. titl - i I 1 j - . -. x ' .... . ... - l ' . ' f iJ --. . , . -t . -.C i - .- "V7E CO TTIinRE DEKOCpJ : . : : : : : I I BY JOHN G. GIVEN.! . - , ..- : , .- - - I . - f ...wa t-vw.-. - i . i - - - - -j I ' " ' is the difference. Buf-for lliese men, .these real-heroes, deserving of all con- n c ffu- i i u 1, - I. - Ve in commending, for it may be m a like . yh again, for these men, we repeat, Governor h?s not a word, but on the ry, casts upon them implied censure ji specially referring, in a special message, Jjur-v lar ofnt-rs.' Such a man is tUR ntidwife of the Banks in : v V Avon the country a reptile cloud ( ' ferfeit shin tasters, and is a ais j ha any asre, nation, or State, in ci- T. orivate or public station. After ria PRiscTpr'ca "point the way :-hit -an exhibition we begin to believe the ?we of the Pythagorean doctrine, and ri man. in some cases, retrogades to , ' - Ccntlo WorJs Loiiog Smiles. ' The tun may warm ihe gras oflife, v . Tho dew ihe drooping flower, " And eyes now bright and walch the 1ght ' Of AutumnV opening hour-A Cut wurds that breathe of tcudernesr, And smiles we know are irae, Are warmer than the Summer limo, . And brighter thin .the dewv ; - SBENSBURG,' THimart Af onJili" of a Js-and a cur ,hat- Country Printers. . -T- - il ls aoi mucii me world can ?:re, With ell il nubtle art. And gold and gt ms are not tho things Toaatiffy the heart; Eut oh, ifthosc who cluster round '1 he altar and the hearth, Have gent le words and loving smiles. How beautiful is earth. How to crushtfcese creatures! w!tf.rm endangering that . Arkr or embrliling the land in a civiT war this was thj thought mat always sasUowed yvith'xleepbolerhni MISOELLAITEOU "UV "om in.cir "Of as soon is the day rrrasts-JJi gooke to his rstesd- th3 noble The DrOKC OVfr t no In rr h .hf 1 i .1 ? - I - i , - . " . i ' , . jiigui, u:: CABINET MANUFACTORY! rpnllE undersigned having aasocialtid them- M selves in the Cabinet Making lusii:esj. under the firm or Lloyd y Julttingtr, be leuve to inform the citizens of Ebensburg and vicin ity, that they intend manufacturing to order and keeping constanllv on hand every variety of BUREAUS, TABLES, STANDS, SET. TEES, BEDSTEADS, dc, tfc, A'hich they will sell very low tor cash or ap proved Country 1 reduce j The Largttt, Cheapest and most Fathionablt Stock of Goods, adapted to Gentlemen' Spring and bummer Wear, it jutt receiving at 331GB Y'S CHEAP CASH CLOTHING STORE, 13C LUJluUT Y ST K E ET. fSMIE Proprietor of the above establishment EL would respectfully inform his numerous customers, that bu has just returned from the Eastern cities with the most cplendid oort ment of goods ir. his line, 1 1: a t was ever brought to this city, comprising all tout is now fi.sii. tunable, elegant and cheap in Cloths, Cassi' meres, CashmercUs, Drap le I'te.ond every description of Cotton, Linen unj H'oulltu s j miner stulfs, Shirts, Cravats, lldkfs. Sus penders, &.c, of the newest styles; which, to gether witli hits very laru and fashionable slock of Ueady.made Clothing, he is prepared to offer at his usual low prices. Country IMei chan'.s. Contractors and all who purchase largely, are particularly invited to call ar,d examine the stock which is deci- their watch-words ton and around th Freedom. j Ark of the yountry?s howled 1 hnrspTrnt.-Pfl sln'wlv on.'throuo-h the'ranks in the ear oftWashsnjr- lef -Pulasli'a lo-ion. J'- ' The r ;ugh soldiers uttered a yell as they beheld t; e- magmficent-forui'.of : y ashing- ton," qui' erin? with battle rage. ' . -'Conn , Tdlaski! Our- banner isahere! Now wc will go down.'- : '-.J--'--C Thea there was a skhtr to ssje ones ' ,"tc following article, which is copied from eJniiid:'oid Htporier," gives such a correct ,ra.isption o the difficulties under which the n r of a country paper labors, that we have All orders in tl.cir line of business will be thaiikfull' rfecived and promptly attended to. Persons cJesirinj cheap! duiily t!ie largest cud xr.tst fashionabt.: iu broke 5rr o jr ot a country paper tj " ied it aour own, and recommend it to Pr0U tte-ntiori of our readers. Large numbers Y .-,e city papers are circulated throughout the-?' . , . . . . r ( U ouniyjp-nu nnicii are supporicu m poi- 4 LaV iace to on. ij: published here, merely because . i ii t. A3 . j . V a." . A liivniL' inn c r vvnr-li r n rC T l f lift .-someumesjrioom. the. countenance ofUnda' - 'v;y-i . . - - v"r"r" , " srrra-T.on trTaP??.1T - r--Tyrrri.V V!,::' trtf ATlnil r4t wish to,say anything against toe excel. It IS a bitter thought to me t thn trl ih Gvht .1 vpnt Ux ih Mhe mwee of out aiy cotetnpurancs, and would 23.rt of this irrpot tViJe rr.l 4:1 . r.. i i? i rn i r..i A Xtwn iikeer ful: v rcflmmend them to the support ' -.-"-'' waio 2 ' UUd. L11I2 V - . I I t, I ! v - II 1 r I . CI (1 Wf f-' 1 M V . I I 1 i ' I t - vT - - " i t d i : 1. ............. . hearted man, was 23 much torn an pain ed during his Presidential career, by the war cl opposing taclions, as it waain the Revolution by his contest with a British foe. ' WlSniNGTO.N'S LIST CHARGE AT BSANDY- BY GEORGE UPPARD. They tell us that he was cold, cairn, passionless: a heart of ice and a face of marble. Such is the impression which certain men, claiming the title of Philosopher and Historian, have scattered to the world, I vrcerning our own Washington. ranee. 1 es, they sav JN anoleon was . . compare him with the great man of band, Pulaski hirnsolf, vainly endcavoVVls 10?J,r ,r,enos' oul weujl'"- to rival his pace at the head of his iVlhe so5ht to feel himself h. duty bound to take at men '"diboreast one paper published in his own county ifefore sending his patronage abroad. Uul to ie article in question: "No trade, or profession or occupation, per forms so liuch labor, and expends so great an amou:it of'capital, with as little xeiuuneration , as the fsted the fiirnUui e. are iissurtti tliut t Siey will find it tc tlicir interest to Cdll at their W are liooin, oppo site Liizinger i Todd's Sto.-t, ai d examine their slock btfora purchasing elsewhere. They hope by a close i.ttcntion t business to merit a liberul sliaro of public patronage. All kinds of Lumber taken in exchange for Furniture. STEPHEN LLOYD. Jr. I). A LITZINGCR. April 12, IS 19 27-Cm. General Greene, turning his head over i his shouldor. in the thicket of the fio-ht be- 10 linn there never came an htur of . held with terror, with awe, the approach.1. r ins anxiety lor ins country folow- of Vvaslnngt i2fton. He would have thro-, res cd him to Mount Vernon, and endedhnly ; his horse in the path of the chief, b-16"01'' with Ins last breath. Too rrnre for aVinr- ! var nf Washington. terrible in l tUsolJ- ty man, soaring far above the atmosplere ' nc'ss, irresistable" in its rasrc-' IlamPsoa' of faction, he only held one name, pne ' even amid the clamor of th" 'llortz' IIowcr party dear to his heart the name knd 'Greene come on!' rtney, McCulIough party of the American People. i I Who could resist thi Marx, Myers. Tearce, In order to reveal a new pa-e in Lis 1 sword, the voice? y.''Ryman, Schoonovcr, Sel- man s character ami histojy, let us loVk ! The hand of Pely, Steel, Siubbs, Stutzman, upon him in the hour of bailie and de!Vt . '. Greene folio wc Va "art. Geo. T. Thorn, Nich- Let us pierce the battle-mists of Urandr- : steed and br Wattles, Weirick, Wilcox, Zcrbey, i vme, ana gaze upon him at the head cf , Washir:urtcjfeak 'Pulaski!' The noble countenauee of Pole stood out in strong tcIi white smoke ot battle. That brow, surmounted by the dark etnm t,. ti mn'o ci Coanlrv Triit ball. Yet. as he w'erTt f o-7-.l SZ.' V'OO not in the habit ot re - - 1 - J 1 J A. t - 1 I 1TT1IT rri-T It. Li-,1. a '"'"" yLT??tt. "a'Jy, i f dl M'? h W;n?.,rt heme of hap aro irue.as - - - Q .uuuu.cu tteruai essinir.s, UlC lail'JV . . i,m -ot-inn- un iO casional!ip n!' give us their devotion rriX? r T ZwTWon' 1..-.. ..J-'uno.i beheld the hero nn. r1 Lnn .i,,;.. "r ,V " birth; the healing oi naaoa - -a. 1 llf I. y i.'God be with -n.i m,- m 1-' i hen came tha wreck of Sullivan's di. vn viiion, blood stained their fieoo Krni-on . I , 1 . .5 UIV.,U at tne i tiiBir arms, wil.l nnrl w, v.:- 1 - dau They city, and great attention has been paid to gel it up tuitublo to the wholesale trade. Orders in tho Tailoring line executed in tho most fashionable manner, cud that nothing may be wantinj to ensure the newest and best style of cutting. A gentleman who has had great experience in the Eastern ciliet, has been added to the establishment. April 12, 1S49. 27-3m. COMMISSION & FOIIWAR DIiNG BUSlNhSS. j Tll K Subscriber w III attend to Receiving and 1 orvvardmg l.ooils on the following: conditions, vi?.-. All Merchandise in boxes. Liquors, Groceiie., &..'.., five cents per 103 !bs., (including torage for ten days, loading, vVc .) except hogsheods of Molasses weighing over 1200 lbs., on which pay for the extra li;: n!a req-iircd for lunding; the sa-ne wiil ba added: ball, five cents per barrel not atoted. ( FJour, f torcd for a term not exceeding ten ! j d.i vs. ten cents per barrel. On ail small iota cf .d not amounting to OUU lbs., irom persons coiving goods, 12j to 2a -am as you piness, the city up- r tie lifflit anu tor ; you will get it of the i thus again wnen tue ping to the shoulders, jhis marked, pro- Vhe "C of C-yi , Dlazin- n ; sond colinnna, the face and form hie was drawn in bold relief from the cur- I JCT llKC an,n?lectn,c I f .'.aslnngtoa presented a spectacle of tain ci the battle-smoke. An expression ' fA , V K"iaiuu' 1 " soi- eep interest. of deep stamped .he iac? of L 1' Z, lVllS.?lto'. i nero. tir : c r , , . lj , ugieu sauness -.and M .J " I 'I was thinking of Poland!' he exclaim- . ed, in broken accent?, as he heard hi- " 4 the t ith adr'4"- SOiGmnifV nt innn ttrlnr,1 lio. ,f'-lior J v. .v.iv-, a v:"...l J I . J 5 1 . wronga to avenge! But God liv&c-bul Heaven, yo:h1er, pointed ; t;-i benefit with his swerd 'and he will lir-jibe dispo innocent at las'.!' ; ".ectly right -He will!' echoed the Pole, as lr f ing eye, reaching beyond time ar-h'gdon, has seemed to behold this glorious sreof ll'is Dis- Pcland-free, the cross shininWmau of o ' at i""'-' j-kjj' w: i ui'jvtien, mio N. . . t .1. . light, .-.'t banner overhead. They saw Washington come. You slwuld have heard them shout, you should Han cf genius, but Washinsrion a man ' talent. Napoleon was all fire, energy, J darker plume, the aquiline 110.- ibhmity; Washington was a very p-ood concealed by a thick moustache it, it is true, but cold, calculating, com- lul1 square chin, the long blacl ill-place. AVhile they tell the mass of the people fct Washington was a saint, nay almost demi-god, they draw the curtain over his eart, they hide from us, under piles of hsj words, and empty phrases, Washing ton the Man. You may take the demi-god,if you like, ! nam? pronounced by Washington whole volumns of ver- es said Washington, with i ton on a shadow, but, for my eJWashinjrton the Man. is a Man The blood thatlTowed :ms was no Greenland current cf fielted ice, but the warm blood of the h: fiery as its sun, impetuous as its WW' m - - rs. ins was the undying love lor a id: his, the unfathonable scorn for a mean enemy: his, the inexpressable indig nation when the spirit of party that crawling thing, half snake, half ape be gan to bite his heel. I like to look at Washington the Man. Nay, even at Washington the Boy, dress ed in plain backwoodsman's shirt and moccasins, struggling for his life, yonder, on the raft, tossed to and fro by the waves and ice of Allegheny river. Or at Washinrrton the vouno- General. sitting in his camp at Cambridge, the fore the invader, yet. months, should map ot the New World before him, as, mc11 01 ground, ii ge u ju sword by his side, and pen in hand, he undcr Greene, lo Our outlay alre planned the conouest of the Continent. hces, hands, mtislho purchase of ; ' -t n . . it I.il U t J luoL LtVCiltV ur, yet again, I love to behold Wash- j 10 1110 IOC? art i,-,n oruer that wc migm orM dr-crTc ii-rh mton the Dcsnised Rehpl. sittino- so calm ! D7 a se- Ln, areadab.e sheet, and wc ti-fe r ni.ui, I O . L -UllllM XJllliClI UUUll1 ana serene, amono- those wintry hills of 1 -!iIR1 cxcnaivj sjennsve get propcr.y -o?ai Valley Fore, while the Pestilence thins 1 fVot of -boin noiot of tneclia'nTaTT.',.. tJie his camp and lor his rujn in look unon him. even as hfi rr-cpivrs the. i bands of Co..'... ' ....., f-'-0 .? th& - .vtrT wer; Fpninn. George. Uillesoi' X""". i a'V meir snattered array. Ulw - o - . thlin nrn c.n- 1 . ... th brave? ' ont or :rk. Laubacli. McCain?,. -""t-C, ' ? meir gallant Uener- - . . . T - ii"IlL. - ill STI! ri! i 1,0 o. et lrom tht, caught Vry.. Miller. Morrison'- '- i7V , T"Y a,e massivd One c n,,twford. R. X i .t. , -J . ' ?'m " hmgton, while tlie Life; tike . . 1 X m - vul llil llllllll.-. .11 ' II .. I ' ! I l'M.,'r,' - 1 I T the lipcomesr ... . , ! ,H f steel, 'Now we will retreat.' , and the FarC lVC ."""UL1 u ' a"u : 1 Al I!M5 nt, while the British re- i i hair, swee- Life GTl.c rerr;, ; V 'overea irom theirlate panic, were rushing it-?; i . , . Ui tii nw -- , , , , uWU i:i one ot ms surpv ff , back up0n the dial 01 aum dicattons of human rights, and 1 who pent out the luminary of day u fall from his stand dvinr. n-s r ,V i i oVU fo-iiti nut forth his Ir proclaimed, for the want of blood, V 1 n,j l0r him in his pathway of light, to the spot, and as lie bent over thej It is said, sir, that at some dark hour ot iiug i.-idn, oarect nis arm lor tlie lai'ur revolutionary contcs:, w and cried again and again, with impassiox- arrav had been lost, wh upon hand hen army af- en dispirited, w v I I t i i t ' i I 2 y i gazing with loy, now unon thn I ritr(??ltinT t ,rvlti nonffll.- 1. . l of the H? ;y burs: like thunder on the Brit- Vnh wi,li";rH Wa' C! Aashil,Ston i's?H; topers; by his side the warrior form ,aMlry-o batJc of Pulaski; far away hills and valleys dispo. dawn tne hi 1, La layette and the : clouded with smoke, covered wih ri. 6law -uara were doing immortal deeds, for ing legions; above, the blue sky, seen in of goaaner ot the stars. broken glimpses-tae blue sky and the dc- Itr-row3 haretl, umtorms fluttering in rags, clinino-sua. The blue and buiT uniform of the IICv0 was covered with dust and blood. Jlis sword, lifted in his extended waa dyed with crimson drops. i on could see lt:s f.'ip h. n -: i , rmv . . : , , voice -Here, take it 'take it ohVen, wretched, the heart of the DOia-s. it from lo -i... ,V.r. .i.. at: i ,t;.-t n-itViin them, anu ail, iv '" '- uiai -ira- ruaiTiiiuicbi uitu - - oeau and the lioeriiea of my country unv ! instant, seemed conquerea -F not perish! ' Give us somothing onl v of i k onouerable soul of our fatner cni-i, : i li-'iiuug onty oi uovsa mat u . - . , such a love of co::r.?rr. -nl c,r i ' .,rr.-:p- around nim, ferevcr sale: tlie trouble? which !,., W -,i ;..Av the inspiration of hw imiaor over and oppress U3 now, will pass away as a summer cloud. No irr vro of nml. wavmg evermore arm, af" j have seen theirswords,drippingwi:h blood. ; hie glaro o-V?rno-e " ' ' ep , they glittered on high. La Fayette saw ; 0n, cemredes nowv'e can lf Miy j Washington cyme, yes. the Msjest'c form, ! treat" i-i . crk .. i, -m-l.-l hrm?r n: rnrc-'l oail tne triui.s i. iw,-.- a i-K:hc sunken spirits of his as- lowable vro:vr. M m- r,r,..,J 1 i' " ' 5 onnftdciit and uaring cec- disagrcemcnt, wi 1 be nr.--:l n,,i , ! .i- me Tsaid he ot meo- here: The iUtai element of ,U n Z' vT J r Su.Vr remnant of my army , ... . , - -ur.u ilUIJ rentlnmrn 1 r,t,.a.,,.l , . 1 . . ,-,- but the D tJ ic.ii'j.c it, as tr n int it .--.r. ,rv . tTr- 2"as:a, and 1 wiil " , ..,,-.r.'l rr.a uia" s ' 1.1 i f! i i the one only and solitary obstacle to 'our I AuUa i.rrr-c iv.-iii.-t. i. jfacii. ijGl lilfVil nf : :::r-l h.- .1 i , Ihe weal of this and of comh,f cs-by ! cr- f 1. , !l eir, llsf3 our own and our children's good-h,? j ci?t 0 A a" ail mat wc love or that we look for in the ! i ' r ..... il;l.ali" .a ..f-Vl progress and the o-lnri,, rtf,r lo.i "x vV est i- '1.7,7 :J.V.W1 - ,lL'1 nieaure 1 have endeavored V supp r-rC:. m;iy impose, every . help me to plant upon this mWain to re- over her age-worn shrines J ill make peace glowing in her million h creatine thr der'.' w 'nothing - .! "T'l-r iUJa!ul.iamcu! And H;c.nl--lit pnnrexl .rladlv ovrrtV ' tho t!,,;,,,- The Polander followed w tho ! ,v " .t ' T ..rnrow ot vVasnington. i- T cdsfif.- ;Lca; .,pn nf Vj . -" i.'l hc 'i-.o-.v, La r ayctte, come on! :a fpi:a haturda-t Crrr'r sture oi v asninsfton .s sv-n f " ,rr 1 , -t ; -'. t-wiTier. ci'Sr, and ston down the hill, b bhoVl ,L headers i . I V?Y uert: . "?L'U is ins oana CI tv, n . - . ; gleam-1 Pulii-ki, these cluldren ot Washington; hie ' Fl"n!if,, Fvi"-- the Lontinentai Army eir-nent. v,-. ! . ' . , , , ,, 0 ! ii.ijjl, ,l.u...lj. British baycneis; he sa- 5 ort, top - - i J .2tt UlL lvw undivided and unbroken, c.,-. IO will b ftiirk'ii? iiA the, 1,.1 ,-.f, 'hi. iu u.B conscience, 01 tnese (f - j uoiioi uuiicuity or ot pressure it may ; Washin?-:on, r:jjcn to leave it aii to tne Ci 4m interests, to ffes Sullivan's rilit win-r v; to enlarge upon viiom the nroviMnr-o of f:rt.-l on,l ' -r.-. . ; ' 1v1 , ? 1 ., , . , a iis noar, and generation, nencs, , i o., .u r. :. . V --r---- j ana in me midst of our litimnt- rZ- . ? ,i ih.t ...n.i ...... ..t.?, "J "waa.a 1 sors v.-ul b.C3S and nra se and thnnk OnrlTl A : ,;ea;w : t V" T i . f tc loiiowmg isthc conciudiarr portion, luiitino- up for the Nation j'.oVU.o I "Z say ot mem, as 1 oi you, I - M ou - sT I ' :rSir it. '"r W1P celebrated sueec "f the stake, and which i " l.01 around "?c' Th"e' these ere ; iVvW A a lilUII.IoiL.-(.l UUWil XI1LO UlC ( r, .ywn I ,,, '.,,, T . l , 1 ,.."l i" . - i . o 14 ' i ! 0r0 til rail, fl "3 -7 'i i f'ti-nh' .iil 1 ' were-v fi , T i --- 111 On aooj. it Jia; been nr i stride alter stvil' t- -n .-ctinn . uv.u..wl, fitJ t(1!j 0 inn loo, , . , ... .VUfijrht.- It was terrible to hear the tramn of o.,.i ti. ki'. , ,c.' Pro . V r nitttme etriuzic v, i7t r.,,.f y ASeirhors-s' ho-s j .V T" v 1 1 CVer tielivered j a --y Jury us all under a harder, and J --. 1 I idy hato ? Vri i t 111 lf tongue. It thrilled al wickeder, and mor- iucur-.M- ei. rn roV l-Cantam Avaldemar tne brave nartizan hnL -viii !. ni,r,i . oi iiKaraio Siaven, t -J i new. c .i , . . , . i Uv-ar. una uatliea in tears mam- a mov,n- tlian anv it wnnbl pvtm,;i, cmnr . : Al VlJllliii (JUL ixiong tnose wintry inns oi ""v -1-"" u-,.k r-"i--j -o5;( e, while the Pestilence thins ' Vot - -,)0 in point f inecliaiiioaT ,l fe t, d Treason plots its schemes ! )aner waved j wiU not be surpassed 'f,uinS !0 n Congress. Yes, I love to ! iCr TcrnPc- in tho' State. It is fe IV,'5- for' lim, even as he receives the 'f111!8 CVtll Wert tbcinse'.ves kcd tie rc ... - : l . ..II. ' ii ilii - letter announcing that Cabal, which has 1 heen formed by dishonest and men, lor his destruction: Hush his cheek and fire the words of indignation hps: as I look, his broad chest clenched hand grasps his sw And yet, in a moment, he he has subdued his feelings of indignation lint llPPailCD tllAir rfn in!..f U... f .1. . "-" VilV. V oic utl UBl, UUl 1I UIII lUU ! T 10 . sublime reason that the Cause in which' 'v't he is engaged is too high, too holy, fer-.' any impulse of personal vengeance. ! a ' iiere is tne great key to Washington's heart and character. lie was a Man of strong passions and warm blood, yet lie crushed these passions, and suhdnod th; fiery blood, in order to accomplish the"1 y believed that he was called by Goii Mver the New World. This b'a,berofe as, in fact, the atmosphere of all h"-'k0; conclhl ns; it moulded the entire man ' lhm lo ,e' Jl prepared the Virginia Plar:1" : -1 t9iVn Provincial Colonel, for the frreat iry c Crnbna a Deliverer. b ind t: rjll jet be t with thrice the i unber of British troopers. He too, be- 1 d Washington coine, he too beheld that d column at hi:? back; vrith one bound jdashed through the British band; in an- j )T moment he was by the side of hi ette. Washington turned to him , 1 ... . !. i chee; -mlcmen Reproson.'aUvea of Massa tts, what say you.' Are youan-rccd. cqucls bolbre the Kevoluiion bo-ri-i as your oquals iu 1777 united as m 1,87 co-operating with you as m the administration of our common ( Ctiu i Cf era sue ".-iia anon o: ne.trr ii rt i.pvnr t t-n f: in l.it hm-i . .... , -----v.. ! - ii.unu. ncn ene- '-""-'' oiuugai upon tne poor by tlie rash and unwarranted efibrts wiil.:h i"vc him. 'I'i-ov V?-ro (t'lfSn. . 1 ...1. 1 ....v., --ii-i jivjuiiu v.ii-ii sicKness on tne heart when tlie world is dark and c ieei ;eis is the tim to trv true frind- wiio t.trn irom the scene cf t.o. ""J -,,v - ' ... ,.ft-. v-. 4fn..i liaU IT US 1.VI CllltllC S'lr-.. .' "i(J .IT il 1 i I f ! I . VL: 7-' . I I 9 i I 1 . L f lfl.LI.IT llil i .1 1 . - , ambitious i comraclcvc;. . s rtP:lt,htir .nj Gf i . u"' . Crnwnll! (!nn, on" 11 ' VJT1 1 . "l luu lccfa5 i1011 mdepen- ' -5 and elevatm; 1 wS ..kwwv. - ii: 1'iln.-. lift i Jit to. T in n 4- I J i " . I sec the scorn i some ' - ' hir?;, ' eZln.l ,h. wamvn. Wh ' Y, " . - l'1111 ,1CT ami so con fed- i institutions was ret his eye: I hear i ' v Tl.fi Lc over . Alicad of tim "column led then? on. ! Suf a.?U:C?Pcrati!1S 'ith you tering his condition, ring from his : e- . ; - . -, . ..' hii;: , banners wavinc aloivr the column. lutlSl" r,UlS aml institutions turning uponj heaves, his i i '??'- w "' w.ii.'X swords and bayonets minding in or3 L"u 10 "ow-are you.L.a 1161 provid ord. r. " ar to lilp o . ito.; of lio-ht. that iron column v-nt trT kJ " T" eiTS con- l as Ciiangt . is calm ao-3in: VT ,.lrr ;t literally no. h, nc-ntals V""1' S-C: . " ' - "lrcaxs inviolably your ! Feet ol his lat, wii , i g r r 1 ' a Ie " " ' nn, djcir .,; ic British were in the valley atnou- ) so, then , "D- T ,?1 . , " X"!! P 1 V th; 'equl- trium- o. Tllfiir ,n . , veil ine inai ir wie e. And yet there never U . - : i n?l I. v ..jor.no mivrv-oia viit; orav ti sound as jauon, in win. a-"v.ir Siiatt.-rn,! rt-..rr - .1: T- ttorri ii" n l -i , among whiru 'Vreek of St pos ' abou1 5 auu jest, man Jus. . ' - ' edVus face when jAi.C. c n, whose heart bounded m(Hd song and jest, Uian his. :."1CU nw acn 1 tho : afi ? J etW,iSan7.,o4 of British rv"U- ' tpA v-amng, him St2 Li' LZ' ,G in; r Off that we columns ") jdeemed in---'est news, for ,Cia!Iy what, omote the in- ji 100 c o-j re.- country which hTn-:0' nibv the faniB of pr- y 1 oVfw ot faction, vrho if ;i-d and subi'ird ixxxf"- N G. GIVEN. y county out of Clearfield and is te?n defeated o . . lie. nimi.i.-. ...'.I leaiures. vu3 ivjiil its terr The truth is, there is"u" me o clock. B: lation.and this feature r mict began, and v loudly for reform The. gone fiom this fiel devoted io the adoption ionc o! tod! . ... l cm i I , utility is wastea in long w- onuer, as of speeches about have no interest time a heavy tax incurred in their cnaey S -1aering I Inch - m.' vtA. 1 4, 1 Vi 1 1 ; 1 1'S, U been ormiitca i""nu tlie banner f A .. hdit see this bolt of i;?nt, when, as a mil Ited-Cros flag rfareU i ' ;i tnen,j- - h hQst 3 a j !.'! .djoumment. ihPvery side. 0 S ' V'11"? A;l into the sea. drives ! cbes. defective and ilU.'Un shone over ,h.n r.UvJ IZ r'.KiV,;- it. You inio-ht WvYred brow ol v asnmg on, lar our hands, it is our duty to give all vigt- . -1------5 - --- V ; , UAIsand spears; then miglit you ; loacc of ear a;ul eye and thought to eve- 5 'V1'V " y "i 11 .. r 1 ... i c ! ' 1 1 1 n vi- : .1-. it i. .... 1 u.i 1.. n n.u a.i. ...i ...... I- LiA Vil 01 ui - """' 1 r liiiuz niai ciii i;neci uirm. 11 iui u.--, 1 . , . . . , , . - i JW;el button their nink,! XIcn. I tflcu to 1)C warncd by that voice 'that ! Uns ?i5u-Tr nu'V" i- v;-. U;b aVre levelled before the ph ofiCOJncs. froin aU the records of the past, i AIie' a5e r,OD:)iL: hi:l iAi'.0::.' ! t ."' rncsne. l'Oilow tins snwiu ! ! nm(x to :it innmc 1 lis fhir ostremm-, "- " . , . thourh their sni-! 1 a 31:0 i . arm.? or n: I . 'i.iJiIV..:. f nut Ui pu ivji; wiiiji tiu, iv., nut vjiiiy i peace, grateful as that alone would be but a compact of immortality for our As the powers of this Government, and, j 1 li nroinvo tit Ct (TfP'lt pvtuill llio ( 1 P 111 I rJ I l'-r r 4i,:., - ;,,f,c0.i r,,.;n i filling ms who-e have been put tbrdi to rel nive broken down the food;;? he had .reached, crushed tn? sympathies lie had won embarrassed an J accursed tlie fortunes w "v-iv n..vi:uL-.i iu coatroi. i no "r:n- r iniluence of our Tree axinr Jus bo:ida-e. bef. lifting un liiiLiiiienr-" nsfcj-if fit and deser i . - ii r ti i.-. , i i t . -. . i - -..v uau .utic provi-1 eiis:s in ti;e heart. ug, at ad paints, the as- J and felt its n,-., -n CM-fit u, i ... ..... -I'"" wi -lu jii- i ui tu uvl power. WOO ! ?ve .-o- .1 . .. r ' i . . , . -u.cua. '" llu;a I ""u r ( iKiearoreu tom-ik t. r. in irom in -J:ult tiis.re3o, bclray their hypocrisy and prove. that interest or.ly moves them. If you have a friend who loves you who has studied your in !ereitandJ:a.Qni3cjj: i ;-rormer kindness is ! vplr h-f i0Ve 3 thrown ij. it 1 r Vv'ho lias no: scen Tiiry only deny its riend hap- i K V V? , . .ti!v c iiv ii hi bdneiai..or, u -- . ..ttttt-,,- -iruu.anv. wv t , , , -w. r,ee 2nti uA ."rto,. agara T:Y iiwi ? ' of oth'sss". .- a tiioiisanu tm mn-i susDCceu, sepaii- i and forlorn than ever: mx-a. upon him j ceive ti reward oi their i-urn they re- f i.i n.v .rm'.. i thenar heart? ana cotmtless tavor.:?mn every leuer r. voaio iu..i, w-.,...0 -- , ,. - J . , i -...t .,.i tli-v l:iv b.-"i brour--;Ji low bv aiseaSii biessmir it wo.u u.i .i, - ; V case v.'itn elements ot ! and auversity. r 1. "I uer the clergyman had unite.! a happy r.ir, an awful silence ensued, wh'.eh was broken bv an impatictr yoaxii, exclaiming DoVt be unspeakably happy.' " . . u 0 ul 'te'ii, V 7 i i , 1 - " w... - matters in; Vlii clouds look ijd UIIo yonder, two hunvired yatds lic3 aro lo3t forevcr; that t, but wha2ure. and (ell nie? :5or tJl0(rfof the British army, e t rit ncvcr dies, but abides x upon t.i t-ghosts of tho rlcat l fjL X;ffone.l,crrible glory! On enluv to cn,riUen to improve, ir onit bai,rJ dusVrinrr trr the lj.h columnsbut this ava t jiat it nevcr reviv atthcmlel these abuses .hoW W l0undripW ' Ljlf0 Sudu so uxpccled, that the people and tha' "e splomn , zej um"s or moment para- upon tne earin , and to bless noon to relieve Ihe Cor t &U0tt. K' 0 tuuuuiuii. j. i C(J y,.. n-. ible bar in the te Let us go SET We sen? JJUt tu s ion, -J . . . . i V 7 v :; i h h; dlVw9 of manner few subscription llieless """" -ri:. pe I I A I Miecls, U his baml Vopi .r;,h lnm. TIp , i - ---- "-' ncs w-k, and theyVomc with r omnses and laiv and a thous. nxls loA)v its motion ...1,1 , 1 IIU UOln SlirieliingAnm. ovnho- paper again. e these Pu ol V;. " "V , """i'-' -iiier isii uoaa sirew mo hxa in th "wcv.cwi -"vie neroes, Liiuiiiv.m ui O-We loar CM I solttaki' WdCmil ?Wsand ClearGeld coun t, " aA j gtfxiV but soul' i u"lrm, one ,r .1,- iv., r,'iJ- . S't'on ' .oi-veA . ' V suuck at once, they v,,t,i issues of masoere and convul- t, conntv? 1 na;,' . f . Oili.il X .1' ' v. ...v. - . . li;. .... . . , ' 1 .1 . . es to reirenerate a:c r-liJl1 . y . . vcs. Look afthe reptile and the i vinguown us yon.utuu, , -u-, VigerAs they have dwelt for ages in the " ana tearing u um u, ., habil tions of the Holy City: look at des- - Should it ev er ha?prn. th potisil worse than either, as it has nestled ! any interference- and io h . , n. ; L(l levied with its raven win- noon the ! some insurgent e mution ,i tu;t v-i ln'-'i 7 i-1 i i i i 1 break out amongst us, that tne luooa ci linn, verv hoflom ot buried republics, and be i Ui,-J-- uu- l'l J; ' , . .. ind J,i ,fil,:it. mvterions doom. tbnt. evi- our people will be maa3 io stream in our V V c u- ' ' i dwc'i;vs, end ooze up irom the bosom o! dent th-umation from on hirn, wnich con- ,lrt" " . . t ...... .i ki. ! ' i , iii i .i - t t ie soil thin ieeus, it win cry i-iouu, nu necLs in eternal fellowship, the pnvehires t . ' ' .1,,. frovv Avithhe punishments of nations,and nev- ' hat o Abel or vengc it , ' , i i i. -ii ! li'fi npr i hand t lit silvu It; inci vCiiv-aUvv. -Vain ..l.'r. I.r hiiriost Kin 3 a i n .to Knf ci1i Kx' I O.U.ii't o uaua v...-i. . n had. though every drop itiat was I over n i: , in-,, . . , oJr (-i;'nl I" OIL. .'lie: . n.v.. ui. , "i' -S611 ...A .!!: m it. rYr - . . may be noihitvr soil-.: ta it, lo gjo V Lts of the world wonderiull-,- Vj - fill '-r-5 of 1. V .- ' o ' va V .fVffitaW that shook hh t.t w v can afford to ret ,v l.nce' they conquered. - . , " MiuuiLu.ao iiia uiiiiuiiiiivvpr. Wlf l dncf , . , , , JeF quivereu Wiethe nis pi,,d rnn 1 T side Jith the heaviest woes. Let warn away ail passion, anu prejudice, arm par- . S3 lashed up ray.wa. afterward, very v nenanoyvdedged but ent parrt-1 J J ? 1 sufferI an5 n,un00Incu when ushers n, v..rs On away 'ail passion, and prejudice, and par- j cide from awongst us, to gather around j lu i""y j ress to the side of our country; to heal the chaflnscs and wounds of her spirit . T.-rtlll,l tii us oe r leltsiioiua bo poureu ouuu o;j and dvinn ehbrtto obtain it. Nothing but T . 7. ...i - "... " 1: . left should bo poured outm one anguistrea Il'.u uv lino iiiicu v.ui; uiiv-uun iu ijit i , , . . . - Snooks said, on hearing Kemble Butler read Hamlet, would make a capital recruit on account of his emphatic Oh, List'." A general on the poini ui tieai !.; fcvps. f.n i seein? u consultation o.1. p!iysicians. w'.i. were stdruiinj close by his bod side, faintly exciairaed. GcnUe:!en, if youfiro by platoons, it's ail over with use:" and instant ly expired. 4 V V V t ' I t " l' :. I X An r.l,i fviotnid'i having heard Lindley Mar- in '- A i jr. ! j: u.. .1,. , .ii i c j. .1 wroiif. irom sen auu; lwuiv u iuj mo ui onel nmi'? to Nie. side nt onr ennntrv: to ! ,l-'1'o ''o . .1 ui Tk ur.V j ru.-L.:-: ! sides and the tields ot the gunty tnat iiuai liic nj-iiii ttjiLi v. uunus ui nisi ouun by the union and fervor of our own; to be ready ourselves V sacrifice and suffer, if, tation oi first been visi- had Zil3&I1'cent scene. c-Ifts ste f calarniiy and death which hac n sent to desolate thsir own 1 t Tu u i V 1 Soar', oh! epars us the curse ot a bro.-ven need be, that shemay never sorrow or , , , 1 , ,.,-,,,1 i jtu 11 brothernocd ol a ruined, ruined, ruinea .i v.i.ii. wiia ono occasion, a geuiioiiiaii .. i u., ..i-ar.h arm. vvj. ushered into tho drawinjrroo.n with this iotrodacti.m: "Mr ,-.. I il,n I...,. lii1l 1' eo t." r oai uuu ii." y ed halted by thvP;T;.L V.. V "T. 1 1 ,"7"; country. Kemcmber that . thcro are no S,.f Pulaski and his o1 , 2 i groana like the groana of expiring liberty Si b-'ck 6nlI1i" ' n e-;o'e- " cAgggvi'lsio-a l:ks thws whioh Vcxdy- 'Daddy, I reckon m ho.v I mibl 5o nnw.beinask"' V r jfc j. ... Ves, ton, I S'et,34 I u' now. oein . 'asliion. nir.int U" "Ve'l'if I don't t fte scnicoody' i t n. t-,