The Columbia spy and Lancaster and York County record. (Columbia, Pa.) 184?-1848, October 16, 1847, Image 2

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V. B. PALhttx, North Nircst corner of Third and
Chestnut streets, Philadelphia,
Tribune Buildings, (opposite City Hall,) N. York.
South East corner of Baltimore and Calvert streets,
Baltimore, and
N 0.12 State street, Boston"
JACOB M. WrsTnArreca, Lancaster city.
WILLIA3I A. Paso; Travelling Agent.
We noticed, in the last Spy, the rapid rise of the
Susquehanna; and it is now our duty to record
lame of the effects, of one of the most extraordina
ry freshets which bas occurred within the memory
of any resident in the vicinity. During Saturday,
the good was like that occasioned by the clogging
of ice in the narrow places below—so rapid as to
supereede the possibility of precautionary measures
to prevent the destruction of the valuable property,
—lumber, shingles, &c., with which our shores
were lined; and whole fleets were swept away,
some to be wrecked along the Susquehanna, and
some to find its way without a pilot, to the Day.
A very exciting scene, which we, with hundreds
of our citizens chanced to witness, occurred on Sat
urday afternoon. A fleet consisting of several
rafts, and a number of arks, loaded and empty,
were swept from thUr moorings above the bridge,
and the rivermen hearing the alarm, ruched to the
rescue. Several strong armed and brave hearted
fellows succeeded in manning the floating acres,
which were rushing at race horse speed, towards
the dam below. We joined the crowd, and were
just in time to see those floats which were not so
fortunate as to make a landing, taking the fearful
plunge over the dam, into the boiling and reacting
waters below, or gliding rudderless through the
schute, out among the rocks and billows. The
fearful speed of the water, and the oarless state of '
the crafts, made this adventure in danger to those
concerned, and in excitation to the lookers, equal to
a Cerro Gordo or a Churabusco. Although the
couplings of the rafts were broken, and some of the
arks crushed like eggshells upon the rocks, no
person was injured in the least, and we arc gratified
to be able to state that the most or the property
will be saved. Several parcel. of lumber, parts of
rafts, &e., have, however, gont. Lod have not
yet been found.
We learn front above that the Canals are so seri
ously broken and otherwise injured by the flood,
that there is little probability of a resumption of the
transportation business this season. This is par
ticularly unfortunate to those forwarders who have
freight lying along the line of the Canal, and for
emigrants—several of whom have returned to Phil.
adelphia to take some other conveyance to the West.
We arc happy to state, on the authority of an
officer of the Tide Water Can't, that the damage
on that work is so trifling that filly dollars will
make all repairs.
The mails from the North and West, have been
detained for several days; and from every portion
of the country comes accounts of disasters by the
flood. Baltimore was at one time cut off from all
communication, except by telegraph, with all the
surrounding country. We have heard of no loss
of lives occasioned by the freshet.
Our townsman Mr. Abram Bowers lies just corn
plated a superb boat intended In ply on the Permsyl.
vania canal. The length of the keel is 61 feet and
and she draws 9 a inches of water. She is a fine
specimen of boat architecture, and Will compare
favorably with any craft LILA walks the watcra of
the " raging canawl."
Ar-mos - r es I rem.—A horse attached to a wagon
became frightened at the round or sight of a Loco.
motive at the foot of Locust Street, last Saturday,
and ran upon:the walk, falling, end throwing a man
and a boy upon the street: with such force as to
unsettle their thinking apparatus, and create con
aiderabe alarm among the by-standers. We believe,
however, that neither person was much hurt; and
the extent of damages, was a pair of shells broken,
and some harness rendered unfit for service.
AN Ex.vorrm.—The election in Columbia, Wag
pattern worthy of imitation in places of greeter—
and of less—pretensions; no lighting or other die.
orderly conduct haling occurred throughout the
day. Of course we would not hint that Lancaster
might profit by the example.
ELZGANT PA /NTINC.—Two orninibusses intended
for Cincinnati, which arc awaiting the recession of
the waters, are attracting tic admiring attention of
all beholders. They were built, we understand, at
Aeon, N. Y , and aro superb specimens of mechan
ical skill. The painting and especially the schroll
work, take the shine out of anything we have seen
in that line. They lie on the sidling, opposite the
east end of the Columbia Bridge.
JOIIN or I - cum—lt affords us great pleasure to
be able to stilt° positively, that the report of the
death of our old friend William C. Tobcy, E.q.,
was incorrect. Ho was revelling in the Halls or
the Montezuman, and the public may count upon a
rich treat, in the perusal of a history of the war
iu Mexico. from his graphic and highly popular
pen. We congaatulate his friends everywhere.
WALNUT COLONNA oz.—Captain Pretaman no doubt
is chuckling over the prospect of e puff for his ex
tensive and elegant Mock of Fall Clothing; but we
elan not attempt in proee, what has drawn eu deeply
upon the Helicon= fount me to produce the •• rev.
ery" under the head of •• Winter's Coming." in
another column.
The Election Sews has kept the editor so much
engaged with the Telegraph, of which he is the
operator for Columbia, that he has not been able
to give his usual attention to the Spy, this week.
That excitement being now over, he can attend to
his duties as editor without interruption.
A FAer in "PLAIN Esausu."—Eophreig aict
erunad thou deyceuigboairr amp° arc theox work
saws uodo p.)..relLophoiblal &bele.
The aborts statement is made in a Yankee paper,
and we should be pleased to have an opponent of
pbonotypy controvert it, and thereby afford some
thing stronger than a sneer for the friends of tho
spelling reform to mate battle upon.
VOX , tb.l7nitell States Cassette
LA EACANTADA, sth September, 1897
Mr. Delta—The nights aro horribly cold here.—
I wish you could send me ou a wife or en extra
blanket. Why is it so frigid 7 They say we're 30
or 40,000 feet (more or less, nearer Heaven than
you in the Crescent City. If so, we should be
warmer. Perhaps it's because we're the same die.
lance farther off from the other establishment.
Every thing is very dull—no excitement—lots of
rumors from Scott's army—a little guerrilla pray
lice, such as murdering an American or two, and
shooting down a few greasers in return. We have.
had some small speculation, too, in the slate venison
line which has brought about a melancholy fend
between the Texans and the gentlemen cows. It
seems some Texans shot two bulls lately, and help
ed themselves to as much of the venison es they
pleased. Next day, a brother of the departed bulls
looked savage at a Texan, when the latter put five
bullets into him, and tumbled him. The hunter
thou dismounted, tied his horse to a bush, and ap
proached his game to finish, before bagging him;
but 3lr. Bull was playing 'possum; he jumped up,
charged the Texan, and brake his back ; we buried
him a few days aster: sz -_cross a balance of a. bull I
in favor of the Tema :a. 3.1.. j. C . :mm.4lM has re. 1
signed; you will so.,:t ssz aim to New Orleans, on
Ms Way to Vera Cues- We are constantly out I
scouting but can see nothing. There are plenty of!
small plundering parties ranging about, but too well
acquainted with the country to be caught. Speak. I
ing of shooting cattle , there has been a very plync. 1
ful piece of work of that sort in the North Carolina I
regiment. Cub Payne, of that ilk, the other day,
conceived and brought forth a horse, and installed I
hint near his own quarter., for the purpose of pun. 1
ishing refractory soldiers. It was not exactly the 1
Tt ojan horse, but, like it, was also built of wood, .
and the back-bone of the Colonel's charger was so
sharp, particularly the part adjacent to the rider's
postemities, that the boys baptized it by the name of
la drug ziandi used at home for poisoning rats. On
the night of its instalment, fity or sixty men of dif
iferent regiments assembled, demolished the animal,
and gave him a Christian build', placing his head
l on a pole, so nearly in the shape of a cross, that the
Mexican passersdiy, supposing that a huntan being
had been murdered and buried there, paid the ghost
of time horse the same religious respect usually paid
by thorn to the cool of a Christian in the same fir.
'Me. Colonel, however, was not to he bluffed off.—
When lie di 'covered his firstborn defunct, he
brought out its twin brother and erected him. The
men collected again in large numbers to tear him
down, but Col. Payne was prepared; he odered
them to halt, when near his quarters; instead or
which they fell back, and, utter reported orders to
halt, tie fired amongst them whilst still retreating—
some say advancing—and shot one of his own
people through the body, and a Virginian through
the hand. The two wounded men were expelled
from their respective 'regiments in disgrace; but
the North Carolina man would not stand it; he
died before morning, and was buried without the
honors of war. The men subscribed $3OO, and
handed it to the Virginian before he left camp.—
1 Two young officers were also oismissed from the
service on account of the same scrape. I give you
the tile as I heard it: I was absent on a scout at
the time. My own opinion of the disgraceful trans.
action is that the perpetration of the wooden horse
smacked too much of the cuarter.deek; but still
men can have greviances redressed without taking
I the law into their own hands.
While I'm at the North Careliniasu+, please advise
the young ladies of that State to be more careful
about it riling their love•leticre to careless fellows,
who drop them and leave them lying about. 1 have
just picked up a very soft one on the paradise
ground, addressed to Mr. Joseph M. F"—, Capt.
Shire's Company, North Carolina Regiment ; but 1
shan't tell Miss Jullita's name. Here's the wind.
ing up of it:
/ I by reeding your few Ime.
you have many trobele to go therm
and n hen you mkt 0b.., rev; Itnee
)00 And that lam teubeld too
2. when you are one your bud for me a woepmg
flu think that I am fast a arerol itg
but ,1:.011 think that th o. to Iron
3W find that I am weelong too
J. to think that you are gone edlure
Casing canons & gone & if a but it hits you
I know 'nu can no more return
bit if this shoal our fortune bee & you conic
hear ne more 1 hope ne'll meet on yonder shore
wheat we tad! part no more
fir about hear menny sues t ore
and tummy dill See um but among them alt
I cant lie pleeel like I was pleeet tent) rhea
think :tliss Julina ought to fry, roast, baste and
lambaste Mr. F—y, for making such a baste of
Ilium-If as to lose her sweet epistle. And talking of
basting., I give you a sketch of a woo/ling. I hap.
petted to be at Gen. Wool's quarters I tat week on
business, when a very promising specimen came
up and touched his cap. Gen. W. said "Coma in,
sir, conic in: I hero soma private business with
you." I was about to leave; but he told me to re
main. So I heard the following dialogue :
" Well, sir, yon were sprung last night; yon were
tight, sir."
I did not sac the individual's face, as there wee
nn looking-glass in the tent; but he answered %cry
readily, "I acknowledge the corn, General, I teas
a sheet or two in the wind."
" You ought to be ashamed of yourself, air; you
ought to be ashamed."
"So I am, General."
"Well, air, never let me catch you so again."
"'Pon my honor, General, next time keep as
far off from you as I can."
" Well, sir, good evening. Don't go to Saltillo
any more."
I met the acme parties a row dap , after, and Gen.
W. observed, "I hope you've not been in Saltillo,
sir, since I saw you last."
"No, sir, but I wish to go in to-trturrow."
"You can't go in—you can't go in."
"Why not, General I"
"Because you got tight in there last time."
"1 bog your pardon, sir, I did no soca thing."
"Why you acknowledged it yourself, sir."
"I ask pardon, I acknowledged being a shoot or
two in the wind; but net in town."
" Where then, sir?"
"In your own camp, up there among the Vir
.4 Was A there, sir ?"
. 4 It was no where else, General."
.4 Go to the devil, or to town, whenever you want."
So I have been going in as usual ever since.
The Mississippians have the credit of being the
steadiest and most exemplary regiment in the ser
vice. At one of the last meetings of their too-total
society, many of the members delivered themselves
of their experience—as the Methodists in class
meeting term such commodities—one of the inter
esting individuals wound up by saying," You can't
consare, jintlemen, Oat a divil for the dhrink I
seas afore I jined yea. I used to dhrive a jingle
betune Dublin and Dunleary, afore them railroads
(bad luck to 'cot) was invented, and may I never,
if I did'nt often get up of a morning, without the
price of the oats for the ould mare and the sketch
of whiskey for myself; so I had to toss up which
of us id go widout ; but one thing I can say, gentle
men, wid a clanc breast, whinever the ould mare
won, by Ja—s, I never dialed her out of the oats."
G. IL T.
I'. S. Eighteen Texan Rangers and two Lieu
tenants, all of Capt. Taylor's company, deserted
last night.
From tlie ➢nitimore American
Ricirmoxo, Va., Oct. 12, 10, A. 31
Passengers on board the steamer Alabama, at
New Oilcans, from Vera Cruz and Tampion, give
some additional information respecting Gen. Scott's
A r my.
Capt. Vanstavoren arrived in the Alabama, in
company with Major Capers, Government saltier
at Tampuco, as bearer of despatches to the Gov
verninent from Col. Gates. Major Capers has
copies of letters to merchants in Tampico received
by the British express, giving semi-official accounts
of the capture of the city of Mexico. Santa Anna
marched out of the city on the 13th uft„ at the
head of 10,000 men and twenly.five pieces of can
i non, to Gaudaloupe, and was expected soon to re
turn to Oajadeka. No further immediate moles
tation from him was anticipated.
Our entire loss from the sth to the 13th was 25
officers killed, 47 wounded; 490 men killed end
wounded at the battle of Chapoltcpse. On the 13th
Gen. Scott brought forty pieces of cannon to bear
upon the beiglits of Chapultepcc, which soon ren
dered them untenable by the enemy. On the
afternoon of the 14th he sent 1500 men into the
city who took possession of the citadel after some
serious opposition from the rabble, who attacked
the rear, wounding a great number.
On the 13th the women of the city demanded
muskets of &nits Anna, which he was unable to
turni+h them.
The letters make no mention of the resignation
of Santa Anna, and Captuirt Vanstavoren discredits
the statement altogether.
Gen.. Worth, Pillow and Smith are safe. Gen•
Worth had been appointed by Gen. Scott, Governor
of the City of :%lexico.
The steamer Fashion was entering the harbor of
Tampico an the Alabama left.
ANOTSIER Accou NT.—Tlic New Orleans La
Protria has a different version of the news, which
is obtained from Mexican sources, and the accuracy
of tt Ilia may well be questioned. It is to this
effect, as stated in the Patriot:
It would appear that the American troops after
taking the City of Mexico, had numerous severe
conflicts with the almost innumurable swarm of
Leperos, who inhabited and surrounded the Capital
—that the former finally became so annoying arid
destructive that they obtained advantage of the
American troops, who were finally under the neces
sity of retiring from the city.
It is further stated that Santa Anna has left his
quarters at Gaudaloupe, and returned to the capital
at the head of an army of ten thousand regular
troops, and that fighting had been resumed and was
still going on desperately at the last accounts. The
rumor of Santa Ann's resignation is confirmed by
these accounts, but the Mexican people were nut
disposed to receive it, and again place him at the
head of the army.
General Ilea is said to have gotten full possession
of Puebla, but that the Americans were pouring a
deadly fire upon the troops from the surrounding
heights commanding the town.
Major Capers came passenger in the steamer
Alabama, which arrived at New Orleans on the 4th,
from Vera Cruz. He is fully of oppnion that the
brave and gallant General Worth still survives, but
has nn doubt of his having been wounded. He
' thinks the story of the explosion of a bomb, which
was said to have caused the loss of a large number
of liv e s, and among them the life oft Gen. Worth,
is a Mexican fabrication. Generals Pillow and
Smith arc believed to have been killed.
The English accounts received by the Alabama,
states that the Americans lost 470 killed of their
rank and file, besides:l7 officers killed and wound
ed. The total number of wounded supposed to be
about 1,000 ; while the killed and wounded of the
.Mexicans is said to be near:l,ooo, besides a large
number of prisoners.
There no news yet from Cen. Scott's army. The
presumption is, that his despatches have been cut
off between Mexico and Puebla. The anxiety to
bear from him is painfully exciting.
Further accounts do not confirm La Pratria's
version of the news.
A num" tc NEED.—An instance of animal
sagacity and humanity, unequalled in our remem
brance, took place before our door on Saturday.—
An unfortunate dog, in order to make sport for
somc fools, had a pan tied to his tail, and wee set
off on his travels towards Galt. He reached time
village utterly exhausted, and lay down before the
steps of Mr. Young's tavern, eyeing most anxious.
ly, the horrid annoyance hung behind him, but
unable to move a step further, or rid himself of the
torment. Another dog, a Scotch eolly, came up at
the time, and seeing the distress of hie crony, laid
himself down gently beside him, and gaining his
confidence by a few carcases, proceeded to gnaw
the string by which the noisy appendage was at
tached to his friend's tail, and by about a quarter of
an hour's exertion, severed the cord, and started to
his legs, with the pan banging from the string in
hie month, and after a few joyful carers around his
friend, departed on his travels, io the highest glee
at his suecess.—Galt Reporter.
Some days ■ince, a man named itlavin Whatley,
was killed, in Russell county, Alabama, by one
Hugh McLean, when in a quarrel about the divis
ion of soma old clothes given them.
From the National Intelllgencer
Trve To Tut PRESIDENCY.—We have received from
Dr. Bronson, the gentleman to whom it was addres
sed, a copy of the following letter from Gen. Tay.
lor, with request for its insertion in the Intelligencer
request which we cheerfully and readily com
ply with :
(;atop near Monterey, Aug. 10,1647.
Slit—Your letter of 17th ultimo, requesting of
me an exposition of my views on the questions of
national policy now at issue between the political
parties of the United States, hus duly resched me.
I must take occasion to say that many of my
letters, addressed to gentlemen in the United States
in answer to similar inquiries, have already been
made public, and I had greatly hoped that all per.
sons interested had, by this time, obtained from
them a sufficiently accurate knowledge of my views
and desires in relation to this subject. As it ap.
pears, however, that such is not the case, I deem it
proper, in reply to your letter, distinctly to repeat
that I am not before the people of the United States
a candidate for the Presidency. It is my great
desire to return at the close of this war to the
discharge of those professional duties and to the
enjoyment of those domestic pursuits from which
I was called at its commencement, and for which
my tastes and education best fit me.
I deem it but due to candor to stale, at the same
tine, - that, if I were called to the Presidential chair
by the general voice of the people, without regard
to their political differences, I should deem it to be
my duty to accept the office. But while I freely
vow attachment to the administrative policy of our
early Presidents, I desire it to be understood that
I cannot submit, even in thus accepting, it to the
exaction of any other pledges as to the course I
should pursue than that of discharging its tun•
ctions to the best of my ability, and strictly in
accordance with the requirements of the cunstitu•
I have thus given you the circumstances under
which only can I be induced to accept the high
and responsible office of the President of the United
States. I need hardly add that I cannot in any
rase permit myself to be brought before the people
exclusively by any of the political parties that now
so unfortunately divide our country, as their can
didate for this office.
It affords me great pleasure, in conclusion, fully
to concur with you in your high and just estimate
of the virtues, both of head and heart, of the dis.
tinguished citizens [Messrs.Clay, Webster, Adams,
McDu'lie, and Calhoun) mentioned in your letter,
I have never yet exercised the privilege of voting;
but had I been called upon at the last Presidential
election to do so, I should most certainly have cast
my vote for Mr. Clay.
I am sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant.
Major General United States Army.
F. S. Bronson, M. Ti, Charleston, S. C.
collection of what is called the Gold Room at
Windsor Castle is valued at twelve millions of dot.
(liars: There are glass cases like a silversmith's
shop, and behind the glass are the principal articles.
There is a dinner service of silver gilt of the most
gorgeous kind, presented by the merchants of Liv.
crpool, to the late William the Fourth, long before
he was king, in reward for his advocacy of the
slave trade: with the inscription telling the tale.
There is a salver of immense size, made from the
gold snuff boxes alone, of George the Fourth,—the
lids and instriptions curiously preserved on the sur
face is a kind of mosaic of gold; its SSllie is fay
thousand dollars. Nell Gwynn's bellows—the Iran. I
dice, nozzles, &c. of gold I—tbe golden peacock,
inlaid with diamonds, arid rubies from Dellili—not
as large as a pheasant, but valued at one hun
dred and fifty thousand dollars; the footstool of
Tippoo Seib, a solid gold lion with chrystal eyes,
the value of its gold alone seventy thousand dollars;
George the Fourth's celebrated golden candelabra
for a dinner table, valued at fifty thousand dollars,
so heavy that two men arc required to lift each.
Piles upon piles of golden plates, sufficient to dine
wo hundred and fifty persons, with ample changes.
There are a 140 dozen each of gold knives and
forks of various patterns, and 141 dozen each of
I geld table and tea spoons, aff arranged in the roost
perfect o:der, and glass cases on tables in the middle
of the room filled with gorgeous gold. From the
contemplation of all this memory only carries away
I a confused idea of riches, such as must have cost
poor underground laborers, lives of toil, and sweat,
and pain, to procure. A simple fact in connection
with this gorgeous display will serve to illustrate
its worth to one of its royal possessors, Gcoege the
Fourth, whose sense of taste became so vitiated that
although his meat was set before him in golden
dishes ire was obliged to season it with asalcetida
to make it anything but tasteless.
—lt is a fact worthy of notice, that the whole of
Conception Bay, very probably the whole island is
rising out of the ocean at a very considerable rate
which promises, at no very distant day, materially
to affect, If not to render useless, many of the best
harbors we have now on the coast. At Port de
Grave a series of observations have been made,
which undeniably prove the rapid displacement of
the sea-level in the vicinity. Several large flat
rocks over which schooners might pass some thir
ty or forty years ago with the greatest facility, are
now approaching the surface, the water is scarcely
navigable for a skid: At a place called the Cosh,
at the head of Bay Roberts, upwards of a mile
from the sea-shore and at several feet above its
level, covered with five or six feet of vegetable
mould, there is a perfect beach, the stones being
rounded, of a modern alze,and in all respects simi
lar to those now found in the adjacent land-washes.
A writer in the New York Journal of Commerce
proposes a Ship Canal from the Hudson river to
the Lakes. He says, by enlarging the Northern Ca.
nal from Whitehall to Troy, to the site on the
Canadian Canals, (say 45 feet Lock,) New York
would hare a Ship Canal to Chicago, and vessels,
without discharging, could bring 4000 bbls. or
17,000 bushels of wheat or corn, in the same order
and condition, as when first shipped at the mill or
warebouise, in the Wed.
RusAwAy Wtve,, &c.—The elopement from Can
ton, Massachusetts, has caused no little excitement
in that neighborhood. The young man, James
Bennett, is an Englishman of good education,
who has been engaged for a year past in Kinsley's
iron works. For some time he boarded in
the family of his uncle John Bennett, but the
latter thinking he observed to much freedom of
manners between his young wife and nephew, for
bid him his house, and he took up his abode in an
other family. On Wednesday last, the husband
suspecting, or having been informed, that things
were not right, went to the house in the afternoon,
and found, after some search, the young man con
cealed in his wife's bedroom, rolled up in a coverlid.
This was to his jealous mind confirmation strong as
proofs from holy writ. lie seized a carving knife,
and the young man fled, leaving his hat behind, as
Joseph did his coat, though for a different reason.
Ire ran towards the river, his uncle running after
him, and like to have shared the fete of Absalom,
for his hair caught in the branches of a tree on the
river's bank.
He disentangled his hair, swam the stream, and
his uncle returned to his wife. Its work at the
forge required his attention, he deferred further
proceedings till evening. Meanwhile his wife and
her paramour fled, she taking one child and leaving
two behind her. Mrs. 13ennett is a very preposses.
sing young woman, and the fact that the young
man has been looked upon as intelligent beyond
mediocrity, warrants the belief that her powers of
persuasion are considerable. The outraged MIS.
band is an estimable man, and thus len with two
boys his situation is not to be envied. This is the
second elopement from Canton this summer.
“JENSY KiSSED ME. •• —ln the notice of Lehigh
Hunt's "Men, 'Women and Books,” is the follow.
ing exquisite rondcau, which has, says the reviewer
besides its own excellence, the additional merit of
being the offspring of a real impulse, and of ohm.
ieling the loving audacity of one of the moat charm.
ing of women :
'•Jenny kissed me when we met.
Jumping from the ohmic she •at in;
Mite, you thief: who loved to get
Streets Into )0111 list, put that in.
Say I'm weary, say rot sad.
Say that health and wealth have missed m•
Say I'm growing old, but add—
Jenny tuned ute.'•
The Jews have a proverb that "he_ who breeds
not up his son to some occupation makes him a
thief," and the Arabians say, "an idle person is the
devil's play-fellow."
Toe Csvax or TUE PAsysttne upon the brain Is a col
ler:lion of morbid humors in the bincid, which not only
derange the circulation, but also by increasing the appa
rent quantity of the fluid, cause n distention or swelling
of the blood-vessels, a pressure upon the nerves which,
lend to the Male, and headach, guldiness,and palpitation
of the heart, Insanity, apoplexy, sudden death, and other
dreadful result',
Wright'. Wien Vegetable Pills are always certain to
relieve a pressure upon the brain; becaupe they take out
of the circulation those very humnre tt hich are the cause
not of all disordered molione of the blood. but of every
malady incident to man. They also aid and Improve
Ingestion. as well as purify the blond, and therefore not
only give health and vigor to the whole frame. hut are
Owe)s certain to prevent any evil results from a pressure
upon the brain.
Lietvare it/Counterfeiter The nilly orldnal and genu
ine Indian Vegetable Pills Menthe elan wore of Valiant
Wright written with a pen nn the top label of each box.
Non, other is genuine, and to counterfeit thu is Forgery.
rrThe genuine (or sale by FRY & SPANGLER. who
are the only authorized Agents for Columbia. Alio, by
byagenta ad4ertlsed In another column.
Principal Office. MO Race Street, Pliiladelphm
77'e Ladies' Faith in Radioay's Chinese Medicated
know my face is sadly sprerkled
With pimples, tan, sun burn, and freckle,,
Erysipelas, scurvy and salt rheum
Upon my cuticle asinine
To reign with full authority.
'There blemishes I soon w ill cure
And make my skin both fair and pure,
By a soap of superior quality.
The soap I've spoken nf, ashore stated.
Is Midway's Chinese Medicdted,
For toilet purposes 'its said
To be better than any other made :
So now my friends I will buy
A cake of Itadway's soap and try."
The lady fair she spoke the truth
She found the soap we friend of youth,
And beauty once more took he place
And shone with faith upon her face,
She ever after held her hope
In Midway's :Medicated Soap,
its wonderful effects In epeerllly removing tan, sun
burn, pimples, blotches, ptuitutee, bites of mint:tit/1m
truer, &c, softening, purifying and cleansing the Ain
from all impurities, and adding beauty to the complesion
of all who lice it. places it beyond the renctu of rivalry.
It is cheaper and warranted better than any other toiltst
or medicated soap ever otTered to the public.
Sold far 12i small, and 25 tents for large cakes, by
Znhm de Jackson, George A. Millet, and John F. Long,
Lancaster: Sell & Son, Harrisburg; Morris & Co. York
R, Williams, Columbia. .1, &R.. C. RA DWAY.
N 0.2 Courtland street. N. V.
On the tOth instant, by the Rev. liVittlam Darns, Mr.
Eza♦ Wicsoa, to Miss Emz•nartt R. Borax, both of
this piece.
At the Name time, by the came, Mr. 1114 n, 'roller, to
Milli MANY KeerooT t both of thu place.
At the the Columbia Book Store THIS (Saturday)
EVENING. Look out for bargains.
TUST received a large and well selected assort
• ment of
Miscellaneous Books.
Of every variety for sale cheap at the Columbia
Book Stare, Locust Street, opposite tho Post Mee.
108 Race Street—White Swan Hotel Phiadelphia
Philadelphia, Oct. 16,1847-6 t.
"VOR sole a light two home wagon nearly new
Apply to FRY & SPANGLER.
Columbia, Oct. 16, 1847—tr.
i pew, N 0.50, Front Strout Columbia. oct.9•tf
P. STEWARrS Patent Air-llght and
Het-Air Summer and Winter COOKING
SIVVE, for Wood or Coal. Sold only at No. 86,
Baltimore Street, Baltimore, by the subscriber, hay
ing the exclusive right to sell them in the States
of Maryland, Virginia, District of Columbia and
all Pennsylvania west of the Susquehanna river.
This celebrated Stove has now a character which
no other has ever attained, and has been often
enough and long enough tried to warrant the dec
laration that it is the best Cooking Stove in Ameri.
ca, and should any doubt it I am ready to test it
' with any other stove, either as a fuel saver, or corn.
plete operator. It has never been surpassed, if ever
equalled, and I have any amount of testimony sub
stuntiating the assertion.
The first premium was awarded to this stove at
the f a ir of the American Institute, New York; the
first premium by the Franklin Institute, Philadel.
phia ; first premium by the Mechanics' Institute,
Boston; first premium by the Delaware State Ag
ricultural Society, September 1846.
Its performance is warranted in every case. It
is equally well adapted to wood or coal, and will do
more work with less fuel than any other Stove ever
offered to to public. In winter it will warm Thu
largest kitchen, and when fixed for summer, with
the summer dress attached, it warms the room no
more than a charcoal furnace, and for boiling, broil.
ing, roasting, baking, &c., was never surpassed by
any Stove, open fire or brick oven, -
This Stove was Patented in 1838,—is made of
the best material and workmanship, by the Patentee
in Troy, New York, thousands being sold annual•
ly in the eastern States, one house in Boston last
year sold 1807 of them. Since their introduction
in Baltimore, hundreds have been sold, and ate in
successful operation, giving complete satisfaction in
almost every instance.
I have a number of certificates from gentlemen
of high character and undoubted integrity, which
I will take pleasure in showing to any who may
call on me, and would refer to the following named
persons amongst the teeny who have them in use
in Baltimore; R. A. Dubbin, editor of the "Amer
ican,' Mr. Abell, editor of the "Sun," Mr. Barnes,
editor of the "Patriot,' Rev. Dr. Green, Rev. R.
Piggot, Rev. Mr. Harrison, Rev. Mr. Munroe, Dr.
Bear, Dr. MeMannus, Dr. Diffendaffer, Dr. Mon.
monier, with near five hundred others in Baltimore.
Merchants, Mechanics, and Laboring men. Ws
wish, however, this Stove to stand upon its own
merits and not on what myself or the mul.itude say
about it. and invite a trial of It, and should it fail to
give s.ttisfaetion it may be returned any time in
twenty days at the expense of the subscriber.
Fur sale by Messrs. JAMES & SAMUEL
north of Baltimore.
No. SG, Baltimore St., near Gay
RENCII MIRINOS for Cloaks! The largest
and most splendid assortment ever offered in
Lancaster, and eoinprising every shade and color,
now opening and for sale low at the New York
Lancaster, Oct. 16, let47.—tt.
RING ES of every variety of width and color
to match Trench Merinos at the New York
Lancaster, Oct. 16, 1747.—tf
E I OR Cloaks, Dresses, &e. A large and well se
t, looted assortment, comprising some new arid
beautiful styles for children's wear, now opening
at the New York Store.
Oct. 16,—t f GRI EL, HART & GILRERT.
BLACK, Bille Black, Brown, Green and every
other color, from the best French and English
manufactures, from WS per yard upwards, tram
the Boston and New York Markets, now opening
at the New York stare.
cAssimEßEs. sATiNErTs,
;vow opening a splendid assortment of plain
IN black and fancy Cassimeres, comprising Home
new and beautiful styles, also, Satinet', sup. r
banal) cord, a very fashionable article, all of latch
we offer low at the New York Store.
rpHI BET, Modie, Plaid, Cnshmcre, Turkerri, Silk
Cnssimere, Blanket Crape, and every variety or
Shawls For sale low nt thc New York Siore.
SEWER all wool Cashmeres, M. de Laine., Ore.
pm Plaids, Cashmere Plaids, Satin, Siriped,
Royal, Purple and Blue Plaid Alpacas, Striped
Plait! and Changable Silks, Cashmere, Crape and
Silk Scarfs, Gloves, Ribbons, Lawns, &e , &c.. now
opening at the New York Store.
TILE Indian Vegetable Da/sam iv the only rms..
dy that can arrest with certainty the various
pulmonary affections under which thousands sink
into the grave.
No one ever used this Balsam according to direr.
tions without finding relief. It positively cures
Asthma, Bronchitis, Mils:nation of the Lungs and
Throat, Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Croup,
Consumption, &c. It does ail it promises, sad all
that is asked is just to give it a fair trial, and it nil!
at once prove its superiority over every thing of this
The Indian Vegetable Balsam is preparrd only
by H. M. Crawford, Pbiladelpbia, and for sale by
C. Westbrook, Agent for Cohnn bi a ; Anderson.
Marietta; C. S. Kauffman, Washington; J no. Herr
& Son, Sa fe Harbor. Oct. 16-6 m.
rro all persons indebted to the estate of Doctor
I Hugh McCorkle. late of the Borough of Co.
lumbia, deceased, and all those having demands
against the estate, will please call upon the subscri.
her for immediate settlement. Otherwise the ac.
counts will be placed in the hands of Dr. George
Moore, Esq. for collection. EVAN GREEN.
Oct. 9, 1847. Administrator of the Estate.
Jenkins & Coinpany,
THE Subscriber has taken the Agency for the
eale of those excellent Tena—has received and
will be kept supplied with a full assortment of
Greens and Blacks of the various kind. and quali
ties; and which it is confidently believed will, on
' trial, speedily take the preference in this communi
ty over all other Teas. They are in neat packages
of d, d, and 1 lb. each, labelled with their name,
the kind of Tea and price, with a metallic as well
as paper envelope for preservation of the quality,
having full weight of Tea in each.
One of the Partners of the concern (who selects
the Teas) learned this difficult business of thy Chi.
nese themselves, having resided among them many
years, at Canton, engaged in the Tea trade. Pos.
leasing this extraordinary advantage, the ability of
the House is unquestionable, and may be relied upon
for furnishing, not only safe, but also, the most de
licious Teas, and at the lowest possible prices.
At this period, when the public taste is undergo.
ing a change from Green to Black Teas, it may be
interesting to know that the Chinese universally
drink Black Teas, considering the Greens fit only
for foreigners. GUILFORD G. CLAIBORNE,
Columbia, Oct. 24,-3rei, Post Master.