u u J: 4 .-ir-", .-."- , Sir r be-vond th Theiss. e- fiam oi .riunrarv. bulletin makersVrul Z the Austrian h' l,-e"l,"8 rvin, i! ff "dtIl?.catererstoonrto- tr. 'heir Raceks a xie ;irmv- 1 . t-. i wasthatofGenS.M-M : vossutJl ,uuu "r ,Jum "e"'8 Pfu "Ul ed arrn i n 1110,1 nad rv 7 0 "uniains ot IortJi Hunira-'g to forbid both one and the other. ned all bef re)e?tedl-v' toJd had caVe learn that not one of the magnates extraordin th" 1 S' however, vr ho support the insurgent cause has made and his i3t same en SeJ-nis submission, whilst several who had re- ?n of the Austrian bul e 17 middle of Febuarv. in nJ,Z , lKa s"ouiu, even by thp n le nued P!S!V?"S tliey had . last Austrian - tut? JilllllJ I .r I I 'eeeniber. hnll.; . corps thn r r- , ,.ia.lcs serl0 be in nnr-V r , anu Jablonows,'t the rc pursuit of the rebel army 1 1 same dale, assures us ,T .v. 4l uj- ri lie com r exists no more: it v.-n ...... routed, half des- troyed, half dispe J' b' the IhmSarian corps of Gen. J'Pda' wno suceecdcd Meszaros. kScl himself made his way, with soirf ms olC(rs' to 1'esth, and has been 011 seut uac to tue Theiss to head a ne l.v formed corps, thus to ' make the v'r believe that his old corps still cxist-raiul holds together. In fact, (Jeorgey conduct of the guerrilla war in j Upper Iungary has not only struck fresh courao'j into the breasts of the Magyars, but excites the avowed admiration of the Austrian officers. His last feat has been the recapture of Kaschan. Whilst Georgey is thus not only main 'tJtVViriig his groun A, but destroying his ene- lies in North Hungary, Gen. iJem has been equally successful in Transylvania, t At first he was sore pressed by jhe hos tility of the Servians and the Wallaehians, (as the Tansylvania liiiineni are called;) but Bern has succeeded in explaining to the people and their chiefs that Austria merely aims at the enslavement of all Hungarian races, making use of one to 6ubdue the other. And tins conviction seems also to have been infused into the Croatians, who began to waver. The native rare ot 1 ransvivama nave since turned against Puchner and the Austrians, and the result has been the cry for aid which these have sent to the liussians. Our letter from lesth, of the 18th, doubt the entrance of thy Russians, which, how- - " vft'Ai.2. circumstantially reiateu oy me . 11 1,1 .1 "Whilst the war is v.., Yin be perpetuated in the mountains iiow amleouih, Dcmbrinski remains at the head of such a force on the plain beyond the Theiss, as to have for six weeks de terred the Austrians from passing that riv er. In whatever attempts they. did make they were defeated: s"rteh saw that WunWiiow better return - 'an -t1,r n.rn ot 7.-"s "nsi ru "ai" V a " notliing. Wmdis whomthey c, bptook hrinst.lf chgrny-rttl to the beloved task of shootin-r . torturing prisoners, and extorting nion- " ' wof?P that.Cr- Ioa-his Quanta would destroy the insurgent armies JJ- .tl? !JenVa!ld en marehC -w.wu.u3M at ieoreckzin, enabl cross me j'heis?. In tlisr- i r .i Austrian general has been com nlAX .i r . a 1 I , 1 - VI lO- ..u, aim nc nas now marched 11 can Handle Dembinski by u oujuuu me Jlagyars m bat- .Vliatever be the result, the Hun .nvp ?! Iok-, ..i ii. nrri innc! ;r7 T cul -,nsu "eir character for military skill as well as ,n,,M I U U.J nniif !r..l 1 l .. il IS . .uccu, Known that Dembinski from thl ii lLYot7imena the retirement o a7V,r r.1: T8 Me a? ciselbuwr and lit; .Cl" T."."nSa"an' wh d not :hnw"J "Juii oi a retreat without a oiiuw oi resistancn. I played had his . w lnueeu, dis- hidhiQn;m i 'p, since ItJL want OI irnn-i. , eu.d h renJerej pM. a nl ValJ '"PMviom, and allackcd ihP uvea s'Tions rrif 1 V Passe Jh;t"nV aaVante astliey ius, ri-ino iTriti. i ne of hills . .; vru,B ionrcss of Unmorn xfi. i . mere is no uuwever, that what the Hmumr lal -was generals. And it k , Prootol Austrian jealousy, ,hat they have 40,000 or rw. .nnn) . . . oldiers in thoir ormiJ "r V hey ad- uneoi mat nation tot! of a general. , JJliss Drought by the Mary Queen of Scots. me, the proce-;J.n. V ' y I'J' here the audience received ia th i . , ff lugubrious silence. How I;.: itcers uemanu it 01 me orcnes- 1 11 in . . . . arians instantly ky march. It 1 1 T... march - llscnoraiz 10 restore quiet, nas Deen mained quiet till now have been so dis gusted with the project of centralization uul destroying the rights of Hungary, that they have openly declared their de termination to resist it. Amongst those who have made this declaration is Count Esterhazv, of Dotis, a wealthy magnate, who seldom meddled with politics, but whose influence in several eomituts, even of the west, is enormous. In conse quence of the Count Ksterhazy,s discon tent, the conitut of Gras has re-risen in a kind of insurrection. The Hungarian Lutherans are, to a man, for theinsurrection. Count Charles Zay and Uarou John Zeszenak, the super intendants or chiefs of the Luthern church (the olllce is always held by laymen.) are in Kossuth's camp. And indeed, the seat of the Diet in Debreckzin, the chief city of the Calvinist Maygars, shows that all the Hungarians of the reformed religion look to the prevalence of Austria to be a religious, as well as a political subjuga tion. It must not, however.be supposed from i ,i r Vt i .. tlus that tlie Catholic Mavgars have any in iKiuai-s mi .HMii;i. i lit: iniHii . , , t- St. Stephen, placed by Kossuth in one of the churches of Debreckzin, and almost adored by them, is symbol enough that they are determined to defend Hungarian independence. The Maygars are, indeed, all as one man, and no defeat in the held, however overwhelming, would quench their dogged discontent and indomitable nationality. fSince the above occurrences, the Aus tnans ana ilunoanan nave had several more skirmishes, in which the Ilungari- ans reapeil as many au vantages as i i . i. i as many adv Ed. Ilfciiu.D. Austrians.- r Fiom the N- Y. Courier and Knrjuirer. Impartaut from the West Indies ami Brazil. Insurrection and Great Loss of Life at Pernambuco. From llrtti.-sh Guiana we have received, by the brig Meteor, our files of papers to the 6th of March. Their latest advices from England were to Feb. 2d, by mail Watson, 'Viwwav. The ship Thomas next day, briuinir Enirli'silw- arrived the I m wriio I inn nrrivpil sit ft. LUHia uu'.i, the 7th of February; 20 days from Sierra Latvuv b;uin0on Jjqard 365 captured Af- work as they were in trrt i - . 3Iost - SieM demand .....lt L-re sail in . 1'espatcJies Jiave bn ceivetl stating that capture cgroes are hereafter 10 ue n io Unt-sh Guiana instead of oierr J.eone: Tins is wrlmmp,!,.. great boo-f to the Bdands. Intelligence has bpfMi rw;.-.,i c bloTidy insurrection in r.,... lie tollowino- is nn ortM,.t f 1.. i - v . ii ai l ill it ur rriir. . . . - rcii viazeite. mm u otto, . . - : 'WUUrejWea to.? merchant in Demerara: JiKRBICE. 10th I-VK 1(0 lhe Captain of a vessel, the Mary Queen of Scots, from Pernambuco, has come in here to-day, seeking a cargo. He reports, that on the 4th inst.,a rebel lion broke out in that Pm,m,. a .i... iii nisursrents o-ot nn:;nn . ,i - . , aim iiini ui IHO ;,yS, out wepe men driven J fie loss on both sides teas about 400 men. The insurgents were rangino- over Uc country, destroying the sugar works in every direction." f O J -V7.W Jl UJWll 1 he following paragraph from th paper confirms the account, and gives far ther flptnila. a ," "Since beinir nut in nfi-. 1 ' J . . o i - ...HUH Ul U1U loregoing communication. w h-,.. i informed on good authority that the Cap tain of the Avon, which anchored on tt,P ar yesterday, but lias since lft f..ii conhrms the above statements with regard Ld e"nm nC' Which he h:lJ kteIy "si ted. 1 he Captain sfcirtnd a :r ed, that at Pernambuco ner o.. i.... d red people had been killed, and that he" saw the dead and wounded being convey ed a way from tlie scene of conflict. But his inlellisrencc iroes fnrilir ihn ,i V- y . he vmt lmambaco, but iroand -Unhia in search of o, sta ect of 't was fripafl 'I .frig, bc- ) Bar sx eon y'were nment uthori roenes ins of I rmons. V !e emi fis and Jave no p con - this th-m- otner communications to 01 ers, that justified us in say ber may be set down at twenty thousand. This est. . ded chiefly on what we know . it of emigration in this and the nei States. i to iun- pir- 1112 j 'v In our own and several of the adjoin States, we have information that in neari every county, companies of five, ten, and upwards are forming. i Besides the thousands going to Califor nia, there will be several thousand Mor mons who will go out this spring to the City of the Salt Lake. A considerable portion of those now located on the Mis souri, above and about Council Bluff wU move early in the spring. In this city there are many perhaps one or two thou sands who will move as fast as their means and the duration of the season-will nnrmit Arhloil fr llirxip tliorr ow Turn - dreds arriving every week, having the same Jv. i 111111 -1 ivii.it v 1 v- - J 1 1 v. 1 v u 1 1 lllill ultimate destination in view. "We are in formed that within a few woeks past, up wards of three hundred (many of ihrm from England) have arrived in this city, en route la the valley of Salt Lake. Those who do not know these people, 1 r ff nl tlttf-k " tr-d "vf 1" I blQCi-l r(T fibril o extent of their proseh tism, will be surpri- i sea at t ne numuor w no are connecting mem- selves with the Mormons Church. The persecutions they have met with have only given them strength, influence and sympa thy; and the persons who are now joining a,r- " uu c dm I above the rank which hasusuallv . . . y them are, in intelligence and property, beea a- ouii Rc- oi ... Amibtiran Dinner 10 Jlr.raiK in aEw'TJrlcaiiv- The citizens of New Orleans, veeehed Mr. Polk, on his way home, in a very hosnitable and becominar manner. On the 22d ult., in the afternoon, a sumptuous dinner was served up at the St. Louis Hotel, under the direction of the commit tee of three Municipalities, and inlonor j 0f me ex-President. The Picayune says Gf it ! 'After the soup and earlier dishil had ! been partaken of, the president of tip feast rose and proposed the health of theirres ident of the United States.' This toast, drank with much enthusiasm, was mow ed by one to the 'Army and iSivy. General Gaines, being loudly calledipon, rpsnonded iii a krief and excellent mhner, and then the .A3 l or crave the 'Gl-st of the city, ex-Pre?lent Folk.' Theiupon Mr. Folk addressed the chairnvs and foiicluded with a seiuW'nt -.-..c-liii arlmir.ilinn for NpvV anu most appropriate character. II me Kiui ofiiisiii wnicn ne n.ii been unexpectedly called on to play so large a part; said that the course he had pursued now formed a portion of the his tory oi the country, and expressed his per fect confidence in the conclusions hi fVl- low.citizens would form in regard to his motives and conduct during his eventful administration. He concluded by savinw I. 1 ...... J o iiuw iiiucii gratiiied he was at the recep tion given him by the peonle of New Or leans when he came among them a private citizen, returning to his quiet home and deprived of all the splendors and cmolu-, mcnts of patronage and power. Mi Polk sat down amidst the loud and lonm con tinued applause of the whole coirpany. 'pi. i . i1 - i ne ciiairman next gave the 'Goveaior o Louisiana; and Gov. Johnson ansivcred m a short speech, which he concluded bv ollermg the health of the 'Lady of our dest' 31rs- 1'olk.' Then the Mayrirave the 'Health bf Mr. Clay;' and afterwards, 'The memory of the Heroes of ie late .Mexican war. 'As Mr. Polk had fixed on 7 o'clock for the time of his departure tlie comnanv rose at that hour. The festival. al'Joiirh oumi was oi uie most agreeable anq inlar ous character. The viands and wines were of the most choicest fort the . guests were all in the best of hnmors. and fhp l e .i . . ' ' . . whole entertainment passed off in the hap piest manner. After risn? from di ex-President was escorted with music and dv a large cartage Xt, the Caroline E. v aiKins, bound Jor i ashville. May iiau a. ortrsntious vnvairo tn i, i has chosen iK Tcnnp rest from.K'- i ntn. wi . i i . " i l vn Uiv 1'" lv.inrr tlir omnorium of the corn-dsnv of the federal clamor raised ao-ninsr1 . or too sou though appeannA''LsL The ex-PresideitU , revenue bill of 1846. The quantif cl e(TUarly to his n cares and toils of h1iigh olhce,-i?Hhv.lhe!o , lnincj in 18 18, exceeds the quanii0Ss ; a good fire uni. a dear, firm voice iM- the large di- drebed in 1816 by more than seven Iik? YnU disputes its p nin-roo,-, r,,e Ht- i-oms; and tlie sub- ion tliewana Whatever ' deproS' " .;m its type. Occ I - ..w. w A.M. , t Ol U I 1 r I 1 n . .1 . I a,lu ui)propnaie cnaracter. Hp I i " ryuoiev i ;ne circle of friends and acquittances. who await his arrival m the Rocks!' ity of I the fol- In announcing his departure oj lowing day the same paper obsei es: 'The attentions which nave been be- stowed upon Mr. Polk during h sojourn in our citv. have been of the mosjdelicate and flattering description, and icy .will ove a source of pride and p lasure to him in after years. All distin ions of party were lost sijrht of, and our citizens cordially united in doing him heipr. Af ter having four years presided ovc the aff airs of a great nation, he now ilustrates the beautiful simplicity of our rnublican institutions byr retiring again to tl walks of life.' private Solicc to liic rublic and Instruclioii to Tcst- Relative to the Rating of Lcllerl the re turn of Dead Letters. Transient News t papers, and the postmarking oj Letters conveyed by the British anit United States International Jfails. Hereafter, when a letter exceeds an ounce in weight, but does not exceed two ounces, it will be rated with four charges f single postage; when it exceeds two yunces,'but does not lexceedhree," it will be rated with six charges of single post age; and so on, there being a single post age for the first the ounce, a double charge for the first ounce, and two additional charges for each succeeding ounce, or f ruction of an ounce, beyond the first ounce. 1 Jus is ordered 111 irtuf tt the provisions of an act of Congress approved Ti.rch 3, 1849. ' 1, in pursuance of the same act, it is M, that letters which are refused at Alii, f deliver-, by the parlies ad- required ' nters which, for any other the olhce oi'-, delivered to said parties, dressed, and k i H returned to the dead cause, cannot be , -rton, under address shall be immediate -ostmaster CJener letter olllce in Washing -for advertising, to the Third Assistant P .' ' ition to this al, without waiting the timC t st in everv s lieretofore required in re. lie"'jac( - 1 it? j;i("r. Class 01 ueau ieiier&. xm.- uus'nshmn,i ! .c-r Kn riii-l-rrl 111 mil iiilr nnl. , V ,1 UKs 111111 111 1.1 111 1 1- i ni' J 1 V 1C W with an entry showing livery; abaccouh, ' with the stamp of office, and, wr. dead let to the proper adjustment of the to be olaced under post-bill to theh .... J M. ter office. ,1 papers'" . wiifj Transient newspapers (that i?,'he act not sent irom the olhce ol publicatiorv,ostr hereafter be subject, in virtue of tVli aforesaid, to the general newspaper ja age rate only; that is, one cent for anye tance in the same State, and one andi bnlfciMit for an v distance exceeding hundred miles, where the newspaper1 - sent from one State into another. Hut postage on such newspapers is in all cases to be pre-paid. In respect to British mails, Avhere the official postage entries on the letters re ceived are in red ink, the letter is j be considered as paid, and it is to be deliver ed accordingly; where in black ink, afc un paid, and the postage is to be colla-ted. Postage in such cases is cither "wholly or wholly unpaid. The 'nostajre fiVures on such letters show, on the paid letters the amount to be credited to the U. States; on the unpaid letters the amount charged to the United States. The postage to be collected from unpaid British letters is in all cases to be, whatever may be their credit or debt figures, twenty-four cents when single, with an additional twenty four cents for each additional rate; and, af ter the first ounce each letter exceeding that rate is to be charged forty-eight cents for eacli additional ounce or fraction of an ounce. J. Collamer, Postmoster General. Post-office Department, Marcli 15, 1849. The Coal Trade. d The Statistics of the cnnl tr.ido nrnvr llir- .. -r.nVUC3 c omc. The effi: was ovcr F laLanr patronage. as 3,300,000 .o??V ?9 3 P 4r 4' ho v.-a3 3,300,000 lons?0" . " ,ij ,,7 1840 w,ll equal 4,123,000 ns. Tj I mand for coal has ereatlv ;,V ' lseq ... ui lOlU.ailU 1 Wnni,, t. TT.) ctmh . .1. .. : . i . . I ' 1 - 1 v - wJtli uiu sunn r'lo .hror'ni li.. , -u j cum g j ear he short. ; AVith nW 2 - d. Jtour w i oid the increase nhbmg f "T ".S and the issue cf small bA" then, w itMT v- erate caution on the ry ot coal f they can keep ho market ct t 7 -I-w S&Wo ' i ly to themselves, aching shor thir thev 0.X i- own imprudence af aiuueiai t "A' ViK can enable the fign coal to fter jur JiliP-ltO the farming in-'8 bank oans nsbtee ttes-csV' are encouraireerc the inflate pnc9 ctLeA. yUde our farme Iron 2,10Ccco i uni tt ill j thP foreign mar1' anJ Pen ourorts production01 foreign cometit 4..r..,,l ,ticy is the nrotector of1 " robht ducing iirests, and tlie only safj" . " .P -..r;iot;r. n:, i,r7st labor. i.A 1 LKA V LI L V 1. 4 . non maffe0"""" "au6"c -lfpjd Union nlATC frtr Ilia mruil m-itr i-Jl f lx I v M r bllin " chisel UelUejc 4IJy one will, their "old tajjrfffne. Tlti.Jx. 1! very well t'' g-?fiW V, posing younevwr- gytSjX&' AS N(l!.ircqucnuy uiey are oore" - vf i KsJOfl o -' ie vou LtM v .7'-" rorvfntpfrm fiilitornia jr Severity of the WmU -Commencement of th e Thaw-Mining Upended- Aruvfl of Cohvtntion to fw a frovisional Govern ... I News from San Fricisco to the 25 of Janu- arv has been received wjy o. The w inter lus beef very tevere ... .... roUl country, twelve oi ighuen inche-of.no Lug on the ground We 11th of January The miner, at th U W Jl. rejJ ,ach, for they were AWnl'l'l Ihu streams had n.t r:u any. They were very comfo.table at thi time, having good lo .-liouscs and plenty ( wood and provisos .1 ;..... r.. .iiiio to'mion that there is at 1 .niitliK nrovisiois ai me hi . : .: ... il.a ni n. I lie "A:taCal.f..rnia,"ofa j.ter date, Hays how. .u .i tiiv rivrrs wcitrisiusr rapidly, lne s.Jan.ent.) rose tii'lecn f-et in three days, and ,...,ma..iicatuii bctweoafort Sacramento and the niinins district was kut on. un uie aoiu. the last datos, the whole f the lowlands were -)is. laden wilh mer- underwater. Many wa : .....a ttji i 11 d fur the mines. cnauaizo au ji -- have been shopped by the! heavy storm, and ill pio'jaby not get tliraJSja unui spru.j. ersons coding down frim the mines have o I,!i!i;d 10 swim anti wade a halt a mile 1 n 1 me Un lhe mines llie snow varies from one to thrte feet in deplh. , Col- Bjt letierto IH people 01 aiuor- nia was tablisheJ 011 the 11th of January The editosol the "Alia California" says that hid udvicfis cubstauiiilly what the citizens are now icting.on; and wilu the sanction 01 .. .rv.iii is taJbe hooed thai the cause of Prr.uir.'al Government will not be allowed lo reiroule. Col. J.D. bieveuson has felt himeltggrievcd by Col. Benton's letter, and renliedit at length through the "Alto Cal ilurniar Nothing is said in the California pa pers aV"l the gold. The latest new that the CaJiftiians had received was ot General Tay lor's ciction. 'Jen. Lane was in San Fran cisco, on his way to Oregon, ile look the Soullirn route Iroui sania re 10 j-.os anjenn. Tl "Alia California" cop:cs a paragraph aboua meeting of teunstresses in New York containing of their hard work and poor pjy, amicommcnls thereon as follows, which wili be interesting informa: ion for the girls: yVe would advise a colony of these same wolcmg girls to come t California ai soon as os-fciore. l'hey can earn from 5 to 15 pnduy in lhe manufacture of cl jttiing ; and ii f.ev be anxious to do slill better, than that, ttjy ivdlfiud hundreds of young, good looking aed enterprising men ready ti cmb ace un op prtuitiiy which promises a g;od wife." .Meetings were being held to consider the rvces-sitv of forming a provisional government, I '" Vnn.rr, 'inf dck-ga'.cs to a convention lor ar.fJJl i.v imi rii.K . Ui3 Hirst oi iUay is uie oay r... 1 1. (invention' to be held. ('There have been some slight difficulties W ill Indian, attributed, however, to the rash- nt.-b of the whites, an Indians Hie being re- I .1 I . 1 1. U J llllll. u... ... . . ... I.l j Km1.. Ii.illdr linn .1 jJ.iit's. . j10 SIore si,ip Southampton had arrived with Smith 's company of dragoons, to be sta- lii.nod at Sin I rancisco. Coin. Jones was trying to cjax back his deserting sailors. The Tatn'ol Miltlifl. A private letter from Bermuda, to a gentleman in Washington, speaking of this noble, but persecuted patriot, says: I had the melancholy pleasure, a few ys since, of seeing Mitchel, the Irish Vriot. Poor fellow! He looks sadand d:ry-worn, rarely, if ever, smiling, and Pa . ently absorbed in brooding over his wcaate fortune. I do not think, judg appa m appearances, that he can outlive desnel.vier. lie is but the shadow of ing fnoncc was, and in habit, tastes, and the sunVient, the mare apology of the what lifk-ly Irishman I knew to be two temper. V'. His treatment, in all frank, 'cts, is rigorous enough; tnougn ee to believe, is less galling to irit than the knowledge of his :n. He says little, though ks much thoughts that par- years other this I his p falle ' i, rather than meekness, or CMC conciliate revenge. It is etribution which seems i alive. troxage." Newspa curious thina: in the ople. The follow community where are public. h1, is as good as it T I lives near you--' x vrr- Vi don lever took your 't like the editor o Whiggish, lething else ighbour, and fault with 'dons, and nally sees rme, and ay cal rc Ar . tBli- UP . Wio - 1 r. . . cKu , o ,r nd th r-"iHtot -fo i VvVe ! AtvA; o vWgeVv--., .s .- ft V f" w D' " xx.. A? ''y - tak i the. -al "Va IP krP. ri nom.ncVet..Avtct Connecticut Election. The Hartford Times of the 4th witn weu merited enconuum cf i fast Democracy" of the State. That per says: J Lilt: l rv gressional Districts redeemed, regenerated" and disenthralled from the incubus of Fed eralism which has been fastened u them for the last six years! This tells the story. It is glory enough for one day even if there were nothing more in rt serve. As things look now, it rnav W that the Democratic triumph haa bee complete in carrying the Legislature y theii Congressmen. Such anastou:dj victory, just after the success so iatelv gained by Whiggery at the PresidenaJ election, is indeed unexampled in political history. It shows that the poor, rotten fa brie of Taylor Federalism is already col lapsing and falling to pieces from its owa inherent feebleness and rottenness. It demonstrates, what we have often asser ted, that identity, so fatal to Whiggery of Taylorism with Tylerism. Well did the Tribune wofully exclaim, and well may the poor old Courant, in this hour of doom for Whiggerry, dismally ra-echo, that "Taylorism has not yet paid Us ex- penses. i ne people nave indeed admin istered a most signal and cutting rebuke to that unprincipled and non-committal corn bination of the odds and ends of faction.,, which in an evil day, succeeded in wrest ing the reins of the national governmen: from the guidance of a glorious and patriot ic administration. The number of Senators is 21 divided thus: Feds. 13 Democrats 8. The House numbers 222 members. The Tim es gives return of the folio wins-: Dem ocrats 104; Fed. 93; F. S. 8; 17 yet to he heard from. The following is a summary of the re turns for Governor so far as heard from: Seymore, D. Trumbul, F. Jsiles, F. S. It was reserved lor this state to deal tl first staggering blow upon Taylor AVr Hartford, 5171 5102 400 Fairfield, 3561 4025 89 Litchfield, 2G24 2779 S02 Miedlesex,2090 1916 28G N London, 2901 3273 2SS N. Haven, 2825 350G Tolland, 1645 1756 15. Windham, 1336 . 1408 393 Total 22,153 23,809 2,073 Great Dcstrnclioa of Life. We have given extracts from papers de tailing the terrible effects of the late hurri cane, in the West. It appears that it was J I particularly destructive about Big Spring,, y lardin county, Ivy... A letter from there jj says: II Our fine Methodist Episcopal Church ; t-j is completely level T43poVa V also our benimarv. Y'f timated at fifty thof ive . m - 1 nose whose , li'justa -u,c CVvm CC pletely torn to pieces, are: -j ,Tiiosr nLiiiiirii i Mr. Gorman, severely injured, wife and one child killed, and another not expected to live. Rev. Peter Duncan, himself not at home, ady and servant slighdy injured. James Collings severly injured. C. C. Calvert severely injured, child's skull fractured, not expected to live. Mr. W ischert,two of his daughters were carried from the second story with their bed, and thrown amid the ruins, both badly in jured, one it is feared, mortally. r. Jcsne, storehouse and goods blown away. Dr. McMurty's, McKay's, Board's, and McAfee's shop in ruins. L.dward 1 ates, lady and children con siderable injured, and all he possessed burned up. - B. II. Crutcher s fine brick buildlaj, front side blown out, above the first storv. The fencing, roofs, and stibles, of all our citizens, with scarcaly an exc?ption, torn to piaces, and several horses kulea. By the census which has just been ta ken at St. Louis, it appears that the present population of that city is 63,471. These figures show an increase since 1847 cf 15,888, and a total increase on the last four years, of 27,456. The whole number of vessels which have left the United States for California, since the commencement of the excite ment, is two hundred and fifty-five. Be sides, fourteen steamers are employed in carrying passengers from various ports to Chagres, to take the Isthmus route. Printers get in luck sometimes. ,A com positor in the Cincinnati Chronicle office has just received a letter from Gen Sam Houston, informing him that property orth 850,000 in Texas has just been left A by his father. s Game-Laws. The Ferth pipirifitata noble duke of some notoriety is attcmpt rorcstall the repeal ot the tiame-law his tenantry to sign papers ayrovm? such of the'ir servant arc" f"u,,d r on failing to do so, to K'-'V-' their is arrange. nent was to take pljc the abolition by law .f jr-uie The better c!m of his (.race s ; refused compliance with bis re- For tub " entinel. 'v rtrtSved an trail. . i iaja nimal to inar.s n. v" 5 'e. e. tniuQijx aiX rum i niruo oi a mm in Union of th foi go de Vii in in Y c fa P fa ti d h 1 8 C c 1 r I 4 r 4 i. 1 J. ill hi -'- ; '.. . - V . ' ...... ' K :7'7 U