tV.-i MOUNTAINSITJIL EBENSBURG, PA. TlitU'scIny, April 12, 1 849. To The Public. With feelings of pleasure, and bright hopes of future success, we have ngain taken hold of the "Moi'ntaix Sentinel," and rcassumcd our former position in this county. We have done enattho solicitation of u large portion of the democratic party in every section of the coun ty, and the many assurances of support which wo have received fro n various quarters have induced us lo believe that we 6hall be sustained in our present undertaking. The want of a Tress at the scat of Justice must he felt by every person who takes an interest in the wel fare and prosperity of the county, and when properly conducted, it is believed that it cannot fail to meet with that encouragement and pa. tronage which it deserves. Custom has made it incumbent on every in. dividual assuming control of a paper to "define his position but our long and intimate ac nminlanci with the people of this county, and out well known- adhercco to democratic men and measures when we occupied a similar po tition on a former occasion, scarcely renders a compli nice with this old established usage ne cessary at this lima. We deem it our duty, Lo.vevcr, to say a few words in reference to certain mat'ers connected with the party in this county that may bo deemed important, &. which tmy have a tendency to relievo the mind? of furue ofour friends of all doubts in reference to rur future course. It ij a melancholy fact that for a number of l12laniire''n" runcorous animosity has 's,'llvr imt it a number ot our most , tl jr lh3 beauties inference to men, and r I r-- Tnif nnJ to exercise such an t ' ioa i'0'et, ilrncir support of county If. 7 'AJalatdj, shfas invariably effected the . SCdi'C ten -'ie democratic ticket VaV- V f oTting s ixien permuieu 10 jrinciplet and men, w hose c0 vvac uicwm a v uv -sj hole ticket, nave been active in Qjeirtsto defeut a particular individual r ticket against whom they may havecn - V tuined a feeling of personal prejudice or ponal animosity. This has been a matter of i ... . vr!y occurrence in this county, and we have ' of5 .... .UUH far tiia truth of, oi;r . asser ion. . A a, llcuVy wrong, and so derogatory to -'l'ch:iracter of democrats, it must be evident .j tvery man professing a common understand ing, cat net have any oilier lendency than that v j . i reaping us cotisianiiy in a minority, anu I ; i . I - i I thus preventing our little county from occupy ing ll. at position in the democratic family of the State to which the is entitled. We cannot review the policy that has boen pursued for scleral years past by democrats, or men pro fencing to democratic measures, with any other feelings than those of unqualified dis. !! roba'.ion, and whatever maybe the course pursued hereafter by certain members of the parly in reference to particular men who may lo placed in nomination, we can assure them that no other course than that of giving a v. arm and hearty support to the entire ticket shall ever' receive any encouragement at our ii-:-ls. This 'tule or ruin" prtnciplclias had its day the people are heartily lirea it tnd we feel assured that the natural good sense of the masses of the democratic party will pre vent a repetition of its dastrous results. In speaking thus plainly, it is not our inlen. lion to wound the feelings of any man or any ret of men, or that our remarks should be ta ken in any other light than that of a general one. It ii our intention to publish an inde pendent journal. free from the influence of any clique or faction and wo deem it our du ty to speak thus f reely upon a subject of such vital importance to the democratic party. It is the duty of every man, professing at tachmenl to the principles of democracy, to support the nominations of the party, without reference to the men who may compose, the ticket; but so long as private or personal feel ings arc permitted to influence their support. juat so lorg may we expect disscntion, disunion and defeat. W o havo the numerical strength; we have men in our ranks well qualified to fill the several county offices, and all that is requi red to make the demociacy of Cambria trium phant in every canvass, is the will to bo so. It is gratifying however to perceive that a dis- position is manifested by a large number of the prominent men of the party to make concilia tion and concession the order of the day; to le. by goneo, be by gone;" and in short toturn a new leaf in the political history of Cambria county. .Let this be done, and all will yet be well; and whatever of influence we may pos sess will be cheerfully exerted to bring abou1 a result so much lo be desired. In conclusion, rve will only say" that we hall endeavor to reader the "Sentinel" wor thy the tupporl of the public. Our columns will bo filled with whatever may be deemed in teresling i0 our readers, the earliest news, for eign and domestic, and more especially what, ever may have tendency to promote the in terest or welfare of our country. . JOIIN G. GIVEN. rrThe , bill to create a ncw county out of arts of Jefferson, Indiana,. Clearfield and imbrui, to be called Pne, has benn defented ihe Legislature. i V The Domestic Creditors. The sufferings of this class of our citizens is intolerable. Their treatment, by the State, or those in power, i to say the least of it, highly censurable, and the more especially so, as a majority ore laborers, men who are dependant or. their daily toil for the support of themselves and their families. The payment of their just demands have been postponed year after vear. and many have been compelled to dispose of their claims against the State at a great sacri fice in order to obtain the money. This state of things should not be permitted to ex ist, and we hope the evil complained of will be speedily remedied. The State demands cash for lolls from all those engaged in business on her trn. provements, and itis nothing more than jus tice that those employed in making repairs and keeping the works in proper order should re ceive their money whenever it is duo. The credit of our good old Commonwealth demands the adoption of this course, and we think thai our Legislators, instead of consuming the whole session in legislating for particular friends and granting special priviligcs, had much better have paid more attention to the honor of the State and the wants of their constituents. VVe learn that the liabilities of the Slate on the Portage Road alone, amount to about tev. icnty. three thousand dollars. As may readily bupposeu,, u,o non-payment of this large amount is severely foil in this county. Money is more scarce now than it has been for a num ber of years, and consequently many of our enterprising business men are cramped for means lo carry on their operations success, fully. It is earnestly desired that an appro, priation bill has passed the Legislature provi ding for the payment of all the Domestic Creditors, and that will abolish the odious credit syote'm that has been practi ced on the public improvements Tor a number of years past. We shall refer to this subj eet again. A .New Law. Many of our readers will perhaps be aston. ished to learn that a bill creating three new Judicial Districts, one of which is composed of the counties of Huntingdon, .Blair and Camoria, has passed both branches of the Le. gialatuie, received the sanction of the Gover nor, and ie nf.flaw of the State. The bill had scarcely got through the Senate, until tiie appointment?, already "cut and diy" in the hands of the Governor, were sent tu that body for confirmation. This is certainly one of the IinnfAtt rklta.a r. C v J L' i f , U iuviu lur luvoiiie menus. at the expense of the tax payer of the Com- mon wealth, yet devised by our slutwd Gover nor, and we think this circumstance will go far towards satisfying tho people that their interests meet with lml.i consideration at the hands of the present Administration, flad such a measure as this been adopted by a dem ocratic administration, it . cu!d have been heralded forth by every whig paper in the State as an evidence of "Lutofoco extrava gance," "unparalleled abuse ufpow-r," '-hor rible waste of tho people's money," Lc, but when wliig ate permitted lo re..p Uio benefit of the 6poils that are thus placed at the dispo sal of the Governor, it is all perfectly right and just. George Tavlois. Eq., of Huntingdon, has been appointed President Jude of this Dis trict, (the 24th ) lie is said to be man of con siderable ability, and that he will make a good Judge. We have not seen the bill creatinglhe new District, and therefore knew nothing of its provisions. Should any charge have been made, however, in the time of holding the Courts of this county, our readers will be advi sed of it at the earliest moment. IL'It is our intention to enlarge our paper in the courss of a few months, should we receive sufficient encouragement to justify the addi tional expense . Our outlay already has been considerable in the nurchaoc of anew Press, 1 new Type, &.c, in order that we might be cn- j a'blca j? issue a readable sheet, and we tcel sured titij?sspajisyeget properly under headway, in point of mechanical' "eVfcUioji. our journal will not be surpassed by any coun try paper in tho State. It is hoped that our friends will exert themselves in such a manner as to enable us to enlarge the Sentinel lo the same size as the "Pittsburg Post." The Legislature. ,This body was to have adjourned on the 10th inst. The w hole session has been spent doing almost literally nothing, if we except the pass r r , . n i liire nearly au wings:! iot a word a ajre ot a few bank bills. I he members have' , J , -,,0 Tr , permitted their time to be occupied by hyv legislation, in which the people generally ITa little or no interest. All the important mea sures, among which is ll:c appropriation bill, havo been permitted to lie over to ihe last mo. ment, when, as a matter of course, in thb bus lie of adjournment, they must pass both bran ches, defective and ill-advised in many of Iheir features. The truth is, there is too much local Icgis lation, and this feature in our government calls loudlv for reform The time which should be devoted io the adoption of measures of public utility is wasted in long winded and profitless speeches about mailers in w hich the public can have no interest, but which are at the same lime a heavy tax upon the people in the expense incurred in their enactment. It is time that these abuses should receive tho attention of the people, and that something should be done to relieve the Commonwealth from her crippled condition. CWe send thia number of our piper to a few ofour friends w.iose names are not on our subscription list, but who we think are, never theless disposed lo give us iheir patronage. Should they be unwilling however to become subscribers, they are requested to return the paper. 0"We loam that Alexander " Irvin, of Clearfield county, has been appointed Marshal jfthe Western District of Pennsylvania. A Triumph. L. Harder, Esq., Editor of the Pittsburg Morning Post, against whom a bitter warfare has Leen for some tune urged in consequence of his feailcss advocacy of the Ten Hour Law, has effected a glorious triumph. This war was carried on by the Whig Press and a few manufacturing Democrats, who havo exhausted their strength in the effort to prevent the cir- culation of his paper and ultimately to break him down. His course however has been tri umphantly sustained by a Democratic County Convention, and by the people general'y, and his enemies have been taught that the Ameri can laborer has rights and Krivilc?es which are nut to be trampled on by the wealthy na. bob. The time has arrived when intelligence has been so diffused among the masses the sturdy sons of toil thai they know and ap preciate their rights, and they have the ability and the energy to make the "lord lings of the loom and of the anvil" understand that they arc determined to maintain them, and not suff er themselves lo be crushed down to a level with the paupers of Europe. IVc congratulate our contemporary of the Post on his signal success, and would recommend his case lo the attention df those who are hardy enough to attempt to crush the advocate of the rights of the "loiling'mil'ious." Elee lion of Judges. The bill amending the Constitution so as to make Judges elective by the people, has passed both branches of the Legislature. We believe this bill must pass the next Legislature in a similar manner before it is submitted to llu people for adoption. It passed iho Lower House by the following vote: l'eas Ball, IJent, Diddle, Gloom, Cole, Bull, Cort, Diohl, Elliott, Eliiiery, Evans, IVusolJ, Fegely, Fisher, Fuller, Grove, Uampsou, Ilenszcy, Herring, Higgins, llortz, Howcr, Laird, Lewis, Long. McCartney, McCulIough' H-McKee, McLaughlin, Marx, Myers, Peurce, Pratt, Kobb, Uapley, Ilyman, Schoonovcr, Sel bert, Sharp, Snively . Steel, Siubbs, Slutzman, Swaitzwelder, Taggart, Geo. T. Thorn, Nich olas Thorn, Wattles, Wcirick, Wilcox, Zcrbey, Packer, Speaker. Nays Cornyn , Courtney, D. Evans, Henry S. Evans, Fenlon, George, Gillespie, Gordon, Henry, Kirk, Laubach, McCalm-mt, J. McKee McSnerry, Miller, Morrison, 0:to, Robert Rostb'iry, Rutherford, R. R. Smith, J. Smyth, Souder, Walters, Williams. Yeas 52 Nays. 2 J CTIie remarks appended to the following message of Governor Johnston, which we take from tho 'Yilkt8larre FurmT," may, perhaps, be thought severe, but it must be admitted that to a certain extent, they are merited. We are not d isposed to say ought against the officers of the Regular Army, bul on the contrary, are willing to bear testimony in favor of tin ir gal lantry and bravery. What we object lo, is a disposition on the part of those in power to be stow ull the commendation and all the favors of the Government upon tiie officers of the Regnlar Army. Thty adwpt it as a profession are educated at the expensa of the United Stales Government, and are well paid and cared fur wl.eihcr in war or during the "piping limes of peace." With volunteers it is vastly different. When the emergency which called them forth has pasted away they are disbanded and thrown upon their own resources for a subsistence, where they resume their several avocations in private he, and nothing more is said about, or heard of thciii. If there aie any favors lo be distributed, we think they are entitled to at least a share of them. To the Senate and House of Jicpreccnta tiues of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania. Gentlemen I herewith transmit a list of the officers of the United Stales rmv. natives of Pennsylvania, who distinguished themselves in the late war with Mexico, with tne rrgiment , or corp3 to which they wt-re a'.tached, and the ! uate ot their brevet rank. It is believed that other States have taken honorable notice of their ofiijers in the regu- or army, who risked their lives and nobly tiiiiTnWH'rv-h-6. naUonal honor in the recent contest with Mexico, VnVl'.ci'' example should remind us that something is dtletift brave and heroic officers yet livinjr. who. in the salTu'.i-Ca- ry b illies t;f the late war, signalized themselves by meritorious conduct, and proudly sustained the just renown ot our beloved Commonwealth WM. F. JOHNSTON. Executive Chamber, Ilarrisburg, March 20, lb'49 "OlHcers of tho regular army!" They are nearly all wings!! ISot a word a -Soldiers!!! They are nearly all Sis. 1 his is the littlest, amonor tie moves, of little Bill Johnston. Cdx Pltclul implied censure, upon j our V trtMTleers, because of their politics! "The officers of the regular army" are well enough cared for they were occu pied in their business when engaged in the war with Mexico, they receive hea vy pay, and enjoy high consideration. But how is this picture reversed, when ap plied to the officers and men of the Volun teers? They left their regular pursuits and business, suffered great injury, enuured equal perils, animated by no motive bu to serve their countrv in its need, and at the end of the war were thrown upon their own industry and re sources for a subsistence. If, as" between tho regular officers and the Volunteers, either is deserving of special praise and consideratiou at tiie hands of the people, the Executive and the Legislature, it is unquestionably the latter. With as much propriety might you bestow spocial com mendation upon the followers of any oth er pursuit in the country, for their skill and fidelity, as upon the officers of the regular army. But the case of the Vol unteers is .different, because thev sacrifi. ced every thing in assuming the unaccus tomed duties of a soldier at the bidding of their country's need, and laid it dowR a gain when that need had passed. Here is the difference. Buffor these men, these real- heroes, deserving of all con sideration, which the country has a mo tive in commending, for it may be in a like pinch again, for these men, we repeat, the Governor has not a word, but on the contrary, casts upon them implied censure in specially referring, in a special message, to the "regular officers." Such a man is worthy to be the midwife of the Banks in spewing upon the country a reptile cloud of counterfeit shinplasters, and is a dis grace to any age, nation, or State, in ci ther a private or public station. After such an exhibition we begin to believe the reverse of the Pythagorean doctrine, and that a man, in some cases, retrogades to the condition of a dog and a cur at that. .Country Printers. The following article, which is copied from the 'fiiad'crc Reporter," gives such a correct discription oj the difficulties under whieh the editor of a country paper labors, that we have adopted it asour own, and recommend it to iho attention of our readers. Large numbers of the city papers are circulated throughout this countyJxnd which are supported in pref. crence to one published here, merely because lliey are furnished so much cheaper. We do rot wish tojsay anything against the excel lence of our city coiemporaries, and would cheerful.y jcommend ihem to the support of our friends, but we do think that every nun ought to feej himself in duly bound to take at least one paper published in his own county before sending his patronage abroad. But to the article in question: 'No trade, or profession or occupation, per forins so uuch labor, and expends so great an ofjcapital, with as little remuneration, as the Coanlry Printer. The interest mani. ftfsted byny Uncle Toby, when he said "I pity the Printfr," was not misplaced. These facts are a general rule. There may bo oc casional J instances, where Country Printers have succeeded in gathering together the vani ty which1 "takes unto iUelf wings." but hey aro few j and far between. Most generally, tney sufler all the inconveniencies whic neHi gent patrons (!) and unregarded labor bring in their wajte. This should not be. There must be something radically wrong in lbs case, which i( worthy the serious attention of the ckss ofpersons we are writing alout. 'Ono' great obstacle the Country Pi inter has lo contfnd against, is the application of ma. chiuer which reduces the cost of the city co temporary, and whieh is not available to him. Then, again, how many of the numerous Dol lar prints which come so directly in conflict with tim, are but the reprint of matter which has already brought a lirge profit in the daily. Most of our country rea ders do not understand ihis, and wonder why the city paer can tc furuished so much cheaper than in tho coun. try.j They are nol aware that the news, it?., which has been printed for them, has before bees furnished in a daily paper, and made up .njiA week's end, into a cheap weekly, costing the publisher little or not hii-g beyond the mere prife ot paper and pr.nting by sleam. This is, in a great degree, the case w ith that excellent pajer, the Dollar Newspaper of Philadelphia, which, with its 50,000 subscribers, must be c. trmely proS able to the publisher. To at. teinpt to enter into competition witli such ad vantages would be a piece of folly to a Coun. try Printer, who is fortunate if he can nnmber one- thousand subscribers. It is evidenl that lie must depend upon the necessity there is for the dissemination of local papers, and the gen. erosity and public spirit of the popu'ation. If they should expect him to be governed in his t3.-ms by the example of the city papers, they must expect to rely on the cily alone for iheir information, the circulation of the former, Le ng, of necessity, limited to one county, v. bile the latter have the entile Slate, or the who e Union." MARRIED. On Tuesday evening last, by the Rev, Hen ry Mrllvaine, Lieut. John G. Given, lo Miss Margaks.t Wherry, daughter of U in. Wher ry, Esq., of the vicinity of this place. ILTTherc! another officer of the 2d Penn sylvania Ueirimeiil is eone. a.iother F.ditnr has sot sail down lift's stream with a Wherry, that we lir.'.""ly mane 1,13 voyage prosperous and happy, "a'1. hand's in the office are in great glee at the iSJJL appearance of the Sentinel and Ihe good chceV-gccived f whose gallantry has proV4 nir from the Editor, DroVs mm uiwavs icauy : i - i.. whether in Mexico, or on tho)jJlVf Cambria, to respond to the call - v ui ma. . hope oti rcnunlry may have lots of such soldiers given to it. Printers Detil. 1 J. M'DOMLD, 1TTOUNEY AT LAW. i EBEXSBURG, PA. AllLusincss in the several Courts of BJair In diana and Cambria counties entrusted lo' his care, wjll be promptly attended to. Office, opposite J. S. Buchanan's Store. April 12, 1649, if C, II, MR, A TTOR1SE Y A T LA IT, 5 EBENSBURG, PA. OfHce one door west of J.S. Cuchanan's Sto April 12, 1849. tf. ? rr A TTORNi: Y A T LA W! EBENSIWRG, PA. Ot5ca on Main Street, one door cast o i Blacksmith Shot). Aiirll IO Km , I r r,;j 1 L T 1 IT 111 1' 'ill A TTORNEY AT EBENSBURG: P. Ofhce ina door west of J. S. B-.j' rc.i i; fiiirrnimifimT in j JOMFBION LAW, i . . . April 12, 1319. tf. 7 I CABINET MANUFACTORY! THE undersigned having associated them selves in the Cabinet Making Eusincso, under the firm of Lloyd d Llttingtr, beg leave to inform the citizens of Ebensburg and"vicin. ity. that they intend manufacturing to order and keeping coustanllv on handeverv variety of B UREA US. TA Tt I. rv srivho o t TEES, BEDSTEADS, dc, tj-c, Ahich they will sell very low tor cash or cp proved Country Produce. All orders in Ihcir line of business wilt be thankfully received and promptly attended to. Persons Ues irinr cfican turiuluie. are assured that they will find 11 to their i.-.terest to call at their are Rooin.oppo site Litzinger -Sc Todd's Store, ai d examine their slock btfera pu rchasing elsewhere. They hope by a close i.llcntion tw business lo merit a liberal share of public patronage. All kinds of Lumber taken in exchange for Furniture. STEPHEN LLOYD. Jr. D. A LITZINGER. April 12, 131927-Cm. FARMERS LOOK EBKRE1 SADDLU & IIAKNESS MA NUFA C TOM Y. f EpHE undersigned hav;ng associated ihem JL sehvs in th-; Saddlery Bisi.ivss in the building formerly occupied as a Printing D-lIco, respectfully beg leave to infoini their" fiirr.ds and the public generally thuttV.y wii!kcp constantly on hand a large and spL-udtd aMrl neiil of Saddles, Bridles, H arness, Col lars, NVmrs, &c, &.c. All of which they will sell as lo.v fir cash or country produce as any olhar csublih;ncfil ,n this county. Any orders in thr-ir l.u-a of busi ness will be promptly executed at tlu shortest notice. Farmers and others desiring Vhea ; bargains will find it to their interest lo cull ut No. G, ami examine their atock bc;o c pjreh rising eisflwiiere. The highest market pi ices will be given Lumber and Hides in exchanse for hjruesi C. G. CRAMER, HUGH M'COY. April 12. I813.27-bm. iSOTICE. The following property has been purchased by me ot Constables ak, and have been left by me in care of Henry Learner. AH persons are hereby cautionel against meddling with said property in any way against my consent, viz: Three Gray Horses and one Cow. Sold as the proper! v of tiie s iid Henry Learner. J.ACOii S. liUUKIl AR T. April, 12 lSi').-3t NOTICE. To the creditors of the Huntingdon, Camhria and Indiana I urn pike Road.' That the Court of Huntingdon counly at the January term 1349 directed to be paid to creditors three and one half per cent on the amount of their claims on which former divi dends have been declared, which I will pay on the presentation of their certi.icates of deposit by Iheinselres or tl eir ajent. JOHN S. 1SE T T, Sequestrator. Spruce Creek P. O., April 12, 181 9 '7-3t. FO SALE A Tract of unimproved Laud, covered with val.iable Timber, lying about five miles West of Ebensburg, enquire of JOHN WILLTA MS. Ebensburg, April 12, J349. 12-tf. frfifiiit istrnfor's Notice. P LL person indebted to the estate of John Morun, late of Washington township de eeubed. uie reqi.ele! to make immodialc pay ment to the u.idersigued residing in Washing ton township, C'aiiibri i county, and all persons having claims against said estate wii! present them properly authenticated for settlement. ALICE MO MAN. Administratrix. GEO. BUKUOON, Administrator. April 12, IS 19. 'J7-6t. A N excellent lot of Locusl Posts suitable for JySk. fencing on hand and for sale by MI1IH IV . '711 l KemaininJm the. Post Office at EbcmA buri rr I sit 1 IO Joseph Huut Thos, T. Jones William Logan Willi.iin Lister Abraham M.ikin William Morgan Enos Mc.Miilien Hev. S. Morcland John Moore Robt. MtCombio Siras Mode J. E. Montgomery Michael .McCuc Joseph Mcllwain Chas. AIcDermil John McGaughey O. Price Elisba Pratt James PiIkmto:i John Painey Mrs. M. A. Sitman James Spanccr John Rowland Geo. W. Rhoads John Wilson Win. Wi!hain David Wright Silas G. Warehim Jauoli Wyroch Wjllian Wceltly John C. Wisjurrn Elinor I ies David Derltr Abraham Uuck Elizabell Blake Thomas Crown David 4f aw ly Mrs. fowinan . WmfJradley Josef h Cnnningh'in Rollrt Clark Fr:cis Curran yiliam Dontlett tm Uavis luxander Davis Vashiugion Doti"Iass .Margaret Durbin Hugh Edwards ,Miles Edmison Evan Evans Jacob Farinoalt C. Fullmer Wm Gardner John GIhss Abraham Ivepper Thomas Hushes, Esq, Thomas Hollin Hugh Hughes Geo. Marncama Thomas Jones C3 List for Jlunster. F. Bradley E:in Fost Felix Hanlin Sim-iei Rmdr' Paul Gsurgs' RPXP J. T.I.OYIi.P. M. Apri i 12. I?t9. The Largeu, Cheapest and most FathionahU Slock of Goods, adapted to Gentlemen's Spring and Summer Wear, is just receiving at CHEAP CASH CLOTH ISG STORE 13G LIDEKTY STREET. fKMlE Proprietor of the above establishment M. would respectfully inform his nnmeiou customers, that bo has just returned from the Eastern cities with the most splendid assort ment of goods in his line, thai was ever brought to th:s city, comprising all that is now fash ionable, elegant and cheap in Cloths, Cassi' meres, CashmercHs, Drop Pe Fie, and every description of Cotton, Linen nud WoolUu summer stuffs. Shirts. Cravats, Ildkfs, Sua penders, &.c, of the newest styles; which, to gether witli his very laro and fashionable stock of Ready-made Clothing, he is prepared to offer at his usual low prices. Country Me: chants, Contractors and all who purchase largely, are particularly invited to call and examine the stock which is deci dedly the largest end ir.cst fashionnLl.s iu ll city, and great attention has been paid lo gel it up suitable to the wholesale trade. Urdcis in the Tailoring line executed in tho most fashionable inannsr, and that nothing may le wantinj to ensure the newest and best style of cutting. A gentleman who has had great experience in ihe Eastern cities, has been added to tiie establishment. April 12, 1549. 27-3m. COMMISSION & FORWAR DING BUSINESS. r5? H E Subscriber will attend to Receiving Ql and Forwarding Goods on the following conditions, viz: All Merchandise iu boxes. Liquors, Groceiie., &.'., five cents per 103 lbs., (including storage for ten days, loading, &.C .) except hogsheods of Molasses weighing over 1200 lbs., on which pay for the "extra hands required for loading Ihe same will bo added: Salt, five cents per barrel nol stored. Flour, Ured for a term not exceeding ten days, ten cenls per barrel. On all small lots of goods not amounting to 500 lbs., from persons not in tho habtl of receiving goods, to 25 cents will be charged. Unless a bill of Jading is furnished previous to the arrival of tho goods, he will not be held responsible for any error that may occtirr in either freight or goods. Freight must in all cases be paid with, in tw elve djys aiter the delivery of ihe good , "therwisi ihcoe per cent additional on the ai.iouul advanced will bo charged. JOHN IVORY. Summit. April 12, 1343 27-3t TilMliBR & TODD, " THREE DOORS EAST OF REXSHAWS HOTEL. Hive on hand a good assortment of IS a Is, fVrj.v, tSoois a tohocs, HARDWAR ;, Q UE E SS WAR E; 3ruv ii roc i ir, Iail GLASS, ITSH, SALT, &.C., &.C., w oli Id respectfully solicit the patronage of their old friends and the public generally, to give us a call and examine lor tnemselvcs. Lumber and Country Produce of every dis cription taken in exchange for goods. April, 1319-tf THE GRAND PURGATIVE. Dr Clickener's Sugar Coated Vegetable Ex tract Pills. I hese ci lebr.ned Pills have ob tained nn enviable iioti-r'cty in the Uni'ed States as a curative for giddiness, dyspepsia, sour stomach, headache fevers, pile, costive- ness, coughs, be;i:t-burn, liver complaint, scur vy, soic throat, inward weakness, palpiialion of the heart, indigestion, and a variety of oth er diseases to which tho flesh is heir to, ts a medicine for the mi lion. In all seasons oflhd year spring, summer, fall and winter, and un der all circumstances, they can be taken with perf-cl safely and success. As a Vermifuge und general medicine tor children, they are an. rivalled. Ceing coated with pure white sugar, children will easily Like them; they neither uripe nor nauseate; are gentle bat thorough in I heir oper-ttioii . For adults by increasing iho dte, they are equal'y beneficiil. Asan.lnii Bil.'iius 'they will be found without asupe--rtor; ask any ona among tho thousands who use them, and an unqualified appioval will be the certain result. . Kemember Dr. C. V. Clickner islhe original inventor of Sugar coated Pills, and that uolh ing of the sort was rvcr heard of. until he in troduced him in June, 1543. Purchasers should, therefore, always ask for Clicknor's Sugar Coated Vegetable Pills, and take no oth er, or thoy will be made the victims of fraud. Pi ice 25 cmts per box. Dr. Cliekner's principal office for the sale of Pills, is GG Vesey street New York, WM. JAl KON, 89 Liberty st , head of Wood st., Pittsburg Pa.. General Agent for Pennsj Ivania, Noriiicr.i Ohio, and iho river counties of Virginia. The following are the duly appointed Agents Litz in:er &- Todd Ebensburg; A. Durban & Co. Munster;G. L. Lloyd Jefferson; R. Don carter Summit; E. J. Pershing Johnstown; O'Neill &. lib. v Plane No. 4. TAKE NOTICE: Litzit gei Todd have been appointed general anu supplying agents for the Ciicknei's Sugar Coated Pills, in Cam. bria county. Aeents requiring further supply, ami cr.-uiu wishing to made Ag-nls will please apply lo them. Anril 12 1849 27 ly. 413 itToivRT S' J nc cheapest and largest .fcH 'tW "lntsofGldtd 3 Silcer Watches in Philadelphia.- Gold Levers, full jcweLed, 18 carat cysc. S39 and over Silver 1 6 and over Lpi.ies Jill ad over Q.iartiers. Solo 10 Gold Pencils, SI, 50 Silver Tea Spo:i ns, equal to coin, $4.50 Gold pen, silver holder and pencil, ?,00 Wiih a splendid risortmcnl of all kind of Watches, both gold -and silver; Rich Jewelry. &,c , &.c. Gold chain'.of the best manufactures, and in fact every th'ig in the watch and jew. Iry litioatuiuch Icssrices than can be bought in this city or else hru. Please save this ad verliscinent.' -and ciltif t either LEWIS 1. 4 DOM ITS, Xo. J 13 Markcl"slrefet,bove eleventh, north sideor at lACOB LADOMUS. 21WLirket ft fir fir store below eighth, b:i3 gold and silver le. sou side. -SCr:1". vers sli'l cheaper tjan e above prices a lib. oral iliscount nnde to 15 trad s. Sept- 2, Ib4-S.-6in 4Lar-e lot ot N .ils and S, received and fcr y 1 .,j e ,?0,e Ml' R RAY .V Z G.asi N'. ils and Salt, jot e o 1 : V It 4' f. ' i f ! ; 1 . it III 4 : F , , , ZAHM, V; -. - :; t. 1