Stoves, Stoves. fIE subscribers have constantly on hand a 1 full assortment of Wood,Coal, and Cooking Stoves of every size and description, Cannon Stores. Also, Ileadenburg's Patent AIR-TIGHT PARLOR STOVES, which has given full satisfaction in all cases. The public are invited to call and examine for themselves, at the Hardware Store of Oct. 9—tf RUMPLE & HESS. CIRCASSIAN OIL, For thi Preserveslion, Beauty, Growth and Res. knolion of the hair MITI'S valuable preparation excites the scalp to a 1 new and healthy action, cleanses it from scurf and duudnifir, prevents the hair from falling off or becoming prematurely gray, cures those eruptive diseases which often appear upon the head, and in a majority of cases produces a fine growth of new Lair: It also gives the hair a rich and beautiful appearance, unequalled by any thing of the kind. In addition to all its usefulness as a preserver and beautifier of the hair it remotes all unnatural harshness and dryness of the hair, which often precede its loss, and should never be permitted to continue without using , remedies. For the toilet, Ladies and Gentlemen will flail this an admirable nrtiele. It gives a luxuriant, silky, soft and fine brilliancy to the hair and curls, filling the minds of the beholders with admiration and almost with envy. All this for only 9.5 as. a bottle. For sale by ae19r.17-tf W. A. LEADER. DISSOLUTION. Trim partnership heretofore existing between the 1 subscribers, trading under the firm of J. \V. Fisher &Co., has boon dissolved by mutual consent. _ J. W. FISLIEIt, S. GROVE. Columbia, Scptembcr 1,1817. TIIE undersigned has just received a fresh supply of goods suited to the season, embrac ing CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, SATIN ETTS and VESTINGS of silk, satin, woollen and silk velvets, merinoes, cashmeres and every other style, which cannot be sur passed for beauty, flora bil:ty, or cheapness, in this or any other country town. Ile continues to carry on the Tailnriug, BUS iness, and will be thankful for a continuance of past favors. J. W. nsnER. October 2,1847.-1 r Sale by Order of the Orphans' Court. 'VALUABLE property in the Borough of Co luntbia, Lancaster County, Penna., late the estate of Christian Brenetnan, dee'd. In pursuance to an order of the Orphans' Court of Lancaster County, will be exposed to public sale, on Saturday Me LIM day of Noranber next, at o'clock in the afternoon, at the Public House of Joseph Black, in the Borough of Colombia, all the right, title and interests of Christian Breinunan ceased, in following valuable real cstate, situated in the said Borough, to wit:—Two large FUZE PROOF MUCK IVA KEIMUSES, and Lots of Ground, bounded East by the Penn sylvania Railway, and extending to the river shore near the Susquehanna and Tide Water Canal, and Front Street, and between the Columbia Bridge and Pennsylvania Canal Basin. The said Lots arc in width 1 17 feet, more or less, fronting towards Front Street, and :IA feet in depth. The facilities afforded, by the various Canals and Railroads fur the transportation to the markets of Philadelphia and Baltimore, arc equal to any other locality, and the advantages and value of this prop. erty fur the purposes mentioned, it is believed, can. not be excelled. Also, ut the sane ling and place will be sold in pnrsnanec to the order a fore , aid, the tight, title and interest, of said deceased in and to a certain Lot of Ground situated at the North-West corner of Filth and Union Street in said Borough. The said lot containing 20,1 feet fronting on Union Street by 1314 feet au Fifth Street. Attendance will be given and terms of sale made khown by ABRAHAM ZOO K, Administrator de bones nnn with the will annex ed of Christian llreneman duc'd. By order of the Urphuno' Court, Arresr, JAN ES DYSART, Clerk of Orpham? Court Oct. `).d,—ts I'hc following papers will please copy till sale, and send bills to this office, as also a paper with the advertisement marked to Abraham Zuok, Colum bia, Pit.: N. American, Phila.; American, Baltimore; porium, l'ott,ville; Telegraph, Ilarribburg ; Cain mercial Journal, Pittshurgb. DR. CULLEN'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PANA CEA.. 1 EAD the following Certificate in favor of the 11, Extraordinary , Virtues of DR. CULLEN'S INDIAN VIAETAIILE PANACEA. SCROFUL A. Messrs. lt owand N. Walton:— Cendemen—Feeling deeply grateful lor the eNtra. ordinary cure performed upon me by your Dr. Cul len's Indian Vegetable Panacea, 1 cheerfully fur. lush yOU with a short history of my case. About seven yearsago, [when only eleven years old] I was attueued stint Scrub ula. which increased in its ravages, till my throat was tilled with ulcers! the bones of my neck laid bare' my palate destroy ed, and a large piece a! uue of the nasal bones car tied away. My head was also so much diseased, that in drinking. the tea or coliec would frequently pass out of my car! A mass of something which the Doctors called a tumor cattle from my nose. I was under the care of physicians of the highest distinction in this city, and at one time pronounced cured, and by request attended a medical lecture, where my case, together with the method of cure. was explained to the students. The Lecturer said --" You are now well, but if the disease should return, you cannot live long, as it would soo., de stroy your wind-pipe." I did not believe myself cured at the time, as I had much distress to my head. and other disagreea ble feelings, and after a tune the ulcers re-opened. In January, 1845, my mother called with me upon Dr. Mutters for advice. Ile said I was a very sick girl, and said it was doubtful whether I would ever get well; tf ever, it would be a long while. The disease grew so much worse, that the physician who then attended me, said he could see my wind pipe! My face was also swollen, highly inflamed, and very painful, and the Doctor said ulceration was inevitable! I was in this condition in January last when I commenced taking your "Dr. Cc t.t.t.x's INDIAN VEG ETA DLL PANACEA. " The mflamation was SOOSI removed, and the dreaded ulceration in the face prevented! lam now well! I have no ulcers! no pain, or any disagreable sensation to my,,head, and now feel that I ant cured. I shall be happy to give any further Information to the affiited who will take the trouble to call upon me at my lather's house, West Spruce between Beach and Willow Streets, opposite Spackman's Factory. Signed, CHRISTIANA SANDS. City of Philadelphia, ss. This seventh day of April, A. D. eighteen butt. tired and lorty.six, before the subscriber, Mayor of the said city. personally appeared Christiana Sands, who being duly sworn, depo4es and says, that the facts set forth in the foregoing atlidivit arc strictly true in every particular. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and fixed the corporate seal of the said city, on the day and year before written. [I,. s.l JOHN SWIET, Mayor. We hereby certify, that the above statements of our daughter arc true in every particular. WiLlaata SANDS, Phila. April 7, 1816: MART SANDS. Wholesale and Retail, by ROWAND & WAL TON, Proprietors, 376 Market street, Philadelphia; WM. A. LEADER, Columbia ' Pa.; J. T..A.N DER SON, Marietta, Pa., and GEORGE ROSE, Eliza beth, Pa. Oct. 2d, 1847.-2 m. NEW COLUMBIA TEA AGENCY FOR TUE SALE OF TILE SUPERIOR TEAS OF Jenkins & Company, TEA DEALERS, PHILADELPHIA. THE Subscriber has taken the Agency for the sale of those excellent Teas—has received and wall be kept supplied with a full assortment of Greens and Blacks of the various kinds and quali ties; and which it is confidently believed will, on trial, speedily take the preference in this communi ty over all other Teas. They are in neat packages of .1, I, and 1 lb. each, labelled with their name, the kind of Tea and price, with a metallic as well as paper envelope for preservation of the quality, having full weight of Tea in each. One of the Partners of the concern (who selects the Teas) learned this difficult business of the Chi nese themselves, having resided among them many years, at Canton, engaged in the Tea trade. Pos. sessing this extraordinary advantage, the ability of the House is unquestionable, and may be relied upon for furnishing, not only safe, but also, the most de licious Teas, and at the lowest possible prices. At this period, when the public taste is undergo. ing a change from Green to Mel: Tens, it may be interesting to know that the Chinese universally drink Black Teas, considering the G rerns fit only for foreigners. GUILFOI2 13G. CLA I BORN Fl, Columbia, (Jet. Post Master. Steam Engine gin• Sale; _ FACTORY To RENT. A . FIVE horse power Steam Engine with an 8 horse boiler in complete order for sale—at present put up in the brick Factory on Union street, above Second. Said building is fur :ale or to rent; it is 50 feet square, well lighted, has large doors fronting north and south, on Union street and on a 1'? foot alley, is'weS adapted for a PLANING 11INCIrINE, for which it was once used,or for a Foundry, or any business requiring large space and good The lot on which the building stands is large and would snit for the storing of lumber or bu I Icy materials. 50 Tons Pine Grove Coal for sale. Oct. 9d—tf J. 11. MIFFLIN. Notice. N Election for thirteen Directors for the Columbia Bank and Bridge Company, will he held at the Banking Douse in Columbia, on Wednesday the 10th day of 'November next, between the hours of ten and four. SAMUEL SHOCK, Oct. 9.d,—lc Cashier. Lancaster Examiner & Herald, and Union Tribune, please copy. TO THE AmpLxc TED. MACKENZI E'S '`.'r%l . Nif -• „ 'A A CERTAIN and effectual cure for Ague /1_ and Perm., Dumb Ague, Chills or Inter mittent Fever, trials ailed and Unequalled. The general causes that produce aguo end fever, are the miasma of exhalation arising from swamps, marshes, misers, canals, &c., acted upon by heat, warm days succeeded by cold nights. The tendency is also enhanced by sadden changes in the temperature, poor diet, great fatigue, intemperance, grief, anxiety, debility, exposure to cold, lying in damp twins, &c., &c., &c. All this may be remedied by purchasing one or two bottle of Maelcenzie's Febrifuge of GEOIZGE A. Al ILLE ft, Druggist, %Vest King Street, Lancaster, Pa. Columbia, Om. 2, ISI7-61. r j IST OF LE'I"FERS raanaining iii the Post flUnice ending Sept. 30,18.17. Persons ennui quiring for letters will be particular in mentioning if they arc advertised. Adams John 2 Kainph John Anderson Edmund Kelton 'Hobert Alding,er John Kaufinen (corgo Baits Emanuel Kline ( leorge Barkly Peters Dililah Ladcnbuirger Christian Bradkin Etonarc Long Anna Boshli Robert Lee Harmon Ilowrylierd I )aniel Landis Abraham Bennit Catharine Lyan Maria Braun Mr. Lutibach Sentinel II Boman Mry A Laverty .Tolin II 2 Brown Mary Lainero IVathaniel Berry Samuel Loan Hugh Barnet Win 2 McDonald John Bridges It li. :11 cilick .1 elm Beck Wm McGinnis Win Brown Win ➢lurphy Ilcnry II Barrow Joseph ill Alurnicen John Itaumga,,tner Samuel Aladen Peter Blaster Henry 11 MarMy Elizabeth Brinton .12 Mathias Alfred Winton James Myers Hanali Claid Brown P Maher Michael ('rass Esther Alillcr Ilenry J Collins Michael Massy Edward 2 Camel Mr Muller Philip E Cole Jane Mclntosh Wm Campbell Andrew McFarland John Conklin. M & J McMullin Win F Carter Nelson Mussleman Michael Colman John Miller Peter Crouse II McGough James Darmond RoLea Mclony George Dickey Martin McClintock Win Drury NV 112 Musschmin Samuel 2 Dorsey Allen Richard Mahler Jacob (Gorman) Daily Solomon Morrison John Dinsmore James Nichols Lydia Dougherty Hugh Nicholas Jane 2 Fitch Mason Nisse John Fisher George 2 Neicommet John Fischer John Cabinet ma•Otterson Andrew ker. Omcnt Emanuel Frazer Aaron Owens S 2 Fullerton Robert Obrien Margaret Fvger Albert ()brim/ John Flyn Edward Pastor Sophia 2 Fazinions James rctez s Delilah Gcbhard llcnrich PUTVCS A Grey Henry Peterman Sophia Garmon 1' Polack Lewis Gerber Andrew Rose John Goodman Sarah A Rooney Mary Camber Sarah Mrs Rotor Bernard Grownshield Tobias Rinehart D Geis John Roppc Henri Gehhart Adam Robenson Jacob It Greay Louisa Book Joseph Gridcr George Shaeffer Nathaniel Hctzcl Sarah Stolidly Mary Ann Hereby Benjamin 2 Scybold Charles Fred Hand Mary Stuart Thomas Hall Wm 1) D Serm•cr John Harris Ann Negro Stoer John Hook Joseph A Stouffer Henry Hare John Sombar henry Hershey Christian Steitz Andrew Hudson N \V Stouffer Abraham lloyst Star Snyder Jacob It Ilogentoblcr Elizabeth Secs Jerome Harrier Daniel Smith Francis Hofer George Stimmel Anna Jones Margaret F Schrader John Irvin Elizabeth Scars Jacob Johnson Alexander Turk James II Johnson Morris Thong W H Jenkins Benjamin Wolt 'Sarah Jack Jas - Wilson Hiram Kelton John Wilson Thos II Kline Henry Wertz 'lvory Riles Joseph J Wolf Ann E Knoell John Windhelm Frederick G. G. CLAIBORNE, P. N. Columbia, Oct. 1, 1817,-31. TERKIRRA ASplendid assortment of Tcrkirra and other shawls. Just received at 0c2'4.7 FRY & SPANGLER'S. TILANKETS BLANKETS!" [Fur Rale very low at FRY & SPANGLER'S. o c 5." -FT SONNET RIBBONS. A good assortment of ) winter trimmings ut 0e2'47 FRY & SPANGLER'S. LOOKING GLASSES of all aizcs and at re filmed !prices. For sale at oef'-'47 FRY & SPANGLER'S. FRENCII NVORKED COLLARS. 1 - 4 ATEST style French needle work collars, for B sale at FRY SPANGLER'S. 0e2%17 MILL AND - FARM FOR RENT Mill and Farm belonging to the estate of Christian Bauchman, situate in West Hemp field township, Lancaster Co., will be offered for rent by public out-cry, on the 252 d day of October next, at 52 o'clock in the afternoon, at the 'Public House of Joshua Kehler, nn the Lancaster and-Co lumbia turnpike, 2 miles from the latter place and near the premises, the property we'd known as Bauch - mauls Mill, with a farm of about 50 acres of land, houses, barns and other appurtenances thereunto belonging, for 1 year from the Ist of April, next. The Mill is in good working, order, within a few hundred yards of the Penna. Rail Road, has a large custom, and is well calculated to do an extenshe businms. The farm is under good fences, and in high state c&Lul tivation. Tease wishing to rent the property will examine for themselves, and by calling on J. B. Garber, one of the Executors, near the premises, or on G. M. Honk, residing on the same, can receive any further intbrination. N. 11.—This property will be sold in the fall of 1849. At the time and place stated above, the conditions will be made known by SAW!, C. BONHAM, or Oct J. B. GABBER, Executors of the estate of C. Ilauchman deed. MORRIS'S PATENT DOOR PLATES. ANEW article far superior to any thing of the kind ever yet Mimed to the public, and which for simplicity, durability and cheapness, is not equalled by any of the old ones now in use. The advantages these plates have over the old engraved ones, is, that they will never turn black or tarnish like those made of silver or brass. They need no scouring with chalk every week—they will always retain their fine lustre by simply rubbing them over occasionally with a silk handkerchief or piece of buclishin, and wiping off the dust that may adhere to the surface. The name in these plates may be changed fur a trille,—the letters which compose it, being moveable,—rand any other name can he inserted in its stead, by sending the plate to the owner of the patent (Henry Seitz, of Marietta, Lancaster County, which is another g,reat advantage over the old engraved ones,—which cannot be changed. Any person desirous of such a plate, can obtain one by addressing Henry Seitz, Marietta, by letter, giving the name and place of residence correctly. These plates dicier in price according to number, as follows: No. 1, price 53.00; No. F 2, $3.50 ; No. 3, 61.00; $1.,0; No. 5, 53.00 ; No. 6, $.1.50; No. 7, 65.00. Nelson Maloney is any only authorized travelling agent to exhibit and sell these plates in Lancaster county. Ile can be seen at John Michael's tavern, in Lancaster, when in the city, or information ob tained, when absent, when Inc will return. He carries a sample of each hind with him, which en ables him to give every satisfliction. HENRY SEI'I'Z, of Marietta, Owner of patent for Lancaster county. Sept. f 23, 1817. TO TIIE AFFLICTED. Jli you arc sick, it makes 110 difierenec under what disease you may labor, or if you have the FEVER AND AGUE, and have tried a great many things to cure it, and they have all one after another failed, and you still continue to have the Chills and Fever, until you have shook nearly all the flesh off of your bones, and have become almost a skeleton, your strength gone, and your spirit low, do not conclude that there is no cure fur you, but come to the .71EM.E MOOTO'S" at Marietta, two doors west of the Brew House and get some of his Fever and Awe:a edicine. If you use this medicine you may rely upon their efficacy. It is impossible for tlwin to fail. It is astonishing what cures these Indian Herb Medi cines are daily performing. it medicine is neatly put up with full direc tions for $l. If taken according to the directions and does not effect n cure the money will be refund ed. Henry Martin, agent for the herb Doctor's Medicines, Front street, Columbia, Pa. Sept. 21, 181 PUBLIC SALE. ANTILL be exposed to public sale, at the Tan n, nay of Joseph Baugher, Fountaindale, Adams county, Pa., on Tuesday, the IGth day of November, SIX IBMSES, HORSE GEMS, TIIBEE WAGONS, one of them a Broad Wheel ed Road Wagon, the others Bark Wagons. Also, two pairs of Ladders. The horses arc excellent team horses. Sale to COIIIIIICIICC at 11 o'clock A. M., when the terms will be 'node known by Sept.:?A, 1847.—ts BAUGIIER & CO. u 2 C) 2,1 ti . Svite `st. ra +4 • • aw .1 ° A o 2 4 s ° The Largest and most spiel!, did Stock of Dry Goods VER. offered in the city of Lancaster, is now 1 - 14 being opened at TILE BEE .1111 - E, North queen street, wholesale and retail. This stock has just been received direct from Boston, New York and Philadelphia, and comprises some of the rarest bargains of the day, for Fall and Winter sales—Shawls, Silks, Merinoes, Ribbons, Gloves, Hosiery, &c. Sept. 523—tf eiVEIL 1000 different styles entire new patterns j r of Ladies' Dress Goods, for Fall and Winter. High colored plaids are all the rage. Call at the 5ept...2 , 1-0 BEE HIVE North Queen st. Tin; LADIES arc particularly invited to call early and examine those beautiful Bon net Ribbons, all ncw, Fall Styles, now opening at the BEE HIVE, North Queen st. Sept. 2.l—tf. 1 00 PIECES Alpachas and Lustros, at prices from 18 cents and upwards per yard, now opining at the BEE IIIVE,North Queen st. Sept. TRISH LINENS.-100 pieces just received di rect from Boston, they me a great bargain, and well worthy the examination or every housekeeper. 'Pickings, Flannels, Crash amid Table Diaper, for sale at remarkably low prices at the I:iept.2l—tf BEE (HIVE, North Queen st. lEMBERTON'S COMPOUND FLUID EX TRACT OF SARSAPARILLA, for the re moval and permanent cure of all diseases arising from an impure state of time blood. Prepared only b W. A. I. EA DER. repo,l* 174 C WRIGHTSVILLE FOUNDRY riILIE: undersigned having recently established an extensive Iron Foundry at Wrightsville, York county, Pa., arc now prepared to furnish Stoves, Hollow-ware, Car and Ma chinery Castings ofthe best quality of material and workmanship at short notice. Our assortment of STOVES is large, and of modern and approved patterns, consisting of PLAIN WOOD and BOILER TOP STOVES, of all sizes; NINE PLATE COOK, " VIC TORY COOK," "COMPLETE COOK,"—for wood or coal— And oilier COOKING. STOVES. Also--COA L STOVES, of the latest designs and all sizes, suitable for Parlors, Chambers and Offices. Also, BOAT STOVES, BOX STOVES, C HARCOAL FUR NACES, HOLLW-WARE. Our assortment of HOLLOW-WARE consists of Pots, Kettles, Round and Oval Ovens and Lids, Skillets, Spiders and Lids, Cook-Pots, Deep and Shallow Pans, Bread Pans, Griddles, Andirons, Watileirons, Gridirons, Spittoons, Wagon and Car riage Boxes, &c., &e., &c., together with Water Pipes of all sizes. ALSO, CAR wriEr.Ls AND OTHER CAR CASTINGS, THItESMNG MACHINE CASTINGS, of the most 'yin oval patterns, PLOUGH CASTINGS, MILL GEARING and MACILINE3IY CAST= LAWS, of every description. Our location being favorably situated at the june ltivn of the Baltimore and Susquohantan-rtailroad and Susquehanna and Tide Water Canal ; with the Pennsylvania Improvements, gives us facilities which will enable us to manufacture and forward castings to any point with despatch, and at the lowest prevailing rates. Stove Dealers and ethers having patterns of their own and ordering castings from them, arc assured that they will be held strictly private in the course of manufacture. E. CONNELLEE & CO. Wrightsville, Sept. 21, 1817.-3 in NEW FALL GOODS. rpn P. subscribers have just received their supply I_ Fall and Winter, Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, to which they invite the attention of flair friends and tho public generally. CLOTIIS, CALSSIIVLEE.ES, &c Their stock consists of superior French, and English Black, Bine, Brown, lliscd , and Olive Cloths; plain and Fancy Cashuners, Sattinets, Tweeds, Jeans; Velvet and other Vestings. Giv de Rhine, Swiss and Matteona Dress Sills. ALPACAS.—PIain, Plaid, and Striped, at 18, :n, 37, 50 cts., &c. English, German, and French Merinocs ; Plain Paris Cashmeres and Do Laines, Lama and Tarter Plaids. French, Earlston and Manchester C:ingliams; Prints or every style and price; Plain und Plaid Lim.eys; Tuper Gauze and other White and color ed Flannels. :!;1111r1'INGS.—Tlirce quarters, four quarters, five quarters, six quarters and ten quarters Bleached and Brown Shectings, Blankets, Tickings, Cheeks, Doeskins, &c. A. splendid assortment of Trimmings, Gimps, Sill; and Cotton Fringes; Thread, Victoria and Bobbin Edgings and Insertings ; Li,dc, Victoria and itrusels Lace, Collerettes, Gloves, Hosiery, &e, 61:2,6 E::;f:_t_:tik::', Loaf, Pulverised, Crushed, Havanna and Brown Sugars; Syrnp, L. 11. N. 0. Molasses; Iloney ; Rio, Lagnayra and Java Coffees; and the superior Teas of the Canton Tca Company of New York. Oils, Fish, &c. ALSO: China, Glass &. Queensware frrAll of which will be sold as LOW as the LOWEST, for cash or produce. Thankful for the liberal share of patronagc heretofore received, they will by strict attention to business endeavor to merit a continuance of the public's Ihvor. J. D. & J. WRIGHT. Columbia, Sept. 1817.—tf. NEW FALL GOODS. rpnEsubscribers respectfully inform their friends J and customers, that they arc just receiving and opening, a full assortment of fresh TALL a-CC:ZS. to which their attention is respectfully invited. FRY & SPAitGLER. Colombia, Sept. 18, 18 17—tf --- UNRIVALLED PREMIUM EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR. DE undersigned has just received from the j celebrated." Leechburg Mills" a fresh lot of the above flour, made expressly for family use, and cannot be surpassed, if equalled, by any brands in the Union. Will be kept con. stantly on hand, and for sale by E. J. SNEEDF.R, SeptlSAt No. '2, Canal Ilassn. ITC T1C77.3. LETTERS tegtamentary having been granted to the undersigned on the estate of Martha Forrey, late of the Borough of Columbia, deceased. All persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make payment immediately—those having claims to present the same for settlement. JOHN BRUNER, Executor. Columbia, Sept.. 24, 161;.—Eta Groceries. FULL supply of Fresh Family Groceries at FRY & SPANGLER'S. Columbia, Sept. IS, 1847—tf FRESH SHAD just received at YOUNG C. CASSEL'S No. 50 scptl l'47—tf Fresh supply' of oils ju.t received at YOUNG C. CASSEL'S No. 50 septll'47—tf -A Newsupply of Tarton and Monterey Plaids /for ladies' wear, just received at septll'47—tf YOUNG C. GABBLE'S No. 50. riniE newest and best styles of Gimps and Fringes, just received at scptll'l7—tf YOUNG & CASSEL'S Nn. 50. T RESH MACKEREL at YOUNG £ CASSEL'S No. 50 septll•47—tf 0011 CIDER VINEGAR at 61 YOUNG ..Sz. CASSEL'S N 0.50, eeptll . 47—tf DUPONT'S beet Eagle Powder et YOUNG & cAssEus No. 50. - 7; cptll'47—ti ILK warp, lustre Plaid and striped Mpaceas, just received at septll'47—tr YOPNG &CASSEL'S No. 50. ORLEANS LUSTRE at YOUNG & cAssms No. 50, sr:llll'47—f W A J N o T r li ne D y m i e m n mFp a ite r l s y , thr N ee bu r four best Workmen need apply. Sept. 11, 1847.—tr B. YOUNG. A FRESH assortment of all kind.; of the best spites just received at rill'l7—tf YOUNG & CASSEL'S REMOVAL. xxousmorr, ATTORNEY AT LAW. HAS REMOVED his LAW OFFICE to the Collector's Douse, corner of Front. and Gay streets, where he will attend prompt ly to all business in the line of his profession. Columbia, April 14, 1847.—1 f rruzar GOSSLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Columbia, Lancaster couniy, Perin' a, ~~ILL practice i l n ,o t r l i i s e co s u e n s se r s al Cuurts of OrricE.—ln IVoinut street, adjoining the Washington Hotel. Mar 6,1897. DOCT. - WM. S. M'CORKLE. eliFFlCE—South East corner of Locust read Second street. Boarding llouse—with Mrs. Swartz,`. doors below bis late residence. Columbia, April 7, Id47.—tf t) 50 ;0 1; n s f e rout r A s lmn by Salt. .59 sacks scpt:2-1'47-tf 11. E. ATKINS & CO. 1. 00 Bbls. Mackerel, No. 1, f 2, and 3. 50 bbls Shad. For sale by sept.:2l'47-tf 11. E. ATKINS &. CO. I•]X'l'l&ACj' OF MUSK just received and for sale at LEADER'S. srpt 4'47 I)AYSON'S INDELIBLE INk for marking I linen, silk and cotton without the preparation. For sale by W. A. LEADER. a c z p e e n r ti l3 c t e is s i i t ) o ess lc . a ' s e WTin, Sheet Iron : nd from the country preferred. Apply to Columbia, Sept. 11, 18.17. 11. PFAIILEIL Pink S:intrers. r Improved Carmine Saucers fur dying silk 1 stockings, glo%es, feathers, flowers, gauzes, crapeq, eambries, mublins, &c. Fur sale at sept:2 1' 17-tf LEADER'S. T DOLING GLASSES of all kinds, just re J ceis ed at YOUNG & CASSE:US ic0.511. Sc])? 11'47 -tf GIMPS AND FRINGES. T)LACK SILK and Mohair Fringes and A Gimps, fur sale cheap at FRY .Sz. SPANGLER'S. Columbia, Aug 7, 18.17.—tf SOMETHING NEW, ir UST received a second supply of WALK .) ING CANE (nIIMEI,LAS, a handsome and useful article, which will he sold at the manufacturer's retail prices. Call and see them al J. D. J. GHIT'S. anl2'47-tf. 01INSON'S Super. Essential Walnut Oil • Lily Shaving Soap, stipeintr to all others for shaving. Sold by IL WILLIAMS, au2l'l7-if. PAPER HANGINGS. VARIOUS PATTERNS of Wall, NVindow and Ceiling Papers and Borders, of the most elegant modern styles, for sale RO by C. IV ESTBOIi. Columbia, April 7, IS•17. AXTIIIGIIT'S Indian Vegetable Pills or Indian Purgative. and Indian Vegeta ble Syrup warranted genuine For sale by aut2l'47-tr. 11. 1V ILLAIIIS. Nails and Spikes. 200 Kegs NAILS, SPIKES and 13RADS.— Just received and for sale at reduced prices by RUMPLE C HESS. aJ land's nd best. C CROSS-JU r T sale T a SAWS, t ,ler„ o e f t iirrwecs prices by RUM PLE fi HESS. Columbia, April 7. 1847. tf C II ,a. .7 If S IFF.BR'S Celebrated Lowden rrth ctit tins Traces, long and short. double and sin glc Link, Breast, Carrying and flatter, Chains all of which we offer at manufactures prices RUMPLE S.: BE SS. Columbia, April 7, 1817.—tf BOWE BINDING. IN DING orders left at the Columbia Book Vlore will receive prompt attention. Columba, May 19, 1847. To Carpent erN. UST received a splendid assortment of • PL AIN BEA DS, SAWS, A TtE Ps. BRACES, BITS and CHISELS, at reduced prices by BUMPLE & HESS. Columbia, April 7, 18-17.—tf T4AUNDRY Stan h Polish, for preparing starch without the addition of any greav substance, and for producing a brilliant pearly gloss on the linen. SJld only by E. WILLIAMS. au2l'l7-11. Guns :toad Pistols. TIOUBLE and Single Barrel GUNS, sr:lr- Ijr rented Si u lib Twist, and Patent Breech I:evolving PISTOLS, Brass and Steel Barrel Pistols. For sale cheap by RUMPLE S.: HESS. Columbia, April 7, IS47.—tf To Boal men. NTEW Pattere Boat STOVE. .lust. receivil J_ ed and for sale by. RUMPLES:. HESS Columbia, April 7, 1847.—tf - ir lOC TOR ROBBY'S Drazilian Hair Curling Liquid. For sale by R. WILLIAMS. anli'47-tf PINE OIL. TUST received and for sale at the Harilwar t) Store of 11UMPLE & HESS Columbia, April 7, 1847.—tf 4 NTI-AGUE MIXTURE. A warranted 11 cure for fever and ague. For sale by R. WILLIAMS. N. ll.—There is none genuine but that sold by R. Williams. ati2l"l7-tf H. BULL'S Compoum! Extract of Sara parilla foil sale by R. WILLIAMS. aul4'l7-tf 'DAC CLASPS, Purse and Hue Twit, Steel Heads, Purse and Bag Rine. and Tn..t.l. For sale by R. WII.LIAM: 4 . aul4' pEKIN TEAS of all Itttal, to be had fresh at YOUNG & CASSEL'S Store. No. . 50 Colombia, :log. 7, 1:t47-1f UNItIZ ELLA S. TN great variety varying in price from 3U cents and nyvaril4 at FItY ....SPANGLER'S. Colombia. Aug. 7, le47—tf Soaps, Soaps, Soaps. Brown Windsor, the True Fine Palm Ohighly perfumed, English Castile Perfumed Variegated, Sand Balla. Crystalline Tailor•q, and a surrior a•a•ortment of Sliming Seam. For sdle hr rient9.l . -it' .C. A. DE P. Something New under the Sun. rpm , : subscriber has just received the Fall and 'Winter Fashions, which, thr elegance and taste, surpasses any thing which has ever hitherto been published. lic would invite all thnse who may wish their garments made up in a durable and fashionable manner, to give him a call at his Tailor ing Establishment in Locust street, opposite Hal deinan & Co.'s Store. As lie is well satisfied they will not go away disappointed as he is determined to spare no pains in making up all work entrusted to Ins care in such a manner as he is satisfied will render general satisfaction. _ _ J. J. returns thanks to Lis customers in general, fir their liberal patronage heretofore extended to him, and hopes by strict attention to business, to receive a continuance of the same. Columbia, Sept. 18, 1617•tf FALL AND WINTER FASHIONS. 11111EY have come to 11. Young, at No. 50. j_ The Fall and Winter Fashions for 1847 As 8, which, for taste, cannot be surpassed by the world—they are the most perfect ever brought before the eves of the. people of this globe. Persons wishing. their garments cut and made in the most eleoant style, will do well by calling at 13. Young's Tailoring estab lislanent, No. 50, Front street, Columbia, where they will have their work executed to perfection and with despatch. P. S. Persons wishing to purchase superior cloths, cassimeres, vestings and trimmings, such as cannot be had at any other store to Columbia, will do well by calling at Young Cassels Store, No. 50, Front street, where there is one of the best selections of the above goods In the country. They still also warrant the quality, cut, make and lit of all the goods they sell and make up. They arc thankful for past favors and hope to have a share of patronage. YOUNG S. CASSEL. Columbia, Sept. 11, 1847.—tf. TO THOSE TDAT AIRE FOND OF SPORT. rpm'. undersianed have just received the best and mast complete assortment of English and German stub and twist and pat ent breech 'DOUBLE 'BARRELED GUNS, which Ictvc ever been uffered 111 tins market at suchprices that will suit all. Also, six Barreled Revolving and self-cocking ..M7170.7.11V1h. Call and examine for yourselves, at the cheap Hardware Store of RUMPLE & HESS Columbia, Aug. 91. 1847. fg ALL FRESH. 2 • V rIIIANKFUL for past favors, and desirous for a continuance of public patronage, the sub. scriber lakes this method of giving notice that he has just received a large and genet al supple of fresh Driws and Medicines, Patent Medicines, &c • All of which !lewd! dispose of. wholesale and retail, at very mode rate prieu, with a guarantee to be genuine and of the beat quality. Ile has also received a rely large stock of Per fumery, whieh, in point of assortment, quality and cheurnic