a total wreck. She had a large
load of passengers, who were all saved in
fisherman s boats from I hunder Bay, and
Sugar . Island; her cargo mostly saved,
without much damage; a portion of her en
gine was jjot down on the , and the hull
is probably before this abandoned as a to
tal wreck, lying up to her decks in water;
the cause of the accident is not stated.
The passengers are on thunder Bay and
Sugar Island, about four miles apart, in a
destitute condition, waiting for conveyance
up the lake.
Office one door west of J.S. Buchanan's Store.
April 12, 1849. tf. ;
April 12, 1849 tf.
Dealers in Drv Goods, Groceries, Hardware,
Queensware, &.c.
'6 doorB east of Renebaw's Hotel. High et.
Office one door west of J. S. Buchanan's Store.
April 12, 1849. tf.
South-west corner of 7th 4 Race sfs.
April 2G, 1849
All business in the several Courts of Blair, In
diana and Cambria counties entrusted to his
care, will be promptly attended to.
Office, opposite J. S. Buchanan's Store.
April 12, 1849, tf
lie listens
triple sufferings of Famine, Misgovern- All is quiet. He lights a candle. ivoi
ment and internal Dissensions? an object to arouse nis suspicions is w
There is not a spot in Europe upon seen. There is the china-closet, where
which we do not find rival armies opposed the silver is probably kept. He will try
Disease sweeping down its countless his luck there first. He enters the house;
victims or Labor perishing for want of when, presto! at the first step an invissible,
bread. In such a state of societ v. it is ea- blind force of nature strikes him down,
Dreadful Steamboat Explosion Loss of Life.
Louisville, June 12.
The steamboat Embassy collapsed both
flues of her starboard boiler, below Green
River, on Saturday morning.
A number of the crew and deck passen
gers were killed and blown overboard by
the violence of the concussion.
Twenty-eight others were severely
scalded, some of them so severely, that but
slight hopes are entertained of their recov
ery. The killed and wounded were chiefly
deck passengers.
None of the cabin
The'number of killed has not been as
certained. The cook was drowned and the second
engineer badly scalded.
The boat was much shattered, and short
ly after the lamentable disaster, was tow
ed to kvansville.
The scene on board was of the most
heart-rending description.
The Embassy was from Pittsburg, and
bound to St. Louis.
passengers were m-
Lasseps had ffiven authority to the trium- s' to Predict, that a single spark will light stunned and senseless, and, with tne same
virate to treat again, and that the triumvi
rate proposed to the French Plenipoten
tiary the tollowmg conditions
1st. The people shall again be called to
exercise their sovereignty by means of uni
versa 1 suffrage.
2d. The Austrians, Neapolitans and
Barisoras shall all immediately evacuate
up such an insurrection as the
never seen. Pennsylvvman-
Co to Funerals!
A superanuated servant, who had resi
ded for some years as a boarder nt thp
Asylum of Loches, died there a week or
tWO Since. limner Clthnlif tzhn hA
the territory of the Republic, as universal quested that her remains should be carried
sunrage wouia De mockery, under the to the cemetery of the chapel of ChaufTat
pressure ot toreign arms. Arrnrdincr to nistnm. th n,ti,n!; r
3d. The French shall move away from localitv wprp. invited tnnmmmnv t,a Aa.
Rome. The Republic, always generous fnno.t nn W ict ;ra.rnv Tha .MkA.
uu imwiuoi, wm gram mem a piace ior on the day of burial, chanced to be very
garrison exempt from fever, where they unnlftasnnt. nnrl nnW ei-r i
shall meet a receptionthey shall remain nle invitation two of these, turning back,
their friends, but not their protectors; for when half way there, discouraged with
the democracy of Rome will constitute its- th mud nA t. r.t;,. ;-,t7r 4.
en wunout ioreign mterterence. Th
It was also understood that a deputation body laid in earth, Ind then went to the
world has shock, rings an alarm-bell, which rouses
the whole neighborhood, ueiore ne can
recover, he is seized and pinioned, with
the evidences of his guilt upon him. The
electric watchman has done the business;
a watchman that never sleeps at its post,
and one which pistols and bowie knives
cannot dismay amost quiet and ancient
watchman and yet one that may De trust
ed. As a police agent too, it is not lm-
Drobable that electricity may at some fu
ture day be employed with good effect.-
Come on then, Messieurs, tne moo, vum
vour brick-bats and fagots! You are go-
ino- to tear down vonder building, are you?
because your rowdyship disapproves of
the actor, or the preacher, or me pouuuai
speaker, who may have been invited to
play, preach or spout there, it is your
high and serene pleasure that the thing
sha ho. nrevented. '1 he actor comes in
, . - - - . """ w uieir surprise io discover
elusion of Cardmals- from all political that the will bequeathed twenty thousand
r QOliarS 10 De QlViaea amnnor thnsp whn
should follow her to the grave! The will
Additional Foreigu News.
New York, June 16
The steamer arrived at Jersey city this
The news of the alleged victories of
the Hungarians over the Russians has no
was in good form, and the money safely
invested in tne oavings liank of France.
What the Whigs Think of It.
or tne noiitician Deiones iu yo-ij
which you are opposed. The perform
ance shall not be suffered, you say, even
if vou have to tear down the building and
mutilate or murder those witnin. v ery
wpII. rjnmeon. There are no members
of the 'Star Police' to oppose you. JNot
a soldier is on the spot. A litde rope or
"We learn from a personal fiiend of wire surrounds the building, and there is a
T O a nr ..... . . I . . .1a 1 11 1 1 nnrl nA
-O .vuomuo iioo uu i ivi r. oenaior 11 antnim. thl tht rlictin. I nrormnnr TlATirP. Iliai me 11 ail 13 1U1X auu uu
been confirmed. It is said that the forcet L-mchpr. (rtlm-n cjj it I Qnior TCnt whatof that, bovs?
i j c vi iii uxa aauo uiiui rr..ii ir l r.i iii i mi ii r: 1 1 i.ii i-a '
employed by Russia against the Hungarians Mr. Ewinfr. denrecatinjr tht Pnt t Li,oU wohp. restrained by such trifles?
amount to 170,000 men. which removals from nfflw ; .-.rrio pnmonn thpn: every lad with his pocket
, . . ...I .u, uuu I UUIUU j J -
Aiier a ugumary action, in Which admonishing the Spp.rPtarv f tKo Tnor;ni. fll f ctnnpa. Follow me! Down iWitn
several hundred were killed, Buda has that this is nnt thp pntprta inmost t Lu flVi aristocracy! : Down with
fallen into the hands of the Hungarians, wp wprp invhoA ' w. a;c.a .J.i -.i, K;mplf ; down: and as .bp
who cut down the Croatian Officers with- credit the statement from our nersonal immtion of his followers across the fatal
out mercy or offering quarters. knowledo-e. of thR maannnimitv rf Tr h;na toirp nUre. down thev all go, buffe
The loss of the Hungarians is stated at Mangum. and his aversion of the nartv tPd hv the shocks from an unseen power,
250, of whom 40 were officers. "The doctrine of rewards and mi nishmpnt. nn Uwmpd and humbled." This is the way.
place fell on the 2 1st. the naked ground of a difference of noliti- nrnhahlv that mobs will be dealt with be-
IUs stated that the Magyar shave again cal opinions. But Mr. Mantnim. is morp forp the nineteenth century is at an end!
utterly defeated the Imperial troops, near nf a sstatpsman ihn o a a r.. Tmnsprint.
. ! .-..u... ...u... a. Jwillllildll, 111U UUC9 JJUatUII. M. I i.w. "2
AuueuourgH. not feel lne hungry pressure nnnn the Hp.
Great anxietv is prnrpssp.d in Vipna nt I t.-1?-.l: x
rhe non-appearance
uoi ieex uie nungry pressure upon the de
anxiety is expressed in Viena at partments.". Washington Correspon
jpearance of the Russian troops dence of the New York Herald.
in Hungary, and as to what has become of
them. Probably Bern and Dembrinksey
could give some account of them.
Some information has been received ot
It is a fact that has no doubt occurred to
every intelligent observer, that sweeping
as is the proscription under Gen. Taylor
-without a parallel under any former ad-
The new gold dollar is. bringing from
four to five per cent premium in N. York.
The Philadelphia 1 lmes knows a gentle
man who makes $100 a week by bringing
bullion there, getting it coined into gold
dollars and taking them to New York.
PORTAGE. NO. 2, A. P.R. R.
rTMlIE undersigned takes this method of in.
JSL forming his fricndu and the public gener
ally, that he has taken that large and commo
dious House, favorably known as the
formerly kept by William Palmer, Esq.,
Having fitted up the House in a style not to be
surpassed by any other west of the mountains,
the travelling community can rest assired that
on h:s partt'iere will bo nothing wanting t make
their sojourn a pleasant one, as he is deteroiin.
ed to supply his table with the best that the
country mantel can afford.
will be supplied with the choicest of Liquors.
is large and roomy, and attended by careful
and attentive Hostlers.
A. P. R. R. Juno 6, 1849 3G-tf.
We learn, although unable to get the en
tire particulars, that the Irish, engaged on
the Pennsylvania Railroad, from below
Union Furnace m Huntingdon county, to
Antis township, in this.county, under the
several contractors, have been encrao-ea m
the most serious riots during the past week
A larsre body of Irishmen met in mortal
combat, armed with rifles, muskets, pistols,
and bludgeons of every description as their
weapons, creating terror to the peaceable
baiting uic iul. j.ix cuiuu iuckauvud) v ixx
different combatants. They also destroy
ed, by burning and tearing down, several
shantys, and assaulted Mr. Gillespie, a con
tractor, so severely, that his life has beeti
despaired of for several days. .
The peace of this community was du-
turbed on Thursday evening last, by tn
armed force entering the town, of sonte
twelve or fifteen persons, having in charge
six or eight Irishmen, who had been en
gaged in the riots. They were taken be
fore Esquire Uox, and alter an investiga
tion, committed to the county jail to ayait
their trial. Ave understand that several
others have been taken to Huntingdon and
committed. j
This outrageous and unjustfiable con
duct, should lead contractors, and ethers,
to use the most coercive measures, that
this high-handed and lawless conduct may
be speedily brought to a close, as the lives
and property of innocent and inoffensive
men are daily at the mercy of thse des
peradoes in human shape. Every effort
should be made to stop it peaceably, if pos
sible; but forcibly, if necessary. llolli
daysburg JVhig. J
GPA young man by the name of Ro
berm. a German, who has been a carrier
for this paper, received a telegraphic des
patch yesterday from New York, inform
ing him of the death of a relative, who has
left him a fortune, and directing him to
embark forthwith for Germany. Detroit
Adv. j
Goixo at it in Earsest. The citi
zens of St. Louis have resolved, in town
meeting, to suspend business for one day,
and to devote the same to the cleansing
and purifying of their respective yards,
buildings and premises, to guard more ef
fectually against the spread of the cholera.
Messrs. Editors: Permit me, through the
columns of your paper, to inform my frieuJs in
general, and those who deligbt in an occasion.
al 4,tip on the light fantastic toe" in particular,
that I intend giving a r AiNOY IjALIj, at the
Portage Exchange; Foot of Plane No. 2, A. P.
R. R. on Thursday evening, the 21st of" June,
to attend which they are most respectfully
No pains will be spared to make the enter,
taitment pleasant and agreeable to all who will
honor me with their presence on that occosion.
It is my earnest desire to meet the expecta
tions of all who may favor me with their pa
tronage. The only security I can give in ad
vance is a pledge to do my best.
A passenger car will leave Hollidaysburg
and Johnstown, about 2 o'clock in the after
noon, for the accommodation of those who
wish to attend.
, Portage Exchange, Foot of Plane No. 2, A.
P. R. R.
JUST opened, a verv extensive lot of G1NG.
HAMS, LAWNS, and PRINTS of eve-
ry variety, at the store of
fi RAIN and Country Produce, of all kinds
Mjf taken in exchange for goods at Buchan
an's Store.
"HT ET TERRS of Administration having been
JJJ granted by the Register of Cambria coun
ty to the undersigned on the estate of William
Pitlman laic of Washington township, Cam
bria county, dee'd. Notice, is hereby given to
all those, indebted to said estate, to make pay-
ment, and those who have claims, to present
them duly authenticated for settlement.
May 17, 1649. 33-
A good asortmhnt of Fur, Btush, Silk. Mole.
akin, Palmleaf, Mexican and ool HATS , for
THE eubperiber having divided fourTrn
of Land containing together abont
i izuu Acres, v .
into a citable Farms, will offer them
at public sale at the town of Indi
ana, Pennsylvania, on Wednesdav
the 27th of June next, if not previously dispg
ed of at private sale. .-
These lands, formerly known as a part of
the Gilpin & Fisher lands, are situated on Cor
rie's Run, aboot five mi'es west of Indiana, oj
the public pike road toward Kitlanning, 'tci
also on the township or county road, and DaT
been divided into farina oi from 100 to Sud
acres. They are all good soil, well walerag
and have a suitable apportionment of timber'
and meadow lands. The farms or cleared lioj
have been several years settled having beta
kept under improving leases, and cultivate:
with a proper proportion of grass and cloret.
The land 8 will be farther described onde:
the general and recent surveys, and will be
ahown and terms of sale made known upon ip
plication to the subscriber, at his residence tt
Ebensburg, Cambria county, Pennsylvania.
June 7, 1849. 35-3t. -
Put downor Trial at a Court of Com-1
TTiort fleas to be held at bensburg,k '
and for the county of Cambriaf com-
mencing on Monday, the 2d day of
July, A. D. 1819.
Dougherty vs Shoenberger e. at
Same vs Same
Mendell's Adm'rs vs Moore's Adm'rs
Zahm, Adm'r vs Shaffer
Carpenter vs Christy
St. Clair vs Hale &. Gates
Austin vs Parrish
Kelly vs Kelly's Adm'rs
Colclesser vs Graff
Douglass vs Blouse Sc. Fouse
King etal vs Trefiz et al
Kegan vs Jackson
Cohick for use vs Harris
Fenlon vs Young & Sergeant
Same vs Murray
Rodgers vs Ycunkin
Smith vs Rater
Curd's Ex'rs vs Smay
Bingham etal vs Patterson
M'Guire vs Conway
Coyle vs M'Kiernon
Grey vs Parrish
Fenlon vs Pfoff
Barnes1 Adm'r vs M'Farland
M'Gough vs Knepper
James vs Jones
Jones' Adni'x vs James
M'Dowell vs Morrison
Wm. KITTELL, Prothonotury.
May 15, 131932 tc
Mackeral and Codfish, just opened
d lor sale by L. & T.
Books and Stationary, aUo, plain and era.
broidered Envelopes, fancy Note Paper
Motto, silvered and cami Wafers, Quills,
Sealing Wax, Pencils, Pass Books, &c, for 6ale
at the store of
"IVf EN'S fine calf and kip Boots, Women's
LvJL Congress Shoes, Lasting, Buck and
Goat Shoetees, Seal and Merc. R. R. Slippers,
Misses colored Kid, patent and calf Boots,
Boy's thick and kip Boots and Shoes just re
ceived by I,. &. I .
A Tract of unimproved Land, covered with
valuable Timber, lying about five miles West
of Ebcnsbcrg, enquire of
Ebensburg, April 12, J849. 12-tf.
Put down for Trial at an Adjourned
r it a
Court of Common Pleas to be held cl i
Ebensburg, in and for the County oj
Cambria, commencing on Monday tht
0th day of July, A. D. 1849.
M'Gouza ct al
Smith's Assignees
Cohick for use
Todd's Ex'rs
Clark & Co,
Barnes' Adm'r
vs Glass Ex'rs
vs HahaBsy
et al
Bell et al
Blouse &.
Curran's Adm'r i
Williams et ux
Cunningham &. Kells vs Barnes
Teater vs AllbaueU
Dibert &. Osborne vs Trefiz
James vs Jones
Jones' Adm'x vs James
Paul vs Dunlap et a!
Cobaugh vs Gates
States vs Canan
llershberger vs Trefiz
Wm. KITTELL, Piothonttary.
May 15, 1849. 32 tc
ALL persons knowing themselves iiideb:
to the subscriber either for Job WoU "
Advertising or Subscription, will please .
and eettlo up their accounts on or before tae
20th of July. By attending to this notice Uiej
will save costs. 1
June 7, 1849, 35-3t.
J3(Dsi mm us i
just received and for sale by
PANT STUFFS, cheap for cash
country produce, to had at
Buchanan's Stort. &
S? the store of '
tLf large lot, for sale low at
Buchanan's Store.
JUST received, a large lot of English fl-
French CLO THS, Blue, Black and f
ry variety, at the store of
For Sale.
A good double. pull Patent Ram age Press of
large Imperial size, (23 by 35 inches) togoiher
with all the necossary "fixens.'' It is in good
order, and will be eod low for cash. For fur
ther particulars apply at this office.
1TN FORMS his friends and the public fc:
JL erally that he has opened a large sssof
sisting of
which he will sell low. The public are in'
ted to call and examine his clothing and jaoj ,
for themselves as to their quality and b6l?l ;
uess. Pittsburg City Scrip will be taken'!
nar fnr f.tnthinF.
Ebcneburg, May 31, 1819. 34-3t.