lIZADAgIt AND GIDDINESS Cr - RED.—Charles Ilawcon, i o nic at Bedford Street, between Marlborough anti Crown . Reiriington, had been suffering long with pu'in in the side and breast, headitch, giddiness, and many t..r unpleasant symptoms, laud been attended by novena rC.o%ms, and tried various remedies without the slight henefit : had been bled, blistered and cupped. anti tor ,,, ever possible manlier a about receiving; other partial relief At length, hearing Wright's Indian V'ecetable Pills so highly recommended, he W 11.4 Prevail upoll by his friends to make trial of them ; he used .1,011 a few weeks, and to use his own language. lie de , d more benefit front them thou all the doctor's soar he . ml and r taken. Is IiOW entirely free from all kind of pawn. and l e i; general health is so greatly improved that 1,. Mends hardly know hint ; rarnestly invites all in ;slid, to tall open 11/111..11 , he think , he. can COIIVIIICe ~,EIL 111,11 Weight'. Indian Ve.gre•llible Pills Will not only t.r.tort. theta to a Male of health, but that they are 1:1, a•t0111 . 411 11 g M1•111C111e. Offerrli to 1.11.• public. Beware of Counterfeits: The only original and genu ine Indian Vegetable Pills 1111Vel the signature of William %root written with a pen nn the top label of each hox. o ther to ;yen writ., arid enientrifrit this is Forrer y. 7 . 7,The genuine for sale by FRY & LER, who are lee si l ly authorized Agents for Columbia. Also, by M Rests advertised in another column. 'Principal °dice, 109 Race Street, Philadelphia. Mora NEW , FOlt ?Mt Slvir --A}FLICTRI/ ItitAn.—Extract of zi KM, dated I.ltrl:Vir ILLIt. C. 11. (So. Co.) May 31. 1-17. Dr P >1 Cohen—New, fool sonic room for thi, in loratireat paper: Pr r.ws3 He .—lo Derenaher last I acerdently got wet 14.34.1:0,11 ierc ..reh . I had a very Silvers pain iu 1..‘ che•t. myiblrlor (Or Rater) said rt a.; con.tzwirtion, el ad a "mid it,t be eared. Ile 1 till wed Me to try Dr Ra an Inn Compound Si cop of Wild Cherry;' which I (.m ••11. ha. I,errectly cared ray, mill 1 lull Ithlft to attend le ray it way induce other, to try it.— 110 ira•tl. look upon ttli. 11 , dcud I . trt:lllll—but thank God II tint IT 111, LIIIED ME. Your, (r, ne d 1 NI/In C. 7-1-• Tie oriatnal or 11/1, letter can be ace!! at Dr. CO. nIllrh••1;111, : 4- oath l'arolina. .\1)V1e1; 'FI) 'rill: A l'Pl.Tel'ED. IS'hen on., teller? that the C:1,1, of 1•011 , 1117111t1011 :,111.11‘1111g fitaii). hate bail their origin m Ini•gli•elfiii 6,01 - a n to.tont•lting to anniiilly dniolased by !tit“ottez antler ?Leto. 111101Od1 they may be re- L n;v,lll a 11.11 to tit ire medical friends: to gnarl] agaii,t -111141 , n change...if the strnthrr, which by kin:: the Iti-et,thle pri , psration, ocranotin, .4. , !• .Ic. their adionatisoto, are often nalteeded. The ..alneet pereeiviaz do had effects ar,ing front void. a, lie initial it. is lolled into falai., seenray bi Ili, nun hope that a retort, of pleasant is rather wall r , all ativlete , nit Hill so tar front being n'tou, , l. the ...stallion, are generally 11g:4'r:ivied. lie wet for that relief ovine la might ra,tly have bon obitioteil at an earlier period. lint. altin ' inc to told loi• 1 , 11•1 , 1:111 thiTe. nis !Inn hope for mitt?. whom n..i noel h ,. look tor and. The twos:Taper, teen! so id. ol tatalitole rernedie, with " , ti....lanititg, the name of a it F-NVECT P111•1114N :1,1,4111e . 1.1111% recut ell.eney. 6n tl..9ititr 111 lino inn. lint too of tea solthout reee, mg the benefit thin there indoed no mnedv. 'orb.? the ..tiplio-ition, as the above so ill vro.prave to the reader. Prep:,rtal colt Its 1)11. SW-\Y\l'. N. AN' corner of 1,16 Imod l'lnltodelv.lita. and for -.ale by ihnlnfifli•ls 111 Hearty all the maenad boost, 11l r. (nil. Li:Al/Mt, Columbia. nud Dr. A 11 It \ ITZ. I wk. l'n IVILLILING IIE DIBRELL IS, PARASOLS. k PIIUSOLETTS. %%]l II 111(•1111thsOVS : , 11 . 11111 Fttett.r3 0011, tilt. I nn. d mte, Nit. 101 Market Street, r,••port:1111;. Informed ihni I routume! to 11,“ta.t.tere all sir ithytk.e good.. try the toil of %-tition. ro , ht oltolJeleoe the ete.if oppi,lllolllll Opposed Ole lian.klet hn,i u 1 1•%ih•loo e ultimo etoeht. Al) -- 1-.eteph le. and price. .o huts. n, to give entire t" ro 1,1,1 l'othrolla Store next door. of ortirly t noon - taw s •fittl/ili remember It \( II tttr . old l'attooto• to I). ‘Valkitoz Collo no •r , 12111.1 thr l.:ull root 1:n0v. No 101 liorlott ttrotrttel, 1 . . k, t , H t, olto..fittl to tit, to•lo•Itrottol %N - olltiottz I tot.rt•tio, ti to to .ttol lootottiol total.; I'ollli/1111134 null In a Cal., 1-1--lilt MSTA'Z'M Lunatic. Notice, is hereby =it 1 ill, Alta r.att. tatta..ttal that tht , atalt.r,vittal mlt- app., 11 1,. the Court of COIIII/11/.1 Pl.• 11,111 11/1111111, in Ili , hand% 1111 V. , 1111.111,` .101111 roi. of Colombia. a llama, to 1.. , c 1ll`PI, • 1/1101.. •a al ala•aol parpo.e Thunala 21a1 tla y of Ala nest. :•pre•elit•r. 111 UII.t lung , tryt ;r; In o'clock In the tia,aann. 1SIt.11:1. Itr ENTER.. \ adaar. ". I al. e Intel: or the Nlarket flow, A NEW VOLTJIIIIZ. HE 11011 E JOLT:NAL FOR ISIS. Edited by T ‘‘ll,l,lS. The. 1111111C11%e ClllllOll. 01 . lil/1/11.,- lot till. L1111 , ,,1d1y 1)01)111:IT l'‘,lli.), \ are dt.:11•114 tiring rapitll). Nrw Si 11,1011E11s. ttl-I1 pre-er‘e all the elmorrb 01 Ow new auJ I , t miuml .1111:121('.%N ph” , in the Vlll/1,1 . 01 j111111•11111/11) 111111 tiles of work nn ...walled .Ith coninlcte made Thu 'lonic Join nal I> itrects•l ittiple, • a Joornal for Wane. It 1 . 0111111115 lido.. S. 111,1) of thole, instruciiie. relined 1111 d sit,- '" ,5 litvr.ttitrt —the and England. I [sin. .%isers.a. and it chronicle ol for ladie4, It n 1101..14 o t•e•kll ol the 0 orld'a progrc..., I 41 it In,hlj ornamental parlor now...paper of I/kill:AM 111111 oi u nhn"lS r,•-1 suit oj, I ,i•I 1...11111 li) V 111111,4,1111,1 by Sir the iso.4 e/1- i•Sasilt term. 1111• I,IIIN Pd.2.0111i year. ~ , r ) Morris J, IYdhn, No. In: I .c.m.-tn u I. \e,, York-. LITTELL'S LIVING AGE. 1 )1 , 111,111ED el ery Saturday.---Terms yell rdny.Terms r. tit 11.21.? /. I the -pint. of 1,11tt•11%. :tht•eilitt 01 I Litt rati:ne (s,l/14 I: Sin. tn.urnliy rec., ett Ls • / 1.1.b1.1 I.:1 the Ill•i Ist .10)1.::11•1••••.) hut u. it is 2,A1,••• /1/1•../i.1•• ar- 1/11,11. o e 1101 I.nly e :. • ,/,•,•• ;4i II 111:01, thing. ‘,.•re 1.N.211141,1 I. It .1114 int. th/t tcluh OM. eXi..lllllng our ,cupe. uud reta a greater :uric! mon, tts emery • aro aide Vthli 11111 i ..ttb...t.lattal part ot oar filer . 1.1-curial. and polttle.d Itar‘e..t. 114 full) to , att-t) le the A 1110,14,111 reader. 1= ==nffiMi!lSMS tnZMIMI P, etr). hoe" pohttetkl (•omment:lnv.. 114.0113. ~ -.oeht T.ll. am! ‘1,4111.••crIptIoll 01 rural 1111,11111111- ~ , n. n . moi the elelirtlotlitin, 1.11.• Iq the• Srechih.r. the •, , oree I:vaumrr. 111.• J 11111 4 .101, .‘1114.1,a•11111. the bh...y 1 1,4 111•111,41. 1,11 , 1,r) G. , U1 1 ..• the ,L.11.110‘. und re•Tectable Clutn lie . titirrmix.l enh the 31.11thry litl. I 'lilted Serl. Ice. auJ N.,11111 t, artier., of the Ittritior reitrart,tly. Nets. :%lontlfly• I r r Tee A m.aurtlt., I I corr.. and of t•lettritter. • ~rill. W. 410 trot croorder tl freirerftlf our To iael Pl . . MI Will l•i•114/111 114.111 and. tirpth It etetil e aoktgli. Make 11%e 111 the lillleder l The Taw..`Alai! Our Vllrlely 1/), 1111111 I Ill` I`ollllllelli le Europe, and troll! The Mo. lh of the Tr , e •to.tie.liip has brought Europe, A,in, nod Africa Ighborhood; real n ill greatly multiply our tau, :klereleints, Travellers, and Polito:um, 1 , 0- of the is until; so that touch more than es e r ~1 it/4 uwr, m cry Intelligent American to lie inform . • ..111;” a °minion lord changes of foreign Toiletries. And ' -mn olli) bet,1..1 01 their nearer conneenon w ell our but bevause the tuition seems to be Inkteeing a repel ',met, , of change. to -once uctvllntu 01 •• , hllll the merely political prophet cannot coop. kh , ttt ottraitloval thbeoverte4, the progre4s Of Cololllallllo/., Lt . t,t,•nollug user the Ishole ae °rid.) unit Volt ages .110/ rett K a IlFhts Isivorite matter tor our tutlectuput I,l` .Lull sleiematieully and very folly 011 f re:1111,4 a ills the great do partment ai Fur •'.o NA idiom entirely neglecting our assn. " ssc n•pure to mid, the I.iving Age atrurrulrl.• to 1.'41 to keep ILrue•etirn Inform, d of the rapid • '•ort•• lathe 118/ , 11111811-10 Slllll,llll'll. Ihctnce. 1.41,- , add Phi •111 . 1811 4-10 Melt 1.1 . 1111.118 , . nnA 181,110 r µifil n •Iruager olnect to make it ^. received and promptly attended to [E, -- r -•• r• • callint) in mailing the work. orders should be ' , Mr. —441 to the mike of publication. a+ above 'al, paying ti ?ear w ildVitilee, still Le SUpplied as I.oo r copies for COO 00 Nine .• -1(1 00 'b., eh e " - - • 5.4.0 0(1 C omplete nets. in fifteen volumes, to the end of 1847, •.+ad,oinel) boUlid, mid packed in neat boxes, arc for in'• In thirty dollars. , A. •l ti•ltllile limy Inc had separately ant two dollars, ~,tout or a dollar and a half in litillibers. sillober may be land for NI cents; and it may be "1.1" for sule , criliers and purelm.ers to complete ;" broken volumes OWN" may have, and thus greatly C. I.ant e value - TELZIGRILPFX---.IIMIVIOVILL. THE Telegraph Office at Columbia has been I REAIOVELI to the Spy Printing Office, Front street, ' opposite Barr's Hotel, where, fur the present, messages will be received and promptly transmitted to any of the following tuitions: York, Wheeling ..,/ Lancaster, Cincinnati, Philadelphia, St Louis, Wilmington, Reading, 1 Baltimore. Waington, .th Pottsville, New York, I la rrisburg, Albany, Carlisle, Buffalo, Chambersburg, Rochester, 'Bedford, Auburn. Pittsburg, Ithaca. dc., &e The following are the rates of charges to— York, 10 cents for 10 words. Lancaster, 10 cent. for 10 words. Philadelphiman rents !Or 10 words. I larrisburg. :10 Celan for 10 words. Chainber,burg, 30 cent., for 10 worth. Pittsburg. 40 cents Mr to word+. Baltimore. via Phila . 5.5 vents for 10 word.. All additional words over 111 rimmed pro rate. Ail dee., and signature :lot Counted. iup All Olue , agei iliti+l be prepaid. C. WESTBROOK, Operator. Columbia. Feb. 5. 1=1.4. \V[l.l.ll M. T. 11".ALTE1(4. ViTAZTIIILS dr. ILELSLVEY, (Late 11n/lehurQt S IVa PRODUCE k ittEN'L NIERCILANTS, No, 15 :Intl I f. Sp,ne, Wharf, 13.‘1.1'15101t1:. C''4ll advances 'mule on Con•igninent, of all nt 13:inn/lore, January, fell 5 :3111 WANTED. 1 -11 . 1 STONE Cutters and 10 Masons wanted. For uk odortnatzon apply to JANI ES HAI - MIEN', COlllf, Ilia. or C. K ()Id Town. Slur) hold. Colombia, Fe 6. 5, I DELEGATE ELECTION. Tim Whigs and Anti-masons of Columbia ik,r„no, o ill meet at the. Town Ilnit. on Saturday e‘euittg. the I2th inert., at 7 tielock. to elect Orr. , Bel.- :ma.. to trivet u. County COlll,llllOl, oil Welille.ll:ll..the 1 1 .111111PAZIllt. 111 1e11 , 11111.: it requested. By order or the COlllllllll/•1• Cot Fell. 5, 1,4-'-`2t. TELEGRAPH AGENCY. 0111. r K th G e nnlr of , LEl , t thafrie it ,the Tglegraph Ithe roarauthnriird - llr-.• of eTeeiltoll between Columbia. maad Hohnnore. Here I, an opportnany for a sale and pl ofnalole inve•aneni. ',graph •noek .eliban )4ehla ma maul nano than per cunt r 4 hare, $lOO, payable 111 inquinieni. of 5.20 11.11 zit No. 5. I oppo..ite the I'. 0. ("0 Jan.tho. NOTICE rro the Creditors of 1111,1,1.1. M EBERTS, Whereas, w into,onionto• 11l all art 111 the tonon•rill let Ono I 'ononttoom eolith on Poototo-y tvtatttot. ono loth...thin...ln Itonto loo•ono granted Ly 11.. ontlo•ettlovr. 1et..0.t theo.ll,io, oo of the Pe .oco• w tenet tier Inn venom r. at flu- Loonooon, tot a tt.ntooott Harriet (torn... ot %V.:.1 turret ...hap. ill the • col/III) nl r tere-eild. agoillooot t enillolei Wllll.llll Eloerloo. Of %, hero en] etertnuo gouel4 nod elhottodo. NMI collect.. eel the .aid ollinon Ebel t. JINNI` tnittto•to•ot• :mot :or , tow.% tot lint co-loth let .Ito..oplt 'l'- 11 lead Nlllllll,l Ye Ish.r. ii the Itoreongli of Colombo.— Tilt. tho•ronoo I. 10 gear iloollee to the eItAITO/roo Of the ..11.1 IVilltnnt 1:1 , r1 , to ottnoonor to Ihr ottor, let (otoortzto on tlio• Inortnoglt en - Cl/111111/nel. all lino 1:nlo otoo, en l'enoroary. D. 1-I-. Ili. n .11.1 lhool e It. oho-rower nod Imo ke 1.001 of thont tionotootel.. ot,r .... ablY al 010 olototstoot, tel the act. (;1:01I(tIo: .olt)Oltl , .. (Stool) Jou :ht. 1-1 , -31 .111-toon• ot ttoo• l'onotoo. WIFE WANTED. advertiser is aware that this course mill ',lining 111111 to 010 ...Pt,' 11111,1• talra romantic 111,- 11%. ho think , i,,•11 nuttier% pronoun,' iweret to all 1,111 tln• 4/111,11441: 11111111 1. 1.011%1111,41 11101. 1.11a111,••• 111 11111/f11114,, 111.4. 1111/11. host..., ninon inn> 11, , mm 1 ,41.111111 that 11' proolcontinl rourPhlp uuly per see,- the part e, ho Yligair,i ui marring,. he could It,. rl.ll/1, rciinv-t the C•1111111/14'llee of 1111114, l%1111.4• 111,11111111011^ 11111, - 11111111 ill 1114. •11111.• 11111•1••• 114111. and in vii.tire n uuly 1 . 1.111.11,4, 111 , er-until nytionitl,llll Nor 1111 at •11,41 till,, 11111111111 e, 111111 1111111, i.iirll the lady may. I..2s—height 5 ti,t nppenrmM.• not olp•cnuunhle—n too-Teri, nor for To avoid letter: intended Duly In deeeive or perplex 6.di.x Lire r12(111r , li•li to pre-pay b-ti-rn. and addre-s Columbia. January :19, 1.414.—at. r.,~~+ 44 CROP NEW ORLIENN SUGAR Just reeeived by the •ule , eriber. comer m From and Union nt 111 hog . ..head. Nev Crop New Orle:nts Sugar, a . superior arlielc, low price% 11 - 11.1.1AN1 J. C. TAYLOR. Columbia. January .29, —:au V4I.I.IE.NTYNES!! AATE stop the Press to unnounce that we have I Just recet, rd the largest, richest and cheapest Of Vlll,llllll, I•ser llTOlight 111 this pert of the cootory. We hav barely toile to otake this important 11111101111e1 . 1111•111. SUM.. .11101,1 1.011111111,d III . Nt Wevh. Lt the 'nett. UM, Call ;111114,11111111n the assortment. I.ttiltes, recollect tints H Leap Venr NVES7I3I2CMIi & SPANOLMI. Coltimlua. Jan. 22 1-1- 0 0 - ' k ANCASTER MAGNETIC TELEGRAPII COMPANY. pre-nlvnt unit 1111 . 1,10, IMO` ON II:I) 16,1:1,41 IL ill, 01'1111 I/I he I. per evnt lull 111* . CI1f111:11 , 101 • 6 oi the coin ma Of profit. lit t h e 1111.4 -IX tnuulL,, U 1111.711 , ull be 11:11.! 10 IIII• ...tockholtkr. on 11 , ..111.1 .1 \ \ 11 , 1$ VI3IN. Tren ,. ., ,InnOna. .Inn. 17. 1-14. NOTICE. \V lIER H EI w h i Ilarb ra urls. tnr ..lef I )»ie,, rr. and h. is . not torr I w ren all per.on•caot to trust her on Jo) aeeoant. as lam ilo4 nOllO,llOO 10 1.1.> 11Iiy debts that -he contract.. JOHN Wu-10-hgton. Jna. Is, tsl'. .10111. 1 12 . 1".-3t . CCNSVXVIPTIVES READ. ET NONE DESP.AIR. Thomson's Compound imp of Tor tool World Nowlin. for the core of In- COII.IIIIIIIIOII. (111'0111e Cllttirril• A.411111:1. 131:011C111- 11•. 01,I111:11. • Col4Xll. 1.1,0 f 00111,1111111. Smiling of Blood. l'olpitation of the Heart. and till kintlre.l ilibeit..e.s of the lie-iorittory 'ruts es.tetti.ively 11.4 . 4110, uu par allel, te. tin ethetent remedy, ut the dn.. of ilketkes for tt. Melt a is npphen Itlelt- peculiar COMpOFIIIOII enable.: a to net un 3 , 6uully 11:(11111Of 1111011 tit..a.. , 1 organ..: sooth ing ~,,, . quinine the eough. sod 'mincing tin enKy eXiledO01:1111011, :111, treeing the longs and Off VeA , CI. from toretkive matter. which otlwrtli-e would in:gray:oe dis ease. tuna nltituntely re.olt ppt confirmed c0...t0m - aim , pliblle .pealsert. the. , nThtittine 14 111V11111ablO. render ing 1110 .On , : eleor and -trong, and removing any redo,- Ito.ition to di•etkii tit the long. mid Bronchia . . SEI: WI I.\T .t PHYSICIAN SAYS ! The folio.. nog is from lilt. Yes xc, the deainginshed ticah.t: Jimnitry 13.147. fievd m ray proem . , 1.14 Well ON m WV own family. -1111 l 1 , 011 . 4 Compound Syrup of Tnr and ' Wood Nophthu," I have no hr+mason w saymg that it is the best preparntam of the Ishul ui use for per,ons sutf•nng, from comma - nion. coughs. colds. and all affections of the throat, breast. &c.. t.o prevalent at 005 season of the year Vtlrs.4l. o 0.. I:112. Spruce st. READ THE 1'01.1.0WINH! HAroto.m. Eo, Nov. 1 4 , 1.-45. S TIIONI , OV Ik-n r Sir-1 consider it n grateful duty to publicly - a, kno, ledge the lieuela I Wive der, ed front the tine of your invaluable inedictite. the Compound S) rip of Tar Mid Wood In the sprung of I-44.1 vv.., taken sub 'soh Bilmon , ver and woo very ill for a hum time. Atler hid partnilly recovered. my ;0.3 .icing Informed me that MC Moan tnerc affected. end treated lee accordingly if t .41,16 had Tin for inntead of gritting better. I dad') gre, ss orsc. I ms an finally informed by 111111 that ••I scan incurable. rind mint rind that nothing reit - mined lilt prematittun lot Manlier 'Aorta. - :\ly cc eakitenn inerenned until I stns Confined to my bed I land spry Mafia: 11l urea-t. sale. and back..llorilleiet of • breath:nod 1 very Itteirne. that my voice could not be heard nu ear scan applied clone to tiny month. :lly cough %s an terrible. humans:lig the night rind cony. so that 1 could obtain very little rent. %VIMe suffering in thin manner. milli] no relief. I saw your inliforici.ement itt the •• Unapt," of slut burring's. a tilt in certificate of a Indy of Philadel- Mita appended. which no nearly dnscnbed nty cane. that I reams ...I to try your medicine. and Its effeCiii the. lieenrilingl) cent Inn sour agent. Dr !11e1Illii,011. and pro cured a bottle. I laud not tined more than one-third of it. before the hoarsen... , led me: mid Ikon took it regularly: die pain in my bream. &c. lett sue; nhortuess or breath axed cough removed. and 1 ant now able to walk Minot with renewed health mid ntrength You can make what one of thin) ou plea., I ant willing to give tiny Kilted-WC nail that me be required Mine ti moiled on pc...madly. With great renpeCt. I remain yours Sc. JACOB SQVIRt. rr The above medicine prepared only by A.iiiiiNET & Darin...N. to N. D. corner of Puilr and Spruce streets. Plu ladelphm. Acen-rs.--R. Columbia: John Gish, Lancas ter: I). Grons. Ilarrinbitra: It. Aneney, Carlisle. Price 50 ctn.. or 6 bottles for *2 50. March 6.1.47-1 y Jan274i-Im BOAT FOR SALE. TRE Canal Boat REOKUCK, in good condition, will be sold low if ;Tithed for soon. January E J. SNEEDF.R. np JACOB STRICT deceased. Notice is here , liYgiven that letter. te.aitinentar; upon the estate 01 Jacob Strickler. hue of Faimew, West liempfieh town ship. Laile...ter county. deceased. he,: been grunted to the ..tib.,riliers. executor. kin 11l ed in hn will. 'rhey there tor.• request all ruu , oies having claim, or demand,. acaiwt the estate of said deceased, to make kiiown the %Mlle Out delay; ninth all pel , olla indebted to it are required to make payment forthwith JACOB NEFF. Manor tp.. CHRISTIAN NI 'LIAM; ER. Manor tp. JACOB M. STRICKLER, W. Ifornp%l. Jan. 15. le-19. .Executors. LADY'S BOOK AND FABILY MAGAZINE. The olde-t \ loga/teelli the United Sitter. Contain, month ly) gixt page.; of reading matter, by the fir.t. 3.vriterg in tin rountry.—twelve more than tile New York Maga zine,. Two epleudid gleel enemy/egg, an lenitthle nulin•nuc colored monthly Fabian plane, Model Cottages and Chore her, I'roeltet SN'ork, and other nunters tor the Lathe, all Illn.trated and well explomed. 8c , &C. 1:1E=IISI Price for one p.•ar which include, the 1,:o1}%; IMllnr New4paper, I/104111g three pubheattons 111 one month. 81 00 Two:eopa, ithout the Lotly'A Dollar New-paper, 3 04) Five 00100, with one to the per,un sending the 10 00 Light copies 15 00 Twelve eopte, 4)0 A %permit, of either the 11.trily*.i. Book, or the i.nrl Dollar NeW.lnillPr •selll to Wry per,,ort paying poi..tritte or the reitire.t L. A. GOI.)EY. Jair! . .!: No. WI, Che,.trort Street, Phila. VNGINE FOR SUE. A five horse power En gine. %%lit) a Im horse boila.r. of good rupolog order. tt ttlt twits mid .haiung• all at complete order, for stile t ery low ii applied our arm• J CWI.IIIII/111. 15, lat , —.lt TZUSINESS STAND No. 1, Mechanics' Row, now I oevnpied by Joilll MCI,IIIOIIIII. 13u•ine-. Stand :No. 3, Front Street. near corner of Lo cu,t Street. New Ds% ening llonbe No. 1. Loeto.t Street. near Front Street. Inquire co' lIALDEAIAN. Columbia. Jun. 15, 1.1.--tf. CAR BUILDER AND MACHINEST. Having taken the extrn.t yr Alachua, Shop lately occupted by Mr. Thoina, Cot,OH the Callal bt1•111 tat Int, ',hie, I. prepared to lit tip and now ear, 11l the inn.t durable. and netite.t mama, al, prepared to do till kind. of rep:matt. h.oth of wood and .tinth w ark. m rt Why to give son-mono, Columbia Sanitary 15. 1.14.—tr . . N. IL A. Food 11.10 Steam I:41461le of four 1101,e poser. for .a. 11: by A. AI OM, C. FAMILY BIBLES ace. ANTE would again urge upon the heads of fain t I I 1., to C:111 11.11,1 lc P.S.V trmaimug copies 01" our .rl,odul Also qrn.• lit,lllllllll VU101•I hound. richly gilt rind d mi.,. it Jew copies oi uhlch Im.t hem, rveei‘ml limlns nt I\"ESTI3lt(Hili SPANGLEWS. December t 1.5. t-17. • A TTRlilhirr, Amon , the hundred Medicines r••••”,,,,n,„1,•.1 ror 11 - oritc, 111,1111.1 . 4 abate. It, faith In public ritittabtacc Im. III•1•ii ell lN II lii tame caw , than ally of h., %Vona itactlattac tt, (/it cit a trial :1/111 )01INVir. Sold mil% by Columbia. Jan. 1.1, 1,1. —tt W. A. OH! lt/ZY BEAD!! - A Y lIRUP.:!--Well, what's the matter Why, 111) hair i. all ninon; out. and I .111111 .1011 Lr 1111111. 110 mutter for that—)oil Juts. mil) 111 use Jayne 's Hair Tonle faithfully, 101(1 it sa ill not only stop Our hair fromfillinga off. and re..tore your scalp to a health,: rout. lilllll. 11111 elm, your hair to grow again more that ever. For ~ale by - W. A. LEADER. Columbia. Jan. 15. 111 , —tf. NOTICE. Tentby on Tiles- AN/ ILL BE itnnTr.o tho tiro 41:1% of Jr. how. , of J . Ol. Barr. Innkeeper. in the Borough 0i Ciddttt- b ., Lot.: No. I nurls ()lila,. Public Ground 010111 Colum ba:l. to he rented for our your from the 20th of March o••xt eit.ttiutr. The routing to cr . titt!:t . ti . ut ... 7 . o' clock P. M.. of that tilt). D. F. .101 IN VC. Si rmAN, FRANCIS 1111.tD1.C.4. Columbia, Tan. R. Renting Commuter, rilirE President mid Directors of the Columbia .1 %Vrv-holgtoit 1101111Comptloy hove ati4 day ileelttrett It clivitteml of eo...hty cent. oil each t.lotre of .tork for the last nix mouth., pa.) ttble to the ...toehhohler. Or their It v;al repre-r illative.. oil demand. .1 W. C0TT111.3.1.. Trer.orer. Colombia, January a I ',17. A T COST.---As the subscriber intends leaving, t slur pi., .0011. IV' is now roli•ring hie roan., stock (ODDS. ot 1; Meer. , nod Lititin, 11ff Quit, ul curl, ss uhmu rear e. i. the season 01 the 3 ear Nsbrot cvory one feeit ntts.lotir to has Cilellp “0011, tune are to% iLed tin etll t nt the NI'AV YORK S'11)111:. si.lo•re then 1.1111 hit} ninny kind- of good. at len.t :20 per coolt lots Or thou nu nn} other l.e or an) thing olien•ice. 011 ti retinue nn trim ming or totalling. find ILO, so eon-trnetr•d that a tett-poon all of Ethereal Ns [II horn It hoar, Gelatine Ethereal omnatiu•tttred mid -old only by Ehas Ranh. NNIIO 1 , 4 11111• atathortietl. No Fluid -old as I:thereat ui this town is gentlinv. Col lan. Jan. I. I=l--tf. RAGS. THE - highest price given in cash or in books tund stationer). for all kook of roe, nt Wegbrook & Sponzler'.. oppo.tte the I'o-t Office. Locust street. Cottonton, Jamul ry 1. 1-4-+. OF BENJ. MEY LONEY,Der'd.--Letters of Admin. i.tration rat the Estate of Loney. late ni the borough of Columbia, dee'd.. hosing been Framed to the to . ..wiled All permits indebted to =tad lil , tati; will make immediate pa) neat, and tho.o having claims vs dl present them alai) authenticated to A LONEY, Administrator. Columbia, January 1. 1.1.+.--tit• QALOON. The subscriber having erected a very ki neat Bowling . Saloon, Front Street rear the Canal and Railroad Hotel, invites gentlemen fond of this healthy exereke to give him a call. The rules mid regulation% of this Saloon arc strictly conformable to law and morality. J. H. BROOKS. Columbia, December 25, IPl7.—tf. DOCTOR RODEY'S 1111121 - LLIAN Nair Curling Liquid. For sale by j soll2 I • .17" -t DOCTOR. T0WZ153310213 COMPOUND Extract of Sarsaparilla nevrr fails vi to el.:WlC:lie entirely tilt 1111* 011'04 of mercury. nth solely .00111, than tiny other metficute. night .Weat+, tier vom4 atervrou4 complatob+ of sill kinds. neurahmt. °rpm.. atreettons, &C. For untie by. au14.17-if. R. 'WILMA:US. TO your Coughs and Colds.--Dr. Javne's Ex pixToll ANT. for Couch,. Colds. Aattona, Panting of Blond. !looping Cough, Croon. linarseneaa. Pate and Korenrae or the 'tide and Hack. Conaumplion. and all dlaearra of the Lunge and Masai, ace., &e. For rale by N0v30.47-if W. A. LEADER. ALL kinds of Molasses Candy New York Cream, Coconut. Groundnut, manufactured and for sale at the lowest price.. at No. 154, North Fourth at . 2 doors below Vine. Philadelphia. Shopkeepers and others dealing in these articles are respectfully i n vit ed to call. nov3o-im• ESTATE GODEV'S STEAM FOR RENT A. M. ErAirims. FAMILY 13161di~ DR. GRAJTANZ'S DIVIDELND. SELLING OFF =GUT ! ESTATE BOWLING '+S' 4"x'3' ~ !'~ CANDY I ! piazze GOBBLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Columbia, Lancaster Co., Pa.. moll practice in the several Courts of Lancas ter and York counties. Orricg—ln Walnut street, adjoining the 'Washington Hotel. :third. 6, 1117. DR.. W. S. PirCORELEI. OFFICE -.-South East corner of Locust and Sec owl , treet. 131)411nrso /101... E—with 11 is. Swart,. door. his late re•itletice. April 7. 1.-17.—tf PORT FOLIOS. PORT FOLIOS of all descriptions; and Ladies' oondoir at tlecl,l7-tf IVESTBROOK & SPAN:CLEWS. IVII7SI.C. T EE Bt, WALKER, No. 120, Walnut Street, Phila j 111'111M. and Retall dealer:. Aluoe decl-'47-11 ALIONLIZS. ALBUMS of every size, quality, and price, at decP-'174( `III.:STI6ROOK A. SPA NC.I.EIIt. S. JONES' Q 01,111031 of JET, an instantaneous liquid lin k 111:111 hair toi 44 ring light, red. air ore) hair per notneally a brown ur jet black color 1 , 1111 and copion. direction, gado-ed. Sold at the negn of the American Engle. No. •••.l Catlman street. New York. Prier 50 cent, SI or g 1.50 per book. Sold by li. Wit.l.tANts Atopl.4 7. MILL AND CROSS-CUT SAWS, of Roland's best. For "1, at taatitithetares prices, by April 7, 1 , 17.---tf itrwt.E 13.9.CHGAMT1%EOZT .1308.131/S. PACKGAHHON BOARDS, CHESS MEN, DOMINOS, J.J Jcc., at WE.' BROUN & SPANGI.EICr, CHAINS ERR'S Celebrated Lowden Fifth Chains, Tra ce, long and short. double um! .tagla I.iul , broant cam mg :“111 halter Clania4. all of winch ‘se tali, at Tann allacturt, up 7---11 STEEL LID Purses and Bugs.---Just received a moss 911,•11111i1 01 110 In hi: +urpa+-rd iiy ally. Al , O Kneel hind, ring. r1111:i. is i• 0114. ela.a, acid t,51.1 01 Jillrrru shack, ria sale by 1101:20 \V. A. I.6ALiEII. INKSTANDS. T IPPINCOTT'S Patent Air Tight INKSTANDS _LAand It icy 241 Ir• 11111 Pilr.. j,,t the Thing merchant, at WESTBROOK S.. SPAM:LEH:S. TOOTH ACHE ` {ILLI•.R'S Celebrated Odom 1 algir Drops, will Ili. ell, lisp n10...1 mretcrntr 10.411 ucln• ill OW' IttIIIIIIC. WOITIIIItOtt Out to 111.11111 . t h e teeth in the lit•gl For In• nov2o \C..\ 1.61111:15. STOVES I'JW Slthscribers have constantly on hand a lull a-Nortnent of woof!, rout. and cooking SIOI of cvcry stir and tic.cripilf.ll. CllllllOll stove, lno. I lend ,•nbnrg', Air-Tpght Parlor Sin i•n. which /MS limn •attisinetton in all imlan• Ills ntrilsd IT , cull and cxantin.) for thcnt-circa. nt the Hard, arc ,•tore & f r.f4yrzsc*,;.,4.>*:,l”l pups, for Cloaks, Dresses, &T.-4 large and well ,rl,•ctrri n•Nortment. emnprffing new owl bennotill -4)le, tier elahlren*4 ,N 1•11 1 ., now 011 , 11611 g of the New York , tore. Gutt.r- llorr S (InAteirr. CLOTHS BLACK, Blue Black, Brown, Green and every (Ml pr color. front the he,t French arid Engli.ll innualhe tore, from 01.7.5 per yard upward., from the Boston and New York Marker, now opening at the New York more. Latleu.ter. Oct. ili.,r Gmxy R Alm 14 ,, vr-1-I.o+"!mr .0 • t SATINETS, &c., now opening a splendid assort plam and Ione!. JJJJJ `Pr •• CM, Hit.l4eauttail =tt les. alt.. Snattet , ... etw mm ter ia. at the Nets:York store. all winch we oiler low Lnaenster. Oet. (antra. Ilene zt 0 :I. 3-r=i--i A ND Fancy Goods, Super all wool Cashmeres, 11 sr. D.: Lane:. Oregon ca.lonere Plata, +r - tut. atnprd, ro> ❑I. purple and !doe plual :dime.. -trilled phial mad claoweable Sulks. cul.l •re. crape awl sulk Scarf, Gloves. Itubbon , .., Lawns. Kr., &c., now opening nt the ew York •u re. Lanen.ter. (Ict. thar.r.. IIA ILT & GILBERT. LAUNDRY QTARCII POLISII for preparing starch without the tltltittteth of any gr. a..y and tbr pro ducing n brdhnul pearl) gtus oath.; lane.. Sold only by ritr.2l'l7-If. It. WILLIAMS. SHAVING SOAP. TOIINSON'S Super Essential Walnut Oil 'Military • .I.a, mg r.ottio, sttperior In ttll otltt.r, for •Itavtio: For loy talr2l'".] R. LOOMING GLASSES. T OOKING GLASSES of all sizes and at redo ede ror ot FRY sI'ANC:I.I;It'S WRIGHT'S NIII AN VEGETABLE PILLS, or Indian Purgative, I alai ladaut Vegetable t 4, nip, warranted 'rename' ror sale li) R. WII.I.IAIIS. ANTI-AGIIM TIXTBE.--A Warranted ewe for Fever and JA.L.Vue. For bale by. H. WILLIAMS. Nfl. There is Hone genntoc but that bold by tile. 1.2 r 17-ti. 1133.111TGES. cLOAR FRINGES Fringes of every variety of to ulth Mitt ruler to thittell Freheti Mt•rwo+ at the N. York atom. Ocil6--11 GRIEL. 11A lir & t-t A. U BULL'S PIPOUND Extract of Sarsaparilla, for sale by G 1ate.2117-ii.] IL WILLIAMS. TOILS. r IIE subscriber would respectfully invite tiles alai I;entlentrit 111101 a visiting Pillaalt.ll,lllll-aati in want of FANCY FUlt.A..ncli a.. Alta, Boas. Tippits. dr . to give us a rail lames purchaqing ekewhere, as they will find it to their advantage and no unmake. All orders reward %hall be thithlully attended to at N 0.93. North Third street. above Arch. Philadelphia. JAMES fErBUFFAI. O BMWS' alwaya on haunt. Philadelphia. Oeioher - ! DICCUSIC !! `, .... WE have just received from the 1t ... -: , Publishers, a• ery large: I...wai:id of - -.... choice and elegant NI usu., oe Waltzes, Gallop., Polkim s o ng,. n 1 , ,,,,. Dliett.. tintirtett, Piano 'Artiste. word's and iteCollll,ltlll, Meta, with variation... Vie lire onpared to well Alusie lower than the city retail prier. and invite the amateurs of Columbia to call and examine it. I W F.STRROOK AL SPANGLER. 1.0.11.[ at ~ oppo.ite. the Po.t. Office. MEI " VITEDFIEZIR'S COIVAXLVG." A REVERY. The cold winds of autumn sigh sad o'er the lea, &tut the Storm-spirit (rubes I. horrible glee ; Ou tile breast of the flood the acre forest-leaves float. And Nature's voice whispers '• Nan, buy thee a Coat ," What, limiest by my faith 1 seem turning In stone The Cnat's n gnnd thing, but Is useless alone, N o g ong , to siiiiimpr's light livery dressed. I timid have ;Slater Drawers, Pants, Shorts and a Vent! And now. where to buy cheapest, and where to buy best And where can I be most becomingly droned: Ay there in the rub”—let nin see : In the ^Ppy." ParromAr looms up the tallest, go there and try! The wind thunders " Go!" end the storm-spirit prances And the eddying flood with the forest-leaf dance., And Nature applauds—while in elegant dress. The hard hi • PRETSMAN, and PRETSMAN, the Press. Columbia, Oct. ilth„ 1837 —lf GEMS FOR TILE Min 1.13) THE HEAT. The YOUTH'S CABINET, edited by FHAACIS C. Wootiwortru. is a Repository. its its name imports. presenting the richest literary attractions for the young The contents are most l original, and unwearied pants are bestowed upon the editorial department. It aspires to be. both in the char acter of its articles and in its nieehanical execution. a modle of taste and excellence; and it is universally con ceded that it stands at the bead el all works of Blass The third volatile commences in January. and the increasing popularity of the magazine warrants the pub 11,4her ut promising. that this %ohmic, shall be minx 1:81.1 - 1- nix IN EVERY Ille•PeCT 011111 either of the preceding ones. Several Ile, - contributors are engaged. among whom .are T S. Arthur and Prof. Alden. whose stories fur the young are excelled by no writer 111 the country. YEARLY stn 22 , RIPTIOS, P..q. ONLY. (,rent inducement. are offered to those who take the work in club.. and now i• the time to form CLUES tor the new volume initial or January number is now ready. It contain. A ~.m.nNtati Poltramt ON eTEED. and it great variety of engraving. on wood. raepared expressly fur the Cabinet The, en graving, alma. eo.t niore than >early vnl for 1%4, besides containing nearly 400 large octavo pages of the choicest reading. ssnd ap propriate music. will lie richer in embelli•litnelit. thou ally at its contemporaries. a bother the, appear 111 2112 ori ginal Amerman enstulla, or uu Uric horrors ed man this other sine of the Atlantic. line %oleo of the public ores.. co univer,ally rood Cc. w•nnnl}• 1+ Certain!, IlicheitlVc that tint. magi— Intro hoc won it. Wile to in Inigh place no popular The pubb•bcr two or tune at these ntatx:e.... , JWCIIII ,. II of more ;Imo a hundred. I= _ . , Thi4Lfa/me t. 11 model which we could u i.h were follua ed by all work+ of lip Cla , .. It iallo,. or melancholy: cheerful. but not frivuloua; re halo.. but neither ee•tanun nor dogmatical; uhile tt num, vet . ) happily the winniuz grace of 111mill:tray in ith the &gutty of .eh = re.ln•rt." [N. V. Dolly Tttlame. It Manual. to preetmtn ytrm.. mid m•lllollllippeltr.,:Wilit- Ora a _nod Nupply Of -ohid uml valuable wren' [New Or 01..erver. We do not know of a more elegant and beneficial work for the young. - [Nonii's Weekly It illantrated. and evinces great ability and interest. The editor has a fine tact for such a work." [N. V. EVII/I,Z. -If any of our juvenile filen& win), for a niatm7ine whirl, to entertaining. and richly worth its cost. here it in. I'Ve do not know a better work for their purpose." [Mu- Journul. N V. `• Thy 0411110( IS One of our bent writers Cur the young." (N. V. Cow. Ads. linieies a, original, and the tout fresh and live le." IN. V. Christ. Enquirer. •• We van but express again our high opinion of this nionild). - IN. V. Chnst. Adv. A: Jour. mine:vied that the Cabinet is one of the 1110•Ientertaining. instructive. and ',all/air) periodic•ah for eluldren." [V. V. Christ. !melt. ••It. editor goes In work the right wow to tank., cld.t rnt ti) nap:ming io,eful kunwledg.•. and inieresi. no them in ,111Ile% c•r ie good and beautiful.' 'Charier Oak, Mulford, COllll. TERs7.---ro ••en...•tittiwits IN ( [AM. 4 collie, one ) var. w nth 7 cop., •• e•,,pl, •• •• mono y ran be •+afely .ent . tantl. The pub. lisher mill pa) the po.tag.: under, on Si and ups‘uni.s. 1301"N7) VOLUMES OP •rife CABINITr In preparing the monthly titittitter.great prim. are taken to mithe a tableful tool ezeellent } Monte Mr the library Lt Ibis particular the Vootli••4 ealtinet has. to. }et, fin truer.; and it believed 111 no other COIIIIIII., Cal, tie found. iu ••0 eouvemeut aml elegion ti form, and tor the exPea.e..och tot amount of entertaining koowlellum a. in the ) early }gnome-. of tho, stork. 'jury are pro} with n yea, ly idex. and are partieillarl) adapted 10 SC1100) Tho , a intere•ted to COIIIIIIOII . 4 2 / 1 001., are iovitell to examine theta THE o! ('(VD VOLUNIE. I'OR 1,17, t. tioo• ready and may la: hail ,eraratelv. or ill Conner twit NA all Ow fin.t. It 1. coatiol,te la Itself: and cannot tail TO he limoslg the ino.tpopalar Jul the any or A .11,- VENII.I-: a•.llres hi. lialronc that there be no delay iu filling their order-I.:I+ !here atill.oll A moil 6 larger eililloll I. bolllld. Paters, sr.P.vuIATELN" OR TOGETHER. iwu voliiine., 111 guile edge., I .Al—tl., Iwo voltl 75 vrlititrit, 1 00_4 31)(1 130111 vo/urue. in mu.liu , and UM, year'. : 4 :3 IV. IN,TAGE Pura:.—The initial eilttwit tiara lie , •itt to oily !Ica 01 the rioted Stoir s. lor evil'+ pu~t:lge. Thus who recant :6,2 for two coot:, Alan receive the Stlllle age fr.,. Aotr. , re. gratlemen of ability nod good toldre..s are wanted. to obtain subscriber, tor the tang s a,itte. and to sell Ow bound volume.. Application, s:andil be atrompanied ssit It rt,porieible teAlintonialA a. to character. nod all lettere poet paid. The 1.i . .1 meats s, dl be °Werra to good agent , . A small nuptial of -.nee neeesettry to he invested in 1/0111111 which foul n reedy sale. Ilia* is the Ica eeesott tor the agetie. rmstinnsters nre authorised In net ngents. and nay avail them..elves of the priVilllllll. Offered ,11.101. C. or serve to per eent. m the 111011 P), collected 01 new -oh craters. Speennent. sent semi:. Address 1). A. WOODWORTH. Publisher. Chown Huth:New York IMIM AG&NcY FOR THEMIfft the ditferent grime. el' (1e..... uud Block Tl:_ S. pat up carenilly 111 Tl' FOIL. in ipinfoer uud hall pound pnper., for tiuudy decal it 1111111,,,th, Io ether tutu delltIle• .thle riortty Oler oil other as lin. been our tested t) the jute Tensing 11011111111 tar them. Prim:mat Depot. No 21. South Second street. Milli. For sale by FRY & SPANGI.EIL Win, arm the only nutliorked ugents for Columbia. DeCeIIIIMIT 1,17.-3111 ANNuALs ron 2848 FirOLIDAY PRESENTS: lire have just received troll. the eity the ino-t superb and elegant u-tort. mein of Animal.. and other fine book. for the Militia!, s. ever offered to the good eiti.len. of Columbia. We give, for the information of Owrn alto love to celebrate the annual return of Chri,tnia. and New Year by exchang ing token. of Itieo.l.l/ip ur e , teein, tt catalogue. from which we are confident. vi cry our may -.elect n [took ,intable tor Ike seto.on. toot expo...kit, 01 all the feeling.; •. wood 1,1,1411.10011 ed dui C' our \\arm!) iii.pire. Among our Animal. ma lw mood the follnaa fug. which tire elegantly bound. mid tall of .plentlid engrai:ings and intere,ting matter:— Leullet. of Meat. for 11-1 4 , Souvenir fin 1.4', Mirror of Lite, Opal. Gent of the Sensors, Forget Me Not, Frientl.hip's Oifering, Amaranth. Odd OtTeriag, The ;Cal. TO}rether With a large style nil an /I`. l l nml l l' mini Ref. and Lutheran Ilya dal pre,eitts to church men gilt edge , . ke Poetien Slial,pettre, Cni t mlllOll, Sun Ityron, Rog Moore. lion Mr.. Hein:inc. Superb Turkey binding. and Al.lO FOIL BOY Girl', Own Book. Amerwitit Girl'. Hook, Ibeik for Girl., Talk tor Girl., Mother', Leo.on to Girl.. Little Song. for little folk., Parley. Pet Hook, Idle Hoar hook, Valli,ee Starlet, Mother (;(10 , e'l , Melodies, Rh nme Book. I These book. have all been gotten up expre...dy ibr the Ihrilitlay.. In in neat and beantifill Mita la•r. 10 please TS well an in.lniet the young. .t. most superior lot of later. Cameo. and Gilt edge Note Paper. Ens elopes. beautifully wrought to sort. French Letter Pout, do. gilt edge, and a large quantity of ST.VfIONEItY of every ile.criptimi. All of which can be had at the Book and Stationery De pot or WESTBROOK Jr, SPLANGLER.. IN•e. 100 m.% nt., oppu.iu• the P. 0. Memento. rrientl , hip's Gift, The Rainbow. 1111141M:1G 13104.0 MR, Keejenake, Bomiet. huge sue, Itn) Firmer. lioney The Snow Storm. umber. and richly gotten up `re.bytertun. Metitodist. Ger- Book.t. quituble tor Both- TUrko•) 1,0111111, AVorL4 of Scott. they, t 'owner. Nirn, rkwhite, Coleridge, tdon, Bossitt. gilt cdtreq. S AND GIRI.S— Book for lloya. Own !look. Country Hook, Talk for I)nyK. of Boyhood, I lonic Story Book, Theory Langdon. Boy'. Book' of Fun. Alnico for the Million, Comte NVorld. PE:7IIADELPEM& T' PE AND STEREOPYPE FOUNDRY. The sub .f.‘, raw, are prepared to tunnel, at •hort notice. e Very article m.ed in a Printing OM,. and have reduced the Prices of Ty Pc upwards of 18 per cent. They tiow charge Mr Pica. 22 et.. ct... Small Plea. 31 - Nonpareil, • Long Primer. 311 .• Agate. Bonn:erns, 411 8 'Pearl. Ft tilt 41; DllllllOll,l, 100 4 D e termined to spare no eXpeane in making their estab liethment ns ealiallete as ponnittle• they are genial(' up a uniform Seam la the celebrated Sear n ilea v. V. hid. are nnemialled or beauty and iluratilny. and which they feel assured will meet 'Alta general approbation. Several sires are now ready. Having recently visited Europe for the purpose of pro curing every improvement in their line of business. they now offer a greater variety of Policy Type. Borders- Or naments, Ac., tee. than nny other establishment m the rimed States: and their 'martt ed methods of casting. and of preparing metal. enable them to 1111111611 orders It a manner to enmre satisfaction. Printing Presses of every description. Pruning Ink. Chases. Cases, Brass Rule, Fitranute, &e., at the lowest rates, Second-hand Presses and Type which has boon used only In siereoty ping. generally on hand. Books. Pamphlets, Monte. Xledunne Directions. Labels. Cheeks. Drafts, .te., correctly and elegantly stereotyped an heretofore. N B. Specimen Books will be rent to Printers who wish to make orders. 1.. JOHNSON at Co. Phila , Dec. 1.8, 1r..47.—tf. No 6, Little George at. BEM 321:111771 STORE. BE SURE YOU'RE RIGHT, THEN GO ATIT This to an excellent motto, and should always he halo, ull conditions of life--untler all circuit. ntanec 1. it t, useful—lint how much more to to those who are in -,earth tit GREAT BARGAINS. lit the nliape of BEAUTIFUL DRY GOODS. Let then, find out ult. re the ••liEL HIVE" a loemed— kt them ...Moil them-eh,. that thee arc actually in the BEE ;I'VE STORE. then—and then only--east they goubeed and buy. forlhcy set!! be rum to Vltt. C111:A OND 0000 000113. of i with tile above PLAIN TRUTHS. Encro- and truth can :done •au,ly the wants of the peo ple of enlialitened age. 11'c :ire reeetvinc daily NEW GOODS FOR. THE HOLIDAYS Every nither. 'Mother. Slier and Brother. and all those who have neither. 41tould at 1,44,4 cull—it mil) to please tilt IDLE CI'ItIO , II DID! we Mr beautiful g00..14 at the •• 13EE DIVE - North (Wen Street 111 door.. north of the Yost Oitir•e. CHAS. iVENTZS. & BRO. Lanett-ter. December 2.5 1-17-11. $500,00 REWARD. T IFF, are Hereby Camtioned arainst re— Rum:lo.s (our tOrtuer ageat) au) 0( 11, , ~, tea, k"... Nio , ltected Worn/ Syrup. it.. he haoi ~,,, th.eharc. II tram our eitapluy. No Ille4ilClll , in grit ttioe ssithol.l c.rifien , 101111111, Of J. N. & 0. S. the hereaek on the label ui 1,1.41 !Joule. 'Elie alms,: reward. ill Le paid upon the COIIVICIIOII of 3113 per , on counter feiting ,Lel ntore 01 tt lurk the puhlte ha,. notice; rind are r agattet valour the above 'ta med Je ,, e lA* motley WI our account. nn he has 1111 nilthorite to reeri‘e the ,1111 e. • newt Ow rtilwale• lr n. 11. highly re4pecta tale grear pleatatre in intbrm tog )011 01 the gr.,: 111111 C) ut )our WOlllll Aly daughter leung afflicted tor a Ions! time, I teed all flat rentethe ... toe leer toy tyro lair to. it ahout receiving ally benefea ....a wive the cant: up a, hopeletet. when It 13,14 1111110,41. by one of toy unruly. to try ) our Sy nip. and 111.11.1 .at. notelt ugaiout toy %sill. but stirproMig to tell, loutore taking the whole of one bottle, it brought the large-I quantity of %%ono,. I have ever 41,11 1 ;rl.l from it cloud. 11. all toy Kurile, and nlato.t ittqtantly rear tonal the elithl to health. Ltet.peettolly )(MN. Sc. 11 /SEP)! ELKIN:TON. )1.11. VIIII•elitown. N. J. . . Prepared only lq J. N. it G. S. llohmentek. 2nd and Coat- mai tor al, I.y all revdelable storekeep er- in tin-:met . umg alto tree have author,- /ed to pen Lark the money in e‘ it tint! in !ovum -am.mennu—Priee2.s em. Alms, llolten , rtek%. elm Tooth Arlie Drup, a certain cure liar tooth oche— Pnee 11; I token-ark's Rheumatic Liniment—Prieto 1101.en.n.ek'. Cure All Sake.. Mr weak hock,, -prams. are-b until old -errs. burns. .S.e.—Priee 12; eent3. !!okra..eV- 'Tenter Mintment—fore 25 Celli,. one but mammon:ll to dun: all eruptuu, of the For sale as above Pluludelphia. Nov. 4 211. (-47. NEW GOODS S. PITTON. After rctnrn!ng thanks t' 111 thy 1 . 01/1•1, 10 - el/11001011 ..111:lity. for the very liberal .Lune ot patron:me,ed upon them du rum the ',mu sprang and out •r. Wolollllrlllll call their attention to their new Hoek of 1'.X1.1. AND WINTEIi (;001”, eon.t.tiug niOlalage.lgll.ll rate( rierman olos—eoloirg'4 Paramount. tool Plaid, Drmou Mod, Plain. Pllllll a n d Pitney colored ettodamore+. Cali fornia tool Lama 1 . 1:1111 11101113.1/111e, Alvan - ova, Nic•XWMI, 11111.1. :0111 Cern, roordo \Vooleit do. Sum, rim tatals London (llitsooy Allotment.. lowan, Plaid and striped do. : 4 1 1.1 X% IS. ea-bone re. 'Perko. rra. l'anbronde roo (e. Pllllll T)01/11. 'Silk and \l'oril Fringe, Blanket, Plain :11111 I'lloo CllOll 110. New et) le Belgian Shawl, Cm m,% ASI) tneonlrlt}›.—A large itou.ortmesit ofelothe. \Veod of I . ..gland and ("rend, Cloth. stud Ittnennt,ms. ru n• fine. and extra ,solth—Blitoo. Ii ut. Dral,. Ohs, In vt-thle Green. 'Mixed and Blank. Britedi rind Amerman Cloth--Ploin and Ptoncy Cu—Mimes. Samurais. Kentucky .111111 , .1401110:1111 al111•11111.11. lie• 41,11,01.. Velvet Coarold. roar-, Cloth. :tool -satinet, so r) low. ;AA I 111 7 11l 10 0I Coinpleit• :I...orttia.•lll oI 1203 Via r. woolen nod WOTA velvil until 11111111 1111 , 1 1111111)11/1111g 4 . 11.111111.1.. Gans 111111 nlllllllcllllol' I ' llll. fia•aorled Color, lb - 11114,11V 1111,1 v1111:011 I'lllllllOlS. 116- n 0,1041. COM e. :11111 1 - 10-lery. kid. silk. Lurk end woolen. Glove. nod .aool 0.1.1 cotton Home, Frenelt fawn Cambric. Handkerchief., veil low. I , ls, 111.11111 g 1/11l111.1•1.. R ' ool 111111 Rag Carpets of the 1.•••.1 quality. !lour and 111Irle 011 ClOlll, Feather... Looking Fothrells.... Chinn tuul Queettsware. Pre.ll Grr- TI•114..111.1 imported. Comphene and Lamp Murkerel by the barrel. Salt by blue sack, IleW crop Sonar.....orioned Efoney.....ce 01 (k)041-• have ht•elt .1.11•Cled With grrnt core for cash. la•-ale. lurk lull 111'W 111111 free, front tooth eat or damage. NV.• therefore feel 00r4e1..e.; able 111111 's illiug to sell low for est.h. awl gtNe every cati.fuetion to tho-e who may cull to eIIIIIIIIIC our trorat4 at the New Cheap Cush Store, Corner of Front soul I.oets.t ..treet. Colotahiss. Nov. ti. I•47.—tf T{ROM NEW YORK.---Persons of with Can- Scratult, 11. Toter, Salt 12.11e11,11. IF:r) - ,apelns. Old Sore, Mercurial Di.cagepz. mad all complaints nn-lug front 2111,1t!ji!::: , ..?! !1 . 1 , e ., 11 . 1??:1 . ...!!! . ..; . r . e!i1tebted to 031=1 Row suit k IV 3,To..—Gents t—Feeling grateful for thri ertrintrillintry eilre performed lipott me by your Dr. ri i. !sinks V non - rutia: PINACE.4... I !eel it In) ditty to tiorni.h you tilt!! a short lii.tory of My ruse. %Vlit, chola I_ sear. el Sigel Sias inillekeil with King', IT il. 1 Sin. 11110.4 Ole I are oe•—• I , lo,n_und ofilifAntiti2Er emir, of illeollcal treatinelit. wi. ' prOTlOnit. 4.,,,,,,r0.,,...;;arr.17kArtig,C.14 disease. pronounced by ill rat age-. MI tit)'throat Sin. 13114.41 Ziltilt l l4YuYA l 2-:"4. awe wa. et, creel with them: in line, woo Ulcerated Witt 4N, ollen 10 apparetitl3 four mile- tin !inland size. 133.1 Tinnoll, ill In) and flyers inn different pails 01 nay person. 1 Wail phial Illitler the care at Ca nons time- of the itui.t eitillielil 1 . 11 alt now of New York, nahlitiore. mod %Shp niter liar. sae tionl their 'Milt, einletWor , to etfret n cure. my Ca, h. theta usu. , pronounced ineurable. I liner travelled over it t.lllle. 01 the Utilon seeking, relict; no expense/ War Aptireti, and it large altiontit of ..... ney Wan eXpelideti. Inn all in vain. I tu t u used large tinatitilies of 5W131311 . 4 Paniteen. Hoer also taken Carpenter's Simmparilla. Seliesick's Pulummr Sc rap. Townseitil's Sarsaparilla. nod ilinnerolei other preparation. ,Itliont etrest: in) throat, nose. nut hire. were still tileemted, and at length. I lost e at t rely the sense 0(.313,41131g. 1 commun.! in this dept.. rattle enlitlttititi lilt ;detail :I year.. having given all Lope. of reetl% yr). I resignedii*Nell to the Will of Petty. saiiitieollti that erery Meant- of relief liticl failed, Oa the lith Mt) of August last. I commenced Inking your Dr. Callen's Indian Vu s tattle Plititteen. having but little hopes of It, heitetittnlX lire. After having used one hot.. tle. 1 it•cutered to nit titter astonkliment mad gratlfiell lion. that my .ease of ;Quelling Sin= entirely restored. MA that the ulcers were rapidly duttitti•hing itt Aire. I limo 110 W When three bottle. of the Panacea: my Mee. mouthy throat. and nose are eatirely healed. I am now 10 years ui tur.•. find after 4. ears of intle.erihaltle •Utrerltlg. Inv general health is better.. and in fuel. at an period Of my late. have I len Os Well a. I lutes nine sour 111,11. WINO Plititoren. .Irl.llA /311ANCli, N. York. Sept. 30., No. 111 Cliff:Street We. the ander.igned. being prr•nnnlly acquainted with Julia Branch. of No. 11l Cliff Street, and having a knowledge of her situation tin. be verut yerie, pact. do hereby cernfy. thin the nil a +tutcna•nl of her far a' our per.omil kno•vledgr goe4 ; and from h,•r charamer 1.11! .41111111 , 1 g. a • .: have lull confidence alt her .tntene•ut.. 311111 ut the eilicacy of Dr. Culluler, Ration . g .. Mble Ed. A Ware. lit! I lilt St. S. (+ln.•utu. RooAewelt Maria Rare. do C. O'Neal, ill chit - Street, S. Baxter. Itt Malherry St. I:nnly Cnrie, Ilud•.mt Street. Ye burned Ow, of th.• lealma Art." if ve ran ao far overcome proli•..umal pride. go a. a,e g w id e? , e know mu how to compoand. ye may pre+erve many valuable Lars ninth wdl °Mem lie be .aerMeed, ye not pre.rrihe it ! Whole.ale and Retad. by ROW.%ND & NVA.I.TON, Propra•lurn 3711 Man ket St.. Pluhulelphm, WIT. A. LEA DER. Culnutlna. the: J. T. ANDI:IL.4,)N, Munetta, Pa., mat tilXl.t.“l: DOSE. Pa. lleeember 1.5. 1-47 route yicihrin of Quackery. an h} the pre•teripttona continued in thin book any one may care hitnaeiL without hindrance to bu•utene. of 1110 knowicrlge of the moo inmwno friend, and uuh one-tenth the teutul expele.c. In addittion to the general routine of Private di.ennes. it fiILY exPletnn the en jar of llnnhnod'r• early decline. with °harry:name on :11nrring..—.1..-oih, many derangement% o M.+ it would not be proper to r illimerattul in the publio print*. I reo.oll/. 1'0..0111,r nt 111/1.01. 1 1 0 0 110 M 1 . 111/11Elphir, can have thin book leeward to them through the Pont Oilier, on the receipt of 1N eniy-five 00111. directed to Dr. Yonac. lid. Spruce, Jnnunr 22. I -.I PAL= SILL. DERRY DAVIS'S Pain Killer, or the People's FAVOILITE.—The mmbncriber begs leave to Inform the entrea• of enhimbla and vicinity that he has just received from Provnleatoo. R. L. three bones of Perry "L a n len Pa i n Enter, m well known In the New England Males fnr removing all kinds of pain., nn matter what kind—Bite.' mat inim, Aching Face, Aching Teeth. Burne r Pam in the niNrk. back, and head; Coble. Cholic pale, din , doe and far sale only by W. A. LEADER. Columlna, November 6,1847.—1 f. xranwsr HOGSHEADS, Pipes, Tierces, Barrels, of every knot for sole cheap, at E. RA Ulll4. i'olwohia, Jau. 1, IS4t-tf. New York Store. I= A VOICE DOCTOR 'ourself for ti rents.. By litmus of the Poelet A.eula +ius, or. Every One his Own l'hysirian !—Sevmiteenth FAi- Mil. with upwards of one hon ked Engravings, showing pr rair .I+..•u•rs 111 •very shape oni form, and malformations of he generatise sYstrm. By Wm. YouNo, x n. The time line now arrived, dun persons suffering from cc •rot disease. need no more be-