U U V."1- , f in: I . ' - f V-i i r H ... . .jii jj. UWSJBlMHIIII Mill FSSg-- - 1 TTS "Jl t,t r v ) & 4X 4 o Pro:a tho Dublin University Magazine. THE FALLEN. We bad hopes that rose as proudly A each sculptured marble sLrino; And our prophets spake qs Ludlj At their oracles divine. "Grand resolves of giant daring, - Socb as Titans breathed of old, Brilliant ai m their front upreiring, Liks alcrop'o roofed with gold. Sools of fire, like columns pointing, Flame-like upwards to the skies; Iorious brows which God's annotation Consecrated allar-wiso. Stainless heart, like temples olden. None but priests hath ever trod; Hands as pure as wero tho golden Slaves which bore the ark of God. Oh, they built up radiant visions. Like an iris after rain; How all Paradise traditions Might be made to live agiiti. Of humanity's sad story.. How their hand should turn the pag, And tho ancient primal glory, Fling upon this letter ii fa llow with God like aspirations, Up the soul of man would climb, Till the fallen, enslaved nations Trcd in rhythmic march sublime; Reaching heights the people knew not. Till their prophet .Leaders led flat hod in light that niorta Is view not, While the spirit lilc lies dead. How tho palid sons of Labor, The)' should toil nnd.toil to raise, Till a glory, like a Tabor, Once again 6h(uld meet earth's gaze. How the poor, no longer keeping Count of Iifo alone by groans. With tho strong cry of their werp'ng. Start tho angels on their thrones. Ah, that vixion's bright ideal, Must it fade and perish thui? Must its fall alone bo real? Are its ruins trcd Ly us? Ah, they dicmcd an El Dorado, Given not to mortal sight: Yet the soul, that walk in shadow, Still bend forward to its light. Earnest dreamers, sooth we Llama not If ye failed to reach the goal If the glorious Ileal came not At the strong prayer of our soul. By tho path ye've trod to duty. Blessings yet toman may How, - Though the proud und stately beauty. Of your structure liclh tow. I CIIAIiCE TflEE TO BEHEjIBEB. BY MRS. ro.NSi),BY. By the rushing of Ihc waters Of our tmiivc mountain btreams. Whoso n u.-ii long sli.il! mingle With thy ImunU'd nnoui-'lii dreams By tho purple of those mountains By the uz ire of lhat sky By tho everlasting shadows. Round the fortst-trces tint lie By the paths we trod together. By the glade where iirst w'o met. Do 1 charge tiicc to remember All thou wuuldst most forget. By tho sof n es of the morning. The glory of the nuoa By the shining of tbe silver stars, Tlie radiance of tho moon By the calm and tender l wilight. By the dropping cummer showers By ll.eo:igs lli-ii ylad the greenwood in tiie merry time of (lowers By the ficsJincss ol" the greensward, V'Jth evening dtiv drops wet, Do I charge iliee to teinc nbcr All thou wouidat ivoii forget. Dy the wild and wintry tempest. The fi -rce autumnal bietzx By the howling of the storm. blast O'er thce froon northern seas -By wind, und frost, arid darkness toy tragrunee, lhl.ai.d bloom By bUirmier's wreath of beauty By wiutet' brow of gloom By arb, where flowers are springing, By Heaven, where- stars arc aU, Do 1 bind thee to remember All ihou woul.Wt njoat forget. Bj nil those happy momor.ts N hose memories thrill ihe rw'-""' " Memories wh cii dim-- J uowncast eyes. 'mi(l rumir inry drooping brow; W'hich quiver on thy false, false lip, And heave thy faithless breast, Ar;d long in that frail heart of thine Shall live in deep unrest Memories boneaih whose silent might Thy cheeks w ith tears are wet: Do I bind thee to remember All thou wi.u1.IbI most forget. L'y love, with a!! its ropture, By love, with all il3 tears, Its b iss bo mixed with sorrow, Its hope sol-' It of fcard, Its pjobion and its tingui-b. Its wi'.dnees and its wo By all thai thou so well bast known. And never more inaye&t know, By the joys forever past away, . The dicams that liuw yet. Do I charge thee to rcr. ember All thou woulJst ruokt forget. Ah false as thou hnt.1 Icen to me, False to thino own enk i.eart, Too deep a sadness drills mc now While thus, h:e i.us we pari. Oa! by tho lovo w hie, outraged. Doth its own vengeance bring, By thine ow u guilt, pid my deep wrong, And all our suffer), ;r. By weary life and wlcoir.e ilcath, Cy shame, despaii regret, I'o I bind thee to rmcioLer thou W0'jii h 'it frge'. From BicknclTs Reporter. CU8. COUNTRY. The Past, the Present, and the Future. "Here the free spirit of mankind, at !englh, Throws it last fellcts off; nd who shall place A limit on the giant's unchained strength. Or cast his swiftness in the forward race? Far. like the cornel's way through infinite space, Stretches the long untravelied path of light Into the depth of ages; we may trace Distant lh? brightening glory of its flight. Till the receding rays are lost to human sight." fcFIt is well, occasionally, not only for the statesman, but the philanthropist, to glance retrospectively at the history of the American Union, to ponder upon the present, and to speculate as to the ja ture. 1 her e are, moreover, seasons at which such a policy is particularly op portune. Nations, like individuals, some times bound forward, as if under the in fluence of some extraordinary impulse. Their fortunes undergo a rapid change in a short period of time. Circumstances and an overruling Providence control their destinies, and either make or mar at plea sure. The progress of our own country has been truly extriordinary. It is the modern wonder among civilized States. The seed of emigration and colonization that was planted but a few years back, comparatively speaking, has already be come a mighty and majestic tree, the growth of which is nevertheless only in its infancy. The pas', in connexion with our progress, lias been marvellous. Our present poskion is well calculated to star tle and astound all thoughtful and contem plitive mind.3. And yet the wonders that have been realized, areas nothing com pared with the gorgeous visions of the fu ture isions well calculated to excite and bewilder the vivid imigination. The mission of this Republic is indeed momen tous. The part we are called upon to perform, is one of the highest character, not only in a political but a social sense not only as concerns the existing, but future generations not only as our imme diate people are affected but with reference to the whole family of man. Already our example has exercised a powerful influ ence upon the nations of the old wrorld. 1 he masses have been roused to a due sense of their necessities and their rights. Monarchs have been compelled to recog nize and respect the power and comforts of thir subjects, and the liberal principle is sti 1 at work, r ranee is now ens-aeed in a great experiment, is endeavoring to tread in the footsteps of the model Repub lic of the New World. The prayer of every friend of liberty is with her. Her course is wctched with hope and with fear witn nope Dy me liberals and rMormers ol the day with fear and with tremb!inarl by the despotic, the prejudiced and the unwise. But our own country, its position and prospects, us moral tone, its health v po litical character, its future greatness these are topics well calculated to engage the at tention of every elevated and patriotic mind and heart. 1 h IC future looms dow- injrh- m the uisiance. The valley ol the .Mississippi and tlie shor of the Pacific present new and temptinor scenes for ehort, r . . . l 3 " . ac:ivity and enterprise. Our young men' are moving forward by tnousuads, to bind the two extremities ol our vast territory by ers tiiat a lew vears aro were deemed al most impassable, and which seemed to form a wall of sep iration between us and the Pacific. A lit !e longer, and the jour ney between the Atlantic ci ies and the grille valleys of the far off West, may be accompliseed intlie course of a few weeks. 1 tie trip will be made one of pleasure rather than toil. Our sons and daughters will settle there, and the interchange ofj tamily visits will be but an ordinary currence i ew cities, towns and villages : will spritio; up, bold prospects will be start ed, exciting discoveries will be made, and the tide of human beings will roll on in an almost ceaseless current to the golden eriile West. In 1810, the official census gave our population as a little more than seventeen millions! The present estimate is, that it is more than twenty-one and a nali millions beinrr an increase of four and a half millions in nine years! This is in deed a wonderful result. Estimating the future increase at thirty-three and a half per cent., in less than a century from the sent time, the human beings within the units ol our territory, will number q?;':V THREE HUNDRED Mil.;--,- r 4 . I o ,tlr:!;n. - Some ol tie old btates ri rcivc uwinuieu mio ins)?, uiicant scc V tions as compared with the nev, and thou sands and tons of thousands of Viuman be ln-rs will inhabit spots that am Little bet ter than a wilderness! And what is the duty, of our bytesmen, of our Government under these cirunstan ces, and with these prospects How should philanthropy and christian.- act, so as licst to promote the lo'lty objVts of civilization and the sacred purposes Y re ligion? The influence of one generion is powerful with that which succeeds i't If the bov be father to the man, the fatn-r may be said to impress his character, lu; j morals, Ins example upon a crowd o SUCCCSPOrs upon all who depend uponVhe can inustor courage lo remove is of all look up lo, respect and esteem him. In stitutioa-:. have a still more extended influ ence. They aii'ect not only individuals hut classes they color and impress the ae in which they exist and flourish. The great error with to many of our lead ing men is, that their views and objects are too temporary, too selfish, and too limited, for the great stage upon which they have been called to figure. One of our national faults is rashness, excitability, a disposition to yield to tlie impulses of the hour. We do not sufficiently ponder ! upon causes and eflects do not recognize our cxiranrumary position as a nation, ann adapt our government and legislation to the great and cdmprehensivelevelope ments of the future. We repeat the pres ent moment is an important one " in our history. The fact that twenty thousand of the most active and enterprising mem. bers of our eastern communities have a bandoned their ordinary avocations, and directed their footsteps towards the shores of the Pacific, iudicates the roving,' the adventurous, the enterprising spirit of our people! The result cannot be but-extraordinary. It is certain that the Atlantic and Pacific will soon be united by com merce, by trade, by social afinity, than the wildest of our theorists could have im agined a few years since. The subject is one suggestive of high thoughts of far reaching undertakings., A century ago, and what were we as a nation- a century hence, and what is likely to be our position? hp Free Trade FoMry. ' 1 1 Resolved upon by the English govern ment, has sadly disappointed our protec tionists, who had hoped to find in the ex ample of that government a soit of excusp for returning to the old barbarisms nf wnicn, witn an instinctive regard for the absurd, they are so fond. Aliouo-h the 11 -.1 . . English sometime since resolved uoon the overthrow of the corn laws, it Kas not un til now been by any means ce?tain that they would be completely abolished. A part from the good that will flow to the English people themselves from'. this wise resolution, it is to be rejoiced at becausp of the efiect it must have on the wlm civilized world. England's infltenc in matters of commerce and manuf:ctures is still of the first class, though inl a few years more it must come to be slcond to that of tho United States; and perhaps there never was a more fortunate Urn for the cause of liberal principles thanthefact that Great Britain, while ranking j as the first of commercial powers, was compelled to throw aside the restrictive system of which she had been so long the greatest champion among the nations. In ipho'd ding that system, for a period of lalmost two centuries, dating from the timtj of the passage of the Navigation Act, England was compelled to wage many long, costly, and in some instances disastrous wats, and to incur a debt that weighs upon her en ergies, and which must, for a long Uime, prevent her from playing the part uf an effective upholder of liberal ideas. 1 Her position has been happily compared, by one of her own sons, to that of an aged debauchee, who had been brouo-hlitoa ; knowiedie of his errors thmno-h RnfTtnr K,,t o i- ...i. ti .l, for good because all his means of doim good were exhausted in riotous livino- Ju- nug youth and manhood. The example should not be lost on k rising nation l!kc t!te United States, soon destined to had in every thing. It should teach us that liberality in national matters is as Chtd- Win-r nn,! ve as it is in the con- enl3 of ; '1ivi-(lir,, idividual life. The notion that nnr ,..nr.,u,. ,i our loss. IS lTTiwnrthv nt trip rnmm:-n f n,i r.v. .0i.v: ' ,v.. .i .uz,.u i:.'.. U3 lhat we shoalJ rejoie over rather than the prosperity of others. The trutn is, that every nation is benefitted lv the prosperity of any one of its contem poraries. England cannot be prosperous without the United States sharing in her prosperity, nor can we be in a commer cially sound state when England is dis tressed. The partition walls between na tions which have existed for centuries, making enemies of the different branches of the human family, must come down,! now that England has entered upon a! CIlp,i -Tt , t jTi by selfish motives in changing her policy, and most probably it is so, but the good will not be the less on that account. It is with the fruit that the world have to do, and not with the motives of the sower of the seed. Generations sit under the shade of trees that were oriffinallv planted f :".. .1. f .1- -i i ' and their enjoyment was not the rwrt cause ho thought not of their Boston Times. - j" Whatever ha your condition inwardly ! cr outwardly let not a complaint fill from your lios. Vim ninv le nnnr and m nlilifrpfl In work day bv day. but this .vorld is a ,la of toil. Millions have toiled bofore vou who arc! now at rest in the kingdom above. Arc you abu.-ud? So was the most perfect man Ihe world ever saw. Abuse will not injure a ster ling character- Harsh words rebound lotto speaker's own hurt. Are you cheated? So is every honest man. If yon complain al evtry mishap at every f-lander al every dujj at y our heels you will pm-s a life of misety. The boil course is, to suffer without complain, ing, and to discharge all your duties faithfully as in the fear of God. The man who hai a snarl always in his brow a scorn on his lip and a mountain on his back notonej of whicii nen 'the most miserable. If you complain at o tti fles now, beforoyou die, you willembt- t every hour of existence, by your unhappy a il oEit ion 1 1 Vt-'T Deuevs Ir." It is said that Uuro srdpVipJa in the "Mountain Districts"bf Keituijjy so green that they followed a wagon wh ch happened lo pass that way twenty miles. "Jya to see whether lha hind wheels wjild overtake the fore ones." A bachebr having advertised for a wife to s.-Jre his lotan "Anxious Inquirer" tolicitod t'ulUirc and Prcscrvaiiaa of Potatoes. IT.ivin-Tihu nreseut vear. notwithstanding tho drought, succeeded in growing and preser. ving a fine and healthy crop of potatoes. I have decided to furnith an account of tho circum stances under which they were produced, and my opinion relative thcrclo, lor insertion in your journal, should you deem it worthy of a plane therein About the first of May, I planted fivo acres in the following manner: The soil was a dry, micaceous, sandy loam, gradi ally rolling, with a Kouthren exposure; the seed used, was both wh ite and purple Mercers, principally large ones, cut into three pieces, and rolled in gyp sum, and aliowed to lie but a few Lours after cutting. The field was an old sward princi pally of mo.s and garlics; the manure applied was entirely from the yards, made from the cow and horse stables and the styes, about tvveniy.flve two horse loads per acre, spread bioadsidti before tlie plow the land having been heavily limed several years previous. The planting process commenced with the tillage, by dropping the pieces o f the tubers (prepared as above,) about one foot apart in the bottom of every furrow, which was five inches i i dep'h and ten wide, strewing them with ash es and fine charcoal, about twenty bushels per aire. The plowing was performed in the u -u:il manner, in lands of the twonly.fi va yx rds CJCIl. Immediately after planting, the ground was thoroughly rolled. After it had lain a lew days it received repsalcd harrowings, length wise of the furrows, in the warm part of the day, which continued unlil the tops were three inches in height, after which they remained without t:!!ago until fiome eight inches high, when tho cultivator was passed through, be l.veen the rows, and tho weeds, if any, renvt vej. They then received a light lop-dressing ol gypsum, after which they remained untouch ed until fit for harves-t, which was dime as snon as ihc kkins of the new tubers were firmly set, but before all the tops were entirely dead. We began to dig ab-ul the first ofsep lenibcr, before the autumnal rains comn enced. They were placed in a cool, dark cellar, ai:d spread on tho ground floor about eighteen in. ches thick, where they remained for two months, when they were assorted and placed in gib ns about four feet deep, there to remain until marketed in the spring. They have so far kept perfectly, there being no visible traces of disease in the entire crop. The yield was about 50 bushels per acre. w liich lis a lurch greater pn duct than I anti- cipated, on account f the esccsbive drought. The whole cxpe nsc of the tillageot this crop did not exceed four cents per bushel, indepen. dent of the planting and harvesting, which cost not lcs than ten ce;ils per bushu!, making I the aggregate cost of producing the five acres (i,ic!udi" lha seud- y0 bu!lds al 60 cents Per 2153. Pulatoes of the qualilv of mine are now worth eighty cents per bu.-hel in Pnil adeljmia mat ket, ivhicii would muke the net value of the crop JiTGl. Truly, this in not so luciutive as some cflhe miners in California liavc represented the raiding ofgold lobe; nev crtheles.s.I think the IMeicers, vvell roasted, tel quite ds well as vvell upon an empty stom ach as goid ore, and judging from, tho effect produced upon the morals and customs of the nations in which the precious metals are most abundant, I much prefer being classed with the cultivat ors than the miners. John Wilkinson. The Ho 1T- The ho? is universally regarded as one of tlie most profitable animnl0 Si--"?1 ft, w., "ivr;.k .-r" -nianagement he nit luiiiii n i i'r r.-.-;1 -' iav lJlt; -pense oi iaiieninr, oiien leave a Daiance ol some dollars 1 .1, 1 1 , C V. mi . in iau nanus ui nis owner. i ms may ap pear incredible to some who lollow the old policy of keeping their swine confined in a close cote with a gravel or board floor, and with barely sufficient "litter" to serve as a nest in cold weather. "With - ..A. i 1 .1 V aucii f cunoinisis it is no wonuer mat porKU, making is anything but a lucrative X". ncss. The method which every S shOU.Id Pu.rsu?.maJ be detailed i nnrsup mnv hp r ntnlprl inJ ! I,. :. .i ... " iujoming your nog pen navs -aro, well and strongly enclosed, of a sTe pro 4 1 - - - , 1 portionate to the number ol swine you in tend lo keep. Into this convey as much muck, chip-aunjr, rotten-wood, mould from the road side, leaves, straw and sods, as will furnish a stratum of ekiht inches o in depth over the entire area. As the mass accumulates, sprinkle on corn, peas, and if you have them, nuts of any kind from the forest, and let them be mixed in with the materials and supply a motive to the swine to root, and keep the mass light and in action. To this jard let your swine have free access, and as fast as the materials are worked up add to them, and so on till the yard is filled. Every hog will, in this way, manufacture from three to four cords of excellent manure, before he is old enough to commence fatting hirn, and with manifest advantages to his health. If practicable, let the mass be frequently irrip;ated either by couducting the water which falls upon the roofs of the adjoining buildings therein, or by the suds from the laundry; water from any source, however, will sufiice. Three things that ought never to bo from i-n-.th? re, til's chiTsr.r and the hs'Jss-'tfe it . Atjvbtwg tub JBcrrii. The Lcndcn Gtz etiecont.insBctsciinperlBUt information for the ladies with regard to the manner of pla. clng their lip when they desir3 lo look amia. ble. dignified. &c; says when a IaxJy would com pope her mmjth to a bland and serene char, artor. she should jut befote enterin? the room , bosom, and keep the expression in which ll o im.uth subsides until the desired effect up on the company is evident If. on the other i,,.! d. i,hesto assume a distinguished and somewhat noble bearing, not suggestive of .1.. ..M v IrBfJi. the fCBUit oi SWreineES, nn- -j which is infallible. If the would make her mouth small and prcltv, she must say ftp', but if the mnulh be already small, and needs enlarging, she must say callage. Ladies when having their dagcerreoty pes taken, may observe these rules with some advantage. Frank Courtship. An old Count paid his AAra rmn of ths richest heiresses of u viui sai" w - Paris. In asking her hand in marriage, ho frankly said to her: "Miss I. I am very old, and ynu are very young; will you do ine the honor to become my widow?" Symptoms. "I'll Let a sheep." said an old Meredith to his other half, -that our boy Otho is going era zy F r he is grinning at the plough, and he i s grinning at the barn, and he is grinning at the table, and he is prinnin? to himself wherever he goes." Poh," replied the old woman, "don't you know lie got a love letter this morning." When Prince Albert gives her Majesty a kiss, and the Queen returns it, what public building docs it resemble? The Royal Ex. chanjre. NEW GOODS! fy II E n inJersigned having removed lo the BL fcjtore Kiio.u formerly accupied by Wui. Killcll, beg leav; to infurm tits friends and ihe public generally that he keeps cons tanlly on hand a large and splendid assortment of ll 1 1 y' i W T.l re C "7A k which he is determine. I lu sell us iuvv if not a iillle lower than the Can bo leased at any .x ? f :i ! . ! : fc "i in r (i t III fhf fi 1 11 t t A a hia ctnr!r nt (JciuJs has been heltcted with jrieai cuie, he feels contiJunl liiat he c. n supply Ins customers with articles of a quality tuporior to those usually sold elsewhere, and al pricos-lo suit the tiiiis. Thu following are among the many articles whicii he has uh lianu. tilue black und othtr Cloths oj superior finish', JJlue, Lilac.', und Fancy Cassimtres; Uxtia htavy I'uutaloon Stujfs, Blue Drillings , York Gaiitbruuns, new style Cottonude, Slripid Shillings, Woolen Ticeeds, flain and Striped Satinets, Ken tacky Jeanes, Alpaccas, Muslin de La ins, Calicoes, very low. Domestic and other Ging hams, Plain and Fatten Striped Silk, Satin and Velvet V e s t i n g s, Uioicn Sheetings, Shirtings, lush Linens, Svspendfrs, Linen, Siln and Cotton Handkerchiefs, Gingham and Siik Cravats, Ladies Paris shaped Flaicnce, Draid and Straw Dountts, llibbons. Gimp, Laces, IZdginigs and Jnsei tings. Together With a latge asiurtmtnt oj Hoots and Shoes, U acer. Fur, Silk and Wool Huts, Cloth and Silk Oil cLtt Cups, Chma, Glass and Qnernsware, Groceries Hardwai e. Cutlery, Nails, F i s h. Salt, tJ)-C, tJ-C , tj-C , c. All of which he will dispose of on liie niosi re.isonuble terms. The public ure respectful ly invited to call and examine his block of Goods before purchasing eUo where. Grain of ail kinds wanted in exchange for goods. JOHN S. BUCHANAN. April 12. 1-19. 27-tf. SsfafciT Sii Q-faar-s? 'il6Jj AT EBEK SIJCJRG. Have Just received from Philadelphia, a large and splendid assortment of NEW GOODS Well selecied, und bought at the very Lowest Prices, which Will eiidblo us t o sell Goods Cheap, for we arc t-atisfied with small profits and quick returns. Amongst which, the lol. lowing articles comprise a part: Superior JVool Cloths, Bluz-blaek and lancy Cassimeres, Fancy Summer Lrooas, Jjca l icking and Jlnron isiieucs, Lsouonadcs oj every de scription, Ginghams, Bleached y and liroicn Domestics, Man chester and Scots Ginrr- ham3, Bambazincs, Al paccas, and Lawns, Scarfs, Hhkfs., $ Collars, Gloves, Hosiery of all kinds, Vcstings of all hinds, London and American Calicoes, Tiveeds and Kentucky Jeans, La- ccs, Edgings and Inserlings, Ar tificials, lubbons and many other articles. Also, Boots and Shoes, of every de scription, flats, Caps and Bonnets. To gether with a large and splendid as- ovi i it it ill a t i' iiuruLuarc, iziecnsware, tuiiery, (Jro ccriea of all hinds, Books, $-c, $-c., And m act. tvery other article usually kept tor sale, which we are determined to sell at low pricep: and a Ii those desirous of rreltinfr uieir ijouus ne ip wouu Go well lo cail and examine before purchasing elsewhere. Gentlemen ure respectfully invited to call and give oui assortment an examination, even if they do not buy, us our motto i 'Cheap Goods' and wo won't be beat, mz'fld that. And to the Lud;es we say come, ona and all, and wo will fairly mako your heada 6wim in the way of pretty Good and low prices. MURRAY Jt ZAHM. j Xcv, 13, IS49, 57-tf ! rss oft THE Q102A.T HHtAtQ AMERICAN OIL, procured frn Kentucky, 135 ft telow iS..; ! tho earth a certain and infar;n k' t:e tf Sprains, Strains, Cuts, Brui9es, Sc'.p. UD fjf Tetter, Erysipelas Scald He. urt", WhoopingCough, Ii.aammatory Sore Th"' Sore and InflameoEves, Flatuleie T..0JV Fever Sunes, and " ' ' LiC'-i, IN FLAM M A TORY RHEUM ATlSxt which yields to its eff.-cts in a surprising ro.r It has never yet failed when used accor to ditections. Read the following:' e MAKfcHEBT. A Ilegheiiy 'co., p. i i'"veuiuer iB JS1G t This is to certify, that my wife, Mar2L Ghriost was cured of a Kbemumatic Comply, of seven years standing, by which sho wuw lame as to be obliged to use crutches. la 0c week she as cured by using the Araericff Oil, and could walk about as usual witheuttor crutclics. JONATHAN GHREISt. The following is communicated by Sir. m' Nash, Mr. Jackson's agent for .Stubenville 0 A gentlemen near Stubenville, who had not be?n able to put either of his feet to the ground for twelve years, in consequence of lameness by the use of one bottle was enabled to wjlk twu miles to a township eicctiou. It is hk. wise a sovereign remedy for CONTRACTION OF THE MUSCLES AND TENDONS. ? The following is communicated b? Wm JNash Mr. Jackson' agent for Stubenville, O. f A lady residing in Slilbenville, the finger cf whose hand was eo contracted as lo deprive her of the use of it for thirty.five years, wu entirely cured by the use of one bottle of tht Oil, so lhat she now has the perfect nee of her hand fully equal to the other which btd never been affected. It has also been fuund to be a safe and invincible agent in the spe&dj and certain cure of IJKAFNESS, in all cases not organically incurable. A lady residing in Allegheny city was effec. tually cured of obstinate deafness, of years con. linuance, by the use ol less than one bottle of the OJ so lhat she said she heard belter than she had ever done before. A gentleman well known in Pittsburg, was cured of deafness nf nine years 6tindi2 hr the use of a small quantity of the Oil. The names and residences of the lady and gentleman will be given to those who dciiru it, at the ofnee of the advertiser. lis properties are highly developed in the certain und surprisingly speedy cure of all eisea of CiJOLIC, CRAMP, AND SPASMS. Several cases of the Cramp Cholie have f been effectually cured by one dose "Ui- l , . r i If i 1 . - . in ine siiori space or nan an now" 14 pa. ties have been agoinrfjJQ cur, itive properties have f . (, 10 3t' 393 fc-sled tn the radical cut DESEASK OF i: A leny. the wife of 2,073 was cured cffdciually of oni' of diseased Spine, which ho of Liff, -her bed for a considerable li r could not turn heelf. It U a'(rom Papers de and perfect cure for pains in th the late hurri back, and rs that it was INFLAMMATION OF TfffJo- Sprino NEVS. v(tL-' Read the following: Pittsburg, Dec. 18. 18lT This is to certify that I was afflicted ij'i '.' great pain in the smalt of my back and ki-rtnej, which affected me so much that I could fa. stand upright I3y rubbing externally, and 1 half a tea spoonful .internally, iijjrht a ccAT. ii;g, I was cnt.rely cured. w t JOHN RIDDilij, rear. Warren ArmtO!lg co, A kcntleman of Pittsburg; afHicted with a" vio'ent inflammation of the kidneys ih I pain of which caused him to faint wus com." pleltly cured in three davs, by the usa of th Americiin Oil. The qualiiit-a f ibis NATURES OWN REMEDY is extremely penetrating and anti-infldnvma. lory, consequent)? is confidently recommen ded us a sovereign remedy wherever itlamrna. I on exists, either external or internal. Used immediately af.er a cut, brui.-e or wound.it will cure &. prevent GANGRENE & MORTIFICATION It has in addition, been found a salutary,, pleasing and tffcciive remedy for those very unpleasant and Inconvenient diseases, GRAVEL AND UUINARV COMPLAINTS. 33"Price 50 cents per bottle. Caution Be on Your Guard, The surprising excellence and growing popa lurity uf n,- rtt.fiklrCie;BlZna dnshoi't persons to nalrn ouon the oub'ir. r:i:- crable HnUiUions ef this truly vahjabie mcdi. cine, fir the purpose of deceiving th unwarv and defrauding the Proprietor. in order to be sure of obi aininr tlie rren. unie. obs-rte the follow in o r w i. i i "v i . -ki &ee that the name of Wm. Jackson, 83 Liberty si., l,ead of Wood st.. is printed or Ihe label of the wrapper of each bottle, to im mituie vvh:.ch is felony. CT -ju i hai each bottle is inclosed in a pam- puiei containing full directions for usu; and alto containing the name and full address of Wm. Jackson General Agent for the proprie likewise, me name and addrea of f) proprietors D. Hail &. Co.. k'm.L. 3d Puichase only of the advertised Agents, ad of wh..tn have a show bill, on winch is printed the names of the proprietors and Gen eral Agents ihu: L. IJ.nl &. Co, Proprietor Kentucky. Wm. Jickson Pii-sburg, Pa., Gen eral Asrent for UVsiorn P..r.cui....;.. i " - " -j . , a u u pari ot Ohio and Western Virginia; and tho printers' names M'-Milliu &. Shryuck, Pitts burg printed at Ihe bottom of said show bill. 4th Observe the genuine American Oil is ol a dark green color, without any sediment, and its specific gtavity lighter than water. The counterfeits ure mostly of a black color; some Seneca o.l others a mixture ot common oiN; and ono of various colors sometimes a close imitation of lha genuine purporting to come irom the PiUbbur AIit.'i..u n;- - Co. None of these couiuerleits possess either Ir.' "U.e or tl,e Povver of the true AMERl. C.l.V GIL. crlLT'Sld vv,,oIesa;e & 'ctail by WM. JACK SON oeneral and sole agent for the Proprieter v Ues,e,u rennsylvania Western Virginia and " Northern Ohio; and by the followng duly ap pointed agents in Cambria Co. Pa- Lilzinger. , &.Tdod Kbensburc: A. Uurbin &, Co. Mun.ter: G. L. Lloyd. Jetivreun; liichard Doncaster, Sumuiit; J. Pershing, Johnstown; O'Neill Sc. Uhey, Plane No. 4. Take Nn'j;e: Lilzinger. & Todd has been appointed general and supplying agent for the American Oil in Cambria co.. Pa. Agents re. quiring further supply and persons "wishior to be made agents will please apply to him. Sept. 28 164d ia-y. ' A Large lot of Bleached and Brown Mn X3i tins, just received and f... at theslore of MIIHRaV A- 7 A General assortment of PainU and Oil8 of every deScri ntion for sale al r4nus.i rrtcg by HURRAY & ZAHM. v I i fl V I I 4 - k v