The Columbia spy and Lancaster and York County record. (Columbia, Pa.) 184?-1848, November 06, 1847, Image 4

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At the Columbia New Cash Store.
W& 9 PATTON have just received an
assortment of New Goo,'s consisting of
Superfine Blue, Black, and Oli‘e Cloths, Plain,
Striped & Fancy Cassimers, Cashmerets, Tweeds,
Croton Codringion and Summer Cloths, Linen and
Cotton Drilling. with a variety of Articles suitable
for Summer wear, Marseilles, Valencia. and Swirl
Vestings, Black Silk, suitable for M intillas, Fan
cy, Striped, Plaid, and Plain do. for dresses.
Merino Mol.air, Mous de Leine., and Silk Shawl.,
Corebel and Marseilles Skirt., Lawn and Lawn
Ginghims, Alpachas &c., Bareges, Silk and Linen
Pocket Handkerchiefs. Cambric, F.arkt. , n, Man
chester and Domestic gingham:, F r ench and Da
mask Table Cloths, Hackaback, Birileye, and Hu.:-
sia Towelings, Mull, Cambiic, Jaconett, Swiss
Plaid arid Sniped Muslins.
Best quality Kid Gloves, Silk Mitt., Lisle
thread, Fancy awl Cotton Gloves, Palm ha f Hats
&c., 4-c. With a complete assns of blezmh•
ed and brown Sheeting, a ,d Shirting Muslins, Car
petings from 10 cents to :1,00, Pl. in and Fiswed
.Matttngs, Floor and Table Oil Cloths, Looking
Glasses, Queens.wate, Fresh GrOCellts.
dried Beef, &c., Mackerel, Pickled and Smoked
Much care has been taken to secure for cu,tom
ems a chuiee variei) and the subscribrrs having
purchased their iraods fur Cafh are Lr termined to
sell them on the mo-t reasonable termq.
N. B. Country piro.luce taken i❑ exchange for
goods at the highest price
Columbia, July 3ril, 1547 —tf
C0L1711433141. BOOR AND
A ey l C.VEzTRROOK keeps cm
st an tl. (n ina l a ? ear‘ l l
4 61;1 % selected assortnentoMilC;:
discripttons, from the small pocket memoran
dum to the substantial!, bound do my. I'ell er
and Cap PAPER, by the ream, quit e, or
sheet. SCHOOL BOOKS. Serials, ..Petioth
cals Newspapers. &c. Staple and Fancy
ST2ITIONA RY, Brindie, Combs. Ptpses,
Pocket Books, Toilet and Pockets Minors,
Razor Strops, Sir .vin t r .maps; Pasteboard.
Ivory. :llarabo and Steel Studded FANS. and
nu nerous other anieles, all of ‘‘ loch %lin be
sold very low for cash.
N. 8. - Cash paid for Bags
Columbia. April 7, 1S•17.
ON the 4th of August, in the year 1843, a
singular scene occurred in the lint al :,ici
entific Institute of Prance. The aged, white
headed President, his head b Ire, his arm out
stretched, his lace radiant with smiles, (for
Science was triumphant. and his voice with
gratulatory tcno, del:wt.:led the follownig re
•• We are astounded at t. is singular prepa
ration. \V here indeed aril science s:
Here we have a preparation :node in tic form
OF a beautiful piece of soap, which we know
by actual practice, to cute every cutaneous
eruption, every disfigurement of, and ei en dis
colared skin! W hire will its magic and sin
gular power cease? The Negro, the Creole,
the Yellow Race of the Last, and the Red :than
of the Far West, are alike under the influence
of its extraordinary powers of clearing yellow
or discolored skin, and making it It line and
beautiful and of changing the color of dark, or
black, or brown skin." (I l ore se‘ eras persons
were brought forward by the President, who
bad used it, in prow of his assertion.)
There are probaLly few persons of intelli
gence, who, after reading the above, will doubt
the qualities of
Jones' Italian Chemical Soap
In curing Pimples, Blotches, Salt Rbenin,
Scurvy, Erysipelas, Sore I leads, Old sores,
Beard and Barber's Itch, ('trapped and Tender
Flesh. Freckles, Tan, Sunburn and chain: in;
dark Sunburn or Yellow Skin to a pure cle.,r
white, as smooth and soft as an Infants, an I rn
fact. every kind of eruption and disfigin omen:.
Read these certificates:
From the New (Means Sentinel, Ottol+er, !9;;
One o; our subscribers.? I r. 11. Leon
forms us that he has been cured e:
Salt Rheum, of eighteen years stand:n..:,
beard, fingers. and hard., by a cake o n
cle adver,:scd lately—we speak of ,I, ; : ar s.'
ian Chemical Soap. lie also informs us t!
he has tried its effects on Ins female slave Rose,
much marked with sun spots, and he found in
two weeks her skin snuck clearer and whiter.
James Eltham, a painter, in Jersey City, is as
cured of carbuncles, and pimples, which he
was aMicted with for many years. by part of a
cake of .1011 C.. Italian Cheimcal Soap.
Persons in purchasing this must always ask
for JONES ITALIAN CHI ttc AL INJAP ; and per
haps, as many who have beat cheated nab
counterfeits, will be too much di...ensilaged to
try the genuine, we say to such, try this once—
you will not regret It: but alwa), see that the
name of T. JONES is on the si rapi,er. Sold
only in New York at S 2 Street, ST.II
of the American Eagle. Price, 5d Cents a
Cake. For sale by N. WILLIItIMS.
Columbia, Aug, 7, IS 17—Om.
Vegetable Pills
Are a strengthening pat gat;ce and a purifying
THE hopes of the American agents are far
more than renli-ed bs the rulers, of Dr. Lo
Roy's Vegetable liniversil Pills an this sid e of
the Atlantic. Ne , er di I a medicine spring int.,
such immediate papal irity. In ass then three
cnonihs eighty thousand hoses hare berm disposed
of; and certificates of mins performed by than
received fr•im upwaids of four hundred persons.
The cures embraced a great number of d,si asrs?
but those which predominamd were Bilhoirs Fe
ver, Colic, Inimical Costi‘eness, Dysentery,
Loss of Appetite, Flatulence. Worms and Low.
mess of Spirits. All perr.ous who take them ag•ee
that they are "ar superior to every other medicine
they had used, in the mildness the energy, and
the efficary of their action; for though they pro
duce neither gripe nor nausea, they act ui on the
secretions with great directness, force and rapid' .
ity ; and as a purge , nc leave not him! to be desired.
Buttheirgreatpeculiarexce`lcnce,andtlt t which
distinguishes them fomn all other purgatives
thattbair operation is followed by no reactior.—
Ttwir unri‘alled purify i•ia and purgative roop,r
tie+. or which they are indebted to the c-senc • of
Sarsaparilla, and oiher incredients.heirg corr roll
ed by their highly tome virtues derived from the
extract of Ni ild Cm try. thi y do not strain the
digestive organs into aoton, as is the mo'e of
operation with other cathartics, but on the contra•
ry strengthen them into action. Thus all other
purgative medicines pro.:uce ii ore or'e's subse
9uent coativeness. st..d •Inggi-haess o f ,;.,. gastric.
Juice, while Dr. Le Roy's Piths le we all the
chinery of the system full of lira activity, and the
bowels open and natural:
cry• Price 25 cent• per box.
Agent" for Columbia—R. Wi L tr Ax,
LZA.T , Con • , Feb 6:47-1y
I ONES' SOLUTION OF JET, an instanta
-01 newts liquid human hair Dye, for dyeing
light, rctl, or grey Bair permanently a brown
or jet black color. Full and copious dircc.
lions enclosed. Sold at the -izn 01 the Amer
ican Eagle. No. B 2 ('atham Street. New York.
price SO cents. 8I or 01,50 per hot t le. Sold by
Aug. 7,1847-6 m R. WILLIAMS..
Those Who have been Deceived With
Should read the following statements of
respectable persons.
,r rt. Abraham Vanderbeck, of Avenue • 98
.I.YX D, New York, certifies that his head
was entirely bald on the top, and by the use of
two 3s. bottles of
he has a gond crop of hair, and will soon have
it long, thick and luxuriant.
Mr. NV ILLIAM JACKSON, of 99 Liberty street,
Pittsburg, certifies: On the 3d of February,
1547, that Mr. Thomas Jackson's head on the
top, was entirely bald for fifteen years. and
that bv using two 3s. bottles of Jones' Coral
Hair Restorative-, the hair is crowing fast,
thick and healthy. He expects by using this a
little longer to have a better head of hair than
he ever had.
7o those chose hair is pay, or falling off and
weak at the roots
I hereby certify that my hair was turning
gray and fallin , utr, and that since I have used
Jones' Coral Flair Restorative It has entirely
ceased falling, is gremlin" fast, and has a fine.
dark look. Before I used Jones' Coral Hair
Restorative 1 combed out handfuls of hair dai
ly. W.M. TOMPKINS, 92 King st., N. Y.
M. Power a grocer, of Fulton street, had his
hair completely choked up with dandruff, and
Junes' Coral flair Restorative entirely and
permanently cured it.
Do ynu want to these, Lcautifu, end make your
HAIR soft arid ti iir 1-Read
1, Henry P. Cullen, late barber on board the
steamboat Sunth America, do certify that
Jones' Coral Hair Restorative is the best arti
cle 1 ever used for dressing. softening, cleans
ing and keeping the hair a long tune soft, clean,
silky, dark and in order; all my customers
preferred it to any thing else. For sale by
Au e r. 7,1817—Gm E. WILLIAMS.
Ladles arc Cautioned Against Using
CO :11:110 0 N P EP AHED CHALK:
r 1 11E17 arc not aware how frightfully injuri
ous it is to the .kin! how coarse, how
how e v, yellow, and unhealthy the
skin appears after u,ing pupa red chalk ! Be
sides it is injurious, containing a large quan
tity of Lead ! We have prepared a beautiful
ve , etable article, Ivkch we call
Jones' Spnniu;ll I ily While.
IL is perfectly innocent, being purified of all
deletemous qualities ; and it imparts to the skin
a natural, healthy, alabaster, clear, living
white; at the same time acting as a cosmetic
on the shin. mx6ine it suit and smooth.
Dr. James Anderson, Practical Chemist of
Mass:tell:l , c its. , a3c: " After :.onlyaing Jones'
Spam..ll Lily White, I find it possesses the most
beantiinl and natural, anal at the same time
innocent white I csca saw. 1 certainly can
com.cientiousk recommend its use to all n hose
, requires I.o.:intif!, nig." Price 2.5 cents a
!lox. For sa!e h•; 11. %% 1.1...L121:115.
Columbia, Ati,vist 7, 1617—Gra
lUealtit, Health, hlealfh.
Pubm nary Ce II CI( pi 1.14 C/, runty I?l,,nrhms Unit S,re
Throld, h Ch re me Catarrh, Syr tfrnir el
Pot,, 17/ the hole and Brltrt,t, 1,4(1L
e _tr II itopp;l.Lr
p If Xrrvr, ~,I
71 Palpirat ton (Jr
Bear! ; nird lart.• Com •
..,I,lJijj pawn c , f
N. Kvl nrs
or alt the diSen,eS 10 ; . ittr there IR none
on unovermal dna the till., tour rt m.ld onus and
rttal na Con-tnnpti,, In r , nntry tr•prictitlly Prrl
nitro:try l'oriiirrnroltan In clOplIntle.111) n una to
its resiqle•• C Ak.c.f ., .. 0 • , th , I toti.“
A orzel, tog 1 ,, 0v Ifni It if hand the stronger.' and
fart, rit or our fair: 11,:nt !In al, t llort , to nrit...t tllln
dread d,-cape pi, t,.1 l a. ri
. ild nil I:11: seemed
ttlmu,,irra 0.0 t,a• 1./ /.r• ,t.t.n 1011
ern', 4 L<IT I. .11200Lr1.,1 . F:r..,0 the
I t '
rr• I
e t me
• • • • I.:.ter ronni time In.
•• and consider ng :tt
fr•-quenC) s
(it4l,t). It Is not eurprising t:./ rr“ . •
Caw , new w.le Ills (If 2-
tulle toe brought . ander the 11011 el, o! the pr
The p jLlic, Altno•t p.scrl nrg alit at.d
at pipe, in an cildb , s 11 , n , ,t cornlprmtion 1,35 pee?.
p4,• 4 1 with th•• hope 01 t :p• L i i thisacnurgp;iif a in nate,
mat, d,pthilLts ff spied,tl
ni,:0,14e. Le blnon.l at ',wain tile mastery over
01 the ( • 01111,11 tttttt S) 1.
op of t .11' mod Wood ::apttin,tlits ~bj,ct IS hap
chiy attrpp,l.
'I hr hlsemp'nys4!ln the cnrnpositlon
lit I 9 re1111:1/1. 1 1re .1.1111 11k chabh it Iu pren.cht t 11« 111111efe
.th r ia t;,.. II ays th, 11.%
re-0111:1011 11rifi ~b•tlrpt inn atter dephett has comm. I.CI
hp, ••,11•y h h htth, a1. , 1,:hh, null hi". nl,pnr t.
,d,, h the hroh•ssh.nal %I:Ili:0.'111C, per. :Vo•
,accrt btatx;rk t lii, t. • innl Illeito 1 , r1 , 110./lIC.I
Imnpt lrvly q.% ultin relllrol 1 lie siicre-s u.luch buy
atleTale.l the arlinini•tr.tin .11 el this prepar.sluall Ic unpar
allelled in the records of 11..,1“.al ecience. to ronfirina.
lion of is I.lrn. the prop lelor c, Quid ask a careful peru
sal of the sl.ilenleule et a lew (,t t linsc is ho trade ht.La
re-Inre.l to health hi its pnwerl\ll:2,e,erlcy.
Lei the eie •O‘ •
tninpnund Syrup of Tar and
W.. 0, r,h.t for time In.ny pract.c... and rats
1...n4 it 1,0.1 eint 11 . 1.‘ rem, dy I have r•r n•rd in
11, I tan n in calirrh . I, ir
rttahtlity, rt. thh t‘rakn....., lith pulinnt.ary r.rrit
'sled. The tarnd.ty I:11 is I,ch it act, 1. gr , 4113•1,
ctvar nr opVICI,IOR exists, as hall is
11.1,11intel v relieved In It.
cnnsnmrotinn tt ern Ire Itc, d with rnn.
ft4r.t.rp, hethg nhpllcahle In eVrt,,. fans of that
and I enn,dvr It rr niedlt airtst II worthy the ottr, {inn nil
ph3.“..iarh.., and exempt 11'01111.1re unhntaw.h
. . .
NI CI:A:111.11..1th, M. V.
Th ] ll
;1:3 - The above medicine prriared only by
AN GN EY & DICKSON. at V . E. corner of
Fifth and Spruce streets, Philadelphia.
AGENTS—R. WILLIAMS. Columbia; Jow,
GISH., Lancaster; Ross, Elizabethtown, L.
Grtoss, Harrisburg; K. A74(1>1-Y. Cn HIS!,
Price Si) ct.. or 6 bottles for ,52.50.
March G. 1847. E7C
Salamander, Fire and Thief Prod
Warranted equal to any other make, and hare
er been injured by Fire or Burg/err, in t
instance. Ho al.o keeps on hand a toll
Common Chests, mado of lighter iron, at lo,ttr
61 South Second St., below Chesnut Philad.
B.r Cooling and Preserving MEAT, BUTTER
MlLli,and all articles intended for culinary pur.
FILTERS. for Purifying Water that is brackish
or muddy, whether by rains, minerals, or of horwiso
can be had of 41 ,izes and prices, at the Ware.
room., `n , 61 Snutii Second Street, two (icon be.
l ow Chestnut Sr rem, Pinl.doiphia. r.'d, 1847.
Morning Train Again.
riihlE President and Directors of the 130 -
r more and Susquehanna Rail Road Compa
ny having consentdd to continue the Morning
Train between the above places.
30" The Car will leave Columbia DAILY,
LSundays excepted; at 6{ o'clock A. M., and
the Train will leave Wrightsville at 61 o'clock.
Returning, the Train will leave York at
o'clock, A. M.
D. C. 11. BORDLEY,
April 17, 1847. Supt.
from Baltimore regularly, hereafter, on Sun
ay, at 9 o'clock A. 111., and 11E-runici:so will
tart from Columbia at P. 31., %Yrightsville
2 P. 31., and from York at 3 o'clock. P. 31.,
as on other days of the week. The mail be
tween Baltimore and York w ;:: ba carried by
this train. No other train will run on Sunday.
D. C. 11. BORDLEY,
Superintendent of Transportation.
Oct 27, 164 G.
Baltimore and Susquehanna
Fare Reduced.
TUE Pasbenger Train rune daily as follows
hclnw •
Lcaves Baltinvireac 9 u'eluck A. M. and arrives
at 63 o'clock P. M.
- •
Arrives nt York at 12 o'clock P. M.and leaves
for Columbia at I A- o'clock, P. NI.
Leaves Colums:a 9 o'clock, P. NI .and leaves
York for Baltimore nt 3 'clock o P. NI.
ears from Ball imoro to York, $1 50
Tr.c Train connects at York with t. , t tge's for
Harrisburg, Gettr,burg, Chambersbure, Pittsburg
and You t•iin
The is authorised by the proprietors
of the Stagc• Lint.; to receive the fare through trom
B a ltimore C r, G ell yslmr4 and thrri•burg,
Fare through to either phee,
D. C. H. BORDLEV, Soper').
:Aray 9—tf Ttcliet Dfliet., G 3 North st
The subscriber respectfully informs his
friends and the public in general. that he still
continues to keep the above establishment.
Every pains is at all tunes ta:z2n to render
this one of the best, and, from its central situ
ation, it is one of the most convenient Hotels
in the city.
His TABLE is furnished, at all times, with
the choicest delicacies of the season.
Ills mt:s and Li quoits sic not surpassed
by any other establishment in this city.
Ills Servants are carefnl,lionest and obliging
Terms of Boarding to suit the limes.
Country Merchants and business men will
find the location of the CHESNUT ST. HOUSE,
in the most business parlor Philadelphia.
The subscriber pledges himself that every
thing in his power shall be done to give satis
faction to those who favor him with their pa
INlad., Sept. '27.—ly Ytopnictor.
/ 1
- 1013. the cure of Coughs, Colds. Consump
tion, Spitting of blood, Pain in the side
and breast, Bronchitis, Croup, Asthma, and all
diseases arising from a disordered condition of
the lungs or neglected cold.
:CD - The followin sonnet was addressed to
the. r.roprictor. Ly a !.oung lady who was cured
of cons mption:
Wro pant with failing breath,
And pine a, ay and
!lance shall put away your death,
And light anew your e c.
i•I I •
How sweet it melts upon the tongue,
How grateful to the breast!
A glorious theme fer poet's song,
Soothing his cough to rest.
Rance! favored of the gods art thou!
A blessing to thy race,
Let laurels flourish on thy brow,
And v, raid) those laurels grace.
When heroes arc foreatten—kings
Defunct—or ceased to re;,cn—
Glory for thee shall flay her wings—
Thou conqueror of pain.
SETH S. FIANCE, 105 Baltimore street,
an i corner of Charles and Pratt. streets, Bal
AGENTS—G. G. Claiborne. R. Williams,
W. A. Leader, Columbia; J. F. Fleinush &
Son. Lancaster; Samuel Ensminger Man
rn ; John Stouffer, \lt. Joy y, Roads ; James
Bryan. Elizabethtown. Oct. '24-'46
N Sori.nparitla or Illiind Pills. Fifty Pills In
A ;;I C ;!;: 'She Cheep.- t nod best Medicine in existence'
Lvii••) v. lin Is siitiject to Mho.. Fever should
{•,/.,/ I mend arid ..s•tein ho ncrne a hoz of the
..9;15.•2P-Iftild..l OR BLOOD PILLS!
P•r• r s oß,rieut Wall Cootivehexc, ohoptd try
II USA I'AItI LLA 011111.00 D
7i• oentleninn troubled IS tit Peoples on
the face tihould try the
the Ci'irs reit. ved try
11/. ^ :l7.'^ -lan.. A)'altlt.l,A Olt 111.0013 PILLS I
f•AI t.• an/ Grddiii••l.• rilreit by nettle the
4.91(.1.11.-9/e11.1..4 OR BLOOD PILLS!
•,. card ceneriLl caned by
If Ail,CL'n A Piii.ftiLLA Olt 01.001) PILLS!
Dr.1,..;,•ia ens 1.- cured by .41.1
r.• i.. r live t I ken Chlal ulern hie portions of
e,•••• • •7r. h• el , be.C',tlthee have pains in their bunco,
o • • ' '••••
rri •-, • , „ hit is Purely Vtaatate
1; :a vet r a t.: not to contain a particle of niercuJy.
II kN , ..t.'o! MATI, , ,tetILLA. On BLOOD
Pre ;,%•.-.1 .'71.1 11 S 11 ANCE,
A G ~G G. R. Williams,
W. A. ; .1 F. Ileinitsh dt
Sou, f:ntmin2er, Man
helm; I lirgicki; Jas.
(.frt 24-46
Notice to Builders.
THEagent for
t P., • ?1,47 f.
and is•n„crof a
house or Barr, ff. 4/ 4 1 , 1 In the
County, he having ~ C 6 ) In Co
lumbia, at all tirni e,f Slate
and cau furniiih wi.,•;er•e • ••,/ • • •••••). :pars ex
perience. All rook to
the Building does not ;zit,. way. Char
ges moderate in cult thr:
JEBEMIII All fiIIOWN, Age n t .
for :lie Hon. Jeremiah Browo 5: Company. 1
Culumbta,Jurte 12,1847. _ Gm
2 00
2 12i
THIS extraordinary medicine is founded upon
the principle that the human frame is subj ec t
to ONLY ONH DISEASE, viz: corrupt hum or s,
which, when floating in the general miss of Cir
culation, are the cause of all kinds of Fevers, but
when lodged in the various parts of the body, give
rise to every malady mcident to man.
Let it be remembered that the human body and
Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills are mutaally
adapted one to the other, and that by them all
morbid and corrupt humors (tire cause of disease)
can be entirely eradicated, and this in so easy arid
natural a manner, that while they every day give
ease arid pleasure. of every name is
Literally Driven from the Body.
The following highly respectable storekeepers",
have been duly appointed agents for the sale of
this Celebrated Medicine, in Lancaster county.
Ashville, Taylor & Pierce.
Beara Ile, Reuben Weidler.
Bainbridge, J. F. Beecher.
Bird-in-Band, Jacob Bruner.
Bart Township, W. W. Passmore.
Belieview, Buyers Sr.
Bethesda, James Patton
Brow ',brown, Samuel Hahn
Buek Tavern P 0, Geo T Clark
Belmont. F Brinton
Collins Ferry, Abraham
Chestnut Level, McSparrant & Housekeeper
Conestoga Centre, John LI. Harman.
Church Town, L. & E. Rogers.
Coopersville, E. Lewis.
Columbi r, Fry & Spangler.
Cherry Hill, Isaae S Webster
Drumore, John A, Boyd.
Earl Township, George Duchman.
do du Weaver & LV rimer.
du do Davis Wallace.
Elizabethtown, John Lynch.
Ephrat r, John Gross.
Ephrata, New, L. S. Hacker.
do Wesi, Martin Weidman.
Fairfield, Button & M'Sparran.
Fulton House, Fulton tp., L. P. Wilkinson.
Georgetown, .11Taniia & Buyer
Ilemplield, Itingivult St.-Martin.
Intercourse, Thomas Him,s.
Leacuck township, Frederick Swope.
Lsmpeter Square, J. F. & 1). 11. Herr.
Lair., Nathaniel S. Wolley.
Lanca....ei, John Zimmerman.
Mount Joy, Witmer S.: Cassel.
Mounts ille, John Devlin.
Marietta, W. A & U. Spangler.
Mechanicsville, Jacob 8011.
Mount Joy Township, It. G. Clark & Ca.
Maytown, .10101 Reinhold.
do Slayinaker & Co.
Millersville, Henry Funk.
Marticulle, Stoek Fell.
Mount Pleasant, Lie M . Comant
Mill Creek, Henry Stauffer
Mastersomille, Joseph Masterson
Mut tic Township, Hugh Moore
New Holland, Brubaker & Co.
New Providence, 11:1,1,braudt Sr. Meyer.
New Berlin, Levi Mentzer & Co
New Texas, Carter & Lewis.
Noblesville, J. B. Thompson.
Osk Shad, Milner A:. Pierce,
Oak Run, john P Harlan.
Oregon, Abraham Snenk,
Petersburi:, John Stauffer.
Poplar Grove, L. 11. Paxson.
Peach Motions, S. W. P. Boyd,
Pleasant Grove, llaines & M - Collough.
Penn hill, Ales.ander Johnson.
Penn Town,hip, Jacob Singer.
Pequa Valley, G. & L. Lewis.
Parade , e, A. R. & A. L Witmer.
Mills, M rhlon Posey.
P. rpm Jas C Skiles &Co
Peach Batt en, Wm. Arnold
Rawlinsville, John Rawlins.
Safe Harbor., Jelin Herr & Son,
Sadsbury Meeting House, Sain'l Sellers.
Saridersburg. Chew & Grable.
Strainsourg, Wm Spencer.
Sal-bury, II Fr. eland
%Vashington, Juhn A. Brush.
Willow Street, Beni. B..wer.
Waterloo, Bald, in & Oserholtzer
37.C.L 4 ''01fiees deco ed cx, lusiwly to the sale of
Wmg-ht's Indian regrtable Pills, %%holt sale and
retail, 169 Race street, Philadelphia; 298 Green
wich Street, New York ; and 19S Trem..nt Str. et,
Boston. April 2S•ly.
First Premium Writing Ink.
This Ink has for a long while become esta
blushed as a National article, and the following
testimonials from Washington City, prove its
merits to that distinction.
House of Repreaentatires.
Washington City, Petu nary PA, 11.43.
I state that I have used the Ink, I:11 nog r• ,t
present session of Congress, man 111:, , ,,j
Jo.eph E. Hover, Esq., of 11,11:1,1,:1:,-.m.
base found it to be an:midst of' tr.t . .s•
JOHN VII ITE. Spel!•Pr F'• •
l'atent Offire, IVeteb,nafro,,
February `24, I
Sir—Your Black Wrt t tog lok
in this Office since October last, and t. ‘.ll. t.
ly approved. I am rer.r.ct :1111y,
J. W. II Omit - Clcrk.
Mr. Joseph E. Hover, Plttlad.
Hoverls Adaanantine Cement
The following from Bicknell's Reporter will
best illustrate its value: " Mr. Hover manu
tact ires •' Admantine Cement" for joining
broken china, glass, &c.; we have tried the
article and found it to he excellent."
For sale wholrsale and retail at the manu
factory, No. 87 North Third Street, opposite
Cherry Street, Philadelphia by
JOSEPH E. HOVER, Manufacturer.
te THE subsoriber would inform hiq friends
CA% -Ind the public, generally, that he has remov•
ed to No. '2, Schreine s Rote, between 13..rr's and
Black's Hotel, Front Street, where he wtll con
tinue to keep an elcg,nt ass,,rourrit of Beaver,
Otter, Fur, Silk, and Nutria BATS, and also, n
I.rge assortment of CA PS, all of which he will
take pied , ote in showing to those who favor him
with a call.
Don't forget—Schreiner's Row, No. 2, before
purchasing elswher ; es I am flwersnined to sell
cheap. WM. TEMPLE.
Columbia, Aug. 21, 1847.—tf
A N application will be made at the next Session
of the General Assembly of the Stale of Perisyl
yams, for the incorporation of a Company under
the name and style. or Intended name and style of
"The Columbia Savings Institution," and design
ed as an offko of discount and deposit. with a cap
ital not exceeding one hundred thousand dollars. to
be located in the borough of Columbia, Lancaster
County. Pennsylvania.
Columbia, June 19. 1817. 6in
THE Columbia Bank and Bridge Company
intend to make application to the Legisla
ture of the Commonwea lib of Pennsylvania, at their
next session, for the renewal of the Banking, Dis
counting, and other privileges they po , se.s under
exisiti , g laws. The. Company to be continued by
the name, style and title of the Colu 'dna Bank
buil t B, dire Company, at the Borough of Colornhia,
in the Cour t ly of Lancaster, and State of Pensylva
nia. By older of the Bn
Ccdumhia, Junu 24th, 1847.-6 m.
James IL liunterls
.11,. 40 Front st., Columbia,
Sign of the Big Ilat and Cap, directly opposite
the Bridge, and adjoining Black's Hotel.
The subscriber begs leave to return
1-;- his thanks to his friends and the pub.
7f. tic generally, for the very liberal pat
-„ rona.e heretofore extended to him,
and hopes by strict attention to busi
ness, to ieceiveacontinuationof their
favors; he goes upon the principle "a nimble six
pence is better than a slow shilling," and to carry
out the principle. makes quick sales at small ad.
vani es. His place of busniess i not a brick front,
or of gre it splendor, but lie flatters him.elf that
he can Stilt Customer...better, and sell cheaper, than
per.ons who do business in big brick houses, and
make a great fuss about selling goods at cost, he
does not sell gcods at cost, but sells at a small ad
vance. and by so doing expects to please all that
may favor him with their patronage. He requests
all persons, after visiting sonic of the showy es
tablishment- along Front street, to drop in at No.
40, (sign of the Big Hat and Cap) and compare
the good: anti prices of the different establish
ment, and he is satisfied he can sell them a better
article, and at a lower price than any other store
in the borough.
Hats and Caps,
Of the latest style and fashion always on hand, at
very low prices, and warranted equal to ally man
ufactured in this State Also—Gentlemen's, La
dies and Children's Fashionable
Roofs, Shoes and Slippers.
which have been selected with great care, in re,
gnrd to qonlity and make, and will he sold at the
lowest rotes.
Just sati-ty yourself by canine, at No.lo Fron t
street, Columbia, oppoq:e the Ertdir,e.
JAS. H. HUNTER, Agent.
Mny I, 7e4-7
The subscriber respectfully informs his
ft lends and the public generally that he is now
re:l.:it to supply them at his NEW ES TAIt-
LISILIfENT, the three-story building in
Front street, Columbia,
on the lot formerly occupied by John Enney,
as a ropewalk. Ile intends keeping on hand a
select assortment of fashionably made
He has just returned from Philadelphia and
New York with a new and splendid assortment
of all kinds of clothing, made of the best ma
terials, and in the latest style—consisting rn
part of superfine blue and black cloth COATS,
Frock and Sack Coats, Pelisse Cloth and
Tweeds of every color and quality.
A Lso—a large assortment of plain and fancy
Cassimere, Cloth, and all other PANTS, suit
able for Sprint, Summer and Winter, of every
size and description.
VESTS—Figured. Silk, Satin, Merino and
Marseilles, suitable for all seasons and of every
size, style and quality to which is added a
beautiful assortment of rine Linen bosom
SHIRTS, Muslin, Check and Plain do.; Bo
soms and Collars, Drawers and Undershirts.
Also, a large lot of Cravats Suspenders, half
Hose, 41c. An endless quantity of
Boots and Shoes of all sizes,
flats and Caps,
Travelling Trunks, Carpet Bags and raHem
a variety of notions too tedious to mention
which will be kept in Thus. licatings Front
Room. three doors cast of my budding.
N. B. Clothing inAde to order at the Store.
He has a large supply of goods on hand by the
niece and a first rate Tailor in attendance.—
Do not mistake the place. three story building
on the lot formerly occupied as a Rope Walk.
Persons will find it to their ads antage to give
him a call as lie is determined t o se ll as tow as
any other establishment in t he connty and war
raids all goods. He sells as he represents
them when sold or the money will be refunded.
Columbia, June 5,1847. tf
L 7 :Pr.
.1t! e f.;;
t.t%•••:: ;tlrel.,
WZ. • j..vellect, finest
I.! ;crt
( Welchem,
• .1. (../..arti.r Watches,
111 , . Spectacles,
6,1: Bracelets w. 1.11 toast stones,
Lar . ..en IG carats,
Gold Fin.zer Rtngs :31 - t cents to 99—Watch
Glw,es, plain I 2 cents, patent 181, Lunet 25.
Other articl-s in proportion. All goods warrant
ed to be what they a:0 sold for
O I hand, some Gold and Silver Leers, Lepines
and Quartiers loser than the above prices.
Philadelphia, April 10, 1817. ly
i)arbtuarc ! L)arbroare ! !
gtstThe snbseribers respectfully cal
Wthe attention of the citizens gener
ally, to the tr as4ortment of
lla.rdts - are, Glass, Paints, Oils,
We hqve just received in addition to our stock,
HARDWARE. CUTLERY nod Building 'tinte
r-cal. or all description, su, has LOCKS, HINGES,
Co'laoo of a:: f 2 1 ,0,
PAINTS, Linseed, Sperm and Whale OILS,
Bar, Rod and Hoop Iron,
of ell tins, ANVILS. VICES and BELLOW,
of the best quility, all of which we offer at the
lovre.t. prices. Persnns wishing. to purchase 1%11
find it to their advantage to call St
Coumbia, April 7, ISl7—tf. Locu-t St.
WIIITE Teeth, foul breath, healthy gums,
Yellow and unhealthy teeth, after once
or twice cleaned with
Jones' Amber Tooth Paste.
have the appearance of the most beautiful
ivory. and, at the same time it is so perfectly
innocent and exquisitely fine, that its constant
daily use is highly advantageous, even to those
teeth that arc in good condition, giving them
a beautiful polish, and preventing a premature
decay. Those already decayed it prevents
from becoming worse—it also fastens such as
are becoming Inn•e.n nd by perseverance it will
render the foulest teeth delicately white, and
I makes the breath deliciously sweet. Price 25
lor 37i cents a Box. For sale by
Aug. 17,847-6 m. R. W/LLIAIIIS.
Sale by Order of the Orphans' Court.
VALUABLE property in the Borough of Co.
tumble, Lancaster County, Penna., late the
estate of Christian Breneman, deed.
In pursuance to an order of the Orphans' Court
of Lancaster County, will be exposed to public sale,
on Saturday the 13th day of November next, at 2
o'clock in the afternoon, at the Public House of
Joseph Black, in the Borough of Columbia, all the
right, title and interests of Christian Brcnernan de.
ceased, in following valuable real estate, situated
in the said Borough, to witi—Two :arge FIRE.
and Lots of Ground, bounded East by the Penn
sylvania Railway, and extending to the river shore
near the Susquehanna and Tide Water Canal, and
Front Street, and between the Columbia Bridge and
Pennsylvania Canal Basin. The said Lots are in
width 117 feet, more ur less, fronting towards Front
Street, and 293 feet in depth.
The facilities afforded, by the various Canals and
Railroads for the transportation to the markets of
Philadelphia and Baltimore, are equal to any other
locality, and the advantages and value of this prop
erty for the purposes mentioned, it is believed, ea'
not be excelled.
Also, at the same time and place will be sold in
pursuance to the order aforesaid, the right, title and
intern , :, of said deceased in and to a certain Lot of
Ground situated at the North-West corner of Fifth
and Union Street in said Borough. The said lot
containing 204 feet fronting on Union Street by
131 h feet on Fifth Street.
Attendance will be given and terms aside made
known by ABRAHAM ZOOK,
Administrator de bonis non with the will annex
ed of Christian Brcncman dec'd.
- -
By ordor of Mu Orphans' Court,
Oct. 2J,—ts. Clerk of Orphans' Court.
The following papers will please copy till sale.
and send bills to this office, as also a paper with the
advertisement marked to Abraham Zuok, Coluna
bin. Pa.:
N. American, Phila.; American, Baltimore; Em
porium, Pottsville; Telegraph, Harrisburg; Com
mercial Journal, Pittsburgh.
For the Preservation, Beauty, Growth and Res
toration of the Hair.
rimils valuable preparation excites the scalp to a
j new and healthy action, cleanses it from scurf
and dandruff, prevents the hair from falling off or
becoming prematurely gray, cures those eruptive
diseases which often appear upon the bend, and in
a majority of cases produces a fine growth of new
hair. It also gives the hair a rich and beautiful
appearance, unequalled by any thing of the kind.
In addition to all its usefulness as a preserver and
beautifier of the hair it remo:es all unnatural
harshness and dryness of the hair, which often
precede its loss, and should never be permitted to
continue without using remedies. For the toilet,
Ladies and Gentlemen will Sod this an admirable
article. It gives a luxuriant, silky, soft and fine
brilliancy to the hair and curie, filling the minds of
the beholders with admiration and almost with
envy. All this for only 9.5 cts. a bottle. For sale by
oct9'47-tf W. A. LEADER.
READ the following Certificate in favor of the
Extraordinary Virtues of DR. CULLEN'S
:SCROFULA. Alesors Rowand & Walton:—
Gentlemen—Feeling deeply grateful ior 'lie extra
ordinary cure perturtned upon me by your Dr. Cul
len's Indian Vegetable Panacea, 1 clieerlully
nish you aul, a shunt history of my case.
A hunt seven years ago; [when only eleven years
old] 1 was attacked with Scrolula, which increascd
in us ravages, till my throat was tilled with ulcers !
the botiesol my neck laid bare ! my palate destroy
ed, and a large piece 0! one of the nasal bones car
ried away. My bend was also so much diseased, that
in drinking. the tea or coffee would trot:Newly pass
out of I ity ear! A mass of something which tho
Doctors called a tumor came (ruin my nose.
1 was under the care of physicians of the fitgliest
distinction to ibis city, and at one time pronounced
cured, and by request attended a medical lecture,
where my care, together with the method of cure.
was explained to the students. The Lecturer said
--'• You are now -.yell. but it the disease should
return, you cannot live long. as it would soo.. de
r,oy y our wind•pipe."
I d.d not believe myself cured at the time, as I
had much d •ort ss in my head, and oilier disagreea
ble leeling,s, and of er a time the ulcers re-opened.
J anuary, 1345, my muster called with me upon
Dr. sluttere fir advice. He said 1 was a very sick
girl, and sa.d it was doubtful whether I would ever
get wed; tI ever, it would be a long while. The
diyea,e grew no much worse, that the physician
hu then attended me, said he could see my wind ! 51v lace syn. Rif." swollen, highly inflamed,
mid very pruntul, and the Doctor said ulceration was
si•au:e '
I wa. in this condition in January last when I
commenced :eking your " Da CL:LLEN'S INDIAN
l'ax.icr-t." The tnflaniation was soon
removed. and the dreaded ulceration in the face
pre% cared ! lam now well! I have 1/0 ulcers :
nu path, or anv di-agreable sensation in my head,
and now feel mat I ant cured. I shall be happy to
give any further iniormanoo to the affilied who will
take the trouble to call upon MC at my lather's
house, %k cat Spruce bets, een Beach and Willow
Streets, opposite Spackman's Factory.
Cuat - riazie SANDS.
City of l'ittlasictpitio, as.
'l his seventh day of April, A. n . eighteen huu•
dyed and lorty•six. before the subscriber, Mayor of
the said city, personally appeared Christiana Sands,
who b,trig duly sworn, deposes and says, that the
facts set forth in the foregoing affidwit are strictly
true in es cry particular.
$:3 00
10 Oo
5 Oo
In tesiiniony whereof, 1 have hereunto sot my
hand nod lined the corporate seal of the said city,
on the day and year boor° vt mien.
a lons . SWIFT. Mayor.
We hereby certify, that the above statements of
our daughter arc true in every particular.
Phila April 7, 1846. M say 8A ,D 5
Wholesale and Retail, by ROWAND & WAL-
TON, Proprietors, 376 Market street, Philadelphia;
WM. A. LEADER, Colombia, Pa.; J. T. AN
Marietta, Pa., and GEORGE ROSE, Eliza.
bet'', Pa.
Oct. 2d, 1547.-2 m.
The subscriber is now manutacturing Printing
Ink of superior quality, and offers it for sale in
large or small quantities. upon accommoda jig
terms, in any inetance where the ink sent shall not
answer the description, it will be exchanged or the
price refunded.
A liberal disconut will be made upon large pur•
clin=es for cash.
- .
The News Ink is put up In kegs of 12, 15, 20,
16. 30, 50 and 100 lbs.
Pooh Inks in small and in lb. canisters.
Colored Inks olso in lb. canisters.
EtTA 20 lb. keg of the best news ink will be ecnt
to any point of the Penn'a Improvements at my
risk free of charge. upon receipt of S 5.
COPAL VA 14.N1511 in barrels, kegs, and can
fifers J. 11. MIFFLIN.
Columbia, May 20, 1847.
Wl n L o L ry be o c r xpr o e so d ph to Ib u l g ic k s r ale, aotunh a et T
F tinde a l n e,
Adams county, Pa., on Tuesday, the 16th day of
THREE WAGONS, one of them a Broad Wheel
ed Road Wagon. the others Bark Wagons. Also,
two pairs of Ladders. The horses arc excellent
team horses. Sale t o com mence at 11. o'clock A.
M., when the terms will be made known by
Sept. 24, 1847.—ts HAUGHER & CO.
1 00 PIECES A lochs a and Lustrt a, at prices
front 18 cents and upwards per yard, now
opening at the BEE HIVE, North Queen A.
Sept. 24—If