EMI .TII-E SPY COLUMBIAN SAtURDAY MOWN UEIMEEI V. ii. PALVER, North West corner of Third and Chestnut streets, Philadelphia, i rribtme Buildings, (opposite City Hallo Y. York. South East corner of Baltimore and Calvert streets, Baltimorcy and N 0.12 State strOtt b Boston. JACOB M. WESTBAKFITI4 DLIICIBia city. • Wicuax A. Pizatt% Travelling Agent. Divist SEnvter.—The net. N. A. Keyes, for totem years'a missionary to Persia, will preach iu the Ger. Ref. Church of this place, on to morrow afternoon at half-past two o'clock. =l= Tas-renn. AND Testrvtse.—Friend Slack, in Shreiner's Walnut Front, has become the special agent of Santa Claus, for the coming holidays. Ilis Kock must please everybody—and his children. =XII2 Sitterinch—The boys were merrily employed in improving the skim of ice, which formed on Mon day night for tine first Lime this season. Slippery pavements we have had before. fiances lioaoscore.—Those interested in As trology can get a world of information, such as it is. from the December number of this publication.— Groat times among the great men arc prognostica ted by the stars. They ought to know. = larrxtes Liviso AG; from which we copy the article on our first page, is a most excellent cam_ pilatiou of the choice morsels of literature from every possible source. The "Conquest of Peru," although rather long, will well repay a perusal. Ewnstit's livtinstmics Alm Ittcemoncs.—The second number of this highly interesting and use ful work has been received. This work ranks with the catalogue of "books which arc books." Grccly & 211'Elrath,New York. =I A Goon TELEcinsrit Jose.—A good telegraph joke—good because it is true, the Rochester Adm.- tiser says—occurred in that city a day or two ago . A "professional" gentleman had telegraphed to 13uf1'alo to procure the services of a lady star for a brief season, at the National, and received the an. swer through the same highway of thought.— Opening the communication handed him by the boy, he thought lie spied the game of some wag in the matter, and he exclaimed," You can't fool me; this ain't her writing. I've seen it a thousand times, and this ain't nu more like hers than mine is!"— And with a quiet wink at his shrewdness, he pro ceeded to give directions about the stage. The manager had not probably heard that "the news is transmitted in a fluid state;" and was as ignorant of the modus operandi, as a patron of the telegraph here, who offered a communication com. rucncing, "I now tako my pen in hand, &c." and closing with "My pen Is poor, my ink is pale. And toy love to you shall newts . fail." THE Floon.—The heavy rains of last week caused a severe freshet in the Juniata, covering the turnpike in many places and interrupting the travel for some days. The Juniata mails failed to arrive in time for a few clays, in consequence of the turn. pike bridges being swept away. It was feared that great damage would again be done to the Juniata canals, but as the water subsides it is found the injury is not so great as was at first anticipated.— Dem. Union. Extensive floods have also occurred in the Ka nawlia, James, and Allegheny rivers. Mr. John Means, editor of thc " Wayne County Democrat," at Wooster, Ohio has spliced himself at last to Miss Kate Korn. We have beard of intoxication in lore, hitt brother Moans has got fairly horned. Mrs. Kate bemoans herself by such an alliance. Statement of the Debt of the United Slates on the lot of November, 1847. Of the principal and interest ut the old funded end unfunded debt, 8122,288 53 Treasury notes issued during the war of 1812, Certificates of Mississippi stock. Debt of the corporate cities of the District of Columbia, J,n80,000 00 Loan of 1842 at 6 per cent, 8,3.13,886 03 Loan of 1843 at 5 per cent , 6,604,231 35 Treasury notes issued -•nor to 4th of March, 1845, outstanding, Outstanding treasury notes issued un der act of 22d July, 1846, Outstanding treasury notes issued un der act of 28th January, 1847, 13,887,700 00 Loan of 1846 at 0 per cent., 4,989,149 43 Loan of 1647 at 6 per cent, 8,384,250 00 Loan of 1846 at 5 per cent., in pay. ment of the 4th and sth instalments of the Mexican indemnity, Military bounty land scrip, 915.122,423 93 DANIEL. GRAHAM, Register. Treasury Department, Register's Office, Nev. 19, 18.17. This shows an increase of 927,333,642 31. The 'Washington Union expects the increased duties under the new tariff, and (time derivable from the Mexican tariff, to diminish this sum materially. SYMPATIIY FOR ITALY.—Tho meeting in N. York of the friends of Italian freedom and progress was very numerously attended, and was addressed by several distinguished citizens, whose appeals were responded to with the greatest enthusiasm. The New York papers arc filled with its proceedings, from a perusal of which we judge that it must have been a most gratifying manifestation of public sen timent. After.* the organization of the meeting, the Presi dent, William V. Brady, Esq., Mayor, laid before it several letters from public and distinguished gen tlemen, in reply to the invitations of the committee addressed to them, to take part in this meeting.— The letters were then read by Mr. Devereuz, one of the Secretaries, and were from Hon. M. Van Baron, Hon. James Buchanan, Hon. G. M. Dallas, Hon. Reveredy Johson, %V. 11. Seward, T. H. lien. ton, Hon. Albert Gallatin, Senator Dix, Senator Dickinson, Hon. Edward Everett. Mr. Greeley was then.introduced, and read the Address to Pope Pius which had been prepared for the occasion, and the meeting was subsequently addressed by Ben jamin F. Butler, Theodore Sedgewiek, J. S. Bor. worth, Dudley Selden, Samuel J. Tilden, Robert Kelley, Dudly Field, Professor Foresti, and others. —N. American. • CLIPPINGS & COMMENTS. Daniel Webster (says the 'Boston correspondent of the New York Tribune, writing on Saturday) arrived at the Tremont House that morning from Marshfield. His health is much improved, though he still looks pale from his bilious attack. We are gratified to know that his health is im proved, but we can not for our life imagine the great thinking machine "looking paler' G, Dec. 4, 1547 A BUSINESS TRANSACTION.-011 Saturday last a person unknown presented at the counter of the Exchange Bank in Albany a check for 91,805 97, which was paid. It was drawn in the name of Tweedlc & Darlington. DONATIONS TO IRELAND.—It appears from a statement in the American Almanac, that the amount of donations sent from this country to the relief of the destitute in Ireland, considerably exceeds a million of dollars. Includin,g all the donations, in kind and money, private and for the year, the total value cannot fbll short of a 1 million and a hulf of dollars. DID THEY ADMINISTER Visr.c tit ?—Mr. House, a shoemaker residing near Mount Olympus, in Troy city, died of hydrophobia last week. He was bitten by his dog some three weeks previous. He died in frightful agonies. S.4STA FE LETTsas.—Seventeen hundred letters were received, on the 18th, at our post office from Santa Fe. This looks as if New Mexico were one of our provinces, indeed.—St. Louis Republican. Snow fell to the depth of three inches in Buf falo on Friday of List week. HOPE INTER/3) 3IAKETII THE HEART SICK.—Mr. Levi Strange died soddenly last week in Cinoin. nati, in a lit of excitement, occasioned by going home and not finding his dinner ready. ANOTHER CANAL.—TIic Apalachicola Adverti ser contains a communication setting forth the feasibility of uniting the waters of the Gulf with those of tho Atlantic. POF.TTY COM-Y.—The proposal improvement of the Osage river, it is said, can be accomplished fur 825,000.—Spirit of the Times. We should say, pretty cheap. If it does not costthat aunt to legislate fur it, the people will be fortunate. WHAT Is IT 7—An exchange calls the press 'the artillery of thought,' Jut i so—the 'l ed artillery: The Mercury on the other hand, thinks it the Idark art-illery. Perhaps it is both.—Du Salle. OXE AY' SIAM' is advertised in Cincinnati, by her husband, as having gone to parts unknown, without the consent of her liege lord. What else could be expected of a woman with such a name? —Du Suite. A FELLow stole a coal grate the other day in Louisville. lie %I:a , ' determined to be a great vas. cal, little ones being vulgar and abundant.—Du Salle. lIAVE Annn • Eo.—Copt. Rowley's company of Pennsylvania volunteers had arrived_ at N. Or. Icons from Pittsburg. SCIENTIFIC EXPEDITITION TO TIIE DEAD SEL-A party of Naval Officers under the command of Lieut. W. F. Lynch, will shortly sail from this port, in the United States ship Supply, to the Mediterra nean, for the purpose of making an exploration of the Dead Sea. One great object of the investiga tion will be to ascertain whether this sca and its shores are of volcanic or non-volcanic origin. The elucidation of this subject is a desideratum to science. Costigan, the only man who has under. taken to circumnavigate this sea, perished in the attempt. British officers have tried but also failed. —Sci. Am. IS 11.1.00 N 111mAon.—Mr. Gate, the reronaut, wit nessed a phenomenon during ono of his aerial coy. ages, which is said to be unprecedented in the an nals of balloons. Having become becalmed and perfectly stationary, for a full quarter of an hour he was preps ring to descend, when suddenly he be held a perfect " cotiotvrleit presentment" of the machine depicted on the clouds to the southward. This appearance continued fir about four minutes, when the balloon descended to a lower region, and the image gradually faded away. 4,317 4-1 1,320 On 239,f29 30 TIIF: Moos Ssccxes.—French novel writers, even the ablest, frequently choose very singular titles to their works, apparently because they think such eccentricity is necessary to secure them attention, At this moment works arc in course of publication called "The Club of the Damned," " The Blue faced Knight," "The Bloody Shoestrings," " My Father's Shirt," and "The Nose." Modern French poets, too, have the funniest ideas and expressions imaginable. Within the last few days I have met with the following titbits in poems which have the pretension to be serious:—"A sound as when the moon sneezes," "It looked like a ray of honey!" "The agitated steel," for the ringing of a bell; " Heaven coughed," for it thundered ; "Great man ! though art not a simple ceiling—thou art the sky !" "heaven—God's blue carpet !" "Those tender ' fowls with heavenly wings—Angels !" 1,079,900 00 361,516 7.1 71,625 00 KEnruso ToKm nA.Nos IN.—Wc copy the follow. from the Puebla Flag of Freedom of the 20th ult.— Michael Leonard, a Teamster belonging to the train which arrived here on the 12th inst., was hung yesterday morning in the Main Plaza, in pursuance of his sentence, for the murder of an other Teamster, named William Hampton. The murder occurred on the road the day after the bat tle of Huamantla. Leonard bad previously quer relcd with a wagon-master named Boulct, and in tended to kill him alone. Roulet, however, escaped with the loss of an arm, while the same shot. killed Hampton. An immense crowd assembled to wit ness the execution. Leonard expressed no regret at dying, and said that his sentence was a just one, but that if he had the thing to do over again, he would avenge himself on Boulct. ANoTurrt. Mt:Rom—Juan Mose, one of the most active of the Spy company, and well known to our readers as the little Frenchman," was shot dead on Monday night, by a soldier or follower of the army. The murderer was intoxicated at the time, and perpetrated the crime without provocation, and apparently without motive. From the Saturday Cleaner REMINISCEi4CES or INDIA.—On the first establish, ment of a judicial department in a colony that has been accustomed summarily to regulate its own disputes, the colonists themselves arc generally averse to the introduction of laws curtailing their natural liberty. The island of Pule Penang in the Straits:of Malacca, had, for a considerable time after its establishment, been governed by a species of lynch law, administered, as it was termed, by a Penang lawyer, alias, a thick bamboo cane, which grows in that island; and so many knock-me down arguments had occurred, that it was neces sary for the preservation of the brains of those re. sidents who had any, to institute a secure, perfect, and justifiable mode of settling disputes. A regn. lar judicial court, with a recorder as judge, accord ingly superseded the authority of the Penang law yer; but from the conflicting elements of which it was composed, many ludicrous scenes occurred, of which the following is a specimen. A young midshipman, a native of that ;island which is fumed for the Inca the same instrument, only under the more euphonious name of "shine. lagb," preferring the original mode of decision, had been exercising his talents with such success, that the native police, after suffering much from the toffectiondtet mode in which they had been knocked down, secured the gent in the chokedar until the next day, when he was brought into court under charge of a Sepoy or native soldier, and arra igned before the awful tribunal. The Sepoy kept close to him,standing as stiff as if at drilll—not yet perfectly satisfied of the pacific intentions of his prisoner. Now it unfortunately happened that the judge himseil was from the same country, and having the prescriptive right of reversing the order of in. terrogation, instead of asking " what induced you to commit this assault 9" put the question thus, ,‘ Mr. 1)., how did you do this 9" with the quickness of thought, he answered," I'll show you, my lord," and, suiting the action to the word, chucked the starch Scpuy under the chin, at the same time, tripping up his heels, so that he made a most un expected somerset, alighting upon his head, with a ringing sound; "'c'hat's the ,:.ay I did it, my lord." The whole court was convulsed with laughter, affecting es en the gravity of the bench, and it broke up its the must admired disorder ; the merriment being not a little increased by the en. ragcd look of Sepoy, who could by no means com prehend why he had been made to reverse tho order of nature, and stand upon his head instead of his heels. I'. • Comes nut —l - 11,•18 friend— And Ihr lore knneka him down.' NATUR tr. lLe roil Y.—A paper was lately read before the British Association of Geologists by E. Vevian, which gave an account of sonic recent re. searches on Kent's Cavern by the Torquay Nat. oral History Society in which it would appear that our forefathers were at one period unacquainted o ith the use of iron. In one place was found a layer ofdark mould, con . taining burnt wood or charcoal, with recent shells and bones, resting on the floor of staglamite, and below this, a solid bed of red marl, full of broken bones, and teeth of extinct animals. In another place, below a floor of staglamite, which was care fully swept and seemed never to have been disturb. cd, they found the same red loam, with many bones much decayed, and a flint knife. In another place where the staglamitc was about one foot thick, the same loam contained a bed of Ihssil teeth, principally of hyena, many fossil bodies, and among them another perfect flint knife. The author thought the cave was first inhabited by bears, hyenas, and other carnivorous animals, by whom many of the bones were carried into the cave; that those, by means of a flood, were mixed with the red loam, and that men sub,ermently inhabited the cave, leaving the flint knives now found. Then came a third period in which the staglamite was deposited; and last of all, that period in which the British contains found above the staglamite were deposited in the cave. Tut: PATH lOT'S Don Ix Bairns.—A letter from Capt. Merrill, of the army in Mexico, gives the fol lowing witching incidents : Among the brave and good that have this day fallen was my friend Buroen,nr the .sth Infantry. Ile fell early in the action front a wound ir; the leg. On the slight repuloc of our troops be was it,hu manly murdered by the enemy's lancers- His faithful dog—a beautiful pointer, had accompanied him there; he was also wounded. During the ac tion he became separated from his master. After it had sub4ded, the noble form of Burwell, manly as in life, was discovered, and beside him, and licking his face and wounds was his poor dog, who regard less of his own pain, had sought his generous mas ter in the hour of danger, there, upon the same field, to die. This affectionate scene touched the hearts of many. Again, after the fury of the battle was over, I saw a camp-woman, of the infantry, who came upon the field to look for her husband. Almost frantic with despair she ran from one to another to enquire after him, but getting no information she immediately went to search for him among the slain. Passing from body to body, she at length found Trim—dead. Kneeling over his corpse she endeavored to raise it, but finding life extinct, slie gave utterance to shrieks and lamentations, truly touching to hear. ller all had fallen. She con. tinned to remain on the field, (under fire of the enemy) until his lifeless body was carried off, which she followed in the deepest grief. Such is affec tionate woman ! ELECTRICI TY UNlVERSAL—Electricity is difilistil through the entire mass of this globe and of the atmosphere which surrounds it, and it may be re garded as one of the must active elements iu all the works of creation. In every chemical change with which we are acquainted—in the various pro cesses of organic life—in the mechanical move mcnts of particles of matter—in any alteration of state, under the influences of heat or solar radiation, it is by mere contact with solid bodies that electri city is developed. We learn to know it as some. thing fearful from the irrcsistable power of the lightning and the thunder from its terrible explu. Bien. We marvel at its influence in directing the needle of the mariner, and we arc astonished at the rapidity of its thigh!.—Sci. Am. SANT' , ANNA TRIED FOR STEALING.-A letter rom Mexico, dated the 9.01.11 of October, and pub. Fished in the Tampico Sentinel, states that Santa Anna has taken up his residence at Tebuacan, whence he intends to defend himself against the charges brought against him. It is not only alleged against. him that he aban dondend the city on the night of the 13th of Sop. tember lest, with his army, in a most cowardly manner, leaving the city without protection; but that previous to his leaving, ho robbed the treasury department of all bonds and every other species of available means. And to cast off all suspicion from himself, he then ordered that the prison of the Accordada he opened, and its eonvicts let loose upon the community. The hall of the house or Repre sentatives was entered by them, its chandeliers broken in a thousand pieces, the rich tapestry torn from the windows and strewed about the fluor, and the residue of the splendid ball mutilated, if not entirely destroyed. === THE CANAL is closed at Buffalo, and we have reports that it is also closed at other points. The weather the whole of yesterday was very cold, the thermometer raging at a very low point, the mid day sun having scarcely any effect on the snow which fell on Sunday night. At this place the canal is still open, and boats are arriving rapidly. The quantity of produce arriving is very great : and is probable that in three or four days, should the canal remain open until that time, it will be pretty well cleared of boats. But six boats cleared westwardly yesterday. An avalanche of produce poured into the basin at this city, from the Eric Canal, between 9 A. M. on Saturday and the sumo hour on Monday. Amongst the quality were 47,000 bbla. of flour, 52,000 bushels of wheat, 20,000 bushels of barley, 20,000 bushels of oats, 360,000 pounds of cheese, and 160,000 pounds of butter. We shall not starve yet, —Albally Argus of Tuesday. Pi's number of "hunters" from Day. ton have been in the woods this full. Their success generally has been very encouraging. lint the finest "sport" seems to have fallen in the way of Jim Davis. Ilc "bagged" five deer, and a bear weighing 426 pounds 1 The bear was shut in Paulding county about three quarters of a mile from the camp of the party, with which Davis went out. When first seen, the bear was standing upon his hind legs nearly erect—pawing at some ! thing on a tree. Ire soon came down upon "all fours," when Davis fired; the ball struck the ani mal in the ham and ranged through to the neck . This was emphatically "a fire in the rear !" The bear started oft with a terrible howl, followed by Davis, and was killed by a ball in the brain, the third shot. Davis shipped his prize et the junction, and it arrived here on Saturday in good condition. When erect the "varmint" was 81 feet high. 110 must have been an old settler.—Dnyton J(1111 not. Frntn the C:inclunat Inrnittg Sizn.ll LABOITISG CLASSES OF ENGLAND AND TRELINEL-1t must he a sad picture to look upon the laboring classes of England and Ireland—that empire of aplen dor and wretchedness. The recent arrivals, repeat in doleful and afflicting acecnts,the accounts of their increasing want and woe and misery, and as the winter advances, their condition must ine vitably grow worse. There seems no relief for the destitute—no hope but death for the suffering. A late number of the Westminster Review has a long article that speaks in tones that should, and must eventually, be listened to. The upper, and even the middling classes, says the writer, have been so long habituated to a knowledge of the ex istence of misery and want and privation, that they ask with indolent or vapid indifference, when pressed upon to consider the whole question, "what is there new that we have not heard of? Is there anything pea ticular to which you refer." Tell them that an agricultural laborer, who toils twelve and often fourteen hours per day, in cold, rain, frost, sun, fog—alternately frozen, blanched and drenched, earns for the week's labor, for the support of himself, his wife and four or five chil dren, none of them able to leave the hut in which they reside, without the mother accompanying them, the wretched pittance of twelve shillings—and they will answer. 0, that has been the price for e long filar." The writer replies : No it is not all, for these men shall hear how these twelve shillings are expended; and when they look on their tables, groaning with luxuries, land FCC their own eyes stand out with Carless, let the bill of fare of the insufficiently paid laborer, stare them it. 1 1 :.?. face: EE ES Cheese, 0 7 Fuel, 0 14 Potatoes, 0 10 Sas p, 0 5 Bacon, 0 8 Candles, 0 4 And this in the palmy days of what England calls plenty. No butter—no milk—no meat— no red herring—no clothing—no medicine—no shoes or boots—no provision put by for the times when the husband is unable to work, from sickness or accident; and yet the twelve shillings are gone: And in what ? In sufficient food for the body!— But nuw even this resource is gone among the million who pre too wcuk, from want and starva. Lion, to labor. A sets-Nee ro REVlVE.—Pythagoras invented a means by which everything that. he wrote upon a mirror with bean.juicc became legible in the moon. Cerl. Rhodigin, xi. 13. When Charles V. and Francis T. were waging war with each other to obtain possession of Milan, every thing that hap. pened in the day of Milan could, by means of such a. mirror, easily be read on the moon at nights in Paris. Agrippa De.Oecul. Philna. ii. 6. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE.—Wc have been frequent. ly annoyed by a soapvender in Philadelphia named Hanel, who meanly copies our advertisements and applies the same to his own use. Now what prin ciple can a man possess who will condescend to make use ("numb means artifices to insure his success, and make his articles sell. A man's composition of or his stereotype matter, is as much his property as his stock in business, or goods, wares and chat tels; if, then, another man meanly adopts such composition, or property for own use, what better is he than a rogue who will make illegal use of your goods'? In &little hand bill of ours which we wrap around our Chinse Medicated Soap, we have at the head of the bills a small paragraph which reads thus : "In an evil hoer the eepent entered Paradise, and beauty lost ita charm, but the All• Wise gave man power over all animal and vegetable matter, and the mysterious secret of restoring unto woman her former pure, clear and beautiful complexion is combined in Radway's Chinese, Medicated Soap." On looking over the Philadelphia Ledger on Mon • day, the 18th ult., we were surprised to sec our matter made use of for dressing up another man's article, and that man our competitor in business, and for the public's approbation of our respective articles. We offer to the public. Railway's Chinese Medicated Soap as a sure exterminator of all ex. cresences of the cuticle and a certain cure for all eruptions of the skin. As a Toilet Soap we can didly believe it to be the most superior Soap extant. As a Medicated Soap we sincerely believe it to possess qualities which no other Soap possesses. For the cure of Salt Rheum, Ring Worm, Erysi pelas, Chapped, Cracked, and repulsive skin, we know it is certain in its effects, and is superior to all others ever invented. Lastly, we never conde scend to make use of other men's composition to make our articles sell. We furthermore warn this man, Jules Ilauel, not to infringe on our rights or make use in any manner whatever of our stereo type composition. With these few remarks, we leave the public to judge the meritis of our Chinese Medicated Soap, and the merits of an article cloth. ed in false colors to make it sell. . - - Suld for 121 small, and 25 cents fm large cakes, by Zaino &Jackson, George A. Miller, and John F. Long, Lincaster; L'ell & Son, Harrisburg ; Morris & Co. York ; R. Williams, Columbia. J. & R. G. RABWAY, N 0.2 Couraand street, N. Y. VALUABLF: VEGETAITLE REMICLIV.—Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, is mild and I pleasant to the taste, perfectly safe and harmless in its operation, and yet it is one of the most powerful and certain remedies for Consumption attic Lungs, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Spitting Blood, Liver Com plaint, Pains in the Side or Breast, and .general llehility of the Constitution, that was over invent ed by the skill of man for the relief of the afflicted public. Certificates and evidences of ita wonder. ful curative powers arc daily received from all quartors. It is impossible to conceive the aggre gate of suffering and misery that has been relieved or banished by it; nor can we calculate the im mense benefit that shall accrue front it hereafter.— All ages, sexes, and constitutions arc alike affected by it, and the disease is eradicated from time system, the constitution repaired, and health restored by the 1.19 C of Dr. Swoyne's Compound Syrup of ll'ild Cherry. now litany suarers do we daily be hold approaching to an untimely grave, wrested, in the bloom of youth, from their relatives and friends, afflicted with that fatal malady, CONSUMFFION, which wastes the miserable sufferer until he is be yond the power of human skill. If such suffiners would only. make trial of Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, they would find themselves summer relieved than by gulping the various inef fective remedies with which our newspapers abound; the " Vegetable Remedy" heals the ulcer. ated lungs, stopping profuse night sweats, at the same time inducing a natural and healthy expecto ration, and the patient will soon find himself in the enjoyment of comfortable health. The public should bear in mind that Dr. Swayne is a regular practis ing; physician, who has had years of experience in diseases of the Lungs, Chest, &c. The (original and only) genuine article is only prepared by DR. SWAYNE, N. W. corner of Eighth and Race street, Philadelphia. Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry is put up in square bottles, enveloped with a hand some steel engraving, bearing the signature of DR. 11. SWAYNC, mid is sold by agents in all the principal towns throughout the United States, Sold by Wm. A. Leader, Columbia, and Dr. A. 11. liarnitz, York. 11013'47.1m. All the fdinw•ing which have obtained fit:- bounded p.•pnlarny, are sold by W. A. Leader, the only agent for the get:nine. articles in Colombia, and by .1:1111Vs Sonth. Lancamter. and Joins J Lihha rt. Nlarietta. —Boy only of the above persona as all others are, counterfeit:— Ar, Ilixtquitt.t.en Ittimtinv, And an -Minn.,. for ISIS Gratis --Igt—Fur Colds and revert+ feelingii, and tire rentinr Fevers .id—For Asthma liver romp! and Mining alrectiong. 3rd—Fur Martini:l, Indigestion and If Appetite. 401—For Costivene, to 1.11111011 UM/ 1111111.18. 5111 — F 11 , gitioniaeliafreet Dyspepsia and I' des 'floe (7reat Points are, it Is not ball to take, never gives pain and Wirer /ran, net entire! For all ilitegs tt is narrnnte.l unequalled, and all do not 111111 it so may TeL the bottle and get tittle money. This medicine, ia1.0.1, - (71.1..73 - S (71:F:Ar 117:.STER-V IX/11.1X I'.:lX-1 fa:27. Fuller description in an Alma nac for IS Atha et - Columbia Hair Touir—Tn the Bahl and flrey— Ifyiin wish a rich luxuriant lurid of h itr, free from dan druff:old scarf, .10 not fait lei promise the gentian; halm of in cases of Inkiness it will more than ex ceed your expectations. Many who have lost their hair for twenty years have had it restored to its original per fection by the use of this halm. Age, stale or condition appears to be nn obstacle whatever—it also C:LIIsIS , I the lotil to flow u ith which the delicate hair tube r. tilled, by which Mean.. thousands (whose ban WWI as grey us 'by Asia: is eagle) had had their litur 'o.th:rid to us natural color by 11101141; of this iiivithuttile remedy. In aft roses Or revel' it nal be found the most pleasant la :roll that can br• used. A few application. ..lily are necessary to keep the half 00111 6dlurg out. it Strengthens tile roots nail lieVl•r frills to impart a rich glassy apnea tame, a tid as a iierfinne for the toilet it is nuennalled—it holds three tunes. 0s much as other 1111 , C:111.1 hair restorative. nod s. MO, Plied! unit.' The grunion manuring tired 0114 Ii; Coin stock & 110., It, Couriland sire. t, New York. Conners .Ifatrica/ Erteartor—lt rn rinse conceded by meth, al men tli.it Camel's .1117irelt Porn Erfrat , or, iounurKbired by Comreock oi• Ca , 21, Courtion t l Port., is the greatest wonder of the 111111 Lolllllfy. Its effects are truly :miraculous. All pains ard rrmnved from burns. scales, 4...and:i1l external sores Ina few minutes rifler as applientlini, healing the aunt oil the most deli cate skill, leaving no scar. It is equally beneficial rn nil kinds of intiainnialory disease.. sin h as sore Nipples and Eyes, Sprains, nod Ulcers, Brakes, Chilblains Ilrysiputa..,llite..TlCX DillOre3ll, &C. e might add as proof to :ill we say the names of many eminent physicians who use it 111 their practice. nod IMO 11if,(1.4 of Slit clergy who psalm. It to their people. Hind parent keep it constantly on hand. in cases of accident ”my he loot Wllll,llll It, hilt by its use all burns are siiltject 10 its control, Holess the vital: are destroyed. Caution—Rententher and risk for Conairs -Ifoslcia Pato /:rtractor. mannlactureil by Golost,n4 Yuil. and lake 110 other. Flour, 5 0 Praperas Cared—Dr. .11"-Vair's Srrnustic ilvaffrote old age and from infancy often receive their betting m a Inept intr.:cub - am manner by the nom of tine ell. 11 ban tbe cibert to restore the tens lot. and bring into the triiiirol action tif the parts so nits Direst/we the hearing when Inst or unpaired. Thii will be done in all sae, of recent denim...it, and many of long standing- All deaf person, should use this oil. than:dock 4- CO. 21 evert lard rt. are the Wlinle.alers. Prsee $1 per Ilask. Pelt v, soreg Genuine Hay's Llnt.nrnt Is an ar ticle more Justly cchthruted ris a cure for tine above, than any or all nt hers. Its elites are alnmst innumerable, and it is only necessary to let those who know the article and n-ell it with such great success that it is to he hod trite and genuine of Ceioßteri. Co.ll Courfland strict, Agra York • sole proprietrira. Dr. Sphen SnoL Ifenclarhe Rryttrily—Whytv ill you stiffer with rho. distressing complaint when a remedy is mimed that will not fail to cure you t 'rho ti nielly n ill effect ually elevtroy any attack of headache, rittmr nervous or lotions. it has mired cases of twenty years' standing. Motltter Erlef—lndian Dircorrry—All expecting to be come mothers and anxious to avoid the Tains, Distress and 'Lingers of child-heating, art: enthently entreated to calm their fears. alloy their nervonstiess and soothe their way by the imenfthis most extraordinary vegetable pro duction. Those who Will Candidly oliperVe ITS Vi cities, must approve of it In their hearts—every kind and affec tionate husbind will feel it his most solemn duty to alle viate the distress lilt Wirt, is exposed to, by a safe and I cern is Meths& .hich is the use of this mother's relief. Further particulars in pamphlets intended for the female eye. are to be had trolls where this humane cordial is to lie 10111141. The 31other's Relief is prepared neli , by the now sole propri.terz. Comstock S Co. 21 Court and at. New Tort,. For Worino—KohnotorVo Vormifiere will eradicate and cure children and athilre who have worms. Caution— Ilewnre of all tinli,s the now. is spelled Kollortork, the old Mitch name of the inventor. Price 25 cents tier bot tle. .n — lt cannot Injure the child should there be no %venter, hut It will do it good. To the Halt and Lem,. Comstock•s Nerve and Pone Liniment and Indian Vegetable Elixir is the must effect ual Cure for Rhetittinttinn, contracted cords or MlliCips, and Is warranted to cure any case of Itheutnatisto or Cont. Erpeciorartt Spmir—flare Faun Cosirk—Do not neglect it—thousands have met a prema tore death for the want ofattont mil to a common Cold. Have you a cough I Rev, Dr. It irtheloinew's E:rpectorast Syrrp, a safe medical prescription, containing no poisonous drug., and used in an extensive practice for several years, will most posi t ivt ly give relief. and save you from that most awful disease. Pulmonary Consumption, which usually sweeps Into the grave hundreds of the young, the old, the lovely and the gay. All the above article, are sold by W. A. Leader. the only agent for the gennine article, in Columbia, and by James Smith. Laneatiler, and John J. Litiltart, Mertens. Cataron.—lluy only of the above persona a; all others are eonnterfelt• tiovf.'47-Cm Comos,Couons AMD CoNevstrrlos.—Wright's Indio. Vegetable Pills area most delightful medicine for carry ing off a cold, because they expel from the system all morbid and corrupt humors (the cause of every kind n( disease) In en easy and natural a manner that the body Is relieved of all its eufferinge as if by magic. Four or five of said Indian Vegetable Pills, taken every night on going to bed, will in a short time remove the most ob stinate cold: -at the same time the digestive organs will be restored to a healthy tone, and the blood so complete ly purified, that infhiumatinn of the longs, consumption, or any other fain of disease will be absolutely Impassi ble. Beware of Counterfeits! The only original and tenn i ine Indian Vegetable Pills trine the signature of %Villtain Wright written will a pen on the top label of each box- None other is gcnntne, and to cativo:frit this is PoracrY • I:4' foe genuine fur sale by FRY & SPANGLE!". who are the only authorized Agents Mr Columbia. Also, by by age me ad seat Hied in another column, Principal Office. 169 Race Street, Philadelphia. - - DIED At his residence. is West liemptleid township, on tVednesday, the 17th of November, Juux PEN ig Even, aged 61 years 1 day. WANTED. rrO RENT, a comfortable two story dwelling j_ House, in a pleasant part attic to•vn. Enquire at the Spy °aim THE GREAT CENTRAL CHEAP HAT AND CAP STORE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, - VO. 251 Market Street. Ninth door above Eiglith St. 1 , 1 South side. Philadelphia. comprises one of the largmt and most beautiful assortments of HITS, CA & idUrFal it: the Union, and of tire latest and must apt •iiil stiles, manufactured under the immediate sopernilentlarice of the Suliser 'her. in the best manner, of ;mime materials, and win be sold at the lowest possible prices for cash. The assortment embraces a splendid variety of SILK, Mot.bskiv, Ilnavert,Llnusti. RUSSIA, NUTRIA nod nth., lINTs, of beautiful tiniph, and a complete Stock of alt kinds of C 4.01 11, GLAZED. FUR and 1.1.1b411 G. of the roost desirable patterns, together with a supply of Wig's, Furs. Bunk) Robes, &c. Country Merchants and others are respectfully in vited to examine the Stock, which they wilt Unit it to their advantage to do before purchasing, 119 It is 1114 determination, having adopted the cash aystean, to sell tor Cast only, and at the the lowest JOHN I , AIII4IRA , 251 Market St., above tali st., south bide. Philadelphia, Dee. 4, 1517.—Gut VALUAIILE LOT FOR SALE. r - IN the evening of' Saturday the 11th of De -1 =ober, 1817, at the I Intel of CoL Herr, there wall be offered at public sale, a Lot of Ground on Union street, between properties of Patrick Murphy and Bridget M"Pague, extending back from Union to a fourteen met alley, one hundred and eighty feet, and fronting on Union street twenty-five feet more or less. Sale to commence at 7 o'clock, P. M. SAMUEF. SIIOCII, SAMUEL. EV:\NS. Columbia, Dec. d,l S 17.—ts VALUABLE REAL ESTATE rpriE subscriber olTers at private sale, rya I valuable LOT with two DWELLING ". HOUSES thereon erected, situate en Locust Ntrect , near Second st., in the most healthy situation in the Borough of Columbia. One house has been OCCU. pied as a Millinery Store for a number of years, and will be an inducement to a Milliner as it is fixed for that business. The houses will be sold separately or together as will suit purchasers. The subscriber has a large assortment of fashionable Bonnets, Itibands, Feathers, Flowers,.and all arti cles in the line of Millinery which will be sold low for east. ROSANNA M'FAUL. Columbia, Dcc. 4, 1847.-4( ORA I WS SPINO-ABDOMINAL SUPPORTER., 71IIIS instrument, as its nano suggest", is de signed as a remedy fur various 'complaints, dependent on a weakened and relaxed state of the Spinal and Abdominal muscles. Mrs. 11. Z. a very respectable lady of the city of Albany, mother of several small children, of tall stature and spare habil, Lind been under treatment for an obstinate uterine disease, attended with :Jr , 3- lapses uteri, severe pain in the side, weakness of the back, general muscular debility, lassitude, languor, acidity of stomach, much indigestion and costiveness. As medicine seemed to have but slight effect in affording relief, arising in part, from her situx.ion as a mother in the daily discharge of domestic ditties, I recommended a trial of De. Crain's Spino•Abdomin4l Supporter. In April, 1816 she commenced the use of one, and has con tinued to wear it up to this date, with very great relief to all her unpleasant symptoms, and with the most flattering promise of receiving perinanera benefit. From the result of this case, as well as front the excellent mechanical construction and adaptation of Dr. Crain's instrument, I take pleasure. in recommending it to the attention of medical gentlemen and the public generally. JouN S. CAMERON, M. P. July 91st, 181. 120 Spring St.,N.Y. For sale by W. A. LEADER. A rerrular stated meeting of the G. G. will be held THIS (Saturday) EVENING, at their linit in Walnut street, at 7 o'clock. Punctual attend. once is requested, as hnelfC9a of importance will be laid before the meeting,. fly order of the Dee. 4,1547.—1 t GROCERY. - Dissolution of Partnership. ruillF. partnership heretofore existing, be tween Wm. Beatty and Win. Bell, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Those in debted to the late firm, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will please present them for settlement. Marietta, Nov. -29., 1817. n0':27'47-31.* Valuable Real Estate, Town Lots, ac., at Public Sale Without Re serve. - r N pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Lancaster county, will be soh! on Sqtrtrdap, the 18th of December next, at the public house of John Barr, in the Borough of Columbia, the follow. ing Real Estate, formerly the dwelling of Gcn. Thos. Boucle, dec'd. : No. 1. A Lot of Ground with a large Two et t i Story Brirk DWELLING and back buildings.gz= with Stabling and Carriage loose thereon erected, situate on Front street, near the Bridge, in the Borough of Columbia, fronting on said street 30 feet and extending back about 300 feet to a I I feet alley, adjoining the property of tl.e Widow Brene man on the north, and No. 2on the south. 'Mg house being very large and constructed of the best. materials, is susceptible of being altered to a first rate business stand, is worthy the attention of capitalists. No. 2. A Lot adjoining No. lon the north and property of Widow Swartz on the south, fronting 22 feet on Front street, and running back the same as No. 1, to the alley—on which is erected a frame office, &c. The above will be sold separate or together as will best suit puschasers. Persons wishing to view the premises will please call on the subscriber. Sale to commence at 7 o'clock in the evening, when terms will be made known. SAMUEL B. BOUDE Columbia, Nov. 27, 1847. BUILDING LOTS At the same time and place will be sold by the undersigned, those Valuable Building Lots, °PP' site the Presbyterian Church, the most desirable in the town of Columbia from the location, being on the corner of the principal street in the Borough . , fronting on Locust street 120 feet end extending back on 4th street 190 fcct to a 14 feet alley.— They will be sold either entire or divided into S building lots, son Locust and 3on 4th streets, as will best suit pdreliaicriC — X — pirnisi which syil be exhibited at sale. Terms at sale. S. B. BOLIDE, Columbia, Nov. 27, 1847.—ts El