M0UNTAI1V SENTINEL. EBENSBURG, PA. Thursday, May 31, 1849. jj"The Sentinel has much the largest cir. culation of any paper published in this county and as an advertising sheet offers superior inducements to merchants and business men generally. Those desirous of making us of this medium for extending their business can do' so by either sending their notices direct, or through the following agents: John Crouse, Esq., Johnstown. E. W. Carr, E cans' Buildings, Third St., Philadelphia. Wm. A. Kinsloe, Pittsburg. George Pratt, 151, Nassau St., Ntw York. DThe reader is referred to an article In another part of to-day's paper from the New York Home Journal, in relation to the late Ator Place Tragedy. It seems to us the most impartial and correct history of that event we have seen, and the causes there assigned which brought it about, arc so essentially different from the many statements going the rounds of the papers, that we deemed it best to give the entire article for the satisfaction of our readers. JtTOur friends of the Johnstown News ap pear to be in a prodigious bad humor in conse quence of our occasional notice of their efforts to astonish the natives by an exhibition of their wonderful ability in writing long point less articles. Keep cool, gentlemen you should not quarrel with your friends. Our friendly notice of your articles opened your eyes to the fact that you were making your telves ridiculous in the eyes of your patrons, and we are glad to observe that your readers are afflicted with no more of them. UMr. William Bradley who had both his fct taken off by a train of railroad cars on the 22d inst.. died on Friday last. He was about forty-five years of age and leaves, we believe, a wife and family to mourn his loss. MililarT Election. Our military friends throughout the county must not forget that an election for Brigade officers takes place on Monday next. Al. though no official notice has been given, that we are aware of, to hold an election, it will nevertheless be held on that day as required by law. We believe this county is entitled to a Brigadier General, Brigade Inspector, Lieut Colonel and a Major. General Turviance having been interrogated on the subject, gives ot as his opinion, that the old volunteer com ejanies organized under the old law and disban foed will be entitled to vote as well as those re cently organized. He says that it is not ne cessary or required by the new law that the old volunteer companies should be re-organized in order to get a vote at the election to be held on the first Monday of June next, for Brigade and other officers. The 13th section of the late act limits and restricts tho right of voting to "all the uniform companies that shall be or ganized on or before the first Monday of June one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine." This general provision embraces, as well the volunteer companies which were organized prior to the late enactments, as those which may be organized under the new law. The old volunteer companies then are to bo regar ded as within the provisions of the late act, and as a part of the legally organized force of the the State, in all respects ou the same footing subject to the law in like manner as the companies which may be organized after the passage of the law. J3The many friends of Gen. John A. Quit man in this section will be happy to learn that he has been nominated by the State Conven tion of Mississippi tho demociatic candidate for Governor of that State. His election of course is certain. In point of intellect he is undoubtedly one of the first men in the Union, and his gallant conduct during the Mexican war made him many warm personal .friends and admirers in the American army. He commanded the Volunteer Division of the ar my during the battles in the valley of Mexico. Death of Gen. Worth. . The intelligence published in our la st of the death of this distinguished military chief is confirmed by an official despatch received at War Office. This sad occurrence will be deep ly regretted by the army, of which he was one of the brightest ornaments, and by the whole country. He was engaged successfully in the following battles,: ... . Chippewa, CerroGordo, Niagara,' - Puebla, Fort Erie, Cherebusco, . Monterey, . Molino del Rey, . Vera Cruz, Chepultepec. The city of Mexico and five battles in Flor ida while in command of the eighth regiment of Infantry. But we refer the reader to a more extended notice of his life which will be found in another column of to-day's paper. The following order paying the usual .military honors,, has been issued by the War Depart ment. .' General Orders, ) War Department, ? Adjutant General's Office, No. 32. S Washington, May 24, 1849 The painful duty devolves upon the de partment of announcing to the army the death of Brevet Major General "W. J. Worth, colonel of (he 8th regiment of in fantry, who died on the 7th of May, 1849, at his post, San Antonio, Texas. General Worth entered the army a lieutenant in 1813, and served with distin- jnished credit during the war with Great Britain. IIis whole life has been devoted to the service of his country. He has been charged with many conspicuous and important commands; and his brilliant and successful conduct in the campaigns of Florida and Mexico was rewarded by pro motion to the two highest grades in the arm 3; and now, while in the performance of the responsible duties of military com mander on the Mexican and Indian Iron tiers of Texas, his long, useful, and patri otic career is suddenly terminated. His loss, as a soldier of superior merit, and a gentleman of high personal accomplish ments, will long be severely felt. As appropriate military honors to the memor3r of the deceased, each post within his late geographical department will fire minute guns, (thirteen) commencing at 12 o'clock m., and display the national flag at half-staff, from the same hour, till sun down, on the next day after the receipt of this order. The usual badge of mourning, if not al ready directed, will be worn for thirty days by the officers of the army serving in the department late under his command, and by those of the regiment of which he was the colonel. By order: It. JONES, Adjutant General. Military Meeting. A meeting was held at the Summit school house. May 26lh,1819, for the purpose of re organizing the company of American High landers. The meeting was called to order jby calling Mr. Andrew Donoughe to the chair, and P. S. M'Closkey, Esq., and Mr. James M. Riffle as Secretaries. Mr. Donoughe having stated the object of the meeting, Capt. John Humphreys read the late Mi'itia law. It was then resolved that the old American Highlanders' Consiitution be a. dopted, with the alterations necessary to change the Rifle to a company of Infantry. Those present having signed the Constitution, proceeded to elect a Captain and first and sec ond Lieutenant, which resulted in the choice of John Humphreys for Captain, F. M'Kee for first Lieutenant and Thomas M'Closkey for second Lieutenant. On motion, A. Todd, II. E. Mcloy, J. B Onslow, D. Humphreys and C. Collins were appointed a committee for the purpose of re vising the Constitution &c, who, in pursuance of that object, are to meet at the Mansion House on Wednesday next. Capt. John Hum. phreys was appointed an agent of the Compa. ny for the purpose of providing uniforms, e quipments, &c. On motion, Resolved, That the thanks of the Company be tendered to the officers of this meeting for the orderly manner in which they have conducted its proceedings. Resolced, That the proceedings of this meet ing fcbe published in the Mountain Sentinel, Cambria Transcript, and the Hollidaysburg Standard. ' In cheer and harmony the meeting then ad journed. MTAIFPRS Of Goods, Wares and Merchan dise in Cambria County for the year 1849, with the Class and License of each. Class. License. sixteen thousand nine hundred and thirty, an that of New Mexico, thirty -one thousand nin hundred. ' " , 0The gold fever is raging to a considera-i ble extent in Georgia, the mines have been unusually productive ot Jate. . One lump oj solid gold was recently found near Ellijay .. U f. A 1 !.,.! ,11 I- .1 .nnlka.'l , , 1 Allegheny township tvviwi iuu Buiiio t u ill, n ua dijw.ijt f&lriCK 0hl6l8, ' picked up by a poor laborer near Daltoh. J William Litzinger, ...... w ...... . - J I in St. Louis is four hundred and eighteen J The number of- lives lost is supposed to be twenty. The loss of properly will not fall short of six millions of dollars. The insui ranee companies will, generally speaking, pa all their liabilities. The bankers and broke have resumed business. A Literary Lion Coming. On the even 3 ling of a certain day near the close of the year 18) a solitary man closely muffled in a huge cloah, will be seen embarking on bound for America. That man James. So the papers say. board a steamer is G. VI R. t CA telegraphic despach was received on the 28th inst., stating that the Montreal pa pers report the loss of the emigrant ship Mario from Liverpool, with 111 passengers on board. Sbe foundered in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. All on board perished except five of the crew who effected thoir escape. ' BjTGov. Johnston is now in Philadelphia, feast in e- on the best tho citv can produce. He - C7 is visiting all the public institutions and pla cos of public resort, accompanied by a com mittee of the City Council. ItJ The Cholera is reported to be decreas n2 in the western rivers and cities; in St. Louis and Cincinn&tti especially. Us presence has almost suspended business on the Ohio and Mississippi rivers. He's Gone We perceive in one of our ex changet a notice of the death of John Smith, in tne 04in year or his age. Ho was nearly related to "the oldest inhabitant;" had no fam ily but considerable property; and left a will bequeathing his estate to his nearest legal heirs For the information of the numerous members of the Smith family who may desire to make a legal lest of their heirship, it s proper to ttale that he died at Germanlown. 0Lieut. Mayne Reed, who distinguished himself in the Mexican war, submits his clairss to Gen. Jackson's curious bequest, in a co munication in the New York Po6t. A Ladt Editress. Mr. Rennet, late editor of the Yazoo City Whig, having died, his wii- ow lias taken charge ot the paper, and win in 'utuie conduct it in her, own . name. She de. clares herself a genuine whig. Sewing Machine. The Boston Atlas" men. tions a machine now in operation in that city, which is capable of sewing a yard of cloth in a minute. It is siid to work well. . ETGen. John A.Quitman has been nomina ted for Governor by the Democratic State con vention of Mississippi. 0"Mrs. Shaw Fogg arrived at Cincinnati, on Thursday, on her way east. lTr"The London Times says happily: 'Clean, lincss is the very vaccination of cholera." The Schuylkill (Pa.) miners have all gone to work, but the Lehigh boatmen still hold out. A new revenue cutler, called tho Duane was launched at Philadelphia, on Saturday. 0"They have the Telegraph in operation from Hollidaysburg to Bedford. The expedition to the Great Salt Lake, was fitting out at St. Louis on tho 10th insf. A man was fined one dollar and costs, amounting to 11, in Worcester, Mass., the other day, for being drunk; and another man was fined one dollar and costs for smekirg a cigar in the streat. amounting to $5,71. Get. tin; drunk is rather the cheapest. The Precious Metals. The whole amount of specie and bullion at Boston, last week, was 112,000. The amount received by tho Hi bernia, and which was entered at the Custom House on Saturday, was $313,833. The insurance offices at Philadelphia will not loose oyer $30,000 by the fire at St. Louis. Boston loses $100,000. Baltimore loses a great deal. James B. Moore, Esq., the receatly appoin- ted postmaster for San r rancisco, has set out from Washington for the Paoifio via Chagres Yankee Sullivan is at his old tricks again in IN. Y. He is giving pugilistic exhibitions in company with several of the same profession from Old England . , All Sorts ol' Paragraphs. HTHon. Daniel Duncan, late M. C. from" Ohio, who had been ill at Washington since the adjournment of the lato session, died in that city on Friday evening last. Damages to Gen. Taylor's Plantation by the Overflow of the Mississippi. Wc learn that the overflow of the Mississippi has injured Gen. Taylor's cotton plantation to the extent of thirty thousand dollars. ' 0"A colored man, accompanied by a white woman, who had eloped together from the northern pari of '.he State, arrived at Cincinnati on tho 16tb instant, were both seized with cholera on the 17th and both died and were buried in one grave on the same day! A sad finale to a strange elopement. tCTCuicAGo is said to be one of the best mar kets for. horses in the United States. EPMadame Bisuof is making a sensation in ffavana, notwithstanding the presence of Stef fanowe in that city. 0They have found a gold mine on Great Island, Yarmouth, Mass., the man "who dis covered it was digging for clams. - . ID-Mr. James O. Oliver, of Charles county Mary laud, has a while crow, which was re cently taken from the nest of its black patent crows. 53'The Indian population of California is jueorge tiiizinger, 9 I m i,amurta J ownsup. Lewis & Roberts, Frederick Kittell, Mnrray &. Zahm. John S. Buchanan, Johnston Moore, : Litzinger & Todd, Ezkiel Hughes. . ' , James Kane, Mary Evans, Clearfield Township R. A. Dorsey &. Co., Daniel Litzinger, Patrick Shields, . Carroll Township Peter Urban, J. P. Parish, Peter Weible, Conemnugh Township. Sargent &. Pearson, Do. Do. M. Branan & Co., Livergood & M'Clure, John Kingston,, George S. King &Co. John Boll fc Co. King, Shoenberger, Si Co. Hamilton &. Keam, George Engleboch, James Heslop, Lifiton &. Galbreath, Gejrge Icbenschcr, Johnstown Borough. Jfcob Fronheizer, G. II. Muckerhide &. Co. Casper Bureroff, Ai Marbourg, Richard Thodon, George Saylor, LV liUCK, Jahn Dibert & Co. Jchn Parks, Charles Van Luenin, Jerdan Marbourg, liaac Keigbard, W chn &. Plitt, William C. Lewis, E. A. Vickroy, John Worthinoton, Pershing & Brothers, Product of United Stales. Kern & Gorgae, DEMOCRA TIC COUNTY PEITIOI ! THE democratic citizens of Cambria county are requested to meet at their usu al places of holding township elections on Saturday the 23a of June next, for the purpose of electing two delegates from each township, and from the borough of Johnstown, to meet in County Con vention at the Court House in the borough of Ebensburg on Tuesday the 26th day of June next, at 2 o'clock, P. M., and form a County Ticket to be supported by the democracy at the ensuing election. The township elections will be opened at 3 o'clock, and kept open until 6 o'clock P. M., in order to give every democrat an opportunity of voting. By order of the County Committee, MICHAEL M'GUIRE, Chairman. May 23, 1849. SCRIP WANTED, JOHN DOUGHERTY. ENFORMS his friends and the public gen. erally that he has opened a large assort ment of READY-MADE CLOTHING, con sisting of COATS', VESTS, S- PANTALOONS which he will sell low. The public are invi ted to call and examine his clothing and judge for themselves as to their quality and cheap, ness. Pittsburg City Scrip will be taken at par for Clothing. -Ebensburg, May 31, 1819. 34-3t. David B. Wakefield, David T. Storm, Jackson Township. William Lowiy, Summerhill Township G. L. Lloyd & Co. Anthony Long, Robert Ly lie G. & W. Murray, Ann JCerber, Washington Township. John Ivory, Riffle & Humphreys, m Peter Dougherty, Samuel Black, Bartholomew Cranson, George Ullery Si. Co. Henry M'Kibbon, M. M. Adams, Sophia Stincr, O'Neill &. RUey, Peter Moj'ers, William Allen, Bernard M'Colsan, Kosanna.li M'Glaughlin, Henry Lindsey, Durbin & O'Friel, Susquehanna Townshij D. R. Kinports & Brothei Michael Piatt, William Learner, George II. Stifler, WAire township. George Walters, Charles Little, Richland Township. Herman Grove, Henry Vale, 13 Liquor 515 00 13 10 00 14 7 00 14 Liquor 10 50 13 10 00 14 7 00 13 Liquoi 15 00 13 10 00 13 Liquorl 15 00 :: 13 Liquor 15 00 13 10 00 14 Liquor 10 50 14 Liquor 3 50 13 Liquor 15 00 . 14 Liquor 10 50 14 Liquor 10 50 14 Liquor 10 50 14 Liquor 10 50 14 Liquor 3 50 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 Liquor 10 50 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 11 7 00 14 7 00 14 Liquor 10 50 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 - 12 Liquor IS 75 H 7 00 14 Liquor 10 50 13 10 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 13 10 00 14 7.00 14 Liquor 10 50 14 Liquor .10 50 14 7 00 12 Liquor 18 75 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 uct 14 3 50 13 10 00 13 10 00 14 7 CO 14 Liquor 10 50 13 10 00 14 7 00 13 10 00 13 Liquor 15 00 3 50 13 10 00 13 L:.quor 15 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 Liquor 10 50 13 10 00 14 Liquor 3 50 14 7 00 14 Liquor 3 50 14 7 00 14 Liquor 3 50 14 Liquor 3 50 14 Liquor 10 50 .. ,14 Liquor 3 50 14 Liquor 3 50 14 ' 7 00 r, 14 7 00 14 Liquor 3 50 14 Liquor 3 50 14 Liquor 3 50 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 Liquor 10 50 111 7 00 "CHEAPER THAN EVER!" MURRAY & ZAIIM. THANKFUL for past favors, would respect fully inform their friends, and ihe public generally,, that they have iust received the largest, handsomest and best selected assort ment of that has been brought to Ebensburg this sea son, and which they are determined to dispose of at the lowest prices imaginable. They think it unnecessary to enumerate all the articles they have on hand, but request the puonc 10 call and examine tor themselves, when they will find most every article usually kept in a country store, and al prices equally as low as eoods can be bought east or west of the Allegheny mountains. LUMBER, GRAIN. IVOOL.and all kinds of Country Produce, taken in exchange for Goods. M.&.Z. Ebensburg, May 1G, 1849. C. II, HEYER, A TTORJSE Y AT LA TV, EBENSBURG, PA. Office one door cst of J. S. BuchaDan's Store. April 12, 184a tf. E. HUTCHINSON, JR; A TTORNE Y A T LA U EBENSBURG, PA. April 12, 1849 tf. LITZINGER. ill c. w. TOir. LITMuIR & TODD, ATTENTION CAMBRIA GUARDS! An adjourned meeting of the "Cam bria Guards'' will take place at the Court House cn Monday evening the 4lh of June, at 5 o'clock P. M. Persons desirous of becoming mem bers of this old company are invited to attend. May 3, 1849. TTUST received, a large lot of English and French CLOTHS, Blue, Black and Fan. cy CASSIMERES, and SATINETS of eve. ry variety, at Ihe store of JOHN S. BUCHANAN. OOKS and STATIONARY for sale at Buchanan's Store. I -XTIT S1TT Ffni!l?n,l IUC klUIC Ol BACON sold at J. S. BUCHANAN. UEENSWARE and GROCERIES, large lot, for sale low at Buchanan's Store. DOZEN BOOTS and SHOES of all kinds just received and fur sale al Buchanan's Store. Additional. ' j Persons returned for license under the act of Assembly passed the 10th of April, 1819, en tilled "An Act to create a sinking Fund, and to provide for the gradual aud certain, extinguishment of the Commonwealth, to wit: DISTILLERIES. Washington Township, Class. Francis Bradley, Connemaugh Township, William Baurle, . ... Carroll Township Martin Shroath, 10 10 10 License. 5 00 : 5 00 5 00 PATENT MEDICINES. G. L. Lloyd, 4 ! 5 00 JUST RECEIVED! Western Reserve Cheese, Pure Mixed White Lead, Linseed Oil, Nails and Spikes, Glass, Candles, &c. Slc. And for sale by LITZINGER & TODD. T UST opened, a very extensive lot of GING. J HAMS, LAWNS, and PRINTS of eve ry variety, at the store of JOHN S. BUCHANAN. A RAIN and Country Produce, of all kinds taken in exchan an's Siore. ;e for goods at Bnclian. Beer Houses, Eating Houses, Restau rants," Oyster Cellars, &c, &c. Whshinton Township, John Orner, John M'Garity, John Matthews, Henry Lindsey, John Cassiday, Johnstown Borough, Samuel Williams, Eben sburg Borough, John Rodger, , An appeal will be held by the undersigned, at the Commissioners' Office, in Ebensburg, on Saturday, the 30th of June next, for all who may feel themselves agrieved by th forogoiug Appraisement an Classification. II. KINKEAD. Mercantile Appraiser. Ebensbnrg, ) May 30,1849. $34-4t. The "Johnslo wn News" will give the above four insertions. ' Class License 8 5 00 8 5 00 8 5 0(1 8 5 00 8 5 00 8 . 8 - 5 00 8 5 00 1UIARDWARE, CUTLERY and CAR ilXL PENTER'S TOOLS jast received and tor sale al the store of JOHN S. BUCHANAN. DISSOLUTION, THE co-partnership heretofore existing be tween C. G. Cramer & Hugh A. M'Coy in the Saddlery business, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The Books, accounts, &c, are left with Mr. Cramer, who is fully author ized to settle them. The business will be continued by the under signed, who will bo happy to wait on his old freinds and customers, and he begs leave to as sure them, at the same time, that he is prepared to iurnish them with Saddles, Harness, &c, on more favorable terms than they can be had at any other establishment in town. HUGH. A. M'COY. May 3, 1S49 31-3t. FARMERS LOOK 1IEE1E SADDLE & HARNESS MANUFACTORY. nafHE undersigned having purchased the in- JL terest of C. G. Cramer in the firm of Cramer M'Coy, respectfully begs leave to in form his friends and the public generally that he is now carrying on the Saddleru Business on his "own hook," in the building formerly oc cupied as a Printing Office, where he will keep constantly on hand a large and splendid assort ment of Saddles, Bridles, Harness, Col Lu4.ua, Whips, 5cc, Scc. All of which he will sell as low for cash or country produce as any other establishment in this county. Any orders in bis line of busi ness will be promptly executed at the shortest notice. Farmers and others desiring cheap bargains will find it to their interest to call at No. 6, and examine the stock before purchasing elsewhere. Tho highest market prices will be given for Lumber and Hides in exchange for harness. HUGH A. M'COY. May 16, 1849. 27-Gm. Dcalcis in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, &c. o doors cast of Renshaw's Hotel. Hich st. ATTORNEY AT LA V EBENSBURG. PA. Office one door west of J. S. Buchanan's Store. April 12, 1849. tf. DR, THOMAS C. BUNTING, South-west corner of 1th y Race sl3. Philadelphia, April 26, 1S19. 29- J,M'D0iALD, VTTORNEY AT LAW, EBENSBURG, PA. All business in the several Courts of Blair, uiana and Cambria counties entrusted to care, will be promptly attended to. Office, opposite J. S. Buchanan's Store. April 12, 1849, If In. hu Receipts and Expenditures of Ebensburg JJorough from the 1st day of April A. D. 1848, untill the 21s day of April A. D. 1849, inclusive. CR. By cash paid on Orders, $296 17 29G 17 Dr, Robert Davis, Treasurer in account. To amount received of R. Roberts High Constable, . S23i 77 To amount received of R. Roberta as Peddlers License, C 00 To amount received of E. Hughes (Burgess) as Peddlers License, 39 90 To amount received of J.Thomp son, Jr., Weighmaster, 13 21 To amount received of Win. Kittell Weighmaster, 3 09 To amount received of W, Batman Weighmaster, 16 00 S313 296 97 17 NOTICE. PUBLIC notice is hereby given, that Ly order of the Orphans' Court of the coun ty of Cambria, there will be exposed to sale, by public vendue or outcry, on Monday tho 4lh day of June next, at one o'clock in the after noon, the one undivided sixth part ol a certain messuage or tract of land, situate in Washing ton township, Cambria county, adjoining lands of Samuel Dillon and others, containing 123 acres more or less, having a good two story TAVERN HOUSE, BARN, and other build ings thereon erected, known as the "Troxell Tavern" property, formerly the property of Jacob Troxel, deceased: the said undivided sixth part being the interest of William Trox. el, late of Cambria county, deceased. The sale will be held on the premises. terms, one half cash on confirmation of the deed, balance in one year. Uy the Court, IVm. KITTELL, Clerk. Jlay 10, 1849. 31-31. Balance due Borough, 17 60 Settled in Council this 21st day of April A. D. 1819. E. HUGHES. Burgess. May 3, 18 19. 30-4t. Put doil'n for Trial at a Court of Com mon Pleas to be held at Ebensburg, in and for the county of Cambria, com mencing on Monday, the 2d day of July, A. D. 1849. ILUaS (DIP iiWSI3Q Put down for Trial at an Adjourned Court ot Common rteas to be neta at Ebensburg, in and for the County of Cambria, commencing on Monday the 9th day of July, A. B. 1849. Blodget Dodson Collins Dougherty Rhey Byroad Brown Smith's Assigncos Douglass Rhey Cohick for u so Kinporl Todd's Ex'rs Miltenberger Clark & Co. Shoemaker Kopelin Smith Cornmesser Samo Barnes' Adm'r vs Glass' Ex'rs vs Hahassy va M'Gough ct al vs Danlap vs Pringle , vs M'Kee vs Bell ct al vs vs vs vs vs vs vs Easly Blouse &. Fouso Gutwalt Harris Newman et al Fenlon Morrison vs Curran's Adm'rr vs Helsell vs Williams ct ux vs Ritter vs Glass vs Same vs M'Farland Cunningham & Kells vs Barnes Teater Dibert & Osborne James Jones' Adm'ac Paul Cobaugh States Hcrshbcrger Win. May 15, I&19 32 to vs Allbaugh vs Trefiz vs Jones vs James vs Dunlap et al vs Gates vs Canan vs TreOz KITTELL, PioihciMiiy, Dougherty Same Mendell's Adm'rs Zahm, Adiu'r Carpenter St. Clair Austin Kelly Colclesscr Douglass King ct al Regan Cohick for use Fenlon Same Rodgcrs Smith Curd's Ex'rs Bingham et al M'Guire Coyle Grey Fenlon Barnes' Adm'r M'Gough James Jones Adm'x M'Dowell ' Win. May 15, 1849. 32 tc vs Shoenberger et al vs Samo vs Moore's Adm'ra vs Shaffer vs Christy vs Hale & Gales vs Parrish vs Kelly's Adm'rs vs Graff vs Blouse Sc Foue vs Trefiz et al vs Jackson vs Harris vs Young &. Sarjcaut vs Murray vs Younkin vs Ritter vs Smay vs Patterson vs Conway vs M'Kiernon vs Parrish vs PfofF vs M'Farland vs Knepper vs Jones vs James vs Morrison KITTELL, Prothonotary. Commissioners' Office, Ebensburg, April 23, 1849. The undersigned Commissioners of Cambria county publish the following statement as re quired by Act of Assembly therein mentioned. G. W. EASLYi ' Commrs. Attest, James M'DBRMiT.Cl'k. . . Secretary's Office, Harrisburg, April 18, 1849. To the Commissionets oj Cambria county: Gentlemen In pursuance of the thir ty. second section of an act entitled "An Act for the regulation and continuance of a system of education by Common Schools," passed lh 7th day of. April, 1849, 1 herewith transmit to you a statement of tho amount to which every district in your county is entitled, out of the Annual Appropriation of 203,000 for the year 1850, as follows: Dishicts. Allegheny Cambria Carroll Clearfield Conemaugh Ebensburg Jackson Districts. Amount. Johnstown .115 50 Richland 103 Summerhill 131 Susquehanna 55 Washington 165 White 53 80 22 Respectfully yours. . TOWNS END HAINES, Superintendent of Common Schools Amount. S143 22 124 90 59 2G6 42 74 3G 25 70 00 74 04 86 OG 7G WOOLLEN & COTTON TWEEDS and - PANT STUFFS, cheap for cash or country produce, to had &i Buchanan's Stoie.