, :': . I - T - BV JOHN G. GIVEN. EIlihNSBUIlG, THURSDAY, APillL 19, !Si9. vol.5. io. 2S. 1 14 til U J I I J I - SI H I : : war; t, ills rrsT cxAsz to trig, wx czitss to rctxo-: - . - f 5a HieLI Bai E-iii Li Xsrs. Tbrrc are tita tf ipet iwmw, U ltra tfce hert (o-1j i-te aud ax; Tin Ib t&VTSfrj'i t tnaj-ie H"e pl'a the piril ffou!:-! iba bare & -artud Il ect T iUa:m iiV darkest "7 t ih-BfUl ihzl e'er ia murt, -t?rtt titr"prtcr-e tlta li Si vy H-lKe world. c4J. Urk tr.d lSi, Fro i.pa I be fct ite flame, Ljltei fro u ibe lorrh .T froius, VV.n b h k.uUird roatx! thr utu; Wl.eu lLe ritf ureW jLlrd. Ai.d lb ieajtt j.-r-jeci f.ie. Thick. .b. Sue ost, -rwued &uJ mTijLled MISCELLANEOUS THE ClTAT IMJ TEE KW5. A toi;y Who is that beautiful girl to whom yon bowed so imiori-'" saaJ Cnariea V- t i- H trr?n.-2. OS U2 V "DrO- 5 mev pro- .i3-"l ri.trn rh? sios of the Cltf hotel. 1 ro: ws Adlxiue u J amguum, your j sjd Horace; ! vojr mmor- ! cousin and rae, aries, rer vou nta; hre left xioui me oeauties cf Paris, if vou canuDt recoguuse your nearest of km." 1 ou forget, Horace, that when I last . rw Adelaiue, she ws a ii.ely Litle hoy n, sea-'ce ten years old. l; lapse o; trven years mates a wondrous dan erence t j a lady, wuote er it may do w;tu a gen "Cman.' IS ay, if you begin to discuss Time's changes, Charles, i'must confess you can not congratulate yourself cpon ha vmg es caped if toucn of nis hnger. WHe, ia tna; bronzed complexion and hirsute visage, could disco rer any tr-cescf the sujj-i-cherked toy wam 1 last saw on the deck of a 1'VeurU pj.cke.-snip some seven eors aroT Wut leal me, wayttd ycu notVru tiat you were commg nan:." ieuj.use 1 dad not i-no" my own mind, Horace; i really ws net quite ce jLiou: 11 until 1 nad been a week at Tne odd pronouaauiation of my German valet naviug caused my name to be pLs-eJ cn the Lst of passengers as Mr. Stanley, it occurred to me tht tue Etlstake would enable me to remm i&cozruio and 1 tuoughtl would humor the joke, if but to is tow many of my old Inends would recognise me, 1 orri ed lost e . euang, anu saouid now be a perfect stranger m my nu-e city, had 1 not acdeutaliy met you tuis mommr; and e. en you, Horace, dud U.-fi a. uul KUJn lc. ivnow 02, Cnarles! ho the deuce -t,., could even see vou o: -nmd rrow-h of brusn-wood cpon vour l.p anu "s- -cueok? Do vou really moon 10 wer j m a seat, out tins w- enly the leeeu, tajse eno-mou wniskers andmoustachesr ! Certaini not longer man suits mv-j present purpose, H-tv-j ns3 1 vasUl " - Gorman Ileum: :d to wear noUstUClieS for the some reason thatl learned 10 smoie ti ns'w.aiia oecause e.erv bodv tle chd it. In P-ins 1 rluced mem a'htue, V J J .,ilr ti--"i. - j ui Lu-i -'-t-" taere also I found them in fasmon. A ii.tty hide Frncn lady, a passenger m our Ihip, warered a pair cf Paris glomes that 1 would not wear them a -e,k m 1 r -". , - I tV snd f?r on? ' "i 1 i'vTL !"ir tSe : , it ,N"ay, if you lake them said .Horace, f.rweoMing them; die r are quite the fhsb- ; i , b : , r,.-,t s U?- once dd, bv his altitude, bu! by the J h' f25 , : -1 - . c . .-Ci - - i recohecieu Aueia i hare no desire io win ladies favor by r r t u.,-, , . " , tumg more about our pcetiy cousm, ine is as iortly in character, Charles, 1 4 r-. - rTT"i 14 1 in -a.iT wu. - j - -. fault: Lke tke most of our fkshioale bellel sbe bos a mania for e er vthinir for- eW H?r niters. Ler dress, her ser- vants, all come from abroad, and she has declared to me repeatedly her resolution Uiver to marry an American,' Wnat is it my fair countrywomen so tuuuh admire in meir f orebrn lo . ers.'" asked Cnarles, "On, they say there is a polish and ele fcau c,f r-i innr belonginu" to foreigners, "dtacb Am eric ans never possess. Two of Addoiie's intimate friends have recent ly married cf some an tedel avian Ger tn m fkrndy, 3.3 OZj Xoelv cousin is am biionsof lomui aaeqtailr splendid al 1 nrs. - If she were to marry a western farmer, laid Charles, with a smila. sh vrmilA r uga over a prmripality quhe and ?ips more taourisnmg. xjszs&j j-ngs to mese emigre n-.es.- 'Auteliii is a norie hearted rrlrV re couli be ?hoi Horace, and I wish she If the is rcall a sensible rirl, Horace, anu. tiiat ishs.- on! fault, I tidrak she might be cured. Horace shook his head, Come and dm e wl h rue, Horace; be careful to ted one of rav arrival, 2nd we'll discuss the matter ort:2 bolt' ? of Sae old Madeira, if you are no: too fashionable to drink vJ1 -a The xrhidDxrs cf Mr. Walslnrh. house poured a faad of light ihnaVh. the criutsDn 5 Ilk car.Lu5 npja the wet nd dreirr-IookluT seeu while the ruuic heard at Luter.-als tId to the apiuz crrl celiec-ed about the dor, that the rik were td.--z.TiZ c:;v. Fu de?3rteJ rooms 5 were brUIiout wrm an array of vouth aad J beauty, but fkires: zmnzig them ail stood i the m-stress of the fesiaL Arhredi roue oi wmte craue, wruu no omer cm- ) meut thaa a peri houdeau couuriiur her dark tresses, sua iooiei tue jersoiu cation of joy. Cousin Horace, she ex rial m; 3, as she saw her favorite cousin euer the room. vou hare not beu here these three d-vs;'' and then, in a lower tone, she added, -who rs ma: sp.eu.uiu iJoa :ii?rau j w. i A I . . , - -u - J10 Horuce Lud rus huzer cu bs Lp us a tali nzure em erred from the crowj a: ihe eutrunue cf therein Odiss Wliiuiraana, )w m: uae ms.uoo.e Count Pfeiner Tne blood mounted into Adrlaide's che k as the Count bowed io-u- c.er the hand which he hasieeed to secure far the next quadrille Tnere WjS a mischievous sparkle in Horace's eye, and a d.-ep and eurues: de.o:edess in uaa sironger's mm ner, whlh 23 -da n-u- feci a hule uaacamfor tarble, though sue knew not why. A sin gle g-lonce sudieed to show her thai the Count was athred in a maguiocent court suit, with diamond buckles at the knee, and a diamond band iooplnjr up ihe elegit zLiah tenures, which -encumbered his arm. Afiersome minutes she ventured to looi. anJ-exceeULngly w-li sniped; has eves were ery br.gna,bat :i uttrocun was a z mosi so tutifui mouth, iraruihed wim the d mou: acne that e tcr r raced on American bili-r-em Adelaide was dal-gh-ed. He chmced clegndy ; no: wida tue suJ" asrkward f of an American, who aiwuv 5 seems hah ashamed of the un dgniued port he is playing, but with a ouoyoncy of step and grj.ee of m juen per fecdy iinri railed- Ade-ide ws encuen- ted. He spoke Etaghsh tery weh a flight German accent aloue betrayed his (orz. birda, and Adelaide did n:t ihte ham tne less for that. It is true the felt a Ltd queer w hen she fouu: ?rself wl mrough trie wul.z in tae aaaas of an entire stronger, on I ner crow i.uu; tninu erv Lke anjer, whrn i wm some- she 1 el 1 his .uedher im ot iereign manners. Tne evening passed away hue u dream, ; iruii u -.-1 i-j .l - . . i. i r ... u i ''aaui.c i.iuj a tra-ij-srij-u v 1 aeemej piasur.- ue was too , excite tor . -cLV anu re; 1 n sue p- ; pared i datv W .1 lil- - tiaer ijCiikias.-ta j.e ca -. . . iie ne.er neuaee.eu.; :t was , . - , , 1 s--- cue.k and neaw ere mot was s: ;U:v ae rmed. ' i.iese i-te nours kill you my her fjreneai; ! said he. ne he k.sa.d 1 suon return 2: uoju. d 1 htad vou sudl so lanruid, I hi ! So suviuir, he siept muo his carriage ant dro ve to bus cotruuag-rjom, wnere.im.me." sod in buslnes.s he qui.e "ferro: Adelaide jt, tilthe 'dinner Lour summ 1 htm from his dmtry hme outre tonts n entereU Lee ooor. :au -i murmured h 1 wo ! A low musical laurh struck on b as the servant dvrew otxm the dr room, and the ihrht of her rad-nt nance, look intr more brhdant than t "l be:w&ra. tous-n llorcs Co Mr- Walsinrham, in common with most 1 1 M 1 1 Americans of ine Oiuen time, aada rreat , j,., .Iv watched the" ar c-f her i me a Lmimuble instance of the creduhfr cf prejudice again.: loretgners. -if tney are i ekce21t featuVes, and then, as if he divj- l die lower" orders. A wocmn in comfort real lords, Le tis.-a to say, -tney con t want 1 mzli of her feeiinirs, sudden! v : ble cirrumstances had an onlv of mv dau2 titer; anuii tney are not real lorus . -i,,-. , .-.a: ...f J-r, v., .v. .v., " .1 4 .... m da ugnier don't wrii them- His no dons of the reu tonic character were foun ded upon die wonderful socles which his mother used to tell him about the Hessians, artrl vairue ideas of ruiuaus and chlld-eal- - u.w . r- t-r t.hiny German. 1 ne cavi-mess wim wliicn he saluted the 'ir9 contrasi which he grasped .(XA to errant "OrJ 13 lOSt ml VCU Tre ; so surrounded wim preutr itrls," By the i r2v, boy, drawmz him aside, 'who is ; that ltairv-faced fedow!' Thatis Count Pfuiaen ummcr, tancle," Count Pipdiarnmer! wuid the Ger mans hai e certainly an odd tancy ia names not.e Count, orme-a stn-i ,1,-- it .--a-W V o-srr, jpj;,,;.i, tw. t - , - , - , - f ' - " ' -""" v a j uu " jlj - .r. 4-i - iJ.'. a 10 me coraiai warmm wim ; ;,t, ,v, ct, J , , ..a j-, the hand of his nephew. .r ,ar-M 1? r r,.--.r;-, k -v,. 1 V-. . 1 .. . is f see vou, Horace cnujvtn t : r -r-j rir - -..-.- ' . 5..,, ..-t.,,. - Pray '2usiaesr said Ilomee, luugdamg; why Lis chief cu-; Otdy ted mo, Adelaide that your fath siness a! present is to receive the reventes cr's prejudices are the sole obstacle said cf his prmrlpulliy. - j lLe caus". pissl-srutlilj; t bat thut you 'Priaclpalit-l' fud! i few bsrraa i could have lived rue "d i shH be co- ucres with half-a-dDzeu cud-liDvel? eu I- '; I 5upjo?e. ll w oniC3, Horace -ifrr f; ) d3. Adel -Auu a nou-d-Tul of ?ushie. Whnthe deuce did ycu brlu-g hiru here f r? I don't think I c3ld treat him vrrJi corumin cl rihtr, if it tt ere ct for your ske Tn sa far rur sike, desr mde, treat him civilly, sd 1 give you nj word yon shall c. repeat your kmduess. Evervdav saw the Couut Bavhi Lis deroirs to the lord r Adelaide, and sd vrsrs framh-T some ver? vrb-i-reieis; for his visit. A borne! of rare cioucs, or an ex. quisite print, a scarce book, or a beautiful specimen of fore:n rrt-chanism, were sure to be his zjxAz-zj. Could any rirl of serenaeen be insensible to surh r-lioui wooinr, especially when proiiered by 2 rich vounr nobleman, wno wore such splendid wnlskers, ani whose moustache i and imperial were the enrv of all the pi runts f.r ladies smllesf Ad.Ldeoon oeran to disrorer, that, when the Count was present, tun 2 tew 03 t ag wmgs; anal wnsn, aiaer spenumu" tue morn 1 - T her compun r, he ieu:ared 13 m ike tu e rav circle csualir assembled in the uruwmj-room tt e entnj, sue w-s con scious oi a cejrree of pleasure for wusca sue was rmwiiimg to mac wim her cousin aecouut. His iati- H er.-tce auTordrdhim me opportunity 01 c-etug ier c:mriani.03 aa-roau as weh as at home, and in in? gay eiening party, ihemorniej promenade, or tt!e afternoon ride, ih hunusame Count ndant. A feiiu grinded vanity probably aiued uae natur-i roodness of Adelaide's temper, and enabled Ler 10 endure, with exemplary equanimity, the railleries ol her young friends; but she was not so tran quil when her faihrr beran s-eriously to re monstrate against this imprudent intimacy. Vou ita.? -had 2U -vour -"hiiai? irraUnei, Adeiiidr, said he; a.avr toj mus iTd-alfe 'luittd in vcu! 'Yoa have, vou have one o: mane. Adopt as many foreign f'asn- I iern deceived, mv own sweet c-ousiu!" ions as ycu please, iu: rememoer mat v-oo i cried liie Count, as he covered her hand ne.er wrm my consent, marry any other ! viih passionate kisses. Yon ha e re man an American. My f.r.une has beer. jtcted Couut PfrhTenharnmer; will yos al- ; muOe by my own indusry my name w ', s rethe tbe hand of vor madcap cc-isirt. ' iransmutted to me unsullied iv m father, i Cnarles W.nstanleT, wh:se liriewidV vou wno earned bis p-au-nt of no'aiLi:." when he ; Uid me iiecuarahon cf inde:tietce. U CIS Oi i" T-'J-ti l;ri--r - ! e te rn r ir.-;ao he 1i.iis of m r toil, or teach i daughter to oe asliaiued A her ret-u..; Uer.' Pne com: these admonitions rom a parent wno ttud never bei". e s;-oueu eacept m tne v n-ess. hrs: lei orl . unr-.unu'."i trn-uer- Adelaide to look into me ; J-Jiis 01 her o--n b-eim She was zJrrsts. j termed at bcr earn researcne-s, wnen she i iouud mat sue Ud ah -j wed the imu-e a: ! uae Count 10 occur; v its in ost hi uUcr-ii re- i cesses, iditteriy ui sli? repent her Pii . 1 -1 wish he were an Amerrr.au, sirred 1 s.i; -ana e 1 11 He cre, ne .sji no. i;e " .. . ! i nli s-o pieaiUur. iUT -ueeo-eu nis man- uers are how much fetLng ibt-re is m ah -' he s an, c-.u. i p loidrt ?he was Lh? di? fafcrn- ated b drr-aded Uis power, vet she i could not ow herscli" from it ind tt- tnce. re-ne coutu not c- "rom hers eh tue ihet lira: C ruui tto courd r liO- her e-.erw feiu thau imd, sbe ist with- s had beheld vounr tep its TIi" orv: nod. and Tr r tr -'-bt-- re d. S- r:inis;a res:oe fi?r. nc coram eiaceu ! csai ersotion f di of those r etui no ddnrs which women always lore t Lear; but He spoke cf htmself of his various sd- lencur Lis personal ;e-nng arj-'l, nntllv, cf his tr'-'roarhinz departure for s Adrliiie" s cheek grew pal-r as ; rose to ner lips, i ne L.-cunt razed ear- ; '.-.-n t-e s -5 crTri-; tt;--1 r rpr- tlrs as a statue, mail aroueed bv die Count's enuteancs for a rtplr. Wrlh bit- Count's en n-eades for 2 reply- ter sedf-rep reach she attempted to answer him. Faulterindv but frank r, she stated her father's otj-eedens to her un?cn with 2 foreigner, and L-iumed herself for hermr permitted an intimacy which -could ordv end in mtniur for both, AJ wtlhh I , 1 r 1 f 1 :Uf 1 V" ; v -1 . - - - test Adelaide blushed 2ud trerublsd. -For the id re cf Learen, zzisTrez zn? but Tiiidlr Ait da-sr-T'si ri eye 2.3 r.?eu ao Lis, ani he was answered. Adelaide,' he resumed, tif.er a mo ment's pause, we may yet be happy. Could you lore the humble citizen as well as" the noble Count!" A slight pressure cf the hand which lay iu his, and a flirting smile cn the tremu lous lip, was sufficient reply. Tnen Lear me, Adelaide, said her isrer; 1 will return to my country I will restore my honors io him who be sDwed them, then I may hope to mjrit , My utter contempt! cried Adelaide, vehemendy. r What resign your country -forfeit the name of your fkthers de sert your inneritanue oi duties: .No, C-ount Pfeinenhimmer! if 2 lor-e of free- don led vou to become a cialzen of our f haj-py ia&d, n me would so riadlv : cone yon as Actelaaue V aisinguam; fcat Tide 3 as a A transi ; torr nasfion. AdeLadt!' Could i expect stiUiihy cf feeling in; him who can so easiiv abandon Las es- '-ave land and forget the claims of his coun- try! Vou have taught me a titter lesson, C-ount- INo American would hare shown uch weakness of character as t hare wit- lessed in him rhom 1 ion believed to Wold we H?. all that his lir?s rirofessed. 1 tad never met,' she, bursung into the Count mose t Adelai-a?, said precious tears assure me tnot you iove rae. Be mine sweet one roar father Will not be inexorable.' And therefore, said sue, 'vou would have iae make virr-chedtor ihe, Ccunt - Pieix7cr.harn- ; ser, we mu?t part! Yoa - do net i aaiaerstand mv nature I have been de- j .rere seven years tr ' AdriIde ftuned irt-m -r sea! trii! : en wild Si! Wuai meiu? ail the Coun;!' L"narles sudden Vi last ml- The' rf vujs.ou 04 let a tmr o.e werei he:, ana coasm Horace entered the room just in jEue to see hr sink Liiu'lnz in Cnarle Vv'iastanley's arm?. The trer c-f iadr wu.-n e-he reoorered and learned .te trick which had teen pro-rased upon nrr :h? rnfrrimant cf couin Horace ne suhsfartion of the fhd;tu. and the dual reroncdiati jn of alt- ctrfr-ae- may be z n - '1 c-etter imarrneu tron ue?cra-e-a. A few weiks after, a splendid party a-"atn a?5?mOif-j m .1 aisirtrnom s dr j-ViUg r.nua-; but Adelaide was no lon- j-t-r the life of the party. ; 1 arrav, and -uecke-i V,"i.il ; which once sparkled on die person of the : ihi? Count, she sat in Hushing- beauty ; tteiide her coudn Cnarles, who. now he had shaven cu his men du-3 his whiskers, looked rrollv was. a true Ameri Charles, did jtu woo me in such ouzlard hh 2uise! hispered she, smiling. ueraue you vowed to marry none but an erz'lcriziih wooer. Plain Charles Wtstordrv would nerer have been allowed the opportunity of 'winning the heart which "Count PfeiiT.mhcmmer so closely be.Fed:T-d. -A-, sr, Charles, said the happy .d,rr, -if American women would 1 onlr value a man tor tue weirnt oi nts - brsms, radier than the lighmess of his . .X. T i. , " pnnc:p:cs, 1 L-i. u iaj. .J sua-X'fi- t--t vl Eizaszz. 4 snosta nave less oi loreigrn toppery. and more o! bomeiv virtue m our ccum- and more of homelv trv." Tne Gift. Sl'sl LsrTuuS ssj ibr Sid WcTuun. rest for 2 desire cf knowing in what man- cer ite was 10 cue. 1 o learn mis snecre rr C3V attended in the church to winch i iaiv narrator belonired, and kneeling fervent oration", hrrging 1dm to enltrhteu ' and tnrrrtnble tj vcr.' J ? r,VJa - -T-ts itn uhe necssif of being daily obladgrad to rumlnd her th. t it was tune to snut the church, at length she were out the purdence cfthe sexicn. He waited however tdd Passion Week, during- which ii is customary to '.ell due image- - When the gcod lady made her ap pearance he laid himself behind the cur- :can -ju Tav. : n . !?-. rv T--r tain which concealed the flg-ure, 2nd cn the wonted supplication cfBle?ed Sa, Lorezo, iniorm rna of what death nr son is to die; he instant! r reolied in a hollow, Bolemn tone Irnpiso, impiso; in Eng-hsn -he wil be hanged.' Ahf raid Jie inuajnani rhoihsr, risiu from her nees, si: at all astonished at the mkacle, 'j crs of cupld, the rlances cf lore and ten r rrateful for the gracious condescension ; derness with which dtev were fhded resern- " cf tue samt, you rascal, it was for that tongue of yours you were roasied alive. lMomin, Squirer said 'down east, gir- hag a nod and 2 wink to Lyman Towle, as these gents stood in their store in lies- ton one mcrunr.'CD and dresssd (Vir business, " 'How are you; sir! raid the merchants, Pooty well, cn-slderin the state cf things in rin era wL I say, you sell skins h.r. don'; you! " " We do, "occasionaHv, was the res- ponse. WeIl so I bur fox skins I teou, I reckon! ; . B;c., Why, hare you rot some i Some! Yes I guess I her ona its j-jcif, teou, 1 tell yeou.' ..J Le; s loDi at it.' suts one cf the mer- cha s. Tne owner oi the skin tarred at cunacou 01 iaas c voiler over-coat, a lew minutes. .and out come a i pr:tv toneiderable ; venerable revnard. slzea .le ba-isr-up of a There it ; Ain't it! -a perfect bewrr ii is, 100. been many finer cne,' vs Towle. -Praps yeou her, and praps yeou haint; but I deou think it's a rale bewty sd.ck and shiny as a bran new hat. When did you get ?rt;. skin! says the merchant. Wnen did I get it! why when I killed the dam'd critter of course. Yes, we know, but was it in the Fall or Summer, or when! -OhI vfcy; .weil. I reckon, "iwai'ci far from the 4 th cf Jul v, anv wav, f. I'd jest tieoned up my old shootiu piece, fur p'rade on the glorious anni varsity, and a- z comes tne clu cntier, anu 1 iest c-ive i. uc a np in me fizzaru mat serueu ts miarhrv isuddci. I lell vt-ou. Fou skills, said the merchant -ore not very good when taken in hot weather; the fur and hair is thin, and not fit fcr much In Summer.' Wed, neow I reckon, since I come to think it 01 er, "twarn't hot weather whenl shot the critter; no, I'd be dam'd ti it was; made a thunderiaf mistake 'tcout iur iwas rnu-M c-a to cnrsimas, was bv irellv, f.rl and Seah Peurkm? wurir-o- mg 10 a irot.c, i rememoer it i-ie a eddas sixty, snovrin awfd3 was, by giu- ger: WelL savs ihe merchant, was the fox verv fat. Fa-t! Oh! Molly, war nt it fat! TCerer see sucn a iat i-ner in ail my 00 m T T - . nv-eou, me tt came cc-me V til, cat ess tvvar'ut so fu- if-: nuthcr; cctue to tritUfa aoeoutit, twos ano ink abeoutit, ther tax oar Sudi shot last Falh i&Zs aid crirtrr, ar nt so earn J lat,uot cveriv tol iact, 1 ruess, i tat Tty-zr.tr pozr-. lifta1 c f un, trec-menjus lean; pocr old varmint was about to die of pure star a- don; never did see such a darnd - eemal starred, lean, lank, Umtshei live cram on the lord's v earth biforel' Yerj- poor, eh!" ssys Lyman. Yerv roar! I resa ii was; so almirh- rr f or, ma. wa -..luri i.-r,t- ttucav clean ec-uTTN- , - - - ' 1" . khlled it jest wnen I did, it"'vrouru uTt nT it rt tea rods lurtner alonz- tact by -. - Ah! welh scys die merchant, we see due skin is poor, very pooriihe fur is thin and loose- and vozld not suit us, Went suit-yeoui -Neon loi ahrre veou, savs the 1 ankee, boiilmg- up nis iitvs Attar eu m rjr- clean threajh die criueFs hide, run d : m ; the ncajewiis bis ler?, uh the very einu w..s rrsasv i t- 2 areo.--etl- ton Did, bv peunklns! ! a dozen niggers trlmatin" chick'ns all tnat ; -Too iau men- we r-uess. to be rood. ; time, and 'e-sloroa-v a ihi -or head tuch? and re-, tid Tui le. Ft s km s, sir, are nat so j oueroeked in c;faUi-"S j-heo w- put like what he i rood as thre taken from an anmid no; I "war in de oeds, hut ds'erj am de rtn-alilt skin, I con": kind o like sichyaps Io5I filler- dealing as that, no brow, 2nd 111 vinm'fi t- d'TT-ation rf von catch me a ir dm fox skins with vrtt? again. MaiaaeV At lumber in holder 6f EcricHs. the skin vam - X15 or an - a- rd? Vib -7 j w-.j3w, , - v - - v. oun was m tu-.tiuii f . -.1. t , 1 r-pleeity c! tiusmfu stepped -Attn mm at term tre sunny- f side of 02 aw:uuw-y, rd oitaa ' -jj-siu-wed via, ay -pon tue suicriur aii meitinrXt'-, a-i rooa the Vi . r w.iu;nr a- J - fry i cac-r j and the area. the trrirul of the visitor had occasioned, set cfT to rr eater tdrantae than nstl ie capnvatinf charms of ine widow M- Her cbfi.s t.Pt;rM!2Mws;.-' ? of the zpjle bScssca: Lcr lips resembled 1 rasebuds, tron which the mcTnlnr d-ew vet iiitTrrcd; Ltr eves were like the qxur- bling arrows that crdy waned a ne bean (para on tue pan J to do full executes Af;er a few curamon-pli.ee rcmurks I have as ataacdunenl f jr vc-u.' i A deeper blush than -usual mantled ths ; cheeks cf the fair widow. Wim down- i cast eves, whose rlances were cfctrrd j epen her bean zzl feet, half ccnceal-ed by j the flowing drapery, ren ly paatlng this ; di social candor, replied ' Sir the attachment is rec:procaL' j For some lime the sherinrnaiu tained tn I astonished silence. At last he said: Jlauam, wail vou -proceeu to court! ! 'Proceed to court?' replied the lady, j with a merry laugh: then suiting her beis i liful head, she added: 'IVo, sir! thourh ms is itcp year, 1 wm not taae iCTanu re of the iacense therein granted to my etx, and ihrreeVerrcesdy prefer that you shuald proceed to court! Bu madam, the justice. is waiixg.' Let him wsii; 1 am nut disposed to hur ry matters in such in itnbt-ceming man ner; and i-esides, sir, when the ceremcny is performed, I wish you to made rsiand. that I prefer 2 rubv.stfi to a justice cf ths peace. 'Madam, said he, rising' frcm bis chtir wim solemn dignity, -there is 2 great mis take here. Mr lonruare has beenmisun- dersiood. The attach speak was issued frcm :ent cf which I quire , anu c: you instantly befer: to answer 2 cun- tempt of court, in disobeving the cose of Smith rs. Jones. a Eupsna m Lite fatATHxris. An editu tells s. i rood story of j.eregrinatlcns down south. He was a yo'-ttg lawyer in attendance ; upon court, ana the village where the : court was neu was tnrcnrru to eve mow- eld was thrcnr: d to . ; i-i- xaaimg, with seme dimculrr. how ever, procured a bed, Le jumped into it. ne was out cram m uu.cn notmce. What kind cf a bed do you call this! said he to the negro who c-mriatid as master c-f ihe ceremonies. "reamer bed, Messa." -Feathers! I should f---V h contained chicken--"1 an't be dot are nh-cellar rdrrur. Sam. trow de chik'n in!'' murmured the waiter dubiously, as he proceeded to in sinuate ids hand into the course bassimr tick- -Sauash if he habn't, tho!" said he as he pallfd fcria a pertly icked roas ter. -I tole de stupid jack-behine dis mem1 when he wis fcamirln chick'ns for dinner, to empty ihs feathers into dc fuss class ifds, to prov de kerwuliry; ir-d de blind n gger cb r 00k cj chick'n In de hurry 00 hu-iness, masrn ' he c-ont'ts- -deee liule ac- L W n-? am fu3 time i erer found a null chick'nT - - 1 The f-ehowi-y 2re seme cf ihe inren- ' dens which have orlhnaied in G? A 1. S? w mtiht ic?S i Fullin?- mldt; - horsa llOtd-V'md :re o: mils. cd pamungs; i Spec-acles; IS -J pa;:e-r cf linen J rag-s; 1 3 i 3 O rgans 133 c G unpc w der, j cannons; ISoo wire making: 12t5C it ate; i - . r r'ms; i jci? un mnis; 123 V ood enrravinr?; 1 l3f Prln- j tutj; iju j Prmunz Tsresi-esi M41 Co li4t COt ; per:;.at? f r Prlntir?- ink; ast . rg cF ; bells; i,.h) V.'zicJ Je-icr pests-u ; "-'-i UT It" -tr-.- the educe cf Es- amrc.au us me 10 crnur i es; 15 ST Cham i Gun irk 235 pm-L Lee7 -T V ; AlruX-acs, stoves, ealy Tl;' J j TeifX-r 161C Woon vrl VT ' 2f:w--ncroscopts; Tr c" yo -Vit-zzotha: ?nxrurirr; Air Pendulum r,.. vi; ' h -t-a si-?- irr? th I - - .q r . . v - i russian. i rial mermcme" i71 -Tne rasa- :-gmphy, I , ere are seic-ai venrans of which -- d"- t2- ?du - Ji ai- rT- .V, -ic-i 25 door loi --v-,A 7 hes; .rwerao screw r---zr- ---i.. , c s -ne era.- . - .ir sr r.p- ---.v 3 aaauon has ons to -c mieresis tfia te st tiip - -: T iv- sirar-3 Z3 Dnvsr J- ,l - T" f3 lory. tetook his 1 . . j- - ji u i i i - iff
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers