The mountain sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1844-1853, June 14, 1849, Image 1

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VOL. 5. NO. 36.
1 - A'A ;
i ' '
4 'LL '
From Vie Pennsylvanian.
Tlie Golden Dream is Broken.
I Ahi th goldon'Jream ia broken,,
JLU it'a happy fancies o'er; . ,
.JVto by the wordatheia'at spolen,
I We roust part to njeetjao yc. ,
v rr t eauLI-not iinrcr neir lb
When another won thy nnk;
It would lose its power to chedme,
Where it meant for him thejhile.
Ah! the golden dream is brokeV
I have cherished Jong andVn
And by the words thou'st spoke
We must never meet again.
But the hours we've passed togel
Are deep craven on my heart.
And their meui'ry '11 cheer me eve
If forever wo must part.
Ah! the rolden ' dream is broken.
. Another claims thee as his bride;
And by the words thou'st spoken
I am banished from thv sido.
But shoulJ evil e'er befsd thoe
In thv darksome hour of need
I only beg thou will recall me
I will prove a fiend indeed.
Ah! the golden dream is broken
I have nourished many a year,
And by the words thou'st spoken
Life is rendered cold and drear
.But when grief cluds rise above theo.
And shade thy gentle brow
When all others cease to love thoe,
1 will feel the .same as now.
bold front, they proceeded on their way
ll U1U yulllUUliy AUHUlg ill lllC
that surrounds it, they paused, their wide
stretched eyes scanning the .? extensive
range of ground, ever and anon resting
upon the gray monuments and marble
slabs that remembering friends had erected
i) the memory o, the imparted, while per
haps a momentary shudder would paralyze
the limbs of the more timorous of the par
ty. They did not remain long in suspence
for one of the number soon whispered in
a smothered and tremulous voice- "There
it comcsJJ" And true enough, it did come!
An object clothed in the habiliments of the
grave, was wending its way slowly among
the tombs. One of 'the brave (?) "ghost
hunters" dropped powerless to the ground,
and several others 'cut dirt" in a tolerably
short space of time! How the balance . of
them got home is best known to them
selves, suffice it to say, they were thor
oughly convinced of the existence of ghosts,
and not one of the party would venture
back, under any consideration, after the
adventures of that night.
The next day the report of the expedi
tion, on the night before, were wide
spread, and exaggerated to the highest de
gree. Loafers in the shops, groceries and
stnrps nf thn. villnr'A hrul ant nn fvr.fllfnt
I'und for conversation, and many were the
air-siraigmening aa ventures wun gnosis,
paritions and goblins that were called
nth on this occasion.
IVl'iir . 1 -isir f n 1 1 rii nri run rC t) n r-v r-koil i f Inn
1 111 . 1
e persons wno nau seen tue spectre,
hat an enormous man", or as thev said
? Vt clothed in a shroud, and headless,
navanced slowly along hear the fence,
t the tombs, coming directly towards
iiu mat j. unit tiuuuv 111:114. suvue
For the Sentinel.
Is the western part of Pennsylvania
rC" re is a little, village which goes by the
' of J . Some time since there
" was a considerable excitement throughout
the neighborhood occasioned by the state
S ments of several of the villagers, to the
1 amount that they had beheiu a supernatu
ral being or guosu .
The village is situated on the side ol a
stream of water which flows along the ra
vines and valleys of the Allegheny Moun
tains. The scene of the apparitions ap-
1.1 m loir in thn village cemetery,
which was situated on the bank o the
io. ihn. lnwer Dart of the village.
Within two or three rods of the fence that
1 la t l,4r was erected a brick
.!,.i-v,c nn.l a little distance irom
44 4i,, roc nn nld tlelamdated buildin
likewise used as a school-house. 1 he
place where the-spectre was first seen, and
to which it repeated its visits nightly, for
several nights afterwards, was the saic
school-houses it was seen a..oo
the space between the two buildings, and
the piece of waste land surrounding fly mg
; nA nnt t the windows of the school-
! house-shooting into the air in. the form of
a dim, clouded column 01 ngiu
tunes disappearing for several seconds
then reappearing with renewed splendor,
and assuming, . according to the account
riven by the persons who seen it, all man-
'strange tale gained immediate credit with
the believers in Ghosts and Spirits, and
those who were skeptical, in matters rela
ting to such appearances, determined to
sifftbe matter to the bottom, in order to
discover the cause, of the light. Thus
matters rested, till one evening, some three
or four persons started for the place of its
appearance to: find out the cause. J hen
wiUiin a.short distance of the schoolhouse,
.l. t-i.. ti.. riictrnftlv visible to their
astonished-eyes; but being men of stout
nerves, they resolvea to pur&uc u,
f..i,o. ,i rrlmrlv advanced towards
Idiutw turn ctvv""o- . ,
the-school-house, in front of which, or
.1 f v 4k the lirhtanDear-
I cd to issue. .They walked steadily and
1 elowly onwara, xneir sirammg
I riveted on the apparition, until within a
1 U(n. n .swrmrx,l 4 A-Mr i t n.
persolLjj bouse ; to house, gathering
stf1?s it wait, and receiving extra
additio&rom every niouth it passed
tniOUgtlljiJ u tup tlmn. evmiinir l..l
arrived ill
and tlie Jok". Jown-atthe &rae--yard
"was thd(itinrr t(nifi of ponversation
whereve chanced to go. Pariies of
live and lersnns wnrft firmed to 00.
. i O '
l . T i i i i i
wneii "isnoalu arrive, ana see tne
- f n t tj iui l fill ill 4i i w u & s v
3 ..U,r w whpn astonishing to re
- into AUnnrwA it to be the relection
"from the chimney of a large ironmdnu-
factory, about a qvaricr vj u.
, - rrf,,,D ,.iint trhost story ex-
I WloTr; nm iim n-liAct nf the school-house
. entirely ruined. But another, and a far
more dangerous one, was soon discovcreu.
'Thp fpars of tViA fnhnst-TIunters" being
allayed, and their waining courage had com-
mencficLio revive py ineir great success m
the o-host in hisden.T thev re-
'solved to show their bravery still farther,
,r mil-inn- in iiTmrccedentcd attack on the
"J iuan,iiig i
Very "stronghold , of' ghosts and goblins,
. o nrW o'vhihit to the super sutious
world, how utterlygroundless were their
snprtrcs. anparaitions,
&c. Accordingly, with linn tread, and a
wonderfujr that was creating such an
excitement endeavor to speak to it.
i:v-i.. : . 1 ,
.L.iii) ii evening a crowd ol ooys
were conned at a respectful distance
C .1 1 . . . .
irorn uangL;eCinT ms ghostship, repea
ting in theithusiastic simplicity, the
exaggerateel Qf ghost3 which they had
heard relati- tjieir 0j grandmothers.
1 re tty soon V persons commenced to
arrive, wheVQOut teu o'clock, there
were at leasti or fifty persons congre
gated at one if the cenietary, awaiting
in breathless ce the appearance of the
spectre. In e time a Jim; litrht was
seen at the ial sije Df tiie cemetary,
which incrcat brightness until it re
sembled the g,f a candle, and after
flying along tliUU(j for some distance,
vanished. SoUilt or ten of the most
corageouS pevslvno were skeptical on
matters relating visibility of ghosts,
started for the pVe Gf discoverinff the
person whom Inagined was person
ating the ghostA tuev returned in a
short time witliolonipiishing their ob
ject. Again thit was seen to rise
gradually, until iilg0nt glare illumin
ed the hazy aticre, and the gray
fnmK.ctnnPS rpfl I1! ; .
when it moved aVmonorSt the tombs,
lur a liiuc v, niiw, en oisappeared, as
before. Again thl started to find the
originators of the Sjut returned as be
fore, unsuccessfuiie i;(rht then ap
peared for the hird not as bright as
before, but ot a tun; tiie burninsr
of sulphur, appeari disappearing at
intervals of two ole seconds. and
inally disappearingli.. The yht
did not make its ajt,ce anv more.
and the people returtheir respective
homes, those who Relievers, were
strengthened in their Ls antl a ffreat
manv who went thq-i:
turned perfectly satisfiL lhe souls 0f
men do return to eartm jealn
OCienunc men weic tjiejr mves.
tigations, endeavoring ain the true
cause of tlie appearance! k:-! and
unlearned. . "it mignt
electricity," said one; ii saij jt
was the gas arising iromVjpd ve.
getable matter, which igniVn lt corae3
m contact with tne externvmos pner
ic air, forming what is callrii , ,i
wisp," "Jactewith-a-lantajg.
turs, &c.f anotner was sui
tific principles, without first inq uiring into
the state of the case.' They hear of strange
phenomenon taking place, and proceed
straightway to give correct explanations of
the cause of it, while perhaps some igno
rant and unlearned person could give-a
cuite more probable opinion. They are
the only men from whom we receive arrv
explanations on such subjects, and fof -thS
most common occurrence they dip deej
into the depths of science and philosophy
to get at the true explanation, and thereby
often overstep the - mark,' as in the present
instance. Men of science were giving
what they considered thorough and satis
factory explanations of the phenomena,
without at all ' imagining they could be
wrong! But so it was! Science was at
fault! Learned men were puzzling their
brains and pondering over musty volumes
to discover the cause, while two hair-brained
and mischievous youths were enjoying
with infinite gusto, the hallucination and
perplexity of a humbugged people. Had
thev took it upon themselves to explain
the cause ot the appearance, ttisyWw
have told a storv similar to the followinp;:
That hearing of the extraordinary light
that issued from the windows of the school
house, they went to the place one night,
and discovered the true, cause of it, (tk,e
light o'r reflection from the chimney of the
furnace:) and they immediately imagined
it would be productive of considerable
sport to play the ghost themselves.
Therefore, procuring a shee, they pro
ceeded to the cemetar3- to await the ap
pearance of some victims. Pretty soon
the "investigating party" arrived; the way
the visit resulted is stated above. The
next night they imagined it would not be
safe to venture so near to so large a crowd,
as bravery increases in a-crowd, in such a
case, so they procured: a candle and a
bunch of matches, and . repaired to the
fartiier end of the cemetary. Then light
ing the candle, one of ihem would run
swiftly along with it for a little distance
and then extinguish it.l Oru.of the "ghost
numerd r said he'd "be d - d if ft did'nt
fly from one end of the fence to the other,
in a second of time," and another, an older
person, not being quite so sanguine in his
opinions, declared with a very grave coun
tenance, that "It went a great deal faster
than a man could run," fcc. The even
ing being dark and cloudy, and the atmos
phere damp and humid, the blue flashes
of light were occasioded by the matches
"going out" as soon as the brimstone was
Such would have been the kind of ex
planation given by these graceless scamps
of this extraordinary appearance, that had
produced such an excitement in the village,
causing some forty or fifty persons to trav
el about half a mile, of a dark and drizzly
night to see them make lights with a can
dle! And a great many are as firmly con-
ai oi a very timiu nature, now uvea in a
constant state of alarm and dread more
particularly whenever her husband paid a
isit to the neighboring town for such ne
r3ssanes as they required. And what
terided to increase this feeling of alarm to
t still greater extent, that a part of tlie
country was at that time infested by a
'jband of lawless men, . who almost nightly
robbed and murdered some unfortunate
cat alier, or broke into and plundered some
lone farm house; nor could the utmost vi
gilance of the authorities succeed in detect
ing them. Of these men she lived in daily
dread, lest they, discovering that her hus
band was possessed of a large sum of mon
ey the savings of former years should
seize an opportunity, when he was from
home, and murder her to obtain it. She
frequently pressed her husband to give up
his station, and remove to some safer place
bf abode; but he inevitably laughed at her
fears, assuring her that there was not the
icast danger, as none but themselves were
aivareofthe fact of his possessing the
itoney in question. . One day in Decem-
!JljLIjeei'4 n letter,- informing him that
litis father was lying at the point of death,
anl earnesly wished to see him before that
event took place. This letter gave him
great uneasiness, for, apart from the grief
ltfoccasioned at his father's situation, if he
went he could not possibly return before
tie next day, as his parents resided more
t'ian thirty miles distant, and his wife
would be obliged to stay and take care of
the gate.' He must go, however he
could notrefuse his father's dying request.
When he imparted his intention to his
wife, -she was seized with the utmost ter
ror,, and earnesdy entreated him to forego ,
hisesolution; nor was it until after alor
time .during which he had used the utn';
endeavors to sooth her, that he couiG'
ture to proceed on his journey. 3L
It was on Saturday morning. wnrou7h t
stalled ml one of the dreariest i fr'fc,i
ikt season. The sumv la- kii4. -n occeij
his tail two or three times, and looking up
into his face with an intelligent expression;
and the next moment crouching down by
the siije of Mrs. Pollard, - stretched him
self full length upon the earth, as though
at home.
Whea the butcher had departed, Mrs.
Pollard began to caress the dog, and for a
long time endeavored to attract his atten
tion; but in vain; he continued to lie mute
and motionless, as though devoid of life.
This circumstance raised her fears anew;
for she began to think that if the dog lav
thus passive now, he would do so if any
one chanced to come near the place. A
gainshe renewed her caresses, and finallv
offered him a piece of meat; but still with
the same success; the dog would neither
appear to recognize her presence, nor
would he trdch the meat.
The toll-house consisted of two doits,
with only one door or ent ance, end which
was at ths front.
The back apartment was used as a bed
room, and was lighted by a small window
at the foot of the bed. The front one had
twd windows; a tolerably large one near
the door, and a small latiice, whose dia
mond shaped squares of glass were enca
sed within this with plates of lead. To
none of the windows were there any shut
ters, with the exception of the one in the
At the usual time Mrs. Pollard retired
to rest, but in vain endeavored to sleep;
the dog still remained in the same immo
veable position as when his master left
- The nirht was more chill and dreary
heavy storm cf
ground, and still continued to fall J ParUVf,
causing the face of the surroundiiq aS-c
to looK more wild and louely tfian cf
i 11-11 1 " .1 11 V
.urs. i onaru sai in me small irouctrv
partment of the house, her fears gradually
increased more and more, as her imagina
tion conjured up a thousand dread forebo
dings, and almost fancied that each sound
of the wind whistling through the valley,
was some one even now about to break in.
Time sped, when at length Godfrey, the
butcher, approached; her terror had attain
ed to such a height that she determined to
ask him to stay m the house until her hus
band returned.
This Godfrey was tall, powerfully built
man; about forty-five or fifty years of age,
and with a rough countenance by no
means prepossessing. He resided in a
house some five miles distant, and which
vinced that they seen a "spook," as the 1e nrmr):pA it for vear, foil ' i his
writer ot tins occurrence is convinced that 4 n,:
they did not. If the true history of all the
ghost stories, (reported to be true) now ex
tant were given, they would, with very
few exceptions, result similar to the above
or even something yet more ridiculous,
and thereby leave but a very small space
for the finger of science to trace its expla
nations upon. :
December 25th 1818.
A Thrills!!;? SSidcIi.
present business, and disposed of his meat
by taking it in his wagon to the different
families in the vicinity.
She was unacquainted with him until
the time of her marriage; but the familiari
ty arising from his weekly visit to her
house, and the cordiality with which her
husband invariably received him, now in
spired her with more confidence towards
htm, than from his looks she would other
wise have done.'
4I am so glad you are come!' said Mrs.
Pollard, as the butcher entered her dwel
Ivig. John has gone to see his father,
,ao is not expected to live, and will not
turs," Stc, anotner was suiag pjlog
nhnms emitcd from the boo;i.i.i
sons there interred, and catc wncn
11 comes "iv ft confi
dentially asserted that "It v3a(ri
nation," Svho, no doubt, thoi j d
settled this mooted question lcrsai
Now scientific men
tftd for erudition and wisdom,
vor to explain the cause of "su'raj
rfeturn until to-morrow, and I am nearly
In the bleakest and more barren nortion Ltrhtenad to death, for we have jrot more
of the county of Derbyshire,-in England, W j'n a hundred sovereigns in the house,
there lived, a long time aero, a man and "C- if any of these robbers were to come,
his wife of the name of Pollard. The for
mer was the keeper of the turnpike gate
and he had only been married some two
or three months, when the circumstances
occurred of which we are about to write.
The small toll-house in which he lived
was situated at a point where three roads
.met, and in a place where the scenery-
was singularly wild and dreary. It stood
in a deep hollow formed by two chains of
high hills, whose sides were covered with
nought but a continued surface of dark
brown heath, or occasional bushes of prick
ly goose. Not another house was to be
seen for miles, and the only evidences of
life were in the few flocks of sheep which
were here and there browsing along the
mountain's side; or the mail coach and a
few wagons which at intervals passed along
the road. The only person who ever
paid a visit to the toll-house was a butcher
named Godfrey, who called every Satur
day, for the purpbse of supplying the Pol
lards with fresh meats. , :.
Mr. Pollard had lived in his present a
bode during several years previous to his
marriage; and being of a very courageous
deposition, and Lavingecome accustomed
to the loneliness of his place of residence,
he was not much affected thereby;, but his
wife, who had ever been accustomed to
living in a populous town, and being with-
yxy would murder me. Won't you stop
und keep me company until John comes
During the first part of this address,
Godfrey did not appear to listen with much
apparent interest; but the moment Mrs.
Pollard mentioned the money, his face
assume an expression of singular import,
And his grey eyes flashed quick glances
from beneath his peat and shaggy brows,
as though something had suddenly moved
htm. I am very sorry, he replied and
speaking in a low deliberate tone 'but I
cannot possibly stay I've got to call at
two or three more places with meat yet;
ind before I could return it would be past
midnight. But I tell you what I will do
there's Dash a better dog never lived
-I'll leave him with you, and I'll agree
to forfeit my head if he lets any one enter
the house while he is there.
! With many thanks, Mrs. Pollaad accept
ed his offer; for she had often heard her
husband speak of the courage and sagacity
pf the animal in question,
i Stay here,' said Godfrey, now, as he
Sooked at his dog, and pointed within the
worn with his finger, 'and see that .you
ion't let any one come near.' '
The dog, which was a very large one,
ne of thj breed called, 'mastiff,' answered
ihis command of his master by wagging
1 had been the day.
w had given way to a
nmingled sleet and rain, which the
ind blew against the casements with ter-
ible force almost appearing as though it
would raise the house from its very foun
dation. It seemed a fittinsr night for deeds
of blood! Mrs. Pollard lay in her bed
lri-jnlJing as her terror at each repetition
of tliejkeen.hl?st increased.. Stories of
rbbery and bloodshed, which she had
Itard years ago, now rushed through her
liind with vivid distinctness; and her ima
gination increased their enormity a hun
dred" fold.
' She lay thus, unable to sleep, until as
near as she could guess, about midnight,
when she thought she heard the sound of
a single footstep outside the house. She
partially raised herself and bending forward
listened for the continuancs of the sound
with eager intsnsness. She soon heard the
step again, and this time distinctly. They
now appeared to be quite near. She now
listened for the dog's alarm but not the
slightest movement did he seem to make.
Her terror suddenly raised to a great ex
tent, at the animal s not taking notice of
the noise outside. Another moment, and
she heard a sound as of some one remo
ving the glass out of the small casement in
the other room, immediately followed by
the sharp click of the handle, which fasten
ed it on the inside, turning round. Still the
dog gave forth no sound or indication of
what was going on.
Mrs. Pollard was now almost frantic
with excess of fear, feeling assured that
she must undoubtedly in a few moments
be murdered. The perspiration streamed
from her in large cold drops, and her
tongue seemed powerless to utter a single
As we said, the dog had as yet given
forth no sign of recognition; but when a
moment after the noise of the handle's
1 11
turning round was nearu, some one seem
ed to be forcing through the aperture, ho
gave a low growl followed by a sudden
spring. A shrill cry of agony immediate
ly echoed through the house, so keen and
startling as almost to chill the blood in
Mrs. Pollard's veins. The cry was fol
lowed by the sound of fierce struggling,
mingled with sharp cries, which each mo
ment became weaker and weaker, as of a
human being in the very extremestf mor
tal pain and anguish; and the deep mouth
ed baying of the dog. At length tlie strug
gle ceased, and all became still as death,
When daylight appeared Mrs. Pollard
rose and dressed, with as much speed as
the weakness the terrors of the night had
occasioned would permit. She then set
down by the window to await the appear
ance of the first person who might pass,
for she could not summon sufficient cour
age to enter the odier room alone. In a
short time a teamster approached, whom
she hailed, and as soon as he had stopped
near to where she was seated, told the
story of the previous night's adventure.
He instantly ran around to the side on
which was the lattice casement, and the
next moment returned with horror depict
ed on his countenance, as he exclaimed
My God, what a sight I have seen.' lie
then got in by the open window, at which
Mrs. Pollard had been seated, and led the
way to the room.
And what an object was then presen
ted to their view? Hanging on the sill of
the casement, with the head and shoulders
protru ding through into the interior, vu
the body of Godfrey the butcher! In his
right hand he held a large knife, the blade
of which was covered with blood; for he
had stabbed the dog several times during
the struggle. And fierce .thati -rtruggle
must have been, for in his left hand was a
quantity of hair, which he had torn from
the neck of the dog. The latter at the mo
ment when they entered the room, was
sitting erect on his haunches beneath the
place where his master was hanging, ga
zing with a fixed look upon him; and the
blood was still flowing from the stabs he
had received.
Godfrey had formed the resolution of
robbing and murdering Mrs. Pollard, and
had left his dog with her as a means of
effectually warding off all suspicion from
attaching to himself; never for a single
moment doubting but that his dog would
permit him to enter tlie house unmolested.
The faithfulness and intelligence of the
animal was thus the instrument of punish
ment on his master, for the enormity of
the crime he had intended to , commit.
The teamster dressed the wounds of Dash,
and then pursued his journey. Nor did
Mrs. Pollard now feel any further fear of
staying alone until the return of her hus
band, alter such a proof of the courage and
sagacity of her brutejprotector. Dash re
covered from his wounds, and was ever
after kept with as much care as though he
had been their child, nor could any a
mount of money which might have been
offered for his possession, have tempted
thera to part with him. ;
Iii'sccrces of America.
The agricultural capacities of the Unitod
States are unlimited. Our Republic fos
sesses every variety of soil and every vat
ripty of climate. The mineral andgri
cultural resources of any country consti
tute the basis of its wealth. With natural
resources and an industrious and virtuous
population any country will assuredly be
come great and rich. 'Judging from the
history of the past, the Republic of the
United States will be iu 1948 the most gi
gantic, rich, and powerful empire that ev
er existed.
At the present moment there is a sleep
less and untiring energy displayed in every
department of science, manufacture and
agriculture. Railroads and Telegraphs are
making an end of time and space as it re
gards intercourse. Factories are springing
up on every mountain side and in every
valley. The lovely waterfalls of ' the
North and the South that had sung their
wild songs responsive only to the winds
and the woo Js for centuries, are now wa
king the merrier music of tlie shuttle and
the spindle to clothe our citizens with dra
pery more fine than that worn by ancient
princes. The bosom of mother earth is
pierced with a thousand mines and from
our inexhaustable stores, treasures of met
als, and what is more valuable stilf, a pow
er unknown to the most mighty philoso
pher of old, is brought from thence, which
in the shape of coal propels the steam en
gine and enables the steamboat to march
over the billow by a breath of the very
water she dashes from her bucket.
Agricultuie is not neglected amid com
mercial, mining and manufacturing enter
prise in fact our agricultural enterprise is
the root the soul and body of all the oth
er departmeiltsvof our national prosperity.
The cotton, sugar, hemp, wheat, coyi, lum
ber and the numerous products of our end
less variety of climate and soil create all
our commerce and all our manufactures.
The trade of town and country is just in
proportion to the resources of the country
asdeveloped 6y an ingenious and indus
trious people. The reason why the Uni
ted States has become the first agricultural
nation in the world in the amount of her
products, and the second in commercial
prosperity, is because she possesses un
limited natural resources and a people ca
pable of developing them by an industry
that never tires and an ingenuity as soar
ing as the eagle that rides on the sunbeam
and sails on the cloud. Zc'entific American.
John Hancock's Signature- ,
Here is the reason why tlie famous John
Hancock wrote his signature to the Declar
ation of Independence in so large and bold
a hand. It - is known that the British
Government offered $3,500 for his head,
and according to the Maine Cultivator,
when he appended his name to the Dec
laration, he did it as though he wished to
dash his whole soul in it, and rising from
his scat, he exclaimed, 'there, John Bull
can read my name without spectacles; he
may double his reward, and I will set him
at defiance.'.
A Model Judge. "Silence! keep si
lence in court!" said an angry Judge.
"Here we have judged a dozen cases this
morning, and I have not heard a word of
one of them!" "