Arrival of the Hermann. TWO DAYS LATER. The amount of gold received by various mercantile houses at London, was about 4 0.000 stcrliusr. All efforts used by the government of France and Great Britain, to renew the armistice between Sardinia and Austria had failed, and hostilities would therefore bo re-commenced and carried on with great viffor on both sides. Although the European sympathies were strongly enlisted on the side of the Italian cause, yet it was generally feared that Kins Charles Albert would be beaten by hi3 powerful enemy who, with an army 100,000 strong, meditated a direct march upon Turin, there, as Radetsky's manifes to stated, to negotiate terms of peace The , 0 j latest accounts from Hungary state that the Imperialists were not making much head wav against the Macrvars, as success had had latterly crowned the arms of the lat ter, and the Austrians had several times been beaten with considerable loss. The Drone-sal to appoint the Kins: of Prussia Emperor of German v, was re iectcd bv the Frankfort Parliament. This " , , , unexpected uecision causeu ureai excite ment, and would, it was feared, lead to unpleasant consequences between Russia and Austria. The Republic of Palermo h id rejected the Constitution and proposals made by the King of Naples. The French and British fleets were about to withdraw, and the Sicilians were preparing for hostilities, which would im mediately ensue. The King of Naples would with great difficulty keep his throne, as a formidable insurrection was about breaking out in Calabria, and the Neapolitans themselves were unquiet. The returns from the Bank of France were not quite so favorable for the trade of Paris as some of the previous returns. A manifestation on the part of the So cialists and Communists, was expected in Paris on the 25th, and great military pre cautions had been taken to preserve the public peace. Lord Aberdeen's speech in the House of Lords, relative to European affairs, had produced a good effect on the Paris Bourse. The three per cents were at 52f. 70c. Five per cents 82f. 95c. The French Government had received telegraphic despatches announcing; that the Sardinian army had crossed the Tisino on the 20th, in three divisions. On the 2 1st, ths Austrian army had crossed the same river, and experienced some resistance. It was supposed that King Charles Albert would be forced to recross the river Tisi no, and that a great battle would be fought on the plains of V ercelli. A French ex yrdition of twelve thousand men ready to sail immediately, should the Aus tnans set toot in the Pontihcal States. Paris, Sunday March 25, 1 1 A. M. The Assembly after post hour last evening, brought to a close the debate of the law on the clubs, which was finally adopted. The third and conclusive reading will take place after five char days. By this law clubs are interdicted, but public meetings for the discussion of political subjects, which have not the character imputed to clubs by the present law will be permitted. A Paris letter of Sunday, the 25th ult., says: Great agitation prevailed in Paris last night and yesterday afternoon. Jlt troupements were collected in various quarters. The town was patroled by strong detachments both of cavalry and infantry during the night. A popular movement for to-morrow continues to be spoken of. The troops were every where under arms yesterday and last night. Sardinia. The Picdmontcse Gazette quotes a letter from Corao of the 16th, stating that the Austrians have evacuated that place, and earned off the boilers of the steamers to make them useless to the insurgents. We have received despatches from our correspondent at Turin, of the 21st. A bulletin had just been published at Turin, by the Minister of the Interior, announcing the passage of the Ticino. and the march of the Piedmontese army into Lombardy. Ths headquarters of the king .were at Tre cate, a small town on the Piedmontese bank of the Ticino, close to the road lead ing from Nevara to Milan. It was by the bridge upon this road, leading to Butfalora that the army crossed the river. The pas sage was unopposed, the Austrians having retired from that point. The road to Mi lan was reported to have been crowded wtth tl -.w miw una ixicii C1 O 6 OJiU munitions in full retreat. Advices hnrl hppn rnprW-oA d-.-m Vn-l.-l ra, of an attack made by the Austrians I - I U" 11C upon the Piedmontese, who defended the L of Mezzana-Cort i . - fvfc with all if 3 rapure 13 v love, with ;!lii t.-) near Pavia. Its hiisa wvinVJf;rrr renu3ed, after which 1 ? ;,-. -tuT ?fcdmon.ese partly stroyed ho wuon the division Approached . i . 'aTBuffalors, the Ifcw himsell danced suddenly to its .Dcao, - vas m a. t cross the bridge. v ur&fc ;r n11Kishes two v lamations addre other to those Lomuaru " , . the ormerKadewy 1 ,m- the war upon the cue in I I 1 ... .1. . H'litltll' I II IllLLil but U trauqu -- " I I I 1 . IJ-'' UliXk - . ficient garrisoiiand a . t. .-v n. I The Mnan -; me 17lh were w oi uk - , lh,ueeineu ssedto tne iuutuiMi. - , t me ot me i II nrni II ill I Llkuuv. i i iml Hc hopes that -"r: Tv to fight for j .v,r Vipinar ready econu o .- rights of his sovereign- tUl.nmn Ct XCW . . i t vow arrival ui t f 11p MCilUlCi aiuu" Steamer leans. Arril . arrived at New Orleans from Chagres, but her dates are not as late as those brought by tli3 Northerner. The Picayune contains a letter from Mr. Freaner, dated Panama, March 10th. He says the project ofnavigating the Cha gres river was a humbug, such a thing be ing impossible. Tickets on the Oregon steamer," to sail for San Francisco on the 12lh inst., had been sold for $700. The editor of the Charleston Mercury has had an interview with Mr. Graham, one of Col. Webb's party, cn-route for New Pork, who gives a most" melancholy picture of the ravages of the Cholera a mong the expedition. When Mr. G. left, ten had died, and twenty more were sick. The disease was raging dreadfully on the banks of the Rio Grande. The' boat on which Mr. Graham was a passenger, lost in three days the pilot, clerk, bar-keeper, captain and one hand, all of the Cholera. At Brownsville and Matamoros the disease was awfully destructive, the in terments showing a large per centage on the number attacked. The schooner President has arrived at Georgetown S. C, bringing in the crew of the schooner Freemau, of East Thorn town, Maine, which vessel was recently wrecked. Aggression nt lliissin nn TurVrr. The movement of Russia towards Wal Iacliia and Moldavia has set the Porto to work. Forty ships of the line are now completely equipped in the harbor. The Vice admiral, Mustaplia Pacha has sailed into the Black Sea, and a fpv days after several vessels left for the Danube, laden with artillerv and other warlike stores, which appear to be chiefly intended for the fortress on the Danube. These for tresses are, nevertheless, in so ruinous and perfectly untenable a state, that merely supplying them M'ith artillery will not pre vent their speedy capture. . Osman Phaca has been recalled, and has been replaced by Emir Bey, in the Archipelago, and left on the 24th for his destination. A letter from Bucharest, of Feb. 20, in the Paris National, says: - War is imminent. The Russians al ready amount amongst us to more than 100,000 men. The Turks are also sen ding numerous reinforcements. A body of 20,000 troops from Asia have just pass ed the Danube, and 40,000 more are ex pected. Omir Pacha has received orders to concentrate the different detachments of the Turkish army which are dispersed in the country. The new corps of the Turkish army which arrive make a sort of a triumphant entry, the people receiving them as liberators. Superior Russian of ficers have been given to the Molpo Wal- wasjlachian militia; but, as desertions are ap prehended in the face of the Turkish camp, orders hive been given to semi the greatest part to Transylvania, where they will be employed in concert with the Russian troops in defending the fortified places. Orders were at the same time transmitted to the commander of the Russian troops in Transylvania to have all the refuges of the Wallachian revolution arrested. We do not know if Austria will consent to de liver them up; but what is certain is, that the Russian General Duhamel, has prom ised to have all the partisans of Kossuth who should seek an assylum in the princi palities arrested. This reciprocity of friendly proceedings causes us to be unea sy as to the fate of our brothers who have taken refuge in the States of Austria. The Turkish Commissioners have, how ever, informed the Wallachian authorities that he will not suffer the duties of hospi tality to be violated with respect to the gars who may be forced by events to seek an assylum on the neutral territory of the principalities. In a town of Lesser Wallachia there have been new troubles; the peasants have risen against the Prefect, who is a man sold to Russia, the Russian soldiers received orders to inarch against ths crowd; but some Turkish soldiers hav ing hastened to the aid ot the peasants, a struggle ensued, which was near being the signal of a real insurrection. California lutrlliscncc The Galveston, Texas Xeics, of the 31st of March, contains intelligence pur porting to be from Los Angeles; Califor nia, of the 14th of February. This, if correct, is seven days later from that territory, but very little and perhaps not so late from the gold region. Los Angeles is about three hundred and fifty . , :i . r o r- - .... J avs: We have just been' fav iVorp v - 1 : . iu lUitv vita tne JTmSros Angeles, is California, dated Feb. B14. The letter is from a surgeon in the U. S. service, ad dressed to his brother in this city, and its statements as to the almost incredible pro ductiveness or the gold mines, lully con firm all that has hitherto been published on the subject. The name ot the writer. e at liberty to give it, would be a sufficient guaranty for the truth assertion. 1 he writer gives it as opinion that our accounts of the mines hvinot ex eratedt aud that from P . 'by every man. He does not give 1 I I II K .11 m " , I a aenteda, ra I be country is repre- the from all partV H w" g" i" . trxnl as nnnnnor manv in- ducemenis ---a. -j . due orate there Y of enterprise to emi Of . . V . . . . - .1 nr. or . wnoie i-m ;s , .u1, . itfti- hut nnoi recanuuiaie me throughout is caiwtj who have once deterrtvencourage those not vO auii"'-1 uoii tuts i mail due mis ever- end , t to pcrse. : rtsfi . -v Mr. Buchanan at Hojis. In ths Lancaster Intelligencer we find a correspondence between Mr. Buchanan and the Democracy of Lancaster, which is highly interesting. The letter inviting him to a public dinner is signed by nearly! a thousand names. 1 he , micuigcncer m publishing the correspondence, says: Since his return to this city, Mr. Bu chanan has been personally waited on by numbers of his old personal and political friends from all sections of the country, who have come to revive former intima cies, and recount the interesting remini scences of tlie eventful Past. To these visits has been added a more general mani-f Testation, by the tender of a public dinner on the part of the Democracy of the city and county, which elicited the subjoin ed interesting correspondence. Among the signers of the letter of invi tation, the reader will discover the names of those staunch and true Democrats, who in sunshine and in storm, in good and evil report, have upheld the time-honored em blems of Democracy. These men have known James Buchanan long and well. They knew him when pursuing his hum bler professional avocation, more than a quarter of a century ogo, and they have watched his course as step by step he has progressed to the highest honors of the re public. Whilst his brilliant public career has been to them a source of unminled pride, they have not been unmindful of the fact, that he has passed through all the allurements of place and power, fame and fortune, and has preserved a personal reputation pure and unblemished. The following is the lelter of the people, d Mr. Buchanan's reply: am Lancaster, April 2. 1849. lion. James Jhtchanan Dear Sir, On your retirement from the office of Secreta ry of State, to which, four years ago, you were called by President Polk, your Dem ocratic fellow-citizens and neighbors of the Cliy anu county of Lancaster discharge a most agreeable duty in extending to you a cordial "IVekome Hjme." Moretnan a quarier of a century has elapsed since you were first called from professional life to engage in the more responsible and ex tended duties of a representative in Con gress.. With short intervals, you have continued in the public service ever since. During this period, many and trying have been the scenes through which the Repub lic has passed momentous and often ex citing the issues decided by the Federal Government. In most of them it has fal len to your lot, first as a member of the House of Representatives, then as a Sen ator of the United States, and more re cently as the first Cabinet oflicer of the Executive, to act an important and con spicuous part. It may prove some recom pense for your long and arduous public services, to be assured, that your Demo cratic Fellow-Citizens of ths city and county of Lancaster, who were ever first and foremost to urge you upon the stire of public life, retain for you undiminished attachment, confidence, and respect. To them your unsullied pri vate and your brill iant public career have been alike a source of heartfelt satisfaction. They have beea especially gratified with the important part you have taken in the foreign and domes tie policy of the late administration, which for the magnirude and success of its mea sures, is without a parallel on the page of our country's history. We beg leave, therefore, on your return to private life, to welcome you to the so ciety of your former neighbors and friends, and beg your acceptance of a public din ner at such time as may best comport wit'i your convenience. Lancaster, April 5, 1840. i t r ellow-Utiize.'is: Accept my cord:ai and grateful acknowledgments for ths very kind welcome which you have extended to me, on my return to the place from which my heart has never wander-ad. Satisfied with the public honors and pub lic offices, I feel happy in the prospect Of passing the remainder of my days among the cherished friends and companions of my youth and their worthy descendants. Henceforward, it shall be my ambition, to perform, usefully and acceptably, the du ties of a private citizen. To my fellow-citizens of Lancaster county I am personally, professionally, and politically indebted for as much kindness and support as they have ever bestowed upon any oilier individual Seven tim?s have I been before them as a candidate for office, and seven limes have they honored me with a large majority of their suffra ges. Whilst 1 deeply regret that at pres- JjcnMhe majority honestly differ from me I in po1i0 JM run a ' jr .in. i t every .rSrrTTe t tillS circumstance XrW'r"::' i -atlons for past Ld.ll llUtl i.uuvv.ii -e favors recorded on a gratelul heart. You state truly that "many and trying ve been the scenes through which the Republic has passed exciung and mo inpntnns thf issues decided by the Federal Government," during the long period oi . . . , . r ror.-n tViin (tranti'-sRvpn vears since 1 nrsi Illi biAcxm j j took my seat, in December, 1821, as your Itepresentative muuugicas, aix .--time the country has advanced, rapiuly and steadily, in prosperity and power, un der the guidance of Democratic principles, with but a few brief interruptions, l tic impartial historian who shall carefully trace events to their causes will find' that whenever these principles have been de parted from in the administration of the Government, whether State or National, disastrous consequences tiare followed; whilst a steady adherence to them has uni formly promoted the welfare of the coun- trv. For my own part, after long expe rience, it is mv solemn and liberal convic tion that their prevalence is necessary not only to the harmony ot the states, oui io the perpetuity ot the union. Whilst the Democracy has. ever built r.non it3 -eicat foundations, it has not re mained st- "onary in ths developement of its principles, when all the world around it has beejaftn progress- On the contrary, recognizing'the right of the people to con trol their Government, it has ever advoca ted the extention of their power over their own agents, and every where with the happiest results. This may be called pro gressive Democracy; but it is in fact the great conservative safeguard of our liberty, property, xmd union. Universal fcullrage combined with universal Education can alone, under the blessing of Providence, correct the tendency of power to steal from &3 many to the few, and successfully re sisi the encroachments of capital upon the rights of labor encroachments winch have been made in all countries and un der til Governments of which we have any, historical record. Under these deep convictions, I shall ever adhere to the Democratic creed, and asJa private citizen shall always cor diilly support Democratic men and measures. This unquestionable right, however, shall be exercised by me. with kind personal feelings towards political opponents. To worship1 God according to the dictates of his own conscience, and to form and express his political opinions, are inherent rights of every American citi zen; and to assail and persecute any nan or any party for the exercise of sa cred rights would be to violate the precept; of Christian charity, the spirit of our in stitutions, and the dictates, o; true policy. It would ill become rcie to state the part i nae lawen in me HTiar.y exeitinand mo mentous political questions to which you reier, uiai nave aguated the country du ring the period cf my public service. My greatest hor.or and highest reward, next to the approbation of my own conscience, are that I have been sustained throughout my past career by the intelligent, faithful, and glorious Democracy of my native State. I might add, that I have enjoyed . i r line connuence ol every Democratic ad ministration of the Federal Government since I first took my seat in Congress, commencing with that of Mr. Monroe from all of which I hive received volunta ry offices of high and honorable appoint ments. The administration of James K. Polk, in which I bore a part, I am con tent to leave to the impartial historian. In returning amongst you, it shall be my pride and my pleasure, as a private citizen, to sustain the Democracy of this renowned old county, whether in prosper ity or adversity, and to promote by all honorable means the harmony of the par ty. In union alone there is srrength. I regret that circumstances which 1 need not detail deprive me of the pleasure of accepting your kind invitation to a pub lic dinner; but I regret this the less as such meetings at best partake in some de gree of a formal character, and it is my de sire to mingle freely among my old friends and neighbors of Lancaster county, with out the least restraint. I, therefore, in turn, earnestly invite you, one and all, to call and see me at my residence, as often as your convenience may permit, where you shall meet a cordial and grateful wel come from Your friend and fellow-citizen, JAMES BUCHANAN. To Hon. Ellis Lewis, Michael Carpenter, William B. Fordney, Dr. N. W. Sam ple, Joel Lightner, Capt. John Steele, and nearlv a thousand others. - Remarkable Toiiits in Pennsylvania Politics. It is a singular fact in the history of our Siate that precisely every fifth election for Governor has resulted in the choice of a Federalist. The Democratic party has been successful in twenty, gubernatorial contests out of twenty-four, or four out of each live. After the organization of parties Mif flin was twice elected, and McKeax twice, as a Democrat. During the second term of the latter named gentleman, he quarreled with his part-. The party re pudiated him and nominated Simox Sny der as their candidate. McKean was taken up by the Federalists and elected. This was the first Federal governor. After McKean retired the Democrats elected Snyder three times and Fixdlay once. Then IIeister the. Federal candi- didate was carried by a small majority. Siiulze, the Democratic candidate suc ceeded IIeister by an overwhelming vote. He was twice elected, and Wolf his suc cessor was also twice elected. Then came the disastrous and- fat administration of Ritner; chosen by a minority of tho peo ple in consequence ol a division llpmni!,.itif nirf? Ritner went out in disgrace, and the Democrats elected Porter twice and Shc'XK twice. The unlucky period had come aain, (hastcued by Shunk's resig nation,fand Johnston succeeded by a ma jority of a Htde less than thrre hundred votes. AU these Federal administrations have hppn failures :rross, entire, total failures. In the cases of McKean, IIeister, and ' t-J - m Ritner, the powerful reaction ot public opinion in tavor oi uie ucukjlj o sufficient proof of their popular condem- nation. The tide is aireauy rouiug iu against Johnston with an equally irris- t ihlp force. These administrations have I. nil nlikfi in one respect; they all dis- .nnnintPil their friends and verified tl worst predictions of their enemies. But though generically similar, there are spe JfiTlifTprences between them which serve to distinguish each from all the rest. Mc KFAx'swas the ablest; Heister's the most harmless: Ritners the most ruin- nnd Johnston's the most, timid. Federalism like every other evil thing, arrows worse as it gets older it has fallen a most pernicious height irom jjicmas to Johnston! III T 'Mf . 1 1 tvt. a. i . -morl-ikl rk tl-iinrr in iVrc reminiscences is me curious laci mai tmy . i r , T one of ine reaerai uroverTiurs una apostate Democrat and all were compara of the f ederal uovernors tively recent converts when they were taken ut bv the Federalists. Neither of , them supported the administrations of the others. McKean had been the trusted champion of the Democracy before he turned. Heister had been a warm and efficient friend of Snyders against Mc Kean. Ritner opposed IIeister, and Johnston opposed IJitner. Every time the Federalists got the government into their hands they made themselves so odious that they could never elect another man who was not able to show that he had no connection with the party when it was in power before. All of their successful candidates won whatever popularity they possessed in the ranks of the Democratic party. In their political action they adopt ed one of the great principles of free trade they bought the confidence of the people in the cheapest market and sold it in the dearest. Tii trik of rhin-rinir the party name was adopted by them all. The iuciyean men called themselves "Inde pendent Republicans:" the IIeister men "Friends of Keform:" the R itner men "Ap.'a-masons;" and the Johnston men xvctuid vi infill ncic n linn" to be called by their true name "Federal ists." If. we judge of the future by the past, no manjkvho is now a member of the red eral party, or a supporter of Johnston, can beelscted Governor of Pennsylvania. Jiui prooayiy, in twelve or niteen years, some Democrat who is now winning srold en opinions and building up a reputation lor sound principles, by opposing the State Administration, will have carried his char acter over into the Federal market, and by protesting that he is still a Democrat, he may, on that and on other false pretences-, orpt vntpa nnrmrrti tr rl rrt liini ond flint? in the fulness of time, Federalism may enjoy another brief triumph. Who the unlucky individual may be that is destined to re ceive this doubtful reward for his future apostacy, we have no means of conjectur ing. We are glad that we don't know. Pennsylvania!. j An Ehclivc Judiciary. We are indebted to the Harrisburg Key stone for the resolution of the Legislature providing for a vote upon the proposed a mendment of the Constitution of this State making the Judges elective by the people. The Constitution makes provision for the amendment of that instrument in a very plain manner. The resolution in favor ol such amendment, which follows, haing been adopted by a majority of our Legis lature, it must now pass by a majority of the Legislature which shall meet-:?t Har risburg in January of 1850 'and,' in the language of the Constituiion, 'such propo sed amendment or amendments shall be submitted to the people in such manner, and at such time, at least three months af ter being so agreed to by the two Houses, as the legislature shall prescribe; and if the people shall approve and ratify such a mendments by a majority of the qualified voters of this state voting thereon, such a mendment or amendments shall become a part of the consiitution, but no amend ment or amendments shall be submi fed to the people oftener than once in five years; Provided, That if more than one amendment be submitted, they shall be submitted in such manner and form, that the people may vote for or ajrainst each amendment seperateiy and distinctly The following is the resolution adoi adopted by the Legislature: Resolved &c, That the constitution of this commonwealth be amended in the second section of the fifth article so that it shall read as follows: The iudo-es in thp supreme court, of the several courts of common pleas, and of such other courts of record, as arc or shall be estabVished by law, shall be elected by the qualified elec tors of the common wealth in the manner following, to wit: The judges of the su preme court by the qualified electors of the commonwealth at large, the president judges ol the several courts of common pleas and ot such other courts of record as are, or shall be established by law, and all other judges required to be learned in the law, by the qualified electors of the respective districts over which they are to preside or act as judges, and the associate judges of the courts of common nleas hv the qualified electors of the counties res pectively. " iold their offices for the term of fifteen years, if they shall so Ion? behave them selves well, (subject to the allottment here in after provided lor, subsequent to the first election.) The president judges of the several courts of common pleas and of such ot.her courts of record as are or shall be established by law, and all other judges required to be learned in the law, shall hold their otices for the term often years, if they shall t"o long behave themselves well. The associate judges of the courts of common picas shall hold their offices for the term ot live years, it they shall so long behave themselves well all of whom shall be commissioned by the governor; but for any reasonable cause which shall not be sumciett grounds of impeachment, the governor shall remove any of them on the address ol two thirds ot each branch of the legislature. The first election shall take place at thn general election of tbis commonwealth, next after the adoption of this amendment. and the commissions of all the judges who may oe then in othce shall expire on the first Monday of December following when uic ic mis ui me new juuges snau com mence. The persons who shall then be elected judges of the supreme court shall hold their offices as follows: one of them ( for three vpnrc. rrt r fm- I vi n r . i - . lor ume ouc ior iweive years, and for fifteen years; the term cf each to be decided by lot by the said judges u socn after the election as convenient, and th result certified by them to the mrJ! one that the commissions may be issued in cordance thereto. . The j udge whose com. mission will first expire shall be chief jus tice during his term, and thereafter judge whose commission shall first exDie iu iuiu oe me cruei justice; and" "if two or more, commissions shall expire nr the same day, the judges holding then shall decide bv lot which shall ho-.. v clue! Justice. Any vacancies, happening by death, resignation or otherwise; in aay of the said courts, shall be filled bv ap pointment by the governor, to con.i:m till the first Mondiy of December succeed ing the next general election. ThejuJ2es ol the supreme court and the president of the several of common pleas shall at stated times receive for their services an adequate compensation to be fixed by law, which shall not be diminished durinz their con tinuance in office, but they shall receive no fees or perquisites of office, nor hold any other office of profit under this com monwealth, - or under the government of the United States, or any other state of this union. The judges of the supreme court during their continuance in office shall reside within this commonwealth, and the other judges during their continuance in office shall reside within the district or county for which they were respectively elected. Curious Mechanism, of Olden Time- Machines made to stimulate living ac tions have been constructed in all ages, Archytas of Tarentum, an able astronomer and geometrician, who flourished four hun dred years before the Christian era, is said to have made a wooden pigeon that could fly; and Archimedes seems to have devo-- ted no small portion of his time to similir mechanism- John Muller, a German as tronomer ol the fifteenth century, con structed a wooden eacle. that flew forth rom the city met the emperor;, sauted. urn, and returnedr he a so made an iron fly, which hew out of his hand at a feast, and returned after sporting about the room. t was said that these machines were noth ing more than an ingenious application of the magnet. Alburtus Marrnus spent tliir- ty years in making a speaking figure; B- con constiucted another; and br. iluck. succeeded in framing a flying chariot, ca pable of supporting itself fjr some lime in the air. Le Droz, a Swiss watchmaker also executed very curious pieces of flying mechanism. Une was a clock, presented to the king of Spain, which had, among odier curiosities, a sheep thit imitated the bleating ot a natural oue; and a dog watch ing a basket ol fruit, which barked and snarled when any one attended to-lift it: besides a number of human figures, exhib- "'"o iiwiu u my sui uiisuit;. XllOiliCr automaton of Le Droz's was a figure of a man, about the natural size, which held in the hand a pencd, and by touching as rin that released the internal clockwork fro a i.s stop, the figure began to draw cn a cardr and having finished its drawing on t ie first card, it rested, and then proceeded to draw different subjects on five or six other ca:ds. The first card exhibited elegant porirai-s of the k'ng and queen, fi-cinj each other; and the figure was observed to lift th : pen cil with the greatest precision, in the tran sition from one point to another, widiout making the slightest slur. One of the most celebrated mechanic's1 in recent times was M. Vaucansou, of the Paris Academy of Sciences. In 1733 this gentleman exhibited to the academi cians his celebrated flute-player, which was by far the most wonderful and curious ma-" chine ever presented to t'le world. It was the figure of a man. the size of life, who - played on the flute sweetlv to the number of twenty tunes. The astonishing me- " chanism of this figure was able to produce all the motionsVequisite for an expert play er on the flute, and which he executed in such a manner as to produce music equal in beauty to that derived from the exertions of a well practised living performer. oome ol. Vaucasons other automata. were still more ingenious than his flute player. His mechanical performer on the pipe and tabor, constructed in 1741, was - capable of playing about twenty airs, con- - sistmg ol minuets, ngadoons, and country dances. His celebrated duck was capable of eating, drinking, and imitating exaedy the voice of a natural one: and what is still more surprising, the food h swallowed ' was evacuated in a digested state, or at least in an al.ered state by means of che mical solution. The wings, viscera, and bones were made to resemble those of a " living duck, and the actions of eating and drinking showed the strongest resemblance even to the muddlimr the water with its bill. V : About twenty years after Vaucanson had astonished the world with his mechan ical inventions, Kempelen, a Hungarian. gentleman, produced his automaton chess- player. This machm3 was considered; more wonderful than any which had pre ceded it, until it was ascertained that a small living man was concealed in the body ot the figure, when all the novelty ceased,, and automaton chess-players became quits common. Onr Minister in Mnira. A correspondent of the New York Her ald, writing from Mexico, relates the fol lowing: . .. I called to-day on Mr. Clifford, the A mencan Minister. He lives in very good style, in front of a spacious domicil, in the rear of - which resides Mr. Hargous, the well known Mexican mAPibant. whose business extends throughout all Mexico, has arri