u r4. "wc co vrnniti. DsxoC-t.vrrc rar.ir.xirLrs point Tin. wayj wnirx tiiuy cease to lead, xte cztsn to rotLotr, BV JO!I. G GIVEN. EBKNSiiUIlG, THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1819. VOL. 5. NO. 28. d 3? Ma M M n 4 m M H ml fc IN Lit m M M 3 kg si 7 1 I i i i m 4 a a Nj Night But H.itli Us Jljrfl. Thi-rc are t!t:its i:f tieepcjft rrnv, When the heart l'.d lotio and sad; Tin'' wl.en memory. spell t migtc H.ire in plo iin l!i spirit e'.id. WouLUt th"U have a wain! all patent T illu nine li "o'i darkest nilu? Tis Hie thought that e'er tu nature, --Dirfc.-i fioum precede t!) liIit. U'ltrn llie world. cd J, dark and selfish, KrviV'K upon the ft IPe Udtne, LigltteJ fru it the lorrli of gt nius, Wurdi Im kindled round thy name; When the fiMidti'l U'i s are Mighted. And ihy liotrist prospect fd, J hink, fih. lnu one, HCurueii and slighted .suii!iin3 ever lull. ivy sh id.. MISCELLANEOUS. THE lt)l".i AN!) I HE COUSIN. A tok;y. 'Who is that beautiful nirl to whom vou bowed so famdiarl v.'' said Charles W'm- - . . . . stanle .-:o lior.ee Gren.alle, as triev pro- ceeded down the steps of the c;t" iutel. , . 1 .... " I aat was Adelaide aisi;iraam, voar couia and in.ae, Charles,' sa.d Horace; f2aiiv voa ina. hav. let: voar meaurv am on r the beauties of l'aris, if voa canaot ! tut wnrnKi vo ir nviret ot km. W - iou tar re:, llorae e, that when I last saw Adelaide, she w s a li.elv little ho, - den, scarce ten years old. die l.pse o. seven years m.ie.$ a woadrous dillereaee in a lady, wait tleman.' or it m iv da wita a gen- Nay, if you begin to diseuss Time's changes, Charles, 1 mast confess you can- not congratulate yourseit upon having es caped a loaca of liis tiager. Who, m that bro.ized complexion and hirsute visage, could discover anv trace-of the smoj.a- cheeked bo waoai I last s iw oa the d ee.i f a Creneh paeiie.-saip some seven years "of liut tell me, wn j did vou not ua-i.e Ot a t.iat voa were cjaiiitg aome. 'iieeadse 1 did iiji Kiutv lay own miaJ, Hor.ee; i really w.s not quite ceiaam about it unul 1 had been a week at sea. 'l'ae odd proaouneiatioa of my German v:P..-t h.ivm ri'.ui.vd m v name to be alae d i oa the hst of passengers as .Mr. tVianlev, it occurred to me that the mistake would enable me to re .urn incognito, and i j nu-s. din": vt step aa.t -rrae .:" m a u p .-r-iMiiirhtl wDiild Irjiiur the toke. if b at to i 1(-'c d im.-. . a.i ai. Adet ti 1 e vv is -aeii as- ee now manv ot in v old trieiids wuald 1 arrived last e.cai:ir, and recoeraise in shoaid now be a perieet stranger i m. ni.i.c citv, had 1 n-Jt accidentally in.; ua tais uiornme"; and e.en ou, Horace, did no: at first know me. ivnow vou, Charles! who the dcaee c.ald even see yoa oehiaJ tint unai.us. g:ov.h of brush-wood upon voar 1 p and c aeekf Do voa really mean to wear t use enormous wniskers and moustaches." Certainly not longer than suits my present purpose, Horaee. When 1 was m Germany, 1 learned t. weir m justaca :s f jr the sain e reasem that L ljurne d m s.n j.ie tae meersc.iaaai o eea use e.eevbo.1. els.- did it. In 1'arn I redaeeJ taem a lade, ' I' -' - - ' at b.r !:'.'..., b it did not eaarelv baai-!i them, because : d lty . a a .-a - :. . . t.i 2 re also I fouad thc.a in lasinoa. A , w-t;i p a ea a : li.ely hide l-"reaeii lady, a passenger in ho was s ama.,'y al ana oar ship, wagered a pair of laris gloves ! h-'-' I'oa.a . that 1 would not wear them a week ia ; chi! 1, a ! 1. .. .. -Ameriei; I accepted the bet, and for o.ie i s!tdl reatra at no week vou will see me 'bearded like the 1 sliil I aiiaid, 1 A sea I parde. .av. if vou like them.' said Horace. . .J . . liughmg, yoa need not seek an excase for wea.ing'them; they are (juile the fasii- i in. and I ,.lis n-.w i-s im.T,. a in-- nr.? . - aey once d.d by his altitude, but by the laigthol his whiskers.' '1 h.ve no desire to wan ladies' favor by , .. , -. wearing an unshaven lace, answered .. ., Curie,; 'but prav, Horace, tell me some- - t.ung more about our pretty cousin. '-5he is as lovely in character, Charles, ai she is in person, but she has one great lxult: like the most ol our l.islnonuble belles, she has a mania for everything lor- : e.gn. Her manners, her dress, her ser vants, all come from abroad, and he has . declared to me repeatedly her resolution ; never to marry an American.' What is it my fair countrywomen so .rndch admire in their foreign lo.ers'' asked i Charles. i 'Oh, they say there is a polish and cle- g m-:e of manner belonging to foreigners, which Americans never possess. Two of AdtduiuVs intimate friends have recent ly' married sons of some antedeluvian Ger man lamily, u!1(j our lovely cousin is ani biaousoflormmr an equally splendid al- -ttuee. 1 If she were to marry a western farmer,' Slid Charles, with a smile, 'she would ! , r ign over a principality quae as iar-ef anij j peraips more llounsiimg, ihun usually baons to tliese emigrant nobles. 'Adelaide is a noble hearted girl,' rc. plied Horace, 'and I wish she could be ,C--edof her folly: 'If he is rally a sensible girl, Horace, and tlx it n lur only i'.rjh, I think sh might cured. t Horace shook ins Uvm). ome arid dine win me, Horace; be Pnueipalitv!' fud j! a few barrel could h ive loved n:e, and I shall be ceu cardul to tell no 0:12 of my arrival, and J acres with lnH-a-doze:i mud-hovel on!, ! tent.' Adelaide blushed and trembled, we 11 discuss the matierover a bottle of line ! I suppose. It won't do, llorae it wei'rv I "''or the love of heaven, answer me but old Medeira. if you are net too fashionable de. Adelaide d?ser.es sonie:liinx but.er : by a look!" i i -i . . . to drink it.' The windows of ?.Ir. Walsingh im's house poured a llood of liht thr rjrh :n crimson silk c.ir;ains upon tin wet and dreary-loo'.vin r streer, while thi music heard at inter .als tjlJ to the r ip:.:i.r crowd c elbclcd about the door, that ihj rigj) were V ' - 1 d-X JtoJ r:yom were Oruiiant wi::i an array ot vouth an J bautv b-it fiir-f , ,.-',', r,'. 11 1 ocaau, bat la r.?. a m ta.m all uaod t ttie mistress ot the tes:i-.al. Attire 1 m a .juisite print, a scar.-e bok, or a beautiful will restore my honors to him who be robe of white crape, with no other orna- i specimen o!' loren mechanism, were ! sieved them, 'and then I ni tv liooe to . 1 l I 1 l ! . . . . .... - . . ui.-iu uuu a peaa nanueau eonnniur ner dark tresses, siie looked the persom.ication ot JOV Cojsin Horace,' sii ex -laim? 1, as sh saw ner iavoite c..io..i m tii ? r.i.Mii, ,,,v, u ,.;- ;. , 1 . . , . 1 , . . voa iuc ii)i i-ee.i jie:e .ne-sj ttuee ita and tlun, in a 1 wc.- t..r. !ie add d. -who . . 1 'as that spl.-adid J.u W :r . '. .. . .1 1 . i 1 om i si .. .,e w. .: : 1,.. I Horace laid hii ;i i 0:1 u. ? :p us a ,,..!!. . 1 ....... 1 . .U1,; 1 M-- 1 " 1 - 1 .. a a; me ; entraaee of the 1 -eh.-s V'...-. j w: 10 e. . . y.r. utj :;i.;. ..oo.e ' Count Pt-atieai.aeiuier. 1 I : 1 I I 1 1 ae l). ).. m 'l'iie b! .,d m )U.i..-d i ro Ad Ida i caee.c as t.ie lc.:r.: :, i l-v. or tn ! ban . w.nea ii lie ! t-i .' rl next iiuid . 1 I ' ..... i .... v .. I Ij L 1 1 e-.ii . o.;s d : .aid sparkle in iio r.-es earnest de. o.ed ..-s ? 1 1 ..-. . i . . z ' 1 -s .tl i . I 1 ner, v.i.ea i.'v ; i...t - a.;c j tuo.e, taoag : v ii j V i k . A si;i- gaaee sa.iie d to .-how h r ti it the oant was .e 1 ia a i.i 1 r . , 1 ' ....-it- ' - --' - . . i sait, wita di m - a. ..i rwa i, ! Ula a u;am j;i . . i ..p.ue up ia .. -.; mt t i t r i. ii- , "uj-:auji'd.i, wt A i:;t tii arm. l i ' lL-r : taia i' l a. nr. io .v ! '"ore coarage at him. lie was tail ;tJ exeee.iauiy wall -a'p ai; hu eves ere very or..i., a a . t.i : .... : was a beaut a at ia )-.;tii, .; ir.t; '.. i in-)st ,lend:J . 1 ! ' an Aia.aieaa la;il-.e a .n . Ad.i i: ! d-Leh ed. lie d.ae.d td - .a ! . : tae saa aw.w.ira m tan ot an At.i aa ; m. always see. a - h di a-i; .m ,i i'l ua- ! digaiau p.rt n is p. iviui, but widi a i l'-- ii- s, . - iag.t.-a very v.m; a saai ! Gciiiim a: I ' . . . I ! i a- : .i ae i f i :i' lov.aea . , i . . e i ,.,!'..;. a ... a . birdi, and Ad. tt. i ii a ii.-.-: :i . in in ; less lor tii P. It is tea sh . ! it a lad : d;i---" wuea sa : .... a . f . 'i a . o u:;::i::,: a lara.v taroa ;a nu w.a . m .a ! stranger, a i l h ;r br ;.. d.adi i .vph - m j taing ery l.i. - aag :r, w i n .-a i !i h-s I bearded l;p up m her h m i, a- h jd.a- d ii r i 111 seat, but tin- w- ..;dy d , h e.iom ot leretga in inuers. j Tnee.emag j-:- 1 awiy Id, :: d-.-;:n. ' Adelai 1 retir -d to h a- ei .a a v. a a a '. burnai r e -ek, and a !r mi ea.a-t d bv ' u':u; - daan. ! a! t- ; : . h . to , ma :u .av.uie p. an 1 a--." a . t . a! kid yon my - I a n" i i. c, i i 1 1 1 1 r. hn oo sav me, h e -a pi mt;) ins c.irrrttr : an ! dro.e to liis e jtmaaej-ro mi, w.i ae, mmi -r- i i :.. !.. a i - ..iii. i 111 oa-m.;-..- a a (ooee i.ag.,t .vaaaiies j cheek, until th : d.a i r 1. ; ir sun ai n I ' htm frotll lllsdia.rv ht.ie o.iic t0,!s , . . , , . . . I . I I j h V ' Ur.' ',,"' h : recodec.ed A.tei.uue eaa,,'d loo... 1 ,,f chihl, murmare 1 h , i v .uea - n. : nou ae i.i. i .. -iii i i A low music d lau-b struck on liis .or I .1 i . . .... .!.,. . .1 . .1 . as on; , 1, 1 ooioe o mi i i ! in.n.r room, an 1 t!m si-ht id" h r ra.di.uat count-- n I,w.!. ;...r 1. -' ' '""'a ... iiii.ii i.ii 111.1.1 i i i, s I- s .0 I.. --.V .-... p 11. 1 a... and th; 'ount, soon quieted his ft ars Mr. aFmgliam, in common widi mot t inr.ii. hu .n iii.. .an.... .; a.n .. .... . .Hutu, .ui.i vi un .'i.i.ii 111:1, oao a real - 1 prejudice again-! foreigners. -it ,l.v :in. real lords,' he u, d u, -,,v, ale v don't want I mv daueh-er; an nil th are not p ,1 lords mVd mghter don't w.,ni li.em.' Il.s nn - lions ol ihe reuiomeeharact r we e fe,n-! ded upon ihe wonderful s.ories which his mother used to tell bun about the I lesbians, and ague ideas ol' rulii ms and child-e it ers were associat al in :a mind vv ith e. thill!.: (-erman. I im c.d.liK s vv 1111 w in. he saluted tlm n.dde Count, lorn. -,l ;, su-i. king contrast to tim cordial u.a.alh with I .. n.Tia. 1 a ,i..m , : Pray what is his businc.-;?' 'Bush mess: tr-t .1 m .-.,. t 11 , . , j ii 1 1 u:)!i, inn iaintnig wiai the i-or a hing tit,,.-, dis ni ay we bestippo.pe 1, . H J u JU)l :Ui:. 1 "'' ' no answer; bat' her eons'a.lt1 vishs" I ........ ,j , 4 .j IIV U. It , . . fc , . . . I , f I 1 "V - , '7 ;"-'!i ;l' :i taaie, unal moused by the ;,d invariable prayer, with the necessity so surrounded wita prettv eaa . ily the C, ,; ca. 1.. u-a. ... , ., '. . . su .. Krt a,..,,.:, 1 - 1 L 1 " ; . " 11 - ,l ' " 111 01 oemg uaiiy oblulgcd to remind her th it lVXTncn nm ' S cr self-reproac di she attempted to answer ,t was lime to shut tlie church, at leienh 1 1 "mV .teringly but frankly, Hhe stated she wore out the patience of the sex o Count Part mm - ,lharn.Ilcrf e' l"e objections to her union with a He waited however till Passion Week, (u 'Count 1 tpehammer.wcli, the Gcr- loreigner, and blamed herself for leaving rin- which it is rmtrmarv tr, ,n'. thl 0 j said lloraco, buhiivj; 4 wh y !i Is chiaf i;u- ; 'Only toll mj, AdjhiJj that your fith ; f?:iis.5 at present ij to receive the reventes j cr'.-3 prejudices are the sole ohaticle,' said I 0f his prhicip.tlity.' i - . j than a mou'hfal of m-ionshine. Wi L tJi e d juce did you brie him liere far? I don't thin!; i could treat him wr.h common ci vility, if it were not for vour sake ' 'Tuen tor my sake, doar uncle, treat him civilly, and 1 give you my word you shall not repent your kindness.' ' livery day saw the Count paying his d 'V0!1S to th' l Al -I .iid and always ; iramm r some ve-v wi-'"r ,.vC is f r his i V'r ,i .i,n. A bon4uet oi rare exuites, or an ex. j se.re to he hi ; ap.,1 yjv. Couhl anv irirl j of seventeen ! iuenii!e to sa-!i -rallaut woomj, especmiv w.i-n pro!I.r.'d bv a . - 1 iia ou;re n i . : ! l IP., 1 1 i Vvor'sara ; spl ei.h.l w.iisk -rs, an I wit :i m a-. tr.i , 1 , , . . . , ! :i!ni nn . 1 ii u- . t. . .-t- .st . t.. . .... ..... ..... . 1 . i w ... 111 1. - . - . - t r 1:1 I a !- :. m 1 Ad I :i . ... 1 ....... 1 . - . . . - '' i.i'!, v. if-a m v o.'.ni f W.is p.-. 5. t:.aM!;wo., c i.r wi i an I wii ei . 1 -w.i i:. morn::;.: in ; n v . un an . , it v . a a.-i t m . 1 j i n;rl- u- i; hv :..s, d ! i-i t!r .. tv. .af-room at c. i'.hii;, as ot a d j:.-:- l jd" 1 sae u .is un '.v illm r to a-- :. Wi.il ii c j-i:i i I r ' ..11 ;, d. !;:ni in e opaor. an; : v o! !. i;r c i,:i : 1 1 :no;i a u'oa.i as wet 1 e . came; per. v. s at n an 1 ! a :h tr -' 1 : 1 1 m .' i 1 ; a ,r p : m ; 1 V ! 1 I I 1 III ! ... 1 1 . or t.e: ai.era .! r;.l t.i . han .m t .urni was e.er h -r a:', a aat. A lin-r oi erah.a a v.-mav troo i!i v :u 1 -d ;h.? natarai j oda ss (Jt d iaii ... . I it 1 1 e..; .. e ii i ilea ii c r i t : i . u r, . u iia . . . i .,ui.:i;ir; o i.iauimi'.y. th" ram -rtc-i o1 her o-m friends; but he was u : so t.mii . . tpnl v .-j a h- - .. I. m mstrate af.uust t.i; imprud at iri!t;:i: vi ou !e . . h r i :d yo ar v. hmi - ey am ai Ad.d ad ,' said be; mow voa i,i..sf j-, 1 2,, a oil - ot mm oi pt as m :;iy j .r.-i jn lit-; en ,u ions as v ,,u j.j ts , ;a; ram an -r la p vo;i .' era-- 1 n-.'.cr a:n my .'!- :r. mir.v ae v na me was m m an Am a.cm. .M v t . ;a i: as ..- -a a j. ui !i male h , m own m ln m . n an w : ..fhiiaa -d ;o m ill i i : i i'- nl o; i; i m . lit i wao tairn- d - a v u !i u h a ed the UeCi.i.M ma , t la , i.-.j.; .1 ao empty u 1-1 iovnn e s., Pi P he .' vu! me iod , o ; 'n m . d.i.i.'!i. : to ia- a-a.ua.-d oi !: .- ra;-u . lat'i .-r. : o , l a ( a : n s : . ; o! ti elm :iitions e n :- :-,:!. : :Vo:a a ir att wii ta. i a . . . i ni la ta : w.aa-ot imaotm 1 a a aid -r- t: -'-s. 1 -1 Ad del !e !o looiv m' !!) a!a oi i own h r'. v.a:s a!:a s t -..m-ai at h.a- o-.ea : e-s i;-r ai , w :,.ai h : ij.m I Put ::e hid allow. -tl I'm iia.er o ai i.'ouat ;o . .,,v i;s !.(.; hip.;,.,, r... j ae ilia r.y a I sh r.-p a h.-r foil - ! v.idil. w.-rc an Am-ri- i;he, sii ; -a n a v a' a.- w a- a h v, .ml! no. ia : u ad m j,t .r t-.tn.-. id i d-.ocl mm n.as are h nv. m.i'd; let Im." then- is ma! h a.r-. s aa 1 d"- a i'o'e- Ad laid '. .'i was I : I 1 .t, Ida I o ' t:." l.i-- -m a :. e :i aaal .ma a ; ar-aal ll! lt 1 e ml 1 not wi;!i.i;v.w h rs di from las milu- ! ear si sa j c nid no: c m- a ir m h t ie 1 ici ai it :!i m am as ot ih i "o.mi too - , v. .-ie ttteaa , ai m .eu. v mm m - e auni. . ; , at .:o, o : u ia man.: m o. e me im- i t eai e. v biaa:"ea .-'h , smtlm ,r. I I I ii I i b,:.:,iau.,i. .a.:. - k.-,a aa ,hd .. ' . . t ' " V.V.V.; ", .. : . .x."!e a'8 ' e ,e r,- invcn- , . , , i ' " ' 1 "oi i, v..t; u; mi utu.i u ie..,e,o; oeri i.u tions win." l nave or:Tm it'M ia (."rmnv vpoMn-own inn. mmd, sh Wist ,n!ev wo dd never have been allowed -a-iet. I .mass, if ,,., rr.,.th, s n L,!, . . . a ' 111"' ! r'" , ( had also nsked the loss o, his. i . opportunity of winning the heart j Un-, of lean, t-meinus lntpool- oio , .li j This state o things cmhl not exist with-' whi.di Count IMetllenhamm.'r so closely varmint was :i!out to die of pure star a-! hoos; 1100 Wind mils oil ai-rinfs-... .... ....a. ,i;.,.. : i... i ... i i ...... . . ; . . ,,a ' .v,- . ,- t 'l...,.l .... ...ma,,. I.: i; i . , i .1 ' ' .... i1... a- I .III f A 1 ' 1 . 1 1 . 1 1 I . . . I .ii . IIIOJ llliS II. IU ' - l I n. - . t , ll.llt, .-II ill; i s-madv passed siuv Ad da.d first Ie !dd 1 bappv f dlmr, -if Am -ric m women won!.! i if,, no'de' stranger, and already her v oiu,. i mlv ,,,v, :l .,., for the weight of his ;. , . , . p. , , . -. - . i , ,.,.,r ..., .... ,,,,,. , -lieie. ;i.t J 'o.-et its.dow, and In-r step nshrams, iatlier thai the Iighai; s s ol las -- . i , , , . i u,1,1:rli, i,:, am , I btiov ant it inirss si,.. i"sirin.i1 -r hel-, aP'ipM'' saenglh o! h"a pilnmpb.'s, j - " as- Mrnng ........ .. ... . . 1 1 I i'l " I ii :-M i . . r I ....... I. ..... . I .1 1. .. i' 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii ll f . .1 .n i . . . . . . . . .... -.-.'..' S . on" morning, brooding over harm daii'dio- 1 ly f')1"i;:',hngs, when thM...r op n-d, and 1 I'" " ol her tnon.dils entered. S--a:- 1 . . . , . . "iiiiseu do-. 1 h n . i" commenced a : I. iii . . . conwrsp.i.m fdl of thos-grar da! nodiings which women alw a s love to bear; but aaiaia was m 110 mood forgiuetv. Ihe' t I t ... 4 .... 4 1 I 1-1 I i' 1 j , lil watriuM me pi ay 01 ner i 1 " ' ?ina "!v,u :IS " n;1,,,;'- "er onna.gs, smm niv u'A, !h"(h r"" ,!' n:"' ! i'"wr l"u'' '" ,,".,ns-,? 1,1 hl V;,n,M,s ventun 1 n;s personal .'eeiiugs : 1 1 1 I , hn illy, fd" his approaching d"parhnv for Fnrope. Ad-laid 's c!i--ek grew p dm as ue spo,ie, but s!i" suppressed :h- cry w,ne!i rose to her hps. 'i'l,,. (.unt gazed ear- 1 1. 1 111 . ". J - "1 . " ' '? ''' se.zing ner uauu ana P,i!",,t .'''r l'-'(-a Ins own, he po.ue.t iorm m- umstpisa p is aonate exjness- permitted an intimacy which could only cuu in raaiicr;:tg tor botn. f-- hie count pao.sionitcly; 'siy but th::t you 'J'cuidiy that d iw-ncvii oye wa.'i rains to his, ami lie was answered. Adelaide," he re jmeJ, aficr a mo ment's pause, "we may yet be happy, j (Jould you love the humble citizen as I well as the noble Count?" J A slight pressure of the hand which lay ' ra his, a id a flitting smile on the tremu- j bus hp, was suthcient reply. ! "Th-ii h-ir m- Addii(b-" ciidh - i -n n-ir m., Aiii.ua. , -aiu r. lover; -1 will ret im t) my country I ! m.Tit ' ! -.My utter cont?mp:!" cried A delaide, i voiem -nil v. : n it res;;i vo ir countrr .'" I . I Jiieii. tii j nam oi voar la'Jier-i 1;- ; .sal vour inh".tanee ot duties! No. - 1 '..... 1 i .. 1; ... 1 1 . - .... . u.i 1 i:.:i.'i.iL.ii.i ! ii .1 i'iii:ii Til 11 vou to b:'c;)!ii ; a c..;.i-':i ot oar 1 1 1 . 11 'j-py lana, uoae w.ml.l - ina-tiv v - ''i - .,.. v ou as Ad,, ude W ,. ;Ii ,m; bat n. er woaia l receive the i-eriti: ? as a ne er wo.dd I receive the i-eriti: ? noate to !ra:i-i';rv passion.' 'A tr n- I1 .!1:! W :S (' ! ! Could 1 CXp.'Ct St itjitilV oid'.di'lT ill ! r wiiiidi haa who cm so i-.isdv aband :i las na 1 i i i nt:- ' a . c l ie. 1 and forget the tdaims ;t his coun- 1 . rv i 0:1 a'.c lacen: m ICSS !! ( t, jii :i t . .No Am'ei'-.m woa! : ii tve sii wa s.icti weak;: .? oi c.i ire.ct-T as I hav?- vvit- . :j.-ss-il ia him wiion 1 loudly h. le'vt il to 1 1 .t fo Ii . ;.!'.. ; ..I v .! i . . . . . '1 , ! - n. : ' . P ' ;:rs. lal-i- Slid til1 CoiiMt those ireei )u- ars asi:r rn- lii it n lov li" mm- sw.vt m voar father w nl not !" m ora; Am the :iC sua sua, -sou would hive u" ma.te .oe i.ii-CiaU lor llie, t emit 1 ielllt aham- u:er. we must parti on ! not i 1 Till an i.nau:a my na; are i li i'.e i;ean a. - - . m d i Ou hav e t i you h.ic r. (. c i . i (l. m v o'vu sweat con-a v: -.1 me C, card, a re c h. l.'i! van passionat l..s-'Vn i li.tw i-'i'-'d i 'oa:a I'; ail ai'aanm e; v.d'.i on al o r e ; a - ; 1 1 . h e : -: I of o.(r m al.a.p .:-. C . i . i r I - s ..i - : a' . . vei. lrd : wit'.- vou re.v ' . eli v t- ir- : Z an h a- :.'. in . i! ! a 'i ii m m - ai! d-l'i, i '. m-i mi : :b ( '..na.:' aaa . . .,a ,M'! re 11 a: (i ! r! !i ' o i i. w . re i h a-.a 1 1 ra. e ai ad lb hi ii-i j u-a in : 111 ( dl irii-s t!ee--r of tim am to !::-: a k I on f m -taiif-v's ai ,a :. Th- i .d v. a a r "-o-i and I 'er:: a d th. t.ec'., vvliiclj had le a laneus -p up m h" in Tiim - i! id c !'h:n Horace aidjciioa oft::.- foin-.i. and 'da- laid rev )i,.'a!ia:ioa o; i 1 tiai. miv . i ir 'a im vm .1 dam d" -!bad . !'ev e.avs afa r. :. s n.'a ! part wamer im as-Mjjbl-ai ia J . .d i;v;ham : dr r.vm r room-; but Al"!aitSe was no ion- ll! ' 'b p ATttr.-'.' in br.- arrav. :md d"4.--d v.a h t.h" neh jewels Widi an om- sparkled ai die parsoa of Pie 1 d-" Conn), !ie s it m am ai h a" eea an ' 'tsaid' :,ia'i::i. e.mtv w'm, raw did l, . ,.r sb lvt.:, ip.s m 'i"-t adi aa i b ; d:;-f ! bis whMv.T:--. looked !i wait tie i . n. ,av ,v-1 a ie Am adeaa -Hat wliy, ( Mjarl"-.-, !; 1 van woo ma m adi oun't.'uJ- ; .am ...o a u o ou -.M.'i. ,n rather than the cle.i!i'Y oi ii' ' ": Jiave less of tbreig ' and limit' ol Dili! virtue in 1. , t, . ... i . 'v tr . j nc tun .. .-.,,- StlilU Lon 112 1 ilill llli' llltl When I was in M.i.Ib-i Drli.i-1 . ... . ... 1 ( me a laughable instance ol the credulity ot I lr or,K'rs- A v'",ll:l" 111 'omfort- :,b!e encunistanei's Jn.d an only son ' "boms.!- was so foul, that she could : ! :l cFesiro of knowing in what in; li itl :m only son of not ner he w.is to hi To learn ibis she e ve- ; ry day afeeiide.! in tlie cbundi to which j my narrator b donged. ;m ! ku a lii.-r at . the shrine of St. Lorenzo, made bmg'en fervent orationa h '-rahrr him io ( ..li.rl,',. . . ... . n"'-" j Ira on ihe wuslmd lor point, always con finding with, 'lilessed St. Lorenzo, i- form me of vv hut death my .son is to die' age. When the good lady made her ap pearance he laid himself behind the ctu- 1 O " . ' ' ' "S. .""V tain which concealed the figure, and on the wonted sjppliea'.ioa of 'Blessed Hl. Lorenzo, iriiorm me oi vliat Uatn my . captivating charms of the widow M son h to die;' he instantly replied in a ; Her checks bore the beautiful hlcndid hollow, salemn tone 'Impiso, inipiso;' iu i of the apple bicsscm; her lips resembled Enjlisli 'he will be hand.' 'Ah!' said : rosebuds, upon M liich the ruornlno- dew ihe inJignaut mother, rising from her yet lingered; her eyes were like the quiv kuees, not at all astonished at the miracle, ; crs of capid, the glances of love and ten- . r 1 .1 . . ton ngne of yours you were roasted alive.' The Yankee's Fox Skin. Mornin .Squire!' said 'down cast,' civ inga nod and a wink to Lyman Towle, ag these gents stood in their store in Uos i. .i. iu uu.i ton on3 morning, up and dressed' fur ,u.snf.ss. lusmess. 1 1 j w are you; sir?' sai l the merchants. 'Pooty well, eoi-sidirin the state of things in ginerawl. I say, you sell skins h r , don't vou!' We do, occasionally,' was the res- 1 tWn t n..i...i, 1 ,- .i a j 1 trutKeiaieu: ouv iox SKins 1 .... ' 1 -i 1 1 1 1 u 1 1 ' .. a . , ."-om etim; ' for sal-.'1 ; '.Som ..' Ves I guess I hev one; its some, teoa, 1 tell yeou.' 'Leds 1 ok at it,' savs one of the in"1 an 1 lie owner oi tlie skia turjj.ed at ! a'; c.ipie.oas poe.i-. ot us u Id -yalier' over-oat, a few minutes, and oat came a pretty eoa-dderabie, sizeable ba.ig-vp of a venerable rev nurd. 'There it is a perfect bewty it i--, too. Ain't it." " eea many lie.-r one,' says Tov.de. .,.! !,;., V ;-s Kr.n nr.n iv.t' When did vou ret this skin." sevs the merchant. When tlid i get it.' why when I killed lilt. inx critter of course.' Ve.-, we kno w, but was it ia the Fall or Summer, or when!' ; .()h ! vis; .veli. I reckon, twatjt far t tiie -Itii v,t Julv. anv way, fur Fd pst ei"aa ai up my oil saontm piece, tur p'rade on the glorious ama; ar-i: v , ami a- bag c juk's die old cria r. and I jc-t orive hmi a rip m th izz.ird tiiat settled his ::!T!!-y sadden. I tell vtuu." '1 o -. .-dans, sud aae meivhant are not w ry g'.. I whe'i lalu-a ia hot wc.ith. r; the ; iar and hair is thin, and n et lit for much in Summer.' ia-V-v.- 1 IV t no.ii .l.iv. II. .'1 11, .tl dank it over, 'twunih hot weather when 1 or gi jisiiu iox me gracious contlesconsion derness with which they were filled resem of tiie saint, 'voa rascal, it w.i-t for th-it l.linfrrrr.n-c it,o, t.-", r 1 . dm! the e: iitcr; r.o, Fil be dara'd cf it ; cnii e chickens.'' was; m.;i!e a tlatnderin' mistake 'be. jut ; Can't be dat ar.e dollar nircr, that, Iar hw.e, nieii o.i to Clndstm is, was ! -Saia. trow de- cliik'a in!" murmured the by golly, fori and Seta 1'euiitias w::ree- ; wai'.-r (iu'ninusly, as he proceeded to in ner to a t'r.d.c, I remember it iik. e btsok, - sinuate iii- hand into the co'urse bassing iadd as sixty, saowia' awfa!, was, bv giu- , tick. "S ;uas;i if he haba't. tho!" said -.'-a!' ; he as he pjlled for.h a pnrth -iclcd roos- Weil.' says the merchant, was ihe Lx i"- "1 tale d stupid jaek-behine dls very fat:" , morn" when he was fca'hirin' chiek'ns Fa-'.! (la! 3iollv. w.'-'nt it fit.' Never for dinner, to cmotv tlie feadiers in;o de tl at see Midi a iat te ia all mv born dav, jjv "co a, lh- ft aae come r!iM:, thrau ..h'tlic critter's h :, ran d vva ' s,is I-rs. .pi th.-. .r,- ,...t .... irii.i .... i 1 . I v where tan a :ra d var it crawled aia and. I lia. a iaae: V ! -Ten la' m a. w ia: --a, t I .Mas, sir, a r-. i said Tow !e. 'i'.a s it : iao,l as m." 'almn f.-.m aa oiij.i ,) : mare than o .dmarv cad i 1 1 ." , , . e.i, eae-s is-.a, m s i trr. t imtiier; come to taaiK. aaeoutit, 'twas aao- i i , . . , , ,- ' , smnni, lean, i;i:iK, lamina a live critter, I I .a i. r... o on oi.. to.u m-.ii in oeio.e; ' ery poor, r!i." says l.yman. cry poor' 1 gues.s it was; so almigh , aoa, ne.ei ui.i see suea a uara i eternal j Jt70 Spectacles; 13C0 -aner of linen It- liii.i- ifi-it IMf. mil i.:-it!ir s l.ii!iis vM i ' 1.: .):...:.. 1...-. i.i.iiiu rr a -. ' v- ii..i. , 1.1;; i i .j n i tinane Tin s.s s: i i-iTi i on- fuppery, j .dean t'oirrS'dnost tlireogh his skin; hadn't j pmphite rngrav ings;' i-f0 Printirg ink; our t'oun- i killed it iesi wn.-,, I a;a ;fr? .a.1 ,i-.rv-.-r '.m .... r. . res: im: CMnmiT .-.t" it got ten rods lurther aloag. Fact by j h, lO-Kj1?,- " w "0l1; , cteliiag. bohi;..- P'-sfs-ii J Uomail. 'Ah! well,' savs the merchant, 'we see (:11M i,-U- l.,:n 1 -ira!l! !5t2T-A i - - o tii. i iui. 11 it Miii.. un a .11. it.. i.-.. - ' - - " the sktu is poor, very poor; the fur is thin Ahn.acs, stVCs Js ' ? "f 15-1 a , ami loose,, and would not sail us.' T. h 'pes; 1 01 ( - J Maxil50C ft , Wunt suit- yi'ouf Ncou look ahere ' op.vMieroscoo-s. bcIJw; 16- veou,' says tlie Yankee, folding up his j j13 .Mezzo'inV ' 1 'lermnieter?; V rcrxu'ik skin, '1 don't kind o like sich dimps; 1 OSl-lj.'! !. Ifi3P Air dealing as that, no heow, and I'll b Ftaiduhm, clocks- Vimo) o'IfU?; 1 055 darn'd to darnation cf you catch me a White ehiiia 'wa- oret; 17C6 ilin fox skins with ycon again, t!uae :nl blue; 17()) .sV,," "' 1 ' () lusian lumber in the State o' Maine!' Ai Ul- rial thermometer V-" 1 T-Iercu- f I holder ot the skm vamosed.- -li Sol .ro.-. 1. -'no nu tes; 17. t. I ,, .. 1 . 1 i'ocui e ! . -i'l v hortuiis. I tit; 171HJ i.itiorrn,hV 1 4ie n- v A.fachn.ru. Rrript I vcnlioiVifillj, S erm?n in- - jl; The following capitaliV f H of tJ .-s.ich as door Jocks m T1 the ' Al ibamy sheri.f an!uh1 --lera screw .uguU V is worth repeating tilml aili;j I e lor har.e.ing, S "1-t era- tourt was in sujri,;cj. t ,v '"rely a nati.ii wlacN k , ? tiplicityofbtui" VT11 tribuVo.,3 to tl:c VUi J T,-5 SJch V him at term Aui- s J ' f h i the ociu ?',lrature 5; of a widow , ha;J 0t ts oweai "" " f I who, by i-a upon the sV. -I" "., r , - meIiin3-iod,ad ' ' it t' ! !. 'V""1- 'Cn n.y iiortho coA,sio;!,. fj; r j .. e.abi f0 poa n 1 i" t favorite kiss,' tn .e too his tlie arrival of the visitor had occasioned, setoff to greater advantage than usual the idid tint3 . K j (pardon the pun) to do full execution. After a few common-place remarks 'Madam,' said the inattcr-of-fcct sheriff!. I have an attachment for you. A deeper blush than usual manned the ! cheeks of the fair widow. Vi , - muuw. . i cast eyes, whose glances were !,nnntr!1M1!:iA,lL i.olf ith down er ntered i upon her beautilul leet. half rnnccnlpd hv tlio flowing drapery, gen ly patting tho j floor, she, with social candor, replied: j 'Sir the attachment is reciprocal.' ) 'For some time the sheriff maintained an i astonish 2d silence. At last ho said: r;;,1-am -m . .n i.i . Z j .u . 1 j 1 1 ioc--oa ij euua. repueu me laav. . ... . . . . . j I with a merry laugh: then she. king her besu Why, have you got some i l!ul head, she added: 'No, sir! thorgh i ihis Jff n -.'ft:r T -iiJ -!(-. toln ra..-..- j tnis is ieap ytur, 1 will not take cdranuge u- licwmse 1:1 2 rem srranteu to nv eex, j and th .reibre greatly prefer that ycu should proceed to court!' iu-, madam, the justice. is wait'r.g. 'Let him wait; 1 am not disposed to hu hur- j ry matters ia such cn unbecoming rnan- ; ner; and besides, sir, when the ceremcny ; i pertVraied, I wish you to understand iJ-1 l prefer a mini.-tei to a justice of th f peace.' J 'Madera,' said he, rising from his chair l d -rstoi-.d. 'i'li". M'-fl,mnnt i.-KK T 1 speak was issued from the cilice cf Ea j quire C , and corarniuds me to bring j you i.ustandy lefere him, to answer a con- I tempt of c tittrt, in uisobevinj a supocna in 1 the case of Smith vs. Jones.' Livu FitATii irs. An editor tells a irood torv of peregrinations down south. ll1' vvas a young lawyer in attendance upon court, ;a;d tiie . illago wliere the ! eaurt was held was thronccd to overilow- i ua Itavmg, wtdi seme cililcultv, kow- eve preeuied a be d, he jumped into it. , out h was out again m a. most no time, ; What kind cf a bed do you call this!" . -'did he to the negro who otl'ieiated as , master of die ceremonies. j " . u, ; -3 i . 1 "Feathers! I should think it contained lass .-!ass bed', to ptov de kerwrditv; and de !iin.l :i'rrer fb rook dm chicLdn" Tn do hur. v o'inisinevs, mas a," he cent'n- ia !. in d .. a t,r.,a . t ., . i;., .... ....... . ...i i'.I., tilt.tI.V. Ct . a c.i i ; a.w s ilah We had i a tior.ea ni I.' ; time, aa.l r- tr.m am etuc. its ad e c ;s-iona .v a id ... ti. t.i.t. o or he.tJ am tea we put 1 1 a t . i f ,r.v io t i .!. 'i P- sb-- -" ! f : ; lira 1 ee- m , , 1 P! . V.a- Ii!:r:5iiity of ht fi-.ruiir.v t raj; I3it Organs; 131 S -Gunrowder, I a . . i c amons; KJaO ware makme;; 1330 !!lat; 13T0 Fins; 138') Grist mills: - ; 143 Wood engravings; 1 KU Frin- .v 'l J. a ' . ( , a ff-' . . y . - . . w,..,:r . w,": " X i r-'V ' a- .N "V n n r - .v., ,v ry