The Columbia spy and Lancaster and York County record. (Columbia, Pa.) 184?-1848, November 20, 1847, Image 4

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Fur the Preservation, Beauty, Growth and Res
toration of the Hair.
TEII2 valuable preparation excites the scalp to a
new and healthy action, cleanses it from scarf
and dandruff, prevents the hair from falling off or
becoming prematurely gray, cures those eruptive
diseases which often appear upon the head, and in
a majority of cases produces a fine growth of new
hair. It also gives the hair a rich and beautiful
appearance, unequalled by any thing of the kind.
In addition to all its ueefainess as a preserver and
beautifier of the hair it removes all unnatural
harshness and dryness of the hair, which often
precede its loss, and should never be permitted to
continue without using remedies. For the toilet,
Ladies and Gentlemen will find this an admirable
article. It gives a luxuriant, silky, soft and fine
brilliancy to the hair and curls, filling the minds of
the beholders with admiration and almost with
envy. All this for only 25 ets. a bottle. For sale by
octll'd 7-tf W. A. LEADER.
BTHEY have come to B. Young, at No. 50.
The Fall and Winter Fashions for 1847
, which, for taste, cannot be surpassed by
the world—they are the most perfect ever
brought before the eyes of the people of this
globe. Persons wishing their garments cut
and made in the most elegant style, will do
well by calling at B. Young's Tailoring estab
lishment, No. 50, Front street, Columbia,
where they will have their work executed to
perfection and with despatch.
P. S. Persons wishing to purchase superior
cloths, cassimeres, vestings and trimmings,
such as cannot be had at any other store in
will do well by calling at Young &
Cassel"s Store, No. 50, Front street, where
there is one of the best selections of the above
goods to the country.- They will also warrant
the quality, cut, make and fit of all the goods
they sell and make up. They are thankful for
past favors and hope to have a share of
patronage. 'YOUNG &v. CASSEL.
Columbia, Sept. 11,1847.—1 f.
acnnething New under the Bun.
THE subscriber has just received the Fall and
Winter Fashions, which, tor elegance and
taste, surpasses any thing which has ever hitherto
been published. He would invite all those who
may wish their garments made up in a durable and
fashionable manner, to give him a call at his Tailor.
ing Establishment in Locust street, opposite Hal.
deman S. Co.'s Store. As he is well satisfied they
will not go away disappointed as he is determined
to spare no pains in making up all work entrusted
to his care in such a manner as he is satisfied will
sender general satisfaction,
J. J. returns thanks to his customers in general,
for their liberal patronage heretofore extended to
him, and hopes by strict attention to business, to
receive a continuance of the same.
Columbia, Sept. 18,
the 4th of August, in the year 1843, a
Ur singular scene occurred in the Royal Sci
entific Institute of Prance. The aged, white
beaded President, his bead bare, his arm outr
stretched, his face radiant with smiles, (fo
science was triumphant,) and his voice with
gratulatory tone, delivered the followiog re
" We are astounded at this singular prepa
ration. Where indeed will science stop:—
Here we have a preparation made in the torm
of a beautiful piece of soap, which we know
by actual practice, to cure every cutaneous
eruption, every disfigurement of, and even dis
colored skin! Where will its magic and sin
gular power cease? The Negro, the Creole,
the Yellow Race of the East, and the Red Man
of the Far West, are alike under the influence
of its extraordinary powers of clearing yellow
or discolored skin, and making it white and
beautiful and of changing the color of dark, or
black, or brown skin." (Here several persons
were brought forward by the President, who
had used it, in proof of his assertion.)
There areprobably few persons of intelli
gence, who, after reading the above, will doubt
the qualities of
Jones' Italian Chemical .Soap
In curing Pimples, Blotches, Salt Rheum,
Scurvy, Erysipelas, Sore Heads, Old Sores,
Beard and Barber's Itch, Chapped and Tender
Flesh, Freckles, Tan, Sunburn and changing
dark Sunbarn or Yellow Skin to a pure clear
white, as smooth and soft as an Infants, and in
fact every kind of eruption and disfigurement.
Read tbesec.ertificates:
From the New Oilcans Sentinel, October, 1614.
One or our subscribers,Mr. I-I. Leonard, in
forms us that he has been cured of old, scaly
Salt Rheum, of eighteen years standing, on his
beard, fingers, and hands, by a cake of an arti
cle advertised lately—we speak of Jones' Ital
ian Chemical Soap. lie also informs us that
he has tried Its effects on his female slave Rose,
much marked with sun spots, and he found in
two weeks her skin much clearer and whiter.
James Eltham, a painter, in Jersey City, was
cured of carbuncles, and pimples, which he
was afflicted with for many years, by part of a
cake of Jones' Italian Chemical Soap.
Persons in purchasing this must always ask
haps, as many who have been cheated with
counterfeits, will be too much discouraged to
try the genuine, we say to such, try this once—
you will not regret it: but always see that the
name of T. JONES is on the wrapper. Sold
only in New York at 82 Catham Street, Sign
of the American Eagle. Cents a
Cake. For sale by IL W ILLIAIMS.
Columbia, Aug. 70847-6 m.
Vegetable Vniversal Pills
Are a strengthening purgative and a purifying
THE hopes of the American agents are far
more than realised by the success of Dr. Le
Itoy's Vegetable Universal Pills on this aide of
the Atlantic. Never did a medicine spring into
such immediate popularity. In less than three
months eighty thousand boxes have been disposed
of; and certificates of cures performed by them
received from upwards of four hundred persons.
The cures embraced a great number_ of diseases?
but those which predominated wer#Dillious Fe
ver, Colic, Habitual Costiveness( Dysentery,
Loss of Appetite. Flatulence. Worms and Low.
ness of Spirits. All persons who take them agree
that they are far superior to every other medicine
they bad used, in the mildness the energy, and
the efficacy of their action; for though they pro
duce neither gripe nor nausea, they act upon the
secretions with great directness, force and rapid
ity; and as a purgative leave nothing to be desired.
But their great peculiar esnellenee, and that which
distinguishes them from all other purgatives is.
that hair operation is followed by no reaction.—
Their unrivalled purifying and purgative pi oper
ties, for which they are indebted to the essence of
Sarsaparilla, and other ingredients,being control'.
ed by their highly tonic virtues derived from the
extract of Wild Cherry, they do not strain the
digestive organs into action, as is the mode of
operation with other cathartics, but on the contra.
ry strengthen them into action. Thus all other
purgative medicines produce more or less Raise.
9uent costiveness, aid sluggishness of the gastric
3clice, while Dr. Le Roy's Pills leave all the ma
chinery of the system full of life activity, and the
bowels open and natural.
jPnce 25 cents per box.
Agent* for ColumbiAr—R. Wu-tram. Wx. A
Feb 6.'47.1y
Salamander, Piro and Thief Proof
Warranted equal to any other make, and have nev
er been injured by Fire or Burglars, in a single
instance. He also keeps on hand a full supply of
Common Chests, made of lighter iron, at lower
61 South Second St., below Chesnut Philad.
For Cooling and Preserving MEAT, BUTTER
MILK, and all articles intended for culinary pur.
FILTERS, for Puri yin . Water that is brackish
or muddy, whet i g rains, minerals, or otherwise
can be had of al Aires and prices, at the Ware
rooms, No. 61 Sod h Second Street, two doors be
' low Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.
October 2d, 1847.
Those Who have been Deceived With
AT R. Abraham Vanderbeck, of Avenue 98
D, New York, certifies that his bead
was entirely bald on the top, and by the use of
two 3s. bottles of
he has a good crop of hair, and will soon have
it long, thick and luxuriant.
Mr. IVILLIAM J scxsox, of 89 Liberty street,
Pittsburg, certifies: On the 3d of February,
1847, that Mr. Thomas Jackson's head on the
top, was entirely bald for fifteen years, and
that by using two 3s. bottles of Jones' Coral
Hair Restorative, the hair is growing fast,
thick and healthy. He expects by using this a
little longer to have a better head of hair than
he ever had.
To those :chose hair is gray, or falling off and
I hereby certify that my hair was turning
gmy and falling off, and that since I have used
Jones' Coral Hair Restorative at has entirely
ceased falling, is growing fast, and has a fine,
dark look. Before I used Jones' Coral Hair
Restorative I combed out handfuls of hair dai
ly. WM. TOMPKINS, 9:1 King st., N. Y.
M. Power a grocer, of Fulton street, bad his
hair completely choked up with dandruff, and
Jones' Coral Hair Restorative entirely and
permanently cured it.
Do you want to dress, beautify, and make your
HAIR soft and fine 7—Read :
I, Henry E. Cullen, late barber on board the
steamboat South America, do certify that
Jones' Coral Hair Restorative is the best arti
cle I ever used for dressing. softening, cleans
ing and keeping the hair a long time soft.,clean,
silky, dark and in order; all my customers
preferred it to any thing else. _ For_saleby
Ladles arc Cautioned Against. 17.1ng
MIIEY are not aware how frightfully injuri
ous it is to the skin! how coarse, how
rough, how sallow, yellow, and unhealthy the
skin appears after using pepared chalk! Be
sides it is injurious, containing a large quan
tity of Lead ! We have prepared a beautiful
vegetable article, which we call
Jones' Spanish Lily White.
It is perfectly innocent, being purified of all
deleterious qualities; and it imparts to the akin
a natural, healthy, alabaster, clear, living
white; at the same time acting as a cosmetic
on the skin, making it soft and smooth.
Dr. James Anderson, Practical Chemist of
Massachusetts, says: " After analyzing Jones'
Spanish Lily White, I find it possesses the most
beautiful and natural, and at the same time
innocent white I ever saw. I certainly can
conscientiously recommend its use to all whose
skin requires beautifying." Price 25 cents a I
Box. For sale by R. W ILLIAMS.
Columbia, August. 7,1847-6 m
Health, Health, Health.
Pulmonary Consumption, Chronic Brunch tlzo.and Sore
TAroat,,,isthma, Chronic Catarrh, eipifting of
Blood. Pain in the Side and Breast, Diffi
culty of Breathtng, Whopping- Cough,
Crwv, Weak A - erre, aud Nervous
7'remours, Palpitation of the
Heart; also Liver Corn
plaint and .9ffection of
the Kidneys.
Or all the diseases incident to nor climate there is none
so universal and at the same time so insidunus and
fatal as Consumption. In this country especially Pul
monary Consumption is emphatically a scourge, and in
its resistless career sweeps o'er the land an a destroying
Angel, laying low with relentless hand the strongest and
fairest of our race:. Hitherto all efforts to arrest this
dread disease have proved t.iiit. and all that seemed
within our power was at best the alleviation ofsittfering
rendering somewhat smoother the certain progress to the
The proprietor in offering this preparation to the public
would embrace the opportunity to state upon what
grounds it puts forth its merits, and the reasons upon
which it founds Its superior clams to the attention of the
afflicted, that all who re a usrequieite may repose full
confideuce in its curative powers. Since its first prepa
ration hellos had the pleasure of witnessing its happy re
sults in numerous instances; but he was determined not
to offer it to the public until he had become thoroughly
convinced of its efficacy. lie now confidently offers it
an a remedy without a parallel for the cure of PULMON
ARY CONSUMPTION and its kindred diseases.
Consumption of a tuberculous character from time im
memorial has been deemed incurable and considering its
frequency and fatality, it is not surprising that new rem
edies and new systems of treatment should from time to
itme he brought under the notice of the profession and
the public. Almost every organic and Inorganic sub
stance. In an endless round of combination, has been
used with the hope or checking this scourge of our race,
many doubtless believing that in the progress of medical
knowledge we should nt last obtain the mastery over
Consumption, and, to the use of the Compound Sy r.
up or 'Ear and IVoodicaptha t tble object is hap
dtly attained.
The therapeutic agents employed in the composition of
this remedy, ere such as enable it to prevent the secre
t Ikon of tuberculous matter to the lungs and to cause its
resolution and absorption after deposit has commenced.
an object achieved by no other medicine, and the import
ance of which the professional man Witt at once perreive.
since it brings this hum of disease. hitherto pronounced
hopeless, entirely within control. The success which has
attended the administration of this preparation Is sonar
elicited in the records of medical science, In confirma
tion of which, the proprietor would ask a careful pets
' cat of the statements of a few of those slam have been
restored to health by its powerful agency.
Let the folowing speak for itself—
..l have used Thompson's Compound Syrup of Tar and
Wood Naptha for some time in my practice, and have
found it the most efficient remedy 1 have ever used in
Consumptive cases, chronic catarrh, dec., when erect Ir
ritability, with weakness of the pulmonary organs, ex
isted. The rapidity with which it acts is greatly in its
favor where dysprozot or oppression sauna, which is im
mediately relieved by it.
"In Pulmonary Consumption II can be used with con
fidence, being applicable to every form of that disease.
and I enosider it a medicine well rirosthy the attention of
physicians, and exempt from the imputation of empiri
cism. hs. CHAMBERB,II. L.
Philadelphis. October 1t,184: ;•
KrThe above medicine prepared only by
AN GN EY & DICKSON. at N. E. corner of .
Fifth and Spruce streets, Philadelphia.
, AGENTS—R. WILLIAMS. Columbia; Joins
GISH, Lancaster ; Ross, Elizabethtown, D.
Gnoss, Harrisburg; R. Arco Nev. Cirlisle.
Price 50 cts., or 6 bottles for r 2,50.
March 6, 1817. 676
Should read the following statements of
respectable persons.
weak at the roots:
Morning Train Again.
711 HE President and Directors of the Haiti
- t more and Susquehanna Rail Road Compa
ny having consented to continue the Morning
Train between the above places.
CCrThe Car will leave Columbia DAILY,
LSundays excepted at 6; o'clock A. M., and
the Train will leave Wrightsville at 6i o'clock.
Returning, the Train will leave York at 8
o'clock, A. M.
April 17, 1847. Sup't.
from Baltimore regularly, hereafter, on Sun
ay, at 9 o'clock A. 91., and RETURNING will
tart from Columbia at 14 P. M., Wrightsville
2 P. M., and from York at 3 o'clock, P. M.,
as on other days of the week. The mail be
tween Baltimore and Yora ba carried by
this train. No other train will run on Sunday.
1). C. H. BORDLEY,
Superintendent of Transportation.
Oct 27, 1846.
Baltimore and Susquehanna
rare Reduced.
rilltlE Passenger Train runs daily as follows
JIL below --
Leaves Baltimore-it 9 o'clock A. M. and arrives
at 63 o'clock P. M.
Arrives at York at 12 o'clock P. M.and leaves
fur Columbia at 13 o'clock, P. M.
Leaves Columbia at 2 o'clock, P. M.and leaves
York for Baltimore at 3 o'clock P.M.
Fare from Baltimore to York, $1 50
Tre 'Train connects at York with Stage; for
Harrisburg, Gettysburg, Chumbersburg, Pittsburg
and Yntk Splinga.
The company is authorised by the proprietors
of the Stage Lines to receive the fare through tram
Baltimore to Gettysburg and Harrisburg.
Fare through to either place,
D. C. H. BORDLEY, Supeet.
May 9—tf Ticket Office, 63 North st.
The subscriber respectfully informs - his
friends and the public in general, that he still
continues to keep the above establishment.
Every pains is at all times' taken to render
this one of the best, and, from its central situ
ation, it is one of the most convenient Hotels
in the city.
His TABLE is furnished, at all times, with
the choicest delicacies of the season.
His NV irres and l'Acinons are not surpassed
' by any other establishment in this city.
flis.Servants are eareful,lionest and obliging
Terms of Boarding to suit the times.
Country 'Merchants and business men will
find the location of the CHESNUT ST. HOUSE,
in the most business part of Philadelphia.
The subscriber pledges himself that every
thing in his power shall be done to give satis
faction to those who favor him with their pa
Philad., Sept. 27.-11 Proprietor.
Notice to Builders..
HE undersigned is appointed agent for
the Peach Bottom SLATE QUARRY,
and is prepared to Slate any Roof. either of a
house or Barn that may be wanted in the
County, he having on hand at his yard in Co
lumbia, at all times, the best article of Slate
and can furnish workmen of thirty years ex
perience. All roofs warranted not to leak if
the Building does not sink or give way. Char
ges moderate to suit the times.
for the Hon. Jeremiah Brown & Company.
Columbia, June 12, 1847. Gin
The subscriber is now mantilncturing Printing
Ink of superior quality, and offers it for sale in
large or small quantities, upon accommodating
terms, in any instance where the ink sent shall not
answer the description, it will be exchanged or the
price refunded.
A liberal disconut will be made upon large pur.
chases for cash.
The News Ink is put up in kegs of 12, 15, 20,
16, 30, 50 and 100 lbg.
Book Inks in small kegs and in lb. canisters
Colored Inks also in lb. canisters.
D 7 - A 20 lb. keg 01 the best news ink will be sent
to any point of the Penn'a Improvements at my
risk free of charge upon receipt of $5.
COPAL VARNISH in barrels, kegs. and can
eters. J. H. MIFFLIN.
Columbia, May C'o, 1947.
k FELICTED READ.—. 9 certain Disease Cured in two
Dap —The must speedy remedy for pains In the
loins, recent and chronic affections of the kidneys, dis
ease of the bladder. gravel, seminal weakness. &c. Per
sons who, by indulging in a secret habit, have entailed
on themselves constitutional debility, should apply Im
mediately to DR. KINKELIN. of the Philadelphia Medi
cal House. the oldest institntmn of the kind In the city.
Office. N. W. corner of THIRD and UNION Sts.. be
tween Spruce and Pine, 11 squares faun the Exchange.
ThisWedital Moque was established by Dr. K. fifteen
years ago, for the euppressinn of quackery, there being
en many perunns.without knowledge, name or character.
who put adirertisementain the public papers, that an in
stitution of this kind was highly necessary In prevent the
afflicted, especially strangers, from falling into the hands
ofenme unskillful wretch, who. instead of curing, might
send his victim to an untimely 'grave. Therefore, the
afflicted should shun the numerous pretended physicians
who know nothing of the lustier, of medicine, but con
sult Dr Kinkelm. who cures .2 Certain DrseaPe In two or
three days. according to the etate of the patient, without
the rise of mercury. No mercurial remedies are used by
Dr. Kinkelin ; his medicines are palatable and harmless,
and all hip patient. are honorably shielded, from even
the possibility of being discovered. HP who places him
self under the care of Dr. It . may religiously sordid' in
his honor as a gentleman, and confidently rely upon his
ekill as a physician, and Rile Is noteipeedily relieved no
remuneration will be demanded.
Strictures. one of the most troublesome and dangerous
affections, which often end In gravel, inflamation. weak
ness. &c , Dr. Kinkelin guaranties to remove speedily;
as also, swellings. diseased prostrate gland, &c. Stric
tures have ruined many who had no knowledge of their
Take Particle/or Metice.—Young men who have injured
themselves by a certain practice indulged in—a habit
frequently learned from evil companions. or at school
the effect. of which are nightly felt, even when asleep,
and destroy both mind and body, should apply 1..,
diately. Weakness and emanational debility imme
diately cured and full vigor teetered. All letters post paid.
Take Notice. —Dr. Einkelin has had greater practice in
the above affections than any physician In the United
States. lie also pries eeeee an advantage over all other.,
from the fact of his having studieJ In the great hospitals
of Europe. Thousands in Philadelphia can testify that
he cured them aft yother means has felled. Sepa
rate rooms for private consultation. Open till O. P. Al,
Travellers supplied at a moment's notice, with the re
quisite medicines to cure themselves privately.
Packages of medicines sent to any part of the D. S.
More particulars in the Spirit of the 'Times. 0c6'47-ly
great variety varying in price from 311
j cents and upwards at
Columbia, Aug. 7, ]B47—tf
wavalors IMMO
THIS extraordinary medicine is founded upon
the principle that the human frame is subject
to ONLY ONE DISEASE, viz corrupt humors,
which, when floating in the general mass of cir
culation, are the cause of all kinds of Fevers, but
when lodged in the various parts of the body, give
rise to every malady incident to man.
Let it be remembered that the human body and
Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills are mutually
adapted one to the other, and that by them all
morbid and corrupt humors (the cause of disease)
can be entirely eradicated, and this in so easy and
natural a manner, that while they every day give
ease and pleasure. Disease of every name is
Literally Driven from the Body.
The following highly respectable storekeepers
have been duly appointed agents for the sale of
this Celebrated Medicine, in Lancaster county.
, Ashville, Taylor & Pierce.
Beariille, Reuben Weidler.
Bainbridge, J. F. Beecher.
Bird-in-Hand, Jacob Bruner.
Bart Township, W. W. Passmore.
Belleview, Buyers & Umbals.
Bethesda, James Patton
Brownstown, Samuel Hahn
Buck Tavern P 0, Geo T Clark
Belmont, F Brinton
Collins Ferry, Abraham Collins.
Chestnut Level, AL:Sparrant & Housekeeper
Conestoga Centre, John H. Harman.
Church Town, L. & E. Rogers.
Coopersrille, E. Lewis.
Columbia, Fry & Spangler.
Cherry Hill, Isaac S Webster
Drumore, John A, Boyd.
Earl Township, George Duchman.
do do Weaver Sr %Varner.
do do Davis Wallace.
Elizabethtown, John Lynch.
Ephrata, John Grass.
Ephrata, New, L. S. Hacker.
do West, Martin Weidman.
Fairfield, Hutton & M'Sparran.
Fulton House, Fulton tp., L. P. Wilkinson.
Georgetown, Al'Canna Sr Buyer
HeropSeld, Ringwalt Sr. Martin.
Intercourse, Thomas Himes.
Leacock.township, Frederick Swope.
Lampeter Square, J. F. & D. H. Herr.
Laiz, Nathaniel S. %Volley.
Lancaster, John Zimmerman.
Mount Joy, Witmer & Cassel.
Mountville, John Devlin.
Marietta. W. A. & B. Spangler.
Mechanicsville, Jacob Holl.
Mount Joy Township, H. G. Clark & Co.
Maytown, John Reinhold.
do Slaymaker & Co.
Millersville, Henry Funk.
Marta , . lie , Stoek & Fell.
Mount Pleasant, Isaac M'Comant.
Mill Creek, Henry Stauffer .
Mastersonville, Joseph Masterson
Mettle Township, Hugh Moore
New Holland, Brubaker & Co.
New Providence, Hildebrandt Sr. Meyer.
New Berlin, Levi Mentzer & Co
New Texas, Carter & Lewis.
Noblesville, J. B. Thompson.
Oak Shade, Milner St Pierce,
Oak Run, John P Harlan.
Oregon, Abraham Shenk.
Petersburg, john Stauffer.
Poplar Grove, E. H. Paxson.
Peach Bottom, S. W. P. Boyd.
Pleasant Grove, Haines & Al•Cullough.
Penn Hill, Alexander Johnson.
Penn Township, Jacob Singer.
Pequa Valley, G. & L. Lewis.
Paradise, A. R. & A. L. Witmer.
Pusey's Mills, Mahlon Pusey.
Peva, Jas C Skiles Sr. Co
Peach Bottom, Wm. Arnold
Rawlinsville, John Rawlins.
Springville, Sarrel Hinny.
Safe Harbor, John Herr & Son,
Sadsbury Meeting House, Sam'l Sellers.
Sandersburg. Chew & Grable.
Strausburg, Win Spencer.
Sal bury, II Freeland
Washington, John A. Brush.
Willow Street, Benj. Bower.
Waterloo, Baldwin & Orerholtzer
2 00
f ) 12
rOffices derwed exclusi.cly to the sale of
Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, wholesale and
retail, 169 Race street, Philadelphia; 288 Green
wich Street, New York; and 198 Tremont Street,
Boston. April 28-Iy.
This Ink Ims for a long while become esta
blished as a National article, and the following
testimonials from Washington City, prove its
merits to that distinction.
House of Representatives.
Washington City, February 24, 1893.
state that I have used the Ink, during the
present session of Congress, manufactured by
Joseph E. Hover, Esq., of Philadelphia, and
have found it to be an article of most excellent
JOHN WHITE, Speaker Ho. Rep.
Patent Office, Washington, D. C.,
February 24, 1843.
Sir—Your Black Writing Ink has been used
in this Office since October last, and is entire
ly approved. I am respectfully,
J. W. HAND, Chief Clerk.
Mr. Joseph E. Hover, Philad.
Horees Adamantine Cement
The following from Bicknell's Reporter will
best illustrate its value : " Mr. Hover mann
lactares " Admantine Cement" for joining
broken china, glass, &c.; we have tried the
article and found it to be excellent."
For sale wholesale and retail at the manu
factory, No. 97 North Third Street, opposite
Cherry Street, Philadelphia, by
JOSEPH E. HOVER, Manufacturer.
la THE subscriber would inform his friends
eq( 6 and the public generally, that lie has remov
ed to No. 1, Sehre inee a Raw, between Barr's and
Black's Hotel, Front Street, where he will con.
tinue to keep an elegiint assortment of Beaver,
Otter, Fur, Silk, and Nutria HATS, and also, a
urge assortment of CAPS, all of which he will
take pleasure hi showing to those who favor him
with a call.
Don't forget—Scitreiner's Row, No. 2, before
purchasing elswher ; as I am determined to sell
cheep. WM. TEMPLE.
Columbia, Aug. 21, 1897.—tf
AN application will be made at the next Session
of the General Assembly of the State of Pennsyl
vania, for the incorporation of a Company under
the name and style. or in'ended name and style of
"The Columbia Savings Institution," and design
ed as an office of discount and deposit, with a cap.
ital not exceeding one hundred thousand dollars, to
be located in the borough of Columbia, Lancaster
County. Pennsylvania.
Columbia, June 19. 1947. Gm
THE Colombia Bank and Bridge Company
intend to make application to the Legisla
ture of theComrnonwealth of Pennsylvania, at their
next session, for the renewal of the Banking, Dis
counting, and other privileges they possess under
existing laws. The Company to be continued by
the name, style and title of the Colombia Bank
and Bridge Company, at the Borough of Columbia,
in the County of Lancaster, and State of Pansylva
nia. By order of the Board,
Columbia, June 24th, 3847.-6 m.
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The Largest and most splen
did Stock of Dry Goods
AVER offered in the city of Lancaster, is now
r4being opened at THE BEE HIVE, North
Queen street, wholesale and retail.
This stock has just been received direct from
Boston, New York end Philadelphia, and comprises
some of the rarest bargains of the day, for Fall and
Winter sales—Shawls, Silks, Merinos, Ribbons,
Gloves, Hosiery, &c. Sept. 24—tf
The subscriber respectfully informs his
friends and the public generally that he is now
ready to supply thein at his NEW ESTAB
LISHMENT, the three-story building in
Front street, Columbia,
on the lot formerly occupied by John Enney,
as a ropewalk. He intends keeping on hand a
select assortment of fashionably made
He has just returned from Philadelphia and
New York with a new and splendid assortment
of all kinds of clothing, made of the best ma
terials, and in the latest style—consisting in
part of superfine blue and black cloth COA rs,
Frock and Sack Coats, Pelisse Cloth and
Tweeds of every color and quality.
ALso—a large assortment of plain and fancy
Cassimere, Cloth, and all other PANTS, suit
able for Spring, Summer and Winter, of every
size and description.
VESTS—Figured. Silk, Satin, Merino and
Marseilles,soitable for all seasons and of every
size, style and quality; to which is added a
beautiful assortment of fine Linen bosom
SHIRTS, Muslin, Check and Plain do.; Bo
spins and Collars, Drawers and Undershirts.
Also, a large lot of Cravats Suspenders, half
Hose, &c. An endless quantity of
Boots and Shoes of all sizes,
Hats and Caps,
'Travelling Trunks, Carpet Bags and Valises.
a variety of notions too tedious to mention
which will be kept in Thos. Beatings Front
Room, threedoors east of my building.
D. Clothing made to order at the Store.
He has a large supply of goods on hand by the
piece and a first rate Tailor in attendance.—
Do not mistake the place, three story building
on the lot formerly occupied as a Rope Walk.
Persons will find it to their advantage to give
hint a call as he is determined to sell as low as
any other establishment in the county and war
rants all goods. tie sells as he represents
them when sold or the money will be refunded.
Columbia, June 5, 1847. tf
corner of Quarry.
Gold Lever Watches, full jewel led, 1.8 carat
cases. $45,00
Silver Lever Watches, full jewelled, 23,00
Silver Lever Watches, seven jewels, 18,00
Silver Lepine Watches, jewelled, finest
quality, 13,00
Superior Quartier Watches, 10,00
ftnitation Quartier Watches, 5,00
Geld Spectacles, 8,00
Fine Silver Spectacles, 1,75
Gold Bracelets with topaz stones, 3,50
Ladies Gold Pencils, 16 carats, 2,00
Gold Finger Rings 37i cents to s9—Hatch
Glasses, plain 12i cents, patent 181, Lunet 25.
Other articles in proportion. All goods warrant
ed to be what they are sold for
On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers, Lepines
and Quartiers lower than the above prices.
Philadelphia, April 10, 1847. ly
ijarbtuatc ! ijalbware ! !
The snbscrihers respectfully cal
..V 4 ,14;t7 the attention of the citizens gener
ally, to t car assortment of
Hardware, Glass, Paints, Oils,
We here just received in addition to our stock,
HARD WARE, CUTLERY and Building Mete•
rials of all description, such as LOCKS, HINGES,
GlEso of Ez!!
PAINTS, Linseed, Sperm and Whale OILS,
Bar, Rod and Hoop Iron,
of all sizes, ANVILS, VICES and BELLOW,
of the best quility, all of which we offer at the
lowest prices. Persons wishing to purchase iwil
find it to their advantage tchcall at
Coumbia, April 7, 1517—tf. Locust St.
WHITE Teeth, foul breath, healthy gums,
Yellow and unhealthy teeth, after once
or twice cleaned with
Jones' Amber Tooth Paste.
have the appearance of the most beautiful
ivory. and, at the same time it is so perfectly
innocent and exquisitely Bac., that its constant
daily use is highly advantageous, even to those
teeth that are in good condition, giving them
a beautiful polish,and preventing a premature
decay. Those already decayed it prevents
from becoming worse—it also fastens such as
are becoming loose, and by perseverance it will
render the foulest teeth delicately white, and
makes the breath deliciously sweet. Price 25
or 37} cents a Box. For sale by
Aug. 17,847—Gm. R. WILLIA MP.
TUST received a second supply of WALK
") ING CANE UMBRELLAS, a handsome
and useful article, which will be sold at the
manufacturer's retail prices. Call and see
them at J. D. & J. WRIGHT'S.
ElSibite 'arab, Mao, ii9ainlo ant GIN.
Lead, Paints, Linseed and Sperm Oil, Var
nishes, Glass &c. Fur sale at low priers, at the
Hardware Store of J. W. COTTRELL.
Columbia, May 26, 1547—tf
JUST received a large asortment of Patent
Breach stubb Twist English Guns, single
and double barrel; also Revolving and Corn
mon Pistols. For sale at reduced prices at the
Hardware Store of
Columbia. Mav 26. 1847.—tf
LATEST style French needle work collars, for
sale at FRY & SPANGLER'S.
j r- N VER 1000 different styles entire nem patterns
`J of Ladies• Dress Goods, for Fall and Winter.
High colored plaids are all the rage. Call at the
Sept.24—tf BEE HIVE North Queen at.
THE undersigned having' recently established
en extensive Iron Foundry ,tt Wrightsville,
York county, Pa., are now prepared to furnish
Stoves, Nollow-ware, Car and M.
chinery Castings
of the best quality of material and workmanship at
short notice. Our assortment of STOVES is Large,
and of modern and approved patterns, consisting of
of all sizes; NINE PLATE COOK, " VIC.
COOK," for wood or cool--
And other COOKING
AIso—COAL STOVES, of the latest designs and
all sizes, suitable for Parlors, Chambers and
Offices. Also, BOAT STOVES, BOX
NACES, 4r., 4-c., 4.e.
Our assortment of HOLLOW-WARE consists or
Pots, Kettles, Round and Oval Ovens and Lids,
Skillets, Spiders and Lids, Cook• Pots, Deep and
Shallow Pans, Bread .Pans, Griddles, Andirons,
Wafileirons, Gridirons, Spittoons, Wagon and Car-
riage Boxes, &c., &c., &c., together with Water
Pipes of all sizes. ALSO,
most approved patterns, PLOUGH CASTINGS,
INGS, of every description.
Our location being favorably situated at the Jima.
Lion of the Baltimore and Susquehanna Railroad
and Susquehanna and Tide Water Canal, with the
Pennsylvania Improvements, gives us facilities
whinh will enable us to manufacture and forward
castings to any point with despatch, and at the
lowest prevailing rates.
Stove Dealers and others having patterns of their
own and ordering castings from tliem, are assured
that they will be held strictly private in the course
of manufacture. E. CONNELLEE & CO.
Wrightsville, Sept. 24, 1847.-3 m
Mx 296, Market Street, Philadelphia.
CLOTHING A necessary and useful article;
it well becomes every one who buys it, before
purchasing to look and see where it can be bought
cheapest. I em satisfied (and reader, you will
be} if you favor me wills a call and look over my
stock of goods you will not only buy yonrselPbut
tell your friends where
can be bad and they will do the same. If you
cume to the Globe Hall of Fashion and do not
find goods twenty per cent cheaper than at any store
in the city I think you will say General Taylor
never whipped the Mexicans! 1 think he never
done anything else.
11'TA full stock of clothing suited for the
country trade, which merchants and others are
. 6seticularly invited to examine. /
No. 296, Market St., 3rd door below Ninth.
Philadelphia, August 28, 1847.-3 m.
No. 70 South Third Street, nearly opposite the
Exchange, Philadelphia,
ESPECTFULLY announce to their friends
I_l o and the public that they are constantly pre
pared to make to order, of the finest and best ma•
terials. and at moderate prices, every article of
Fashionable Clothing. consuming a Gentlman's
Wardrobe, for which their complete stock of choice
and carefully selected Cloths. Cassimeres, Vesting')
&c., of the latest and most desirable patterns, are
pariicularly designed.
Their own practical knowledge of the business
and a personal attention to every garment, enables
them to give entire satisfaction, and to both old and
new customers they respectfully tender an invitation
to give them a call.
Having been for years connected with some of
the best and most fashionable establishments in this
country, employing none but first rate workmen.
and being in the receipt of the latest fashions, and
best styles of goods, they are fully prepared to ac
commodate customers in the beat manner.
Philadelphia. August 14, 1347.-6 m
ALEAD the following Certificate in favor of the
Extraordinary 'Virtues of DR. CULLEN'S
SCROFULA. Messrs. Rowand & Walton:—
Gentlemen—Feeling deeply grateful for the extra.
ordinary cure performed upon me by your Dr. Cul.
left's Indian N'egetable Panacea, I cheerfully tun
rush you with a short history of my case.
About seven years ago, !when only eleven years
old) I was attacked with Scrofula, which increased
in its ravages, till my throat was filled with ulcers !
the bones of my neat laid bare ! my palate destroy.
ed, and a large piece of one of the nasal bones car
ried away. My head was also so much diseased, that
in drinking, the tea or coffee would frequently pass
out of my ear! A mass of something which the
Doctors called a tumor came from my nose.
I was under the care of physicians of the highest
distinction in this city, and at one time pronounced
cured, and by request attended a medical lecture,
v. here my case, together with the meshed of cure.
was explained to the students. The Lecturer said
-•-•" You are now well, but if the disease should
return, you cannot live long, as it would soo.- de
stroy your wind-pipe."
I did not believe myself cured at the time, as I
had much distress in my head, and other disagreea
ble feelings, and alter a time the ulcers re-opened.
In January, 1845, my mother called with me upon
Dr. Mutters fur advice. He said I was a very rick
girl, and said it was doubtful whether I would ever
get well; if ever, it would be a long while. The
disease grew so much worse, that the physician
w !Jo then attended me, said he could see my wind
pipe ! My face was also swollen, highly inflamed,
and very painful, and the Doctor said ulceration was
I was in this condition in January last when I
commenced taking your "DR. CULLEN'S INDIAN
VEGETABLE PANACEA." The inflamation was soon
removed, and the dreaded ulceration in the face
prevented ! lam now well ! I have no ulcers !
nu pain, or any dtsagreable sensation in my head,
and now feel that lam cured. I shall be happy to
give any further information to the afiiited who will
take the trouble to call upon me at my father's
house, West Spruce between Beach and Willow
Streets, opposite Spackman'a Factory.
City of Philadelphia, as.
This seventh day of April, A. D. eighteen hun
dred and forty-six, before the subscriber, Mayor of
the said city, personally appeared Christiana Sands.
who being duly sworn, deposes and says, that the
facts set forth in the foregoing affidivit are strictly
true in every particular.
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto ■et my:
hand and fixed the corporate seal of the said city.
on the day and year before written.
IL. s I JOHN Swirr, Mayor.
We hereby certify, that the above statements of
our daughter are true in every particular.
Wizziam SANDS,
Phila. April 7.1846. MARY SANDS
Wholesale and Retail, by ROWAND & WAL.
TON, Proprietors, 376 Market street, Philadelphia;
WM. A. LEADER, Columbia, Pa.; J. T. ANDER
SON, Marietta, Pa., and GEORGE ROSE, Eliza.
both, Pa.
Oct. 2d, 1847.-3111.
To Boatmen.
NEW Pattere Boat STOVE. Just receivd
ed and for sale by. RUMPLE&HESS
Columbia, April 7, 11347.—tf