COONINC 'STOVES. GREAT - IMPROVEMENT. pP. STEWART'S Patent Air-7tiglit and Hol.Air Summer and Winter COOKING STOVE, for Wood or Coal. Sold only at No. 86 , Baltimore Street, Baltimore, by the subscriber, hav ing the exclusive right to sell them in the States of Maryland, Virginia, District of Columbia and II Pennsylvania west of the Susquehanna river. his celebrated Stove has now a character which o other has ever attained, and has been often nough and long enough tried to warrant the dcc. ration that it is the best Cooking Stove in Anteri ,, and should any doubt it I am ready to test it •ith any other stove, either as a fuel saver, or corn- lets operator. It has never bean surpassed, if ever quelled, and I have any amount of testimony sub :tunneling the assertion. The first premium was awarded to this stove at he fair of the American Institute, New York; the irst premium by the Franklin Institute, Philailel .liia; first premium by the Mechanics' Institute, I ostOtt ; first premium by the Delaware State Ag icultural Society, September 1846. Its performance is warranted in every case. It a equally well adapted to wood or coal, and will do nore work with less fuel than any other Stove ever &red to to public. In winter it will warm the .tr,gest kitchen, and when fixed for summer, with lie summer dress attached, it warms the room no flare than a charcoal furnace, and for boiling, broil. lig, rousting, baking, &c., was never surpassed by tiv Stove, open fire or brick oven. This Stove was Patented in 1838,—is made of le best material and workmanship, by the Patentee n Troy, New York, thousands being sold annual. y in the eastern States, one house in Boston last ar sold 1907 of them. Since their introduction Baltimore, hundreds have been sold, and are in ccersful complete satisfaction in =I I have a number of certificates from gentlemen ,r high character and undoubted integrity, which I will take pleasure in showng to any who may •ail on me, and would refer to the following named persons amongst the many who have them in use in Baltimore; R. A. Dobbin, editor of the " Amer ican," Mr. Abell, editor of the "Sun," Mr. Barnes, •dltor of the "Patriot," Rev. Dr. Green, Rev. R. Piggot, Rev. Mr. Harrison, Rev. Mr. Munroe, Dr. Bear, Dr. MeMannus, Dr. Diffendaffer, Dr. Mon. mintier, with near five hundred others iu Baltimore, Merchants, Mechanics, and Laboring men. We dish, hoWexer, this Stove to stand upon its own nerits and not on what myself or the multitude say ' , bout it and invite a trill of it, arid should it fail to rive satisfaction it in iy be returned any time in wenty days at the expense of the subscriber. For sale by Messrs. JAMES & SAMIU EI, 'KITH, WRIGHTSVILLE, my only Agents torch of Baltimore. 'THOMAS G. lIAPPERSETT. No. 86, Baltimore St., near Guy. Srpl.l6-31n FILENUEI MEItINOES !! IRENCH MIRINOS for Cloaks! The largest E I , and most splendid assortment ever offered in ancaster, and comprising every shade and color, low opening and for sale low at the New York 'tore. ORIEL, lIART & GIIMERT. Lancaster, Oct. 16, 1.847.—tf FRINGES ! CLOAK FRINGES !! IiRINGES of every variety of width and color to match French 3lerinos at the New York "tore. GRIEL, lIART & GILBERT. Lancaster, Oct. 16, 1747.—ti. CASHMERE PLAIDS I 'OR Cloaks, Dresser, &c. A large and well se leeted assortment, comprising some new and heuutiful styles for children's wear, now opening at the New York Store. Oct. 16,—u' ORIEL, HART R. OILRERT CLOTHS ! CLOTHS ! ! CLOTHS !! ? )LACK, flue Black, B rown, Green and every ) (Alter culur, frum the hest French and English uanufactures, iron' $1.75 per yard upwards, from he Moon and New York Markets, now opening It the New York More. I let. I 6-tr GRI EL, HART &GI LBERT. CASS!. AI ER ES, S T .l.c. e. TOW opening a splendid assortment of plain 11 black and fancy Cassimeres, comprising sonic new and beautiful styles, also, Satinet, super bangup curd, a very fashionable article, all of which we offer low,at the New York Store. Oct. 16—t.1 GRILL, HART & GILBERT. SHAWLS! SILAWLS ! 9 ' , BIDET, Ntodie, Plaid, Cashmere, Turkcrri, Silk Cossimcre, Blanket Crape, and every variety of Shawls for sale low at the New York Store. Oct.l6—tf GRIEL. HART & GILBERT. DRESS AND FANCY GOODS. UPER all wool Cashmeres, M. de Laincs, gun Plaids, Cashmere Plaids, Satin, Striped, JRoyal, Purple and Blue Plaid Alpacas, Striped Pl.iid and Changable Silks, Cashmere, Crape and 'llk Scarfs, Gloves, Ribbons, Lawns, &c , &c.. now ipeniiiz at the New York Store. (lei., 6—if GRIM., HART & GILBER.T. COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA AND CONSUMPTION. riniE Indian Vegetable Balsam is the only ream. dy that can arrest with certainty the various pulmonary affections under which thousands sink into the grave. No one ever used this Balsam according to direc tions without finding relief. It positively cures Asthma, Bronchitis, Inflamation of the Lungs and Throat, Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Croup, 'oitstimption, &c. It does all it promises, and all .that is asked is ju , t to give it a fair trial, and it will at once prove its superiority over every thing of the kind. The Indian Vegetable Balsam is prepared only by H. M. Crawford, Philadelphia, and for sale by t Westbrook, Agent for Columbia; Anderson, Marietta ; C. S. Kauffman, Washington ; Jno. Herr /14. Son, S.tfc Harbor. Oct. 16—lini. ITCTICE. p 0 all persons indebted to the estate of Doctor Hugh .11eCorltle, late of the Borough of Co. nmbia, deceased, and all those having demands ,gainst the estate, will please call upon the subscri. • ter for immediate settlement. Otherwise the ac ounts will be placed in the hands of Dr. George .leore, Esq. for collection. EVAN GREEN. Oct. 9, 1847. Administrator of the Estate. EW COLUMBIA TEA AGENCY TILE SALE OP TILE SUPERIOR TEAR OP Jenkins & Company, TEA DEALERS. PHILADELPHIA. 1' TIE Subscriber h.ts taken the Agency for the _j_ sale of those excellent Teas—line received and will be kept supplied with a full assortment ut Greens and Blacks of the various kinds and quali ties; and which it is confidently believed will, on trial, speedily take the preference in this communi ty over all other Teas. They arc in neat packages of L. and 1 lb. each, labelled with their name, the kind of Tea and price, with a metallic as well as paper envelope for preservation of the quality, . having full weight of Tea in each. ' One of the Partners of the concern (who selects the Teas) learned this difficult business of the Chi nese themselves, having resided among them many years, at Canton, engaged in the Tea trade. Pos. ceasing this extraordinary advantage, the ability of the House is unquestionable, and may be relied upon for furnishing, not only safe, but also, the most de. licious Teas, and at the lowest possible prices. At this period, when the public taste is undergo ing a change from Green to Black Teas, it may be interesting to know that the Chinese universally drink Black Tess, considering the Greens fit only for foreigners. GUILFORD G. CLAIBORNE, Columbia, Oct. 2d,-3m. Post Master. A vigorous prosecution of the War, the best means to secure a speedy and HONORABLE PEACE. No. 42 . '‘V ;iOl No. 42. "... Front St. -"i" 1";) Front St WALNUT COLONNADE, CHEAP FASHIONABLE CLOTHING EMPORIUM, 1312 3 L. 1'A.:37 MEiVL, NO. 42, Front street, directly opposite the Bridge, and three doors below Black's Hotel, COLUMBIA, - PEN NA., Mould respectfully call the attention of tile public to his stock of Fashionable and Cheap Clothing, which exceeds in extent, elegance, and variety, any hitherto opened in this vicinity, and which he pledges himself to sell at prices lower than even he has before offered. Just look at the prices: Gentlemen's Fine Cloth Dress Coats, from $5.00 to $lO.OO Gentlemen's Fine Cloth Frock Coats, from 4.00 to 10.00 Gentlemen's Fine Cloth Sacks and Coatees, from 2.50 to 5.00 Gentlemen's Fine Cloth and Ca:- sinter° Pants, from 2.00 to 4.00 Satin and Silk Velvet Vests, Plain and Fancy, being the only kind of this quality for bale in this place, from 2.50 to 4.00 Roundabounts and Pca Jackets, I.OU to 3.00 Shirts, plain and lance, 37A to 1.50 Satinet Pantaloons, 1.50 to 3.00 Gcntlemen's Cotton Half-hose, 6. to 183 Handke-ehiell4, 37A to 1.00 " - Cotton do 6.1 to 12A Cravats, a new article, 37A to 1.00 Suspenders, 64 to 374 Umbrellas, 311 to 1.50 Leather and Hair Trunks, 50 to 1.00 Travelling Begs and Valicus, 1.00 to 2.50 Lad ies"Pravelling Bags, a beauti ful article, 2.00 to 2.50 A Large Ass°, fluent of Fine and Medium Cloaks. ALSO—A large assortment of BOYS' CLOTHING, Such as Pants, Vests, Roundabout., and Shirts, and, in short, every article of apparel required by the gentleman, the mechanic or the laborer, with a va riety of fancy goods, calculated to tickle the taste and secure the patronage of all classes and condi tions of men. My thanks arc due, and I hereby tender them to the world of nay patrons, for former favors, and I am determined to prove the sincerity of my grati tude, by untiring efforts to furnish a Fashionable Wardrobe to every patron of the Colonade Hall of Fashions, as cheap as the cheapest, and as good as the best. REMEMBER THE 3 BIG DOORS, the place to buy cheap Clothing, No. 42, Front Street, Columbia, Pa., directly opposite the Bridge, Cnd three doors below Black's Hotel. For fluffier particulars, enquire of the Captain on board. JAMES L. PR ETSMAN. Columbia, Oct. 9th, 1847. N. B. A branch of the above establishment, when. all the articles enumerated, and at the same prices, may he obtained, has been opened in No. 4, Shrei ner's Walnut Front. BOOKS AND STATIONERY TUST received a large aud well selected assort t) mot of Miscellaneous Books. ALSO-SCHOOL BOOKS & STATIONERY BLAITZ ECOZS Of every variety for sale cheap at the Colutnbia Book Store, Locust Street, opposite the: Poet Office. E. H. SMITH, "WHOLESALE DEALER IN BOOTS, SHOES, BONNETS, CAPS, PALM LEAF HATS, Szc.• 108 Race Strcet—White Swan Hotel Phiadelphia Philadelphia, Oct. 16, 1847—Gt. cif 0 ! d' dq 1.4 1 'eV' • The 'Largest anti most spiel". did Stock of Dry Goods IIVER offered in the city of Lancaster, is now 4 _4 being opened at THE BEE HIVE, North Queen street, wholesale and retail. This stock has just been received direct from Boston, New York and Philadelphia, and comprises some of the rarest bargains of the day, for fall and Winter sales—Shawls, Silks, Merinoes, Ribbons, Gloves, Hosiery, &c. Sept. tl4—tf TO THE ArrLacTED. MACK EN2IE'S Aand Fever, Dumb Ague, Chills or Inter mittent Fever, Unrivalled and Unequalled. The general causes that produce ague and fever, are the miasma of exhalation arising from swamps, marshes, rivers, canals. &c., acted upon by heat, warm days succeeded by cold rughts. The tendency is also enhanced by sudden cliangcs in the temperature, poor diet, _re t fatigue, intemperance, grief, anxiety, debility, exposure to cold, lying in damp rooms, &c., &c., &c. All this may be remedied by purchasing one or two bottle of Mackenzie's Febrifuge of GEORGE A. MILLER, Druggist, West King Street, Lancaster, Pa. Columbia, OcE.2, 1847-6 E. IIEMBERTON'S COMPOUND FLUID EX TRACT OF SARSAPARILLA, for the re moval and permanent cure of all diseases arising from an impure state of the blood. Prepared only by W. A. LEADER. sept24' " WINTER'S COMING." A REVERY. The cold winds of autumn sigh WO Wm. the len, And the Storm-spirit frolics in horrible glee; On the bresst of the flood the sere forest-leaves float. Aud Nallite'N voice whispers' Nan, buy thee a Cent What, Snow by my faith I seem turning to stone The emirs a good thing. but Is useless alone. No longer in Rummer's light livery dressed, must have irsatcr Drawers, Pants, Shirts and a Vest I And now, where to buy cheapest, and where to buy best And where ran 1 ha most becomingly dressed: "Ay there Is the rub"—let me ace: In the "spy." Parrestau lawns up the tallest, gn there and try! The wind thunder. 4 ' On t" and the atone-spirit Prances And the eddying flood with the forest-leaf dances. And Nature atiplatide—while in elegant drew The bard blesses PRETSMAN, and PRI:TSMAN, the Press. Columbia, Oct. 9111,1947.—U" EXECUTORS' SALE OF VALUABLE STOCKS. rrHE undersigned, Executors of the last will and 1 testament of Mary Bethel late of the borough of Colombia, dcr.•d., will sell at Public Sale at the house of Dankl Herr in the borough of Columbia, on Tuesday, Me 2nd day of November next, the fol lowing Valuable Stocks: 13 Shares of Stock in the Bank of the United States, 27 Sharer of Stock in the Columbia, Chiques and Marietta Road and Bridge Company, 25 Shares of Marietta, Bain bridge, Falmouth and Portsmouth Road Company, 32 Shares of Stock in the Farmers Bank of caster. Sale to commence at 7 o'clock in the evening when attendance will be given and terms made known by SAMUEL B . HEISS, • .1. HOUS FON MIFFLIN. JOHN F. HOUSTON, ROBERT B. WRIGHT, Oct. 9-41. Executors of Mary Bethel PUBLIC SALE THE subscriber will offer at Public Sale, at the Houso of Daniel Herr, on Tuesday the 2nd tiny of November next, at 7 o'clock in the evening, a two story frame Did EILILING HOUSE, and lel aground in Walnut Street, in the borough of Columbia, a few doors above the German Re. formed Church, adjoining the property of the widow Mays, and now in the occupancy of the widow O'Donnel. The said Lot is the soutli.western half of Lot No. -11 in the plan of the Borough, extends in front on Walnut street thirty feet, and in depth one hundred and nibety feet to a public alley. Possession may be had immediately if desired. Terms will he made known and attendance giv en at the time of sale by JOHN F. FIOUSTON. Attorney, for the Heirs otlohnilicliissick, deed. Columbia; (Wok; 9; Iftl7-4t. Stoves, Stoves. subscribers have constantly on hand a j_ full assortment of Wood,Coal, and Cooking Stoves of every size and description, Cannon Steven. Also, neadenburg's Patent AI R-TIGIIT PARLOR STOVES, which has given full satisfaction in all cases. The public are invited to call and examine for themselves, at the Hardware Store of Oct. 9—tl' RUMPLE .Sr. HESS. Sale by Order of the Orphans' Court. YALTJABLE property in the Borough ni Co lumbia, Lanca,ter County, Penna., late the estate of Christian Brenetnan, deed. In pursuance to en order of the Orphans' Court of Lancaster County, will be exposed to public sale, nn Saturday the IV/ day of Norember neat, at E.? o'clock in the afternoon, at the Public House of Joseph Black, in the Borough of Columbia, all the right, title and intcrests of Christian Brenetnan de. ceased, in following valuable real estate, situated in the said Borough, to wit:—Two large FIRE PROOF BRICK WAREHOUSES, and Lots of Ground, bounded East by the Penn sylvania Railway, and extending to the river shore near the Susquehanna and Tide Water Canal, and Front Street, and between the Columbia Bridge and Pennsylvania Canal Basin. The said Lots are in width 117 feet, more or less, fronting towards Front Street, and 293 feet in depth. The facilities afforded, by the various Canals and Railroads for the transportation to the markets of Philadelphia and Baltimore, are equal to any other locality and the advantages and value of this prop erty for the purposes mentioned, it is believed, can not be excelled. Also, at the same time and place will be sold in pursuance to the order aforesaid, the right, title and interest, of said deceased in and to a certain Lot of Ground situated at the North-West corner of Fifth and Union Street in said Borough. The said lot containing 204 feet fronting on Union Street by 1316 feet on Fifth Street. Attendance will be given an.; terms of sale made known by ABRAHAM ZOOK, Administrator de Gonis non with the will annex e() of Christian Broomall deed. By order of the Orphans' Court, ATTEST, JAILS DYSART, Clerk of Orphans' Court. The following papers will please copy till sale, and send bills to this office, as also a paper with the advertisement marked to Abraham Zook, Colum bia. Pa.: N. American, Phila.; American, Baltimore; Em porium, Pottsville; Telegraph, Harrisburg; Com mercial Journal, Pittsburgh. DISSOLUTION. IHE partnership heretofore existing between the subscribers, trading under the firm of J. NV. Fisher &Co., has been dissolved by mutual consent. J. W. FISHER, S. GROVE. Columbia, September 1, 1817. THE undersigned has just received a supply of goods suited to the season, embrac ing CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, SATINETTS and VESTINGS of silk, satin, woollen and silk velvets, merinoes, cashmeres and every other style, which cannot be sur passed fur beauty, du rabil:ty, or cheapness, in this or any other ccuntry town. lie continues to carry on the Tailoring Bus iness. and will be thankful for a continuance of past favor.. J. W. FISHER. October 2, 1847..1 f Steam Engine for Sale; FACTORY TO RENT. AFIVE horse power Steam Engine with an 8 horse boiler in complete order for sale—at present put up in the brick Factory on Union streetoilinve Second. Said building is for sale or to rent; it is 50 feet square, well lighted, has large doors fronting north and south, on Union street and on a 12 foot is well adapted for a PLANING MACHINE, for which it was once used, or for a Foundry, or any business requiring large space and good light. The lot on which the building stands is large and would suit for the storing of lumber or bulky materials. 50 Tons Pine Grove Coal for sale. Oct. 2(l—lf J. [I. !MIFFLIN. CIRCASSIAN OIL, For the Preservation, Beauty, Growth and Reit (oration of the Hair. frIIIS valuable preparation excites the scalp to a new and healthy action, cleanses it from scarf and dandruff, prevents the hair from falling car or becoming prematurely gray, cures those eruptive diseases which often appear upon the head, and in is majority of cases produces a fine growth of new hair. It also gives the hair a rich and beautiful appearance, unequalled by any thing of the kind. In addition to all its usefulness as a preserver and beautifier of the hair It removes all unnatural hstshness and dryness of the hair, which often precede its loss, and should never be permitted to continue without using remedies. For the toilet, Ladies and Gentlemen will find this an admirable article. It gives a luxuriant, silky, soft and fine brilliancy to the hair and curls, filling the minds of the beholders with admiration and almost with envy. All this for only 25 cu.& bottle. For sale by oct9'4 74f W. A. LEADER. \VA,NTED.-12 JOURNEYMEN TAILORS Apply to JOHN JORDAN, Colambi3, Oct. 9, 1857. Lout Street WRIGHTSVILLE FOUNDRY, /VIM undersigned having recently established an extensive Iron Foundry at Wrightsville, York county, Pa., are now prepared to furnish Stoves, follow-ware, Car and 'Ma chinery Castings of dm best quality of material and workmanship at short notice. Our assortment of STOVES is lsrge, and of modern and approved patterns, consisting of PLAIN WOOD and BOILER TOP STOVES, of all sizes ; NINE PLATE COOK, "VIC. TORY COOK," "COMPLETE COOK," for wood or coal— And other COOKING STOVES. AIso—COAL STOVES, of the latest designs and all sizes, suitable for Parlors, Chambers and Offices. Also, BOAT STOVES, BOX STOVES, CHARCOAL, FUR NACES, 4-c., 6-r., s• e. HOLLOW—WARE. Our assortment of HOLLOW-WARE consists of Pots, Kettles, Ronnd and Oval Ovens and Lids, Skillets, Spiders and Lids, Cook. Pots, Deep and Shallow Pans, Bread Pans, Griddles, Andiron; Waffleirons, Gridirons, Spittoon; Wagon and Car riage Boxes, &c., &e., &c., together with Water Pipes of all sizes. ALSO, CAR WHEELS AND OTHER CAR CASTINGS, THRESHING MACHINE CASTINGS, of ti most approved patterns, PLOUGH CASTINGS, MILL GEARING and MACHINERY CAST INGS,of every description. Our location being favorably situated at the junc tion of the Baltimore and Susquehanna Railroad and Susquehanna. and Tide Water Canal, with the Pennsylvania Improvements, gives us facilities which will enable Its to manufacture and forward castings to any point with despatch, and at the lowest prevailing rates. Stove Dealers and others having patterns of their own and ordering castings from them, are assured that they will be held strictly private in the course of manufacture. E. CONNET.T.EE & CO. Wrightsville, Sept. 24, 1847,-3m NEW FALL GOODS rj'!lE subscribers have just received their supply 1. Full and NVintcr, Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, to which they invite the attention of their friends and the public generally-. CLOTHS, CASSIETERES, tri.c Their stock consists of superior French, and English Black, Blue, Brown, Mixed, and Olive Cloths; plain and Farley Cassimers, Sittincts, Tweeds, Jeans; Velvet and other Vestinge. Gry d 0 Rhine, Swiss and Matteona Dress Silks. ALPACAS.—PIain, Mid, and Striped, at IS, 25, 31, 37, 50 cts., &c. English, German, and French Mcrinocs ; Plain Paris Cashmeres and De Laines, Lama and 'railer Plaids. French, Earlston and Manchester Ginghams; Prints of every style and price; Plain and Plaid Limeys; 'Purer Gauze and other White and color ed Flannels. SIIIItTINGS.—Three quarters, four quarters, live quarters, six quarterq and ten quarters Bleached and Brawn Shadings Blankets,'nekings, Checks, Doeskins, &c. A splendid assortment of Trimmings, Gimps, Silk end Cotton Fringes; Thread, Victoria and Bobbin Edgings end Inserting,; Lisle, Victoria and Brussels Lace, Collerettes, Gloves, Hosiery, &c. tea MAIM, Loaf; Pulverised, Crushed, Havanna and Brown Sugars; Syrup, L. R. N. 0. Molasses; honey; Rio, Laguayra and Java Coffees; and the superior Teas of the Canton Tea Company of New Yuri:. Oils, Fich, &c. ALSO : China, Glass et. Queensware. 3.7r.111 of which will be sold as LOW as the LOWEST, for cash or produce. Thankful tbr the liberal share of patronage heretofore received, they will by strict attention to business endeavor to merit a continuance of the public's favor. J. D. & J. WRIGHT. Columbia, Sept. 1817.-0: NEW FALL GOODS. rp TIE subscribers respectfully inform their friends and customers, that they ore just receiving and opening, a full assortment of fresh 7.A.ZZ to which their attention is respectfidly invited. FRY & SPANGLER Colurnbia, Sept. 18, 1847—tf ITCTIOM. LETTERS testamentary having been granted to the undersigned nn the estate of Martha Forrey, lute of the Borough of Columbia, deceased. All persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make payment immediately—those having claims to present the same for settlement. JOHN BRUNER, Executor. Columbia, Sept. 24, 1847.-6 t. TERICIRRA. STIA.IVLS. Splendid assortment of Terkirra and other A. shawls. Juvt received at oeTt7 FRY & SPANGLER'S. TJIL INKETS: BLANKETS!! For sale j very low at FRY & SPANGLER'S. oeT-17 Groceries. FULL supply of Fresh Family Groceries at FRY & SPANGLER'S. Columbia, Sept.lB, 1847—tf F RESH SHAD just received at YOUNG & CASSEL'S No. 50 septll'47—tf Fresh supply of oils ju.t received at YOUNG & CASSEL'S No. 50 septll'47—tf A New supply or 'Parton and Monterey Plaids ladies' wear, just received at septi L'47—tf YOUNG & CASSEL'S No. 50. rilim newest end best styles of Gimps and 1_ Fringes, just received at F(1411'47-I.l' YOUNG & CASSEL'S No. 50. - - RESH MA CKEREL at YOUNG & CASSEL'S No. 50. .scptlll7—tf OOD CIDER VINEGAR at YOUNG & CASSEL'S No. 50 DUPONT'S best Esgla Powder at YOUNG & CASSEL'S No. 50 septl l'47—tf ILK warp, lustre Plaid and striped Alp:teens, just received at septllll7—tf YOUNG & CASSEL'S No. 50. ORLEANS LUSTRE at YOUNG & CASSEL'S No. 50 sepOll7—tf AFRESH assortment of all kinds of the best spices just received at septlll7—tf YOUNG & CASSEL'S N 0.50. TOR gale a light two horse wagon nearly now Apply to FRY & SPANGLER. Columbia, Oct. 16, 1847-tr. 17RESH ETHEREAL OIL, at Young & Coe "' Eels', No. 50, Front Strcet Columbia. REMOVAL. sonar 3 301311MCIDT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HAS REMOVED his LAW OFFICE to the Collector's House, corner of Front and Gay streets, where lie will °Rent prompt ly to all business in the line of his profession. Columbia, April 14, 1847.—tf PRIV! P GOSSLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Columbia, Lancaster county, Penn'a , WILL practice in the several Courts of Lancasteraini York counties. OFFICE.—In Walnut street, adjoining the Washington lintel. Mar 6,1847. DOCT. WM. S. M'CORKLE. OFFicu—South East corner of Locust and Second street. Boarding I louse—with Mrs. Swartz, doors below his late residence. Columbia, April 7,1847.-1 f 35OSACKS Ground Alum Salt. al sack: Ashton, fine. For sale by 5e:424'474f 11. E. ATKINS & CO. lon Bbla. Mackerel, No. 1,2, and 3. 50 bblg Shad. For sale by sept2l'47-tr H. E. ATKINS & CO. DOUBLE EXTRACT OF MUSIC just received and for sale at LEADER'S. separ.l74f. 1 - )AYSOI.VS iNDELIE3LE INK for marking _I: linen, silk and cotton without the preparation. FOr sale by WaarMED—Two apprentices to learn the Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper business. Boys from the country preferred. Apply to Columbia, Sept. 11, 1847. 11. PFAIII. ER. Pink Saucers. filllE Improved Carmine Saucers for dying silk I_ stockings, glorrq, feathers, flowers, gauze., crapes, cambric+, inuslins, &c. Fur sale at scpt2-I'l7-tf LEADER'S. T 4 OOKING GLASSES of all kind..., just re ccivcd at YOUNG & CASSEL'S' So. 50. wpt 1 l'l7—tf GIMPS AND FRINGES hSLACK SILK and Mohair Fringes and Gimps, for sale cheap at PRY S SPANGLER'S. Columbia, Aug 7, 1847.—t1 SOMETIIING, NEW. T UST received a second supply of WALK ,/ ING CAN E UMBRELLAS, a handsorhe and useful article, which will be sold at the manufacturer's retail prices. Call and see them at J. D. & J. IV IZIGIIT'S. aul:2'47-tf. 01INSON'S Super. E.seinial Walnut Oil Mill buy Shaving Soap, superior to all others for shaving. Soli by R. NV I r,LIAms. au2P47-tf. PAPER HANGINGS VARIOUS PATTERNS of Wall, Window and Cedmg Papers and Borders, of the most elegant modern styles, for sale by C. W ES r BROOK. Columbia, April 7, 1947. AV - RIGHT'S Indian Vegetable Polk or Indian Purgative, and Indian Vegeta ble Syrup warranted genuine For sale by au2l'47-tf. R. %VILLAIN'S. Nails anti Spikes. 200Kcgs NAILS, SPINES and BRA DS.— Just received and for sale at reduced prices by RUMPLE & HESS. ILL and CROSS- DUT SAWS, of Ro- Ilkland's best. For sale at manufactures prices by RUMPLE & lIF.SS. Columbia, April 7, 1817. tf CNA INS. JCelebrated Lowden Pith CIT %INS, Link, Traces, lon.. and lon and short, double and sin gle Link, Breast, Carrying and Halter, Chains, all of which we offer at manufactures prices. RUMPLE Sz HESS. Columbia, April 7, 1817.—ti BOOM BINDING. T>IN DUNG orders leftist the Columbia Book Store will receive prompt :mention. Columbus, May 19,1847. To Carpenters. BUST received a splendid assortment of •) MAIN-. BEADS, SAWS, HATcErs, BRACES, BITS and CHISELS, at reduced prices by RuNIPLE & 111.›S Columbia, April 7, 1817.—tf r I AIINDR Slarell Polish, for preparing starth without the addition of any greas.y substance, and for producult; a brilliant pearly gloss on the linen. S.thl only by R. WILLIAMS. au2l'47•tf. Guns and Pistols. DOUBLE and Single Barrel GUNS, war rented Slnbh Twist, and Patent Breech Revolving PISTOLS, Brass and Steel Barrel Pistols: For sale cheap by RUMPLE S.L . BESS. Columbia, April 7, 1847.—tf To Boatmen. NEW Paticre Boat STOVE. .lust receird cd and for sate by. RUMPLE St. HESS Columbia, April 7, 1847.—if - I — ‘OCTOR ROBEY'S Brazilian Hair Curling For N ale by R. WILLIAMS. ai114'47-tf PINE OIL TUST received and for sale at the Ilardivar sz, Store ofRUMPLE & BESS . _ Columbia, April 7,1847.—if i_ NTI-AO UE MIXTURE. A warranted _Lcure fur fever and ague. For vnle. by R. WILLIAMS. N. R.—There is none genuine but that sold by R. %V illisms. n11211'4741: 11. BULL'S Compoutn! Extrtc! of Sar-a parilla fm %ale by R. WILLIAMS. nul tf BAG CLASPS', Purse and Bag Twist, Steel MUlt Heads, Purse and Bag Rings and Fur sale by R. WILLIAMS. au14.47-tf TIE KIN TEAS of all kinds. to be had fresh jr - at YOUNG S.: CASSEL'S Store, No. 50 Columbia. nog. 7, 1847—tf UItILIRELLA S. TN Croat variety varying in price from 314 cents and upwards at FRY &SPANGLER'S. Columbia, Aug• 7,1847—tf Soaps, Soaps, Soaps. LD Drown Windsor, the True Fine Palm O highly perfumed, English Castile Perfumed Variegated, Sand Balls, Crystalline Tailor's, and a superior assortment of Shaving Soaps. For sale by sept2 , l•47•tf W. A. LEADER. Something New under the Sun. riga: subscriber has just received the Fall and Winter Fashions, which, liar elegance and taste, surpasses any thing which has ever hitherto been published. He would invite all those who may wish their garments made up in a durable and fashionable manner, to give him a call at his Tailor ing Establishment in Locust street, opposite Hal deman & Co.'s Store. As he is well satisfied they will not go away disappointed as he is determined to spare no pains in making up all work entrusted to his care in such a manner as he is satisfied will render general satisfaction. J. J. returns thanks to his customers in general, for their liberal patronage heretofore extended to him, and hopes by strict attention to business, to receive a continuance of the same. Columbia, Sept. 18, FALL AND WINTER FASHIONS. rvii EY have come to B. Young, at No. 50. 1 The Fall and Winter Fashions for 1847 & 8 , which, for taste, cannot he surpassed by the world—they are the most perfect ever brought before the eyes of the people of this globe. Persons wishing their garments cut and made in the most elegant style, will do well by calling at B. Young's Tailoring estab lishment, No. 50, Front street, Columbia, where they will have their work executed to perfection and with despatch. P. S. Persons wishing to purchase superior cloths, cassitneres, vesting. and trimmings, such as cannot be had at any other store in Columbia, will do well by calling at 'Young & Cassel"s Store, No. 50, Front street, where there is unc of the best selections of the above goods in the country. They will also warrant the quality, cut, make and fit of all the goods ',hey sell and make up. They are thankful for past favors and hope to have a share of patronage. YOUNG .1: CASSEL. Columbia, Sept. 11, 1817.—tf. W. A. LEADF.R TO THOSE THAT ARE FOND OF SPORT. r 11-E undersigned have just received the best and most complete assortment of English nod German stub and twist and pat• eta breech 'DOUBLE BARRELED GUNS, which have ever been offered in this market at such picas that will suttall. Also, six Barreled Revolving and self-cocking Call and examine for yourselves, at the cheap Hardware Store of _ _ _ RUMPLE & HESS Columbia, Aug. 91. 1847. ALL FRESH. 11 rpHANKFuL for past favors, and desirous for continuance of public patronage, the sub. se/other takes this method of giving notice that he has just received a large and general supply fresh Drugs and Medicines, Patent Medicines, &c. Alt of which he will dispose of, wholesale and retell, at very mode rote pr.ce., with a guarantee to be genuine and of the best mutiny. He has also received u very large stock of Per fumery, which, in point of assortment, quality and cheapness, is unequalled in this place. Ladies and others, call and see for yourselves. Also a large ass6rtmont of Combs and Brushes, very cheap. B. WILLIAMS, Front St. • Columbia, August 11, 1817.—tf. ViTOED, COAL & COOKING STOVES, t of the latest and most approved pat terns. Also, Radiator and other improved patterns of Parlor Stoves. For sale at reduc ed prices, at the hardware Store of J. W. COTTRELL. The highest price will be paid for Old Cast ings, Flax seed, Clover seed,Timothy seed, &c Columbia, aug. 2.1, 1847.-3 m It,THE subscriber would inform his friends and the public generally, that he has remov ed to N 0.2, Schreiner's Row, between Barr's and Black's lintel, Front Street, where he will con tinue to keep an elcgmt assortment of Beaver, Otter, Fur, Silk, and Nutria RATS, and also, a I irge assortment of CAPS, all of which he will take plea.nre in showing to tho.e who favor him with a call. Don't forget—Schreiner's Row, No. 2, before purchasing- clswher; as lam determined to sell cheap. WM. TEMPLE. Columbia, Aug. 21, 18.17.—tf IRIStt LINENS.-100 pieces just received di rect from Boston, they are a great bargain, and well worthy the examination of every housekeeper. Ticking., Flr.nncls, Crash and Table Diaper, for sale at remarkably low prices at. the Sept. 9. I—tf BEE HIVE, North Queen at. i rIVER 1000 different styles entire new patterns of Ladies' Dress Goods, for Fall and Winter. Iligh colored plaids arc all the rage. Call at the Sept 2.l—tf BEE HIVE North Queen st. rivirELAniEs arc particularly invited to call 1 . early and examine thoso beautiful Bon• net Ribbons, all new, Fall Styles, now opening at the BEE lIIVE, North Queen et. Sept..2.l—tf 1 00 PIECES Alpachas and Distrait, at prices from 18 cents and upwards per yard, now oprning at tho BEE lIIVE, North Queen at. Sept. 24—tf 11 - 10 C TOR TOWNDSEN•S Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla never Jails to eradicate en• tirely all the effects of mercury, infinitely sooner than any other medicine, night sweats, nervous debility, nervous complaints of all kinds, neurali gia, organic afflictions, Sze. Sold by' aitl4°l7-tf R. 'WILLIAMS. SOMETIIING FOR TIIE LADIES. SPUN Silk, Mohair and Alpacca Plaids, new style for ladies' dresses; also a splendid as sortment of Gme6amsand other dress goods at FRY & SPANGLER'S. Columbia, Aug. 7, 1847.—tf GUNS AND PISTOLS. TUST received a large asortment of Patent tr Breach Stubb Twist English Guns, single and double barrel; also Revolving and Com mon Pistols. For sale at reduced prices at the Hardware Store of J. W. COTTRELL. Columbia, May 2G, 1847.—tf • More Light. LAMPS.—OI, Lard and Camphine Stand Lampe, flanging and Side do. For sale by RUMPLE & HESS. Columbia. April ISl7.—tl Catitr T.tat, •Nasio, Vaud anb ojo. & BROTHER'S Pure White V Lead, Paints, Linseed and Sperm Oil, Var nishes, Gloss Sze- For sale at low prices, at the Hardware Store 01 J. W. COTTRELL. Columbia, Alqy 2f. IP47—tf NOTICE.—AII persons indebted to the sub• scriber are requestail to make payment, and .11 having claims against him, will please present them for settlement July 3rd, 1947.—1 t W. AiS:air:),io—LlAP&Tice to the TAI- July1(1-1 JOHN JORDAN. JOHN JORDAN PISTOLS. Stoves, Stoves. REMOVAL. CHAS. J. BARNITZ