The Columbia spy and Lancaster and York County record. (Columbia, Pa.) 184?-1848, February 05, 1848, Image 4

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    13 °arm
You arc a cunning thief I F now.
Who stole thr whitene, of the snow.
That matehle. , ho , om to adorn;
Den ttrw the rosy blu-h of morn
liashour o'er thy bea.tteotts cheek.
Coquett:ng with the ens,le-. so Vt•t
Oh' I knots
all your winuour vo, deo—
You note tht.un trout the G rare; girnt:ei .
The swz•eme..... 1x1,.,11 your lireatitituz
Was twl.-litroru the lit. -hod—
And ripest 4ipt ut dust'.
Cave to three blusiii•iu: up. thezr !Lie—
\ou cunning rogue
I long had known yrnir th,oetng art
Ilut, xder.Jl. ) ou otole heart :
0. might) Jo% r. ret.•uge my wrongs.
To thee the ercuatitl ta,l: belong, .
Bk.:. 11 - 111001 not chaNti-tt her chst ruin
lock her up mitl.lo the, Orion,
Oh. for nn hour, IA hen the d:t is breahinr.
Down 4 th , short s. %%hen the WIC is in.iL'iug.
Fair, an It who, cloud. thou. love. neer ine,
None hit 111 0 WO thcurli to hem: mr .
Oh to my breo.t tie anus would pr.-, ther
thy heart tu its JO:. ~111111 ••0.
Oh. ha. :hr yam tvc,114.1 in
Gtr/ 01 th, silo, 11,1. ~n ,••••1" to In,'
(Out wlo re the brrwr tot t.,c I.rtont-bu it 1:••,,•".
Watemn:t the Inrk. v ult the r:J) O'er
NVlngsng the note: of (Ili •
011! m there, atut In) love before mu,
Soil as 11100" , 9,1171 .41'111114 o', inc.;
1.11: lore. and .1 would W., Own
4r, the , Inould fluid nyt
ttli it, red -11.••• Is mini IL,
IL 55 fruitt tine gale's soft ILL
Itil till long dark rlng/nI,
Tolling a. In:, 111.1,11 I 1;1,, you'd 111110 11,
(Tit! Oi es•lrit 11.
SUMO mils front the pleasant city of , Worcester
the traveller is debarred front anything Idle a pros
pect, by the singular hoskiiiees of the land on Eddiet
side of tits ,a•!, tLc molls tri vs almost meeting
arch wise above Ms I wad, and fronting- a perfect
forest of wild and tangled undcrwood. Front this
delightful but saint...3lml secluded scene, lie sudden
ly passes to the brow of a noble hill, COllltnandinEz
Is view over a vast extent of ground, ill iiilyth I/111
and dale, wood and water, isolated cottages, and
small, very small, towns form such a whole as,
for touching beauty, I, in all iny perigrinations,
never witnessed. At the time of is Melt 1 write
most probably some or the hide towns which now
dot the scene were nonsexist:int ; but that, I think,
would rather improve the view, giving it a still
more peaceful and pastoral character. the de
tached cottages which even then graced the scene,
that of the family tinned Finelt was decidedly the
largest and the most beautitill; indeed Master
Finch, with an income of some five hundred a year,
was considered the leading personage of that sim
ple district. ' Loyal to the core' was he, and there
were few, indeed, among his neighbors who did not
share his sentiments upon polittes, as well as upon
most other suluects. the stalwart and brave
Master Finch was absent from the disastrous fight
of IVorcesfer, I do Ind see how he can be blamed !
for that, seeing that his leg wao pretty nearly equal
in size to his round and ample body. Ile hml
fought, and th it right gallantly, too, at Ealgehtll,
and elsewhere. Ann never, sorely, had sufferer a ,
love,_orr ettli L'itchi's sole
(NO - grant., Mnry. Ilcr tl o.vrn tresses, and lon large
blue eyes, lit'spolie the Saxon 'IOSCISIt decea,
ed mother. but the .111111.11,N 11.0
usually attaches tit the heaoty ot a blonde ,
%Val i n
s Mary's case limn...ll,l by tie height nod
fine harm of her lay head, nod he the slightly aqui
line shape of her nose. Iler Slight figure. and tier'
exceeding fairness of rompleviou,,could not prevent
you from reading, in the whole expression of her
countenance, that though she had all flit: hiuiintot
softness to make her lovely, so she had firmness to
brave all and endure all, for or with whomsoever
she might bless nWI her love. Master Finch's
maiden sister, Mistress Margery, was installed in
all the honors and authority of Mistress of • Finch
Place,' as the pretty cottage arid its eNtensice and
profitable lands had lien sound • time out of in ind.'
"ii.tress Margery was the first of lice faintly that
ever felt othesu ise than loyally. She was bitterly
opposed to poor Mary upon a puha Uflitil which I.IIC
would !lase solppor,l the latter to very coosidi r
ably the bust qualified to judge—it hung in fail,
no less than whether Mary sho u ld well a blianol
head whom she detested, or a gallant Cax.iher
whom site loved as woman can lute hot once. Sono
after the diS4Sti etti tight IVorrebter, tile trio tie
have spol;en of were seated in the pleasantest 01.111
their plc isant sitting rooms„Mister Finch resting
his gouty leg upon the cushion which Mary had
just arranged, as Only She could arrange it to tits
satisfaction; Mistress Margery readma one of the
preposterous p "militias or for love: Mary looking
wistfully, first at her aunt stud next at the window,
ins though greatly desirous of nalhing ;
Master Finch was the, light Virginian
nith great unction, and lie ended his lip with very
obvious dissiaisCorhou as often as he found ocea
sion to sip of the very fleas beverage to Whi , •ll the
inexorable migtlancc of his prim sister confined
How often that m 3 sterions personage, ishOel
the classical ell! fortune, and a limn the vulgar call
luck, doe, for us in an instant what we de.p.rir of
ever doing for ourselves ; Just as Mary was on
the print of;,raring rip, for that miming:, all hope of
her much desired excursion, Mistress Margery sud
denly laid down her incendiary traelate, and said—
' That godly M3ll alto was our month at sister Pat.
terson's to day, and in lio tarricth even unto the
coming Sahli ills, tells me that the valor of worthy
Master 1205ert ('ole has procured loin the command
of a troop 01 horse, and it is thought he will be ap
pointed to this neighborhood, no being, from long
remdmice, titter than a stranger to overlook the
• Now, heat en forbid " raclainird Miry, scarce
conscious that she spoke at all.
Whey-faced roundhead—loing,rv, cantii-- •
whew was the reply of MaSter 1 . 1111:1/. And
hereupon a conversation ensued upon the respect ite
merits of • worthy Master Ride rt Cole,' and of
Itand•wain Hal Calverly: ar Mary's neecepted
suitor was called, any a here within u (loam rules
of Finch Place. The conversation ended in the ito•
conditure of the lady ; and ever alien such ilefLat,
occurred, it was the practice of the good spociter
In proceed to her chandier, hang its door lo with a
{lire!: proportionate to the hurt iwr dignity li
rust lined, and it in sulkly sublimity- mint soptier
titre, the in-Lint site heard the accusti
bang of her aunt's door, health' attired liersrlf
for a w.iik, and in a lea, brief minutes was in a
secluded part of a certain forest not far Qtr. Oh
the rapture of that firs' meeting of young, passionate
and vet of gull , ‘s Imers Seam , had the fair girl,
doubly beautiful for the glow her rapid progress
had called tip into her fare, reaelied the little valley
which to this hour is called after her name, when,
from a portion of the undtrwood and pollards which
form a complete screen around it, stepped arra, as
handsome a youth nscrer knelt to his lady.lose.--qg
gallant a peddler as ever a aided brand, and ch et red
to the charge and the rescue. No ! I never was
happy at describing a love scene, and it would he
Indeed presumptuous to endeavor to describe the
meeting between these young lovers; she uniting
1 the passion of Juliet and the innocent con fi dence
1 of Miranda—and he being just such a person as
Romeo had been if born in Scotland, and as Henry
Morton had been if born in the sunny south. Pity
ithat loving pair could not for one moment—
! for one brief instant—cease to look all lovingly into
each other's eves;—oh ! lord they but looked up to
the thicket above them, short thrift, I nears, had
, Hal Caverly afforded to the stoney-eyed and parch
' went-visaged spy of Master Robert Cole! At
I length the lovers rune from their mossy seat, and
1 wended their way in the direction of Mary's home,
1 her Inver, in spite of her entreatise, insisting upon
accompanying her till the termination, of the wood
should make her further progress perfectly safe,
and his imprudent. Slowly, very slowly. they
walked, as is the wont of lovers when going from
the place of tryst; but, slowly as they walked, they
at length did teach open ground. They had
scarcely done so when they were seized by strong
I hands ; and he, ere he could even lay hand on his
! broadsword, was as powerless as a man can he
whose arms are fast bound behind him with a yard
or two of stout curd. A. few paces onward, on be
nig drapzed thither, they beheld horses pickcted
our, sonic to cnty dismounted troopers, matchlock in
hand, and the never-In-bc.forzotten form of their
inveterate enemy, `worthy Master Robert Cole.'
1 ' Vow; be exclaimed, as he approached them,
i and spoke to them nut of ea r-shot of his roan, ' rime,
1 haughty woman 'and hated man—notr, is my pas.
1 stonate love scorned by the one; now is the other
so very much my superior'
Remember Edge!' ill :' was the calm and scorn
full reply of *ILI Calverly, ' when I rode down year
men as if they had been infitnts, and spared you
! when prostrate, herau. , r you were my personal
. Mc l'
Anrrer him not, I pray you,' inte Tined Mary,
`tor the light of him eyes is very feartnl; and you
i , cr Cole, I bekeech you to believe that a
maiden's love is not her own to give. I ormiot
love you, but I have 7101 scorned you. Woman,
Master Cole, in mil pelt ed , both is gitiiug and with.
bolding her love; but neLer doe, she acorn him
whom she believes to lie sincere in seeking it.'
rally ! 'rush! why argue. with that cant.
ing Roundhead ! Look you, Maider Cole, unbind
but my arms, and cheerfully put toy life agaim+t
you and your fellows yonder—one down and t'oth-
I come On !'
.:\inn replied Cole—rill] thc one deep
crimson ptaeli optm lox usually sallow cheek, and
the Inrid of his eyes showed the
entire sincerity of los declaration—. I hate you too
deeply to wish you even a chalice of life, save nn
one ‘.ond mon. That condition you know, and you
have lino minutes to reflect on it:
'Murderous anti canting hound t' shrink(' I fel,
' I need not erteetion. Mary, I have lived fn• you ;
let my last few ininnt es be spent in prayer with you
and for you
'rime deep and manly solemnity of his tone had
full clilet on tier to w•hotn he spobie, and even the
Itommhead soldier tinned pale with emotion as the
twain Ismit, and but ['mere:nil): pray ed.—
Eve ry 1/lle cull be generous nit his enmity save
your thoroughpaced fanatic. Not even Ihut touch.
' mg sight could Liam the devouring and nil Mori or
of Cole. The flee Itlinut-s passed ;
the me•n were drawn up in a file ; and Cole, in a
tone as calm as though he were merely exercising
his troop, gave the word, 'Make ready, pre-
• I laid cried a new corner, and he spoke in that
trumped-tone which trou/d be obeyed; that tone
w hick, Cahn as though sot - nu:Mg in a luxurious
bow Pr, can rise over all the din of ha ttle, and give
directions to the fort.c and valor nt striving hosts.
Tin! men, on the instant, recovered their arms, and
the new coiner turned hasttly towards Cole, and
was about, if one might judge by Ilia kindling
! eye, to curney sonic lot very pleasant information
to that worthy—when a shriek, hicrAly a shriek,
from Hal (7.lherly, drew his attention to the lovers.
One of the attendants of the note corner had cot
his bond., and he rushed to Mary, who lay' prostrate
with her face upon the earth. tie raised her—she
was deed—and died believing that she henrcl the
fatal word, and that her lover died with tier.
• %Wretch r exclaimed the new comer, who rt-.;
as nor having :tutholity hot err- Ile could 11,10 II
5 3 Ilahle inure, one of Ins troopers, a scarred and
hoary veteran, who had Int-ilea away tram eon.
templating the (kir face of the dead maiden, walked
~ p to Cole, muttering as he went—."Fwas a bonnie
lassie, and very like my own bairn in bonnie
T„,i.„ 1 . , A Ra s h, a. report, and the carcase of
• worthy Master Cole' told the result of the worthy
trooper's relic olio.
Dr iss ing his satdeolored cloak round him, the
poi soil ge whom we ILO/ e called the new comer
said, 'I r ever there was a righteous manslaughter,
that was oar. And now, onward, brethren, for
n ithout min, ye may not neglect the great
roreivo van, (4131 , -TION —SOllle tarter, who takes
the ..ntibrimiet of .Ir, enty Mrni• tints gate, its el,
perieciee Olt title fillhiCet
It!till pop ilstlr. It'.. nomeme thus leamling•
viumg folks a helping , hood—td he my word Ihr tt,
all they wish is to be left alottc—and if there be
anv conihmided youti,t , , , ters about let, them lie put
in a hell or drowned, it don't matter a fig , which.
If lovers hater'[ no toniznits, haven't they eyes
and where is the simpleton th ()aril tell whether a
tirl loves him, without a word on her part? No
one adores more modesty than I do—hut the roost
licate little ant,,i of them 111/ on't disguise her
little heart when you're tilom• itli her. A Hush,
a sigh, tt studied 1,041.1 11 CC of you tai voriapaity, and
a low, thrilling, trembling 01 tho Voice it 1.1111,,
When tin one the is by, tell more titan the smiles
ol a thousand coquette.. Al,: you needn't ! Amy,
shake your fiend—you'll nn doubt be soon •.,noutli—
but if you hidl in love, as von will, my word nn it—
'hey very echo of one, footstep ndl nix he your
heart Cutler Id e a frightened bird.'
A (Moo ANecnorr.—Thr editor of the New
ork Trilmnr, writing. from Washington Nays:—
Fnnr members attic I lou=r, were in a steatntnal
MT the Southern coast some, night.% since making
all hale to be present at the eiganiz,dion. The
night was a had one and the wind blew furiously
nor of them who had iinmr eltiil in nautical
matterr, went aloft to take no obcernation.
there any danger 7 " a•an the anxious inquiry
of another member when lie returned.
"1"e , ., there is d.ourer," was the reply—"great
annzer; but if we 70 down it atll not ins be nny
odds nt Washitirton : we stunil Iwo and tivo."
A Poivr or Olintrt.—Tn thr. New Yotlt Lf7,1.13-
111 TC, a member parried in the midi.t of a very windy
vpeceh to tahe a drink of water. Another mem
ber, named Illoqv, row to a point of order, Every
body stared, wondering what the point of order
'What. is it ?'said the speni:cr.
'I Think sir; continued Moss, 'it is ont ()Corder
for n :rind-mill to go by watct.'
rr - , - .A resent sermon says, ' Ilekned brethren, the
Scrip ore tells 119 that that the wages ni sin is
deat'r. Non• my advise is that you leave ofT sin.
fling and strike for higher pay.
Ronnpn.—Church robbing is carried
on exten•irely in rat.bur g . Dr. Black•• ch u rch
was entered on SunJny last by some eery mean
rascals, who robbed the contribution box of a col
lection for the benefit of Sabbath Schools. No
less than four other chi:relics were robbed on the
snipe cvcning
rirrs 6r LETTERS,
1.-ZE1 3,11, 1 1\,
'ING in
urt.crdthe l'ost ,, O , ffire i, a i t i columbia, for
l'er-on , viiiiiiil inv.; tor I.•tter.. on tilts list, Will please
mention it they me ialvect , i , cl
A.ire•rQ, Omni. Kurtz 'Felix'
AIII•on .10-tpl. Kauilitian David
11, Iv Jahn Al. 1..11 Cleoree
Mire Lan .Intm Leonard Caroline
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It, filmall Antli . Loney lloberi A
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:"" . " .1.. Win , l. r
TT n••01 - loteof cothrlro, Ti Qplonelol v triply of ' , II 0,
NI , k1.,1;1• 111. Rot 411. Ct -.IA. Sprat and nth,
H I,' finleln, and n rninrokt. mark of 811
\ZED. / 11l anal NAT.:Ii /'Alts,(
*he tnn+.l Ilreirnlllo pmern, Irnrethrr 11 . 1111 a ,uppl3 of
I a., roe. [NILO,
( . 0111111, 'el. r(11 ink .1111 i °there are rii•priri foil,. In
tied Ili I,llllllle the Stock, %vim It the, is ill tied it to
I heir to d ,
adopted the e4.h si,nteln, to sell
c..r Cunt only, and at the the 1.1 ores! pen.
.1(111N It1:112 1. JR.
'2 , 1 Ma rhot ,t....h0s south sa.l.
Doe 4, Ir;7.—roti
/lo4l , lphil
ir tllr Canion TvaT;te whir rsiL , lletl
- Th. ,11. vm 111.• th.•
t “I Nov; Vml.. In% trril ()I tho, (;,. ttlj
ILot•L T. t ItOtni Z nit• 1.. -t tttt It:011.11, out.
I Pt, h”, Nl•lrratit , • , l
J 5..1 'A\ - 111611 T.
4%4111111,1n. Aprll7.l-17 —tf
r , AIII(INED 12ainsl Usina cotninna Pril)ared
ii --Th; lad :1%•:,4• tr,attults 1.1.-
1'1(10, II 11, 111, -1.1,1' vetar... 1;;;,• 11,1/1,1.114V.
PI 111010'11111% lb W ck,:l ti.;;:tt•
prepar; 11 ; ' It; -I,t; . I. ill,oiraat, ;•;.11•11;;;;;
1 try_. 1111 . 1 .Pt i,lll a a la• 111•;• ;; I
%;••., ',al • nritt•le nlnrp JUNI:,•• SP \ 1 , 11
1.11. II; VI, I. ;•••rioell, tura, ;l; I. 111.• 1 , 1 - 11,•1
NH; 1;.11111...; andmipari. til.•
r. 111.111 C, 1 , 1111/ . : nt Iti;•
•• Ina , a -; 1 • .1 , :1 eo•111.11 . -kin rn.ti.ulq It
Dr .1:1111. Pr-tettral Ch. iris,
• \_Jo 1.11, Wh
1.11.1 111,11111:111 :1,1 110111,11 .11311 at
II•I.• 1 , ,,01t•t0 I el., 1 ....rtainls
,•15,5 rt.,•taottloutl 4.1/1
r. tittin.l cent. :3 Do, 1•,,,
1: N 111.1.1 1M:•••
C0111:1/01f1. ir,i•t 7. 1,17-I;rn
A ftw doz. Copits finely Whiz
h.• kl/linlIo( I 111.• ati;i
Itt,h.otett Expo , lt,9 of the :twilit ow! t• rrltyr,, core
rnonte4 of the (hid I P11e",.; rotnte tn,r and one of
the richeet things of fin Onler at
WESTBROOK hr 5 - TA Nar,r,R'S
December 25 1z37
COLDS, Asthma and Cousnmplion.--The Indian
Vegetable Ital%iint t, the only rented} that Cull arre-d
wall certainty the %anon- affection, touter
which thou-mid- -ink tato urrai.c.
No ode e‘i r 11-.• ii Ilal:tint according . to dircrtioa
vinltniat knifing . r-lief. It lti
acdvely ettre4 A,liana.
chili-. Innatnattoa 01 . the Throat. Cough , .
Conch. l`rong. It
does all it protn,•... mid all that P a-lietl t...ttt.t to atve It
a falr trial. anti tt tt ill at once prove in, ..uperiorit} of er
etery 11111 s of the Lund
'rile pri•parril only by II
M. Crawaitil tor -ale by Wc=tiirook
Spnani. , At.V•lll for Columbia:.,T Ailder-ou. Martetta .
littothatui. VI it,luni r mai; J. Hort . A - . Sott. Sale 'far
t bor October 1,, I,l7.—d6tit
13.ELST. A: ND str SCIETEI-E.a.'"VNAS.
... 1: 111L ROID,---F.IIIE
~ , REDUCED.---ThP l'as
,,Tr rim, tat
dad) .- tllow. bulny• •
'- - • 4 " 1•••:, (•, tit 9 0 . 1.10/•1, A. ,1..11,1 or.
11, . :,t ,1!-, O . OlllCr , P ~t•
A rr0.,... oi York ot I:1 o'clock P. M . znol loav, fur Co
lumba.. at 1.: o'clock. P. 11
J.,,, , ( . at .2 01 1,,1.
cur Balton°, :0 .10 clock I' NI
flint from ifaltalaaart• to Yon . ..
IVrioll , lll, -
olost.i. - - - - - ,2 1:21
'1 o
1, Tn.,. ratio,. I-. at lork ,it'll-oo,••10r 11.1rr , l ~t
Getty.toir. Plinoll•r-hol,.. Pot-loir, Vork Sollio.,
FARE To i .1:1"I'V:-131 - liG AND , IL\ 1{111..1:1,1:(
pr,p, lo•r
-t, 1.Ve1.1%1• In, 'to iNiouvll Irmo 1.a1t1111 , ,
C. , ,rtLy , 141rg' and llm
1 . 11, I
I, II 11
Tic t 4• 111 , 1/ .
I% Li,i.Pl
3.41 L .Sou t
ESSI',II am ".iiintri; of liraelvs:
o , r 1'1; .1 I'`llla
gra 110 (Weal 11 111 1110 1105:11 •••••‘ .000 ,1 I n-10011. ni :1.•.
The 10.:nloil 111. 111. 111 all 1.11 10, 111 , ,:r::
olit%iro , oliocl Li. f•tor 111111,110 51.1/ 111, ..or Is(
11 , 1.'1,111110111111 11111(1 111-. 11.,1 1,111 1.-rola:to:0r. (1.•
/ iv. not Ileo 1.010w.c lopor, :
• IN't aro 0-101101 1 . -411Q111.11 . pler,rntron. \Vb. n
lIIn, -Ton aa• ! :too propnr..n/.•
01.01 e 111 101, fa .11 10:001 ;.1. 00.
Kit I y tiod p.:0•1nI i•on
1.11. d1..11,1,1111 111 1.1 . ood 1•11 d• ..1
n. vkil! 11.:one 0,1 -1110111sr ooa.••• I 'Flo
No•Jro. ilto 1'10(1 , • 100 lltov 1110•0 Iho :mil ill ,
Hod \ 1-r.•:•1:1‘.• under the 1.1111.1
IF , 11, r.,tl:l , arsr.r
1111.11 , k1/1.111111 ',O&M', (Nlllll 111 4111 f .111111111 :11111 tFI e l / 1 111
011a1111 , laolilr dart, 1 .1,14.1. or Imo,: -km '
0r:11 por-1.11. xvoro liny,l 1 tor.‘ .0.11 014. Pro,clolit
It 10. 11:111 Inod n 111 pro 11 1, rllO.l
1,11- 10lollioonco.
rttlor 1 1 1 .lotlllg ,Itt quell. l.•. 4.1
.14 0:1: , * C111:1IIC
rn rut in 1301.-!,.. Snit It h, mn. Sr.,. V. I'a,
()la nrld
Chnpin , ll 1 . 1 .11'1 '1;11 r,ininn-, 1111 1
11/1 1 , ,,,, ,. 11111'a 1 E.r ..v. 1.1 1
1.1 11111 :1- ,1111.1111 111111 ,111 a- 1111 11111.0- .111 . I
kind 111 era'. and tioana,,,lllBlll 1:•••ni ,•rtin
1;1, N. Vs' I 11.
ol nizr 1,..
In a: li.• h z .1 ni o . nix •••.111 Won.
I , !.s 10 010. 1101,15.
it :sit. I. i lk ill
$0.1',1 111101111. IS , iilll , inl. ,
. 1 , 10 11, Mali
011 1110 ito• 1.1111.1 1.1 ttso k 1
.Lnw. I 1 11 ii• 1 , , ',N
nrln.. xi!.t.•ll hel
111,111 s In pain•rwe••ll
11., 1 111-1
1.. C... nu. •.I N• WI i•
1.. en ',lin NNW li.• vi 1 m.,.•/1 .11—
n., , ~ 11111 i • 10 111.
.1 . .1)`1,11 .• , 1 1 , ~ 11111) 11. • iorh
(it 1/: 111.111 Prie.
/1 . .1 , 111, r I. i:
Da. 7.17. t .71.0.1`.".5.
EcET I - 10114111 Pills, nee
T., I
Ili. , km. rii•iiii :1, [Ow , ' ti h, UP'
1.,• ..L:11.• I 11, 1.1.4111Y1...,
idr of 11Ihtuth.' Crht
.Itoh 11;111,11:A' t•opuliiiii, Iv.. I 1111 Ville,
1-11 1 , , Papa r• ,‘ n 1 ,1 , .1/
I/1 agar p •,/at • 'l l l. , eaihr a
Lrr , a , aapthor 1,1,•-.• %%11p•11 pri.l,alall:ll .1
14 1 11/01, r. 1 1 ,,11r. 11 11a1.1..1
4.1 , IV,al• and
•• 1 , 1 .`.ll 11. t-11.. , /1/0111
• a, -p t, • •,1 1 1 ,, I a• aa , l ni•-•-.1
r ,r„. ,!,
t "toll • 1.1.4 11. .
•tli i•tir_ttli• nn •
' ,IIn. . • I.ln PI
••• t 1.1 \1't!...1 ti,t n, i rt,,
• In , II ~, :101, t • •••• ••• I. , tt I• 1 4,, 1,11/
I HT ori .1•. LI;
\ R., \\ \1:-. IV 1.1 - \
111:11. C..
°e ~CSS~u
- VV - 110 have iwrii with Noel; PrPtPlid .11,!1,1 r tho
`l.• 1: , r0r...1 o. • , 000 • D v„,.7
h 6:611 t op.
1., di, Lil .140f....' t ' 11:or Ito-tor
,0.1 cop tit hour, 01111 %lid •,1•1,1 I' I
:innlt .1111 i 101./.lt.
11:1.•;•1 h• - •• :.
11, 41 4.; 1-17,
k•ort• 1111 ZIT. Sr; 1111 ,, •11
olli 1.. :.•.:• 1••••;I: Jim,: :•1.11
11::•: -col.•1:,:•.111, hill , 11/lo k:nul In al.
oil 11:ar ..• : h •
'l%l 1,:•••:•
I h• cf,:m thin: :11011, .1 rp , !-
loran , 0 It I .11irg
tt.l 11 ,, "I .11" • •• ,. 11011
I, nalh,i n.ll 1,.1.1i1.1. 1.1 11.1i1 11.11 IV
\‘ '‘ ./..1 . 11111 , 1sIN: 4 . :).2
11 \A - 1: you Jul' 1)!: 1).% III:rrr
Ni Po .% cii.116,1 for str, e• 1.
cholsol tio ilattitrott. tottl inc- I oral litor
Ito-tor:,v p. mon, tols - rtirtol tt
Itoso.l 1A.,: to Jr , --.ltotitthts ill tztaistt dour ou r Itttr •---1:1
I I let.ry C Col!. II I.ii 11.11 - o t b,.:.1 lb,.
• WO, 4 . 11.) 0,1 .11.11.•,. liar. - If. 1 .11 ir.
.111, I , tm tu.l 11,111. 1 l'srr 11-.41 Ilir if..•
11,111L1.111.1 1,1.14111_111w lour lot, ~,t el , al , .
silks. r1,,1 k tile! to 1,01 r. all iii r it-droner, preierritil
in 71111. 111111,1 ...111.• 1,3
Nieto, 7. 1 - 17 ---ton
Iligram. Cured in Tllll 11.11 . 5.---The
fttl'1:1:11V VAIN' , I\ I:
loins, re, alit vul 11111/111,1 site, I ions of ilia ktlim:ys,dta
• u(
ti sentroal tt rnl. nr•ya, Sin, r e2r
• 111.. Ity .411'411112 to a sh^ret 111t/111, have entailed
nn Illetielvrer ron.llletemai app!N 110 -
1111.4111 tel) In Int. K . INIZ r:LIN. onhr rt.a.lop!.”,
JI , de
cal floose. the n1.1....t ultimo am of tile 1...1.1 to the clay.
I .0,1 , e, .15 .0 .o,at :Ma St.
tw ern Sprore ar.l •rprtres Iron, tile V,Cli,tiee.
rh,...1j 0 d,r 0 / 17,n estabhehed by Dr K. nil. et.
3 elf, ado. for the mope, 5.... n at ridarkert, there :f
loots leilde. name lir char...ter,
put itivertiseitients in the pol t he p roe,. that nn it,_
..telvtlon nhblskohl ton. hitt:lls once-sort to prevent the
ut111ete.1.,...p.•1.013'...1t toter , . from (litho^
Imo hatol•
of son, tirr- , htllfir I 55101 . 11. \, 110. i11.fe.1.1 of alight
em! his vyt to, to no untolielv drat P. There ftte r , the
:Allotted should slims Ihr numerntl- pretended phvsirwna
for Itirre, rtollitto2 of the ptarthe of modulo°, but Ce11i...111
i...III lie K itikeltn waitron, .0 C. erroi in two or
three ord nig to the •i.ile ol the pit volt, ,vitlinlit
the 11,1.11 f mercury. No mercurial remedies urn used 1.3.
Dr. Kinkel., tos medico., are palatahle and harmless,
and till Ina laltteett are honorably even
the pesFibilit 41,01.1 d docovereil. who places Into
• under the care of Dr. K., may relidiougly sontide :n
honor at a zentlem.n, and cnolideollV rely upon /to.
'kill It. n ph3,01.111„ and 11 - 11. 1 19 not epeerld3 relict cd no j
reuritherut toil will Ire dountoted•
_ .
ono nrthe iroolitecorne and dangerous
:Or, hi. It often end It, graVel.inflaMallon. weak -
Ile•U • Dr. Hlriko•liri girtrnritieq in remove speedily;
m‘velline+ eland. &c. :,Irsc
inre•N ripnit ol many o ho had no knot, ledge of their
7l•hr I..troru liar .X.du.r.—Vnting men tt ho hat .. injiired
Cieni , elves I.!, a ri•r1:1111 practice indulged in—tt Habit
trennently learned from evil complaint., or at school—
:lie elreci 01 n hi. h arr. nichtb 1 - • it, I:1,1S IA lien Illulverl,
and drstrnr Loth 111110 and Undy,, shnalil apply ninon
daitely. Weak m , , and " - Inc( itutional debility inime
diatel% eared and fell m moor re.tored. All letters post paid.
Tal.e...ll.rue. —Hr. Kinkel in has had grealer practice in
the Ohm thin 11113 physician In the United
States. Ile elan po..e•••es an inivantage over all other.,
from the t net of 11, lie t in 2 prtinlie.l in the great liinmitals
of Comae. Thou.ande an Philadelphia can testify that
lie curet! them .miter.-. cry nth. r means has Puled. Sepa
rate reams for prim are ron,illation. Open till hi. P. 11.
rr„rdi,r, at a moment's notice. pith the re
qiiPote mrdmrnu=s to m nine themselves privately.
Patkart.e of roPrlitorws Sent in an, part or the 11.
More MIT tiCtliatel to the Spirit of the Times ncr'
QALI)I.LNDER, Fire and Thief Proof Iron Chests,
(• q ualto any other make. and have never
been injured by Tire or 8ur...1131-.ln n ...uutle 111./I1110.!. I It•
ki•nr, Olt hand a tall ,apply at COIIIIIIOII (2/11,1 , .
111.111 0 01 Irl/11, at huver pra
Copynia Pre-••••• and
Trtiel.... Jur
'wrtunt - I-t-
I:ntne Pau,
1'11r:1'd, &r.
Pa. 1,,,r I. so,. llotauu thief nues.
lit luver,uoi- and NVate,
01.1Vi:R EV.‘N.S.
tot Second Si . !wow: Che.ian. Philadelphia.
\•1'0125 for ri.uhnt: and pre....•rs !nu: 'Veal.
ruu:or, and all arUelts uiteialed bur cultaary
-IV.VVEIT. FII.TETZ, Evao* Celebrated Wa
ter Fthooroo. tor rano mug Maier that loo• lorat•kt-lo ar tatal
tl3. voloolloo r by tap,. at to Wiler,l ,l. (1,1 be hail
01 :141 .1/. :1•Iil proem , . lb , \Varoaaarnoo. No of South
ul s,ree , • ts , “ dun r- below eh; :^t. !Naiad.
P M, and York
I,IRST Premium 1l ritint , . medal jmt
Jr!. (I I', `6:11,,,,111111.+Itill, \rn• Yorl,
'I•lo mlli.v. In, u• ;;:114.11 hull] 11,thqua-114.,1 111,111101 nm
for 1-ch
tl - rI4TV PI •
ilinek lurk 1.11:11,:it nt
1. I irs r um• pupil it =or
, .1 rryt.
110., ~ , ,111:11,1,. 11. ..1]..11, 1.A.• nre pi. n-t•II
N' It 111 ill 2 ]).1), , I1 rum 11:111 rtlol,
.1t11' , .. 1,1 1.1. 1 1 V,.
I 11"\1,11" l•is Prrr, • )
\ !•••:•••roirtrA of the l':“.1111‘ . of .1r):.
I' 1P lir. Pr.' ].u.
11tI).1.ecitirer ul ihr \led Dopltrtitrvitt.
\:41111 ST. r 01.1.1,1.
141: 1,..i0ur al,t),•••
••••• I. (. AI I) Plan
II 11, Nll RTItIll NI I). c' ‘, l ntorn•
Co • Pl , laa ,l l ,
1 . 111:DIA;1. 1'i1A1.1:1".
pu., Id 4,11 i.
At,14•1.•. \\
ror \'1,..1.•.„1. .1 H, n.ll. :It the .11.1tilitv:ory
V. -7 T 1,13.1 0t..0, •11.•.•t.1 . 1 , 10
.14 :phi:. 10 .:() , 1:1'11 I: )\ - 1:1:. turor
iphtn - 1-17
NT 0. I.2ll'llesiial StriTl, a few (lours belinv .111 t,
Ngtrl! , —'l It• r re.peetiolly tteertt, 1111
111,1.1..10 the 11•111111 . 111 pi•0I:r.11. 111:11 he •1111 1,11,1111,.
111 1.. .•p the tile, t• , 1111.11•11.11 ,
it:1111- , at :t II Itittt tt. Itikt•it 10 1,•.141, r tiii. nne II:
the 111 , 1. 111111. 111,111 11:- 1 11:1,1 •11 1 / 1 1 1 1 071. 1.1/111 11./: 111.•
1111 1 -4 011 10111,111 I i 111: • 111 1:11: /
11 r 'OH /1: 1•• 111 . 111'11 1 .11 •111 111 1 -1211 1 .1 121
14 • 01tt
I h. 11
:11: 1.11 , 11r4 rr-• I,t.t .111 p: •etl It) 1111
111, r. _:• 1 111 ::1.• 1 :1
I :1- : •1 r,te,t• e t•ttt 1. 1 I
Tt rut , t.t It., .1 Jr
r is
1 • 1, o - . 1 - ot
I o :•• or •-. 110.1 i.lll_ t••:21/-
1P1,111. • 4 • Th. I: 1 . 111 r 1O•
I , tlo •• %1,1 . 0 ‘L
doK,Aolt %Slit IJ• LI 1.1 op,o 1
:ill,l 11.,
Ink- in •1 , 1 , 1 Ili
,l• , u I, vAin I. r
il" 11 , It"' 11 , -4 n , ••,- I'4: NVI'l , -,11 to
I 1.1 .t 111 ...I: Irrr of
ti7:47..41a1 1, 3'
I;..twvpn and
—Thir Ilt :1 1 / 1 1 1):101 101
ii.olll/1“1 • 1i11 • ••11,111 , 1'Z:1111:God
c0,11,,t1/1.'"• t ; " ' : ' ll)its•
tx, r 1.1 , .
IA • \
Alm' 17. 1.-17.
Baltimore Hail Road.
r. 11,-
" II !la 11111.2, v. 111 .Lire
11/111111, iti I: '2 I \ I ,mi
i,,,,, I"w,,
:it .1 r 111 tile
11.11 1,, 1.0., cur , i f he 11,,
tr.til, 4.0‘, tr,t,
I) II 11011 I)1.1:1".
Stiper,lll, -1,,,1).
d the 1 0
rr W
liE Pall and iiiirr Bair ronF lo
\ - 1); l;it \,b :,,c1 lVci fol
1 .- r; I•ml ',II !I. for .
I, > are the cbcc,-.1 cbert,bcbt
Icb•borc• tic, yt., ot poni.l.• 01 tit, 'Ai l'erbbbccc,
NVV'IIIV—, .r.crrubbiccbb cul ;11111 of ;1, MI./ I
,bll It. V Id; 1, ,111•21L! -
Ildl-111110111 \ rout ccb•bc t'cblibittlbc:c hcbcc•
111,.. lii obk emu owed tcb ibb•cpc , lll, t cbc c t ruvi
" 10 , it Ito tit II"
, tit ti. 1.0 11••• titrt!,l,. •-•11.1,81.1
, 1111 1 •••• -• :toil 111111. i. 'lll , n :•,••
.1, 141% 01, itOr 11l 11.1 N, nt
, ••• nun , r 11.1-1?
I Nill.lN lEGET.IIILE extr4tortlillitry
,h,„.• totrod,tl It; I lb, that ill,
iron , o ,00,41 \ 1 .. \ 11 1”!..j . ..‘,11 . ,,,
v,tritltt Nvi 11,ot 111. izeocril
1/i rn :Ire til 61/111 , Inn
"h., 1 0 ,1, I 0: the boll:, r," to
1,11 tool
1,1 it 1., n Ow howl, hod, nod 11'rrtlt".
0,4 Prlt- t.ll. Id.
011,r. 111:11 I t 1;1,111 all toorlt,l nod I.ortipt
oh, ca t ice of t•nor-1 rind
11, 111 ot mid 1,11.1 ml nIIIPV I, -
. • r , :1114 pit., everl H am,
1.111:11.\1.1,ti DItIVI:\ trout tli,
'l'l tolloo.lov 11,111. ....torokooporg Jo:No
hr, Jn oppoolleil :1, .11. n.r nor hlllt. 01 ill,. i21•11•101.1 , ,1
I.nnend/ r l now:,
11o•nr, ill". It. olio., WI IT , -
11.11..V100 , .10,1 I' r
I" 110,-1,1-11:1d..1nt,,,,,
11.11 , 1, 1;0, • r. , 1 / 4 1 no:ool
linel, I' 1). Io I, T. , Thl/k
•ir. u,t l 0 s I. - .Nit :sop:in:god .k Ildtispleerrer
I Ifiio,lll,l I ' . :or , . linr/onsol
1 , 111,11'1:1 , AI! I. & 1: lino ro,
i 'mop. r.. ill.. 1: 1.,
ro,lnnol,no I'rp S snannl,
Unuoosr, .lobo \ 111,1 , i 1
EDT! "do op. I Don•lonods
010, P.'. Aso r e, IVonrwr
0u do 1 . /Aso. I,Toollon
Ls no I ,
I:pAt.n.s. Joll.l I 0r....
I:plor.en Nos'. I. $
l!ortio Wevllono
I'l,llorl Ilnn=r I'oolloo 111 I. I' %111,to1s.nn
11111z,nli Lorton
boor, 11,-.• 111111. 41
Insvn-loop. Frrdrs l•/. SAvopo
1..111p.). r . 1 1 AI) II 11.1 r
11,1111 tVilonrr s\-
1 . )) , 11,
11,1, nn \V .\ d II Sranalor •
:doom .loy Town•lop. II 11. orlark h CO
P 1 ,5 1 1. 5 511 .10101 IZ.llllllel
. 10 rookor o
Ylolllo i'l• WI."111,1111,
31111 ere-, 1.. II onrs •1
Plume ToN‘ll-111n \lonrr,
'Ness - 11/01nml lirool,nikrr er,
'N es Provnl, ne,s. lolri , rodull ,Sr Bey er
ts. I: II
I'. rte 11,111001 11 0 ,
Pomo 'Fossil-111p. Jaen', Sins:,
I'ardeloo.e. A II .% L IViturr
Al•oldeds Port
Prnron dlnno. 11'01 A mold
11.1•‘ Sdlins
Salo I lAro,ror. Inlo.l 1 I.•rr & Son
Snonn-I.ursr. 11:10 I . lsttie , r.
5:11-idorr. l'reolold
' , 111.,,td01. John ‘. ((rut!,
f . 1 .7 - 0111reo, devote d the c.a., oC W n ow s
intl.:in Vrcetnble m I ~le.A . ), and reonl. Intl
sAreel, Flnladelphm, Green•slell street. Nem v0r . ...
and 11+E. Tremont etreet, Boston Apell 19.57 —I t
1,111 rind 1110 I
• 1.1,4
I ”prp•ti.r
Tr.) ..varww:r.:2R,F;
:mai .er:
.1. I` \IV:ri.IN:
• ..{ kit{ • • -
.‘ 11II: II t• • 1 . 1.1111
•ifirlipt, til
ilt,:tl)!,EN - .
ipor ur ,'.nth-. ell
1" their own Cars in charge of messengers,and
under lockk. DAILY between Phtladelpbta.l, 4 ",
ter, Columbia. Wrlghtordle. York. rietty , burg.Bnlciin ort
Wa,lunaton. South. NVe.l. North and I:nst, by MTN,.
:11 & Co. ore now prepnred to forwnrd in their Can
ruck:ofe.:. Parcel+. Ito ndleo. light and oil ( 1.,, nr„
lion: at nood., nod n1,.0 Specie, E n .
MI, for rolleetion, order.. A.e.• to tiny
1410 above owned 111111 1 .4444 hellll-=entzer train. and
••11 , 1/ .B1,111E; 114 , 11,11. 01 aifordiins, every facility for 1:44,4
prompt nod econoinienl traii , netion of no) fOlllllll,ll/11
entrit-ted to them they re.peetfully solicit the 11111 run,...
of nil to their line.
Ail 'rood. or iieka.zeq nmqr be marked -11, Afip, r ,
I;lPres, ” F. GRIFFITH. Anent.
Miller &Co I:xpres., Colinnhnt
Orrier_. —Corner of Third and etteamm r hda.
delpltia Cltr.l4. Norxntm. I.tmen-Lter; 11 Kwuffell Y or k
moo i3Lomovz, noil000re; (;o- & co. eor
Brondwnv. N. Y.: (lay Co. plate . la-tout;
Ji C.: lbeltinond. Va ; AVlteelnig. Ca . Pnir
Pn.; l'n Not•. f. 1..17 _it
THE suberilar haviaz fitted tip a Livery Stn-
Li,. Itoroot,'t ot Colonittia. at 111 Wtt , lootttt•tt
llott.l. Nvoottl re-pool:111y t• ilto 1111..1111.1 Ow
111111 1 . "131111inlit,) dr th.o Lo t. If, farm, gone 1 0
ore tool t•).1.t0i,• to Lt,,•l tp 31 .anal a, tly
to, It ot•vvr )0•I 111111. wooltl bog 110101., to 11111101111,,
11.• pr0T0rt.t11.111... , 11 . 1v1111 IL 110011 .1.1
'.l'l; STOCK OF 1101{SE`,,
To_ , her 1181.•,iit tit C.% to suath,
irn.r•hlmr ecnittatinit.noss . 11... k: a .11;inr of natroanzo Lua
ton i übLr a-ontl. of II 1.0!.••- not and prompt art:
tam to hi-
ill 1,11 01 to 1,1,1 'Olll,
1 :1(1:P1
) - 0 Vo'll'l l l.l all draw 10,11 .
All , l Inll, 'OII,F, 1% , ear,
1, llor-ot laasa,r,
\:nl on , 07110 10111111 1110(111111 10,01!,
1 . 01e11114,1, 0010• tiny not. at )our side.
I I,ia, ttre 'lf 8,1 intig
or Con: , 1 tinted
To .1 It I;,l,:ird• Ilion lir , t
N , •11 . 11 11110 illlll 01.1C1
Jib c,. th, :11 ill.
.1(. 1 1 I T.DSV 11: la,
C REIT 131P11011:31ENT.---P. Slfwart's Palma
1 , 111,1111er 111111 '1 V1111,1'( WI,
I.\ ( St'l'ol " C.. Cott ‘l - nod or root. Sold Ntt
Inoltiontra Strati. Bannon, . I t toe toilt,rilter. Ina ti,ln
..%t Its-ire riltt to .all Ilanm to the Stan, at 11.1 r% I
1 uundn. 1 h-triat 0t Coolooloa not! all V. - un-!, st.
to Stitonn hattriti nt tor calrltratntl Stott 1.....
now tt r Banat ti I 'l,llll'll int other tt%• r 111111,/. lii,:
11., 1,, , ~,11, • 11 1101101 and s 101111 idiotic:li triad to %,.trr..”
111.• dattltirot ,ll 111,1 11 1 , 111 ,-, lii Cookllig Slave in .Iti,
irll. Mal -11010,1 :1,1 /14,111.1. it I tun rent) to tall it n.i .
1111 to t ear , att. Int?lt Mel -aver. lie 08%811818 r
:II, II 11.8- 114,, 1/4,11 -111 - 1111...,,1. 11 el. B.r 82810.8118:1 s.
I 18:1 8 88 11112. .1114011111 Or ,dita.toottating the ta.t.
fit-t prettittitti tt,vartlt•tl to Uric , tovt , at 1,
hor of the ,Noooteoll In-IMo, Now 111.-4.
t Lt ill , l'r flottitoo. 1'1111.1,11/lila: fir.L
g.ilal Nit a 11.1 . 1,:lo-ionoh Cu -tun:
h, ale rNioti• Smlt•t),r.,
p. rholoholt c‘ery
;1/1,111,41 to or emd. :I/111 ,%111 110 1.,
c, oh It -,- ell r oat
pol,llt lo olio lit :trio I'l, large-11,h,
;Lon f,,tl to. • ononor. v Ith 111, , 111,11, .•
I WI, OW 1011111 110 100, 1111111 T 1
1111.. 1/111 11, .11111,1 . . 1 1 11/11111,1
• 1. up.n I tr • or Ln h • l.
0:d d hi hid , hi hi'
:wool nitof',l i :.y 111.• Pntelit,t. in Tn..
11,1,Z 'l,hl /ii
1:1-1 ill l'll7 of thou N,
LIO ., :0,10 , 1111 1. 01 I, Hnuu.urcc hittirk•,l , . !lave ~..
1,01 . • ....dui ....ilfJll. klig colvp.o,e•
I oi • 1101.1 I: 0 1111.1 , .. it ..
Mt, %,frieli I aril 11,
‘li to, utly ,1,0 01,11 011
Mg" 11:11.1f ml
Il 111 11 111 I.altliotilre. It A •
• .1.7•. r 01 •• A t...r0 " .1i: _\1..•11 edit., 01 •
editor Ili Dr. .
li 1%,.5.t. .Alr. 0
Itov. M l / 1 11 • 0 0 , Ia
Poo Ir. Itl Ibr Ifilivitilnitvr. Dr %11/11111W,
11,, I, :th•reJr rr r.
r to, -1011.1 1111.11 It, MS 11 iist.rul , NIA 1101 011 MIMI J..,
111.111111.1 t• wtldol', It. nod ilivao a nl.ll,
it Intl io c stat..t.otim, it ~my
AI . 111 ii • n 1 , ...,1% 4.1! , :it PI, 0\111 • 11 ,, ol II..• r!.'
1, 10 ...,1, '11,..., 1 , .1
• I."' " 1
flaltialote NI. 2.4
VE 3 Olt & 11.1.11)3.1ST,
7,„ I.lll'lE INT Tlll,t)ltS. Nn. 70, Solt Third St,.
11,111) °ppm... the Exchange, ptghtM•tpl,. r
:11.11c011., to 11” it trmnd, u.t the p1,51‘,
prepared to n1..6¢ to order ot
mitt lot nutlet ntk. rind at r u c,h orn y e pnv.,
for w hieh Moil complete ei co •
'MI, •-• et. .1 t'm.-nitc \
m r'.. e-t p..1i,111 , . are immeolal y
prnc•lt, :II 1.11,1%, led,' 1111 , 111P•z •
:1111 Ia.!) 111 e . ,•1)
1`,2:(0.11) .4:: 111,11.1110 n It, pn r do it:,
Ili, tog lo.on :or )I',lr , rouge, p•d %Sidi .nutr oil.' I.':
t•-tn1)11-hin. ul, 11l ill,- comilr).
plos no/o. I.llt h,.t riA• n kill, 11. alla II: 11M m It: , I
:hit 1:1t1
:tn . rid]) pi , hired 1,, Ugegg.., vit.:mint:T.,
w•nr:• r.
Angli..t 11. I-17.—Uto.
;I'o , S'EVILTZ24I.III4%
rS I I;E invirrsiffned have just receiml the liAt
10 , 01E111M 01 .111411; 4 11 71111110 r
1111 1 1101 111111 I‘N 1 , 1 11 1,1 1 1 1110111 10'00011 101 . 141 J; 13.11:
V . /.1.1) 1,1 Nl l +. ULnm i •0r c , :lorod in 11 ,
Hutt 11-0.,:.13.1:.• •
.11d PIST()I.S ('nil and
:t n., der ),•-. at the etwap 11:trds‘ . ;Ire flu
Ii l - :.11'11: PE,'
.1-1 21. I=l
c076!" - travz3l4%.
1)Y B. ('BNSTON. Tire stiliseriber respectfully
) lottdoer lu. ittetal, and the peddle hetterolty litho
hv. 1. tclo to .opoly nt to. N 4 or
1.:111,1111.. in ITtl OcT (. 0 1,.11
111. IL. ii,t :01111, tin occop.tal llntsey. 11, a
11tt.• otteatt.. hatol n ..•1,1.1
I.r.‘St \ B 1,1" 11:11,1:
Ile h..- /11. t returnett trout Holatlelplt and N Voe
ith t to ON tool -pletith.l a , ....trittterit of all kohl. of
TIIIN(t. toad , Int the tte..i 11111Tt.rt..1... and to the la,
tdo port Cl ,Iperline blue tool Hack
(1.1 I , lllWli AND SA('E
Cloth to.ll Tort cal , 01 r 1 on color hod houldo
kt , t—ti lora , 111 of plain mill Piney
ht .. t loth. nod other I' I NTS .unable tor :via,.
:411,1 nVihtt r. ..t.1.• and ile , ertption
l'S — rh-qtr. Ileroto
n 1111.11.• Ittt. ill -elt"o, atitl to, vet) ot,re..d to and to,
o , much, I, htld.ol a Iteoultt , ll:l,-(411111•111 of fine La,
illlOllll Chef.% hod I'lato do; ItObutli ,
.tl.l I ollnr Whose,. awl rtaler.lort...
',try. 114 (kr L'rttoatt...
e ,na to t:odds of EC/01'S turd Sil(11•:S of
i'APS:Trovollingl'rookq, Carpet
.t.I Vallee.. a 1. Orteto of notion. MO (1,11011.4 10 tnrua •'I
nrh o, dl be kept to 1 . 1•11, I: , •atthg'.• Praia Room. thr ,
door. ti.d to to: l a t
r't h;•11.7 to.:”*. 010, at lb, Store. Ire' rt
hatr. 1,11)11, on 11:111.1 by the Itler, atilt a tr. ,
rat. T.1.,0r ot , tnot ittiQtak, the pla , .
the lot ioritterly (terupted on
flow ‘`, .tll,
II 141 1111•1, 1tiS , 11111121. to gitr him
erdi i•r• 11•11.1104 k 1,, oit low iL MI:. null r
n! , 11•11,1,il ui th 4 c, nun, nwl Nv:orrail, nII good- I I
r , pre,,nl,lh,•oi nl, n .old or Ow 'lmmo
i,.•• 5 1-17
..,----,_.,,.:,,,, WATCHES and JEWELRY, at the
~:i, ,,, ..., . _ -„,,—, 91'111A A I'ATCII
_ ` - ".. -.. .T1:11 ELItY t . i•TOlil:.. -- 14ti North it. , ,-
,m i l i..ltr •, , i. , oruer or I itiotrry
1 11,1.11.. ~ ..r 11 - .lielte., lull te, e11e41.1. carat ca , . ? 3-,( " )
I , ll‘. r Lest r XI uc. he.. lull at
ellod. ...i.llro
:-,/,. vr I,e, r IViitetiv, , -uteri J.,.•1.. 1..,1
`oh., lolitio• 11 :itviv4 , Jr, elletl. lini..t quality. I l''
siip. nor i 11i:truer Wine hoi, 111 , ..
Liiitation tlinirintr Watch,. .51,1
(„,i,l Sprelcl,.. -I,
II . 111.• alter speetui le, 17 -,
Coll 111,1111,, , 11i11,1,17 stone.. 11 -,,1
Lulu . Cold l'envil, Ily ...rut, .210
Call l'ioLior Rio, 117, vents to .cc— . IVITICIIitin... ,,
1 , 14111 ic 1 l': . , In-. po , elit 1-: i t 1 ,1111,1 a.'7.. Other altlefr- a
pn-rruo ii , ti l i_o t ul, It arratited to In' -.that Ow, :.he,
..."1 , 1 1,, 0 CON1R.11)
0, 11.1thl. 'moo- (;old and Silver Levers, Levine,. an t
glvi, to., loxi er ilvot the itho,e privy.,
l'1,11:1 , :elpliii, April 111. 1 - .17 —lv
A floe set of Teeth for 25 Cents. White Teeth,
fool Yellow Dad rallealli ,
'rep ii. aner one, or its Ire cleaned with ts' JONE
111:1t Ttarl'l I PA ,c the appearance or the M o. ,
beounlal rtory. ad. ft the man.: tone it I: pertectlt
and I hoe that its cate.tant daily tt ,
In Int2blv atIVIOVOCeOII , .. *Well to thor, teeth that arc to
coed etantmon. fiNfox them 1. 1...H0M0' 1101141. lOW pte•
Seim., 0 prentattire decay. 'rhos, already deeayett
pre0•111• Irian lipeotalng also i f stone shell
are 10.. e. and by per•evernnee it oa 111 resider
the ced.-4 tt eth debratelv ttlute . and mak e ., the lineal' sweet Prtec Se or:171 cents abOX. For rn.e
Columtna, .Agnur.t