The mountain sentinel. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1844-1853, May 03, 1849, Image 3

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    der certain restrictions, without the Em
Deror's consent. If they pass both hou
ses by a vote of two-thirds, two-thirds of
all the members being present, uunng mree
consecutive sessions, they take effect with
out his approval. This provision recon
ciles the republicans to imperial rule, as
there is a probability that, under it a dem
ocratic government may ultimately be
Thursday, May 3, 1 849.
X7The Sentisel, has much the largest cir.
dilation of any paper published in this county
and as an advertising sheet ojj'rt superior
inducements to merchants and business men
generally. Those desirous of making us of
this medium for extending their business can
do so by either tending their notices direct, or
through the fallowing agents;
Jonn Crouse, Esq., Johnstown.
E. IV. Carr, Evans' Buildings, Thitd st.,
Wm. A. Kinsloe, Pittsburg.
George Pratt, 151, Nassau st., Niw York.
0"0ur contemporaries will accept our warm
thanks for the complimentary manner in which
they have been pleased to notice our return to
the "chair editorial."
JCTOur friends Litzingcr &. Todd have just
received a fine assortment of goods. They ap
pear to have monopolized the custom of the
ladies especially, for the last few days. Well'
they are generally possessed of a fine taste, and
know where to get goods that will suit them.
See advertisement in another column.
Merchant's Hotel, Philidblfhia. Cham
bers McK.bbin, Esq., formerly Postiraster in
Pittsburg:, has united with his son in the pro.
prielorsbip and management of this well
known and popular Hotel. Their advertise,
ment will be found in another co'ama of to
day's paper. Judging from the extensive pub
lie patronage they enjoyed while connected
with the Exchange Hotel, - Pittsburg, we feel
Confident their kindness and urbanity will be
be equally effective in drawing-them "crowded
houses" in their new location; and we take
great pleasure in recommending their house to
our frisnis visiting. Philadelphia, sad the trav.
elliog public generally.
Cot. Milton Roberts has been appointed
Postmaster for this place in the room of Rees
J. Lloyd, removed.
Geojlgx Savlo has been appointed Post
master in the borough of Johnstown, ia the
place of Jordon Marbourg, removed.
We believe that both these gentlemen are
well qualified lo discharge the duties of their
office, and since the no "proscription party"
now in power had determined on the removal
of the old incumbents, against whom no charges
could be preferred, we are giad they have re
ceived the appointment.
"It tbat have Tears to Weep Prepare to shed
them Stwl"
The great Democratic party is ruined! The
.glorious principes by which our country has
been governed since the formation of ihe re
public are proved to be all wrong! and Jeffer
on, Monroe and Jackson were fools and dem
agogues! This miraculous and immortalizing
discovery has been recently made by one of
the editors of the "Johnstown News," publish
td in the borough of Johnftown, Cambaia
county, Pennsylvania. He is a genius of the
"first water," and will, we doubt not, ere long
occupy a higher nich in the scroll of fame than
any man now living. Well may the Demo,
cralic party weep and tremble in their shoes,
that such a champion has appeared on the
public stage against them.
Seriously, we would advise some kind friend
of the editor of ihe News" to have him hooped
as soon as possible as he stands in imminent
danger of bursting. The manner in which he
'lashes and culs away" at the poor Iocofocos
is a caution to Davy Crocket, and he appears
tevain enough to imagine that he has genius
sufficient to knock our whole party into a
three cocked hat. We are not acquainted with
him never had the houor of seeing him but
we imagine him to be a rather "verdant" youth,
small in stature, with a very full devslopement
on that part of the head where phrenologist
place the bump of "self-esteem.' The manner
in which he writes would lead one to suppose
that be is "up to the eyes" in love with some
fair Seniorita, too, for bis articles are some
what like love letters, inasmuch as they are
very wordy without point, and meaning noth
ing, end just as tbey commence. His imagined
importance makes him fee) a little pugnacious,
- nd like the Irishman, he is anxious, in order
to get into a quarrel, that some one would be
kind enough to "tread on his coat tail, .'"
We are sorry that we cannot accommodate
him, but we have no taste for newspaper quar
rels and are disposed to keep out of them as
loos as possible.
Our advice to the editor of the News, and
give it in a spirit of kindness and friendship,
for we would not wound the feelings of the
dear little fellow for the world, is to suffer his
feeling to cool down until they approach a
common sense heat, and to write no more until
he has accomplished this desirable ecd. When
he has done this, we think he will not manifest
so strong a disposition to engage in a newspaper-quarrel
and that he will confine his wri
tings to the bread platform of common sense.
" - Slavery.
We learn from our exchanges that the ques.
tionof emancipation is beginning to elicit the
attention of a number of the most influential
men in several of the Southern States, and that
pubiic discussions, and public Conventions to
devise means by which the abolition of slavery
will bo brought about is now of frequent oc.
enrrence. A few years ago any man mention
ing the subject of abolition would havo sub
jected himself to a heavy coal of tar and leath
ers, but now public sentiment is undergoing a
rapid change, and the question of emancipation
is boldly discussed in Delaware, Kentucky,
Missouri, Tennessee, Maryland, Virginia and
Texas. In Kentucky, especially, the subject
meets the approbation of such a large portion
of her citizens that we should not be astonish
ed if the Convention, which is about to meet
to amend the constitution of the State, would
take the necessary steps to provide for the
gradual liberation of her slaves. A meeting
was recently held in .Lexington, at which
Henry Clay made a short though eloquent
speech, when resolutions were adopted which
That as hereditary domestic slavery, as it
exists amongst us, is contrary to the rights of
mankind opposed to the fundjinenlal prioci
pies of free government hostile to the pros.
perity of the Commonwealth, it ought not to be
made perpetual and that the convention about
to meet to amend the Constitution ofthisStat
anorcs a propor occasion, on which steps
fchoulJ Le taken to ameliorate the condition of
slavery in such a way as shall be found practi
cable in i'.self, just as regards the masters of
slaves, and beneficial to the slaves themselves."
0There is something so manly and straight
fotward in the following article from that well
conducted paper, Neat's Gazette, and which is
so essentially different from the lone usually
used towards country papers by our city con
temporaries, that we cannot refrain from pub
lishing it. The custom of patronizing city pa
pers and permitting their local papers to get
along as best they may, is practiced lo a very
great extent in this county, Jand lo the favorable
consideration of 6uch tve commend the follow
ing reinaiks in the hope thai it may have a
tendency to awaken them from their error.
Take your county paper by all means, and
do not allow the Gazelle to interfere with it.
There are none of you who are not able to sub
scribe two dollars for a local journal and two
dollars for a good city weekly, nor do we see
how you can do without either. The one gives
you county and State intelligence; the other,
general news and literature. Itia mistake
for you to neglect your local editors for those
who live in great cities. Of course, the Phil
adelphia werklics, wit! their immense editions,
can afford lo publish larger papers for the same
money; but this is not every thing, as you
would find if the local journal in your vicinity
should ever have to slop. We want no sub
scribers at the expense of the country papers.
But jf fathers wish to bring up their children
right, and afford them both pleasure and in
struction at littlo cost, they will take the Ga
zette for themselves and family, in addition to
the locl paper."
PMsburs City Scrip.
ui lijo ccicci vouncii oi me
City of Pitlsburg on Monday evening last, the
following resolution was offered and adooted.
If it passes the Common Council, and it is be
lieved it will piss, it will raise the city tcrip
to something near its par value. It is high
time that something should be done lo redeem
il,;- ,..!. -. i :. i . - . .
wicjo is a (orgs amount OI 11 in
circulation; and the poorer people are begin
ning experience heavy lasses from it.J
Uesolzed, Thai the Fi nance Committee be,
and they are hereby authorized lo negotiate a
Temporary Loan, not to exceed the sum of one
hundred and fifty thousand dollars, by a hy
pothecation of Gas Stock, or such other securi
ty as Ihey may deem proper; and that Ihey
place funds in the hands of the Treasurer lor
the resumption of the certificates of Loan of
the denomination of one, two and three dollars
of the city, at par, in such sums as may bo
Prof cssi oa in 1818.
"Ifl ever accept that office1, it- isust-hei
untrammelled by PARTY obligations of any
kind." ' ,
I have no enemies to punish nor friends to
Will some of our w hi friends tell us what
these declarations mean, or if they mean what
they express, how the' can be reconciled with
the policy that is now being pursued at Wash
ington? Was it not declared by the whigs
at every public meeting, on ihe highways and
byways, that Gen. Taylor was not a party man,
mai ne -naieo, joatnea proscription, " that if
elected he would turn out no ma.i fur a differ
ence of political sentiments, and thai every of
ficer should be heard in his own defence before
a removal would be made? How has these
whig pledges been kept? Are they considered
obligatory on the party, by the parly, after they
have got into power? Let the thouiand remo.
vals lhat have been made without cause in al
most every city, town and village throughout
the length and breadth of this Union answer.
There is no man, no matter how insignificant
the office he holds, whose 'honesty and capa
bility" will save him if he is a democrat; and
it is determined by those in power in Wash
ington to drive from office every incumbent
who refused to sacrifice bis principles, and to
fill their places with the partizans and advo
cates of whiggery.
We know these reminiscences of an election
eering campaign are very disagreeable to the
present administration, but our only object in
alluding to them was to prove that the whigs
Utd before the election, and their no-party
professions were only made for the purpose of!
misleading the people. Tho miserable attempt
to shelter themselves from the responsibility,
under the pretext that the public interests ro
quire the removal o f men whose only fault was
a difference of political se ritimcnl, is too con.
temptible to Le practiced by any set of-men.
So far. as the removals are concerned, we care
not a straw about them; in fact we would rath
er see proscription carried to its full extent.
This course will have a tendency to satisfy
democrats who were gulled into the support o1
Taylor that no confidence is to be placed in
whig pledges or promises. And if the whig
will be just and acknowledge that the election
of Taylor was carried on false principles, and
that their promises to the people were made
only for the purpose of deceiving them, all this
turmoil about removals will cease, and they
will Le permitted to carry cut their feelings of
prose rif lion lo their hearts content.
All Bail, Virginia!
The Pennsylvanian of the 1st inst.. received
at this efnes this morning, in relation to the
recent election' in Virginia, says:
The Democrats of Virginia have discharged
their whole duty to their country. As far as
heard from, the Whigs lose a member of Con
gress in the Vth district, (Mr. Goggi one in
the Vllth district, (.Mr. Bjtts) one in the
VHIth district, (lately represented by the pre
sent Secretary of the Navy, Mr. P&eston)
and one, probably, in the Hid district, (Mr.
Floursot) four in all. The Democrats may
lose a member in the XVth district, lately rep
resented by Mr. Brown, but it is by no means
certain. If the Democrats gain, as they have
a cliance to Co. eight more members in trie
Congressional elections yet to occur in Mary
land. Delaware, Rhode Island, Massachusetts,
North Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisi
ana, Tennessee, Indiana, Missouri, and Ken
tucky, and we think they will make an aggre
gate gain of at least that number, the Whigs
will be iu a minority in both branches of Con.
gress, and General Tatt.or., self deprived of
the veto, will be useful only in signing bills
passed by Democratic majorities. We shalj
not be at all surprised, either, if the Democrats
gain enough, in the coming elections, lo be
strong enough in the House of Representatives
to carry their measures against both Whigs,
Free-Soilers and Independents!
These are the conquests, let it not be forgot
ten, of the party that has been declared by the
Whigs to be utterly bankrupt and destroyed
torn by dissensions, and weak, because depri
ved of patronage. So powerful is this great
party & present, that if the elections for Con
gress in Pennsylvania and other Slates had yet
to be held, the administration of Gen. Pay lor
would hardly have a corporal's guard lo excuses
its deceptions or to defend its inconsistencies
in the proper branch of tha N ational Legists
ture, -
More Uailcd States
The territory not yet formed into
States, will make forty-six and a half!
btates as large as Pennsylvania. Of these
thirty-ilve will be North of 36 30' or
free States. Eleven and a half South of
35 30x or Slave States, supposing the
Misouri Compromise line to be adopted.
T7ie United Stales will then consist of
Seventy-Six Sovereign States, Tyrants!
Should Oregon, California, and New
Mexico fly olF, and the Rocky Mountains
be the division between the United States
of the Atlantic and the United States of
the Pacific, the Atlantic Union will con
tain fifty-seven Soverign States; the Pa
cific Union nineteen gigantic Sovereign
States. Tyrants! still tremble.
These calculations are based upon the
recent report of the United States Com
missioner of the General Land oface
and take in all the United States territory
of every kind not yet formed into States.
Cod save the Union. JVest Chester
On the 26th ull., by th Rev. A. McElwain.
Mr. John 0burn, of Huntingdon county, to
Miss Jane PaounFooT, of Cambria couuty.
At Huntingdon, on the 26th ult., by the
Rev. John Peebles. Dr. Horace W. Smith, for
merly of this place, to Miss Rebecca A.,
daughter of the late Isaac Dorlaud, Esq., of
An adjourned meeting of the Cam
bria Guards'' will take place at the
Court House on Friday evening the
1 llh int-t, at half past seven o'clock.
Persons desirous of becoming mem
bers of this old company are invited
to attend.
May 3, 1819.
Y virtue of an Order of the Orphan's
Court of Cambria county, there will be
exposed at t ubhc bale on the premises on
Monday the 11th day of June next, a certain
TRACT Of LAND, situate in Cambria town,
ship, adjoining lands of John E. Jones, Rich
ard Edwards, Richard Bennet and others, con
taining lb9 Acres and Ihe usual allowance.
There are on the premises a cabin house and
cabin Baiiv, and between 40 and 50 acres clear.
cd: the proptrty of David Davis, deceased.
bale will commence at one o clock on said day,
when the terms of sale will be made known by
William Davis and Thomas M. Jones, Admin.
istrators of the estate of the said deceased.
By order of the Court,
May 3, 1S49. 30-3t.
O'The Hollidaysburg Register will give tbe
above three insertions and charge this office.
MEN'S fine calf and kip Boots, Women's
Congress Shoes, Lasting, Buck and
Goat Shoetees, Seal and Merc. R. R. Slippers,
Mistes colored Kid, patent and caif Boots,
Boy's thick and kip Boots and Shoes just re
ceived by L. & T.
Fish. Mackeral and Codfish, just opened
and for Fale by L. &. T.
5 r
New Arrival ol
TAKE pleasure in announcing to their
friends and the public generally that they
have just received from the eastern cities, at
their Store Room in Ebensburg, a large and
splendid assortment of
selected with great care and at the lotcest pri
ces, which enables them to dispose of them on
the most reasonable terms.'
The stock comprises the usual assortment of
Consisting- in part of Black and Brown Amer-
icon and .trench Cloths, plain and fancy Cas.
sirucres and Cashmerets, plain and fancy
1 weeas, blue, black, Cadet and fancy isatlen-
ets, red, white and yellow Flannels, plain and ,
piau Alpacas, r rench, domestic ana barlaion
Giaghams, brown . and bleached Shirtings,
Irish Linens, Russia Diapers. Cotton Diapers,
Linen Napsins, Ticking, Crash. A rich, as
sortment of embroidered, cassimere, silk and
funey Vtstings; new style of Linen Lustres;
Printed, black and plain Lawns; mode silk
Tissue; satin stripes Barages Muslin de Lames,
black Gru de Rhine, B a rage Scarfs, and plain
and fancy DcLaine Shawls; fancy dress But
tons, Fringes and Flowers. A complete as
sortment of Bonnet and Fancy Ribbons; fancy
Combs, Brushes 6&c-, &..
oots asid Shoes,
of every description, moleskin, fur, pearl, leg
horn and braid Hats; Ladies and Misses pearl
braid, silk, and pearl gimp Bonnets. A splen
did assortment of Quecntware, (new style,)
Hardware, Drugs, Umbrellas, Parasol3, Books
and Stationary, Groceries, Fish, Salt, Nails,
&,c &.C.
All of which they are determined to sell ss low
f;r cash or country produce as any other estab
lishment west of tbe Allegheny mountains.
Ladies will find it to their advantage to call
and examine this spleudid stock of goods before
purchasing elsewhere.
May 3, 1849. 30-tf.
Receipts and Expenditures of Ebensburg
Borough from the 1st day of April
A. D. 1848, untill the 2 1st day of
April A. U. 184U, inclusive.
By cash paid on Orders, 296 17
29G 17
Dr, Robert Davis, Treasurer in account.
To smount received of R. Roberts
High Constable, 235 77
To amount received of R. Roberts
as Peddlers License, 6 00
To amount received of E. Hughes
(Bur cess) as Peddlers License, 39 90
To amount received of J. Thomp
son. Jr-, Weighmasler, 13 21
To amount received of Wm. Kiltell
WsishuHtoUt . 3 09
To amount received of W, Batman
Weizhmastcr, 16 00
313 97
296 17
Balance due Borough, 17 80
Set tied in Council this 21st day of April A.
D. IsiJ.
E. HUGHES, Burzess.
May 3, 1849. 30-4t.
Fourth Street, between Area and Market,
fTlIIE Proprietorship and Management of
11 ihis well known hotel, (which is located
in the very centre of business,) having th:6
day passed into Ihe hands of the subscribers,
tbcv besr leave to state lhat it is tbeir purpose
to render it worthy of Ihe liberal patronage
with which it has been heretofore sustained,
and hope, by unremitting attention, to denerve
the patronage oi meir irienas, wno may visu
the city on business or pleasure.
Formerly of the Exchange Hotel, Pittsburg.
May 3, 1343. 3U-lm.
WILL be received by the Commissioners
of Cambria County at the House of
Samuel Bracken, in the Borough of Johnstown
unlil Friday evening the 2oih of May inst..
fer the erection of a Bridge over the Conne.
maufh River at Johnstown, a plan and epecifi.
cation of the Baidge will be exhibited at the
Public House above named for five das before
tho letting, the Bridge will be built on the
Burr plan of a single arch and will be required
lo be completed on or before the first day of
November lb 19.
Jami.0 M'DeaHiT, Ch-rk.
May 3,1849 30-3l.
ACT OF 10th APillL, 1819.
73T7NTITLED "An act to create a sinking
iHi1 fund and to provide for the gradual and
certain extinguishment of the cebt of the Com
mon wealth."
Section 29, That from and after the pas
sage of this act, the State Treasurer be and he
is hereby required lo abate five per centum ot
the purchase money due on all unpatented lands
appropriated en warrants heretofore granted:
Piovided, The said purchase money be paid
into the treasury on or before the first day of
May eighteen Hundred ancniiy.
'Section 34, That the Assessors of the sev
eral counties of this Commonwealth are here-
by authorized and directed lo re-assess between
the periods of the triennicl assessments, all real
estate which may have been improved by tbe
erection ot buildings or olner improvements
subsequent to the last preceeding trienniel as.
sessment, subject to appeals as now provided
bv law. and all re-assessments made during the
past year, are hereby declared to be as valid
and effectual as if made in pursuance ot law.
We Ihe undersigned Commissioners of Cam
bria county publish the foregoing in pursuance
ola circular issued by the Auditor oenerai.
Commissioners office J
Ebensburg, May 3, 1849. 30-3t.
ooes and Stationary, also, plain and em
broidered Envelopes, fancy Note Paper,
Motto, silvered and cami Wafers, CJuiIIs,
Sealing Wax, Pencils, Pass Books, &.C, for sale
at the store of ;
..." LY TERM, 1849.
Andrew Callahan, Clearfield,
Adam Ileli-el. buinmerhill,
Joseph Burgoon, Washington,
. Peter M'Gough, Cle.rfield,
John M'Garity, Washington,
Elisha GorBUch, White,
David Sommerville, Susquehanna,
Joseph Dodsan, Allegheny,
Nathan Crum.Summorbill,
Anthony Lambaugh, Jackson,
Matthew Ivory, Allegheny,
John B. Brookbank, bummerhill,
Jacob Kring, Richland,
Peter Summers. Suuiraerhill,
Abraham Stutzman , Cocnemaogh,
George Berkpile, Richland,
John M'Guugu, Sr., Washington,
Henry Weaver, SumoaerLill,
Jacob Paul. Jr., Richland,
Felix O'Neill. Cambria.
George Elder, Allegheny,
David Spielman, Sutaueroil),
David Prosser, Cofttuemaugh,
John P. Parriih, Carroll,
Emericus Bender, Carroll,
William Litzinger, Allegheny,
Michael Leavy, Allegheny,
James Cunningham, Susquehanna,
Robort Kerr, Coanemaugh, -John
Hamilton, Johnstown,
Patrick Cullen, Summerhill,
James Fagan, Carroll,
Samuel Reed. Jackson,
Samuel Black, Washington,
John Reed, Cunnemaugh,
Michael Driscal, Allegheny,
John Eagan, Connemaugh,
Win. Nelson, Cambria,
Raphael Cooper, Summerhill,
Michael Shoup, Richland,
Augustine Little, Allegheuy,
Jacob Mack, Cambria,
GeorgerlIelUel, Richland,
William Roberta, Jackson,
Richard Nagie, Jr., Susquehanna,
Ephriam Crum, Summerhill,
John Fiunkelt, Carroll,
Patrick Roddy, Susquehannh,
George Litzinger, Allegheny,
Augustine Hott, Carroll,
Jacob R. Stull, Richlaud,
D. C. Zdhui, Cambria,
Daniel Dimond, Summerhill,
Lewis B. Dunmyer, Richland,
Peter Kaylor, Cambria,
John Philepps, Johnstown,
John P. Strayer, Connemaugh,
Thomas M. Jones, Cambria,
Joseph Walters, Allegheny,
John Youter, Johnstown,
David Trexler, Allegheny,
John M'Mullen, Allegheny,
John B. Donoughe, Allegheny,
Jacob Shaifer, Jackson,
Michael M'Guire, Allegheny,
John Pergtin, Jackson,
Jacob Luther, Carroll,
Tatrick Donoughe, Washington,
Jcbn Kinporte, SusuehiJina,
Robert Trotter, Washington,
George Delany, Allegheny,
Blossius Noel, Carroll,
Joseph Lecca, Summerhill,
George Bruce, Allegheny,
John D. Hughes, Cambria,
John Pringle, Johnatown,
Francis Coopor, Allegheny,
Samuel Will, do.
Charles Bradley, do.
James Myers. Cambria,
Allen Rose, Richland,
Wm. Brown, Clearfield,
Alexander Lane, Connemaugh.
Casper Dimond, Summerhill,
Isaac Gifler, Susquehanna,
Thomas Gallaher, Allegheny,
Jacob Knable, Connemaugh,
James Douglass, (of Win.) Carroll,
Win. J, Williams, Cambria,
George W. Munson, Johnstown,
Alexander M'Mullnn, Allegheny,
Adam Fockler, Johnstown,
Pcler Gordon, Jr , Susquelnnna,
Joha Morgan, Jackson,
Lamer CassiJy, Allegheny.
May 3, 1S49, 30-3t.
0. 11, 11EYER
Office one door west of J.S. Buchanan's Store.
April 12, 1649 if.
April 12, 1849 tf.
Office one door west of J. S. Buchanan's Slore.
April 12,1349. tf.
li lllUi
South-west corner of llh 4 Race sis.
April 26, 1849. 23-
All iMiainess in the several Courts of Blair, In
nd Cambria counties entrusted to his
care, will be promptly attended to.
DfTice. onoosile J. S. Buchanan's Si
April 12, 1849. tf
The Enrolled Militia of the 199th Regiment
P. M. are notified lhat there will be no train
ings this Sprinff. Tho Militia Law having
been remodeled, the 199th Recirneut of tbo 2d
Brigade 12th Division of the Pennsylvania
Militia is therefore among the" things that
were. Captains of Companies will govern
themselves accordingly.
By Order, -April
26,16i9-2?-et - " "
The Largest, Cheapest and most Fashionable
Stock of Goods, adapted to Gentlemen's
Spring and Summer Wear, is just
receiving at
THE Proprietor f the abovo cetabliphment
would respectfully inform his numerous
customers, lhat be has just returned fiom the
Eastern citie with the most PUndid assort,
ment of goods in his line, lhat was ever brought
to this city, comprising all that ia cow fash .
tenable, elegant and cheap in Clothe, C&sdf
meres, Cashmeretts, Drap De Fie, and erery
description of Cotton, Linen and Woollea
summer stuffs, Shirts, Cravats, JIdkfs. Sus.
ponders, etc.. of the newest styles; which, to
gether with his very large and fashlonaU
stock of Ready-made Clothing, he is prepared
to offer at his usual low prices.
Country Merchants,. Contractors and all
who purchase largely, are particularly iaviled
to .call and examine ttc slock which is deci
dedly the largest acd most fasLionablo in the
city, and great attention has bean paid to get
it op suitable to the wholesale It a if,.
Orders in ihe Tailoring line executed in ibe
most fashionable manner, oud that nothing
may be wanting to ensure the newest and
best style of cutting. A gentleman who haa
had great experience iu the Eastern cities,
has been added to the establishment.
April 12, 1S49- 27-3m.
THE undersigned having associated them,
selves in the Cabinet Making Business,
under the firm ot Lloyd $ Litzinger, beg leave
to inform the citizens of Ebensburg and vicin
ity, that they intend manufacturing to order
and keeping constant! von hand every variety of
vhich they will sell very row for cash or ap
proved Country Produce. All orders in their
i line of business will be thankfully received and
j promptly attended to. Persons desiring cheap
furniture are assured that they wi l find it to
their interest to call at their W are Room, oppo
site Litzinger & Todd's Store, and examine
their slack before purchasing elsewhere. They
hope by a close attention tw business to merit
a liberal share of public patronage.
AH kinds of Lumber taken in exchongt for
April 12, 1349 27-Cra.
7 KHE undersigned having associated thein
LL selves in the Saddlery Business in the
building formerly occupied as a Printing Office,
respectfully beg leave to inform their friends
and Ihe public generally that they will keep
constantly on hand a large and splendid assort,
ineni of
Saddlbs, Bridles, Harness, Col
lars, Whips, &c, Slc.
All of which they will sell as low for cash oi
country produce as any other establishment in
this county. Any orders in their line of busi
ness will be promptly executed at tho shtrtesl
Farmers and others desiring cheap birgains
will find it to their interest lo call at No. 6,
and examine their slock before purchasing
The hignest market prices will bo given for
Lumber and Hides in exchange for harceaa.
April 12. IS 19. 27-Cm.
Jdm i n i r a i or ? s f i" ce.
A LL persons indebted to the estate of John
J:jX. Moran, late of Washington township de
ceased, are requested to make immediate pay
ment to the undersigned residing in abh:ng.
ton township, Cambria county, and all persons
having claims against said estate will present
them properly authenticated for seltlemer.t-
AL1CE MOHAN, Administratrix.
GEO. BURGOON, Administrator.
April 12, 1849. 27-6t.
A persuns knowing themselves indebted
to ibe subscriber, either by Note or Book
Account, will call and settle thd sane. The
accounts &.C., are left at his old aland wilh
Mr. Frederick Kittell, who is authorised to
receive and receipt for all moneys paid him
for me.
April 13, 1849 28-tf
At a Public Sale made by Peter Heiman in
Jackson township, on the 6th day of Novem
ber last, the folio w Ing properly among other
articles, were purchased by the subscriber, and
left with the said Peter Heiman, to wit:
1 Bay Horse. 4 Cows, 1 Sow, C Pigs and 8
head of Sheep.
The public are hereby cautioned against
meddling wilh any cf the above described prop
erty without my orders, as I an determined to
enforce the law against any person or petrous
that may feel disposed to do the same.
April 25, 1E49 29-3t.
A N excellent lot of Locust Posts suitable for
a fencing on hand and for sale by
6 il'PIiV A-.7
April 12, 1819.
A Tract of unimproved Land, covered wita
valuable Timber, lying about five miles West
of Ebensburg, enquire of
Ebensburg, April 12, J349. 12-tf. -
Large lot of Glss, Nails and Salt. j-t
received and for sale at the store of
CST"?. sis' TTi'j.V
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