The Columbia spy and Lancaster and York County record. (Columbia, Pa.) 184?-1848, October 23, 1847, Image 4
PUBLIC SALE Of Three firat.rate Plantations in Manor nionslap. TNETERMINED to move to the State rt 11- liaois, 1 will sell by public vendee, to the highest bidder, on THURSDAY, the 4th day of NOVEMBER next, at my residence, one mile west. of Millerstown, in Manor township, Lancaster county : THREE PLANTATIONS, to wit :—No. 1, consisting of a Tract of Land, containing 140 acres, strict measure. bounded on the east by little Conestoga creek, on the North by No. 3 , on the west by a public road, and on the South by No. 3. The improvements on No. 1, are a two-story stone Dwelling . House, 50 by 30 feet well finished and roofed with slate: a stone Swisser Barn 110 feet long, also roofed , with slate and has a large arched cellar under neath; a wagon shed and corncribs; spring house over a never-failing spring of water, with fine facilities for a distillery, in a well built still house, a smith shop, with other convenient out- buildings ; a pump in a never-failing, well near the house, an Orchard of every kind of choice fruit trees, a well watered meadow, arid about 8 acres of fine timber land, besides different Locust groves over the tract, so far advanced as to enable the cutting of 300 posts yearly without injury to the groves. There is also a good Tenant Elouse and - stable on No. 1. No. '2, consisting of a tract of land, contain lag 61 acres and 113 perches, strict measure, adjoining No. 1, on the South, the Little Con estoga or. the east, land of Jacob Brenner on the north, and a public road on tire West.--- The improvements on this tract arc a two story stone Dwelling House, 4 rooms below and 4 above, with an arched and another cellar; a stone swisser Barn about 70 feet long, with a shingle roof: a spring house over a never failing spring of water. with a dwelling above the spring-house. Of this tract there are about 6 acres of fine timber and a fine meadow: and has the advantage of a road through Jacob Brenner's land to the Blue Rock road, which is a very short distance from it. And No. 3, consisting of a T.R..4.01 Cr 14-111:), containing 881 acres, strict measure, bounded on the north by No. I, on the east by the Little Conestoga creek, on the South by land of John Lintner, (miller) about 35 acres are woodland of the best kind, and on it are to two never failing spring of water, and this No. 3, is a line situation for buildings and for farming purpo ses. The Land throughout is of first-rate Lime itooe soil, the most of it on the sun side, and the whole in the best state of cultiTation.— There are two Mall near the premises, one of a male south. Persons wishing to view the premises will please apply to the subscriber who will show the some and exhibit a draft thereof. Possession and indisputable titles will be giv en on the first day of April next. Sale to commence at 2 o'clock in the after noon, when attendance will be given and terms make known by ABRAHAM HE RR. October 9, 1947-ts. DR. CULLEN'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PANACEA. ADEAD the following Certificate in favor of the Extraordinary Virtues of DR. CULLEN'S , lAN VEGETABLE PANACEA. SCROFULA. Messrs It owand 6.:. Walton:— Gentlemen—Feeling deeply grateful for the extra. ordinal y cure performed upon me 113 } our Dr. C.d. len's Indian Vegetable Panacea, I cheerlully fur lush you with a short history of my ca.e. About seven years ago, [when only eleven years old] I was attacked with Scrofula. which increased in its ravages, till my throat was titled with it leers ! the bones of my neck laid bare I lily palate destroy ed, and a large piece M une of the nasal builw car ried away. My head ss as also so much diseased, that in drinking, the tea or calico would frequently tines out of my ear! A mass of something which the Doctors called n tumor caine front my nose. I was under the care of physicians of the highest distinction in this city, and at one flute pronounced cured, and by request attended a lecture, where my cave, together with the methed of cure. was explained to the students. 'lto Lecturer said You are now but if the disease should return, you cannot live lung. as it tt uuld soo.. de stroy your wind-pipe." I d:d not believe myself cured at the time, as I had much d:stress in my head, and other disagreea ble feelings, and alter a time the ulcers re-opened. In January, 1815, my mother called with me upon Dr. Mutters fur advice. Ile said I was a very stck girl, and said it was doubtful whether I would ever get well ; if ever, it would be a Ling while. The disease grew so much worse, that the physician who then attended me. said he could see mt• wind pipe 11lv face was also swollen, highly inflamed, and very painful, and the Doctor said alai:raw.a was inevitable I was m this condition in January last when I commenced taking your Da Cum.c.N's I `MIA VEGETABLE PAAZACE A.." The infiamatton we, vuon removed. and the decided ulccrai ion in the lace prevented! lam now well! 1 have no tilcerel no pain, or any theng,reable sensation in my head, and now feel that I ant cured. 1 shall he happy to give gray further information to the tatted im will take the trouble, to call upon me at my lather's house, West Spruce betueen fleach.and Wthow Streets, opposite Spackman's Factory. Signed, Ciro of Philadelphia, as This seventh day of April. A. D. ei2htern bun. dyed and lorty•sis, before the eu4s, race, Mayor of the said city, personally appeared Coristiana Sand 4, who being duly sworn, depoce. and says, that the facts set torah in the foregoing aflidivit are strictly true in every particular. _ In tectunony whereof, I have hereunto cot my hand and fixed the corporate teal of the said city, on the day and year beloro written. S „lop , : We hereby cernft, , that the uhove , tateniente of our daughter are true in every paroettlar. tYAP! Wholezale and Retail, by ROWAN!) & WAS.. TON, Proprietors, 376 Market street, Philadelphia; WM. A. LEADER, Columbia, Pa.; J. T. ANDER. SON, Marietta, Pa., and GEORGE ROSE, Eliza. both, Pa. Oct. 2d, 1847.-2 m. TO PRINTERS. The subscriber is now manutticturing I . tintling Ink of superior quality, sod offers n tor side in large or small quantities. upon occommndat lug terms, in any instance where the ink sent shall not answer the description, it will be exchanged or the price refunded. A Ilberal Maccenut will be made upon large Pur chases ror cash. The News Ink is put up in kegs of 12, 15, 20, 16. 30. 50 and 100 lb.. Book Inks in small kegs and in lb. canisters. Colored Inks also in lb. canisters. LiZTA 20 lb. keg of the best news ink will ho sent to any point of ihe Penn'a Improvements at my rlsk free of chnrce. urinn receipt of 95. COPAL VARNISH m blrrel.., kegs. and can isters _ J. 11. \IIFF LIN. A FINE SET OF TEETH FOE 23 CENTS, VIETII ITE Teeth, foul breath, healthy gums, , f Yellow and unhealthy teeth, after once or twice cleaned with Jones' Amber Tooth Paste. have (he appearance of the most beautiful ivory, and, at the same time it is so perfectly innocent and exquisitely fine, that its constant daily use is highly advantageous, even to those le, th that are in good condition, giving them a beautiful polish, and preventing a premature I decay. Those already decayed it prevents from becoming worse—it also fastens such as are becomin g loose , and by perseverance it will - render the oiliest teeth delicately white, and "DONNE? RIBBONS. A good iusertment of makes the breath deliciously sweet. Price 25 JID win I ter trimmings at or 37i cents a Box. For sale by cic247 PRY & SPANGLER'S. Aug. 17,647—Gm. R. WILLIAMS. Columbia. May O. 1R•17 PUBLIC SALE. WILL be exposed to public sale, at the Tan. nery of Joseph Rougher, Fountund.le. Adams county, Pa., on Tuesday, the 16th day of November, SIX HORSES, HORSE GEARS, TIME WAGONS, one of them a Broad Wheel ed Road Wagon, the others Bark Wagons. Also, two pairs of Ladders. The horses aro excellent team banes. Sale to commence at 11 o'clock A. IC, when the terms will be made known by Sept. 24, 1847.—ts BAUGFIER & CO. ~ GEN.TAYT, O R NEVER SURRENDERS!,' FASHIOSAULE AND CHEAP HAT, CAP, BOOT AND SHOE EIVIPORIUM, .lb. 40 Front St., Columbia, Sign of the Big Hat and Cap, directly opposite the 13ii,Ige, and adjoining Black's Hotel. The subscriber begs leave to return his thanks to his friends and the pub. lie generally, for the very liberal pat ronage heretofore extended to him, •=4 , • and hopes by strict attention to ness, to reeetvea continuation of their favors; he goes upon the principle "a nimble six pence is better than a slow shilling," and to carry out the principle, makes quick sales at small ads sari, es. His place of business is not a brick front, or of great splendor, but he flatters himself that he can suit customers better, and sell cheaper, than persons who do business in big brick houses, and make a great fuss about goods at cost, he does not sell goods at cost, but sells at a small ad vance. and by so doing expects to please all that may favor him with their patronage. He requests all poisons, after visiting some of the showy es tablishments along Front street, to drop in at No. 40, (sign of the Big Hat and Cap) and compare the goods and prices of the different establish ment, and he is satisfied he can sell them a better article, and at a lower price than any other store in the borough. Hats and Caps, Of the latest style and fashion alwayv on at very low price., and warranted equal to any man ufactured in this State Also—Gentlewen's, La dies and Children's Fashionable Roofs, Shoes and Slippers. which have been selected with great care, in re, gArd to quality and matte, and will he sold at the lowest totes. Just. yourself - by calling at N 0.40 Front street, Columbia, oppoqte the Bridge. JAS. H. HUNTER, Agent. 11Tay I, 1847. lIMEUIMMOM The subscriber respectfully informs his ft iends and the public generally that he is now rea.'y to supply them at his NEW ESTAB LISIEIf EX T, the three-story building in Front street, Columbia, on the lot formerly occupied by John Enney, as a ropewalk. ;le intends keeping on hand a select assortment of fashionably made He has just returned from Philadelphia and New York with a new and splendid assortment of all kinds of clothing, made of the best ma teriais, and in the latest style—consisting in part of superfine blue and black cloth COATS, Frock and Sack Coats, Pelisse Cloth and Tweeds of every color and quality.—a large assortment of plain and fancy Cassimere, Cloth, and all other PANTS, suit able for Spring, Summer and Winter, of every size and description. VESTS—Figured, Silk, Satin, Merino and Marseilles, suitable for all seasons and of every size, style and quality ; to which is added a beautiful assortment of fine Linen bosom smirrs, Check and Plain do.; Bo soms and Collars, Drawers and Undershirts. Also, a large lot of Cravats Suspenders. half Hose, 10. An endless quantity of Boots and Shoes of all sizes. TrarsUlna Trunks, Carpet Bags and a variety of notions too tedious to mention which will be kept in Thus. Keatings Front Room, three doors east of my building. B. Clothing made to order at the Store. He has a large supply of goods on hand by the niece and a first rate Tailor in attendance.— Da not mistake the place, three story building on the lot formerly occupied as a Rope %Valk. Persons will find it to their advantage to give him a call as he is determined to sell as low as any other establishment in the county and war rants all goods. tie sells as lie represents them when sold or the money will be refunded. Columbia. June .1,1847. If WATCHES & JEWELRY, AT - rim "PIIII.ADEI.PRIA J i WATCH & JEWELY STORF, 11 96 Non:III SECOND Sl'., Corner 01 Gold Levy' . Watcheq, fu II jewelled, IS carat MEE Silver Lever NN au lieu, full jewelled, Silver Levi r Wotehea, set en jewel., Siker Lepirie Watch, ~ jewelled, finest quality, 13,00 Superior Quartier Watches, 10,00 Imitation Quartier Watches, 5 00 Gill Spectacles, 8,00 Fine Silver Spectacle*, 1,75 Gold Bracelet: - with topaz stones, 3,50 Ladie+ Gold Pencil-, 10 carats, 2,00 Gold Hager Rules 37i cents to s3—Watch Glasses, plain 123 cents, pitent 11 , :i. Ltinet 25. Other articles in proportion. All goods warrant ed to be %%hat they ate sold Cot CHLISTI NA SANDS 0 CONRAD. 0a hand. sonar Gold and Silver Levers, Lepine and Quartiera loner than the at.ove prices. Pi.iladelphia, April 10, 1847. 1 V21.1.1.1M SANt,[ SANIIC riarbwarc Liarbwatc ! • The 5 nbscribers rctipecifully cal -I the attention of the citiren. gener an!, , to their us.ortment of Hardware. Glass. paints, 01ls, We hive just received in addition to our stock . , II I.RD WA RE, CIrTLERY and Building Mate rial- of all description, Jll , ll as LOCKS, HINGES, SCREWS, NAILS and SPIKES. cf { I g, PAINTS, Linseed, Sperm and Whale OILS, Dar, Rod and Hoop Iron, of all ,ivs, ANVILS, VICES and BELLOW, of the hest quility, all of which we offer at the lowest prices. Persons wishing to purchase twit find it to their advantage to call at RUMPLE & HESS'S: Coumbia, April 7, 1817-If. Locust St James H. Hunter's By B. C RANSTON. CLOTHING. Hats and Caps, I - 1 F. 11' rff=E= W 2383 2 23 MU/ VEGETABLE PILLS. THIS extraordinary medicine is founded upon the principle that the human frame is subject to ONLY ONE DISEASE, viz : corrupt humors, which, when floating in the general mass of cir culation, are the cause of all kinds of Fevers, but when lodged in the various parts of the body, give rise to every malady incident to man. Let it be remembered that the human body and Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills are mutually adapted one to the other, and that by them all morbid and corrupt humors (the cause of disease) can be entirely eradicated, and this in so easy and natural a manner, that while they every day give ease and pleasure. Disease of every name is Literally Driven from the Body. The following highly respectable storekeepers have been duly appointed agents for the sale of this Celebrated Medicine, in Lancaster county. Ashville, Taylor & Pierce. Bear,ille, Reuben Weidler. Bainbridge, J. F. Beecher. Bird-in-Hand, Jacob Bruner. Bart Township, W. W. Passmore. Belieview, Buyers & Bethesda, James Patton Brownstown, Samuel Hahn Buck Tavern P O, Geu T Clark Belmont. F Brinson Collins Ferry, Abraham Collins- Chestnut Level, MeSparrant & Housekeeper Conestoga Centre, John H. Harman. Church Town, L. & E. Rogers. Coopersville, E. Lewis. Columbia, Fry & Spangler. Cherry Hill, Isaae S Webster Drumore, John A, Boyd. Earl Township, George Hochman. do do We.aver & Witmer. do do Davis Wallace. Elizabethtown, Jobn Lynch. Ephrata, John Gross. Ephrata, New, L. S. Hacker. do %Vest, Martin Weidmen. Fairfield, Hutton & M'Sparrar. Fulton House, Fulton tp., L. P. ltilkinson- Georgetown, M'Canna & Buyer Binge alt & Martin. Intercourse, Thomas filmes. Leacock township, Frederick Swope. Limpeter Square, J. F. & D. li. Herr. Litiz, Nathaniel S. %Volley. Lances:re, John Zimmerman. Mount Joy, Witmer & Cassel. Alountville, John Devlin. Marietta, W. A. & B. Spangler. Mechanicsville, Jacob Hell. Mount Joy Township, H. G. Clark & Co. Maytown, John Renal/old. do Slaymaker & Co. Millersville, Henry Funk. Marie:vine, Stoek & Fell. M ,, ust Pleasant, Isaac APComant. 111111 Creek, Henry Stauffer Mastersonville, Joseph Alastersoni Ater tie Township, Hugh Moore New Holland, Brubaker & Co. New Providence, liddebrandt & Meyer. New Berlin, Levi Mentzer S Co New Texas, Carter & Lewis. Noblesville, J. B. Thompson. o,k Shade Milner & Pierce, Oak Run, john P Harbin. Oregon, Abraham Shenk, Petersburg, John Stauffer. Poplar Grove, E. 11. Paxson. Peach Bottom, S. W. P. Boyd. Pleasant Grove, Haines & Penn Hill, Alevunder Johnson. P.nn Township, Jacob Singer. Pequa Valley, G. & L. Lewis. Paradise, A. P. & A. 1.. Witmer. Pow) 's Mills, M ih lon Pusey. Pr, qu Jas C Skiles &Co Peach Bottom, Wm. Arnold Rawlinev mile, John Beryline. Sani'l Hinny. Safe Harbor, Jeliti Herr & Son, Sadvbury Meeting House, Sam'l Sellers. Sandersburg. Chew & GB able. Stransburg, IVin. Spencer. Salsbury, II Freeland Washington, John A. Brush. Willow Street, Benj. Bower. Waterloo, Baldaiu & Overholtzer dero ed exelusbely to the sale of Wrig,bro billion Vegetable Pills, wholee.ale and retail, 169 Ince street, Philadelphia; :288 Green wich Street, New York ; and 198 Tremont Street, Boston• April 28-Iy. 110VER , S First Premium Writing Ink. This Ink has for a long while become esta blished as a National article, and the following testimonials from Washington City, prove its merits to that distinction. House of Reprearntatires. Washington City, February 2-1, .1843. I state that I have te.nd the Ink, during the present cession of Congress. manufactured by Joseph E. Hover, Esq., of Philadelphia, and I have found it to he all arttcle of most excellent quality. $l3OO . j2:3,110 15,00 • JOHN WHITE, Speaker Hu. Rep. l'airnt (*cc, IVashingion, D.C., rairnary :11, 1843. Sir—Your Black Writing Ink lias been used in this Office since October last, and is entire ly approved. I am respectfully, J. %V. HAND, Chief Clerk. Mr. Joseph F.. Hover, PMlad. Hover~ Adamantine Cement The following from Bicknell's Reporter will best illustrate its value : " Mr. Hover manu lact3res " Admantine Cement" for joining broken china, glass, &c.; we have tried the article and found it to be excellent." For sale wholesale and retail at the manu factory, No. 87 North Third Street, opposite Cherry Street, Philadelphia, by JOSEPH E. HOVER, Manufacturer. may8.1847-tf. Yf '6U2-10)2o A N application will be made at the next Seaston of the General Assembly of the State of Pennsyl vania, fur the incorporation n 1 a Company under the name and style. or wended name and style of "The Columbia Savings Institution," and design ed as an office of discount and deposit, with a cap ital not exceeding one hundred thousand dollars, to be located in the borough of Columbia, Lancaster Couto , . Pennsylvania. Colombia. Jane 19. 1847. urn Notice. THE Columbi Bank and Bridge Company intend to make application to the Legisla ture of the Commonwealth of at their next session, for the renewal of the Banking, Die. counting, and other privileges they possess under existing laws. The Company to be continued by the name, style and title of the Columbia Bank hod Bridge Company, at the Borough 01 - Columbia, in the County of Lancaster, and State of Pensylva nia. By order of the Board, SAMUEL SHOCII, Ca•hier. Columbia, June 24th, 1547.-6 m. NEW LIGHTS. FAIRBANK'S' BURNING FLUID. , A LL yuu who have been sitting in the DARKNESS and shrithiw of the, greasy filthy, black COI oil, that is now being sold throughout thecountry for sperm oil, arc invit ed to call at Wright's, and purchase a pair of LAMPS and make use of one quart of the fluid sold by them, and if you are not entirely satisfied with the article, you have only to re turn the Lamps, and have your money refund ed. Oil Lamps of everdiscription altered to burn the Fluid. J .D. .& J. WRIGHT. Columbia, May 27, 18417.—tf Morning Train Again. BETWEEN YORK, WRIGHTSVILLE AND COLUMBIA. THE President and Directors of the Balti more and Susquehanna Rail Road Compa ny having consented to continue the Morning Train between the above places. yJThe Car will leave Columbia DAILY, [Sundays excepted] at 61 o'clock A. M.. and the Train will leave Wrightsville at 61 o'clock. Returning, the Train will leave York at 8 o'clock, A. M. D. C. H. BORDLEY, April 17, 1847. Supt. S UNDAY TRAIN. r - BALI (MORE Ar. SUSQUEHANNA A.R. THE IVTORNING PASSENGER TRAIN will from Baltimore regularly, hereafter, on Sun ay, at 9 o'clock A. M., and RETURNING will tart from Columbia at I P. M., Wrightsville 2 P. M., and from York at 3 o'clock, P. M., as on other days of the week. The mail be tween Baltimore and Yorw 1.-.3 carried by this train. No other train will run on Sunday. D. C. 1-1. BORDLEY, Superintendent of Transportation. Oct 27, 1846. Baltimore and Susquehanna 273' - RAIL ROAD. Pare Reduced. T HE Passenger Train runs daily as follows Leaves Baltimore,' t 9 o'clock A. M. and arrives at 63 o'clock I'. M. Arrives at York at 12 o'clock P. 111. and leaves for Columbia at 1+ o'clock, P. M. Leaves Colutnbia at 2 o'clock, I'. li.and leaves York for Ilaltimoro at 3 o'clock P.M. rare from Baltimore to York, $1 5l Wrights.llle, 2 00 Columbia. 2 12,t _ . The Train connects at York with Stage - s for Harrisburg, Gettysburg,Charsibersbun, Pittsburg and Yott , Springs. FARE. TO GETTYSI3URG & HARRISBURG The company is authorised by the proprietors of the Stage Lines to receisethe fate through from Baltimore to Gettysburg and Harrisburg. RALTIMORE TO GETTYSBURG AND FEAR HISBUR G. Fare through to either place, $3. D. C. El BORD LEY . , Super't. May 9 —tf Ticket Office, 63 North st. CHESNUT STREET HOUSE NO. 121 CIIESNUT STREET, A FEW DOORS BELOW FOUBTH,NORTII SIDE. The subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public in general. that he still continues to keep the above establishment. Every pains is at all times to render this one of the best, and, from its central situ ation, it is one of the most convenient Hotels in the city. His TABLE is furnished, at all times, with the choicest delicacies of the season. His WINES and Liquons are not surpassed by any other establishment in this city. His Servants are careful, honest and obliging Terms of Boarding to suit the times. Country Merchants and business men will find the location of the CHESNUT ST. House, in the most business parlor Philadelphia. The subscriber pledges himself that every thing in his power shall be done to give satis faction to those who favor him with their pa tronage. SAMUEi MILLER, Piffled., Sept. 27.—1 y Proprietor. HANCE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OP 110A.RROUND. Take time by the forelock, is a piece of ad vice which is suitable to all seasons, and appli cable to a❑ purposes ; though there is no instance in which this piece of advice is more valuable, than to persons who have a cough or cold, for if they neglect what may appear to them very trifling iu the beginning, it may lead to infatuation of the lungs, and finally con sumption! To all who have a cough, we wou Id say, procure a bottle of Fiances' Compound Syrup of lioarhound. The medicine is'pleas ant to take and it may save you years of suffer ing. SETH. S. HANCE, 103 Baltimore street, and corner of Gila: les and Pratt streets, Bal timore. AGENTS—G. G. Claiborne. R. Williams, W. A. Leader, Columbia; J. F. Heinitsli & Son, Lancaster; Samuel Ensminger Man helm; John Stouffer, Mt. Joy y, Roads ; James Bryan, Elizabethtown. Oct. 24-'46 Hance's Sarsaparilla Vegetable, or Blood Pills For Purifying the Blood! ITANCES' Sarsaparilla, or Blood Pills. What is the principle which we call the blood? The blood is that principle by which the whole system is regulated. Therefore, if the blood becomes impure, a general derange. ment of the system must ensue ; and give rise to coughs, colds, influenza, dyspepsia, dropsy, headace, fullness of blood, billions, scarlet, ty phoid and typus fever of 't :,finds; indigestion, weakness of stomach, rheumatism and rheu matic affections, nervous affections, liver com plaint, asthma, pleurisy. inflamation of the lungs, low spirits, fits, measles, small pox. who ,ping cough, croup, sore eyes, inward weakness, worms, quinzy. broochitus, choke, dysentery, gravel, salt rheum, deafness and other affections of the ear, St. Antony's fire, scrofula or kings evil, ulcers, white-swellings, tumors, biles, suppressed monthly discharges and female complaints in generel eruptions of the skin, habitual costiveness and all diseases depending on a disordered and diseased state of the blood, or a suspension of the healthy se cretions. Therefore, on the first appearace of any of these symptoms, fiances' sarsaparilla or blood pills should be procured and used according to the directions. Price 25 cents a box of Pity Pills, or S boxes for one dollar. Prepared and sold by SETH S HANCE, 108 Baltimore. AGENTS—G. G. Claiborne. R. Williams, W. A. Leader, Columbia; J. F. Retnitsh Ez: Son, Lancaster; Samuel Enstninger, Man helm; Jacob Stouffer, Mt. Joy y, Roads; Jas. Bryan, Elizabethtown. 0ct.24-46 Notice to Builders. HE undersigned is appointed agent for I the Peach Bottom SLATE QUARRY, and is prepared to Slate any Roof, either of a house or Barn that may be wanted in the County, be baring on hand at bis yard in Co litsnbia, at all times, the best article of Slate and can furnish workmen of thirty years ex perience. All roofs warranted not to leak if the Building does not sink or give way. Char ges moderate to suit the times. JEREMIAH BROWN, Agent, for the Hon. Jeremiah Brown SZ Company. Columbia, June 12,1847. 6m Those Who have been Deceived With MOCK PRETENDED HAIR PREPARATIONS Should read the following statements of respectable persons. Nr . R. Abraham Vanderbeck - , of Avenue 98 D, New York, certifies that his head was entirely bald on the top, and by the use of two 3s. bottles of JONES' CORAL BAIR RESTORATIVE, he has a good crop of hair, and will soon have it long, thick and luxuriant. Mr. WILLIAM JACKSON, of 89 Liberty street, Pittsburg, certifies; On the 3d of February, 1847 ' that Mr. Thomas Jackson's head on the i top, was entirely bald for fifteen years, and that by using two 3s. bottles of Jones' Coral 1-lair Restorative, the hair is growing fast, thick and healthy. He expects by using this a little longer to have a better head of hair than lie ever had. To those whose hair is gray, or falling chq . and weak at the roots: I hereby certify that my hair was turning gray and falling off, and that since I have used Jones' Coral Hair Restorative it has entirely ceased falling, is growing fast, and has a fine, dark look. Before I used Jones' Coral Hair Restorative I combed out handfuls of hair dai ly. WM. TOMPKINS, 92 King st., N. Y. UAVE YOU SCURF OR DANDRUFF? M. Power a grocer, of Fulton street, had his hair completely choked up with dandruff; and Jones' Coral Hair Restorative entirely and permanently cured it. Do you want to dress, beautify, and make your HAIR soft and fine?—Rcad 1, Henry E. Cullen, late barber on board the steamboat South America, do certify that Jones' Coral Hair Restorative is the best arti cle 1 ever used for dressing. softening, cleans ing and keeping the hair a long time soft, clean, silky, dark and in order; all my customers preferred it to any thing else. For sale by Aug. 7,1617-6 m , R. W ILLIAMS. Ladlea are Cautioned Against Using. COMMON PREP/ IR EID CHALK: IFTIHEY are not aware how frightfully injuri- JL it is to the skin! how coarse, how rough, how sallow, yellow, and unhealthy the skin appears after using pepared chalk ! Be sides it is injurious, containing a large quan tity of Lead ! We have prepared a beautiful vegetable article, which we call Jones' Spanish Lily White. h. is perfectly innocent, being purified of all deleterious qualities; and it imparts to the skin a natural, healthy, alabaster, clear, living white; at the same time acting as a cosmetic on the skin, making it soft and smooth. Dr. James Anderson, Practical Chemist of Massaclmsetts.says; After analyzing Jones' Spanish Lily White, I find it possesses the most beautiful and natural, and at the same time innocent white 1 ever saw. 1 certainly can conscientiously recommend its la all whose skin requires beautifying." Price 25 cents a Box. For sale by R. 1V ILLI AAI S. Columbia, August 7, 1847—Gm Meanie., Meanie, Health. THOMPSONS' COMPOUND SYRUP OF TAR AND WOOD NAPTHA. TUE ONLY CERTAIN RE:IT.I)Y FOR TIFF. CURE 0. Pubnaxirry Consumption Chrome Brooch:W.ond 5.,. Throni,,loihnin, Chronic Catarrh, :spumy of Blood, Pain an the Side and Bernet, Dip eulty of Breathing, Whoppine Cough, Croup. Weak Herres o lid -Vernon, Tremours, Pulp:tattoo of the Heart ; also hirer Con:- plalntand.dffection of the Kidoreps. - - O . F all tire diseases incident to Our climate there, I. none so universal and at the saute triune SO 1111 , 1111.10 US and fatal as Consumption. in thi• roinitry especially Pul monary Consumption is emphatically a scourge and in its resistless career sweeps o'er the land as a destroy log Angel, laying low north relentless hand the strongest and fairest of our race: Hitherto all efforts to arrest this dread disease have proved vain, mad all that seemed o 'atm our power was at hest the alternation of suffering rendering somewhat smoother the certain progress to the tomb: The proprietor in offering this preparation to the public. would embrace the opportunity to state upon o hat grounds it puts forth its merits • and the reasons upon ‘vbielt it fotlntlfi Its superior clams to the attention of the afflicted, that nil who re a usrequisite mop repose full sonfideuce in its curative lumen , . Since its first prepa ration he has had the pleasure of witnessing Ile hippy re sults lit numerous insiances; but he was determined not to offer it to the public until he had become thoroughly convinced of its eilicacy. lie now confidently offers it a. a remedy without a parallel for the cure off.III.MUN ARV CONSUMPTION and its kindred diseases. COnslll.lpliOn of a tuberculous character from time im memorial has peen deemed incurable sod considering its frequency and fatality, it is not Ulfpripiltgll.lll new rem edies nod new eqstems of treat ment should from time to time be brought under thin nonce sit the Profession sad the public. Alenmt every organic and ittorgaltie tub ■tauce. in an endless round of combination, bus been Wed x• 1111 the hope or checking this scourge or Out rao e. ninny doubtless believing that in the progress .I' medics I knowledge we should at last obtain the mastery over Untinituiptlon. and, in the lire of the comp° ISy I Up of nr and Wood liaptha, this object is imp dily attained. The therapeutic agents employ ed in the composition of ibis reniedy.:, re Filth as enable it to pre. cot the sects tom of tuberculous matter in the lutigpited to cause lie resoltition nod absorption after deposit has commenced, use object achieved by no other medicine. and the import ' once IP r which the professional 111.111 Will at once i/cll'uiVe, since it brings this form of ahem, pent ad tired hopeless, entirely within control. The Furcrss which has attended The eihniniurat ion of this preparation is miner allelled in Ills records of medical science, in confirms tuna of which, the prupnetur would ask a careful peru sal of the statements of a few of those who hare been restored to health by its powerful agency. Let the fob - ovoid speak fur itself— ,•lhave treed Thompson's Compound Syrup of Tar and Wood Naptha for some time 11l my practice. and have found it the most efficient remedy I have ever used in Consumptive gale!, dal/tile catarrh, &C., us ken great ir- ritabillty, with weakness of the pUilllMlltlfy organs. ex isted. The rapidity with which it acts is greatly in its favor where tlyspiimo or oppression exult, which Is im mediately relieved by it. ..In Polnionary Coneumption It can be used with con fidence, befog applicable to every form of that disease, and I consider it a medicine well worthy the attention of physicians, and exempt from the ice putatino of rnipiri _ _Ns :• Clle,lllSETtit,'Al. D. _ . Philadelphia, October ii . 1544:" KrThe above medicine prepared only by ANGN EY & DICKSON. at N. E. corner of Fifth and Spruce streets, Philadelphia. AGENTS--R. WILLIAMS. Columbia; JOIIN Gisn, Lancaster; Ross, Elizabethtown, D. Gnoss, Harrisburg •, It., Price 50 cts.. or 6 bottles for .1(2,50. March 6, 1847. 87G OLIVER EVANS' Salamander, Fire and Thief Proof IRON CHESTS, Warranted equal to any other make, and have nev er been injured by Fire or Burglar', in a single instance. He also keeps on hand a full supply of Common Chests, made of lighter iron, at lower prices. LETTER COPYING PRESSES AND BOOKS. TRUCKS FOR STORES, FACTORIES, &c. DRUGGISTS' PR ESSES. EAGLE GLASS PAPER. PORTABLE SHOVER BATHS, &c. PACKING LEVERS. HOISTING MACHINES. REFRIGERATORS AND WATER FILTERS. OLIVER EVANS, 61 South Second St., below Chesnut Philad. REFRIGERATORS For Cooling and Preserving MEAT, BUTTER, MILK, and all articles intended for culinary pur poses. WATER . FILTERS OLIVER EVANS' CELEBRATED WATER FILTERS, for Purifying Water that is brackish or muddy, whether by rains, minera/s,or otherwise can be had of all sizes and prices, at the Ware. rooms, No. 61 South Second Street, two doors be. low Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. October 2d, 1847. MORE NEW GOODS £t the Columbia New Coat Store. & S. PATTON have just received an assortment of New GooZs consisting o f superfine Blue, Black, and Olive Cloths, Plain, Striped & Fancy Cassimers, Ceshmerets, Tweeds, Croton Codrington and Summer Cloths, Linen and Cotton Drilling, with a variety of Articles suitable for Summer wear. Marseilles, Valencia, and Satin Vestings, Black Silk, suitable for Mantillas, Fan cy, Sniped, Plaid, and Plain do. for dresses. FRINGES, GIMPS, BUTTONS. &c. Merino, Mohair, Mons de Leine, and Silk Shawls, Corebel and Marseilles Skirts. Lawn and Lawn Ginghams, Alpaebas &c., Bareges, Silk and Linen Pocket Handkerchiefs. Cambric, Earlston, Man. chester and Domestic Ginghams, French and Da mask Table Cloths. Hackaback, Birdeye, and lit,,. sin Towelings, Mull, Cambric, Jaconett, Swiss Plaid Striped Muslins. Best quality Rid Gloves, Silk Mitts, Lisle thread, Fancy and Cotton Gloves, Palm leaf Hats &e., c. With a complete assortment of bleach ed and brown Sheeting, and Shirting Muslins, Car petings from 10 cents to $l,OO, Plain and Figured Matttngs, Floor and Table Oil Cloths, Looking , Glasses, Queens-ware, Fresh Groceries ' Hams, dried Beet; &c., Mackerel, Pickled and Smoked Herring. Much care has been taken to secure for custom. era a choice varies) and the subscribers having purchased their goods for Cash are determined t., sell them on the most reasonable terms, N. B. Country ptroduce taken in exchange for goods at the highest price. W. & S. PATTON Columbia, July 3rd, 1847.--tf COLVIVEBIA. DOOR AND STATIONERY STORE C. WESTBROOK keeps eon / ,47 :4 staidly on hand a large and well imm - ,to.W selected assortment of MISCEL LAN EOUS BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, of all discriptions, from the small pocket memoran dum to the substantialls bound decoy. Letter arid Cap PAPER, by the ream, quire, or single sheet. SCHOOL. BOOKS. Serials, Periodi cals, Newspapers, &c. Staple and Fancy ST A T I ON A RY, Brushes Combs, Purses, Pocket Books, Toilet and Pockets Alirrors„ Razor Strops, Shaving Soaps; Pasteboard. Ivory. Marabo and Steel Studded FANS, and nu nerous other articles, all of which wilt be sold very low for cash. N. B. Cash paid for Rags. Columbia. April 7, 1847. A. BUSSED, BLESSED AND HEAVENLY MIRACLE OF MIRACLES!! ON the 4th of August, in the year 1843, a singular scene occurred in the Royal Sc.- entitle. Institute of Prance. The aged, white headed President, his bead bare, his arm out stretched, his face. radksat with smiles, (for science was triumphant,) and his voice with gratulatory tone, delivered the following re port : IVe are astounded at this singular prepa ration. W here indeed will science slop Here we have a preparation made in the fonn of a beautiful piece of soap, which we know by actual practice, to cure every cutaneous eruption, every disfigurement of. and even die colared skin! Where wilt its magidand sin gular power cease? The Negro, the Creole, the Yellow Race of the East, and the Red Man of the Var West, are alike under the influence of its extraordinary powers of clearing yellow or discolored skin, and making it white and beautiful and of changing the color of dark,or black, or brown skin." (Here several persons. were brought forward by the President, who had used it, in proof of his assertion.) There are probably few persons of gence, who, after reading the above, will donl.t the qualities of Jones) Italian Chemical Soap in curing Pimples, Blotches, Salt Rheurn, Scurvy, Erysipelas, Sore Beads, Old Sores, Beard and Barber's Itch, Chapped and Tender Flesh, Freckles, Tan, Sunburn and. changing dark Sunburn or Yellow Skin to a pure clear white, as smooth and soft as an Iniamts, and in fact every kind of eruption and disfigurement. Read these certificates: Prom the New Orleans Sentivet, Octnber, One o: our subscribers. Mr. 11. Leonard, in forms us that be has been cured of old, scaly Salt Rheum, of eighteen years standing, on hi.. beard, fingers, and hands, by a cake of an arti cle advertised lately—we speak of Jones' Ital ian Chemical Soap. lie also informs us that he has tried its effects on his female slave Rose, much marked with sun spots, and he found in two weeks her skin much clearer and whiter. James Eltham, a painter, in Jersey City, was cured of carbuncles, and pimples, which ho was afflicted with for many years, by part of is cake of ;ones' Italian Chemical Soap. Persons in purchasing this must always ask for JONES 'ITALIAN CHEMICAL SOAP; and per haps, as many who have been cheated with counterfeits, will be too much discouraged lo try the genuine, we say to such, try this once— you will not regret it : hut always see that the name of T. JONES is on the wrapper. Sold only in New York at 82 Catham Street, Sign of the American Eagle. Price, SO Cents a Cake. For sale by R. %VILLIAIMS. Columbia, Aug. 7,1847-6 m. DR. LE ROYS Vegetal)lp tnivers.ll Pilbc Arc a strengthening purg,atire and a purifving Tonic. THE hopes of the American agents are far more than realised by the success of Dr. Lo Roy's Vegetable Universal Pills on this ride et the Atlantic. Never did a medicine spring such immediate popularity: In less than three months eighty thousand hoses have been disposi of; and cr.:Wien:es of cures performed by the received from upeaids of four hundred persons. The cures embraced a great number of diseases) but those which predominated were 13illious Fe err, Colic, Habitual Costiveness, Dysi wary , Loss of Appetite. Flatulence. Worms and Loss. ness of Spirit.. All persons who take them epee that they are isr superior to every other medico e they had nard, in the mildness the energy, *mit the efficacy of their action; for though they pie. duce neither gripe nor nausea, they act u; Oil the secretions with great directness, force and rapid. ity; and as a purgative leave nothing to be desired. But their great peculiar excellence, and that which distinguishes them from all other purgatives is, thatthair operation is followed by no reaction.— Their unrivalled purifying and purgative proper ties, for which they are indebted to the essence of Sarsaparilla, and other ingredients,being controll ed by their highly tonic virtues derived from the extract of Wild Cherry, they do not strain the digestive organs into action, as is the mode of operation with other cathartics, but on the contra ry strengthen them into action. Thus all other riurgative medicines produce more or less subse quent costiveness, abd sluggishness of the gastric juice, while Dr. Le Roy's Pills leave all the ma chinery of the system full of life activity, and the bowels open and natural. 1:: - .Price 25 cents per box.- digents for Co/nmbio—R. WILLTAXII, WIC A ',LADE ft Feb 6.'47-ly JONES' SOLUTION OF JET, an instanta neous liquid human hair Dye, for dyeing light, red. or grey hair permanently a brown or jet black color. Full and copious direc• lions enclosed. Sold at the sign of the Amer ican Eagle, No. 82 Graham Street. New "York- Price SO cents, $1 or $1,50 per bottle. Sold by Aug. 7,1847-6 m R W ILLIA MS.