L . IST OF LETTERS remaining in the Post Office ending Sept. 30,1847. Persons en itii quiring for letters will be particular in mentioning if they are advertised. Adams John 2 tamph John Anderson Edmand Kelton Robert Aldinger John Kaufmen George Baits Emanuel Kline George Barkly Peters Dililah Ladenburger Christian Bradkin Elonarc Long Anna Bosh!) Robert Lee Harmon Bowrylterd Daniel Landis Abraham Bennit Catharine Lyan Maria Braun Mr. Laubaeb Samuel II Boman miry A v Laverty John H 2 Brown Mary Lantern Nathaniel Berry Samuel Loan Hugh Barnet Wrn P. McDonald John - . Bridges It R MeDick John Beck %Vm McGinnis Wm Brown Wm Murphy Ilenry II Barrow Joseph M Murnicen John Baumgastncr Samuel Maden Peter Baaster Henry 11. Mealy Elizabeth Brinton J 2 Matthias Alfred Brinton James Myers lianalt Claid Brown R P Maher Michael Crass Esther Miller Henry J Collins Michael Massy Edward Camel Mr Miller Philip E Cole Jane Mclntosh \Vm Campbell Andrew McFarland John Conklin J M & J McMullin \Vm I' Carter Nelson Mussleman Michael Colman John Miller Peter Crouse H .McGough James Darmond RoLcrt Melony George Dickey Martin ..%leClintock Writ Drury W H 2 Mus.chnan Samuel 2 Dorsey Allen Richard Mahler Jacob (German) Daily Solomon Morrison John Dinsmore James :Nichols Lydia Dougherty llugh Nicholas Jane 2 Fitch Mason Nisse John Fisher George 2 Neieornmet John Fischer John Cabinet ma-Ottorson Andrew - - - _ ker. Oment Emanuel Frazer Aaron Owens S 2 Fullerton Robert Obrien Margaret Feger Albert Übrian John Flyn Edward Pastor Sophia 2 Fazimons James Peters Delilah Gebbard Henrieli Purees A Grey Henry Peterman Sophia Garmon Polack Lewis Gerber Andrew Rose Jan Goodman Sarah A Rooney Ala ry Gamber i. 4 arsh Mrs Rorer Bernnrd Grownshield Tobias Rinehart I) Roppc llenri Robcnson Jacob R Sook Joseph Shaeffer .N.lthaniel Geis John Gehhart Adam Grcay Louisa Grider George Iletzel Sarah Standlv .Mary Ann Hershy Benjamin f 2 Svybold Charles Fred Hand Mary Stuart Thomas Hall Vm 1) D Server John Harris Ann Negro Stouffer Julm Hook Joseph A Stouffer Henry Hare John Sontbar Henry Hershey Christian Shim. Andrew }Judson N W Stouffer Abraham Iloyst Star Snyder Jacob R Hogentobler Elizabeth Sces Jerome Hamer Danici Smith Francis Hofer George Stimuli:l Anna Jones Margaret I•' Schrader John Irvin Elizabeth Scars Jacob Johnson Alexander Turk James II Johnson Morris Thong IV II Jenkins Benjamin %Volt Sarah Jack Jas - Wilson Hiram Kelton John Wilson Thos II Wertz Henry Wulf Ann F, Kline Henry Kiles Joseph J Windhelm Frederick G. G. CLAIBORNE, P. M. Columbia, Oct. I, IS linoch John DR. CULLEN'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PASACUA. READ the following Certificate in favor of the Extraordinary Virtues of DR. CULLEN'S 1.), DI AN VEGETABLE PANAC SCROFULA. Messrs Rowaod & tt'aliotn— Gentlemen—Feeling deeply grateful for the extra. ordinary cure performed upon me Iy your Dr. Cal len's Indian Vegoable Panacea, I clicerlully fur nish you with a short li.story of lily case. About seven years ago, [when only eleven years old] I was attacked with Scrofula. a Inch increased in its ravages, till my tin oat a as tided with ulcers ! the bones of my neck laid bare ! niy palate desiruy• cd, and a large piece o.); one of the nasal bones car ried away. My head was also so touch discastd, 'hat drinkteg, the tea or cothe would Irequew ly pass 0111 of my ear! A mass ul soincilting a Inch the Doctors called a tumor came trunk my nose. I was under the care of physician , lit the highest distinction m this city, and at one tune pronounced cured, and by request attended a rued cal leenne, where my case, together with the mei lied of cure, was explained to the students. The Lecturer said --" You are now 'sell, but if the disease should return, you cannot live long, as it would soo.. de• stroy your wind•ptpe." I did not believe myself cure,) at the time, as I had much d stress in my head, and other dis•tgree•i ble feelings, and alter u tulle the ulcers reopened. In January, 16 LI, m y mother called with Inc upon Dr. flutters for advice. Ile said I was a very sick girl, and said it was doulrfill w Nether I would ever get well ; tl ever, tt would be a long while. The disease grew so much worse, that tile physician who then attended me, said lie could see my wind• pipe! My lace was also swollen, highly inflamed, and very painful, mid lac Doctor said ulceration was inevitable! ! I was in this condition in January last when I commenced Lakin your "Dr. Cr r.r.t.s.'s I.NurAN EG LTA 13 LE PA SACS 5." The inflamai um was FOOII removed, and the die ided ulceration in the lace prevented! lam now I base no ulcers! no pain. or any disagreabte sensation in my head. and now feel that I urn cured. I shall be happy io give any further information to the atlined who will take the trouble to call upon me at my lather', house, Vest Spruce between Reach and Wiliow Streets. opposite Speck man's Factory. Signed C'inr of ia, ss This seventh clay of April. A. D. eitliteen hint dred and forty-six, before the subscriber, Mayor of the said city. personally appeared Christiana Sand., who being duly sworn, depoie4 and says, that the facts set forth in the foregoing uflidivit are strictly true ID every particular. _ In testimony whereof, I haVe hereunto eet m) hand and fixed the corporate real of the Bald city, on the day and year betore mriiten. Jeri SWICT. We hereby ceruty. that the above srotetneuia of Our daughter are true tu etery rartlcular. WILLIAM SANDS, tit~uv'4A%DS Phila. Apnl 7. I ‘,46 Whole-ale and Retail, by ROW AND & WA L TON, Proprictorq, i.; Market street, Pltiladt WM. A. L EADER, Columbia, Pa.; J. T. ANDER SON, Marietta, Pa., and GEORGE ROSE, Eliza beth, Pa. Oct. 2d, IS4 TO PRINTERS. The submribm is now manufacturing Prlnt, er Ink of superior (pulley, and offers it for sale to large or small imam:rtes. upon seem:mm.6:me g terms, in any sn.teuee ',there the ink Sc,,, shall t•.l answer the deecrytion, it IA ill be exchanged or the price refunded. A liberal disconut will be made upon large put. chases (or cash. The News Ink i• put up in kegn of 12, 15, 20 IG. 30, 50 and 100 lba. Book Inks in small kegs and in lb. canisters Colored inks also in lb. canisters. 117 A 20 lb. keg of the beet nnae ink will be sent to any point of the Penn's improvements at my risk free of charge. upon receipt of 85. COPAL VARNISH in barrels, kegs. and can- E ter s. J. If. MIFFLIN. Columbia, May 20, IEI7. "GEN.TAYLOR NEVER. SURRENDERS!" FASHIONABLE AVD CllEiP HAT, CAP, BOOT AND SHOE EMPORIUM, Ab. 40 Front st., Columbia, Sign of the Big Hat and Cap, directly opposite the Bridge, and adjoining Black's Hotel. The subscriber begs leave to return his thanks to h 6 friends and the pub ' Igir7 tic generally, for the very liberal pat cottage heretofore extended to him, and hopes by strict attention to busi ness, to rcceivea continuation of their favors; he goPs upon the principle "a nimble six pence is be:ler than a slow shilling," and to carry out the principle. makes quick sales at small ad ,anccs. His place of 1)11:mess is not a brick front, or of great splendor, but he flatters himself that tie ran suit customers better, and sell cheaper, than persons who do business in big brick houses, and mike a great fuss about selling goods at cost, he dors not sell g• ods at cost, but sells at a small ad vance, nod by so doing expects to please all that may favor him with their patronage. lie requests all persona, after visiting some of the showy es tattlishments along Front street, to drop in at No. 40. (sign of the Big Hat and Cap) and compare he goods and prices of the different establish tn,nt. and he is satisfied he can sell them a better , at tick, and at a lower price than any other store tho borough. Ot tit , . latest style and fashion always on hand, at very low price, and warranted eum,l to any man ufactured in this Slate Alsq—Gentlemen's, La diee and Children's Fash lona hie Boots, Shoes and Slippers. whi,di have been selected with great care, in re, Bard to quality and snake, and will he sold at the lowest rotes. Just satisfy yourself by canine nt No. 40 Front street, Colunanu. uppo , ne the 13ricle;e. JAS. 11. HuYnm, Agent. Mny 1, 1817 COLUMBIA ARCAI)E, The subscriber respectfully informs his ft lends and the public generally that he is now re-,'y to supply them at his NEW ES TA B LLSII3IEN T, the three-story building to Front street, Cormaabia, on the lot formerly occupied by John Enney, as a ropewalk. Lie intends keeping on hand a select assortment of fashionably made Ile has just returned from Philadelphia and New York with a new and splendid assortment of all kinds of clothing., made of the beat ma terials, and in the Lteat style—consisting in part of superfine blue and black cloth COATS, Frock and Sack ('oats, Pelisse Cloth and Tweeds of every color and quality. A r.so—a large assortment of plain and fancy Cassimere. Cloth, and all other PANTS, suit able for Spring, Summer and Winter, of every size and description. VESTS—Figured, Silk, Satin, iMermo and Marseilles, suilahle Mr all seasons and of every size, style and quality; to which is added a beautiful assortment of tine Linen bosom SIIIRTS, Muslin, Check and Plain do.; Bo soms and Collars, Drawers and Under,birts. Also, a large lot of Cravats Suspenders, half Hose, &c. An endless quantity of Boots and Shoes of all sizes, hats and Caps, Mare links, Ca) pa Bags and Valires a variety of notions too tedious to mention which will be kept in Thos. beatings Front Room, three doors cast of lay buibiluz. N. B. Clothing made to order at the Store. lie has a large supply of goods 011 hand by the niece and a first rate Tailor in attendance.— Do not inktake the place, three story building on the lot formerly occupied as a Rope Walk. Persons will find it to their advantage to give loin a call as he is determined to sell as low as any other establishment n the county and war rants all goods. Ile sells as he represents them when sold or the money will be refunded. Columbia, June 5, 1847. If WATCHES 81. JEWELRY, rryy Ar. Ttir. "PHILADELPHIA WATCH & JEWELY STORE," DO iNOILTH SECOND ST., VICOf thlti col or of Qua] rv. Gold Lea 1,1 1 atches,fulljentlled,lB caret caaes. 1:45.00 Silver Lever W atches, Cull jewelled, 23,00 Sifter Lever Watrio s, sesen jewel., 18,00 Silver Lepitie ‘Va.clus, jewelled, finest quality, 13.00 Superior Quartier Watches., 10,00 Imitation Quarticr Watches, 5..00 Gold Spc, tacks, 6.00 Fine Silver Spectacles, 1,73 Gold Bracelets with topaz ston es , 3,60 Ladies Gold Pencils, 16 carats, 2,00 Golf Fitieer I:m2s :G cents tm 801 —Watch Gla , :ses, plain 12ii cent?, pdtent 18i. Lunet 23. Other articles in proportion. All goods warrant ed to be chat they arc sold for 0 CONRAD. On hand, some Gold and Silver Leers, Lepines and Quarlier.lo , er than the alsov c prices. Pl.iladelphia, April 10, 1847. ly tiarbware ! ijarbwarr ! ! j s F 2; The snbscribers respectfully ca l '*on.4l:Wi the attention of the eitt7ens gener ally, , as-orttrwlit of C SA Ds Hardware, Glass, Paints, Oils, We hat, just received in addition to our stock, WARE, CUTLERY and llinliliniz \late• ria ot alpdc.rrptton,su ha.LOOKS,HINGES, SCRF.II - S, NM LS SPIKES. Ca IS a i j Sf.t , PAINTS, Lim , eed, Sperm and ‘l'hale OILS, Bar, Rod and Hoop Iron. of all FMCS, ANVILS, VICES and BELLOW, of the best quility, all of wluLlt we offer at the love-t prices. Pers..ns wish:lig to purchase rind it to their advantage to call at Itli~lPLr•. s HESS'S, Counibia, April 7, 1817—tr. Locu-t St. A FINE SET OP TEETH. FOR 25 CENTS, Av -HITE Teeth, foul breath, healthy gums, Yellow and unhealthy teeth, after once or twice cleaned with Jones' Amber Tooth Paste. have the appearance of the most beautiful nory. and, at the same lime it is so perfectly innocent and exquisitely fine, that its constant daily use is highly advantageous, even to those teeth that are in good condition, giving them a beautiful polish. and preventing a premature decay. Those already decayed it prevents from becoming worse—it also fastens such as are becoming loose, and by perseverance it will render the foulest teeth delicately white, and makes the breath deliciously sweet. Price 25 or 377 1 cents a Box. For sale by Aug. 17,837-6:n. R. WiLLI ANIS. James H. Hunter's iats and Caps, crzaiTisToyi. CLOTHING. CHEAP Cedar-Ware: Irmo:gra xwasiks VEGETABLE PILLS. THIS extraordinary medicine is founded upon the principle that the human frame issubject to ONLY ONE DISEASE, viz : corrupt humors, which, when floating in the genetal muss of cir culation, are the cause of all kinds of Fevers, but when lodged in the various parts of the body, give rise to every malady incident to man. Let it be remembered that the human body and Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills are mutually adapted one to the other, and that by them all morbid and corrupt humors (the cause of disease) can be entirely eradicated, and this in so easy and natural a manner, that while they every day give ease and pleasure. Disease of every name is Literally Driven from the dolly. The lullowing highly respectable storekeepers have been duly appointed agents for the sale of this Celebrated Medicine, in Lancaster county. Ashville, Taylor & Pierce. Beam ille, Reuben We'd ler. Bainbridge, J. F. Beecher. Bird-in-Hand, Jacob Bruner. Bart Township, W. W. Passmore. Belieview, Buyers & Cmbalr. Bethesda, James Patton Brownstown, Samuel Hahn Buck Tavern 1. 3 0, Geu T Clark Belmont. 1 3 Brinfon Collins Ferry, Abraham Collins. Chestnut Level, M. Sparram & Housekeeper Conestoga Centre, John H. Harman. Church 'Town, L. & E. Rogers. Coapersvtlle, E. Lewis. Columbia, Fry & Spangler. Cherry Hill, Isaa^, S Webster Drumore, John A, Boyd. Earl Township, George Duchman. du do Weaver & Wainer. do du Davis Wallace. Elizabethtown, John Lynch. Ephrata, Jl/111/ Gross. Ephrata, New, L. S. Hacker. do West, Martin Weidman. Fairfield, Hutton & M'Sparran. Fulton House, Fulton tp., L. P. Wilkinson. Georgetown, M'Camfa & Buyer liemptield, Bur... ' watt & Martin. Intercourse, Thomas Him, s. Lcaeock tuwushtp, Fiedvra It Swope. L impeter Square, J. D. H. Herr. Litiz, Nathaniel S. Walley. Lancaster, John Zimmerman. Mount Jdy, \Vanier & Cassel. Mountville, John Beebe. Marietta, W. A. & B. Spangler. Mechanieslille, Jacob lioll. Mount Joy Township, H. G. Clark & Co. Maytewn, John Ileitiliold. do Slaymal,er & Co. Henry Funk. Mai tictille, Stock & Fell. I Mount Pleasant, Isaac ArComant. Mill Creek, Henry Stauffer Mastersoliville, Joseph Masterson :1. Lillie Township, Hugh Moore New Holland, Brubaker & New Providence, Hildebrandt & Meyer. New Bet lin, Levi Mentzer C. Cu New Texas, Carter & Lewis. Noblesville, J. B. Thompson. o,k Shade Milner & Pierce, Oak Run, john P Harlan. Oregon, Abraham Shenk. Peter , burg, John Stantr , r. Poplar Grove, E. 11. Paxson. Peach Bottum, S. W. P. Boyd. Pleasant Grove, Haines & APCollough. l'enn Hill, Alexander Johnson. P. nn Township, Jacob Singer. Pequa Valley G. & L. Lewis. Paradise, A. R. &A. L Witmer. pos.fy's Mills , Mahlon Posey. Jas C Skiles & Co Peach Bott..ni, Wm. Arnold Ra w Unsettle, John Ila%viins. Sam'l Hinny. Safe Harbor, J-hfi Herr & Son, SaJsbury Meeting House, Sain'l Sellers. Sandersburg. Chew & Grab'''. Stratishurg, Win. Spencer. Sal-bury, II Fr. eland NVashingtan, John A. Brush. Willow Street, 13.40. 13,,wer. NVaterloo, Baldwin & o‘erholtzer deer) ed exelusitely to the sale of Wright's Isdian re , rtable Pills, wholesale and retail, 169 Rice street, Philadelphia; 2.38 Green• wich Street, New York; and 198 Trenhon Street, April 2S•ly. ITOVEIVS - First Premium °Writing Ink. This Ink his for a long while become esta blished as a National article, and the fullowint testimonials from IVashington City, prove its merits to that distinction. House of Rrpresentotires, Wushington City, Febritas y 21, ISA 3, stale that I have uzed the Ink, during tine pre , •ent ee,sion of Congres., manufactured by Joseph E. (lover, Esit., of Philadelphia, end have found it to be an article of most excellent qualiny. _ . • JOHN WHITE, Speaker Ho. Rep. fina Offire, Washington, D. C., February 21, 1813. Sir—Your Black Writing Ink has been used in this Office since October last, and is entire ly approved. I am respectfully, J. W. HAND, Chief Clerk. Mr. Joseph E. Hover, Plulad. Howes lidamantine Cement The following from Bicknell's Reporter will best illustrate its value: " llr. Hover manu tact ires " Admantme Cement" for joining broken china, glass, &c. ; we have tried the article and found it to he excellent." Fur sale wholesale and retail at the manu factory, No. ;:r7 North Third Street, opposite Cherry Street, Philadelphia, by JOSEPH E. ['OVER, .11-inufacturer. ma38,18.17-tf. 8Y6:2'210 1, 0 A N application will be node at the next Session of the General Assembly of the State of Pcnasyl• vane', fur the itteorporatian of a Como:lnv under the name and sn•le, or treended name and style el "Tier Columbia Sar•tn7B Iriatitulion," and design. ed as an Mae of disetillfll and denin.o. with a eau ital not exceed:nu one hundred thousand dollars, lo he located in :he borough of Columbia, Lancaster County. Penn•ykania. ( . 0111”01171. June Vt. IS-17. 6111 Notice. THE Columbia Bank and Bridge Company intend to make application to the Legisla ture of the Comm mwealth of Pennsylvania, at their next sesston, for the renewal of the Banking, counting, and other privileges they po.sess under existing laws. The Company to be continued by the name, style and title of the Colulibia Bank and Bridge Company, at the Borough of Cdnmni J , in the County of Lancaster, and State of Pens Iva- By order of the Bo trd, SAMUEL SHOCH, Ca-bier. Columbia, June 24th, 1847.—tim. NEW LIGHTS. F AMB ANN'S' BURNING FLUID. LL you wbo have been sitting in the D 4RKNESS and shadow of the, greasy filthy, black fish oil, that is now being sold throughout the count ry for sperm oil, are invet ed to catl at Wright's, and purchase a pair of LAM PS and make use of one quart of t h e fluid sold by them, and if you are not entirely satisfied with the article, you have only to re turn the Lamps, and have your money refund ed. Oil Lamps of every discriplion altered to burn the Fluid. Columbia, May 27, 1647.—ti Morning Train Again. t t i 1 1 7 7.0 . • a c ;iIQ I BETWEEN I DRK, TVRIGHTSVILLE AND COLUMBIA THE President and Directors of the Bain. more and Susquehanna Rail Road Compa ny having consented to continue the Morning Train between the above places. OC7 - The Car will leave Columbia DArLY. [Sundays excepted] at 6i o'clock A. M. and the Train will leave Wrightsville at 62. o'clock. Returning, the Train will leave York at 8 o'clock, A. M. D. C. H. BORDLEY, April 17, 1847. Supt. SUNDAY TRA.IN. 1 11 4 1- BALI MORE At SUSQUEHANNA R.R. TILE MORNING PASSENGER TRAIN will run from Baltimore regularly, hereafter, on Sun ay, at 9 o'clock A. M., and RETURNING will tart from Columbia at 14 P. M., Wrightsville 2 P. M., and from York at 3 o'clock, P. M., as on other days of the week. The mail be tween Baltimore and Yorm ;::Sa carried by this train. No other train will run on Sunday. D. C. H. BORDLEY, Superintendent of Transportation. Oct 27,16.16. Baltimore and Susquehanna 111- ' l Fx . :v.:l4 -4 .r-r l,ll'' _ . . RAIL ROAD. rare Reduced. THE Passenger Train runs daily as follows below Leaves Baltimoreat 9 o'clock A. M. and arrives at 6:3 o'clock P. M. Arrives at York at 12 o'clock P. M.an t 1 loaves for Columbia at I o'clock. P. M. Leaves Columbia at 2 o'clock, P. M . and leaves York for Baltimore at 3 o'clock P.M. Fore from Baltimore to York, $1 .50 Wrightsville, Co;umhia, Tt:e Train connocts at York with Stages for Harrisburg,Gattybburg,Chambersburg, Pittsburg and You 'Silting:. FARE TO GETTYSBURG & HARRISBURG The company is authorised by the proprietor. of the Stage Lines io receive the fare through trout Baltimore to Genyslang and Ilarrt.hurg. BALTIMORE TO GETTYsIIDRG AND HA R RISSURG. Fat e throuqh to eithet place, $3 D. C. H. I3ORDLEY, Super't. May 9—tf Ticket Office, 63 North st CHESNUT STREET HOUSE NO. 121 CHESNUT STREET, A FEW DOORS lIELOW FOURTII,ISORTH SIDE. The subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public in general, that he still continues to keep the above establishment. Every pains is at all times tal:crn to render this one of the best, and, from its central situ ation, it is one of the most convenient Hotels in the city. His TABLE is furnished, at all times, with the choicest delicacies of the season. His WirsEs and Liquoas arc not surpassed by any_ other establishment in this city. His Servants are careful,lionest and obliging Terms of Boarding to suit the times. Country Merchants and business men will find the location of die CHESNUT ST. Ibrusr, in the most business part of Philadelphia. The subscriber pledges himself that every thing in his power shall be done to give satis faction to those who favor him with their pa tronage. SAMUEL MILLER, Plnlad., Sept. 27.-1 y Proprietor. HANCE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF HoAnzio UN D. Albemarle st. near Wilk. C± IX years experience has proved that for 17,1 the cure of coughs, colds, consumptions, asht ma, spitting of blood, pain and oppression of the breast; there is nothing equal to !lance's Compound Syrup of lloarlimind. This medicine has now been in use for six years, during which time there has been a con stant demand fur it, and its popularity instead of declining, has been always on the increase. During this time many new medicines have sprung up for the cure of the above complaints. some of which lasted only a few months, and others not as long; but !lances' Syrup has readily gone oil gaining favor with all classes of society until it has now become identified by many families as a REGULAR FAMILY MEDICINE. To those who have never used the Compound Syrup of floarhound, this notice is particular ly directed to, as to those who have once ex perienced its happy effects, any praise of is merits would be superfluous. Price SO cents per bottle or six bottles for $2,50. SETII S. FIANCE, 105 Baltimore street, and corner of Charles and Pratt streets, Bal timore. AGENTS—G. G. Claiborne. R. Williams, W. A. Leader, Columbia; J. F. Beinirsh & Son, Lancaster; Samuel Ensminger Man helm; John Stouffer, Mt. Joy Roads ; James Bryan, Elizabethtown. Oct. :2.4245 HANCE'S SARSAPARILLA OF BLOOD PILLS. Baltimore, July 29, 1843. THIS is to certify, that I was afflicted with a violent pain in the breast and right arm, which 1 supposed proceeded from the impure state of my blood. I was recommended to take Hance's Sarsaparilla or Blood Pills, and after taking one box, the pain was entirely removed from my breast and arm, I found them extreme ly gentle in their operation, arid would recom mend them to every person in want of a mild purgativz. PATRICK ROC/lE, IS 0 • 23 Conway street, between Howard and Eutaw. go - In purchasing these pills, let me add one word of caution, always ask for liance's Pills, and purchase of none but those advertised as agents, and if convenient, call and see the pro prietor himself. Prepared and sold by SETH 5 HANCE, 108 Baltimore. AGENTS—G. G. Claiborne. R. Williams, W. A. Leader, Columbia; J F. Heinitsb & Son, Lancaider; Samuel Ensminger. Man beim ; Jacob Stouffer, Mt. Joy y, Roads; Jas. Bryan, Elizabethtown. 0c124-46 Notice to Builders. THE undersigned is appointed agent for the Peach Bottom SLATE QUARRY, and is prepared to Slate any Roof, either of a house or Barn that may be wanted in the COlinty. he having on hand at his yard in Co. lumina, at all times, the best article of Slate and can furnish workmen of thirty years ex perience. All roofs warranted not to leak if the Building does not sink or give way. Char ges moderate to %nit the times. JF.REIIII A F-1 BROWN, Agent, for . 1 . , P00,11 Brown SZ Company. Columbia, J uLL. 1, , Itt 17. Urn Those Who have been Deceived With MOCK PRETENDED HAIR PREPARATIONS Should read the following statements of respectable persons. ATILD New Abraham York, Vr c d e e r r b t i e fi c e l r s , thatof AAvenue e a 9 d B was entirely bald on the top, and by the use of two 3s. bottles of JONES' CORAL HAIR RESTORATIVE, he has a good crop of hair, and will soon have it long, thick and luxuriant. ILLIAM JAmcsmv,of 89 Liberty street, Pittsburg, certifies: On the 3d of February, 1847, that Mr. Thomas Jackson's head on the top, was entirely bald for fifteen years, and that by using two 3s. bottles of Jones' Coral Hair Restorative, the hair is growing fast, thick and healthy. He expects by using this a little longer to have a better head of hair than he ever had. To those whose hair is gray, or falling off and weak at the roots: I hereby certify that my hair was turning gray and falling off, and that since I have used Jones' Coral Hair Restorative it has entirely ceased falling, is growing fast, and has a fine, dark look. Before I used Jones' Coral Hair Restorative T combed out handfuls of hair dai ly. \VM. TOMPKINS, 9:2 King st., N. Y. HAVE YOU SCURF OR. DANDRUFF? M. Power a grocer, of Fulton street, had his hair completely choked up with dandruff, and Jones' Coral Hair Restorative entirely and permanently cured it. Do you want to dress, beautify, and make your HAIR soft and ,fine?—Read : I, Henry E. Cullen, late barber on board the steamboat South America, do certify that Jones' Coral Hair Restorative is the best arti cle I ever used for dressing. softening, cleans ing and keeping the hair a long time soft, clean, silky, dark and in order; all my customers preferred it to any thing else. For sale by Aug. 7,1847-6 m R. WILLIAMS. Ladles are Cautioned. Against, Using COYETION PREPARED CHALK t. rr IIEY are not aware how frightfully injuri ous it is to the skin! how coarse, how rough, how sallow, yellow, and unhealthy the skin appears after using pepared chalk ! Be sides it is injurious, containing a large quan tity of Lead ! We have prepared a beautiful vegetable article, which we call Jones' Spanish Lily White. It is perfectly innocent, being purified of all deleterious qualities; and it imparts to the skin a natural, healthy, alabaster, clear, living white; at the same time acting as a cosmetic on the skin, making it soft and smooth. Dr. James Anderson, Practical Chemist of Massachusetts.says: " After analyzing Jones' Spanish Lily White, I find it possesses the most beautiful and natural, and at the same tune Innocent white I ever saw. I certainly can conscientiously recommend its use to all whose skin requires beautifying." Price 2.5 cents a Box. For sale by R. Vr ILLI AMS. Columbia, August 7. 1847 Gm 2 CO 2 12i Health,lilt, Malik. THOMPSONS' COMPOUND SYRUP OF TAR AND WOOD NAPTHA. THE ONLY CERTAIN nEmEny FOR TUE CURE 0 Pulmonary Consumption Chronic Bronchitis. anti Sire Throut,-tisthma. Chronic Catarrh, Spotting uJ Blood. Pain in the bide nod Ilreesi.l, Diffi culty of Breathing. Whopping. Cough, Croup. Wrak Xerrte and Xerrous Tremours. Palpitation of the Heart I also later Cmn plauttandAfforttonof the .tintitens OF all the diseases incident to nor climate there is none en universal and at the same time so insiduous and fatal se Comminution. In thi- rountry especially Pul monary Consullllllloll IS SIIIIIII2I/CII/Iy a true rye and in Its resistless career sweeps the land as a destroying Angel, tat mg low with relentless haunt the strongest and talrest oe our race! Hitherto all efforts to arrest this dread illwase liace proved VASS, arid all that seemed untu our power tt.ts at hest the •lIISV MIMS of siitrersog rendering somewhat smoother the certain progress to the tomtit The proprietor in offering this preparation to the public would embrace the opportunity to Mite 111.111 what grounds 11 puts forth its merits and the reasons upon w•lnch it founds its anitertur CialllS to the ,1111,11111111 Or the afflicted, that all a•ho re s us requisite may repose fllli LOIIIitIPUCe m its en raises powers. Slllso. no first prepa ration he rise had the pleasure of witnessing Its h rJrpt rc• suits in numerous 1111 , 11111CPN; bill be WSIP determined not to we. it to the politic until he had heroine thoroughly convinced of its efficacy. Ile now confidently offers st as a remedy without tr parallel for the cure ofPll LM ON- A RV L'u\sU.i Pt lON and its knotted 411,e:.1.5. Colll.lllpli.ll Or a tuberculous character final time im iiieniociat Wes been dr•s;ured 1111,11:11,11, aunt C111.4111.11C Its frequency and fatality, ti is not surprisong flint !Wl,' 1,111- stiles and bees F) stet. Or Lt.:411,1,a I,llol.llltrfolll /1111 C in 11111 e be !nought under the not ti - ai at the iirrilession and the Iwbl le. Almost ti en organic and toorganic soh. stance. Hs an endless round of ennubmalfn n , bas been u cent 0 nit the hope• of ch., Rang this scourge of our race. mane doubtless Relics mg that 111 the progress of medical t o e dbollid at Idol 0 1 / 1 :1311 the mastery over rnusuugrUnu, and. in the Ilse enri COMp dSy a ttp sir tar and %Vous, Assist last, tisib salsjamt is hap pily attained. penile agents enipl(” ed in the composition of Ihw reineFly. are sin il as enable 11 111 PreVelll the SOCII, 11,111 of 11i11114 111.111, 111 the lungs and to canine its resolutiot, and absorption after depo-it has commenced, an object achieved by no other medicine, arid the unport rt nee of w litchi the professional Mall a iii at once perceive 411,re It brings this torn of disease. hitherto pr..onanced hopeless, e finitely tin WTI Glllll rol The success which has attended the adininitirat ion of this preparation is 1111flar altelled in the records /If inedwal sctence, in confirms tom ot which, the proprietor would ask a careful pet ii ba I of the statements of a few of those who have been restored In health by Its pow erfol agency. Let fire folowing speak for itself— WINO Heed Thompson's Compound Syrup of Ts r and Wood Naptha for some time lir my practice, and have found it the most efficient remedy I have ever used in Constiniptive cap, a. chronic cam rrh, tr., when great ir ritability, with weakness of the polo ))))) nry organs, ex isted. 'rho rapidity with which it itss irs greatly fir Its favor where dyspoon or oppression exists, VI hail IS im mediately relieved by it. ••lii Pulmonary Consumption it can be used with con fidence, being applicable to every form of that disease, and I consider it a inedicFne well worth,. the attention of physicians, and exempt from the imputation of empiri cism. 1). Octo,er I I , 10 - The above medicine prepared only by ANGNEY & DICKSON. at N. E. corner of Fifth and Spruce streets, Philadelphia. AGENTS—R. WILLIAMS. Columbia; JOHN GISII, Lancaster; Ross, Elizabethtown , 1). GROSS, Harrisburg; R. A:vo NM, Carlisle. Price 50 ets.. or 6 bottles for sie2,so. March 6. 1847. 876 OLIVER EVANS' Salamander, Tire and Thief Proof IRON CHESTS, Warranted equal to ony other make, and have nev. er been injured by Fire or Burglars, in a single instance. He also keeps on hand a full supply of Common Chests, made of lighter iron, at lower prices. LETTER COPYING PRESSES AND BOOKS. TRUCKS FOR STORES, FACTORIES, &c. DRUGGISTS' PRESSES. EAGLE GLASS PAPER. PORTA TILE SHOWER BATHS, &c. PACKING LEVERS. HOISTING MACHINES. REFRIGERATORS AND WATER FILTERS. OLIVER EVANS, GI South Second St., below Chesnut REFRIGERATORS For Cooling and Preserving MK T, BUTTER, MILK, and all articles intended for culinary pur. poses. WATER FILTERS OLIVER EV ANS' CELEBRATED WATER FILTERS, for Purifying Water that is brackish or muddy, whether by rains, mineral,, or otherwise can be had of all Aims and prices, at the Ware. rooms, No. 61 South Second Street, two d,'ors be. low Clit,tntit Street, Philadelphia. o,tober 2cl, MORE NEW GOODS At the Columbia New Cash Store, WSc S. PATTON have just received an . assortment of New Goot:s consisting of superfine Blue, Black, and Olive Cloths, Plain, Striped & Fancy Cassimers, Cashmerets, Tweeds, Croton Codrington and Summer Cloths, Linen and Cotton Drilling, with a variety of Articles suitable for Summer wear, Marseilles, Valencia, and Satin Vestings, Black Silk, suitab;e for Mantillas, Fan cy, Striped, Plaid, and Plain do. for dresses. FRINGES, GIMPS, BUTTONS. &c. Merino. Mohair, Mous de Leine, and Silk Shawls, Corebel and Marseilles Skirts, Lawn and Lawn Ginghams, Alpachas &c., Bareges, Silk and Linen Pocket Handkerchiefs. Cambric, Earlstin, Man chester and Domestic Ginghams, French and Da mask Table Cloths, Hackaback, Birdeye, and Rus sia Towelings, Mull, Cambric, Jaconett, Swiss Plaid and Striped Muslins. Best quality Kid Gloves, Silk Mitts, Lisle thread, Fancy and Cotton Gloves, Palm leaf Hats &e., 4-c. With a complete assortment of bleach ed and brown Sheeting, and Shirting Mushns, Car petings front 10 cents to 51,00, Plrin and Figured Matungs, Floor and Table Oil Cloths, Looking Glasses, Queens-ware, Fresh Groceries, Hams, dried Beef, &c., Mackerel, Pickled and Smoked Herring. Much care has been taken to secure for custom ers a choice variety and the subscribers having purchased their goods for Cash are determined to sell them on the most reasonable terms. N. B. Country produce taken in exchange for goods at the highest price. W. & S. PATTON. Columbia, July 3rd, 1847.—tf COLI7II/1.331A DOOR AND STATIONERY STORE. C. WESTBROOK keeps con - stantly on hand a large and well selected assortment of MISCEL. LA.NEOUS BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, of all discriptions, from the small pocket memoran dum to the substantialls bound decoy. Letter arid Cap PA PER, by t he ream, quire, or single sheet. SCHOOL BOOKS, Serials, Periodi cals, Newspapers, &c. Staple and Fancy STATION A RY, Brushes Combs, Purses, Pocket Books, Toilet and Pockets Mirrors, Razor Strops, Shaving Soaps; Pasteboard. Ivory. Nlaraho and Steel Studded FANS, and nu nerous other articles, all of which will be sold very low for cash. N. B. Cash paid for Rags. Columbia. April 7, 1t347. 'A BLESSED, BLESSED AND HEAVENLY MIRACLE OF MIRACLES"! ON the 4th of August, in the year 1843, n singular scene occurred in the Royal Sci entific Institute of Prance. The aged, white headed President, his bead bare, his arm out stretched, his face radiant with smiles, (for science was triumphant.) and his voice with gratulatory tune, delivered the following re port : We are astounded at this singular prepa ration. Where indeed will science slop ! Here we have a preparation made in the form of a beautiful piece of soap, which we know by actual practice, to cure every cutaneous eruption, every disfigurement of, and even dis colored skin! Where will its magic and sin gular power cease? The Negro, the Creole, the Yellow Race of the East, and the Red Man of the Far West, arc alike under the influence of its extraordinary powers of clearing yellow or discolored skin, and making it white and beautiful and of changing the color of dark, or black, or brown skin." (Ilere several persons were brought forward by the President, who had used it, in proof of his assertion.) There are probably few persons of intelli gence, who, after reading the above, will doubt the qualities of Jones ) Italian Chemical Soap in curing Pimples, Blotches, Salt Rheum, Scurvy, Erysipelas, Sore Heads. Old Sures, Beard and Barber's Itch, Chapped and Tender Flesh, Freckles, Tan, Sunburn and changing dark Sunburn or Yellow Skin to a pure clear white, as smooth and soft as an Infants, and in fact every kind of eruption and disfigurement. Read these certificates: Front the New Otienns Sentinel, October, 1814. One 0.7 our subscribers, Mr. H. Leonard, in forms us that he has been cured of old, scaly Salt }ileum, of eighteen years standing, on Ins beard, lingers, and hands, by a cake of an arti cle advertised lately—we speak of Jones' Ital ian Chemical Soap. Ile also informs us that he has tried its effects on his female slave Hose, much rnarked with sun spots, and he found in two weeks her skin much clearer and whiter. James Eltham, a painter, in Jersey City, was cured of carbuncles, and pimples, which lie was afflicted with for many years, by part of a cake of ;ones' Italian Chemical Soap. Persons in purchasing this must always ask fur Jii:s Es ITALIAN CHEMICAL SOAP; arid per haps, ai many who have been cheated with counterfeits, will he too much discouraged to try the genuine, we say to such, try this once— you will not regret it : but always see that the name of T. JONES is on the wrapper. Sold only in New York at Catham Street, Sign of the American Eagle. Priee.sll Cents a Cabe. For sale by R. NV ILLIMMS. Columbia. Aug. 7,1847-6 m. DR. LE ROY'S Ver,etaW 'Universal Pills Are a atter:p:ll iav purgative and a purifying Tonic. THE hopes of the American agents are far more than realised by the success of Dr. Le Roy's Vegetable Unhersal Pills on this side of the Atlantic. Never did a medicine spring into such immediate popularity. In less than three months eighty thousand boyes have been disposed of; and certtficates of cures performed by them received from upwards of four hundred persons. The cures embraced a great number of diseases? but those which predominated were Billious Fe ver; Colic, Habitual Costiveness, Dysentary, Loss of Appetite. Flatulence. Worms and Low. ness of Spirits. All pereons who take them agree that they are 'ar superior to every other medicine they had ustd, in the mildness the energy, and the efficacy of their action; for though they pro duce neither gripe nor nausea, they act upon the secretions with great directness, force and rapid ity; and as a purgative leave nothing to be desired. But their great peculiar excellence, and that which, distinguishes them from all other purgatives is, thatthair operation is followed by no reaction.— Their unrivalled purifying and purgative proper ties, for which they arc indebted to the essence of Sarsaparilla, and other inerechents,being ed by their highly tonic virtues derived from the extract of Wild CDC] ry, they do not strain the digestive organs into action, as is the mode of operation with other cathartics, but on the contra ry strength. n them into action. Thus all other purgitive medicines produce more or less subse qat lit costiveness, a..d doggishness of the gastric Joiee, while Dr. Le Roy's Pills leave all the rim_ chin. ry of the system full of life uctivit., and 14 bowels open and natural. Crllriee 24 cent- i t:er box. Agents for Columoto....R. WILLIAMS, WM. A LEA I.Err Feb I ONES' SOLUTION OF JET, an instanta neous liquid human hair Dye, for dyeing light, red, or grey hair permanently a brown or jet black color. Full and copious direc tions enclosed. Sold at the sign of the Amer- Man Eagle, No. 8 Catham Street. New York- Price 50 cenzg, $1 or $1.50 per bottle. Sold by Aug. 7,1847-6 m R. WILLIAMS.