VALUABLE LOT FOB. SALE. ON the evening of Saturday the 11 th of N comber, 1847, at the Hotel of Col. lien, there will be offered at public sale, a Lot of Ground on Union street, between properties of Patrick Murphy and Bridget M'Tague, extending back from Union to a fourteen feet alley, ono hundred and eighty feet, and fronting on Union street twenty-five feet owe or less. Sale to tommtnce at 7 o'clock, P. M. SAMUEL SHOUT, SAMUEL EVANS. Columbia, Dec. 4, 184 7.—ts VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. lIE subscriber offers at private sale, a ?Cal, j valuable LOT with two DWELLING.R2 I 4I. lIOUSES thereon erected, situate on Locust street, near Second st., in the most healthy situation in the llorongli of Columbia. One house has been occu pied as a Millinery Store for a number of years, and will be an inducement to a Milliner as it is fixed for that business. The houses will be sold separately or together as will suit purchasers. The subscriber has a large assortment of fashionable !leaflets, Itihands, Feathers, Flowers, and all arti cles in the line of Millinery which will be sold low tar rash. ROSANIsTA M'FAUL. Columbia, Dec. 4,1847.--4 t. GRAIN'S SPINO-A33DOMINAL SUPPORTER. films instrument, as its name suggests, is de signed as a remedy for various complaints, dependent on a weakened and relaxed state of the Spinal and Abdominal muse/es. Mrs. 11. Z. a very respectable lady of the city of Albany, mother of several small children, of tall stature and spare habit, had been under treatment fur an obstinate uterine disease,attended with pro. lapses uteri, severe pain in the side, weakness of the back, general muscular debility, lassitude, langour, acidity of stomach, much indigestion and j costiveness. As medicine seemed to have but slight effect in alibrding relief, arising in part, from her situation as a mother in the daily discharge of domestic duties, I recommended a trial of Dr. ' Crain's Spino.Abdominal Supporter. In April, 1846 she commenced the use of one, and has con. United to wear it up to this date, with very great relief to all her unpleasant symptoms, and with the most flattering promise of receiving permanent benefit. From the result of this case, as well as from the excellent mechanical construction and adaptation ofDr.Crain's instrument,l take pleasure in recommending it to the attention of medical gentlemen and the public generally. JOHN S. CAMERON. M. D. July `215t,1846. 120 Spring Sr., N.Y. For sale by W. A. LEADER. Dissolution of Dartnorship. rpflr, partnership heretofore existing be tween IVrn. fealty and IVM. Bell, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Those in debted to the late firm, arc requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will please present them for settlement. Marietta, Nov. :22, 1847. n0'117'47-3t* Valuable 3Eteal Testate, Town Lots, &c., at Public Salo Without Re- serve. pnrsuance of an order of tho Orphans' Court of Lancaster county, will be sold on Saturday, the 18th of December next, at the publio house of John Barr, in the Borough of Columbia, the follow ing Real Estate, formerly the dwelling of Gen. Thos. Boucle, dcc'd.: No. 1. A Lot of Ground with a large Two e, - {p Story Brick DWELLING and back buildings with Stabling and Carriage House thereon erected, situate on Front street, near the Bridge, in the Borough of Columbia, fronting on said street 30 feet and extending back about 300 feet to a 14 feet alley, adjoining the property of the Widow [lrene man on the north, and No. 2 on the south. This house being very large and constructed of the best noAcrials, is susceptible of being altered to a first rate business stand, is worthy the attention of capitalists. No. 2. A Lot adjoining No. lon the north and property of Widow Swartz on the south, fronting 2 . 2 feet on Front street, and running back the same as No. I, to the alley—on which is erected a frame office, &c. The above will be sold separate or together as will best suit puschauers. Persons wishing to view the premises will please call on the subscriber. Sale to commence at 7 o'clock in the evening, when terms will be made known. SAMUEL B. BUMF. Columbia, Nov. 27, 1847. BUILDING LOTS At the same time and place will be sold by the undersigned, those Va!wade Building Lots, oppo site the Presbyterian Church, the most desirable in the town of Columbia from the location, being on the corner of the principal street in the Borough, fronting on Locust street 120 feet and extending back on 4th street 190 feet to a 14 feet alley.— They will be sold either entire or divided into 8 building lots, T. on Locust and 3on 4th streets, as will best snit purchasers. A plan of which will be exhibited at sale. Terms at sale. S. B. BOUDE. Columbia, Nov. 27, 1847.—ts ron. SALE MITE subscriber offers at private sate three I houses, two in Front street, in possession at present of Mr. Win. Powers, and Mr. Jo°. Ziegler, and one in Perry sleet, occupied by Mr. John Palen. If not sold by the first of next January, will be for rent. For terms apply to JAMES GIVEN. C,ulunthis, Nov. 30th, 18d7.—Ito $500.00 REWARD PRE public are hereby cautioned against receiving from JESSE ROBERTS (our former agent,) any of LionerssAcies 111t:nrcA •reu Woam SYRUP, as he has been DISCHARG. co from our employ. No medicine is genuine without the written signature of J. N. d G. S. lohensack on the label of each bottle. The above reward will be paid upo' the conviction of any person counterfeiting said signature. of which the public have notice; and are further cautioned against paying the above named JESSE ROBERTS any inoney on our account, as lie has no authority lo receive the same.— llcad the following Certificate from a highly re. apostate Physician: Messrs. Ilobensack take great pleasure in informing you of the great efficacy of your Worm Syrup. My daughter being afflicted for a long time, I tried all the remedies for her my skill was heir to, without receiving any benefit, and gave the case up as hopeless, when I was induced, by ono of my family, to try your Worm Syrup, and I must say, much against my will, but surprising, to tell, before taking the whole of one bottle, it brought the largest quantity of worms 1 have ever seen brought from a child, in all my practice, and almost instantly restored the child to health. Respect fully yours, .st e , JOSEPH ELKINTON, M. D. Vincentown, N. J. Prepared only by J. N. 8: G. S. llobensack, 2nd and Coats st., Phila., and for sale by all respectable storekeepers in this and adjoining counties, who we have authorized to pay back the money in every case, should it fail in g,iv log satisfaction— Price 25 cts. Also, Rotten sack's Hyena Tooth Ache. Drops, a certain cure for tooth ache—Price 12i cts. lloben sack's Rheumatic Liniment—Price 25 cents. llobensack's Cune A i.r. SALVE, for weak hacks, sprains. fresh and old sores, burns, &c.- Price 12i cts. II obensack's 'Fetter Ointment— Price 2.5 cts.„ one box warranted to cure all eruptions of the skin. For sale as above. Philadelphia, November 20, 1847.—1 y rtunac alum. LIST OF BOOKS IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Recently received and far sale at the Court of Lancaster county, will be exposed to public vendue, at the public house of Ed- COLUMBIA BOOK STORE / ward Jacobs, in the Borough of Columbia, on Locust Street, opposite the Post Office. Wednesday, the 15th of December, at 2 o'clock, „ c iir t i . e i t t i o n i t T n e ß ay. Library . I f s h il , im' s t i york Box .P. .M., the :allowing valuable property, the estate of Dr. Hugh MCCOrkle, deceased, viz : la u ghable Stratagems ' LOV ' vr's stn e rien of leotard Marston Lover's Sone! , and llalladn No. 1. A THREE STORY BRICK HOUSEAL Horse keeper's Goble , Rowe Rook Keeping and Lot of Ground situate on Locust st., - I days or Pompe° Washington and Pis Gen's. between Front and Second streets, Columbia, L t ife er ger ill ' Novels Way to Live Well adjoining property of John F. I louston, Esq., Mary .1% ,,,,,r; ° j. i s e A l , t .s h ' m 7r f , e rk B ';: 3 l.le Rook and William Atkins. The house being con- Literary Ladies of England 1 Hottith's Oriel*, of Life structed of the best materials and workman- Evelyn liStlen,citl;.,llliuterreqs hinron's Rhyme !took ship, and suitable for either a private residence Aladdin chambers' inf. for People or for public business. Philosophy of Evil Rose or wi.manikon No. 2. A LOT OF GROUND Life of Gen. Taylor Tourist's Guido. Mexico and her Military Green on Gambling situate on Cherry street, between Fourth and cp}cfmi, Portraits of Gen. Taylor Fifth streets, containing a front. on Cherry Life of Ceo. Lafayette •• inderend"se Stall street of two hundred and forty feel, and in Taylor and lilt Generals American wire Alta California. , Mothers' Medical Etridn depth one hundred and ninety feet to a four- o c ,,,, p ,„„ n " mita Fe Infant Treatrindit teen feet alloy. Ladies' Self Instructor { Works of Miss Landon Due attendance will lie given and terms winter ot h 6,r Ladies , 1),,,,,.. s Revelations made known by EVAN GREEN, Ladies' Guide ALIM'r. of Dr. 11. AlcCorkle, deed. And a variety of other Columbia, Nov. 27, 1847.—t5. be sold at the lowest rat, , Oct. 30, r,X. ZEIGLER. Respectfully informs his friends and the public, that he has on hand offers for sale at his FANCY, VARIETY AND CONFEC TIONARY STOItE, In Locust street, a few doors above the Town Hal north side, a select assortment of fresh goods, viz CANDIES Of every sort; Bordeaux, Lisbon, and Malaga. Almonds; Filberts, Green°Me Walnuts, Peanuts, Chestnut; &c. FOREIGN FRUIT: Raisins, Prunes, Znntc-Currants, Citron, Lemons, Dates, &c. CRANBERRIES, clean picked, and ready for use. An assortment of TOYS Ind FANCY articles. Fancy Boxes, Dolls, (hid and jointed,) Emorics, Waiters, Mirrors, Pencils, &c. PIERFU.IPIERV, And articles for the Toilet ; Cologne, Pomade, Lilly White, Teeth and flair Brushes, Fancy and Castile Soaps; Itallian Violin Strings and Bridges, Clarionet Reeds. A. small 'assortment of STA. TIONAR yawl SCHOOL BOORS, Motto Seals, Wafers, fancy and plain Scaling Wax, Steel Pens and quills, Excellent TOBACCO, SNUFF and SEGARS. Be also offers for sale CORDWAIN ERS' KIT and SHOE FINDINGS of the very best quality. Pure and freshly ground Spices, Mustard in neat Canisters for family usc. Fresh Soda, Sugar and Butter Biscuit, and in fuct a little of everything, besides odds and ends. Be will sell at very moderate rates, and most respectfully solicits a share of patronage. Columbia, Nov. 20, 1847.—1 f PUBLIC SAL; On Saturday, the 11th day of December, 1847 IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Lancaster county,the undersign ed Administratrix of the Estate of Peter Mc 'Vague, late of the Borough of Columbia, de ceased, will expose for sale at public residue, al the public house of John Barr, in the borough aforesaid, the real estate of said decedent, as follows, vix : No. 1. A. LOT 01' GROUND, Fronting 28 feet on Front street, below Union street, in said borough, and extending in depth 190 feet to a pubLe alley, whereon is erected that well known Tavern Stand, known as the SEVEN STARS HOTEL. No. 2. A Rivxn. LOT OF GROUND, fronting 4 29 i feet, more or less on Front street afore said, and extending in depth about 150 feet to the Susquehanna River, upon which is erected a large Two Story Frame Warehouse, and adjoining property of A. Bruner, John Cooper, Cornelius Tyson and others. No. 3. AL flouso and Lot of Ground fronting 40 feet on Union street aforesaid, between Second arid Third street, and extend ing in depth to a public alley, and adjoining property of Patrick Murphy, Charles Odell and others. Sale to commence at C o'clock P. M., wilco attendance will be given and terms made known by IMIDGET %ICTAGUE, Administrairix- Columbia, Nov. 20, 1847.—ts Lancaster Examiner & Herald please copy, and send bill to this otlice. Valuable Lot For Sale. ALOT OF Gilt/CND on Locust street, in the Borough of Columbia, lately sold as the property of George C. Lloyd, deceased, is now offered at private sale. If not sold be fore the evening of Saturday, the 4th of De cember next, it will then be offered for sale by public out-cry, at the Washington lintel, kept by Col. D. Herr, at 7 o'clock. it will be divi ded to suit purchasers. If not sold on the 4th of December it will he rented. A BRAI-1 APvl BRUNER, SAMUEL SHOCII. Columbia, November 13, 1847.—ts NEW GOODS!! W. & S. PATTON. AFTER returning, thanks to the citizens of Columbia and vicinity, for the very liberal share of patronage bestowed upon them during the past Spring and Summer, would attain call their attention to their NEW STOCK of FALL Si; WINTER GOODS, Consisting; of Cloalringk. French, English and German 1.10--00bUrg . 5 Parametias and Plaid- , tress GJods, Plain, Plaid and Fancy Colored Cashmeres, California and Lama Plaid Pomba. aloes, A Ipaccas, Mexican, Buena Vista and Cerro Gordo Plaids, Woolen do. Supelior quality Lou don Glassy Alpaceas, Lustre Plaid and Striped do. Slid U'L S. Clia , ihnnere, Terkerra, Embroidered, &c. Plain Thibet, Sill and Wool Fringes, Blanket, Plain and Plaid Cloth do. Now style Belgian Shawls• Cloths and Cassimercs. A large assortment of Cloths, West of England and French Cloths and Cassimeres, very fine and ostra width—Blue, Brown, Drab, Olive, Invisible Green, Mixed and Black British and American Cloths—Plain and Fancy Cansimeres Satinets, Kentucky Jeunes, both plain and striped, Bever teens, Velvet Coards. Coarse Cloths and Satinets, very low. Complete assortment of Boys' Wear, woolen and worsted—Velvet and Satin Vestinc,s, plain ' and figured—Tiekings and Drillings, Flannels, Welsh Guise and Shrouding Flannels, assorted colors, Domestic and Canton Flannels, assorted. Gloves and Hosiery, Kid, Silk, Buck and Woolen Gloves and Mitts, Silk, Lamb'e. Wool and Cott on Hose, French Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, very low. Furnishing Goods. Blankets, Word and Rag Carpets of the best quality—Floor and Table Oil Cloths, Feathers. Looking Glasses, Umbrellas, China and Queensware,Fresh Groceries, Superior Teas, just imported, Camtifiene and Lamp Oils, Mackerel by the barrel, Salt by the sack, new crop Sugars, Strained Honey. &c. Our Goods have been selected with great care for cash, besides are all new and free trom moth cat or damage. We therefore feel ourselves able and willing to sell low for cash, and give every satisfaction to those who may call to examine our , goods at the New Cheap Cush Store, corner of Front and Locust at. W. & S. PATTON Columbia, Nov. G, 1817.—tf MORE NEW GOODS AT FRY & SPANGLER'S. IvIIE subscribers have just received arni arenow opening another splendid assortment of goods, which they are determined to sell at such prices as cannot fail to please. All they ask is a call, as they are coalident of suiting those who wish to purchase. FRY & SPANGLER. Columbia, October 30, 1847.—tf. MUFFS'. MUFFS!! AFull assortment of MUFFS and BOAS jus received and for sole at 0et30' , 17.4f FRY & SPANGLER'S. PERRY DAVIS'S PAIN KILLER, OR TILE PEOPLE'S FAVORITE. Tllr, subscriber begs leave to inform the citizens of Co lumbia. unit vicinity that he has just received from Providence. It. L. three boxes of Perry MIVIS'a Prim VOttY, so well known in IIIV, New I.;vigibed MAWR to, removing all if ulds 14'11111110, no matter what kind—lthen inatitim, Aching Face, Acting Teeth. linens. Pain in the neck, back, and head; Cobis, Cholic pain, &c., &c,. and for SOU only by W. A. LEADER. Columbia, November G. Isr.—tf. Attend to Your Coughs and Colds. DR. JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT. Tl,Oll Coughs, Col pa, Asthma, Spitting of 11food, Hoop ing Cough, Croup, Ifoarseness, Pain and Soruness of the Side and flack, Consumption, and all diseases of the Lungs awl ❑renst, i&c. For sale by Nov:10' 47-if 5,..1.r./CDF.R, CANDY! CANDY!! CANDY !!! 1.1, kinds of 1101;18E43 Candy. New York Cream. Coca nnt, Groundnut, &c., manufactured and for sale at the lowest prices, at No. 151, North Fourth Street, to n doers below Vine. Philadelphia. Shopkeepers and others dealing in these articles arc respectfully invited to call. nov3o'.l:-3m. FURS 1 FURS 1 I FURS 111 Tsubscriber would respectfully invite Ladies and Gentlemen about visiting , Philadelphia, and in want of .F.1.7rC1 6 FURS, Such as MUFFS. BOAS, TIPPITS, &c., to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere, as they will find it to their advantage and no mistake. All orders received shall he faithfully attend ed to at No, 93, North Third Street, above Arch. Philadelphia. JAMES REISKY. ir.r - BUFF ALO ROBES always on hand. Philadelphia, October 30,1817.-3 m LOON HERE, NEW YORK CHEAP STORE, Front Street, Corm Penn'a. THE subscriber is now selling off at COST his entire stock of new and well selected Dry Goods, Groceries, flats, Caps, Boots, Shoes and ready made Clothing, without reserve. Strangers and citizens will save 20 per cent., by calling at the New York Cheap Store, before making their purchases elsewhere, as the Great Reduction of Prices will induce every person wishing Cheap Goods, to buy without further trouble. ra.trxicr GROCERIES, Such as Coffee, Roger, Molasses, Teas, Fish, etc Ready Made Clothing, Such as Coats, Pants, Vests, shirts, Drawers, Collars, Bosoms, Suspenders, etc. ; all of which will be sold cheaper than at any other store in Co• lumbia, to close Mc concern. ROOTS, SHOES AND SLIPPERS, Selling at about half prim; coarse heavy Boots (or winter, fine calf skin do. ; also, Brogans of all va rieties and sizes, selling off cheap. HATS AND CAPS, For men and boys; fine I3eaverteen, Nutria and Angola flats, all sizes; Fur, Chub, Seal, Gingham, Glazed and :ilk glazed Caps ot all sizes; also, Goys' Fancy Trimmed Caps. All of which will be closed at prices to suit purchasers. as the subscriber is anxious to wind up his business in this place. Country produce taken in exchange at market prices. LLIAd RA Vl3. Columbia, October 23, 1P47. sriAwLs! SIXAAVLS A splendid assortment of the latest styles just received and fur sale CHEAP at oct23' t 7-11 J. D. Sr..T. IVRIGIIT. MUFFS: MUFFS !I MUFFS!!! A splendid assortment just received and for solo Eft Y EA 1' at 0cr23'47-t f J. D. & J. WRIGHT. BOOKS AND STATIONERY JUST received a large and well selected assort ment of Miscellaneous Books. ALSO—SCHOOL BOOKS & STATIONERY. 31441.111 C BOCICS ()revery variety for sale cheap at the Columbia Book Store, Locust Street, opposite the PusL Mice: COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA AND CONSUMPTION. TILE Indian Vegetable Balsam is the only roue dy that can arrest with certainty the various pulmonary affections under which thousands sink intu the grave. No one ever used this Balsam according to direc tions without finding relief. It positively cures Asthma, Bronchitis, Intlamation of the Lungs and Throat, Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Croup, Consumption, &c. It does all it promises, and all that is asked is just to give it a fair trial, and it will at once prove its superiority over every thing of the kind. The loam Vegetable Balsam is prepared only by IL M. Crawford, Philadelphia, and for sale by C. Westbrook, Agent for Columbia ; Anderson, Marietta; C. S. Kauffman, Washington ; Jno. Herr & Son, Safe Harbor. Oct. 16-6 m. CASHMERE PLAIDS! TI J OR Cloaks, Dresses, &c. A large and well se. E leeted assortment, comprising some new and beautiful styles for children's wear, now opening at the New York Store. Oct. IG,—tf GRIEL, HART & GILRERT. 100 Sacks of ground alum Salt. Just received at Young & Cassell's. No, 50, Front st., Oct. 9.3—tf Columbia MILLER & CO.'S EXPRESS. fteg BY their own Cars in charge of messengers, and tinder Iocks,DAILY be tween Philadelphia , Lancaster, Colenhia,Wrieus ville, York, Gettysburg, Baltimore, Washington, South, West, North and Bast, by Evening Mail Trains. M. & CO. are now prepared to forward in their care, Packages, Parcels, Bundles, light Cases, and all descriptions of goods and merchandise; also Specie, Bank Notes, Drafts, Bills for collection, orders, &e., to any of the above named places by passenger trains and mail speed. Being desirous of affording every facility for the prompt and eco nomical transaction of any commission entrusted to them, they respectfully solicit the pat:otiagc of all to their line. AB goods or packages must be marked " Ity Miller & Co.'s Express." D. F. CRI wail, Agent, Miller & Co.'s Express, Colombia. OFFICF.S..— Corner of Third and Chestnut street, Philadelphia; Chas. Norman, Lancaster; Kant: felt, York ; Museum Buildings, Baltimore; Gay & Cu., ear. Wall and Broadway, N. Y. ; Gay Sr. Co., State st., Boston ; Washington, D.C.; Richmond, Va.; Wheeling, Va.; Pittsburgh, Pa.; Gettysburg, n06'.17-tf books all of which will for cash. C. WEST BROOK. COLUMBIA LIVERY STABLES. THI subscriber having fitted up a Livery Stable, in the Borough of Columbia, at the 'WASHINGTON HOTEL, would respectfully call the attention of the citizens and community to that fact. He. having gone to considerable care and expense to get up such a stand as the town never yet had, would beg leave to an nounce, the he has prepared himself with a good and SAFE STOCK OF HORSES, Together with different kinds of CanniAor.s, to suit the travelling community, now asks a share of patronage due to a public good, and hopes by strict and prompt attention to his line of business, to merit the same. TiIIIEREFORE: Ye youthful heroes, all draw near And to my feeble song give car, If you in Horsemanship delight And on some balmy moonlit night, Perchance some fair one at your side, Enjoy the pleasure of an evening ride. A Carriage, Horse, or Coach you need To J. 13. Edwards, then first speed, To serve you all, you'll find hint able, By calling at his Livery Stable. JOIIN 13. EDWAItDS. Columbia. October 30.1847.-6 m ILKS, Shawls, Cashmeres, Delaines, Merinoes 0 Alpacas, Cloths, Cassimeres, Satins, Ginglia rns, and a variety of all other kinds of goods which will ho sold low for cash, at Young & Casson's, No. 50, Front street, Columbia. Oet.23—tf TUST opened all the desirable shades of those tit op/maid TIMEX CLOTI/S so much in dc. mend at present for cloaks and dresses—warranted from the celebrated factory of Lupcns & Co. At the THEE HIVE, Lancaster,ooo3-6 North Queen street. DIVE Dollars Reward. Lest or stolen, on the 1 15th inst.. a brindle colored bull Dog, low set and bushy tail, white on one aide of the lace, with a stuall piece bit out of the lower lid of the milt eye, answers 'o the name of Bull. The above re ward will be paid on the delivery of :he doe, or thief, to the owners. YOUNG & CASSF.LL. Columbia, Oct. 23, 1e.17-ti RICH TENKERRI SIZAWLS. 1 UST-opened 50 of the most superb 'Perkerri j Shawls, direct from N. York, at various prices, at least 50 per cent lower than the same quality and styles has ever been sold in this city. AL the BEE 10 doors North of the Post Office N. Queen et. Lancaster, Oct. 23, 1847-15. "THE CRY IS STIL LITHE Y COME." T UST reeeired 60 pieces of those splendid French ep and English Plaids so much worn for Ladies Fall and Winter Dresses. At the Bee Hire, North Quccn street. CHAS. E. WENTZ. & BRO. Lancaster, Oct. 23, 1847--tf YIRENCII MIRINOS for Cloaks! The largest r and most splendid assortment ever offered in Lancaster, mid comprising every shade and color, now opening and for sale low at the New York Store. GRIEF„ HART Jt. GILBERT. Lancaster, Oct. 16, 1.847.—tf FRINGES ! CLOAK FRINGES ! ! 1712INGFS of every variety of width and color 1 . 7 , to match' French Merinos at the New York Store. ORIEL, HART & GILBERT. Lancaster, Oct. 16, 1747.—tf CLOTHS! CLOTHS! ! CLOTHS !! ? BLACK, Blue Black, Brown, Green and every other color, from the best French and Awl's]; manufactures, from $1.75 per yard upwards, from the Boston and New York Markets, now opening at the New York store. Oct. 16—tf ORIEL, lIART & GILBERT. CASSINI E RES, SATIN ETTS, &c. NOW opening a splendid assortment of plain black and fancy Cassimercs, comprising some new and beautiful styles, also, Satinets, super bangup cord, a very fashionable article, all of which we offer low at the New York Store. Oct. IG—tf GRIEL, BART & GILBERT. DRESS AND FANCY GOODS. IJPER wool Cashmeres, M. fie Laines, Ore. S gon Plaids, Cashmere Plaids, Satin, Striped, Royal, Purple and Blue Plaid Alpacas, Striped Plaid and Changable Silks, Cashmere, Crape and Silk Scarfs, Gloves, Ribbons, Lawns, &c ,&c.. now opening at the New York Store. Get.' 6—tf GRIEL, HART & GILBERT. " WINTER' S COMING." The cold winds of autumn sigh sad o'er the lea, And the Btorm•spirit frolics in horrible glee; On the breast of the flood the sere Corm-leaves float. And Nature's voice whispers Min, buy thee a Coat f" Whet, Snow) by my faith I seem turning to stone: Thu Coat's agouti thing, hut is useless alone, No longer in Summer's light livery dressed, I must have Winter Drawers, Pants. Sairt , and a Pert / And now. where to buy cheapest, and where to buy beet And where con I be moot becomingly dreosed: tt A y there W tlu rub"—let mrs fee: In the .Spv." ['Reviver looms up the talleat, go there and tay The wind thunders Go t'• and the storm-spirit prances And the eddying flood with tint forest-loaf glances, And Nature applauds—while in elegant dress, The bard blesses PRE:TSAI/IN. and PGETIMAN. ate Press. Columbia. Oct. 9th. 1847*—V T OOKING GLASSES of all sizes and at re- IA dueed prices. For sale at 0c.2 . 47 FRY & SPANGLER'S. Pink Saucers. Tn. Improved Carmine Saucers for dying silk stockings, gloves, feathers, flowers, gauzes, crapes, cambrics, muslin; &c. For sale at sept24'47-tf LEADER'S. FRENCH MERINOES FRENCH MERINOES ? 1 A REVERY. REMOVAL. onisT g. 11 .0135TOrit r ATTORNEY AT LAW, HAS REMOVED his LAW OPFICE to the Collector's Rouse, corner of Front and Gay streets, where he will attend prompt. ly to all business in the line of his profeasion. Columbia, April 14, 1847.—tf PMLIP GOSSVER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Columbia, Lancaster county. Penn'o, cp,raccr.ld York co s ,i practice, u rts of st Or-rms.—ln Walnut street, adjoining the Washington Hotel. Mar fi, 1647. DOCT. WM. S. 3PCOII.KLIi. PrlCE—Smith East corner ofLocust and 1,7 Second street. 13oardrn« llottic—With Mrs. Sivalr(Z,2 doors below his late residence. Colombia, April 7,18.17.-1 f MORE NEW Goons. CALF, and eve the splendid assortment of view Good.. jest received by 0Pt23'47-t1 J D. & J. wr. lcaT. A NOT/IFIR large supply of choice Dry Goods ti for Full and Winter. At the Bee Hive, North Queen street. CIIAS. E, WENTZ & BRO. Lancaster, 0ct...?:!, 1817—tr FOR sale a light two home wagon nearly new Apply to FRY & SPANGLER. Columbia, Oct. 16, 18.1.7—tf: ETHEREAL OIL, nt Young p CUS eels', N 0.50, Front Street Columbia. 0et..94f TEIRKIRIMA. suAwLs: - A Splendid assortment of Terkirra and other shawls. Just received at oetr.l7 FRY & SPANGLER'S. 31.4.NICIETS: 111.AINIKETS:: For salo vcry low. at FRY & SPANGLER'S, ocT 17 ' T un, LADIES are particularly invited to call early and examine those beautiful Iton. net Ribbons, all new, Fall Styles, now opening at the 13EE HIM North Queen et. Sept. 21—te 1 00 PIECES Alpaeltas and Lustre% at prima from 18 cents and upwards per yard, now opening at the BEE HIVE, North Queen at. Sept. 24—tf T'hOUBLE EXTRACT OF MUSK just received jr and for sale at LEA.DER'S. 5ept9.4'4741. - DANSON'S INDELIBLE INK for narking brim, silk and cotton without the preparation. For sale by IV. A. LEADER. WANTED --Two apprentices to learn the Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper business. Boys from the country preferred. Apply to Columbia, Sept. 11,1847. 11. PFAIILER,. y 00K/Na GLASSES of all kinds, just re ccived at YOUNG & cAssr.vs No. 50. seprll'47—tf A New supply of 'Parton and Monterey Plaids Lk for ladies' wear, lust received at septil'47—tf YOUNG & CASSEJ'S No. 50. rimlE newest and best styles of Gimps and 1 Fringes, just received at septl.l`47—if YOUNG & CASSEL'S No. 50. SILK warp, lustre Plaid and striped Alpacas just received at septlP47-.lf YOUNG & CASSEL'S No. 50. ORLEANS LUSTRE at YOUNG, 57, CASSEL'S No. 50 septll'47—tr T j AUNDRY Stare?' Polish, for preparing starch without the addition of any greasy substance, and for producing a btillia.ut pearly gloss on the, linen. Sold only by R. WILLI .4MS. an2l'47-tr. TouNsoN's Super. Essential Walnut Oil Mai tory Shaving Soap, superior to all others for shaving. 'Sold by R. WILMA NS. au21.47-if. WRIGHT'S Indian Vegetable Pill% or Indian Purgative. and Indian Vegeta ble Syrup warranted genuine For sale by auf2l' , l7-tr. R. WILLAMS. NTI-4CLIE MIXTURE A warranted cure fur fever and ague. For sale by R. WILLIAMS. N. B.—There is none genuine but thst sold by R. Williams. ou2 7-tf. A H. BULL'S Compountl Extract of Saran parilla fot sale by R. WILLIAMS. au]4'47 tf D AG CLASPS, Purse and Bag Twist, Steel heads, Purse and nag Rings and Tassel, Fur sale by IL WILLIAMS, au1447-tf TAOCTOR ROBBY'S Brazilian Hair Curling J Liquid. For sale by R. WILLIAMS. aul•l'47-tf TIOC rote TO WNDSEIV'S Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla never tails to eradicate en. tirely all the elfects..of mercury, infinitely sooner than any tither medicine, night sweats, nervous debility, nervous complaints of all kinds,neurali gia. organic affections, &c. Sold by aul4'47-tf R. WILLIAMS. GULPS AND PLUNGES. T)LACK SILK and Mohair Fringes and j) Gimps, for kale cheap at FRY & SPANGLER'S. Columbia, Aug 7, 1847.—tf 134EK IN TEAS of all kinds, to he had fresh, at YOUNG L CASSEL'S Store, No. 50. Columbia, an. 7, 1847—tf Nails and Spikes. 200 Kegs NAILS, SPIKES and BRA DS.— Just received and fur sale at reduced prices by RUMPLE & HESS. JONES' SOLUTION OF JET, an instanta neous liquid human hair Dye, for dyeing light, red, or grey hair permanently a brown or jet black color. Full and copious dime , lions enclosed. Sold at the sign of t he Amer. Man Eagle, No. 82 Catliam Street. New York. Price 50 cents, $1 or *1,50 per bottle. Sold by Aug. 7,1847—Gm It. WILLIAMS. Ava u n r , p s nt st C . Rp o S r S- s C al U e T lt S A rn N a V n S ia.. o c f tu ß ro c; prices by RUMPLESz fi a ESS. Columbia, April 7, 1847.—tf CIECAINS. TTERR'S Celebrated Lowden Ffth Custws 1, Traces, long and short, double and sin gle Link,l3reast,Carrying and Halter, Chains, all of which we otTer at manufactures prices. RUMPLE Sz HESS. Columbia, April 7, 1847.—tf PINE OIL. JVST received and for sale at the Hardwar Store of RUMPLE HESS Columbia, April 7, 1847.—tf STEED BEAD PURSES AND BAGS. ir - UST received a most splendid assortment of Head Parses and Bags not to bo surpassed by any. Also Steel Brads, Tassels, Rings, Tassels and Rings in setts, Clasps, and Twist of different shades. For sale by W. A. LEADER. n0v20•47-tf TOOTH AC 111 r: it cure celebrated Odontalgic Drops Will it cure the most inveterate tooth ache in one minute. Warranted not to injure the teeth in tho leut degree. Fur sale by IV. A. LEADER, LILY WIIITE AT, O prepared chalk. Inn 3one's Spanish Lily IN Mite, Glenn's Lily %%Woe, RowaruPs Ala baster Powder, Eancnd's Pearl Powder, Powder 13.411 s all of superior quality, together with Tuiltst Powder and Puffs. For sate by n0v:20'47-tf ri' 11E fottoiv lug lumber was returnett to M. I G. Marple, Esq., of East Duneg,nl town ship, by Christian /ditcher, viz: 8 liewen logs of various lengths, from '2O 1078 feet long, and' squared about 8 by 10 inches, without any par ticular mark observed . Nov. %di), 1817 COOIKING sTov us. GREAT IMPROVEMENT. PP. STEWART'S Patent riir.77eld and llotrlir Summer and Winter COOK !NC A: Wood or Cool. Sold only at No. SG, Baltimore Street, Baltimore, by the subscviber, hav ing the exclusive right to sell them in. the States of Maryland, Virginia, District of Columbia and all Pennsylvania west of the Subquelranna river. This celebrated Stove has now a character which no other hits ever attained, and has been often enough and long enough tried to warrant the dec laration that it is the hest Cooking Stove ill Ameri ca. and should any doubt it I am ready to test it with any other stove, either as a fuel saver, or com plete operator. It has never been surpassed, if ever equalled, and I have any amount of testimony sub stantiating the assertion. The first premiiiin was awarded to this stove at the fair of the American Institute, New York; the first premium by the Franklin Institute, Philadel phia ; first premium by the Mechanics' Institute, Roston; first premium by the Delaware State Ag ricultural Society, September 184 G. Its performance is warranted in every case. It is equally well adapted to wood or coal, and will do more work with less fuel than any other Stove ever offered to to public. In winter it will warm the largest kitchen, and when fixed for summer,, with the summer dress attached, it warms the room no more than a charcoal furnace, and for boiling, broil. ing, roasting, baking, &c., was never surpassed by any Stove, open fire or brick oven. This Stove was Patented in 1838,—is made of the best material and workmanship, by the Patentee in Troy, New York, thousands being sold annual ly in the eastern States, one house in Boston last year sold 1807 of them. Since their introduction in Baltimore, hundreds have been sold, and arc in successful operation, giving complete satisfaction in almost every instance. a number of certificates from gentlemen of high character and undoubted integrity, which I will take pleasure in showing to any who may call on me, and would refer to the following named persons amongst the many who, have them. in use in Baltimore; It. A. Dobbin, editor of the " Amer icon," Mr. Abell, editor of the "Sun," Mr. Barnes, editor of the "Patriot," Rev. Dr. Green, Rev. R. Piggot, Rev. Mr. Harrison, Rev. Mr. Munroe, Dr. Bear, Dr. McMannus, Dr. DiffendafFer ' Dr. Mon. monicr, with near five hundred others in Baltimore, Merchants, Mechanics, and Laboring men. Wo wish, however, this Stove to stand upon its own merits and not on what myself or the mul , itude say about it and invite a trial all, and should it fail to give satisfaction it may be returned any time in twenty days at the expense of The subscriber. For sale by Messrs. JAMES S. SAMUEL SMITH, WRIGHTSVILLE, my only Agents north of Baltimore. THOMAS G. HAPPERSETT. No. 86, Baltimore St., near Gay Oct:l6-3m Steam 'Engine tbr Sale; FACTORY TO RENT. AFIVE horse power Steam Engine with an 8 horse bailer in complete order for sale—at present put up in the brick Factory On Union street, above Second. Said building is far sale or to rent; it is 50 feet square, well lighted, has large doors fronting north and south, on Union street and on a 12 foot alley, is well adapted for a PLANING MACHINE, for which it was once used, or for a Foundry, or any business requiring large space and good light. The lot on which die building stands is large and would suit for the storing of lumber or bulky materials. 50 'Funs I',oe Grove Coal for sate. Oct. 2d—tf J. 11. MIFFLIN. DISSOLUTION. Tnrl3 partnership heretofore exislirig between the subscribers, trading. under the firm of J. W. Fisher & Co., has been dissolved by mutual consent. J. W. FISHER, S. GROVE. Columbia, September 1, 1917. THE undersigned has just received a fresh supply or goods suited to the season, embrae- CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, SAT IN ETTS and V FIST ING S of woollen and silk velvets, merinoes, cashmeres and every other style, which cannot he sur passed for beauty, durability, or cheapness, in this or any other ccuntry town. fie continues to carry on the Tailoring, Bus. iness, and will be thankful for a continuance of past favors. J. W. FISIIEII. October 2, 1847.-tf PTliENlrtmeroN , s comrourm FLU ID EX. TRACT OF S ARSAPARILLA, for the re. muval and permanent cure of all diseases arising front an impure state of the blood. Prepared only by W. A. LEADER. aept2.l'.l7-tf Soaps, Soaps, Soaps. i rxid) Drown Windsor, the True Fine Paled highly perfumed, English Castile Perfumed Variegated, Sand Balls. Crystalline Tailor's, and a superior assortment of Shaving Soaps. For sale by eept24'47•tf W. A. LEADER. LINENS.-100 pieces just received di. rcct from Boston, they arc a great bargain, and well worthy the examination of every housekeeper. Tickings, Flannels, Crash and Table Diaper, for sale at remarkably low prices at the SepL 24--tf BEE HIVE, North gait:stash TO THOSE TIIAT ARE FOND OF SPORT. TnUE undersigned have just received the best and most complete assortment of glish and German stub and twist and pat ent breech 'DOUBLE BARRELED GUNS, which have ever been offered in this market at such prices that will suit all. Also,simt Barreled Revolving and self-cocking 7 4 ISTCYLS. Call and examine for yourselves, at. the cheap hardware Store of RUMPLE Et HESS. Columbia, Aug. 21.1847. noviNP47-tf W. A. LEADER 311. G. NI Alt PLR
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers