The Columbia spy and Lancaster and York County record. (Columbia, Pa.) 184?-1848, October 02, 1847, Image 4

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James H. Hunter's
.Yo. 40 Front st., Columbia,
Sign of the Big Hut and Cap, pretty opposite
the Bridge, and adjoining Black's ilotif.
iiThe subscriber begs leave to return
his thanks to his friends and the pub
lic generally, for the very liberal pat
ronage heretofore extended to him,
and hopes by strict attention to busi
ness, to receive a continuation of their
favors; he goes upon the principle "a nimble Mx
pence is ()ease than a slow shilling," and to carry
out the principle, makes quick sales at small ad
vances. His place of business is not a brick front,
or of great splendor, but he flatters himself that
he can suit customers better, arid sell cheaper, than
persons who do business in big brick houses, and
make a great fuss about selling goods at cost, he
does not sell gcods at cost, but sells at a small ad
vance, and by so doing expects to pease all that
may favor him with their patronage. He requests
all persons, after visiting sonic of the showy es
tablishments along Front street, to drop in at No
40, (sign of the Big Hat and Cap) and compare
the goods and prices of the different establish
ment, and he is satisfied he can sell them a better
article, and at a lower price than any ether store
in the borough. _ _
Hats and Caps,
Of the latest style and fashion always en b.ind, at
very low prices, and warranted equal to any man
ufactured in this State Also—Gentlemen's, Lt
dies and Children's Fashionable
Moots, Shoes and Slippers.
which have been selected with great care, in re.
gerd to quality and make, and will be said at the
lowest rotes.
Just satisly yourself by calling at N 0.40 Front
street, Columbia, opposite the 13ridge.
JAS. H. HUNTER, Agent.
May 1, 1817
tiarbwarc ! tiatbware !
MOthe T a h t e te s n't t i s o c :„ l ; cr u s ie rc e s i p u:::i f : l L y n c e a r l
to their as,ortment of
Hardware, Glass, Paints, Oils,
We hive just received in addition to our stock,
HARD WARE, CUTLERY and Building M ae
rials of all description, such an WOKS, HINGES,
o:asz cl 1::11:7•Iir 5,
PAINTS, Linseed, Sperm and Whale OILS,
Bar, Rod and Hoop Iron,
of all:1110E, ANVILS, VICES and BELLO IV,
of the best quility, all of whith we oiler at the
lowest prices. Persons wishing - to pun. Liabf. :IV II
find it to their advantalzo to call at
Coninbia, April 7, 1817—tf. Loco-1. St.
THE best article ever invented for giving a fine
keen edge to a Razor, or any tine instrument.
To shave, or not to shave. that's the question;
Whether 'tis better. on the whole, to starer
Tb' outrageous scrapings of an edgcicss razor;
Or, buy a box of 11 tarlAt's RAZOR. ['owner.,
Wherewith to set the edge?—to buy,—to use,—
No more; in its use we surely have
A sovereign balm for all the barbc.--ous shocks
The face is heir to,—tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wished. To shave;—to .scrape ;
To scrape! p,rchance to scream ;—ay, there's the
For in that horrisil serape what screams may come,
(Particularly if the Lice 6e tender,)
Must give us pause. • • Who would their
faces tear,
And grunt, and sweat, with a villanous dull razor.
When the remedy, that renders "having pistime,
May no vbe had at Westbrook',? For want of this,
Alen sometimes rather wear the beards they have
Than undergo the g rubbing operation.
Harper's Razor Pow der is warraiged to give a
keen sharp edge to any razor (that has not been
used for quarrying stone or sharpening. crow hats)
in a shorter space of time than would be requited
with the best hone. It super.:edcs the use of the
bone altogether.
Sold l yC. WESTBROOK, Locust Street. Gi
lambid, where may be seen numerous certificates
tudifying to its excellence.
Price ^a cents a box.
Columbia, April 7, ISl7.—tf
rllll5 subscriber .is regularly appointed agent
for the sale of the Gracfmering Vecetalde
ills. These pills are compounded upon the pos
itive and fixed laws of nature, and the foundation
of which is in perfect accordance with the opin
ions of the most eminent medical men. They will
cleanse and invigorate the stomach, freely lance
the bowels, open the pores, el% e a pleas int tem
perature and tone to the skin, earl do all this in the
gentlest m inner, without doing violence to the
system. Price 25 cis. per box. . .
c. w1:411:7,o()K,
Alrrni Jot C'Llumbia
Columbia, Nay 26. 15 17.
WHITE Teeth, foul breath, healthy gams,
Yellow and unhealthy teeth, after once
or twice cleaned with
Jones" Amber Tooth Paste.,
have the appearance of the must beautiful
ivory, and, at the same time it is so perfectly
innocent and exquisitely fine, that its constant
daily use is highly advantageous, even to those
teeth that are in good condition, giving them
a beautiful polish, and preventing a premature
decay. Those already decayed it prevents
from becoming worse—it also fastens such as
arc becoming loose, and by perseverance it will
render the foulest teeth delicately while, and
makes the breath deliciously sweet. Price 25
or 371 1 cents a Box. For sale by
Aug. 17,847—Gm. R. WILLIAMS.
The subscriber is now manufacturing Printing
Ink of superior quality, and otFers it for sale in
Large or small quantum., upon secommodming
terms, in any instance where the ink sent shall not
answer the descrytion, it will be exchanged or the
price refunded.
A liberal diaconal will be muck upon large pur
chases for cash•.
The News Ink is put up in kegs of 12, 13, 20,
16, 30, 50 and 100 lbs.
Book Inks an small kegs and in lb. canisters.
Colored Inks also an lb. canisters.
20 lb. keg of the best news ink will be sent
ro any point of the Penn's Improvements or my
risk free of charge. upon receipt of $5,
COPAL VARNISH in barrels, kegs. and can-
Stern. J. H. AIIbTLIN.
Colombia, :11ny 20. 1847.
L:L - 10 - '0
AN application will he made at the next Session
of the General Assembly of the State of Pciinsyl•
vane'. for the incorporation of a Company under
the name and style. or wended ennui and style ut
The Columbia Savings Irmarlution," and design.
ed as an office of discount and deputat..ith a cap•
ital not exceed:none hundred thousand dollars. to
be located tit the borough of Columbia, Lancaster
County. Pennsylvania. .
Columbia. June 19, 1847. Gm
6,-;,'' AT TUC
-- - - 7 -7.
~ . -?, 96 NORTH SECOND ST.,
3 - "s. a - r & corner of Quarry.
Gold Lever Watches, fulljewelled,lB carat .
Cases. ', $45.00
Silver Lever Watches, full jewelled, ' 1:.'3,00
Silver Lever Watches, seven jewels, 18,110
Silver Lepine Watches, jewelled, finest
quality, 13,00
Superior Quartier Watches, 10,00
Imitation Quartier Watches, 5 00
Gold Spectacles, 8,00
Fine Silver Spectacles, 1,75
Gold Bracelets with topaz stones, 3,50
Ladies Gold Pencils, 16 carats, 2,00
Gold Finger Rings .11',71 . cents to 89—Watch
Glasses, Main 123 cents, potent ISt. Lunet 95.
Other articles in proportion. All goods warrant
ed to be what they are sold for
On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers, Lepines
and Quartiers lower than the above prices.
Philadelphia, April 10, 1847. ly
fir—t,:„,,tsr, 771 c Cheapest Gold and Silver
• 1 1: i yz vir A IrCIIES
Offers Fur sale,
Gold Lever, fidljen el:ed
do do
Gold Lepines do
Sliver In do
Slyer Quattiers. fine quality
Gold Watches, plain
Silver Spec4ncles
Gold Pencils
- _
On hand a large assort net., of (Arland flair Bracelets.
Finger Sting, Breast Pins, Ilona Ear R lags. Gold Pens,
Silver Silll.lllP. Sugar Tongs. Thimble!, Gold Neck,
Curl, and Fob Chains. Guard Keys, and Jewelry of eve
r)' description. at equally low priCeS.
rf. krauts rat Watelles and Clocks repaired and
warranted to keep gond time for one year. Old Gold
and Silver bought ortaken to exchange.
. . .
l'or sale eight day and third boor brass rlorks at
1.F.%%'1:4 LADOMITS'
'atch. Clock and Jewelry Store. No. 413! Market
street, above Illk. North side, Philadelphia.
N. 11. I have some Cold and Silver Levers stilimarh
cheaper !Ilan the above prices. A liberal discount made
to des I' ft. Call and see for %ourselves.
Philadelphia, September 12, 1e46. 651-If
The subscriber respectfully infr ms his
friends and the public generally that he .s now to supply them at 1114 NEW E.NTAU
LISIIMENT, the three-story building in
Front slreel, Columbia,
On the lot formerly occupied by John Limey,
as II ropewalk. lie intends keeping on hand a
,elect assortment of fashionably made
Ile has just returned from Philadelphia and
New York with a new and splendid assortment
of all kinds of clothing, made of the best ma
terials, and in the latest style—consisting in
part of superfine blue and black cloth COATS,
Frock and Sack Coats, Pelisse Cloth and
Tweeds of every color and quality.
A Lso—a large assortment of plain and fancy
Cassimere, Cloth, and all other PANTS, suit
able for Spring, Summer and ‘V inter, of every
size and description.
V HATS—Figured. Silk, Satin, Merino and
Marsedles,suitable Mr all seasons and of every
size, style and quality; to which is added a
beautiful assortment of fine Linen bosom
stimrs, Muslin, Check and Plain do.; Bo-
SOWS and Collars, Drawers and Undershirts.
Also, a large lot of Cravats Suspenders, half
flow, &c. An endless quantity of
Boots and Shoes of all sizes,
1 - kts and Caps,
Travelling Trunks, Carpet Bar's and VaNees
a variety of notions too tedious to mention
which will be kept in Thus. licatiogs Front
[loom, three doers cast of my buddlog.
IN. 13. Clothing made to order at the Store.
lle has. a large supply of goods on band by the
niece and a first rate Tailor in attendance.—
Do nut mistake the place, three story building
on the lot formerly occupied as a Rope Walk.
Persons will find it to their advantage to give
him a call as he is determined to sell as low as
any uther establishment in the county and war
rants all goods. tie sells as lie represents
them when sold or the money will be refunded.
Columbia, June 5,1847. tf
LL you who have been sitting in the
n AMEN LSS and shadow of the, greasy
/filthy, black fish oil, that is now being sold
throughout theCtAllitry for sperm oil, are invit
ed to call at Wright's, and purchase a pair
of L %MPS and make use of one quart of the
fluid so:i; by them, and if you are not entirely
satisfied with the article, you have only to re
turn Vie Lamps, and have your money refund
Oil Lamps of every discription altered to
burn the Fluid. J. D. A:, J. WRIGHT.
Columbia, May '27, le47.—tf
Or Physical Traininz, to make their Lices in this
World Long and Ibppy,hy, the author qt . "Edu.
ration As It Is, Ought Be, and Might Be,"
First American Edition,with Additions:
13eirg all elementary and interesting treathie on
Solt tinnw ledge. Containing short and entertain
ing articles oil
I'iml, Heart, Glands, Strength,
Ilatimz, Stomach, Nerves, Recreations, Liver, itr t ,iii.., Old Age,
Blood, Lung.. 11 ititi, Man,
Secretions, Arteries. tietises, Woman,
Head, Veim, Health, Disease,
F 5.... . &c. &e. S.,:e. &e.
Tor , ether vrith the Great Secret—Success in
Life attained-11 ro to do Good—C•ruscs and
Effects of Error— lia!rit.— Passions—Woman de
bc ri betl--M a n 16SC r 'bed—Alan's Errors—]Lich
and Poor—Sexes—Vrrtue and Vice—Youthful
Error,—Womm how made delicate—Woman's
Virtues, Amtation, &rt., &c.
The whole dined for the noble purpose of
improving and rounding education among+t the
people, imparting know ledge on the phy
siology. of the human frame, and the laws which
govern mental and bodily health, &c., &c., &c.
c::rAny person sending cent, enclosed in a
letter shall receive one t opy t y mail, or Ilse copies
will he sent for $l, Address, postaac paid.
G. B. ZEIBER & Co.,
221, 1847. Philadelphia.
(L - .Tltis valuable work contains (in duodecimo
form) 177 ptges.
Notice to Builders.
rIIIIE undersigned is appointed agent for
the Peach Bottom SLATE QUARRY,
and is prepared to Slate any Roof. either of a
house or Barn that may be wanted in the
County, he haying on hand at his yard in Co
lumbia, at sit tunes, the best article of Slate
and can furnish workmen of thirty years ex
perience. All roofs warranted cot to leak if
the Building does not sink or give way. Char
ges moderate to slut the times.
for the Hon. Jeremiah Brown ts: Company.
Columbia, Juoc F 2,1847. Gm
/11111 S extraordinary medicine is founded upon
_j_ the principle that the human frame is subject
to ONLY ONE DISEASE, viz: corrupt humors,
which, when Boating in the general mass of cir
culation, are the cause of all kinds of Fevers, but
when lodged in the various parts of the body, give
rise to every malady incident to man.
Let it be remembered that the human body and
I IVrialit's Indian Vegetable Pills are mutoally
adapted one to the other, and that by them all
morbid and corrupt humors (the cause of disease)
can be entirely eradicated, and this in so easy and
natural a manner, that while they every day give
ease and pleasure. Disease of every name is
Literally Driven from She Body.
The following highly respectable storekeepers
have been duly appointed agents for the sale of
this Celebrated Medicine, in Lancaster county.
Ashville, Taylor & Pierce.
Bear. file, Reuben Weidler.
Bainbridge, J. F. Beecher.
Bic tersville, Samuel H. Miller.
Bird-in-liand, Jacob. Bruner.
Dethania, John Allen.
Bart Township, W. W. Passmore.
Bebeview, Buyers & timbals.
Bowinanville. Samuel Bowman.
Bethesda, James Patton
Brownstown, Samuel Hahn
Buck Tavern P 0, Geo T Clark
Belmont, F Minton
Collins Ferry, Abraham Collins.
Chestnut Level, 111:Sparrant & Housekeeper
Cambridge, Irwin & Black
Conestoga Centre, John H. Harman.
Ceptreville, Jon's] Pusey.
Church Town, L. & H. Rogers.
Coopersville, E. Lewis.
Concord, Geo W. Hines.
Columbia, Fry & Spangler..
do Joseph M Watts
Cherry Hill, Isaac S Webster
Drumore, John A, Boyd.
Earl Township, George Buchman.
do do Weaver & Witmer.
do do Davis Wallace.
Earl , ilk West, Samuel Hull.
Elizabetlitowts, John Lynch.
Eplirati, John
Ephrata, Now, L. S. Hacker.
do West, Martin Weidman.
Fairfield, Hutt...ll.k M'Sparran.
Fulton Hausa Township, L. P. Wilkinson.
Georgetown, M'Canna Sr. Buyer
Goshen, S E Fairlamb
li em pe n dj, Binewalt St. Martin.
Hanstown, % Killian
John %Vickle
latereourse, Thomas
Landisville, John C. Landis.
Leaeock ton uship, Frederick Swope.
L 'riveter Square, J. F. & D. 11.11ecr.
Nathamel S. %Volley.
Lane W.A./ , John Zimmerman.
IMount Joy, Witmer & Cassel.
Mouniville. John Devlin.
-Marietta. W. A. & LI. Spangler.
Mechanicsville, Jacob 8011. •
Mount Joy Township, 11. G. Clark & Co.
May town, John Reinhold.
do Slaymaker & Co.
Millersville, Henry Fuuk.
Alartioille, Stock & Fell.
Manic Iron Works, 11. Coleman.
Mount Pleasant, Isaac M'Coniant.
Mill Creek, Henry Staur
Mastersonville, Jo-eph Masterson
Martie Township, Hugh Moore
Mechanic's Groat', N Il Wells
New Holland, Brubaker & Co.
New Providence. Hildebrandt & Meyer.
New Berlin, Levi. Mentzer &. Co
New Texas, Carter &
Noblesville, J. B. Thompson.
oik Shade Milner & Pierce,
Ouk Run, john P Harlan.
Oregon, Abraham Seenk.
Petersburg, John Stauffer.
Poplar Grove, E. 11. Paxson.
du S. W. P. Boyd.
Pleasant Grove, Haines & M'Cullough.
Pam 11111, Alexander Johnson.
Penn Township, Jacob Singer.
do G. & L. Lewis.
Paradime, A. IL & A. L. Witmer.
Pu.ey's 3t.115, M dilon
P. qua. Jas C Skates & Co
Peach Bowen, %Vin. Arnold
Quarryville, Haines& Utensil.
Red House, David Lee.
Itavelin-rville, John Rawlins.
Itearnstown, J. M. Saluda.
Safe harbor, John Herr & Son,
Sadsbury Meeting House, Sain'l Sellers.
Sandersburg. Chew & GI able.
Strasburg, Wan Spencer.
Sporting Hill, John Metzler.
Sal-bury, H Freeland
'Yorke Hill , Peter illannitig
Washington, John A. Blush.
Willow Street, Benj. Bower.
Waterloo, Baldo in he Gaerholtzer
White Rock Forge, John Alexander.
Williamstown, A C Buyers
i:T.... - r•Oilices deco ed exelusi , ely to the sale of
Wright's Turban Vegetable Pills, wholesale and
retail, IGU Race street, Philadelphia; 288 Green
wich Street, New 'Si:o3k ; and 198 Tremont Street,.
Boston. April 28-Iy.
445 00
:i0 00
110 V ER'S
First Premium Writing . Ink.
This Ink Iris for a long while become esta
blished as a National article, and the following
testimonials from Washington City, prove its
merits to that distinction.
House of Representatives.
Washington City, February:24, 1843.
I stale that I have used the Ink, during the
present cession of Congress, manufactured by
Joseph E. Hover, Esq., of Philadelphia, and I
have found iL to be anarticic of most excellent
JOHN WHITE, Speaker Ho. Rep
Patent Ojiee, Washington, D. C.,
February 24, 1843.
Sir—Your Black Writing Ink has been used
in this Office since October last, and is entire
ly approved. I am respectfully.
J. W. 119 ND, Chief Clerk.
Mr. Joseph E. Borer, Philad.
Hovier's Adamantine Cement
The following from Bicknell's Reporter will
best illustrate its value: " Mr. Hover manu
lact Jres " Admantine Cement" for joining
broken china, glass, &c.; we have tried the
article and found it to be excellent."
For sale wholesale and retail at the manu
factory, 'No. 87 "North Third Street, opposite
Cherry Street, Philadelphia, by
JOSEPH E. HOVER, Manufacturer.
THE Columbia Bank and Bridge Company
intend to make application to the Legisla
ture of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, at their
next session, for the renewal of the Banking, Die•
counting, ant' other privileges they•s under
existing laws. The Company to be continued by
the name, style and title of the Columbia Bank
and Bridge Company, at the Borough of Columbia,
in the County of Lancaster, and State of Pensylss
nia. By order of the Board,
Columbia, inctt 24th, 1847 —Gm.
1111 N PI.ATE end :!..-11EET IRON, of the best
brands, for sale by
Columbia, April 7, 1847.—tf
Morning Train Again.
IMAM iar.
HE President and Directors of the Bain
more and Susquehanna Rail Road Compa
ny having consented to continue the Morning
Train between the above places.
IY3The Car will leave Columbia DAILY.
[Sundays excepted] at 64 o'clock A. M.. and
the Train will leave Wrightsville at 64 o'clock.
Returning. the Train will leave York at 8
o'clock, A. M.
April 17, 1847. Sup't.
from Baltimore regularly, hereafter, on Sun
ay, at 9 o'clock A: M., and Exxon:vino will
tart from Columbia at l* P. M., Wrightsville
2 P. M., and from York at 3 o'clock. P. M.,
as on other days of the week. The mail be
tween Baltimore and Yorn carried by
this train. No other train will ration Sunday.
Superintendent of Transportation.
Oct 27, 1846.
Baltimore and Susquehanna
'I 9~~ 2~
rare Reduced.
TLIE Passenger Train runs daily as follows
below •
Leaves Baltimoreat 9 o'clock A. M. and arrives
at 6,1 o'clock P. M.
Arrives at York at 12 o'clock P. M.and leaves
for Columbia at o'clock, P. M.
Leaves Columbia at 2 o'clocic, P. M.and leaves
York for Baltimore at 3 o'clock P.M'.
e.'are from Baltimore to York, $1 50
The Train connects at York with Stages for
Harrisburg, Gettysburg, Chambersburg, Pittsburg
and Your. Swing..
The company is authorised by thu pr,yrietons
of the Stage Lines to receive the fare through from
Baltimore In Gettysburg and Ha rrh.but g.
Fat e through to either place, $3
D. C. H. BORDLEY, Super't.
May 9 —tf Ticket Office, 63 North st
The subscriber respectfully informs his
friends and the public in general, that lie still
continues to keep the above establishment.
Every pains is at all times tal.:eri to render
this one of the best, and, from its central situ-
ation, it is one of the most convenient Hotels
in the city.
His TA ISLE is furnished, at all times, with
the choicest delicacies of the season.
His WINES and LIQUORS arc not surpassed
by any oilier establishment in this city.
His Servants arc careful, honest and obliging
Terms of Boarding to suit the times.
Country !Merchants and business men will
find the location of the CHESNUT Sr. HOUSE,
in the most business part of Philadelphia.
The subscriber pledges himself that every
thing in. his power shall be done to give satis
faction to those who favor him with their pa
Philad., Sept. 27.—1 y Proprietor.
OR the cure of Coughs, colds. Consum
ption, Spitting of blood, Pain in the side
and breast, Bronchitis, Croup, Asthma, and all
diseases arising from a disordered condition of
the lungs or neglected cold.
D:3The following sonnet was addressed to
the proprietor, by a young lady who was cured
of consumption:
Ho! ye who pant with failing breath,
And pine away and die,
Hance shall put away your death,
And light anew your eye.
How sweet it melts upon the tongue,
How grateful to the breast!
A glorious theme fer poet's song,
Soothing his cough to rest.
Hance! favored of the gods art thou!
A blessing to thy race,
Let laurels flourish on thy brow,
And wealth those laurels grace.
When heroes are foreolten—kings
Defunct—or ceased to reign—
Glory for thee shall flay her wines—
Thou conquerer of pain.
SETH S. H ANCE, 108 Baltimore street,
and corner of Charles and Pratt streets, Bal
AGENTS—G. G. Claiborne. R. ‘Villiams,
W. A. Leader, Columbia; J. F. Ileinirsh &
Son. Lancaster; Samuel Ensminger Man
heim; John Stouffer, Mt. Joy yet Roads ; James
Bryan, Elizabethtown. Oct.
ITANCE'S Sarsaparilla or Blood Pills.- 1
Fifty Pills in a box—the cheapest and
best Medicine in existence! For purifying the
blood, removing bile, correcting disorders of
the stott ach and bowels, costiveness, dyspep
sia, swimming in the head, Sze. Persons of a
full habit, who are subjected to headache, gid
diness, drowsiness and Singing in the ears,
arising fro n too Agicat a flow of blood to the
head, should never be without them, as many
dangerous symEttotns will be entir ely carried
off by their upirtii ..--- i ott
Read the follotega t Ore o wes yspeia
This is to certify nar QIN a ff licted
with the Dyspepsia for Tears and tried both
advertised medicineslptitbian, but
without effect; and myself trials blind
ii kfl
and my head otherniatits how
hard drinking, so that I way*? Welk'
fits; and seeing H ance's Sarsa ' lar.Pfltia,lbib
vertised, I went and got a box of ttressoiNals
to my astonishment effected a cure of.sass-assd
my wife both as yet, and I do think than mus
cat a rival before the public,
S. H. HALL, '- 11
Prepared and sold by SETH S HANCE,
108 Baltimore.
AGENTS—G. G. Claiborne. R. Williams,
W. A. Leader, Columbia; J F. Hetnitsh
Son, Lancaster; Samuel Ensminger, Man
beim ; Jacob Stouffer, Mt. Joy X Roads; Jas.
Bryan, Elizabethtown. 0ct.24-46
for extracting grease, tar, pitch, oil, paint or
any other greasy substance, from all kind« of gen
tlemen's or Indies' clothing, carpets, table spreads,
merino shawls, ladies bonnets, &c., &c., without
injuring it. For sale only by
areptl I f W. A. LEADER,
Those Who have been Deceived With
Should read the following statements of
respectable persons.
rR Abraliam Vanderbeck, of Avenue 98
I 13, New York, certifies that his bead
was entirely bald on the top, and by the use of
two 3s. bottles of
be has a good crop of hair, and will soon have
it long, thick and luxuriant.
Mr. WILLIAM JACKSON, or 89 Liberty street,
Pittsburg, certifies: On the 3d of February,
1847. that Mr. Thomas Jackson's head on the
top, was entirely bald for fifteen years, and
that by using two 38. bottles of Jones' Coral
Hair Restorative, the hair is growing fast,
thick and healthy. He expects by using this a
little longer to have a better head of hair than
he ever had.
To those whose hair is gray, or falling off and
weak at the roots
I hereby certify that my hair was turning
gray and falling off, and that since I have used
Jones' Coral Hair Restorative it has entirely
ceased falling, is growing fast, and has a fine,
dark look. Before I used Jones' Coral Hair
Restorative I combed- out handfuls of hair dai
ly. WM. TOMPKINS, 92 King st., N. Y.
M. Power a grocer, of Fulton street, had his
hair completely choked up with dandruff, and
Jones' Coral Hair Restorative entirely and
permanently cured. it..
Do you want . to dress,eantify, and make your
HAIR. soft and fine-.l:l•Read
1, Henry E. Cullen. late barber on board the
steamboat South America, do certify that
Jones' Coral Hair Restorative is the best arti
cle I ever used for• dressing. softening, cleans
and keeping the hair a long time soft,clean,
silky, dark and in order; all my customers
preferred it to any thing else. For sale by
Aug. 7.1847-6 in R. W FLU AIRS:
Ladle. are Cautioned Against Using
MIIEY are not aware how frightfully injuri
ous it is to. the skin.: how coarse, how
rough, how sallow, yellow, and unhealthy the
skin appears after using pepared chalk Be
sides it is injurious, containing a large quan
tity of Lead! We have prepared a beautiful
vegetable article, which we call.
Jones' Spanish Lily While.
It is perfectly innocent, being purified of all
deleterious qualities ;.and it imparts to the skin
a natural, healthy, alabaster, clear, living
white; at the same time acting as a cosmetic
on the skin, making it soft and smooth.
Dr. James Anderson, Practical Chemist of
Massachusetts. says: " After, analyzing Jones'
Spanish Lily W kite, I find it possesses the most
beautiful and natural, and at the same time
innocent. white L, ever saw. I , certainly can
' conscientiously recommend its use to all whose
skin requires beautifying."' Price 25 cents a
box. Por sale by R. W ILLIAMS.
Columbia, August 7. 1847—Gm.
2 00
.115fealth, Health, Health.
Pulmonary Consumption Chronic Branchiticand SITS
Throat..aseldna, Chrome Catarrh, Spitting of
Blood, Pain vs the Sada and Breast, BO-
Amity of Breathing . , Whopptner Cough,
Croop It Jrcrarsand Xereaus
Treotours, Palptiatton of the
NC4rt; also /AULT' COM
andiijfeaton of
the Ktdnrys.
OP all the diseases incident in our climate there is none
so Universal and at the same time so insiduous and
fatal as Consumption. In thi• country especially Pul
monary, Consumption is emphatically a scourge, and in
Its resistless earner sweeps o'er the laud as a destroying
Artgel, la) ing low, with relentless hand the strongest and
tof our race: Hitherto all efforts to arrest this
dinease have pruned rain, and nil that seemed
wiilion our power is an at best the itlievis lion 0 (midi:4lllg
rendering...lnt:What smoother the certain progresa to the
The proprietor in offering this preparaticn to the politic
would embrace, the ;opportunity to state Upon xhut
grounds It puts forth its morns. and the reasons upon
nonalt, it founds its superior clams to the intention of the
afflicted. that.all who re a usrequisite may repose full
toutoleoce in Ito curative powers. Since its first preps
ra Ison lie has hail the 'pleasure of witnessing its loappo , re
sults on no mesons instances; but lie was determined not
to offer it to the public Until Inc had become thoroughly
convinced of itor efficacy.. lie onw confidently offers it
as it remedy wit 1111111 to pantile' for the cure of PIII,MON-
A It Y CONSVAII . TION and its kindred diseases.
Consumption of it tuberculous character from time Im
memorial has been deemed Incurable and considering in
frcone aty and fatal ity ,lt is ant surprixing tha mew rem
edies Roil new rystema of treatment al lil from time to
ime h e brought under tile notice 1,1 the ',forces... and
The polate. Almost every organic and isorgantc sub
stance, in no endless round of combination, lens 110011
used with the hope of cbetking this scourge or nut. race.
many doubtless lieboviiig that iii the progress of medical
knowledge we should at last obtain the mastery over
Consumption. and. u, the use of COMpotitill S)a ,
alp of 'tar and Wood rapt ha, this object Is hap
pily attained.
The therapeutic agents employed in the compoeithat
his I cloudy, are such na.enattle it to pr.event lire accre
tion of tuberculous matter in the lungs and In pause its
resointion nod absorption after deposit IMP commenced•
an object achieved by no other medicine, arid the import
awe of which the profesaional man will at ante percehte.
II brings this term of disease. lotherto pronoaneed
itc.eless, entirely wain. control. The success which has
attended the CdMinistration of thin preparation is unpar
tillelied In the records of medical science, in confirma
tion of which, the lirsiprietor i 5 .0.1141 trek a careful pent
sot of the statementa of a few of those who have beam
restored to health by its powerful agency.
Let the folow log speak for itsel f—
.•I have used Thom esoll'a Compound Syrup of Tar and
woo 4 Napcha 'for some tune in my practice, and have
found it. the most efficient retio,ly I have ever used in
Ifinnsiiiiiptlve ease,. chronic catarrh. &c.. when great ir
ritability, with weakneto of the pulmonary organs, ex
isted. The rapidity with which it acts Is greatly in Its
favor where dytionrea or oppression estate, which Is int
, methately relieved by it.
' , l e pul m ona r y Consumption it can be uteri with con
fidetice, tieing applicable to every form et: that dirxeße,.
and I consider it n medicine well worthy the attention of
physicians, and exempt from tile iIIII.IItRIINI of eittplri-
Cigna. iii. CIIAMLIERS.III. U.
Philadelphia. October 11,1544."
KTTlie above medicine prepared only by
ANG NEY & DICKSON. at N. E. corner of
Fifth and Spruce streets, Philadelphia.
Gtsw, Lancaster; Ross, Elizabethtown, D.
Goose, Harrisburg ; R. ANGeiF.Y, Carlisle.
Price SO cts.. or 6 bottles for N ic.1,50.
March G. 1847. 876
New Book-Bindery,
The sub-tribera respectfully inform their
friends and the public that they have opened a
Book-Bindery & Blank Book Mannfactoy
on Main street, next door to the Pnst Office, in
the Borough of Yore. *shire they will be happy
t:o receive orders for every description of work in
their line. Particular attention will be paid to
the Ruling and Binding of every description of
Blank Rooks,
for Banks, County Offices, Merchants and others.
and every variety of full and half bocnd Blinks,
New and old Books, Periodicals, Law Books
Mimic, Newspapers, &c., bound to any pattern,
and io anytksty le required. Paper ruled ark pattern,
(o`ABislater., warranted.
krradiridA4, CORBET & WYANT.
'York, lieldeikli.47-
WO JOSqiiiitNTICES, about 15 or 16 pears
of aid Miro the Cabinet Mel:ling Duel
ne,Appl ddials JOHN %V SHUMAN.
Coum Dia,
sit p5114141863.—tf
•.. W •* -
OR remo r. ..t .'
.....,', •.-- freckele tan, enn.hurn,
Fblotchee, re • ;.2,-,,J.,71 bet *kin, a n ' d all cutaneous
affections, and Si .. -‘,4t„rit! itleaa to the skin t r uly
ben ut i ital. No I' . ./... 1 s ithould he without it.—
For sale at e l i k ....: LEADER'S.
septl I'4 7-tf
All Ihe . Colinalbla New Cash Store.
W& S. PATTON have just received an
assortment of New Goois consisting of
superfine Blue, Black, and Olive Cloths, Plain,
Striped & Fancy Cassimers, Cashmerets. Tweeds,
Croton Codrington end Summer Cloths,„Linen and
Cotton Drilling, with a variety of Articles suitable
for Summer wear, Marseilles, Valencia, and Sarin
Vestings, Black Silk, suitable for Mantillas, Fan
cy, Striped, Plaid, and Plain do. for dresses.
Merino Mohair, Mous de.Laine, and Silk Shawls,
Covebel and Marseilles Skirts, Lawn and Lawn
Ginghams, Alpaches &c., Bareges, Silk and Linen
Pocket Handkerchiefs. Cambric, Earlst m, Man
chester and Domestic Ginghams, French and Da
mask Table Cloths, Ilackaback, Birdeye, and Rus
sia Towclings, Mull, Cambric, Jaconett, Swiss
Plaid and Striped Muslims.
Best quality Kid Gloves. Silk Mitts, Lisle
thread, Fancy arid Cotton Gloves, Palm leaf Bats
&r., 4c. With a complete assortment of bleach
ed and brown Sheeting, arid Shirting Muslin, Car.
petings from 10 cents to $l,OO, Mein and Figured
Mattings, Floor and Table Oil Cloths, Looking
Glassee, Queens-ware, Fresh Groceries, Hama,
dried". Beef, &e., Mackerel, Pickled. and Smoked
Much care bee been taken to secure for custom
ers a. choice variety and the subscrthers- having
purchased their goods for Cash are determined to
sell them on the most reasonable terms.
N. B. Country produce taken in exchange for
goods at the highest price.
Columbia, July 3rd, .1.847.—tf
coLumeroxii. BOOS AND
n , C. WESTBROOK keeps con
stantly on band a large and well.
taiitArn", ,- selected, assortment of MISCEL,
discriptions, from the small pocket memoran
dum to the substantialls bound dewy. Letter
and Cap P APEB., by the ream, quire, or single
sheet. SCHOOL. BOOK,S, Serials, Periodi
cals, Newspapers, &c. Staple and Fancy
ST A TIO N.A RN', Brushes Combs, Purses,
Pocket Books, Toilet and Pockets Mirrors,
Razor Strops, Shaving Soaps; 'Pasteboard.
Ivory, Mambo and Steel Studded FANS, and
nu nerous other articles, all of which will, be.
sold very low for cash.
N. B: Cash paid. for Rags-
Columbia, April 7, 1847.
ON the 4th of August, in the year ]843, a
singular scene occurred in the Royal Sci
entific Institute of France. The aged, white
headed President, his head bare, his arm out
stretched, his face radiant with smiles, tfor
science was triumphant,) and his voice with
gratulatnry tone, delivered the following re
ore astounded at this singular prepa
ration. %V here indeed will science stop:—
Here we have a preparation made in the form
of a beautiful piece of soap, which we know
by actual practice, to. cure every cutaneous
eruption, every disfigurement of. and even dis
colored skin!. Where will its magic and sin
gular power cease? The Negro, the Creole,.
the Yellow Race of the East, and the Red Man.
of the Far West, are alike under the influence
of its extraordinary powers of clearing yellow
or discolored skin, and white and:
beautiful and of changing the color of dark, or
black, or brown skin." (Here several persons.
were brought. forward by the President, who
had used it, in proof of his-assertion.)
There are probably few persons of intelli
gence, who, after-reading the above, will doubt
the qualities of
Jones' Italian Chemical Soap
in curing P,imples, Blotches, Sall Rheum,
Scurvy, Erysipelas, Sore Heads. Old Sures,
Beard and Barber's Itch, Chapped and Tender
Flesh, Freckles, 'Thin, Sonbnrn and changing ,
dark Sunburn or Yellow. Skin to a pure clear
white, as smooth and soft as an Infants, and in
fact every kind of eruption:and disfigurement.
Read these certificates::
From the New Weans Sentinel; October ; 1844'.
One o: our subscribers, Al r. 11. Leonard, in—
forms us that he has been cured of old, scaly.
Salt Rheum, of eighteen years standing, on his •
-heard, fingers, and hands, by a cake of an arti
cle advertised lately—we speak of Jones' Ital
ian Chemical Soap. He also informs. us that•
he has tried its effects on his femnleslave Bose,.
much marked with sun spots, and lie found ini
two weeks her skin much clearer and whiter.
James Eltham, a painter, in J ersey City, was
cured of carbuncles, and pimples, which lie
was afflicted with for many years, by part of a
cake of ;ones' Italian Chemical Soap.
Persons in purchasing this must always ask
haps, as many who have been cheated with,
counterfeits, will be too much discouraged to
try the genuine, we say to such, try this once—
you will not regret it: but always see that the
name of T. JONES is on the wrapper. Sold
only in New York at 82 Catham Street, Sign
of the American Eagle. Price, stl Cents
Cake. For sale by IL WILLIAMS.
Columbia, Aug. 7,1847—Gm.
Vegetable Universal Pills
Are a atrengthenhig purgative and a purifying
THE hopes of the American agents are far
more than realised by the success of Dr. Le
Roy's Vegetable Universal Pills on this side of
the Atlantic. Never did a medicine spring into
such immediate popularity. In fess than three
months eighty thousand boxes have been disposed
of;. and cert•ficates of cures performed by the m
received tram unwinds of four hundred persons.
The cures embraced a great number of diseases?
but those which predominated were Billions Fe
ver, Colic, Habitual Costiveness, Dysemary,
Loss of Appetite. Flatulence. Worms. and Low
ness of Spirits. All persons who take them agree.
that they are 'Sr superior to every other medicine
they had used, in the mildness the energy, end:
the efficacy of their action;, for though they pro
duce neither gripe nor nausea, they act upon the
secretions with great directnessjorce and rapid
ity; and as a purgative leave nothing to be desired..
But their great peculiar excellence, and that which
distinguishes them from all other purgatives
that thair operation is followed by no reaction.-,--
Their unrivalled purifying and purgative proper
ties, for which they are indebted to the essence of,
Sarsaparilla, and other ineredients,being controll
ed by their highly tonic virtues derived frnm the
extract of Wild Cherry, they do not strain the
digestive organs into action, as is the mole of
operation with other cathartics, but on the contra •
ry stre ngthen . them into action. Thus all other
purgative medicines produce more or less subse
treat costiveness, ai.d sluggishness of the gastric
juice, while Dr. Le Roy's Pills leave all the ma
chinery of the system full of life activity, and the,
bowels open and natural.
- •
(o.Price 25 cent. per box.
Agent for Columbia—R. WILLIANN. Wm. A
b 6 47-1 y
I I ONES' SOLUTION - OF JET, an instanta-
Ity neons liquid human hair. Dye, for dyeing
red, on grey hair permanently a brown
or jet black color. Full and copious direc
tions enclosed. sold at the ;inn of the Amer
ican Eagle...No.B2'l%6am Street New York.
Price 50 cents. $1 or $1.,50 per bottle. - Sold by
Aug. 7,1847-6 m R. %k JLJ-,l•Amn.-