z m -w , m is1 : EBENSBURG, PA. Thursday, Jlny 17, 1S49. ? SyTut Se.nti.nel, Ao much thelargest cir- f eulation of any paper published in this county ana as an advertising sieet ojj'rs superior inducements to merchants and business men generally. Those desirous of making us of this medium for extending their business can do so bif either sending their notices direct, or through the following agents; John Crouse, Esq., Johnstown. E. Y. Carr, Evans' Buildings, Third St., Philadelphia. Wm. A. Kinsloe, Pittsburg. George Pratt, 151. Nassau st., JVt ic York. To ComsroxDEXTS. "One of 'em" has ne- ateted In romtiltf witfi nnr invarinMp rnT r r -j a requiring the same of the author of an article before we publish it. D"The "veiudncy' of the eJitor of the Jshnstown News is made more manifest in the last number of that paper by his effort to saddle our editorials upon a member of the Ebensburg Car. Why, friend, you are totally Leiiind the age, and jour juvenile effort at discussing questions beyond your comprehension, is ere. atiug a doubt in the minds of many as to whether "your mamma knows you're out." (Lr We have not heard of any serious injury to property done by the storm on Sunday last. About Pittsburg however, the damage done was considerable. Steamboat chimneys were blown down, signs broken, boats sent adrift, ec! several houses mjureJ. Li" The effort to raise a volunteer compary in this pi ace has been successful. A sufficient cumber of members have joined, to enable them to organize under the provirions of the ijew mil.tia law, and arrangements are now being mside to procure the necessary arms, ac- coutrements and clothing. The uniform of the United States In fin try has been adopted bv the company. With few exceptions, all the Mexican soldiers about this place, although not required by law to do military duty, have again become members of the Guards under the new organization. fETWhen we look charge of this papcr.it was nor intention to enlarge it, and thus make it more worthy the support of the democracy of this county, if we should receive such a patronage as would justify the additional ex panse. Although we have no reason j3co??rr4 plain of our supnryti-Yinis 7ar!" our subscrip ifAot yet long enough to warrant an rtlt ... - ... tu. c H I nr ftppniifn. we are anxious in make c. . per scccptable to the party, and we feel Jent that a little exertion on the part .rf our frijtb throughout the county would swell the number of vjour patrons to an extent that would authorize the contefofmJatod MOUNTAINSENTINEL charge in the size of our sheet. Will they dTrw,i Chief Magistrate of the country un it? There are about fifteen hundred democrat ic voters in this county, at least one thousand of whom would, we feel confident, give us their patronage, if the matter was represented to them in its proper light. Clt must be highly gratifying to every well wisher of the democratic party in this county to observe the growinj disposition manifer-tcd in all quarters to drop all the party bickerings and personal enmities that have so long agitated our ranks, and to harmoniously unite in electing our candidates at the ap proaching contest. We have ppoken to no man on this subject, and we hare spoken to many, who did not express a determination to support the ENTIRE "IICKET. without any reference to the men who maybe placed in nomination. As union is the only thing re quired to render our triumpn certain, we would congratulate our democratic friends and specially those in this county, upon these flattering indications of success. Any reason able man must feel satisfied that our "family quarrels' have lasted long enough, and that we cannot succeed if we permit them to exist in our rants and influence our elections. There is a duty to perform, acd a heavy re. sponsibility resting upon the democratic party cf this county. The party throughout the State will make an effort to redeem the Legis. lature, and render the power of Governor John ston nullity . It rests with this county to contribute her quota in bringing about a result so glorious, and we have no hesitation in assu ring our friends abroad that wc shall not be found wanting. A new leaf is about being turned in the political history of 'Little Cam bria," and we feel confident that the will here after occupy her proper position in the demo rUc family of the State. CTA line ef Telegraphic wires from Holli ay&barg to Bedford, to connect with the main line at the latter place, is now being construct, td, and, it i8 expected, will be tn the "full tide of successful operation- in a short time. We . suppose we nay soon expect telegraphic news ia Hollidaysburg. rTThe Cholera U ' "r.- . . llrjne i-noierau raging in Cincinnati to a! considerable extent-from 20 to 40 ca.es dailv. It has not yet been communicated to the cili ns of Pittsburg we believe a f. rw.i died with it about the wharf and on the boats. ! lmmmTmmmmm poor family in Cleave land, lately received in. iTCo.n.titio0ha. rdnrrdthe f.rt,n!ltn;gence f lhe dealh of ,n uneli-. bv which I iiin-nrj ai.d IVivfr, a :ta!ire 3i in 1,11' ff,. ini'e - IGca: Taylor's Pifdses. We'are one. of those - who believe that the principle -offices, at least, should be filled by mtn who coincide in political sentiment with lhat of the chief, and that, in order to render any administration successful, the various wheels of the government i-hould act from one impulse and move harmoniously together. We have before stated that we do nnt object to the daily removals made by Gen- Taylor and his cabinet, but that it is of the gross and shame ful violation of his many solemn and sacred pledges to the people before his election of which we complain. And this conduct is ten dertd rtill worse by the base insinuations thrown out by the whig press lhat these re mo vals are made for cause other than that of po litical association. In order to justify the pol icy pursued by the present administration, the whig organs are compelled to blow the foul breath of slander upon the character of the democratic ex-officers, and throw out hints that he was turned out of office for some satisfacto ry cause known at ashington. Such a course as this deserves to meet with universal con demnation at the hands of the people. In order to prove the truth of our assertions. we append a few of the pledges of Gen. Taylor, given to the eople before the election, and we have only to refer to the daily news from Washington for satisfactory information as to the manner in which they are being observed. No candid man will deny thutto the?e pledges Gen. Taylor owes his election. They were thrown out as traps to gull tho unwary, and to induce the people to believe that he was a no. party man, and that if elected, he would act independent of party feeling. No sooner is he in office, however, than he lends himself to basett schemes of party proscription, and in deed he seeius to have entirely forgotten that be ever gave a pledge to the people. I will not be the candidate of any party or clique; and should the nation at lare seek to place me in the chair of the chief magistracy, the good of all parties and the national good would be my great and ab sorbing aim. Letter to a citizen of Lan sinburg. Should I ever occupy the White House, it must be by the spontaneous move of the people, and by no act of mine, so that I could go into the office untrammeled, and be the Chief Magistrate of the people, and not of a party. Letters Edward Ddoney. If I ever fill that high office, it must be untrammeled by party obligations, or in terest of any kind, and under none but those which the constitution and the hirh interest of ths nation at large most serious ly and solemnly demand. Letter to Pe ter Sken Smith. I am not willing to be the candidate of any party, to pledge myself to any polit cal creed save that which springs directly from the constitution and the best and par amount interest of the countrv, and which they solemnly demand. If elected to the presidential office, it must be without anv pTgew of my own, (it will be at variance with iiy most chereshed aspirations;) and to thee duties I must go untrammeled by partipledges of any character. Letter to f.A. Birkey. 3iould I ever occupy the "White House, it uft be by the spontaneous move of thtpiople and by no act of mine, so that I fotid enter upon the duties aDDertair.inrr H i a " trammeled and unpledged beyond what I have previously stated as regards the con stitution, so that I could bewthe President of the nation, and jiot of party. Letter to C. L. JFilcox and others. The appointing power vested in the President imposes delicate and onorous du ties. So far as is possible to be informed, I shall make honesty, capacity and fidelity indispensable prerequisites for the bestow al of office; and the absence of either shall be deemed sufficient cause for removal. Gen. Taylor's Inaugural. I need hardly add, that I cannot, in any case, permit myself to be brought before the people exclusively by any of the po litical parties that now so unfortunatclv divide the country, as their candidate for this office. Letter to F. S. Bronson. I shall offer no active opposition to the use of my name in connexion with this responsible office, as long as they continue to use it thus independent of party dissen sions. Letter to JVm. M. Murphy and otners. In being thus nominated, I must insist on the condition, and my position on this point is immutable that I shall not be brought forward bv them as a candidate of their party. Letter to Peter Sken Smith. w t l nave no private purposes to accom plish, no party projects to build up no enemies to punish nothing to serve but my countrv. If elected, I would not be the mere Presi dent of a party. I would endeavor to act independent of party dominion. I should feel bound to administer the gov ernment untrammeled by party schemes. first Allison letter. C Intelligence from Ner York to the I4th inst., represent affiirs as being quiet. A num ber wounded in the late riot, it is expected, will not recover. Micro ady is supposed to have gone back to England. iD-The Steamship America, which arrived on Saturday last, brought specie to the amount of ilbjii33 sterling. Every arrival from aoroaa sous inoosanaa io tne nard money cur e , ... . t l J .. . J country, ana sun we nave men "mena lu" uie m,serDl " note ?rash " n ,ndisP"6abIe article in cur currency Windfall. A very worthy, industrious, and the firth of XH,000,th prop-r'y ol th dr-i. V.'. i., ti.nn. Family Ojiarrels. - V The course ot the present Administration appears to meet wti es little from the inde pendent portion of the Whig : press as it does from the. democratic . party. As an - evidence we give I he following article from the Phila delphia : Sun, end we fauld give niany mere from leading whigpjints throughout the whole Union, but we think this will suffice. These threatenings are becoming quite frequent of late, and the treason breathed in the following article is similar to those of a great nu mber of other papers, and tells conclusively of the disaffection pervading the whig ranks. Connecticut and Virginia.- We do not wonder at the joy which is exhibited by the Washington Union at the result of j the election in V irgtnia, and we are almost led to sympathize in that joy. But the Union falsifies the cause of such disastrous results, by ascribing them to the system of removals going on at V ashington falsi fies and jeers at the namby-pamby manner of conducting an administration. Look at Virginia! Why should the last fall's supporters of General Taylor have worked this spring for Taylor mem bers of Congress? Because a locofoco naval agent was appointed at Norfolk? Certainly not! Because a locofoco post master was retained at Richmond? Hard ly good enough cause! Because generally the opponents of Gen. Taylor have been allowed to retain even office in the State? Who believes such folly? We believe firmly that if justice simple justice had been done by Gen. Taylor's friends in Connecticut and Virginia, we should have had four Congressmen from the former, and at least nine from the latter. Now, under the milk-and-water policy, we have perhaps two. Only one, sir, in all pro bability! Union." And what is past is but a foretaste of disasters to come. If! there were congressional elections to be held in Pennsylvania next fall, we could not carry more than three districts in the State, and we shall be beaten 40,000 on the canal commissioners ticket, and have a majority of thirty against us in the low er house of the legislature, if the same stu pid, imbecile, and treacherous policy is pursued. We are no fawning sycophant around the footstool of power, even when a man we respect so much as we do Gen. Taylor occupies it. We were, and are, willing to judge his administration by its acts; and we say, plainly, that its first fruits are nothing but tares, and a crop of weeds. Let the fieldbe well pruned, and all excrescences removed for the future, or we do not waste our time, nor urge our friends to sacrifice their means and energies to support an ungrateful and vascillaling policy. All Sorts of Paragraphs. 0Jaivi C. Bacon has been " indicted and arrested at Grayson. Va., charged wiih circu lating abolition documents. The documents were a sermon preached in Philadelphia, and the life of Frederick Douglas. 0"Dr.' AIcNabb, of Amherst, N. II-, has Bed for California. He was under bail for trial in an abortion case. He has forfeited his bail, amounting to $3000. 0The burning of the Parliament House at Montreal, is much to be regretted, on account of the valuable library destroyed with it, the archives and records of the Colony for several hundred years. The Parliament House was a vast granite building, owned by the city and rented to the Government for some $4000 per annum. Its erection cost about $60,000. XT' The uses lo which iron is put are becom ing more numerous every day. Some new stores, built entirely of cast iron, hare been put up in New York, at the corner of Wash ington and Murray streets. They are five sto ries high, and each twenty by fifty -six feet, ard were commenced on the 25th of February last and constructed in the brief period of about two months. They are the only buildings of this kind in the world, the New York Post says. 0Fitch, a broker in St. Louis had S1183 stolen from hini on the 26lh ult-, while sleep ing in his berth on board the Prairie Slate. us Cast-iron Jails are now in construction at Cincinnati. One is to go to Plaquemine, La., and three are destined to Gallatin, Miss EoiToauT. Abiutt. Enzur Wright, editor of the Boston Chronotype, has eighteen chil dren, aud will soon be the happy father of nineteen. 0A fire in the woo4s on Long Island, last week, destroyed 1 1,000 acres of timber. Old Zacn's Jig General Taylor, whie in the army seeing a soldizr fixing a jug without a top to carry bis whiskey in remarked to him that the best thing for that purpose was a jug without a bottom. Quick Tkavelusg. The time necessary for a trip from New trk city to St. Louis is re duced, by the completion of the Central Rail. road of Michigan, to five days. curiosities. ooap witn wnich a man was washed overboard. . ' The loaf wherefrom crumbs of comfort fall. Strap used to sharpen the water's edge. The toap with which, "Jacob lifted up his voice. 0The jry in the case of Mrs. Howard, tried for killing a woman living with her bu. band, an account of which we gave a few weeks ago, have brought in a verdict of acqui. tal, probably on the ground of insanitf , though it is not so stated. The verdict appears to be a subject of congratulation. ' Effect of ths Tauff of IS46, is D&atxtNaj p. rW.T. S.rr,rTK.. , r cie entered at the New York Custom House on MavTth. was 902.5fj. ' Thr rata nf dul $2,150. ' So Siva the Journal of Commerce. . . OTrrB Bostoniaos are considering the pro priety of. establishing jjublic wash houses on WashingtonSquare, . adjoining the Boy lston School House. 0A new directory- of Newark, N. J., makes the population. 324600;'an increase of 2000 since" lasf year ... nrMessrs.-Trovost and Winter are.anooan: ced as the successful - bidders far-the comple. tion of the patent office build ing at Washington O" There are more than two thousand bad boys in the city of New Fork, represented as being too bad to be sent to the common schools fur fear of contaminating influence. 0"Three colored children, kidnapped a few weeks since from Denton. Aid., were tracked to Richmond Va., where they had been sold. They were immediately given op, as soon as their free birth was proved. John Mitchell. Accounts are receive'd from Bermuda that Mr. Mitchell, the Irish convict for a political offence, sailed for the Cape of Good Hope about the 20th of April, with 289 other prisoners. He goes with what is called a free ticket entitling him tolibetty on his arrival at the Cape, only subject tc the condition that he must settle there. His wife and children have sailed or are about to sail direct from Ireland to join him at his place of exile. By this morning's Mail. Washington, May 15. The War Department has ordered Gen. Scott to take command of the army; the head quarters of the eastern division in the vicinity of New York; the western division in Cincinnati. Horace Greely has been appointed Re ceiver of Public Moneys at Jackson Mis sissippi. New York, May 15. The Coroner's Jury rendered a verdict justifying the authorities for firing upon the mob; and also expressing the opinion that if a larger number of the police had been called out, a resort to military force might have been avoided. There was a fire in Watertown, New York, on Sunday, which destroyed all the principal business houses, Post office and Surrogate's office. The Northern and Southern mails were burnt. One life was ost. Loss, $250,000. Insurance, $120,- 000, Montreal, May 1 1 6 P. M. The, Military Called Out, $-c. The authorities fearing an attack on the Drummond house last night, called out the troops. Every thing, however, re mained pretty quiet. The House of Assembly is discussing a bill to abolish religious elementary instruc tion in King s college at Toronto. Montreal, May 10. Latest from Canada Further Outra- rages, 4rc. The conduct of the friends of Lord El gin, is evidently provoking another out brake. He has been waited on by a num ber of deputies to express to him the con fidence of those they represent in his pa triotism and the principles of his adminis tration, lesterday he dined with a num ber of his friends at a hotel, when the house was mobbed, and the windows bro ken. Several shots were fired from the hottwoi:n.ling one man in the neck, when the mob shortly dispersed. MARRIED. On the 10th inst.,by the Rev. Mr. Powell, Mr. John D. Hlgbes. of this place, to Miss Gwinefred Arthls, of Green township, Iudi. ni county. "CHEAPER THAN EVER!" MUHRAY & ZAHM. THANKFUL for past favors, would respect fully inform I heir friends, and the public generally, that they have just received the largest, handsomest and best selected assort ment of that has le en brought to Ebensburg this sea. son, and which they are determined to dispose of at the lowest prices imaginable. They think it unnecessary lo enumerate all the articles t.-.ey have on hand, but request the public to call and examine for themselves, when they will find most every article usually kept in a country store, and al prices equally as low as good can be bought east or west of the Allegheny mountains. - LUMBER, GRAIN, WOOL, mi all kinds of Country Produce, taken in exchange for Goods.' M.AvZ. Ebensburg, May 16. 1849. RAIN and Country Produce, of all kinds Hl taken in exchange for goods at Buchan. an' t Store.- NOTICE. 1JL DLIC notice is hereby given, 'that Iv JL order of the Orphans' Court of the coun ty of Cambria, there will be exposed to sale, bv public vendue or outcry, on Monday the 4 lb day ot June next, at one o'clock in the after noon,' the one undivided bixth part of a certain messuage or tract of land, situate in Washing, ton township, Cambri county, adjoining lands ot oaniue Dillon and others, containing 123 acres more or less, having a good two story TAVERN HOUSE. BARN, and olher build ings thereon erected, known as the "Troxell Tavern" property, formerly the propertj of jacQD vi roxel, deceased: the said undivided sixth part being the interest of William Trox. eU late of Cambria county, deceased. The sale win De neld on toe premises. lermi, one half cash on confirmation of the deed, balance in one year. By the Court. ivm. Kin tLU, Ulerfc. ! 1 Ol-Ol. ar. in icin , -. j , TTfVE lAWK7 0 t JJt ' V tFlVlfV jXratlv and -expeditiously expcn - .1 .U- fCV. ' ! toI at this Office. Put down for Trial at a Court of Com mon Pleas to be held at Ebensburg, in and for the county of Cambria, com mencing on Monday, the 2d day oft Duugherty , Shoenberger tl al Sitae - v Same Mendell's Adoi'rs va Moore's Adm'rs vi Shaffer vs Christy s Hale & Gates vs Parrish vs Kellv's Adm'r vs Graff vs Blouse Sc. Fouso vs Treftx et al vs Jackson vs Harris vs Young & Sargeant vs Murray vs YoUnkin vs Ritter vs Smay vs Patterson vs Conway vs M'Kiernon v Parrish vs Pioff vs M'Farland vs Knepper vs Jones vs J.mes vs Morrison Zahin, Adm'r Carpenter St. Clair Austin Kelly Colclesser Douglass King et al Regan Cohick for use Feulon Same Rodgers Smith Burd's Ex'rs Bingham et al M'Guire Coyle vrey Fenlon Barnes' Adm'r M'Gough James Jones Adru'x Al Dow ell Wm. KITTELL, Prothonotary May 15, 13l9 32 tc FAR. TICKS LOOK II EKE! SADDLK & IIARiVKSS MANUFACTORY. rTIHE undersigned having purchased the in. JL terest of C. G Cramer in the firm of Cramer MCov, rccpectfullv bers leave to in form his friends and the puSlic generally that he is now carrying on the Saddlery Business on bis l own hook," m the building formerlv o:. cupied as a Prini ing Office, where be will keep constantly on hand a large and splendid assort, ment of Saddles, Bridles, Harness, Col lars, Whips, &c, &c. All of which he will sell as low for cash ci country produce as any other establishment in thiscounty. Any orders in bis line of bus i ness will be promptly executed al the shortest notice. Farmers and others desiring cheap bargains will find it to their interest lo call at Ho. 6, and examine the stock before purchasing elsewhere. The highest market prices will be given for Lumber and Hides in exchange fur harness. HUGH A. M'COY. Mar 16. 1649 27-Cm. Put down for Trial at an Adjourned Court of Common Pleas to be held at Ebensburg, in and for the County cf isamoria, commencing on Aionaay the if in aay oj Juiy, u. I84U. Blodget vs Glass' Ex'rs vs Hahassy vs M'Gough el ai vs Dunlap vs Pringle vs M'Kee vs Bell et al vs Eafrly vs Blouse &, Fouse vs Gutwalt vs Harris vs Newman el al vs Fenlon vs Morrison vs Curran'g Adm'rx vs Ua'sell vs Williams et ux vs Riuer vs Giss vs Same Dodson Collins Dougherty Uhey Byroad Brown Smith's Assignees Douglass Rhey Cohick for use Kinporl Todd' Ex'rs Mihenberger Ciark & Co. Shoemaker Kopeliu Smith Cormuesser Same Barnes Adm'r vs M'Farland Cunningham & Kells vs Barnes Teater Dibert & Osborne vs Allbaugh vs Tieftz vs Jones vs James James Jones Adm'x Paul vs Dunlap et al vs Gales vs Canan vs Trefiz Wm. KITTELL, Prothonotary. Cobaugh States Hershberger May 15, 1849. 32 tc ATTENTION CAMBRIA GUARDS! An adjourned meelinir of the "Cam bria Guards" will take p'.ace at the Court !Iouc on Friday evening the loth in ft, at half past seven o clock Persons desirous of becoming mem hers of this old company are invited to attend. May 3, 1849. "ITUST received, a large lot of English and V French CLOTHS, Blue, Black and tan ey CASS J MERES, and SATJXETS of etc ry variety, at the store of JOHN S. BUCIIAXAX. T UST opened, a verv exlensive lot of GJSG. J HAMS, LA IVAS, and PR1JS TS ol eve ry variety, al the 6ior of JOHN S. BUCHANAN. HARDWARE, PEXTElCi CUTLERY and CAR TE ICS 1 OOLS jtitl received and for sale al the store of JOHN S. BUCHANAN. n OOKS and STATIONARY for sale at Buchanan's Store. ISH.SALT. FLOUR and BACON sold at e store of J.S. BUCHANAN. TrwrOOLLEN COTTON TWEEDS and V V PANT STUFFS, cheap for cash or country produce, to had at Buchanan's Store. 7 DOZEN BOOTS and SHOES of all kinds just received and for sale at Buchanan s Atore. ifli "bknsivare 6 grc 'VWL Urge lit, for sale lo t i f Bek: ROCERIES. r-. C. II HEIR, ATTORNEY A T LA IT, EDEXSBVRG, PA. Office ""I f J.S. Buchanan's Store April 12, IS 13 if. - - . E, HUTCHINSON, JR, A TTORNE Y A T LA IF, E B EX SB VR Gt PA. April 12, 1849-tf. C. LITZINCER. 6. W. TODD. UTMGER & TODD, Dealers in Dry Goods Groceries, Hardware, Queersware, &x. o doors east of Renshaw's Hotel. High st. J ill ATTORNEY AT LAW, EBENSBVRG. PA. Office one door west of J. S. Buchanan's Store April 12, 1649. tf. DR, THOMAS C, BUNTING, South-west corner cf 7th 4 Pace its. Philadelphia, April 2C. 1349. '29 J, M' V. i 1 VTTOR1VEY AT LAW, EBESSBURG, PA. All business in the several Courts of Blair, In. diana and Cambria counties entrusted lb hit care, will be promptly attended to. Office, opposite J. S. Buchanan's Store. April 12, 1849, If Peceipts and Expenditures of Ebensburg Borough from the 1st day of April A. I). 1848, untill the 2 1st day of April A. D. 1849, inclusive. CP. By cash paid on Orders, 17 29G 17 Dr, Robert Davis, Treasurer in account. To amount received of R. Roberts High Constable, 235 77 To amouul received of R. Roberts as Peddlers License, 6 00 To amount received of E Hughes (Burgees) as Peddlers License, 39 93 To amount received of J. Thomp son, Jr. Weighmas'er, 13 21 To amouul received of Wm. Kittell Weighmastcr, 3 09 To amount received of W, Batman YYeighinaslcr, 16 00 313 97 296 17 17 80 Balance due Borough, Settled in Council this 21st day of April A. D. 1819. E.HUGHES, Burgess. Mav3, 18 l9.-30-4t. Books and Station-AST, also, plain and em broidered Envelopes, fancy Note Paper, Motto, silvered and cami Wafers, Quills. Sealing Wax. Pencils, Pass Books, ic, for sale at the store of LITZINGER & TODD. PUBLIC SALC. Y virtue of an Order of ihe Orphan's Court of Cainhria countr. there will be exposed at Public Sale on the premises on Mndy the 1 1 th day of June next, a certain IKAVl Ut LAAU, situate in Cambria town. ship, adjoining lands of John E. Jones, Rich. ard rd wards, uichara Den net and others, con- taiiunv ISJ Acres and the usual allowance . There are on the premises a cabin rouse and cabis barv. and between 40 and 50 acres clear. td: the prop-.-rty of David Davis, deceased. Sale will commence at one o'clock on said day. wtien tne terms ot sale will be made known by William Davis and Thomas M. Jones. Adaiiu. iilrators of the estate of the said deceased. By order of the Curt, WM. KITTELL, Clerk. Mav 3, 1S49. 33-3U !DTie Ho lidaysburg Register will give the aoove three insertions and charge this office. ACT OF 10th APRIL, J849. ffNTITLED ".4n act to create a sinking QJ fund and lo provide for the gradual and certain extinguishment of the debt of the Com. nionwealth. "Section 29, That from and after the pas. sage of this act, ihe Stale Treasurer be and he is hereby required lo abate five per Cftrtum of the purchase money due on all unpatented lands appropriated en warrants heretofore granted: Plodded, The said purchase money be paid into tl.e treasury on or before the first day of May eighteen hundred and fifty. Section 34, That tl.e Assessors of the sev. eral counties of this Commonwealth are here, by authorized ani directed lo re-assess between the periods of the irieni.iel assessments, all real estate which may have been improved by tho erection of buildings or other improvements subsequent to the Uet preceedmg trienniel as. setsmenl, subject to apfieals as now provided by law, and all re-assessments made during the past year, are hereby declared to be as valid and effectual as if made in pursuance of law. We the undersigned Commissioners of C-im-bria county publish ihe foregoing in purojnw of a circular issued by the Auditor General. A. BURGOON, ir G. W.EASLV. lColmi ID115S rs. UVAAi.1 . la nrrv.u,ii Commissioners office ) Eben?burg. May 3. 1819. ( 30-3t. 14 M EN'S fine calf and kip Boots, Women's ItJL Congress Shoes. La In 'jr. Buck and Goal Shoelees, Seal and Merc. R. R. Slippers. Mioses colored Kid, patent and ca'.f Boots. Boy's thick and kip Boots and Shoes just r. ceived by - L. &. T. FOR SALE - A Tract of animproed Land. covereTwit'i vtliab!e Timber, lying about five rai! Avut of Eberisbtrg.'eBqfjiie rf w . , JOHN WILLIA MS. rbMW . Ar'i! li, JS49 12-tf, . taa m -rarc.