hope realized. Who will now say what a great People, struggling to be free, cannot do? Who now will over-estimate the might of Tvr- ny, with millions in its coffers, and armies m centre to circumferenceT The discomfi- V. u.e of. Nicholas by the soldiers of Hungary, &.kSs2t 4 I will startle rnonarchial Enroos like the voice or ?1&SHiPV God; and the nations of the old worlJ will rouse va.j--' from their despondency as at the peal of the MOUNTMSEiWIlL MM Mill1 WE EDENSBUliG, PA. ThnraiIajVJ"e 14, IS49. trump of the Archangel The crisis deepens! And in this crisis where shall we find France? Her impulses are all noble, and often successful. Her recent revolution was a revolution of bloodless im pulse. May she elect to assume that proud and prominent position which would so well be come her pledges and her character! - (T-TTrtE Sethtimel, has much the largest cir filiation of any paper published in this county and as an adtertising sheet, offers superior inducements to merchants and business men Candidates for Office. The time for holding the democratic meet ings in the several townships in this county to generally. Those desirous of making us of send delegates to a County Convention to place ims meat urn J or extending their business can do to by either sending their notices direct, or ('through the following agents: John Crouse, Esq., Johnstown. ' E,.W. Carrt Evans' Buildings, Third st. j Philadelphia. I Wm. A. Kinsloe, Pittsburg. I George Prutt, 151, Nassau st., Nno York. . Fancy Ball. V To tnos who hre fond of "tripping on the I light fantastic too, wo would say, go to the I Ball at Major Marlelt's at No. 2, A. P. R. R. on next Thursday evening. The Major is a f clever fellow, and will, we feel confident, do ; the thing up in such a way as will enable ar I who may feel disposed to join in thi3 polite 2 amusement, to ' pass an agreeable evening 'i . . . . - . . . . , I s-ee ins auvcrusemeni in anoiucr uuiuuiu. I ' Our Borough. f We tire gratified to perceive the improve. I hients that are being made in our streets, walks i &c-, by our borough authorities. This was j inucb wanted, and the wretched condition of gar streets has long been a subject of com plaint, wiimn me last nve years our oorougn I has nearly, if not altogether, doubled itself in size and population, and our streets should cer tainly be improved - in proportion to the in crease of the wealth and business of the town As our neighbors of Hollidaysburg, Hunting. don and Johnstown, are constantly Extolling the beauties and advantages of their respective Borousrbs. we beg leave to state fur the infor mation of the public, that, as a summer resort, - - . . . . c- Ebensburg can compare tavorably witu any oi them. We have a purer atmosphere, as wild and beautiful scenery as any -town in the State, and then, if one wishes to amuse himself in hunting or fishing, plenty of trout are to be found in our stream, and in our forests plenty of game. We have as pretty girls, our.popula in nomination a ticket to be supported by the democracy at the ensuing election is rapidly approaching. For the information of the pub lic, it may be proper to give the names of those we hear mentioned in connection with the several offices. From all we can learn, we b5. licve the following gentlemen will be urged for nomination .by their respective friends. For the Legislature. Patrick Shiels, Lorelto. Dr. Wm. A. Smith, Ebensburg. Jesso Patterson, Johnstown. Thomas M'Kiernan- do. R. P. Linton, do. G. W. Osborn, do. Patrick M'Ccy, E'jensburg' For Sheriff. Augustine Durbin, Washington tp. John Brawley, Summcrhill tp. S. J. Renshaw, Ebensbuig. John M'Mullen, Clearfield tp. For Treasurer. John S. Buchanan, Ebensburg. J ernes M'Derruit, do. Harrison Kinkead. . do. Rees J. Lloyd, do. John G. Given, do. For Commissioner. . James Skelly, Summcrhill tp. Thomas Jones, Jackson tp W. W. Harris, do. Anthony Lambaugt, do. Peter Singer, do. Cornelius Donoughe. Allegheny tp. Nicholas Naglc, Cambria. Neil Diver, do. Wm. J. Williams, Carroll tp. Michael Kennedy, do. Auditor. Washington Douglass, Allegheny tp. Here is enough mentioned, in all conscience! lion are as social, our landlords us accommo- to enable the Convention to form a ticket tha dating as those of. any other place in the Slate' I w HI be satisfactory to the pa rty. We have no and take it all in all, we think those in pursuit cl health or amusement cannot do belter than come to Ebensburg. fending' and maintaining the common cause of republican liberty. 'AH Sorts of" Paragraphs. Ij'Rhcubarb, or pie plant, whicli isat this sea-son of the year generally used for pies, should be for the" present excluded from the table. It is considered by - physicians to be a source of diarrhoea, and at the present time. when symptoms tA cholera are prevalent, should be strictly avoided. 13" Every treasurer of. Kentucky, except the pres ent one, who has not been in office long enough to have a fair trial, has been a defaol- ter. -This looks rather bad for the model Whig btate. ETA jury at Patterson, N. J., was out late. ly for fifty .two hours without food, yet couht not be starved into a verdict. It was an em bezzlement case, and the evidence was very perplexing. BJrAn old lady named Mary McCully, was run over by a locomotive; on the'Willow stree1 Railroad, Philadelphia, on Sunday, and in There . was a singular problem among tiie Stoics, which ran to this purpose; "When a man says, 'I lie,' does he lie, or does he not? If he lies he speaks the truth; if he speaks the truth, he lies.' Many were the books written upon this wonderful problem. ' Chrysippus favored the world with no less than six; Philetus studied himself to death in his vain en deavors tosolve it. - 0A gentleman in Louisville recently pur chased a fine looking roll of butter, weighing tea pounds; but on cutting it in "two after reaching home, all but an inch in thickness of the outside proved to be mashed potatoe! DEMOCRATIC COUNTY I H 11 III El? ? rrairffiTiT a I HUE ! THE democratic citizens of Cambria county are requested to meet at their usu al places of holding township elections on Satitrdait the '23il of June next. stantly killed. She was deaf, and did not hea jfor purpose of electmg two delegates irom eaeu township, and iremi the borougu of Johnstown,' to mieot in County Con veiJion at the Court House in the borough of Ebensburg on Tuesday the 2Gth day of June ncxty at 2 o'clock, P. M., and form a CountJ" Ticket to be supported by the democracy at the ensuing election. Thi township elections will be opened at 3 o clock, and kept open until 6 o clock P. M.,1 in order to give every democrat an opportunity of voting. By order of the County Committee, i Chairman. ftath of Gen. Gaines. " Major General Gaines, commander of the Southwestern Division of the United States Armv. died at New Orleans, on the Cth inst., heard of the cholera. He was sick ten days. The announcement of his death has created a pro found sensation of regret among his numerous friends at Washington, and his loss will be leoply felt in the army of which he was an or nament. doubt, however, thut there ari gentlemen whose names arc in the above list, who are not candidates, anJ who wii! not go before the Convention; and we cner&ly give their names because wc hear them mentioned. There may be others,' loo, who are anxious to serve the 'dear people," whose names we have not UTEx-President Polk is lying dangerously ill of cholera at Nashville, Tennessee. So say the papers received fhis morning. 0A telegraphic despatch from Washington to the Pittsburg Post of the 13th. snys that it is stated on good authority that Gen. Je?cup will be appointed to the command of the mil. itary div ision made vacant by the death of Gen- Gaines. Another report says that Gen. Twiggs lias received the appointment. ICTCapt. Samuel D. Karns has been elected Brigadier General f the Dauphin County En- gadc. Dentistry. R. A. Miller, burgeon uenusi.oi nun ung- r-We learn from our exchanges that thev don, Pa., will remain for' a few days at the are lajkin in Philadelphia and New York House of Mr. Carmon in this place, wliero he about retting up mcetin-rs for the purpose of is prepared to wait on those requiring his ser- giving expression to the universal feelinrr of sympathy which pervades the entiro popula tion of the United States relative to the strcg. . i vices. As lie comes well rccommenuea, wc have no doubt be is complete master of his pro. fession, and will give satisfaction to those who will employ him. We would suggest to such of our friends as stand in noed of a Den. list, to operate on their teeth, the propriety of giving tho Doctor a call. We are requested to 6tate that H is the intention of Dr. Miller to visit our borough about four times a year, and this circumstance should dissipate the preju dice existing in the minds of many of our citi zens against travelling dentists, at least so far as he is concerned. Horn's Railroad Gazette. Wo havo recei ved several numbers of this valuable New York publication. It contains much valuable statistical information, interesting to travelers t and is designed to bo the Railroad organ in the United States. Wc notice that it is tho inten tion of the publisher to cnlargo his sheot to the pizo of tho New York Courier & Enquirer," and then commence tho publication of a list of all tho newspapers in the United Stales and Can- ada. The Foreign News. The foreign news in to-day's paper is of the most interesting character. The Russian Army has been defeated by the Hungarians, who compelled them to fall back upon Cracow, thus transferring tho revolution to Poland About 30,000 Russian troops wero compelled to surrender, and this circumstance has given a new impulse to thote battling in the cause of liberty throughout Europe. All the auguries, ay ihe Pennsylvania are put in defiance by tho present course of things in Europe. .-First, wo see Italy emerging from the lcthar gy of gca, into tho muscular ' manhood ofa urave and vigilant nation. Next Hungary as tound the world by her display of confidence and courage, equal to & nation of century trained warriors; and now, at last, we are star- lied by the annunciation that Russia hvrielf iias oecn aeicaieu wuu greai ana overwhelming loss See tbe latest telegraphic news by the Europa. Three tiuios have our worst fears teen disappointed, and three times our highest g'e for liberty and republicanism which is now going on in Hungary, France, Italy, Germany, and Poland. The eyes of all are turned to Eu rope, aud the deepest anxiety is felt by our people in the success of the great effort now being made by the down trodden millions of Europe to shake off the chains of tyranny The news of the momentous occurrences in Eu rope are read with the greatest avidity by the American 'people, and it is a subject of com mentary in all circles. Tha following spirited declaration is taken from the New York Herald In thejrieantime, it appears now to be an appropriate crisis for the people of the United otnles, full of wealth and enterprise and enjoying peace aud all the comforts o liberty and prosperity, to consider the sit uation which the free institutions of Euro pean nations are placed in, and the dan ger which threatens them. When Ireland suffered undered under famine, a few years back, the benevolence of the United States expressed itself m a substantial man ner. Ought not the sympathy of the A merican people equally to show, at this time, what the feeling of this country is towards the great liberal party of Europe in the approaching contest? Ought not subscriptions to be opened, and an Ameri can legion now to be organized, of five or ten thousand men, to cross the AUantic and aid in the approaching struggle of free republican government against unmitigated despotism: mm. r .i . . ...;n t i x lie icouu y)i iins iziidi aiiugiiiu in ui. penu entirely upon the energy ot the French republic, and of those States in Germany and Italy which think with them Thousands and millions might be, and ought to be, collected, to aid and assist in the great liberal cause of Europe. A le gion of several thousand men ought to be sent to mingle in the midst of freemen. For such a purpose, we would not hesitate putting down, at the head of one of the lists, a thousand dollars, at least, to aid ou republican brethren of the old world in de the train approaching CZTRobert Dale Owen is talked of as a can. didate for Congress again in the district of In diana he formerly represented. ICTThe public debt of , France is rapidly in creasing. It is already hrteen hundred mill ions of dollars. That of England four thou sand millions of dollars. ETTho ravages of the Cholera at San Anto. niaare. most awful. The whole number of deaths is not short of 500. The disease has broken out in the camp of the 3d infantry, and in the quartermaster's encampme nt on the Salade, where many were dying. H3"A Galveston paper, deprecating the nam b cr of divorces granted at the recent session of the Legislature of Texas, says in that State the marriage contract is not as binding as a horse trade. r The Progress of Science. A New Yaxkee Invention. A patent is about to be secured for anew style of "spring-cushions, mattress es," ect., to bo stuffed with living grass-hop-pers! 0"A Washington letter writer says that the Senate will refuse to confirm the nominations of Gen. Taylor or rather tha nomination of his Cabinet. So it ought. Lancaster Cotton Mills. The Lancaster papers states that at a recent meeting of the stockholders it was resolved to unite the inter ests of the old and new Cotton Mills, under the provisions of the general manufacturing law. GAn eye, malignantly diseased, was suc cessfully cut out in Cincinnati last week, while the jalicnt was nndor the influence f chloro form. 23"A womau' in Shelby, and another in WnTrrrvT,-Texas, have killed LLeir " ht-iuJ the former stabbing him in tho chet a num ber of times, at)Ji "the 1 fitter tatting JiiV throat from a to izzard. Look out all you gentlemen wot's got wives. LTlt is Baid that the price of Land Warrants as risen in New York. H3Isaac Schearer, on his way overland to California, with his wife and children discov. cred that Isaac B. Gore, a young man of the party, improperly intimate with Mrs. Schearer, and fchot him dead. 0A splendid Camp Carriage, built by or der of the late Gen. Worth, was about to be forwarded to him from New York city, to Texas, when news of his death was received. Such is human life! He who escaped unsca thed, the dangers of a dozon battles, fell a vic tim to a disease that no bravery could conquer. Louis P ilippe's Propertt. President Na poleon has been for some time sending to the Ex-Kinj: of France the moveables of his pri vate property. It has occupied an immense number of cases lately' sent to England. 0The Hungarians residing in New York, have resolved to petition the United States Government to considei the propriety cf send. ng an Ambassador to tho new Hungarian Gow eminent, and concluding a commercial treatv with the same. A Yankee Count. The Portsmouth, (N. II.) Messenger states that the Russian General, Count Rinzerhoff, is a native of Meredith, II., and his real name is Thomas F. Williams. 0A man has been fined 5,000 dollars in Tallapoosa county, Ala., for slandering the chastity of a lady. lETAt a Printer's festival in Washington the following was a regular toast: Woman The fairest work of ,crealion--thc edition being extensive, let no man be without a copy. 0The following "13 an old lady's receipt for testing indigo : "Sprinkle it, in fine powder, on a pan of water, and if it is good it will either sink or swim I forget which." A Big Lick! George Lippard, the accom plished editor of the "Quaker City,' who wa3 ono of the warmest supporters of Old Zack, had during tho campaign, in his paper of the 19th inst., airj:isthat Gen. Taylor is "feeding those wlio rcould neither feed him not his SOL DIERS" whilst prosecuting his country's -war in Mex icoll Volumes of censure could not say any more. May 23, 1849. Hi l nous A LEG I! EN Y PORTAGE RAILROAD. rnVlIE undersigned takes this method of in. EL forming his friends and the public gener ally , that he has taken that largo and comma. dious Ilouse, favorably known as the WASHINGTON HOTEL, forrr.erJr kept by William ralmer, . Jb.sq.f Having fitted up the House in a style not to be surpassed by any otuer west ot the mountains Tho ..travelling community can rest ass ired that on has pirttherewiil be nothing wanting to make their soiourn a pleasant one, as he is oeterunn edtoiupply his table with the best that the coun;ry,markel can attord. Ilia ' BAR willflp supplied with tho choicest of Liquor His STABLE . is largo and roomy, and attended by carcfu and attentive Hostlers. RICHARD TROTTER. A. P. R. R. June 6, 1849 36-tf. 1T1CE ! r. ii. urn A TTORJSE TAT LA TF, EBEXSBURG, PA. Office one door west f J. S. Buchanan's Store; April 12, 1S4U tf. iiiuiliiST A TTOUNEYAT LA TF, ' EBFXSVURG, PA. April 12, 1819 tf. C. LITZIXGER. G. W. TOPD. TO THE COLLECTORS Of xlie several Townships of the Countul or isumuria. Pi EN1 LEMEN: To sustain the honor and XW credit of the county, it becomes our duty to call upon you to make prompt payment without delay, as there is no money in the i reasury to meet the largo amount ot orders now issued. I hero is a laige amount due and unpaid to the contractor of the new Jail, and we will have two weeks Court at July Term, 1 -1. -II J 1 T - 1 rmit wmcu win uouoie me oun expenses. liiesc with the other expenses, will require a large sum, wnicn must ho met. e call upon you all, collectively and individually, and especial ly those who are considerably in arrears, to be 1 energetic in collecting and paying over a large amount ot your duplicates on or beiorc next July Court. By attending to the above notice, you will relieve us from the painful duty of having to resort to the authority invested in us by law to I cnlorce payment. DAVID TODD, Treasurer. Treasurer's Office, ) Ebensburg. June 4, 18 ID. $35-4t. N. B Tavern keepers, venders of mer chandise, and all other persons .- are rcquir- J Ofiiee one door west of J. S. Buchauan's Store cd to take out license by Uie Acvof the 10th J April 12, IS49. tf. of April Lsl'J, must pay their respective li cense money on or beiorc next July Couit D uvmmi & todd, Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Quccnsware, &c. ' ; 3 doors cast of Renshaw's Hotel. -st. ATTORNEY a? l TV, l ., Ireasui er. V. RECITED ft ALL persons interested aro hereby notified that the following;- Accounts have been South-iccst corner of llh liuce sis. Philadelphia; April 2C, 1349. 9- J, M'DOMLD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, EBENSBURG, PA. -All business in the several Courts of Blair, In diana and Cambria, counties entrusted to hi allowed and tiled in. the A.offico of tits Register at Ebensburg, and that the same will be pre sented for confirmation and allowance to the Orphans' Court to be held at Ebensburg in and for the county of Cambria, on Monday the 2d day of July next: The xVccounl of Catharine Fick, Adminis istratrix of the estate of Frederic Fick, de ceased. i'U r i i. c ti Alio II b ui ubi Liu viu is o-ut luvilias I I , f . . I , . m i . . . i r i I care, will be promptly attended to. M Connell, Administrators of rrederick Croyloj 1 K . . . . J Oflice, opposite J. b. Luchanan a bt( TU Amount ft f Pa Hr.-Hj nriitr nf April 1, lOU, 11 Marv Breesc, deceased. Tho Account of Patrick Shiels, Guardian ofUj the minor child of John Scanlan, deceased. Win. KITTELL, Register. Register's Office, Ebensburg, June 4, 1819. 35-lc. ore. CHEAPER THAN EVER!" MURRAY & ZAIhC BY EXiKESS. rjflHANKFUL for past favors, would respect. EL fullv inform their friends, and the public ANOTHER lot of those cheap Dry Goods, generally, that they have just j-cceived the among which arc largest, handsomest and lest selected assort. Super French Lawns, mcnt of New style Linen Lustre, Si- Sntin ctrinrvl.innn iVTrifln Lll.trP. that has been broujrht to Ebensburg this sea- . . i i-t l - r' l son, and which they are determined to dispose rlaid ailU Larlston UinglianiS, of at the lowest prices imaginable. They think it unnecessary to enumerairj all Cloth, Cassimerc, Prints, &,c. Have just been received and now opeuing by LITZIXGER ij. TODD. June 7, 1849. JfO THE" LOVERS OF DAXCIXg! TJs?-s. EDiTaasi Permit me, through tf'j cotuTJins of your paper, to iniorm my inwjr,' g general, and those who deligbt in in occg gj l ti n I he liirht fantafetie toe" in particl:i-. mat i iHBd giving a FAKor BALL, at the Portage Exchange; Foot of Plane No. 2, A. P. R. R-on Thursday evening, the 21st of June, to attend which they are most respectfully invited. No pains will be spared to make the enter, tainment pleasant and agreeable to all who will honor me with their presence on that occosion . It is my earnest desire to meet tho expecta tions of all who may favor me with their pa troswge. The only security I can give in ad vance is a pledge to do my best. A passenger car will leave Hollidaysburg and Johnstown, about 2 o'clock in the after noon, for the accommodation of those n ho wish to attend. GIDEON MARLETT. Portage Exchange, Foot of Plane No. 2, A. P. R- R. ,OOKS and STATIONARY tvre. ' '' Tf ftOOKS and S IV 1 nanofa St I Zft PLEASE TO REU) THIS! ILTTho crime of Arson is severely punish, able under a law passed by the last Session of our State Legislature. When the attempt is successful, the punishment is fifteen .years of imprisonment when unsuccessful, ten years. - CF'Mrs. Partington 'says, that since General Taylor has been elected the gals are enamelled of his beauty, and that kiss ing a President is like smelling the perpe ration flowers. She still thinks it better to be a galvanized President than a "de composed monarch of royal distraction. George UHrcy & Co. AVE just received and opened at tho old stand, formerly occupied by George L'llrey, at the head of Tlano No. 5, A. P. R. R. Summit, a large and extensive ttock of Spring and Summer It II Jl' - G O O D S . He desires his friends and old customers and the public in general to give him a call and examine his collection of the latest fashions and styles in the line of staple goods &.c, com prising a beautiful stock of DRESS GOODS, Plain Muslin, Mull Muslin; French and Amer. icjttt . Lawns; French and Domestic Ging hams. A large and handsome assortment of Calico Prints. Shawls, Bonnets, Rib. Jfons, Artificials and Trimmings of all kinds. Tickings, Sheetings, Col. cred Muslins and Cheeks. Eng. lish and French Cloths, Cassi. v . meres, Sattinets and Jeans. Silk Velvet, Satin, Mar. sailles and German Vet ings. Groceries, Hard, tcare. Glass, Nails, Bootr, Shoes, and Summer Hals and Caps together with a lot ot superior BACOIV AIVO FLOUR. All of which they will sell lower than has ev er been sold at the Summit heretofore. Please call and get value for your money. Terms, strictly cash or country produce " Joae 13, 1819 36-2m ATTENTION Cambria Guards! A meeting of the members of the "Cambria Guards" will take place at Court Ilouse on the evening of In. day the 22d inst-, at half-past seven o'clock. P. M. A general attendance is requested, as business of import ance relative to the organization of JheCompany will bo transacted. By order. B. M'DERMIT, O. S Ju SEARS' the articles they have on hand, but request the public to call and examine for themselves, when they will find most every article usually kept in a country store, and at prices equally as low as goods can be bougie caX-o ir&sl faf-lLc Allegheny mountains. LUMB CR, GRAIN, WOOL, and oJI kind of Country Produce, taken' in exchange -Cr Goods. ' ,- . , . M& Z. Ebensburg, May 1C, 1819. - SCRIP WANTED. JOHN DOUGHERTY. INFORMS his friends ' and the public gen. orally that he has opened a large assort ment of READY-MADE CLOTHING, con sisting of COATS, VESTS, Sf PAXTALOOSS which ho will sell low'. Tho nublic are invi- ost eminent artists of England and America. ted to cau anj examine his clothing and judge The extraordinary popularity of the abovelror themselves as to their quality and cheap- volumes in every section of the Union , renders ncsg. Pittsburg City Scrip will be taken at Vcw Pictorial Wovks. For 1819. Great Chance for Book Agents to clear from $500 to 81000 a year! Books of Universal Utility! EARS new and popular Pictorial Werks: the most splendidly illustrated Volumes for families ever issued on the American Con. nent, containing more than Four Thousand Kntrravinss. uesnnea ana executed tne m par for Colhing. Ebensburg, May 31, lbiy. 34-31. JUST RECEIVED! Pure Mixed White Lead, Linseed Oil, Nails and Spikes, an agency desirable in cacli one of our princi pal towns and villages. Just published, Bears" new and popular PICTORIAL DESCRIPTION OF TIIE UNITED STATES, Containing an account of the Topography, Settlement, History, Revolutionary and other interesting Invents, btalistics, 1 1 ogress la Ag riculture, Manufactures, and population, &.c, of each State in the Union, illustrated with T1VO HUNDRED ENGRAVINGS, of the principal Cities, Places, Buildings, Sec- ji P'onillc Sr r iVe nery, Curiosities, Seals of the States, &c. la&S, CailtlleS, X,C. cVC Complete in ono octavo volume of COO pages, I illQ lor SQIC uy elegantly bound in guilt, pictorial muslin. Re- LITZ1NGE11 & TOUD. tail price, o'J ou. l'HVlMKI Al. r A AI I I . V AMNUA L. 100 pages octavo, und illustrated wrth 2121 g I opened, a very extensive lol oi i.iitu. Engravings: designed a a valuable and cheap 0 HAMS, LAWNS, and PRINTS of eve- nresenl for Darents and teachers Ito place in the ry variety, at tho store of hanHs nrvnunir ncnnle. in attractive binding. I JOHIi S. THE HISTORY OF PALESTINE, from the Patriarchial age to the Present time. By John Kilto, editor of the London Pictorial Bible, &.c. ALSO, NEW EDITION OF SEARS' Tic torial HiEtory of the Bible; Pictorial Sunday Book; Description of Great Britain and lie land; Bible Biography; Scenes and Sketches in continental Europe, Information for the peo ple; Pictorial Family Library; Pictorial Histo ry of the American Revolution; an entirely new volume on the Wonders of the World. PICTORIAL FAMILY BIBLE. Eeach volume is illustrated witn seve BUCHANAN. Ci RAIN and Country Produee, of all kinda !W taken in exchange for goods at Buchan an's Store. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. I ET TERRS of Administration having been A granted by the Register of Cambria coun ty to the undersigned on the estate of William Pittman rate of Washington township, Cam bria county, dee'd. Notice is hereby given to all those indebted to said estate, to make pay- ralment ana tnoso wlio have claims, to present- hundred Engravings, and the Bible with One Thousand. SEARS' PICTORIAL FAMILY MAGA- , ZINEi for 1819, published monthly in parts "of 43 largo octavo pages, at one dollar per year in advance. them dulv authenticated for settlement. -JOHN 'PITTMAN, JOHN BEAM. May 17, 1843. 33- . HATS! HATS!! Specimen copies of tho Magazine, to procure A good assortment f Fur, Bixtsh, Silk, Mole bscribcrs with, will bo furnished to all who skin, PaUnleaf,Mextnand sub: wish to ensrae in its circulation, if requested, post faid, at t ho rale of twelve numbers for one dollar or ten cents for single copies. AGENTS WANTED, in every Town and County throughout the Union, to sell Sears' New and Popular Pictorial Works, universally acknowledged to be the best and cheapest ever Published, as thev certainly are the most salea ble . Any active agent may clear trom. oUU Sealing Wax, Pencils, Pasa Books, &.C, fur sale or iuuu a year, a casu capuoi ui t1B1 1 at the sloro of mU at BUCHANAN'S STORE. ITTJisir. Mackeral and Codfish, just opened jf and for sale by 1. &. T. ooks and Stationary, also, plain and em broidered Envelopes, fancv Note Paper, Motto, silvered and caioi Wafers, Quills, LITZINGER & TODD. ne 14, 1349. For gale. 1 . A good double, pull Patent Ramage Trcts of large Imperial siz c, (23 by 35 inches) together with all the necessary "fixens. It is in good order, and will be 80d low for cah. For fur ther particulars apply at this office. S35 or $50 will bo necessary, h ull particulars of the principles and profits of the agency will be given on application cither personally or by loiter. The postage .in all cases must be paid. Please to address, -; - ' - - ROBERT SEARS, Publisher, 123 Nassau street. New York. Newspapers copying this advertise ment entire, well displayed as above, without any alteration or abridgement, including this notice, and giving six inside insertions shall rcccivo a conv of anv oni of our 2.50 or 3,00 works, subject to their order by sending valuable Timber, lying about five nriles Wes direct to the publisher. lof Ebensburg, enquire f No letter wilLbe taken from the office unless! JOHN WILLIAMS. postpaid--' I Ebensburg, April 12, JSlJ. ia-" JYT EN'S fine clf and kip Boots, Women's iTl Con-ress Sbote. Lasting, Buck and . 1 TT . Wit Goat Shoe tees, Soa! JinU Merc. i. .. oirppgrs Misses eolortd Kid. patent and call lioolsr Boy's thick and kip Xioots aaa ciwes jusi re ceived by L. iT. FOR SALE A Tract of unimproved Land, covered withr